#jett is living her best life tho
eggnogs-fever-dream · 9 months
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I dont remember posting this so uhhh have some valorant art i did a while ago 👍👍
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gritsandbrits · 11 months
Funny stuff i often think about in my rewrite of shrek the third
There's a character named Walter Crumpet who is a medieval version of Walter Cronkite, he's known as the most trusted man in far far away
Bruce and charming holding auditions for an execution as if it they're doing a performance
Shrek loses his fear of fatherhood but gains a new one: geese
"In a once in a lifetime move science and magic works together to take down religion!"
One of the contestants at the aforementioned audition is a rendition of lady gaga's bloody mary sung by the actual legend herself (no seriously she climbs out of a mirror to sing the chorus)
Sleeping Beauty dates the Sandman (no not that one, not THAT one either)
Gwynn's full name is Gwenhwyfar but she calls herself Gwynn due to a lot of women having the same name
Rhodanthe's only other friend is Ophelia of Hamlet fame; they met after Rho catches Ophelia floating around in her fishing pond
Rhodanthe working at the medieval equivalent to Claire's except its called Faire's.
John Delaney voices Lancelot - no wait that's actually canon lol
In this version Harold doesn't die but experiencing a frog life's crisis he also requested the song to play at his funeral much to Lillian's duress
Artie's sword comes in the form of a pen
The soundtrack includes everything from current hits to 80s rock to royalty free music to royalty music to video game OSTs.
One scrapped ending was Artie ultimately rejecting his claim in favor of becoming a writer. Get it? king AUTHOR
Handheld mirrors double as cellphones so there's psa on not being on your mirror while you ride your horse
Nimue is Merlin's ex wife and living her best life in the enchanted forest as a hippie
The scene where Gwynn is getting the Movie Makeover with the Evil Queen being her stylist and she asks which lipstick flavor Gwynn prefers, and Gwynn throws out randomly "lightning in a bottle" and the evil queen shows an actual lipstick shade
Doris knows the exact brand of Chapstick Charming uses much to everyone's disgust
The aforementioned lightning in a bottle shocks your lip to a glossy shade and you're not allowed to eat drink or kiss anything for 30 min
During the villain attack Walter Crumpet interviews one of them as it happens as calmly and plainly like a regular interview instead of villains busting up the place
Said interview ends with the villain making a shoutout to Gwynn Who sees the whole event back at the Poison apple, looking absolutely mortified
Charming's dad name isn't anything fancy or glorious like Brutimus or Bruciel. It's just Bruce. And charming treats it as the most metal thing ever
Broken mirrors often sound like static so you have to physically move the mirror like you would an antenna
Shrek immediately rejecting "Shrek Jr." As a name suggestion.
Rho gets asked if she ever tried out for Quadball (Quidditch)
The axe Charming got in his medieval meals turns out to be a chekovs gun
Gwynn's favorite Chapstick flavor is bubblegum
Artie has a secret stash of "Maidens" magazines obviously a play on Playboy
Gwynn attempts to teach Charming how to be a real king by replicating a sequence from Aardman's Next
Rho continually refers to Shrek as the Green Knight much to his insistence that he isn't
Fiona meets Igraine's ghost and admits that's the least weirdest thing she's ever seen
Godmother REALLY got around in her younger years
Just the fact Godmother isn't a witch she just appropriated some of their customs for her business, such as with capitalism
Merlin showing shrek and co. his entire Arsenal of magic Matrix-style complete with the iconic black suits
Artie's favorite band is the Bremen Town Musicians and yes they are farm animals
The Bremen Town Musicians also play along the opening theme of the story
Just the opening theme being another Joan Jett song (I Love Rock and Roll)
Far Far Away's waffle house being the only place tho stays open even during the occupation
Charming tries to intimidate shrek's friends like in the canon movie but he gets ficking roasted instead. It's so bad the other villains sneak in a laugh
Gwynn taking Charming out for a night in the town to show him real adult fun which results in a bar fight, drag carriage race, and egging mansions
Charming accidentally breaks the window of said mansion because he confused a small rock with an egg
Walter Crumpet storms out of mansion with a boomboom stick as gwynn and charming run off
Bruce is played by none other than Ash Williams himself. He even says groovy at some point.
Sir Cumference is the same species as Humpy Dumpty
Charming'd first rule as king is free cherry Chapstick
The princesses are a precure style sentai team complete with sparkly transformation sequences and cheesy attack phrases
Every time Charming and Artie shares the same scene someone mentions how much they look alike
The bad wolf after seeing red riding hood: "oh no not this bitch"
The single most important reason behind Rhodanthe's name: so that every time someone greets her they start singing the row row row your boat song
The villains argue whether to eat the three little pigs due to the moral implications of eating animals with clear human sapience and intelligence
Gwynn and Charming fight each other with swords in a subtle allegory for hate sex while the other villains cheer them on
The fight gets featured on Ye Olde Worlde Star (yes it exists in the shrek universe)
A scrapped subplot the ones where the triplets are born early, one of them (Felicia) gets left behind and Gwynn ends up taking care of her. She absolutely squees at the sight bc ogre or not that's still a baby and the cutest thing EVER
The message of the movie is "white men really do ruin everything"
Despite being one of the most powerful magicians ever Merlin can't figure out how it's possible for a donkey and a dragon to have kids
The villains having beef with a frog
Charming finds out Fiona may possibly be his cousin and leaves which is immediately followed by the sound of him vomiting in the trash can. Poor bastard
Bruce referring to himself as a manly badass hero
Friar's Bot having to drop the Fat part due to being deemed offensive
"Nine thousand channels and nothing to watch!" Bruce grumbled while flipping through the crystal ball
Frat Boy Snow White
Rho leading an army of swans against the villains like a WW2 aerial crusade
Cinderella sanitizing everything she uses and uses a leech as a vacuum cleaner
Every scene Bruce has a different woman on his shoulder absolute CHAD
Punch and Judy is a action figure called Punchin' Judy that Gwynn still owns it is a marionette with boxing gloves that can say dozens of different phrases
I kept the fight scene where Hook plays the piano the whole time cuz it's simply too good to leave out with the added bonus of EVERYONE singing
Famous celebs includes Katy Fairy, Sir Tom, Janet Jacksondottir, Pinke, and Zendaya. Yep her name still the same.
At the end where everything is over and charming and gwynn do their anguished love announcement and kiss and it's a cute scene but then they REALLY get into the kiss much to everyone's annoyance. Shrek forcefully breaks them apart.
The monster trees uses wood furniture
Charming having no real plan after takin the throne bc he didn't think he even get this far
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crazysnor1ax · 2 years
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Ong Snorlax ACTUALLY making a proper post for their agents??? Unreal
Meet the chirren!! Infodumps about them under cut (there is A LOT):
Azure (Captain 3)
Main: Inkbrush
Before becoming Agent 3 and eventually the leader of the NSS she lived in a rural suburb on the outskirts of Inkopolis with her parents and two older brothers. Upon deciding to move to the city to pursue her interests in an education and ink battles, she was not ready for city life at all. It took her a good while to adjust, with the Squid Sisters helping her do so after they met. Though she still has school and work outside of the NSS she's extremely committed to the group; despite this she was still hesitant to be leader when Cuttlefish offered, insisting she wasn't a good leader (and she still isn't). However, her determination to do well for the group has worked out for both her and everyone else.
Azure's personality is best described as wild, yet very relaxed. She gets excited easily but is very go-with-the-flow most of the time. Despite this she's reclusive, and isn't comfortable talking with new people; though she's very talkative with her close friends and family. Besides the Squid Sisters (who are basically her older sisters) she's closest with Mist, having been dating for roughly 5 years now.
Random facts:
She's an artist/illustrator
She let Mist move in with her after the events of Octo Expansion, and now they're inseparable (oh my god they were roommates)
Her tentacles are dyed! that's why they're Like That
Her right eye sometimes changes colors to how it looked while she was "hijacked" by Tartar. It's uncontrollable, and is tied to Azure's hormone levels; meaning, it usually happens when she experiences some strong emotions or is exercising.
Certified epic gamer (loves Pokemon)
[Fun fact, Azure used to be my sona and is one of my oldest ocs! She used to share my name before I eventually decided to make her her own character.]
Koa (Agent 4)
Cishet (in a good way tho i prommy)
Main: Dapple dualies
Koa's a bit of a wild case. His family moved to Inkopolis from another country just before he was born, but he still shares the accents they all have. Being raised alongside 4 rowdy boys and an equally rowdy single dad (who's another oc I have), he's VERY loud and very, very energetic. he gets wound up very easily and will start yelling over the smallest things. Prior to meeting the NSS he didn't smile a lot and would actively try not to due to the environment he was raised in; as a kid he'd get teased by his brothers and dad if he got overly excited about things. Though they were only playing with him he didn't take it that way when he was young, and it stayed with him. No need to fear!-The NSS has helped him open up immensely.
Random facts:
Doesn't do much outside of the NSS besides go to school, but he does have several hobbies.
Plays the drums. Mist's little sister plays the guitar, and they hang out frequently and jam together.
Does gymnastics
Will not wear a shirt ever, he will fight you over it
Speaking of fighting, he wrestled with his brothers growing up and it's now something he likes to do for fun.
He doesn't play video games much but does enjoy a good fighting game.
Loves rock music
Didn't know who the Squid Sisters were prior to the NSS since his screentime had been limited heavily growing up. He also just doesn't like to watch TV or use social media much.
Now, however, he's "secretly" the biggest SS fan out of anyone in the group.
Mist (Agent 8)
Main: Undercover Brella
[I'm still working on revising Mist's lore, so take her backstory with a grain of salt.]
Ah, yes, the tragic backstory character. Mist and her little sister, Jett, lived a rather okay life as Octarians-well, as good as it gets being underground, anyway. Mist was raised to be an engineer and Jett a construction worker for stages and weapons. Around the events of Splatoon 1 Mist's mother contracted a disease and wasn't able to survive it. Making matters worse was the death of her father a few months later, from broken heart syndrome. Mist was left to raise her sister as well as deal with the very obvious emotional trauma the deaths left on both her and Jett. Not long after that was Mist affected by the Calamari Inkantation, leaving her to question Octarian society and how it ran. Eventually she left for Inkopolis, seeking a better life; thus, Octo Expansion occurs. However, the memories of her parent's passing and leaving her sister wouldn't resurface until much, much later.
Mist learned Inkling shockingly quick and is now fully fluent, aside from the occasional grammar error. As mentioned earlier, she lived with Azure after Octo Expansion and fell in love, and now the two hate to be apart during the events of Splatoon 3.
She’s easily the kindest out of the entire group and a strong optimist, sometimes to the point where it’s annoying. Mist believes everyone deserves kindness and she loves to help others in any way she can. Despite this, when people push her boundaries she’ll fight back in the most reserved, collective way possible. She doesn’t give bullshit and she won’t take any, either.
Random facts:
She doesn't like working with machinery anymore, but she works for Sheldon repairing weapons to help pay rent and groceries. it's helping her cope, fortunately!
Mist speaks exclusively in positive connotation-meaning that rather than saying something like "This is bad," she would say "This is not good." She always uses positive words, not negative ones.
Surprisingly spiritual. Really interested in a variety of religions and learning about them
Meditates a lot! Her and Azure's apartment almost always smells like incense
Undeniably the most skilled agent when it comes to combat.
Sting (New Agent 3)
Demisexual, Genderqueer
(subject to change) Main: Krak-On Roller
Drip was raised by salmonids after a mix-up between the Octarians and Salmonids occured and an infant octoling ended up with them. Fortunately, salmonids are very intelligent (much to the disbelief of many), and raised drip close to inkling society so drip could get a taste of where drip’s supposed to live. After growing up and deciding to live in Splatsvill, drip took on the profession of a graffiti artist to help make the city look more vibrant, sometimes illegally (but that's part of the fun for drip).
Xey're feral. Quite literally. Being raised by violence-loving salmonids will do that to you. Xey're far from uncivilized, though , so xey're feral in the classiest way possible. It's not uncommon to see xem doing something "weird" in the most calm and collected manner possible (like eating Alterna snow, eating grass, casually carrying things in xeir mouth). Xey’re also a fashionista and cares a lot about staying fresh and on top of things, but enjoys having fun when the time calls for it. Xey’re more serious than the other agents, but xey're learning to take it slow, thanks to them.
They have an unnatural love for ink battles compared to the other agents as well. They can get insanely heated during battles and they care a lot about their rank. They won't admit it, but it's because they were taught to love battle, being essentially a kid to salmonids.
Random facts:
Because salmonids honor dying, they love getting splatted in ink battles. It's a rush for them.
Visits their salmonid guardians frequently! They had a shack above water where they raised them. They haven't died in battle yet and Sting teases them about it
Sting's full name is The Stinging Rain Shower Born in Octopia.
Banned from Grizzco. Drip tried to steal power eggs and golden eggs from the place and was very, very quickly banned. Drip would boycott it even if drip wasn't, though.
Sees Lil' buddy as xeir sibling, and secretly hopes xey won't have to say goodbye someday when xey find its home.
Made a small, functional gas mask for Lil' Buddy while they graffiti!
Saving up money to get a prosthetic arm, but Sheldon is also researching and working to make one for drip.
LOVES grunge and whatever genre salmonid music is
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i-love-you-all · 2 years
Valorant Revelations cinematic
Just got home and watched it for the first time so here are initial thoughts ig? I spend a lot of time on figuring out HQ location lol.
It’s nice on a more personal note that the training range was shown a little more because I’ve set/will continue to set quite a few scenes from my own writing there. But it’s nice to know that injury/death is theoretically possible (and the Sova VM confirmed this latter part)
I’m pretty sure it’s basically confirmed that at least Valorant Legion all live in different places and get called when a threat is detected. I wonder if it’s supposed to call in the closest agents though or just ones best suited to fight against the threat.
If you think back to the Pearl cinematic, Sova, Phoenix and Yoru were called in. Since it’s in Portugal, it would make sense for Sova and Phoenix to get called in as they’re both in the EU, Britain and northwest Russia, but It had me thinking... well... where was KJ, assuming she spends more time in Germany (which she may not). How was Yoru, who def does spend time in Japan, called in as well?
Additionally in this cinematic, why was Sage called but not Omen? They were in the same place at the same time. There was no controller on that team and real life for them would probably work differently from the game, but... smokes are great utility! I suppose it could be that It had to be between Sage and Omen if KJ, Raze, and Jett were all closer, and Sage has more leadership qualities considering the existing team?
If we follow the theory that it calls the closest agents possible though, we can start to rule out places where the Valorant HQ on the mirrored world isn’t. It wasn’t close enough to Lisbon to get called on over Yoru (unless Yoru was at base). But it was close enough to India that Istanbul, and Korea were closer.
Actually scrap that, because then Japan would’ve def been closer than HQ, right? Unless this is a hybrid thing and it calls the agents best suited to the mission in priority order of location? Which would still suggest that Valorant HQ is not on NA. Idk anything more specific and even that is just conjecture lol.
Sage’s locker was cool, Haven pre-kingdom (or maybe kingdom never took it over? Is that too much to hope for?) There’s a sign that I think says not just a/your healer which is funny. The Raze graffiti :))
(Sage is buff tho, and not enough fan content shows her like that) Though, most agents should be buff if they’re part of valorant because handling guns does take quite a bit of arm/shoulder strength esp to handle recoil.
Assuming Lotus has some radianite artifact that Astra/Harbor are looking into? Wonder why Yoru didn’t join?
It’s fun to look at Omen’s smoke and realize it’s not as clear on the inside like in game. (and look! sage can still self-heal!) So ig that’s our reminder that in game mechanics aren’t constantly linked with the same abilities in the story.
Also, I’m gonna assume that Fade was looking for clues related to the disappearance of the person she cared about? I had a fun thought that perhaps this version of Valorant stole Alpha (?) Fade’s person but that’s now proven wrong.
Astra’s so pretty. Her eyeshadow :))
I guess I wonder how Valorant Protocol is sending agents to other locations in the other Earth’s world? Was it not just linked to Pearl’s portal? Or did they like, hack other portals too or whatever they did.
But yeah I wish more lore was brought out about the artifacts, but I assume they wanted to show the map off first, so maybe it’ll be part of the reveal for the actual map? Fingers crossed.
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bellewritesstuff · 2 years
heyyy i just posted a fanfiction on wattpad, and here’s the preface to it! pls check it out and i hope u enjoy!! 😻
TOMMY WITHOUT HESITATION COULD RECALL THE DAY WHEN HE MET LORELAI FOR THE FIRST TIME. not only because she immediately became one of his best friends, but he would consider it as the best day of his entire life.
it had taken place during one of his unexpected, chill streams on the alt account. he was casually messing around the server while telling some (in his opinion) funny stories, but as the time passed everyone started to get bored.
"let's see if sapnap is down for a round or two games in valorant." he let a small sigh out, before joining the vc with dream, sapnap, and deafened karl. "why the fuck are you two here? can't you just talk to each other in the living room or some shit?"
"hi tommy" dream chuckled as tommy finished his sentence. "we're on a minecraft date, and you're kind of interrupting us right now, dude." the oldest boy added, trying to muffle his laugh.
"eww, man. i'm almost the same age as your younger sister, what the heck?" hearing the unknown voice, tommy shifted his gaze from the game to their discord server (just to check if he had mistaken someone for sapnap). "hello tommy, i'm rory, sapnap's sister. it's a huge pleasure to meet you." the girl added, making his lips curl up into a small smile.
"SEE, CHAT? women love me and think it's a HUGE pleasure to meet me." tommy exclaimed looking into his webcam with a wide grin. "it's a pleasure to meet you as well, rory. down for some valorant?" his voice sounded so pleasantly chill, and calm as he spoke, logging into the riot client.
lorelai genuinely enjoyed tom's videos, especially the ones on his vlog channel. she would watch them every time she felt miserable, because of his friend group's humor. and well, how could she say no?
"under one condition," he hummed in response. "you gotta carry me, cause i'm in a low elo." she added, making him chuckle lightly.
"of course, woman, dream what about y- CHAT, I'M NOT A SIMP STOP WITH THAT BULLSHIT."
it's been a few minutes, and after exchanging riot ids, spending a good two minutes in a queue, they finally started a game. dream decided to stay in a call with the two, muting himself eventually.
"someone take sage, we need sage" an unknown voice spoke in a team voice chat, causing rory to roll her eyes. "then you shouldn't insta lock jett asshole" she spoke annoyed, making tommy giggle a little.
"it's okay, i'll be sage" he locked in, waiting for a girl to pick an agent. "not gonna heal them tho" the boy rolled his eyes playfully.
dnf4life yoo tommy's a pocket sage??
jodienottaken imagine instalocking and then talking about team comp🤕🤕🤕
"your chat is spilling facts" lorelai claimed, locking in raze. "you're watching my stream right now?" he questioned a bit shocked. "yeah, i usually watch you while playing."
"YO GOOD JOB TOMMY!" rory shouted, clapping her hands as he aced the second round in a row. "i didn't expect you to be that good, oh my lord." she exclaimed joyously.
for the chat, it seemed like they'd known each other for a while now, without unnecessary awkwardness in the air, with constant jokes, and good communication during games. for the girl it was like a dream she didn't want to wake up from, playing with someone she felt she clicked with so much was way funnier than playing alone.
"yeah- hahaha, i, i bet it's just luck" he blushed lightly, almost impossible to notice, but some people had, and rory was one of them. "wait i'll revive you" his character placed a wall in front of them, before reviving her.
"thank you!" the girl remarked as she crouched happily, shooting at someone who tried to kill her new friend. "m gonna protect you, tommy, don't worry".
"i am a pocket sage, then." he stated before both of them burst into laughter.
after some won (and some lost) games, he finally ended his stream, making sure that the girl he was talking to earlier, would stay on a call with him. he couldn't know why, but something about her that interested him.
maybe it's because they clicked so fast, or because he hasn't really met any girl his age that he could play games with. it felt like he's known her his entire life, and leaving their call was the last thing he wanted to do.
"hey, um, i hope i didn't make you uncomfortable." tommy mumbled in his normal, non-streaming voice. "if i did, it was unintentional. i had sometimes forgotten that it's our first talk." he added, causing rory to smile.
"ahh, no, don't worry about it." she chuckled. "i had real fun talking to you. it seems so unreal, cause i feel like i've known you since always." rory added, her cheeks beginning to feel warmer.
"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" he laughed softly, switching his screen to their call. "we've been talking for six hours now, oh my god."
"wait, isn't it 1am for you right now?"
"yeah, but it's okay. i enjoy talking to you" the boy spoke cheerfully, logging into the dream smp (that he made for him and his friends). "by the way, would you like to give me your own discord? so we can talk later?"
and after that, they were talking for the next three hours straight, without a single moment of unpleasant silence. the two would probably be even longer if it wasn't for sapnap who burst into the room, causing them to end the call.
"how long have you been talking?" sapnap asked, looking at his younger sister suspiciously. "you've been sitting here for nine hours straight?" he added in shock.
jodie 💨 | @jodienottaken
ayo is it me or tommy and rory seem like best friends material?
[ 217 likes | 57 retweets ]
🌌 | @lifebythesky
VOUCH!! they're so cute together smh
berry | @karlhonkers
tommy being her pocket sage tho🥺
ro | @abcderory
how did i gain so much followers over a few hours?
oh no, you guys found me already 💀
[ 10k likes | 2k retweets ]
(there’s another 3 parts on wattpad tho so pla check it if u enjoyed it!)
the fanfiction —> here
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theywillcower · 4 years
Sova Headcanons (General)
(Here are my headcanons for Sova! These will guide how I will write him in the future. 💖)
His full name is Sasha Volkov. Not only does the name contain many romanized versions of his codename, but Volkov means "wolf".
He's in his late twenties or earlier thirties.
He speaks in a Northern Russian dialect- so no I don't hc him from Siberia. He learned English from his mother who was an English teacher in their town.
He lived in a small village with his mother and his grandmother. His father died when he was very young in a hunting accident. And his mother took up the mantle of provider.
She taught him how to hunt with a bow and arrow and that skill and precision always overrode brute force. A result thereof is that there were never guns in their house and he only learned them later in life.
His babushka spoiled him in her own way, meaning that he got sweets every Sunday and a new toy every so often. The babushka that he mentions is his father's mother.
He's always been sociable and bubbly, but when the First Light occurred, it changed him.
He encountered results of the First Light during a hunt, peering into a strangely hollowed tree stump.
Radiant energy shot up and hit him in his right eye (why he has the blue eye) and killing his hunting party.
He was blamed, and exiled with his mother and grandmother.
The nature around them started changing and he was the only one who knew of the radianite. No one believed him.
He left at fourteen so his mother and babushka could rejoin the village, and he started living alone.
Birds are his favorite animals, but he attracts all of them. He had an albino Tibetan mastiff named Solnishko (little sun) and he accompanied him during hunts
He build a cabin from scratch that he would still visit if he could
Sova found guns on a dead hunting party and learned how to use them-- best at snipers though he prefers his bow
Recruited to Valorant after reports of a trail of destruction in Russia as he kills in his grief from leaving his mother and grandmother-- he's very emotional but doesn't unleash it
His bubbly and friendly nature comes back up in strange ways
"If you make me laugh again I will shoot my arrow at you"
He means well
Sova is immensely touch and affection starved, having been surrounded by his mothers and grandmothers love for so long
He cries, but it's with no noise. Scary.
Expresses his anger in action. He's not a yeller.
more like he goes hunting when he's overwhelmed by emotion
Or at Valorant, to the range
Wants to be best friends with everyone
Is best friends with Sage, Brim, Jett, Breach
Hangs out with Brim mostly tho Jett, Phoenix, Killjoy and Raze are more his age range
Best poker face. He'll take your money
Very high liquor tolerance because of his time spent alone
Doesn't give two shits about his appearance and has been cutting his hair for years
Pierced his own ears, lip and eyebrow
Wants tattoos. Like a lot.
Smart with history or literature, bad with figures or science.
Favorite part of day is dawn. He gets very little sleep
Ask me for other hcs!
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pearlfm · 5 years
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chicago’s very own pearl buchanan has been spotted on madison avenue driving a bugatti chiron, welcome ! your resemblance to sydney sweeney is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-second birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re credulous , but being ebullient might help you . i think being a libra explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be rose-colored blush on the tip of your nose, crumpled-up love letters, soft smiles paired with tired eyes . ( i slept with my ex-husband’s assistant ) & ( cis female + she/her  ) 
tw substance abuse and drinking mention 
of first off .... hi. my name is barb and i am super excited to be here with y’all !!!  i’m coming to y’all all the way from the cst and i use she/her , they/them pronouns so whatever works. pearl is v new , never to be played before tho i did kinda just steal bits and pieces from old oc’s to make her shh. if you’d like to plot , please just give this a like or im me !
unlike most of her peers around ny , pearl comes from a very middle class family. you know , nothing too extravagant but well-off. her and her older sister , jett , were raised by their mother who was a well-known dermatologist in the area. their father was a college professor who paid a good amount of child support , so they were pretty much financially fine. 
nothing was really out of the ordinary as pearl grew up. she got a great education , played sports , did ballet , and was an overall good daughter/sister. nothing to see here !!!
when she was 18 , her sister got married to one of your run-of-the-mill wall street guys. that’s where pearl met flip. idk why that’s his name but it just is. flip was a big figure in the movie industry , a director to some of the upcoming big hits. since he was best man to the groom and pearl was maid of honor , they naturally just started talking. talking led to lots of things and then bam , they were a thing. 
after nine months of going back and forth from chicago to new york , flip proposed. she of course said yes and moved out to new york permanently to live with him. 
their marriage was amazing. however , amazing became miserable once things started getting comfortable. he was never home and when he was , they were fighting about everything and nothing. to deal with their constant fighting and being alone most of the time , she’d drink like a fish and sneak small quantities of whatever substances were in her husband’s “stash” in his bed-stand drawer. 
one night , out of pure spite and needy affection , she called up her husband’s assistant to their penthouse when he was out with the boys and uhhhhh slept with her !  simple as that. that was the first and last time she’d ever done something like that to flip , but it didn’t matter since he served her about a week later. she feared his assistant had told him about it , but he simply was just tired of fighting with pearl. 
the process was going by swimmingly , but it came to a screeching halt once pearl was told that there was a prenup. she had never signed one , but she had no proof to back it up. that meant that he got to keep everything and she’d be packing her bags back to her mom’s house in chicago. so , like any pampered brat would do , she played the victim card. told her lawyer that he had used all the money to her name to buy drugs , prostitutes , and whatever his heart so desired. it wasn’t true , but the small box of drugs they found by his bedstand was enough evidence for the law to be on her side. so , she was granted alimony. it was enough to keep her in new york comfortably and then some. 
as soon as his assistant had found out about the alimony checks  , she threatened to tell flip about her and pearl’s slip-up. he could tell and she could possibly lose her stream of income , so now she pays her off for her silence. and yeah , that’s life babey !
as for her personality , idk , she acts like your stereotypical girl next door. she’s nice , caring , generous , and overall a good person if asked. she has her flaws like , she’s naive , stubborn , melodramatic , and has became severely spoiled since moving out here. i don’t really want to stick her to certain traits since i want to flesh her out and see how she becomes through development , but that’s a nice little outline for her as of now. 
connections-wise , just fuck me up. i love fluff and i love pain. i am truly open to anything and everything. 
TLDR: pearl buchanan was your average girl next door who married a famous director. the two had a fast failing marriage and she cheated on him with his assistant. they eventually ended up getting a divorce for different reasons and he falsified her signature on a prenup. she told the court a lie and now he pays her alimony , which she gives some of it to his assistant in exchange for her silence. 
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john-in-london · 5 years
Hello, John how is life? Are you excite for the new year?
Hi, OP here! First, I would like to say sorry that this post would be bit surprising. I had posted John's story on Amino too and as there was more ask, I was able to finish John's story in the way I wanted. I should probably send these post here too, sorry about that.
Second: Not all pictures in this post are mine. I added names of the autora as I know them from Amino.
Before start: themes and art in this post could be quite dark, read with caution.
Lafayette's diary
It was few days before Christmas 2019, when my roommate, John Laurens, ask me to go with him to see his family on impromptu trip to US.
Family he almost never had been talking about.
How could I be so stupid?
When they told us that States are under martial law and that we will lend in Canada, John totally freaked out. He almost insulted fly attendant.
We slept on the airport that night. I woke up in the middle of the night, with John nowhere to be seen. I found him outside, trying to climb the fence, bruised and with scraped knees.
I should have grabbed him, drag him to the departure hall and sat on him until we should left for England in the morning.
But I couldn't.
He already told me that he is there because his "friend" Alexander. I saw that he is scared and sad and I couldn't tell me that I don't help him.
Even tho we"borrow" a car, we spent days walking over borders. In freezing weather, with shadows we didn't know yet are dead walking, all around us.
But it wasn't dead who get us...
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He shoot me to the side when I try to help John.
The other soldier punch him and call help.
Her name was Angelica Schuyler.
But it was too late.
They take us to army base. I spend three nights in hospital.
When I got better, I try to find out what happened with Alexander. That's how I met one of my now friends, Aaron Burr.
I broke his nose when he told me about Alex.
He was bitten.
Hide in house in Weehawken.
Died after few agonizing days.
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Aaron met him in Lincoln tunel And shoot him.
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(By Judgemental moose)
Well...maybe he shouldn't start with that part.
We were together in Washingtons unit during war. I help to save his and Hercules Mulligan's life, when bunch of crazy white guys decided that apocalypse is good excuse for their racist bs.
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(By Jette)
My kids think I'm liying what I tell them this part. Sadly not because of that racism thing, but because of me riding on a horse, Aaron's pregnant wife and our current president being there.
But it's true!
She was, and still is, that type of girl. She survive week in house surrounded by dead, marry Aaron Burr and get whole Washingtons army to get him from trouble.
Still not sure which of those things is the craziest one.
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(By OrcasHaveNoChill )
It actually wasn't the first time I met Thomas...I mean president Jefferson.
Washington send me to get him, which, in the hindsight, wasn't the best idea.
He swore that he was in France only as a kid...
It was bit like that Termination movie to go there and try to help your "older self“
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(By Jette)
I always skip the detail about what they do to Herc. I'm... I'm just glad he is alive.
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(By Angel dust )
Because he was the one who hold me when Aaron chopped my leg off...
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(By Felibubu )
It's no use to tell people again and again that we are not zombies waiting to happened and that they don't need to be afraid to sit next to me in subway... To be in one lift with my beloved wife..
But c'est une autre paire de manches
I try to contact John's family after, but... They already create “true story" they want to told about John. They don't one to talk...
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This is the story they are showing.
They wasn't married.
I don't thing they were more that friends.
Just two scared people who didn't know how to live their own lives.
Only John's younger brother was willing to talk with me. He is great guy, he study univerzity.
He don't let anybody control his life.
Something I think that if John would be more like that, he would...
He wouldn't be...
But that cannot change the past.
So I try not to think...
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itwasanangryinch · 6 years
3...2...1... Happy New Year!!
For the first (?) time, I’m actually going to make and complete a New Years meme, because fuck it, I had a good year. I’m also going to put much shorter answers for last year since I had wanted to do this then, but then... didn’t.
Favourite new (to me) band: Against Me!     5 favourite songs:
The Ocean
White Crosses
True Trans Soul Rebel
I Was a Teenage Anarchist
Norse Truth
I’ve known about Against Me! since lead singer Laura Jane Grace since she came out as trans in 2012 with her Rolling Stone profile, but I hadn’t heard any of their songs until a couple of years ago. This year was the first year I really got into her music (both here and with The Devouring Mothers) after reading her biography Tranny while on vacation in Melbourne.
Runner up: Miss Guy and the Toilet Boys, seen for the first time at Wigstock 2.Ho
2017′s answer: Ataru Nakamura, the very, very talented trans performer who played Yitzhak to JCM’s Hedwig in Japan (and because of the staging, also played Hedwig for the non-singing part of the script.)
Favourite new (to me) city: Melbourne, Australia.
If you had asked me last year, my answer would have been Tokyo, Japan and this year’s is my favourite for much the same reasons: Melbourne is very easy to get around, very fun to walk around, and I got to see the wonderful John Cameron Mitchell perform there.
Melbourne is absolutely beautiful with so many shops to explore and a free (within the few square blocks I mostly kept to) public transport system.
Runner up: Sydney, Australia. Very similar to Melbourne and might have been the favourite if I had been able to stay there longer, but.... schedules.
2017′s answer: Toyko, Japan. For the reasons listed above. I could actually see myself moving to Tokyo at some point. Not right now, but possibly eventually.
Favourite concert: John Cameron Mitchell: The Origin of Love, Brisbane
This year I have seen this concert seven times in addition to one very abridged show in Portland, Oregon to go along with a double header of Hedwig and How to Talk to Girls at Parties.
On this particular date, the band gelled really well; John was in a great mood, great energy; the crowd was incredible..... Everything just... Worked. (Even tho this was the concert I had the least amount of interaction with John afterwards, lol.)
Definitely looking forward to seeing where John takes the performances for his upcoming stateside tour and at a later, yet to be announced, time in Japan.
Runner ups: (aside from the rest of the OoL tour), Rocky Horror with Mason Alexander Park, Taboo 15 (with Mason), Alice Cooper, and Wigstock 2.Ho where I finally got to see NPH performing as Hedwig.
2017′s answer: Hedwig and the Angry Inch: October 14th, evening. Tokyo, Japan.
In my estimation, this was the best of all of the Hedwig concerts. By this point, everyone had performed this in front of an audience twice before and the show from beginning to end gelled really well. Again, there was an incredible energy between the band and the two lead performers and the audiences for all of the Japan shows were great. From beginning to end, this one was the best.
From about the Tommy monologue til the end, the final Tokyo show (Oct. 15th) was the best because there was this crackling, alive, angry energy that had an almost dangerous feeling to Exquisite Corpse and was the only show (surprisingly!!) where I cried at the delivery of my favourite line “Then love the front of me.” On that show, with the exception of Exquisite Corpse, I cried from that line til John started the encore song, ‘The End of Love’ and I had only stopped there because I had completely forgotten he was doing an encore song.
Favourite movie: Black Panther
I’ve been waiting literal years for this movie to be made and there was not one thing to be disappointed in in its final rendering in my opinion. I realize that unlike a large portion of the audience, this movie was very much not reflective of my experiences and at no point would I claim to be represented by it as anything other than a nerd and a comic book fan.
Being a fan of the Black Panther for years has meant having tone deaf comic lines, sidelined animated stories, and much less content, merch, and even cartoon adaptation than some of his paler counterparts. So to see a film that was technically and narratively perfect being rendered so beautifully and taking the box office for many, many weeks was a wonderful way to start this year.
Runners up: Deadpool 2, Bad Samaratian, and does How to Talk to Girls at Parties even count for this year if I saw it last year in Japan??
2017′s answer: a strong tie between Transpotting 2 and HtTtGaP. T2 because it was so much better than I could have ever hoped it to be. It married themes and footage from the first film perfectly to the characters’ lives 20 years on. It gave me hope for an eventual Hedwig sequel in terms of quality because based on interviews, they share a similar tone in terms of ageing characters. Plus Danny Boyle’s cinematography was truly beautiful with the use of shadows, call-backs, foreshadowing.... A true equal to the most iconic of Scottish films.
HtTtGaP because well.... John Cameron Mitchell’s direction mixed with an alien invasion set against punk rock and the Queen’s jubilee? How could I not love it? To me, it’s a strong second to Hedwig in terms of quality and netted my absolute favourite review via the BBC (‘This is one of the worst films ever made’, trust me Beeb reviewer, if that were true, cinema would be a far more enjoyable art form.)
Favourite vacation: Australia
Long story short: I met my favourite actor five times. It’s very rare in this life that you can actually tell an artist who influenced your life in a very meaningful way just how much their art and they as a person mean to you. This year, after seeing JCM perform live eight times and on video, no lie, thousands of times, I had the chance to actually do this. And unlike how I was worried about for the past three years, I wasn’t actually nervous to talk to him at all. Part of that is that he is a very easy person to feel at ease with, very comforting presence.... And part of it was that during the first Australian show I went to where I’m dressed as the very first Squeezebox Hedwig, John lay on top of me as part of the final number. How could I be scared to talk to him after that introduction??
Runners up: going to see Taboo 15 in New York with my best friend and touring the David Bowie Is exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum (March), going to see Wigstock with Risa. Technically, I ditched work to be able to go, but.... 10/10, I would do it again. I saw a lot of amazing performers for the first time, had a chance to chat with Mason again, and saw the tour de force that is Neil Patrick Harris as Hedwig and Lena Hall as Yitzhak.
Hopefully next year, the Hedwig section will be able to be longer. (Or maybe Yitz will perform by himself. Or multiple Hedwigs. Or just the entire Hedwig script delivered at the end of a seven hour drag festival pre-show.)
2017′s answer: Hedwig in Japan. Not only did I get to meet my friend @miyacantdecide for the first time in person, I was able to see the wonder that is JCM as Hedwig live. Even when he’s not delivering the script, his presence as Hedwig is truly something else. And having seen him perform as himself (but in a version of her makeup) this year, I can honestly say that She has a completely different stage presence to Him and how incredible of an actor to be able to deliver such radically different interpretations of the same material and songs??
Outside of Hedwig, I can honestly say that I came back from Japan a changed person. Better in so many ways than I was a year previous. Almost completely made whole again after past traumas (and completed a year later on a different trip.)
2017′s runner up: seeing RENT 20 live. I had a blast hanging out with my mother most of the days and the RENT 20 cast? Holy shit. What talents. Cried from ‘I’ll Cover You (Reprise)’ til the end of ‘Finale B’. Just goes to show: it doesn’t matter if the show’s set in December and it’s hot As Fuck outside if you have a talented cast bundled up in sweaters for 75% of the script.
Favourite album: Golden by Kylie
Not only does pop’s most talented princess talk about her recent breakup with Joshua Sause (sp?), there’s themes of her ageing as this year our princess turned 50. While I agree with reviewers that this isn’t her best musically or vocally, I find myself replaying this one over and over on my stereo and headphones more than almost any other album this year. Favourite song: a toss up between Shelby ‘68 and Low Blow.
2017′s answer: Pollinator by Blondie. It had been two years since the release of 2014′s Ghost of Download, but unlike Ghost’s offerings that went largely unnoticed by me at the time, every single from Pollinator got me more and more hyped not only because of the excellent music evident on songs such as Fun, Long Time, and Doom or Destiny, but collaborations with artists such as Raja (on the video for Fun) and Joan Jett (the aforementioned Doom or Destiny), the honey-thick entrancing song Fragments, and the wonderful Love Line.
This year has been weirder, queerer, and more wonderful than any year yet on record. I’ve been to a number of technically-but-not-really drag shows, revisited some of my favourite artists in concert, met two of my favourite Hedwigs, and saw four total Heds perform.... I’ve read and learned more about the queer experience that not only deepened my understanding of my larger community, but of my own experiences and how they fit within the community. I’ve become more confident being out to coworkers and customers at my job....
I had the pleasure of meeting two of my close friends @hedwig-in-a-jukebox and @fdelopera in person (with plans to meet up again early-2019) as well as making some new friends.
Here’s to an even better 2019! Onwards and upwards.
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... This Is Us (S01E16) Memphis Airdate: February 21, 2017 @nbctv Ratings: 9.354 Million :: 2.48 18-49 Demo Share Score: 9.5/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** AGGGH! I want to just scream, but I can't because of the tears. If one episode of 'This Is Us' has made me 'ugly cry' the hardest, so far its 'Memphis'. I might need a minute to emotionally adjust and calm down to get through this review because I promise you I'll be crying while I'm writing. The show has given me another chance to parallel some feelings and experiences (and lack of ones) with Randall and William, and I won't let it pass me by. Both men have been given such a rare opportunity, Randall was given a rare chance to connect with his biological father and was able to explore that relationship in depth and even take one last ride with the man. William was given a rare chance of redemption... Something that doesn't often present itself in our lives, not like the way it did in William's. I'd like to think it was because William has good soul and underneath all the pain, regret, addiction, and lost dreams... There was a beautiful man who loved and felt very, very deeply. Sometimes, those of us who feel those emotions in such a volcanic & visceral way, end up masking that intensity or running from it because they seem to be inexpressible. From the very start of 'This Is Us', I felt an immediate connection to Randall. The Randall-centric episodes gave me a chance to explore a possibility, or maybe live a fairy tale, and also truly put some emotions into words about my feelings towards my own abandonment by my father and explore feelings I didn't know were in there. If you've been following along with me on our Website, TVShowTime, Twitter, or Tumblr (and now our Facebook page), The Trip' S01E09 was where I really just RELEASED and not only connected with Randall feeling like an outsider in his own adopted family, trying to find his place, but also dealing with the absence of my father and the grief of losing a loved one who was my connection to that part of me. I made some statements in that piece that my mother read and was upset by, I want to make it clear that tho my mother and I do have a strained relationship at times, I love her deeply and know that sacrifices she made having me at such a young age, early in her high school years. She could've made the problem go away, she could've not given me the chance for life, but she did and by doing so risked her own future and made her own ride through life even more turbulent. And even tho we live our lives very differently, I will be forever grateful for the life she gave me. Watching her struggle through high school, then leaving me behind while she went to college, coming back for me and going from poor apartment life, struggling through our step fathers addiction and subsequent & extremely inspiring recovery, to them both rising from ashes as both being independent & successful business owners has been almost intimidating for me as their son. Yeah they've made incredible mistakes, parenting mistakes, along the way, but we are human and their fighting spirit in life is inspirational and I hope to one day even come close to achieving what they have in their lives. Like Rebecca, who did not appear in this episode my mother was extremely apprehensive (that's probably not a strong enough word) about me meeting my biological grandparents... But I think the worry truly lied in the possibility of somewhere down the line meeting my biological father. Since I've already covered the subject, I'll leave it at this, but I needed to set some things straight as I continue the parallel. Many people reached out to me after writing that piece on 'The Trip' and a few other extremely naked and raw pieces, letting me know that they had gone through something similar. Somehow it's comforting to know that throughout this universe that my brothers and sisters who reached out to me from France, Brazil, The UK, Spain, Iran, and several other countries are connected to me through a similar struggle. A struggle we also are connected with through Randall, who actor Sterling K Brown has really made come to life. He's incredible and without his vulnerable and incredibly powerful performance as well as Ron Cephas Jones who also gave us an award worthy, captivating presentation as William, this just wouldn't have popped and have given us such a deeply affecting experience. This last hurrah with William, this trip to Memphis, a trip that Beth wasn't exactly on board with (as we saw in she and Randall's heated, but equally adorable back in forth in Doctor/therapeutic consultation) was the perfect leg to end this arc on. Knowing that there wasn't much time left to live, they set out on their cathartic road trip journey, something I myself am in need of as of late... Giving William the chance to go back home to face his demons, make amends, and live like nothing was wrong one last time... And giving Randall the chance to meet extended family, to trace his roots he'd only been able to dream about since he was a boy. For most of us this will never happen, I'm in my 30's and still waiting on that phone call or email from my father, but it hasn't come, and I don't know if it ever will, so watching it happen is like vicariously living through Randall. It's surreal. As they start the trip Randall says they won't be using GPS and pulls out a bunch of maps to which William promptly throws out the window... Yup, "Just drive, son... We'll get there." Truer words have never been spoken. They really captured that freeing road trip experience, an empty road as they forged ahead, surrounded by trees on either side, bright grassy medians, and windows down, wind blowing through their souls... There's something so cleansing, so purifying about a road trip. And as they followed the winding highways and byways to Memphis, we saw William's own timeline paralleled as his walk in life was explained... The show had started with his birth and then we saw that his father was killed leaving him with a single mother... The trip started with his mother seeing him off to explore his music and art to see if he could spread his wings the way that she knew he had it in him. Let's be clear, success isn't defined by the house you have, the things you sell... It's defined by the people you touch and whether or not you leave this plane of existence with a smile on your face. Randall and William traded stories about their lives, Randall talked about Jack Pearson, the myth, not necessarily the man, and how he used to calm him down through his debilitating panic attacks. At this point in the episode I had probably welled up with tears at least twice... Ok maybe three times, or possibly four. William wanted to know more about Jack and I just love hearing the three 'children' talking about Jack. When one of close loved ones passes we start to forget the bad and remember all the amazing things they did, the little things that brought us joy, relief, or just smiles. This is how we immortalize our lost ones, we all are terribly faulted, and if you can't look back and smile at a fault then it's probably not worth remembering. It's a human condition thing, I don't know if it's right, but it's what we do. I miss the long talks with my Aunt, who was more of my sister than anything, she'd talk to me on the phone for hours as I moved across country looking for a place I could call home. She always fantasized and pushed for me to come live with her, but we both knew I belonged somewhere far away. I remember when I was very little she would play on the piano and sing... My favorite was when she would sing Bette Middler songs... But she could do everything from 'Guns N Roses' to Power Ballads. She introduced me to music and we would sit in her room for hours and she'd write down and memorize every lyric to every song... Poison, Whitesnake, REM, Tesla, Joan Jett, Tone-Loc, nothing was off limits What I wouldn't give for some of those pieces of paper. I'd probably collage them out into a piece of artwork, but they are long gone. You never think about those things then because you don't think that one day they'll unexpectedly leave you. I pretty much knew that when William suggested that they drive a half a day out of the way to pay respects to Jack, that he knew this was his last trip. His speech to Jack's official resting place, where he says 'I would've liked to have met his son's father' had me in knots. To all of you out there like Randall, like me, who missed out on their real life blood father, I hope you get your redemption story. I hope that you are able to meet your cousins and your brothers and sisters. I hope that you don't just get to meet them once and swap an email or meaningless Facebook posts every once in a blue moon. I hope that what we are seeing in 'Memphis' is a possibility and not just a fairy tale, manipulating our emotions on NBC. We all deserve closure and to all the lost fathers, lost mothers, I don't care what you've done... You all deserve redemption. But you can't just sit back and hide in fear of get stuck in your feelings, frozen in their icy hold. You have to reach out. You have to make a call. You have to tell your sons and your daughters that deserve to hear you say that you're sorry, or you did what you thought was best... Whatever it may be. You might not get your Memphis, but even if you receive a emotionally charged reaction.... Anger, Sadness. Relief, Fear (and whatever else is controlling us from the inside like in the existential Disney/Pixar masterpiece 'Inside Out'), you owe it to your children and you owe it to yourself to just say something, anything at all.
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iorvaia · 7 years
25 Q/A Personality Tag
I was tagged by @ferelden-doglord​ thank you <33
1. Are you introverted or extroverted? introverted, definitely.
2. Are you ruled by emotions or logic? Hmm, hard to tell... logic I think, although it’s more like an equal influence ^^°
3. What is your happiest memory? When I was still living in a little village at the edge of “town“ and I went out with my dog on a sunny day and we ran until there were no houses left to see anywhere and I was in the middle of the field, the forest next to me and Jette was just jumping around... tbh it’s only one of many days which went like that, but I think it still counts :)
4. What is your saddest memory? Hmmm... probably when my grandpa died ?
5. In what kind of world would you rather live in? One with more harmony and respect for nature, with magical forests and without big, stinking cities which cover miles and miles with concrete, a world with magic in it of some sort and with a diversity of creatures
6. What is your favorite video game?  Dragon Age and Witcher o.ö don’t force me to choose between them xD
7. What is your biggest fear for yourself? that I’ll be unable to use my hands anymore for some reason... be it illness or some accident. Or loosing my eyesight. both would stop me from doing what I like best: drawing, reading, writing and playing video games :’)
8. What is your biggest wish for yourself? a bit cheesy, but... to find someone who loves me thoroughly with all my flaws and who I can trust and share everything with
9. What fictional character do you relate to the most? Hm, the first one coming to mind is Cedric. Despite the drinking issue I can relate to him, he’s this kind and caring character with respect for others... hope I don’t sound arrogant here xD just to clarify, I don’t think I’m perfect :’D for me it’s not drinking, but probably something else
10. If you could become anything, without any education or demands, what would you choose as your profession? Artist, preferably comic artist. Or author.
11. Do you have any siblings? jup. Little sister.
12. Have you ever wanted to injure someone? When I was really angry maybe. But still not REALLY.
13. Have you ever wanted to help someone, but didn’t? Yes, when I was too shy or otherwise unsure and thought I might just be annoying or weird... I’m talking about strangers here, that’s to say. For my friends there are different rules xD
14. What makes you angry? Arrogant or disrespectful people, or people taking advantage of their positions to take others down, or abusive people  in general
15. What makes you happy? books, drawing, animals, video games, friends at times, being alone at others...
16. Would you rather beat up a small child once - or get beaten up by an angry man every single day for the rest of your life? I really don’t like this question.... neither? getting beaten up every day wouldn’t only suck, but everything would hurt all the time, you would live in fear of the next day constantly and eventually it’d probably break you. Then again I couldn’t beat up anybody, especially not a child.
17. What places would you visit today if you could? Iceland, London, maybe Venice, and the Carpathians.
18. Do you want children? Why? If not, why not? Definitely, if I could influence it I would first have a boy and then a girl when I’m like at the end of my twenties. I love children, they are like little suns (even tho they can be really annoying sometimes ) and I believe that I’ll be a good mum. I think it will be great to raise a child and guide a person, accompany them and walk beside them for a while (metaphorically spoken)
19. Did you have a happy childhood? I guess I had... no, i definitely had a good childhood. My parents are great, and even tho it wasn’t exactly easy, it was still happy. As far as I remember, that is.
20. Have you ever done drugs? If you have, would you do it again? Well I guess alcohol counts (technicely) and I did do that and will do it again, and if it’s only drinking whine at dinner. Cigarettes too, I smoked at partys or with friends. further than that, nothing.
21. Would you rather become a child again, possessing all the knowledge you have today, or become middle-aged, with 45 000 000 € on your bank account? I wouldn’t want to do everything again and I wouldn’t be happy either, so the other option. It would still suck to loose all the time, but it would be acceptable.
22. If you could become any existing famous person in the world - who would you be and why? I wouldn’t really enjoy being famous probably, but I’d choose Emma Watson. She seems to be a nice person in the right age, so..... yeah.
23. Are your parents married or divorced? married since may 2013
24. Where do you see yourself in the future? How far in the future?  In general with a family, in a house on the countryside, with a dog and a yard, working as a teacher, but still doing art as a hobby.
25. If you’d like, a question of your own here. Mine is directed to my fellow Witcher lovers; Who and Why?
For friendly purposes, Regis or Cirilla? I think Regis, just for symathy reasons.. I think we’d have better dicussions.
For romantic purposes, Dettlaff or Avallac’h? Avallac’h. No explanation needed
As your co-worker, Caranthir or Geralt? Geralt
As your boss, Eredin or Ge’els? Eredin. I don’t really have a reason.
As your best friend, Yennefer or Shani? Yennefer, because Shani doesn’t fascinate me, also she’s just so.....bright :’D
As your ally, Vernon Roche or Anna Henrietta? hm, Roche probably. He’s loyal for his part, so...
As your worst enemy, Triss or Dandelion? I mean, Dandelion would make sense because what’s he going to do to his enemys? It wouldn’t scare me really I suppose. Then again I think I would go along with him better than with triss, so it’s gotta be her xD
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