jesslynbluetarot · 9 months
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I'm back at it. Let's chat.
On October 31st of 2023, Jesslyn Blue Tarot was booked to read tarot for the comedic event, "Marley & Esther Are Psychics!" This was at Union Hall in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. A truly dope spot. It was a comedy show where they wanted to throw in some divination to the mix. Surprised? I was definitely thrilled. As a comedy improver who performed and studied with LA Connection Theater, an actor, and a tarot reader, I felt like this was a little slice of heaven.
Who else would want to use all three of those skills that I have, at once? It doesn't happen very often, I will tell you that.
(Sidebar: I did blend acting with tarot reading for the Mongo DB booking, but only in terms of reading the script for the promotional video and staying in character as I genuinely read the tarot cards.)
The show took place in the basement of the venue, so Brooklyn, so New York, love it. It is a small world down there with one bar and lavish red curtains and the stage... with the lights shining and ready to go.
When I arrived, I knew where I was going. I've attended a comedy show here in the past. There were some people there, chatting in the seat, but not a packed house... yet.
Mingling backstage was all good vibes and show prep. We hyped each other up and made sure we knew our cues, times, etc.
Something told me the house was going to be packed...
And it was.
They even had a comedian who headlined his own Comedy Central special. Go on with your bad self.
I'm comfortable on stage. It's been enough years that it could be called a second home. My mama always said I had something to say. So when the time came to jump up on stage and riff with the hosts with the most, it was great!
Everyone wants to know their future, even comics.
Even audience members.
Although, sir, who came on stage, I'm sorry to have to tell you that about your mother-in-law. Wish it was different, but it will be a growing experience. Maybe you both can find a middle ground.
I hope that information helps calm the storm.
Of course, once my portion ended, I stayed to watch the rest of the show as an audience member.
Who doesn't like laughter? I know I do.
Thank you for having me!
Jesslyn Blue Tarot
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So my sister is visiting us this weekend and she reads tarot(you can book a professional reading with her here😉) https://instagram.com/jesslynbluetarot?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
So she has this new deck that’s not tarot but similar to tarot. It doesn’t require a question being asked. Anyway the card she pulled for me said something along the lines of “Trust in timing, everything will work out in the end😌” and that was so comforting to hear. I need to stop subconsciously worrying or ruminating. I need to just focus on the moment and what I can do tomorrow. And what is within my power to change. And I’m glad the universe gave me this little sign😌
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jesslynbluetarot · 9 months
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Originally posted: 6.19.23 on jesslynbluetarot.com
Here I am. Back on the Jesslyn Blue Tarot blog to talk about, drum roll please...
Jesslyn Blue Tarot has been doing pop-ups at Secret Pour and would like to make a friendly reminder that Jesslyn Blue Tarot is open to be booked for events and venues. Please send me an email and let's set it up!
Now, the first pop-up was for their 2022 New Year's Gatsby Gala, a 20's themed New Year's Eve party. Wait, I'm moving too fast.
Let's talk about Secret Pour. This bar has been open for about a year or more in Brooklyn, NY. The owners, Roberto and Jaime, are wonderful, social people that built this business from the ground up. It started as underground parties in their basement and they dreamed bigger, okay! They had the guts. They have years of working in hospitality, bartending specifically, and in managerial restaurant positions, in New York City. 
This bar is different, okay, because it is a blend of Roberto and Jaime. Their personalities and art and cultural preferences shine. I walked in one day and they were playing Donnie Darko on the TV with subtitles, wow. Yes, it has a bar like every other bar - but it is the atmosphere, the people, the drinks, the pool table.... and the secret door that opens to a performance space where hip-hop bounces off the walls, poetry weaves webs under low lights, creatives are exchanging unfurling ideas, everyone feels accepted, and culture is constantly blooming.  
Jesslyn Blue Tarot was honored to pop up at Secret Pour for their Great Gatsby Gala and their one-year anniversary on May 13th, 2023. Thank you for having me in your space!
No one wants to hear every single detail, therefore highlights!
1st Pop-Up: Hands clasping in anticipation! What a party, ya'll. I was set up in the back towards the pool table. It was practical and a perfect spot. I felt right in on the action, but not right in on the action where it would be too crowded and noisy eventually, because yes, it got PACKED! That was a super busy night for the bar and Jesslyn Blue Tarot. At times, I barely had a moment to use the restroom, and small lines for readings formed. There were 20's dancers scattered throughout the bar and we cheered when the ball dropped with a unified champagne toast! Thank you to all who came through to get a reading and just to say hello!
I had to stop doing tarot after about 4-5 hours, then I joined in on the festivities. Did an impromptu photoshoot out front with some amazing, creative women! 
2nd Pop-Up:  The one-year anniversary was definitely for the culture, for New York City, for Brooklyn, and for the people. I was situated near the front of the bar but still near the back by the secret door. I used one of their booths this time and had a cute red lamp as my ambiance. There was a Supreme Bars event happening in the secret room. I was jamming, okay, hip hop culture lives. Hip-hop is the daughter of poetry, ya dig? I'm very multi-talent in that my first love is poetry and performing it. It saved my life since childhood. 
I spoke to a few people that approached my table, but this time they were hesitant. That's okay. We spoke briefly but amicably and even shook hands. Some sat down to chat and commend me for knowing a special skill that they have no idea about. When the people started wanting readings, they were wonderful. The best querents a tarot reader could ask for. They weren't so skeptical that they made the reading unpleasant nor did they talk over me, they were ready to receive and hear the messages. As a tarot reader, that is all I ask for. Please receive, process, and do what you feel is best with the information and guidance that has been provided. 
Beyond a doubt, I had the pleasure of helping people who were grateful and enjoyed intellectual conversations about life and our inner growth. If you're reading this, you guys were so great and truly blessed me with being able to talk to you, get to know you, and help you. 
Oh, I also closed up my pop-up shop and decided to play some rounds of pool after 4-5 hours of tarot reading. I didn't win, but I came close, okay, super close. Such is life. Next time!
For More Info:  Secret Pour Website / Secret Pour Instagram
Jesslyn Blue Tarot Instagram has tarot photos and reels from all the events to check out!
More pop-ups for the future, here Jesslyn Blue Tarot comes! If you want tarot at your next event or venue from Jesslyn Blue Tarot... Hit my email and let's chat, heal, expand, and help each other. 
- Jesslyn Blue Tarot
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jesslynbluetarot · 9 months
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Originally posted: 5.30.22 on jesslynbluetarot.com
Greetings, beautiful souls!
I am proud to announce that I am offering weekly general collective readings on my Jesslyn Blue Tarot Instagram! These readings are channeling the general collective, they are not personal readings. Please take what resonates and leave the rest behind. If it is not your story, then it is not your story. Another may feel differently and need the message for guidance. Ashe.
That being said, these weekly readings will be quick! I call them general quickies. They will be posted as reels, therefore only a minute max. I'm doing my best to condense the message and just go, bam, here you go. I hope it helps those whom it needs to help out there in the universe! 
3 - 4 videos will be posted weekly. I'm mixing it up, okay! 
I'm also doing longer general readings via my Jesslyn Blue Tarot YouTube channel. I've upgraded my technology. Check it out.
As always, if you would like to book a personal reading: 
Tarot Services Explained
- Jesslyn Blue Tarot
P.S. I took this photo of my old roommate's cat. That cat was amazing and adored my tarot cards. <3
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jesslynbluetarot · 9 months
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Originally posted: 11.7.21 on jesslynbluetarot.com
Photo Cred: IG @kevinliangphotos
How did I get here?
Reading tarot cards? Oracle Cards? Pendulums? Astrodice? For friends and family in living rooms and kitchen tables and project apartment floors to Jesslyn Blue Tarot?
This website? Reading tarot for a major tech company in California? Doing personal readings on Zoom and pop-ups and event bookings? Everything? 
Tarot was, simply put, one outlet. 
Ever since I was a child, I knew there was more to this world than what we could see. There was more than the physical... I was experiencing unexplainable things at a young age, unsure of what was even happening to me. It felt familiar, yet confusing. Fun, yet uncontrollable. My hunches in college always turned out to be right. The rest of our friends did forget their I.D.'s in a haste to leave the dorms and now they can't get in, therefore we all came in the same car and now we all leave in the same car. I never ordered one drink. Something told me we weren't staying very long. 
The only thing I could think of was the esoteric, spiritual, and ancient. It must make it make sense. I was green, but I was on the right path. The online information I found felt jumbled and inconclusive, possibly too mature for my young mind, also realize, it was the time of dial-up internet. My sights turned to library books and any books I could find at Barnes & Noble, thrift stores, and occult-specific shops. 
One lucky day... I found a small, pocket-sized tarot deck. It included a concise guidebook. That day swung a door wide open within me that could never be closed... The pursuit of the unknown. Most of the knowledge I have accumulated on spirituality, psychic abilities, the craft, and divination tools have been through personal experiences, reading, consulting other psychics, reiki healers, tarot readers, spiritualists, and seeking many answers from within myself. 
It's no joke when people say: all answers are within. 
Through meditations, trances, and shroom journeys, I have only enhanced my overall wellbeing, spiritual understanding, and spiritual gifts. 
My parents were raised to practice the Christian religion. My mother, a devout churchgoer every Sunday; a part of the community, constantly a helping hand. She would take my pentacle necklaces off. Warned me of what I may be dabbling into. It was such ignorance and miscommunication. 
But I felt at home in my new studies with my tarot cards. They were a constant companion. 
There was a period of solitary study before anyone was aware of my tarot deck. 
When stepping into anything esoteric... that differs from the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions that people were raised in, it is a shift in one's perception of the world around them. You are entering a new world. You may still be in the same world, but it is not the same anymore.  
The more aware I became... practiced my tarot, built my confidence, purchased more books, spoke with older readers... the more I shouted to the rooftops what I could do with tarot. Offered tarot readings after my poetry features. Offered tarot readings on our lunch breaks during acting gigs. On breaks at modeling gigs. People formed lines. I met amazing individuals. Got follow-up DMs. Phone calls. Texts. It was a sense of serving a purpose that filled and motivated me. 
I told anyone and everyone that I was offering tarot readings. When entering a poetry event or a film festival cocktail hour, I mentioned my tarot services. Mentioned how I wanted to help. Give these divine messages. Give this guidance. I enjoy reading tarot, connecting to the divine, and being of help to someone's journey.
When an audition came along for a tarot reader in December of 2020, I hopped on it. Enough said. They were impressed and I was booked for Mongo DB's virtual "Reinvent." My gratitude to them and Malka Media! Ashe! That experience pushed me forward. Think bigger, I told myself. 
But there were many bumps along this road. Abusive partners that downplayed my abilities and were energy vampires. Family members that weren't very supportive. These dark times required delving inside of myself to secure a solid footing in who I was and what I knew to be true with all of my being. Reconfirming what I was currently capable of and what the future also had in store regarding the evolution of my capabilities. How do I do this without a brick-and-mortar establishment? I'm a SAG-AFTRA actor. I work long hours on sets. I do comedy improv. I model. I'm a poet. A writer. An artist. An American gypsy in this crazy world. Gig work. Etc. Clients may be far away. How do we reach each other? How do I set liveable rates that are also affordable for a divination practice? That, too, was super conflicting. Some would scoff. Even told me I should never charge for a tarot reading. It was a gift to keep on giving. I needed to always be able to help people.
Mind you, all of this I have absolutely reflected on as I moved into taking my tarot skills more seriously and actively advertising this business.  I am spiritual, but I am practical. We walk a fine line. Let's just say, I would never turn away a person in need.
Thus, jesslynbluetarot.com was born in September of 2021. Available for: live Zoom readings, emailed pre-recorded video readings, or event bookings. Even without the website, I'm happy to accept bookings via email: [email protected]. The right clients that need me are now able to easily find me. What is meant to be is meant to be... and it will never pass you by. 
Like I said, tarot, simply put, is one outlet. 
- Jesslyn Blue Tarot
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