#ohhhh god the screaming...
clumsycapitolunicorn · 9 months
#jade watches gilmore girls#ohhhh god the screaming...#lorelai p*sses me off so much in this scene#i get she's freaked because her kid was in a car accident but she had no right to scream at luke who heard rory jess and car accident and-#asked her if jess was ok after rory and lorelai doesn't know because jess is somewhere alone after caring for rory-#-and she completely forgot the info about an animal running out in the middle of the road all because she wants a good reason-#she has beef with a 16 year old...#and she's yelling at luke while he's on autopilot trying to process and worrying about jess about how he has an obligation to her and rory-#-like no he doesn't he just cares about you both that he looks after you both and you take advantage of that#jess is his family and his sister won't care for her own kid so he takes him in and is trying so hard to help him and lorelai is being-#so childish and full of herself like god forbid his world doesn't revolve around you sometimes#like jess is a sh*t but he's not evil#she completely doesn't understand his character while thinking dean is an angel when he terrifies rory while with jess she can actually-#-call him out on stuff#im so glad luke is called her out and got a yell in#like jess could've had a concussion alone somewhere and luke wanted to find him#and rory who endured all this and has a broken wrist is taking this way more calmly than her immature mother who she has to parent#and she just wants her to listen to her but she shuts her down like ohhh poor naive rory#yeah...lorelai really p*sses me off here in case it isn't obvious
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layla-carstairs · 6 months
thinking about how much Ty hates change & how he was visibly distressed when he thought Julian forgot about the pancakes but he's the one who most desperately wants Mark to take over from Julian. thinking about how Julian's first line in the series is that Ty & Livvy are eating wax and how his hands are covered in wax too. thinking about how Julian thinks of them as his children but they're the siblings closest in age to him, the brother and sister he was probably the closest to growing up
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renarin-spren · 1 year
reading a Sanderson book is like. wow I can't wait to read the most fucked up insane sibling dynamic ever
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Fairytale AU where a curse can be saved by love but when the love goes away the curse comes back.
Prince Steve was cursed shortly after his birth. He doesn’t know the full story, his parents refuse to talk about it, but he’s heard the rumours- the whispers among the castle staff. If he doesn’t fall in love by the time he turns 18, he will fall asleep one day and never wake up. Never dying, trapped in an eternal slumber.
He falls in love with Lady Nancy Wheeler at age 16, and the curse goes away. Steve stops feeling the tugging in his gut, the tingling in his spine, the fog in his head, the dreams - that he now realises to be the curse. Ever present. Waiting. Gone.
Nancy was considered a tolerable match by his parents so she was betrothed to Steve. A deal arranged with their parents. Talks that neither of them were invited to. Talks of the training that Lady Nancy would have to receive. The public appearances they’d have to make. Planning the wedding. Her moving to the palace - in her own suite of course. They don’t talk about the curse. Steve is in love after all, and he’s safe. The people can’t know their crown prince is cursed.
Nancy doesn’t feel safe. She is trapped. Trapped in a relationship that she likes, but doesn’t love. Trapped in a betrothal that makes a wedding feel more like a business transaction. She doesn’t want it. She doesn’t want to be trapped in a marriage with a man her parents arranged for her. She doesn’t want to turn out like her parents. She doesn’t want to move on and just forget Barb.
She isn’t in love with Steve. She’s falling for Jonathan. A sweet guy from the village. Not from the Noble’s Quarter like her, or the Castle like Steve. Jonathan is just himself. He gets her. That she doesn’t want to be a Lady, at the beck and call of Steve and his Advisers. She wants to travel, to learn, to investigate, to fight. She wants to make her own choices. She is betrothed to Steve when she sleeps with Jonathan for the first time.
Steve sees her and Jonathan together. Tommy and Carol, his Noble “Friends” betrothed since they were toddlers- started spreading rumours about her. Only courting Steve for his money and power. The Throne.
Monsters attack the city and suddenly it doesn’t seem like it matters much anymore. Steve still loves Nancy, they are still engaged to be married once he’s turned 20. They’re still together. It’ll be fine. Steve is 18 now, and the castle is throwing a huge masked ball for the occasion. Nancy gets drunk. Very drunk. Steve ushers her away from the ballroom, where they can get some privacy and he can wave down a servant to fetch some water and plain food. Except that doesn’t happen. She tells him he’s bullshit. They’re bullshit. She doesn’t love him.
And Steve feels a tugging, something snapping back into place. He’s heartbroken and his love isn’t enough to hold the curse off anymore. But he can’t feel it amongst the nausea in his gut and pinch of tears threatening to fall. So he storms off. He needs to get out, he needs to leave.
Robin finds him in the palace grounds sitting on a bench next to a small pond. , on the opposite side of the palace to the ballroom where the party is. His mask is off, jacket thrown onto the ground next to him, vest unbuttoned, undershirt untied at his neck. He tells her Nancy doesn’t love him and he cries into her arms.
She’s the first one to notice. That when he blinks his eyes shut for slightly too long. He’s not as alert as he once was. He sleeps deeper now, not light and fitful and nightmare-ridden. Then he starts sleeping for longer and longer each night. Takes more naps. The eternal sleep is grasping at him with hungry hands and slowly pulling him under.
Steve mentions it to her before she can even broach the topic. They’re alone together, as they’re not supposed to be; in Steve’s chambers, as they’re definitely not supposed to be. He’s scared Robin. He thinks the curse might be back. She says she thinks so too and they cry wrapped in each others arms until Steve falls asleep. The next morning, when Steve is still asleep - Robin goes to Dustin. Genius Child, and unofficial little brother to Steve. Robin asks him what does he know about magic? About blessings and curses? And so they go the library. And don’t turn up with much - the King and Queen have restricted and banned a lot of texts that deal with curses. An attempt to draw suspicion away from them and their reputation. So Robin changes the question and asks again - Does he know a court enchanter he can trust? A wild mage? A witchhunter? A cursebreaker?
And Dustin says he does. That he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, but this is an emergency. It’s for Steve. He knows a wild mage - an apothecary and expert in all illegal and banned magics. A semi-wanted criminal by the name of Eddie Munson. Robin goes to him and she tries to ask for help without giving too much away. She doesn’t want to tell him Steve’s secret. It doesn’t work, he turns her away. He isn’t going to deal with some Royal ass kissing servant who lies to his face. Robin is absolutely fucking fuming and tells Steve as such. She’s trying to help, but the one lead they have told her she was just a conformist. Probably just wanted money or power, or a love potion.
So Steve says they’ll make him listen. Take him to this mage. Robin tries to protest, she can try again, the journey is too long for him when he’s getting this tired, they’ll miss him at the palace. But he insists. They won’t miss him, and he’ll have her with him. He trusts her with his life if he starts to drift to sleep in the woods. So they pick a day they won’t be missed and make the trek out to the Wild Mage who lives in the woods. Robin has to hold onto Steve halfway through to keep him upright and stop him from wandering off, half asleep. They make it to the clearing, and Eddie leaves his cottage to see who’s asking for his help this time. He goes to scowl when he sees Robin, but stops when he sees Prince Steve Harrington, dressed down in loose comfy clothes, swaying softly and blinking sleepily. Before either of them can say anything, Steve closes his eyes and drops where he stands, slumping down on Robin.
Eddie and Robin drag his limp form into his cottage together and that’s when Eddie realises he can sense the curse lingering on Steve Harrington’s form. He can feel it vibrating in the air like electricity, feel it thick and heavy in the air. It smells like rot and decay, slowing eating away and Steve’s soul. He’s silent as they put Steve in his bed, the man now fast asleep.
“He’s the one who’s cursed.” Eddie says quietly. “The one you came here for last time.”
He is, and Robin begs for him to break the curse.
(I’m not too sure what happens next, but I know I want Eddie and El and maybe Will? IDK. To actually break the curse. Them to tell Robin that her and Steve’s platonic love was delaying the curse, slowing it down. For Steve and Eddie fall in love at their own pace. No curse hanging over their heads.)
I have absolutely nothing to add to this other than my pure and unfiltered LOVE and NEED. This is AMAZING!! I genuinely have had this sitting in my inbox trying to reason if I could add something but it would be pointless. You’ve got it ALL!!! Everything!! It’s all HERE!!! I’m absolutely completely in love with this I can’t say it enough. God I love all of your ideas but it sounds like you might have more plans for this one and if you do I want to be first in line PLEASE!!!!
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madame-mongoose · 5 months
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weezeranitsweezy · 8 days
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the WORST pictures of scott shriner u've ever seen, taken by me, @ their show in glasgow 2nite!!!
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shima-draws · 7 months
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beyond-skies · 1 month
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Hi hello I doodled Mesa between waiting for coats of paint to dry because I love her and have had "Waste" stuck in my head for days 👍
I didn't realize how her cloak worked until later
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camels-pen · 11 months
vague DP x Noragami crossover time~
Hiyori is terrified of Danny; something about him rubs her so so wrong. She tries her best to be nice, but she is the equivalent of a shivering chihuahua puppy in his midst. Danny feels kinda bad about that, but he can't really turn it off without turning human so he tries to stay as calm as possible around her.
Yukine, on the other hand, loves him. He thinks Danny's so cool and keeps bugging him about stuff from America and trying to show off how much he knows about the culture (a very impressive amount actually), and goes nuts seeing all the things Danny can do with his ghost powers. Danny feels the same about Yukine, gushing about his Shinki abilities and urging him into telling stories about his adventures and Japanese culture. These two become good friends.
Yato is kind of indifferent, and then the tiniest bit jealous once Yukine starts looking up to Danny. After getting to know him a little more, Danny has a hard time believing someone like Yato is a real "god".
It doesn't take long for Yukine to start looking up to Danny, just seeing how easily Danny can take care of Ayakashi (named "Phantoms" in the anime, heh) impressed Yukine enough to ask for advice. Thus, Yato's "oh hey potentially a customer!" doesn't last more than a day or two.
Danny does accidentally hang out with Hiyori in human form, and she does not recognize him in the slightest. She also isn't afraid of him at all in human form.
Important note: Danny, to this trio, only know him as "Phantom"
Side idea: I,,, am gonna be honest, I dunno how the naming system would work realistically, but somehow with some word, Yato gets cut off from saying the whole word of something and Danny gets a funny feeling in his chest! By the time he feels two hands holding him tightly, he realizes that he is A) not in ghost form, B) not in human form, and C) he was-
"A Thermos?" Yato asked. "Bit of a random item, but- HOLD ON YOU'RE A SHINKI?!"
Danny did not, in fact, know he was a Shinki.
The idea is: Yato, being a "god of calamity" (if this isnt actually true, F to me), and Danny, being... whatever the hell amalgamation of ecto-energy and ghost shit and human being that he is- they both sort of? overlap? If that makes sense. And so, even though Yato did not intend to call a Shinki, nor did he know Danny was a Shinki (and that he had apparently bestowed a name at some point and completely forgotten about except- that's impossible what the fuck) he had none the less a new Shinki in his possession. One that turned into a thermos.
Idk how this would go plotwise, but Yato would immediately turn around and go "hey, Yukine, isn't this great? We can use Danny to keep food warm in the winter-!" and then he gets wrestled to the ground by Hiyori of all people, who was previously keeping a good distance between her and Danny and also panicking a little bit because it seemed like his smell completely disappeared what-
And Danny is just "what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck" and "did my parents sell me to the calamity god at some point???"
The answer he gets is no, but he's never totally sure and is always suspicious about it.
Some more notes:
-> He freaks out Hiyori because he smells like an Ayakashi
-> Yukine is a little bit drawn to him due to their similar (enough) circumstances.
-> Yato doesn't give much of a shit beyond the usual, at first, because he's used to the presence of death and Ayakashi near him. And Danny's existence isn't much of a surprise to him after hanging out with a sort-of Ayakashi (Hiyori) for so long.
-> After transforming into a Shinki for Yato, Danny can, in fact, blight him! When he changes back to his non-thermos self though, he does not blight Yato.
-> Danny offers to teach Yukine math one (1) time when Hiyori is unavailable and it ends with both of them getting repeat lessons. Danny thinks its a rip-off that he's not in school and yet he's still doing homework.
#dp crossover#DPxNoragami#danny phantom#noragami#nemotime#might add to this later when i'm further along in my rewatch of the anime and remember more stuff#tho i definitely remember that Rabo guy and it would be quite fun to consider him fucking shit up for Yato AND Danny#i wanna make Danny and Hiyori decent friends when he's in human form but i find it so funny making her just hiss at him out of fear#and then going 'omg im sooo sorry. i dont know what came over me- *HISS*' but like. she is completely 100% geniune#poor girl. it is very amusing to me however#possible reasons for Danny not in school - vacation. graduated. errand for Clockwork. etc. idk yet)#will probably make it so that Hiyori eventually gets used to having him around and then she's the one to make the connection#about his human form. but for now. crying screaming hissing on the floor etc#YOOO#HOW FUCKED UP WOULD IT BE IF CLOCKWORK WAS ONE OF THE BIG TIME 'gods' AND HE JUST MADE DANNY HIS SHINKI#WITHOUT TELLING HIM????#ohhhh#this fucks me up oh man#CW seeing no problem with it & Danny not getting the problem until its pointed out to him#that he can't remember a single time before this when he was used / turned into a thermos#because when you make a spirit a Shinki and give them a name#they transform. so Danny should be able to remember transforming *at least* once before now. and yet.#i mean its not that hard to figure out right? Master ('god') of all time. Likely to be very volatile Shinki. Just rewind and you're good :)#and maybe CW does rewind. when Danny starts blighting him kinda hard. and Danny doesn't notice much out of place#he just thinks he got knocked out during a fight and asked what he missed#later. Hiyori and Yukine will try to jog his memory and Yato will be doing ... something sus probably in the background to try to help#oh man i also gotta figure out Danny and Yato's whole deal with the accidental Shinki + blighting mess between them#anywho bed time for meee
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NononoNONONONONONOOOO (cruel_sisyphean_eight-shaped.floor)
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anoras · 9 months
so sad how branwen decided to switch to a new sketchbook only days before orin stuck a tadpole in her brain. probably could have answered a lot of questions if it had sketches in it.
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eosofspades · 5 months
next gen (2018) is the best movie ever for a lot of reasons but the biggest, most integral one that i've never seen anybody actually address before, is that it is fundamentally a story about being a very young child who is suffering so much emotional pain and the experience of that pain not being taken seriously by anyone around you. mai's anger issues and crushing loneliness are absolutely integral to any reading of the story's themes, and not only is her pain a driving force, but it is validated by the narrative. the story doesn't mock her for having "daddy issues," she's not just a whiny or dramatic little girl; she is ABSOLUTELY justified in feeling lonely and hopelessly angry, and the movie goes out of its way to show you things from HER perspective. and at the end, the "lesson" she had to learn wasn't that she was WRONG about how she viewed her mother and her situation - in fact, her MOM is the one who has to learn that she was mistreating her daughter and hurting her.
the movie also takes so much care to honestly and realistically show how that loneliness can manifest in the most destructive of ways - mai is ALLOWED to be angry, she is allowed to be rude and abrasive and destructive, and while it is portrayed as a problem and something that needs to be addressed, the narrative never BLAMES her for it - because she is a child reacting in a real, emotional, raw, human way to her trauma and pain.
what i'm trying to say is i have never seen a film before that takes a child's feelings of misery as something so valid. the narrative NEVER condescends to her character, it never comes across as patronizing. and the movie isn't about having to forgive the people who hurt you, but instead it's about the importance of not letting that pain stop you from making NEW memories and better relationships. it's so real and RAW and full of love and ultimately, it is about how even one person looking at you and saying "i see your pain, and i'm not going anywhere" and meaning it can be enough to save you.
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tvonq · 9 months
scrolling through twitter to remind myself that there are real delusional ppl out there
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bidokja · 11 months
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rainbluealoekitten · 9 months
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
Psst. Just wanted to let you know that you're cool and I hope you have a really nice day today! You seem to be Goin Through It™ and I just wanted to let you know that we (your followers) like you no matter the quantity of stuff you're able to make at any given time (though we most certainly do like what you make, but that's not why most of us stay, I believe); you're very funny and have insightful opinions about writing, and you're always super nice when I stop by to say hi! Please remember to be kind to your mind and heart this upcoming Spring. I hope The Delights come into your life in leaps and bounds, and that you'll receive good news soon!!! <33
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ooh...ohh.h.....th.ank you for the kind words........
#ohhhh i fought long and hard to not just. keep this in my inbox so i could stare at it for days#when i first read this my initial reaction was ''oh god is it that obvious''#''am i like crashing and burning in real time on this blog. live on tv''#which..FAIR YEAH LMAO#to be 100% transparent here i actually haven't been on this blog all day BECAUSE i was having a day where I was just like.#ahaha my shit Sucks and everybody's just humoring me#comparison kills and i have been stabbing myself like its the ides of march lately#and the fact that i haven't put anything new out is half because of that i'm sure#like the mindset of ''if i post nothing at all then i can't compare it to [insert other authors here]''#WHICH IS SOOOO STUPID I KNOW I KNOW#self sabotage is my middle name its a bad habit i'm fighting daily but it's HARD#this has just turned into a Whining Session oh no#there's a reason i moved all of this to tags lmao#ANYWAY ANYWAY. GENUINELY I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU#from the bottom of my heart asks like these keep me from going over the deep end#it amazes me each and every day that so many of you choose not only to follow me but to STAY despite my general shenanigans and thinly veil#like i'll have days (like today) where i'm on the floor kicking and screaming over NOTHING and y'all just sit back and wait for me to get m#and it makes me so genuinely soft. the patience and kindness you show me#i will try my HARDEST to be kind to my mind and heart i promise. I promise.#if not for myself than for everyone out there continuously showing their support for me despite The Horrors#and I hope you're right i hope The Delights are somewhere in view soon enough#lord knows we could all use 'em#thank you again#❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#edit: oh tumblr cut off like half of these paragraphs#thats probably for the best. you can just guess what i said LMAO
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