#jeongyeon tarot
theninthdoor · 2 months
Hello, can you do Twice members most to least similar to their on-screen personality? Thank you so much
Most Similar
Momo || ten of cups & Jihyo || two of cups: The exact same, pretty much. Even if at some point their on-screen and off-screen personalities were a bit different, that's not the case anymore - it's almost as if the 2 morphed into 1 as time went by.
Mina || seven of pentacles & Chaeyoung || three of wands: Same as with Momo and Jihyo, except they sometimes choose not to be so "real"/candid/transparent, whereas the previous 2 members either don't even think about it or simply can't help it.
Dahyun || the high priestess rx: This one is interesting because I just feel like Dahyun has so many sides to herself that it's hard to pin-point exactly what is for the cameras and what is her "irl self". It's all so random, honestly… lol.
Sana || the hanged man: 50/50. Sometimes we get a lot of irl Sana, other times we only get a little, but it's all pretty natural - meaning that she's not doing it intentionally; it depends on the moment, mood, etc.
Nayeon || the wheel of fortune rx: At times she is very transparent, easygoing, "real"; other times she's way more calculated and careful. The thing is, I feel like it has moreso to do with how she's feeling and how her personal life is going - meaning that, if she's going through a hard time, it's more likely for her to hide behind her "idol mask". It's all for the sake of doing a good job and being a good professional, I guess.
Jeongyeon || four of swords rx: Jeongyeon's case is similar to Tzuyu's. She's also very uncomfortable with fame, and all of the attention and criticism makes her not want to show so much of her real self to the public. However, in comparison to Tzuyu, I think she ends up showing a little bit more of her irl personality on-camera, either by choice or accident.
Tzuyu || the star rx: Tzuyu is a little different on & off screen, but I think that's because she really doesn't like how exposed she is, plus how the public always seems to have something to say about everything they (idols/celebs) say and do. She's just very uncomfortable with fame, I think, so having a "mask"/persona that is used only for work/public stuff, helps her feel more protected and at ease.
Least Similar
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 2 months
Jeongyeon's personality according to tarots
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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rev 8 of pentacles
She’s careless.
I feel she’s the type of person who lives day by day, without having a well-thought plan about what she wants to do. 
You know when you go to a job interview and they ask you “where do you see yourself in 10 years?”. She’d be someone who rolls her eyes at that question and would probably answer that she doesn’t even know what she’ll have for dinner tonight so how can she know about what will happen in 10 years?
This card is also linked with a lack of ambition and laziness, but I wouldn’t really link these adjectives to her because to be an idol I’m sure that laziness is out of question lol
But she might be less driven than your typical idol.
She is someone who enjoyes the present moment and what it has to offer.
The good side of this is that she might have a less hectic schedule and enjoy a more normal life, have fun, have hobbies etc.
The bad side is that there can be unmet potential and that she might lose good opportunities.
This might be referred also to her private life, like she might not have a clear goal when it comes to her relationships, she's someone who might be playful but lack pragmatism.
What does she think of herself?
Rev 3 of wands, rev moon, 7 of cups
She might think there’s some stagnancy in her life. Things not moving in the direction she wants to for example.
3 of wands is sometimes linked to travels, knowing how much Twice have traveled recently, this card might point to her realizing the value of her home.
She feels that she is getting better as a person, her anxiety and fears are slowly leaving her, any deceive or delusions is disappearing. It might point in general to her taking care of her mental health.
She is someone open to possibilities, however she might lack some determination to make a possibility real or she might easily change her mind and not put the right focus on an activity.
What others think of her?
5 of pentacles, rev 6 of wands, 8 of wands
They see her as someone who’s struggling, someone who is in a phase of bad luck or someone who has lost money/influence/prestige.
Others see her as successful. someone who’s moving fast and obtaining success all over the world.
She’s someone who is in a positive momentum, being swept away here and there, being loved and appreciated by a multitude of people.
Positive aspects
All rev page of swords, tower, queen of swords
She’s quick witted and curious, someone who talks well most likely, someone chatty.
She’s honest too with a sharp mind and who cares about fairness. There’s something a bit childish (in a good sense) about her, but she can also be extremely mature and protective.
She’s good at “letting go” and abandoning negative patterns or abandoning a lost cause. She can put herself back on her feet, no matter what. She can deal well with her issues.
Negative aspects
5 of swords, rev 10 of pentacles, rev moon
She might have a bit of a short temper and get defensive/angry if someone annoys her.
She doesn’t manage well her money probably, it’s also possible she might trust too much other people when it comes to money and get tricked in the end.
She might be a bit detached from reality, have unrealistic expectations or lack a real plan about what she wants to achieve. She might be bad at managing schedules, she might not be ready to catch a good opportunity because she overthinks it.
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lasi-nariyoyo · 9 months
Can you do twice future spouse like you did with straykids?
Twice's future spouse
What is this reading about? Hi! I used the same format as the skz reading. I didn't get a lot of happy marriage energy (?) from this reading honestly, some members got really ugly cards, others are a bit better, but I guess that's how life works? Relationships are never perfect. I wish I could get happier cards though since they're my ult gg and I wish the best for them :') Also, I think I wrote "balance" 75 times in this post lmao
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously. 
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rev devil, 5 of cups, 5 of wands
This is a terrible combination of cards for a relationship lmao
It doesn't begin as a genuine relationship, it might be something casual that develops in an unhealthy dependence on each other.
Probably a person looking at them might wonder "why are these two together?"
5 of cups has a variety of meanings that can be applied to this situation: in general I sense a lot of emptiness. But what is this emptiness linked to? It can be that Nayeon is in this relationship because she doesn't want to be alone (so she isn't really in love) or she might have real feelings but their relationship is so bad that she's suffering. Another option is that she loves someone else (an ex or someone she can't be with) and this current lover is just a very unhealthy way to move on from this unrequited love.
I see a lot of arguments too.
rev devil, rev 10 of wands, rev 2 of swords
Like Nayeon, her set begins with the same card. In this case I feel that one of them has genuine feelings, but for the other person it's a casual hook-up.
This might cause a lot of pain, but the other person will slowly develop some feelings, so I think there will be a more balanced relationship.
I feel there's a lot of thoughts and pros-cons done by these two.
The person who had feelings from the beginning might be wondering if it's worth to keep this relationship.
The person who is slowly falling is confused by their own emotions because they weren't expecting to be involved.
I sense a lot of openness and communication.
There might be an ultimatum as in "I like you, but if you don't like me back it's better to put an end to this because I'm in pain".
I have the impression that despite the shaky beginning, this might be a good pairing, I feel mature energy from both and they might find a good balance between them.
rev 7 of pentacles, rev 6 of pentacles, 7 of wands
It might be a stressful relationship.
There’s an imbalance in their relationship. One of them has more power, is richer, has more experience or stuff like that, at least at first. Knowing Momo, this card lowkey fit her because she used to date an older man who is a senior in the industry, so it might mean that she has a type, but of course there's also the possibility she's the older person in this case.
This might be the cause of stress, maybe they have a different view of the world or different priorities.
I think that the more they are together the more they find a balance though. It might be a harsh process, but I don't really feel like their relationship will end badly.
6 of wands, page of wands, rev ace of cups
It seems it’s a very happy relationship where they both support each other.
It’s probably a fun relationship too with a lot of flirting and laughs, like Sana herself.
There isn't only happiness though, rev ace of cups might imply some big negativity.
I don’t think this is related to one of them doing something negative though. It’s possible she’ll suffer a scandal related to her dating or maybe some of their plans end negatively? For example if they want to have a child, it will be complicated for them.
Or maybe someone around them isn’t happy about this couple, for example a parent that doesn’t approve of the partner. 
Or in general someone jealous like an ex or someone who wants to get between them.
I tend to believe this won’t disrupt their relationship since the previous cards had such a bright energy. 
rev 10 of wands, 7 of pentacles, ace of swords
Stress and responsibilities. It might be similar to Jeongyeon’s case, where she feels like she’s the only one putting effort in the relationship, or it might simply mean she’s too busy with her job to give her partner the attention they deserve.
Despite this, it’s a relationship that both parties want to cultivate and protect.
Ace of words is a particular card that opens to two outcomes: 1) they manage to build a more stress-free relationship and find a good life-work balance (and I tend to lean toward this interpretation since 7 of pentacles usually is a card that indicates rewards after the hardwork) 2) they understand they’re better off on their own and end their relationship peacefully.
In any case, I don’t feel ill feelings, not as many as the previous readings at least. A very mature and balance set, just like Jihyo.
rev king of swords, 7 of pentacles, rev 4 of cups, rev 9 of cups
It's a relationship that is unhealthy.
The other is too controlling or even straight up abusive.
My interpetation of the cards is that she manages to get out of this situation.
She might probably work hard on herself to heal and free herself from the negative energy of his partner.
Probably she might go to therapy.
I think she'll find a new stability and learn to appreciate more her own life, even if there isn't a significant other.
At the end of this process she might be able to welcome someone else as her lover.
rev 4 of pentacles, tower, rev knight of pentacles
This could be a relationship that begins pretty well. I think one of them or both were coming from a chaotic period, maybe after a break up.
The energy is positive at first, it's that of two people ready to open up again their heart, maybe even too much.
Then sh1t happens.
Sh1t might be anything. Someone might be cheating, maybe the they will trick them or betray them in a very dramatic way.
This happening will show the true colors of this partner.
4 of cups, queen of swords, rev the fool
I feel the people involved weren't really ready for a relationship because they were focused on the wrong things (like being interested in another person or missing an old lover).
Falling in love with each other wasn't really in their plans.
Probably thanks to their past experiences or because both partners are in a healthy state of mind, they're able to build a very solid relationship.
It's possible this person is a very structured and logical person, someone probably very different from Chaeyoung hence the surprise they both felt when they fell for each other.
The fool reversed when it comes to idols makes me think of some negligence when it comes to protecting their privacy.
Matching item scandal or a dispatch might be possible.
rev lovers, queen of cups, rev 6 of wands
It sounds like an imbalanced relationship, one is truly in love while the other is there just for sex or money or prestige.
The queen of cups is a beautiful card that represent femininity and kindness, I think it suits Tzuyu's personality very well.
Unfortunately I don't think the other person appreciates any of her qualities.
Reversed 6 of wands can indicate broken promises, so it's possible the other person made her believe they truly loved her.
But I consider it as a positive card in this case, because it means she's now aware of what type of person she has next to her.
It might be painful, but it's a necessary step to take to move on.
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
Can you do Twice jeongyeon future spouse?
Jeongyeon's Future Spouse
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The Fool, Judgement, The Moon, The Magician, 9 of Wands.
A foreigner? Someone she might travel with or something with a journey. She would feel hesitant to be with this person and will be judged by the Korean public/her family (Probably because they are a foreigner). They are an artist (singer, painter, dancer etc) Or they work in the entertainment industry. She might hide her emotions or they are not an emotional person and she will take a risk being with them. 10 of Pentacles is under deck so she's secured lol.
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obligatoryidolblog · 1 year
Number 6 can you do reading about twice jeongyeon general reading?
Yay, thank you, I was waiting for more gg asks! You’ve unlocked deck 6, the Starman deck! Thank you for the ask!
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Draw- the tower, 5 of cups reversed, and Princess (page) of cups
Wow, okay Jeongyeon… something big is coming for her, a BIG shift in her life, and the tower means it’s likely not a happy change. She has a pretty hard lesson to learn from this upheaval, and it will cause her some self-doubt. The hope lies in the princess of swords card. The act of traversing this painful time will bring her to a new level of awareness, and give her a fresh view of the world. She will construct a new, brighter way forward from this, and grow as a person. Not the happiest reading, but the hope is there!
If you’d like to request a reading, please read the guidelines here!
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xiaojianggshi · 1 year
Can you do a reading on how idols generally perceive twice jeongyeon? Like you did with kai
twice yoo jeongyeon to other idols
1 january, 2023
other idols may see jeongyeon as a disciplinary and strong figure. she is someone they may look to for advice and guidance, especially for newer idols and trainees who are not as familiar with the industry. they see her as someone who fearless breaks the norms of the industry.
however, they may also find that much of her success is tied to simply being part of twice. when in reality, all of the members including jeongyeon have their own talent which pools together to form the amazing group that we know and see. aside from that, other idols recognize the struggles she has faced and find that she is strong!
the emperor, knight of wands, three of pentacles, the star
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810nd1 · 8 months
Jeongyeon quick love reading
Done on: 05.11.2023
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She’s talking to someone new. She likes them but it’s nothing serious as for now. Very early stage of relationship when she’s getting to know someone
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prettyrealm · 1 year
what really happened between bts jimin & twice jeongyeon?
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this reading is a paid commission, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3
the situation:
this connection definitely started off as a relationship with very strong feelings, at least for one of them & in this case, i think it’s jeongyeon. i think there’s a chance she may have even seen jimin as her “first love.” they seem to be very different people personality wise that managed to get along… until they didn’t.
what happened?
one of them or both of them wanted or expected more from the other than they were willing to give. maybe he wanted to have sex quickly & she didn’t. or that she was ready to get serious and talk about marriage and a family early on and he was put off by this. either way, they were very unbalanced. she was too intense and overbearing & he was too cold. she may have been behaving too comfortably with jimin too fast as well (as if they were super committed or knew each other well) and would be controlling, nag & complain too much and he didn’t like this. he broke up with her rather quickly into this relationship, like pretty much as soon as they got together it was over. there’s a chance here that they never even slept together at all. she was mostly upset because he was her first love and she saw dating as basically on the road to marriage and he didn’t. to him, dating was just being exclusive, but he didn’t expect her to be so intense with him after the flirting stage.
how does jeongyeon see jimin?
i don’t think she had many good relationships after this one, so she romanticizes it a lot. i think she misses him or how he made her feel. she may think it could have worked and sees this as a lost love. i think she was very emotional in this connection so in turn she sees him as too intellectual, defensive, cold & harsh. but at the same time, she still thinks positively of the past and this connection. it’s like “you drive me crazy, but i’m not me if i’m not with you.”
how does jimin see jeongyeon?
he sees jeongyeon as someone really defensive that likes to fight for things that just aren’t even worth the effort. honestly, the vibe i’m getting just from how he views her is that the talking and flirting stage was really fun, but once they actually started dating, jeongyeon got really comfortable out the gate and was probably weirdly clingy and too fast moving for jimin. he thinks she pulled an “i’ll find out what you want, be that girl for a month” & jeongyeon was basically like “yeah but you chose me already so i can just be myself now, right?” but she just seemed super weirdly attached & emotional so he broke up with her. at this point, i think he was her first love for sure. but overall, he thinks she is a bit of a weird person in general, he thinks she says rude things and ignores personal space and boundaries and he even thought she was mannerless. but at the same time, he misses her too. i think he was able to be accepting of who she is until it became unbearable.
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ravenbloodshot · 10 months
Most Wealthy Members of Twice.....Kpop Reading 🤑💰💸
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Most Wealthy to least:
1. Jihyo
2. Nayeon
3. Tzuyu
4. Momo
5. Mina
6. Dahyun
7. Chaeyoung
8. Sana
Jihyo: owns some type of property or an abundance of stocks (the card that came out for her reminded me of a black card as well)
Nayeon: living luxuriously, vacationing and has the money to spend
Tzuyu: wealthy because of her family
Momo: she's somewhat wealthy financially but definitely poor mindset wise (meaning she's deeply dissatisfied with her life and circumstances)
Mina: Her hiatuses may have effected her finances, also her independence from the team (may like doing her own thing instead of working with Twice)
Dahyun: hoards money. Saves saves saves never invests so her money never really grows (one big financial emergency could leave her struggling to get back on her feet)
Chaeyoung: Doesn't really care about money, finances, investing or business. She's just living her best life with the money she has (very happy go lucky girl, she's wealthy in terms of her positive mindset)
Sana: Her finances are on pause rn (idky), could be that she's not working (but she just had a comeback so I'm not sure what's going on with her money)
Jeongyeon: Struggling financially (but pretends she's not). She could be maxing out credit cards and overdrawn checking accounts (she's not acknowledging her money problems)
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lagoonalake · 5 months
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!!TRIGGER WARNING!! Dahyun and Tzuyu's readings are a bit heavy especially Tzuyu, although I don't go into detail. As much as I want to keep these readings fun and light, it's hard not to pick up on what idols are going through, as relationships can sometimes be toxic especially in this industry.
Personality: 5 of cups, wheel of fortune, 4 of swords
Someone a bit tormented, a dark type of individual that would be her opposite, a fated connection, for her it’s all about the spark, she doesn’t want to think when she is in a relationship, she wants emotions and passion, could be attracted to heartbreakers a little bit, people who are loyal, but are very complicated or intense that the relationship can be overwhelming at times, someone very emotional and instinctual, raw, the sexual connection is important, someone who might be difficult to approach, who went through a lot and don’t trust people easily,  scorpio, aries, pluto, cancer
Appearance: 9 of pentacles, the moon, ace of pentacles
A sensual appearance, someone with a strong body that she’d like to touch, someone who looks like they would smell/taste good, like a delicious fruit lol, someone mysterious, thicker body type, prominent wide chest/pecs, mysterious, dark colors, a simple style, nothing too flashy, intense but reserved aura taurus, pisces, scorpio
Turn offs: the empress, 10 of swords, the hermit
She is turned off by the same traits that she is attracted to but pushed to the extreme, so while she likes someone who is a bit of a loner, she wouldn’t want them to be reclusive either, she likes someone who looks a bit tormented but not completely depressed or messed up to the point they would be in complete shambles and give up on everything in life. She likes someone who has a sensuality to their looks but they shouldn’t be prettier than her or look they they are too venusian, nor too kind, too comfortable to be around (she likes a bit of a bite and intensity), too cozy and nurturing. venus, negative gemini, virgo, saturn, scorpio
Personality: 8 of wands, queen of swords, 5 of swords
She is attracted to intelligent, fast paced, efficient people, people who always have an opinion and are not afraid to voice it, but could at times run into heated debates, she can be attracted to cold, distant individuals who have strong boundaries, snobbish intellectuals who tend to look down on others. People who are quick to react, honest, direct, a bit impulsive and blunt. People with authority and who are in control. Competitive people who like to win especially with their words. aries, aquarius, mars, gemini, virgo
Appearance: 2 of wands, 3 of coins, the emperor
Masculine, tall, big, powerful, wide, someone with a lot of authority and charisma, intimidating, frowny face but when you get to know them will show you the most beautiful smile, muscles, strength, facial hair, maybe hairy body, the color red, could be an older person, someone dressed in a simple, cleancut masculine way that still showcases their authority, could be into uniforms. aries, mars, saturn, capricorn
Turn offs: justice, 8 of wands, the emperor
Like Nayeon, she is turned off by the traits she tends to be attracted to when pushed to the extreme, so someone unforgiving, detached, cold, punishing, someone who acts like a cop even in the relationship, someone too concerned with the rules, someone too impulsive, who never chills, never takes time to relax and enjoy life, always onto the next big thing, someone too controlling, devoid of feelings and kindness, who acts like an authoritative parent or her boss rather than her lover. Overly serious individuals. negative saturn, capricorn, aries, mars
Personality: the world, 4 of wands, ace of wands, page of cups
Someone full of life, positive, someone who likes to party and have fun, a creative, artistic, inspiring person, someone who always has new ideas for activities or art, a dreamer, a person full of positivity, generous, expressive, spontaneous, sensitive, kind, with a certain innocence, maybe younger than her or simply more youthful, someone romantic, a breath of fresh air, someone who would be invested in the relationship, very loyal and committed, someone who would want to build something long term with her, someone who likes animals, someone who is open-minded, interested in the world and eager to explore it with her. jupiter, sagittarius, pisces, leo
Appearance: the sun, 5 of wands, knight of cups
A radiant, sunny, regal appearance, masculine and reassuring, a bit fierce, hot, sporty, athletic, looks like they can win a fight, muscular, expressive, but also romantic, big, expressive, kind eyes, could prefer lighter brighter colors like yellow, blond or light hair, golden skin. An open, honest face that is easy to read, bigger, fuller, wider features, wide shoulders. leo, sagittarius, cancer, pisces, jupiter
Turn offs: 7 of wands, 3 of wands, page of wands
Someone overly competitive, selfish, self centered, only focused on his goals, not invested in her and their relationship, with serious anger issues, mean, violent, someone immature, reckless, too stubborn, someone disloyal, incapable of sitting still, who acts without thinking, there are shades of the type she is into but much more authoritative, aggressive and without the integrity. negative capricorn, aries, leo
Personality: the empress, ace of swords, 2 of wands
She is attracted to an artist, a creative, charismatic, flamboyant partner, someone passionate and inspiring, someone beautiful, or who inspires beauty and art, a bit of a genius, who always have new ideas, someone who makes her feel alive, someone she is comfortable with and can share interests and activities with. Someone sensual, a bit hedonistic, who enjoys life to the fullest. Someone optimistic focused on the future and who sees life as full of possibilities. Someone authentic and committed to their craft and purpose, deeply invested in their career or passion. Someone original and unique, who can only be themselves. Someone brave. venus, leo, pisces, scorpio, neptune
Appearance: 2 of wands, knight of cups, the empress
A romantic look, wavy or curly hair, thoughtful dreamy eyes, passion in their eyes, soft features, someone truly beautiful, in an artistic way, a timeless beauty, I’m hearing “a painting”. Sana is really attracted to a very artistic person. Original artistic sophisticated style, maybe a great singer with a beautiful emotional voice. Golden rich colors, browns, burgundy. Graceful, elegant. Slower energy. Think Jack Dawson in Titanic.  venus, taurus, libra, pisces, neptune
Turn offs: 7 of cups, 6 of wands, 8 of swords
Someone who is too flirty, not committed, who has so many options and cannot pick just one person, relish in their success and shows off, someone vain, always bragging, but actually insecure and cowardly, someone who is all talk but no action, a spineless person. negative pisces, leo, gemini, libra
Personality: knight of swords, 2 of swords, ace of wands
Someone enterprising, fast paced, a bit hot headed, impulsive, who is good at taking action and making decisions, who has a good intuition and follows their heart while still using their head, clever. A fierce, masculine, competitive, ambitious partner, someone who is witty, with a good sense of humor, spontaneous, authentic, a bit sassy, who can be even rude or blunt at times, someone creative, passionate, who can ignite a spark within her. Someone who she has a lot of chemistry with, the sexual connection is quite important and she prefers active, virile partner full of vitality and strength. Someone who can help her let loose a bit. aries, mercury, sagittarius, mars, scorpio
Appearance: the wheel of fortune, 5 of swords, the chariot
Someone fierce, striking sharp features, high cheekbones, hollow cheeks, maybe an aquiline or sharp nose, prominent eyebrows, intense, sharp, almond shaped eyes, could prefer darker skin tone, long limbs, tall, someone who looks powerful, full of vitality, healthy. A bit wild looking, big swift movements. A bit mean or intimidating looking lol. Expressive. mars, aries, scorpio
Turn offs: 8 of pentacles, 5 of wands, the hierophant
Someone slow moving, too traditional and conservative, pessimistic and negative, a party pooper, someone who always seems to be struggling in life, always provoking people around them, narrow minded, too stubborn when it comes to their opinions, ignorant, stupid. A workaholic, someone obsessed with results, money, their job, who has no time for fun and spontaneity.  capricorn, taurus, saturn, negative mars
Personality: 6 of swords, page of wands, ace of wands
Right now, she may be more eager to explore, so she is attracted to someone who isn’t overly attached, someone spontaneous, fun, light-hearted who she can have a good time with. Someone not too complicated. Someone youthful, who isn’t looking for something serious. Someone creative and artistic who she can share fun activities with. Someone adventurous who is a bit impulsive and could bring her along for a fun night. She needs passion, fun and chemistry and that would be enough for her at the moment. gemini, sagittarius, aquarius, leo, aries
Appearance: queen of pentacles, king of cups, 10 of wands
She may prefer someone who looks reassuring, trustworthy. She may prefer a thicker body, not too skinny. Sensual movements, a bit hypnotic, especially when it comes to their eyes and body language, kinda snake like. Yet a reassuring presence, the type of presence that would completely envelop her, wrap around her that she could abandon herself to them and feel completely supported. saturn, pluto, capricorn, scorpio, pisces, taurus
Turn offs: the moon, the chariot, judgement
Lack of clarity, ambiguity, someone too intense, overly emotional, too invested, someone who wants to change everything about their life, who would overwhelm her or try to change her habits, someone who messes up with her feelings, a controlling, needy, jealous or possessive partner.  scorpio, capricorn, pluto, pisces, cancer
Personality: 9 of swords, the hanged man, 3 of swords
It seems like she isn’t interested in romance at the moment, and actually the thought of it gives her anxiety and nightmares. She is letting this area of her life on the side right now. She may have been betrayed in the past, attracted to cheaters, passive, possibly people who were taking drugs, or drinking too much, people who were making her life messy and had no direction, no goals, no structure in their lives, complicated people who tried to lure her into something unhealthy or possibly simply something unconventional that she wasn’t ready for and that brought her a lot of anxiety and even guilt.  negative pisces, gemini, neptune
Appearance: 4 of cups, 4 of pentacles, 9 of cups
Pouty, kinda bored looking types of people, with a nonchalant lazy charm, charming smile, people who look a bit needy or emotional, sensual, touchy people, huggers, people who are loners, in their own bubble, possessive body language, androgynous looks. Colorful original, stylish fashion. Seductive, magnetic eyes. Slow energy. pisces, cancer, neptune, capricorn, taurus
Turn off: ace of wands, the magician, 10 of pentacles
impulsivity and spontaneity (she prefers someone a bit more slow), someone too fidgety, too chatty, always in motion, someone who has too many activities and is unable to chill or sit still, someone too easy to read, a smartass, someone who is trying too hard to sound intelligent, intellectuals (she finds them boring and wouldn’t be able to listen for too long). She is also scared of commitment and the idea of building something long term and growing old with someone, have kids, building a legacy and household together and even the union of two families scares her.  gemini, capricorn, taurus
Personality: 9 of wands, the magician, the world
A powerful, intelligent person who is at the top of the world. Someone who is very resourceful, could always support her and help her no matter what, someone who has all the solutions, is always prepared for anything and would protect her and make her feel completely secure. Someone very clever, witty, with a lot of knowledge and a good sense of humor. Someone rich preferably, of high status. Someone who is good at everything. Someone fully committed to her, a very stable, long lasting relationship. Possibly someone older. capricorn, all air signs, virgo, leo
Appearance: 4 of wands, 3 of pentacles, 3 of wands
This could be a specific person who is around her, in the industry, maybe a fellow idol. Someone who is marriage material, who looks “perfect”. Someone very charming, polite, proper, well groomed, but also very confident, determined, respectable. Intelligent, observant eyes, maybe dimples. Warm voice. Contagious, charming attractive laugh. Attractive by conventional standards. Eloquent. Could be a good dancer.  virgo, libra, leo, gemini
Turn offs: the devil, the hierophant, 8 of wands
Manipulative, controlling partners who let their temper get the better of them. Immoral, messy, chaotic people, people who are into extremes, either extremely loose, or extremely conservative, she wants moderation, intelligence. Someone who is taking substances or is addicted. Someone who is trapped by others, whether their family or job, she wants to be with the one who makes the rules and is at the top. Someone impulsive who doesn’t think long term.  Negative pisces, scorpio, taurus, aries, sagittarius
Personality: 6 of cups, page of swords, the devil
Someone who would be truly interested in her, for who she is deep inside, giving, supportive, who can make her feel like a child again, maybe who would not want something sexual or romantic right away, more of a friend at first, she wants an emotional and intellectual connection, with someone kind, intelligent, curious, witty, funny, who has a lot of conversation. However she may have been involved with people who started to present themselves as such but were actually in disguise and trying to seduce and manipulate her. Another side of her tends to be attracted to darker individuals too, with a very sexually magnetic presence, who she knows aren’t good on the long term, but she kinda gets sucked in anyway.  pisces, cancer, scorpio, aquarius, gemini
Appearance: ace of cups, 10 of cups, 5 of cups
People who look emotional, deep, romantic, who look like they could be family oriented, make good parents, nurturing, people who can’t really hide whether they feel happy or sad, their face is an open book, blue/black/white colors, the colors of the night, soft features, powerful torso, shoulders, dark/black wavy or curly hair, pale skin, people with a romantic, mysterious, dreamy look. The eyes especially would hold a lot of emotions. People who can look sad at times, melancholic, but also very kind. The wounded child type of face. More of a loner.   All waters signs especially cancer and pisces, neptune
Turn offs: the emperor, 8 of pentacles, knight of wands
Overly masculine authoritative people, people who want to be the boss in relationship, “me me me” types, controlling, nitpicky overly serious people, people obsessed with control, results, status, power. Arrogance, competitiveness, bullies, people who are too loud, the type who thinks “the strongest or the one who shouts the loudest wins”.  all fire signs especially aries, capricorn
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theninthdoor · 10 months
Nayeon and jeongyeon friendship reading?
cards: ten of cups, seven of cups, the devil rx, the sun rx
This is honestly a very good match! While Jeongyeon tends to be a more pessimistic, gloomy and generally self-conscious person, Nayeon is bold, free-spirited and optimistic. Jeongyeon cares too much about the little things that don't go her way + about other people's opinions; Nayeon tries to see the best in every situation + couldn't care less about others' opinions because, honestly, she doesn't owe them anything. In this friendship, I see Nayeon being a really good influence on Jeongyeon by pushing her to be more positive and confident - plus she's clearly very supportive and caring towards her, of course. On the other hand, J helps N stay connected to her emotions and, while remaining individualistic and strong-willed, not lose her sense of empathy and tolerance. They have a family-like bond, almost. It's really nice.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 7 months
Can you do reading about twice jeongyeon future career?
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Cards: rev the moon, rev 5 of swords, the devil
I think Jeongyeon has been (or will be) in a phase where she’s confused on what she wants to do professionally.
She’s confused about what she wants to do, she’s conflicted with herself, but she also struggles with those who work around her because of different opinions/expectations.
However there’s a big feeling of “release” in the sense that these tensions will be solved sooner or later.
I feel she’ll clear her mind and there will also be a resolution of the conflict.
The devil means feeling stuck or with little control of yourself and it’s generally a reminder that you are in control, that you can stop or fix whatever is making you feel lost.
I think this aligns with what I said so far, she might be feel lost and powerless, but she’ll realize that she can get out of this situation if she clears her mind and communicates well with others.
I don't sense any strong idea of changing careers or entirely different aspirations, I think it's more a matter of finding her own dimension and style, especially in a phase where Twice is doing more and more solo schedules. She might be the one who's struggling the most when it comes to venturing in activities that aren't strictly related to Twice as a group.
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trolagygirl2022 · 11 months
how does twice jeongyeon feel about being the least popular member of twice ?
Jeongyeon is the least popular? I never knew that.
How does Jeongyeon feel about being the least popular member of twice ?
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8 of Wands, Queen of Cups, 7 of Swords, The Emperor, Wheel of Fortune.
She seems to be mature about it? She knows how fake some fans can be but she views it as an opportunity to improve in her skills and gain new fans. She's not that bothered.
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
Hii 🫶 Will twice jeongyeon get a solo?
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9oW, AoS rx, KNoS rx
Maybe, she could possibly get a solo but it’s either she is unaware of what concept she would like, OR her schedules with TWICE is a little too packed for her to focus on her own work.
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xiaojianggshi · 2 years
Can I please request a soulmate reading about twice jeongyeon?
twice yoo jeongyeon's soulmate
8 october, 2022
one of jeongyeon's soulmates is someone does not have a very set personality. they can very moody, especially in the sense where they may often allow their emotions to control their actions which can lead to not so good situations. on the other hand, they might avoid any kind of conflict at any cost and instantly run away from any sort of conflict.
this person will teach jeongyeon that in order to reach your goals and ambitions, you may need a clear plan ahead of how to exactly do it. it takes focus and the ability to keep your feet on the ground. it may feel a bit suffocating at first, however, identifying yourself and others will help a lot in the long run.
knight of cups rx., nine of swords, the fool, the hierophant, five of swords rx.
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403tarot · 1 year
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DISCLAIMERS: this is for entertainment purposes only. tarot is a game. it shouldn't be used to take serious decisions or anything in this aspect. take everything with a grain of salt.
* this was supposed to be under an ask but my dumb ass posted it out of time so i had to exclude lol
** with "dating" i mean a serious relationship, not a fix hookup or something like that. notice that a lot of them might be having affairs.
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⊹ chaeyoung:
no! but seems that she is into two different men... a lot of thoughts about who is the one. i don't feel like she's gonna take a decision too early. just enjoying the moment.
⊹ nayeon:
not yet. looks like she really wants to be with someone but none of her affairs lasts. there are a lot of daydreaming about this. hopeless romantic.
⊹ jeongyeon:
oh, she's in love. maybe they just meet or he is just someone new in her life. they're not dating and the wheel of fortune indicates "later". there are also something about fearing to be in a relationship, probably because of a past one.
⊹ dahyun:
no. there's someone who's she's into but also there's a lot of "i'm good by myself". probably younger than her.
⊹ momo:
yes. it seems it's not a good one tho. free momo
⊹ mina:
nope. i see someone, but maybe they're at the inicial stage, not really dating yet. good and refreshing vibes.
⊹ tzuyu:
yes! it's recent, not even 3 months long.
⊹ jihyo:
no! and apparently is not looking for it by now and don't want to attach strings.
⊹ sana:
no! i feel like she's not open to a new relationship right now... maybe she's still recovering from a previous bad one or just not interested at all.
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deck used: the marigold tarot. 🫧 method used: yes - soon - later - no, with the wheel of fortune
you can give suggestions or request personal readings/with an idol of your choice. check my pinned to know more!
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