#anti supercorp fandom
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They will never fucking learn.
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shit-scfandom-did · 2 years
so, I just want to know: where did SC stans get the idea that Mehcad only wanted the Lena/James relationship so he could kiss Katie?
From their asses, because they have zero evidences to back up this headcanon.
The same goes for their claims that he posted pics with him and KmcG because he whored for attention and wanted to use her popularity to get popular too, that he forced the costume department (wonder how exactly) to make her clothes more sexual and revealing, that he sexually harassed her, made her uncomfortable etc.
Basically they accused him of any horrible thing they imagined, just becasue they hated Lena and James being together. That's a sad fact, because they did the same thing to Rahul, Chris and Staz.
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shewhotellsstories · 1 year
But seriously it was such a wild experience seeing white women with #blm in their Twitter bios decide Mechad Brooks and John Boyega’s experiences with racism were invalid last summer because they disliked them. Now that I’ve finished White Tears/Brown Scars I get the psychology a little better, but the lack of self awareness was fascinating.
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lilisouless · 2 years
Not directed to an specific fandom, just general tumblr/twitter/fandom overall
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(This of course doesn't count if the person IS using homophobic arguments or words against the ship)
Ex: there is a diference between that person who called Tamar/Nadia "unnesesary lesbianism" and the SP fandom who gets mad at Jensen Ackles for not shipping the otp
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supercorpandbeyond · 2 months
I love to see the antis so upset about some of the supercorp posts. Its so amusing.
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rachelsfav-queer · 10 months
Supergirl Fandom
I feel like we need to talk.
I can't tell y'all how many comments I've been getting on my supercorp fics complaining about Alex. Ranging from small mentions saying that they didn't like Alex being involved in some scenes to some people straight up saying that Alex shouldn't have appeared in the first place.
Like,,, what the actual fuck??
First of all, negative comments on my works are not appreciated and are always immediately deleted. But secondly, what the fuck do y'all have against Alex. Cause I can understand wanting more supercorp content because we were straight-up robbed of it by the show.
But why are y'all taking it out on Alex?
Now, I understand I'm talking generally when Alex-antis are probably a small portion of the fandom, but honestly, I'm getting a little sick and tired of all the Alex hate. Especially in the comments of not only my works but in the comments of other writers' works as well.
Anyway, I guess this is my way of saying that once I'm back from my posting hiatus, I'm gonna be including Alex in my fics to an extremely annoying extent lol.
Like, look at this woman. How can y'all hate this cute little bean???
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moistvonlipwig · 27 days
how about 7/8 or 15/16 (or if you’re bored ALL OF THOSE! :D) for kara lena? :D
this took me a while because i had much to Ponder.....answers under the cut! snip snip ✂
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
see this is so hard because i am so used to biting and violence that i'm bad at praising fandom......um i like when people redesign kara's supersuit to look way better! i kind of hated both of her normal suits in the show LOL. (i liked her anti-kryptonite suit though, so, um, sorry brainy but maybe lena should design her next suit & you can keep designing for kelly cuz the guardian suit was nice as hell.) but there's lots of cool redesigns floating around the fandom. i also like fics that dive deep into her psychology and confront her flaws (since the show. didn't do that) or, alternatively, fics that explore a different version of her character with different flaws (e.g. anger issues) or a different relationship to krypton, its destruction, and her family.
for lena i think it's cute when people make fic/art where she turns into a little black cat. not sure how this got started/popularized but i like it. :) and similarly to kara i like when fics dig into her psychology and her backstory and explore her pain and anger and flaws in a nuanced way. particularly when said fics acknowledge that her anger at kara for the secret is justified regardless of the morality of any given thing she does about it.
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
ok going to attempt to talk about something i haven't complained about yet for both of them. umm well this is hardly unique to this fandom but i do think it's annoying when people Only interpret them through the lens of supercorp.* like yes, their relationship is an important part of the show and of both of their character arcs (...to the extent that kara has a character arc), but not all of their actions can or should be exclusively read as motivated by the other character or in relation to the other character. (i think people actually do this with lena more often than kara, which is not to say that people don't do this with kara, but with kara i also see people frequently reading her character from the lens of Her World Blew Up™ and not just "she's in love with lena". whereas lena i think quite often gets reduced to "she's in love with kara" even though if anything i think the show constructs her non-kara-related psychology and the way her non-kara-related backstory informs said psychology in a much more coherent way than they do kara's.) and i do ship sc but honestly their relationship becomes less interesting to me if i assume that all of their actions revolve around the other person lol. it actively improves the ship if they exist as independent characters. funny that.
*of course the flip side to this, which is an arguably even worse way to analyze the show, is people who dislike the ship insisting on downplaying the relationship's textual importance. i've seen people who dislike sc as a ship generate incredibly weak and bizarre analysis of both characters and of the show as a whole because they refuse to accept that kara and lena love each other in some way, that the kara/lena friendship is central to both characters' arcs, and, in the show's final two seasons, that their relationship is arguably the core emotional & thematic throughline of the show itself. so i'm certainly not advocating for ignoring or dismissing their relationship when you analyze the characters or show. that is also deeply annoying (perhaps even more annoying, since the people who do it often posture about not caring about shipping and thus being ~unbiased~ and ~objective~, which, lol). just, idk, don't ignore or dismiss other stuff either. Use Your Noggins.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
firstly i love the little disclaimer in this question...does this person think i've never been in a fandom before? but i would say my favorite for both is supercorp although guardiancorp is a close second for lena. for kara i think my second favorite would be superrojas but only as like a flirtation/fling, i can't imagine them settling into an actual romantic relationship lol.
16. What’s your least favorite ship for this character?
well not to beat a dead horse but kara/mon-el is truly awful. i've also gone over why i'm not a fan of supercat and i think the badness of kara/william kind of goes without saying. that said i realized i haven't yet kvetched about how inexplicably popular kara/alex is??? most egregious to me is the fics tagged with stuff like "oh it's actually not incest because one of them's an alien teehee 🤭" as if the problem with incest is shared DNA and not the power dynamics involved...like if you're gonna ship an incest ship say it with your chest bro. (also IIRC during s5 someone made an anti-lena post with a bunch of pictures of women from sg and the thesis of the post was like, these women would all be good girlfriend options for kara but lena wouldn't because she's ~abusive~ or whatever. but included among this group of good potential girlfriends for kara was alex which. Hm!)
as for lena i don't like lena/winn they're too similar and also i still hold a grudge against winn for his s1 nonsense lol. also whenever i see people shipping them i think about this post which always cracks me up so bad. [i don't like kara/winn either for obvious reasons but also i feel like no one really ships them? i could be wrong about that tho idk.] ummm some people also ship lena/mon-el and you know just as a blanket statement i think mon-el should stay away from women forever. oh and i think i've mentioned i don't vibe with agentcorp. just not my thing.
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an-shu · 5 months
I don’t know what’s going on with your fic but I’m sorry you’re getting rude comments. I love that we still get so many stories and I hate the idea that any author is feeling unwelcome. If they are logged in you can always block them and if they are not you can also set your comments to only registers users.
I’m also sorry you got that shyninja person on that post they are very peculiar, they really hate Lena and supercorp but they love to comment on any post about them to trash them so I was a bit wary about maybe trying your fic when I saw them defending you but it’s not your fault they are weird af and I really thought I had blocked them!
Wow, I forgot ask boxes were a thing and stumbled upon this VERY late, I'm so sorry lol
But I did adjust the comments to registered users, thank you!
I'm technically a new old Supercorp fan and I'm kinda getting settled back into fandom culture so I'm not actually sure of the current popular Supercorp users and antis yet, but I think this shyninja is an acct an argumentative person made commenting on any post to center their behavior and annoyance like how stuff like that usually goes.
Anyway, yeah I got irked with the comments as well as DMs about some themes I was writing and decided to complain to the virtual void lol
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
This particular poll is long overdue
Some of them have canon basis. Some of them are just wish fulfilment for me. All would’ve been amazing to see. So. For my next poll. I ask the anti supercorp side of the supergirl fandom.
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shit-scfandom-did · 2 years
Some people in Supercorp fandom nead a real mental help. Wanna bet no one from that fandom is going to call it out?
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fandomele · 2 years
Want me to write an essay about entitled fans of fanon couples and how annoyed I am? Here I am. I don’t expect anyone to actually read it all or even respond, I just want to vent. I’ll use “mlw” for any ship that involves a man and a woman to avoid having to specify all possible orientations, wlw for two women and mlm for two men. And just to be clear, before anyone replies that there isn’t enough lgbt-ness in shows and it must be fought for, I agree. But this is not about them, it’s about entitled fans of all fanon ships who are now following a specific script to get what they want, harassing and hiding behind social justice issues.
The only reason I especially mention shippers who are into 2 famous fanon wlw couples (supercorp and swanqueen) is that it’s the same group of shippers moving from one big show to another, picking over and over the same type of female character to pair with the female hero, and projecting. But this behavior happens with mlw ships as well and mlm ships and it’s not about representation at all. We all know shippers who wanted the guy to get the girl even if she canonically dislikes him, and that meant wanting the good guy she actually loves dead, making up horrible accusations against the canon partner and the writers because the other guy should win. Or those shows were two men are shipped together and therefore the fans call for all the women in their lives to be gone, they are evil, they are badly written, whatever. I heard a mess happened in Star Wars, people shipping a mlw couple and getting the movie to change, and I have been told 99,99% of Supernatural female characters had to die because the fans hated anyone who took attention away from Dean/Sam and Dean/Castiel, but I don’t know if it’s true and I don’t know enough about those fandoms to speak about it, so I’ll only talk about what I’ve been a part of. I can’t anti-tag properly or it will appear in their ship tag. Again, I’m not talking about fans advocating for more representation in general, I’m talking about fans who are harassing real people because they want the couple they chose to be canon or to be treated as such no matter what the writers clearly mean to convey and how the show has been written up until then, or even if the show is already very pro-lgbt with non cis and non straight characters in the main cast since it’s all irrelevant to them, because what these fans really want is control over other people and their stories, and to make their fave couple (genders are irrelevant), the couple where they are obviously projecting their feelings and themselves, become canon, and they are using real life issues as a tool to get it because how can ‘silence’ someone fighting against sexism/racism/homophobia etc (and obviously it’s not what’s happening. I’m not talking about people who are right and denuncing racism, for example), because they know that mixing what they want with what is politically correct, even if it’s not true, will give them a platform, an audience of innocent people trying to find out what’s happening there, and may force a show in a different direction. Forget the fact that people who actually fight for social issues will lose credibility and the chance to make a change, the important thing is that they get what they want, how they want it, and because they want it.
If their ship is not made canon everybody will have to pay - and regardless of canon-ness these ships must be always be discussed by writers and cast as ‘equally important to the canon ships’, and these ‘fans’ are blatantly feeling good and cool about being able to harass the cast and other people because they are teaching them a lesson. I mean literally gloating about it in their posts.
And it’s scary that new, young, shippers are join fandoms and to groups where they can start feeling a sense of belonging, and these groups directly and indirectly teach them to be as extreme and rigid as possible in their beliefs, and they lead each member, step by step, into finding these behaviors normal, acceptable, and in fact also lead them to mix their own identity and beliefs with the group’s beliefs. These groups of ‘bad apple’s trajectory is towards becoming more and more extreme because each new person who joins in takes one more step away from what’s acceptable, because they feel that everything that has happened before their arrival is justified and righteous and to them the next step is very small, even if it’s a giant distance from where fandoms were at before.
*note: brief mention of rape/abuse because I mention non-canon accusations that happened in the ouat fandom + the fact that it did happen in the canon show. I mention other issues that are used against/to defend ships as well without getting descriptive, and a mention of suicidal thoughts brought up by antis once.
Honestly I feel like shippers who act entitled on social media became this way because, among other reasons, the writers and casts of tvshows were overly nice to them and not allowed to say ‘enough, I’ll block you if you insult me’ or even a simple ‘we are only celebrating canon couples, fanon combinations are infinite and we can’t address them all, so we won’t be talking about those’. Instead they had to be as nice as possible, whether it was because they didn’t want to alienate fans and lose money or because they genuinely cared doesn’t matter in this context. More often than not it’s just because they are being taught that if they don’t say yes they’ll be ‘cancelled’ by fans who are using real life issues and criminalizing actors, and they also know that nobody will dare backing them up to avoid getting in trouble with the network, or with whoever is telling them that the customer/fan is always right. You can’t tell a customer to go the hell if you are working at Starbucks and even less so in public, like on twitter, because good luck getting hired if you treat fans like ‘crap’. Doesn’t matter that they deserve it, people in charge want money and the money comes from all people watching the show, nobody should be pushed away by an actor who is trying to protect their mental health by standing up to bullies, the actor has to smile and wish them a nice day like a Starbucks cashier and allow more abuse, so that the customer will return. There are some exceptions, some people are allowed to respond, just like some cashiers can, but it’s not the norm. The norm is now writers walking on eggshells because how dare them say their story is their damn story. It’s actors not allowed to have an opinion or to explain what they are trying to portray because they will ruffle feathers. So this teaches these fans to keep going, and the more these fans gain approval the more the writers and cast bend. I remember Jennifer Morrison during ouat retweeting a fan who made, if I’m not wrong, tea-bags which were dedicated to the canon couple she was part of, and she, as a real person, was accused of supporting rape culture because antis had decided that her character’s canon boyfriend was a rapist, even if it wasn’t shown on screen (but he made references to sex! and is a pirate! so he had to be!) and therefore JMo showing that she liked her canon ship meant that she was pro-rape, not exactly a light accusation. Then they proceded to harass her so she’d say how much she liked the tea dedicated to their fanon couple - (involving a female canon rapist just to add irony). And to be clear given the nature of her job Jen wasn’t allowed to say she didn’t like that ship, because that would hurt their feelings, wasn’t allowed to say it’s a fanon ship and that she wanted to discuss canon things, wasn’t even allowed to ignore it, she’d be attacked even more than she already was. Hell, she was accused of homophobia (and of gay panic by people who clearly don’t know what that means) because she didn’t pose for photos with the other actress they shipped her with often enough (they shipped her character Emma with Regina, who was played by Lana Parilla, and shipped her with Lana), nor did enough offscreen things with her. It was clear that Jen and Lana weren’t close in real life and that the fans made it worse - but why would it matter how they feel as people, right? They had to dance like moneys for the fans. If Jen didn’t sit close to Lana it had to be because she hated that the fans would ship them or their fanon couple, not because as a human she has preferences. (Btw, if people are being weird about you and your coworker, it’s totally fine to feel uncomfortable and step away).
Sounds familiar, if you are from the Supergirl fandom? It’s the same people, yeah. The ones I mentioned at the beginning of this post. That’s why I said that it’s not ‘lgbt fans’ it’s literally the same people over and over, they just happen to project on wlw couples. But there are other fans like this as well and they have their own mlm and mlw couples to harass people for.   The Supergirl cast was literally harassed by fans who wanted Kara and Lena together. Eventually during a group interview they sang about how Kara and Lena were just friends and had a laugh, which btw is a great way to fight bullies, to let them know their words can’t hurt them and they will be laughed off, and, as far as I know, to this day people who don’t know the behind the scenes will only hear that the cast of Supergirl mocked a lesbian fanon couple and its lgbt fans, cruelly, laughing at them for daring to ship two women. Homophobic monsters. All except the actress who plays Lena who was visibly upset (in the story of course, in reality she laughed too). Several public apologies had to be made to make up for this evil act. They weren’t allowed to explain or defend themselves after (because of the new rule that if someone is hurt by your behavior, explaining yourself means you aren’t apologing and you are abusive). They had to take in more abuse and shut up. Real life consequences that started from abusive tweets going unpunished and made them risk reputation and jobs, as well as led to actually lgbt people who may have looked up to them being told what ‘they had done’ and be hurt by this. Context didn’t matter, even if it’s al that actually matters because it completely changes what you saw. People genuinely believed/believe the cast was that horrible and that was cruel out of nowhere, more people have joined the fandom and bought into it, confirming their own bias whenever they watched the show and saw only what they wanted to see.
So these fans got to demand attention and to have the writers change the show for the loudest fanon ships, and to insult anyone who doesn’t feel like doing so. Not only unpunished for this but sorta rewarded for it. Sure, some shows didn’t cave and didn’t make their ships canon, but the cast had to learn how to be submissive or accept online abusive behavior. OR leave social media in a world where you need it to work, like many were forced to do. And these fans got told over and over that their feelings were ‘valid’, their ships amazing, and got even angrier because if that’s the case why not make it canon? Or got told ‘not going to happen’ and started spreading the notion that there was queerbaiting and the show should be boicotted.   This is becoming a common way to react to all shows/movies with sequels, these shows are an example and in a way the place where it started and grew, but now it’s everywhere.
And I want to take the writers and say: just make a ship canon because you want to or tell them it’s not going to happen and stand by it, no more of that ‘equally valid, equally important, have to entertain all shippers’ crap. A fanon ship is not going to be equal to canon ones, it shouldn’t get equally talked about nor be included in every sentence about ships, and there is nothing to apologize for about that. It only exists in these small online places, you go talk to casual viewers and they won’t know of it, it’s not the same. And while we should all have more representation we don’t get to chose which characters get together, we don’t get to write the story. Shippers should learn to handle the truth if they haven’t yet, learn how to handle disappointment, like get a ‘you can ship who you want, it’s amazing you are so invested in our show! However x and y are the canon ship and we don’t plan on making the other one canon, I’m writing x and y together’ and leave it at that. And it should be more than possible to just say ‘this is not what I’m writing, I’m sorry’ if fans insist they are being baited because two characters look at each other. “You ship isn’t canon, it will never be canon, they told you this! So no, shippers of that fanon couple don’t matter now, they are talking about canon and your fanon ship shouldn’t be up there with the others’ “Telling me that I don’t matter because I demand to have my fanon ship constantly brought up is triggering me and making me suicidal, everybody matters all the time!’ is a take I actually read and people apologized for how ‘harsh’ they were being. The concept there was that you can never tell a person they don’t matter in a specific context, they have to matter, in all contexts. You don’t know how much of their identity and will to live a person has attached to a ship or a fandom, and you don’t get to say those words because they may be too fragile to take it (forget the fragility of those bullied every day by these people who can’t take consequences or the truth). Except that there are plenty situations in life in which you won’t matter, and that doesn’t mean that you don’t matter as a person in general. Your neighbor won’t have to think about your feelings on divorce before getting one, you don’t matter there. You still matter as a human being, in general, your life still has meaning, but you won’t and shouldn’t always be acknowledged in every situation that exists around you. And if you can’t understand this concept, if you think your opinion has to matter in all contexts and you have to be given some kind of shake of hand over it or your entire life won’t matter, because you must be important in every context ever, you shouldn’t be engaging in fandoms, you should be getting medical help asap, not making your ability to exist more fragile because it’s dependent on strangers validating you over a ship. You are putting your entire existence in the hands of a fandom, and that’s not only unhealthy but impossible to end well. Go to therapy and if you can’t afford that yet then don’t become a part of groups that require you to tie your identity to them.  
Your feelings matter in the sense that you can ship what you want, not that you have the right to demand a response or approval from other actual human beings. My feeling that Jemma and Fitz from AoS (super beloved couple by fans and writers) are terrible for each other means a lot to me, I’ve been super invested for years in that show, wrote essays on why I don’t like this couple (and tagged them properly to respect the shippers), but you know what? This means nothing to the writers and that’s okay. I’m not important to them, I should not expect to have my feelings catered to with tweets that mention fanon couples I like and that ‘acknowledge’ flaws I see. I didn’t harass anyone on twitter, and I certainly don’t think that if I had shipped Jemma with someone else I should have been mentioned in canon-related tweets because ‘every ship is valid’! I didn’t expect fanon couples like Will and Alice or Flynn and Lucy (OUATIW and Timeless) to be mentioned everywhere just because some people loved them and therefore we had to be catered to: I shipped it but I sure as hell didn’t expect to make it real or to change the entire creative process of the people behind the show because I was screaming about it. I don’t expect people to pat my head and tell me what a lovely ship it is and discuss it every time is brought up on twitter. But the majority of writers/casts is trying to be submissive now so they don’t get in trouble and you can literally see posts of fanon shippers laughing about how they are in the right and they will be able to break them. And personally I think these shippers deserve actual real life consequences. No attention to your ship, which wasn’t real anyway, less screentime for it, more direct responses with ‘nope not gonna happen’ and ‘I made it, they are not real people, you can read in that scene what you want but know that’s not what I’m making it and therefore it’s not real’. No actors trying to make these people feel better. They don’t need to apologize for ships not happening or for not shipping them or for wanting to talk about their actual work. People will survive even if the writers don’t tell them just how important and incredible their fanon ship is, even more so because you are not teaching them that this is a correct way to interact with the world and they’ll learn not to expect anything. They have to learn that they may not get what they want even if they ask nicely, and that regardless of that they cannot harass people. They also have to learn that crying wolf by using very real dramatic issues like homophobia and misoginy should have consequences, I’ll say it again: if you publicly accuse me of being pro-rape because I like something made for a fiction couple I get to take you to court.
Also the bullshit of ‘oh my god those mean adult men in the cast are ganging up against a teenager’ said about adult men responding without sugarcoating (but also without insulting) to the hundreth ‘teenager’ who is insulting them, part of a group of people who insults them daily. Teenagers learn how to be adults also by learning consequences to their actions and that they don’t get to say everything they want the way they want, shouldn’t we reinforce this? Or should we let bullies free to online-harass adults every hour of every day? In the end Supergirl the cast by the end was so blatantly pissed to the point that some of them started snapping again, possibly because a guest star kickstarted it (sometimes you need one person to speak up and then others can), and those shippers didn’t get their ship to be made canon, thankfully, because it was way too unreal, but they still got treated better than they deserved. They learned that they can get something if they behave like that, and have the hope that doing worse will get them more.
And I honestly want to go back to writers and cast interacting less with us, to less twitter, less socials, because even if it sucks to lose that privilege it’s better than to let it become a tool in the hands of abusive people. If people can’t, as a group, learn how to use something responsibly, and the people giving it to them are not allowed to react properly, then that something has to be taken away from them. It’s ruining shows, literally, because usually these people have misread, willingly or by accident, everything from story to characters, and to cater to them means that whatever you were doing following your instincts and making a linear story will get messed up, the story will get out of track, the characters will be weird.
I just wish that the networks and all people involved realized just how very few these people are, how their behavior pushes away actual viewers, how it’s not necessarity to take it with a smile so they don’t lose money, and instead all agreed that there can be consequences to their actions. Fans make threats or claim that someone is -racist/homophobic/sexist/pro rape-  without proof? they get sued for threats/diffamation. Fans gets graphic about their sex fantasies involving two coworkers? They get sued for sexual harassment. Fans bully? they get shut down. They are told the truth. I’d respect and watch a show more if that was an option.
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theodoredimas · 3 years
It would be sweet sweet justice to see those psycho antis have a breakdown if karamel is truly endgame. And I’m specifically talking about the ones who sent death threats, body shamed, bullied, etc. It’s what y’all deserve.
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chaotic-trav · 2 years
So I might have recently joined the supergirl fandom and....
This is a fuck you to all the toxic supercorp fans. I don't care if you shipped them, but you didn't have the right to harass actors and send them death threats, so much that one of them needed extra security. That is not okay and never will be. Actors and actresses are people too and deserve human decency which you didn't give them.
I say this as a supercorp shipper, I love it and I would have loved to see it become canon, but it didn't and you know what maybe that's for the best given how much of assholes most of you were. If you want something to be canon, there are other ways to say it and ask for it, the answer is never actively harassing and sending death threats to actors. That's disgusting.
So basically, I love supercorp and will probably be going down into a supercorp hole a few days later but I absolutely hate the toxic supercorp fans, you all deserve for all your otps to fail and never be canon.
Also someone please rec me good supergirl blogs.
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light-miracles · 4 years
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This got me flipping in colors so...
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He said Thanks Queen in Dothraki 😍
People has to be sick to hate on this puppy
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tvcoroner · 4 years
Unsettling Reactions
Do any of you ever watch reaction videos for Supergirl? They’re a guilty pleasure of mine.
For the Supercorp shippers, and trust me they’re pretty damn obvious, these reaction videos are some of the most Anti-Kara nonsense you will ever see.
Like consistently, they treat Kara like she should be in awe of Lena at every single second, and any time Kara shows even a second of independent thought outside of praising Lena they get REALLY annoyed.
Supergirl has some of the most obnoxious reaction channels of any other shows out there. Most of them react to multiple different shows, and in the majority of them their reactions are pretty entertaining, but when it comes to Supergirl it’s like they lose all likability in their fervent, creepy desire to praise everything that Lena and Katie does.
Take abnormallyadam, for example. He’s a bit over the top 99% of the time, but I understand that’s just his personality and I don’t mind...when it comes to every reaction except Supergirl.
Especially over the last year or so, his reactions to Lena and Katie have been unsettling. Like he loses his fucking mind over her. She can merely breathe and he’ll pause the video for 30 seconds to scream and bow, and I wish I was over-exaggerating.
And then there’s JuliDG. I like most of her reactions, but she’s the most Anti-Kara Supercorp shipper on the website. I mean, consistently, every single time Kara has the audacity to stand up for herself, JuliDG gets angry with her for daring not to get on her knees and praise Lena for the privilege of getting to exist in the same universe as her.
And she basically embodies some of the worst tendencies of the Supercorp fandom when it comes to the treatment of Lena and Kara’s love interests. When Lena and James were dating, she intentionally left scenes of James in her videos so she could make a show of pulling out her phone and ignoring him.
You only get a VERY minimal amount of time to fall under fair use, and she used time to show how LITTLE she cared about James by making sure to include him in her videos for her passive-aggressiveness. It was transparent and extremely cringe-y. I rolled my eyes whenever she did it, and she did it a lot. One time, James made the huge mistake of being in a scene, and she let out a howl of frustration that made her down like a dog. Seriously. I was incredulous. What sane person acts that way? She also has a terrible habit of cheering for the death of characters who get in the way of her ships. It doesn’t matter if they did anything wrong, they deserve to die for existing. That’s extremely closed-minded.
By far, the most reasonable among them is Free Bicycle Tours. I actually like her, because while she doesn’t approve of the men Lena and Kara are shipped with, she’s isn’t so Pro-Lena that she’s Anti-Kara. She acknowledges when Lena makes mistakes, when Kara has a good point, and doesn’t excuse shitty actions.
There’s nothing wrong with loving Lena, there is something wrong with treating her like she’s a perfect little angel who has never done anything wrong and anyone holding her accountable for her actions are treating her unfairly. If there is one bit of criticism I have of her reactions it’s that she will claim she’s shipping characters for almost nothing. Like if two women look at each other for the first time she will claim she ships them.
Whether or not she actually does is something I don’t believe 99% of the time she says it, because most of the time she never EVER brings it up again. Every stray thought that passes through your head is not shipping. Thinking “They’re both attractive” is not shipping. She uses that word waaaaaay too much.
Anyway, I just wanted to talk about this. But knowing that some oversensitive fuckwit on the Tumblr staff is removing everything that is even slightly critical of Lena from the tags, very few of you will actually see this.
So fuck it, I’m tagging whatever the hell I want.
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