#jet sarasuke
heartonxions · 1 year
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fine by me
i never talk about jet and gajeel relationship but i think it could be a beautiful thing
some extra ramblings under the cut!
talking to bestie about how it be so cool and slaytastic if sg got injured on a mission in front of a helpless gajeel (who ofc has horrific guilt and has made it his life goal to never hurt them or be the cause) and i may flesh it out in a comic but just. gajeel bursting into their room delirious and so shaken up,, collapsing at the closest bed. like this whole thing is after years of building a trust and shit (i am delusional and just have my own timeline which is just .. longer time span bc i hate how fast everything was but whatever) but like,,, jet,,,, probably being the most overprotective of his team when gajeel first joined and the most aggressive,, it’s just . GARAHAAAHHGGG
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clumsydarknut · 5 years
Scripted Wishes
Chapter 3: Fairy Tail Theatre
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Lucy felt like her arm was going to come clean out of her shoulder socket if Natsu tried to run any faster. She silently cursed the heels she was sporting. The pinkette, though visibly ecstatic, couldn’t possibly be charging through the halls just because he was excited… could he?
Almost in answer to her question, Erza violently crashed through a nearby door whilst hastily tying her bangs up with a leopard print headband. Upperclassmen habitually jumped out of the way while unfortunate freshmen were steamrollered by the scarlet senior as she dashed down the hall. Natsu tightened his grip on her hand and urged her forward.
“C’mon Lucy we’ve only got four minutes left!” he shouted.
“Wha-?” Lucy began.
“Don’t talk just run!”
“But you just-“
“Gahhh 3:50 come ON!”
He tugged at her arm harder just as Jet whizzed past in a blur, carrying what looked to be a very startled Levy. A cry of “I won’t let you be late I swear it!” echoed through the hall above the yelps of sophomores as they dove out of the way. Droy could be heard shouting unintelligibly behind them. Natsu instantly let go of Lucy’s hand scooped her into a princess carry.
“N-Natsu!” she shrieked, “Put me down put me down!”
“Agh that’s my ear!” he cringed. “And no! I was late yesterday because you didn’t wake me up! No way in hell am I gonna be late today!”
Lucy shrieked again and clung to his shoulders as he vaulted over a student crouched at their locker. To Lucy’s surprise, despite carrying both of their bags, her, and her notebook in his hand, Natsu only got faster. Did her heels really slow them down that much? His shoulders were taut beneath his red hoodie, and his arms were steady and secure under her weight. A thought crossed her mind and her breath hitched.
“What?” Natsu said, rounding a corner.
“ Nandemo nai! [1] ” Lucy squeaked. She looked away hoping desperately he hadn’t noticed her blush.
Natsu kicked open a door and rushed into the blinding sunlight. Lucy cringed and blinked as she realized they had just left the building and were now on the far side of the school. She noticed a dozen other students sprinting for the crosswalk, and suddenly realized why Natsu had nearly torn her arm off.
“Wait, the theatre department isn’t in the school? ”
Natsu laughed. “Do you really think we’d use this school’s crappy auditorium? Nah, all the drama classes are in the company building.” He adjusted his grip and Lucy squeaked again.
“P-p-put me down!” she shrieked, slapping him across the face. He tripped and dropped her in the grass.
“Owww what was that for?” he grumbled, rubbing the red mark on his cheek.
Lucy covered her chest protectively with her arms, fuming and glaring. Natsu looked her up and down, and slowly realization bloomed on his face.
“Gahhh oh my god Lucy I swear I was not-“ he stammered, jumping to his feet.
“Sure you weren’t!” she shouted, “Just like Bora wasn’t trying to-“
“Oi don’t compare me to that second-rate faker!” he yelled back.
“If he’s second-rate then what kind of pervert are you?!”
“Lucy I swear I wasn’t trying to cop a feel that was an accident!”
A smile started to grow on her face. These arguments were kind of fun; she could see why Gray and Natsu kept them up.
Natsu looked at his watched and groaned. “Gah we’ve only got a minute left we’ve gotta move!”
Without warning he scooped her up again, this time slinging her over his shoulder. She shouted in protest as he sprinted to the crosswalk, beating on his backpack weakly as he ran. He bounded across the street and skidded on the concrete as he turned onto the patio of the large building next to the school.
Lucy awkwardly tried to look over her shoulder to see where they were going. The building was obviously a theatre, though an odd one. The architecture looked to be some combination of a pagoda and a castle, boasting multiple floors, spires, and a large medieval portcullis that couldn���t possibly be real. Atop it sat a large, open bell tower. What gave it away as a theatre, though, was the long red carpet extending from the ornate doors beneath a large diagonal theatre screen that read “Anima Extalia: Final Performance Tonight!” Above the screen was an ornate sign that read “Fairy Tail” in bold, with “Theatre Company” written smaller underneath. From a ledge on the third floor hung a large, crimson banner with a fairy insignia embroidered on it in white and gold.
Lucy only had a moment to take in the grandiose building before she was hurtling through the doors past the ticket booths and into the primary theatre. Natsu came to an abrupt halt, dropped her on the floor and promptly collapsed into a velvet seat before a faint ding, ding, ding echoed through the room.
“Yosh!” he said, panting and holding up a fist of victory. “Just made it!”
“Did you have to drop me in the aisle, though?” Lucy grumbled, rubbing her rump.
“Psh, you’re fine,” he chuckled. She rolled her eyes.
“If you guys have class out here why doesn’t Director Dreyar give you more time to get here?” she snapped.
“Cuz we don’t need it. We’re Fairy Tail.” He replied as though it was obvious. Lucy raised an eyebrow and shook her head.
The theatre was huge, holding several hundred velvet seats. The stage itself was framed with beautiful red curtains and ornate carvings of mythical creatures. Despite having a very classical atmosphere, Lucy could see the evidence of special effects equipment rigged through the edge of the stage and along the walls of the house.
“Gather ‘round, brats!” a short, old man shouted from the edge of the stage. He wore a garish blue and orange hat over a mostly bald head and a matching jacket over a white shirt. His thick white mustache twitched as he waved over his students with a thick stack of papers. That’s Director Dreyar?
“C’mon, Luce!” Natsu said as he miraculously regained his energy and bounded down the aisle. Lucy furrowed her brow as she followed. This guy isn’t at all what I expected. He runs the whole company?
They merged into the crowd of gathering students. Lucy caught a glimpse of orangey hair and azure glasses in front of her. Her skin prickled uncomfortably.
“Now then!” Director Dreyar began, “After our reading of the script yesterday, I’ve come up with the cast list!” Several students cheered, Natsu among them. Lucy was a little disappointed at missing the initial read-through, but she knew the plot well – as a closet thespian she had read it a hundred times. The Shakespearean comedy featured four interweaving storylines: the quarrel between the fairy king Oberon and his queen Titania, the marriage of Theseus to the amazon Hippolyta, the frustrations of two sets of star-crossed lovers, and the horrible production of a play for Theseus’ wedding festival by inept commoners. All of the storylines end up intersecting because of a mischievous fairy prankster, and hilarity ensues.
The director continued, “If there are any issues, let me know now so I can take care of it before we get started. First up, our Duke of Athens Theseus will be played by Elfman Strauss!”
“ OTOKO DA! ” Elfman shouted as his sister and friends clapped.
“Wait, Natsu,” Lucy questioned, “The director just reads off the list? He doesn’t post it instead?”
It was Levy who answered her, coming up from behind. “He posts it later, but he’s found out that a lot of the time people don’t read the list carefully enough and there ends up being problems.” Natsu nodded in agreement.
Lucy tilted her head. “Problems? Like what?”
“Like, misreading your casting or having a double casting as a minor character,” Levy said thoughtfully, “or not reading it at all.”
The look of shock on Lucy’s face made Levy giggle.
“For our Hippolyta,” Director Dreyar continued, “we’ll have Cana Alberona!”
Cana immediately lunged toward Elfman and planted a huge wet kiss on his lips.
“MRTRKRDR!” Elfman yelled through her lips, eyes wide with shock.
“Cana, settle down,” the director chided, “There’s only one kiss scene, you don’t need to practice now.”
“Aww, but gramps,” Cana whined, keeping her arms draped over Elfman’s tense shoulders, “It’s so much fun.”
“If I said I agreed with you I’d lose my job…” the director muttered. He shook his head and continued. “Egeus will be played by Nab Lasaro!”
A hand shot up. “But Director is that really the right role for me? One that only I can do?”
“Shut up and take the job!” Director Dreyar barked. Nab’s hand dropped disappointedly. “For our first set of lovers, Hermia will be Bisca Mulan and Lysander will be Alzack Connell!”
Both Bisca and Alzack blushed fiercely. The crowd whooped and whistled as Mirajane shouted, “MY SHIP! IT’S SAILING!”
“In the second set of lovers, our Demetrius will be played by Loke Auriel, and-“ The director was cut off by the squeals of several girls as Loke flipped his hair. Lucy could have sworn he glanced at her in the process.
Irritated, the director continued, “and our Helena will be played by Evergreen Brown!” Loke took a step toward a green-haired, voluptuous beauty, obviously intending to make some gentlemanly gesture, but was brushed off with a whine of “But I wanted to be Titania!”
“For our play-within-a-play, we have Freed Justine as Philostrate, Warren Rocko as Peter Quince, Marcas Bickslow as Nick Bottom, Jet Sarasuke as Francis Flute, Droy Darrow as Tom Snout, Max Alors as Snug, and Vijeeter Ecor as Robin Starveling!” Lucy saw Jet and Droy high five and a spindly boy do an extravagant pirouette.
“Now,” the director said, pausing dramatically, “for our fairies.” The crowd immediately went silent and the air got tense. “Oberon, King of the Fairies, will be played by…” Director Dreyar seemed to be relishing torturing his students. With a smirk, he finally announced, “Jellal Fernandez!”
The class cheered. Lucy looked around to find the blue-haired senior, who was being clapped on the back by several other boys. His mouth hung open just a touch, smirk tugging at his lips. Barely holding on to that method acting now, huh? Lucy smiled to herself. Congrats!
“Congratulations,” the director mused. “Now, Queen of the Fairies Titania…” Once again the room seized up and all eyes were glued to the tiny old man. “Erza Scarlet!”
“YOSH!” Natsu bellowed as the class erupted again. “THAT’S HOW S CLASS WIZARDS DO IT!” Erza stood not far in front of them, tossing her hair back as though uninterested, but excitement glinted in her eyes.
Lucy laughed at the sight. “That’s funny,” she commented to Levy, “I didn’t take Erza for the gaming type.”
“Huh?” Levy puzzled. “Gaming?”
Lucy nodded. “Natsu just called her an S Class Wizard. That’s like a Dungeons and Dragons thing, isn’t it?”
Levy stared at her before realizing what she was saying. “Oh no that’s just what we call people who have been student directors before. Erza directed the musical last spring. Kinda spawned from the fantasy-themed company thing.”
“For our prankster of pranksters,” the director continued as the crowd died down, “as you would expect, our Robin “Puck” Goodfellow will be played by Natsu Dragneel!”
The class laughed at the fitting role, but Natsu’s hand shot up immediately.
“Wait, gramps, I can’t be on stage though!” he called.
Gray jeered over the crowd, “Yeah gramps, he can’t act at all!”
“Shut up, Gray,” Natsu growled through the chuckles. “Laxus is out this semester because of a schedule conflict. I’m the only one who can run the sound booth, so I can’t be on stage.”
“Sounds like an excuse not to embarrass yourself, flame-for-brains,” Gray scoffed.
Director Dreyar hummed to himself, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “You’re right, Laxus is out, we really need an experienced hand for this production. I could recast Demetrius and pull Loke off stage for this one…” Several girls gasped in horror and the old man immediately regretted the suggestion. “You’re right, Natsu. But who to cast in your place?”
“Gramps, maybe he could do both!” Gray joked, “We could rig a zipline from the booth to the stage so he could get on and off in time. He’d probably have to quick change on the fly, but I’m sure the crowd would look away since he’s hideous.”
Several classmates laughed and Natsu hissed, about to retaliate when the Director jumped in. “Well, Gray, it seems like you’re similar enough that you could take the role instead.”
“Wh-what?” Gray sputtered. Natsu’s irritated scowl swiveled from the dark-haired boy to the mustachioed man.
“That ice freak ain’t nothing like me!” Natsu fumed.
“Darn right I ain’t!” Gray snarled. “That gecko can’t act for his life!”
“Well then it’s a good thing you can ,” the director smirked, “because you’re my second choice.”
Both Gray and Natsu grinned proudly for a minute before scowling and simultaneously yelling, “Hey!”
The director ignored them and continued, “Our fairy attendants will be Levy McGarden, Kinana Cubellios, Laki Olietta, and Sonya Eclair. You may decide amongst yourselves who is who. Everyone else, you’re backstage full time! Actors, spend the rest of this class working lines. Stage crew, meet me backstage in 10 minutes for assignments! Let’s go!”
The class gave a cheer and started filtering off into different areas. Lucy tentatively weaved her way up to the edge of the stage to talk with the director.
“Um, Director Dreyar?” she asked hesitantly. The short man looked down at her from the stage as though he were a hundred feet tall. Lucy gulped.
“Who are you, may I ask?” he said sternly.
“My name is Lucy,” she stammered, “I just transferred here, and I’d like to join-“
“Oh a newcomer!” He perked up and gave her a huge warm smile. “Sure thing kiddo! Got papers for me to sign, right?”
Lucy blinked before registering what he was saying. “Oh! Right! I have them in my bag.” She moved to pull her bag off of her shoulder and found herself grasping at air.
“Eh?!” She twisted around looking for her silver messenger bag, the director chuckling a bit. Suddenly the bag was dangling before her eyes.
“Sheesh, Luigi, stop making me carry your stuff,” Natsu whined before shooting her a smirk. Lucy snatched the bag from him with a scowl and began digging through it.
“I can’t put you in the show,” the director noted as she pulled out her papers, “but you’re welcome to help off stage or audition for the next company production.”
“Company production?” she asked. The director nodded and took a seat on the stage with the paperwork in front of him.
“The whole company meets right after school,” Natsu chimed in, “We’re usually running a company play, a company musical, a university production, and a high school production all at once, plus any minor performances like improv stuff. Our company finished The Crucible just two weeks ago, and tonight is closing night for our musical, so more auditions will be coming up.”
“That’s all well and good, Natsu,” the director murmured, finishing his signature with a flourish, “but it doesn’t give her anything to do during class.”
“Psh, easy!” Natsu smiled, clapping Lucy on the back, “She can team up with me in the sound booth!”
“Team up with you?” Lucy blinked.
“Well yeah, I’ll train you on the tech stuff. Then you can help out with the really crazy effects,” he replied with a toothy grin. “We can do some of the crazy stuff with multiple spotlights and color fades. We already get along pretty well so I betcha our timing will be perfect!”
Lucy didn’t hesitate for another second before beaming enthusiastically. “That sounds like fun! I’m in!”
Natsu’s face lit up even more and he turned to the director. “What do you say, gramps?”
“Well,” he said thoughtfully, “It would be handy to have another person trained on the lights. I’d love to get you, Laxus, and Loke on stage together sometime. Have at it.”
“Yosh!” Natsu yelled. He and Lucy shared an impromptu secret handshake. “We’re all set! Let’s go!”
“Aye sir!” Lucy laughed in reply.
“Glad to have you on board, Miss Lucy!” Director Dreyar laughed as Natsu dragged her up the aisle towards the sound booth stairwell. Lucy’s heart pounded, the day’s events settling in her mind. I’m in Fairy Tail! Finally! The grin on her face was so wide that her cheeks started to ache, but she was so happy she couldn’t do anything about it.
Natsu tugged her up the stairs and kicked open the door at the top, revealing a mostly black room containing two swivel chairs, a small wooden table, and a huge electronic console covered in sliders and toggle switches. The wall behind the console was not a wall at all, but a floor-to-ceiling window giving a spectacular view of the stage and seats. Suspended above the console were three very expensive looking screens, and in the far corner an extra wide door was propped open to reveal a darkened staircase going up.
Natsu dropped his bag onto the small table and threw himself into the far seat, sliding down the console and turning in a full circle. Lucy followed suit, hooking her bag over the back of her seat before examining the multitude of buttons splayed out in front of her. Natsu wasted no time jumping into an explanation of all their functions and quirks, speaking so quickly Lucy could barely keep up. When he got to the sliders Lucy had to stop him and pull out a notebook.
“So that’s how the fog machines work, and the back stairs go up to the manual spotlights,” he concluded with a grin. “Oh, and when the lights are on in here, they can see us from onstage. I found that out the hard way.”
“The hard way?” Lucy puzzled, “What were you doing in here?”
Natsu turned a terrific shade of scarlet. “L-l-let’s just say it was Gray’s fault and leave it at that.”
“Oh now you’ve got to tell me!” she said with a grin.
“Hell no!” he spluttered.
“I guess I’ll just ask Gray later…” she sighed, grinning slyly.
Natsu blanched. “No, Luce, you can’t do that to me-“
“Consider it payback for calling me Luigi!” she cackled.
“I was joking! Jyoudan da yo! [2] ” he whined back. Before Lucy could rub it in further the door clicked open.
“Hey, Natsu, is it cool if I leave my bag here until after rehear-“ The bag in question hit the floor with a hefty thud.
“Oh hey Loke! Sure thing man!” Natsu chimed.
Lucy immediately felt uncomfortable, her attention now glued to the auburn-haired actor. His mouth hung open slightly, eyes wide. Tension permeated the space between them. She had never seen such a perfect rendition of the deer-caught-in-the-headlights look, and if she thought the mood was right she would have commented on it. Natsu apparently thought it was right, though.
“You look like a dear caught in the headlights,” he laughed, “You okay dude? Should I tell Gramps to cast you as a background animal instead?”
Loke didn’t even blink. Lucy got the impression that if she didn’t say something he would stand there gaping at her for who knew how long. Why is he so scared of me? He didn’t look up from the table once during lunch. It’s not because I was kinda rude earlier, is it?
Collecting herself, she smiled warmly and offered a quick “hey!” That seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. He shook his head and picked up his bag to set it on the table.
“Loke?” Natsu frowned.
“Hm?” the ginger said, “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just, didn’t know- well I mean- usually it’s just-“
“Ohhhh yeah yeah I’m teaching Lucy the sound booth stuff,” the pinkette grinned. “Gramps wants another person trained on this, y’know?”
“Y-yeah,” Loke stuttered, eyes flickering to Lucy uncomfortably, “Good to have you on board.”
“Thanks!” Lucy beamed. Despite her best efforts, she was pretty sure the awkwardness still showed on her face.
Thankfully Natsu didn’t seem to pick up on the tension and jumped straight into talking logistics with Loke. Their chatter gave Lucy a moment to breathe and go over the sliders and knobs again in her head. Soon enough Loke made a hasty retreat back to the main stage. From the booth she could see him flirting unabashedly with a few of the stage hands, taking up the suave demeanor he had had that morning. So it really is me…
“ Dou omou? [3] ”
“Hm?” Lucy turned to Natsu abruptly. “About what?”
“The booth,” he replied, “What do you think?”
Lucy shook the encounter with Loke out of her head and took another look around. It was certainly impressive. They had some top-notch equipment to work with. It was pretty small, though; there was barely space to walk between the wooden table and the backs of their chairs, and the ceiling felt lower than normal. It didn’t help that everything was painted black. That made her even more curious as to what exactly had been seen so easily from the outside that was presumably Gray’s fault.
“I think…” Lucy smirked, “That you still haven’t explained how you know this isn’t one-way glass.”
Gray sat on the end of the second row with his feet propped up on the seat in front of him, his script book in one hand and a blue highlighter in the other. He hadn’t intended to take Natsu’s role in the show when he started heckling the flame eater, but he certainly wasn’t upset about it. If anything, he considered it a handy spark of good luck and timing. The pyromaniac would surely come flaming to him later over the whole thing, and Gray was itching for another brawl. This time, he’d win for sure.
A confident presence took the seat next to him, assuming a similar pose. Gray didn’t look up from his script book, but he could tell it was Loke.
“I can’t seem to make any headway with Evergreen today,” he sighed, clasping his hands behind his head. “I guess I’ll just have to wait until we start blocking scenes.”
“Yeah, and how many girls will you seduce between now and then?” Gray scoffed.
Loke smirked and raised an eyebrow. “I don’t seduce , Gray, I pursue . I just happen to be very good at it. Don’t insult the intelligence of my love interests with insinuations of trickery.”
“Didn’t seem to be pursuing much today,” Gray yawned, “You didn’t even make eye contact with the new girl. Losing your touch?”
Loke’s joking demeanor vanished. “That’s different.”
Gray finally looked up from his script. “Different? Last I saw she was gorgeous and single and into theatre.”
“Yeah, but she’s…” Loke didn’t say any more, facial expression resting somewhere between frustration and… anxiety? He had never seen Loke anxious before, not even backstage. I probably shouldn’t ask.
“Anyway,” Loke said, changing the subject, “Congrats on Robin Goodfellow. It’s been a while since you’ve done a play, hasn’t it?”
Gray almost laughed – he had been the second choice after all. “Thanks, Loke. It has been a while. Gramps likes to put me in the musicals because I can dance, but it’s been ages since I wasn’t on set for a play.”
“This should be fun then,” Loke grinned. “Maybe after rehearsals we can do some tag-team pursuing eh?”
There it is, Gray thought. Loke was always trying to talk him into joining one of his “pursuits”. He had never agreed, and he didn’t intend to do so now either.
“Wouldn’t it make more sense for you and Alzack to do that since you guys are the ones in the love quadrilateral?” he pointed out.
“Yeah,” Loke sighed, “But you know Al. He’s totally smitten with Bisca and he definitely doesn’t have the nerve to do something about it.”
“Then take Jellal,” Gray countered, “He has the nerve.”
Loke scoffed. “And end up on a double date with Erza? No thank you.” He had a point. Jellal was quite obviously into the scarlet-haired fairy queen, and while Erza was good fun, she wasn’t one to tolerate shenanigans.
“C’mon, Gray,” he persisted, “Just think of it as more acting practice. You play shirtless, seductive characters all the time, right?”
“That’s not because I want to!” Gray shot, exasperated. Loke gave him a funny look. Yikes. Better tone that down. He ran a hand through his hair nervously and continued. “I don’t try out for those parts, I just get them by chance. Besides, hockey starts up soon. I won’t have time.”
Loke just rolled his eyes. Hope that keeps him off my case for a little bit at least.
Just then, the bell signaling the end of school hours pinged softly from the foyer. Here it comes. Gray covered his ears.
As if on cue, Cana burst out from backstage holding a bright red megaphone. “WAS THAT THE BELL?!”
Gray and Loke both nodded and braced themselves.
“Hell yeah!” she shouted. In one swift motion, Cana grabbed the hem of her shirt, lifted it over her head, and tossed it into the seats. Now clad in a blue bikini top and shorts, she flicked on the megaphone and yelled deafeningly, “DRESS CODE IS DEAD!”
“Ugh, Natsu, now my tank top is covered in soot.”
“Well you’re the one who wore it,” Natsu replied flatly, kneeling awkwardly in the tiny suspended loft as he shifted a spotlight back into place.
Lucy attempted to brush off the ash but only succeeded in rubbing it deeper into the fabric. She sighed. “I didn’t know I’d be doing sound booth stuff. Besides, this is your workspace. And you are the one who works the pyrotechnics. Would it kill you to clean up a bit?”
“Look, Luce,” Natsu grumbled, gesturing to the cramped space, “Do you really think I could get a broom up here?”
“Well… maybe not,” she mumbled. Natsu gave a self-satisfied nod and began making his way along the platform to the stairs. Lucy followed behind in an awkward half-crawl. “Still, you could find something!”
“Like?” Natsu slid off the walkway onto the landing of the stairwell.
“Maybe one of those handheld vacuums?” she offered as she slid off behind him. If the stairwell weren’t so dark she would have seen that her pants were also now covered in soot.
“Too expensive and not reliable,” he maintained. “Gah, geez Luce that was my foot!”
“Sorry,” she huffed, “You’re also the one who said we shouldn’t turn on the stairwell light.”
“Well yeah, because we can’t have the lights on during a show. Good practice.” He made his way down the steps and pushed open the extra wide door into the cramped sound booth.
“Then why do we even have lights?” She closed the door behind them with a hefty click.
Natsu turned to make an argument, but instead both of them found themselves covering their ears tightly as a loud megaphone-distorted screech filled the booth.
“Gah what is that?” Lucy winced, unclamping her hands from her ears. She looked at Natsu expecting a similar pained expression. Instead, he sported a large, mischievous grin.
“ That ,” he smirked, “means the real fun begins.”
Lucy’s heart jumped into her throat, all thoughts of her soot-ruined tank gone, as Natsu pulled his hoodie over his head.  What she had thought was a T-shirt was actually an open black vest with a goldish yellow hem. Under it he wore nothing, and that’s what made Lucy’s eyes boggle. Sculpted pecs and shoulders, lean but defined biceps, and toned, tanned abs. Only inches from her. She could touch them if she wanted. The thought made her squeak.
“Ah, there we go!” Natsu said contentedly, readjusting his scarf. Lucy couldn’t help but stare as his arms flexed and relaxed with the simple motion. Ah no stop it Lucy! Snap out of it! This is like, the eighth guy you’ve ogled today!
“Luce?” Natsu was suddenly only inches from her, gazing at her intently. Lucy leapt back with a shriek.
“Gah, you’re so loud!” Natsu winced and covered his ears. “You were staring at me and didn’t answer my question, so…”
She felt her face get hot. “Oh, u-um, sorry. What did you say?”
“Why are you staring at me?” he said, rolling his eyes in amusement. “You sure are weird.”
“ I’m the weird one?” she shot back indignantly, “ You’re the one who’s practically half naked!”
Natsu simply shrugged. “It’s too hot for shirts.”
It was Lucy’s turn to roll her eyes. “Oh that makes complete sense, with it being the rainy season and all.”
“I overheat easy. Here, feel.” Before Lucy could object Natsu had grabbed her hand and put her palm in the middle of his chest. She gasped, both at the action and at the high temperature of his bare skin.
“ Atsui! [4] ” she yelped and pulled her hand away. “That’s definitely above fever temperature. You should be really sick right now.”
Natsu shrugged again. “Always been like that. And now that the dress code is dead, I don’t have to wear a jacket!” Seeing her confusion, he pointed out the window. Lucy could see many of the students removing jackets and shirts or donning more outlandish clothes. Elfman had dropped his jacket in favor of his taut wifebeater. Erza had strapped a metal breastplate over her blouse. In the midst of it all, Cana now only had two blue triangles and a rectangle of denim covering her sensitive parts. The brunette had an almost crazed look in her eye, seemingly relishing the moment as her fellow club members shed layers. “As soon as the bell rings, the school dress code isn’t enforced anymore. Cana gets real psyched about it. That was her on the megaphone.”
Lucy watched her classmates below for another minute. She grinned as Cana quarreled with Gray, who had elected not to participate in the “festivities”. Cana pointed angrily at him, then gestured to her bare stomach. Gray waved his hands in exasperation. Cana proceeded to snag Elfman by the front of his shirt and point at the side of his neck. Lucy squinted to get a better look. On his tanned, taut neck, she could just make out a small tattoo. Puzzled, she took another look at Cana’s belly. Much clearer on her pale skin was a deep blue tattoo of the emblem hanging on the front of the theatre. The Fairy Tail Emblem.
“What are they doing?” Lucy asked.
“Probably arguing about Gray still wearing a shirt.” Natsu stretched and clasped his hands behind his head.
“Why though? Does it have to do with the tattoos her and Elfman have?” Cana tugged on Gray’s open button-up and he swatted her hand away.
“It’s not just those two,” Natsu laughed. He flexed his right arm and pulled back the hem of his vest with his other to show off a deep crimson version of the mark tattooed on his shoulder. “We all have them. Gray’s is on his chest.” Lucy looked back to see Gray angrily gesturing to Loke, who was awkwardly trying to make an escape. “Cana pesters Gray about it allll the time. She says it’s because ‘company spirit’, but I think she just likes to see him shirtless.”
“With the way she pounced on Elfman, I wouldn’t be surprised…” Lucy muttered. Cana finally gave up and stomped away indignantly, leaving Gray to study his scripts.
Bampampampam. The knock on the door was followed by a frantic cry. “NATSU-NIIIIII!”
Natsu pulled open the door and a boy with dark indigo hair burst inside. He was young, maybe 13 or 14, and sported a long maroon waistcoat and a bright orange scarf. Judging by his equally sculpted abs and the scarlet emblem on his left shoulder, Lucy guessed he must have been Natsu’s younger brother.
“What’s up, Romeo? Everything okay?”
The boy’s eyes were wet. “I can’t find my dad. He wasn’t in his classroom like he usually is, and he’s not in the theatre either.”
Natsu frowned. “That’s weird. He was here teaching chemistry this morning.”
Just then, Loke arrived in the doorway. Lucy felt her lungs seize up at his presence, and he looked just as uncomfortable. “Everything okay here?”
“Ah, Loke, perfect timing!” Natsu exclaimed, pulling the ginger inside. “I’m gonna help Romeo find Macao. You stay here and run the lights for the dress rehearsal with Lucy. Jaa ne! [5] ”
With that, he and Romeo vanished, leaving Loke and Lucy behind.
[1] Nothing!
[2] A joke!
[3] What do you think?
[4] Hot!
[5] Seeya!
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usagirln120 · 6 years
Fairy Tail Supernatural AU
Natsu Dragneel: Werewolf
Natsu it’s a part of a Werewolf curse in his family, where the secret Werewolf (Acno) promised to bite and curse five in the family. Natsu was the first one to get bitten. Natsu can at first only transform during the fullmoon but it is very painful and he doesn’t have any control over himself after. After the Tower of Heaven Arc he will gain the ability to transform without the fullmoon. The transformation is still painful but not as painful as during the fullmoon.
Lucy Heartfilia: Demi-goddess
Lucy will be a Demi-goddess with her mother being the goddess of beauty. Lucy will live with her father Jude, believing that her mother Layla (Goddess) and her younger sister Michelle (Vampire) were dead. Finds out during the Phantom Lord Arc that her mother is alive and a Goddess while she finds out Michelle is alive in the Key of the Starry Heaven Arc.
Erza Belserion: Demi-Goddess
Erza is also a Demi-Goddess. She is the daughter of Irene and Mars the god of war. Since she lives with her mother she has her mother’s last name. She finds out she is a Demi-Goddess in the Alvarez Arc in her mother’s suicide note.
Gray Fullbuster: Vampire
Gray Fullbuster was at the start of the series a human but got turned into a Vampire in the Tartaros Arc. He eventually becomes human again thanks to Juvia who finds a cure for vampirism.
Happy Dragneel: Half-Fairy
Happy is Natsu’s cousin and a half-Fairy from his mother’s side. Happy is related to Carla but he still have a crush on her, claiming that they are only related by marriage. He find out he’s a half-Fairy in the Edolas Arc.
Gajeel Redfox: Werewolf
Gajeel is a Werewolf and Natsu’s cousin on his mother’s side. He gets bitten by Acnologia in between the Phantom Lord Arc and the Battle of Fairy Tail Arc while he was running away. He gained the ability to transform without the fullmoon in the Grand Magic/Sport games arc alongside Rogue (who didn’t remember it because he was possessed at the time).
Juvia Lockser: Mermaid
Juvia Lockser is, of course, a Mermaid. She turns into a Mermaid in the Phantom Lord Arc while she is fighting Gray and falls into the moonpool. She is the one who finds a cure to vampirism.
Wendy Marvell: Werewolf
Wendy is a Werewolf. She gets bitten by Acnologia alongside Erik/Cobra in the Oraciôn Seis Arc. She gains the ability to transform without the fullmoon in the Tartaros Arc. She is in a band with her best friend Chelia.
Carla Redfox: Half-Fairy
Carla is a half-Fairy. She is the daughter of Pantherlily and Shagotte Redfox. She finds out she is a half-fairy and the daughter of the Queen of the Fairies in the Edolas Arc. She is more skilled with her magic than Happy, Lector and Frosch.
Mirajane Strauss: Half-demon
Mira is a half-demon. Mira was the result of a drunk night with the demon Kyoka. Her siblings is only her half-siblings. She finds out who her mother is in the Tartaros Arc and discovers that Freed is her half-brother. She used to be a bully until her sisters disappearance.
Makarov Dreyar: Human
Master Makarov is a human but he knows about the Supernatural world. He is married to a witch called Porlyusica who had three kids from a former marriage who is called Grandenney, Metalicana and Pantherlily. With Makarov had Porlyusica Ivan. Makarov is the son of the famous Yuri Dreyar and his wife Rita. He is also the principal of Fairy Tail academy.
Laxus Dreyar: Werewolf
Laxus is a Werewolf. Everyone in the family believed that Laxus was a part of the Werewolf curse even if he claimed he wasn’t. It wasn’t before the Grand Magic/sport games Arc that the truth was revealed to the whole family. He was expelled from Fairy Tail Academy in the end of the Battle of Fairy Tail Arc but later got back in. He gained the ability to transform without the fullmoon in the Tenrou island Arc. He gained his scar in the Werewolf attack when he was seven.
Cana Alberona: Seer
Cana is a seer. A seer is a human that can see the future. She is the daughter of the sherriff Gildarts but she was raised by her mother Cornelia so she has her surname.
Elfman Strauss: Half-Werewolf
Elfman is a half-Werewolf. He was attacked by a Werewolf but it wasn’t during a fullmoon. The scar on his chin come from that attack. He was a shy and kind boy when he was little but became a trouble maker after his sister’s disappearance.
Lisanna Strauss: Human
Lisanna Strauss is a human. She was missing for the first part of the series but it was revealed in the end of the Edolas Arc that she was cursed by Jellal and Mystogan’s father Faust and turned into a tree. She is very interested in the Supernatural world and tries to fit in as much as she could.
Levy McGarden: Witch
Levy McGarden is a witch. At first only Jet and Droy knew her secret but it was common knowledge by the main characters by the end of the Battle of Fairy Tail Arc. She started working as a police officer after school with Gajeel and is currently pregnant with his child.
Gildarts Clive: Human
Gildarts is a human and the current sherriff of Magnolia. He is the father of the seer Cana Alberona. He was shocked to discover the Supernatural world but was supportive.
Evergreen: Descendant of Medusa
Evergreen is a descendant of Medusa. She is the girlfriend of Elfman Strauss.
Freed Justine: Half-Demon
Freed is a half-demon. He was revealed to be a half-demon in the Battle of Fairy Tail Arc. He later got told by Mira that they were the children of Kyoka. He got very protective over his half-sister and his step-siblings during the one year timeskip.
Bickslow: Demi-god
Bickslow is a Demi-god. He is the son of Hades. He is a great friend of Happy and they love to tease Lucy.
Pantherlily: Fairy
Pantherlily is a Fairy. He was a human at first but later let himself get turned into a Fairy in the Tartaros Arc with Lector and Frosch so they could fight.
Loke Lilica: The reincarnation of Leo the Lion
Loke is the reincarnation of Leo the Lion. He regained his memories while visiting the grave of his half-sister with Lucy.
Macao Conbolt: Human
Macao is a human. He was turned into a Wendigo in the Macao Arc but got turned back into a human by Natsu, Lucy and Happy
Wakaba Mine: Human
Wakaba is a human and a teacher at Fairy Academy. He is the godfather to Romeo.
Alzack Connell: Human
Alzack is a human. He came from a long line of Vampire hunters but he still helped cure Gray since he was a student and friend of his.
Bisca Connell(Mulan): Human
Bisca is a human. Just like her husband she used to be a Vampire hunter but changed their mind about them when they meet Lyon.
Jet/Sarasuke: Human
Jet is a human. He is the best friend of Levy and have a crush on her. He is the current candidate of being the godfather of her and Gajeel’s child.
Droy: Human
Droy is a human. He is the second best friend of Levy and have a crush on her.
Max Alors: Descendant of a mummy
Max is the Descendant of a mummy. Thanks to this he got powers of the sand and his much stronger than he is credit for.
Nab Lasaro: Elf
Nab is an Elf. He hids his ears under his hair and can talk to animal.
Reedus Jonah: Wizard
Reedus is a wizard. He got cursed by a transformation spell that worn off after 7 years.
Vijeeter Ecor: Siren
Vijeeter is a siren. He is a close friend of Juvia’s and she enjoys hearing him sing. Since she is a Mermaid she isn’t effected by his singing. The main difference between him and Juvia is that he was born in the ocean which means he needs to go swim sometimes to stay alive.
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heartonxions · 2 years
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heartonxions · 1 year
anyways apple bottom jeans IS jet’s song
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heartonxions · 2 years
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No one talk to me or my son ever again,,, he looks so thai it’s insane but also like the placebo effect ig
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heartonxions · 1 year
theres a thai singer that has a tattoo on his lower abdomen that me and my friend dubbed “the pussy stamp” THATS JUST HIS FUCKING NAME WHICH IS HILARIOUS and bc of [insert inside joke] he’s so jetpilled and now jet has a pussy stamp of his thai name i hate it here /lh
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heartonxions · 2 years
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Gateboss, gaskeep, girlight ╰[✿•̀o•́✿]╯’22 version
Thems the coolest kids on the block!! Why don’t we love them more ?? Anyways I’m here back on my SG loving agenda
I forgor I had this sketch and seeing the old version being interacted with was so weird bc GOOD GOD THE ANATOMY IS SOOOOO BAD but I drew the sketch unintentionally ((aka I drew jet (bc I was also like I want to draw my favs as Thai) first again and was like oh my god I need to draw all the rest now he looks so lonely there just laughing by himself))
Seeing how my art has progressed is so ??? lmao also omg graphic design is my passion question mark ?
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heartonxions · 3 years
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Give me shadowgear content that isn’t jet and droy being assholes and antagonists or give me death
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heartonxions · 2 years
I’m going to scream!!!! I drew jet and indulged just a little in hairstyles and this is a Thai man if I’ve ever seen one oh my god i love him so much
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I cannot make this shit up ,, anyways I’m going to be only drawing him like this from now on I apoligize (?)
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