#courier colt
forystr · 5 months
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agentcoltslaw · 4 months
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Icons for junis toyhouse hehe (her skin gets a little more bright in the second one cus sunburn ..) yes she's also striking an elvis pose shush
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jackthunderboltyt · 2 years
Here's my courier
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His name is Colt Onyx.
His a gunslinger and sniper.
His best friend is Boone.
He grew up in the hub and came to the mojave around the first battle of Hoover dam.
After the events of New Vegas he's a NCR Major (he says it's symbolic so he doesnt have to do anything)
He named the stealth suit from the big MT "baby" because of the cute voice and personality
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thegreatdivide · 2 years
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Happy Ace Awareness Week from Colt 🖤🤍💜
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gecskeleton · 3 months
courier six can’t romance joshua but they Can ask him to demonstrate in excruciating detail how to entirely take apart and reassemble his colt .45 pistols in under thirty seconds and they can lay beside him to stargaze under the infinitely vast desert night sky and listen as he discusses the constellations in a God Honouring Way, which is close enough
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legon751 · 1 year
working on a new vegas doctor costume
first 2 pics are the main bag, the rest of the costume pieces (and my thoughts) are under the break
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healing powder (crushed orange pez and candy cigarettes in a burlap bag), ophthalmoscope (a weathered otoscope because the item name in the game is wrong), sunset sarsaparilla deputy badge (worth every dead wastelander), surgical tubing, medical tweezers, forceps, gauze, mentats, fixer, jet, med-x, buffout, rad-x, and cateye. also a small mojave express mail pouch with some ncr currency, postcards, and the platinum chip (might roughen some of these up to look less new)
all of these bags are belt pouches to mimic the ones on the wasteland doctor fatigues outfit
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bufftats (not new vegas, but eh, it came with the other pill bottles), first aid box (came with the med-x, it has tiny buffout and rad-x bottles in it), and a box of atomic wrangler matches
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microfusion cell and vault 21 matches
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cigarettes and a vault 21 lighter (you see how often doctors smoke in that game??? clearly they need this many lights)
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gotta keep your caravan deck in easy reach, never know when a game might kick off...
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bobby pins, a tin of bottle caps, tops casino dice, and a set of poker chips (ring a ding ding baby)
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the "codac r9000" michael angelo gives you. even if these old kodak cameras are dirt cheap, i still feel bad messing one up to make it look more like the game file, so natural aging only on this one
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the main costume itself: mirrored shades, the wastland doctor fatigues (green cargo pants and a white tee, need to dirty them up and blood spatter them), bandana, leather belt, and a replica colt peacemaker in a leather holster (i have a foam one for conventions, this one is a metal replica from denix that looks better on camera)
i have the materials to make rad-away, and i might throw that in this costume somehow. just worried about a bag of dyed water sitting over the rest of these sharp and/or fragile pieces while walking around
i went with a variety of bags/pouches because in my head, it makes no sense for someone using 200yo scavenged materials to have all matching equipment. it makes sense from the game design perspective (less Things To Model), but i see it more likely these were pieced together from scavenging, bartering, and hand making them.
i have the pipboy from the fo4 preorder, but im probably not going to use it for this outfit. its the wrong design for one, but its also plasticy and barely fits my arm (you have to basically cover my hand to get the clamps closed). i prefer this being pre-game courier six, or just some random wandering doctor who does odd jobs for mojave express on the side.
you might notice some major missing props! this mostly has to do with space or cost. i love nuka cola and sunset sarsaparilla, but how on earth am i fitting those bottles in a shoulder bag. as for stimpacks? 2 main reasons. 1, even basic unpainted 3d printed ones are $30+, which seemed excessive for this. 2? those seem more like adrenaline and painkillers meant to get you through battle and less like something a doc would administer. why cover the pain when i can just clean the wound and stitch you up?
im still debating if/how i do the leather gaiters on the doctor fatigues outfit. i cant find anything even close to right, and im not a leatherworker. i have a feeling if i just tuck the pants into my boots, nobody will notice anyway.
i have to stop myself on this one. i keep finding things to add or modify and at this rate itll never be finished. i already have a pair of surgical scissors coming, and i got a harmonica today. those may or may not end up in the bag. plus, ive got my eye on a deck of caravan cards pulled from the game files. the one i have is the preorder bonus one which is a beautiful deck but not very lore friendly.
still trying to figure out how to make/get the bottles they use for antivenom and other potions/poisons in the game. its weirdly hard to find white clay or stone bottles with a cork top and round bottom...
see what i mean! this build will never end...
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orionlancasterr · 6 months
New Oc Introduction-Jamie
NCR Deserter • Courier Six
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Younger sibling to Carla Boone, independent Vegas courier, sniper/gunslinger go-to weapon is a colt peacemaker or thump thump the grenade launcher, that’s it really so far. He really hates boone. Besties w/ Veronica and Raul
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libertariantaoist · 6 months
Daily Selections From Lao-Tzu’s Tao Te Ching – March 23, 2024
“When the Tao is present in the world
courier horses manure fields instead of roads
when the Tao is absent from the world
war horses are raised on the border
no crime is worse than yielding to desire
no wrong is greater than discontent
no curse is crueler than getting what you want
the contentment of being content
is true contentment indeed”
(Taoteching, verse 46, translation by Red Pine)
HO-SHANG KUNG says, “‘When the Tao is present’ means when the world’s rulers possess the Tao. In ordering their countries, they don’t use weapons, and they send courier horses back to do farm work. And in ordering themselves, they redirect their yang essence to fertilize their bodies.”
YEN TSUN says, “The lives of the people depend on their ruler. And the position of the ruler depends on the people. When a ruler possesses the Tao, the people prosper. When a ruler loses the Tao, the people suffer.”
WANG PI says, “When the Tao is present, contentment reigns. People don’t seek external things but cultivate themselves instead. Courier horses are sent home to manure fields. When people don’t control their desires, when they don’t cultivate themselves but seek external things instead, cavalry horses are bred on the borders.”
WU CH’ENG says, “In ancient times, every district of sixty-four neighborhoods was required to provide a horse for the army.”
CHIAO HUNG says, “A ‘border’ refers to the land between two states. When war horses are raised on the border, it means soldiers have not been home for a long time.”
THE YENTIEHLUN SAYS, “It is said that long ago, before the wars with the Northern Hu and the Southern Yueh, taxes were low, and the people were well off. Their clothes were warm, and their larders were stocked. Cattle and horses grazed in herds. Farmers used horses to pull plows and carts. Nobody rode them. During this period, even the swiftest horses were used to manure fields. Later, when armies arose, there were never enough horses for the cavalry, and mares were used as well. Thus, colts were born on the battlefield” (15).
LI HSI-CHAI says, “When the ruler possess the Tao, soldiers become farmers. When the ruler does not possess the Tao, farmers become soldiers. Someone who understands the Tao turns form into emptiness. Someone who does not understand the Tao turns emptiness into form. To yield to desire means to want. Not to know contentment means to grasp. To get what you want means to possess. Want gives birth to grasping, and grasping gives birth to possessing and there is no end to possessing. But once we know that we do not need to grasp anything outside ourselves, we know contentment. And once we know contentment, there is nothing with which we are not content.”
LU HSI-SHENG says, “When the mind sees something desirable and wants it, even though it does not accord with reason – there is no worse crime. When want knows no limit, and it brings harm to others, there is no greater wrong. When every desire has to be satisfied, and the mind never stops burning, there is no crueler curse. We all have enough. When we are content with enough, we are content wherever we are.”
LU TUNG-PIN says, “To know contentment means the Tao prevails. Not to know contentment means the Tao fails. What we know comes from our minds, which Lao-tzu represents as a horse. When we know contentment, our horse stays home. When we don’t know contentment, it guards the border. When the Tao prevails, we put the whip away.”
HSUAN-TSUNG says, “Material contentment is not contentment. Spiritual contentment is true contentment.”
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parragone · 11 months
Fuck it, I can't decide what to write for nanowrino so I'm taking the decision out if my hands. This is a poll to help me decide which of these concepts to commit to; if you like, you can vote based on vibes, but there's gonna be a synopsis/explanation of each under the cut.
Scarlet Signs - Sci fi rough draft of chaos nonsense
I don't have names for the space species, yet, so just be forgiving okay
In essence, humanity joins the Galactic Assembly, and the pacifist psychic space vampires are one of their only outright allies. The unicorns have never liked the vampires because the vampires practice isolationism, pacifism, and don't like to share their research or their military support. Not to mention, the vampires are, you know, vampires that consume thought and concepts in order to sustain themselves. Unicorns feed on blood, but that's fine since obviously they only feed on non sentient beings, and the vampires have to feed on conscious thought. Humans come under the protections of the vampires, unicorns, start shit, and unicorns find out that the vampires are pacifist for everyone else's sake rather than their own.
Expressways - zombie post apoc, but like, a long time since the fall and zombies are just a thing the same way stray/outdoor cats are a thing
Every child from coast to coast knows the story; in the aftermath of plague, infighting, and the emergence of the Pests, the old Pony Express was reinstated to handle package and letter delivery so as to spare the use of fuel and keep the continent as intact as possible. It's not an easy job, but every courier is provided for and deeply respected by those they deliver for. Fewer people sign up to learn the routes each year, but even one courier is better than none.
Jethro, Maverick, and Harper have been couriers for nearly thirty years each. When they stop in for their latest deliveries, a pair of fresh faces are handed off to them to learn their first routes. Colt and Montana learn how to deal with each other, why no courier travels alone, and how to best avoid a Pest nest.
Halls of Hexes - magic academy where magic is taught and students don't usually die.
Mostly fixated on the teachers of the school as they try to handle an encroaching eldritch horror that really shouldn't be there. Magic beyond minor levitation or very simple enchantments is cast using a focus that's personalized to each individual. Magical creatures such as fairies, elves, angels, demons, centaurs, etc. are treated as citizens of the magical world, and several classes have magical creature teachers. Magic is just a normal part of life and while some choose to pursue it, most people just go about normal lives by choice.
Skyreach Academy has maintained a position of academic prestige on the global stage for generations, with particular pride regarding their extensive programs on Vile and Etheric magics. This position is upheld by excellent staff, along with the small town of Elkmarrow, which provides support for the students and faculty within the academy.
Magic, however, can draw in strange and unwelcome visitors. Practiced and versed magicians know that all magic runs the risk, so when no one in the school can find their reflections in mirrors or puddles, the best among them set to work. The safety of the students, of course, remains of the utmost importance - even if the students seem to delight in the fact the professors are now the ones missing class.
Frontiers and Faultlines - steampunk post apocalypse fun times
Most of the world was decimated save for a handful of cities who managed to build walls, domes, and foundations strong enough to withstand the massive natural disaster which raged beyond their borders. Communication was mainly maintained through rail lines.
Story focuses on Vasev, Absalom, Malory "Mal", and Cantrelle. Absalom and Vasev are scientists, Mal is a bounty hunter, and Cantrelle is an assassin for hire. Vasev and Absalom are trying to get the trains working again after a horrific accident ( read: targeted attack ) mangled the machines. Mal and later Centrelle are handling the rough and tumble "get rid of the ones responsible" side of things.
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war2spin · 6 months
⸻ now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.
⸻ main account: 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐏𝐔𝐍, follows from there. intertwined with peacespun. ♡ PROMPTS. AESTHETICS. CHARACTER COUNT (#)
beau arlen. abc's big sky. former united states navy seals, atlanta to montana sheriff, widowed father of a teenage daughter. 20's-40's. he/him cismale, bisexual. main ship with gavin judge. .
archangel michael, saint. archangel. if you do not write with dean winchester, you do not get access to archangel michael. main ship with adrastos.
feyd-rautha harkonnen. frank herbert's dune. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to feyd. main ship with danar caen.
harvey dent, two-face. detective comics. if you do not write with leon marshall, you do not get access to harvey.
roman sionis, black mask. crime lord in my gotham. detective comics. if you do not write with leon marshall, you do not get access to roman.
sergey “P-3” “agent plutonium” nechayev. mundfish's atomic heart. former united states black ops agent, brain-washed attack dog. 20's-40's. he/him cismale, bisexual. relationship information here.
lee dutton. yellowstone.
alia atreides. saint alia of the knife. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to alia.
octavia blake. the 100. if you do not write with my grounder dean + cato kom sangedakru, you do not get access to octavia.
russell shaw. tracker.
william "billy" butcher. the boys / gen v. it will be rare if I write him.
joseph seed. far cry 5. faith seed. far cry 5.
██████ “courier six” ██████. obsidian's fallout: new vegas. mojave courier “six,” lazarus effect survivor, resurrected nuclear god. 30's-40's. he/him cismale, bisexual. relationship information here. ⸻ INFORMATION.
carter kennedy cooke. mechanic, owner of cooke mechanics, (street)race car driver / professional race car driver. 20's-30's. he/him cismale, bisexual. relationship information here. ⸻ INFORMATION
beverly marshall. the boys / gen v. leon marshall's daughter.
sheidheda, cato kom sangedakru. the 100 prequel. main ship with lyra kom trikru.
gideon jaime mcclain. of MY timelapse lore. immortal time-traveler, construction company owner, leader of cowboy outlaw gang. 30's-40's. he/him cismale, bisexual. main ship with thatcher shaw.
raphael emmanuel colt. original werewolf. main ship with cal adler.
christopher delacroix. former military, survivor, camp leader.
kannid last name. frank herbert's dune: fremen original. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to kannid. main ship with alao.
nathaniel rickter hoffman, saw universe. jigsaw killer. mark hoffman's brother. main ship with luke easton bishop.
caleb dunlap. the boys / gen v. supe, power mimicry. cate dunlaps younger brother. if you do not write with leon marshall you do not get access to caleb.
PRIVATE. I will only be writing these with peacespun.
franklin castle. the punisher. mary winchester. supernatural. margaret shaw / queen maeve. the boys / gen v. annie january / starlight. the boys / gen v. casey marshall. the boys / gen v. a better version of homie.
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oneformybaby · 1 year
The courier, colt onyx, leaned against a wall. He and Boone were hanging out in freeside. He took off his hat and fixed his hair. "Hey boone, wanna play a game?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Fuck marry kill. Vulpes, gannon, and old lady Gibson."
no. not a goddamn chance.
this isn’t happening.
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jogjakarta · 2 years
Misschien ben je het vergeten: VW Safari Elke keer dat ze een VW Safari-auto tegenkomen, zullen mensen het een VW Camat identificeren of op zijn minst noemen. De vermelding hiervan is eigenlijk, echt, geen pener. De echte naam is VW Safari. Of in de Verenigde Staten heet het Thing. Of Trekker of Courier Wagen als je in Engeland bent. Of volgens het origineel genaamd Type 181/182. In Indonesië staat deze auto bekend als de Camat-auto. Omdat het vroeger het officiële voertuig van het districtshoofd was. Maar het is eigenlijk niet de auto van de kantonrechter. Werkelijk? Klopt toch? Ja, de auto is uitgedeeld aan de hoofden van de PPK of de algemene verkiezingscommissie van het district. Vóór het KPU-model. De algemene verkiezingen werden destijds afgehandeld door een overheidsinstantie genaamd de LPU of algemene verkiezingscommissie (op nationaal niveau of gevestigd in de nationale hoofdstad - Jakarta) Op provinciaal niveau wordt de instelling de Level I PPD of de Level I Regionale Verkiezingscommissie genoemd, die wordt behandeld door de Provinciale Sociale en Politieke Directie (Ditsospol). Ondertussen zijn er op regentschaps- / gemeentelijk niveau PPD Level II en op kantonniveau PPK onder voorzitterschap van de Camat. Voor het houden van de verkiezingen van 1982, of de derde algemene verkiezingen in de Nieuwe Orde, leverde de regering officiële voertuigen voor PPI, PPD Tk. Ik en PPD Tk. II en PPK. Als PPD Tk. Ik en PPD Tk. Ik kreeg de officiële VW Kombi-auto, daarna kreeg de PPK die werd vastgehouden door de camat de VW Safari. Dezelfde kleur als de dienstauto voor zowel PPD als PPK, oranje. Zoals ik me herinner, werden zowel de VW Combi als de Safari gemaakt in Brazilië. De Combi heeft veel ramen, terwijl de Safari grote achterlichten heeft. De dienstauto in de vorm van een VW-Safari zal blijven dienen naast het hoofd van het kantongerecht, ook al is de verkiezing voorbij en zijn leden van de DPR/DPRD benoemd, de VW-Safari-auto zal nog steeds de rit van de onderzeeër zijn - districtshoofd. Evenzo blijft de VW Combi in wijken/steden en provincies. Ondertussen, voor de volgende verkiezingen, in 1987, ontvingen de districtshoofden als PPK officiële auto's als PPK in de vorm van Colt T-120. De kleur is ook oranje. Hoewel hij diende tot de periode dat hij uit dienst werd genomen, heeft deze Colt T-120 nooit de bijnaam Colt Camat gekregen. Dus degenen die het geluk hebben officiële aanduidingen te krijgen, zijn alleen VW Safari, VW Camat. En nu heet het, alle VW Safari's zijn VW Camat. Oh ja, de verkiezingen tijdens het New Order tijdperk, de eerste verkiezingen in 1971 met 10 deelnemers (9 politieke partijen plus 1 Golkar), daarna de tweede verkiezingen waren niet de volgende 5 jaar of 1976 maar werden iets teruggedrongen tot 1977 en pas toen werden het 5 jaarlijkse rituelen. Yogyakarta 15 januari 2023
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agentcoltslaw · 4 months
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kvltprince · 4 years
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The headshots from Drawpril or so after I was mostly over the plague and had the big bout of drawing ambition of the year. I havent really had the focus to for extended times since though. It was nice to get everyones faces mostly sorted out though! 2/?? 2020. and of course toolio.
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thegreatdivide · 2 years
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Did a picrew of my boy Colt 💕
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trapdoornumberthree · 3 years
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It’s a late night post because these are such little doodles I don’t feel like queuing them. Hello Yes Man enjoyers
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