#relevant to my next fic
alegocarmadein · 1 year
list of my kane & feels fics:
Collected oldest to newest in a quick and easy way, with descriptions, the summaries, and warnings!
The Shaman was too late
"He shouldn't have taken this case. He really shouldn't have taken this case. Brutus should have known from the beginning that this case was too much for him to do alone. He is standing in the middle of an old abandoned building on Sherbourne Way, staring at where the door out of this hallway should be. The door he just entered through. But instead, he is just staring at a wall."
This is a 13k word fic about Kane rescuing Brutus from near death, by adventuring through an everlasting plane of fog, mist, and memories. Ft. Shadow people, mist dog, big tree. Set after Wonderland II, before WHO. (this one has a piece of fanart from @/twomystdunstans linked at the end. it's so pretty) Was partially rewritten in February 2023 and it's got an additional like 3k now.
Warnings: Memory Loss (temporary for the main character), Temporary Character Death
A Meeting With Death. Again.
"This was not the first time he'd seen a body. And he hoped to whatever and whoever was out there that it'd be his last.
Kane and Feels find themselves connected to a new, dangerous case, with a lot of stakes."
This is another 13k fic, set after the last fic and Twomys. This one is about Kane and Feels dealing with an interesting case, one that has ramifications. Has some lore that'll be important in my current series
Warnings: Gore, Eldritch Horror, Temporary Character Death
Five Stones
"Brutus woke. He couldn't breathe. There was a deep, heavy, all-consuming pressure on his chest, a cold tightness around his neck, and a feeling that something was very wrong."
This is a short 1.8k fic about Brutus going through some sleep paralysis, and Kane being there to deal with the after.
There's a podfic of Five Stones by @/KD-Heart also linked at the end
Warning: Night Terror
"Kane groaned.
"Have your cigarette."
Kane picked his head up out of his hands and mumbled, "I didn't want one, it's the fourteenth.'"
Quick lil 1.1k fic about Kane trying to find his cigarette case. He's in ADHD, can't find his shit mode that I totally can't relate with haha.
Warning: N/A
A Waltz
"Brutus felt…elated. He felt light as a feather, free of all negative emotion in this moment. He looked at Kane, who looked wild. He realised there were red rosebuds, white wisteria, and purple nightshade growing in his hair and his eyes had wisps of the Shaman's sharp emerald dancing through them."
2k fic about Kane and Feels waltzing for magic!
Warning: N/A
The Universe Gave You A Soulmate?
"After learning about Kane and Feels' destiny in the universe, Jennifer has some questions."
This short 800 word fic is just about drunk Jenny needling Brutus about his and Kane's entwined roles in the universe.
Warning N/A
Next of Kin
"When Lucifer Kane's scrying sigil gets sabotaged, Kane and Feels are dumped into another Other World, one with golden rivers, fucked up crabs, and some arguments. To get through this, they'll need to trust not only their own memories and feelings but each other.
”You can’t be unhappy in the middle of a big, beautiful river.” - Jim Harrison"
WHOOOO BOY. This is my biggest published fic, sittin' pretty at 25k. This one is about Kane and Feels being teleported/sucked into a different plane, one of the plane of the river of the death and dying. They have some realllll fun in it. Ft. Relevant poetry in the beginning and end notes!
This marks the start of my first and only series, that I'm working on the third fic for rn. A Cairn of Stones is the second in the series.
Warning: Possession (not by a demonic entity), Drowning (doesn't cause death), Pet Death (not graphic, very peaceful, just sad, NOT K&F's CAT), Surrealist Horror, Unreality
A Cairn of Stones
"Feels is…somewhere. He doesn’t know where. He doesn’t remember much from recent, but that’s not his biggest worry. He’s in a grey place of people like him, from many points in time. It’s okay. He’s alone.
His…partner isn’t here, but that’s okay. It’s all okay. He’ll be fine."
This is Brutus' perspective of what's happening to him while he's....uh....doing stuff in Next of Kin.
Warning: Memory Loss (huh, I seem to like this, huh),
Thirteen Letters
"Brutus comes home to a passed out Kane in a room full of incense and other. Cool."
A quick 1.4k fic about Brutus doing his duties as a partner to an experimenting Shaman. Fluff, nothing else, really.
Warning: Kane is passed out due to magic-y stuff
All the little ones can be read in whatever order you want (except for a Cairn of Stones, that one is tied to NoK), and the big ones I'd recommend reading in order.
"Brutus Feels had to leave his life to go to war. It went fine, kinda. Now he’s living in his late grandmother’s cottage, trying to forget the past few years, when he gets a letter from his old partner, Lucifer Kane. Their correspondence follows."
A story told in two alternating povs, always ending in a letter from one to the other. A 12k descent into madness. A sad love letter to psychoses.
Warning: mild body horror, surrealist horror, eldritch horror, character death (he's fine....kinda....)
And that's it! Those are all of my kaf fics, we're definitely not just leaving out the super ooc fic that I should probably just orphan but I'm scared of doing it so I haven't yet.
All of these are set in the same universe, and all kaf stuff is canon within it, I'm not leaving anything out.
I hope you'll read any that strike your fancy! I put a lot of effort into writing these! I also hope that if you enjoy one, you'll leave a comment, because I love comments a lot.
Okay thanks!
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tennessoui · 1 year
Professor-can-fuck-me wedding ficlet? (◉‿◉)
so i realized after receiving this ask that i don't think i've ever actually written a obikin wedding ficlet for any of my aus or fics and i don't want my first wedding ficlet to be this au unfortunately, so no can do but here's 1.6k of wedding adjacent fic (bachelor party)
“Hi Professor,” Rex greets the moment Obi-Wan opens the door.
And really, he appreciates the boy’s desire to show respect—even though he never even took Obi-Wan’s class—but this is hardly the time or place for such decorum.
“Rex,” Obi-Wan acknowledges, rubbing at his eye with the palm of his hand before blinking at him and then down to his watch. “Good god, man. It’s three in the morning, what are you doing here?”
Then another thought occurs to him. 
“Wait,” he says, “where’s Anakin?”
Rex throws a thumb over his shoulder. “My brothers are getting him out of the car right now. I decided to come up here and tell you first, to prepare you and such.”
Obi-Wan’s stomach drops; his heart rate speeds up. “Prepare me for what? What’s wrong with him?”
Are his palms sweaty? Is his voice high? His grip on the door tightens. Logically, he knows that Anakin’s friend would not bring Anakin home so casually if he were hurt. Logically, he understands that if Anakin were to be injured, Obi-Wan would receive a call from the hospital upon his check-in, or the police if he had died, or Rex in the teary moments after. His friends would not just—knock on Obi-Wan’s door at three in the morning and then dump Anakin’s corpse on his doorstep.
Logically Obi-Wan knows all of that. But he has never been a very logical man when it comes to Anakin Skywalker. If he were, they’d probably not be where they are right now anyway—living together after five months together, engaged after six, married around eight.
Hell, they wouldn’t be in a relationship at all most probably, given the fact that when they met, Anakin was Obi-Wan’s student. And when Anakin kissed him for the first time, Anakin was—well. He was still his student. And when Obi-Wan kissed him for the first time, Anakin was…perhaps ten seconds free from being his student.
So he’s never been logical about Anakin, not really. And while a part of him knows and understands that if something had seriously gone wrong on Anakin’s bachelor night, scant days before their wedding, the man would have enough tact to find a better way to break the news than whatever this is.
But he’s old and overly emotional and high-strung when it comes to his wayward fiancé. And so his pulse is hammering and his palms are sweaty. And he is waiting with baited breath for Rex Amidala to tell him what has happened to him.
Because—because if something has happened, then Obi-Wan…Obi-Wan does not know what he would do. Who he would become. How he would continue to—to continue, after, in a world after.
“He’s, well. He’s very—uh,” Rex rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “He’s—”
“Obi-Wan!” Anakin cries, much too loudly for the quiet stillness of their apartment’s hallway. “Obi-Wan, hi, baby!” 
Obi-Wan’s head snaps to look at his wayward fiancé, who is currently half dragging and half being dragged by a very reluctant looking Cody Fett and an entirely too entertained Jesse Fett. 
“Drunk,” Rex finishes. “He’s really, really drunk, Professor.”
“Ah,” Obi-Wan says, stepping over the threshold of his door to catch Anakin the moment the other man decides to rip himself away from his handlers and fall into Obi-Wan’s arms. “Perhaps lead with that next time, Mr. Amidala.” 
Anakin rubs his face over the front of Obi-Wan’s sleepshirt. “So soft,” he mumbles, repeating the action. When his lips find the skin of Obi-Wan’s neck, he makes a quiet sound of happiness and presses a kiss there. Then he bites.
“Okay,” Obi-Wan decides. “I’ll take it from here, you three. Thank you for getting him home in one piece.”
“If he throws up, you have to tell us,” Jesse says, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall opposite the door.
“Oh?” Obi-Wan’s eyebrow arches up as he tries to imply with one syllable and a single movement that he is a forty-two year old man who does not have to tell these college-faced twats anything unless he wants to.
“Ani’s been giving me shit about throwing up over his shoes during my bachelor’s party since it happened,” Rex says. “Fair’s fair.”
“But I haven’t yet!” Anakin slurs, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan’s neck as he nuzzles farther into him. “And you put me in the car and then gave me shots and made it go really fast in circles and I haven’t yet!”
Obi-Wan gives Rex an incredulous look over Anakin’s head. The other man has the shame at least to look slightly sheepish.
“Good night, all,” Obi-Wan says, stepping as smoothly as he can back into his apartment. “We’ll see you at the wedding.”
If his fiancé survives the rest of the night and, presumably, the hangover to follow.
When the door closes, Anakin sags even more into Obi-Wan’s arms. “I missed you so much,” Anakin mumbles. His lips stay against the skin of his neck, and the feeling would be quite distracting if Obi-Wan wasn’t so reluctantly amused at the moment.
“You are very drunk,” he tells him, detaching himself enough to more easily walk and pull Anakin from the doorway through their apartment. “Bedtime for bachelors.”
“I missed you so much, so I thought maybe I could drink extra fast and then they’d let me come home early,” Anakin explains, eyes only partially held open.
“And how did that work out?” Obi-Wan asks, depositing Anakin onto their bed and kneeling on the floor to untie his boots.
“Mm,” Anakin says, flopping onto his back. He giggles for some reason unknown to those sober in the room, and wriggles his toes in an approximation of help. “Not good. They just bought me more.”
“Oh, my heart goes out for you, darling,” Obi-Wan murmurs, placing the first boot on the floor and tackling the second. “You must suffer so much because your friends are very nice and bought you drinks during your bachelor’s party.”
“Uh huh,” Anakin slurs. “Knew you’d understand. Hey–hey, did you miss me too?” Obi-Wan had had a very nice and quiet night, nursing a scotch by the fireplace and grading papers. He’d warmed up a leftover serving of a mince pie and served himself a piece of apple galette for dessert. And yet— “Yes, of course,” he says. “Though I am glad you had fun.”
“It was fun,” his fiancé agrees and then yawns. “Not as fun as the wedding’s gonna be though.” His fingers run to the buttons of his shirt and start tugging at them. Obi-Wan sighs, shifts, and stands to help him in this as well. “I can’t wait to marry you,” Anakin adds.
He looks so earnest and open, rosy cheeks and glassy eyes and shirt half-done. He’s going to be the world’s biggest pain in Obi-Wan’s ass tomorrow when the hangover really hits him. And Obi-Wan is going to take care of him through all of it. 
Practice for the rest of their lives. The wedding rehearsal he hadn’t known was on the docket. 
Still, his mouth turns up at the corner as he smiles, reaching out to brush aside Anakin’s hair. “I cannot wait to be married to you as well,” he murmurs.
Anakin closes his eyes and grins sleepily, drunkenly. “And I’ll get to be added to your insurance which is real good, cause I don’t have a job.”
“Brat,” Obi-Wan scolds, tugging at the end of his hair. “Is that the only reason you’re marrying me?”
“Yeah,” his fiancé says. “But it really helps that I’ve also been completely obsessed with you since, like, the second class of the year.”
Obi-Wan purses his lips, strangely touched. Sober, Anakin doesn’t always like to talk about the very beginnings of their relationship, as if he thinks should they discuss it enough, Obi-Wan may realize he’s made a terrible mistake in taking up with one of his undergraduate students. 
To be fair to him, it is a terrible mistake, and one that Obi-Wan is fully aware of already. And what Anakin probably doesn’t know is that no amount of discussion will sway Obi-Wan from the path he’s decided to walk.
“Only the second class?” he asks, settling onto the bed next to Anakin. “Should I be offended?” “I skipped the first one,” Anakin mutters, turning his face into his thigh and nudging at him until he begins to pet at Anakin’s hair. “Hooked up with a girl from my first period instead.”
Obi-Wan tugs rather rudely on his hair at this.
“But then, you were there during the second class,” Anakin says, though Obi-Wan thinks maybe the more accurate statement would be I was there during the second class, considering Obi-Wan had to be there. As he was the professor.
Obi-Wan hums and restarts his soothing petting.
“And that was it,” Anakin sighs, pressing a kiss to Obi-Wan’s covered thigh. “You were it for me. And I’m really glad I’m it for you too or I would be really, really, really sad, and I’ve been really, really, really happy for ages now.”
“I’ve been happy too,” Obi-Wan confesses, shifting himself to lie down, facing Anakin. “I—”
He wants to say I thought about losing you today, for real and forever, and it hurt me inconceivably. Or, you mean so much to me that I missed you when you were away, and even though there was a fire in the fireplace, it felt cold all through our home. Or, it took me longer to love you, but I do and I do, and I do.
But when he looks down at Anakin’s expression, it’s to find that the man has managed to fall asleep between one breath and the next.
But, well. They have time for Obi-Wan’s I do’s later. In fact, they’ve put aside a whole day for it.
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mqfx · 7 days
I would be fucking crazie if I made the totally unnecessary backstory with the Yi matriarch (Zhen Lüqian) have a secret youthful tryst with the missing Zhi matriarch (Ma Qiangwei) right. especially when Song Yuan is right there and already so sapphic (in the notes in my mind that I don't share w anyone bc it's not relevant)?? maybe Song Yuan will find Ma Qiangwei someday and they can be ..... wait that will really fuck with the Yi-Zhi family trees hold on 😭😩 ok NOT canon to me (yet) but it would be funny
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bright-and-burning · 24 days
dive down deeper still has the worst/funniest public bookmark to private bookmark ratio like damn bruh fic so horny only 27% of bookmarkers are willing to cop to bookmarking
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ajibooks · 9 months
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Sunrise over the Atlantic, featuring Venus (upper right)
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two-reflections · 5 months
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✨ What the fuck am I doing ✨
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megaerakles · 6 months
My video screen on my flight last night kept freezing and restarting every so often but it all works out in the end cause I used those moments of being unable to zone out to tv to actually push or the rest of the draft for the April Fools fic which means I’m free to work on other projects again 😊
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trivalentlinks · 2 years
genuine question: do you think fan fiction non-trivially benefits the creators of the corresponding original work?
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maaaxx · 2 years
i think im starting a new fic soon and outlines are a bitch
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aerialworms · 2 years
Please vote! I need external motivation! (I'm still posting Watching Over You, I just need to choose something to finish writing as well)
All of these are endgame Destiel!
Star Trek Fusion AU: I have two fics in this 'verse written but i need to do the prequel first. Castiel, a half-Vulcan Starfleet officer, is appointed as the new Captain of the USS Impala after Bobby retires, keeping Dean as First Officer. Dean does not take well to that. Enemies to FWB to lovers, spread out over at least three different fics! I also made a post rambling about this universe here
Dragon!Cas fic: Set during s9ish when Cas' grace is low - he can regenerate it by spending time in his true form and shutting down most higher brain functions. He essentially turns into a little dragon who gets real clingy around Dean, who is half-annoyed, half-endeared by it. Pretty much just fluff and shenanigans :3
Demon!Dean: Set during the demon dean arc in s10 while Cas is still stealing grace. Crowley captures him and offers him to Dean as a present, and Cas tries to convince Dean to come home while Dean pretends like he's definitely a big bad demon who could easily kill Cas if he wanted, he just. doesn't want to. Angst and smut with a hopeful ending.
Cat!Cas fic: Might end up as a comic, actually - I've got the first four pages sketched out but I don't know where i'm going with it :/ Cas gets turned into a cat by a witch and Dean comes to find him, not realising the injured cat he's been caring for and venting to about Cas *is* Cas. Pining!Dean and hurt/comfort for Cas!
Interactive time loop confession fix it: An interactive fic, made using Twine. You play as Dean, stuck in a time loop of the confession until you find a way to save Cas and break free
Cas Swap: (post-confession fix it) In two seperate universes, at the same time, two versions of Dean perform a spell to resurrect their own Cas from the Empty. Canon!Cas is brought back into a world with a Dean his counterpart has been in a relationship with since Tombstone. Canon!Dean gets that AU!Cas, who is unafraid of showing his love for Dean, but also won't put up with any of Dean's bullshit. Each set of Dean-and-Cas-es have to work together to get Cas back to his own universe, and deal with their issues along the way.
The Wrong Avalon: A BBC Merlin/SPN crossover, with endgame Destiel and Merthur! Set vaguely pre-s12 of SPN and post s5 of Merlin. The British Men of Letters have been trying to raise the mythical King Arthur from the dead for some time. When they finally succeed, however, he does not come up in the UK. Instead, he surfaces in Lake Avalon, Michigan, where two hunters and a put-upon angel discover him. Since he can only speak Old English, he becomes fast friends with Cas, which totally doesn't make Dean jealous at all, but he still mourns for his old life and family. When he discovers that Merlin may still be alive, he dedicates himself to finding him, but when the BMoL close in, intent on using Arthur for their own gain, Arthur must rely on his new friends, as well as his oldest one, to gain his freedom and his happiness.
Btw if you wanna know when I post these, you can follow me on AO3 (same username as tumblr) and/or ask to be tagged!
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alegocarmadein · 1 year
As Kane recovers from his interaction with the golden river, Kane and Feels attempt to find a way out of this plane.
Third chapter is OUT!
It's got an abomination! It's got love and affection and comfort! It's got peril! It might have an admission of love!
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cerealmonster15 · 11 months
ummmm. wip wed…… I don’t have actual writing but I did start making a buncha bullet points for more ideas for the kalisil jamiazu fic…. And I have decided one thing lol - since I have masquerade event on the brain… if I get around to writing this fic I’m keeping the timeline vague HOWEVER it would take place sometime after masquerade bc I want that event to be when jamiazu had gotten together in backstory bc they #danced together in the little rythm minigame (and the duo THE DUO ATTACK-)
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jiangchengsjawline · 1 year
am i allowed to complain about writing on this blog
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 year
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You should get into your post 1beat headcanons
Man I want to but it's kind of convoluted because I feel like they would still have a long way to go and at least a few more incidents to deal with before defeating him Once And For All. But Haruka(Shinobu) seems to have it out for them in particular so I think he would continue leaving breadcrumbs and letting them keep their memories and it would start to pile up even if not being able to catch him played hell on Misane.
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manicr · 2 years
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Tiger Division in Black Cat Annual
(writer: Jed MacKay, art: Joey Vazquez)
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desiccatedwithering · 2 years
steddie fic: "the older"
me, a person who descended to such depths of insanity that I read multiple 80s newspaper articles and sections from a literal law book: but which one of them is older? because eddie could be younger than steve according to canon
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