#jess is his family and his sister won't care for her own kid so he takes him in and is trying so hard to help him and lorelai is being-
#jade watches gilmore girls#ohhhh god the screaming...#lorelai p*sses me off so much in this scene#i get she's freaked because her kid was in a car accident but she had no right to scream at luke who heard rory jess and car accident and-#asked her if jess was ok after rory and lorelai doesn't know because jess is somewhere alone after caring for rory-#-and she completely forgot the info about an animal running out in the middle of the road all because she wants a good reason-#she has beef with a 16 year old...#and she's yelling at luke while he's on autopilot trying to process and worrying about jess about how he has an obligation to her and rory-#-like no he doesn't he just cares about you both that he looks after you both and you take advantage of that#jess is his family and his sister won't care for her own kid so he takes him in and is trying so hard to help him and lorelai is being-#so childish and full of herself like god forbid his world doesn't revolve around you sometimes#like jess is a sh*t but he's not evil#she completely doesn't understand his character while thinking dean is an angel when he terrifies rory while with jess she can actually-#-call him out on stuff#im so glad luke is called her out and got a yell in#like jess could've had a concussion alone somewhere and luke wanted to find him#and rory who endured all this and has a broken wrist is taking this way more calmly than her immature mother who she has to parent#and she just wants her to listen to her but she shuts her down like ohhh poor naive rory#yeah...lorelai really p*sses me off here in case it isn't obvious
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miaikon · 3 years
Book Rant - My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
There's no other book I have as intense a love-hate relationship with as "My Sister's Keeper". I've got no-one to rant to about that in real life, so here you go, dear tumblr. I need to get this off my chest.
Having (at least a bit) matured emotionally over the last year, I decided to re-read "My sister's keeper", to see if it still outrages me as much as it did two years ago. And it DOES! I have no beef with the author or the writing style, and I suspect it can be called a good book by the metric of moving me emotionally. What I hate are some of the characters, their actions, and the ending. So, TONS of spoilers ahead.
First, about the characters: I sympathize most with Anna, and I absolutely HATE Sara. I think she is the villian in this whole thing. Jesse gets my sympathies too, and Kate and Brian are pretty much non-entities. (Campbell is a prick. Julia is sympathetic but underused. I wonj'T be talking about those two, though, just the Fitzgerald disas... ehm family).
Let's start with our Big Bad Evil Woman, Sara. This freaking nightmare of a human being concieves a whole-ass CHILD to be spare parts for her poor sick golden girl, Kate. Like, really, she even TELLS ANNA the only reason she exists is spare parts for her sister.
This is driven home when, for the first time in her LIFE, Anna DARES to want something for herself - to go to a hockey camp. "If something happens to Kate, we need Anna - her BLOOD, her TISSUE, her PLATELETS - right here". Empathis mine. They don't need Anna, they need her body parts. Sara would prefer if Anna was a vegetable, kept alive by machines, so she can continue to harvest her designer donor for parts. That's despicable.
Also, she fails heavily as Jesse's mom. I get it, her golden child is deathly ill, but still. She just stops caring about ANYONE else all together. I would be more sympathetic if she hired care for her other kids or adopted them out if she is that overwhelmed. But of course she can't adopt Anna out because spare parts.
Also, her keeping Kate alive is pure selfishness, in a way. Sara herself does not sacrifice anything or, bizarrely, acknowledge either of her children as a person. They are just "the sick project I have to fix", "the spare parts", and "the problem". She doesn't even CARE what happens to Baby Anna right after birth, didn't bother to name her (Brian did), or knows where Anna is and what she does 99% of the time. When pregnant, her own inner monolouge tells me she thinks she is birthing a cure, not a baby.
Brian the fireman is a coward. He admits he dreads going home, and he never stands up to his wife even a bit. It takes Anna sueing her parents for him to realize something is off. While he might be seen as the "good, trying hard" parent, he too went the path of least resistance, gave up on Jesse, and also does not know what's going on in Anna's and Kate's lifes. While more sympathetic than his wife, he too utterly failed all his children.
Jesse is the first innocent victim of the situation. Being driven to pull his own bracers at about ten, because his mother won't drive him to the dentist, because she's "too sad to move, Golden Child is ill again". His needs get ignored for Golden Kate's needs and even wants again and again. To get at least some attention, he turns to deliquency, drinks and other stuff, and his parents just give up on him instead of getting him the help he desperately needs.
Reading this far, you might think I hate Kate. I don't, being ill as she is is not a joke and her mom's behaviour is not her fault. She just doesn't get much of a character other than "sick, likes soap operas, slightly mischievous". Also, she treats Anna like shit a lot, modelling her mother's behaviour.
Anna is the second innocent victim. Having been forced to be a donor for her sister for most of her life, she is well aware that that is her only purpose. I can't fault her for not wanting to do that any more and for not wanting to donate a kidney to someone who'll most likely die anyways. Her needs are getting passed over for Kate's needs, wants and even moods. Anna is treated like a walking donor bank, and basically told to be grateful to be fed, clothed and get whatever scraps of joy and love she can steal, beg or give to herself.
I also DESPISE the ending. Anna dies, Kate miraculously gets cured by her organs, and everyone's happy. Barf. That reinforces the message that Sara was right, that it's okay to birth and treat a child as a tool for the survival and benefit of your Golden Child.
A better ending would have been: - Sara donating the kidney, doing something for her daughter herself for ONCE in her miserable excuse of her life - Kate refusing the kidney for Anna's sake, and dying peacefully. - Kate committing suicide for the sake of her sister, so Anna finally can have a life instead of being beholden to her illness
Rant over. Fight me or not. If you read that far, thank you.
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Imagine: Near Dark Characters as Parents / Finding an Abandoned Baby While Hunting
TW Domestic Violence Mention, Alcohol Mention and Bad Situations. Angst and Tons of Fluff
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She was hunting like she normally did, walking down an abandoned alley in hopes some man would find her. She suddenly heard a noise coming from the dumpster. She walked over, climbing up and peeking over the edge before clutching her face and gasping as she saw a human baby squirming and crying in the garbage. She didn't hesitate to take the poor thing, wrapping them up in her coat and going back to the camper.
Everyone told her to get rid of it, that there was no way they could raise a human child as nomadic vampires. Homer remarked about it being a snack and Mae clutched the baby to her like a lifeline.
"I ain't leavin this sweet thing to die. You wanna kill them, ya gotta kill me too."
Severen groaned in annoyance and Jesse smacked his hand on the wall as they agreed to TEMPORARILY keep 'it'. Caleb didn't hesitate to help raise them. Missing Sarah and even at his young age; paternal instincts kicked in.
Diamondback held them, cooing softly and helping Mae. After all, Mae was still young. She didn't know how to take care of a little one. Diamondback was the mother of their family. Helping her as much as possible.
Mae didn't always know what to do for the baby but her heart was in the right place. Caleb and her quickly became parents to the little one. Taking turns hunting during the night while the other stayed home to watch the baby.
She stole baby formula from stores at night and rocked it to sleep right before dawn. She sang them lullabies and old country songs to get them to sleep.
As the little one grew, Mae became a better mother to a toddler than a baby. Able to play with them and talk to them. She tried her best teaching them colors and shapes with what objects they had.
She caught Uncle Sev playing with them as the baby clapped their hands in delight. Him and Diamondback accepted them the most other than Caleb who considered himself Mae's boyfriend and therefore the baby's Dad. Mae was elated by it. Feeling like she was able to live a normal domestic life with a loving partner and child she thought she would never have.
As the child got older, she would bond with them more but also feel dread at explaining what she was, what they all were.
She never wanted her child to turn but also didn't want to see her child age. It was a constant struggle.
People gave her extremely odd looks when the kid got older and she said she was the mom. By time they're a teen, she lies and says she's their sister.
Caleb was the same as Mae when she brought the little one home. At first, he took off his hat and ran his hand over his head saying, "Damn it, Mae...We can't raise a baby!" but he was all talk. The moment he held them, he fell in love.
The first night he held them made tears spring to his eyes he quickly wiped away before Homer or Severen saw. It reminded him of holding Sarah when he was 8 years old. He missed her dearly but the baby helped to heal that ache of missing his little sister.
He talked to the baby for hours like they understood every single word. Severen joked that he finally had someone to talk to. Caleb didn't hesitate to use the baby as a way to talk through Severen. "What's that? I know. I told him to lose the jacket but he don't listen none." Severen just gave him a dirty look and flipped him off which made the baby smirk and everyone in the camper burst out laughing.
Caleb worried himself when hunting. All he did was think of getting baby food and diapers before his own blood. He cut it so close one night he almost burned in the sun.
He's the most worried and guilt ridden of everyone. Worried the baby won't grow up right. They'll think killings okay. They'll have no friends. No education. Mae and him both secretly think of a game plan for when the child is 4 or so to somehow get property and enroll them in some type of schooling. They know the rest of the family would never go for it but they insist they need a normal childhood. Homer is jealous of this for obvious reasons and Severen and Jesse think it's a waste of time because two vampire parents and an entire vampire family? The kid would be turned before long so why bother with human schooling? Diamondback understands but let's them know it's not logical even if she emotionally understands where they're coming from.
He treats them just how he did Sarah when they grow. 'Honey' is his favorite petname for them especially when they're crying or HE is close to crying.
He feels guilt over Sarah not knowing her niece/nephew or his Dad not knowing his adopted grandchild. Holidays are extremely hard and he insisted they celebrate Christmas the best way they could just for his child to experience some level of normalcy.
He is a protective dad, his own treating of Mae and other women biting him in the ass when his kid comes home crying that a boy tried touching them while hunting with their mom. He apologized to Mae profusely how he acted when they first met, it took it happening to his own kid to understand how wrong it was of him as a teen in the 80's.
Him and Diamondback are almost always together during a hunt. This time, they split up. He didn't expect to hear a noise while in the woods. He almost thought it was a nightingale but he knew better. Too old and well known to think it was a bird. He hunted the noise down before he heard human crying. He readied his gun, glancing around a tree to see a yearling sobbing their eyes out in the dark. Scraps and scratches all over them and their voice was hoarse from wailing. He could sense coyotes watching them, waiting to snatch the baby up for food. He aimed the gun at them, thinking putting them out of their misery was best...But his hand shook and he drew it back. He cursed himself at his tiny bit of humanity he still had left. Fighting a civil war he lost everything for and still lost in the end, nomadically traveling in a changing world with nothing to show for but his own survival, killing people in awful ways. He was a bad person or at least used to be. Most likely still was in most people's books but he still had empathy for a baby defenseless in the woods. He sighed, picking them up and telling them to hush as he made his way back to the camper.
Diamondback stared at him and shook her head. "Jess, I can't eat a baby." He smirked at his mate. "We ain't eating it, dear. We're...We're keeping it. Just for now." Her eyes were wide and she asked a million and one questions before asking to hold them. Gently drying their eyes and wiping the dirt from their face as he smiled at seeing her be so attentive.
Everyone in the camper was yelling their questions before Jesse silenced them. As the Patriarch and sire to them, his word was final. They all stared at each other at the newest addition to their family.
Jesse tried not to get attached. He didn't even want to see them. But over several weeks of no news of a missing child, he realized they might have them longer than they thought. It didn't feel right just dropping them off at the hospital. Jesse had a habit of picking up strays. First Severen, then Homer, then Diamondback. He adopted Mae through Homer and Caleb through Mae. He didn't have family and giving up this child felt no different then when he was abandoned. He just couldn't do it.
One day, they started crying and he had no choice but to wake up and take care of them before they woke everyone else up. He tried scolding them like he would one of his fledglings even if he knew the baby didn't understand a single thing he said. "You're becoming a nuisance. Crying, throwing up, eating none stop...Your worse then Severen." The baby stared up at him as they nursed the bottle he gave them. Out of baby food for now. "Don't look at me like that." It fell on deaf ears as they wrapped a hand around his finger while drinking. Smiling as they suckled. He felt a pain in his chest he had been avoiding this entire time and he just KNEW he was smitten. Forever.
He was a very relaxed father figure. Never even calling himself 'Dad'. The baby grew up and had him wrapped around their finger. Diamondback by association became Mom even if Dad was just 'Jesse'. The relationship of Father and child was still there.
They were extremely used to vampirism and helped Jesse lure victims in. He never planned on them having a normal life, having a life with a family that adored them was better than nothing. If anything happened to them, he would not stop until he got revenge or his child back.
He planned on turning them on their 18th birthday as a 'gift'. They looked forward to it, feeling guilty that their family had to do so much against their nature, risking their lives to keep them safe.
Homer respected Jesse deeply and because of that accepted the kid. Becoming their big brother no matter how much taller they got than him. Severen was more than happy to play the uncle role, constantly picking on them and laughing as they kicked him in the shin. Mae and Caleb became a sort of Aunt and Uncle as well, constantly trying to motherhen the kid when they felt Jesse was being a careless parental figure which caused arguments routinely.
She trusted her mate and sire with her life. So if he said they were raising a baby; they were raising a baby!
She instantly got attached, her motherly instincts she tried having for Homer obviously wasted as he mentally aged. She mothered Mae and Caleb, Severen regularly reminding them: "That's your mama talkin, boy! You better respect that!" Whenever they argued. So one more mouth to feed was not a big issue to her, even if it meant going the extra mile for baby food.
Out of everyone, she handled parenthood the easiest. Easily shushing them with a humming lullaby. Knowing just what they wanted and needed. Never getting too upset when they cried.
She made sure everyone knew this baby was her and Jesse's. Mama bear to the max. She would glare at ANY of them and make sure they knew what would happen if she went on a hunt and came back to a missing child.
She secretly wanted them to have a 'normal' life but knew it wouldn't happen. There was no logical way. No SSN, no residency, no bank info, nothing. So despite the yearning, she didn't entertain the idea for long. Just happy to travel with them.
She enjoyed winter time not only seeing her child play in the snow but because of it getting dark sooner; they could be outside with other kids more often. She would dress down a bit and let them play in the park at night with a few neighborhood kids just to let them make at least one friend.
She smiled sadly when they cried to her that they wanted more friends. She rubbed their back and had to explain to them why they couldn't. Guilt eating at her more than Jesse.
Homer overheard and with a roll of his eyes he played the part of a 'kid' to make his sibling feel better. Caleb and Mae joined in followed by Severen as they had a snowball fight outside. (Homer cheated and put a rock in one for Caleb. )
She would teach them how to dance, giving them talks and telling them about her and Jesse. Hoping they never force her to have to rip someones face off for hurting them. Their kid reminds her they are becoming a vampire at 18 so no worries. She still gets teary eyes and lets them know it doesn't matter. They would ALWAYS be her baby.
He killed a woman that he lured out of her car by faking being hurt; playing on her empathy towards a child. He didn't expect to hear crying. He looked to see a baby in the back seat. He didn't know what to do with it. Leave it? Eat it? Kill it? He decided to take it home and let everyone else decide what to do with it.
By far the least amount of paternal instincts out of everyone. Caleb and Mae fought him when he took it home and shoved the car seat on the table and said 'I don't know, throw it out or whatever.'
Diamondback was the one to convince Jesse to keep them. She told Homer it was his responsibility too. "WHAT?! Why me?" "Cause you made the kill to their mama without checking. It's your fault." He rolled his eyes and refused.
Over a few days, he eyed it as everyone else took care of them. He huffed at them. "You are the ugliest lil shit I've ever seen." He panicked when that earned a wobbly lip and a harsh cry that turned everyone's heads. Severen rolled his eyes at Homer. "God, ain't you a lil too old a lil too lil to be jealous of a BABY?" Mae rushed to comfort it while glaring at Homer. That pained Homer seeing his fledgling mad at him.
Homer resented the child at first. He didn't like it. He was turned at such a young age that 'empathy' wasn't there like it was the other family members.
After a few months, he was stuck with babysitting duty. He plopped on the rickety built in sofa and played with his revolver while the baby entertained themselves. He looked up to see the baby getting frustrated that two shapes didn't fit together with their toy. He rolled his eyes. "God your so stupid, HERE." He did it for them and they released an excited yell, clapping their hands. He smirked. "That entertains you? Seriously?" They bounced on the ground wanting him to do it again. He grinned. "That's nothin! Wanna see me teach you something useful?" He showed the baby how to load his revolver. Caleb and Mae flipped their shit when they came back to see the baby messing with it. Homer scoffed. "It's not even loaded."
He finds himself becoming very protective of them. He was lonely being physically so young so having a baby look at him as 'big' was wonderful. He became their big brother rather than a father figure.
Even when they grew up and got taller than him. (He cried in private. He will kill everyone if they found out.) They still looked up to him as their big brother. It warmed his cold heart even just a little bit.
Any friend or potential mate would be interrogated profusely. He wouldn't hesitate to aim his gun right at their gut and threaten then to be good to his sibling or else.
He was hitchhiking. Just got done feeding when he heard some commotion a distance away. Curiously, he followed it. Effortlessly climbing into a tree to watch a man hit his wife through a window. He sighed but didn't get involved. He almost left, not seeing anything interesting when his sight saw something in the dark. He jumped down from the tree to see a toddler, barely a toddler, barefoot and wobbling around alone in the cold night. A bit of hot anger coursed through him at that. He didn't hesitate to pick them up. "Cmere pup, let's go see what mongrel ya belong to huh?" He put on a crazy grin as he knocked on the door with the baby in hand. He leaned against the frame as the woman came to answer, drunk as hell with a shiner on her cheek. She scoffed. "You lil bastard! I thought I told ya to go to sleep!" She tried taking them and Severen jerked back. The husband came out with a shotgun just as drunk and aimed at Severen cussing up a storm about trespassers. Not even caring about the child. Severen dodged a gun shot as the baby wailed. He sat them down and ripped the shot gun from the man only to bludgeon him to death right in front of the woman. He got up to her face and smirked at her. "People like you make me sick and that ain't an easy thing to do. How about ya tie a knot in it and don't breed anymore? Cause you sure as shit can't even take care of this one." She started screaming and running in the yard. Once again, not even grabbing her child. He rolled his eyes before giving her a quick death, full but still feeding on her. He checked the house to make sure no one else was there. He then scopped up the baby and started walking back home. He refused to hear any protest, even from Jesse.
Surprisingly he was an amazing Dad even if he didn't know what to do all the time. He watched them like a hawk, constantly bouncing them on his lap or letting them gum at his hands while they traveled. He didn't care how he looked as he made faces at them or funny noises to get them to laugh. Caleb smirked with a surprised face at seeing the most sadistic and bat shit crazy vampire of the bunch be so...Affectionate. Severen threatened him after that, handing the baby to Diamondback just to get up and remind Caleb was still that bat shit crazy vampire in the group.
He had a tendancy to cuss around them. HE thought it was hilarious when they repeated it but everyone else told him that was 'bad'.
"Daddy I told ya to stop it! Give it back!" A little one stomped their foot with a strong southern accent as he folded his arms and held their toy in his hand too high for them to reach. "Not having that hissy fit. You don't talk to your Daddy like that, ya hear?" They kicked the ground with a glare. "...Sorry." He finally handed it back to them and got to their level to explain things in a very matter of fact way. Shockingly, he was good at letting them understand an eye for an eye and how the world worked. He never baby talked them. He explained things in an adult tone like he would anyone else but it worked. If threatening them didn't work. He pretended to cry. Homer and Caleb always got a kick out of it. It was the most dramatic fake crying but it worked everytime. Covering his face and flopping down on a seat to heave his shoulders and release the loudest cringey sobs. His kid rushed over to apologize with tears in their own eyes as he subtly gave Jesse a smirk from across the room from his acting skills. Jesse just chuckled and shook his head as his baby hugged him tightly he hugged them back. Homer always INSISTED he wasn't crying hard enough and his acting blowed.
He was worried at first about play fighting. Terrified of his own inhuman strength. He had to be extra gentle when wrestling or tickling or chasing them. Always letting them win just in case.
He cheats. At every game; he cheats... He taught his kid to cheat too. Jesse unfolded his kids sleeve and gave Severen a dirty look. "WHAT? I didn't teach the kid that." Diamondback grabbed his sleeve too to see the same card trick. Jesse and Severen both drew out their guns with a smirk and his kid just laughed. Just another day. They had seen their Dad shot multiple times and was told that for them only it was like Tom and Jerry. They'd grow back or heal. Jesse being like Severen's Kids great uncle or grandfather picked them up and told them. "Come on, honey. We don't need two cheaters in the game. Unlike your weasel Dad, your wounds won't heal." He bopped them on the nose as they just laughed and agreed.
Boy, girl, they. Didn't matter. They had every pet name in the book but especially embarrassing nicknames an older brother would give their sibling.
Fatherhood softened him a bit, even on hunts. He now didn't go after younger kids, especially young teen girls unless he absolutely had to. Instead, he taught them a life lesson by scaring the shit out of them. Picking up their car or ripping the hood up in front of them as a threat to be smart and stop picking up hitchhikers or flirting with strange men twice their age. All he could picture was his baby being a teen and something happening to them.
He planned on turning his kid whenever they wanted. However, he insisted they wait till their 20's because it's 'easier to navigate on hunts'
He definitely cried for real multiple times if they grew up too soon in his eyes. He is a very high energy, confident and explosive man/vamp. He definitely cried even in private. And god help any boy that came barking up his kids tree. He would run them through the ringer regardless if his kid was a human teen or a 50 yr old vampire that looked 20. Expect his adult child to yell at him for grabbing their boyfriend by the collar and hoisting him up with a maniacal grin and a string of threats if ANYTHING happened to his baby. A girlfriend he wouldn't be AS mean but definitely would give her a hard time and push buttons. If either of them hurt his kid? Hands are rated E for everyone.
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Gen 4.1 Planning
Libi: Okay, so my basic premise for who Libi is going to be at her core, WOO; I was thinking about how we said that she is Tess' second (lowkey third but I'll let you live gal) chance at 'getting it right' and raising a child well, which, OBVIOUSLY, she's never told or anything but there's an innate pressure in that that you'd know on some level, likewise her mum AND dad died so everyone would be quick with those comparisons always, this family and Liam's mum when that contact is made because her daughter died as well as; Then that made me think of the pressure Ro felt because you know, bad shit happened to Bea (Edie and Liam in this case) and then she got saved by McVickers and felt like she owed everyone to be great and do great things; so my vibe is that BUT COMING FROM A LESS SELFISH, WEIRD, PERFECTIONISM ANGLE soz not soz Ro, we know what you did; I see her being better behaved as she grows up, far more than her parents obviously but lowkey better behaved than any of the mcvickers or cali kids ever were because she thinks everyone deserves that, her not causing any more problems, but again UNLIKE Ro, she wouldn't be different to a degree of not fitting in because she'd make a massive effort to be there for everyone and every event, be likeable and get along with as much of the fam as possible, obviously some of that is natural charm but it's also putting in the time ahem Rosaline; like, she's a people pleaser, to a fault, and all she cares about is making everyone else, Tess, Fearghal, Ali, JJ etc etc, happy and making sure she's being what she thinks they want her to be/need her to be, and like that is what makes her happy because she is doing it out of love and respect not obligation but she doesn't know she's doing it, you know? Again, it's innate, how she is, but that's where the arc can come in, in realising that she goes with what makes everyone else happy, is who they need, but what does SHE want herself, and what does SHE need? A way I thought we could make this a Bobby/Libi storyline if we wanted (but we do not have to) is if she does have feelings for him, could be any point on his timeline gfs and kids wise whatever, but she lets him go and have whatever gf or do whatever thing because she's like that's what he wants he doesn't like me or want me like that etc, because she doesn't let herself want things selfishly or do anything just for herself Bobby: we should totally have them be together as little bubs because they are and it's like a running joke that they are gonna get together/get married like we've lowkey already said but more so but maybe the vibe is he is really shy how he is and lowkey it's like a my sister and me vibe where she does all the talking and socialising for him and like all their friends are joint friends Bobby: not in a creepy Ro and Ali way but Bobby: and we will let you outgrow that sir Libi: it makes sense because obviously we're learning sign language so simply Bobby can't communicate with most kids by himself, that's facts, and it's easier to have another kid help you than Jimmy always being there, or whoever he has helping him at school, you know Bobby: oh snap maybe I flip reverse what I said and Cammie's mum is the deaf one too and the vibe could be that like Libi pushes him to get some deaf friends as they become like tweens/teens so he can communicate himself so he does and does become more outgrowing that way but maybe he lowkey leans too hard into deaf culture for a while there and she feels like pushed out by it because it's something she can't be a part of Libi: ooh yeah, that makes a lot of sense Bobby: it adds something to Cammie's character as well being hearing but having two deaf parents so that's interesting Bobby: and also makes sense why JJ have to help them so much as well as them just being young Libi: right, there's a lot of shit Cammie would have to do from a young age if not for JJ lowkey 'cos it's just easier for a hearing kid than it is a deaf adult in this world Libi: her mum could maybe be more partial for ease but yes Bobby: and like it makes sense that Libi would push her feelings aside when those two grow closer/happen because she'd be like well they're both deaf that's something I can't give him and something I want him to have Libi: exactly, it'd feel really selfish to wreck that even if you didn't have all the ingrained shit she does around it Bobby: and obviously he actually wants to be with her as well but thinks she doesn't want that and before you now it there's baby Cammie so it's like well now I gotta try and make this work because don't wanna be a shit father like I had Libi: oh the drama of it all Libi: love it Libi: and we've not really got (that I can think of) a never mind I'll find someone like you type deal Libi: because usually it's like JUST SAY IT but it actually makes sense here to pine and long but let him go Libi: hence I'm here for it Libi: So, what I'm thinking right now is, that they're like never officially together, like it just keeps being an in-joke kinda vibe and like we're JUST best friends and then kind of like family, but obviously as they get into tween/teen years it's beyond a stage you can pretend you're just a kid playing at being girlfriend and boyfriend and as you said boo, that will coincide with JJ wedding and kids roughly so then it'd be more obvious like it's not going to happen seriously, then she can encourage him to get deaf friends etc, but I feel like he should only meet Cammie's mum just before or at uni (or whatever equivalent he's doing after school) so then it is quick and not like they were even mates before so it's less of a shock for all, you know? Bobby: I totally agree because I strongly pictured him being best man at the JJ wedding (soz Pete) and her being one of the bridesmaids and all the bants that go along with that and them both being SO 😳 Bobby: and yeah he could live the cliché that Jac was mocking and literally get with this girl freshers week I'd believe it Libi: Right? it then mirrors the Jameson/Cammie thing except they literally are just BFFs and there isn't anything going on Libi: there's actually weight to this but we're just like haha no don't be silly Bobby: and we've literally not done that trope with childhood boy girl best friends before really because baze are probably the closest but they were always so clearly in love and refusing to fight it so it's fun Libi: exactly, because unknowingly or otherwise, we're fighting against all the cliches and tropes that come with this family Libi: like I'm going to not do any of those things that caused drama for everyone and this is clearly too close to home, even though I don't think anyone would actually be that bothered, we've just really internalized and gone with it Bobby: like how nobody cares Jac is gay except Jac herself Libi: right Libi: but obviously she's good at keeping this all internal because no one can or is gonna clock it and be like, babe, it's okay Libi: like JJ might be a bit like oop, keeping it in the family but as long as you're both happy they really don't care, and same for mcvickers even if Tess is suspish of everyone that comes into any gal's life 'cos trauma lol Bobby: Bobby wasn't trying to make deaf culture happen for himself but Libi would have been so excited for him to get out there and do it that he would've been excited too and then it is literally like a new world opening up because who has he ever interacted with that's deaf before Bobby: didn't mean to lowkey leave you behind gal but Libi: it's kinda her own fault, not to blame you but clearly literally what we do like okay he's happy now mission accomplished Bobby: and maybe Cammie's mum is like the deaf equivalent of those gays who make it their whole identity so she's really selling it and so he also thinks okay this is who I should be with Libi: we know the vibe, like it's more excusable but still, I get you Libi: I see it Libi: a bit of a baby gay equivalent like go too hard and you're like I need to calm this down Libi: UNRELATED BUT Libi: think it will please you Libi: Jay is born 32 like Bobby, I'm pretty sure, and I thought Libi and her would also make for interesting content because Jay obviously feels she owes a lot to the fam for not being stuck with Chloe etc etc and the very little we did with her gave off a similar energy to me Libi: and she has her commitment issues in relationships because of her mum situation so they can bond over the shit that holds 'em back even though it's different stuff Bobby: and her relationship with Ava being her mum but also not being is something I feel like Libi can relate to because of how she was raised and the Rio and Buster-ness of it all because they wanted to raise her and obvs they wanted to raise Jay for a while there too Bobby: plus all the travelling she does is something that Libi could potentially join her in doing if she needs an escape so that's nice Libi: 100% it makes for a strong friendship there's a lot of parallels if not total similarities Libi: it makes a lot of sense, it's coming together baby Bobby: if you need to get away from seeing Bobby literally playing happy families, I can offer you that gal because I'm gonna have her go to uni/live in new york probably now that Nancy isn't because her face actually did live there idk if they still do or what but Bobby: we know the vibe is that she goes everywhere and can't settle so you'll have lots of chances to run away in a way that won't upset anyone Bobby: and when she gets her man and it works out we could totally coincide that because she can be like if I can do it so can you Libi: a mood a moment Bobby: all I know is Bobby is gonna be more chatty because neither Jimothy or Jesse are so I must but not to Jude levels of !!! Libi: a nice middleground Libi: which is kind of what I see for her honestly Libi: less in your face than 1. we were as a little bub 2. a lot of the fam but still sociable enough that it jives well with most of 'em Bobby: I'm so happy about all of this and honestly Cammie's mum being deaf makes so much sense in terms of what we were already thinking about her being more distant and working a lot Libi: if she doesn't give up the fight, she could be some kind of advocate vibe Libi: 'cos then Cammie can't even call her out really Libi: like soz this is important, maam your child Bobby: exactly what I was thinking we're in sync rn boo Libi: because it all makes sense, you gotta follow one thread and then the story shows itself tbh Libi: because tying in Astrid too, obviously that makes sense because she loses her mum too, and she'd ultimately be a really good influence because after Ro dies Astrid is kind of freed to do whatever she wants for herself Libi: and how much happier it makes her, how much she improves...well Libi: sips tea Bobby: I LOVE THIS Libi: and who else is taking the autistic girl that seriously and letting her teach you things Libi: love that for you Libi: she's living her best life and we can see that Bobby: she can be in their friend group, I'm happy Libi: ALSO, I feel as if she couldn't lie to Astrid Libi: because she says how she sees it bluntly and we're not going to feel comfortable fobbing her off because of that insistence, so that'll be good for you even when we're hiding it from everyone else Libi: everyone else you've just got to be vaguely like oh no no and it's dropped and like okay Bobby: we're gonna get to show so many different sides of Libi, I'm always here for that Bobby: and however far we go down the Astrid and her gf eating disorder rabbit hole, we''ll have Libi not treating her like a kid which is great Libi: yeah, there's loads we can do with the end of gen 4 for them all it's a mood Bobby: okay so what or who would you like to throw Libi at first Libi: that is the question Bobby: just so we know Bobby is going to Trinity and studying Business, Economics and Social Studies (B.E.S.S.) which is business, economics, political science and sociology basically so he can end up working at that advertising place with Jimothy after he has done this 4 years Bobby: Cammie's mum is there doing deaf studies which is also 4 years Libi: do we wanna do a rough timeline for these people mentioned here Libi: Jay born 32, we find out about her when she's 7 in 39 Libi: Bobby is born 32 and comes into the story 38 Libi: Libi is born 34, Edam die 35, we know this situation, is 4 soon to be 5 when she meets Bobby vias JJ Libi: Astrid is born 35 and Ro dies in 44 when Astrid is 9 Libi: JJ can get married 46, so Libi is 12 and Bobby is 14 Libi: doesn't have to be when we intro the deaf friends to the point of exclusion obvs but it's timed so we never have the 'real' relationship chat of it all obvs Libi: so Bobby would go to uni in 50-51 and Camie is born 51 start of 2nd year Libi: that gives us this good 4 year period before uni to play with, then obviously we know the vibe of when she's born and making that work etc Libi: Hmm, I think it would make the most sense to do a gap year then stay local, like that's the ideal Libi: because I really think she'd struggle being away from the fam Libi: but I'm kinda thinking maybe to be cruel she DOES go away because it seems like something the fam are like yay about Libi: 'cos she'd try really, really hard to stay but they should at least notice that and she can transfer for a reprieve Bobby: that's really nice actually Libi: she should do her first year in Liverpool, the rest at Trinity Libi: okay, so film studies, it was only 3 years in Liverpool but we're changing to trinity and you do years 1 and 2 (aka whilst Bobby is still there at least for year 1 but I need to check anyway) there and years 3 and 4 at Columbia uni in new york, aka where Jay is Libi: **remind me to check the times but we need to give him a solid bday and I'm changing hers up too Libi: this is just roughly Libi: but this way we can be cruel with it lol
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