#-and she completely forgot the info about an animal running out in the middle of the road all because she wants a good reason-
#jade watches gilmore girls#ohhhh god the screaming...#lorelai p*sses me off so much in this scene#i get she's freaked because her kid was in a car accident but she had no right to scream at luke who heard rory jess and car accident and-#asked her if jess was ok after rory and lorelai doesn't know because jess is somewhere alone after caring for rory-#-and she completely forgot the info about an animal running out in the middle of the road all because she wants a good reason-#she has beef with a 16 year old...#and she's yelling at luke while he's on autopilot trying to process and worrying about jess about how he has an obligation to her and rory-#-like no he doesn't he just cares about you both that he looks after you both and you take advantage of that#jess is his family and his sister won't care for her own kid so he takes him in and is trying so hard to help him and lorelai is being-#so childish and full of herself like god forbid his world doesn't revolve around you sometimes#like jess is a sh*t but he's not evil#she completely doesn't understand his character while thinking dean is an angel when he terrifies rory while with jess she can actually-#-call him out on stuff#im so glad luke is called her out and got a yell in#like jess could've had a concussion alone somewhere and luke wanted to find him#and rory who endured all this and has a broken wrist is taking this way more calmly than her immature mother who she has to parent#and she just wants her to listen to her but she shuts her down like ohhh poor naive rory#yeah...lorelai really p*sses me off here in case it isn't obvious
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kikyan · 3 years
You’re my favorite Human (Yandere Izaya x F! Reader x Yandere Shizuo)
Before ANY of yall say anything, I wrote this as a birthday special to an online friend I once had. If Izaya and literally anybody else sounds OOC, it’s because this was written back in 2018/2019 after I watched Durarara!! For a bit of background info, I first watched Durarara!! back in middle school when a friend admitted to liking the anime and well I decided to watch too. This show was too complex for my small ass mind so I dropped it. Then I met my online friend (we are no longer friends) who would always comment on Quotev where I was most active at the time. Well, I literally only picked up this anime again for said friend and the birthday request. I wrote this immediately right after the show so if it sucks ass, there is a reason for it. Anyway’s I promise to give them justice if I manage to write my spooky Slasher AU’s for them. Also if you somehow end up managing which ‘slasher’ Shizuo and Izaya fit I’ll write you a special one-shot within my guidelines for your birthday/Christmas depending on the time constraint. Here you go, for the curious peeps!  This story branches off to two endings, Izaya ending w/ Smut and a Shizuo ending because I became a hardcore simp over that man and will literally do anything he tells me to. Regardless, I will edit the links and such for their appropriate endings! This story is also unedited so. . .have fun IG 
God I sucked at writing fics so much back then. . .
The blonde man proceeded to pick up the red vending machine stationed outside a random building, preparing to lance it at the black-haired male he called Izaya. 
"S-Shizuo!! It's not worth it!! Calm down!! Um- I know! I'll make some tea for you to calm down just please drop the vending machine!!"
"Shizuo!! Please!! Milk! Yep, milk will surely calm you down just please Shizuo!! You're attracting too much attention and you don't like violence right!!" 
“Throw it Shizu-Chan. Or are you too weak to hold it anymore.”
Shizuo turned away from the (h/c) individual as he began to grip a stop sign before removing it from the ground and began to run towards Izaya. 
" Shizuo stop!! Geez, Izaya please refrain from edging him on! Shizuo don't give in! You're better, in fact, you want to be better!! You want to be stronger to have more control right!! Well. . . Don't give in!!" 
At the sound of this Shizuo stopped before tossing the stop sign to the side and grabbing the (h/c) haired individual and dragging you off with him. 
Looking back, the person Shizuo was dragging turned around to look back at Izaya before stopping in their tracks and bowing apologetically. 
" I'm sorry Izaya for the commotion we caused, but I hope you understand that Shizuo is a bit difficult but I'm sure he can change! You too izaya, you seem to try to edge him on and that reflects poorly on you! So please Izaya, I hope you understand too!" 
" Oi (Y/N), what are you apologizing for?" 
Smiling softly at Izaya and giving him a shy wave (Y/N) turned to face Shizuo and continued to answer his question.
"Well, I mean I didn't stop him from edging you on!" 
" I swear you really are the most optimistic, apologetic, and kindest person on this planet. You are one of a kind." 
Laughing softly (Y/N)  turned to Shizuo as they began to reply, " Thank you! It means a lot to me Shizuo!" 
Walking alongside Shizuo, (Y/N) proceeded to make small talk unaware of the lingering dark eyes upon her figure.
"(Y/N), I swear I can't figure you out. No matter what you do or what happens you always apologize to everyone. Even that damn Izaya!" 
"Well, Shizuo I like to be positive!! Besides, I'm sure second chances must be given!!" 
" Hmph. Even those who commit the worst of crimes?" 
"Well, I'm not the one entitled to forgive them for crimes committed against another, but I believe if someone truly wanted to, someone could change." 
" For example, you! I mean you've gotten several chances, haven't you? You have a stable job, although you can get quite violent, you have friends, and you are trying your hardest to change! So, I feel like anyone could change!!" 
"Hmph. You forgot something. . ." 
" I did?" 
" Yeah, I also have the best person next to my side, you, (Y/N) (L/N)." 
" I-I-I-I u-um S-sh!?" 
" Heh, you get flustered all of a sudden and it suits your personality. I wonder how I got stuck with someone like you (Y/N). . ."
Bodies were lying around Shizuo in the school field as he huffed in rage and looked to the side to see a (h/c) haired female with (e/c) eyes looking wide at the scene that laid before them. 
" Hmph, what are you scared?" 
Shizuo asked as he looked at the female before looking a bit confused as he noticed the expression on the girl changed. She was smiling and shook her head before answering his question. 
" Nope! I mean what you did isn't good but I'm sure you have a reason! Besides, I feel like deep down you regret it. I mean, although you are pretty violent, you probably don't want to be right?" 
"I... .hmph. Stop being odd and spouting nonsense." 
As the female turned to the bodies she bowed apologetically and began to speak. 
"I'm sorry! I apologize for his behavior! He doesn't mean it! He regrets it! Besides, you guys should know that violence isn't acceptable so please apologize for your actions as well! Fighting isn't acceptable!!" 
" W-w-well I am apologizing to them and you!! I mean you didn't mean too!! Besides, fighting is wrong! Both parties were at fault so I must apologize for it!" 
"W-w-well!! They are knocked out and can't speak, plus you won't apologize, you want to but you can't bring yourself to!!"
"I'M SOR-!?" 
"Geez, troublesome woman." 
" Ahhh!! What time is it?!" 
"Why the hell are you asking me?" 
"Crap I think I missed my train! Now I have to walk home! Wait, that's fine! I missed gym class to help the teachers so this will count for my exercise! Of course, I shouldn't feel down!" 
" You're unusually optimistic. I'd be pissed as all hell if that happened." 
"Well I think everything happens for a reason and besides, you need to see the bright side of everything! Anyway, I need to go! I have to walk for about maybe 2 hours till I arrive home and I do have homework to complete! I'm sorry for being a bother but I hope to see you tomorrow at school!" 
"Let me, let me walk you home alright." 
"Ahh okay okay! I'm sorry for bothering you but thank you!!" 
"Yeah, yeah just stop apologizing and don't start again." 
"Alright! By the way, what's your name?"
" Shizuo Heiwajima. Yours?" 
" (Y/N) (L/N)!" 
As they began to walk side by side (Y/N) began to laugh as she asked Shizuo questions upon question leading to Shizuo answering them and laughing as he realized, maybe having someone not fear him, was a good feeling. 
"Hey, Shizuo?" 
"Yeah? What is it?" 
" Wanna go for Russian sushi?" 
Looking down at the girl Shizuo gave his usual smirk before responding happily. 
" Sure, why not?" 
"Hey, Shizuo?" 
" Yeah?" 
Turning around he met with the female who became his best friend and possibly his crush. Smiling softly he turned to give her all of his attention despite the number of bodies surrounding him in the field of his high school. 
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to um, well. . ." 
"SHIZUO! I have someone I would like to introduce you too!~" 
" Huh?" 
Shizuo replied in his usual tone as to be turned to meet the faces of the young boy with glasses, brown hair and grey eyes whom he quickly recognized as his friend Shinra Kishitani but the other boy, had dark hair and matching eyes he did not. 
"What do you want Shinra?" 
"Oh? Am I interrupting you and your girlfriend~" 
"Girlfriend?! I-I-I’m j-just a friend!?" 
Shizuo looked to the side but quickly locked eyes with the boy. Shinra looking at Shizuo quickly turned to introduce the other boy. 
"His name is Izaya Orihara! He is in the same year and class as us!" 
Upon looking at Izaya, Shizuo quickly launched an attack towards him before Izaya leaped out and grabbed his knife before slicing Shizuo across the abdomen. Shizuo looked down noticing the wound before looking back at Izaya. 
"S-s-shizuo?! Are you okay? Oh, I'm so sorry this happened!!" 
"(Y/N) it's fine and stop apologizing! You didn't do anything wrong! Besides, it was him, Izaya. . ." 
"Oh? Come on Shizu-chan I haven't even done anything. . ." 
"I'm sorry!! I apologize that Shizuo charged at you and hurt you! He tends to do that a lot, but I apologize on your behalf! Shizuo, I apologize that Izaya cut you! I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from cutting you and possibly distracted you. So please, violence is not the answer! Izaya and Shizuo I apologize and I hope you may make up and be best friends!!" 
"I'm sorry! Ah, wait u-u-um well I know you both didn't mean it!!" 
"Here we go again. . . (Y/N) STOP APOLOGIZING, ON TOP OF THAT TO THAT GUY!" 
Shizuo was pointing at Izaya with a hint of disgust written across his face as Izaya looked dumbfounded for a split moment before asking, "Wait? You serious?" 
"Did you just apologize for something you didn't do?" 
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bother you!" 
"I-, well it seems this took an interesting turn of events. Well, goodbye Shizu-chan, (Y/N) right?" 
"Y-yeah. . ." 
Shizuo stood in front holding his arm protectively (Y/N)  as Izaya twirled the pocket knife in his arms in a strange direction before smiling and whispering a small, “Interesting. . .” 
As Izaya turned to leave, Shizuo muttered a small “ That bastard makes me so damn mad” before turning to (Y/N) realizing she had something to say before you were both rudely interrupted by Shinra. 
“ Hey (Y/N) what did you want? You had something to say before that damn bastard arrived.” 
“ O-Oh I-I did. . . um, Shizuo I wanted to ask if you wanted to miss the last train again and... .walk me home, and get Russian sushi with me. . .” 
“ Is that your way of asking me out on a date?” 
Teasing (Y/N) slightly she turned red upon hearing that before nodding her head softly. With a sigh, Shizuo smiled and dragged the smaller female by her arm before muttering a “ finally you asked” causing the female to turn even redder at the comment. (Y/N) ran a little ahead and turned back to smile at Shizuo before whispering “ I love you Shizuo. . .” 
Walking to the shared home that Shizuo and (Y/N) have, (Y/N) grabbed a small jug of milk before handing it to Shizuo scolding him for getting violent, but congratulating him on holding back and not letting Izaya get to him. 
“ I don’t know what I would do without you (Y/N), I mean it . . .” 
“ I’m just lucky this happened when we were walking together and not when you were working. Izaya can be a bit extreme but I’m sure he means well!!” 
“Heh, you always look on the bright side, don’t you?” 
“ Exactly!! Looking on the bright side is exactly what brought us together!! I mean after you dropped me off at my house we got to be great friends, that's also when you confided in me your secrets and feelings. Then you began to realize that I didn’t fear you and truly cared for you. Then we went on a date, and became a couple! Dating for a good 5, 6 years?” 
“ Yep, luckily we still love each other.” 
“ I won’t ever stop loving you Shizuo, because you accepted me for who I am. Now it’s time to let me accept you for who you are. . . I mean I already did but you can’t get it through that thick skull of yours can you?” 
“ What do you mean, I understand.” 
“ Yet, every time you encounter Izaya and I’m not around you come home quite sad and always ask me if I would ever leave you. Shizuo, I would never leave you.” 
“ Well yeah but. . .”
“ But?” 
“ You’re right. I should head to work. See you later (Y/N). Take care and don’t do anything strange.” 
“ I wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t do.” 
“ That worries me.” 
“ I’m just going to talk to Celty or just hang around the park! See you later Shizuo!” 
“ Hmph. Later and don’t forget that I love you.” 
“ I should be saying that but of course! Love you too and later!” 
Shizuo smiled at the girl before heading off to visit Tom his friend and employer. They had another client that refused to pay up and Shizuo was going to “pay” him a visit to ensure he did. (Y/N) locked the door before going on her phone and texting Celty. 
‘ You busy Cel?’ 
‘ No, not really. Why do you ask?’ 
`` I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out and chat.’ 
‘ Sure. I’ll pick you up and we can head off to the park. That fine?’ 
``you read my mind Cel. Alright, I’ll get ready.’  
(Y/N) changed into a new set of clothing before waiting on the couch for Celty to pick her up and head to the park. Celty and (Y/N) got along well as well, (Y/N) always saw the bright side. When she and celty were close enough, originally being introduced by Shinra, Celty confided in her about not having a head and (Y/N) offered some light on the subject. 
“ Well, head or no head  I think you’re perfect just the way you are. For example, you can still do pretty much everything right? Aside from taste but still Celty! I think that is what makes you unique I mean, if you think about it, only those people who truly love and care for you will accept you no matter what. Take a look at Shizuo, he believed everyone feared him, but I didn’t. I love him! Just like I love you Celty! I accept you for who you are and you will always be celty with or without your head! So cheer up, I don’t like seeing my friends sad!” 
With that, a new friendship was born leading (Y/N) to be best friends with the fearsome headless rider. 
< - - - - - - - - - - - - > 
Kanra: Hey guys! I have a question about a specific person. 
Setton: A person? Who? 
TarouTanaka: Agreed. It’s quite rare to see you not having information on anyone. 
Kanra: Precisely, which is why I must know. Do any of you know a (Y/N) (l/n)? 
Setton: (Y/N)? Not personally but I’ve heard rumors. . . 
Setton: There’s not much I know about her, but I’ve heard rumors of her being in the Dollars.
Setton: Besides that, I’ve also heard she’s Shizuo Heiwajima’s girlfriend and possibly future wife.
TarouTanaka: Shizuo Heiwajima? As in THE Shizuo Heiwajima? Do you know the violent one? 
Kanra: That’s so scary!! Who would put up with him? 
Kanra: *Gasps* you don’t think. . .
TarouTanaka: Think what? 
Kanra: You don’t think she’s using him do you? I mean, having a strong boyfriend has its perks right? 
Setton: She’s not that type of person.
Setton: From what I’ve heard, at least.
Kanra: Oh? You seem to get a bit defensive. Are you sure you don’t know her? 
Kanra: I mean, think about it. What is so special about Shizuo that would lead someone like her to love him? 
Kanra: Honestly, I think she could be using him after all I’m sure there are more people that someone like her could pick from. 
Setton: Well everything is just based on rumors, but I doubt she’s a bad type of person.
Setton: Love has always been a confusing matter. All that matters is that they like each other for who they are.
Setton: It’s not our place to make assumptions.
Kanra: Love is indeed confusing. 
TarouTanaka: I agree with Setton, I am sure they love each other for who they are. Is everything alright Kanra? 
Kanra: Yes, but it still stumps me on how little information we have of his girlfriend. Not only that but we have little information on the relationship as well. Has anyone seen her? Know what she looks like? 
Setton: I’ve only heard a vague description of her: (e/c) and (h/c). I could pass her on the street and not even know.
Setton: But I’m sure she’s just a private person. We should respect that and try not to dig into her life.
Kanra: Oh fair maiden will I ever see you?
TarouTanaka: You sure you aren’t trying to steal his girlfriend? 
Kanra: ^ 0 ^ Never! 
Setton: This has been an interesting discussion and all, but I’m needed elsewhere.
Setton: Later.
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - > 
Kanra: Well I better head out too, later Tarou! 
TarouTanaka: Later! 
< - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
A figure began to ponder and look outside with a pair of binoculars as a female with (e/c) and (h/c) walked by. 
‘ Oh? I think I should properly introduce myself to the fair maiden’ 
The young girl walked out of her house ready to speak with the dullahan. Upon seeing the headless rider the young girl waved her hand signaling the rider. 
“ Celty! Over here!” 
The rider began to make its way to the female before hugging and typing away on its phone. 
“Oh good, I was worried I arrived too early.”
“ Nah! Even if you did, you would have more time to look around and notice life at it’s finest!” 
“Oh Y/N, still as cheerful as ever, huh?”
“ Oh, you know it! Now let's head to the park! I want to see Ikebukuro at its prime time at night!” 
“Of course, but as we’re walking let me ask: How’s it going between you and Shizuo?”
“ Well. . . I-I-I I think it’s going great! He isn’t getting as rowdy and violent so I think he is changing a little bit! He ended getting me a gift, a necklace to be exact for our 5th anniversary! It says his name! He also has one, one with my name!”  
“I’m glad to hear you guys are going great. I’m sure that nothing could ever break your relationship, right?” 
“ Exactly! He and I have never had a serious argument! Maybe a little scolding but it’s fine like this! I always end up congratulating him in the end! He is the sweetest! Every time he comes home he asks me if I love him which makes me sad because I hope he knows I do! However. . . he always ends up spoiling me in love! The real question. . . is how is it with Shinra?” 
“Oh. . . Well, you know how he is. We’re as close as we can ever be, especially now that I’m more accustomed to the whole headless thing. That doesn’t mean I’m not looking, though.”
“ You will find it Celty! I know for a fact you will find it! I’ll help you when I have time! Hey look it’s the park let’s find a bench!” 
[park bench scene]
“You know, Y/N, I heard that you and Shizuo were considering getting married. Is it true?”
“ Well, I-!?” 
“ Well, Celty! I didn’t know you were here? (Y/N) too! What a surprise too! Do you mind if I sit with you guys?” 
“ Well, not really! Feel free to sit Izaya!” 
“ Interesting, now continue what were we talking about?” 
“ Well, Celty asked about my marriage to Shizuo!” 
“ So it’s true. . .” 
“ Yeah! Celty we are! Sometime next week we were going to look for dresses!” 
“That’s wonderful Y/N! If you need anything, I’m always available to help.”
“ Of course!” 
“ Same here.  . . a wedding between Shizu-chan and (Y/N) seems interesting. . .” 
“ So (Y/N), why are you with Shizu-chan? What’s the catch?” 
“ Pardon Izaya?” 
“ I mean, why would someone like YOU be with someone like HIM? What are the perks of having Shizu-chan as your boyfriend?” 
“ Perks?!” 
“I know that you and Shizuo have an on-going rivalry, but should you be asking Y/N questions like that?” 
“ I was just curious Celty! Besides, do you have the answer?” 
“ Well, there are no perks.” 
“ Huh?” 
“ I love Shizuo, not for his strength or perks. I love him because he was kind to me. He accepts my optimistic side, even though it can be quite annoying and I accept his violent tendencies! He is doing so much to change and I will support him from now on! When we met, he kinda beat the entire team on the field and I apologized for the both of him! He got confused and I apologized for my behavior and we kinda got into a mini battle of him asking me to stop apologizing and well my apologizing even more! Nonetheless, I missed the train, but it gave me a chance to talk to him and as you can tell he walked me home! Since then, a steady relationship! So it’s not about the benefits, it’s what we feel for each other that motivates us!” 
“ Interesting. . . “  
“ I agree Y/N, it’s about love, not benefits. Might want to save a speech that profounds for your wedding though.
“ You’re right! Oh, I’m sorry Izaya for ruining the surprise!” 
‘ Interesting. . . she isn’t like every other human, she doesn’t seem to lie, hide things, and seems to be honest. She seems to be optimistic. Hmph, interesting that she isn’t like all the other humans I love, she’s different and I can’t wait to see her face, her entire being change as I pull the strings from behind! (Y/N), you are quite interesting, you are like my special, no my favorite human and I need to see your reactions to everything... .’ 
“ (Y/N)?” 
“ Ah, Shizuo! O-over here!” 
“ Celty’s here too and-?!” 
Shizuo stared at the black-haired male with such anger raging within them as he let out a growl before examining the area. 
“ It’s a park? Am I not allowed to visit one?” 
“ N-no! Shizuo we were only just talking! Besides, Celty was here with us! It was all friendly talk!” 
“ Celty, take (Y/N) and go to Shinra’s place. I’ll meet you there once I finish killing this bastard!” 
Typing away Celty nodded showing her phone with the message being, ‘Of course. Be careful before doing anything crazy, but please hear Y/N out first. Learn a bit about the situation before jumping into anything dangerous.”
“ Oh my Shizu-chan!~ So you are dating her. Isn’t that interesting. . . I say though it’s shocking, to say the least, that someone like (Y/N) would fall in love with you. Someone as fragile, beautiful, delicate, and forgiving like (Y/N) with a violent man as yourself, well I’d be damned!” 
“ I’m sorry! Izaya, I apologize for Shizuo’s behavior as he ended up attacking you without hearing my part, which I still have yet to say! However, I apologize on your part as well Izaya as you didn’t mean anything by chatting with us, but you asked some not so nice things. On the bright side, you know the truth and know that Shizuo isn’t a bad person!” 
“ (Y/N) . . .?” 
“ Shizuo! Celty and I were chatting when Izaya approached us, we were just talking! He didn’t hurt me, besides Celty would have put him in his place before I would have! Please believe me, Celty tell him the truth as well!” 
“Of course, there was nothing suspicious going on. Just a regular conversation full of small talk. Nothing shady or malicious between us and Izaya.”
“ Tch. Fine, but still take her to Shinra. I don’t want this bastard to find out where we live. I still want to kill him. . .” 
“ S-Shizuo! It’s fine, we don’t need to go see Shinra!” 
“ Aww, Shizu-chan you’re scaring her!~ Besides, what if (Y/N) doesn’t want to leave? You’re her boyfriend but you aren’t her owner. Besides, why do you get to keep her all to yourself, as you know I love humans, I can’t get enough of them! But she, she is quite interesting, as all humans I love her as well but aren’t you pushing it Shizuo chan?” 
“ Keep that damn mouth of yours shut!” 
“ I wonder, how long will it take you to screw up your relationship with her like you always do. Have you even proposed to her yet? Being the violent person you are you probably used someone's body as a foot stand before asking her to be your wife!” 
“ NO! That’s wrong! He proposed at Russia Sushi! We went out to eat as it was also our first date! See, even Simon took the picture and hung it in the dining area! You can see Shizuo’s fist but that was because he was embarrassed Simon took a picture and well he snapped, see how red he is? I’m the one crying in the background while holding the ring! It’s even my lock and home screen!” 
Running after Shizuo, (Y/N)  turned around one last time before bowing apologetically and smiling at Izaya before running after her fiance. Celty typing away on her phone showing it to Izaya. 
“Be careful about what you say around Y/N. I know what you’re trying to do and I advise you against it. It won’t end well for either of you.”
“ Whatever do you mean Celty?” 
“I’ve seen the way you look at Y/N; the way you observe her with that calculated glee in your eye. Even if you do separate her from Shizuo, she wouldn’t be happy with someone considered a homewrecker. She’s too optimistic for her good, she’ll easily forgive you, but she would never be able to forgive herself for hurting Shizuo. If you truly value her like you say you do, don’t try to meddle in her personal affairs.” 
“ I want to see every possible reaction from her, so this is quite tempting. Besides, Celty why do you care much about her? I love humans and I’m not willing to share, (Y/N) is no exception.” 
“Y/N is the best person I know. She’s kind no matter what and brings hope and joy to all of those that she comes across. She deserves to live the best life she can, one filled with no despair or tragedy. You need to learn to respect that and move on.”
Celty, displaying her anger towards Izaya, revved her motorcycle upwards causing several people to look in worry and walk away to avoid getting hit. Izaya stood unamused with his smug grin as he watched Celty chase after the couple to take them to Shinra. 
“ Celty, it’s a shame. All humans will experience despair no matter what, even our darling (Y/N). It’s just how long will it take for her to fall into despair that’s the real game and who the one pulling the strings will be.” 
Izaya began to walk away only to stop at Russia sushi and was quite intrigued by the photo that was taken. As he began to examine the image he saw (Y/N) smiling with tears rolling down her eyes as she turned to the camera holding the ring Shizuo had given her. On top of that, he saw Shizuo, quite red ready to punch Simon for taking the picture. 
“ Well well, seems she was telling the truth. I guess he didn’t screw it up.” 
“ Izaya, I heard about what happened.” 
As Izaya turned he was met with Simon the dark-skinned Russian who began to speak in his native tongue signaling that this was a private conversation. 
“ Simon, how’s it been?” 
“ Don’t ruin it.” 
“ Ruin what Simon?” 
“ Shizuo and (Y/N) found happiness here so don’t ruin it.” 
“ Oh? What makes you say that?” 
“ (Y/N) is special, the unpredictable happens around her but that doesn’t mean you should ruin what they have for the sake of your entertainment.” 
“ Special huh?” 
“ You like her don’t you? Leave her with Shizuo, she is not meant for you.” 
“ You see Simon, you’re right she is special but she isn’t Shizuo’s. I believe her to be one of the few people who aren’t on this playing field. She, like all humans, belongs to me. I won’t let Shizu-chan, Celty, or even that damn Saika blade have her.” 
“ Izaya, I know you don’t like losing to Shizuo but that does not mean you have to ruin this relationship. For once, let it go.” 
“ It’s Shizuo who needs to let her go.” 
With that Izaya left the place before walking away thinking about the girl. Since he met her years ago he realized how forgiving and optimistic she truly was. It shocked him, every human he met would be the same and oh so predictable. Shizu-chan and Simon would be the unpredictable ones spicing up his entertainment but (Y/N)? She was the most unpredictable one of them all. She took both sides of an argument and attempted to find a solution and she would keep Shizuo in check something that no one could do. On top of that, (Y/N) forgave anyone and you could never guess what she would say next, but her actions were always surprising. As he entered his workplace he was met with Namie Yagiri who looked at him in disbelief. 
“ It’s late where have you been?” 
“ Ah, Namie I was out with Celty and (Y/N) (L/N).” 
“ (Y/N) (L/N)?” 
“ Shizuo Heiwajima’s girlfriend, well fiance but not for long.” 
“ What do you mean, not for long?” 
“ Well you see, I intend to steal her away.” 
“ You never seem to bother with people’s love lives anyways. Why now?” 
“ (Y/N) (L/N) is a fascinating human! Here on this board, Shizu-Chan is the king and (Y/N (L/N) would be his queen, but the queen is one of the few people with free-range movement, in other words, the most powerful piece, nonetheless all are useful but the queen is the one who defends her king. If the queen is removed you’re pretty much set to fail and the king is left weak and ready to be dethroned. So, Shizu-chan is only strong with his queen, but this fascinating human being should be next to me, her God!” 
“ So you want to use her-!?” 
“ No! You’re not getting the picture! I am going to take the queen and leave her next to her god’s side! ME! With Shizu-chan weak I’ll simply kill him and fully take (Y/N) (L/N) as mine!” 
“ I thought Shizuo provided you with the most entertainment. . .” 
“ (Y/N) makes up for both of them, I don’t need Shizuo when I have his queen. . .” 
“ Shizuo! Wait!” 
Shizuo was walking faster while dragging (Y/N) behind him as they proceeded to go to their house after staying at Shinra’s. 
“ What for?” 
“ I’m sorry for embarrassing you in front of Izaya. . .” 
“ I’m fine, as long as it was you I didn’t mind.” 
“ You sure?” 
“ Of course, now let’s go home. I’m tired.” 
As they entered the home in which they both own Shizuo immediately grabbed (Y/N) as he held her close before asking her yet again, “ Do you love me?” 
“ Of course silly! I wouldn’t marry someone I don’t love! I love you to the moon and back Shizuo and I wouldn’t change that for the world! No one and nothing would ever split us apart Shizuo! You accepted me for who I am, now it’s time you realize that I accept you for you!” 
Cuddling closer with the (h/c) hair colored female he blurted out something that made her turn red upon hearing it. 
“ I want a baby.” 
“ A WHAT?!” 
“ A baby. I hope to be able to be a father once we wed.” 
“ W-w-w-w-what g-g-g-gave you that idea?!” 
“ We are both at a young age, once we marry I feel like we should have a child. I won’t rush or force you but I think we would be great parents.” 
“I...OKAY! Of course! After we marry, we can have as many children as we can!” 
“ W-Wait you serious?!” 
“ Of course Shizuo, because I love you to bits! Just like I will love this child, I'll make sure you both know how special you are to me!” 
“ I do wonder how I found someone like you (Y/N). . . I love you!” 
“ I love you too Shizuo!” 
As they both fell asleep in a lovers embrace Shizuo was reminded of how much (Y/N) loves him and was also reminded that she will never leave him. Izaya was wrong, (Y/N) loves him for himself and as Shizuo sighed in relief as he cuddled closer to the female, not being feared, but being loved was a great feeling, the best in the world. 
“ Now. . . what should I make for dinner? I should make Shizuo’s favorite meal, but that means that I need to go shopping. Oh well.” 
(Y/N) pulled out her phone before sending Shizuo a quick text saying how she would be stepping out and would be home soon. After getting an, ‘alright. Be safe.’ text she immediately set out to the store. As (Y/N) was searching through the ingredients she came across a hand reaching for the same one, the last one. 
“ Oh, I’m sorry! You can take it!” 
“ No, no that fine! By all means, take it.” 
“ Izaya... .?’ 
“ Ah! (Y/N)! Isn’t that wonderful? I wanted to speak to you!” 
“ Same! Just let me finish shopping and I’ll go with you!” 
“ Here! I’ll help, by the way! Feel free to take it, I don’t need that ingredient as much as you do.” 
“ Thanks! Are you sure you don’t want it though, I’m making a meal for Shizuo but I can always go to other stores! If you want it you should take it! On the bright side, I can get my daily walk in by going to other stores and I might be able to browse through other items I may need!” 
“ Oh? A meal for Shizu-chan? Then, by all means, take it. I wouldn’t want to make him upset.” 
“ Thank you Izaya! You really care for him!” 
“ Well, I wouldn’t say that. .  . “
“ Well, we should get going! I think I got everything I needed!” 
Walking to the park in silence was a little awkward until (Y/N) lit up at the sight of ice cream. 
“ Hey Izaya, look it’s an ice cream truck! Do you want some? My treat!” 
“ Actually, it will be mine! Which one do you want (Y/N)?” 
“ (F/F) please!” 
“ Of course!” 
Upon getting the ice cream ( Y/N) desired and Izaya getting one for himself they decided to sit on a bench and she continued speaking with Izaya. 
“ Izaya, I have a question.” 
“What is it (Y/N)?” 
“ Well, why do you like edging Shizuo on? You know he is trying his hardest to change, wait, is it to push him? To see how much he needs to improve left?” 
“ You really are optimistic aren’t you? Not exactly, you see Shizuo tends to act differently from the rest. . . he truly is unpredictable so I just want to see every possible reaction from him. Just like you?” 
“ Me? I hardly think I'm unpredictable, I feel like you could read me easily.” 
“ You can’t and that’s the best part. I truly love all humans (Y/N), they are just so interesting! In the end, they all act the same yet it’s so exciting!” 
“ Interesting. You like the unpredictable more though right! I do too! It’s like a book, if you can predict the way it ends then it isn’t all the fun. However, if the book ends with a plot twist and catches you by surprise then it is fun! Every new day, every new day is something different for me! I feel like, when you look at a new angle you end up seeing things you’ve never seen. This could easily impact what you think or what you do! That’s what I try to do to make my day more interesting!” 
Izaya looking at her with insanity swirling his eyes grabbed her hands causing her ice cream to fall before laughing. 
“ You understand me! You see what I see! You truly do deserve to be next to your god's side! Tell me (Y/N), you’re very forgiving, aren’t you! Every god needs to judge and punish the sinners, BUT THEY ALSO NEED TO FORGIVE! THAT MY GODDESS IS WHERE YOU COME IN! WITH YOU BY MY SIDE, WE COULD TRULY RULE OVER THESE HUMANS! JUST AS I LOVE HUMANS, THEY SHOULD LOVE ME TOO! THAT INCLUDES YOU (Y/N), DO YOU LOVE ME?” 
“ I-?!” 
“ That’s enough!” 
Turning to Celty who began to write furiously fast on her phone shoved it in front of Izaya as he skimmed the words that were written. 
‘Shizuo is on his way, leave if you don’t want your ass kicked. I told you to leave (Y/N) alone! For once, listen to me!’ 
Celty grabbed (Y/N) and led her to the motorcycle before writing on it explaining that Shizuo was around the area and was planning on picking (Y/N) up from the store. Celty mentioned that she too was around the area and that she was asked by Shizuo to help him look for her as well. Nodding, (Y/N) turned around to meet Izaya smirking, despite all she smiled at him and bowed before apologizing. 
“ I’m sorry Izaya! I hope to talk to you soon and I apologize our time was cut short. I’m happy that you told me a little about yourself Izaya as I told you I like to see both perspectives before saying or doing anything. On the bright side, although our time was cut short I realized that you trust me a little and bothered to open up a bit! So I'm glad!” 
Indeed Izaya found his Goddess, she forgave all and will forgive all. Smiling a bit he turned and wished her good-bye before plotting a plan to take her from Shizuo forever and make sure his goddess was with him all the time. Besides, even if he committed a crime, his goddess, (Y/N) (L/N) would forgive him. 
(Y/N) was riding with Celty until they found Shizuo in which he expressed his concern for the female. He examined the ingredients and smiled realizing what she was planning on doing before ruffling her hair. 
 “ I still have a little bit of work left but I'll make it home in time for dinner.” 
“ Of course! I’ll get started on dinner right away!” 
“ Alright. See you then, oh (Y/N).” 
“ Yeah?” 
“ I love you.” 
“ I love you too!” 
Getting out of the shower, (Y/N) proceeded to dry her hair with a small towel wearing (F/C) shorts and an extremely overgrown shirt, more importantly, it was Shizuo’s bartender shirt that he allowed her to wear. It fit more like a dress but no one was complaining. 
“ I better get started on dinner, Shizuo is going to arrive any minute!” 
Proceeding to get the ingredients (Y/N) was washing the vegetables when she heard a click signaling the door was open. 
“ Shizuo I’m not done with the meal-... Shizuo... .?” 
Examining the living room she noticed that the door was opened but no one was in the room with her, that was until she heard a familiar voice from her right ear. 
“ Good evening, My goddess. . .” 
With that Izaya knocked out (Y/N) cradling her in his arms before making his way to him home with the young girl, his Goddess.  
“ Wake up sleeping beauty~” 
Izaya was poking her cheek repeatedly hoping for the young girl to awaken sometime soon and luckily she did. 
“ Izaya, w-where a-am I?” 
“ Why you’re in our home my goddess~” 
“O-our? Goddess? Izaya what’s going on?” 
“ You will be living with me from now on~ You see I explained it to you, I love humans my dear (Y/N), you are no exception. However, unlike all the other humans you have an interesting personality and you are quite unpredictable making each new day exciting and something to look forward to! Someone like you should be by my side ruling alongside next to me! Just as I adore humans, they should adore us, as they should!” 
“ I-Izaya I’m sorry but it’s late and I need to get to Shizuo before it gets too late-!?” 
“ You aren’t getting it! You aren’t going back to Shizuo! You belong to me! Besides, Shizuo is weak right now! I could easily get rid of him!” 
“ He isn’t! Shizuo is quite strong! I know for a fact that he can overcome anything! Now, please let me go before I-!?” 
“ You aren’t seeing the big picture (Y/N) and it saddens me. You see the queen is the strongest piece in chess. Shizu-chan is the king and you by right, are his queen. If we take the queen away, the king is set up to fail. Haven’t you realized, everyday Shizu-chan asks you if you love him and to never leave him? Coincidence I know? I always make him doubt of this reality because without you Shizu-chan would be a violent monster! Think about it, you’re the only thing that can hold him back but you aren’t by his side! Shizu-chan does not want to be feared but he thinks it’s a fantasy, someone like you being in his life that he just needs to confirm if you love him too!” 
(Y/N) gasped when she came to notice her fiance's true feelings. Feeling down, (Y/N) looked to the side to examine the board Izaya kept close to see if she could find a pattern or attempt to figure Izaya out to create a plan.   
“ In fact! I think he is worried sick trying to find you, but he won’t! Even if he does, he doesn’t have the right to take my Goddess away!” 
In the meantime, Shizuo was frantically searching for where (Y/N) could be. When he arrived home he came to see the door open and no sign of (Y/N) causing his anxiety to spike up at the thought of losing you forever. Having enough he texted Celty and even the dollars home page alerting all members to keep an eye out on a female with (H/C) and (E/C) as she could be in danger. 
“ Celty! Have you found her yet?” 
“ No.... but I think I know where she is. I hope she isn’t though. . . “ 
“ Spit it out! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!” 
Shizuo was running out of breath as he looked at Celty with desperation as he saw her type away with incredible speed, but the answer both shook him and angered him to the point of no return. 
“ I think she is with Izaya. If so, we must hurry!” 
“ Of course! Leave this to me. . . I think it’s time that bastard met with his fate.” 
Shizuo walked away with anger as he began to prepare his fist to execute the man who stole his fiance.
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tokumusume · 5 years
tokumusume’s list of best and worst movies and dramas watched in 2019:
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There’s a new category this year. Inspired by kpopalypse, welcome the Honorable Mentions! Movies that weren’t exactly bad but also weren’t good. Movies and dramas are qualified to enter if I watched them for the first time this year, not that they were released this year. Click on ‘keep reading’~~
Best Movies:
1.      Parasite
Another masterpiece from the director of Snowpiercer (let’s pretend Okja never existed). A poor family con their way to a rich household. Choi Woo-Shik from The Witch (see below) is the eldest son and mastermind, fabulous as always. Definitely the best movie of this year. For me, movie of the decade.
2.      The Witch Part 1 The Subversion
This movie is amazing, hard to describe without spoilers. A perfect mix of Stranger Things and Hanna. Choi Woo-Shik can come to my house and kick my ass anytime. I can’t wait for part two.
3.      Death Trance
Visually stunning, kinda like Amemiya Keita’s style in early Garo or Mad Max. I wish the movie was longer and the characters were better fleshed out, Ryuen the monk and the little girl had so much potential... The most interesting thing about this movie is how sexualized the main male character is compared to the female ones, and apparently, the swords were designed to look like veiny penises (can’t find a source for this info), and yes, they do look like veiny penises. The final showdown is heavy with sexual energy. Have I already said that Ryuen deserved better? #RyuenRights
4.      Gintama 2: Rules are made to be broken
The barber shop scene is a fucking cinematic masterpiece. I never laughed so much like I did with this movie. The way it doesn’t take itself seriously, the meta jokes, everything is perfect. Even better than the first one.
5.      Kingdom
While I think that some fight scenes were way too long (like the bamboo forest one), the dynamics between Shin and Hyou/Eisei were highly entertaining, at least in my shipper eyes. I like that (SPOILER) the King of the Mountain People is a woman and not once they try to call her Queen. She is a King. Hashimoto Kanna is adorable as a Ten, Kanata Hongo does a great job as Eisei’s psycho brother, Sakaguchi Tak waves his sword around, the usual stuff but with added layers of dirt and sweat.
6.      Bravestorm
A movie I lovingly call “Japanese Pacific Rim”. Full of Kamen Rider stars (Hino Eiji! Misuzawa Haruka! That girl from Heisei Generations, the one with a sword! She has a sword in this as well!) and giant robots (god, I love giant robots!), I waited so much for this movie and it exceeded my expectations. I just wish I could’ve watched in theaters, it had a limited showing in my country.
7.      Twelve Suicidal Children
What begins as a murder mystery ends with a twist you won’t see coming. All of the actors are amazing, but special mention to Sugisaki Hana and that guy from that one boy group I forgot the name but can’t be bothered to Google.
8.      Gakkou Gurashi
Four girls and their teacher try to survive the zombie apocalypse trapped inside the school. This one destroyed me for days.
9.      Forest of Love
I’ve watched some Sono Sion movies but nothing prepared me for this. Be aware of extremely gory sequences and sensitive topics. Hinami Kyoko is so amazing as blue-haired, punk girl crush Taeko that I totally didn’t notice she was AkibaBlue in Akibaranger.
10.  The Host
After watching Parasite I decided to go on a Bong Joon Ho binge and watched this horror movie. Not as good as Snowpiercer and Parasite in my opinion but heart-wrenching nevertheless. The little girl is the star of the movie.
11.  The Hungry Lion
A story about the dangers of social media and slut-shaming. I want to punch Mizuishi Atom in the face.
12.  Cromartie High
A little absurd comedy about yakuza-style high school boys (played by middle-aged men lol) forming a club to battle aliens summoned by themselves just because. It made me laugh like a child. A hidden gem.
Honorable Mentions:
1.      River’s Edge
Depressing as fuck. Warning: the cats die. It’s not graphic but it’s traumatizing. Yoshizawa Ryo is a gay boy who sleeps with old men for money. There’s a graphic sex scene (not Yoshizawa, sadly) where my only thought was “That thing is gonna get stuck in there! Use a condom!” Can’t remember much from it except for these three scenes.
2.      The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Yamazaki Kento has the acting chops of a dead fish but it comes handy for playing a teen with psychic abilities and zero social skills. Hashimoto Kanna is one of the prettiest girls in Japan. Yoshizawa Ryo with white and blueish hair looks more like Sakata Gintoki than Oguri Shun in the Gintama live action. The end is a huge let down but the fun ride is worth it.
3.      Ano ko no, Toriko
Congratulations to Yoshizawa Ryo, he has FIVE movies in my list of favorite movies this year! This is to make up for crowning GIVER as the biggest waste of time of 2018, this list is totally not biased, lol. “Ano ko” could be just another romance movie but the (very) little insight into how the entertainment industry works and not focusing on school life made me love it. Poor Sugino Yosuke being left behind again, when will this boy get the main girl?
4.      Monstrum
It doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it’s pleasant enough to fill a rainy afternoon with a lot of blood and spilled guts. Hyeri of Girl’s Day is the heroine and Choi Woo Shik is the commander she falls in love with.
5.      Weirdo Go
I confess I watched this one just to see Ji Li (aka my snake son Nie Huaisang) dressed as a woman but it was enjoyable and not that problematic.
6.      Real - Kanzen Naru Kubinagaryu no Hi
Directed by the same guy that did “Creepy” and “Before we vanish”, there are lots of twists you won’t see coming. And a dinosaur. A fucking dinosaur.
7.      Tomodachi Game: The Final
The movie loses its focus halfway through then picks up again minutes before ending. Yoshizawa Ryo delivers again as the sadistic Yuuichi, much like his role in Gintama. The plot twists are the star of the movie.
8.     The Living Dead
Sorry Wen Ning. I saw the plot twist coming in the first 30 minutes of the movie, not very smart of the writer. His personality did a 180° turn for worse and I’ll demote the movie to an honorable mention for it. Gao Han is cute though, I would like to see him as a better character.
9.      Backstreet Girls
Some recycled scenes from the drama to situate the viewers, a completely new story for the movie, it is certainly funny and enjoyable, if you can get past the forced gender reassignment surgery background and transphobic jokes (you shouldn’t get past it btw). I like the soundtrack.
Best Dramas:
1.      The Untamed
Do I need to say more?
2.      The Tale of Nokdu
This Korean romance had everything to be a mess but it wasn’t!!! *claps* I don’t hate the main female character and the whole palace politics actually kept me interested until the end. The complete shift of atmosphere mid-season was strange at first but ultimately very welcomed.
3.      The Naked Director
Netflix original Japanese content is amazing. This one is a look at the life of a legendary porn director in the late 80s, I learned a lot about the history of Japanese porn and censorship (yay pixels!) and went looking for his, erm, works. Very graphic, 69/10 don’t recommend watching with people in the house.
4.      Channel wa Sonomama!
I don’t remember it well but it’s about a news station and what is like to be a journalist and it was very interesting and funny.
5.      SCAMS
Forgettable. Sugino Yosuke with black hair cons old people via phone calls.
Worst Movies and Dramas:
1.      The cat in their arms
The cats spend 90% of the movie in human forms, and halfway through it they simply abandon the cats’ plot to show a fucking long montage of a weird guy painting a picture of a nude girl. It’s also super creepy to see a grown-up man acting like a cat, getting belly rubs and eating cat food from a bowl. Yoshizawa needs to choose his roles more wisely.
2.      Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
A waste of Suda Masaki’s talent. Can Japan stop casting Tsuchiya Tao already?
3.      Samurai Marathon
Almost two hours of dirty men running through a forest. Maybe Japanese History experts will enjoy it, because I certainly didn’t.
4.      Lady Vengeance
While there are legit great moments, I didn’t find this “classic” to be anything special. The animal cruelty was too much for me.
5.      Hot Gimmick
This movie makes Bohemian Rhapsody’s editing look like a work of art. There are more flashing cuts than a T-ARA music video. I have no idea who likes who, who’s banging who, what even are they saying. Too much poetic shit for my like. I wanted to see Shimizu Hiroya naked. I was bamboozled.
6.      The Divine Fury
While some parts were interesting, at the end I still don’t know if the protagonist is possessed by a demon (if yes, then why would he help a priest destroy his friends?) or if he was blessed by God when his father died and talked to him (the glowing hand thing, why and how??). The exorcism parts are really, really scary, or maybe I’m just a chicken, but I had to avert my eyes. The best (only) part is that the protagonists are hot. Hello Woo Do-Hwan, you can sacrifice me to Satan any time…
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 158
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 10 - “Save Nuts from Starvation!” Date watched: 13 November 2019 Original air date: 8 April 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/L8xVIxB Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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“Nuts hasn’t eaten in two days, Coco!”
“Look, we all have different life experiences-coco. That’s what makes us each special and unique-coco. So forgive me for not knowing that two days is APPARENTLY a long time to not eat food-coco!”
We’ve established Natts House as a base of operations and a store, we’ve got a school journalist with a very questionable sense of ethics and integrity with the hots for Nuts, and now we have a store in desperate need of some business. Time to put the pieces together!
The Plot
Nuts is starving because his shop isn’t getting any business, so the girls try to figure out how to advertise for him. Karen reminds them that they aren’t allowed to bring jewelry to school, meaning they’ll have to work indirectly. Nozomi and Rin try to get Mika to run ads for the shop in the school newspaper, but she insists that this would violate her journalistic integrity. Komachi tries to talk to random girls at school and tell them about the store, but they aren’t very receptive to her. Karen gushes to the student council after a meeting but they seem taken aback by her unusual enthusiasm. Urara even tries wearing a necklace while making an appearance on a local variety show. Unfortunately, she’s just a face in the crowd, and doesn’t appear for long.
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for once, “spot the main character” is actually difficult
Having all failed spectacularly, they decide to fall back on the classic approach: handing out fliers! They collectively design one, get a Pinky to duplicate them (I guess it’s cheaper than a photocopier), and hit the streets to hand them out. Nozomi gives one to a man that turns out to be Gamao, who is upset that the girls defeated him and (in his mind) kept him from getting a paycheck, which would have allowed him to buy food. In his anger, he decides to suck all the girls into a chasm in the ground and try to defeat them, whether in an attempt at petty revenge for his own poor life choices, or to try to get the Dream Collet and return to Nightmare. He turns his coin purse into a Kowaina and throws them around a little bit himself, but Urara seriously scolds him for blaming his faults on them, rather than himself. After all, both he and Nuts are in a position where they can’t afford food, but Nuts is actually taking action while Gamao is moping around and shifting blame. Rouge and Aqua defeat the Kowaina while Dream handles the toady bastard.
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They escape the chasm and return to handing out fliers. Masuko Mika happens to be passing through the square and absentmindedly takes a flier from Nuts, doing a double take as she recognizes him as the mysterious hottie she devoted the paper to. Next thing we see, Natts House is flooded with students from L’ecole Cinq Lumieres and Nozomi and Rin are talking with Mika about her apparent change of heart. She insists that she isn’t promoting Natts House, she’s reporting on important news to the community. Rin snarks that she’s just fangirling, but regardless, Nuts is making money and he genuinely smiles as the episode closes out.
The Analysis
In the first place, I like the continued world-building in this episode. Natts House doesn’t magically attract customers simply by existing, so they have to advertise for it. It’s a little lesson in business for the audience, and it also makes room for a lesson about the value of Hard Work (and Guts). On the one hand, you have Gamao, who failed at his job, ran away instead of telling his boss that he failed, and as a result, has not been paid and cannot eat. Instead of trying to find another job, he mopes around and blames the girls for his failure. On the other side, you have Nuts, who works with the girls to find customers for his store in order to afford food. I don’t agree with his attitude towards charity, but he’s always been stubborn. You also get to continue Mika’s little story arc from the previous episode, where she claims journalistic integrity but basically just runs a tabloid. Fortunately, her infatuation with Nuts works for the girls’ benefit again, essentially advertising Natts House by reporting on its owner and his place of work. The contrast between her words and actions makes for a fun source of ironic humor.
We also get to see a new side of Urara here. She is almost scary in her conviction to the need for advertising. All the other girls are taken aback by her abrupt change in personality.
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Being an actress, who not only has to market herself as a product, but also markets products for other people, it makes sense that she is the most attuned to the importance of advertising. We see this aggressive sincerity again during the fight with Gamao when she scolds him for being lazy, contrasting what he and Nuts have done to alleviate their hunger. She is righteously indignant, and it’s wonderful to see this normally aloof girl take a firm stance. I don’t mean to suggest that her morals have ever been in question, as we saw her strong will in action from her first transformation, but her typical behavior is a bit more quirky and less aggressive than this.
In a related case, this episode has some fantastic facial expressions and reactions from most of the cast. Here’s the group’s reaction to Urara’s sternness:
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Karen telling Nozomi that no, she cannot bring even just a few accessories to school to showcase:
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The girls’ reaction after Urara’s TV appearance turns out to be miniscule:
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Mika declaring she will NEVER allow advertising in her paper:
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Mika recognizing Nuts:
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And Nozomi and Rin recognizing Nuts in Mika’s paper:
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There are a lot of good moments though, and I can’t bog down this post with ALL of them, so check out the gallery link at the top of the post for a better rundown.
This episode also gives us a merchandising opportunity! Nozomi completes work on the flier, but Rin points out that they can’t hand out a single flier, and Nuts and Coco drop two huge stacks of paper in front of her for her to draw on. Her reaction to being told she has to make a few hundred copies by hand is......
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in a word, exploitable (feel free to save this and use it as a reaction gif)
However, it turns out that one of the Pinkies they’ve caught can, as Nuts put it, “Call in customers” in such ways as being a photocopier. This involves the very detailed and well-animated process of pulling a Pinkie card out of the storage case, inserting it into the Dream Collet and pulling it out, with accompanying lights and sounds.
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It’s a pretty transparent toy plug, and you really kinda wonder how the girls don’t have access to a photocopier anywhere. I mean sure, maybe not IMMEDIATE access, but it would have taken less time to find one and make 500-1000 copies than for Nozomi to hand-draw them all. Oh well, toys.
This is a really good episode in a lot of ways, and even the brief pause to advertise the Dream Collet toy in the middle isn’t that intrusive. We get to see these girls just.... exist, and interact, and it’s fun. I forgot how much I enjoyed this part of the series because it’s been so long since I watched it, and all I really remember in detail are the episode where Urara hosts a stage show at an amusement park, Milk’s introduction, the mid-season climax, and the Christmas episode because I watched it last year. I really enjoy the little episodes that dive into the characters’ lives a little bit and show us how the world works, and they also take the time to give a lesson on personal responsibility and drive without making it too ham-fisted. Side note, since Gamao's last appearance was in episode 3, he hasn’t fought the full assembled team, and he’s surprised that there are five girls now. Also, since he did only appear the one time, Rin barely remembers him, as she turns to Urara to ask who he is. It’s an amusing moment that sells how terrible he’s been at his job so far.
This episode could have been preachy and hamfisted, but they deftly balance all the necessary elements, inject just the right amount of comedy into it, and make good use of their animation tools. It’s solid art and animation for Precure, with some wonderful facial expressions and no noodle people. Even Nuts, eternally the tsundere, cracks a few genuine smiles in this episode. It gives me the warm fuzzies inside. The next one, however, is even better. Next time, on Precure Daily, Nozomi and Coco’s hot air balloon ride. You know the one. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 2 Kettei!
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 117 Poll Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1325  responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,235 responses
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Isayama continues to please. In fact, “Judgment” is the highest rated chapter this year with 62.3% selecting the highest possible rating. In recent month, only chapter 112 scored higher.
Honestly, just incredible
Excellent Chapter although it did favor the action over plot continuation. I really just want information rather than awesome action. I'll just have to do my waiting but the action is very enjoyable.
Finally a great action chapter which does a good job showcasing Erens new abilities.
Fuck yeah, Shiganshina3.0 with an entirely new field of play. Excited to see how the new teams play out.
It was nice to have another action-heavy chapter after being without one for so long. The only downside is they feel way too short.
god I love this manga so damn much
Seeing Marley invade Paradis with those planes is absolutely chilling. It's a whole new era for the Walldians
We're in the Endgame now
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With 30% of the vote, the moment when Eren reacts to Reiner’s attempt to eat him takes the top place for favorite moment. Following up with half as many votes is Zeke’s arrival as he displays his big brother complex. In third came Eren’s defensive use of the Warhammer Titan’s power.
The most memorable moment was definitely Eren's scream of sheer determination and will to live as he was ripping Reiner's jaw apart, in a complete rejection of the self-loathing and fatalistic mindset his old nemesis was seemingly trying to push onto him.
It was nice to see eren harnessing his titan abilities and proving that he is a strong character
Eren ripping half of Reiner’s face off was neat
Reiner vs Eren was very repetitive and shonen typical and just there to show how 'badass' Eren had become. Besides, the Marleyans are getting too much screentime at this point. The only cool thing was Zeke's entrance.
I loved the fight and zeke's onii-chan part uwu
I thought it was neat that it was confirmed that the Shifters' Titans have brains that control the Titan, rather than the Shifter controlling it themselves. I still want to know more about the Titan Chemistry Research Department, and all of the in-universe info about how Shifters interface with their Titans.
Onii-chan saves the day.
When Pieck took Gabi in her mouth? 👌👏 And that cannon?? 😍😍😍😍 And when she finished putting on the cannon and stood up in all her majesty I just straight up died. I also loved seeing Eren use the War Hammer to make back spikes, that was so neat.
WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,288 responses
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With lots of characters joining the fight this chapter, who was the MVP? The overwhelming majority at 62% think Eren fighting off three titans on his own earned him the title.  Pieck was also a popular choice, at 16%.  Magath rounded out the top three at 8.9%
Magath is a great leader. We need to see more of him.
I was so happy to see Zeke! And that phrase, ahh!
Hugs for Reiner. Poor guy can never win a fight :( And love Pieck for being the MVP, as usual!
porco did nothing wrong shout out to my boy porco
Eren is collecting Titans like they're limited edition Pokemon cards
It's time to stop confusing Gabi with Eren. Gabi proved to be actually smart.
Magath is the MVP of this chapter and anyone who says otherwise is delusional.
My wife Pieck was very cute and smug.
Zeke's arrival was so sick. Oni-chan
Not gonna lie this chapter was fire af. Kinda surprised about Magath being a legend, but it may have been a mistake for him to not kill Eren.
Zeke showing up at the end was hype.
the mvp award should go to the jeagerists for getting themselves killed in the stupidest way ever
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Our quick glance at the 104th was enough to know they are alive and well for now. We wanted a fun way to ask about their stunned expressions at the noises they assumed to be the rumbling. Mikasa’s was declared cutest with 27.4%, Armin was second with 23.1%, and 16.9% didn’t want to play along.
"Which jail cell expression was the cutest?"What?
I hope Onyankopon will rescue everyone in jail.
Just get Falco and the prisoners out of there, they'll get titanized/crushed
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Reiner and Eren’s practice fight in training has served useful, as they’ve fought as titans no less than four times now.  36.9% selected the fight from last chapter as their favorite bout, with 26.9% choosing their first rumble.  23.4% loved the recently animated Shiganshina fight the most, and only 12.8% chose the brief Marley exchange of blows.
Anime-onlies and manga readers collectively screaming about Eren vs Reiner in Shiganshina... You've got to wonder if this was planned somehow.
Eren vs. Reiner identical non-productive fights are getting boring.
I Want More Eren Vs Other Shifters
Reiner VS. Eren 4.0 is now a thing ladies and gents. But we now have a new fighter which is big bro Jaeger.
Eren vs. Reiner in a fearsome battle in the middle of Shinganshina that culminates in Reiner seemingly gaining the upper hand before his head is blown off by an outside force. Am I talking about the most recent manga chapter, or the most recent anime episode? You decide ;)
It's about time Eren's and Reiner's fight ends. Give us a conclusion, Isayama
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Although about 50% of respondents thought it was at least somewhat understandable that Reiner brought the fight to Shiganshina again, a good chunk of votes trended toward pretty neutral or unsure about whether Reiner is a hypocrite or not.
He sincerely believes Eren is miserable BECAUSE he's projecting his own emotions onto Eren but also needs to consume the Founder as Magath mentioned
He wants to do something right because the only thing hes good at is getting his ass whooped.
Honestly, all I can say about Reiner is that his isna big hypocrite.
Reiner should win a battle in his life, please Isayama.
He's definitely projecting, but lowkey if he eats Eren he finally gets to die, because they'll give the Founder to another Warrior.
People should really stop assuming that just because Reiner & Co. are deserving  of sympathy, they are right. Downtrodden as they are, if they win they'll still destroy Paradis without a second thought, and all the blatherings about stopping the 100 years cycle of violence, are just that, and justifications after the fact.
I thoguht Reiner would kick Eren's ass but whatever
Reiner should really give up fighting Eren... he always loses. Unless he likes getting his arse kicked, I don’t know why everyone just lets them fight over and over again.
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Yelena wanted Eren to run, Eren wanted to fight.  But why?  38.4% think he’s trying to protect those in the building, 25.8% think he believes running to be pointless, and 16.8% thought he just wanted to fight his best sparring partner, Reiner, once again.
"Until my enemies are destroyed," remember?
All of the above
He doesn't care what she thinks. Eren will do what Eren wants
He feels confident enough in his ability to shut that shit down by himself. He's also visibly pissed at Reiner for messing up with his plans by pushing for this surprise attack and wants to end him personally.
He's fought him three times already, might as well just fight him a fourth time.
I think it's both that it's pointless to run and he wants to protect those in the building. For the former, he knows Marley will just keep on persisting and will do everything they can to find him, so escaping is pointless. As for the latter, he cares about his close friends that are still inside and thus doesn't want them to get hurt, so for their safety, he wants to be the one to take on Marley by himself.
If you don't fight, you don't win.
I think this chapter proved that Yelena wasn't the one who "manipulated" Eren like some people claimed first, because he refused her order and choose to fight instead of "run away" or "trusting her plan".
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The Marleyan forces have finally zeroed in on what the true Zekerets are, all thanks to Gabi.  52.2% of readers forgot that Gabi was aware of the royal blood situation, and 22% didn’t expect it to come together this way but liked how it ended up.
Forgot she heard it, if this is what all her buildup has been leading too... 🤢
Honestly thought Pieck figured it out in chapter 116 with her line of questioning so I assumed they already knew or at least had their own doubts about the use of the FT Power but this makes sense as well.
I'd forgotten about it. But I think this confirm the fact she was here during EMA conversation will also be important
I kinda expected her to do so, but still I am glad she did it !!!
She has now served her role as a plot device. Please go permanently off-screen now.
Miscalculation brought back
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General Magath is the leader of the enemy forces, but seems to have good intentions in mind.  What’s his true goal?  The large majority of respondents, at 45.6% think he wants to wipe out the Eldians on Paradis.  21.7% think he wants to liberate Eldians, and trailing that at 20.4% is the idea that all he wants is the Founding Titan.
Chances are he's wants to wipe them out, he seems to care about the ones under his command, but he seems loyal to Marley first.
He just wants to end the war, he is a good man
Can't know for sure. He is sympathetic to his comrades but Marley has always pushed for more power so that may continue their imperialistic goals. I highly doubt Magath will make a complete 180 and will begin giving countries their own autonomy. Most likely, he will use the FT to further this effort in accumulating resources. No one should wield the power of FT. Too strong!
He wants to liberate Eldians AND annihilate Paradis
He probably wants to change Marley's policies and stop with the imperialism + Eldians-as-weapons, but he also seems willing to use Paradis as a scapegoat so far so I'm rooting against him.
He wants to protect Marley and introduce reforms. It’s noble in theory but I’m wondering if he was manipulated by Willy as per of a larger plan. He’s inspired by the Helos legend but he knows that it’s a lie. He has sympathy for Eldians in his own country but whether he wants to save all Eldians remains to be seen.
I think he wants to destroy the Eldians on Paradis but he also wants to persuade the higher ups in Marley to treat the Eldians more humanely
No clue. He doesn't seem like a genocidal maniac, but I don't think he'll allow Paradis to get off that easily.
Is it too optimistic to hope that he wants to change Marley's ways and to bring peace?
Why is "wiping out all Eldians" an option when he said he wanted to bring marleyans to the wars instead of the Eldians? I'm not completely sure about his intentions with Paradis but it's clear he cares for Eldians and he's ready to do anything to save Eldians and his own country.
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The Cart titan has been said to be versatile, and we’ve seen many upgrades and attachments, with this chapter being the biggest of them all.  Most of respondents, at 53.6% thought it was super awesome.
...How did they put it on so quickly?
Further cemented the Cart's place in my heart as best titan
I worry about Pieck. She is intelligent, fast and dangerous with her new weapon. That why Zeke may try to eliminate her fast.
I'm not into guns or gunfights so I don't really care.
Bitches love cannons
It’s a very powerful weapon but it requires time to reload. That a considerable weakness.
It's beautiful
so creepy i had a nightmare about it
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Isayama pls!! It’s impossible to know why Reiner’s beard keeps disappearing. It could be a quirk of his titan biology or perhaps the Golden Week crunch meant cutting a few corners. Either way, only 8.7% where glad about the omission.
reiner's facial hair come back pls
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Helos was a hollow statue, but will there be a hero for the current generation?  32.2% don’t believe so, but 35.5% think Eren will fulfill that role in the story.  12.3% think Reiner will become that hero to the world, and 10.8% feel it’s Magath.
Armin, mark my words
It's between Magath and Reiner. Magath because it has been nailed on him since he was mentioned, and Reiner because he's a half-Marleyan who wants to put an end to Eren's genocidal ways
Erwin/Levi...doesn't matter they're dead/dying, at this point I feel like they were the only ones capable to save the world. I'd say the 104th too but then, look where they are too.....
Heck, going by what's happening I have a sneaky feeling it's gonna be Falco.
Most likely Armin. Him being a "hero saving humanity" was foreshadowed already in RTS
I think resemblance between Helos and Levi isn't incidental.
Helos was proven to be fake, seems they indicate there will be no real hero
Honestly? Fuck it. Nicolo. I'm all-in on this.
Jean the Stallion
I don't know who, but not one of those three that's for sure... Historia? Where are you, our queen?
My Boi Reiner is super awesome here! He shows signs of becoming the new Helos!
Helos was a fake. There was no true Helos. It was just a story, so saying another Helos will save them makes no sense as Helos was just a facade in the first place.
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Based on the overall results, it appears that Eren’s expressions seem to get more and more intense as the series unfolds. Over half of the fandom feels that his most recent expression of resolve has been the one that best captures his tenacity. At a distant second, his expression as he transformed in the basement at the festival takes second place.
God, I want to punch Eren in his shitty smug face so hard.
Eren's defiant glare cleansed my skin, reaped my crops and impregnated me with 13 babies!
Finally we see Eren having a different expression, showing more of a human side we have been missing lately
I’m gay for eren
God, I'm just dying to see Eren's endgame.
Love Eren! He's awesome! The best hands down! And I can't wait to get inside his head! I know it'll make me love him more! Lol
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Almost 40% of respondents believe that Isayama’s placement of these panels was a deliberate way for him to clue us in on Eren’s opposition to Zeke’s plan. 27% don’t want to trust the panel placement just yet and feel it could very well be misleading. 21% feel that he’s simply showing his determination to see the plan through at all costs.
I'm not sure but it was really freaking cool
Eren's determination to fight, win and live!
He is mad because he is fighting to save his friends and future generations. So yes.
didnt notice this before, but yes this is a good theory
I don't even know how these two thing could be related lmao. He just wants to finish the fight so he can proceed with his plan. He can't do that by being eaten by the enemy
Eren didn't hear Reiner's words, so we can't say
Zeke's euthanasia plan requires Eren regardless of the ideals behind it.
I think whatever Eren's plan is, he is determined to do whatever it takes to not die before accomplishing it
It's pretty obvious he wants to unleash the Rumbling on the world. Idk why this is even a question.
I don't think it has anything to do with eren's thoughts on zeke's plan and more to do with his anger at reiner and marley
I feel like people may be looking too deep into this somehow
I actually didn't think of that! Now that you mention it, it's possible.
It's pretty obvious without this that Eren completely opposes Zeke's euthanasia. What I think is more interesting to think about is Reiner's previous question about what Eren "gets" from living any longer: what exactly pushes him to go to such lengths for whatever goal he has now? His country? His friends? His freedom? His family? All of those?
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Eren isn’t the only one who’s attempted to eat more shifters, and this time he’s on the receiving end. Did Reiner purely want to eat Eren for tactical purposes, or does he truly want to save Eren from the curse of a cruel life? Most readers at about 60% think Reiner’s just projecting his own thoughts and worldview onto Eren.
All the options above I think. Reiner thinks he knows Eren, but he clearly forgot one important thing: Eren is stubborn and once he's in his rage mode, he will never back down!
Both C and D.  He truly thinks Eren is in misery, BECAUSE he's projecting. Can't have one without the other.
Eating Eren is just a part of Marley's plan but I think it's the revenge that motivates him.
He has nothing left except his role as a warrior fighting for Marley. And he is determined to fulfill this role to the very end
I think he may be projecting his own misery into Eren but he doesn’t realize he’s doing it so he automatically assumes that Eren is in misery. Or it could be that he believes all shifters are going through the same thing he is and are suffering
He just wants to have his job done: eat Eren, become a hero and die.
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When Reiner attempted to end Eren’s life, Eren fought back against the idea his life holds nothing but pain.  What is the light at the end of the tunnel for him?  37.6% believe he’ll end up saving his people on Paradis, and 23.7% expanding that to saving the world.  17.9% think Reiner is right and he’ll only find more pain, and only 8.8% think Eren will go on to destroy the world.
Become Lelouch
Bring his 4D chess plan that somehow liberates the Eldians in a way that's different from what Zeke, the Yaegerists, the other Paradis military members and Magath are planning.
destroying the world to free Eldia from the oppression and probably to build a "future" for Historia and the child, which means to be the only ruling race
He'll save at least his friends, and hopefully help to save the world. by destroying its current foundation, and that includes the Eldians of Paradis
Eren just wants to catch 'em all... JK. He'll put an end to the curse of Ymir - Eldians will no longer be able to turn into titans.
He will destroy the world, cause this is probably his thinking of freedom for the eldians on paradis, but it will give more sacrifices and victims and more pain for others, like Connie who actually suffers, cause Sasha dies, because of Eren's selfishness.
A beautiful wife and their newborn baby
Eren wants to save the Eldians in Marley and Paradis
He will save his friends and future generations of Eldians. Eren doesn't care about himself, he cares about others.
Weird combination of protecting Paradis, those he holds dear and being willing to destroy the world for it.
I really hope world peace and a life in harmony without the titan curse although I'm scared it won't have a happy ending.
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Onii-chan is here, but how does Eren feel about that?  So many interpretations from the same panel!  The most popular answer at 36.3% was astonishment, followed closely by worry, and then relief.
He actually called himself onii-chan
Realization that everyone who drank the wine is screwed
A complex mix of all the above
Surprised, I think he didn't expect Zeke to be there cause of Levi
He somehow feel relieved because he was lacking stamina, but at the same time I think he worries of lives of his friends and people who will end up as titans, if Zeke screams.
Mixed feelings. Relieved that he is saved, but sad because he's ultimately going to betray such a great onii-chan
i kept staring at this panel bc it's been so long since we've seen such a vivid expression on eren's face; it's kind of hopeful too?
This chapter really illustrated how well Isayama can draw facial expressions to convey the characters thoughts
God Eren you're so sexy when your facial expressions are ambiguous
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Eren and Zeke planned to meet up here, but that would have to mean Zeke escaping Levi, likely in a brutal way.  Now that that’s happened, does Eren have regrets?  55.8% feel he cares about Levi to some degree, 27.1% feel that Eren cares about his mentor a lot, and only 14.2% don’t think Eren cares about the manlet one bit.
He cares, but it was a calculated risk like all the others he's been taking lately. I think he's still shocked that Zeke made it there though.
From where I stand on Eren’s decisions, I think he cares. But I feel like since we don’t know what his plan is yet, we can’t really fully answer this
Hard to tell, since he’s been treating his friends like shit, why would he care more about his mentor?
He knew what could happen to Levi and his men during Zeke's escape but he still agreed on a meeting time and place with his bro, not to mention the Jeagerists openly called him their "biggest threat" and were ready to finish him off. So Eren's definitely accepted the possibility of Levi becoming a casualty.
I don’t think Eren really cares about Levi, I think he’s worried about Zeke turning the Shiganshina people into Titans.
I think he still cares but tries to numb it all down and not care anymore. so he might be fooling himself, deluding himself...I think he did the same with his friends. Thinking that there's a higher goal and that it's all worth shedding your friends aside for it - I think he might be trying to convince himself of that.
In this situation there is no time for him to care about Levi.
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It was nice knowing you, Pixis. Now that Zeke has joined the battle within the walls of Shiganshina, it’s not looking good for anyone with a red or black cloth tied around their arm. More than 80% of respondents believe that those who drank the Zekejuice will soon be turned into titans, while only 19% choose to remain hopeful about their fates.
I would say Zeke titanizing everyone who drank the wine is inevitable, but the fact that Falco ingested the wine keeps being brought up. Zeke isn't aware. I feel like he has to know about Falco's state before any decisions are made. Whether that helps or not, we'll find out. After all, Zeke was shown to be close to Colt, who's Falco's big bro. Big brother feelings resonate with Zeke. It's a 50/50 chance imo.
Yeah, with Zeke joining the fray and all those soldiers that ingested his spinal fluid locked up, I expect Zeke will scream and turn Falco + all, if not most, of the spinal fluid-infected Paradis soldiers into Pure Titans next chapter. From there, Zeke will give Eren the Pure Titans needed to attack Marley's forces in Shingashina right now.
IS THIS THE FINAL BATTLE? 1,282 responses
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Now that the fight has started, how many think it’s the last brawl?  About ⅔ at 66.2% think the story will continue, whereas ⅓ at 33.8% think the story will end when this battle does.
Honestly this better not be the final battle. Marley vs Paradis is too black and white, I need a large commentary on the human condition
This really does feel like the final multi-titan battle. It might not technically be the final fight, but this feels like the RtS of the post-Marley arc. It's the climactic battle we've been building towards
People can say whatever they want, but everything indicates to me that Eren will become the last antagonist for the final war against the whole world.
This specific fight may not be the final battle but I have a feeling there are more to follow right here. Poetic really, that the series began in Shiganshina and will end there.
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117’s come and gone, on to 118!  The most popular answer, at about 30% want to see this fight continue more than anything else.  23.3% would like an update about Levi and Hange, 16.2% want the 104th in action, and 11.7% are at the altar of Annie.
please god either of the blonde best girls would be nice.
Armin and Annie joining the battle
I want to see what happened with Hange and Levi and also information on Historia. I also kind of hope to see Eren double cross Zeke.
Eren's plan, Levi, Armin being the genius he is , Annie, Mikasa fighting
Erwin. There is nothing I want more and idc how unreachable my dream is.
Continuation of the battle, and maybe Armin using his titan power to jail protect everyone in the jail cell. If Eren could partially titanise to protect himself, Armin and Mikasa from canon ball fire back in the first arc, Armin could do the same!
Bertolt. More Bertolt.
Some scene where Eren or someone reflects on all those lost, because honestly, it's my only chance of seeing Mina in the main story one more time.
I'd love to see all of them (except Floch), but in the context of what's going on right now, I think it'd be cool to see Annie join the fight just because it's been so long she's been in that crystal, and with practically every Titan in Shingashina right now (not to mention the recent Annie teasing), she's the only one absent from the fight, and I want to see her participate. I also expect to see Zeke using his scream next chapter, because it just feels like the perfect opportunity for us readers to see the Founding Titan in action again.
Floch, 104th, Annie, Yelena, Zeke, Eren, (no levi dont care about him)
I want Mikasa to shine, and I want to see Historia again
I'm sick of Eren and I don't care what happens to him.  I want to know what happened to Levi.
All of the above, but fuck floch
I'm expecting Zeke will scream next chapter, and Falco will be the among the ones that will turn into a Pure Titan
Is it too much to ask for all of it?
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Overall..pretty amazing chapter...just want to know the aftermath of zeke's arrival at this point.
Zeke is best boi and I needed that onii-chan panel in my life. My depression is cured.
Greatest Titan Battle yet!!! And Eren is easily the best character in Attack on Titan and one of the best manga protagonists ever!!!
Zeke loves eren and I think its so sweet, eren be gentle with him!
I want to see reiner getting his "revenge" over bertholdt's death , since we know that bertholdt was an important person in reiners life
FLOCH! Where is my lover? I don't have the power. On my side forever. Oooh Missing my Floch Lover!
It been a while since Isayama didn't shine with his drawing specially. The facial expressions and symbolism between some panels are so powerfull meaning and puts us in struggle to decoding it for a bit. One of the most deepest one (for me) was yelena saying "you're different from others Eren, you're special".
I do not foresee a great future for Eren as facial surgeon.
Marley and the warriors is so hypocritical. Porco's line really go to me because they attacked Paradis multiple times first. Hope  eren beats their ass.
This chapter was okay but I’m getting bored of Eren vs Reiner. Also, I would really like to see the 104th out of that damn cell and I would also like to never have to lay my eyes in Zeke or Floch ever again.
Intense and amazing in many ways, Marley FTW
Pieke and Gabi made me feel for them more than I expected.
In need of an update on Historia. Looking forward how Zeke and Eren fight together. Will they actually kill the warriors? Will those who are in the cell break free and come to stop the battle or join in? Did the Yeagerists manage to get their hands on Levi and Hanji??
Isayama has gotten very good at action scenes hot damn
I guess Reiner was right with saying that Eren is the most unreliable person who's entrusted with the coordinates and the power of the founding titan, because it could be possible that Eren will use this power for the bad.
I think 104th will escape and Chad style Dab on Marley and pop their airships to end up losing Connie and then get 99999x Thunderspears to create their own rumbling because Eren didn't have the coordinate after all.
Now we need Wack a Mole Eren
I was really hoping porco would eject out of the jaw titan when he was skewered, and retransform only to get nearly killed by Eren either impaling him or using him as a meatshield against Magath.
Where's mah boi Levi and Hanji at?
we were blessed with so much eren this chapter and i’d like to thank not only god but also jesus
Pieck has the biggest dick in the city. Take that Eren's WHT spears.
I really like how the Attack Titan screams so loudly it causes Gabi and Colt to resort to shutting their ears. Pretty sick xD
I sad-cringed at the "oni-chan" comment so much man. Poor Zeke
I think it was a well written battle in the sense that there was still a good amount of tension because Eren wasn't just effortlessly slaughtering the warriors. Instead he defiantly held his ground while outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded which imo showcases his strengths - tenacity and willpower - best of all.
I want all 9 titans to come together in an epic all-out brawl! Please make it happen Isayama!
If Pieck and Zeke don't engage in an Artillery duel next chapter, I'll be sorely disappointed.
This is just the begining of beautiful friendship - 104th and Marleyans. You shall see the truth soon ;)
When I finished the chapter I started crying because of what Reiner said while he was trying to eat Eren. In my opinion, Reiner has been such an accurate depiction of suicidal ideation that it's scary. It's just really painful to see, but I'm glad it's done so well and I really commemorate Isayama for treating it respectfully. I suppose I hope Reiner gets to see the kids again before he dies. At least... give him one last smile before he has to say goodbye.
I am most looking forward to see if Mikasa joins the fight or not, we still don't know what she thinks about Eren now!! And I want to know what Armin figured out, and I really want to know where the FUCK Historia is, and I really really want to know what happened to Levi and Hange. In that order.
Very good and well rounded, comedic moments were funny and not forced, Fights looked great as expected. Unique twist seeing new anti titan weaponry but enjoyable to see it being used.
This chapter really illustrated how well Isayama can draw facial expressions to convey the characters thoughts
It was an artistically beautiful chapter, as has been the norm recently, and I am so excited to see more.
It's so cathartic to see Eren finally let loose again
Magnificent, but seriously when is Annie coming back
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This chart changes ever so slightly from month-to-month.  While Tumblr is up a few percentage points, Reddit continues to bring nearly half of all respondents. Thank you again to everyone who participated, regardless of what platform you are on!
65 notes · View notes
abdostoryblog-blog · 5 years
The Beginning
As the night is getting closer, more and more travellers are to be found in camps and cities, and I was always a social butterfly, but I guess they are not so talkative. I guess they all have their worries and maybe they do not have time to relax a bit and have a chat… I hope that the people in Velia will still remember me. I miss my friends from there.I will begin first by introducing myself and sharing a bit of my background. I am Arilisu, a 28 year female, born in a mediocre family, but with a great intellect. My mother was a skilled warrior in her early days, then she met my father and she quit her dangerous life to take care of our cute house in Loggia Farm and tend the crops. My father was a skilful trader and managed to put the basis of a small business… he had as friends some interesting characters, or this is what I remember since I was a child. He was mostly gone with his trading and sometimes going on adventures, but he wasn’t a skilled combatant like my mother. However, one night, someone knocked at our door back home and told us that he was found dead in the forest near the main road to Heidel…. And told that he was probably killed by thieves that sometimes steal from wandering people…. It does not make any sense to me, as he was a good man with no real enemies, so his death is still shrouded in mystery…
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However I spent most of my life helping my mother and having fun with my friends. I also took up some combat skills from Itai (my mother) as she taught me some of her moves… she always said to me that I have that special something inside me.
One day I woke up though out of nowhere near the Forest of Seclusion with this tiny little black spirit talking to me and giving helpful advices …. I can’t seem to remember much about the recent past… the only memory I had was when I was saying goodbye to my mother as I was on my way to Velia to meet a friend…
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There were plenty of other people “appearing” out of nowhere next to me, all talking with their own black spirit … I tried asking them what is happening, but no one seemed to care, maybe they were worried about themselves too.
I was sent to do some tasks and I had to kill Grey Foxes …. These cute little animals I used to play with when I was a kid, I had to slaughter some of them to proceed forward in my journey…. I got sent to the Ancient Stone Chamber to speak with Edan and I can’t believe I lived so many years not knowing about these wonderful artifacts that were so close to me!
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Even though the place was in ruins (seriously?) I could feel a strong energy wanting me to go deeper and search for more. I saw all these skeletons, all this statues and runes …. No wonder the soldiers guarding this place are not getting bored… there is always something new to discover.
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I finally reached the Ancient Stone Chamber where Edan was expecting me. My head started to hurt a bit and my heart was pounding pretty fast… I could feel the energy, or something burning inside me, flowing inside me, trying to reach out, but I was trying to keep calm as I wanted to know what he wants from me and how I can be of aid.
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They “saw” my black spirit … or they felt it. They told me that I am contaminated and I should get rid of it as soon as possible. They wanted to separate us, but the Black Spirit started absorbing the energy from the chamber, getting more intense until he froze time for a few seconds… It was just me and him moving in this timeless space, I could feel the rush even stronger inside me and that is when he grew a bit bigger and everything went back to normal… He told me that we will take care of each other … and to be honest, I trust him. Edan told me that Red Nose, the imp, stole a piece of the artefact and his powers grew stronger, attacking everybody in it’s way… he sent me to discover more about the Black Spirit and about Red Nose to Feinia and Cliff, with some more killing on the side, this time, the poor tree spirits that just want to be left alone in the forest… 
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As I put my foot out of this forest, I was surprised and shocked to see a cruelsome battlefield between the imps and the humans, each trying to give its best, each with their own motive… I took the side of the humans and I helped them recover some goods from a lost Wagon the imps destroyed….
Guess all this killing is making me worthy to reach Cliff, the captain, who is looking for adventurers/mercenaries to do its killing jobs and send me to Red Nose…
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I had to take my time and commemorate the lost lives…. They might have attacked us, but imps are still souls in this living world, whether we like it or not. Yes, I did kill this body, but the path of becoming a great warrior is to also acknowledge your fights and your enemy’s right to live…
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After killing those poor tree spirits and killing more imps, I guess it was enough to earn Captain Cliff’s trust so I can get to know more about everything that is happening. I was invited to meet him at his tent in the Western Guard Camp… I hope that I can at least get some rest here and find something to eat as I am starving from all of these things that happened in less than a day!
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I managed to get some rest in his tent and enjoyed the moment a bit as he was busy with other travellers when I arrived. I was invited to take a seat and enjoy a nice warm meal: a great vegetable soup with some grilled vegetables and a nice steak. I also tried one of their famous cheese! And It was tasty indeed!
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I managed to meet with Cliff, finally, and he congratulated me for helping with the imp problem. However, there is still more of this to come so he sent me to meet with the Blacksmith to get some better gear.
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As I left his tent, I said to myself there is no point in rushing, so I took my time to explore the camp more and found this lovely vendor lady that let me search through her potion boxes and I found 2 health ones! The great thing is that I didn’t have to pay for them, which kinda reminds me … I am kinda broke so maybe I should start doing some more jobs around here… However I seem to get closer to Loggia, where my mother lives, but my memories are still gone. What have I done in the past? How long have I been missing? And why do I feel like I have to strength to do everything?
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I also took a moment to take a look over the field …. So much blood and so many dead bodies …. It is awful what is going on here …
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Miguel, the Blacksmith, was a really nice guy and he helped me repair my equipment. He also said that I can buy gear from him should I ever need, but I guess for now I am just fine. I seem to sometimes get a piece of armor or gear whenever I am completing a quest, besides the silver I am making, and not to add, the experience I get! We had a few drinks in the sun and he sent me to speak with Feinia for more info about what I will have to do. And yes, it involves more Imp killing.
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As I was going through the Western Guard Camp, I met the Stable Keeper and he told me I looked like my father…. I was very curious what was happening so I talked to him a little bit more about this subject. He wasn’t one of my father’s friends, but he knew him as my father was sometimes coming here for trading and to meet with old friends. From what the stable keeper told me, my father knew even Cliff, so I guess the apple is not far from the tree J He told me that my father had helped him with a horse once but he never managed to pay him back. So he gave me one of his young horses, Gold, for free, because he appreciated my father. I guess I am pretty lucky today because all these walking and running will get me tired soon! And this cute horse will surely help me in my travels! It is a good thing my mother owned several, and she still has her best one, Pipi, with her, so I know at least the basics of owning a horse! I am probably sure he will become my best friend!
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As I was on my way to Incas, a Node Manager I was sent to check up on him and see if he needs any help, I met a weird couple(?), a human and a shai, the last one being depressed and sitting in the middle of the road. I later found out they have a weird fetish and a dom/sub relationship, with the shai being hired to fulfil the human’s desires, and to be pretty straightforward, the shai was hired to eat ass.
Guess a lot of things happen in this world, no?
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Incas was a lovely guy, although, the same as other people that give me tasks or quests, he needed my help to kill some more imps and 2 imp altars. Seeing one was pretty extraordinary as I never thought how they would imagine and celebrate their “spiritual life”. Now back on my way to the camp, and this time, by foot, as I forgot to bring my horse with me. Well, I guess walking isn’t that bad…
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As the night is getting closer, more and more travellers are to be found in camps and cities, and I was always a social butterfly, but I guess they are not so talkative. I guess they all have their worries and maybe they do not have time to relax a bit and have a chat… I hope that the people in Velia will still remember me. I miss my friends from there.
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One last glimpse over the battlefield before I will head to get some nice sleep here. The scenery is beautiful and I always enjoyed nature. I am proud of being a Lahn, just like my mother used to be and I hope I will find more about the recent events in my past.
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Had a few drinks before going to bed, guess this was all for my first day in this journey. And yes, I do like making sexy poses sometimes! I will head to sleep in this nice comfy bed and I will get ready for tomorrow, a new day full of adventures!
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water-writings · 5 years
I was tagged by @demidemonwrites and @ezwriting. Thanks you guys and sorry this took so long to write! 
I know I will be breaking the rules to some extent, but I will be answering both their sets of 11 questions here. I don’t have exactly 11 people to tag, let alone 22 at the moment haha. Sorry!
Demidemonwrites’ questions!
1) Least favorite writing trope?
I’m going to be honest, I’m not entire sure. I’ve never thought of this before. I actually went through a couple forums where people are telling their least favorite tropes to see if anything struck with me. Honestly, I couldn’t find anything. Maybe I haven’t read a lot to know what I don’t like or if I’m just not that picky. I guess if things are written well I’ll be down with anything. 
I guess if I had to pick one, it would have to be “the good guy is actually the villain” trope. With Frozen I remember when I first sat down in the theater and thinking “Haha what if Hans was the villain” and then BOOM I was right. There was some other movie I watched where I called one of the good guys being the villain, but I can’t remember what it was.
2) Which of your characters are underdeveloped but you want to develope more?
My current new character for My Hero Academia, Yuriko Umeda. She’s the first character since my Marvel character, Tracey Madison, that I’m super excited to work on and write for!
3) Do you prefer writing stories or worldbuilding?
I prefer writing stories. I’ve mostly written fanfiction and gone off of worlds from fandoms. But I have recently been practicing worldbuilding by attempting to add onto the already existing worlds. I have an original story in the works, but I haven’t touched it in nearly four years. It’s there, but I’m struggling with it. Maybe one day I’ll finally figure it out. But yes, I like writing stories more so than worldbuilding at the moment. 
4) Where do you do most of your writing? (In bed, at a desk, ect...)
Literally anywhere. I write on my computer and on my phone on Google Docs so writing is portable for me. I do tend to write more on my bed or on a couch. I guess somewhere where I’m comfy.
5) If you have multiple ocs, what do you do to keep all their info organized?
Hahahaha I don’t. I’m pretty sure there have been times where I created a character in my head, came back to them months or even years later and forgot what their name was. I used to write a list of characters I created (even ones that I didn’t have stories for) back in high school, but now I don’t. I guess I just remember characters I really like. If I write for them I remember them of course, but if they are characters I have in my head and create a story for them then I tend to remember those characters. Although, I probably should start keeping them organized somehow.
6) Do you write your ideas down or are they mostly in your head?
Both. I tend to come up with ideas in my head (as everyone does haha) and when I have time I write them down on my notes section of my google doc for the story. But I also have ideas written down and in my head. Small ideas come to mind every now and then that I forget about that pop back up or they are minor details that I’ll write in as I write the story. 
7) What is your character(s) favorite food?
Yuriko’s favorite food is omu rice.
Tracey’s is Hawaiin pizza. 
Barry’s would be fried rice.
Aria’s is cookies.
Wes likes pretzels. Crunchy or soft he loves them.
Lyra’s is meatloaf. 
I haven’t thought of Barry’s, Wes’, or Lyra’s before but those popped in my head. It might change, not sure haha.
There are probably other characters that I can’t think of at the moment or characters that I haven’t written for in forever that I just omitted from this list. These are my recent projects. 
8) Out of all your character, which has the best story arc?
I guess Tracey? She’s the character who I actually write a complete story for instead of abandoning it. To this day I’m not sure how I did it, but I did. I have four stories completed in the series with her in it. The second one I liked, but looking back on it there’s some stuff I’d like to change in it. But I also think with that story I was able to develop her character more after that. 
9) Do you prefer heroes, villains, or anti-heroes?
D. All of the above. I like characters who are well written. Even if its a villain I will like their character. 
10) What character have you had the longest?
My longest character would be from my very first fanfic ever, but I don’t want people looking into that one hahaha! Out of my recent characters its definitely Tracey and Barry.
11) Favorite villian trope?
This was another thing that I’ve never thought about before and once again I looked into lists of villain tropes. I think I like bad just to be bad. One of my favorite villains is Joker and he’s evil just because. Another trope (if you count it as a trope or personality) is crazy. Harley Quinn, Junko Enoshima, and Himiko Toga are happy crazy and I don’t know why, but I love characters like that. 
Ezwriting’s questions!
1. Do you listen to anything while you write? Music, television, white noise, etc.
I tend to have something on in the background, whether it’s music, TV, or YouTube. I just like to have background noise. I do like to use music to picture scenes for stories. There’s been times where I’m listening to a song randomly one day and I just picture a new scene that has that song playing as background music and I just add it to a story. 
2. Can you describe your favorite character? Either yours or a beloved favorite from a book or any other media – I’d just love to hear about them.
Tracey and Barry are my MCU OCs. They are the Madison twins and they’ve been with me since I was a freshman in college. So about six years or so. That may have given away my age who knows lol. 
Barry worked with SHIELD and was picked up right out of high school. Tracey didn’t know what he did until the Battle of New York where she basically interrogated him on his uniform. Tracey is a hacker. She majored in Computer Science (even though I know absolutely nothing about it) and she has been playing with computers since she was a kid. She had an interest in them. 
Pepper was a friend of their mom’s so that’s how they met Tony and then the Avengers through Tony. Everything just falls into place or goes down hill from there! 
I’ve worked so much on them that they have become my favorites. But at this point, I’m taking a hard hiatus on them and focusing on other characters.
3. When you write, do you have any particular requirements before you can start? (Have to be a specific somewhere, need music, etc.)
Nope! If I end up writing, I’m lucky. I have the worst attention span and lack of inspiration at times that the moment I sit down and try and write I end up watching the most random videos on YouTube or scroll through Tumblr. It’s bad haha. 
4. Do you prefer to be hot or cool when writing? Do you snuggle up with blankets or have fans running, or are you somewhere in - between?
I’m in between. It depends on the day. Like right now I’m fine sitting on my couch in some comfy shorts and a shirt and write. But some times my legs might get cold and I’ll lay a blanket on them. But that’s usually if it’s cold out. I’m in between.
5. What kind of writing ‘quirks’ do you have?
None. I literally sit and write. I usually have background noises I mentioned in the first question (sometimes, very rarely, will I write in silence). I might have a cup of tea or a snack, but other than those I don’t think I have any writing quirks. 
6. What is your favorite book or book series?
Harry Potter, Peter and the Star Catchers, and The Truth About Forever. 
7. Is there anyone who inspires your writing?
@pen-in-hand @apocalyvse They’re writing is amazing!!
8. What first got you started in writing?
I honestly can’t even remember. I think it was this anime that’s my favorite called D Gray Man. A friend got me into it late 8th grade early freshman year of high school and I loved it. I was also a major major dork back then (probably still am but not as much) and had a crush on one of the characters that I wanted to create my own to add into the story. I think one of my friends told me about ff.net and I picked up a notebook and pen and started writing. 
I do remember a couple times in elementary school where I had to write short stories. One I think I still have in my junk somewhere that was about a dog wanting to be a sled dog and the other was I had to write how the Oregon Trail was made. That one I don’t have, but I think I remember I wrote about how a girl ran into a goblin in a forest and had some competition with him over something. She ended up using this basket she had and used it to create the trail. 
Elementary school Mel was wild. I don’t even know how I remember that Oregon Trail one. Star Kid pick up my story and make a prequel to Trail to Oregon.
9. What would you suggest to new writers?
Just write. Even if you think it’s bad, just write and post it. Someone is going to love it. You are also your worst critic. I look back at my first fanfic and CRINGE when I think about it. But I have reviews on it. I also look back on it and realize that I have improved so much since then. You improve as you write and you can only go up. If you enjoy it, keep writing. 
10. Do you prefer to write first, second or third person?
Third person for sure!
11. How do deadlines affect your writing? Do they hinder or help you?
I don’t set deadlines for myself. Unless I’m writing something for a holiday or as a present to someone. I don’t do deadlines, but I think it would either help or hinder me. It would help me sit down and write, but I also think - knowing me - that I’d procrastinate and then rush to meet the deadline. Rushing would then result in my worst work I think. Maybe. But I just don’t do deadlines. I post when I want to.
My questions
1. Do you write fanfictions or original stories and did you ever write fanfiction? 
2. Did you ever write your stories in the middle of class instead of paying attention? 
3. How many notebooks do you have filled with your writing? 
4. What’s your favorite way to write? Notebook, Word Doc, Google Docs?
5. Do you write by yourself or do you need people writing with you? 
6. Have you ever cowritten with someone? 
7. Who do you bounce ideas off of? 
8. Have you ever taken an experience from your life and written it into a story? 
9. Favorite type of music to listen to while you write. 
10. Have you ever had anyone give you “advice” that hurt you and prevented you from writing for a while? 
11. Have you ever had fans of your writing pester to write a certain way? 
I tag @pen-in-hand @apocalyvse @starsandstormyseas @loopally @morganwriteblr @writing-and-nutmeg @luciandra-writing @nightwingshero @scouthearted @invernessie41 @odpadkywriter @alalawrites
I did 12 instead of 11 since I had two sets of questions haha!
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pengiesama · 6 years
A Cat-astrophic Curse (Fic, Sorey/Mikleo)
Title: A Cat-astrophic Curse Series: Tales of Zestiria Pairing: Sorey/Mikleo
“I have my doubts that Little Miss Hotpants meant for it to turn out this way. If she even had a gameplan in the first place.” “My plan is to go out and play with Mikleo!” kitty-Sorey announced proudly. “And then we’ll read together and eat Mikleo’s de-lic-ious treats and cuddle all night!” Edna rose one critical eyebrow at kitty-Sorey. “Are we a hundred percent positive that she actually did anything to him at all?” she asked flatly.
In which a cunning villain turns the Gentle Shepherd into a Japanese cartoon cat mascot.
Link: AO3 
This was a commission for Karin/firidus on twitter!
Check out my commission info here.
Read on Tumblr!
“What’s on the menu for today?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see. Go back to the tent and read, and I’ll bring it over once it’s finished.”
“Well, now you’ve gotten me all curious, so there’s no way that I can just go and read. C’mon, Mikleo, tell meeee…”
“It’s a new recipe! Telling you anything about it would jinx it.”
“Everything you make is amazing. But I think this recipe could maybe use a little bit of extra spice while you stir…”
And then the tickling started. It was an altogether entirely revolting display. Symonne scowled down at the heartwarming scene beneath her feet, mulling over how to best destroy it.
Symonne had initially been perched atop a nearby cliff face, for it was the highest point in the area, and to properly loom menacingly over one’s unsuspecting prey one needed to be at the highest point in the area. But it was also a little bit too far away for her to see or hear anything, which was also an important aspect of looming and menacing, so she had to move to a nearby tree instead. She managed to climb up it well enough, but didn’t really know how to get down. The bark scratched her, there were bugs, and tweety little birds and fluffy forest animals. Leaves and twigs were stuck in her hair. And now the Shepherd and that water seraph were flirting and canoodling and being generally loathsome right in front of her.
All these various inconveniences compounded on Symonne’s psyche, upsetting its delicate (and questionable) balance, and drove her to a single conclusion:
She needed to kill them both immediately.
There was the matter of her master’s wishes to consider, but...Symonne squinted and thought back. She kind of forgot what her master was going for with this Shepherd. In fact, she couldn’t really remember the last time she got a specific and direct order about performing acts of chaos and various mischiefs. Her master had always been rather hands-off with his management of his loyal followers. He just kinda let them do whatever, and then wandered off to stand in a single spot in the middle of a field for weeks at a time. It was nice on paper, and allowed her a lot of artistic freedom, but sometimes she felt that she could do with a bit more direction. She would have to remember to bring this topic up in her next employee evaluation.
“S-sorey! S-stop! You’re going to make me spill everything everywhere!”
“I can’t help it, Mikleo! I’ve been possessed by the dreaded Tickle Hellion! Remember me as the man I was, not the man I have become!”
That laughter. Those kissy noises. This would all end now.
Symonne raised her wand, and began to wind up an incantation. She would addle that Shepherd’s mind, make that water seraph of his look like a delicious and irresistible treat to devour, and -- when he’d eaten his beloved whole -- she would restore to him his senses and allow him to fall to despair. A perfect plan, and one that surely would have worked flawlessly if not for the rogue falling apple that dropped from its branch squarely onto Symonne’s head. It disrupted her concentration, and also disrupted her balance, causing her to plummet to the forest floor below, screeching and firing off magic all the while.
Sorey and Mikleo’s romantic interlude was thus interrupted by a falling, screaming, spellcasting, disturbingly-half-dressed visitor. They barely had half a moment to take in the situation when one of her spells ricocheted off a rock and hit Sorey square in the chest. He was enveloped in a cloud of sparkly pink smoke, obscuring him completely from view. Mikleo let out a frantic, panicked shout of Sorey’s name, and dove into the cloud to try and retrieve him before whatever wicked curse Symonne wrought took its hold.
The commotion brought the rest of the team running, abandoning their foraging efforts to rush back to the campsite. Rose reached the site first -- she prepared herself for the worst: to be greeted by swarms of hellions, a squadron of soldiers, the sight of Sorey’s crumpled, bloodied body in Mikleo’s arms. But she could not have expected the sight of what truly awaited her.
“Hey, hey--! You’re back, you’re back!”
Rose stared as a tiny cat-like creature toddled up to her feet. Its pure white fur was accented by black whiskers, and a big blue bow jauntily bounced on its head as it hopped up and down in front of her. She would have written it off as just another oddity of this new Squire gig, some sort of distant normin relative, but…
That mop of mussed brown hair atop the creature’s head was eerily familiar. And this tiny creature was dressed in a perfect, equally tiny replica of Sorey’s clothes. The complicated cloak, those goofy feather earrings, the whole shebang. And the real Sorey was nowhere to be seen in their camp.
Mikleo -- the resident expert on all things Sorey -- was busy binding an unconscious Symonne to a tree with a sort of manic, frantic determination. He seemed so engrossed in the effort that Rose almost felt that she shouldn’t bother him. But, considering the situation, she really had to bother him. She coughed lightly, and Mikleo’s head whirled to stare at her; his eyes wild.
“...,” Rose began. “...uh. What’d we miss?”
“Mikleo was making us dessert, and I was tickling him!” the kitty-Sorey squeaked out. “It looked sooooo tasty, and Mikleo is so so so pretty--!”
“Uh-huh,” Rose replied. This kitty-Sorey seemed to have the same general thought processes as the normal Sorey, if a bit higher-pitched. “And then what?”
“And then there was a biiiiig crash, BOOM! And then all this pink glitter, and I got little!”
Which was Symonne’s doing, no doubt. Rose walked over to where Mikleo had secured her. She heard the rapid patter of tiny feet behind her as she went.
“I’m guessing you haven’t gotten any info from her,” Rose observed. She cautiously reached out to turn Symonne’s head enough to bring the big bump on it into better view. “She’s out like a light.”
“I... I should have been more careful,” Mikleo managed to get out. His body looked like it was wound up so tight, it was a wonder he could even breathe. “I was distracted and didn’t hear her coming, I didn’t shove Sorey out of the way quickly enough, I…”
His despair was interrupted by the intervention of kitty-Sorey pattering up and nuzzling his chin against Mikleo’s knee -- with Mikleo crouched on the ground, it was the tallest part of him that kitty-Sorey was able to reach. kitty-Sorey made a soft noise, and raised his stubby little arms in the air until Mikleo picked him up -- carefully, gently, as if he was cradling something infinitely precious and utterly irreplaceable. He brought kitty-Sorey close to his chest, and sighed raggedly. kitty-Sorey made a satisfied noise, and continued to nuzzle whatever part of Mikleo was closest. It seemed to settle Mikleo, and bit by bit, Rose saw the tension in his shoulders ease.
By this point, the rest of the team had finally made their appearance. kitty-Sorey waved both little arms in excitement as they approached.
“Hi! Hi! Hello! Yay, everyone’s here--!” he cheered.
“Oh my…” Lailah murmured. “Sorey, you’ve…you’ve entered something of a cat-atonic state.”
Lailah puffed out her cheeks, trying to suppress her laughter. Still holding her breath, she looked around excitedly at the rest of the team, waiting for someone to celebrate her wordplay. Celebration failed to occur. Edna strode up to where Mikleo crouched, to where their prisoner was bound, and poked at the bump on Symonne’s head with the end of her umbrella.
“I have my doubts that Little Miss Hotpants meant for it to turn out this way,” Edna said idly. “If she even had a gameplan in the first place.”
“My plan is to go out and play with Mikleo!” kitty-Sorey announced proudly. “And then we’ll read together and eat Mikleo’s de-lic-ious treats and cuddle all night!”
Edna continued to idly jab her umbrella at various parts of Symonne. She rose one critical eyebrow at kitty-Sorey.
“Are we a hundred percent positive that she actually did anything to him at all?” she asked flatly.
Lailah’s held breath exploded from her with a graceless, trumpeting wheeze, and she clapped in helpless delight.
“POSITIVE! PAW-SITIVELY PAW-SITIVE!” she announced to, like, the abstract concept of anyone who found her sense of humor appealing. “Purr-haps there’s a paws-sibility that we can break this absolutely a-paw-ling curse on our dear Shep-purred…”
Slowly, gently, Zaveid approached Lailah; making soothing noises and sidestepping her in her erratic movements like one would when approaching a bucking horse. He removed his hat from his head and lowered it onto Lailah’s head; pushing it down until her face was obscured and her voice was muffled. She did not appear to fully be aware of the additional accessory to her person, and continued to ramble on; her voice muted by the hat’s felting.
“Thank you, Zaveid,” said Rose. She checked the back of her hand, examining the skin there. “...I think I just got hives from saying that.”
Zaveid gave a cheeky little bow, and then sat down next to Mikleo. His composure was a blessing in itself, and seemed to further calm Mikleo’s rattled nerves.
“Lemme take a look at this little squirt for a quick second, Meeboy.”
Hesitantly, Mikleo unwrapped himself from Sorey just enough for Zaveid to give kitty-Sorey a quick look-over. Zaveid examined his tiny cloak; the embroidery on it so delicate that it looked like it was wrought by fairies, the feathers so small that they looked like wisps of dandelion fluff. He poked his white cheek; squishy and soft like mochi, and it elicited a sweet giggle from kitty-Sorey that jingled like a bell. kitty-Sorey buried his face back into Mikleo’s chest for a moment, then wriggled until he’d scaled Mikleo to perch on his shoulder and nuzzle against his neck and ear.
“Well. I can tell you that he’s definitely the real Sorey -- he’s got the same soul rattling around in that cute little noggin, and the same air about him,” Zaveid said. He scratched at his chin and frowned. “She definitely cursed him good. I don’t know how long the transfiguration spell will last, though. That kinda magic was never really my bag…”
“Who does know about that kind of magic?” Mikleo asked quietly. His hand came up to touch kitty-Sorey at his shoulder, to confirm he was there, or to comfort himself. kitty-Sorey giggled and grabbed Mikleo’s finger between his paws, steering it to poke his own nose. “Please. You must know of someone.”
“Are you in despair!? Do you feeeeeel the agony crushing your heart like a vize!?”
The team slowly turned to look at Symonne, who had woken up and broken out of the rope bindings while they were chatting. Her hair and clothing were a mess from the fall. She wobbled on her feet, and couldn’t really focus her eyes, so she probably had a concussion brewing in her fevered little skull. Still, she managed a manic grin, and tilted her head back to crow with laughter.
“Experience a taste of the magnificent salvation my master will bring to this wretched world!”
“Heldalf wants to turn us all into cats?” Rose asked, confused. “I mean, I guess cats are like...his thing.”
“Ah,” Edna said, making a face. “So he’s one of those.”
“One of what?” asked Mikleo, confused. “A cat person?”
Lailah un-hatted herself long enough to rejoin the discussion. “I think Edna means he’s a fur-midable opponent!”
“Yes,” Edna replied. “And no.”
Zaveid huffed. “Hey now, I’m not just gonna stand around while y’all besmirch the much-maligned name of a proud and noble people!”
“We all know what you think, Zaveid. We know your tastes.” Edna emphasized the last word, deliberately. “I’ve seen the stuff you like on Twitter at two in the morning--”
“Stop misinterpreting my master’s glorious vision!!” shrieked Symonne, nearly falling over in her rage, and present lack of inner ear function.
“What is your master’s vision, exactly?” asked Mikleo.
Symonne’s eyes went unfocused again, and she was silent for a long moment while she visibly tried to think of an answer. kitty-Sorey raised his paw politely, and waited for Mikleo to boop it with his finger before speaking.
“I have a vision! I spy, with my little eye, something that begins with -- Mikleo!” kitty-Sorey cuddled up to Mikleo’s neck again, happily. “It’s ‘Mikleo’! I see Mikleo! Mikleo, I love you--!”
Symonne turned green, and made a retching noise; doubling over as if she was about to vomit all over the forest floor. Edna tsked in disapproval.
“Oh come on,” she said. “They’re insufferable, but that’s just overdramatic.”
Symonne lurched upright, and brandished her wand once more. The group immediately went on guard.
“No more. No more of this,” Symonne said, pointing her wand squarely at kitty-Sorey.
kitty-Sorey blinked, and placed a single paw on his chin. His ears twitched with the motion.
It was the last straw. The last, adorable straw. Symonne shrieked in rage, and in the blink of an eye, kitty-Sorey was surrounded by the same glittery pink smoke that transformed him at the first; obscuring both him and Mikleo from view. There was a thud, and the sound of Mikleo yelping. When the smoke cleared, Sorey was back to his original form, and was cradling Mikleo in his arms as he knelt on the forest floor.
“Are you okay, Mikleo?” Sorey asked, concerned. The big blue bow was still firmly attached to his head. “I’m so sorry; I must have hurt your shoulder when I changed back…”
Mikleo couldn’t even try to hide the smile that crossed his face, and allowed his fingers to trace the line of that jaw that he’d already missed so dearly. “I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine, now.”
Sorey leaned into Mikleo’s palm, then leaned in for a kiss. The shimmering pink smoke floated about them in the midsummer breeze, catching rays of sunlight as it drifted. It showed no signs of settling or dispersing; as if it was content to frame the pair in their own little world for a while longer.
“They...just don’t stop,” Symonne said, as much in awe as disgust at the scene before them.
“You’re preaching to the choir,” Edna grumbled. She turned to face Symonne, and tapped her umbrella against the palm of her own open hand. “So, listen. You’re gonna teach me that spell so I can use it to torment the plebeians that orbit me, or else I’m going to shatter your kneecaps…”
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voltron-queen-140 · 6 years
We'll. With season 7 finished, I'm going to give a review in as much detail as I can in case anyone wants to hear my opinion.
I'm going to try my hardest to be respectful when I talk about this season so please hear me out before you yell at me, and if you disagree please be respectful in explaining why. I am open to debate but not an argument or aggression.
First off, I would like to commend this season for actually making me tear up or scream into a pillow once again. Lance's reunion with his family? Sobbing. The "the Paladins are dead" fake-out? I genuinely fell for it. Thinking it was a way to bump off the old Paladins and replace them, perhaps with the MFEs. It would make sence, you have the smart one, the reckless one, the leader, and the other guy who's personality I just don't get. Combine that with Veronica and you suddenly have 5 capable pilots. Just something to think about.
Now. On to the rest of my opinion. There are a mix of good and bad points in this so please bare with me, I'm not full of hate for this season.
I'm am, however, angry about the "idk how it happened don't question it" excuse about the Atlas, but, it might be addressed in season 8, so we'll pop that to the side and hope for the best.
Secondly, everything seemed... rushed and unexplained. With the entire season. They had 13 episodes to play with but they still treated it like two half seasons (note the 2 part episode in the middle of the season and the resolute ending for the second of those two episodes) Of course this may have been because it was planned to be a half season but their scheduling was messed around. In which case, I get it, but they've had half seasons before and they executed them much better. I feel like this may have been down to the fact that they realised they were running out of episodes to complete everything they were hoping to get in. I'm hoping season 8 feels a little less rushed and a little more fleshed out.
Colleen Holt is a badass, let me just throw that out there. Can we all agree that the Holt family is a family of badass super geniuses? Because they are. As a side note, has Sam Holt's voice actor changed? Genuine question. He sounds like Bing Bong from Inside Out and the entire time I was struggling to take him seriously.
The Feud? Seemed forced. "We have to have a chill episode! Quick, throw out ideas!" "An all knowing being drags the Paladins into a game show!" "Great! Let's do it!" I thought it was going to be a "hey universe, we're not dead!" Publicity stunt, but no, they made it weird. And they called Lance "the dumb one" lol no thanks. But, we got to see Pidge be a badass, Keith be an artist, Family Drama from the Zarkon family, and there is enough shipping fuel for Keith x Allura, Lance x Keith and Pidge x Hunk to keep them all floating for a while.
Now, onto shipping stuff. I'm not an anti so please don't expect my opinions to be showing hate to any ship, I'm simply going to express my opinion in a polite a way as possible. If you're an anti or you're looking to stir up shit, go ahead and block me right now. I don't want to be seeing any of your content and you'd be doing me a favour.
Anyway; no hate directed at Allurance shippers, or the ship itself, you guys are great and the ship has potential to be to, but in my personal opinion the emotions from Allura are coming out of nowhere. Feel free to provide evidence on why that is not the case by the way, so long as you are respectful. But personally, it feels like her feelings sprouted pretty much from nothing since Lotor left. I'm also not the biggest fan of the "if you pester the person enough they'll come around" trope so perhaps I'm looking at it from that angle so not seeing it for what it is.
Introducing Adam and having the fandom hype over him before promptly killing him off? Dick move Voltron. Dick move. But, at least there is LGBTQ+ rep right? That's something guys!
Keith and Acxa (or however it's spelled)?? I'm??? I don't personally see it, maybe because they've only interacted a handful of times and most of them were during a fight? I'm not sure. But personally, I'm not a fan. I don't understand where her feelings came from, I always saw her actions as a "a life for a life" kind of thing, but hey, what do I know. The show writers probably have stuff planned that may change my mind of the ship.
Punk? Well, I'm not sure what Bex was talking about with all this:
Because the only shipping fule I'm seeing is from The Feud. Maybe season 8 will bring surprises!
Laith? Sorry guys, I'm a Laith shipper, but, it's dead in canon. The Feud gave us content and we had a couple of moments but it seems like Allurance and Keith x Acxa are the ships they're going with. But that's okay! Show respect to those ships and don't start wars over it! We still have fanfictions and fanart!
The same goes for Sheith shippers! If they do go for Keith and Acxa then you guys can still keep shipping Sheith! Go for gold! Keep your heads up and don't lose hope!
Hunay? Living for it! We had barely any interaction but we got a cute reunion so I'M LIVING! We better see more of Shay in season 8!
Ezor x Zethrid? YES PLEASE!!
Okay, it's safe to start reading again if you wanted to skip over the shippy part!
We got Matt! Well, 30 seconds or so of him, but we got him!
Which brings me to the thing that is really rubbing me the wrong way. The time skip. I'm sorry? What? Was that properly addressed? Like at all? We got a rushed explanation that frankly was more of a "this happened, get over it" kind of thing but other then that? We didn't really hear from it again? Other then Lance's family saying "you're the same" it wasn't really... fleshed out as well as it could have been. I'm still hazy on how it happened but hey ho, maybe if I rewatch the season I'll understand better.
Did anyone else call that Veronica was Lance's sister before it was announced?
James Griffin. James blooming Griffin. His character was not well introduced in my eyes. One second he's glaring at Keith and yelling that Voltron doesn't understand the chain of command or whatever, the next he's helping those very people disobey orders. The very thing he was telling them not to do! Was his reasoning behind that explained? Like? At all? Was it just because he didn’t want to see them get hurt?
Seriously, did anyone else get fooled by the “the paladins are dead” thing or was that just me? I wasn’t fooled at first but the more Shiro went on the more I was like “Uh... is this for real now?”
How in Alfor’s name did Shiro survive that crash on the galra ship?! HOW?! I NEED ACTUAL ANSWERS! He was outside the ship, he should have burned up! At the very least the impact would have killed him surely! HE WAS OUTSIDE OF THE SHIP!
We didn’t see a Hunk family reunion, which is actually upsetting, but at least we know more about his past.
“I was trying to save earth” -_- of course you were Admiral Sanda. But that was a super naive move. Like. Really. How on earth (insert drum and cymbal sounds here) did you think that would work? “Lets ignore all the info we got from the people who have been fighting this war on the front lines and go with a plan that I, the person who has only heard about this second hand, have come up with. That will work.”
I’m not hating Iverson anymore so THAT’S SOMETHING!
Romelle is such a relatable character.
Coran Coran the gorgeous man doesn’t get enough credit.
Was I the only one that forgot Allura wore a crown and wondered what the hell the thing that dropped to the floor was until I saw her put the gem in Shiro’s arm?
Shiro’s new arm? Awesome! I seriously love it! And the fight with Sendek? I live for it!
Kroila in season 5: I’ll never leave you again.
Kroila now: I’m sorry I have to go.
I’ll just leave that there. I get why she left, she wanted to find and fix the blade and all, but like? That probably hurt Keith a heck of a lot.
I felt like there were less edge-of-your-seat moments this season though, it felt a lot like “oh okay, so they got hit by a ray that kills planets and survived? Okay then, they can survive anything now.” and that sort of stopped me feeling worried about them for the rest of the season, right up until the memorial part.
I really feel like Hunk’s daydream about passing on the yellow lion is foreshadowing. Be it at the start of next season, be it at the end or be it a spin off series, I really feel like the lions are going to get passed to the MFEs. They have the personalities for it. The smart one (Leifsdottir) in green, the reckless girl (Rizavi) in red, the silent one (Kinkade) in yellow, the leader (James) in black and Veronica in blue. It would fit.
The animation quality was amazing though and I’m seriously loving where the plot is heading! I’m just hoping that this will come to a satisfying close in season 8 because I feel like there is a lot for them to do in just 13 more episodes.
All in all I personally didn’t find this season to be the best season, that’s still season 6 hands down, but it was a solid season plot line wise. I like where we ended up. I’m not 100% sure I like how we got there, with all the questions that this season raised and barely any answers, but it got there. I feel like it could have been more fleshed out but hey, they have time restraints and a limited number of episodes, and this is a show designed for kids.
Now, we wait for the last season.
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Planet With 6 - 8 | Cells at Work! 6 - 8 | Phantom in the Twilight 6 - 8 | BnHA 57 - 58 | Angolmois 6 - 7
Planet With 6
“Are you a monster?” - Who’s the real monster in this show, though?
A Clog Punch is even more hilarious than a standard Giga Cat Hammer, haha.
The bad guy died! What the heck’s going to happen from here???
Cells at Work! 6
Smol RBC-senpai is so cute! Not as much as smol RBC herself, but…yeah. I wonder if smol WBC is around as well…?
This story’s a lil’ hackneyed, but nothing that doesn’t twang the heartstrings a little…
I love how the sensei WBC still has blood on his arm as he walks away.
The banter between the NK and the Killer T cells really gets to me. It’s so good!
Angolmois 6
Dang, I liked Yajirou. Now he’s dead…
Where did Teruhi get the cloth for Yajirou’s (I presume) head…?
I find it interesting how he (Onitakemaru) dragged the old man merchant with him and yet went to the extent of plundering the treasure without the intent of keeping it. It’s like he did the plundering as a show of strength…
I’ve realised that even though Planet With’s been getting better and better, this show’s starting to sink. Sure, the staff on this show are giving me everything I asked for, but the shine of a new anime is starting to wear off…That montage just proved why it sunk – it’s more willing to go for a quality drop in the middle of the plot.
It was way too dark in the scene that revealed Teruhi’s face being up against Kuchii’s. It took me a bit to realise that was happening…
The water in that river looks a bit odd.
“Akimado firefly” gets me zero relevant Google results.
Now that I think of it, Nagamine’s kinda hot, LOL.
Come to think of it, I still haven’t got a bead on whether Teruhi has the hots for Kuchii or not. If it’s the former, then this show would be quite disappointing. Plus, are these invaders all Mongols from China, Mongols from Mongolia (duh) or Mongols from Europe? They did have gunpowder, which is from China, but they also said the Mongolians had invaded Europe at this point…
Phantom in the Twilight 6
*sees ep 7 title* - “Awakening of the Century”? Not on my watch, no. Probably not.
Why are they only progressing the plot now? Not that I didn’t like the Roland story, but…c’mon, if your friend is in danger, you shouldn’t derail from that. Right?
Notably, the group is called “midnight sun” (katakana), but the episode is called mayonaka no taiyou (kanji/hiragana).
Karandi mentioned how she loved how faithful this show was to the past folklore of supernatural creatures and now they’re using that to the show’s advantage…huh.
Oh, hey. Next episode preview gave spoilers…that’s just like a next-ep preview, actually.
BnHA 57
Noticeably, Yoarashi is pretty obvious with his giant whirlwind…
Haha, Deku is quoting All Might verbatim from the video!
Welp, there wasn’t much to say this episode…
Cells at Work! 7
This cancer cell looks like Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)…interesting choice.
They decided to deviate from the serious plot for the platelets. I give it 10 out of 10!...Nah, just kidding.
*Killer T helps NK get up* - I can see why Negative Primes ships NK and Killer T Cells together now…
I forgot what the cryptic-speaking green-covered cell (not a dendrite, but the other guy) was called…I think he might’ve been a B cell, but that’s all I remember. Sorry.
I can’t believe I’m feeling sympathetic for a cancer cell…
Planet With 7
I like how even Ginko still has secrets up her sleeve right now.
Hmm…it seems the hypnosis didn’t work because Nozo-san is wearing glasses.
Benika and Yousuke seem to have been hypnotised, this isn’t like them!!!
Phantom in the Twilight 7
I find it interesting Vlad chose to use Chinse martial arts. Either Toryu taught him, he learnt how to do them from Rijan or he learnt from Chinese people over many, many years. I think the second option is the most probable.
Why can’t the underlings see Kabocha-kun (Kabocha-kun = the jack o’ lantern)?
Toryu does the Naruto run. He’s not even a ninja!
The OS kind of looks like Windows, but with the taskbar being a colour of a Mac…plus the top bar of a Mac.
The green lines of text that appear on the screen are just gibberish, by the way. They’re not code…
*Chris punches Luke to get him out of the way of the falling debris* - I laughed a lot harder than I should have at that…because that shows they’re concerned for each other…in a very roundabout sort of way.
Oh no, Kabocha-kun!
What?! Van Helsing’s hair wiggles of its own accord! It’s basically alive!
Eyy! Extra info! That’s what I watch these after-episode segments for!
“You’re giving away the second half of the season!” – Hmm…
*after the next-ep segment is completely over* - Hmm…so Ton has her hair change colour and lose her memories. The Price of Power = The Price of Loss. Hmm indeed.
Angolmois 7
Ho-Holy mackerel! My knowledge of Touken Ranbu swords is coming in handy! Imanotsurugi is the lil’ grey-haired shota (tantou) who dresses like a tengu. That means this Kurou man is more simply known as Minamoto no Yoshitsune!
Seriously, this emperor looks like an alien! An alien, I tell you!
At first I didn’t recognise the guys with the facial marking were Toibarai, but then I saw Nagamine and I was like, “Oh. Okay then.” Come to think of it, these Mongolians look like the Earth guys from Avatar…
I find it interesting the Toibarai – or at the very least, Nagamine – are literate. You’d think in a time like 1274 there’d be a lot more illiteracy…or maybe I’m just thinking about Western civilisation…
“The abalones are a tougher opponent.” – I like these ladies already. Not only because that’s such a funny line, but because tough lady fisherwomen with tans is probably more representation than an entire genre of ecchi anime can do for women.
Apparently a porgy is a type of fish…hmm. It sounds silly.
Come to think of it, Jinzaburou was right once bfore when everyone else stood against him and that was when he got thrown out of Sou Sukekuni’s meeting…which doesn’t spell good things for Kanatanoki, y’know.
Cells at Work! 8
Man, I had to memorise the circulation path years ago! Too bad I don’t remember how it goes anymore…
I like how the blood cell mascot is actually shaped like an RBC.
I only just noticed, but female RBCs in this show have booty shorts and male ones have pants. Why can’t it ever be the other way around…?
Hmm…the tricuspid valve is shown as a torii gate. Interesting choice.
*platelets try to put up posters while talking to WBC* - Excellent usage of platelets. 10/10!
I was wondering what the cell’s seal said…close inspection reveals it just says “cell” on it. I guess I should’ve figured that out without having to zoom in on the image, eh?
“…you spineless candy-ass!” – That’s a hilarious insult! Who the heck thought of it and what’s the Japanese equivalent of it???
BnHA 58
A special…? This is almost as bad as a recap episode if it’s all recycled…
…uh, wow. That All Might was more meta than I was expecting.
Oh, I get it now. Movie promo episode. So that’s what this is.  
For some reason, I find Toshinori going “Dave” hilarious. I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe it’s because he looks American.
“Save the World With Love!” brings to mind Boueibu, y’know? Good times…
*All Might comes in through the back door, flexing* - Muscle muscle, hustle hustle!
Oh my gosh, they went Detective Conan on us!
Suicide out of grief for what he’d (All Might had) done, maybe?
Oh yeah. Midoriya overlooked why the three potential culprits were separated and left  in different parts of the store. Update: Nope, right thinking, wrong lead.
Planet With 8
Notably, 10 = to in some cases, hence Torai being 10.
Souya’s gone all Shinji Ikari on us! Not that I mind, but…Shinji is a polarising character for a reason, y’know!
Why does this story, with a potential final confrontation on the moon, remind me of Busou Renkin so much?
Phantom in the Twilight 8
“Why Shinyao specifically?” is the question I’m asking here. Why did Shinyao need to be kidnapped?
Has Ton even gone to school yet? Or rather, is it summer break in London and we were never told that?
“She entered forbidden territory.” – Says a worker at Café Forbidden!
I’ve never heard “stole a march on me” before…apparently it means “to gain an advantage over someone else”.
He uses a cat pickup line! He’s a werewolf! That’s…hilarious!
I’m still wondering if Shinyao has Stockholm syndrome to any degree…
The line about the abyss is Niestche (sp???). I’ve seen it quoted enough times to know.
Did they ever mention the fact Ton’s hair went back to normal? Or was all that hair-tossing meant to imply it was back to normal without saying anything? You’re trying so hard, show, but you’re not quite hitting the mark…
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multiphandomunnies · 7 years
Twice Haunted House AU
Prompt:Haunted House AU. 
Requested: Omg that’s a really good list of au may I request twice haunted house au? Ty!!
Day 1
It wasn’t your idea
You didn’t want to move out of your old house but your parents insisted
They said it would be a better experience for your family
Of course, you thought that it was a complete lie
The bough an old house out towards the country
You didn’t know much about the place except that it was incredibly huge and nice
It needed some work done on it but nothing major
You overheard your parents talk about why it had such a low price
Apparently, it was incredibly cheap for house its size, even if it did need work done
You hadn’t cared much
As long as it had running water and heat
You could live
You let out a sigh as you opened the car door
Your parents were right when they said it was a nice house
But they were also right again when they said it needed some work
The entire paint job was coming off
Part of the front deck was missing
You looked over at you mom and rolled your eyes
“I promise we will get you a dog,”
She said knowing what you were going to say
“Uh, at this rate I better get 4 dogs,’
You replied looking back at the house
“Why do we even need all this space?”
You suddenly asked
It was a huge place for only your mom and dad plus you
Your mom gave a knowing look to your dad before looking back at you
“We are turning it into a daycare,”
She said with an enthusiastic smile
Your head tilted to the side as you thought for a moment
“Daycare? Mom this place is in the middle of nowhere what kind of parents will want to drive all the way out here just to drop their kid off”
You pointed out sighing at your mother’s stupidity
She rolled her eyes with a sigh
“Y/N you think I didn’t plan ahead? This is the house is right in the middle of a whole bunch of towns. Most people have to leave their town to get to work. This house happens to be right on there way. don’t judge me,”
She said doing jazz hands at the end to add to the effect
You sighed and grabbed your bag from the car
“Can I at least choose my room before you give it up to a bunch of 5 yr olds?”
You asked exhausted and tired from the long drive
She nodded her head
“Let’s let you father get all the heavy boxes. We can go look around,”
She said with a cheerful voice, waving goodbye at your dad
You laughed to yourself before looking up at the house
You tilted your head in confusion when you saw a girl standing in the window
Your voice trailed off when you realized she was no longer there
“What? What is it, sweetie?”
She asked confused
“Oh nothing, I thought I saw something but I was wrong,”
You said with a laugh
Your mom nodded before grabbing your hand and pulling you into the house
She opened the door with the biggest smile she could muster
Pushing to door open your mouth fell agape
It was huge
The room you were in must have been your living room
Some of your furniture was already moved her thanks to the moves
You walked inside and looked around
You simply said
“We might need more furniture,”
You then added soon after
“Well, we will be doing a lot of renovations. We already have 3 clients anxious to drop their kids off her. We need to childproof this place and do the rooms. Plus redo the paint job and replace some of the things,”
Your mom rambled
You nodded your head before something shiny caught your eye
“Mom, what’s that?”
You asked walking towards it
She didn’t say anything or follow
Your hand reached out for the object
Pulling you had managed to get it out
It was a small silver necklace
Some kind of design was on it
J.Y.P was written in a fancy font
You turned to look at your mom who only shrugged
“It might have been the movers. I’ll have to call and see if anyone of them had lost a necklace,”
She said easing your stomach
You looked at the necklace in your hand
Something about it scared you
Something in your gut was telling you to run 
Put it away and get out of here
However, you simply put it in your back pocket and followed your mom up the stairs
“I’ll show you the kitchen later but first let’s pick your room,”
She said leading you to a hallway of doors
“You have 4 options. Option 1 has a balcony,”
She said opening the first door
You looked at it, it didn’t seem so bad
You just didn’t like how small the closet was
“Option 2, has a walk-in closet,”
She said reading your mind
You laughed as she opened the door
It was nice, but you wanted a room that just pulled you in
“Okay Option 3, It’s bigger than the others,”
She said opening the third and final door
You smiled this one was really nice
It had a balcony and walk-in closet
Why did your mom even think that you would want a different room
“I like-”
You mom cut you off before you could even finish
“Option 4, is the entire attic,”
She said gesturing for you to follow
An even bigger smile stretched onto your face
“Why did you even consider those other options when I could have had the entire attic?”
You asked
She rolled her eyes and pushed you
“I want to build suspense for the attic,”
Your laugh got cut off when you shivered
“It’s kinda cold? Please tell me we have working heat,”
You said almost desperate
“Yes, but it’s chilly. Maybe we should turn it up when we get back down,”
She replied shivering a little
Her hand reached out as she opened a door. Inside was a staircase leading to the attic
She turned and made a face at you before waking up them
You laughed and squealed with excitement
“This is so nice!”
You said walking around the place
It was huge
It had a cushion right by the window so you could look out
You smiled and moved to the window
Looking at you waved at your dad
He looked up at you and waved by with a cheerful grin
A thought came to you
This was where you thought you saw the girl
You turned around only to see your mom sitting on a crate
“Y/N before we get fully settled in there was something I wanted to tell you,”
She said looking somber
You could feel your heat drop at her face
“What is it?”
You asked sitting down also, afraid that whatever she had to say would scare you
“I know this has been hard for you but I want you to know that your father and I are here for me. Just promise me one thing, don’t lock yourself up and away because of you’re upset..please?”
She asked giving you the mom talk
You nodded your head feeling some relief
“Mom of course. I thought you were going to tell me someone died here,”
You joked with a laugh
Your mom’s eyes widen before she laughed also
She joked out
You nodded your head
“Let’s go help dad, I can’t wait to move in,”
You said standing up 
Your mom followed close behind you as you left the house
Day 2
Your eyes flit heavy as you peeled them open
You had woken up with a pounding headache
The sun shined into your room rather brightly
“I need a curtain,”
You mumbled to yourself in a scratchy voice
“Y/N are you awake?”
Your mom called from downstairs
“Yes, mama,”
You hollered back
You heard a  few thumps before you mom had opened your door
She looked at you before shutting the door and sitting on your bed
“I called the movers,”
She said looking at you
“Oh, was it there?”
You asked curiously
“No, but Y/N why are you wearing the necklace?”
She asked confused
You made a face at her before touching your neck
You gasped when you realized it was around your neck
You knew for a fact that you didn’t put it on
But your mom wouldn’t believe you so you lied
“I’m so stupid! This necklace is mine, I guess I forgot to tell you last night,”
You said with an awkward laugh
You mom rolled her eyes 
“Where did you get it?
She asked reaching out to hold it
“I got it from my teacher,”
You lied
“What does it stand for?”
She had asked once more
“Joyful, Young, Persevering. JYP,”
You replied making it sound like it was the most obvious thing ever
She nodded her head before standing up with a crack of her back
“Well come on downstairs I made breakfast”
She said
You yawned and move the blankets off of you
You simply said following her out of the door
Once you got down the stairs
You and your mom jumped when your bedroom door slammed shut
You jumped at the sound before looking at your mom
“Wow its really drafty up there,”
She said shrugging her shoulders
Yous stood frozen in place
Maybe that girl you saw yesterday was hiding somewhere here
Maybe she was the one that placed the necklace around our neck
You sighed and followed your mom into the kitchen
“Some nice guys are stopping by later to repaint the house,”
She said placing an apple in her mouth
You did say anything instead nodded
“Mom do they have a library near here?”
You asked staring out the window
She nodded her head
“Yeah, it’s not that far from here why? Do you want your father to give you a ride?”
She had answered
“Yes, please. Can you ask him for me? I need to go get ready,”
Your mom nodded
“Yeah, I’ll give you 30 mins,”
She said
You smiled and grabbed an apple before heading back up the stairs
Time Skip~ I have never seen a time skip in a kpop fanfic but oh lordy have I seen them in anime fics.
You hurried down the stairs and waved goodbye to your mom
Your dad was waiting in the car 
You opened the door and joined him
“Ready kiddo?”
He asked
“Yeah, lets go,”
You replied hurriedly. You just needed to get some info on this house
maybe you did put the necklace on but I couldn’t remember anything regarding that night
SOmeone had to put it on you
You stared out the window as the boring car ride almost came out and end
Your dad pulled inform of the library
He glanced over at you before speaking 
“I’ll be back in 1 hour to pick you up. You better be outside and ready,”
His voice was stern so you knew he would be mad if you were any later
You replied with a laugh
He chuckled at your actions
You opened the car door and hurriedly entered the library
Since you had never been here before you had no clue where to start
Hesitantly you approached a worker
“Ma’am, I just moved into a house out in the country and I would like to do some more research on it. Where do I look?”
You asked in your most professional voice
The lady breathed heavy as she looked you up and down
“From here go straight until you reach the Teen Romance section then take a right and go until you see a blue ball hanging from the ceiling above you. If you take another right there you will find the section you’re looking for,”
Her voice was dry and scratchy sounding, almost painful for you to listen to.
“Thank you,”
You said with a bow
The lady nodded and went back to what she was doing in the first place, nothing
You followed her directions like your life depended on it
Even though you didn’t like her, you would have to thank her later because her directions were spot on
The small sign hung above, it was a section about the history of the town
You bit your lip, finding it now would still be hard but at least you knew where to look
Something would have to explain the girl the cold and the necklace
You almost choked when a book fell off the shelf and nearly hit you
Holding your hand over your heart you picked up the mouth and nearly dead
It was a book all about an old music academy
On the cover was your house
Your house was known as the JYP music academy
With a sigh, you opened the book
“JYP, the pristine all girls music academy that only the best musicians can get into and after years of hard work, is finally ready to show the public his best students. Of course, if you see a young girl wearing JYP you better ask for her autograph, it could be worth thousands in the future,”
So it housed students?
THat would explain the necklace but not how it got on your neck
You randomly flipped through a few pages trying to find something interesting
“You have an interesting taste in books,”
A deep voice said behind you 
You turned around only to make eye contact with a guy that looked your age
“WHy? You have a problem that I want to read about JYP?”
You asked trying to sound rude
“No, its just. I feel bad for those girls, you know?”
He said trying to stand his case
You rolled your eyes before turning away
Your heart stopped when you replayed what he said in your head
“What happened to these girls?”
Your voice was wavering
“Ah, haven’t you heard? The school housed 9 girls, they were the best students. One night as the girls practiced their song some strange person broke into the house. All 9 of the girl were killed. They haven’t found the killer yet though, it’s a tragedy,”
He said watching your face to see how you would react
“He killed them? In the house?”
That couldn’t have been true! 
Your mom would have boughten it if some girls were murdered in it
“Yeah, I heard they sold the house recently. Those folks will move out in no time. Rumor has it that the girls haunt the house seeking revenge for their untimely death,”
He made a weird gesture with his hands
You would have replied if you didn’t notice a girl staring at you from behind  a shelf
Hestitnly you raised a hand and waved
She bit her lip and waved back, only to hid behind her long hair soon after
Holding the book to your chest you thought about your newly found information
Stopping you looked up at the guy before looking back at the girl
She was still staring at you, but you noticed something wrong
Her shirt was covered in blood, you looked at her face
She looked familiar but you don’t know why
With a gulp, you looked back at the guy
“How were they killed?”
Honestly, you probably sounded like a freak by now but you didn’t care
“Well with a knife, they were all killed in different ways but one thing was consistent a knife,”
This guy was just sitting out all the information that you needed
“Did the cops ever figure out why?”
You asked biting your lip
“Yeah, there had been a rumor going around that there was a safe in the house. Supposedly it held so much money, that not even a poor man would know what to do,”
Your eyes wandered to the girl before you pushed past the guy
“I’ve got to go,”
You said walking towards her
She started to back up, causing you to shake your hands no
You had remembered reading and seeing in movies that ghosts could have a spiritual attachment to an object
You were guessing that the necklace you were wearing was hers and that was how she was able to travel here
She more and likely had an attachment to it
“What’s your name?
You asked getting closer to her
Now that you got a better look you could see what she looked like
Her hair was long and she it was dark brown
She was certainly beautiful
You watched as she pointed at the letter T
“T? T and what else,?”
You asked before your eyes happened to land on a clock
Your heart sank when you realized your dad would be here soon
“T, follow me,”
You said walking back to the front of the building
You needed to check out this book
Once at the check out the same breathing problem lady looked at you
“You can’t check out that book. Town history books cannot be checked out,”
She said 
“Yeah well, and you can’t breath now let me ask this book home,”
You snapped
She reached over and grabbed a walkie-talkie
“Secretary we got a code 3,6,1 here I’m going to need back up,”
Her eyes never left you’re as she spoke
You looked at T before bottling it out the door
T eyes widened at your actions
Luckily your ad was here
You ran to his car and shut the door, buckling
“No questions just drive,”
You yelled looking at him
He looked at the book in your hand before sighing and looking at the library
“You little-”
He said before noticing the guards coming out of the building
“It’s literally just a book that I will return why are they acting like this,”
You said tapping your foot
He rolled his eyes and backed out
Your dad drove out of there as fast as he could
No word was exchanged on the car ride home
Once he pulled into the house’s driveway you thanked him and ran inside
Running past your mom you entered your bedroom
Your heart sped up when you noticed a brown box sitting on your bed
Looking around you wondered where T was
Almost like she could read your mind T appeared on your bed
She looked at you anxiously before gesturing to the box
“Your throat didn’t slit, I think you can talk,”
She rolled her eyes
“I’m Tzuyu,”
She said in a soft voice
You smiled brightly
“hi Tzuyu in Y/N,”
You said waving
She giggles slightly before pointing at the box
You reached out and opened it
Inside was a photo of 9 girls
You were guessing they were the girls that lived here
You recognized Tzuyu
Looking at there faces you pointed at a girl who was sitting on a bench with 5 other girls
“WHo is the girl, 2nd to the right?”
You asked curiously
“That’s Jihyo,”
She said
“Why don’t the other girls appear?”
Tzuyu looked at you before looking away
“They were too scared. The only reason appeared is because I’m the youngest. They placed my necklace on your neck while you spelled, it was also the one you found,”
Tzuyu smiled at you
“How can I help you, girls?”
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Nayeon was the first in the house to die
She was in the living room preparing snacks
Someone came up behind her and slit her throat
Nayeon died form blood loss
Whenever people moved into the house she was violent
She was angry that her and her best friends were killed
She would leave scratches on people
Sometimes she would pull their hair
Nayeon didn’t like people living in the house either 
She was always the first to find out if people moved in
Jeongyeon was with Nayeon at the time
She hit the perpetrator with a chair
However she failed to defend herself
She got stabbed straight in the heart 
Jeongyeon was a friendly ghost
She didn’t hurt people like Nayeon
She just always watched and observed people 
Jeongyeon often just stayed in one of the rooms not leaving
Momo was one of the last to die
She was with Mina and Sana practicing Korean when the killer came
He killed Momo first, hitting her over the head with the butt of the knife
She died from blunt force trauma 
Momo haunted the house and the people
She played tricks on everyone
Moving things was a frequent pleasure
She would misplace things in order to scare others
Momo didn’t want to hurt people 
Jihyo felt guilty 
She saw the guy kill Nayeon and Jeongyeon but she didn’t do anything
She simply hid
Jihyo ws the leader
She should have come out and prtect them
But she didnt
Jihyo died when the killer turned around and stabbed her in the heart
She made apperacnes to people
Jihyo would appear and scare the guests living in the house
That was why you saw her on the day you moved in
She wanted you too se her
She wanted you to know that the house was haunted
She craved for your fear 
Sana died with Momo and MIna
She was kileld after Momo
Slit throat
Sana couldn’t talk as a result
She could say anthing in the afetr life
Sana had to write things
Which would be why people in the house found notes
On the notes would be things wirrten like 
“They don’t know we are here yet,” “Nayeon should just kill them,”
This would terrify the people living there 
Mina died after she watched Momo and Sana die
She got pushed off the balcony
Mina fell to her death
In the afterlife Mina was nice to the guests
She knew Nayeon hurt them so she did her best to leave medicine around
Mina would put blankets on them if they fell asleep
Mina would sometimes leave food around for them
Dahyun was held hostage 
She was told to lead them killer to the safe
Dahyun didnt know what he meant
She nevr heard of s safe
She wanted to live so she lead the person to the basement
When the killer realized that she was lying
He pushed her down the stairs 
Her back was bent and broken 
Dahyun would appear to people if they came to the basement
She would follow them
You know when you feel like you are being watched?
Thats Dahyun
Chaeyoung was the last to die
After the J Line
She had been outside the enitre time
When she came in she screamed from the horros she saw
Chaeyoung got stabbed right in the back 
Chaeyoung was the one who put the necklace around you
She was violent like Nayeon
Chaeyoung would push people
She would hit them and pull their hair
Tzuyu had her stomach slit 
It was because she had lied with Dahyun
Tzuyu was the one who appeared to you
She didn’t like how her and the other girls died 
When she appeared to you she didn’t know what to do
This wasn’t her kind of thing
Tzuyu was afraid
She wanted someone to free the girls spirts
She wanted to move on
Find peace
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fullmoonfireball · 7 years
OC Recap-thingy???
hecc i put this off for too long 
i dont really know what that anon meant when they requested this, but i hope this’ll do (readmore bc this is gonna be Long)
Crinoline Parisa
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Ribbon’s mom
where’s her husband??? we just dont know
she’s doing her Best™ to be a good mom to Ribb
Lace Parisa
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Mirror World!Ribbon
an edgy lil shit
very grumpy
why have i never posted a coloured pic of her
Shadeleine Walsh
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Mirror World!Adeleine
Probably the OC I fiddle the most with.
She has a really strong Texan accent for some reason??? I don't know why I gave her it
Takes magic lessons from Wiz( that magician guy that no one seems to remember/care about?). As it turns out, their brand of magic is not anything she can pull off.
Works as their assistant sometimes... Even if it can be slightly terrifying because of their methods (their magic lets them make the tricks a bit more than just illusions). Shaddy has gotten cut in half (or more parts) more times than she cares to count.
Actually more interested in drama, but she's taken what she got.
She's good friends with Shadow Kirby! They hang out a lot!
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Her name used to be Shado. And yes, that IS pronounced the way it looks like it is. She hated it.
Owns an oversized magenta sweater and wears it at ever chance she gets. Wiz hates it.
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there wasn’t originally another character in this picture what are you talking about
Shadow Marx (left)
Mirror World!Marx (no duh)
Mild insomniac. He hates it.
Just wants to sleep, like any other noddy.
Dating Mirror Magolor
May or may not have kept him up with his late-night thoughts a few times.
Syzzle (right)
Mirror World!Gryll
Doesn't care about Star Stacker (or any similar game) in the slightest.
A complete NERD
Probably owns a library or something
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Theatra (left)
Mirror World!Claycia
Complete drama queen
Which is good, because she's an actress.
Gay as hell for Shadow Elline
she’s supposed to have horns like Claycia, but I forgot them in this picture
Shadow Elline (right)
Mirror World!Elline (what a shock)
An inkbrush fairy-thing
Writes most (if not all) of Theatra's stuff
Gay as hell for Theatra
the ‘straight man’ of the duo, despite being neither straight nor a man
Mirror Magolor
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Mirror World!Magolor (obviously)
An anxious little negg (nerd egg)
A cinnamon roll (unlike his counterpart)
Protect him
Knows nothing about where he came from
Dating Shadow Marx
Slightly annoyed by how much he keeps him up. But he stops rambling... eventually.
More info on him can be found here
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Rose Symyva (left) and Violet Larivi (right)
They're married
Rose is pretty chill, Vi's a bit more eccentric.
Don't insult Violet unless you want to face Rose's wrath (which you don't).
I don't know much about them yet, they're mostly just designs.
Typhiste Nirymsu
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He was An Ass
Dated Magolor at one point.
Used to be a prince (now he's just dead)
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Also dead, but less so.
Died from electrocution.
Doesn't remember anything about her life, which distresses her.
When she was alive her name was Iris
Updated version of one of my first Kirby OCs 
Niaviri Taysin
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Also dead (for real this time)
A good little egg
Was a florist!
v gay with Odalania
Tislora Altryb 
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Mags’ mom
v sweet egg
maiden name is ‘Azaress’
was closer to her son than Aparctias was
idk what else to say about her
Aparctias Altryb
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Mags’ dad
firm, but kind
taught the egg most of what he knows about magic out of family tradition
also got him started on learning English
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Hynwari (left) and Sanfyria (right) Rimaddim
only exist in the Popa AU
super dead, even in the AU 
both of them are Very Short (Sanfyria especially). they could make Meta Knight look like he’s average height
Popopo (the green half of Kirby)’s parents
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she’s supposed to have speckles i just forgot them in the original pic
they were specifically targeted to be killed just so their son could be taken from them by Nightmare
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Hazel Pesyphomia (left) and Amelia Evitheth-Pesyphomia (right)
Adopted a certain artist as their child.They love that noodle-orb a lot
Amy would absolutely fight you if you were to insult her wife or her kid.
Were honestly really scared the first time one off their kid's drawings came to life
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You know her. She's the one with all of those scarfies.
Spoils those little beasts
Was actually supposed to be trained as a Spynum, not a Simirror, but was more interested in magic than archery.
Lives mostly-alone in the woods.
Amicia Tyopt
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technically that’s not actually her in that picture but let’s look past that
as implied above, her body was stolen by sectonia (shown above)
idk anything about her personality yet tbh
Osgifu Amata 
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handmaiden moth, in more ways than one
worked for Sectonia Way Back When
Eglantine Cujoi
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Into™ gals
first body stolen by Sectonia
deceased in both body and mind
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anime-verse oc
demon beast
just read this it’s got all you’ll need to know about her
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Jordan (the one with the spear) and Coral (on top of Jordan)
BWD's siblings
Jordan is their older brother, Coral their younger sister.
He works as one of Dedede's guards. She's too young to work.
Jordan's a little jealous about Taylor (BWD) outranking him, but he's proud of them at the same time.Coral is a little ball of energy.
They were the other Waddle Dees in Dream Collection's intro, and the sleeping Dees with the eye implants next to Bandanna Dee in Robobot( in the modern train level I think?).
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Really freaking good at magic
Lean Bean
Worked for Typhiste's family
Gay™ with Niaviri
also has a casual clothes ref
Magolor (not that one)
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yes, every other time ‘Magolor’ has been mentioned I was referring to canon one. i call this one Old Magolor/Classic Magolor/etc. for simplicity
this is who canon mags named himself after
Old and Dead
one of the lor’s previous captains
Cymboria Taysin
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niaviri’s younger sister
she’s the bigger one
very sweet
good at magic
likes to travel 
often brings foreign flowers back to nia!
Morastrum Altryb/Nirymsu
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doesnt exist in the mainverse
a Good Lil Girl
... even if her dads (mags and ty) are both Asses
last name depends on if Typhiste is alive or not
likes sweet foods
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mirror world!drawcia
an automaton made by wiz 
speech has a Low Quality Garble
incredibly bitter over the loss of her sister
always has at least 5 throwing knives on her
Glorious Nebula
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really old 
their language shows their age 
how are they still functioning
no one’s really sure how they lost that quarter of their face
used to have one of those shooting star decorations, but it got broken off at some point i totally didnt just forget it
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??? (left) 
old and dead
one of the ancients
married to garulin, was very happy with her
probably worked a lot on the clockwork stars, but did help with other artifacts as well
pleasant guy, but not really anything special if you ignore his place in history
Drusorig (middle)
also old and dead
another one of the ancients
i don’t have a proper ref for him, but there is this
he has dark fur, for all that matters
i dont trust him
very strong magic
the master crown was his own personal project
he didn’t trust anyone else with it so i think you can imagine who the subject of his experiments with it was.
destroyed most of the evidence of his experiments before his death so no one would know about them
it worked
Volzavair (right)
also also old and dead
guess who’s also one of the ancients (it’s him)
actually has a proper ref
gay, but ended up marrying a woman out of convenience and desire for offspring
relatively weak magic, specialized in technology
worked on the Lor Starcutter, but died before it was completed
his oldest kid probably finished it
Kyneriun Snekell
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press ‘f’ to pay respects
sweet pastel boy
loves baking
a little younger than magolor
Dalindia Nirymsu
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was queen regnant
could be a pretty strict ruler, but tried to be a just ruler
her husband is dead(er?)
ty’s mom
tried to keep him in line
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i’m not even sure if that should be their name but i’ll just... roll with it
theyre nonbinary
a literal doodlebug (pillbug artist)
painted these portraits
doesnt have any magical abilities unless floating their hands counts
bought Paintra from Paint Roller, and was... pretty surprised, to say the least when she suddenly came to life
regardless of their surprise, they’re trying to take good care of her
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a honey bee
runs a cafe
very polite, but not a pushover
more or less a design with a few ideas attached at this point
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married to the unnamed green ancient
technically one of the ancients but not commonly acknowledged as one
pretty good at magic
mostly worked with the artifacts’ ‘mind’s, both through programming and magic
Shadow Sectonia
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mirror world!sectonia (what a shock)
floralian jewel wasp
accidentally ended up corrupting other world!sectonia by having too much contact with her
naturally a wasp. hasn’t stolen anyone’s body
she’s too nice to do that
dead. actually got murdered around the same time her counterpart died
spoilery elements below (don’t worry he’s the last OC here)
Shadow Taranza
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mirror world!taranza (who would’ve guessed)
like, ‘would unhesitatingly die for someone he cares about’ kind of loyal
nervous mess, even before Sectonia died. that only worsened things
he’s not okay
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 140
Episode: Futari wa Precure Splash Star 42 - “Welcome Back! Michiru and Kaoru!” Date watched: 3 July 2019 Original air date: 3 December 2006 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xgCNJSJ Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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The title kinda spoiled it
Another excellent episode! We left off with Saki and Mai in a bind because the Fairy Carafe was stolen and Dark Fall’s agents were revived and now more resistant to Precure’s attacks. Dark Fall holds all the cards and Saki and Mai are stranded in the Land of Fountains. It’s a good setup! Where do we go from here?
The Plot
Princess Filia reveals to the girls that the Fountain of the Sun is in the Land of Greenery and uses her own power to transport the girls, their fairies, and herself there... but she loses her corporeal form and ends up as a sphere of light that possesses Korone, Saki’s cat. Meanwhile in Dark Fall, Gohyaan has revived the rest of the generals, but Akudaikaan chews him out for not kidnapping the Princess when he had the chance, as she knows the location of the Fountain of the Sun, so Gohyaan dispatches Karehaan and Dorodoron to track her down.
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This is the only time all 6 of these characters are together
Back at the Sky Tree, Filia explains that she needs the Fairy Carafe to return her body, but the villains appear before she can tell the girls more. Saki and Mai transform into Bloom and Egret but their power isn’t enough to defeat the enhanced warriors. Filia pointedly comments that the two spirits (Flappi and Choppi) alone aren’t enough, so she, Korone, Moop, and Foop gather their power and wish for a miracle. In a very emotional sequence, they connect with the slumbering Michiru and Kaoru, who receive the last remaining energy from the Fairy Carafe, and then revive and rush to the Sky Tree to save their friends. It’s a touching reunion, and some words are exchanged between both the sisters and their friends, as well as the villains who were eliminated before they changed sides. Ultimately, words aren’t enough, and Michiru and Kaoru fight Dorodorn and Karehaan.... and they’re winning! The power that Moop and Foop especially lent them, combined with their powers of darkness, are the perfect counter to the blend of dark and light that the villains possess, and the sisters are able to negate Gohyaan’s powerup (Dorodoron flees instead). This allows the Precures to perform Spiral Heart Splash and destroy Karehaan, who dissolves into a bunch of mini-Gohyaan heads that bounce off.
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The four girls finally have a moment to take in their reunion, and Saki and Mai cry tears of happiness as the camera zooms out and the credits roll.
(speaking of the credits, stick around at the end for my take on Ganbalance de Dance finally)
The Analysis
What a great episode. I could probably write pages about Michiru and Kaoru’s revival scene, the dialog and music and visuals all come together to make an emotionally powerful sequence. Bloom and Egret are overpowered, Michi and Kao feel so helpless and they can’t move, but they can tell their friends are in danger and they struggle their hardest, so their feelings connect with the energy Filia is trying to send and create a miracle. I love it. Also, you can really tell that Nishio Daisuke worked on Dragon Ball prior to this series because the sequence of the two powering up and emerging from the water is EXTREMELY evocative of something DBZ would do. Joke’s on me, he only worked on FW and MH and had no hand in this series, he was tapped for Powerpuff Girls Z instead. Still very Dragon Ball, I wouldn’t be surprised of some of the other staff had their hands in that before working on this.
Karehaan proves to be his own worst enemy. He doesn’t like working together, believing he’s strong enough on his own to dispatch the girls. He does make a better team with Dorodoron than with Moerumba though, as they don’t butt heads so much as Doro just kind of goes along with that Karecchi says, until it’s in his best interests to run. However, Karehaan’s arrogance and ignorance about Michiru and Kaoru’s betrayal allow him to overestimate himself and the threat the sisters pose. Together with Dorodoron, they actually do have the Precures on the ropes at one point, they could have defeated them there, but they hesitated too long and allowed the Kiryuus to save them. Ah well.
Princess Filia posessing Korone is..... weird, to say the least. For some unexplained reason, beyond simply habitating in his body, her power allows him to speak as well, independently of her, so you have this tiny cat talking in a pretty deep voice. Not the first time an animated cat has talked, of course, but since it’s not Filia speaking through Korone, it’s odd. I don’t remember how long this lasts, presumably up until the finale of the show... in fact I must have blocked it out of my memory completely because I forgot about it happening at all. Korone was portrayed as an intelligent cat up to this point, of course, but now he’s standing on his hind legs and talking like a middle-aged guy and it’s all so strange.
Last thing I want to touch on: animation. It’s uh.... not great here. Close-ups are passable, although the shading is often minimal. The faces may be a little off-model but it’s nothing extreme. Anything further out than a close-up is pretty bad though, especially for human faces.
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I guess it’s the usual conserving budget for the finale syndrome but it’s still pretty laughable.
The Opening and Ending
Okay it’s time I finally talked about these.
The opening theme is called “Makasete★Splash☆Star★” or “Leave it to Us★Splash☆Star★”. While the FW/MH opening was a drama, the SS opening is more of a poppy, light rock number. The composition features lots of strings, bowed and plucked at key moments providing both the melody and the bass line. Some high brass comes in here and there and I think there’s some kind of synthesized percussion providing the rhythm. It could be an electric guitar, though, I’m having trouble picking it out. There’s definitely some guitar towards the climax of the song. Mayumi Gojo has been swapped out for Uchiaye Yuka on vocals, and she sings about how there’s strength in life and to use that as inspiration. All together, it’s a nice uplifting tune, and the visuals give us a good idea about what Saki and Mai are interested in, the fairies, and some action sequences. There’s even a scene of the Tree of Life glowing with energy that might be foreshadowing the end of the series? For the revamped intro starting with episode 31, they add a few scenes of Bright and Windy, as well as Moop and Foop, and impressively they edited all shots of Boom and Egret to replace the Mix Communes with the Crystal Communes.
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Now, the ending!
“Ganbalance de Dance” is a little bit notorious for being used, and reused, and re-reused. Yes 5 and GoGo both used reversions of it for their second ending themes, and I kind of get it, because it’s a cute tune, but there’s another more important aspect: this is the first dance ending in all of Precure. Why a dance ending? Well, there was a rather popular anime that aired in Spring of 2006 that featured a dance ending, and the world would never be the same. That show was “The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi” and the dance, the “Hare Hare Yukai” took the world by storm. It’s speculated that Precure adopting dance endings was a copycat move. The timing lines up, Haruhi started in April and ended in early July of that year so Toei had time to say “Hey this is really popular, let’s do that in our show.” Dance endings were already commonplace in the contemporary Super Sentai shows as well, so there was precedent. (although somewhat ironically, the Sentai of that year didn’t have a dance) Whatever the reason, they did it again and again but the cell animation was not always the best, so they switched to CG with Fresh and never looked back. However, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
The lyrics to “Ganbalance de Dance” are half instructions for doing the dance, and half general uplifting messages about positivity and believing in yourself. The dance itself is fairly simple, due to limited animation most of the movement is in the upper body, so the girls twist their torsos and extend their arms while keeping their legs mostly still. when they move their legs, it’s only to stick them out and then back in, or to do some small marching. None of the more energetic moving around that later shows will use, again, probably a byproduct of the animation. Notably, since it’s cell animation rather than more expensive CG, they draw the girls in all three of their outfits: school uniform, Bloom/Egret, and Bright/Windy. The villains also dance a little, and I should point out that the text behind them reads “Uzaina” with only one “a” at the end. Suffice to say, I understand but I’m sticking with two. Also look at these guys.
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Kintolesky is not present because he hadn’t been introduced in the show yet, and sadly they never update it to include him. This also marked the first reappearance of Michiru and Kaoru, only to segue into a shot of Bright and Windy and then they’re never seen again, but hey, it’s something.
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Anyway, it all comes together to make a fun ending song. I’m sorry it took me so long to write about it.
I may revisit this if I think of more things to say about the episode, but for now I think that concludes it. Next time, everybody celebrates Michiru and Kaoru’s return....... but first it’s time for We Are Splash Gays: The Movie. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Zekkouchou Nari!
No more miracle drop count
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