#im so glad luke is called her out and got a yell in
#jade watches gilmore girls#ohhhh god the screaming...#lorelai p*sses me off so much in this scene#i get she's freaked because her kid was in a car accident but she had no right to scream at luke who heard rory jess and car accident and-#asked her if jess was ok after rory and lorelai doesn't know because jess is somewhere alone after caring for rory-#-and she completely forgot the info about an animal running out in the middle of the road all because she wants a good reason-#she has beef with a 16 year old...#and she's yelling at luke while he's on autopilot trying to process and worrying about jess about how he has an obligation to her and rory-#-like no he doesn't he just cares about you both that he looks after you both and you take advantage of that#jess is his family and his sister won't care for her own kid so he takes him in and is trying so hard to help him and lorelai is being-#so childish and full of herself like god forbid his world doesn't revolve around you sometimes#like jess is a sh*t but he's not evil#she completely doesn't understand his character while thinking dean is an angel when he terrifies rory while with jess she can actually-#-call him out on stuff#im so glad luke is called her out and got a yell in#like jess could've had a concussion alone somewhere and luke wanted to find him#and rory who endured all this and has a broken wrist is taking this way more calmly than her immature mother who she has to parent#and she just wants her to listen to her but she shuts her down like ohhh poor naive rory#yeah...lorelai really p*sses me off here in case it isn't obvious
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"The Dare"
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Pairing: Show!Luke Castellan x demeter!fem!reader
Summary: You and luke have been best friends forever but after the incident things have been awkward between the two of you. Until you're forced to spend the night together...
Contains: percabeth, angst?? (i think? idk bro), swearing, fluff, kissing, ONE FUCKING BED TROPE
Word Count: 2223 did i get carried away? yes.
A/N: Im back bitches! yes i disappeared there lol, but i've resurfaced with my luke obsession (its never going to end). i've always had a small obsession with living in buses and so from that came this. i have little to no idea what im writing here im going off a random idea while half sleep deprived :)
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You roll your eyes and grumble as you follow Annabeth out of the apartment.
"This is stupid," you groan. "I'm serious. Are we really going through with this shit dare?"
Annabeth just smirks, shaking her head. "Yes, y/n. We're not going to be chickens and back out," she turns around and eyes you. "It's one night, besides, Percy and I will be there."
You roll your eyes and grip the strap of your bag a little harder. One night with Luke Castellan? After the incident? No way. Nuh uh. You'd rather step on a lego than that.
"Annabeth," you groan.
"Y/n," she looks back with a dead serious look. "I will drag you there if I have to."
"It's a bus!" you almost shriek, but noticing the few people who turn their heads at you, you quiet down and pocket your apartment keys. "I'm serious. Where'd they even find a damn bus? It's a bus!"
"I know!" Annabeth grins, clearly ignoring your bad mood. "I've never stayed in a bus before. This is going to be so cool!"
"Who the fuck hires a bus out to live in?" you grumble clearly pissed.
"Percy-fucking-jackson- that's who," a voice in the distance yells. You look up and fight the wave of panic that overcomes you when you see Luke and Percy walking towards you both.
"I found the two best buses in the area!" Percy announces dropping his bag at his feet. Luke stands just behind him with a forced smile on his face.
"Wait two?" you ask suddenly, your face scrunching up.
"Yeah four of us couldn't fit in one so I hired two out," he says. "The guy was really chill about it and they're parked right next to each other!"
The cab pulls up and all four of you clamber in. Percy in the front, Luke, you and Annabeth in the back. Annabeth being squished between you and Luke.
"this fucking bet," you mutter to yourself, trying to ignore the palpable tension in the cab.
Luke was basically sweating through his t-shirt. He was so glad to have a sweater on, covering his nervousness.
When the four of you had arrived at the bus guys house two pieces of news reached him. One; that while buses look big, they can't fit more than two people. Two; he was going to be sharing a bus with y/n.
The girl he's been desperately in love with since the day she showed up at camp.
This was either going to be really bad, or really bad. He sighs as he picks his bag and climbs into the bus you're both staying in.
It's got a nice crisp, white interior with flashes of wood throughout it. Luke drops the bag on the sofa that runs along the edge of the bus meeting with the kitchen counter.
He sighs when he hears you enter the bus. You awkwardly shuffle past him and put your bag on the bed. The bed. There is only one bed.
"Y/n!" Annabeth calls out to you climbing inside and dragging you out. "They have connecting rooftop decks!" she cries and pulls herself up onto the ladder. Chattering to herself about how cool this place is, and even though you can't help it you let a smile slip onto your face.
You think you see something inside the bus but it's just Luke's back.
Sighing you clamber on behind her trying your very best to forget the fact that there is ONE BED. ONE BED. Oh gods. You smirk seeing Annabeths cheeks turn bright red when Percy whispers in her ear.
"Am I interrupting anything?" you laugh when you see her whip her head around and blush even more.
"So have you changed your mind about the buses?" Percy eyes you.
You roll your eyes and move your shoulders in what you think is a half shrug but it just ends up making you look like you're trying to do a weird dance move.
"Ahh, so you think it's a dance worthy bus?"
"No that's not what I meant-" you start but Percy jumps up and starts to shimmy.
"I'm actually gonna push you off this roof," you mutter when a presence comes up behind you. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. It's him. You suck in a breath and force a smile.
"So what's for dinner?"
Three hours later you are all sprawled out in Percy and Annabeth's bus with boxes of pizza and containers of blue ice cream (courtesy of Percy, thank you) around you all.
"I'm not getting up ever again," Percy groans from his spot over the table next to Luke.
"Well, to make sure Percy dies in peace let's play truth or dare!" Annabeth smirks.
"No!" you and Luke both burst out at the same time.
"Relax, babies," Annabeth teases, and pats Percy on the head before groaning and pulling herself up off the seat. "I'm not going to put you through all that again," she says, picking up the boxes and putting them in the small bin.
The tension in the room suddenly increased. And you swore you could hear a pin drop. Silence descended and you slowly peel yourself off the seat. "I'm gonna go."
You slip out of the bus breathing in the night air trying your best to not blush.
Luke watches as you walk out of the bus and groans when he sees Percy and Annabeth's knowing looks.
"You couldn't be cool about it could you?" Percy asks Annabeth.
"What?" she shoots him a look. "They've got to get over it sometime! It's Luke and y/n. They're best friends. I feel like a grandma helping the two bozos get over whatever happened that day. Nobody even knows what happened!"
Luke sighs and collects himself. "Right I'll leave you two, and go deal with this incredibly awkward night by myself."
Annabeth starts to say something but Luke cuts her off. "I swear to god Annabeth! Please don't make this worse than it already is, I'm trying my very best to not focus on the fact that its weird between y/n. So please, please don't say anything to her that'll scare her off. I want to talk to her first."
Annabeth just smirks and nods pushing you out of the bus as Percy wraps an arm around her waist. "Of course lover-boy."
Luke rolls his eyes and walks over to his bus and clambers inside, shutting the door and locking it behind him. He makes his way over to the back of the bus.
You're sitting on the bed on top of the covers, in beach themed pj's (thank you again Percy) and playing with a small flower crown you'd made. Luke falters slightly when he sees you. You look so calm and at peace that he can't help the small smile that slips onto his lips.
Luke has been trying his very best to talk to you ever since the incident a few weeks ago - when this dare was made - but you've been avoiding him, scampering off whenever he tries to talk to you.
You still haven't noticed him and a bright grin lights up your face when you add some daisies to the crown. Luke's heart warms and he clears his turning around to dig in his bag for sleeping clothes.
Your eyes shoot up and your smile wavers. "Hey," your voice is meek. "Do you... uh want," you clear your throat. "Uh... um, which side of the bed do you want"
Luke spins around. "Uh, I'll take the couch. Don't worry about it."
You sigh, stifling your nerves. "Luke, it's a bench seat with  padding. Just choose a side of the bed."
Panic flits into his eyes and you're reminded of the way he acted the night of the incident. It's been rocky ground ever since then and you've avoided him as much as you can. Being hopelessly in love with the Luke Castellan is clearly not an easy task.
"Choose Luke."
Luke nods to the left side of the bed and you move over letting him sit on the edge of the bed. His presence calming you while at the same time putting you on edge.
"G'night Luke," you mumble and he smiles at the sleepiness of your voice. "But don't you dare come on my side of the bed."
The first thing you notice when you wake up is that you're warm. It's cozy and you just want to snuggle into the warmth more.
The second thing is that you're lying on top of Luke's arm. If you roll to the right you'll fall off the bed and if you roll to the left you roll into him. Him, Luke. The reason you're so warm right now.
Pulling yourself up you try to move away from him but his arm wraps around your waist and you freeze. "No stay, sunflower," he mutters in a sleepy daze.
Sunflower. Luke hasn't called you that in a long time and it always makes your insides melt.
"Sunflower?" you whisper and Luke's head whips up.
"Y/n?" he says softly.
"Luke?" you whisper back.
"What are we doing?" he asks, noticing his arms around your waist and the fact that you haven't instantly pulled away.
You look up at him. His dark curly hair tousled by sleep and the focused look in his eyes making you very tempted to stay like this forever. But remembering the night of the incident you pull away and clamber out of the bed, cheeks flushing.
"Y/n," your name comes out of his mouth almost tortured.
You ignore him and continue to walk down to where the drapes aren't shut, peaking out to see if Percy and Annabeth are awake yet. And judging by the fact that it's first light.
A blanket wraps around your shoulders. You turn your head to see Luke standing there- shit, he's shirtless. Your eyes trail down his body in a daze. Woah.
Holy Shit.
Now you've seen him shirtless before, but this, this feels more personal somehow. You look up at him, an amused smirk gracing his lips.
"I'm going up onto the deck to watch the sunrise," you say, not looking at him. "Let me know when Annabeth and Percy are awake so I can get out of this dump."
You open the door and climb on to the roof deck, dragging the comforter up with you because yes, as much as you want to be all tough shit and all its freezing and you want the damn warmth - besides it smells like Luke as well.
Luke follows you outside after he puts a shirt on and plops down on the deck next to you. Without even thinking about it you open the comforter for him and he wraps it around himself as well.
"Sunflower, we need to talk."
Here it comes. The inevitable rejection.
"Okay," your voice is small.
"About that night..." he starts trailing off.
"Look," you cut him off, wanting to save yourself the embarrassment. "You don't have to say anything. I get it. That night I kinda jumped on you and I'm sorry. I get it, you were on the spot and then I started acting really weird. But I get it. You don't feel the sa-"
You feel a kiss press gently onto the corner of your lips. What? Pulling back you look at him in shock. "No, please don't humor me on this Luke." A lump forms in your throat.
"Humor you?" Luke asks, puzzled. "Sunflower, I'm not humoring you. I'm serious. That night... I freaked out, I was so surprised when you told me that you liked me, that I froze. Hearing the one thing I'd been dreaming about for years, shocked me," he looks at you, his eyes full of adoration.
"So you don't hate me?" you ask.
"Hate you? No Sunflower, I love you."
Your eyes flit up to his and in the few seconds you take to try and think of something to say Luke presses his lips to yours, pulling you close. You gasp and meet his lips with force.
Luke wraps his arms around your waist, laying you down on the deck, him hovering above you not breaking the kiss once. You wrap your arms around his neck and part your lips, moaning when he slips his tongue inside your mouth. The comforter, forgotten beside you both.
Luke kisses you as if he's never seen the sun before and you are the bright beams shining on the earth for the first time. He kisses you adoringly and groans when you slip your tongue into his mouth. He gently bites your lip and pulls back, gasping for air.
"I love you, Luke," you heave catching your breath. Luke's face breaks into a grin and he presses a soft kiss on the end of your nose.
"Love you, Sunflower."
"Love you, Luke."
He sits you up and wraps the comforter around you both. Resting your head on Luke's shoulder you settle in next to him wrapping an arm around his waist. You swear you can hear Annabeth and Percy cheering in their bus.
"I'm gonna kill them," you mutter.
"I got some ideas," he chuckles back.
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sankta-starkova · 4 months
012 | the prophecy comes true
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Summary: the one where daisy returns to camp from college and is blinded by her love for him, even as the world ends
Wordcount: 3.4k
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The deadline was yesterday. The camp was preparing to go to war and they knew that it was coming. The clouds were starting to circle over New York, spreading across the country.
"Annabeth and Grover are back!" Travis yelled into the cabin before he ran into the next one, spreading the news.
Daisy looked up at him. She had been laying on Lukes bunk, her head in his lap as they prepared for the war.
The rest of the Hermes cabin rushed out to go and greet them and she climbed off of the bed, turning to Luke with a huge smile on her face.
He grabbed her wrist before she could leave and she looked at him confused, "I have something to tell you," he seemed nervous
"Can we talk later? Annabeth just got home," she said, the smile on her face faltering a little bit. This seemed serious.
"Annabeth and Percy think Clarisse is the lightning theif. They asked me to tell Chiron but because of the fighting I couldn't tell anyone," he explained rapidly, that nervous persona of his coming out.
She stood there in silence, pulling her arm away from his grip. She could not remember a time where he had kept such a big thing from her.
"You've known for a week and a half?" She questioned.
"Yes. And I know I should've told you, but its been hard. I didn't want her to find out," he explained.
As he told her that, it made sense. The more people that knew, the more chance they would find out.
Clarisse stole the lighting bolt. She had planned all of this and she was the one that was starting the fights. It all made so much sense as he explained it.
"Okay, I get that. But you still could've told me," she said, brows still furrowed.
"I know. I'm sorry baby," he took a stel forward, brushing a piece of hair out of her face before pressing a kiss to her lips, "Lets just go see the others,"
They followed the other campers to the middle where they saw Annabeth standing there with Grover.
Luke hugged her first and she melted into his touch. Then he placed a hand on Grovers shoulder, squeezing it tight.
"Where is Percy?" Daisy asked as she hugged Annabeth and then Grover.
"He's gone to Mount Olympus, to give Zeus the bolt back," Annabeth explained.
She seemed relieved to be back. It was nice to see her again, it looked like she had changed so much since they last saw her.
Annabeth looked over Daisys shoulder and thats when she saw Clarisse standing there, "Why is she here?"
"Long story, I'll explain it later," Luke said and Daisys face fell, "For now, rest,"
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The next day, Percy came into camp. Everyone was cheering for him, glad that he had come back and that the war had been called off between the Gods.
Daisy didn't know why there was this sinking feeling in her chest that something was going to go wrong.
Amnabeth hugged him and Percy looked truly happy.
"Hey kiddo," Daisy said, pulling the kid in for a hug.
He held on tight. He had lost his mother and he didn't know when she would come back. This camp could be his home forever now. 
When he spotted Clarisse, Annabeth pulled Percy into the empty Hermes cabin along with Luke and Daisy.
"She stole the lightning bolt. Why I she still here?" He asked, clearly confused.
"Everyone was ready to join the war here, start fighting each other," Luke explained, "An accusation against Clarisse without proof would've destroyed it all,"
"I would have told Chrion but uh, I only found out yesterday," she said, a bitter tone to her voice, "Still mad at you Luke about that,"
Percy looked at the couple. He had never seen them fighting before and he didn't like it. Something felt weird about it.
"Im sorry honey, I couldnt let anyone else know," he said, an arm wrapping around her shoulder before he turned to the boy, "Now Percy is back, you stopped the war. It'd safe to tell Chiron,"
There was silence within the group as they all realised that the lighting theif was going to be caught.
Daisy smiled up at Luke but something felt off and she didn't know what it was. It had been there since yesterday when Annabeth came home and then again when Chiron announced the war was over. 
"Chiron is meeting us in the woods where we can talk without any of Clarisses supporters watching," Luke explained.
"Me and Annabeth will keep an eye on Clarisse. She won't go anywhere,"
"Great," places hand on her shoulder, "Then we will meet back here,"
Later that night, she stood in the doorway of the Hermes cabin, watching the fireworks go off. This was the most important night of their lives, they couldn't ruin this.
She leaned against the doorframe, Lukes hand on her hips. He was looking at her like he was never going to see her again.
"If something goes wrong-" he started to say.
She cut him off, brows furrowed, "Nothing will go wrong, its all gonna be fine. Then you can start building that house," she said, leaning up to look at him
"I've already started. Got materials and everything," he said, a smile on his face.
There was conflict in Lukes eyes that she didnt recognise. Maybe he was just worried about the mission.
There was silence and he looked at her, tracing the curves of her face, the way that the fireworks lit up her eyes. He knew that this could be the end for them but she did not know that yet.
"But if something happens I want you to know that I love you and I always will. And I will keep fighting for you no matter what," he promised, "I will always come back for you,"
She could see tears on his waterline and  she reached a hand up, brushing it against his cheeks. He leaned into her touch, eyes fluttering closed.
"Is everything okay?" She asked.
"Of course baby," he promised, kissing her.
The kiss devolved quickly and it became messy, her hands buried in his hair, him pulling her into his arms she she was pressed up completely against him.
She didn't know it was going to be a goodbye kiss. That this was the last time she may ever feel Lukes lips against hers.
She just relished in it, forehead falling on his when the kiss finished. He pressed one more chaste kiss to her lips before he muttered one more 'I love you' before walking away.
Daisy watched him walk away, a sinking feeling in her stomach. Her hand came up to her lips and she started to walk out of the room where she found Annabeth watching Clarisse.
They must have been sitting there for fifteen minutes, watching the daughter of Ares and chatting about what Annabeth got up to on the quest when Daisy felt that pulling in her chest again.
"Somethings wrong," she said.
Annabeth turned to her, brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"
"There's this bad feeling in my gut, like something is going to go wrong," she said, thinking about what Luke said about him not coming back, "You should check on them, make sure nobody's watching,"
Annabeth agreed and she put on her hat, turning invisible as she went to go see what Luke and Percy were up to. 
Luke and Percy walked through the woods and Luke noted that the latter had been silent since he had gotten back to camp.
"You thinking about your mum? I get that, believe me, I do," he said, shaking his head, "But prophecies, they're so vague,"
"The quest is over and everything makes sense bu-" he started to say when Luke cut him off.
"Has it?" He questioned, an almost ominous tone to his voice.
Percy looked at his friend, confused. He didn't know why Luke wanted to know so much about it now. He watched as Luke put down the lantern before he started to recount the prophecy.
"You shall go west and face the god that has turned," he said.
Luke nodded his head, saying that that one made perfect sense. It was obviously Ares.
Percy felt it too, that confusion in his chest, "Find what was stolen and see it returned,"
"Clearly the bolt," Luke said, folding his arms over his chest.
"And you shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend," that's when the penny dropped and Percy realised why it was just him here, "The reason clarisse is still here is because, you never said anything to Chiron about her. That's why you didn't tell Daisy,"
Percy looked at the older boy who he had thought was his friend and Luke didn't even blink. He knew he had been caught out.
"You knew Clarisse didn't steal the bolt," he said, shaking his head as he looked at him, "You did,"
There was silence. It was almost like Luke was not ready to admit to it yet.
Percy felt awful. He couldn't imagine that someone so kind would do something so awful. Them he started to think about Daisy and how heartbroken she would be when she would find out. 
"You worked with Ares. So when the shoes you gave me dragged me into Tartarus, the bolt would go straight to Kronos," he explained, furious now
"I didn't think you'd give them to Grover to wear," he said, basically conforming it.
When he recieved verbal confirmation, Percy felt his heart sink in his chest. This had all been a lie, Chiron was not coming to help them.
"I am your friend Percy, none of this was meant to betray you. The Gods are my enemy. You, I'm here to recruit," he explained.
"Recruit?" He asked, scoffing at the end.
Luke pulled out his sword and so did Percy defensively. Luke was the beat swordsman in 300 years and Percy knew he couldn't beat him but he was going to try.
"I don't want to fight. This is what I wanted to show you, it's our way out," he explained, holding his hands up in surrender.
Percys head was spinning in confusion, "Way out of what?"
Luke slashes the wall once and then a small portal opened. Percy looked at it, half in shock and half in amazement.
"Out of camp. Once we are settled I will come back for Daisy, for Annabeth," he explained, "They will join us. Backbiter allows me to open doors, we can stay on the run for as long as it takes. The four of us,"
"Stop saying we," he said, sword faltering a little bit in his hands.
"The Gods want us to fight for them, worship them. They couldn't care what we want. They're bad parents and they've gotten away with it for too long," he explained.
"This isn't you. Kronos has gotten in your head," Percy tried to reason with him. He pulled out the final stop, "What will Daisy say?"
"He opened my eyes to the truth," he smiled to himself, this didnt even faze him, "And Daisy will see it too once I explain it to her. She's always understood me,"
He turned around and cut the stone again and the portal opened up a little bit more
"Stealing the bolt and the helm was easy but for what comes next, we'll need all the help we can get," he explained.
He went to cut the final portal opening and Percy didn't even hesitate before he knocked his sword away
Luke turned to him shocked. He had believed that Percy would change his mind and would join him. They could all be happy together.
Percy tried to reason with him "Our parents aren't perfect but they're trying ur best. I met your da-"
That was the final straw. The second he mentioned his father, Luke let out a guttural yell before hitting the sword against Percys, the sound ricocheted through the clearing.
They fought for a little bit and Luke smirked, "You've gotten better,"
As he turned, he hit the wall again and the final cut went through. The portal opened and then Luke held his sword up towards Percy.
"Last chance," he said, hoping he would take it.
Percy didn't even consider the offer before he slammed his sword down onto Lukes, the metals clashing together.
They kept fighting, Luke jabbing at him and nearly knocking him into a portal again.
When Percy saw that he was weakened, he took a step forward and sliced his sword in an arc, cutting a line across Lukes Chest.
He stumbled back, clutching onto his chest. His eyes were squeezed tight as he realised what had happened. Percy had made his choice now
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he apologised like it was second nature. He didnt want to hurt him, even if he had betrayed him.
Luke wasn't the same. He saw Percys vulnerability and he took advantage, swinging his sword and cutting his arm.
Percy fell to the ground, his sword clattering to the floor. He looked up at Luke, a look in eyes thay he had never seen before. It was like he wasnt the same boy as before.
A necklace he didnt recognise came out of the inside of his shirt, dangling on his chest. Percy squinted his eyes, noticing that it was Daisy's name in Greek letters and his heart sank in his chest. What would she do when she found out?
Luke hovered over him, ready to deal the final blow when his sword was knocked slightly by a dagger hitting it.
Both boys turned to see where it was coming from and Annabeth stood there, eyes wide.
"Annabeth," he muttered, tears pooling in his eyes. This was not how it was supposed to go.
"I heard everything," she said, heartbroken.
Luke realised that he had lost both Annabeth and Percy. It was going to be harder to recruit Daisy now. He took his chance and ran through the portal and they could only watch as it closed behind him
Back in camp, Daisy knew something was wrong when she lost Clarisse. Nobody had come back so she went to the Big House to find Mr D.
She turned the corner and stood outside the Big House and thats when she saw the centaur, "Chiron, what are you doing here?"
"What do you mean child?" He asked, noticing the worried tone of his voice.
"You were supposed to meet with Percy and Luke abou-" She started to explain and that's when she heard someone running towards them.
Annabeth was running over, tears in her eyes as she looked at Daisy. Percy ran up, a little bit behind her, sword in hand.
Daisy ran up to her, a hand on the girls shoulder, "I lost Clarisse," she said, worried. Thats when she noticed who wasnt with them, "Where's Luke? Is he okay?"
Annabeth and Percy shared a look and Chiron ushered the group into the Big House main room.
"He's gone," Annabeth said as they walked through the doorway.
She froze, heart pounding in her chest. None of this made any sense. Where had he gone? She could only think of the worst things that could ever happen.
"What? What the hell do you mean?" She asked, panic obvious in her eyes.
"He made a portal with his sword and he fled," Percy explained, "That was after he confessed to being the lightning theif,"
Daisy couldn't handle it all, she could feel all of her nerves bubbling up into her chest, the spot burning. Her hand fell over her heart, trying to get it to slow down a little bit.
Percy grabbed a chair, pulling it up and ushering her to sit down, "You're lying," she spat out, looking at them, "You're lying to me," she turned to Annabeth, the girl standing there with tears in her eyes, "What really happened?"
Percy answered for her, "He tried to recruit me. He said he would come back for you and Annabeth one day. Then when I refused, he tried to kill me,"
When she saw the cuts on his arms, she grabbed his hand gently, pulling him closer as she examined the deep wounds.
"Did he do this to you?" She asked, her voice timid.
When she saw him nod his head, it all became real. They weren't lying, the love of her life had really turned on them. He had been lying to her for the last 6 months.
Suddenly, Daisy felt her chest constricting. She clutched her shirt, trying to stop the pains in her heart.
Percy noticed it instantly. All of this information was hitting her at once and she was having a panic attack
"I can't breath, I can-" She started to hyperventilate, her eyes locked with Annabeths.
This little girl had lost everything and now she had lost Luke too. Everything they thought was real was fake.
Percy rubbed her back, "It will be okay," he muttered. He looked up at Annabeth. At least they knew she wasn't on his team.
When Daisy caught her breath, she thanked Percy before looking over at the little girl that she saw as family.
"I'm sorry for calling you a liar Annabeth," she said, standing up and walking over on shaky legs to the little girl.
She pulled her in for a hug and Annabeth held her tight, "I wouldn't have believed it if I wouldn't have heard it myself,"
When she pulled away, she looked at the group, "I knew something was wrong yesterday," she shook her head, hands shaking. She was in shock, "I should have known earlier, I should have stopped him,"
"I don't think you could have done anything about it Desdemona. For now, you should all rest," Chiron said.
He started to walk into the other room but before he did, he turned back and looked at the group.
"I shall call the Olympians and tell them about the news," she felt sick to her stomach. They were going to kill Luke when they had the chance.
When he left, Daisy looked at the door, "I have to find him,"
"We don't know where that portal leads," Annabeth explained.
"Fuck!" Daisy yelled out.
All of that upset and betrayal had changed into anger and as she looked down, she saw the charm he had given to her only a few days ago.
She couldn't stand to look at it. She ripped the necklace off of her neck, her camp beads clattering onto the table. Percy looked at the little metal circle, his initials carved into it.
For the first time since she found out, the tears welled up in her eyes. She looked at the charm, remembering what he had said to her that day.
"He promised to marry me. He promised me everything I've ever wanted and then he took it all away," She said, a tear slipping past her eyes. She was so tired.
"Im sorry," annabeth said and Daisy looked up at her
"Oh god Annabeth, I haven't even stopped to think-" she looked at her, tears spilling over now, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry he did this to all of us,"
She felt selfish. Like she had been so focused on her own issues that she forgot that other people had trusted Luke and that he had let them down too.
"I feel sick," She said, a hand coming down to her stomach. She took a deep breath, trying to hold it all in.
Annabeth and Percy shared a look, thinking the same thing "You should really sit down Daisy,"
"I'm good, I just, I need fresh air," she said, stumbling out to the railing.
She took a second, staring up at the stars. He was out there somewhere and she was going to find him and she was going to make him pay. She was going to bring him home.
She needed him to tell her why he did it. She needed to hear it from him.
Percy and Annabeth were right by her side as she threw up into the bushes outside of the Big House, the young girl rubbing her back as Percy held her hair back.
The teenagers shared a look. This had changed all of their lives and it had changed the world.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Proud of You
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Request from @babylonxcaluum​ in which Ashton doesn’t recognize his sister after a few years of not seeing her. 
Word Count: ~900
And away, and away we go!
You and Ashton had always been close. Being three years apart would do that to siblings. So while you had been more than proud of him when he left home to make his dreams with the band come true, it had been a painful adjustment of having your brother be across the world rather than across the hall.
You had only been in high school when Ashton left home, and between you trying to live a normal teenage life, and him finding his way in the world, it came as no surprise that you rarely found time to talk to each other for longer than 10 minute phone calls here and there, much less see each other. 
You’d been watching his career closely, knowing he had a break of time coming up where he wouldn’t be traveling, and as luck would have it, you were going to have the time off as well. You sent him a text message asking for his address under the guise of sending him a surprise, and Ashton was excited, but clueless to the fact that the surprise was actually you.
There were butterflies in your stomach as the cab dropped you off in front of his house. More than one car was parked in the driveway and you wondered if he had people over, or just that many cars.
Your knuckles rapped against the door, hearing “Coming!” from inside the house and quick footsteps before the door pulled open. “Hi…” Ashton said slowly. “Can I help you?”
“Aw, it hasn’t been that long, has it?” you teased, smiling big.
Recognition flashed across his face at the sound of your voice, his grin matching yours. “Y/N!” he yelled excitedly, pulling you in for a tight hug before holding you out at arm’s length. “Wait… you’re here?! How?! What?!”
“Surprise!” you laughed.
“Holy shit… Fuck, come in. C’mon. The guys are over. You remember the guys right? Guys! Y/N’s here! Holy shit… how was your flight? Does Mum know you’re here? How long are you staying? Where are you staying? Cuz you can stay here you know. I got spare rooms.”
“Ash, slow down. You’re rambling.”
“Shit, sorry. Guys, you remember my sister.”
Calum, Luke, and Michael all looked at you from their spots on the couch, eyes wide as their minds took in the you standing before them and comparing them with how they remembered you. It was easy to say you weren’t the same 15 year old they had last seen. “Hi,” they all mumbled with blushed cheeks. 
“Hey,” you greeted back, your own cheeks slightly flushed.
“Does Mum know you’re here?” Ashton asked you again as you both took a seat.
“I mean… I told her I was thinking about coming out to see you. But no, she doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Y/N…” he said sternly.
“Ashton,” you said just as sternly. “I don’t live at home anymore. I have my own place near campus.”
“Near campus?”
“Yeah. By my university. Where I go to school. Because I’m nineteen.”
“Did you forget that I grew up too?” you chuckled.
“No, I- I knew. I just… you’re not the same kid you were when I left.”
“And you’re not the same kid you were when you left either.”
“I know. I just… I mean, I see myself every day. I know I grew up. But one day I see you, and you’re still my little sister in high school and then you’re on my doorstep and you’re… this.”
“I’m still your little sister.”
“No, I know. I just…”
“He’s trying to say you got hot, Y/N,” Michael piped up.
“Hey!” Ashton punched Michael hard in the arm. “I am not!”
Calum and Luke snickered into their hands. “Yeah you are, mate. You just don’t wanna be gross about it cuz she’s your sister,” Calum said.
“Yeah, Mike was just brave enough to say it,” Luke added.
“You’re… definitely more grown up than the last time I saw you, let’s say that,” Ashton said, offering you a smile. “You look good. And it’s really good to see you. This is an awesome surprise.”
You blushed again, “Thanks… it’s good to see you guys too.”
“So, tell me. Catch me up on everything you’ve been doing.”
You shrugged, before launching into telling Ashton everything you’d been up to the last couple of years, feeling a little silly about how mundane it must all sound compared to his adventures, but he clung to your every word, pressing for more details from time to time. “And yeah… just figured it was finally time for a visit. So I’m here for a week. Staying at a hotel not too far from here.”
“Well, you can stay here if you want to, instead.”
“You don’t mind?”
“Nah, course not. I’d be happy to have you.”
“Yeah! Yeah, okay, that’d be great. Um… I guess I should go get my stuff then.”
“Yeah, let me grab my keys and I’ll drive you over, and then we can go grab dinner. I know the best place, you’re gonna love it.”
“Hey! What about us?” the guys protested.
“Well, come too, then,” you laughed at them. “More the merrier, right Ash?”
“Right,” he grinned. His arm slung around you as you walked out to his car. “Hey, Y/N, I’m really proud of you. And I’m really glad you’re here. I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too, Ash. And thanks. Means a lot that you’re proud of me and stuff. Don’t know why you would be though. If anything, I should be proud of you. And I am.”
“Why wouldn’t I be proud of you? I know you might think the stuff you’ve done is lame. But I still think it’s really cool that you’re chasing your own path. That takes courage no matter how it may seem in comparison to other things. And you're my sister. I’m always gonna be proud of you.”
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#36)
5x13, the series finale i have heard nothing but good things about - I made it y’all! *wipes tear* this is a show i will definitely rewatch! It definitely feels like the kind of show that’s so layered that every time you go back you’ll pick up something new. I love shows like that.
i haven’t been on tumblr on my computer in a long time but im gonna go through and add “read more”s to all of these recaps! 
(thanks to anyone who read these nonsense recaps! if you enjoyed these...in addition to my currently-on-hiatus riverdale podcast @bodysuitsforbughead, I have another teen drama-centered podcast in the works, follow @LeftyTeenDrama on Twitter and @leftistteendrama on Instagram to get updates when it launches! I’m taking a break on working on it till i move but it’s gonna be a big part of my 2021 projects. I’ve already recorded one episode with two of my favorite people in the world and it’s gonna be amazing. It will be about a variety of teen dramas, but FNL will definitely be included.)
and without further ado, my final FNL ramblings under the cut:
And we open with one last montage of shots around Dillon from a car, with a “Christmas in Texas” song playing. Amazing. 
Oh wow, I love the “FIVE DAYS TILL THE CHAMPIONSHIP” vibe. The build-up is already here. A shot of Julie in the stands watching practice! 
It’s super uncomfortable that people are talking to Vince about his “future teammates” on the Panthers before the post-season is even over.  “I don’t really wanan talk about that. I want to talk about how the East Dillon Lions are gonna win State.” “Is that a promise?” These Texas sports journalists are WILD. this is a teenage boy whose school’s funding just got cut right before the biggest game of his life! Can we have some sympathy?!
“I hear they’re taking the cream of the crop for the Superteam so I’m gonna be honest with you, what are you gonna do?” EXCUSE ME SIR? I repeat, TEENAGE BOY. Tinker’s response of “you’re an asshole” and storming away was more than appropriate!!!
“No comment”ing his way out of there like a champ.
Ah, the age-old tradition of decorating a Christmas tree while arguing about a five-year football coach contract in Dillon or a dean of admissions job offer at a prestigious Philadelphia college. Julie’s just sitting there with Gracie like ooooh boy 
“Here is where we put our tree, not Philadelphia! It’s a Texas tree.” OMG STOP IT. Lol Julie putting her hands over her ears.
Wow I did not expect this proposal to come that quickly into the episode! Like i knew it was coming in this episode but aw. They’re so soft! Just like, oh i’ve been thinking about you nonstop since our perfect Chicago tryst and oh look here’s grandma’s ring let me casually get down on one knee in the town where we fell in love. And after she was just talking about how much she misses Matt to Tyra the episode before? That “yes” she gave feels so certain because of it. Aw.
The grandma’s ring really fucks me up because you know how close Julie and Grandma Saracen have gotten over the years. My heart!
“Oh my God, your dad must’ve flipped.” “...What do you mean?” OH NO Eric Taylor is totally the type to care. “...When you asked him to marry me.” Oh I knew this proposal was too early in the episode, im dying!
“You need to go man to man.” Ugh Julie i liked Matt’s plan of just going and telling them much better. His look of fear when he repeats “man to man.” dead. 
Wow no theme song??? That’s how you know it’s gonna be a long series finale!
Andddd here we are, a bickering Riggins “I may or may not be going to Alaska.” “Is it because you raw dogged Tyra last night?” i literally gasped.
LMAO Mindy trying to say Tim and Tyra are incest now that Mindy and Billy are married and then Tim and Billy immediately being like “nope, no blood lines, that’s not how incest works.” Someone should send that memo to all those anti bughead stans about bughead and falice
“What do you think about me taking Stevie for the day?” “I’m fine with that. There’s no going back, I’m going to get the bag.” LOL Mindy spoken like a true parent also YES to Tim and Stevie spending time together.
Poor Jess not realizing that asking Eric if she can follow him to the Panthers is a much bigger question than she thinks se’s asking.
AWW Tim and Stevie at Grandma Collette���s. How cute. 
“Seven’s back in town?” “Yeah, he and Julie got engaged!” 
Tim/Tyra and Matt/Julie double date?? Aw I love that Tyra knows that Matt and Julie got engaged. I really love Tyra and Julie’s friendship. 
I’m laughing really hard at Matt’s speech to Eric trying to ask permission. This is so funny. 
Eric’s like, “is this kid serious rn?” 
Not to be that northern bitch but don’t kids get married at 18/19 all the fucking time in Texas?? I feel like it’s more common in even more rural parts of like...any state.
“The answer to your question is gonna be no today, it’s gonna be no tomorrow, and it’s gonna be no until the sun burns out.” LMAO wow i didn’t see this coming
“This was really just a courtesy, we were hoping for your blessing.” YES MATT.
OH BOY Eric did not just try to speak FOR his daughter, im not about it. “My daughter’s answer to you is ‘no.’” That’s some patriarchal shit right there.
“We’ll never know if we’re East Coast people if we don’t try it!” “We have a MUCH BIGGER problem.” Dude, it’s Matt Saracen, the softest boy who has loved your daughter for years, i actually think the fundamental decision of where you and Tami continue your future might be slightly more pressing. 
“I don’t know why you’re yelling at me! I think we agree on this!” IM SCREAMINGGGG 
Aw, Tami getting teary-eyed at Grandma Saracen’s ring. “It’s just, y’all are so young.” I know but this is a TV show universe so we let teen marriage slide for the right couples, ok. 
Tami and Eric wanna take Matt and Julie to A CONVERSATION DINNER??? This is gonna be so funny. 
Aw, Vince got his dad a ticket to state? “I want you to be there.” if this fucker doesn’t just come and shut his mouth
Oh wow Becky’s mom is finally coming back? And yay Becky’s finally over her Tim crush. “So friends?” “I say family.” AWWW MY HEART.
“You guys were our age when you got married.” ARE YOU SERIOUS? “It was a different time.” Y’all have no leg to stand on here.
“Marriage requires maturity.” Says the man who won’t let his wife take a huge job offer. What, who said that? (Okay the way Tami’s watching Eric give this speech about compromise, thinking she’s thinking the same thing.)
“You guys got married when you were my age, and how many times did you move? How many different things you’ve gone through and look how you’ve made it work. You guys are my inspiration.” AW. I wish my parents had a stable enough marriage to be able to say that LOL but nope.
OH NO poor Tami getting up from the table because she’s emotional! Because she’s clearly always thought of her marriage that way too but maybe not lately AH
Eric, babe, that’s your cue to follow. 
Oh shit, Jess’s family is moving to Dallas? Well, damn.
Eric saw Vince not take a ticket for his dad and came to his watering hole to hand deliver it? “Young man gets a chance like that maybe once in a lifetime.” and mic drop, walk away.
Luke casuaklly meeting Becky’s mom for the first time while coming by to try to win Becky back. “I love you. I’m so sorry.” AWWW. growth!
YES cheers to Matt and Julie! “Here’s to Mr. and Mrs. Saracen.”
“Always thought you’d be the first person to say that.” AW
Yes halfway through college, go Tyra!
Awwww, Matt being like “let’s dance” and pulling Julie up. So cute. Yes, Tim asking Tyra to dance. 
“I got plans.” “I don’t.” OMG is Tim saying he’ll just follow Tyra? Damn.
Why tf is Buddy calling Eric first thing in the morning to tell him about Buddy Jr.’s cast and “staying here el permanente” and GETTING HIM TO SIGN A CONTRACT BEFORE THE GAME? Y’all are shady as fuck!
I love that seeing the Braemore papers made him stop, tell Buddy off, and not make a decision in that moment. What’s gonna happen???
“I won’t be a part of your Superteam after all.” Hopefully Eric won’t be either! Aw Jess thanking him “for the greatest experience of his life.” “I think it’s been mine too.” AW.
Eric’s gonna give a coach in Dallas a good word for Jess? So beautiful. Yesss!
AW Julie and Matt decorating the Saracen Christmas tree, and Grandma trying to get Julie to wear her old wedding dress!
Emotional at this hug between Julie and Mrs. Saracen. “I love you.” “I love you too.”
Awww Vince finally being glad that Jess is part of the team...at the moment when it’s about to end.
Yess Tyra and Tim picnicking on the land? 
And YES to Tyra going into politics, I could see it! “Along the lines of Mrs. T. Except bigger.” YES GURL.
“I’ve been in love with you since I was five years old.” AWWW that is so precious. 
“I’m gonna build a house exactly where we’re sitting. I’m gonna get a job. And I’m never gonna do anything illegal for the rest of my life.” Oh, Tim. my heart!!!
“Maybe one day, our dreams can merge together.” THAT’S SO BEAUTIFUL. What more does one really want? Oh, these beautiful life-filled shots of them drinking beer on the land where Tim wants to build a house. Art!
Oh shit, Eric’s racing to get to Santa in time to be there with Tami and Gracie?! “You scared me half to death. What’s going on?” 
“I turned the contract down. It’s your turn. I want to go to Philadelphia. Will you take me to Philadelphia with you, please?” YESSSSSSSSSSSSS what they deserve! What Tami deserves!!!! My heart!!!!
Ugh, the imagery as they get to State is amazing. The boys taking in the field, the players suited up praying and getting in the zone beforehand. The screaming in the stands waiting for them.
“You may never know how proud I am of you.” “You changed my life, coach.” AW.
Eric’s pre-game prayer overlaying the image of the Lions bursting out onto the field! Yes yes yes!
The way they slowed everything down with just music, and focused in on the faces of so many characters - Vince’s dad showing up, Eric and Tami saluting one another from stand to sideline, Becky cheering in the stands excitedly for Luke, Matt and Julie holding each other, Buddy on the sidelines screaming, Vince’s mom jumping up and down - just absolute perfection. 
And we’re back in, with actual in-scene sound at 26-21 with 3 seconds left on the clock??? Jesus!
AH and every single character watching the football fly in the air, WOW the DRAMA.
Holy shit, they fast-forwarded to one of Eric’s players in Philly catching a football eight months later in Philly??? THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD. WOW.
Tami looks like such a badass strutting around campus!
YES Tinker is on the Panthers! Take that, bullying reporter! 
Aw, the East Dillon Lions sign coming down. :( feels.
Nooo Luke don’t go to the military! Noooo I hate that. Poor Becky. They’re the exact type of couple who gets caught up in that really sad cycle - too poor to really have many other options, so the whole “free college when i get out!” thing starts to look really attractive. smh.
But i love how they used the championship ring he gave Becky as a way to signal that the East Dillon Lions did, indeed, win the state championship eight months earlier...and that Jess is wearing the ring on the sidelines of a new field where she’s working with the coaches! amazing!
Yay Matt and Julie live in Matt’s beautiful Chicago apartment? Perfection. They really look so good in that city together. 
New beginnings in a new city together for both Tami and Eric AND Matt and Julie? I’m living! It’s what they deserve!
Tim and Billy building Tim’s house and drinking beers! “Texas forever.” “Texas forever.” MY HEART.
“Clear eyes, full hearts.” SILENCE. “Ah, we’ll deal with that later.” LOL
Yesss Tami coming out to meet Eric on the field!!!
“Ready to go home?” “Yeah, let’s go.”
And the lights go off on the field. End show. AMAZING. Truly, an epic series finale! An epic show! I will definitely rewatch and i am so glad i finally did! Thanks to anyone who gave a shit about my ramblings.
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deeneee · 5 years
Lost [Leon x Reader] (PART ONE)
Note: here it is. It is a little sad, but not really. RE4 LEON is just about to be introduced! IM EXCITED! This’ll be a two part or more?? I want to write some action but idk. This is turning out more of a story, but oh well 😂 it’s not really a story, but idk. 
Master List
“I heard you’re getting a partner for your new mission,” you speak, looking over at Leon who’s sitting at his desk. Leon looked up at you and nodded.
“Yes, I’ve met him before, actually. He’s been training with me,” Leon muttered. You looked over Leon’s partners files on your computer screen, narrowing your eyes.
“Hmmm, Jack Krauser. . . ,” you mumbled and looked at his picture, “he look pretty buff.”
“Yeah, I’ve been told that the mission is pretty dangerous, so they paired him with me.” It’s been almost 2 years since Leon joined your office. For the past couple of months, Leon has been going on pretty dangerous missions, but they’ve all been successful. No doubt about it, Leon is very skilled. So far, he is the most reliable and skillful agent in the agency. His physical experience had also changed a little, like his expression. You’ve noticed that after every mission, he seemed to look more dull and serious. His hair became darker and he also became a bit more sarcastic. He’s lost that innocent look to him and if you were to be honest, it was kind of sad to see Leon change like this. Not that it’s his fault, but it hit you that Leon has seen so much that it’s even taken a toll on his physical appearance. The past couple of months had been hectic for the both of you. Unfortunately, you both lost a member. . .Frank. He disappeared on a mission and was found as a monster later on. It was hard to take in, but it had happened and you couldn’t do anything. You and Leon took it hard and mourned for a couple days. You looked over at the empty desk next to Leon, remembering the times when Frank would always scold you. It hurt, but the best thing to do is keep moving forward, and you knew that this is what Frank would want for you and Leon to do. “You okay?” Leon’s gentle voice broke you from your thoughts and you turned you attention to him. His blue eyes held worry and you gave him a small smile.
“Yeah,” you responded, “just reminiscing.”
“If you feel like crying, you can always come to me,” he patted his shoulder, “you can cry here.” You chuckled, feeling a slight burn making its way to your eyes.
“There’s no way I’m going to cry,” your voice cracked in between as tears blurred your vision. Leon’s eyes softened at the sight of you bringing your hands up to cover your eyes. He quickly walked over to your side and grabbed the chair beside you and sat down, scooting close to you. His gruff hands patted your back as you sobbed quietly. One thing Leon realized is that he hated seeing you cry. The best thing to do was to be there for you.
Before you knew it, Leon left for his mission, and it was time for your mission. You were sitting in the helicopter, dressed in your usual fighting attire. You’ve never felt so lonely before, and you weren’t sure why. You looked out the window, watching the world from above. It was beautiful, green, and intriguing. How deceiving the world looked from above. It was just you and the pilot in the helicopter, and the sound of the blades slicing the air.
Right when you got back from your mission, you heard so many things about Leon accomplishing his mission. People were calling him a talented agent, and a hero. You weren’t sure of the details, but he had successfully finished his mission. Unfortunately, his partner did not make it, and after hearing this, you hurried to your office, opening the door. Your heart clenched at the sight of Leon sitting in his chair, back hunched, and face covered with his arms. You quietly walked over and sat on Frank’s seat. His shoulders were slightly shaking, and his hands were clenched. “Hey,” you softly spoke, bringing your hands to rub his back. The best thing to do was to be there for him, and you did just that.
A few minutes later, Leon turns his head and looks at you, his head sitting on his arms. His eyes were raw and puffy, streaks of tears dried on his cheek. “Thanks,” He hoarsely said, and then sniffled. A side of Leon that only you have seen, yet a side of him that breaks your heart. You nodded and gave him a little smile. He got up and wrapped his arms around your frame, “At least you’re back safe.” You leaned into him and closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around him. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, too.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you whispered, and he squeezed you, “I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you either, Leon.” Just thinking about it drove you into devastation. Leon has been there for you ever since, and if you were ever to hear such bad news; you’re afraid that you’d go on a rampage. Leon is a great friend— a great person, and he deserved a great life. You pulled away from him and gazed into his beautiful eyes. “Let’s survive this.”
Time flew by and before you knew it, it was already the year 2004. Time passed, and you changed. You’ve been told that your smiles weren’t as radiant as before, and that you seemed dull. You didn’t have that glow anymore. You could say it kind of disappeared when you stopped seeing Leon. Work made you both so busy, that you never had the chance to talk or see each other. It had been 3 years since you’ve seen him. A long, cold, dark 3 years. You heard that he recently rescued the presidents daughter, Ashley. Definitely heroic of him. You were proud of him. You’ve thought countless times how you wanted to visit him sometime, but you were too much of a wimp to. You were afraid he maybe disliked you, or worse, had forgotten about you. One thing for sure, you’re glad he’s doing fine and alive.
“Hey, you listening?” your martial arts instructor, Luke, questioned. You shook yourself from your trance and shot him a kick to his side. He stepped back and winced, rubbing his side. “I wasn’t asking for a kick, dude,” he muttered and you stood up straight.
“Sorry about that,” you apologized, sheepish. Luke has been your instructor ever since you got into the agency. You felt like letting off some steam, so you invited him for a spar.
“Anyways, Hunnigan is on her way to talk to you,” Luke said, his brown hair drenched with sweat. You nodded and wiped off your sweat with a towel that lay on a chair, near the mat. The thudding sounds of people being thrown on the floor, and yells was all you heard as you took a swig of your water. “So, what’s been on your mind?” You glanced over at Luke and pressed your lips into a line.
“I thought about ‘him’ again. I just miss him,” you admitted and shrugged.
“Oh, right. Your ‘lover’,” Luke cooed, raising his brow.
“No way,” you interjected, “just a good friend.” Leon’s face flashed in your mind and a small smile made its way to your lips.
“Look at that smile,” Luke pursed his lips and you rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“Leave me alone, Luke.” You could hear the clicks of heels approaching and you turned to the door, only to see Hunnigan walking towards you. Today she wore a striped navy blue suit with black heels. Not a bad look for her. “Hunnigan,” you greeted with a nod and she stood in front of you, smiling softly at you.
“Hey, [Name]. I came to tell you that he’s doing fine.”
“Ooooohhh, so that’s how you know your lover is doing fine,” Luke exclaimed.
“I’m glad,” you breathed a sigh of relief, and Hunnigan smirked.
“So, when should I tell him that I know you?” She questioned, pushing her glasses up.
“Y-you shouldn’t,” you retorted and crossed your arms. Luke and Hunnigan looked at each other and chuckled. “Anyways, my mission is in a few days, got any info for me?”
“Ah, right. A woman named Blair Gage is suspected of producing BOW’s in Alaska. You’re instructed to destroy her lab and bring her back alive,” Hunnigan handed you a folder and you took it, looking through the woman’s profile. She had piercing jade orbs and platinum blonde hair in a pixie cut. She didn’t look that intimidating.
“She’s young,” you muttered, looking at her age. She’s 28, which is the same age as you. What could she be doing with these BOW’s?
“You’ll have a huge surprise during your mission. I hope you enjoy it,” the black haired woman nodded and then walked off. You watched her go and narrowed your eyes, wondering what it could be.
“She probably talking about those BOW’s,” Luke joked and you looked at him, shaking his head.
“That wasn’t a really great joke.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’m leaving.”
Finally, it was the day of the mission. Here you were, once again, on a helicopter by yourself and looking over the landscape. Your ear piece made a sound, until you heard Hunnigan’s voice. “Alright, can you guys hear me?” She questioned, and you furrowed your brows.
“What do you—-“ you paused when you realized someone was talking the same time as you. Someone else is on the line? Who the hell?
“Hunnigan, who’s the other person?” A deep voice asked, and it sounded so unfamiliar.
“No time for questions. You both are almost at your destination. Prepare for landing.”
“Whoever you’re partnering me with, I hope they’re cute,” The man commented and you narrowed your eyes. A partner? This is the surprise? He sounds kind of like a jerk. You turned off your communicator and huffed, looking around.
“Who does this jerk think he is?” You questioned to no one in particular.
“Oh, she just hung up,” the man said.
“Well, if you hadn’t said that, she wouldn’t have.”
“I must’ve pushed some kind of button,” he muttered.
“You don’t say?” Hunnigan sarcastically remarked.
“I was also being sarcastic, Hunni—-“
“. . .Alrighty then.”
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So, so, so Mermaid Caleb! A second chapter! Here’s ‘Til the Tide Takes My Soul’.
The rest of the ren faire went well, but Jester kept staring at the now empty mermaid tank and wondering how Caleb was doing. She only just met him, and now he was all she could think about. Partly because he was a real actual merman, and the other part was he just seemed so alone.
It was tempting to text Caleb during her breaks, but she wasn’t sure if it was too soon to message him. He’d probably think she was being clingy or something. Jester stuffed her phone in her pocket and took out again for the sixth time. Really, there wasn’t any harm in checking in on Caleb. She typed up a fast text and sent it off. -hi caleb! Its jester wanted to make sure you were okay :) -
Five minutes later, Jester’s phone buzzed. It was Caleb.
-I’m doing fine. Thank you for asking. How are you? -
Jester smiled to herself. Caleb was funny with how formal his texts were. -Im GREAT! The ren fair’s lonely without you and veth though-
Her phone buzzed again before she could get it back into her pocket. -Do you want to come over again?-
-Yessss!!!- Jester sent the message and then had second thoughts. -is it okay with yezza and veth?-
-They won’t mind. Yeza will probably think that it’s enriching. And Veth likes you.-
Jester grinned down at her phone. She had honestly thought that she probably wasn’t going to see Caleb again even after he said she could.
“Whatcha smiling at?” Molly asked. He leaned over her shoulder trying to read Jester’s cell phone.
Jester hid it quickly. “Nothing, it’s nothing.”
“Didn’t look like nothing to me,” Molly said.
“Well, it might’ve been the merman from yesterday,” Jester said.
Molly smirked. “It might’ve been?”
“I helped him out yesterday, and he’s really nice. I’m going over to see him again today.”
Molly leaned in closer to Jester. “Why, is that a blush I see?”
“Shut up,” Jester said pushing Molly away with a smile. “It’s not like that at all. I don’t think he’d ever notice me that way.” But, oh, the idea of it sounded delicious. To be loved by a merman was straight out of a fantasy, but Caleb was real and to be treated real. Not that it stopped her from drawing romantic scenes before she went to bed the night before.
“Even if it isn’t, you should leave early,” Molly said. “We won’t have much more business today anyways. Go home and getcha self cleaned up for him.”
“Are you sure?” Jester asked.
Molly nodded. “Yeah. Now go make yourself cute, and catch yourself a fish boy.”
Jester giggled and saluted Molly. “Aye, aye!”
Jester was nervous on the way to see Caleb. While she was getting ready, Jester got a text from Veth saying to bring a swimsuit. She had grabbed her pink one piece and her swimming things putting them in a summery looking tote bag. But, maybe this was actually a bad idea. Maybe she was reading too deep into things again. And maybe she hadn’t learned her lesson from Fjord after all.
Shaking the thought of Fjord out of her head, Jester pulled into Veth and Yeza’s driveway. She nervously twisted the straps of her bag as she waited at the front door. The door opened to reveal Veth. “Jester?”
“Yep! It’s me! I took off my makeup early,” Jester said.
“I almost didn’t recognize you for a moment there. Follow me. He’s in the backyard.” Veth led Jester through the house. It wasn’t very big or fancy, but it was obviously a happy home.
Luke was coloring at the table and looked up when he noticed Jester. “Can I play with Caleb too?”
“You’ll have to ask Caleb, but I think that he’d like that,” Veth said.
Luke jumped up and grabbed a small beach ball and a couple of hula hoops. He took Jester to the backyard. Though calling it a backyard was a bit of a stretch as most of it was taken up by an enormous pool. A canopy was erected out of pvp pipes and tarps blocked the view from the sides and above.
“We used to help rehabilitate harbor seals here, so we were lucky and had it this already when Caleb came here,” Veth said.
“That’s really neat.” Jester stopped short of the pool. She didn’t see anything in there yet.
Luke threw the beach ball and it landed in the middle of the pool. Caleb popped up next to it and bopped it back to Luke. He turned and then seemed to notice Jester. His eyes grew wide and he dashed down to the bottom of the pool.
Veth went down to the pool. “Caleb, Jester’s here to see you.” Jester couldn’t see him, but it looked like he was saying something to Veth. “Of course she looks different. She doesn’t have her face paint on.”
Caleb poked his head up over the edge. “Hi Caleb,” Jester said waving at him. He pushed himself up on the edge and waved back at her. Even while signing at Veth, his eyes didn’t leave Jester.
“Caleb says he’s glad that you’re here. He was hoping to see you again,” Veth said. “Though he thought you’d be bluer.” Caleb blushed and ducked his head down.
“I’ll need to show you how I put my makeup on sometime then,” Jester said.
He stared up at her for a moment and then nodded.
“Hey Luke,” Veth said. “How bout you show Jester how you and Caleb play together?”
“That sounds fun to me. Can I play too?” Jester said.
Caleb was starting to frown, but he quickly brightened up and nodded.
Luke threw the ball at Caleb who hit it back to Luke with his tail. They threw and hit the ball back and forth until Caleb hit it to Jester. She fumbled with the ball for a moment before throwing it to Caleb. Caleb then bopped with the ball with his hands to Luke. The boy frowned at this. “That’s cheating. You can only use your hands every ten turns and it’s only been nine.”
Caleb signed to Luke only to receive a shake of Luke’s head. “Even with Jester playing, it was only nine turns. I was counting.”
“If Luke’s counting, then he’s probably right,” Jester said. “Is there a penalty game?”
Luke shook his head. “No.”
“Do you want there to be one?” Jester asked.
Luke smiled and nodded. “Yeah.”
Caleb blew bubbles into the water with frustration.
“You were the one who broke the rules Caleb,” Jester said. “So you have to pay the cost.” She rubbed her chin and tried to think of a good punishment game. Looking around, Jester noticed the hula hoops and grabbed one. “You have to hit two balls into the hoop! How does that sound Luke?”
”Yeah! Two goals!” Luke agreed with a big grin.
Jester held the hoop out to Luke. “Do you want to hold the hoop?”
Luke nodded and grabbed it. Jester threw the ball to Caleb. “Can he use his hands?”
Caleb frowned at all this, but he tossed the ball up anyways and batted at it with his tail. It missed the hoop by a foot.
“Warm up. That was a warm up. This is the real one,” Jester said. She tossed the ball at Caleb who hit it through the hoop that time. “Woot!” Caleb smiled at her.
“That’s one!” Luke announced.
Jester threw the ball overhanded. Caleb swatted the ball and scored it again. “Woo Caleb!” Jester cheered.
“Two!” Luke shouted.
“You have to do a victory lap Caleb!”
Caleb stared up at Jester confused. “Swim around the pool once because you were victorious.”
He gave her another confused look, but began to slowly swim around the pool.
“Yeah, Caleb!” Jester started to cheer. “You’re so cool!”
Luke joined Jester in cheering. “Yay!”
Caleb’s cheeks were very red when he finished. He signed something to Luke.
“Caleb wants to go back to the normal game now,” Luke said.
Jester ran to grab the ball and threw it back to Luke. They threw the ball around and Caleb would swat at it with his tail. Eventually the ball flew over Luke’s head, and he decided that he was done with the game. Instead, Luke grabbed the hula hoops.
Caleb squirmed with excitement. Luke threw a hoop into the pool. and Caleb darted through it before it hit the bottom of the pool. He caught the hoop on his tail fin, dragged it along behind him, and flipped it up when he reached the surface. “Grab it,” Luke said.
Jester grabbed the hula hoop and Luke tossed in the second one. If anything, Caleb went through this one even faster than the first. It took a little while for them to get into the groove of it, but soon they able to have both of the hoops in motion at all times. Finally, Caleb hooked the hula hoop but kept it in the water with him.
“He’s done,” Luke said. “Let’s ask Mama if we can swim now. Mama said that I can swim with Caleb only if there’s an adult with legs with us.” He took Jester by the hand and dragged her back into the kitchen. “Mama! Can we go swimming?”
“Did you ask Jester if she wanted to swim?!” Veth yelled back.
Luke leaned over and whispered to Jester, “Do you want to go swimming?”
Jester nodded. “Sure,” she whispered back.
“Yes! I asked her! She wants to swim!” Luke shouted.
“Ok! Go get dressed! And show Jester where the bathroom is! She can change there!” Veth yelled.
Luke quickly showed Jester the bathroom. “Here’s the bathroom. Get changed quickly, okay?”
“Okay.” Jester smiled as Luke ran off. Jester put on her pink swimsuit and looked at herself in the mirror. The swimsuit was cute with a ruffled peplum, and Jester liked to think that she was cute too, but there was a doubt. One that lived in the back of her head that told her that if she was cuter or more mature or just better then maybe Fjord would’ve liked her back. She shook her head trying to exorcise that thought from her head. Fjord was gone and out of the picture. What was important was Caleb. A blush crept over Jester’s face. Not that she liked Caleb in that way. It was just that it was fun spending time with him. Oh, and he was a merman.
Jester was going to swim with a mermaid who was her friend. She smiled to herself. Caleb was her friend. He actually had agreed to be her friend. It was more than she could have asked for.
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. “Are you ready?” Luke asked.
“Oh, right!” Jester tied her towel around her waist and followed back to the pool.
Caleb submerged himself to the bottom of the pool. Jester had came back to visit him. Part of him thought that he had made her up or something. True, she wasn’t actually blue and was just a normal person, but still she was nice and liked playing with him and Luke. It felt silly and childish at first, but Jester seemed to love it which made it not so bad.
It was exciting actually being able to meet someone new. He’d never really had done that outside of meeting the Brenattos. And Jester was amazing. She was pretty and talented. Caleb had seen the paintings she’d done on the kids at the ren faire and they were beautiful detailed thins. The best part was that she decided to come back to see him. That was the part that Caleb had trouble believing. Veth said that since he was a mermaid that made him special, but Caleb had a very hard time believing that.
Luke ran up to the pool. Caleb quickly swam up to make sure that Luke didn’t accidentally fall into the water before he was ready to go in. The little boy was all smiles. He was only allowed to swim if his parents were around, and Veth and Yeza were busy most days with research, but apparently Jester counted as a substitute in this case.
“Don’t run!” Jester called out and Caleb turned to see her. It felt like everything stop. Caleb had watched tv, and Veth showed him magazines, and Yeza taught him about the internet, so Caleb knew what people considered to be pretty and attractive. Jester topped all those things. She was wearing a pink swimsuit and her hair was in pigtails(her hair was still blue which Caleb appreciated). For a human, she was probably considered short though she was taller than Veth and Yeza, and Jester was very soft and round. He had trouble keeping his eyes off of her legs. Legs were weird things that he understood were important and was always curious about, but he preferred his tail. But on Jester, legs were perfect.
Jester untied her towel and Caleb got a better look at her legs. He could feel his face turning hot and dove down into the water to cool down.
“Can we go in now?” Luke asked.
“Go on ahead,” Jester said.
Luke appeared in the pool on the other side jumping in. Bubbles shot up around him. Jester slipped into the pool more calmly. Caleb took his head out of the water and got a smile from her. His heart thumped loudly in his ears.
Jester gave him an odd look. “Are you okay, Caleb?”
His face turned red again and he nodded. “I’m glad you’re here,” he signed.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re saying,” Jester said.
“He said he’s glad you’re here,” Luke said splashing up to them. “I am too!”
Jester grinned and Caleb got lost for a moment just staring at her. “I’m glad I’m here three.”
Caleb frowned at this. He did know what she was counting, but he chalked it up to it being a human saying.
“Wanna race?” Luke asked Jester.
“Sure! Caleb do you want to race too?” Jester asked.
Luke pouted. “Caleb’s too fast to race with. He always wins by a lot even when he’s tired.”
“Then how ‘bout you and me race for second place?”
“Okay,” Luke said all serious.
Jester lined them all up along the edge of the pool. “Ok, first one to the other end of the pool and back wins. Ready? Set, go!”
The humans pushed off the wall and started to swim. It took Caleb a moment to remember that was the signal to go. He kicked off with his tail and zipped across the pool reaching the other end in seconds, looped downwards to turn, and returned to the edge before Jester and Luke made it to the other side. Caleb always thought that his speed and ease in the water was a simple thing, but it impressed Luke.
The first of the humans to return was Luke. The boy was born to swim, though maybe not to the same degree as Caleb was. Jester was okay at swimming by human standards though. Once she returned, Jester laughed, “Luke is the grand champion!”
“Caleb got here first,” Luke pouted.
“Being a fish is artificial enhancement,” Jester said. “So Caleb’s disqualified.”
With that, Caleb’s eagerness to be there with them evaporated. He sunk down to the bottom of the pool. For a moment, he had forgotten that he didn’t belong with them. That he didn’t belong anywhere. And Jester knew it. Caleb hid his head in his arms.
A tap on his arm interrupted Caleb’s thoughts. He looked up to see Jester looking at him with concern. She pointed up to the surface and swam up. Reluctantly, Caleb followed her up.
“What’s the matter?” Jester asked.
Caleb shook his head. She didn’t need to worry about him.
“I didn’t hurt your feelings, did I? I mean, I like that you’re half fish. It’s just part of what makes you special,” Jester said. She leaned in and whispered, “I just didn’t want Luke to be disappointed.”
That made sense to Caleb. He liked Luke, and the boy was sensitive to what others said. It was kind of Jester to think of his feelings. But that didn’t stop what Jester said from being true. Even if she didn’t realize it.
Jester put her hand on Caleb’s arm and smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back. There was something about her that he just couldn’t deny. “Cayleb,” she said. And that was it just his name, but it sounded perfect. She giggled and swam off.
He could’ve caught up with her in a matter of seconds, but instead he just watched her swim off. Jester turned back and gave him another smile. This time he did not stay back but instead shot off and caught up with her. She startled backwards and splashed him in the face. “Cay-leb! You nearly scared me!”
Caleb sunk backwards. He didn’t mean to scare her. But then she laughed again. “You’re a very a very fast swimmer.”
He gestured at his tail. It was easy to be fast with it. And he was rewarded another laugh. Caleb wanted to keep her laughing, but he didn’t know how.
Jester shook her head splattering Caleb with drops of water. He splashed her back. She tried to scowl at him but a smile kept breaking through. “Oh, this means war.” They splashed around and Luke joined in the splashing fight until Veth came out.
“Dinner time!” Veth called out.
Luke groaned. “Can’t we keep swimming?”
Veth shook her head. “It’s time for you to get dried off and ready for dinner. Do you want to join us Jester?”
“Nah, I should probably be getting home,” Jester said.
Caleb frowned. He wanted her to stay there with him, but he was just being selfish.
Jester climbed out of the pool and then turned back to Caleb. “Do you think I can come back sometime? Say tomorrow?”
Caleb nodded hard and signed, “You’re very pretty and I want you to come over every day.” But there was no one there that knew sign language to translate it. Just the way he wanted it. He couldn’t tell her that, but Caleb needed to say that.
“Ok,” Jester said with a wide smile. “Text me later okay?”
He nodded again and dove down into the water after she left. Caleb did loop de loops to burn off the energy and excitement he had in him. Jester wanted to come back again.
Caleb was interrupted by Veth coming to the pool. “You had a good day I take it.”
“I like having Jester here,” Caleb signed.
“I do too,” Veth said. “You know, I think I’ve never seen you so excited before.”
Caleb shrugged. Jester was exciting and that was all there was to it. At least, he hoped that Veth thought there was all to it.
“Maybe it’d be good for you to meet more people.”
Caleb shook his head. “It’s not safe,” he signed.
“I just don’t like seeing you cooped up like this all by yourself,” Veth said. “You know we worry about you.”
“I’m fine,” Caleb signed and sank down to the bottom of the pool ending the conversation. He had the Brenattos, his phone, a tablet for auditing college courses, and activities that Yeza called enriching. Caleb didn’t need anything else.
Except for maybe Jester.
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sleek-mendes · 6 years
Fratboy Luke! Pt 3
Warnings: Language, mention of alcohol
I don’t know how long I sat there. My mind was spinning and the alcohol swimming in my veins was not helping. A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.
‘Katherine?’ Haley called softly, pushing the door open.
‘Hey.’ I whispered. Her eyes fell to my neck and she raised her eyebrow.
‘I saw him walk out, I figured you guys got into an argument but clearly you were up to something else.’ She laughed. I wasn’t in the mood to laugh. I wanted to cry, but it felt dramatic.
I knew what I was getting myself into. And my gut told me not to. But I did it anyways. It was my fault. I should’ve listened to my gut.
‘Okay you aren’t laughing or telling me to fuck off so what happened?’ Haley asks, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
‘Things were fine but then he just stopped and told me he couldn’t do this. Whatever that means. And then he left.’ I explain and Haley’s face falls from confusion to anger.
‘That little shit im gonna-‘
‘No. Haley don’t do anything. I just want to go home.’ I sigh, zipping up my jeans and trying my best to cover the hickey with my hair.
‘Ive had too much to drink but, I’ll ask Calum. He hasn’t been drinking for the last hour.’ She explains and I nod. Haley takes my hand and leads us both out of the bathroom and down the long hallway back outside where Calum stands with Michael.
‘Hey, could you take us home? I’m really drunk. But i’ll come get my car in the morning.’ Haley asks and Calum nods, looking towards me.
‘You good?’ He asks.
‘I’m fine. Please just take me home.’
He opens his mouth to say something but Haley shakes her head and he quickly closes it.
‘Let’s go then.’ He purses his lips, eyeing me carefully before leading the way to his car.
‘Katherine, wait!’ I heard Lukes voice getting close but i shook my head and continued walking, Haley’s grip on my hand tightening.
Luke’s hand wrapped around my arm and my movements halted.
‘Don’t fucking touch me.’ I berated, ripping my arm from his grasp.
‘Please just let me talk to you!’ He begged.
‘No. Don’t ever fucking talk to me again.’ I yelled, a few heads turning in our direction but I couldn’t even care if I wanted to. All i could see was red.
‘You don’t get it! I-‘
I laugh sarcastically at his comment and turn to face him fully.
‘No I get it. You won. You wanted to fuck around to prove you could do it? You win. Fuck you for making me think I might’ve been wrong about you.’ I say it calmer than I thought I would and turn away, rushing to meet Haley in the car.
‘Are you okay?’ I’m surprised it’s Calums voice that asks the question.
‘I’m fine.’ I answer shortly.
‘He’s had a fucked up love life. That’s why he acts like that.’ Calum explains quietly.
‘And the rest of us haven’t?’ I ask, raising my voice slightly.
‘No but.. nevermind. It’s not my business to tell’
Calums words remained in my head for the entire week. It made me wonder just what Luke has been through that makes him act like such an asshole.
I hadn’t seen Luke around at all. He’d avoided me successfully and i’d done the same. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little disappointed that he didn’t try at least one more time.
But that was also the problem wasn’t it?
I had turned him down, I made it hard to even be my friend, yet I STILL wanted him to run after me? I hadn’t been easy on him. Yet I excepted him to be easy on me.
It was getting harder and harder to convince myself that everything was working out the way it’s supposed to.
‘I’m leaving! Are you sure you don’t want to come?’ Haley announces as she walks into the living room, fixing her hoop earring.
‘I’m sure.’ I smile.
‘Alright well, i’ll miss you.’ She smiles waving goodbye before leaving to go to the small kickback Calum was having.
I knew enough to know that ‘small’ still meant Luke would be there. Plus partying on a Thursday night put a bitter taste in my mouth.
I would enjoy my Thursday night on the couch, take out and netflix on the tv.
Not even two hours later my phone lights up with Haley’s face, a sigh escaping my lips as I press the phone to my ear.
‘Haley i’m not coming!’
Haley giggles into the phone. ‘You’re so silly, I-I was actually calling to see if you could come get me?’ She’s clearly drunk as she stumbles her words.
‘Come get you? You’re not staying with Calum?’
‘No. Everybody’s still here and i’m really really... really tired. wanna come home yknow?’
I shake my head and laugh at her state.
‘Yeah Hal, i’m come get you. Be there in 15.’ I don’t let her answer as I hang up and stand from the couch, stretching out my limbs from the last two hours of being lazy.
I throw on a pair of leggings and some shoes before stepping in to the cool night air.
I knew I was gonna see Luke. There was no way Haley was gonna get all the way out to the car with ease and I had a feeling a drunk horny Calum wasn’t gonna be much help.
I pulled up to the frat house and let out a sigh before making my way to the door. I didn’t bother knocking because I knew they wouldn’t hear me. The music was blasting from Calums room so I made my way up the stairs, following the music.
I opened calums bedroom door and my eyes fell to the ground where Luke sat, a girl sitting on his lap, her lips attached to his neck.
His eyes met mine and a small smirk started to play on his lips as he saw my reaction.
‘Where’s Haley?’ I ask, looking around the room.
‘Bathroom. With Calum. Normally it’s curtesy to knock.’ He chuckled, the blonde girl pulling away from him to look at me.
‘Normally it’s curtesy to fuck in your own bedroom.’ I spit back, slamming the door as I stepped out of the bedroom, trying not to think about the image as I made my way to the bathroom which I could now hear Haley whining at Calum.
‘Katherine! I’m SO glad you’re here. Everybody’s getting horny and I feel like i’m part of an orgy.’ She giggles, leaning her head against the shower door.
‘She’s better now but I still think she’s gonna puke a couple more times.’ Calum explains and I nod softly and bend down to look at Haley.
‘Let’s go.’ I sigh holding out my hand for her to grab.
A pout falls on her lips as she puts her hand in mine.
‘Are you mad at me?’ She asks quietly.
‘Why would I be mad at you?’ I ask, helping her off the ground.
‘Because I knew Luke had a girl here and I still made you come get me.’ She hiccups.
Calum chuckles beside me and I send him a glare before focusing back on Haley.
‘No baby, i’m not mad at you. It’s not your fault he’s a tool.’ I smile as I pull her out of the bathroom only to be met with Luke’s cocky face.
‘So i’m a tool?’ He asks, crossing his arms across his chest as he smirks down at me.
‘Yes. Now if you’ll excuse me, i’m literally right in the middle of something.’
‘In the middle of me!’ Haley shouts loudly, putting her head on my shoulder. ‘Wait,’ she giggles. ‘Not like that. But fuck off Luke.’ I’m the one to chuckle this time as I step past him, pretty much carrying Haley down the stairs.
‘You couldn’t have avoided this forever!’ Luke shouts.
‘Avoided what? You? I could very easily never talk to you again. Don’t get it twisted , Hemmings.’ I scoff, Calum rushing down the stairs and lifts haley off of me, picking her up bridal style.
‘I’ll take her to your car.’ He says quietly, taking the keys out of my hand.
I nod and turn back to Luke who is now half way down the stairs.
‘Last time I checked, you were begging me to fuck you and I walked out. Don’t forget.’ He says lowly, stepping in my face.
‘Are you upset princess? That I let somebody else fuck me? Even after you wanted it so bad?’ He steps even closer, his hand falling on my hip as he pulled me against him.
‘Fuck you.’ I reply reaching my hands up to push him away from me but he grabs them before I can do so.
‘You already tried.’ He smirks.
‘You’re a piece of shit. Whatever the fuck- WHOEVER the fuck did what they did to you for you to be like this- you deserved every minute of it.’ I shout, pulling my hands from his and stepping backwards.
His eyes sadden at my words and I try to push away the guilt I feel for saying something I knew would hurt him.
‘Just... fuck you.’ I add before leaving the house.
‘Everything okay?’ Calum asks.
‘It’s fine. I’m fine. Thanks for your help. I have to go.’ I say quietly.
‘I’m sorry you had to see that.’ He sighs, clearly talking about the bedroom incident.
‘See what? Me and Luke were never a thing. We kissed one time. For a game.’ I lie, my voice getting louder than I intended.
‘Katherine... that fight last weekend had nothing to do with the game. I know what a face of Luke’s victims looks like.’
‘I’m NOT a victim. Don’t call me that. And it’s disgusting you all act okay with the way he treats people.’
‘Hey. He’s been through a lot. Like I said. I’ve seen him more broken than anybody. He has reasons. That’s not an excuse but... I know the real him.’. Calum explains, not letting me answer before he disappears up the driveway, leaving me confused & guilty once again.
I know it’s short i’m sorry :( if you want part 4 let me know! Thank you for all your feedback and patience with me. I love that people love it <3
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cal-king · 6 years
Accomplices - Part 2
Pairing: Calum x Y/N
Warning: swearing??
Thanks to @bathels for giving me this gorgeous idea!
I was so surprised but the reaction to part 1. Hope you enjoy!! X
Part 1 Part 3 Masterlist 
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It turns out the future held some disastrous events less than twenty minutes after we had pulled out of the beach car park. As we got onto the highway a red light appeared on my dashboard. Thinking not much of it I decided that I’d check the car next time we stopped.
Then a horrendous clunking came from the engine and my stomach twisted.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Muttering to myself I pull across three lanes of traffic and into the emergency lane. Sighing, I turned off the engine and got out of the car. Sammy got out and retrieved the tool box I kept in the trunk.
I popped the hood. Nothing was smoking thank God. Eventually found the source of the problem and I began fixing it. Sammy was standing beside me, getting bored. Then she jumped a foot in the air, as if she was struck with a bolt of lightning. She began bouncing on her toes, peering around the propped up hood to something in the distance.
“Y/N, you’re not going to believe this.”
“What is it, Sammy?” Concentrating hard on what was in front of me, I didn’t really need a distraction right now.
“A car stopped to help us out and you’ll never guess who it is.”
Pure curiosity got the better of me and I followed her gaze.
Pulled up behind us was a jeep, two surfboards attached and Luke and Calum strutting towards us, distance diminishing with each second.
Sammy and I stared at each other, mouths gaping. This type of thing doesn’t even happen in the movies never mind real life.
“Okay. Suck it up. We can handle this” I say giving us the pep talk we needed not to make fools out of ourselves. “Nothing’s weird about this in the slightest.”
“Your Prince is here to save the damsels in distress.” Calum’s deep voice caused my head to turn. Even over the noise of the cars and vans whizzing past I can still hear him clearly. He’s looking under the open hood at me.
“If your referring to yourself as the prince I’ll have to pass.” I say cheekily. “And we’re hardly damsels in distress, I’ve got everything under control.”
“Oh have you now?” He replies, with the same level of sass.
“Yep. Just had to reattach one the the piston rings that had come loose and add some more grease. That’s it’s all fixed up.” His face was blank and I had the feeling that he had no idea what I was talking about. I put my tools back into the toolbox and wipe my hands on a rag. Together we pull the hood down and it closes with a thud.
There’s a short pause.
“Well,” Calum sighs, “I’m glad you knew what to do ‘cause I would have had no idea.”
And, yet again, I find myself laughing with Calum, the giddiness I feel when around him is similar to that of a schoolgirl’s. “Who’s the damsel now?” I tease.
He grumbles under his breath but it’s lost in the noise of a passing lorry.
“You really can’t stay away from me can you, Calum?”
“Hey! You were the one who approached me in the first place. Getting me involved in some scheme. Plus, We’re accomplices now. Partners in crime if you will. I have every right to chase after you, you owe me $10!”
Before I can sarcastically reply a soft hand appears on my arm, I turn to see Sam. Luke standing not too far behind her. There’s a mischievous look in her eyes.
“Luke suggested we all go to get something to eat. How does that sound?”
“Sam, we had food twenty min-“ I stop short when i feel a quick pinch on my arm. There’s a pleading look in her eyes.
“Sam, that sounds great.” Im surprised she doesn’t squeal with excitement. She chatters on about how ‘we can follow them to their place, let them freshen up then head out’ as the boys head back to their jeep and we climb into our car.
I follow Calum’s jeep for 20 mins before we pull up outside a quaint house in a quiet neighbourhood perched at the top of a hill. Silently following them up the footpath we wait for Calum to unlock the door.
Inside it’s beautiful. There’s no other word for it. Dark wooden floors and a balcony that over looks an abundance of green trees. If I stand on my tip toes I can catch glimpses of blue ocean.
“This is your house?” I ask incredulously. Calum simply nods in reply. He offers to get us a drink, which we decline, before they both disappear down the corridor to shower.
Sam and I look at each other, feeling slightly awkward to be in a strangers house.
“We should look around.” She mumbles. “Make sure they’re not serial killers or have some sex dungeon like in 50 Shades of Grey.”
“Shut up!” I whisper back, “they could hear us. And I’m not snooping around Calum’s house. I only met him an hour ago.”
“Fine. You can stay here. I’ll do the investigating for the both of us.” Before I can protest she slinking out of the room, humming the Mission Impossible theme tune under her breath.
It’s not long before I head a squeal and Sam comes thundering down the corridor.
“Y/N! You’re not going to FUCKING believe this.” She’s practically yelling and I immediately panic. The boys will be finished anytime soon and will most definitely hear the commotion Sam is causing.
“Oh em gee!” She barrels into the room and grabs me by the shoulders. “Okay, so you know the CDs that I brought with me? The ones by Five Seconds of Summer? We were listening to it this morning.” I nod.
“Well they have band members called Luke and Calum. Luke. And. Calum.” She stresses. I presume it’s a coincidence but then she continues. “Down the hall Calum has a music room with drums and a keyboard and loads of guitars and and and” She’s almost breathless now. “On the wall is a massive silver record that artists get when their music goes gold or platinum or whatever.”
My head is a complete muddle. “Wait. So, what are you saying?”
“What I’m saying is that the boys we were flirting with are Calum Hood And Luke Hemmings from the band Five Seconds of Summer. The band we were listening to this morning!”
For a short few seconds we’re completely speechless. The from down the hallway comes a yell.
“God dammit! Calum, our cover has been blown!”
Luke appears through the doorway and I half expect Sam to faint into my arms. She doesn’t.
Before either of us has a chance to even breathe Luke raises his hands and says “Yes we’re from 5sos. That’s us. We didn’t tell you because.. well, we didn’t want you to freak out and also because it’s quite nice to not be recognised and chased because of our fame. Quite humbling kinda.” By the time he had finished Calum appeared by his side nodding in agreement.
“Sorry I’m going to need a moment to process this.” I collapse into the sofa, mind whirring. One overwhelming fact is protruding to be front of my mind. They’re still people. Calum is the same person I was chatting with earlier. The same person who despite knowing him for such a short period of time, I already had such amazing chemistry with.
I push myself off the sofa and meet Calum’s gaze. He’s looking at me wearily, as if I might faint, or cry or lose my mind. I’m suppressing my urge to do all three.
“It doesn’t matter.” I say. “Well, no... I mean of course it matters, it’s your job, it’s what you do for a living and it’s super exciting but you are still human y’know. And wether you are famous or not I’d still like to get to know you.”
Then Calum’s grinning, hell, he’s practically glowing.
Luke claps his hands together. “Well now that that’s been sorted, who wants some pasta?”
“Want me to drive?” I ask.
“Yeah but only because I want a ride in your car.” Calum admits.
Nudging him with my elbow I say, “Alright. You can pick the music.”
We climb in, Sam and Luke getting very cosy in the back seats and set off. Calum is flicking through my CD collection in the glove compartment. Then he starts giggling, it’s enchanting almost melodic.
“Something funny?”
“Yeah. You have our CDs.” He can barely get the words out. He shows the CDs to Luke in the backseat who immediately joins in with the giggling.
I glance at my mirror to see Sam and as soon as our eyes meet laughter erupts from both of us. The sheer ridiculousness of the situation makes me eyes water.
Then a snort escapes me and I cover my mouth with my hand.
“Did... did you just snort?” Calum stares at me.
Completely mortified I avoid his gaze, staring at the road in-front of me. Sam just laughs louder behind me.
“You did! Oh god, that was the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.” If I could turn any redder right now i would. My cheeks must match the colour of my car.
“Shut up!” I whine. “Anyway you have to direct me, I have no idea where I’m driving.” Hopefully changing the subject would take his mind off it but I have a feeling he won’t be forgetting that anytime soon.
“I’m only teasing” He nudges me with his arm and I can feel the heat from him long after our brief touch. “It was pretty adorable though.”
“Shut up right now or I’ll throw you out of my car.” I grumble with fake annoyance.
“No you wouldn’t, you like me too much to do that.”
Well... he’s not wrong.
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notbadcal · 6 years
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Hi!! So I did something way out of my standards and went to a party this weekend which is so weird for me but whatever I got inspired, it didn’t really turn out exactly as I wanted to but I hope you enjoy anyway. There is a little swearing but not an excessive amount:) Xx Nad
“Alright be there at 9” my friend Anna said
“Okay do you want me to bring anything?” I asked
“Just yourself and your incredibly hot best friend please” she said with a laugh on the other line
“Are you sure he can come?” I asked wanting to respect her
“Of course we love Luke” she said
“Yeah maybe a little too much” I laughed
“I mean can you blame me, have you seen the man?” She giggled
“Alright that’s all I need to hear I’ll see you tonight” I said interrupting her before she could go on about Luke anymore
“See you later girl” she said and hung up
Being best friends with world famous Luke Hemmings was a task but I wouldn’t trade our friendship for the world.
“Who was that?” Luke asked in his morning voice from his place on my bed
“Anna she was wondering if you’re coming to the party tonight” I answered and texted my other best friend if she was going and if she needed a ride
“What did you say?” He asked
“That we’ll be there” I smiled and looked at him
He just smiled back at me before sitting up on my bed and stretching. A yawn escaped his lips as he scratched his chin where a little stubble had started growing. When he opened his eyes and caught me staring he smiled.
“What?” He asked
“Nothing, just glad you’re here” I said
Luke and I met when we were like babies, my parents moved from the US to Australia and we just so happened to move in right next to the Hemmings family. When I was around 8 though we moved to Sweden where my mother was from. It broke both mine and Luke’s hearts since we had grown so close over the years, but because of that we stayed in touch and my family and I visited Australia every Christmas break so it was fine. But when he started the band with Calum,Michael and Ashton was when our friendship started getting a little bit rocky. We barely spoke and I almost never saw him unless he was in Sweden for tour or something. We tried to fix it and when they started writing the second album everything became fine again. I would fly out to see Luke and he would fly out to see me and we made an effort to talk to each other every single day on the phone. Now he had a break before going on the 1st leg of their meet you there tour and he was spending it with me in Sweden. Since I wasn’t studying at university but instead I was writing my second novel I had the time to spend with him.
“Do you wanna go get breakfast?” I asked and he nodded
“Good I’m just gonna get dressed and we can go” I said and stood up to go put some other clothes on
The whole day with Luke was spent laughing and joking around just like old times. At around six a clock we decided to head home to get ready for dinner with my friends before the party.
When I came into my room after changing and doing my makeup, Luke was stood I front of my mirror pushing his blonde curls back. When I entered he smiled at me in the mirror making me smile back in return.
“So do you even know who’s coming tonight?” Luke asked me as I sat on my bed to put on my vans
“A few people from my old high school and just some other people, friends of friends” I said looking up into the blue eyes I had come to love
Somewhere in our long lived friendship my feelings for Luke had developed from just best friend love to something more, seeing him date other girls destroyed me but I was always there for him. But recently my feelings for the tall blonde Australian had grown so much that my heart ached every time I remember I wasn’t able to call him mine.
“Ready to go?” He asked when my shoelaces were tied
“Yup lets go” I grinned at him
When we got to Anna’s house the party was already in full swing making it less awkward for us. When we entered the house Anna lit up and ran towards us.
“Y/N! Luke!” She exclaimed and hugged the both of us
“Hey, how much have you had to drink?” I asked her and laughed at her already drunken state
“Too much” she laughed and walked off
I pulled Luke with me to say hey to everyone who was there. After we had introduced us to people we walked into the kitchen to get Luke a drink since I had volunteered to be the designated driver of the night.
With a beer in his hand he was leaned against the kitchen counter talking to someone and all I could think about was damn I love this dude.
After maybe an hour I had lost Luke and was talking to some random guy I’d never met before who was clearly drunk and also clearly hitting on me but I couldn’t care less, I was too distracted looking for my best friend. When my eyes landed on his tall figure I wanted to cry, it was like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. He was stood in the corner, lips locked with some girl I didn’t really like. When they pulled apart I was still staring at them and Luke caught my eye. I hadn’t noticed that there were actual tears streaming down my face but apparently everyone around me had. I saw how Luke’s eyes widened as he tried to make his way to me but I just turned around stomping outside to get away from him. When I had slammed he door shut behind me and was making my way to my car I heard him shout my name.
“Y/N wait up” he yelled
Damn these short legs and damn his long ones because he caught up with me in a matter of seconds and when he did he stopped right in front of me.
“Hey what’s wrong, why are you upset?” He asked, his Australian accent making an appearance
“I’m not it’s whatever” I just said looking down, not wanting to meet his eyes
“Somethings wrong why are you crying, and don’t tell me you’re fine, I know you better than you know yourself” he said putting his hand under my chin to lift my head up
“If you know me better than I know myself then how come you can’t notice that I fucking love you Luke, I’m so hopelessly in fucking love with you” I yelled and backed away from him
His eyes turned wide and then his gaze softened.
“Y/N” he started
“I know you don’t feel the same way I get it I’ll just...” Before I could even finish my sentence Luke’s hands were tangled in my hair and his soft lips were placed on mine
It was like being on cloud nine, I can’t believe I’m kissing my best friend.
“Im so hopelessly in fucking love with you too” he smiled making me melt
“So what does this mean?” I asked with my hands placed on his chest
I looked into those amazing blue orbs and with a smile he said:
“This means I can finally call you mine” and then he leaned back down and kissed me again.
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likeadove · 6 years
Anonymous said: "I'd like to do more than 'catch up'" OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Anonymous said: so many times in this pic i have thought to myself "poe is literally me" this chapter is no exception. boy has been shipping reylo since the waffle house 01. i knew ben wouldn't be able to not make an appearance at this show & his addition was adorable. then they saw each other and the sexual tension was off the charts. holy shit. i yelled "get the fuck out" on behalf on ben in both of those interruptions. so cruel. i wonder just how much more than catching up rey wants to do ; )
Anonymous said: boy you thought you could drop off a framed picture your soulmate drew you when she was 8 and just sneak off? umm no sir. no. boy oh boy can i not stop imagining what would have happened if these two werent so rudely interrupted repeatedly. the kissing of the forehead and the brushing of the hip practically signed my death certificate. glad she finally is reading the interview before they "catch up" or whatever the kids are calling it these days. the hype is real and is getting dialed up.
Anonymous said: did a full re-read in preparation of this update so that particular surprise addition to rey's show had me pretty misty eyed. you got me good. i do however wish we also saw poe's reaction to rey's marriage art. haaa. interested to read what ben's reaction to finn/poe is. <3 there is more sexual tension than i know what to do with between Ben/rey. jesus christ. the build up and the anticipation is so high for them that when they do finally get together i and or them may explode. can't wait!!
Anonymous said: I KNEW IT! I knew they would be reunited at an art show! I kept thinking how great it would be if Rey had a show and Ben showed up to support her. I love this story. When it's done I'm printing it out so I can always have it. Seriously, you've done such a great job. I will be checking out your other stories once WCPAH is complete.
Anonymous said: BEN IS BAAAAACK!!!! Also, when the promised milkshake dribbling smuttiness occurs, you should add a tag like "explicit dribbling" or "dribbly smut" xd (also ps ily so much)
Anonymous said: patiently waiting for when ben and rey travel together and see amazing places and art and idk maybe go see the fucking mona lisa together. it was so long ago. my heart ♥♥♥imagine ive attached the poetic cinema meme because you cant put pics in an ask even though you should be able to♥♥♥
Anonymous said: mama maz is adorable. love the reunion at the art show. benny boy spent years keeping his distance from Rey that control is still ruling even in the reunion. hopefully that control will break down into a million pieces and he will not be able to keep his hands off of her next time they see each other. poe is my spirt animal in this chapter. his rage is hilarious and perfect. so did luke or poe tell ben about the show? or left field- finn? love how excited ben gets that she read his work. swoooon 
YOU’RE ALL BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE AND I LOVE YOU. I wish I had the spare time to answer you all individually! Thank you all for being so supportive and wonderful! <3
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello!! i am back and on desktop this time. the blog is just as pretty. alex + yellow = v v attractive jfc. this is a long one so buckle in.
to begin: i hope you have the most fun on your day road trip and sing your heart out to atl and taylor swift. i love driving long distances and idk just driving in general is fun. have the absolute best time MWAH
my birthday is in november!! november 23 to be specific. i share it with miley cyrus which is something i always found to be very cool when i was growing up and watching hannah montana. it also means i am a sagittarius and funny little fact i realized is that my best friend is a gemini. alex and jack are also a sagittarius and a gemini. from being 13 i know that tyler and josh from twenty one pilots are also a sagittarius and a gemini. something about sagittarius and gemini besties idk.
also yeah!! ao3 year in review!! it's a bit complicated to figure out at first and if you read a lot the finding pages thing can be pretty tedious, but it's def worth it once you figure it out. it gives you a lot of different stats about everything you read and it's pretty cool. now i am going to go look at your fics to remember my favs. you deserve the praise so i am willing to offer it. jeez you write a lot i respect the motivation sm. you write quite a bit of angst and i won't lie i try to stay away from angst so i haven't read your fics that seem super angst-y based on the tags. BUT there are still so many i recall reading and loving nonetheless. on a quick scroll-through: i usually don't read high school AUs but "paint me in trust (i'll be your best friend)" was super adorable and lovely. "thank god i'm yours" is one of my favs iirc. also i love love love "it's not always easy (but i'm here forever)" like yes please romanticize alex gaskarth i love it sm. "i won't be silent (and i won't let go)" and "i fell asleep in a city that doesn't" are both super fluffy and romantic and are favs of mine. in case you haven't picked up on it i adore very fluffy and romantic fics lmao. alright i am continuing to scroll and there are so many more i could list that i love but this section is getting quite long. just know if it's about a kitchen or hotel rooms being for lovers i probably read it and adored it and that pov is so valid.
waterparks!! will not lie i only really started listening to them about 6 months ago having been distantly aware of their existence for several years by being a fan of bands in the same genre. listen as long as you let yourself be vaguely annoyed by awsten is prevents you from being in love with him. follow him on any social media platform for like a day and you'll be sick of him typing in nothing but all caps within hours. simply do not romanticize him and you can keep yourself from falling!! so this is coming from a slightly fake parx fan, but some of my favs by them have been peach (lobotomy), crave, numb, fuzzy, violet!, you'd be paranoid too, and lowkey as hell. that is a very songs-from-their-most-recent-album-heavy rec, but whatever. i did give the disclaimer about being a fake parx fan.
yeah hayley does have 2 solo albums now!! petals for armor and flowers for vases / descansos. pfa is the one i didn't really like upon first listen but has grown on me. i haven't even listened to the second one in its entirety oops but we won't mention it. dead horse is good but simmer (pretty sure that was the other single??) just ain't it for me. the album has some lovely songs but it's just a hit or miss album all the way through. some favs of mine on it include pure love, taken, crystal clear, watch me while i bloom, and why we ever. it's sorta a storyline album about healing if that adds anything to it?? but anyways. i started listening to paramore around the time after laughter dropped and it grew to be one of my fav albums in existence. idle worship is probably one of my fav songs like ever. i def understand being slightly put off by bands with songs that make religious references (me with twenty one pilots' earlier music that makes a lot more religious references considering i'm not religious whatsoever) but i think i am blinded by being in love with hayley williams and just ignore it. idk that she's like super religious?? she's addressed believing in god and stuff a few times but she's def not the "rub it in your face" type and if she's making refs in music more recently then they're subtle enough i'm not noticing them. ik albums like brand new eyes had a lot more because it was shortly after that the band split and the songwriting process was essentially her and ex-bandmate co-songwriter arguing about their religious beliefs (turns out he ended up being super homophobic and transphobic all based on his religion so do with that what u will and thank the clown for leaving). i feel u on the "i meant to start listening to them" because that's essentially how i started listening to them. i told myself i was going to and then finally forced myself to do it. fuck falling for awsten knight what's more risky is falling in love with hayley </3
also yeah!! you've articulated my feelings towards tde. every song is so vastly different that it's hard to like it all. #1 fan is pretty decent though, and that's not just my bias about finding both ross and his gf hot and a cute couple and getting to see them together and ross half naked in a mirror in the video nope not at all. he's my fav himbo!! he has no personality!! no thoughts head empty!! i still love him and his strawberry-growing saga on twitter tho <3 the hazard of being in love with ross lynch since i was 12. girlfriend better be a fucking banger and there's quite a few already released singles in the tracklist so i have hope. i believe my show is in chicago on november 19 which is a thursday. kinda sucks since i intentionally bought the chicago tix nearly two years ago (the show was originally supposed to be april 25 2020. lol.) because the show was on a saturday and i have to drive 3 hours to get there. obviously i can't speak for them as tde but r5 shows always fucking slapped and i can vouch for them (realized i haven't seem them live since 2016?? 5 YEARS?? wtf) so if u genuinely like them. would recommend going to see them.
anyways. i have not listened to luke's solo album yet. i plan on it. this has gotten so long but i tried to respond in all areas and even organized it in different paragraphs this time (thanks being on desktop!!). hope you are well. hope you have a lovely day. hmm what's a little "going on in my life" fact. i got new glasses a few days ago and my eyes essentially said fuck off because adjusting to the new prescription has left me with eyes that hurt and occasionally slightly nauseous. here is to hoping my eyes get their shit together. mwah LOVE YOU TOO - the other bella/cubs anon/idk
okay hi hello. i have put this off because holy hell it's long but let's do it. i am putting a cut because this whole thing is long even without my answer
first: the road trip was super fun thank you!!! i am intrigued by this information regarding sags and geminis, we should do some scientific inquiry. enquiry. i don't know if there's a difference between those words.
aha! well i tried the ao3 year in review thing and i would say it had about 55% accuracy but still i agree it's fun to look back at that kind of stuff. and i feel you on the angst thing i go through phases of writing angst-heavy stuff and then writing very fluffy stuff and it is entirely based on my mental state buuuut i have lots of fluff and i'm glad you found it all and that you liked it yay <333 KITCHENS ARE FOR LOVERS i will die on that fuckin hill. hotel rooms as well but primarily kitchens.
dfgjhgdlfkhgdfmj honestly i dont use twitter enough that i would see his tweets enough that that would bother me also the fact that he tweets in all caps means that i just picture him yelling everything he tweets which i find absolutely hysterical so i don't think that would help. i have added these parx songs to my listen asap playlist and will get to them when i get a chance thank you i am excited also i already know lowkey as hell and it slaps super hard so im very much lookin forward to the rest of these. merci merci
YEAH simmer was the one i didnt vibe with. and honestly i feel zero compulsion to get into hayley williams as a solo artist. i just don't vibe enough to want to do that so i doubt i'll be listening to her anytime soon but maybe if i hear the songs in passing or get super bored one night, idk who can really say. but yeah christianity typically puts me off of music (speaking as a very jewish bitch) although there are notable exceptions in the cases of thomas rhett and the driver era. i'm just not attached to hayley enough to be like ehhh this doesnt matter. does that make sense
FAVORITE HIMBO PLEASE HGSDFGDFGKLFGJ i dont follow him on twitter but i have seen some interviews of ross and rocky and tbh they're great i love the way ross speaks like i like his speech mannerisms and i like his FACE and HAIR and. yeah. i think hes pretty. and i think he and 5sos SHOULD collab i think that would be sexy as hell. can you imagine that. oh my god can you imagine a ross lynch/luke hemmings collab. i'm not even really talking to you anymore bella because i know you haven't listened to luke yet and don't have a stake in it but if anyone else is reading this long ass answer. ross & luke collab. okay im going to move on and not think about that now. but i probably won't see tde unless i get a job this semester because i'm trying to stop spending so much money on big indulgent things like concerts likeee i was in a really good habit of not spending that much and then suddenly i got paid for one summer and i was just goin Crazy and i need to dial it back. plus i wanna see ajr and noah kahan equally bad so like. i have to make some calls about priorities here. it's Much to think about
good luck to your eyes i'm sure your new glasses are hella cute tho!!! LOVE YOUUUUUUU
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redditnosleep · 7 years
I Found My Brother’s Diary
by healthyear. Trigger warning for child abuse.
May 30th 2015
Hi journal. I dont wanna call you a diary or else the kids at school will make fun of me. And I dont want them to do that. Its allmost summer and I cant wait. I cant even beleive Im almost done with second grade. Im so old! Soon Im going to be 30 and being an astronot. I cant wait for summer. I mean Mr. Riley is cool and he gives me candy but I dont want to stay in his class forever!
Me and Luke are going to play all summer it will be so fun. We are gunna play video games and monopoloy, monopoloy is my favorite bored game. We are gunna go to the beach and the zoo and the park. Luke is my bestest friend and Im so glad I have him. Nobody else at school really wants to play with me. Except for Sidney but she only laffs the whole time! Some times she pushes me and laffs . Im never sure whats so funny but i laff to becus shes laffing! I like to laff.
I have to go now. Ill talk to you later!
June 2nd, 2015
Sorry I forget to write some times. I have been busy. Me and Luke have been playing. Im so glad I have someone to play with. Last year I had to play with immaginarey friends, since I didnt have Luke. Luke just moved here this school year. Nobody else had immaginarey friends anymore accept for me so it was kinda embaresing.
But now I have someone. I have Luke!! Hes so nice to me and Im so happy to have him.
June 4th, 2015
Sorry I keep forgeting!!!! I will try to talk to you every day now. Yesterday Luke and I were playing and then he holded my hand. I liked it. I saw big kids at school and out at the store holding hands befour but I had never ever done it. I like Luke a lot.
June 5th, 2015
Today at the dinner table daddy was talking abowt gay mareige. He doesnt like it. He said all kweers should dye. I dont know what a kweer is but they must be bad.
I just asked mommy what a kweer is and she said a gay. I dont know what a gay is eether but i will ask Luke tommorow may be he will know.
June 6th, 2015
Luke kissed me!!! I asked him what a gay is and he kissed me and said thats what a gay is!! I was scared at first he scared me but then I was happy I liked it and then I was scared because I liked it. I dont want daddy to hate me. I have to talk to him and tell him gay is ok. Luke told me not to do that and it would be bad. I dont want to listen to Luke tho I want to tell daddy that I did a gay.
June 8th, 2015
I told daddy. He yelled at me and took me up to my room. I started crying. He said I will give you some thing to cry about.He yelled at me moore and told me it was bad. He beat me up a lot. Worse than the kids at school. I cant reelly feel my left hand but Im write handed so its ok. My eyes are both swoolen, thats what mommy said.
Mommy was crying to. I dont know why. Daddy didnt give her something to cry about.
June 9th, 2015
I told Luke I told daddy. He got mad at me to. But he didnt beat me up. He asked if I told daddy about him. I said no and Luke was happy again. I like when Luke is happy. I dont reelly like beeing at home write now. I told Luke that and he said he could help me. Im happy.
June 12th, 2015
Sorry!!!! I forget again. I have been busy playing with Luke. He made a plan. We are going to leave and then daddy wont beat me up again. Luke is xsited for this plan and me to. I dont want daddy to beat me up again. It hurts a lot. I think Im going to have to leave you behind journal. Thanks for allways beeing there for me just like Luke is.
June 15th, 2015
My brother Andrew saw me with Luke yesterday. He told me to stop playing with him. I think Andrew doesnt like kweers eether. Thats ok I will be a way with Luke soon.
Reading this made my heart, first swell as I learned about his cute boyfriend, and then break as I learned what my father had done to him. It finally sank as I realized his cute boyfriend had been the 40 year old man I had told him to stay away from. My brother has been missing since June 17th, 2015, and presumed dead on August 23rd, 2015.
I do not think he is dead. If you find a suspicious 40-looking year-old man in the Miami area with an 11 year old boy, he responds to the name of ‘Brandon’. Please help find him, police have stopped working with me, since it has been so long. It also might not help that I am a 16 year old boy, so I am not the most reliable source. But please. I miss him so much, and if you were me, you would want your brother back, too.
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doctopus · 7 years
what was your opinion on the new sw?
i loved it LOL everyone was great but if u want my spoilerly shitty opinions its under read more
HATED the finn/rose stuff and not cuz it got in the way of finn/poe the writing for finnrose was just shit to me lmfao. id preferred it if they were BFFs instead, i still felt like finn didnt like her romantically, rose was adorable though
i liked poe way more in this movie i thought he was so flat/stereotypical hero in the last one but this one he actually learned a lesson and fucked up bad i loved that
thought it was dumb ellie sattler (the pink haired lady) didnt think to just kamikaze the ship in the first place...shes the only one on that ship and she was gonna die no matter what...why sit there and be useless
& in the year 39483943 no one has invented remote control ships apparently
sorry to say but i ship r*ylo i see it as a greek tragedy-esque romance but kylo needs to stop being a fuckwad and turn good already LOL 
i liked all the plot twists it made the movie not fall into typical Big Blockbuster tropes 
hux and kylo were so funny lmfao im glad we can laugh at their stupid scenes its not like the scenes make them out to be Good and Pure Perfect People they’re assholes
kinda wished obi-wan showed up instead of yoda but puppet yoda was awesome...Burn Baby Burn
really expected han to show up as a ghost @ kylo and to yell at him for calling the falcon Garbage 
i honestly cried everytime carrie showed up on screen i wish i was joking. i also cried at all the original trilogy references fuck you R2
uhh idk what else...oh yeah as funny as it was luke tossing the lightsaber i was kinda annoyed it felt like a middle finger like damn dude Chill
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lukeysgirl · 7 years
Relentless | Calum Hood Series Pt.5
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                                                 Part F I V E 
Request: Being the cousin of Ashton Irwin was exciting, especially when invited to their tour to hang out with his best friends. You found yourself becoming fond of Calum Hood, who finds you annoying from your constant appearance. But what would happen if you stopped giving him that attention?
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: let’s reach for 100, as usual! i really hope you guys enjoy this part as well (bc i kinda really like this part). im so happy to write this series and it makes me happy that ya’ll totally encourage me on it!! 
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. [DONE]
                                                  I M A G I N E 
Helsinki, 18:28 P.M. (last day in Finland, concert day)
“Where the fuck is it?” Calum growled, throwing Ashton’s clothing up in the air as he dug through his things. You watched in fear as Michael, Luke, and Ashton watched with you. 
“Calum, calm down,” Luke begins, casually shoving his hands in his pockets. “We’ll find it, we just have to do it in a more civilized way.”
“Yeah, like stop fucking rummaging through my fucking shit for a moment!” Ashton yells, picking up his shirts and pants and folding them quickly and sloppily. You quickly rush to his aid, folding the clothing nicely and neatly on the bed for him. “Thanks, Y/N.”
“It’s no problem,” you say with a nod, folding his clothing while the boys deal with the abruptly angry Calum. 
“I need my fucking pick, Ashton!” Calum roared, emptying Ashton’s luggage completely. “I swear to god, if you’re fucking hiding it somewhere--”
“Why the fuck would I hide your lucky pick, Calum?” Ashton countered, refusing to take Calum’s wild assumptions. “Unlike you, I’m not a huge dickhead!” Calum turned over at Ashton and gave him a sour look. 
“Guys, cool it,” Luke began, stepping in between the two before something got out of hand. Luke nodded at Ashton before turning around to look down at Calum. “It might be with the rest of the equipment, okay? So let’s relax and stop harassing Ashton’s luggage.” 
“Thanks, Luke,” Ashton agreed, nodded at him before grabbing the rest of his clothing to fold. “You can stop now, Y/N. I’ll ask someone to do it for me since we have to go rehearse and prepare for the concert.” 
“Okay.” Obliging, you let go of Ashton’s shirt in the middle of folding and began for the door. The other boys exited quickly, but Calum was a little behind from the guys. You quietly approach behind him and sigh a bit. 
“I’ll help you find the--” you began softly, approaching your hand to hold his shoulder. But Calum quickly swatted it away, feeling the abrupt impact on your forearm. 
“I don’t need your fucking help!” Calum hissed. “Just do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone today.” You felt a little defeated, dropping your hand as your heart sank into your stomach. 
“But what about yesterday?” You whispered, fondly recalling the sick Maori boy give you a hug in gratitude for taking care of him. 
“Nothing happened yesterday,” Calum said coolly, opening the door and stepping into its frame. “So shut up already and hurry up.” With that, Calum rushed out of the suite and left you feeling a little torn. 
‘Thank you for choosing to stay with me.’ How can he say that and claim it was nothing? You felt the strong urge to cry, but you didn’t want Ashton and the other boys to see it. But you felt a little defeated after yesterday’s win. Did Calum really think nothing of it? You willingly stayed for him instead of watching Michael show off his amazing guitar skills.
“Y/N!” A voice interrupted your thoughts as Michael Clifford stood in the doorway of the suite. “What’re you standing around for? C’mon then!” 
“I’m going!” You insisted, smiling as Michael went and wrapped his arm over your shoulder. He walked the both of you out and closed the door behind you two before leading you down the hallway. Guards quickly surrounded you as you all entered the elevator and began descending the floors. 
“Is everything alright?” Michael asked softly as the elevator was taking you down. “You held back a bit and I got a bit worried.”
“It’s alright, I was just double checking to make sure I had everything I needed,” you lied, patting your pocket with your key card, phone, and wallet.
“Rad,” Michael said, taking your lie with a polite smile. 
“Hey, can I ask you something?” You began as the elevator finally came to a stop and the doors opened. The guards led you out of it as several screaming fans came into sound. 
“Shoot,” Michael said in your ear. 
“What does Calum’s pick look like?” You pondered into Michael’s ear. 
“Oh, it looks just like the rest of ours,” Michael began, shifting into his pocket to reveal a black pick with his printed name and signature engraved in gold. “The rest of us don’t use ours as often, but Calum uses his every single performance.” 
“So it’s gonna have ‘Calum Hood’ and his signature?” You asked for confirmation. 
“Yeah, his signature is just his first name and a smiley face beside it,” Michael mused, having you giggle as the two of you were finally led outside to the black Jeep awaiting you. 
“Sorry for holding you guys back!” You apologized, going in first as Michael let you. You were in the back now between Michael and Ashton as Calum and Luke took the middle seats already. Calum scoffed a bit as the car was turned on and began pulling away from the hotel and mob of fans. 
You all made it to the stadium in which the concert was being held, having you completely breathless and awestruck from the largeness of it. Fans were waiting behind the bars at the entrance, having the boys get out of the car first to greet the fans. But you were a little hesitant, as they were not your fans and didn’t exactly know who you were. 
“C’mon now,” Ashton asked, offering his hand to you to help you out of the car. 
“I’m a little scared, you guys are greeting them right now...”
“Yeah well, when else are you gonna come out the car and watch us practice?” Ashton humored, having you giggle before taking his hand and exiting the car. “Just stay next to me, alright? All you need to do is smile and say hi.” 
“Okay...” you say with uncertainty in your voice. Leaving the car, you were introduced to multiple fans screaming the boys’ names and pleading for autographs. But you listened to Ashton and followed him, watching as he signed pictures and took photos.
“How’re you guys today?” Ashton asked them, receiving multiple excited responses in return. “I don’t think you guys have met her just yet, but this is my cousin, Y/N. She’s the ‘mystery girl’ that’s been joining us on our tour.” You blushed a bit before waving sheepishly. The fans went insane and offered hugs to you. 
“Were you the one who took care of Calum?” One of them chirped, having you gulp while your heart raced. 
“How’d you hear about that?” 
“Michael tweeted yesterday about it!” Another one informed. Damn, you thought. I really should get on Twitter more. 
“Uh, yeah, I did take care of him last night,” you admitted shyly, receiving a lot of ‘thank you’ and ‘yay’ from the fans as you took several photos and spoke with a lot of them. Ashton smiled warmly at the interactions as you resumed greeting. 
“Okay boys, let’s go,” one of the executive managers called out, having all of you hurry up the greetings as you went to enter the stadium with the boys. As you did, you glanced over to see Calum at your right, looking distantly with a frown as the entrance was finally closed behind you. 
“Y/N, come look at my guitar!” You were summoned by Michael, who was on stage for soundcheck. The other boys were doing the same, but Michael was the only one with his guitar plugged in to play aloud. 
“Its very lovely,” you comment, staring at the shiny, sapphire guitar that Michael was holding. He smiled widely, having you smile in return. 
“Sit over here,” Michael urged, grabbing your hand to sit you on the large amplifier nearby. Crossing your legs a bit, you watched as Michael plugged in his guitar to it and began to play. He was strumming the chords to Lost Boy.
“Oh my gosh!” You freaked out, feeling the loudness from your bottom as the loud sound sent vibrations from below. Michael began laughing out loud as he started playing the pre-chorus. 
“I’m coming because I need to find you!” Michael began to sing, dancing around you as you contorted your body to keep your eyes on him. “Is anybody there, who can rescue somebody like me? ‘Cos I’m just waiting for somebody like you, somebody like you-- without you I’m a lost boy!” He stopped playing, allowing you to sit there and applaud him. 
“That was amazing!” You entertain, smiling widely as Michael bowed and smiled in return. He put his guitar behind his back and went to pick you up. “Michael-- Michael!” You shouted, playfully hitting his back to have him put you down. 
“I’m just so glad you liked it!” Michael cheered, hugging your thighs tight as he spun you in circles. The two of you laughed so hard as Michael stopped due to himself getting wildly dizzy. 
“Hey.” Michael turned you both around to see a hotheaded Calum stare at the both of you sternly. “D’you mind not distracting Michael, Y/N? We have a show to practice for.” Slowly, Michael put you down as the both of you stared at Calum sheepishly. Luke and Ashton were looking over, too, giving you sympathetic stares as you slowly began to trot off stage. 
“M’sorry, boys...” you whispered shyly as you led yourself off the stage and off to backstage where the team was working to make the concert perfect. Shoving your hands into your pockets, you glance back to see Michael yelling at Calum with inaudible words. Calum stuck with his moody face as he let Michael yell his words. You widened your eyes at the realization as to why Calum was this upset. 
So, you set yourself on a mission to find Calum’s pick to change his mood. 
19:54 P.M.
Where can this pick be? You’d been searching restlessly around backstage to find Calum’s pick. You’ve been searching box after box, lifting several wires, and even asked around for the small object. But still, you were stumped with no leads whatsoever. Especially with backstage being so dim, there was no way that you were going to find that pick with ease. 
“Y/N!” You heard your name suddenly called. You rose from the ground where you were searching around a pile of aux cords and turned to see Ashton smile down at you. He was already styled hair and clothe-wise, and had his earpiece in his ear. 
“Ash!” You say excitedly. “A few minutes ‘til the show, eh? Are you nervous?” 
“Just a bit, but that’s the usual adrenaline from excitement!” Ashton mused, smiling as the sold-out stadium roared the bands name. “It’s always so amazing to perform in front of people who support us completely.” 
“I can’t even manage it,” you say, smiling at how fond Ashton was with the fans and how they stand behind his career. “Where are the other boys?” 
“They’re standing at left wing over there.” Ashton pointed at the boys, which caught their attention and had Luke and Michael wave at you happily. Calum was looking distantly at the crowd, seeming bothered by something that you figured was his missing lucky pick. 
“Mm, and you get on stage first right?” You asked, receiving a nod from Ashton. You anxiously wanted the show to begin already so you can look for Calum’s pick. “That’s rad.”
“Uh, Y/N?” Ashton began, having you look up into his hazel eyes. “Why are you looking for Calum’s pick so hastily? He has another pick, he doesn’t need the lucky one.” 
“I just want to be helpful,” you mumbled, your eyes looking down to scan the floor around you. “He seems bothered about it and I just don’t like that he is. It sounds stupid as he hasn’t treated me the best, but I simply don’t like that face he has on right now.” You sniffled a bit from frustration to think that the pick might not even be around at all. You then suddenly felt a pat on the head from a familiar hand. 
“You’ve been so kind to Calum ever since you’ve arrived in our tour,” Ashton cooed, keeping his hand firmly on your head. “Don’t fret about this one little thing so much, okay? You’ve already done more than enough for him. Even if he doesn’t appear to like you, I am very sure he is gracious for what you’ve done for him so far.” 
“Thank you...” you whispered, running into Ashton’s arms for a big hug. He wrapped his arms around you for a genuine embrace before a worker called for him to get on stage. “Go out there and rock it, loser.” 
“Will do, dork,” Ashton joked, getting a soft punch on the shoulder from you before he darted on stage with his drumsticks. You watched as the boys one by one joined Ashton on stage as the crowd became deafening. Closing your distraction from that, you begin crossing off the places you’ve searched and tried thinking of other places where it could be. 
His bass case! That’s it!
You rushed into Calum’s dressing room (with no consent, of course) and scanned around the room for the case. It took you several minutes as you had to go through multiple piles of clothing and chip bag wrappings. But finally, after a good half hour, you found the case in the shower of the bathroom. 
“Calum sure is something,” you mumbled to yourself as you brought the large case into the small living room that Calum had. Sitting on the couch, you search through the entire case, inside-out for the pick. But you checked all the pockets and small hidden holes where the pick could be. You felt a little defeated as sweat began to stream down your head from nerves. “Fuck...” you muttered, holding the case by its strap as you sat there in thought. Your eyes began playing around, scanning the pitch black thing until you noticed a different texture. 
“What is...” Your index finger gently rubbed against the smooth texture, which was entirely different from the thread-like texture of the strap. It was stuck through some of the threading as you grabbed hold of it and yanked it out of the thread. Turning it around, you saw Calum’s full name and his signature engraved in gold. 
Right beside the signature, a cute little smiley face. 
I’ve got to get this to Calum! 
Your heart was racing as you stood at left wing where Calum was performing. Sweat was dripping down his body, highlighting all those toned muscles that you could help but get infatuated with. He was singing passionately, but his posture was bad, his back completely slumped like his mood. 
C’mon, Y/N... just call for him! With great hesitation, you held the hem of your t-shirt with your free hand and called as loudly as you can. 
“Calum!” You called, seeing as your yelling was not good enough. “Calum!” You tried once more, but the crowd combined was much louder than your one voice. Sighing, you found yourself growing frustrated from this somehow daunting situation. 
You found yourself stuck between two options: standing there and doing nothing, or getting on stage and handing it to him yourself. But you couldn’t dare get on that stage could you? 
Could you...?
Dammit, fine! You lifted your legs of jelly and dashed right on the stage. As you were finally inches away from Calum for him to hear you, you found yourself getting distracted by the thousands of fans that now have their eyes and cameras on you. Stage fright doesn’t necessarily exist with you as you haven’t tested it before, but truth be told, you now know that the stage life is definitely not for you. But you weren’t on stage for no reason, so you called out to Calum as loud as you can. 
“Calum!” You screamed, relieved that his name finally escaped your lips. Calum turned to stare at you, horror filling his eyes as he continued playing Waste The Night. Your heart was close to ripping out of your chest as Calum stared at you with this strange intensity. 
“Get the fuck off stage!” Calum scolded, having that echo loudly in the stadium by accident. But he was so focused at being angry at you that he didn’t realize how much attention he got all of a sudden. You felt like crying, but you had to give him the item you were searching for the entire time for him. 
Sheepishly, you offered Calum his pick and dropped your head down to stare at the floor shamefully. Please take it so I can leave... Silence entered your mind as you waited for Calum to take the stupid pick. You could feel Luke, Ashton, and Michael staring at you with the thousands of fans that had come here to watch them perform. 
Thankfully, the pick was finally out of your grasp and you quickly turned around and escaped the stage. You dropped down to your knees once you were deep backstage and alone. You were out of breath, and your brain was playing all sorts of thoughts as you shut your eyes and quietly cried.
23:05 P.M.
Music quickly came to an end as you leaned against the wall by the back exit of the stadium. Ashton had told you before the concert begun to wait there when the concert ended. So there we you, still a bit bloated from the tears and shaky from the experience you willingly caused and endured. You let out a shaky breath, but quickly had to collect yourself as the boys’ voices suddenly rang in the staircase of the exit. 
“You there, Y/N?” Luke called out. 
“Down here!” You responded, tapping your cheeks a few more times before turning to watch the boys rush down. They were still dripping with sweat, but the adrenaline was still kicking in their blood. “You boys killed it!” 
“Thanks, Y/N!” Ashton, Luke, and Michael said in sync before rushing down to pull you in a sweaty group hug. 
“Ungh, you guys are so gross!” You groaned, feeling a bit of sweat on your arms as they boys detached and laughed. You glanced up to see Calum trot down the stairs quietly, refusing to leave his gaze on the floor. You quickly looked away from him to look up at Ashton. 
“So I see you found the pick for him,” Ashton mumbled, having you nod awkwardly as you watched your twiddling thumbs. You felt a hand pat down on your head and ruffle your hair a bit. “Good job.” 
“Seriously, that was really cool of you to do, Y/N!” Michael cheered as he gently nudged your shoulder. “When Calum took it from you, he was having a blast and running around the stage!” Before Michael could gush some more, though, the Jeep honked from the other side of the exit. 
“That’s our ride!” Ashton pointed out. “We’re going to a Finnish bar to celebrate tonight's concert-- the usual. Wanna come with us, Y/N?”
“Um...” you began, very hesitant about the idea of being in the same building as Calum... again. But you really did want to celebrate with the boys as they seemed very ecstatic and longed for your appearance. “I guess so, yeah.”
“Yay!” Muke cheered as they shook your shoulders and dashed out the door. Ashton trailed behind them, watching as the three giddily approach the Jeep. You start for the door as well, but you were suddenly halted by a gentle tug by the back of the hem of your shirt. 
“H-huh--” you began, staying still as the hand let go of your shirt and the hem went loose once more. Footsteps were heard behind you as you saw the head of a shadow much taller than you. 
“Hold on for a sec.” The voice of the Calum Hood rang through as you turned around and looked up at the almond-eyed bass player. 
aha, please tell me whatcha guys think here, if ya want! thank you for all the support in my writing, like it’s beyond me how grateful i am! 
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#34)
And we continue with 5x11, the stage is set for quite a playoff episode, and i am HERE FOR IT.
my reactions / recap / flailing under the cut
Omg there are “welcome home Tim” signs up?? Poor Luke is jealous of Becky and Tim talking.
Damn, Tim definitely seems fucked up from prison from just that convo with Becky about the Landing Strip alone. Tortured boy.
Aw, we love to see excited Eric with a bunch of excited East Dillon Lions in the locker room after a winning playoff game!
Anddddd here come the budget cuts to burst the bubble. “Anyone need a donut? Some of you won’t have a job next semester.” Damn worst he’s seen it in 27 years? “Anyway, uh...pray.” Damn.
“Where’s the union in all of this, you know?” damn, they have a union at this Texas school? That’s good, but it seems like a weak one, which i’m not surprised about because, again...Texas.
OOOOH Tami’s getting recruited to a Philly college and they’ll fly her out to interview her?
LOL the dudes are yelling “state, state, state!” jumping up and down in their front yard? “Get out of my front yard, you’re making me look bad!” this is so wholesome.
Oh jesus poor Vince, his dad is trying to bring alcohol home when his mom is a recovering addict? What a selfish fuck! “I just don’t know.” OK BYE.
Ahhh Smash Williams is on the TV, playing football in a professional game while Tim Riggins works at Buddy’s bar...this show is just *chef’s kiss*
Oh he sounds so sad and “meh” as Buddy tries to make small talk about Smash’s success. Oh my poor Tim.
OH Jess noooo you taped another team in the division? The fear and drive in her eyes as she nervously tells a very stressed Eric she wants to be a coach herself...I love that.
REALLY? One of the coaches had to do the laughing and “you’ll never be a football coach.” “What, because I’m a girl?” “I didn’t say that.” “Yeah, you did.”
OMG I’m dying, the subtitles while Luke and Becky make out on the coach say SMOOCHING. Adorable!
“Don’t stop for me.” Wow, growth for Becky that Tim is the one walking in on her relationship now. “Use protection this time.” MUST YOU TIM?
Oh shit, football is “revenue neutral.” Truly wild that Tami, Eric, and Levi are having a convo about the whole program possibly being cut while the team loudly celebrates making it to the quarter finals all around them! The visuals in this show are superb.
The sound of “all the way to state, all the way to state, all the way to state!” in the background as the camera focuses on Tami and Eric, watching over everything with sighs on their faces. They carry so much for this town and this team.
Oh shit it’s Bryn Mawr she wants to interview at? And omg they want to interview on the Friday of the semi-final. It’s all happening!
Oh yes some high-stress practice in the pouring rain while Eric has budget cuts and Tami’s interview on his mind!
Okay i get you’re stressed Eric, but calling Jess a “pest” for showing you an article of a female football coach is not it! Although it is WILD Jess took a physical newspaper clipping out to show Eric in the pouring rain. I love her.
Yes, Billy, you are def on the chopping block with these budget cuts. But LOL at him making fun of that dude who repeats everything everyone else said
Tim is so much quieter and more stoic. It tracks. Billy, are you really surprised he doesn’t want to relive his former glory days rn? (Although i have a lil feeling Tim will show up at this game at the last minute!)
Oh shit they’re on Billy’s front lawn now? This is so cute, the parallel moments of “wait a minute, I hear something” and coming outside to find this team with so much heart!
Oh wow they are getting BOOED at this away game. You know they’re good now!
“You never saw so many people so quiet.” I love Vince and his mom’s relationship so much, my heart.
Oh god is daddy all drunk kissing up on his wife who is SOBER? Sir, what do you not understand about sobriety?
Oop and he’s got “gifts.” What shit is he back into?
Wow, hands on the mom and he’s clearly dropped the drugs he’s flipping. There it is.
Yes to the BBQ people asking if the MOM is alright and kicking the dad’s sorry ass out. That’s how we do it.
I really love the way they’re transitioning through this period of playoffs—the locker room updates to their progress with the radio in the background, the chants after each win — then making way for Eric dropping Tami off at the airport. Semifinals are here.
“The time when I need you the most?” “You really gonna bring this up now, on the way to the airport?” Tami’s right, she’s been nothing but straightforward all along! Tami supports you, Eric, let her have her fucking moment.
“Well, you’re kicking my ass.” “Yes, that’s right. Your ass needs some kicking.” “Who’s going to cook dinner for me?” “Oh, poor baby. Gracie.” LMAOOOO yes Tami! Get him! I’m dying.
Okay, Eric, you are forgiven—he looked up the female football coach to talk to Jess about but got the last name wrong!
“14,000 high school football coaches in the country, and that’s one. One out of 14,000. You like those odds?” “No, I think they kind of stink.” “So do I.” Awwww.
“I’m not asking to play.” YES JESS! I love the growth she’s shown over her two seasons. Now she knows what she wants! And her persistence is paying off—Eric’s gonna let her shadow him?! My heart!
Damn Tim is VERY bothered by Becky working at the family business (The Landing Strip.)
Oh God what i feel like Tim sees in “one of Becky’s regular customers” is someone he has an excuse to let out his aggression on. He’s clearly just so fucked up by his life not being what he wanted it to be—and by even the life of those he loved and left behind on the outside not being what he wants for them.
“She’s 17 years old!!!! A high school junior!” I mean, FAIR. Fair fucking point.
Oh fuck this emotional scene between Tim and Billy in the parking lot...DAMN that was a hard punch in the face Tim just gave Billy.
WOW Tim is gonna hold onto taking the fall for Billy for a long time. Fuck. “For the rest of my life, if that’s how I feel it needs to be.”
Billy looks so fucking sad on his knees in the parking lot.
Regina changed the locks! Yes gurl, do not let that man back into your home!
He’s trying to break down the door...oh honey, no. “You’re blowing it, Pop!” I’m so proud of Regina for standing up for herself and Vince.
The visual of Luke riding up next to Tim’s car, and then driving past Becky and Tim fighting, as they pause to watch him go...ART. Also, why is Tim so resolutely like “I got to go. I got to go.” Intrigued.
“There’s only gonna be one football team in Dillon next year.” “Well, which program are they cutting?” “That’s next week’s fight.” DAMN. So much is happening in one night!
Yep, Eric just summed it up to that reporter: “One of those teams is going to state. And i don’t think you’re gonna eliminate a team that goes to state.” They’re fighting for the very existence of their team AND the state championship in one! This show!
Oh wow Luke does NOT want to hear Becky’s apology. Oh nooo!
Aw Regina and Vince communicating about how she needs to “take a meeting” so she can’t come to the game and him saying that’s more important...again, the growth! My heart!
OH they made up Braemore? Really sounded like Bryn Mawr LOL. Go Tami!!!
(These white dudes do not want to hear a woman saying they should rethink their approach. STOP YELLING AT HER, SHE’S RIGHT.)
Oh Mindy, crying at Tim not to go, about how much Billy cries at night, how much they both love Tim. IM EMOTIONAL
“You’re different, you know that?” “Yeah. I am.” ABOLISH PRISONS.
DAMN this semi final game is a NAILBITER
They did it at the last minute, YES!!! Nothing beats the excitement on the team’s faces as they embrace!
Damn Tim returning to his old trailer? Drinking beers alone and doing very not well as he listens to the radio static. Sigh, poor angsty boy.
Aw the woman who interviewed Tami is so kind. Telling her she did well at dinner.
I literally gasped then went AHHH! when the college dude came to dinner and Tami’s all politely like “thanks for the opportunity!” And the guy’s like, “yeah yeah i have two kids to put to bed, anyway we’re offering you that old asshole’s job.” “Dean of Admissions???” YES QUEEN
Damn Eric and Tami are BOTH killing the game, what a fucking power couple.
Eric has the whiteboard on the bus to accompany this “we’re going to state” chant. Amazing.
“We missed the field house.” “We’re not going to the field house.” OMG all their fans are waiting outside to cheer for them as they return?? How beautiful!
Oh my poor babe Vince, all he wants is to know his mom is safe.
YES he found his mom! My heart dropped when Vince’s face betrayed some fear he couldn’t find her. I’m so glad they can celebrate together, oh my heart.
And then you see Eric looking around for Tami, lost because she’s across the country contemplating a life-changing job offer...WOW. Two episodes left and the deck is truly STACKED. This show is art.
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