#jenny gospod
alegocarmadein · 1 year
list of my kane & feels fics:
Collected oldest to newest in a quick and easy way, with descriptions, the summaries, and warnings!
The Shaman was too late
"He shouldn't have taken this case. He really shouldn't have taken this case. Brutus should have known from the beginning that this case was too much for him to do alone. He is standing in the middle of an old abandoned building on Sherbourne Way, staring at where the door out of this hallway should be. The door he just entered through. But instead, he is just staring at a wall."
This is a 13k word fic about Kane rescuing Brutus from near death, by adventuring through an everlasting plane of fog, mist, and memories. Ft. Shadow people, mist dog, big tree. Set after Wonderland II, before WHO. (this one has a piece of fanart from @/twomystdunstans linked at the end. it's so pretty) Was partially rewritten in February 2023 and it's got an additional like 3k now.
Warnings: Memory Loss (temporary for the main character), Temporary Character Death
A Meeting With Death. Again.
"This was not the first time he'd seen a body. And he hoped to whatever and whoever was out there that it'd be his last.
Kane and Feels find themselves connected to a new, dangerous case, with a lot of stakes."
This is another 13k fic, set after the last fic and Twomys. This one is about Kane and Feels dealing with an interesting case, one that has ramifications. Has some lore that'll be important in my current series
Warnings: Gore, Eldritch Horror, Temporary Character Death
Five Stones
"Brutus woke. He couldn't breathe. There was a deep, heavy, all-consuming pressure on his chest, a cold tightness around his neck, and a feeling that something was very wrong."
This is a short 1.8k fic about Brutus going through some sleep paralysis, and Kane being there to deal with the after.
There's a podfic of Five Stones by @/KD-Heart also linked at the end
Warning: Night Terror
"Kane groaned.
"Have your cigarette."
Kane picked his head up out of his hands and mumbled, "I didn't want one, it's the fourteenth.'"
Quick lil 1.1k fic about Kane trying to find his cigarette case. He's in ADHD, can't find his shit mode that I totally can't relate with haha.
Warning: N/A
A Waltz
"Brutus felt…elated. He felt light as a feather, free of all negative emotion in this moment. He looked at Kane, who looked wild. He realised there were red rosebuds, white wisteria, and purple nightshade growing in his hair and his eyes had wisps of the Shaman's sharp emerald dancing through them."
2k fic about Kane and Feels waltzing for magic!
Warning: N/A
The Universe Gave You A Soulmate?
"After learning about Kane and Feels' destiny in the universe, Jennifer has some questions."
This short 800 word fic is just about drunk Jenny needling Brutus about his and Kane's entwined roles in the universe.
Warning N/A
Next of Kin
"When Lucifer Kane's scrying sigil gets sabotaged, Kane and Feels are dumped into another Other World, one with golden rivers, fucked up crabs, and some arguments. To get through this, they'll need to trust not only their own memories and feelings but each other.
”You can’t be unhappy in the middle of a big, beautiful river.” - Jim Harrison"
WHOOOO BOY. This is my biggest published fic, sittin' pretty at 25k. This one is about Kane and Feels being teleported/sucked into a different plane, one of the plane of the river of the death and dying. They have some realllll fun in it. Ft. Relevant poetry in the beginning and end notes!
This marks the start of my first and only series, that I'm working on the third fic for rn. A Cairn of Stones is the second in the series.
Warning: Possession (not by a demonic entity), Drowning (doesn't cause death), Pet Death (not graphic, very peaceful, just sad, NOT K&F's CAT), Surrealist Horror, Unreality
A Cairn of Stones
"Feels is…somewhere. He doesn’t know where. He doesn’t remember much from recent, but that’s not his biggest worry. He’s in a grey place of people like him, from many points in time. It’s okay. He’s alone.
His…partner isn’t here, but that’s okay. It’s all okay. He’ll be fine."
This is Brutus' perspective of what's happening to him while he's....uh....doing stuff in Next of Kin.
Warning: Memory Loss (huh, I seem to like this, huh),
Thirteen Letters
"Brutus comes home to a passed out Kane in a room full of incense and other. Cool."
A quick 1.4k fic about Brutus doing his duties as a partner to an experimenting Shaman. Fluff, nothing else, really.
Warning: Kane is passed out due to magic-y stuff
All the little ones can be read in whatever order you want (except for a Cairn of Stones, that one is tied to NoK), and the big ones I'd recommend reading in order.
"Brutus Feels had to leave his life to go to war. It went fine, kinda. Now he’s living in his late grandmother’s cottage, trying to forget the past few years, when he gets a letter from his old partner, Lucifer Kane. Their correspondence follows."
A story told in two alternating povs, always ending in a letter from one to the other. A 12k descent into madness. A sad love letter to psychoses.
Warning: mild body horror, surrealist horror, eldritch horror, character death (he's fine....kinda....)
And that's it! Those are all of my kaf fics, we're definitely not just leaving out the super ooc fic that I should probably just orphan but I'm scared of doing it so I haven't yet.
All of these are set in the same universe, and all kaf stuff is canon within it, I'm not leaving anything out.
I hope you'll read any that strike your fancy! I put a lot of effort into writing these! I also hope that if you enjoy one, you'll leave a comment, because I love comments a lot.
Okay thanks!
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kd-heart · 2 years
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Jennifer Gospod sour cherry and walnut cupcakes
I have a lot of feelings about Jenny and the idea for these cupcakes came in a flash of inspiration on my way back from work. I had to make them that evening! And I did.
Now, like Hanna is a foil for Lucifer, Jenny is a foil for Brutus and, while she's might not be the backup Rock, she is Brutus's rock and I tried to link them a bit with the walnuts and the vanilla. And the sour cherries just felt like the perfect fruit for her.
I can't describe this particular combination of flavors, but angels were singing when I took the first bite. Just... trust me on this (and give them a try, if you can)
Recipe on ao3 and under the cut
I you're wondering about vișinată, it's a sort of liqueur made with sour cherries
50 gr butter
150 gr sugar
1 tbsp vanilla essence
2 eggs
3 tbsp ground walnuts
2 tsp baking powder
150 gr flour
5 tbsp sour cream
200 gr sour cherries (cut in half, no pits)
1/4 tsp salt
Preheat oven (Gas Mark 4/180° C/350 F)
In a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar
Add the vanilla essence and beat in the eggs
Mix in the walnuts, the salt and the baking powder
Gradually mix in the flour and sour cream
Add the sourcherries
Spoon the batter into the muffin tray and bake for about 30min.
250 gr mascarpone
3 tbsp sugar
red food dye
1 tbsp vișinată (sour cherry liqueur) or sour cherry syrup
Mix everything together until stiff
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kd-heart · 3 years
   Promptober day 8 - Flufftober - Caught in the rain
   Fandom: Kane and Feels
   Rating: General audiences
   Characters/Pairing: Brutus Feels & Jennifer Gospod, background Kane/Feels
   Summary: Jenny's plans don't always work the way she wants them, but they tend to work out.
   Tags: fluff, friendship, light angst
   Words Count: 243
Jenny had taken it upon herself to make sure Feels didn’t burn himself out on cases once it was clear Lucifer was probably not coming back. She wasn’t really sure what they were, but the initial awkward flirting and sizing up of potential interest had eventually settled into comfortable companionship.
They watched movies, and ate takeout, and occasionally Brutus cooked and she had enough restraint not to make a competition out of that. Sometimes, they even went out - not often, but they needed the change of pace from the routine their lives had settled in and she’d rather they break it up with a walk through the park, than anything life might throw their way. She was proactively appeasing fate, she liked to think. ‘Go out and do things, before things happen to you’, was a good motto and she couldn’t remember if she got that out of some personal development book, or had found it in a pack of gum.
Brutus would roll his eyes, but went along with her plans easily enough.
Too easily.
Which was how neither of them had thought to pack an umbrella for their latest outing and they were now stuck in a gazebo, while the park around them vanished under sheets of rain. Both of them were soaked by the time they made it to cover, laughing.
It hadn’t been the change of pace she had planned, but it was a delight to hear him laugh.
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