#jikook are couple goals
irishhorse-blog · 9 months
When I die please tell my family to bury with this video 🥹🥹🥹🥹 their domestic relationship oh my wow ❤️
Oh, I know. They're the sweetest. I can only imagine what their home life is like. They're so happy when they're together!
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nightswithkookmin · 6 months
Vmin and common goals
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Someone just commented on a recent post how VMin may have chosen not to serve because they had different goals towards their MS.
now I don't dispute that at all, everyone in BTS have their own goals and objectives.
we've seen Vmin interact over the years and we are all very well aware that Vmin's friendship has never been predicated on commonality.
In deciding teams, they aren't always going over and beyond to be team mates because they have common grounds- commonality is a Tae Kook thing. It's established fact in the Fandom.
We have spent so many blogs spelling out the uniqueness of each ship in BTS and BTS themselves have by themselves explained what each person means to them over and over again.
For Jungkook, Tae is the one he has common grounds with. So no, I don't expect Vmin to have common goals towards their MS. They are Mars and Jupiter and rarely gravitate towards the same things.
While V wanted to flaunt his shaved head around Jimin was much reserved on that note and who does he turn to? Jk.
The foundation of Vmin's relationship while not built around common interests and goals is built on mutual respect, love and appreciation for who they each are. It's built on the mutual need for support and holding space- safe space emotionally and spiritually for each to replenish, heal and grow together.
On that, Vmin has always, to me being more superior to any other ship in BTS because to me that sort of intimacy between people is priceless.
Having someone you lean on, tell your secrets to, share your vulnerabilities with, be there for you at your lowest point fight for you and defend you is just divine and any one who has this level of intimacy from another human being is truly blessed.
Jikook are that too- is what we are saying. They are that and more.
If you pay close attention to the sort of conversations they say they have- coupled with their need to be both emotionally and physically close to eachother it doesn't take much to figure out that those two are intimate partners too.
You can't hide intimacy I keep saying.
So given as Jikook and Vmin are both intimately close to each other, you should understand why I think Jikook just ended Vmin if physical and emotional support and companionship is the reason they chose to go into MS together.
This is not about common goals. If it were, Tae Kook would have been the ones to serve together. They live for the thrill and adventure. There's a reason there's so many conspiracy and misunderstanding around Tae Kook's friendship with the constant, they said they both wanted this, they both wanted that but someone or big bad hybe is keeping them apart.
Except now it's not hybe, it's his tattoos getting in his way. They say.
It would make so much sense for Tae Kook to serve together too if the whole reason for choosing to be comps hinged on their goals.
Tae talked about his goals for MS in the live and he talked about wanting to build his body and becoming strong physically so he doesn't get shoved around and so he can do lots of concerts. He said he's taking risks with his unit but knows exactly what he is doing.
What are Jungkook's goals too? What is informing his decision to go with Jimin? Why not go with Namjoon then?
We've seen Jungkook hesitate to choose teams where Jimin was in a team which conflicted with his goals. We've seen him cheat to be on teams with Jimin even though he said he didn't want to be on that team. We've seen him say he want one group but end up in a group with Jimin- if a person keeps acting this way isn't his goal Jimin? To be wherever JM is?
Isn't that a sign of severe form of attachment too?
If Vmin's attachment is soulmates what the heck is Jikook's attachment is my question cos those two attachment is very nuanced between them.
If it's all about common goals he knows what he needed to do to achieve those goals and yet here he is. Picking trash at dawn and falling in line.
Jikook is a special kind of love.
And has it occurred to anyone they are each other's companions? Years ago I kept saying idols need companionship to function else they will mentally expire. I screamed at hybe to let Tae have a girlfriend or boyfriend because his need for intimacy wasn't being fully met and that was taking a toll on him.
I said Jikook don't look like they have intimacy issues to me. Out of all the boys, they were the ones most content.
But has it occurred to anyone that perhaps they were content and could be highly functional because they each propped the other up?
If JM wasn't in JK's life I doubt he could have BTS at all. Which is facts given as he nearly even left the group but for Jimin asking him to stay.
Jimin grounds him when he's up in his idealistic adventurism.
Jimin is there to remind him why he is there. To remind to be subservient and not so rebellious, to comfort him when he's under mental pressure from trying to conform to a life so out of his realm of possibility. He is non conformist at his core and MS is bound to be tough on him.
Listent to the members when they say even Angel Hobi seems tamed.
That place will tame Jungkook and its going to be hard on him.
Jimin is what the doctor ordered.
This is about companionship plain and simple. Let's call a spade a spade and not a big fat spoon.
Do you know Jimin's goals towards serving too????
He doesn't want to gain weight, he can't stand being away for 1.5 years, it's going to drive him mad.
And the fact Jimin is all this for V and he didn't choose this over his desire to chase the thrill tells you just what he values and prioritizes.
He has psyched himself up. He can do this with or without Jimin but for Jikook they need eachother and that more important to them.
Nevermind that, even married couples breakup where their goals and priorities don't aline and they go another way. So no, don't tell me this make or break moment is because they have different goals as if that in itself don't matter.
And sure, since they are just friends we can forgive that. It's not really a big deal honestly. I will ditch yall for pussy too🥲
And yes we have seen Jimin Ditch V over and over for the D- remember when he called V crying and V asked him to come over but turns out he was in JK's room caressing phone screens with him?
If Vmin's goals don't align that's fine, Jikook's aligned perfectly well.
The universe must be pulling strings on their behalf.
They will come out even more closer than before and watch then explain how it's because of their shared experiences in the ditch
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not-goldy · 6 months
More and more sources reporting Jikook will both exclusively stay together at 5th division for the entire 18 months confirmed. They will be deployed to a unit together on the 5th week, cause they enlisted as companions in the buddy system & won't separate, but likely not Jin's area & won't be made public, but at least they will for sure be together until they release. Not that there was any doubt, but its nice to see it in writing. They chose the buddy system together for this reason. They could have just went to 5th division as individuals or anywhere else with anyone else, for that matter, but they wanted to do it as companions to stay together and everything is working out for them. They didn't want to be separated and they are not gonna be. Also, can we take a minute to think about this, cause Like holy shit. Jikook worked so hard behind the scenes in silence and set this up for themselves, while they were being mocked, ridiculed, their bond trashed, horrible rumors about not being close or even friends who have each other's numbers and really pulled off the biggest FU ever. They didn't let anything or anyone get in the way of their goal of staying together. Good for them. I didn't think Jikook could surprise me more, but damnit, They did.
Hopefully some who were still trying to convince their followers they were gonna split after 5 weeks and Jk go to where other members are cause he's dating them, gets their asses handed to them by their followers for continuing to purposely gaslight them and lie to them. I would be in their face screaming right now, making sure they don't get a good night sleep. Some of these tkk really been thinking Jk was gonna leave and this was just temporary. These idiots with their 'My boyfriend's, girlfriend's, mailman, who has this 1/4 korean friend told a friend of a friend who knows korean" bullshit, need to be gone. This fandom needs to start weeding out these manipulators and liars, starting right now and clean house for the next 18 months.
I always say, we can sit here and talk and tear their relationship apart and put it back together, doesn't matter. They are doing the relationship.
Seems people don't understand at this point what a relationship actually is. They are there making PLANS together in ways that COUPLES WOULD.
It's not about the oh they went out to drink with this person or that person, or they went to see a concert, or they wore the same jewelry or bracelet or jacket.
I like to see these two actually get sick and tired of eachother cos right now it seems we have to pull them apart kicking and screaming.
I said years and years and every year their attachment to eachother is borderline unhealthy and that they could use a bit of independence- then covid hit and they pretended to live independently only for them to pack their bags to hell together. As their therapist I'm sick of them🤣
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
Things you learn in this fandom
You know what? These past days taught me that, some Army aren’t really homophobic and those who are actually allies don’t really dislike “assuming” that JK or Jimin are in a relationship with a man.
Because they had no problem giggling at that fake dating rumor between JK and Felix, they also had no problem shipping JK with Mingyu from a less than 2 mins live, no problem shipping Jimin with Taemin after a dance challenge was posted. 
The problem here is specifically associating JK with Jimin, i’m saying specifically because they also have no problem calling JK or Jimin with another member a “couple”. 
So now touching, eye contact and dancing together is considered romantic, a sign and hint of undying love HM. 
Again you don’t have to see Jikook as duo who are into a romantic relationship really, if you want to call us delusional, do your thing you’re free to do that, you are entitled to your own opinion on someone else’s belief (Still doesn’t give you the right to attack people for their beliefs that you disagree with tho just to make things clear) but going out of your way to completely belittle the bond between Jimin and JK?
At this point it’s not that you just don’t want to “ship” them, you absolutely despise the idea of them being even slightly close to each other. Motherfuckers over here trying damn hard to stick that “brothers” label on them, i swear if these people were given two choices on their deathbed either get a second chance for life or have more arguments to label Jikook as brothers they’d go for the latter.
And after oh so proudly deleting content about Jimin and Jungkook or not even posting about it their whole argument is “I don’t want to bring shippers into my account” while also posting about other “ships” and bringing the vilest of them all under their comments and qts.. 
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So this 
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And that
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And that
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Are absolute and undeniable proof of years of romantic feelings, yearning to be with each other and seek for freedom to parade the love of their lives. But this
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Is shipping two brothers from another mother and being absolutely delusional, disgusting shipper, making up stories of things the boys NEVER (they did) share with us, making up dates (that they very clearly went to), you name it. 
Again, as i said above, if one doesn’t want to “assume” there’s something more going on between these two, FINE it’s not like they’re making it obvious or anything you know, just two bros biting and sucking on each other’s skin, no homo tho. 
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But in all seriousness, you really don’t have to support them in that way if you don’t see them that way, you also don’t have to go out of your way to belittle their bond just because you don’t want to look like a “shipper” or don’t want to rile up the “jokers”. One can still appreciate a bond without necessarily seeing the romance in it and still be detached from a particular group of people they don’t really like to associate with, although they have no problem associating with a whole ass cult just saying.
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All in all, you’re not really being that “very good person” you oh so want to make yourself be by “not assuming someone’s sexuality or their relationship to someone else” you just really feel uncomfortable acknowledging that Jimin and JK are in fact very close towards each other, you just really don’t like their closeness that you would rather jump off of a cliff falling after baseless rumors of them dating different people than admit that they “might” actually be dating each other. 
With that being said, Jikook love each other and you and your opinion can sit on a cactus, you have other “matters” to worry about than Jikook being a thing. As our dear Jeremy F. said “Suck my dick and choke on it i yield my time. FUCK YOU!”
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jeons-catalyst · 28 days
Funny how you can see through these Jikook anti & tkk anons looking for anything to debunk Jikook, like its like their life goal and job to prove Jikook are not queer or dating. Its disturbing, gross and invalidating how they will downplay Jikook spending couple days together or confirming hickeys, things couples actually do. Instead they write it off as nothing or fanservice cause the alternative would be accepting they're queer, in love and a couple & their ship is not real. Jikook are just too real for their homophobia.
Also this needs to be said. Maybe just maybe, Jimin is in the closet & saw he and Jk were going viral for those white day pics, which were taken by locals & thought if he brushed it off, it would be no big deal. Jikook are no strangers to posting pics of each other on holidays & couple days, but its another thing when you're going viral for being out together on a couple holiday day. Which letting it blow over probably did help, since they went out again & spent Silver Day together alone in NY. They probably knew it would be downplayed. Smart move actually. Kinda like coming up with the idea of a travel show to disguise couple trips you wanna take before enlisting together. Trips where you can soak in that last bit of intimacy with just the two of you & have it disguised as a show. Its win win. A travel show they both talked about before. Enjoying their vacations, making new memories together just the two of them. Unwinding from all their hard solo work. And the best part, getting that much needed couple time in away from everyone and also agreeing to share a glimpse of your happiness with your fans in the process. Their real supporters that they know have their back and wanna see them happy. Jikook aren't an out couple if they are one, therefore they have to make the best of their situation and if that includes downplaying doing couple things together, like spending couple days together. Well so be it. But it hasn't stopped them from doing it. So seems someone cares. wink wink.
IN conclusion. You know very well jikook spending couple days is SIGNIFICANT and how often they do it and only with each other and not your favs. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here pretending it isn't & making excuses to help you sleep at night.
You know taekookers always make fun of Jikookers for celebrating things like GCF, Rosebowl, MMA 2018 and Hickeygate and mind you these are things that actually happened and not thing we pulled out if our asses. They say we are making a big deal outta Jikook constantly spending couple days together and they say we are reading too much into Jikook’s decision to enlist together but you will not believe these are the same people who think that taekook wearing the same tshirt on the same day is decisive proof that they are a couple. If people wearing identical clothing or jewelry was decisive proof of a romantic relationship then wouldn’t the entire BTS be married to each other with kids? Infact wouldn’t Jikook have already had about 10 kids by now since they chose to wear the same custom rings on the same day to the same event on the same ring finger?
Jungkook has no autonomy to taekookers unless when it comes to styling himself and wearing a shirt that Tae also owns. When jikookers point out the fact that Jk’s seven concept photos was very similar to Jimin’s they say we are delusional because Jk was styled but they don’t use this same logic when it comes to their ship. Jk is only styled and has no hand in things when it comes to Jimin but when it comes to tae, Jk who had no autonomy whatsoever suddenly has a right to make his own decisions and match his shirt with his “boyfriend’s” lol.
I don’t know whether couple days really don’t hold much weight for Jimin but all i know is that he seems to enjoy spending such days with a certain Jeon Jungkook.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Run BTS Mini field day - Part 2
Part 2 of part 2...
Cr./to the creators of media used in this post.
So, where were we?
Oh, yes, slippery soccer.
Let the games begin.
On the right we have the blue team - JM, RM, Hobi and Suga.
On the left we have the red team - Tae, Jin and JK.
Now let's just have at it, cause hectic is too calm of a word to call what went on there, lol.
There's no way I can describe everything that went on there, and I don't intend to. I will also not share who won this round.
Like I said GO WATCH IT. It's definitely worth it.
What I will do is share some moments with you all. Cute moments. Funny moments. Lovely moments.
So, let's get it.
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I guess there will be no forgetting that name for JM in the near future, lol.
I think, although this isn't by order of things happening in the episode, that I will start with Jin and his cahoonas.
Cause why not?
If only for the comic effect...
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JK's reaction. 🤣 🤣
After all, this is serious business we're talking about.
JM was finding it hard to stay up on his feet, lol.
And there's more.
I did tell you we had butt slapping, didn't I?
Well I also gave you the first installment of it in my post a couple of days ago.
But there was more butt.
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Hey, no complaining. I didn't say it was all tuppy tuppy handsy handsy.
Ok ok, if you insist, here's some handsy stuff too.
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We got the hug.
JM wanted that hug so bad.
For scoring a goal that is.
Now, this was hilarious.
Jin, being hit in the balls, got a penalty kick, which Hobi kind of stopped, only to hit JM right in the head and wham, straight into the goal.
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But yeah, he finally got to get his hug. With a member of the opponent team...
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And we got it from a different angle than in the promo.
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Just look at that smile.
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Found it kind of funny that none of them had a word to say about JM hugging a member of the opposite team. All RM had to comment was to the legitimacy of him even getting a hug. 🤣
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JM and JK are still relatively kinda clean at this point (well, JM has some soapy pants, but yet to be soaked).
And then the chaos begins.
The game is surprisingly close. And the red team have a tactic they try to put in place which involves JK holding on to JM and RM so Jin can score the goal,
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a tactic to be utilized by JM a little later and it somehow ends up like this:
That growl JK...
(Disclosure: The JM climbing on JK bit, was in the promos, but not in the actual episode (we knew as much, didn't we?) and it was inserted into this edit by the clip's creator.)
And Tae, is that him enjoying them rolling in the soap, adding more lubrication or him trying to cool them down? Just one more life mystery. Lmao.
But also, there was clearly editing going on there. We have been fooled once again folks. BH editors depriving us of some evidently (I mean look at what's going on there) good Jikook content.
One thing I ask myself about whatever it was that was going on there, and that is: what the hell did it have to do, if at all, with playing soccer? 🤣 
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Game ended, and one hug, evidently, was clearly not enough.
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And breaking it down.
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After the games ended, the winners were announced, Jin got a gold medal as well announcing he got 1st place with Astronaut at M countdown,
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and the hectic couple, a.k.a. Jikook, took over the final MCing.
Bonus: A little bit of cutie Koo.
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and a little bit of cutie Jiminie.
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This is what they had to say at the end:
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I can't help but wonder how the flowers ended up with JM.
Bridal bouquet?
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And just for fun, I love ending my posts with a little reminder from this episode, something to carry us for a little while longer, you know, till 2025. 😭 😭
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mimikoolover · 15 days
I actually heve a crazy theory...
But I think Jikook by this point also didn't know they were enlisting together.
I think they obviously knew about buddy system but didn't actually think they would need to use it. Because it's not really done by idols, and also they both could've gone to safer and easier stations. BUT THEN Jimin started working intensely on his album and JK started acting out (like you said), and it became VERY CLEAR that they would not be able to do 18 months apart. I mean do you remember, that at this time JK said himself that he was not working on anything. And I think the plan was for Jimin to go first (just like a lot of us thought he would) and for JK to have more time for promo alone, when others are gone. But then like I said the drunken lives happened and realisation hit, that they have to apply for buddy system, that 18 months apart would be BAD for both of them. And that's when HYBE (or whoever) made specific demands from JK. Like he HAS TO do the album, and because there was no time to wright it from scratch they got all the english songs. Also his schedule was extremely packed and difficult.
So I think that the show was something Jikook specifically done for themselves because JK's schedule was so insane that if not for that excuse they would not be able to hang out freely before the enlistment. But again it's just my theory, mostly because HYBE doesn't feel (to me) like the compay who would try to cheer someone up. To me they are waaay more pragmatic than that, and if they decided to allow their stars to enlist together (something that's isn't really done in idol culture), than they would make sure to get something in return. They worked JK very hard, and I think he took it because he had a specific goal (more like a person) in mind that he was wiling to work for.
that is quite interesting! I always love to read what everyone thinks.
I'd love to know from them when they decided to enlist together. I mean I can see what you said but also them wanting to enlist together for years too but maybe cause it wasn't certain yet jungkook was still feeling down. I think it's likely that the maknae line + joon planned to enlist at the same time and jikook thought that they may as well enlist together. because of how things aligned for the others too I think they were all fairly certain of the timing of their enlistment for some time before the actual enlistment. but it's also possible that vmin + joon could have enlisted on the same date and jungkook later on (I read jungkook is the second youngest idol ever to enlist, if that's true) but then jikook decided they want to do it together. cause then they would have been apart for longer if they're not enlisting at the same time. I think if we go with your theory even then hybe in general (apart from bang pd and a couple of other people) would not have known about jikook enlisting together; they could have known that they would enlist on the same day tho but I think with all the internal drama, someone would've leaked 'news' as big as this if more people knew.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Both Jimin and Jungkook have said they are not into Long distance relationship. Why do you think they'll be okay doing it now ? If we take last month, Jimim was gone was 2 weeks, now JK is gone for a week already. I.e they are apart for almost 3 out of 4 weeks. And even in that one week they are spending time with different people or alone.
Don't you think they'll be done with this relationship while having this schedules IF they are a couple ? From what I know most of Kpop couples broke up because of different schedules and being busy. What's the point of relationship if majority of time they are apart from each other? This is the reason Jikook told they won't do LDR as they can't be away from their partner for that long.
Even if they are done with military, their schedules won't be different much as they are 2 of most sought after idols with their own individual career goals. So why you think they'll be okay with this type of relationship?
Damn. My fiance and I are gonna be 4 years together this year. During this time I work 2 weeks away from home then 2 weeks I go to see him. Sometimes I could go 3 weeks if my co worker needs cover. That means once in a while I only get one week with my man. But we video chat every night and it just works. This has been going on for almost 4 years. And I dont love him any less. A friend is always telling me we will last a long ass time coz we are not always ontop of each other. That missing eo is good and keeps the fire burning. I tend to agree.
I would imagine Jikook's sex life is off the chain after not seeing eo for a while. Plus, you ever heard of phone sex or is that a new concept for you?
Damn anon, are u telling me my life is a lie?
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Are you saying anyone who manages to have a long distance relationship is... what, exactly? People are different which means relationships are different everywhere. Just because you can't be away from your partner for 2 seconds doesn't mean everyone else is like that. IF you are even in a rlship that is
Wake up, my dude
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hey, Storm! There's a never-ending list of jikook moments throughout the years. If you would be given a chance to ask JM and JK to share their thoughts or explain what was going on in some of them, which ones would you choose and why?
Personally, I'd love to hear them talk about that soft MMA 2018 moment, how they came about changing their performance in The Truth Untold during the final leg of the Seoul concerts, and ask why the air seemed to be charged during 5th Muster. And maybe, try to ask JK about Rosebowl (might have a couple of questions about this). There's so much more but I'll stop myself now 😂
Thank youuu!
Cute! We are going to play this game in the fictional world of pretend. Where we pretend that jikook have confirmed themselves as queer and as boyfriends together and are okay with the questions. Because asking questions about their relationship otherwise would be not okay. Lol you know. Also in the fictional world of pretend where I'd get to meet them and ask relationship questions to begin with 😅🤣
I'd want to know if this was them screwing around of if there was an end goal here and what it was and if they practice at home lol
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I'd want to know what JK was going to tell us later about why that ring (jimins ring) was so special during 5th muster
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I'd want to know what JK did with that tissue.
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I'd want to know what's so funny about Laguna
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I'd love to hear their thoughts over Toyko in more details, especially if it WAS a romantic trip. Tell me moreee
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Why did you take and submit this photo to the exhibition?! What were yall doing 😭 (I go down a spiral of mental confusion over this damn Serendipity exhibition lol)
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Jungkook. The thought process and how that went afterwards?! Please share
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Jimin, did you stop asking for kisses because you started getting them? Why did you keep asking for so many 😭🤣
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What's your anniversaries that you celebrate if any. I just would be curious about any theories being right or not lmao
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I also would have questions about the rainy day fight.... and questions about so much else. And questions about their timeline. How they got together, who confessed, who kissed who first. So much more. I hope they release a tell all autobiography about their stories one day. Lol
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ask-serendipity-sky · 8 months
You're smart, and the only jikooker that spoke up about jimin and the sabotage, and I understand that you want to believe that jikook is real because you remember the past and the way jikook acted, but I want to ask you, do you really think that in these 2022-2023 jikook acted like a couple? don't forget it's the first time they didn't spend their birthday together, you never saw them interacting in person, you don't know if their relationship is the same as before. They only interacted online and jimin always comments members live, he said he loves namjoon and we know they're only friends, so jikook flirting on weverse could be the same thing, they're friends, you can't judge a relationship from some social media comments. Also, didn't you notice that Jk is completely a different person, he is not the same jungkook, he is more greedy, more competitive in a negative way, always on tiktok doing weird things, he wants to be superior to anyone else, do you think jimin can have a romantic relationship with a man with this kind of personality? really? be honest. We know jimin and his family, hardworker people, honest people, we know that jimin admire namjoon and yoongi, the fact they work hard, the fact they're mature. Okay, jimin is affectionate to Jungkook, we know that, but do you honestly think that jimin can have a mature and long romantic relationship with jungkook? try to think about it.
Look. Things are always more complicated than what they seem. It's not that I WANT (like I need it otherwise I'll be sad) jikook to be real but I know they are real.
I'm a person that likes to see things to believe them. Evidence-based only, none of this trust stuff.
For a while, I was almost off the jikook ship. Yes the theories are interesting. Their history is beautiful. They have great chemistry...blah blah. But we didn't see jikook together on screen. And when we would, they were weird. So I was about to leave jikook because I wasn't going to be observing something that wasn't there. I didn't want to be convincing myself that things were ok if they were gone.
But then I found people who knew things and showed me things. And I've seen jikook be real.
So even though, we don't see jikook ON SCREEN, I see them. So I'm on the jikook train.
When I stop seeing them and sense that things are over completely, I will be off the jikook train, not because I'm insecure or whatever they call it nowadays but because relationships change and people change. I just have to wait and see.
All the things you are mentioning are being seen from a perspective of someone who refuses to entertain the idea that jikook is still together. Jimin comments on other member's lives but he doesn't say to them what he says to Jk. When I watch Jk's lives, he's still the same Jk as before but now he sings about sex and has revealed his goals in life. He's on tiktok doing what people his age do. Jikook have had a long relationship where they have grown together so I'm thinking they are still figuring stuff out.
We've seen jikook together in the wild in NY and CT and Jimin was smiling in both leaked photos. Doesn't that tell you something?
People will try and convince me and write words but the only things that can convince me are jikook themselves. So I will wait and see what they have to show me. For now, I'm on the jikook train.
It's not about wanting, it's about observing.
Hope that helps.
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I am sorry I am going to disagree on a couple of these.
First, it was normal for pjms to be upset about jimin not winning. I saw them calling out that k account for misguiding k army. I don't understand how calling out fans for not voting = hating on jk winning. It would have been best to ignore them and let them deal with it, instead of constantly quoting them or replying to them with "You'll jealous jk won", or "you'll hate jk won" or whatever. No, cause what do people think the response from them would be?
Secondly, why are jikookers always in pjms' business but snoozing when jjks were tagging military accounts? Didn't see any of talk against it.
Everytime pjms or anyone in the fandom says "jm didn't get xyz" and others are like oh that's jk shade, ur hating jk, u hate jk's success or whatever. Can't even talk about jimin not getting something coz apparently now that's hating jk. I am so tired of jikookers and jjks.
Can we not twist everything into hating jk. This constant inserting of jk and victimizing him is getting annoying.
Do you want to know how I see it? I think both the previous anon that I posted and you (and a bunch of similar asks that I got in the meantime) are both right. What is impossible - because of the current climate and how a fandom works - it's more difficult to see it. For now, being in the middle of it, is about taking sides. It's a ongoing fight that sees no end and fans need to choose.
What you and the other anon are doing is simply expressing your views on the situation, which are determined by the online spaces which you inhabit. And again, you're both right. I'm not trying to say there's no factual reality here and each group/person is building its own (although we do that to some degree, but it's not about that), but that the things we see on our timeline shape our perception.
If I say that it shouldn't be a competition when it comes to bullying, harassment and hate towards an artist, I'd be reminded that Jimin has it worst (trust me, I know all about it). If I do take Jimin's fans side and how they see it, then someone will come and tell me that they are saying awful things about Jungkook as well. And when it comes to shippers, in this case jikookers, they'll take a side depending on who is their actual bias or choose the easiest route if they consider themselves army. Now, where does that lead us? Nowhere, because we'd be stuck in a loop.
From where I'm sitting, it looks like everything that is happening today is the result of the mentality bred by a fandom that operates like a cult and influenced by label propaganda. BTS is seven and all are treated equal brainwashed the fans in the first stage, which was the perfect recipe for solo fans as they know it is impossible. We all do. Army is following company narrative, as always. If the main goal was for the last 6 months to focus most of their attention on the Golden project, then army will follow. They will always follow. Of course they listened to that account who tells them how to vote. Of course they listen each time an army uses the solo narrative excuse. I mean, aren't we all tired of the same 20 words used in this fandom in different variations? It is a limited vocabulary, used by armys, solos, shippers and what like. It amounts to nonsense and nothing because of it and no one listens to one another. It's complete madness. And they all talk shit and they threat these guys in the most horrible ways when ultimately, I believe that at least in some capacity, that behavior is the result of how this fandom came to be in the first place and how the company has it in its grip.
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jiminsass-istant · 4 months
I’m sorry but there’s something I might be missing: why do all these anons who swear Jimin and Jungkook aren’t a couple there’s no way they are they’re just bandmates yada yada, keep coming all the way up here time and time again? (and most likely it’s always the same ppl lmao) This is a real question btw. Maybe some ppl just like to argue? I love debating though but they’re not even here to have an exchange. This is beyond me sorry. I’m not talking about ppl asking questions, sharing different perspectives. But to come here lose some time over something you’re oh so sure do not exist and basically tell us we’re so silly to believe Jikook could eventually be lovers and how we’re so biased and they’re not.. seems hella weird to me…
Lmao, I'm gonna theorize about people debating theories. How deep in the delulu bubble- deluluception.
Anyways, the reason these people do it is-
1. They might simply be tkkrs who lurk in jkk spaces. I've never ever explored the taekook tag on tumblr because I've never felt the need to. I get all my TK content from army twt itself. It's an old habit of tkkrs and old habits die hard.
2. Maybe they are jkkers who once believed/supported jikook dating and were 100% sure and then their delusions were shattered due to some shipper drama. And now they are in post delulu phase, coping hard by trying to make others experience the same shattering. (That's why I don't choose to believe in any ship being real. It's just too intrusive to assume about their personal lives)
< or maybe they are like that angry 🤡 in these spaces who is coping hard after finding out that 2 korean men who live thousands of miles away, in fact have parts of their lives that are private. >
3. They are probably trying to debunk the the jikook mysteries that can't be refuted and still remain top tier- above any other duo dynamics. Gcf tokyo is still the most romantic thing anyone has ever done in 875. Companion enlistment was very much by choice and not due to limited choices. JM tattoo still stares at you in your face. And jikook dynamics still baffle koreans themselves because of how much jk babies jimin. Doesn't change the fact that jikook just prefer to share their free time together and jungkook dedicatedly promoted Face more than Hybe could. (In his own way). Doesn't change the fact that jikook are close enough to bite necks and suck ears.
These anons are just trying to be like the rest of the OT7 army who OT7ify all duos. They are trying to discredit the biggest events between jikook so they can move on maybe.
That's why there is no point getting too much into a ship and scrutinizing how they live their lives. Ships are seriously one of the most fun and cute things about a fandom-giving us so many great pieces of art. Shipping has in fact existed since the Star Wars era. And it doesn't need to have any real life consequences. 875 already show us a lot of themselves on camera and there's no need to expect more. And Jikook are very much a comfort ship. Even though they might not be a real couple, the way they treat each other are relationship goals for me. Yes, the standards are very high!! And they have taught me a lot about love and friendship.
And if people come with ridiculous asks, they are just asking to be trolled, and we shall give them what they desire. 👍
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not-goldy · 2 months
i find it so funny that taekookers always scramble when their ship is debunked and then find something that fits their narrative to stay in their bubble.
like literally with the buddy system, i remember initially when we all found out that jikook were enlisting together, they were so confused some were throwing tantrums and their big accounts were telling them to have faith lmao.
and then the live happened and jk said he wanted to do special forces and taekookers were celebrating "see?? he wants to be with tae, but he couldn't because of his tattoos and now he is forced to enlist with jm" which raised an important question, why didn't tae enlist with jk then?? if tae went ahead choosing what he wanted to do with no regard to jk's situation w tattoos or whatever (and there's no issues with tattoos lmao) it clearly shows, that they both are okay with not being with each other for 18 months.
so then they changed their narrative to "a gay couple cannot enlist together, it will put them at risk" but that raised another concern, why tf did jk enlist with someone else? it would have made more sense if they were couple and couldn't enlist together that they went ahead and enlisted separately and alone. its even weirder that jk enlisted with jm then right?
so another narrative added, "its because buddy system is the only way the remaining members, which are jk jm, can enlist in time for a 2025 comeback"
and now they are calm and satisfied with this narrative. like the desperation is hilarious, don't you think?
The only way they can come back in 2025???
If so why not enroll Namjoon and Tae in the buddy system too?
Like who are they fooling??
They just had to enlist in different camps at the sane time like the others then if 2025 was the goal. It didn't require them enlisting as buddies. Besides, enlisting via the buddy program is simply to provide emotional support and companionship for eachother while they are in there.
So pathetic
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
When a phone call between Jimin and sungwoon have more chemistry than present Jikook 💀💀
But fr though... you all think friendship of jikook is so special and can be even couple when he's much more closer to sungwoon, who he met later than JK and spent way less time together compared to JK. You heard their toilet convo, if jikook said this I'm sure you all will think it's sus and couply, Like how you thought Jimin being with JK, bought him cake and gifts in 2019 and 2020 was special and romantic. He went on a trip with JK, JK shot his videos.. sungwoon also did the same in 2019. Or spending most of his leisure time hanging out with sungwoon, especially past 2-3 years.
He's just sweet and is going to do the same with all his so close friends, doesn't mean he's dating them. Maybe a half hour talk of Jimin and sungwoon will end up them confessing once Jimin bit on his neck while drunk... that's it.
Do you feel better? Did you achieve what you were looking to achieve with this ask? I guess one of the things you wanted was for me to post your ask. This is me posting your ask. Now what?
What were your other goals? Make me feel bad? To make me doubt? Or did you think I wouldn't post your ask and you would interpret it as me accepting that you were right?
People like you are so pathetic. Along the lines of being stupid.
But hey Anon, at least you are now famous among my followers. I’m sure you will feel great now.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
I didn't believe BH is pushing certain ships not until they used Yoonmin for the Busan ads. I find it really odd that they didn't use Jikook who both are from there
Yeah, I said that when the yoonmin ad came out; that one where they're at a restaurant or something. I made a joke about yoonmin being the busan couple and taekook the daegu couple or something like that. In case it isn't obvious, I also thought it was ridiculous and suspicious.
Companies will push or bury a narrative as they please, or at least try to do so. But I've never noticed hybe/bighit in particular meddling in the members relationships. They can "push" ships with an increase of duo activities/moments on camera, but that doesn't mean the others stop acting like friends. Jihope are as friendly ever, it's not like Yoongi is the only member Jimin interacts with; in fact, in the content where yoonmin is paired together, Jimin barely even looks at Yoongi most of the time. They can be sitting next to each other and that's it. The company might put them together for photoshoots or skits but it doesn't mean that they will interact. They can create the enviroment and the conditions for the members to interact, but they can't really make the interactions happen. For example, putting all of them in the same house for ITS. Them being together in the same house or room makes interactions possible, but nobody is actually forcing them to do stuff together.
You're just making a very broad statement so I don't really know if you have like, a certain angle with your ask, so maybe I'll talk about stuff that you have no interest in. But my point is that hybe "pushing" taekook or yoonmin doesn't necessarily mean that everyone else are prohibited from interacting with each other. Yes, obviously if they want to they will only post content with those particular duos and gatekeep the rest, but if this is about Jimin and Jungkook specifically, then Jimin and Jungkook don't seem to be seeing each other behind the scenes either according to my interpretation of things. So whether the company is pushing certain duos or not is irrelevant when off camera the interactions don't exist either.
Taekookers thought the same, they used to think that jikook was being pushed. Even though taekook had interactions, it wasn't enough and they thought the company was "hiding" them and concealing the more "romantic" interactions but the truth was that they just didn't have that type of relationship. Sometimes things are exactly what they seem.
If suddenly there's a huge amount of jikook content, knowing that they don't hang out or talk that much off camera, then I would be suspicious too I'm not going to lie.
I don't really talk about stuff like this because it's borderline conspiracy theory for me so I don't dwell too much on it, but seeing that yoonmin ad last year, I honestly thought the goal was to enhance Yoongi's popularity. Everyone in Busan thinks of Jimin when they think Busan celebrities. So putting Yoongi with Jimin in a Busan ad is basically giving him exposure and a good image too. It's like when tailor of chaos came out and bighit posted an article that mentioned it alongside Jungkook's and Namjoon's photofolios, just to have their names with Jimin's. But for every other folio they posted individual articles. Or when they would post articles about billboard charts where they mentioned Jimin AND Yoongi instead of just separate ones for each of them.
So more or less that's my opinion, that they're killing two birds with one stone, pairing a popular member with a less "popular" one and also giving duo content of the ships that the fandom likes a lot. Then, it gets more conspiratory if you want to talk about certain members having sponsors and all that.
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chim-chim1310 · 11 months
You probably read these posts already but they are some of the perfect examples when we say that most jikookers are losing the plot here. They're making theories that are aligned to jikook's everlasting love and kumbaya to make sense of why JK is doing and agreeing to all that shit.
That anon really made it look like JK is doing all that for him and jimin's future. What do you mean JK is just being a hero and making sacrifices for the two of them? So he's a saint now, and that makes it okay that Jimin is being suppressed? JK deserves the massive push but Jimin does not?? JK wants the company to fuck off and he has limited options???? WTFFFFFF????!! My brain is disintegrating, I can't. These people are romanticizing everything just so they can make the jikook ship sail and absolve JK from everything. Oh god forbid the good, innocent maknae can do no wrong. This is gross!!
The answers are perfect and insightful though. JK and JM can be queer and anything under the sun right now but I refuse to get behind that JK is doing all of this for his love for Jimin. Far from it. He's doing all of that for himself; for his goal of being a "giant pop star", and those are his own words. Coming out can hurt your career, yes but no one's forcing anyone as far as we know. SB and BPD did not even force JK to do Seven, he wanted it himself.
Jikookers seriously need to stop doing this. Not everything is about your ship. Stop disrespecting Jimin and making him just an accessory to your fantasies. And for goodness sake, STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR JK! Have some decency, people.
Yeah I read that. Some jikookers are really writing fan fictions at this point.
How the fuck can he do such things for love? How will it even work? How does jk, working with SB gonna make jimin and jungkook's future as a couple better? Like wtf? Like do these people use their brain or all their brain cells are wasted, imagining jk and jm having sex.
What do they think of jimin? Do they think jimin is some old-generation girl where every girl was expected to just depend on their husband for finances? Are they thinking of jimin like that now?
Like they're making it look like jimin doesn't have ambitions, goals, dreams, desires of his own. They think jimin is a doll, who's meant to sit there and look pretty for jungkook while the real man Jungkook goes to work and earns a living for them.
Jungkook saying yes to SB to get this out of the way so that he and jimin can he gay later. Like wtf? Are these people dumb or what? How do they even come up with such things?
Jungkook wants to be the 'giant pop star' and it's not even bad. What's worse is that he can't do it on his own. He needs SB to back him up and the dirty tricks that the company is using to get him to the top.
Being ambitious is a good trait but it looks good only when you achieve things on your own talent and hardwork. Anyone can pay their way to the top. What makes jk any different other than just selfish, greedy and fame hungry?
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