#its true im riot games
eggnogs-fever-dream · 9 months
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I dont remember posting this so uhhh have some valorant art i did a while ago 👍👍
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quodekash · 1 year
TIME FOR EPISODE 6 ive got my fingers crossed for a jengpok kiss but my hopes aren't high (but jokezo had better kiss this episode tho or im gonna riot)
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this is so unnecessarily funny
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no I will not shut up about the bed thing
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I think im laughing a little too hard about this
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literally everyone except zo, im pretty sure everyone knows
especially nita
she's the captain of their ship and no one can change my mind about this
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oh nooooooooooo how terrible, how disgusting, what a terrible turn of events
now jokezo have a lot of time to spend together in an empty room, and nothing to do
what on earth will they do about this?
it would be a real shame if they kissed
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what kind of fun are you implying, joke?
are you going to kiss
I think that maybe they should kiss
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they are holding handssssss
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things we didn't know about joke before the series, yet are entirely unsurprising and make a lot of sense: 1. he's afraid of heights, 2. he's insanely dramatic when playing a zombie video game
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im so mad that zo can't see his own face rn
if he could, he would SEE his feelings for joke, and then he would be able to communicate that with joke, and then they can go out AND THEY WOULD KISS
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good advice with zo
communication is key
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holy frick that is terrifying
I dont know what to say
this is horrible and I hope whoever that was is found and stops doing it because nita's safety is really in trouble right now and im very scared for her
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oh and it just gets worse
holy frick
this is not good
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im not gonna put the blame on joke rn but I really feel like he shouldn't have left her alone after that
she was clearly terrified and vulnerable and scared of something happening, and I think he probably should've at least offered to go with her and make sure she was safe because now she's alone and im so scared of whatever is about to happen
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I hate this guy so much please die sir
im crying out of fear and anger and mostly fear
this is terrifying
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he said 'get your hands off my girlfriend' and like they broke up but if they have to lie that they're dating in order to protect Nita's safety, im all for it man
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this also explains the awkward uncomfortableness she was clearly feeling when on that kind-of date with zo
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ohhhhhhhhh so they never actually dated? that actually explains a lot of stuff that I didn't realise needed explaining
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number 1 jokezo shipper wants to tell zo that she and joke aren't dating so that he can date joke, but she's waiting for zo to ask before she'll tell him
(either that or she knows zo likes her, but shush I want to stay true in my belief that nita ships jokezo more than anyone around)
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huzzah, a confusingly worded confession to the girl after he realises he doesnt actually like her, im smelling pat napat jindapat
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she knows its joke, I swear she knows its joke
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hang on
wait a second
what was that
jeng isn't single
bro you have a boyfriend
what the hell just happened
im so confused rn
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its not like this is the first time that they've sLEPT IN A BED TOGETHER
and the first time it was immediately after they MADE OUT and then DIDNT TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS
im still so angry about this
ill never not be angry about this
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I mean I do get that zo needs more time to figure out his feelings before hes gonna say them out loud and yada yada all that, I do get it.
but also: you keep reaching for his hand, you KISSED HIM, and generally im pretty sure if someone likes you and you know they like you and they make moves on you and you do nothing to stop them and you dont feel uncomfortable with them making moves on you and whatnot then that means you either really like attention OR YOU ALSO LIKE THEM AND IN THIS CASE ITS THE LATTER
wait what the hell, next episode jokezo are going on a date, AND we're meeting joke's grandma, AND she's homophobic, AND there's some guy zo knows who he's trying to avoid? CAN TI PLEASE BE NEXT WEEK ALREADY, I HAVE QUESTIONS
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petorahs · 1 year
☀️ i am so sad, i heared that they wont include anything from fes or portable, so no femc, no answer or the like. I hate it here, why this disrespect to my girl Minako i will fight somebody at atlus HQ
oh. well i will say it straight (the only thing straight about me i fear lol) but thats likely not entirely true, ☀️ anon. idk if youve seen this post but it sums it up pretty well https://www.tumblr.com/petorahs/719925542729695232
and the full article published a while later:
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bad ign reporting aside, i was also pretty upset at first since no femc and the answer! but then i saw a good point someone made about the femc case:
persona 3 reload has reportedly been in development for four years. and in that four years thats standard time to build a game from the ground up, maybe even too little – anyone who's been in game dev can tell us that. p3re doesnt reuse assets, too, it's completely from scratch. so having femc isnt simply a matter of model swap. they'd also have to program the UIs and make everything pink - sure, that could be "easy", but there's also the changed social links and team dynamics (more writing to be done), weapon system and all that (more coding)? so its like... i'd be actually surprised if they managed a femc during those 4 years. its quite a lot of work to re-adapt base p3 as is i feel and modernizing it. also i feel like atlus themselves wouldnt want to do their character and her fanbase wrong so of course they wouldnt fkn slap on a few pink menus and call it a day. they surely want to rewrite the s links and everything too in accordance to her. art takes time.
(with all that being said bullying atlus for femc is warranted actually maybe then her inevitable dlc might come faster lmao )
similarly, im fine with no "the answer" now despite being its #1 defender. theyd have to completely rework the 30:2 hour grinding to story ratio which is just not sustainable on a modern gameplay perspective. that also takes time.
its why i made this post actually. i somehow trust them, and i feel like most of us can stand to chill a little and have healthier expectations. as in not overbloated and not have the bar set in hell either (altho we should also do that too)
and i know, like anyone who's played this game, it means so much to so many people. and thats why its maybe impossible to please everyone, because its so many different things: a game that saved their life, a funny goofy lighthearted one where you catch demons, the most depressing persona game ever (altho i feel like p2 would beg to differ on that one-), or for me personally, a game that just made me cry man.
and because it means so much, everyone wants to see it be the best it can be!! and that means having hamuchan. i get that all of this riot energy is out of love for the game, really. but. yeah.
a remake seems like it's "less work to do" since the foundation's "already there" and i dont know how many people worked on p3re but like. i highly doubt theyre just sitting on their asses pissing off fans on purpose lol. (or maybe they are and im just too optimistic damn 😭)
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duck-n-clover · 11 months
Get to know 9 people ask game
Tagged by: @pansypossum
Last Song Listened To: Heretic Pride by the Mountain Goats, courtesy of Darby playing music from their computer hehe :) *waves*
Currently Watching: we've been watching so many movies lately but nothing currently, there's several movies i've thought of in passing so they get added to the neverending list etc... though technically i've gotten a few eps into The Last of Us, which we havent gone back to in a bit but maybe someday! i also have a tab open to a Dollightful doll custom video, to finish later hehe!
Currently Reading: i just finished Boys Run The Riot Volume 1, and am about 15 pages into The Verifiers by Jane Pek!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: spicy and savory please, yum!
Current Obsession: OCs are always on the brain of course! currently rotating in my mind: Felipe and Gabriel cuddling after being snowed into Gabriel's parents house 😌
also i have gotten into playing Neopets again because of the daily quests system they just enacted, i love those lil guys and having a daily task!!! give me a chance to talk about my neopets i'll do it---!
also also--- Graveyard Keeper was 4 bucks on steam so i've been playing that alot. it scratches an itch that something like Stardew Valley does (which im also obsessed with, if given the chance to talk/think about) so ive been having fun with that. even if its more grindy than is ideal is a fun puzzle to me.
Relationship Status: *looks up at who tagged me* oh, you know.... but yes dating and living with Darby, blogging next to each other in our side by side desks livin the dream and such :3c
Last Thing I Googled: probably something relating to Graveyard Keeper....? ok that's kinda true theres so much i need to google from that game hkfkdh but also i checked my history i googled "host movie", it was mentioned on a stream we were watching i had to See. one thing about me is im always googling things, gotta know so many things!
Currently Working On: a drawing of Felipe and Gabriel, like i said, obsessed with them! though this sketch has been hanging around in my sketchbook for months im just now getting around to making it a digital piece.
also i am nearly done with a drawing of one of my neopets but i have to ponder on some of the design choices, so it's been sitting a little bit! maybe we'll see it soon!
I tag: tagging 9 people is so wild ummmm how about whoever sees and wants to do this please tag me i wanna see more about my buds! ok bye! :)
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baeshijima · 2 years
its midnight and im sobbing over episode 8 of tot i hate it here
(SPOILERS KINDA UTC BUT NOT REALLY BUT ALSO KINDA???? not really story related but moreso character related stuff,,,, but there is ome big spoiler so this still counts 🐥)
first off
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no but this episode was so heavy and extremely emptional holy fuck?? ngl i enjoy the stories for the plot and thriller aspects bc they are really good + do represent real world issues, but my god i think this was one of, if not the most emtional ones???
genuinely my heart aches for rio and especially lowe :((
on that note pls look at how beautiful my beloved lowe lear is hes so babygirl skrunkle and i wanna give him all the hugs and headpats in the world bc he deserves them and so much more pls can we see him appear again in future eps ahhdk 🥹
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okay no but laura… literally breaks into tears just thinking abt her sacrifice so that lowe could be free and wouldnt tie his life down to make a cure to save her….
no but as soon as tot said she hid the knife i knew how it was gonna end but i didnt think it would be THAT emotional 😭
honestly the scenes from the laura-lowe confrontation to the sacrifice scene on the deck of the cruise was so tragically beautiful and im just???? why cant anyone be happy in this game gdi hyv im outside ur window rioting so make the npcs happy 🐥
once again so thankful i use simplified chinese voiceovers bc my god that was so impactful…. lowes pain and desperation…. rios distraught…. lynnes pain…. lauras weak and soft speech… god im such a sucker for angst and just pure heart-wrenching plots and this took the cake 😔 the further we progress main story wise, the more my heart strays from happiness :’>
but on a lighter note, look at my awkward baby howard owning up and knowing the true rights and wrongs :(( honestly made me go 🥹 when he said this BDKDK
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AND ALSO HUEY 😭😭 i love him sm and im so glad we got to hear from him??? plus the fact hes happier now, has a good relationship with his parents and made friends makes my heart so full and was such a nice way to close off the ep (we ignore the reveal artem gave followed by the pov switch ahahhabdms)
and the fact he asked us to save lowe :((( dw sweetie if hyv wont let us in game have more lowe cameos i can always imagine them 🫡
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hi sir u look like every black hair red eyed manhwa dad ever and i think thats so hot of u haha 🫶
also f jerome in the end scene when this guy talked abt him detonating the bomb on the cruise 😭
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
i’m sorry you’ve not been having a good month, but please remember to take care of yourself!!! and like you said, content is content. don’t beat yourself up for not completing the challenge 🧡 HOWEVER YHE NEW FIC IM LOVING IT ALREADY AND BRUHHHHH HONESTLY the memes had me cackling. and I will have the best time and absolutely ruin my voice tomorrow!!! -🐈‍⬛
I'm trying to be okay, one day at a time and all that 😅😅 it's stressful but it's getting better.
I LOVE You Know Me ITS SO SELF INDULGENT like literally this is just my chance to project my own first year uni shenanigans into a fic. I have very fond memories both of my dormmates and of my friends in my course and first year was particularly unhinged, so a lot of this (other than the romance) is pulled directly from my own experiences. A lot of the gc behaviour and dialogue is very true to life. It's making me feel all nostalgic tbh 😅😅 the inherent intimacy of straddling your hot best friend on the sofa in the middle of pre-gaming with your friends while you apply his eyeliner, both of you tipsy. It feels like the best and most important task in the world at the time... Anyways first year was a riot and now I'm giving some of those vibes to y'all.
HAVE FUN HAVE FUN HAVE FUN!!! Ooft I'm deeply jealous but honestly so fucking excited for you I hope you have a blast!!
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teeto-peteto · 11 months
Okay, so basic rundown: Arcane is now canon. I think Riot is moving away from short stories to explore other mediums. Don’t quote me on this, I just know the broad strokes and I’m sure someone can explain better.
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mkay im dumb i always thought that Arcane was canon? like it was nonsensical once you put it together with the league of legends lines but HAHA im ringing my 'im stupid' bell. see this is why you shouldnt listen to anything i say i have no motives-
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they are moving away from the short stories??? woah thats... a pity, actually. Im not the type of person that reads a lot of them but i normally do of characters i like and care about. I know Milio is not that recent anymore, but his short story felt heartwarming and very nice to read. It also had some illustrations.
I dont understand why would they do that. I assume that by other mediums they probably mean audiovisuals like teasers or something like that, maybe audio stories like Legends of Bilgewater or whatever the name was, i cant remember correctly. Wich it isnt bad its just... dissapointing they would say that they want to move away. If there's going to be comics like then i would be uttterly dissapointed but hey, at least i would be happy they're giving a job to writers and artists, they very much deserve and need it.
its saddening i just dont undertsand why they would take down a feature most people like about the characters they are interested on...? bruh
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dont worry i wont quote you on this one but i will say that if all of this turns out to be just like that, i wouldnt be not even a bit surprised. Its no secret Riot has been ruining and pissing over their own characters re writting them and fixing shit that never needed to be repaired by starters and making the whole lore more confusing and nonsensical with a bunch of plot holes, wich i assume is going to happen if they make Arcane canon. This has been like this for almost 5 or more years, the lore keeps getting worse and worse and the only things that mattered to fandom will dissapear if all this turns true.
the whole 'guys but look we got a new CEO and we SWEAR he's amazing!' its getting hard to read at this point because a macro company is trying to sell us that this guy is going to improve everything with just a finger, like if thats going to stop or even reconsider the oversexualization of female characters, objetification and the plainest of characters coming out of their hands getting worse and worse as the lore is tearing apart and the community is a fire pit with the worst incel playerbase i have ever seen.
The way they phrased one of the tweets about this new CEO in the past being the backbone of the Pride events made me wheeze cause the way it was written made me imagine the guy entering the meeting like 'hey guys you know homosexuals exists? we should do something about it' as if it was a medal to have a pride event when its the leastest shit you can do for a game at this point. At least make good lgtbq+ stories instead of selling the exact same icons for years and sweeping trans taliyah under the rug. God i hate this company and its writing.
see? things where better when institute of war was there. they are just a bunch of guys hanging out in empty space. fuck it that rocks
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cinephalopods · 3 years
not sure if im either going to bend over backwards to slot my existing ocs into splatoon 3 (involving somehow justifying ollie of all people being promoted when someone both less traumatised and more responsible is RIGHT GODDAMN THERE) or ill just make a new set of agents. but i will decide all of this when the game actually comes out and i get to know wHATS GOING ON..
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medieval-atkinson · 3 years
i dont know if this is true but arcane having more views and likes than stranger things and the mandalorian is just a big step for riot and fortiche. stranger things and the mandalorian definitely has more episodes and since im more familiar with stranger things, it has 3 season coming to 4 but arcane still beat that with only a single season with 9 episodes. just how amazing that is. the mandalorian is also another success for the lucas film industry and it having much more episodes than arcane but not being as popular is just unthinkable. but i have to say this, riot and fortiche did an amazing job trying to provide us with a new genre in entertaintment and making 6 years pay off.
even thought league of legends may not be a favourable game for most of us, arcane had given the beauty of back stories and history that has made these characters themselves for the game itself. arcane has more juice and substance, wittiness and heart warming scenes, which makes a whole other nation rise and allowed loads to find their comfort personality and have something to await for.
arcane allowed those who doesnt understand the lgbtq community to see the slowburns of two subjects of the same genders getting to find their sexuality in favour of their tastes because love has no boundaries. these lessons helps people to respect others that are polar and people that may not have the same agenda as themselves. you dont want me to start about the art from an artist pov.
anyway, riot and fortiche really deserves this much recognition and love and we should try to also wait for a few years for season 2 paTEINTLY. its getting hard already. either way, dont forget to enjoy the rest of your night / morning / day .
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viktormaru · 3 years
Ok, here's my big post on my thoughts on Viktor's lore and how it compares to Viktor in Arcane
Obviously: spoilers for arcane until episode 6, and spoilers for viktor's current in game as of this date I guess?
Ok let's get into it
First of all Im gonna adress something that I mentioned on twitter. Riot basically confirmed Arcane isn't the definite canon but tried to rely as much on canon as it could, so basically its a soft canon.
I think that's good. League of Legends is a game that is constantly pumping new characters, claiming a story as the definite truth makes it harder to add to it later, as much as it sucks to lose consistency because of it.
But! That's the point I want to make with this point. They DID try to lean on the guts of what the characters' lores in it are and they made this new thing that still feels legit in a way. At least so far (we dont have act 3 out yet).
So Viktor right? First of all we never had a real young Viktor design, the closest we got I guess was prototype, and I'm not joking when I say I like this skin
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The info we had on Viktor was that he was a genius, was ostricized by his peers in Piltover, very passionate about science and sympathetic towards the problems of the people of Zaun.
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Then Arcane Viktor is... a genius, not very popular (this is an assumption based on the fact he's never really out with people), very passionate about science and sympathetic towards the problems of the people of Zaun. So it checks. He looks nerdy and I like that for him even though the fun in masked characters is usually that we don't know what they look like. This isn't abt his design, its abt his character and lore.
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Viktor is from the Entresol level of Zaun, Zaun is full of toxins in the air basically and this is where most of what the call the Zaun Grey stays. Theres a lot of manual labor and factories here, it's basically the underbelly of Zaun. This seems to be true in both Arcane and In-game lore so keep it in mind.
In his in game-lore as a kid he had to constantly move because of the constant spills, accidents and other dangers that would come from those factories and that encouraged him to find a solution to that, making inventions that would make work safer and protect his people. It was through his inventions that he was invited to join the Piltover Academia.
And that's a constant in Viktor's inventions, most of his creations is to save lives or diminish suffering. He created Blitzcrank to control a chem-spill, he keeps using techmaturgical technologies to help people despite constant failures, he will disregard possible misuse of his technologies because HE intends to use it to help. Viktor is banned from the Academy because he doesn't see evil in what he does because he wouldn't misuse his technology. He's a logical man through and through, he doesn't see anything to be gained by harming other people (if he has no specific reason to do it).
Later with his Glorious Evolution, Viktor is trading human parts for robotic ones because they are more sturdy, they don't get sick or break like human bones do. He works on removing his emotions because him being fucking basically depressed was getting in the way of helping people. Viktor biggest motivation was this like misguided (?) desire to stop all the death and suffering that he grew up around. He's trying to go against the natural order to avoid it.
Now for Arcane Viktor we see he acquired a good position within the academia on his own, true to his genius nature and Stanwick, the professor that had originally invited him to Piltover seems to be out of the picture in the series. However there is a crucial change to Viktor right off the bat: Viktor is disabled. He needs an aid to walk. He's the same ambitious dude, not being content with his position int he academy, and sure enough on his beliefs he was willing to lose his carreer for Jayce's idea because he believed it to be good. He voices his desire to help the people of Zaun and that seems to be the goal he has with his inventions. Comes major change number 2: Viktor got sick from his years spent on the Entresol and is dying, FAST. We can see him start to spiriling down into means of using the technology he invented to work to save him. Viktor is trying to use his inventions to stop death at all costs.
You see where I'm getting at? We're getting to the same point basically. But now instead of Viktor working to save the people he had to watch die time and time again needlessly, the producers sped up the process to fit the series by making his issues much more personal. Viktor now understand in the flesh what is is to be fragile, to have your body fail to your expectations and sucumb to disease, pain and death. But the core of Viktor is still there.
My only concern with what's to come is that Viktor has always been a very logical man, he does things because he thought about them and made sense of them to be true based on his vision of hte world. He's no impulssive and he's not emotion driven, he's not prone to act without thinking. And again, Viktor never acted to hurt people, specially the vulnerable (though he has attacked Jayce, for example, with the reason that he NEEDED the crystal he had to save people, and if hurting Jayce meant saving dozens of other lives, that was a clear choice), so there's a part of me that fears what Singed being in the picture could mean to a Viktor who had a very fast ride to the point of Change instead of the very slow progress he had in the game lore. In Arcane he hasn't had time to think of the Glorious Evolution much, in his in game he kept seeing the same thing happen over and over again.
But yeah I can't say much about that because act 3 is not out yet... I'm excited for it though, I do hope we get a glimpse of robot man I love him very bad. And again, this is all my opinion and interpretations, I do have a specific vision of Viktor I like more and that is of a very sympathetic person instead of that of a villain and that is my bias and could pretty much be not the truth. I also don't remember his old lore and thus don't have any influence from that. Let's see where this all goes so I make another huge post for no reason.
On another things to note from the show:
- Jayce is so much nicer in the show than in the game's lore?? I NEED to consider this a soft canon or else Jayce, taking into account what he does in the in game lore, is a WORSE person that I imagined. Like, REALLY MUCH WORSE HOLY SHIT..... It's even funny just how much worse it makes him.
- On that note, I don't think Jayce did anything bad to Viktor in the series other than have a social life? TO VIKTOR, he's totally being an idiot and falling into a trap that's for sure but their friendship seems ot be going well with Jayce defending Viktor and supporting his ideas and inviting him to the stage to present his work as well, that's neat.
- Baby Viktor is fucking adorable I love him
- Heimerdinger comes off as a fucking horrible person telling Viktor to be patience and wait out a decade to perfect his work when Viktor is fucking dying and Heimer is like 300 years old LMAO
- I kinda agree with [Ikleyvey's take on twitter] about hwo the sicence aspect of the show works. It's confusing, doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere and make sense anywhere and it sounds like just a bunch of words thrown in for you to not understand, and they don't explain what it means because you're not supposed to make sense of it. It's a shame bcs I do wish we got to see more of it but it is what it is I guess.
I think this is it? so holy shit if theres anything I somehow missed or whatever feel free to ask me? Don't fight me abt it though this is just for fun and I dont hold the truth this is just my onion
TL;DR: Viktor Arcane and Viktor League of Legends are both motivated by their desire to stop suffering and death, against the natural order of things, even it falls within morally grey area very fast. The only difference is how fast that idea becomes "too much" in the eyes of others.
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v-hope · 3 years
idek what to say but idk i was smiling thru the update coz the heavy angst wasnt there and i mean we KNOW that in the end yn and tae are gon be together✌anyways TAE FOR ONCE CAN U JUST STOP MAKING STUPID DECISIONS AND COCKBLOCK SUNGJIN AND HIS FAMILY AND YNS PARENTS?!?! YOU BELONG W YN IDIOT COME FIGHT FOR YN (aka me) but honestly he needs to step up his game dude yn WILL come running to him. im mad how he has given up :(but were still hopeful🤧💓but ive read the update now so ican sleep. NIGHT!
plus its just kinda obv he'll crash the wedding now🤡my dream comin true ig😬 also, did tae unfollow yn's priv twitter or smth? coz he wouldve seen her tweet right??? and then riot asap?? (my sleepy ass forgetting to sign of hehe🧚‍♀️)
for real tho, he needs to step up bc wbk y/n loves him and doesn’t want to go through with marrying sungjin at all 😭
i’m still laughing at how excited you guys are over him crashing the wedding ksñaksñs we’ll see how it all goes down
your last question will be answered in the next part, so just be patient 👀
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catubarca · 5 years
Harry Potter Next Generation Headcanons
im bored. im full of emotions, and am rly missing the HP world... i just want to write down my headcannons for the next gen kiddos tbh.
please remember these are just my opinions? its okay if yours are different. im just bored and want to share my thoughts,,
Teddy Lupin
his name is Theodore Remus “Teddy” Lupin. it’s just what it is
I don’t care what JKR says, to me his name will always be Theodore
i can’t do this “Edward” stuff im so sorry,,,
h u f f l e p u f f
proper school uniform? never heard of it
messy hair, messy clothes
punk rock child
we’re talking like,,,at least two (2) lip piercings ok
absolutely terrible in herbology. do not leave this child alone in a greenhouse, bad things happen
fuckin hoards chocolate
its a problem
dating Victorie Weasley
random bursts of dancing
keeps a lock of hair pink for his mother
lives with the Potters, enjoys pretending to be Ginny to ground his siblings
“Lily, why aren’t you coming out of your room? Dinner’s ready?” “You said I’m grounded! You tell me!” “What? Oh, for the- THEODORE REMUS LUPIN-“
s m i r k s
effortlessly cool,,, but so so dorky,,, in a cool way
Victorie Weasley
looks a lot like her mother, Fleur, but inherited those Weasley freckles
a little confused a lot of the time
absolute sweet tooth (teddy abuses this fact a lot)
Mom Friend™
will help you with your homework
always got a book on her
super beautiful and like,,,, the absolute nicest person,,, but
cannot dance
like at all
adores Charms class
a softie you don’t want to cross
“I’m the oldest”
Dominique Weasley
inherited the Classic Weasley Red Hair™
idolises her Uncle Charlie
“I wanna save animals and work with cool dragons, just like Uncle Charlie does!”
Bill almost has a heart attack
always bringing stray animals home
(“is that a lizard in your pocket, Dominique?” “Yes! His name is Blob.” “You know how your father’s afraid of reptiles, sweetheart, you can’t bring it inside.”)
Gryffindor child
favourite class is definitely Care of Magical Creatures, she and Hagrid like to talk about proper care methods for rare creatures
perpetual dirt stains
BIG middle child vibes
doesn’t really label her sexuality… just kinda does what she wants rly
all the pets in Hogwarts love her
rumours are she’s got an innate, natural magical ability to make them all love her
(she feeds them under the table)
it’s a mystery
big advocate for animal rights
f e m i n i s t
willing to throw hands at all times
usually all smiles though
one of those people who use their whole bodies to laugh
kind of an accidental heartthrob
Louis Weasley
looks the most like his mother
absolutely filled with curiosity. always reading or talking or learning
random facts
(how do you even find that sort of information?
you don’t want to know)
coffee boy
sort of musically talented?
he and James Sirius preach the importance of skincare to all who will listen
secretly full of sass and dry wit
vry graceful and fluid
e y e r o l l
awkward smiles? can never smile properly in photos
on the ravenclaw quidditch team
Ravenclaw Prefect
(“You might be older, but I’m taller.” “Fuck off!”)
only watches High Quality™ tv shows/media
kind of a disaster, despite the gracefulness
Molly Weasley
Classic red hair
comes across as a bit uptight, like her father
I don’t care what you think. (She really cares what you think.)
E y e b r o w s
death glares
drinks like 5 cups of coffee in the morning
studies,,, like a lot
definitely a Gryffindor though
mom jeans
always ready to debate a topic. will destroy opponents.
has been trying to start a successful Debate Club for like 4 years now
naturally falls into the position of a group leader
would be a teacher’s pet, if she wasn’t ready At All Times™ to debate the relevancy of the course syllabus or outdated teaching methods
got into a fight with Severus Snape’s portrait in Headmistress McGonagall’s office.
(Dumbledore’s portrait was laughing, until she turned and ragged on him for a bit. Minerva thought it was absolutely hilarious, so she just let Molly go at it for a while).
full of rage towards everything, but wears a very careful mask of aloofness
to calm down, she likes painting her nails
she’s very good at it
she’s also very good at painting and art in general, weirdly enough
Lucy Weasley
adores shitty puns and has a terrible sense of humour
brown hair, not red
loves to prank people, which makes her Uncle George very proud
Percy complains about her behaviour, but makes sure he knows he’s proud too
(charming all the cauldrons in the potions classroom to scream whenever they’re stirred takes a more complex understanding of spell work than one would expect).
a pit of a punk streak
rly loves hip hop
high key drama queen
does she ever stop yelling? we’re yet to find out
average grades in terms of theory, but she’s the best in terms of applying information
especially for her pranks
has allies throughout the castle, from the portraits to the students
the bigger the prank, the better
but is a firm believer in “confuse, don’t abuse”
all her pranks are mostly harmless
is a surprising lover of older literature, like Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, an influence of her sister
a bit rebellious
Fred Weasley II
name isn’t officially “the second”, but it sounds cooler
James Potter, Lucy Weasley, Molly Weasley and Fred Weasley are like the Marauders 2.0
says “squad” and “lit” unironically
niche humour
hipster vibes
avid music lover
smiley sunshine child
takes after his mother the most in looks, just like his sister
a chill type of gryffindor
plays quidditch, and is an excellent chaser, just like his mother
the absolute undisputed King™ of puppy-dog eyes
just,,,, beautiful
the True teacher’s pet
hands in his work on time,, asks lots of questions,,, likes helping students understand their work,, what a boy
can hella nyoom
runs so fast
look at him go
as you might expect, loves a good prank. always down for a laugh
Roxanne Weasley
Gryffindor and pROUD
absolute Queen tbh
was definitely Head Prefect or Gryffindor Prefect at some point
loved by the school
absolute legend
G I R L   P O W E R
infectious laughter
has a soft spot for Louis Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy
these poor disaster children,,,, they need a Mother
big mom vibes
mothers the hell out of all the first years
a feminist through and through
can be found nodding aggressively to Molly Weasley’s semi-deranged, furious ranting
loves slang. uses so much slang. always up to date with trends and memes
has all the gossip
becomes a mess around pretty girls
absolute blushing, stuttering disaster around cute girls oh my god
her eye make-up game is killer
Distinguished Lesbian
Rosie Weasley
did someone say Weasley™?
red hair and freckles and curls oh my
on the autism spectrum, has trouble socialising sometimes
hella passionate about stuff
hangs out with Scorpius and Albus, the Golden Trio 2.0
f em ini st
her jokes are the best. high quality sense of humour.
likes to read. it’s quiet in the school library, which is nice.
abysmal at herbology
surprisingly good at Care of Magical Creatures though? Animals are just,,, so much easier to deal with
overall, really good grades though
bit of a silent type, but she’s actually a riot to hang out with
actually pretty good at quidditch? She’s not on the team, and she’s not super interested in playing, but?? She’s not bad??
She can land a solid hit with a beater’s bat
(eyes you judgementally over the top of a book)
dry wit humour
will throw hands over chess
Hugo Weasley
unbeatable at chess, like his dad
a lost puppy
someone please help this child
kind of low-key emotional
so supportive!! and loyal!! high-key best friend material
foodie. loves food. please feed him.
takes a bit more after his dad appearance wise
loves to cook. spends lots of time with grandma Molly and his dad in the kitchen
Professor Longbottom is his favourite professor, because he’s more chilled and laidback.
other professors and classes fill him with Distress™
loves astronomy too
maths whizz, so good at arithmancy
(“uh, actually-“)
a little bossy, like his mother
is trying so hard
maybe a little too hard
a bit insecure and nervous, but so soft
please treat this child carefully and with love
James Sirius Potter
a fucking disaster child
what’d you expect, putting “James” and “Sirius” together?
flails his hands around when he talks
s t r u t s
bisexual mess, had a crush on both the Longbottom children at some point
is better than you at everything
including being a different gender
fuck you that’s why
so pretty
he’s so pretty
laughs at everything
all the time
high-key emotional
badly timed finger guns
looks like a model in photos? wtf?
gets invited to Girls Nights™
wears nail polish and makeup
loves to yell at people about gender roles and defying stereotypes
not on the quidditch team surprisingly enough, even though he’s pretty good
prefers to be in the stands, doing A+ commentary on the games
if he can get Fred to stop mid-air due to unbearable, suffocating laughter at least once a game it’s a win in his books
has it OUT for the hufflepuff quidditch team and no one knows why??
definitely makes puns on his name
it drives everyone insane
harry always replies he’s just making his namesake proud
that also drives everyone insane
smug lil shit
Albus Severus Potter
“It’s just Al.”
will always find a way to get what he wants, eventually
“dad, why did you name me this way?”
hella smart. is topping at least five classes
Aunt Hermione is his favourite. She’s the fucking Mistress of Magic! All that power, the ability to make change and improve the Magical World as a whole-
sass master
the reason headmistress mcgonagall keeps a bottle of scotch under her desk at all times
the only potter child to inherit The Eyes™
absolute insomniac
kind of emo, but turns into a fucking softie around Scorpius Malfoy it’s hilarious
adverse to violence. prefers a verbal beatdown method
really tall? despite having shorties for parents??? no one saw it coming
(especially not Teddy. He’s always scared of losing his last few inches of height)
Functional Gay
he’s on the slytherin quidditch team, as a seeker
Lily Luna Potter
do not mess with lily luna potter
she may seem cute and sweet, but she will destroy you
inherited her father’s black hair
disaster lesbian
transfiguration is her favourite subject, by far
has no idea what she wants to do with the rest of her life.
Existential Crisis Father-Daughter Bonding Time™
do you ever sleep?
takes after Ginny the most in personality
also, kind of the most like James Fleamont Potter in personality, too?
Loves to help her brother out with pranks, laughs at him when he gets caught and she gets away with it
The only one of the Potter Children who hasn’t got into a fight with Severus Snape’s portrait
because she just ignores him instead
loves talking to the portraits around the castle
Super good at Quidditch, is on the team as a Chaser
Quidditch Captain at some point
adores Hagrid, but who out of the Potter children doesn’t?
Idolises Minerva McGonagall
just as oblivious as her father
Scorpius Malfoy
Actually in Ravenclaw, not Slytherin, much to many people’s surprise
super close with his dad
Draco is just so supportive of like everything he does (unlike his father)
classic blonde malfoy looks
actually really funny?
a cuddler. loves hugs. always leeching warmth off of someone
he and Rosie sometimes finger-tip-touch which is their version of a hug, because he know’s she’s not super comfortable with touch
was basically adopted by the Weasley’s and Potter’s
James Sirius will murder for this child
booknerd, always rambling to Al and Rosie about new books coming out he’s interested in reading.
has had a crush on Albus Potter since like 1st year
always worried about making his dad proud, and keeping up the Malfoy name
sweet tooth
he’s just,, soft. just a warm, happy child. he wants love, and affection. someone tell him he’s doing okay, please.
needs,,, validation,,,
he’ll tell you out loud that he has no favourite aunts or uncles, but he secretly really likes spending time with his Uncle Ron
they had a talk, once, in like the middle of the night at a sleepover with Rosie and Al, about feeling insecure in comparison to others, and learning to be proud of yourself for your achievements
there were a few tears, but it was nice
Ron was actually the third person he told, besides his dad and Rosie, about having a crush on Al
openly a disaster romantic. trash taste in romance novels.
always welcome in the Potter-Weasley households
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lemongogo · 5 years
kirishima!! (for the ask game)
favorite thing about them: EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING i love how kirishima is the epitome of manliness ! and i love how manliness, to him, is all about emotion, sticking true to yourself and your convictions, living life without regret, etc. he’s such a subversive character imo because while he can be incredibly stubborn and rough, he can also be super sensitive, well-mannered, and outgoing. the duality.....he has the range. 
he has such a loud heart and i think it really shows in the way that he treats himself and others. he cares SO MUCH about everyone ! about fat, about tsuyu, about bakugou, tamaki, etc. ! and it hurts my heart that he doesnt feel like he’s good enough. his origin, while fairly common in his deep rooted sense of insecurity, is rly relatable and i like to see myself in him. sounds silly but he gives me strength ! 
least favorite thing about them: what does this say idk how to read
favorite line: im trying so hard not to quote all of volume 15 and 16 but, “i’ve confronted plenty of scary stuff so far...but there’s one thing that scares me more than anything...and that’s going back to how i used to be! that’s why i never want to regret anything ever again!”
i would quote the whole “what is chivalry to you” thing but i think those were all crimson riot’s words. i still apply them to him though !
OH and the quote where he says “i’ve got a long way to go” after mina asks if hes okay i JUST AAAAAAAH im going to cry in s4
brOTP: mina and kaminari fr fr
OTP: kiribaku and kirideku !!!!! 
nOTP: mlm hc so none of the 1 a or b girls !
random headcanon: im not good w/ headcanon stuff so im gonna talk about stuff i like, such as his hair. i love when he wears his it down. i rly appreciate horikoshi’s drawing of him styling his hair, and it makes me think about him dyeing it !! i want to see him w his roots growing in !! i also love his headbands aa!! he’s gotta know how to do so many cool styles and shit. him and mina go wild playing w everyones hair, braiding it, etc. during sleepover nights. true wlw / mlm solidarity folks
unpopular opinion: kirishima was too easily sidelined in the joint training arc and i really miss him. i want him back , and i want him to fight this big battle where he’s proud of how far he’s come. feels like a lot of his story revolves around his insecurities and as a result leads to him losing more than he wins and i just ! i want him to come out on top ! smash his fists together and yell in victory !
song i associate with them: elyisum by bears den bc its my song so therefore its his song too (or light on by maggie rogers)
favorite picture of them: lmaoo you aint gettin out of here with just one pic
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+ him and tamaki at the festival (cant find the pic :( ) and literally every picture to ever exist of him. ive watched that hr long kirishima compilation and ill do it again
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gil-notskajla · 5 years
So xerath skin confirmed how you feel
I'm conflicted.
As much as I enjoy reading about Xerath in lore and go crazy when anything happens lorewise, skins info gives me a bad feeling. It's mostly caused by circumstances: Riot announced skins for champions who didn't get a skin for a long time. It looks like they just thought: "yeah.. these guys rioting on the back are soo annoying... just throw 'em whatever and get back to lux skins"
And I don't want whatever. I don't want trash.
The worst part is that Riot doesn't do cheap skins anymore. Everything costs 1350 no matter if its good or terrible. It isn't about how well things go together, it's about how many artists and animators worked on it and for how long. That's fair, but at least pay attention to what works and what doesn't.
And I will tell you what works and what doesn't.
Battlecast, Runeborn - nothing flashy, but works
Scorched - semi-works, flashy, best skin to equip if you are in Prestige_XerathTM mood
Guardian - disgusting mess which isnt worth a single penny (i respect guy who made a concept and guy who made splash (splash is beautiful), he had a vision; animator got paid soo whatever; but nevertheless - skin is shitty and doesnt work at all, i regret paying for it, even to i paid with 80%, its not worth it at all)
Why cheap skins work? People call 'em chromas but honestly these are my faves. First, what should work for all skins: attacks are well saturated what makes them comfortable to use in game. Nothing else because those are just repainted defaults. Idle animations work and emotes work as well. Xerath's dance and "Closing Sarcophagus"(CS) emotes are a micro-culture of xerath mains. They are super important and they are an absolute must of all the things that work. These dont work - skin doesn't work. on both skins parts of sarcophagus fit each other what allows them to close into a certain form - it looks great. And dance emote works as it should.
Scorched semi-works because even tho sarcophagus cant close, it looks good - its color palette is well picked, pieces are of a fine sized parts which match each other, his body is 2D but has different texture lava-fire-like which doesnt  look way to off, and dance emote works.
Guardian...oh boy.... Guardian doesnt work in any way. Color theory was abadoned when they were coloring him. Parts dont fit eachother. Mark is way to dark and of complitely different shade of purple (blueish instead of plum). His body is in obviously, painfuly 2D what is impossible to not notice because of darker contouring of light form. Animations suck (except of B, but its only because its his only animated recall). In dance platings are too big and dont allow for full round movements of arms. And CS... lets say he turns into a qantum flower durring epilepsy episode. Absolutely hideous abomination and the worst part is that what you get on splash looks NOTHING like what you have in game. You buy it, cant wait to try it out and when you finally do, you just wanna click the return button instantly. And it costs 1350.
Soo now that we have it all clear, since Xerath skins are called chromas, we want next chroma: pink/purple/white/black or brown. Since we are fans of neglected child our standards arent high:
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Dream come true skin for Xerath is this black concept by Tink29
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Sarcophagus is made of fitting parts, voidlike substance gives eerie feelings and its majestic. But its never gonna happen because Riot would LITERALLY DIE if they made a good solo skin for unpopular champion. Another idea is white as elementalist (yes, i am delusional) or some nice wind related or somethin' (ive made this concept basing on raider outfit since xerath is a leader of western raiders and planed to finnish it with colors fitting raider costume with very bright, white/light-lime arcane. Its not good for CS animation but its light, and flowing with all the light elements like material straps on the mask and wing-like details)
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but its not an option as well.
Brown (with for example... sugar rush theme) wont happen because its not obvious. Soo my guess is either pink or purple and it's gonna be either Voidborn (god please let it be voidborn) or space related, most likely Darkstar (ok i guess). Best way how voidborn could end up looking like is probably this fanart by BlazeMalefica
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not only did the artist remmember about the seal (which is kinda a big deal, 50%-of-his-mental-issues deal for xerath) and turned it into the eye but its also capable of closing, animating properly, its not noisy what makes him more readable, has one specific color (pink) and is built on something that already exists. It's perfect for both players and Riot (and it would be also cheaper probably, just sayin'..). If they decide to make Darkstar (ive abadoned Cosmic or Hextech - not gonna happen, it would be to good)im afraid that they will do a color hoarding of purple, blue, black.. literally whatever, slap it all together on the sarcophagus, shape it into some wild shapes, ignore all the animations, do a recall, slap 2D core and call it "Black is new Gold: Guardian of the Sands 2.0 even more retarded than its predecessor" and it will look like this noisy af mess of a bitch (by Slow Damn)
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or in best case scenario for which i count if its dark star
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by Thorsten Erdt.
and i can bet all my 1300 Eververse silver that Riot will do everything to make it look like shit in game by cutting the funds soo lets do something less risky, easier soo they wont fuck it up.
But that's just my predictions and when it finally comes out I will rate it. Let's hope for the best (void or darkstar, no matter, just give us the purple, the pink, working sarcophagus and limbs)! If its good maybe i will even make a break from Destiny to try it out! 👀👌🏻
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Uncle Donald gave her $800 in the 1980s
She let him invest it for her up until now
And she has now $45B
I hope you enjoyed your game as there are more to come but with more people as it enters TV for free of course on Channel Fox.
As always enjoy life and what it brings with the most care you can afford.
Don't let the economy, crumble, Uncle Donald, i hit up JP for some cash since Jesse stole mine from United Business Bank located in Oregon, Washington, and New Mexico.
I own Chase, bought it with Donald and sold to the US Government for a mint. Jesse could got in on this deal but he wanted to challenge me instead.
So I asked Uncle Donald for a cash loan, how much he could afford and what was in his wallet. $4000 roughly. So we split it between his 4 kids (the 4th being me) and I gave him back $200 for the rest of the day.
And we returned to the bank and I asked him how to deposit the money into Chase Manhattan because Denise had bought me clothes but I wanted to be a fashion designer and had altered them So she threw them all away in a rage of jealousy and heat.
Of course i started to cry so we went back across the street to McDonald's and we talked. He said "i have a surprise for you, lets get to the bank"
So we walked alllllll around the building, up and down and he talked to a man and got us inside all the back rooms. He said "i wanna buy it!" And he turned to me and asked "would you like to invest your $800 into my bank as an investor?"
I said "what about my clothes! She said i had to return the money or else i get none!"
"But who did she spend the money on?"
"Me and my brothers and and her!"
"Well don't you think Its time to invest in you and your fashion?" He asked for my $800 i had to pull from 4 different pockets and my sock as he taught me to split to beat pick pocketers. And handed it all. He handed me back $200 and I handed it back then he handed me a $5 from his breast pocket and t told me to keep it.
And began to walk to the counter to buy the bank.
I chased after him and put it in his left cost pocket and told him, 'well you know you bought me lunch so you keep it"
I pulled it from his pocket to produce proof I had already given it and he couldn't give it back and then stuffed it back in deep, all the way i nearly ripped his shoulder off for which I promptly apologized, jumped on the counter and rubbed his soreness off and jumped down.
And he started to cry a little bashful at first then a full sob. And I tried to console him and Robby appeared with a trailing line of toilet paper so his silk hanky wouldn't be soiled with snot.
He thanked him and became startled and asked if he wanted in on the investment.
Robby said, "i might but i need to talk to you, I belong to this boarding school ran by this might be soon white bigger as he calls himself, inspired by her and taken completely out of context"
"Michael Jackson" interjected our new found Uncle Donald. "Come let's sit"
We moved to the side of the spacious lobby to a small table accompanied by two plus club chairs.
He and i talked about how neat it would be to have chaise chairs in Chase bank.
"Well, her mom is abusive, mostly about money so i would like to take control of her stock with her permission"
"Yes! I do! And i will wanna get married!" I jumped with my fist in the air and pushed against the chair like a standing push up and stood
"Her sit. First I would like to talk to you as an investor. I am run by the boarding house and they teach us things like to steal and bring back to get 'rewards' much often things less than they are worth like a stick of gum for $2 when I can get a whole pack for 20 cents. Uh oh, here he comes"
"Im about to invest into this bank with these two kids you got something you wanna say to me?" Instead of waiting for a reply, uncle Donald got up and briskly walked to the counter, asking to return to a different room, promptly and away from Mr Jackson whom was still solidly black (he doesn't have vitaligo its just bleached).
And we entered a nearly empty office and he turned fiercely, angry even, "this will be your office where you will WORK"
"Its okay! We are still friends!" I climbed into the chair then up onto the desk "this is where I will sit"
"Well close your legs and sit like a lady, like this hand me your foot, no don't take off your shoe"
"Well I didn't want to ruin you! Your suit is NICE!!"
And he moved my foot and crossed my ankles and patted my knee and said "or you cross at here"
I took my ankle to my knee "no not like that, that's like a man. Knee to knee"
"Oh like this?" I squeezed my knees together
Robby laughed and Uncle Donald looked flustered
"Oh i know I know cross at my knees, you need to explain better!" I patted his shoulder. In the 80s it was okay to touch, at least for a child.
"I said that first!"
"Oh! I interrupt!"
"No apologize" Robby groaned
"I apologize for interrupting"
"For?" Asked Donald "you can't tell her that Because ---"
"No he could I get misinformation that way"
"Except when I'm being scolded and she knows the truth" said Robby.
Tune in next week for another Miss Adventure of one Wild Single Mom's Childhood!
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I had 48 cents. Robby had put in 2500 front Hayes then 1500 each from Mark and Mike Andrews which he had not signed and they got rejected. Yet Jesse notified me of this, restricted my remote deposit privileges and now i am to notify the Sheriff of Hays County, Austin, Texas that the money is kept hidden in the tax and revenue accounts of his great county. And to open an investigation which he will pretend he did and then not. So i get his hush money as well as the other two and the $15B JP Dejoria stupidly just paid me because i Told Jesse to tell his father in law that Jesse is a stupid piece of shit which he didn't.
And of course I will invest in schools across the nation, installing playgrounds at any schools that do not have them, including intermediate, Jr high, middle, High and etc.. And may be finally lockers at least were I'm centrally located and/or where i want to be, namely at high schools at least.
Because that is what I want to do. Make people happy in the funniest ways possible.
And if there is any left I want to reinvest at the parks i originally invested in, initially, to make them better snd brighter, starting at the older to the newer.
I want the world to seem happier and brighter and in the case of schools at least around here once they hit 7th grade (middle school) they change schools to those that no longer have lockers or desks to put things in, 7 or more teachers to please instead of one or two they spend all day with, like a parent who gives love and kindness and retribution, they go through puberty which in itself is a chore. Then the kids riot. I've seen it in small schools and i know it happens in big ones. 20 in one week at the beginning of school less than a mile from my house where i can hear the school bell.
And so they need a place to sleep their weary heads like the shoulder of an old friend instead of weeping a soul they can no longer call their own.
The secrets i have included here broke my heart to where it actually stopped over and over.
Instead of asking what was wrong, Mr Moneybags Jesse sent me to the doctor alone. -.-
He could have provided me with what i needed like I provided and protected him from Ms Dejoria and Mark Hindberg, Afghanistan and Iraq, which I will no longer do.
He is the one that encouraged Michael Jackson to pickpocket the slaves he had created.
Yes Michael Jackson is Wacko, is Him and is burning in Hell because I killed him with my own pistol Jesse had stolen from a cop, altered and resold to himself at a cheaper price than the way over inflated price he created to create a deficit in his company to receive a refund from the US government's IRS Department in the amount of $8,000 instead of paying the $1M he owed.
I plead guilty before a judge and Uncle Donald, Mrs Katherine Jackson, the Anne my 4 year old daughter that Michael Jackson attempted to rape in front of me, as well as Robby, my true love and of course Sunny and Jesse James himself whom gave me the gun.
Then, before then President Barack Obama, i was exonerated and pardoned completely without the possibility of parole or any other misconceptions that would be included with self defense manslaughter.
This week total I have arrested a total of 19 men and women thanks to the CIA as an unpaid civilian.
That would guarantee me Presidentship of one really great country, now, wouldn't it?
Thanks. And not to be repeated: No more games. Only truth.
Until next time my fair weather friends!
Now! Let's grab the bookie!!! Snag! You're in jail. What did ya know, Mike Andrews, I knew all along that Mark Hindberg was FBI. Why didn't you think that?
Moving along, hi JP. How are you? No one cares. Good thing you trusted into your rapist daughter who was married to a true hero whom puts up with my shit even after we name him Mr Vomit cause I make him so scared he actually vomits like I did tonight (that's included. No more scare, only truth)
Oh yes, JP, you have already been arrested and so you know -- you have no guns with you, right? Alexis Dejoria is no rapist, she's actually an excellent FBI agent whom hates her dad and is included in any exonerations I may have to hand out butbat my leisurely pace, because she actually didn't rape anybody!
Also the US government will pay your wages as you did file a lawsuit this very week by signing up with Namus.gov like we all did.
She like me, was an unpaid civilian whom ran into luck. While she's smart, she's not smart like me. Thus she's the FBI vs me who is CIA and can work against the world in a millisecond as i usually do and have in Afghanistan and Iraq where i protected many NHRA members during their tours in the US Military while they served with Jesse James and my little brother and were even kidnapped thanks to Matt Hagan's temper tantrum and Jesse James refusal to listen to command. Eventually I saved them from that too in a day and 6 hours after leaving base. They were involuntary bound and gagged and beaten within 20 minutes of their capture. Within the next 20 when I was finally told of their status they were rescued by Tony Schumacher and his team.
And now i have saved the NHRA from being beaten and raped and tortured. My time to continue here at home is not wasted,
I love you all and thank you very much for listening...
And now i have something to say about Jesse since i made him puke from a lie via email Because he made me mad for being a Dick douchebag and not caring enough about me, not wrecking his motorcycle and then lying to make me feel bad and stupider than ever although I saw the wreck and my being a girl, up and President running, couldn't stop to rescue or assist a man on his feet whom had already picked up his bike after a wipe out and the trailer passed me up to show me he would assist because forgive those trespassers as we trespass ourselves and i care that he could really been hurt. That may be a fault of mine but it is called Grace and not salvation which is being my daughter reincarnated into a goat in Iraq to keep everyone safe because Jesse is a dumb dumb sometimes and Matt Hagan prefers truth over himself, sometimes. Like being in love with a goat of my daughter's soul, in Iraq. (I bet he fucked her, too. Bestiality freak. Not my business tho, nor yours. But still, let's laugh instead of poking fun at his misadventures. It is funny, yo!)
Jesse cared about the goat so much he listened to her over every one, even me. Because he believed she was closer to God where he needed to be..
I changed his life once in Alabama and several times then, over and over, any time that need be.
But finally for this one time he trusted somebody else and learned to love as much as he could, the soul inside of him.
So God bless to all of the two headed creatures we will see wandering around the backs of people at the NHRA in the future to come. Including even on me.
I'm Mrs Cougar cause of my fingernails and my desire to be with someone young to keep me fresh and Alive -- not by his blood byt by the life he gives me. And he will be Mr Snake the one who slithers up beside me only for love while I labor in the grass kicking myself for what i might have done but not for what i might have missed out on because I was there the whole time thinking and feeling and frolicking through the grass, same as me.
And of course my tattoo will be scary cause the world as I know it, very much can be.
And you can thank me for the past or you can think about the future and beyond!!!
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girlbattled · 5 years
hola m’angels , i’m min ! twenty-two ( aka gettin old ) , from the gmt timezone ( aka will be awake when everyone’s sleeping ) , and i use she/her mainly but i don’t mind anythin else . if anyone happens to wanna go wild with me over anime, robert pattinson / zoe kravitz as batcat, or riot games dropping way too much shit on us on the 10th anniversary pls hop into my ims or give me a little ping over on discord at 𝖓𝖔𝖊𝖑 𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓#0252 .
* drum roll pls * i present to you sloane janeway !
underneath the cut is a little bit about my baby gorl. her bio, fun facts, some wanted stuff, etc etc. if you fancy plotting w her it’d be super cool if you liked this or if u came to me, either in my ims or discord ! i’m super down for anything & loan is a total mess so pls throw stuff at me . ♡ ♡ ♡
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trigger warnings     :     abuse,  physical  abuse,  neglect,  destructive  behaviours,  alcohol,  drugs,  sex,  overdose.  if  i’ve  missed  any,  please  forgive  me  and  let  me  know.
the new york janeway’s, you’re sure you’ve heard of them before. cyrus janeway, a stockbroker with far too little time on his hands, flanked by estrella janeway, his personal assistant turned life partner. they gave birth not longer after the wedding of the century to their eldest son, their pride and joy, cole janeway. he was to be the golden child, the heir to the estate... that was, until sloane came along.
from birth, sloane was a vicious departure from her family. she was unplanned, unexpected, perhaps unwanted was a stretch but it certainly wouldn’t have been far off the mark. her birth nearly destroyed the reputation the janeway’s had so carefully cultivated for themselves, nobody could quite believe cyrus and estrella would be so stupid, but along she came regardless. a spanner in the cogs.
for the first few years, sloane didn’t feel the difference between herself and cole. whilst he kept his distance, which she had always assumed was because she was five years younger and a girl, she never believed there to be bad blood. she was dressed up in countless fancy dresses, her golden locks repeatedly brushed and subjected to numerous chemical treatments, and even her skin somewhat speckled with makeup even as a toddler. estrella always seemed like she was trying to make up for something. it didn’t take long for sloane to notice.
she began acting out at the age of six, when she realised acting the pretty and perfect princess did not get her what she wanted. when she was quiet, she was ignored, but when she was loud? at least the help scurried to her, at least her nanny cradled her in her arms, at least cole’s personal butler gave her a look full of love rather than scorn. it wasn’t long before she was hanging out in the kitchen rather than the dining hall, the quarters rather than her own room.
as she grew older, however, her acts grew. countless times her mother woke to find her dressing room trashed, her father’s hunting trophies ripped to shreds, her brother’s endless awards from school all in the garbage. they tried to discipline her, cyrus even hit sloane a few times, but all it did was make her angry. instilled a fire within her. when they locked her doors, she climbed out of the window. when they barred her windows, she broke the door into splinters. when they replaced the door, she ripped up the floorboards. sloane was a loose cannon. and things were only about to get worse.
for the most part, she’d kept her nuisances to the confines of her “home”, only wishing to get back at her parents for neglecting her for so long. only one night, when she was fourteen years old and had finished her latest act of malcontent, it was cole who chose to deal with her. he, as a nineteen year old male who’d grown a considerable amount of bulk as star of his college football team, proceeded to beat the shit out of her. 
turns out, the brother she thought had simply never been on her wavelength had never been on the same planet as her at all. he despised sloane. despised everything she was and stood for, and made sure she knew as she was spitting up blood on their pristine carpets. 
the next day, sloane strolled into school. no makeup. joint hanging from her lips. typical upper class attire replaced with torn jeans and a shirt far too inappropriate. when people asked her what had happened, she had simply replied, ‘ you should see the other guy. ’ and birthed a new persona.
sloane’s way of coping with what her brother had done to her, and what her family had allowed him to do, was to fall deep into the cesspits of teenagedom. drugs, sex, alcohol – she’d done it all by the age of eighteen. yet somehow, the part of sloane before, the part that was simply a bratty child with a short fuse, was gone. now she was a danger. she held a wicked grin and too many scrapes to count. she knew no bounds, understood no loyalties, screamed at the top of her lungs as if she were attending the world’s wildest rager. on top of it all, sloane was the maximum party girl. nobody cared what she was going home to, because all they cared about was where she’d be at 1am on a friday night. she became the family wild child. photos of her strewn over the papers. consistent beatings and beratings from the men in her family did nothing to drown out the buzz she received from the attention she’d craved her entire life. sloane was finally getting everything she ever wanted, why did it matter where it was coming from?
as a final resort, her family shipped her off to hollingsworth. here, away from the prying eyes and judgemental glares of the horrid new yorkers, sloane somewhat thrived. forced into economics by her shithead father, but enjoying every test she aced and spat in his face, she fell quickly into gamma rho alpha and, by the time she had finished her freshman year, she was well in line to be vice president. she was still a wreck, still doing anything she could for the attention and limelight she craved, still bouncing off the walls in an attempt to get her desired adrenaline rush, but what little responsibility she’d been given allowed her to finally form connections. friends, best friends, but anything more than that? things like love, compassion, altruism? she wasn’t even sure what those were.
♡     personality.
uncritical. if there’s anything sloane is, it’s uncritical. she’s never held judgement against anyone in her life, and would never hold judgement against anyone who came to her to admit a heinous or strange deed. she’s heard all sorts, from strange sexscapades to near deaths, and to each of them she often has the same reaction – a loud chortle, followed by disbelief and a desire to know way too many details.
venturesome. to try and stop the blonde from heading out on an adventure is a task mortals would find impossible. a true ‘yes girl’, sloane has never been one to say no to anything, and to never back out of something she said yes to, no matter how bizarre or dangerous the situation might become. she’s always first into the fray, first in line of all the girls to beat the burglar up with a hair straightener, first in line into the abandoned building, first to jump off the roof into the pool.
allegiant. whilst sloane’s loyalty is almost as rare as unicorn blood, it’s possible to receive it, and when you do it’s something you’ll never lose. she sticks by those who have managed to put up with her, unable to let them go even when they do her dirty. 
graceless. a. clumsy. bitch. if you’re expecting sloane’s etiquette lessons to have stuck with her, you’re very wrong. the girl trips over her own feet more times than she can count in a day, always has at least something broken, fractured, or sprained, and has certainly won the award in gamma rho alpha for ‘most freak accidents in a single day’.
chaotic. everything about sloane is a nightmare come to life. she drags people down, deep into the depths of places they never thought they’d be, wishes for them to destroy their lives like she’s destroyed hers. to say she loves to see the world burn would be an understatement. she loves starting and watching drama, getting into fights, smashing up homes and belongings, getting into relationships she shouldn’t be in. trying to stop is nigh impossible, the chaos is almost an addiction, and she’s not ready to give it up.
needy. despite it all, she’s still the same girl who was never loved. not truly, not by anyone, and perhaps somewhere deep down she still craves that. she’ll leave you on read for days but god forbid you do the same to her. she’ll have a one night stand and dip right after but never lets her flings leave her life without something to remember her by. she drunk calls the exes she let get away, tells them she loves them and calls them a pussy in the same sentence. no matter how much she tries, she can’t hide the part of her she thinks is ugliest at all, her desire for others.
♡     fun facts.
an avid skateboarder, she picked it up in an attempt to ruin the family image even further when she was fifteen but it stuck in a surprising way. she now tends to ride it over campus, and has broken at least three in her time here.
massive stoner. whilst sloane openly dabbles in most drugs, weed’s the one that’s stuck with her, and it’s the only thing that slows her down. she’s a much nicer person when she smokes and she tends to have a preference for indica over sativa.
fucking bosses her major. economics, despite all its complexities, is something sloane is just naturally adept at. she takes a picture of every grade she gets with her middle finger in front of it, posts it on facebook and tags her father. he blocked her over a year ago.
besides that tho she’s stupid af. a lot of people think she puts it on bc of her grades and bc . . . she does everything for kicks, but no, she’s just kinda ditzy. a lot of people also think she’s just a straight up cheater and hasn’t gotten her grades herself.
nicknames are loan or jane, jane’s reserved for those she’s closest to tho!
♡     wanteds.
fellow  sorority  sisters     0/?     ⟶     self-explanatory! positive, negative, etc etc etc. i wanna plot w all her gals so bad lmao. besties, literal sisters, clothes sharers, secret smokers, party gals, enemies, girls who’ve slept w each other’s exes, all of it bABY.
economics  pal     0/1     ⟶     i’m thinking this person goes to sloane for help with everything and sloane pretty much does all their work for them. she doesn’t care bc it’s easy, and the other person blesses her and thanks her all the time. it’s a quiet agreement, so whilst it’s no secret bc sloane hates keeping them, it’s def hush hush. this person is one of the few who actually believes sloane’s as smart as they say. can also be a business student or smthn with similar classes!
super  soft  bestie     0/1     ⟶     ok so this is male only for a dumb reason i’m rly sorry. i had this plot before where my old muse sloane’s based off had a really sweet, selfless soft pal who was a dude, but they’d never slept together, she’d never even flirted somehow, and he was the one person in sloane’s life who always had her best interests at heart, and she defended him tooth and nail against anybody. the most unlikely duo ever and i want it back. she knew he never wanted anything else from her and that’s why it was so easy for her to attach, but bc this other person deals well with affection and is very reassuring, she never feels needy around them.
people  she  skates  with     0/2     ⟶     people she met down the skatepark or at a typical hangout before meeting them at hollingsworth. when she’s with them she’s pretty chill, though they’ve def been responsible for saving her ass and driving her to the ER a few times.
people  she  smokes  with     1/3     ⟶     oh shit whaddup stoner gang? lmao sorry anyway, yeah, again self-explanatory but! a lil more interesting because sloane’s very different when she’s stoned. she’s calmer, talks slower, and lets people get a word in and doesn’t try and get everyone involved w her hare brained schemes. these people probably actually enjoy her company! how wild?
new  yorkers     0/?     ⟶     sloane’s underwear has been plastered on the front page of most nyc tabloids and she’s the daughter of two massives in the industry, new york natives will know her somewhat. they can use that against her, they can empathize, or we can concoct some real dramatic shit. people who helped her fuck someone up, and now theyre keeping it quiet? someone she slept with who’s come to hollingsworth with their girlfriend/boyfriend? an addict she started on pills? yikes, lots of opportunity tho.
exes     0/2     ⟶     whew boy. we all know by now sloane’s a hot mess, right gang? so let’s see some people she’s messed up in the past. tOTALLY open to more exes and the more crazy the plot u bring me, the better. i lov angst just like anyone else does.
the  one  she  didn’t  ruin     1/1     ⟶     the one person in her life sloane walked away from without destroying, aka, the one she let get away because she realised she was going to harm someone she severely card about. she would’ve ended things with this person rather than pushing their buttons, would’ve been faithful and honest in their relationship, but dipped bc she’d let herself get involved too fast, too soon. definitely a name she’s forbidden her friends from bringing up.
lifeline     1/1     ⟶     let’s be real for a second about drug use, you can do it responsibly, but when you don’t, you can get in some serious fucking trouble. this person has always been there to stop sloane from od’ing. she only does hard drugs at ragers, so her risk is a bit lower than expected, but when she does them she does them. she’s a serious risk, and for some reason this gentle soul has taken it upon themselves to get her stomach pumped, take her home, clean her up, and give her a warm bed to stay in. they don’t speak much away from these nights where she has this vulnerability (she’s definitely mumbled things about her past to them), but that could very well change.
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