#jereldo doesnt follow rules
kvltprince · 4 years
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The headshots from Drawpril or so after I was mostly over the plague and had the big bout of drawing ambition of the year. I havent really had the focus to for extended times since though. It was nice to get everyones faces mostly sorted out though! 2/?? 2020. and of course toolio.
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kvltprince · 4 years
Z K D :D
Gunna answer these for Jere an Phil and Toolio (if anyone else wants anyone else youre gunna have to actually send me an ask)
Z: Zebra 1. what’s their favorite animal? Jere: night stalkers are cool when tame, big cats (are?)were cool Phil: sharks and squid are pretty neat (uh were? maybe he can convince an institute scientist or a few of them to check) Toolio: he thought the gatorclaws were awesome, uh, *OVER THERE*
2. do they like animals? Jere: yeah and generally they like him too. Phil: he is pretty neutral on them, prefers if they have even a dubious job around settlements/outposts but like, whatever.  Toolio: likes most pets overall.
3. cats or dogs? Jere: sure, whatever, seriously no real preference. Phil: cats tend to like him more, he tends to like dogs a little better Toolio: he likes cats a bit more but no huge huge preference
4. what’s their dream pet? Jere: eventually he will have a glowing hound and itll be adorable with whatever other pets he ends up with when he actually settles down eventually. Phil: nah, prob not, thats probably up for Madra or someone else, he will visit someone elses pets. Toolio: probably a buncha stray random pets with Madra, honestly, hes not very good at staying in one place so her place is a good coming-back home-base.
5. do they have any pets at the moment? none of the three do of their own. Phil and Toolio get some pet affection from Madra’s 3 dogs and 2 cats (and whatever else is around at the time)
K: Kill 1. have they ever thought about suicide? yes.
2. have they ever thought about homicide? Jere: of the three the least. hes overall really laid back until hes pressed. (this doesnt count when money is involved cos like, you do what you need to) Phil: yeah sure, but generally more the plan something out type. Hes not the overboss and the head of the institute for nothing. Toolio: yeah, hes a bit volatile at times.
3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who? i mean its the wasteland theres punishment but also i bet all three of them could get away with it if they really wanted. i suspect Phil wants to kill a few of the institute scientists but it would be just enough of a headache to replace them on short notice. 
4. who would miss them if they died? Jere: it would probably depend if he was in the area for very long at the time, as hes prone to relocating every so often, his current gang probably would, Arcade if he was still alive at the time would once news got to him or the letters stopped.  Phil: i would assume some of the institute, piper if he was able to smooth over the raider thing and i bet he could, strong, toolio and madra, a handfull of the raiders for sure, gage Toolio: madra, phil to an extent, several of the raiders (that hes managed to not piss off), gage
5. who would be happy they died, anyone? Jere: probably anyone whose family is left of someone he was hired to kill? Phil: lol prob 2/3 of the commonwealth but it might destabilize it. so good luck. Toolio: actually happy not sure tbh?
D: Decoration 1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name? Jere: probably a pretty nice lightly cluttered 1950sish - artsy-pastel. with lots of little lights, lots of art.  Phil: cozy-mod. rugs and throw blankets backdrops of neutrals and accents of colors and a little bit of glam stuff.  Toolio: hes a pack member all the way and id be impressed if much of anything really went together, but it would be really comfortable, and colorful.
2. how would they decorate their child’s room? ehhhh kids arent happening with those three
3. how do they decorate their own room? Jere: plush carpet, string lights, candles, thick drapes, too many blankets  on a big bed, holotape player, shelves for sketchbooks Phil: Fizztop balcony, bookshelves and drapes, better art, bigger bed, carpets through most of it, a stocked bar, comfy seating areas, changing area and mirror and such inside. Toolio: too many pillows and blankets, probably plushes too, posters and art, a decent getting ready area
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear? Jere: greaser jacket, road leathers, scarf/head wrap, goggles as needed Phil: vault suit, jeans and nuka shirt, sweaters, labcoat, ballistic mask as needed Toolio: leathers, cobbled strappy things, tshirts, glasses 
5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends? Jere: ehh, he would notice shifts in fashion but not far from what he generally does. Phil: he has his own appearance expectations but not really “beauty trends” Toolio: if the wasteland had them he probably would be a bit behind actual trends but he would be out there having fun with it all, and is out there having fun with his looks as it is.
(asked from this list)
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kvltprince · 4 years
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Prewar Jereldo, for everyone's viewing pleasure. Gotta do Ghoul Jere at some point here.
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kvltprince · 4 years
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Ghoul Jereldo and pre-war Jere 
Headshots 7.5/?? or so I might actually make it nicer still, but wanted to get him drawn
Mind the radiation.
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kvltprince · 5 years
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Jereldo found some shade
Completed a drawpril finally from the “Put your OCs in your clothes” prompt I had reblogged a bit ago. I was requested my clothes, and to start with my ghoul Jere here.
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kvltprince · 5 years
Show me something ✨
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kvltprince · 5 years
Local teenager punches everything he can find while having the worst headache of his 220ish years of life.
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kvltprince · 5 years
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
ive already tagged people *fingerguns* so if anyone wants to do this. or do it again. seriously. go for it. 
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What is your name?
”Jereldo Esparza, though hardly anyone I associate with has much use for more than a first name”
How old are you?
“Two hundred and twenty eight, unless I lost or gained a birthday in there” He frowns slightly, then half laughs.
What do you look like?
”A green glowing dried silt bean on a good day, I never seemed to get any bulk after becoming a ghoul. Didn’t have much anyway before.”
Where are you from? Where do you live now?
"Ah, well...” he clears his throat, “I was mostly raised in Southern California, spent a lot of time not much of anywhere after the bombs and did a lot of surviving like everyone else. I think I have lived in most of the cities that are left, for what they are. Now I am mostly living in Sunshine Tidings, though I have a bed in most places around the commonwealth, I prefer it a bit away from everything else. I also have a nice place built up behind the Red Rocket over by the Bottling Plant in Nuka World, I never could really get used to Fizztop but it is set up too.”
What was your childhood like?
”Fairly standard, I mean it wasn’t great, but my mom did a decent job. A lot of time sitting and drawing in museums and libraries. I was a bit of a shit in a greaser “gang” as a teen, but we never did anything too bad. Our world was imploding and we knew it. I was always getting into fights, and kissing boys, and getting into fights for kissing boys because no-one but me and the kissed boys seemed to like that much back then.”
What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
“The Pack and Disciples have run of the parks in Nuka World and a few outposts. Most of these other factions are kindof, well, pushy, or actively hostile.”
Tell me about your best friend.
”Gage? He’s smart and way better at planning things than I ever could be. He has never once told me my grenade use is overkill and unlike SOME people his only issue is my drinking. I am a ghoul and I think I have earned the drinks at this point. It isn’t too big of an issue. We might have started a bit strangely but he’s stuck with me.”
Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
“Not really, I seem to have a household of Gage, and these two cats around Sunshine Tidings, though”
What about a partner or partners?
”Nah, not in a while with any seriousness”
Who are your enemies, and why?
”How many enemies do raiders and ghouls get? It is pretty standard”
Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
”tchh” He waves off the question dismissively. “Lots of good power armor to salvage though here.”
What about The Enclave?
”Fuck those guys.”
How do you feel about Super Mutants?
”I have, and had my share of friends who are Super Mutants, have lots more who needed taken out though”
What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
“There was some real messy shit back in California, it really wasn’t anything like some of these fights now. None of the big ones are good to be in regardless.”
Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
”Too many times, those big ones are a real bitch to take out though”
Do you like fighting?
”If I didn’t I would be dead.”
What’s your weapon of choice?
”My wicked spiked bat with a skull nailed to it, its great fun. Explosives are pretty good too, i like it when it rattles your bones and you worry a bit if the buildings might collapse.”
How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?)
”I am really quick and resilient, good with explosives and the big guns, can knock heads off. ”
Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
”I have been in a few of them, I don’t like them though.”
How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
”Has it affected me? No I’m right as a spring rain in the desert. The radiation doesn’t bother me, but I get out of the storms. Static is strange”
What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
“Right NOW some gunners in a rifle sight. No? Nightstalkers are cute when they aren’t lunging at you. Lots of critters are pretty good really.”
What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?
”Cazadors are pretty bad, Deathclaws are bad. Yao Gaui are bad”
How do you feel about robots?
“Most are pretty annoying, I have had a few that were alright.”
How many caps do you have on you right now?
”About three thousand?”
Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
Do you do chems?
”Within reason.”
Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
”Yeah, of course, but that was a long time ago. This is a different world”
What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
”There are always fights or stupid decisions to regret, they are done.”
What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
“I have done a lot of things through the years, people disagree with a lot of it, a lot is a pile of small stuff”
What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
“Might as well keep going. There are still skulls that need cracking.”
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kvltprince · 5 years
For the small physical things that give your characters personality ask, non verbal greetings for all your OCs! If that's okay of course.
We are ignoring professional relationships and acquaintances. (many of these dont know or arent on speaking terms with a lot of companions)
Phil: He goes in for whatever is the most standard and best received for the situation (or conversely the most annoying for the informal situations). Exuberant half wave while taking off his mask with the other hand from any distance while in the Commonwealth.
He gives Piper a big showy hug and hands her whatever the sweetest treat he has in his bag, or the rarest Nuka Cola (mostly so she doesn't steal his later), and asks her what trouble shes gotten into with a gleaming toothy smile so that he doesn’t need to tell her what he has been doing. Cait gets a SUPER firm handshake and shoulder clap (but always allows her to have the stronger grip, pulls her in for a hug if she is in a very good mood or he has good news hes GOTTA tell her or wants to annoy her). MacCready gets a hug nearly no matter what., showyness depends who is around. Strong gets an exaggerated nod. Gage often gets a hug, or a half hug with an arm around his waist in order to tell him something, partially without prying ears. 
The arm around the waist or something similar to sortof keep the person from making any distance from him before telling them anything is a habit he has with anyone thats ‘close’, and he does it fairly often, he is an asshole though and will happily make people vaguely uncomfortable. He is kinda fake bitch hours if we are being completely honest.
Lucy: He tends toward a nod, sometimes a wave if it has been a while or he knows it will get their attention and he is really wanting it and they somehow haven't noticed him, if he is wearing a mask for any reason he completely forgets and leaves it til something is said by an acquaintance or stranger, but generally his leg is pretty telling unless he is completely covered head to toe if its someone that knows him. (he realizes any mask is on once he actually gets to any good friends, because its in the way, oops) He hugs friends, full stop. 
Piper (and Nat) get cheek or forehead kisses pretty often in greeting after the hug. Cait is usually a fakeout squareup like it will be a handshake or armhold before a fight but it gets pulled into a hug, often she is the one that doesn't let the fakeout last and it ends in laughing at eachother. Deacon and Lucy will once in a while end up in a momentary playfight or have a greeting kiss if its been a while but yaknow its NOT weird because it is Lucy and Deacon and no-one was worried or anything. Danse gets a lingering big hug, every time. Nick gets a solid, honest, polite hug and an offered lighter when they actually do meet up. MacCready gets nearly a bearhug that turns into a one-arm-around-him thing (comfortably its a tossup who does it) until they get wherever they are walking to to let him tell about whatevers going on in his life. Strong doesnt get a hug, because that would be weird. and Strong has no use for hugs, but he does get get a comfortable wave, and often sharing some meat, that may or may not have been some commonwealth raider at some point. Gage gets an arm around his waist if there are too many nebby raiders round or it is a strange situation, normally though Lucy half pulls on Gage’s armor/shirt after the hug to get him down to his level for a kiss (but really rarely they are apart often). Hancock gets at least a cheek kiss, sometimes one right between the eyes if hes sitting at the bar. 
Jereldo: He nods when in less safe areas, waves when in safe areas, and is prone to coming up with handshakes and quick hugs. His nearly omnipresent mask of some sort is pulled off when not in Diamond City. 
He flags down Gage with his bat in the air, and a good 2 hand armshake. Hancock gets a hug and often handed off some jet that has been hoarded cos he doesn't use the stuff but knows the right connections for the good jet. Piper gets a big wave and some Nuka Dark, and a Nuka Cherry for Nat. He brings Cait a bottle of whatever booze he thinks sounds the best at the time from where he has been recently. Strong often gets a small bag of meat tossed at him with a smile.
Austin: She tends toward waves and big smiles mostly across the board. Sometimes she brings gifts of scavved things for people if she is expecting to see them (she rarely expects to run into Deacon). She brings Nick and Ellie bourbon and preserved/fresh! cigs she finds, and shows up to Piper’s house holding up a box of snacks grinning from ear to ear.
Roland: He tends to nod and takes off his hat only at the last moment and only at polite times like going into a home, but often hugs people he is close to once they are in hugging range. He is close to almost everyone ever that can tolerate him. 
Cait hoists him up and sends his hat flying before he can even take it off (that started out from some boredom in sniping and they discovered she could pretty easily lift his scrawny ass for some creative shooting). Strong gets a comfortable nod and a smile, and if meat isn’t offered will get meat offered from Roland from his pack because brothers share and Strong has zero chill about it. Piper and Nat both get hugs, he brings a small snack or drink often if he is visiting them at Diamond City. He is really good at finding Danse in the middle of buseywork and getting a little too close to him/watching whatever hes doing but a dog usually making him known and its all smiles (sometimes awkward) and often a hug after he has been noticed and has sufficiently petted the dog. He keeps his greeting Gage Raider Formal while in Nuka World, mostly, unless someones hurt or has been gone a long time. Prone to flopping down on the couch with little to no personal space with him regardless after the hellos. Outside of Nuka World he relaxes a lot more about the Overboss Appearances (he is very aware how not-fitting of that title he is overall, visually at the very least)
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kvltprince · 5 years
For any and as many of your oc's, have they surprised people with being good at something?
Lucy- for some his chameleon sort of nature catches people off-guard at first, he tends to settle into expectations to whatever amount, so suddenly being 100% comfortable around the Upper Stands residents thanks to his parents, or adjusting very quickly to cooking new foods with little more than tasting the new stuff caught the usual companions a bit unexpected. 
His patience with people and their inconsistencies (while overall being a VERY impatient person and seeming to be pretty distant overall at first) and general people skills is what always seems to surprise people, even if it is overall more subtle. 
Phil- for some raiders or those that are often the targets of his antics and pranks they really do not know that he is as smart as he is until he switches gears and goes oh yeah sure let me just see if i can mix up a batch of that hybrid chem and see if its stable for you, im pretty sure we can shove it in booze too you want that? Conversely when you only know him as The Best Chem Dealer Overboss and you find yourself the ass end of the best planned out prank in existence and find out his him because you have to be told it is because he has an ego the size of the Greentech building. 
Roland- He can shoot well even while drinking. Drives half the Mojave nuts, drives half the Commonwealth nuts, and will amuse Niner for the rest of their lives I imagine. He can decorate living spaces well even if some of his choices are a little suspect and he dresses himself in essentially the same terrible jacket and hat no matter what. 
Charlie- for being kinda brash and loud and overly friendly/helpful and quick to hunt things he actually can sneak. really well. and essentially only does it to not disturb/watch herds of radstags or gazelles and keep companions from fighting them. (or get out of fighting gulpers, or avoid some robots sometimes)
Jereldo- his artistic skill is kept semi-secret and his journal is fairly well protected from prying eyes so when that is discovered from anyone new it is usually a surprise from the violence prone ghoul. He gives excellent massages and can braid or style most hair though he rarely gets to.
Annamarie- how high her alcohol tolerance is for how slim she is, is the immediate one, honestly (i know thats not really a skill shush). how purposely good she is with wasteland children regardless of who they are, and regardless of how high her defensive and annoyance and whatever else walls are at the time with any adults/the world/anything else (and how immediately she goes right back to however she was with whoever else after dealing with the child nicely) ((i should probably decide for sure if she is a sole survivor or not))
Austin- She can Fight and fight well, she tends to try not to - it makes things easier after all when you have a goal of scavving everything you can. She doesnt really shy away from it either but she does try to avoid it and will absolutely sneak/stealthboy/take the long way around places so the first time someone sees her take her club/bat/chair leg with a can of beans to something is probably pretty impressive. 
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kvltprince · 5 years
@omniblacklight asked me to do  5 8 9 and 16 and tumblr ate the ask before i finished the ask i was working on.
What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
Lucy: normally he wears his terrible rag-wrap skirt and tanktop thing, depending he will go slightly more disciple like for daily wear, or start piling on scarves/opt for the nuka jumpsuit in all its obnoxiousness it is still less “hi i am a raider” if he is playing nicely and the weather is appropriate. Dressing nicely is probably an operator outfit, hair down, smelling of hubflowers or something.
Austin: Those work overalls with the duct tape. Probably the triggerman outfit or something? 
Roland: Wanderer duster or Ulysses’ duster, His Hat. Something that buttons up - probably also a triggerman outfit in all honesty, he looks good in operator outfits but thas too dressy for him.
Charlie: Leather jacket and jeans. Suit jacket and slacks, something with a blue tie probably
Annamarie: cropped leather studded jacket/tight pants or wrapped outfit. Either a super cute bright Summer Dress, or a black sequin dress.
Jereldo: Whatever he finds, honestly. Vaguely still tends toward leather jacket and jeans when it is an option and while among raiders, opts to be covered more than that otherwise. Black suit or leather jacket with something decent under it. Depending he will wear Benny’s suit (with black stuff under it) - he CAN dress himself he just chooses not to.
Phil: Buttonups/slacks/labcoat usually, not averse to the vault suit or whatever else. A black suit probably with a blue shirt perfectly matching his eyes and a silver tie.
How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
(i dont really have voice claims for my ocs, but i might actually come across them more... i dont really listen to people a ton because i dont hear the best)
Lucy: Easy to talk to, rolls with forgetting words. Speed/volume/amount of flowery/symbolism/disjointedness is very reliant on his mental state. His voice is fairly smooth and generally he is soft spoken until he gets real wound up in some topic. 
Austin: She is talkative unless she is scavving somewhere semi dangerous or something like that. Bright and a little raspy from too much dust and repairs over the years.
Roland: Talkative really only when drinking, a bit deeper than you would expect from his small frame and more rough from the drinking and radiation over the years in his travels. 
Charlie: not very talkative, nice to listen to, clear deep voice, slightly Appalachian accent (best laugh of the ocs possibly)
Annamarie: Selectively chatty (good company or chems/alcohol will help that out, shes not actually adjusting to the wasteland well), easy to talk to once she does talk, less honeyed seeming than default nora when trying to get people to play nicely still nice to listen to.
Jereldo: The usual ghoul gravelyness. His speech patterns are fairly smooth and nearly melodic otherwise though. 
Phil: Default Nate but pitch adjusted down a bit and a little bit untrustworthy, but that charisma makes you do the thing anyway. He is fine, and fun to talk to! Just, dont trust the raider boss head of the institute.
What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
Lucy: Comfy bed at Fizztop, too many blankets that are shoved off the bed most of the year, CoA bottles and candles over on a far side table and on the mannequins much to the disappointment of like, everyone. Bookshelves of random things and probably art supplies blocking the morning sun, different art and posters on the walls, the bar half remodeled for an outside kitchen. Cluttered everywhere.
Austin: She has a nice setup at the South End Red Rocket, her bedroom is an added on back room that has a comfy bed and a place for her cat (or mole rat depending on my playthrough), lots of shelves for things she has collected and nice lamps and rugs. The red rocket has a full setup of all that a tinkerer could ever dream of, and places for all of her favorite things to be displayed so her friends can see (and hopefully her pets will not steal)
Roland: He lives at the top of the lucky 38 with Niner and like 5 dogs that all have their favorite companion/s to be around the most, so really its fine and not so overkill. There are more games that the two of them have brought in and toys. The snow globes have been kept around, and the booze has been stocked a little more to their taste. Stash of chems left on tables because it is their space and who cares (in the commonwealth it isnt much different, pile of bears/moon monkies/buttercups as decorations, chems and booze decorate as clutter more than it should.)
Charlie: Codsworth has been instructed to leave the Stuff Chair alone (it is mostly just a spare change of clothes and another warmer jacket) comfortable bed, the dog shares the bed, fairly orderly. rest of the house has as much of the normal house things as he can find as soon as he can honestly. a bit sparse but he is still sorta getting the hang of this decorating thing.
Annamarie: She starts out with ‘whatever, good enough’ levels of bedroom and house and not much of a home base for quite a while. She will have a nicely made raider house once she gets her son and falls for Gage. 
Jereldo: when hes not slumming it with raiders When he settles down for any amount of time, it tends to be in places similar to the house of tomorrow with the obnoxious teal kitchen and cute little 2 bedrooms at most. Bedroom tends to be kept with drapes and string lights. Potted plants and a music player are a must for the living room, some art area set up somewhere generally or on the porch area.   
Phil: He prefers nice sheets and quilts and brings a lot of things to Fizztop and Sanctuary from the institute, fairly orderly overall and comfortable rugs in the bedroom. He clears out most things from his main living/working space, though things can get a bit cluttered/disheveled if hes working a lot. well lit. 
What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her?
(ohgods really im not getting into this one tonight lol but it is a question i need to delve into one day)
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kvltprince · 5 years
Snuggle Your Wayward Ghoul
Aka Jereldo isn't letting Lucy get up either, it's fine, they're fine, it's a symbiotic snuggle relationship.
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kvltprince · 6 years
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Deacon is a treasure.
Sorry Deets you gotta pay for your drinks, she’s not going to give you a discount, I don’t think shes going to even give me a discount.
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kvltprince · 5 years
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Phil an Jereldo WIP, will retry most of that coloring again today (except those eyes an I think I the line bullshit is comfortable actually) collarbone need to exist, blahblah, reminders all around. I need to draw more often.
Fun fact these two were a couple in my Sims game, so this bullshit isn't as weird as I feel it might come off as.
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kvltprince · 5 years
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My last 9 drawings (not in order)
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kvltprince · 5 years
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more dollmaker bullshit~
Kadir/Toolio DeSac, Austin, Phil Lucy, ME, Roland non-ghoul Jereldo, Annamarie, Charlie
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