#jesse has adhd for sure like with no doubt. he’s so coded
icat4ever · 2 years
Do you think Aaron Paul knows we think Jesse is a Transmasc icon? Like does he know we headcanon Jesse as a Transmasc bisexual adhd man? Like does he know we call him baby girl and meow meow? Does he know we wanna hold him tightly? Like ? Does he know ?
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icat4ever · 2 years
Jesse is so ADHD coded it makes my brain fart out loud. Like everything Hshrjsgreiks the things people say about him are shit people said to me. The laziness, stupid, pathetic.
We’re also prone to drug addiction and pressure can really get to our head. We feel as if people are against us, talk before we think. Are impulsive. LIKE ITS ALL HIM. I CAN NAME ALL THE DSM5 CRITERIA AND KTS JESSE. Like I can’t even believe. It’s insane and I love him. I’ll probably do an analysis on it soon so I get my ideas a bit clearer but my god it’s so funny to me
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icat4ever · 2 years
Jesse is bisexual. He has to be. this is man child is NOT straight. He’s a leftist socialist. Like he’s a drug addict, no way he’s a right winger cis straight man. Like look at him. Like adhd bisexual with heavy sensory issues (that’s why he wears oversized clothing) he smokes bc it makes his brain calm as opposed to when he’s not high and his adhd makes his brain crowded as hell. This is true, it’s canon, Vince Gilligan called me to confirm. I swear he showers, he just looks like that. His parents didn’t care that Jesse had trouble at school during elementary, they thought he was lazy.
Jesse definitely cried on his first day of school and latched onto his parents legs and his mom kicked him in the head and threw him in class it’s true I saw it. She said “ew a cockroach”. Nah but fr his teacher would call his parents about his behaviour and they would get mad at him. The school recommended a adhd diagnosis and his dad “that shit ain’t real”
He also hates right clothes bc he feels trapped in them. Fr he’s hot. He kissed one of male students in his class (no homo) and realized he likes guys and the guy made fun of Jesse. I headcanon he was an unpopular shy guy.
WALTER THE PIECE OF SHIT WOULD CALL JESSE MR POPULAR AND SAY “I know you don’t give a shit about my class bc ur cool and popular or Whatever” and the students would laugh but not at Walter but at Jesse bc he had no friends. He would eat in walters class headcanon.
He’s so stupid (affectionate) I love my baby girl
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icat4ever · 2 years
Why jesse has adhd
Inattentive Type Diagnosis Criteria
• Displays poor listening skills
Always let’s me honest
• Loses and/or misplaces items needed to complete activities or tasks
• Sidetracked by external or unimportant stimuli
Yes omfg
• Forgets daily activities
I mean true kinda
• Diminished attention span
• Lacks ability to complete schoolwork and other assignments or to follow instructions
Idk but true
• Avoids or is disinclined to begin homework or activities requiring concentration
I mean.. true
• Fails to focus on details and/or makes thoughtless mistakes in schoolwork or assignments
I mean Walter always Yells at him for being stupid and missing simple things
Hyperactive/ Impulsive Type Diagnosis Criteria
Hyperactive Symptoms:
• Squirms when seated or fidgets with feet/hands
• Marked restlessness that is difficult to control
• Appears to be driven by “a motor” or is often “on the go”
Umm yes
• Lacks ability to play and engage in leisure activities in a quiet manner
Incapable of staying seated in class
Idk lol
• Overly talkative
• Difficulty waiting turn
I’m not sure but I think so probably impatient
• Interrupts or intrudes into conversations and activities of others
Idk I don’t remember fully but I bet he does
• Impulsively blurts out answers before questions completed
Additional Requirements for Diagnosis
• Symptoms present prior to age 12 years
Idk but his parents said he was difficult and he struggled in school probably not just bc of drugs so probably
• Symptoms not better accounted for by a different psychiatric disorder (e.g., mood disorder, anxiety disorder) and do not occur exclusively during a psychotic disorder (e.g., schizophrenia)
Adhd is usually a Co-morbid disorder so anxiety could be but it’s like that even sober
• Symptoms not exclusively a manifestation of oppositional behavior
Don’t think so at all, people used to think that but the traits don’t line up
• Patient meets both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive criteria for the past 6 months
I mean the show last Longer
Predominantly Inattentive Type:
• Patient meets inattentive criterion, but not hyperactive/impulse criterion, for the past 6 month
He’s both
Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Type:
• Patient meets hyperactive/impulse criterion, but not inattentive criterion, for the past 6 months
He’s both
Symptoms may be classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on symptom severity
Probably severe or moderate
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icat4ever · 2 years
God will make you a millionaire, yes yes /j
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