#jesus fucking chriiiiiiiist
taonpest · 1 year
Holy shit PinocchioP's Anonymous M..........
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beskad · 11 months
i don't think writing was ever easy for me??
i think even in highschool, i was self-conscious and very much a perfectionist about it. i was a fast writer when it came to like, nonfiction/essays/research papers etc.
i've finally gotten to a point where like, i've done enough reading and researching and writing that i know i can, and i've even written some things i'm proud of but jesus fucking chriiiiiiiist
it takes me so, so, so long. and so much editing. it's so slow. and that feels so discouraging x_x
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ahalliance · 4 years
not tommy’s stream starting to become genuinely distressing to watch 😃
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c0rpseductor · 5 years
god i was smart to blacklist imperator for the time being, but people still arent reliably tagging like..........most content of the new video.............and a lot of it is focused on the big imperator reveal...........please.......
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bbugyu · 3 years
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holy god.
thank you SO SO SO SO MUCH for one thousand followers! i can't even express how happy i am right now - it's taken me a whole day to decide how i wanted to make this post 🤕
i wanted to do something fun for this milestone, because it's genuinely beyond my understanding that i hit it at all and i want to show my gratitude, but drabble games stress me out because i'm incredibly long winded (who would have guessed, based on the fact this entire paragraph so far is one run on sentence), so i came up with something better!
send me a member, a category, and a prompt, and i will write you a vignette of the moment the prompt is said.
these are short!! like, 2-3 paragraphs only. that's how i'm combatting my inability to just fucking end a fic already jesus chriIIIIIIIST JUST END IT!!! JUST SAY THE ENDDDD AND POST IT sorry i just ..... need to work on that LMFAO
i'll only do each prompt once, so it's first come first serve. feel free to send multiple, just make sure they are in different asks! i'm going to keep this game open for a while, so don't worry about being too late! i'm going to do my best to post these the day i receive the request, but please be lenient with me 😭 i work 50 hours a week.
all pronouns will be neutral, but when picking smut, please specify what genitalia you would prefer (v/p, afab/amab, or however you're comfortable doing so).
prompt list and example is under the cut!
this will also act as a masterlist for the ones i've already posted, so be sure to refresh before submitting a request to have the most updated list! if it is red and crossed out, i've received an ask for it already. again, i will only be writing one vignette per prompt.
fluff or smut
“give me a second and I’ll show you.”
“is it hot in here or is that just you?”
“i think i love you.” soonyoung
“hold my hand.”
“it’s not morning yet.”
“you were right here all along.”
“you don’t have to leave so soon.”
“you could put your feet in my lap, you know.”
“i wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“shut up and kiss me.”
“we could try cuddling.”
“stop being so cute.”
“i’m not leaving your side.”
“you should probably eat something.”
“when was the last time you slept?”
“can we stay like this forever?”
“please just kiss me already.”
“i missed you so much.”
“stop being grumpy, it’s boring.” soonyoung
“give me attention.”
“when i’m with you, i’m home.”
“that was kind of hot.”
“this is new.”
“would you just hold still?”
“they didn’t deserve you.”
“rumor has it, i make you nervous.” seungkwan
“are you flirting with me?” seokmin
“i love it when you moan my name.”
“let me give you a reason to stay in bed.”
“no underwear?”
“i want you now.”
“use your words.”
“do you like that?”
“you can get louder, can’t you?”
“look what you do to me.”
“i want to taste you.”
“tell me how you like it.”
“i just want to please you.”
“all of my thoughts about you are improper.”
“don’t be gentle.”
“i’ve never wanted anyone this badly before.”
“make me.”
“once we start, i might not be able to stop.”
“don’t give me that look.”
“try to stay quiet.”
“are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
“you’re hot when you’re mad.”
“stop distracting me.”
“tell me again.”
“if we get caught, i'll kill you.” wonwoo (ex.)
example request:
wonwoo, smut (afab), 51
warnings. choking
today wasn't the day you were expecting to be pushed up against the inner wall of a closet, lost in the labyrinth of a home that the contracting company you did runner work for spent a disproportionate amount of time remodeling compared to their other clients. sure, you had been hoping - not just today, either, you had hoped for this just about every day since you had been hired - but today was unexpected, because this project was in crunch, and your breath was ragged and you were positive that if wonwoo could actually see you in the dark, you would be embarrassed by your fucked out expression for the rest of your life, but you were there. you were getting absolutely fucked by your stud of a contractor boss in an empty closet. you were even on the clock, and you would have made a joke about how this must have made you a sex worker if you were capable of anything other than chanting his name as he snapped his hips into yours.
he slapped his hand over your mouth, pressing the back of your head into the wall as you whined, and suddenly, his face was right up against yours. your eyes widened, adjusting in the dark to study his furrowed brow and intense eyes, but you could have sworn you saw his lip quirk ever so slightly. you registered the sound of someone walking somewhere in the house, unable to decipher how close they were, but you were sure wonwoo had a better idea by the way his thrusting slowed
"if we get caught, i'll kill you," he muttered, and when your thighs and walls squeezed the parts of his body they were wrapped around, he let his hand fall from your mouth to wrap around the column of your throat as he pistoned into you like it was his job.
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antichrister · 5 years
jesus chriiiiiiiist i literally came across an “imagine post” about one of the columbine shooters and one of the girls he murdered and it’s literally just romanticising the shit out of him and also nazism for some bizarre reason? what the actual fuck is wrong with these people
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zaccrimart · 6 years
I’m Not Okay - My Chemical Romance
The Emo(tm) Song of the generation, god this song? This song has been through rollercoaster of emotions for me, jesus christ, JESUS CHRIIIIIIIIST It went from being a song I mildly liked, to a song  I listened to to spite the world bc of my emo angst and hatred, to a song that now reminds me of simpler times and lifts my spirits when I’m in a bad mood, it’s so dramatic? It makes me like gosh this teenage angst is literally so silly, it’s just such a good song as well? It can mean so much in so many different ways to so many people as songs usually do i just,, i love mcr haha
You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed
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