#chaeyoung reading
lasi-nariyoyo · 1 year
Can you do twice future spouse like you did with straykids?
Twice's future spouse
What is this reading about? Hi! I used the same format as the skz reading. I didn't get a lot of happy marriage energy (?) from this reading honestly, some members got really ugly cards, others are a bit better, but I guess that's how life works? Relationships are never perfect. I wish I could get happier cards though since they're my ult gg and I wish the best for them :') Also, I think I wrote "balance" 75 times in this post lmao
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously. 
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rev devil, 5 of cups, 5 of wands
This is a terrible combination of cards for a relationship lmao
It doesn't begin as a genuine relationship, it might be something casual that develops in an unhealthy dependence on each other.
Probably a person looking at them might wonder "why are these two together?"
5 of cups has a variety of meanings that can be applied to this situation: in general I sense a lot of emptiness. But what is this emptiness linked to? It can be that Nayeon is in this relationship because she doesn't want to be alone (so she isn't really in love) or she might have real feelings but their relationship is so bad that she's suffering. Another option is that she loves someone else (an ex or someone she can't be with) and this current lover is just a very unhealthy way to move on from this unrequited love.
I see a lot of arguments too.
rev devil, rev 10 of wands, rev 2 of swords
Like Nayeon, her set begins with the same card. In this case I feel that one of them has genuine feelings, but for the other person it's a casual hook-up.
This might cause a lot of pain, but the other person will slowly develop some feelings, so I think there will be a more balanced relationship.
I feel there's a lot of thoughts and pros-cons done by these two.
The person who had feelings from the beginning might be wondering if it's worth to keep this relationship.
The person who is slowly falling is confused by their own emotions because they weren't expecting to be involved.
I sense a lot of openness and communication.
There might be an ultimatum as in "I like you, but if you don't like me back it's better to put an end to this because I'm in pain".
I have the impression that despite the shaky beginning, this might be a good pairing, I feel mature energy from both and they might find a good balance between them.
rev 7 of pentacles, rev 6 of pentacles, 7 of wands
It might be a stressful relationship.
There’s an imbalance in their relationship. One of them has more power, is richer, has more experience or stuff like that, at least at first. Knowing Momo, this card lowkey fit her because she used to date an older man who is a senior in the industry, so it might mean that she has a type, but of course there's also the possibility she's the older person in this case.
This might be the cause of stress, maybe they have a different view of the world or different priorities.
I think that the more they are together the more they find a balance though. It might be a harsh process, but I don't really feel like their relationship will end badly.
6 of wands, page of wands, rev ace of cups
It seems it’s a very happy relationship where they both support each other.
It’s probably a fun relationship too with a lot of flirting and laughs, like Sana herself.
There isn't only happiness though, rev ace of cups might imply some big negativity.
I don’t think this is related to one of them doing something negative though. It’s possible she’ll suffer a scandal related to her dating or maybe some of their plans end negatively? For example if they want to have a child, it will be complicated for them.
Or maybe someone around them isn’t happy about this couple, for example a parent that doesn’t approve of the partner. 
Or in general someone jealous like an ex or someone who wants to get between them.
I tend to believe this won’t disrupt their relationship since the previous cards had such a bright energy. 
rev 10 of wands, 7 of pentacles, ace of swords
Stress and responsibilities. It might be similar to Jeongyeon’s case, where she feels like she’s the only one putting effort in the relationship, or it might simply mean she’s too busy with her job to give her partner the attention they deserve.
Despite this, it’s a relationship that both parties want to cultivate and protect.
Ace of words is a particular card that opens to two outcomes: 1) they manage to build a more stress-free relationship and find a good life-work balance (and I tend to lean toward this interpretation since 7 of pentacles usually is a card that indicates rewards after the hardwork) 2) they understand they’re better off on their own and end their relationship peacefully.
In any case, I don’t feel ill feelings, not as many as the previous readings at least. A very mature and balance set, just like Jihyo.
rev king of swords, 7 of pentacles, rev 4 of cups, rev 9 of cups
It's a relationship that is unhealthy.
The other is too controlling or even straight up abusive.
My interpetation of the cards is that she manages to get out of this situation.
She might probably work hard on herself to heal and free herself from the negative energy of his partner.
Probably she might go to therapy.
I think she'll find a new stability and learn to appreciate more her own life, even if there isn't a significant other.
At the end of this process she might be able to welcome someone else as her lover.
rev 4 of pentacles, tower, rev knight of pentacles
This could be a relationship that begins pretty well. I think one of them or both were coming from a chaotic period, maybe after a break up.
The energy is positive at first, it's that of two people ready to open up again their heart, maybe even too much.
Then sh1t happens.
Sh1t might be anything. Someone might be cheating, maybe the they will trick them or betray them in a very dramatic way.
This happening will show the true colors of this partner.
4 of cups, queen of swords, rev the fool
I feel the people involved weren't really ready for a relationship because they were focused on the wrong things (like being interested in another person or missing an old lover).
Falling in love with each other wasn't really in their plans.
Probably thanks to their past experiences or because both partners are in a healthy state of mind, they're able to build a very solid relationship.
It's possible this person is a very structured and logical person, someone probably very different from Chaeyoung hence the surprise they both felt when they fell for each other.
The fool reversed when it comes to idols makes me think of some negligence when it comes to protecting their privacy.
Matching item scandal or a dispatch might be possible.
rev lovers, queen of cups, rev 6 of wands
It sounds like an imbalanced relationship, one is truly in love while the other is there just for sex or money or prestige.
The queen of cups is a beautiful card that represent femininity and kindness, I think it suits Tzuyu's personality very well.
Unfortunately I don't think the other person appreciates any of her qualities.
Reversed 6 of wands can indicate broken promises, so it's possible the other person made her believe they truly loved her.
But I consider it as a positive card in this case, because it means she's now aware of what type of person she has next to her.
It might be painful, but it's a necessary step to take to move on.
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witchkittymeow · 4 months
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Ive been cooking too hard on mimeatronic figures to have any proper fanart, but in celebration of the fandom being fed heres a few drawfee related sketches ive done lol!!
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dizziesims · 8 months
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First couple vacay together!
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
Short PAC : What would TWICE members think of you
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remember to take a deep breath, and think about which pile you feel most connected to before you pick a pile to read!
Pile 1 : TWICE World Tour
Pile 2 : TWICE M/V Photo
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Pile 1 : TWICE World Tour
Members overall thoughts : AoC rx
They would think you’re emotionally drained. And you could be lacking a lot of joy and excitement.
Nayeon : 4oS
Nayeon would think you need a break and time to rest, and overall alone time. Just to deal with whatever is going on with your life.
Chaeyoung : QoS rx
Chae would think you hold onto trauma and you’re unable to express yourself properly.
Jihyo : 10oS
Jihyo would think you’re defeated and you could’ve been betrayed by someone you know. And that you need to let go of certain aspects in order for you to grow.
Tzuyu : (2oC & 9oS rx) & The Emperor
Tzuyu also thinks you’ve been betrayed by someone you genuinely cared for, and thinks you should to take some time to heal, So in that way, you’ll be able to regain your power.
Sana : The Fool, The World, 8oS & 9oC rx
Sana would think you’re a risk taker, and you’re also really diplomatic. She also thinks you could have anxiety and just fears of being seen, due to your fear of having being seen failing at something.
Momo : 3oW & The Sun
She thinks you should move from the past in order for your true personality to actually shine.
Dahyun : The Hierophant & The Empress rx
Dahyun would think you’re secretive and really vulnerable or highly independent on people.
Jeongyeon : QoW, Lovers rx & KoS rx
Jeongyeon would think you’re really pretty and that you don’t deserve to be betrayed, but also thinks you can be quite cold and aggressive lol.
Mina : Death rx & 10oP rx
Mina would think you hold onto the past a lot. And this will hinder a lot of your successes and interactions with people.
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Pile 2 : TWICE M/V Photo
Members overall thoughts : Strength & 9oC
They’d think you’re headstrong and really calculative and you know how to play your cards well.
Nayeon : The Chariot & 2oW
Nayeon would think you’re hardworking and you’re going to do well in the opportunities you wish to partake in.
Chaeyoung : 5oS, 4oC & KNoP
Chae would think you’re agressive and you don’t care for peoples feelings, she could also think you like comparing yourself to other people but at the same time notices how hard you’re working for financial stability.
Jihyo : 9oC & The Fool
She thinks you’re a risk taker and you know how to use the opportunities you have to your own advantage.
Tzuyu : 10oW, The Hierophant & Star rx
She thinks your secrecy will not help you succeed despite how hard you work.
Sana : 4oP
Sana would think you’re materialistic and you’re working hard for financial stability.
Momo : The Moon
Momo would think you’re emotional and connected to your intuition.
Dahyun : Justice & Death
Dahyun would think they you’re honest she powerful, she also sees you as hardworking, since you’ll get back up on your feet if you fall.
Jeongyeon : 2oP & AoS
Jeongyeon would think you’re very financially focused and you’re working on visionary projects that will help boost your income, and thinks they’ll be successful.
Mina : 9oP & 8oP rx
Mina would think you’re professional and you’ll have a prosperous career but this could lead to you overworking yourself due to your perfectionist nature.
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
Hi, can you do a reading about what attracts Twice at first sight? Thank you
Hi, here you go:) The deck used is The 3rd Eye Tarot. Enjoy💗
*That reading is for entertainment purposes only!
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Nayeon - Knight of Cups
The look in someones eyes. Also (don't come for me) but i think she really likes women👀 i got a really really strong feeling with that card. She likes someone feminine, with a doe look in their eyes. Im also getting that something that immediately attracts her at first sight is if her gaydar goes on. Like if she can smell you're gay than that immediately wakes her interest at least initially. Other small things im picking is she likes large black eyes, so if that person has that it catches her attention, same for long, lightly colored hair. Like something in light pastels, ombreish, soft and warm or blonde.
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Jeongyeon - 9 of Cups
Ehm, im having slight difficulties with this one, but i guess if a person looks extravagant it catches her attention. But if its done in a tasteful way. This could also apply for someone who has "lots of watermelons under one armpit", like they have everything in control and can multitask well and take care of multiple things at a time well. And if someone seems poised. Like, have e certain demeanor about themselves of confidence that they excude, like nothing bad can happen to them, and if it does they can deal with it effortlessly.
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Momo - 5 of Swords
She seems pretty reserved and i don't think theres such a thing as "first sight attraction" for her. She holds her cards close to her chest and doesn't relax easily with new people, ESPECIALLY men. I think its pretty difficult to earn her trust, especially when it comes to romantic stuff and so i think she's immune to whims of the heart like attraction at first sight.
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Sana - 3 of Wands
Sana likes people that are brave and daring. Not afraid to take action, not afraid to talk whats on their mind and most importantly not afraid to pursue her😏 i get the feeling she likes to be chased and she likes acting "cocky" and teasing but in a very endearing way. I fell like she likes receiving such energy and treatment from both sexes, in fact she enjoys it more from men as they are more entertaining to watch. But what actually attracts her is when women exhibit such characteristics. I feel like what would attract her at first sight is a girl that would shamelessly approach and pursue her. A girl that would shamelessly say whats on her (and everyones) mind and stand for something she believes in and pursues her goals shamelessly.
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Jihyo - King of Wands
She likes queen treatment. And what attracts her is guys that have king/provider qualities. Or a guy with big dick energy. I also feel like she relies more on sexual attraction so if she deems someone sexually attractive that would definitely attract her at first sight.
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Mina - Knight of Swords
I feel like she mikes heavily masculine people, like very strong ceo vibes. Someone that doesn't let shit slide, doesn't wait around or procrastinate, someone that always knows what they want and is on their way of getting it before you can even blink. I would even say she likes people that are rash. Idk where that comes from, im getting a slight hint of maybe having someone like that home, probably her father? Very fast and rash energy, sternness in a way? Like "i have a job and i will do it, im not letting anything take my focus away from it".
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Dahyun - 4 of Cups
I don't think she has something like that. She seems way too much in her own thoughts and in her own world for something like that to catch her attention in people really. I believe she has to have repeated contact over a longer time with someone to actually find something about them to find attractive. This can be something concerning her current energy and state tho. Maybe at this current point of the reading she is preoccupied with something, so that theres not much space for her to pay attention to people and what she finds attractive.
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Chaeyoung - 7 of Wands
She's attrected to people like her. If she sees someone that has the exact same style as her, or taste in music, or taste in food or whatever. She feels instantly attracted to them. Same goes for people that she has sort of a "love-hate" dynamic. Like people that are confrontational and try to trigger you or are a little to mean and toast you etc. She feels attracted to people like that too. Maybe someone that looks nice and dandy but is actually rough around the edges.
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*im sry i clicked on the wrong gif and now idk how to remove it😭
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Tzuyu - Ace of Wands
She likes tall slender men. She's another one that gets attracted by physical appearance, if that guy has those qualities. She also gets kinda guided by her sexual attraction, although not as much as Jihyo. She also like light skinned guys, preferably blonde. Im getting a strong feeling that she really really likes European/American foreigner men that specifically have Germanic and Scandinavian features. Very pale, light eyes, bright blonde hair, tall and skinny.
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9800sblog · 1 year
Can i request blackpink dynamic and their roles in grouo reading pls?
Thank you 💕
Blackpink tarot reading
how each member contributes to their group dynamic
do I have their energy permission to do and share this reading? knight of swords
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overall group dynamic
I think it is exactly what the public sees: each member doing their own thing, exploring more opportunities, chasing their dreams, they're all very supportive of each other, constantly messaging each other with congratulations, advices, "how are you doing?". I think the group is about to end because i got the death card, but their friendships seem to just be renewing, they still tell each other secrets, but they seem to be more far apart in sense of physical distance.
she is a stabilizer, she knows a lot about all different areas in life, so she helps the other girls to invest in long term success, instead of momentary fulfillment. she may be the one to calm down fights when they have those and find a way to preserve balance, she's probably the one they go for advice and an unbiased point of view.
the teacher of wisdom, she's likely more career oriented than the other members, a girlboss type, she's really confident because she can. she's like their defender, she helps them get what they want when they want it, basically the opposite of jisoo. I would say her role is to teach them how to not live an empty, misleading life.
she's like the mother of the group, looking after them and making sure they are mentally well. she likes things to have emotional baggage and beauty, she seems to care more about little things, so she might be the one to remember and celebrate friendship anniversaries, for example. I think she feels very different from the other members, but they probably think it's a good thing that she brings in emotional enrichment.
jennie is the coolest girl that they aspire to be like, she always has this insane self confidence, it doesn't matter what people say about them or do against them, she still feels good about herself and they really admire her. I think she shows others how to treat them, she has an almost untouchable aura and no one dares to disrespect them.
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majorblinks · 1 year
Messy bed aside, that looks pretty comfy to be cuddling with Minnie
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What kind of photos, posters, or any random objects would you put on the walls of Minnie's bedroom?
Would you be able to win against Minnie during the 'blanket wars' and secure enough warmth for yourself?
hi frisky <33 thank u for this ask i love it. also these pictures made me scream cry & throw up & pass out the first time i saw them (in a positive way. obviously)
anyway i'm loving everything about the vibe of this comeback so far.... so we're OBV going movie posters. the craft and cruel intentions and clueless and practical magic and drop dead gorgeous and wild things etc etc etc. as for pictures.... if yall are NOT following minnie's film account (minichamanichin) idk what you're doing. here are some of my all time favs....
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as for the second question..... no i would not be able to win anything against minnie because have you seen her big ass hands. jfc. i'm losing.
thanks for the ask!!!!!! <333 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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403tarot · 1 year
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DISCLAIMERS: this is for entertainment purposes only. tarot is a game. it shouldn't be used to take serious decisions or anything in this aspect. take everything with a grain of salt.
* this was supposed to be under an ask but my dumb ass posted it out of time so i had to exclude lol
** with "dating" i mean a serious relationship, not a fix hookup or something like that. notice that a lot of them might be having affairs.
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⊹ chaeyoung:
no! but seems that she is into two different men... a lot of thoughts about who is the one. i don't feel like she's gonna take a decision too early. just enjoying the moment.
⊹ nayeon:
not yet. looks like she really wants to be with someone but none of her affairs lasts. there are a lot of daydreaming about this. hopeless romantic.
⊹ jeongyeon:
oh, she's in love. maybe they just meet or he is just someone new in her life. they're not dating and the wheel of fortune indicates "later". there are also something about fearing to be in a relationship, probably because of a past one.
⊹ dahyun:
no. there's someone who's she's into but also there's a lot of "i'm good by myself". probably younger than her.
⊹ momo:
yes. it seems it's not a good one tho. free momo
⊹ mina:
nope. i see someone, but maybe they're at the inicial stage, not really dating yet. good and refreshing vibes.
⊹ tzuyu:
yes! it's recent, not even 3 months long.
⊹ jihyo:
no! and apparently is not looking for it by now and don't want to attach strings.
⊹ sana:
no! i feel like she's not open to a new relationship right now... maybe she's still recovering from a previous bad one or just not interested at all.
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deck used: the marigold tarot. 🫧 method used: yes - soon - later - no, with the wheel of fortune
you can give suggestions or request personal readings/with an idol of your choice. check my pinned to know more!
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yungchaeng · 2 years
Roommates (Twice series: Chaeyoung)
VI: Your Strawberry Princess
genre: fluff - word count: 3262
authors note: thank you for reading this series. I hope you enjoy the last part and have a good day :)
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“Is that…a hickey?” Nayeon’s eyes widened as she inspected the mark on your neck closely.
Before you could reply, she held your chin in her hand and moved it so she could lean in even closer.
Your other friends seemed to have caught wind of her question as they also leaned in and Jihyo gasped, “Oh my, seems like you had a fun night, didn’t you?”
“Oh, wow.” Momo nodded as she observed. “Who’s it from?”
“Momo,” Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow, also inspecting the mark along with your others as if they were surgeons and you were on their operating table. “Who do you think?”
“It’s so big.” The eldest said, in awe – basically impressed. “You know, as your mentor and all, I should be discouraging you from doing the nasty on school grounds…but damn, good for you girl.”
“doing the nasty, who even says that anymore?” Jeongyeon chuckled, earning a slap to the shoulder from Nayeon.
“Agree with Jeongyeon on that one,” Jihyo interjected, “but I agree with Nayeon too. Good for you. You guy’s dorm room must be very…exciting after hours, I see.”
You finally spoke up, shaking your friends off of you. “You guys,” You chuckled and felt your cheeks heat up. With a swift move, you pulled your hoodie over your head “I actually thought I covered it up well, you know?”
Your friends burst out laughing, somehow making you feel even more embarrassed. Playfully you rolled your eyes at them and slacked down into your chair.
“No way,” Jihyo laughed, “Have you been walking around campus like that all day?”
More and somehow even louder laughs erupted when you nodded. “At least now you made it very clear that you’re a taken girl.” Jeongyeon joked. “So tell us, how is it having your roommate as a lover?”
As Nayeon teased Jeongyeon back for the use of the word ‘lover’, Momo lit up. “Oh, Chaeyoung?” she commented, just then having caught up to who you all were talking about. With a slow nod she approved, “Ship.”
“Same.” The rest of your friends replied in unison.
“So, is it official?” Nayeon had asked with a playful smile on her lips. Her question was left unanswered as a visibly annoyed librarian scolded your friend group for talking too loud…but the question didn’t leave your mind ever since.
It was a good question. One you wouldn’t have necessarily known the answer to right then. One that would be at the back of your mind every time you saw your roommate. Was it official?
What you did know what that you and Chaeyoung clicked like you’ve never clicked with anyone before – in every single way. There were so many moments with her, and so many things that she did that made you so incredibly happy.
Chaeyoung wrote poems for you. Like, actual poetry that she had scribbled on her notebook between classes. She would keep it, fold it up real small and put in your bag – where she knew you’d find it. Opening those up in class and reading about the most random things she thought of was often the highlight of your day. Sometimes it’d be about a flower, painting, or a song she encountered that day. Other times they’d be about you. About how much she liked your hair, your voice, how you made her feel and how she wanted to make you feel.
When you got home, she never asked if you had found it. Your big smile already gave that away, and if not that then the way you tackled her into a hug as soon as you stepped through the door did.
Most times, when you were huffing, puffing and squinting your eyes over your piles of schoolwork,  Chaeyoung would sit on her bed. Her back would be against the wall and her tongue stuck out as she glanced between you and the paper she was drawing on. When you realised it was you she was drawing, you would protest saying something along the lines of not looking good enough that day and she’d sternly shake her head, repeating “You look perfect to me exactly as you are.” every time.
If you wanted to clear your head, she knew the perfect shows that you both could watch cuddled up in her bed. If you were sad, she knew exactly the right words to say or exactly how to hold you to make you feel comfortable. Often, she knew what to do without you even having to say anything to her.
She understood you. And you understood her.
Having spent so much time with her, you found (even more) traits of hers you found endearing. You noticed how she was both a calm and hyper person – whenever she wanted to be. If you both were hanging out in the group, she could either be low-key and introverted along with Mina and Tzuyu or she could be a joke-cracking, loud laughing extrovert along with Sana or Jihyo. There was truly a Chaeyoung for every mood. That might have been your favourite thing about her.
You also liked the fact that she was kind of odd. She did, wore, listened to, drew, and acted as she wanted. She had her own style, did things at her own timing and didn’t really listen to or pay mind to what others thought. You admired her for that.
There was a lot to like in terms of Chaeyoung. And you loved learning about something new every day.
For example, the funny (and maybe a bit bizarre) way that you found out just how much your roommate loved strawberries. It was almost Christmas and you both decided to host a little get together for your friends at your place and Chaeyoung damn near jumped up and down in excitement that she got to make her self-made snack “strawberry santa”. When you asked her what that was she excitedly squealed that you’d make it together and when you got back from class you were met with your roommate dawned in a full santa custome, waiting for you at the kitchen table.
“what the…” you started, but before you could gather your thoughts she already sat you down and took you through the steps of making her strawberry centred dessert. She scolded you for giggling during her explanation, but how could you help yourself if she was dressed like that. Where did she even get the full suit from? … and why? You were in awe, but you didn’t ask. Chaeyoung did as Chaeyoung did. So all you did was smile, and you kissed her when she was done explaining. When she asked you what it was for, you simply told her “Because you’re you.”
Spending all this time with Chaeyoung was amazing. Every chance you got to hang out with her, you did. Whether it was grocery shopping together for the dorm, cooking together, washing dishes, studying – anything, everything really. Especially now that your friend groups had blended, you two were always together. And it was good. It was fun.
But you wanted more than just fun. You wanted her fully.
Through all the fun you were having with her, the admiring, the kissing, the touching and being wrapped up in each other you had realised that you both never really talked about what this was exactly. For a while that was fine. You didn’t mind living in the moment with her at all. There was no need to rush her. However, when that question awoke something in you.  “So, is it official?” It had plagued your mind ever since Nayeon asked.
Although you were worried about what would happen if you both put a label on whatever this was, what it would mean for the friendship, the living situation and the future – at this point that was all secondary. You wanted her to be yours. Your girlfriend.
This evening was one of many that you were left pondering about the whole situation. Chaeyoung was out and as you sat at your desk, trying to study, you couldn’t get yourself to focus. So you did what you did best whenever you needed advice. You texted the groupchat.
You: can you guys come over??? I need your guidance
Momo: sure, omw
Nayeon: I’m down, you got snacks?
You: I have leftover Strawberry santa?
Jihyo: I can’t have ham :(
Jihyo: but I’ll come
Jeongyeon: FOMO?
Jihyo: …yeah
Before long, your friends were sat with you in your room and intently listening to you as they snacked. They agreed that it was already kind of implied that you and Chaeyoung were basically together as you spent so much time together and were exclusive, but they did still advocate for you two making it official. While Jihyo and Momo thought keeping it lowkey was the best way to go, Nayeon and Jeongyeon advocated for you making it a whole grand gesture. You listened in awe as they brainstormed for you, but had to slow them down and remind them that you were still a broke college student when they excitedly talking about getting a hot air balloon ride.
Finally, everybody came to an agreement when Nayeon suggested surprising Chaeyoung with some self-made dinner, wine and chocolate covered strawberries, claiming “It would be perfect for your strawberry princess.” Maybe it was the nickname she used that sealed the deal, but your heart fluttered at the idea and you couldn’t be more excited.
The next day, you rushed to the store to get all you needed. You basically skipped home, a bright smile plastered on your face as you thought of you officially being together after today. You had gotten to your dorm room and stored everything away moments before Chaeyoung walked through the door as well.
“Hey, baby.” It was her voice that caught your attention first, then it was the bouquet of flowers she held with both hands stretched towards you. “I got this for you.”
You smiled at the happy grin on her face and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re too sweet, really. It’s beautiful.” As you put the flowers into a vase, you glanced at her once more and frowned. She was still standing at the doorway, shoes on, hands in her pocket and shifting her balance from one feet to the other – she seemed nervous? “…so, how was class?”
“Good, good.” She said, a bit rushed. After checking the time on her phone, she picked up your shoes and handed them to you. “Come, we’re gonna be late.”
“Late for what?” you chuckled at her antics as she was normally quite laid-back.
“Shoes now, questions later.” she playfully snapped her fingers at you and planted numerous quick kisses on your cheeks, forehead, lips, making it hard to actually concentrate on putting on your shoes. “come, come, come.”
As soon as your shoes were on, she basically dragged you out of the room, trying to conceal her little mischievous smile. Although she told you that you could ask your questions on the way, she reminded you of the fact that she didn’t necessarily have to answer any of them and kept the mystery of where you were going all the way till you got there. When you arrived, she got you to close your eyes and guided your last steps to your location.
"Okay, open."
You did as told and were pleasantly surprised to see she had actually taken you to an aquarium of all places. You looked at the huge building, then back at her excited face. You knew your roommate was the slightest bit random so you had made it a habit to not ask any questions, but this time the word came out of your mouth almost instinctively “…what?”
“I just realised that for all this time…I’ve never really taken you out on an actual date.” Chaeyoung intertwined her fingers with yours and smiled at you – showing that cute dimple of hers. “and I’d really like to take you to go do something you wouldreally like. I wanted to make it special for you”
For a second, you were puzzled but then you remembered the question she had asked you a long while ago – about what your ideal date would be. “Oh my god, Chaeyoung. You actually remembered that?” you stared at the girl in disbelief.
Chaeyoung tapped her temple and winked at you, “Perfect memory when it comes to you.” With a squeeze to your hand in hers and a sweet kiss on your lips, she asked, “You ready?”
The day was not going exactly as you had planned, but it went even better. You walked through the aquarium arm in arm with Chaeyoung, seeing the most beautiful sea creatures but still not being able to keep your eyes off her. As she looked around, in awe, you marvelled at how the blue hues of the water lit up her face. The light truly made her look even more beautiful than she already was and you definitely made sure to tell her (multiple times). You were enthralled by her and resisted the urge to just ask her to be your girlfriend then and there.
After the visit to the aquarium, Chaeyoung beamed that the day was not over yet and took you to an arcade as well. Although she wasn’t the competitive type, she playfully scoffed when you said you’d take it easy on her since she was an arcade newbie. Turned out that experience didn’t matter as she was actually quite good at many of the games you ended up playing and won a countless amount of tickets. She might have even been better than you as you suspected (by the way she smirked) that she had let you win once or twice.
You thanked her, going on and on about how it was the best date you could have ever asked for once you got back home. When finally laid up in her bed, she seemed to let out a big sigh of relief. “I’m glad you enjoyed today…”
“Of course I did,” You affirmed. Seeing the small frown in her eyebrow, you sat up and gave her a questioning look. “Are you okay, Chae? You still seem a bit nervous…”
“I just wanted today to be perfect, you know?” She said as she absentmindedly traced figures in your skin. “You know our first real date and all…I also wanted to ask you something.”
“Uh…you know, much like we haven’t really been out on a official date before, we also haven’t really made official what we are, I guess?”  The girl bit down her lip. With your mouth slightly agape you stared at her, knowing exactly where she was going with it. “…and it’s not like I think labels are too much of an important thing, so if you want to hold on with that I understand, but…”
Chaeyoung trailed off and swallowed. You had actually never seen her this nervous before and in the silence of the moment you could almost swear you could hear her heart beating out her chest. She toyed with the hem of her t-shirt and bit her lip as she tried keeping eye contact with you. It was adorable.
Awkwardly she cleared her throat and went on, “When I think of being able to call you my girlfriend, it makes me really happy. You make me really happy. So I guess, I’m asking, would you like to be? My girlfriend?”
You blinked. And took a second.
With raised eyebrows and a slight smile on your lip you simply said, “wow.”
“I- I mean, I don’t want to rush you or anything.” Chaeyoung hurriedly interjected. “If you want to keep things as they are now, it’s okay but I just-“
“Chaeyoung!” you interrupted her ramblings, laughing. “I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend.” As you reassured her, you visibly saw her relax and sigh of relief. “It’s just funny, because I wanted to ask you the same today.”
“What, really?” The girl adorably beamed.
“Yeah,  I had a whole thing planned and everything.” Smiling, you escaped from her embrace and made your way to the kitchen area. “I even wanted to make us dinner.”
You retrieved the specific packet of Ramyeon you and Chaeyoung that was your guys’ go-to to eat when neither of you felt like extensively cooking. You had also gotten a lot of extra ingredients to make it more fancy. You thought it’d be cute because since you two had it so often, it would only make sense if that was the thing you cooked and ate together today.
“But it’s nothing impressive after all you did today,” you pouted at your girlfriend which made her smile at you.
Chaeyoung joined you in the kitchen area and wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you in. “Don’t be silly. This is so cute.” She planted a sweet kiss on your lips. “Also, everything you do is impressive to me, sooo.”
“Oh, if you liked that,” you started, reaching over to grab the bottle of wine, chocolate and strawberries as well. “then you’re gonna love this.”
As soon as Chaeyoung set eyes on the fruit she let out a squeal of excitement and took it from you. “Oh my god, plus the chocolate?” she motioned towards the chocolate and the strawberries, as to confirm they were meant to be eaten together.
“Yeah, Chae.” You smiled at her burst of happiness.
She balled her fist in excitement and already started grabbing all the necessary items in order to melt the chocolate as she asked, “Can we still do it, please?”
“Yeah of course. Go ahead.” You loudly laughed seeing all of her joy for the idea of chocolate-covered strawberries and silently thanked your friends for helping you come up with the idea.
She launched onto you and gave you kisses on your cheek, smiling through each one. You held onto her tight and she rested her head on your shoulder and spoke, “I feel so lucky. I’m so happy to have you with me, my girlfriend.”
She playfully dragged out the word and you pecked her on the lips. “I like hearing you call me that.”
“Yeah?” she smirked.
You answered her with another kiss, “Yeah, a lot.”
“Good,” she nodded and went back to her mission of chocolate covered strawberries.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you watched her. In that moment it seemed impossible that you were ever apprehensive of having a roommate – it also seemed like so long ago. The girl you’d once searched the whole internet for to get even a hint of what she would be like, turned out to be more interesting that you could have ever imagined. She was all you could have hoped for and so much more.
When she smiled at you, you were reminded of the first moments you got to know her. You had changed since then – college had given you the best experiences, you made new friends, tried new things, your birthday had come and gone, you met her. Her wolf-cut had long grown out, but Chaeyoung’s smile was still the same. It made you happy. It made your heart warm and you didn’t always truly realize how.
But as you watched your girlfriend do her little happy dance as she prepared the dessert, you knew for sure. In that moment, nothing was more clear and true to you – you loved her.
Your very own strawberry princess.
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saturnhere · 2 months
even if the sky does fall 🖇️
written by 99yeon
Stay alive.
A TWICE zombie apocalypse au.
ships: namo; sahyo; saida; jeongmi; chaeyu
rating: mature
status: completed
words: 16,691
chapters: 5
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oraclemoontarot · 6 months
Hi may ask is Stayc Isa dating anyone?
hii, ofc !! here's the reading you requested
is stayc isa dating anyone? - tarot reading ★
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disclaimer - for these readings i only look at current energies, take these as a grain of salt too as they are for entertainment purposes only!!
cards pulled: sun, three of wands, five of swords, four of pentacles, eight of cups, seven of pentacles, page of cups, eight of wands + two of wands
relationship ★
right now it seems like isa is happy with where she is at currently; things are going well for her most likely in terms of her career. with relationships, she has worries and she is guarded. she may be looking at a few people from afar but isn't too sure yet on whether any of them are right for her.
with the eight of cups and seven of pentacles, she may have either walked away from a relationship that wasn't for her, or admirers. however, it seems that with the page of cups and eight of wands, romance may enter her life quickly and almost unexpectedly.
the page of wands is full of enthusiasm, energy and they're romantic - it may feel childlike in the sense that it's sweet, exciting and new.
overall ★
with the two of wands, isa may be deciding between options. she's careful and it may be the case that, when a suitor does come her way, she may feel as though the grass is greener elsewhere. but with the page of cups, it may be something she was looking for that will be coming her way soon. so, isa is likely to not be in a relationship at the moment.
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madhattersez · 2 years
Okay, I should start by saying that this is a two-parter because I'm a doofy Pan that can get attached to members of groups even if I just casually listen to them (Seriously, though - K-Pop is a wonderland for Pans because there are just SO many incredible personalities out there, UGH).
I made all the gifs below to show you the exact moment I knew they were for me. Enjoy!
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Chaeyoung (Twice) Soyeon (GI-DLE)
This sounds impossible, but I think Chae will be my ultimate bias, like, for as long as I live. We're going on over 5 years now that she has not only been my bias in Twice, but she has been shining over all other groups as well.
When I found Twice (which was my final step before finally tumbling all the way into the rabbithole of K-Pop), it was the "TT" video. Nayeon immediately caught my attention and I was fairly smitten. I think this is probably the case for all Twice fans at first, because she's a literal Siren. Like you read about in mythology.
However, Chaeyoung took over the second I saw the above part of the "Likey" video, which was my favorite song from them for such a long, long time. The swaggy rapping in a simple hoodie with all that trademark badass/adorable energy? Hook, line, and sinker. It's been her ever since.
Fast forward to nowadays, where she's only gotten more incredible, having the most writing credits in the group, an ever-growing amount of unique, artsy tattoos (which is still fairly taboo for idols), and absolute, unedited realness when she speaks (in her hypnotically deep voice, no less). I love her quirky art. I love her laid back views on life. I love her dancing, singing, and rapping, I love her goofy laugh. I love that her teeth aren't "perfect." I just love her.
Please check her wispy, beautiful "Off My Face" cover below. I literally well up whenever I sing along to this song:
When it comes to (G)I-dle, there was never any competition. It's Soyeon all the way.
Look, there is going to be a lot of rappers on this list since I was a Hip Hop dude myself back in the day - I can recognize the talent and approach. When it comes to confidence in their ability, there's not many more in the world with as much as this tiny titan.
I had heard a lot of I-dle's music previously without really digging into the group or finding out much about them, which was my stupid, stupid mistake, hah.
It was when K/DA debuted that I finally started paying good attention. This is the fictional K-Pop group from League of Legends that releases music with incredible production, vocals, and animated music videos. It definitely helps that they invited Soyeon and Miyeon from I-dle in for some authenticity and talent, but all the ladies are great.
Soyeon immediately captured me in the clip above as she catwalked her way (with a smirk) out onto the stage at the utterly massive 2018 League of Legends World Championships.
It was a really rad performance that had me looking up everything about her afterwards, and finally led me to becoming fan of (G)I-dle as well.
She also unflinchingly pushes boundaries for what is "acceptable" for idols and women in the game in general.
I'd love to present a sassy collab with her and a few fellow badasses called "Is This Bad Bitch Number?" Her English is sometimes very... interesting, but the confidence in it is unmatched! That's all that counts, right?
However, I'd also like to present to you just how much she positively hates vegetables. They are seriously trying to kill her or something:
Yeah, she's a disaster. Hahaha.
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CL (2NE1) HyunA (4Minute)
Awwww shit, it's CL from 2NE1. 2NE1 was dope - Their song "Come Back Home" is a favorite, but the classic "Falling in Love" should be on anyone's feel good playlist. CL stuck out like a sore big toe, though. Way above the rest for me.
Currently, she's been doing solo stuff for years. While 2NE1 was still around, CL stole me away like a damned thief with one of her early solo tracks "The Baddest Female." The clip above that got me was from the video for it.
The smooth-as-hell verses and the obviously slayer visuals caught me, but that little audible gasp shown at the end of the gif? She practically tossed me over a cliff, y'all.
Super swag at all times, she is also super involved in the fashion industry and often brings ridiculous Lady Gaga-ish looks and sets into her projects.
Recommended video to start you off on your own CL journey? Why, "Hello, Bitches," of course:
Next up is HyunA, originally from 4Minute. 4Minute was a super rad group and the vast majority of their songs were fantastic.
Mostly doing solo stuff now (like CL above), HyunA always stood out from the rest. I don't know if it's her fantastic dancing, her unhinged attitude, or her lunatic eyes, but she scooped me up immediately as I watched the first few seconds of the "Crazy" music video, which is where I clipped the gif.
She was in an at least attempted secret relationship with labelmate (and hot as hell artist himself) Dawn for several years until their label kicked them out because of it, and Psy (You know, "Gangnam Style" Psy) swooped them both up for his label. The couple released an EP together that was adorable and sexy and amazing... Sadly, they also recently broke up, which tore me up a bit. :/
I could show you at least a dozen videos of her I really enjoy, but one that has always stuck with me to show all of her characteristics at once has been "Ice Cream," which - whoa - is now 10 years old:
I bet that one's gonna be in your head the rest of the day. You're welcome.
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Karina (Aespa) Tsuki (Billlie)
I have lots of mixed emotions and opinions about Aespa. Most of the stuff I have issues with are on the part of their label, though, not them.
That being said, Karina has only ever had positives for me. Visuals. Dancing. Vocals. Kindness. Politness. She's really amazing to watch in candid videos especially because she just seems like a super great person in general.
She's also a superfan of a lot of groups she ends up collaborating or interacting with, and is adorable about it. That being said, she's also very mature about business-related stuff - A great public leader.
This clip from the Savage video is where I knew it had to be her.
Awwwwww it's time to talk about Tsuki. Tsuki Tsuki Tsuki. Will you just look at her?! You know what? I'm just going to stop right here and show you the whole video my gif is from. Maybe you'll instantly fall in love, too:
Have you ever seen maximum effort before? Well, now you have! Haha. Tsuki is like the living equivilent of how you feel when your favorite song comes on and you're dancing alone in your room, all by yourself, no inhibitions.
She just makes me indescribably happy with her enthusiasm and joy of performing. And those facial expressions, d'awwwww.
She's from a group called Billlie - Yes, that's with three "Ls." They have a great selection of hits. I suggest checking out "Ring Ma Bell" for some Rock flavor, too. You'll notice Tsuki sticking out there as well.
Who am I kidding? She's all you'll be able to focus on, no matter what the group is doing.
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Jennie (Blackpink) Fatou (Blackswan)
Well, everybody knows Blackpink, even non-K-Pop folks. I think BTS and Blackpink have got to be the biggest draws to introducing people to the genre.
I was a Lisa bias from the very start, but when Jennie released her first solo track (Read: "Solo"), I switched before the video was even over. It was this scene, right here in the laundromat.
Jennie is so swaggy. So is Lisa, of course, but the swag... uh... meter? It tipped to Jennie for me here and has only gotten heavier since. And to be rapping all cool like this in some stylish underwear while soap suds rain down? And that eye roll. Fucking ridiculous, sign me up for that newsletter, no confirmation email needed.
Plus, I have a thing for laundromats just in general - Check that out here.
While this video is where it all happened, I'd instead like to show off her fantastic choreo performance version instead, because it's even more incredible:
Whewwww, I'm sorry, was I talking about swag again? Because Fatou has it in spaaaades.
The first and only Senegalese idol in K-Pop, she obviously stands out and has all the associated hurdles to overcome because of it. Fuck any and all racists and haters - She is killer at what she does and stands out in the group because of her constant quality performances.
Her rapping? Top notch. Her singing? Striking. Her hater deflection skills? Strong. Her height? Nice.
Unfortunately, a lot of folks may never discover her or the group she's currently in (Blackswan), because the label they are on has been really rough at keeping things together and there has been unending drama surrounding the group, creating a revolving door of members.
The "Close to Me" video is a great watch - That's where the jail scene from the gif above came from. That's when I knew that Fatou was undeniable for me.
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Gain (Brown Eyed Girls) Suga (BTS)
Goodness, Gain is dangrous. She hails from all the way back in the... First? Second? One-and-a-Half-th generation of K-Pop? Anyway, she's from the retro (but still around) group Brown Eyed Girls.
The video from this clip will explain everything, I think. It's from a song called "Warm Hole." And, yup, it's exactly what it sounds like. These ladies were pushing sex positivity in Korea a long time before this, but they laid it on thick here in 2015. And Gain is right there, front and center of the charge.
The sultriness of a mysterious lady with a murder mystery to unfold, sauntering into a 1940s detective's office? Check. Bunny suit? Check. Winks? I can't possibly count that high. Being super cute on top of all this? Yeah, she got me.
Oh, look, it's time to put BTS on the list, haha. Thanks to everyone gliding in and reading this post just because of the BTS tag, I'm sure. <3
For the longest time, RM seemed like the only one for me in BTS, though J-Hope's always been hanging upside-down from the rafters above, ready to strike at any time. That was, until I saw Suga's solo video (under the "Augst D" pseudonym) for "Daechwita." That's what this sweet-ass gif is from.
The video features Suga as an Aladdin-style street rat, but he also plays a badass, sword-swinging king. They both are ruthless and want to kill each other. I can't even possibly explain how radical the video is, so just watch it already:
Yeah, um, I'm sorry RM. You are super talented and all that, and much respect to the paths you've opened and the collaborations with other fresh rappers out there, but... It's gonna be a whole packet of natural Suga for me.
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Mia (Everglow) Yeji (Itzy)
Jesus, are we almost done with this list? This... part one of this list...? Haha. Apologies. I'm geekin' out over here!
Everglow is incredibly talented. Honestly, I want to say that they should be at (in the very least, but probably more than) Aespa's level of reach and popularity. I'm not sure why they're not picked up more, but they don't seem to get many promotions from their label.
Regardless, I know Everglow is amazing, and I enjoy them as such. Now, if you hadn't heard them before, maybe you'll give them a try, too? Please do.
When I started listening to them, the super tall (she's, like, one of the top three tallest current idols) bombshell that is Aisha found me through the monitor and got my attention right away. She was my bias for a good chunk of time.
Then "La Di Da" came out. Even after seeing the music video, Aisha was right there. Then, like some sort of dark magic, I saw this Studio Choom version above - Right here at this very moment in the performance, my bias to Mia flipped like a switch. It's... Hmph. Was it the snarl on her lips while her hands covered her intense eyes for just a flash? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was it.
Something just... unlocked? I went back and watched everything. The music videos, the candid stuff. Somehow, some way, it was Mia all along! She's so incredibly warm and caring and for sure a top dancer in the entire industry.
Look, I know Sihyeon is technically the leader of Everglow... But it really seems that Mia holds everything together and is an incredibly hard worker who obviously struggles a bit to realize her potential and impact. I see that in her. And it's something that makes me love her more.
Just look at her effortlessly pull off this choreo, even extensive and difficult floor stuff (what Marvel comic book metal are your knees made out of?!) without any imperfections:
To end part one of this absolutely unintentional monster of a post, let's talk about Hwang Yeji, the powerhouse leader of Itzy and the "secret weapon" of JYP.
Chaeyoung as my ultimate bias? Sure. Unwavering. But... If I had to pick anyone to even come close to that position, it would be Yeji. Absolutely.
A super compassionate leader who is always so on point in taking care of her sisters, she never misses a beat. I think she's probably the wisest, most intuitive, most protective, most active leader of any group in K-Pop I've seen. Both personal and business-wise.
When it comes to talent, it's like a superpower with her. I say that, because off-stage, she is a super nerdy fuckin' goofball who is polite to a fault and who can't stop giggling to save her life. On stage, she is an absolute moster. The light turns green and she instantly turns serious, becoming one of the top 5 dancers and vocalists in the entire genre. It's like a She-Hulk transformation without any of the green. And Light Fury instead of She-Hulk. Supporting documentation:
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Anyway, to balance out the absolutely incredible human being she is, her fierceness on stage is rarely matched. From the second I saw her (the gif above literally shows some of the first seconds of the song and she had me instantly hooked with her unique looks and attitude), I've been so into her.
Until I wasn't... My bias switched to Ryujin for quite some time. Whoops. And, uh... then it switched to Chaeryeong for a stretch... Look, I can't tell you how hard it is to pick and stick with a bias in Itzy. They are so incredibly leveled out.
However, Itzy's first Japanese single "Voltage" hit the net last year and there's this one part where Yeji raps, but she starts by literally GROWLING. Fuck, nope, I hit the floor. Literally. Totally unfair sneak attack. Dead. NO DISASSEMBLE JOHNNY 5.
That was it. Fucking done. Yeji forever now, no more switches, hahaha!
Again, she can be such a confident, stage-killing monster, but then she turns around and almost burns down the company dorm microwaving chocolate while being a total Squishmallow:
She's just the best.
Well, I had to work on this (and the next post) over and over again as it drafted for a week, so I'm happy to say that Tumblr's draft feature WORKS, y'all. I'm a believer. Haha.
See you in part 2!
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outsidereveries · 1 year
can you do reading for stayc isa and nct mark friendship
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Probably don’t know each other. If they know each other, just acquaintances. Will help each other if needed despite if it’s legally or mentally. Possibly similar to Xiaoting and Mark’s bond months ago when it was asked on my back-up blog.
They have the potential to be closer though if there’s.. some chance.
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twicearoundthesun · 2 years
[coven au]
Jeongyeon frowned as she watched the first snowflakes touch the ground in the early morning light. Hopefully, the storm would be short – they were managing on what roots she could grow to harvesting size using her magic, but it’d be far harder to find edible roots in the forest floor under a blanket of snow. Foraging would be more difficult, too. They’d have to rely on their hunting and trapping skills, which were certainly lacking as a group.
Maybe the new girl could help with that. She seemed resilient. Scrappy, like she knew how to fight and survive.
And powerful. Jeongyeon hadn’t ever meet a witch who could manipulate someone’s mind like she had, and she sure as hell hoped she wouldn’t meet any more.
She paused to pick up another broken piece of wood, nearly losing the pile she’d collected, and headed back to camp.
“I hate when you go out there alone.” A voice met her ears as she neared the campsite. Jeongyeon smiled warmly.
“You’re not supposed to worry about me, little one.”
“Don’t call me that.” The air suddenly smelled of ozone; metallic. Jeongyeon only laughed.
“Why are you up so early, Chaeyoung?”
The girl in question only pulled her worn blanket tighter around her as she stared into the dwindling fire. Jeongyeon crouched, adding in the driest of the branches she’d found and trying to stoke it back up. Hopefully the storm wouldn’t put it out. She covered the rest to keep them dry.
“We should get inside before the snow really starts to come down. Aren’t you cold?”
“I don’t mind.” She said softly. “It’s pretty.”
“We can’t have you getting sick. We can’t afford it.” Jeongyeon said. She sat down on the log next to Chaeyoung, pulling the blanket around her shoulders, too. “But I guess I’ll keep you warm. Now. Are you up early because you’re having those dreams again?”
Chaeyoung tilted her head, staring forward at the fire. Jeongyeon knew that look.
She nodded. “Anything you want to get off your chest?”
Chaeyoung shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you. I hardly remember them when I wake up, you know that. Besides the darkness, and cold, and… suffocating. They just leave me with this feeling of dread, like it’s.... I don’t know, like it’s going to happen to me. Soon.”
“Okay. Well that’s dark. But you aren’t a seer, and they’re just nightmares. Just dreams. And dreams can’t hurt you.”
“It feels like more than a dream.” She whispered. “It feels like a warning.”
“It isn’t though. We’ll keep you safe, Chaeyoung. You can trust me on that.”
Chaeyoung stared at her for a second. Jeongyeon snaked an arm around her in reassurance. The kid had seen too much in her young life not to be paranoid, she knew, but Jeongyeon would protect her, Jihyo and Tzuyu at all costs.
They were interrupted by the sound of footsteps as Nayeon emerged from the tent they’d left her in. She froze mid-step, eyes darting between Jeongyeon and the woman she had her arm around.
“Oh – I apologize, I can let you finish your conversation-”
“No need.” Jeongyeon nodded at her. “Good morning, Nayeon.”
“Morning.” She said, hesitantly. She glanced at Chaeyoung again.
“Son Chaeyoung.” Was all the younger girl said, threateningly casual. Jeongyeon rubbed a circle in her side with her thumb.
“Nice to meet you.” Nayeon bowed her head briefly.
“Chaeyoung’s the one that found you in the forest and saved your life.”
“Very nice to meet you.”
Chaeyoung finally cracked a small smile. “Don’t mention it. You look a bit better.”
“I feel a bit better.” She looked up, seeming to realize the delicate flakes falling. “A bit cold, still.”
“Right.” Jeongyeon stood. “I can make us something warm to eat.”
“I’m not stealing any more of your food or resources. I’ll just… go forage.”
Jeongyeon frowned. “Do you know how to properly forage? We’ve been combing through the woods for days, there’s nothing here.”
“I’ll find something.” Nayeon snapped. She took a breath. “I’d prefer not to owe you anything when we go our separate ways soon.”
“You won’t.” Is that really what this was about? “I’m giving you food.”
Nayeon stared at her for a long minute. Jeongyeon found the distrust, while annoying, a little sad – had no one ever shown her kindness when she was starving, without asking something in return? Where was this woman’s family, her community?
“I promise it won’t be good enough to warrant you feeling like you owe us something.” Chaeyoung deadpanned. “In fact, you might want compensation from Jeongyeon for eating it.”
Nayeon couldn’t help the chuckle that broke past her lips.
“Watch what you say, Chaeyoung, or I might just not have enough to give you.” Jeongyeon grumbled, slipping past Nayeon to duck into the tent that the four of them had been sharing in order to give their guest privacy. She grabbed the pot and the bucket where they’d been keeping the root vegetables Jeongyeon grew and cleaned. Jihyo and Tzuyu still slept tangled up with each other in Jihyo’s bedroll (Nayeon was given Tzuyu’s) and looked too content to disturb.
She cooked the roots over the fire and mashed them up; the same as most of their meals had been since the cold months started. Before fall and winter really took hold, Jeongyeon had no problem finding fruit-bearing plants in the brush to grow with her powers. They’d had squash, berries, potatoes, and more that Jeongyeon found and cultivated in the forest; the occasional tomato or cauliflower if they were passing by the outskirts of a farming village where the seeds of their crop had spread over the years. And they were healthier for it.
Now, a winter diet of mashed burdock roots and the occasional resilient mushroom barely satisfied. No one complained or blamed her for not being able to find anything more nutrient-dense, but Jeongyeon’s chest ached whenever she noticed the sharper cheekbones and baggier clothes.
She reserved some of the mash for their two sleeping companions and served cups of it to Nayeon and Chaeyoung, taking her seat next to Chaeyoung again.
Snow continued to fall slowly from the sky, but hadn’t started sticking. Jeongyeon watched the tiny crystals melt in Chaeyoung’s hair.
“Thank you for the food.”
Jeongyeon nodded. “What were you eating, before this? Did you and whoever you were with carry food? We’ve been managing on roots, but… We need more.”
Nayeon took a deep breath. Shook her head. “We left town in a hurry. She had powers like yours, but she sucked. Couldn’t grow anything edible. Good at foraging, though, knew a lot about the forest even though she claimed to have never been in the area before. She’d do something like boil mushrooms with bark, and that was about what we ate. Once I got sick… I don’t know, it’s all hazy. She must have been making me drink water, maybe the mushroom broth.”
“Did you two know each other long before you escaped?” Chaeyoung spoke up.
“Not at all. I noticed her a day or two before we got chased out of the town. She was new. And she fucked it up fast.”
Nayeon glanced up.
“She exposed us both as witches. They practically chased us out with pitchforks. I’ve been in that town since I was a kid. Can you believe it?”
“I can, actually.” There was acid in Chaeyoung’s voice. Jeongyeon rubbed her back. She kicked a rock into the fire. “People will try to burn anything they fear.”
There was a bit of silence.
“You found no trace of anyone?” Nayeon’s voice was quiet, emotionless. Impossible to read. “When you found me?”
Chaeyoung shook her head. Nayeon sighed, staring into the fire.
“None of us are trackers, though. It’s entirely possible we missed something… footsteps, or other signs of life. ” Jeongyeon said. It was true, they easily could have missed something. She turned over a plan in her head. “We’re packing up camp today. But we can take you back to where Chaeyoung found you and you can have one more look. If we can help you find her, we will. If not, our offer still stands. We’re heading west, we’ve heard of villages of witches banding together for protection. You can join us, Nayeon. We’d keep you safe.”
“I don’t need to be kept safe.”
“We all need to be kept safe. Have you really never had people you could rely on until you found that poor girl?”
Nayeon pressed her lips together. Jeongyeon feared she was about to experience the full extent of her freaky mind powers, but she held her chin high and hoped Jihyo or Chaeyoung would be able to stop it before anyone was hurt.
“I know this isn’t something you want to hear, Nayeon. Because I didn’t.” Chaeyoung cut in, suddenly. Both of them broke eye contact to look at her. “But sometimes survival is a team sport. Especially in our shitty circumstances. I’d hate to just leave you here, alone, to die.”
Another long pause.
“Take me to where you found me. Then we’ll talk.”
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fikarot · 1 year
hii can you do a reading on jennie and rosé’s friendship dynamics? thank you sm
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— chaennie group dynamic (friendship, same thing to me)
disclaimer: my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
010423, 23:28 eest
five of pentacles rx, ace of swords, the empress rx, eight of cups, ace of cups rx, five of swords rx • ace of wands
their bond is definitely an adventure, lol. i don’t think they’re close currently, to be honest. i think they want to distance themselves just because their characters, energy and etc. didn’t match.
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theninthdoor · 2 years
rosé || career update; tarot reading
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⭒ Present of her career: cards: fool (queen of wands), tower (justice, hanged man), four of wands
Rosé is currently looking to pusue a new path with her career - that could mean solo work, venturing into a new field, or simply revamping her image (like a concept change for herself, for example). Whatever it is, though, it's something for herself only, where she can be the creative leader and plan things in the direction that she wants. There's also a significant change happening right now with her career, as some previous structures, systems or contracts are in the process of coming to an end. However, I don't feel like a decision has been made just yet, since she seems to still be waiting on some clarity over the situation and what she really wants out of it. At last, BLACKPINK is a very big focus for her right now. As they are still on tour, this means that she's dedicated to enjoying these moments they have together on stage, and actively trying to keep a cooperative and united energy in the group. This isn't a time where she can be too independent, since the girls depend on each other to keep this party (tour lol) going.
⭒ How she's feelings about it: cards: two of cups, seven of wands, ace of cups
At the moment, Rosé is focused on her connections with people - both the people that she already knows and regularly works with, and possibly new people as well. Contracts, emotional and legal, are in the works, and she must see eye to eye with all parties involved. For that to work out, though, she's aware that she needs to be cooperative and understanding. On a positive note, I do sense that she's feeling understood as well, and her interests are being matched by the other sides of these unions. However, this doesn't mean that she's letting her guard down and just going with the flow. In fact, Rosé is very keen on asserting her will and making sure she keeps her territory. Whatever she wants, she will push to have. Finally (and I think this goes back to that/those new deal/s of hers), she's feeling a new rush of creativity and joy. New beginnings are on her mind and, because of that, socializing and initiating new projects feel very easy to her at the moment. All is being done with great emotional investment, as well as visions of abundance and overall fulfillment.
⭒ What she sees for the future of her career: cards: sun, knight of wands, hierophant (queen of swords, eight of pentacles)
Rosé is seeking to pursue a path that allows her to be true to herself, first and foremost. She wants to shine her light as bright as possible! Doing something just because it has to be done or because she's good at it, is not good enough anymore - she wants to feel joy, freedom of expression, fun, openness. That's where she sees herself heading towards, without a doubt. She feels very motivated to pursue her creative impulses and try new things, even. Nothing can stop her right now, as she intends on moving forward at full speed, without fear. Now onto the Hierophant card: the expression "back to the basics" hasn't left my mind since it came up! I wonder if it means literally going back to the style of music she used to enjoy writing/singing before YG took the reigns, or going back to the role of a student and acquire new knowledge and skills to apply to a future body of work. Again, it just feels like Rosé is looking to find her true path; one that she can commit to and apply herself to it without feeling like she's being forced to. She wants to do something that feels true to her; something that makes sense to HER.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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