#jim tensen
marvel-dc-art · 6 years
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Ultimates v2 #12 - “After the Fall” (2016) art by Christian Ward
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khancrackers · 7 years
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Ultimates² #3 (2017). Al Ewing, Travel Foreman, Dan Brown.
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comicwaren · 7 years
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From Ultimates2 Vol. 2 #005, “Skyfather”
Art by Travel Foreman and Dan Brown
Written by Al Ewing
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writingjoycebyers · 4 years
“Don’t touch me while I’m trying to fall asleep.” jopper
This is also for the anon who requested Nr. 32 from the prompt list, which is the same
Warning: mature!
He could feel her tensening over there, on the other side of the bed, her small body stiff under her own blanket, stiff and probably cold, and he hated it. The past few days, her body had always felt cold. Something was on Joyce's mind, he knew it, could sense it, but for days she had now refused to talk to him. Even every day conversations had been hard, her answers had been short, her mind barely there. Even their sex, a regular occurrence lately, had felt different. She had been rougher, harder on herself, absent.
'Hey, look at me, baby' , he had pleaded as she had been beneath him, moving very little, eyes focused on a spot on the wall. She had refused and just taken over control, riding him to oblivion - his or hers - and it had felt as if she only had wanted to finish.
He had tried harder from then on, wanted to hold her in his arms after that, tighter than ever, had made her tea, had tried to give her extra hugs, some extra attention. He knew it was dangerous territory, if he asked too much, wanted to know what was wrong too often she'd chicken out, she'd build up her walls even higher. So he'd just be there, in the dark of the bedroom, and wait, wait for a little sign that she wanted him to be there. And then he'd be there, with everything he could give. But for now, all he could do was not to leave.
She was twisting from one side to the other and she could sense in the air that Hopper also wasn't sleeping. Her whole body felt exhausted, sore. That kind of exhaustion that always crept up her neck when all she did all day long was think. To parts of that she was used already. Memories were haunting her still — of Will's vanishing and Bob's body being ripped to pieces. But she had learned to live with that. Her mind was now busy with some sorrows more human, and they had a lot to do with that tall man who was lying next to her in bed right now. What were they?
Her mind wandered off to Jonathan, who was at college and whom she missed terribly and who probably wouldn't approve of his mother casually fucking the Chief of Police nearly every night for the past three month now with his little brother having to sleep next door.
And then, there was this other... thing. She knew she had screwed up big time. He'd run away if she told him, run and would never be seen again. Her whole body ached at the thought of that.
A tear was rolling down her face as she suddenly, after hours of being awake, felt him scoot over. His warm body pressed gently against her back. God, she couldn't stand this intimacy.
"Don't touch me while I'm trying to fall asleep!", she snapped at him. She could hear her voice sounding angry and immediately felt bad about it, but she couldn't help it.
"But... you can't sleep, can you? Joy, you're crying. I'm fucking worried baby, seriously, you gotta let me in.", he whispered and moved back a little. She could still feel his body heat and it was strangely comforting to her. She knew she was being unfair, but she was just fighting herself by fighting him.
They stilled for a few minutes until she moved back a little, her body now forming the little spoon to his big one.
"Relax, baby.", he cooed as his big hands started caressing her arm. "Your so tense, come on, let go. I'm here.", he continued his soothing words. Joyce breathed out. He slowly began massageing her back, first her shoulder blades, then down to her sides and farther down to the small of her back. His big hand felt warm on her skin, making her become aware of every muscle in her body. His hand continued its comforting exploration as he pressed little kisses to the top of her head.
"That okay?", he whispered as he kept on rubbing the small of her back with just the right pressure.
"Yeah.. I.. I didn't really mean that... the no touching thing... I...", she answered and he just pressed a kiss to her cheek from behind. His lips were just centimeters from her ear.
"No need to explain, baby," he said, reassuring her while his hand was now busy stroking the skin of her hip.
Joyce slowly began to relax. He was there. She enjoyed his touch for a few moments, his comforting warmth as his hand wandered towards her front now, intenting to rub small soothing circles on her abdomen.
Joyce stiffened again. "No, Hop, not there!", she quickly said and moved around.
He had touched her there a thousand times already, he had touched her everywhere a thousand times already. He didn't understand.
"Joy...", he said, his voice sounding confused.
She didn't say a word. She didn't know how. What if he'd just get up and leave the second she finished her sentence?
She took his hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. Her heart was beating fast and unsteady.
"Hopper.. Jim. I skipped two periods.", she finally whispered. The room grew silent again, nothing was to be heard, not even Hopper's breathing.
"Have you taken a test?", he asked.
"I didn't.. dare.", she answered, her voice was barely hearable.
He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. She was breathing heavily against his chest, tasting her own salty tears on her lips.
"We'll figure it out, Joyce. Whatever it is. Whatever feels right for us, then. For you.", he exclaimed, and she felt as if she could hear hope in his voice, or even love. Understanding at least.
"As always.", she mumbled, before slightly brushing her lips against Jim's.
Thanks for the asks! My asks and requests are still open, also for asks @joyce!
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antonieniessen · 7 years
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Ik heb helemaal niets met BNers en goeie doelen. De goede uitgezonderd. Voor Paul van Vliet en Unicef maak ik een uitzondering. Voor Marco Borsato en Warchild ook. Die mensen zijn puur. Die doen dit vanuit hun hart. Eerlijk en oprecht. Als ik de Frogertjes druk zie doen met de Voedselbank krijg ik uitslag. Dat is pure poppenkast. Het klopt gewoon niet. Ook al doen ze nog zo hun best, ik geloof die mensen niet. Ze zijn niet echt. Punt. Afgelopen week zat Johnny de Mol bij RTL Late Night. Samen met minister Bert Koenders. Bertje had Johnny meegenomen naar een vergadering bij de VN. De visie van Molletje jr inzake het vluchtelingen probleem sprak Bert erg aan. Laten we eerlijk zijn. Aan het ministerschap van Bert komt zeer binnenkort een eind en dan kan je maar beter in een goed blaadje staan bij de de Molletjes. You’ll never know. Een andere gast aan tafel bij Humberto was Arie Boomsma. Als er één BNer deugt is het positivo Arie wel. Arie mag weer scoren met een programma met mensen die niet aan het ideaalbeeld voldoen. 
Ditmaal heeft onze roomse vriend zijn tanden gezet in hele kleine ieniemienie mensjes. Arie moet toch wat en Arie moet vooral zijn mensenmens imago in stand houden.  Arie deugt en Arie wil dat vooral ook uitstralen. Arie kent Johnny al jaren, sprak lovende woorden en stak hem de ene na de andere veer in zijn bips. Vooral de ontwikkeling die hij Johnny heeft zien maken sprak Arie erg aan. Op de vraag van Arie waar die omslag in John's leven en zijn passie voor de vluchtelinge was ontstaan kwam het jongste Molletje met het meeste deugende antwoord. Met de juiste blik en de juiste mimiek sprak John de volgende woorden : ''Toen ik de beelden zag van Aylan. Die afgrijselijke beelden van een aangespoeld kindje op één van onze stranden. Toen voelde ik dat ik in actie moest komen''. In dit antwoord zaten alle ingrediënten om te deugen. Kind, vluchtelingen en Europa. Game set and match ! Tot slot een lijstje deugers. Kies jullie eigen favoriet.
Bart Foundation: Guus Meeuwis, Irene Moors, John de Mol, Johnny Heitinga, Willem van Kooten
Bio-Kinderrevalidatie: René Froger
Care Child (Stichting): Co Stompé
ChildsLife: Dominique van Vliet CliniClowns: Teun de Nooijer
De Opkikker: Jim Bakkum
Diabetes Fonds: Bas van de Goor
Doe een wens: Jacques D’Ancona, Esther Vergeer, Pieter van den Hoogenband, Paulien Huizinga, Danny Rook, Jamai Loman en Wendy van Dijk
Elandsdoorn Foundation: Jacco Eltingh, Paul Haarhuis
Hartstichting: Jochem Uytdehaage
Hulp Buitenlandse Honden: Anky van Grunsven, Prinses Irene
Icco: Jacobine Geel
Jantje Beton: Gianni Romme, Edwin Rutten
Kika: Inge de Bruijn
Kind en Brandwond: Hans Kazàn
Kinderhulp: Victor Deconinck
Kinderstem: Isa Hoes
Liliane Fonds (Stichting): Jaap Jongbloed, Sandra Reemer, Monique Velzeboer
Intermobiel (Stichting): Christijan Albers
Internationale Kinderhulp Stichting: Everon Jackson Hooi
Leprastichting: Sonja Silva, Winston Post
Local Heroes: Marko Koers
Max Havelaar: Floortje Dessing
Memisa Cordaid: Jaap en Jeannine de Hoop Scheffer
Monkey Business: Chris Zegers
Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp: Wouter Nicolaas
Nationaal Fonds Ouderenhulp: John Bernard
Nationaal Fonds Sport Gehandicapten: Jannes Wolters, Arnold van der Lyde en Ruud Hesp
Nierstichting: Nigel de Jong
oneMen: Daphne Bunskoek, Ruud de Wild
Rode Kruis: Irene Moors, Humberto Tan
Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds: Gerda Havertong, Robert ten Brink en Yvon Jaspers
Shamajo wensstichting: Marc Dik
Simavi: Sylvana Simons
SOS Kinderdorpen: Anky van Grunsven, Yvonne van Gennip, Hans van Breukelen, Ruud van Nistelrooy
TCN Animal Resque: Caroline Sonneveld, Mike Starink, Doesjka Dubbelt
Unicef: Paul van Vliet, Monique van de Ven Villa Pardoes: Aukje van Ginniken Voedselbank Nederland : De Frogertjes
Warchild: Marco Borsato
Yojana Projecthulp: Ron Vlaar
Ambassadeurs loterij en Sponsor Loterij: Richard Krajicek, Hans Becker, Daphne Deckers, Henk van Os, Willeke Alberti, André van Duin, Stella Gommans
Bank Giro Loterij: Ria Bremer
Vriendenloterij: Wolter Kroes
Nationale Postcode Loterij: Caroline Tensen, Winston Gerschtanowitz, Martijn Krabbé, Ruud Gullit, Gaston Starreveld, Henny Huisman
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themiscyracomics · 5 years
America Chavez, l’héroïne interdimensionnelle de Marvel
À l’heure où le Marvel Cinematic Universe entre dans une nouvelle ère, qui devrait être en grande partie portée par Captain Marvel, Black Panther et Dr. Strange, il me paraît judicieux de vous présenter America Chavez, une héroïne présente dans plusieurs comics Marvel depuis son introduction en 2011 dans Vengeance : La Brigade des Jeunes.
J’espère réussir à vous convaincre que ce personnage vaut le détour et mérite une adaptation !
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Artiste : Joe Quinones
America Chavez est née dans une dimension appelée « la Parallèle utopique », en-dehors du multivers. L’héroïne y a été élevée par ses deux mères, Amalia et Elena, jusqu’à ce qu’elles ne disparaissent. Elle devient orpheline.
C’est là qu’America prend une décision qui marque son caractère : elle n’a pas encore 10 ans, et elle décide de fuir sa dimension grâce à ses portails interdimensionnels. À partir de là, son parcours jusqu’à ce qu’elle devienne une Young Avenger n’a pas été beaucoup exploré en-dehors de sa série solo. Celle-ci dévoile notamment l’histoire de la famille d’America. Ses origines ancestrales sont racontées et illustrées avec beaucoup de tendresse et ont un côté poétique très touchant.
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Artiste : Jen Bartel
« MAC » (Miss America Chavez) s’est, en tout cas, fait une énorme expérience du multivers. Comme on l’apprend dans The Ultimates (2015) et The Ultimates 2 (2016), elle a eu affaire à de nombreuses versions de certains personnages comme Jim Tensen, un lieutenant doté de super-pouvoirs psychiques. De même, la première menace alien dont elle s’occupe aux côtés de Monica Rambeau, alias Spectrum, est une constante dans le multivers, et America sait donc comment s’en occuper.
Mais elle a aussi analysé les régimes politiques en place dans les univers qu’elle a visités, et cela lui permet notamment de prendre position dans le conflit politique de Civil War II (dans le deuxième tome de The Ultimates (2015)).
Spoiler ! À ce moment-là, America fait entendre sa voix avec fermeté et fait comprendre qu’elle usera de sa force s’il le faut. Elle est prête à s’opposer à Captain Marvel si cette dernière continue sur la voie de la justice prédictive. America en a constaté les conséquences désastreuses et veut éviter ça à la Terre principale de l’univers Marvel.
Il est vraiment intéressant de voir une héroïne prendre des positions politiques fermes et qui trouvent leur justification dans l’Histoire. Ça n’est pas l’Histoire de la Terre-616, mais l’expérience d’America lui a permis de constater ce qui représente un danger pour les libertés et droits humains à long terme.
Cela lui donne une dimension très profonde, alors qu’elle fait aussi partie des héro·ïnes les plus jeunes de l’univers Marvel avec Miss Marvel/Kamala Khan ou encore Moon Girl/Lunella Lafayette.
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Artiste : Jen Bartel
America est aussi une héroïne ouvertement lesbienne, qui a droit à des intrigues sentimentales tout au long de sa série solo. Celles-ci sont assez bien écrites, et permettent de développer encore un peu plus la personnalité de notre héroïne. Elle a ses défauts, ses émotions, sa vision de la vie...
Au premier abord, donc, on aurait pu voir America Chavez simplement comme une héroïne jeune, insouciante et sarcastique. C’est ainsi qu’elle est dépeinte, de manière superficielle selon moi, dans Young Avengers (2013). Mais au final, c’est une justicière aguerrie et une survivante. Qui a été cheffe de deux équipes super-héroïques. Bref, c’est une de mes héroïnes préférées ! Peut-être qu’elle deviendra la vôtre ?
Captain Chocolatine
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comics-manga-videos · 6 years
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http://ift.tt/2ENWW6t newuniversal es una serie de cómics del escritor Warren Ellis, el artista Salvador Larroca y el colorista Jason Keith, publicado por Marvel Comics. La serie es una reimaginación de los conceptos de Marvel's New Universe, lanzada para coincidir con el 20º aniversario de la creación del New Universe en 1986. Al igual que con el Nuevo Universo original, newuniversal se desarrolla en un mundo en el que varias personas desarrollan de repente habilidades sobrehumanas. Sin embargo, donde el Nuevo Universo comenzó con el mundo 'real' como punto de partida, el mundo de newuniversal ya es marcadamente diferente. newuniversal is a comic book series by writer Warren Ellis, artist Salvador Larroca and colorist Jason Keith, published by Marvel Comics. The series is a re-imagining of Marvel's New Universe concepts, launched to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the New Universe's creation in 1986. As with the original New Universe, newuniversal is set in a world where a number of people suddenly develop superhuman abilities. However, where the New Universe began with the 'real' world as its starting point, the world of newuniversal is already markedly different. Historial de publicación newuniversal vuelve a imaginar conceptos y personajes originalmente introducidos como parte de la línea New Universe de Marvel en la década de 1980. The New Universe era un conjunto de ocho títulos vinculados lanzados en 1986 para celebrar el 25º aniversario de Marvel, promovido por el editor en jefe de Marvel, Jim Shooter. Sin embargo, los cómics de New Universe no fueron un éxito a largo plazo, con cuatro títulos cancelados después de un año y la línea completa cancelada a fines de 1989. Originalmente, el Nuevo Universo no tenía vínculos con la configuración compartida Marvel Universe y no presentaba superhéroes tradicionales, sino que ofrecía "el mundo fuera de tu ventana", un mundo que era idéntico al mundo real en todos los aspectos hasta que se cambió de repente por el misterioso evento blanco, un incidente que dotó a algunos humanos con poderes inexplicables. Ellis ha declarado que "no creo que los creadores originales y los editores se dieran cuenta hasta que fuera demasiado tarde, era todo una historia. No deberían haber sido ocho libros (o lo que sea) que finalmente se consolidaron en una miniserie de conjunto. fue una historia única que debería haber dado lugar a series y series nuevas ". Ellis ha llevado este enfoque a newuniversal, con su primera línea argumental girando intencionalmente en torno a los cuatro libros "principales" del New Universe original [1]: Justice, Nightmask, Star Brand y Spitfire and the Troubleshooters. Entre los muchos cambios que presenta newuniversal, los cuatro personajes principales poseen glifos o tatuajes extradimensionales que les otorgan su poder. Además, el personaje Spitfire (la profesora Jenny Swensen, más tarde conocida como Chrome) se convierte en Cipher (Dra. Jennifer Swann). El artista Salvador Larroca ha declarado que "no era un gran admirador" del New Universe original, mientras que Ellis mencionó que "prestó poca o ninguna atención" a los libros del Nuevo Universo cuando se publicaron por primera vez. El 14 de diciembre de 2006, Marvel anunció que newuniversal # 1 se había vendido a través de Diamond Comic Distributors y que se lanzaría una segunda impresión, con una nueva portada variante del artista Esad Ribic. Marvel informó más tarde que newuniversal # 2 se había agotado y que también se volvería a publicar como segunda impresión, una vez más, con una variante de Esad Ribic. Después del número 6, newuniversal entró en pausa y Salvador Larroca abandonó el proyecto. En 2008, la historia continuó con una miniserie escrita por Ellis, newuniversal: shockfront, que fue ilustrada por Steve Kurth (penciller) y Andrew Hennessy (inker). La serie Shockfront fue acompañada por dos historias de un solo disparo que exploran el pasado del nuevo universo universal: newuniversal: conqueror y newuniversal: 1959. Desde el primer número de newuniversal: shockfront en adelante, todos los comics nuevos universales incluyen una declaración que reconoce que la serie se basa en conceptos originales de Jim Shooter, Archie Goodwin, Eliot R. Brown, John Morelli, Mark Gruenwald y Tom DeFalco, creadores que trabajaron en los cómics originales de New Universe. En 2009, Warren Ellis perdió sus archivos de historia en un accidente informático; posteriormente anunció que el proyecto está "básicamente muerto". En 2013, los conceptos introducidos en newuniversal (un evento blanco, un superflujo y el símbolo de Starbrand, entre otros) fueron utilizados en el trabajo de Jonathan Hickman sobre la serie Avengers relanzada, indicando que el nuevo universal podría incorporarse al universo principal de Marvel en de alguna manera. El escritor Warren Ellis describe el escenario de newuniversal como "un mundo alternativo donde Estados Unidos es un tanto aislacionista, la Rusia soviética se desintegró temprano y China tomó la delantera en vuelos espaciales" (el nuevo universal # 1 menciona bases lunares chinas, así como cientos de vuelos de aviones espaciales chinos) . También hay otros cambios más pequeños en la historia del mundo; por ejemplo, Paul McCartney está muerto y John Lennon todavía está vivo. Los cómics chinos de manhua tienen toda la penetración en el mercado que el manga tiene en el mundo real. Los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001 nunca ocurrieron, y las torres del World Trade Center siguen en pie en 2006, como se ve en newuniversal # 1. Hillary Rodham Clinton es presidenta de los Estados Unidos. En Newuniversal: Shockfront # 2, Charlotte Yolanda Beck muestra cómo la historia cambió después de que Richard Nixon ganara las elecciones de 1960. Los aspectos del universo más amplio también juegan un papel directo en el entorno. Los cambios repentinos en el mundo se desencadenan por el contacto de la Tierra con la "nueva estructura universal", una red artificial de materia extraña. Cada filamento de la web tiene varios años luz de diámetro. La estructura, ensamblada por una raza ya desaparecida, es de naturaleza mecánica y altera deliberadamente a varios seres sensibles en cada mundo que ingresa a sus hilos, modificándolos para realizar funciones específicas. Ellis ha confirmado que el universo alternativo de newuniversal también forma parte del Marvel Multiverse más grande, designado como Earth-555. Esto se menciona brevemente en newuniversal # 2, con una referencia que pasa al "Superflow for Universe 555". Los primeros números de Newuniversal indican fechas y horas específicas para sus eventos, algo que está en consonancia con el concepto original del Nuevo Universo, y bastante diferente del Universo Marvel establecido, donde los personajes no envejecen en "tiempo real" y sus historias son a veces actualizado. Los personajes principales de newuniversal están basados ​​en los personajes principales de la huella original del Nuevo Universo, aunque Ellis sentía que el Nuevo Universo "presentaba a muchísimas personas con nombres similares, lo cual me pareció extraño: Swensen, Remsen, Tensen" y algunos de los nuevos personajes universales han sido renombrados para evitar esto. Algunos de los otros personajes nuevos universales son versiones alternativas de personajes existentes de Marvel Universe, como Tony Stark, quien aparentemente fue el primero en recibir poderes hiperescientíficos y construyó una marca de Iron Man 1 para escapar de Corea, al igual que en el Universo Marvel. En su mayoría, estos son personajes que aparecen como actores de reparto en otros títulos de Marvel, y cumplen funciones relativamente menores en la trama de newuniversal. newuniversal re-imagines concepts and characters originally introduced as part of Marvel's New Universe line in the 1980s. The New Universe was a set of eight linked titles launched in 1986 to celebrate Marvel's 25th anniversary, championed by Marvel's editor-in-chief Jim Shooter. However, the New Universe comics were not a long-term success, with four titles canceled after a year and the entire line canceled by the end of 1989. The original New Universe initially had no links to the Marvel Universe shared setting and did not present traditional superheroes—instead, it offered "the world outside your window," a world that was identical to the real world in every respect until it was suddenly changed by the mysterious White Event, an incident which gifted some humans with inexplicable powers. Ellis has stated that "I don't think the original creators and editors realized until it was too late—it was all a single story. It shouldn't have been eight books (or whatever) that were eventually consolidated into ensemble miniseries. It was a single story that should have spun new series and serials off of it." Ellis has taken this approach to newuniversal, with his first storyline intentionally revolving around the four "lead" books of the original New Universe[1]—Justice, Nightmask, Star Brand and Spitfire and the Troubleshooters. Among the many changes that newuniversal presents, is that the four main characters all possess extra-dimensional glyphs or tattoos that grant them their power. Also, the character Spitfire (Professor Jenny Swensen, later known as Chrome), becomes Cipher (Dr. Jennifer Swann). Artist Salvador Larroca has stated that he "wasn't a big fan" of the original New Universe, while Ellis has mentioned that he "paid little or no attention" to the New Universe books when they were first published. On December 14, 2006, Marvel announced that newuniversal #1 had sold out through Diamond Comic Distributors and that a second printing would be released, with a new variant cover by artist Esad Ribic. Marvel later reported that newuniversal #2 had sold out and would also be reissued as a second printing—again, with a variant cover by Esad Ribic. After issue #6, newuniversal went on hiatus and Salvador Larroca left the project. In 2008, the story was continued with a mini-series written by Ellis, newuniversal: shockfront, which was illustrated by Steve Kurth (penciller) and Andrew Hennessy (inker). The shockfront series was accompanied by two one-shot stories exploring the past of the newuniversal universe: newuniversal: conqueror and newuniversal: 1959. From the first issue of newuniversal: shockfront onwards, all newuniversal comics have included a statement acknowledging that the series is based on original concepts by Jim Shooter, Archie Goodwin, Eliot R. Brown, John Morelli, Mark Gruenwald and Tom DeFalco, creators who worked on the original New Universe comics. In 2009, Warren Ellis lost his story files in a computer accident; he subsequently announced that the project is "basically dead". In 2013, concepts introduced in newuniversal (a white event, a superflow, and the Starbrand symbol, among others) were used in Jonathan Hickman's work on the re-launched Avengers series, indicating that the newuniversal may become incorporated into the main Marvel universe in some fashion. Writer Warren Ellis describes the setting of newuniversal as "an alternate world where America is somewhat isolationist, Soviet Russia fell apart early and China took the lead in spaceflight" (newuniversal #1 mentions Chinese moonbases, as well as hundreds of flights by Chinese spaceplanes). There are also other, smaller changes to the world's history; for example, Paul McCartney is dead and John Lennon is still alive. Chinese manhua comics have all the market penetration that manga does in the real world. The September 11, 2001 attacks never happened, and the World Trade Center towers are still standing in 2006, as seen in newuniversal #1. Hillary Rodham Clinton is President of the United States. In Newuniversal: Shockfront #2, Charlotte Yolanda Beck shows how history changed after Richard Nixon won the 1960 election. Aspects of the wider universe also play a direct role in the setting. The sudden changes to the world are triggered by the Earth's contact with the "newuniversal structure", an artificial web of strange matter. Each strand of the web is several light years across. The structure, assembled by a long-gone race, is mechanical in nature and deliberately alters several sentient beings on each world entering its strands, modifying them to perform specific roles. Ellis has confirmed that the alternate universe of newuniversal is also part of the larger Marvel Multiverse, designated as Earth-555. This is briefly touched upon in newuniversal #2, with a passing reference to the "Superflow for Universe 555". The first few issues of newuniversal state specific dates and times for their events, something which is in keeping with the original New Universe concept—and quite different from the established Marvel Universe, where characters do not age in 'real time' and their histories are sometimes updated. The main characters of newuniversal are based on the main characters from the original New Universe imprint, although Ellis felt that the New Universe "featured an awful lot of people with similar names, which I found odd -- Swensen, Remsen, Tensen" and some of the newuniversal characters have been renamed to avoid this. Some of the other newuniversal characters are alternate versions of existing Marvel Universe characters, such as Tony Stark, who apparently was the first to receive hyperscientific powers and built an Iron Man mark 1 to escape Korea, just as in the Marvel Universe. Mostly, these are characters who appear as supporting cast in other Marvel titles, and fulfill relatively minor roles in newuniversal's plot. http://ift.tt/2EzihgJ
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god-hunter · 7 years
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Ultimates2 #3
Getting Super Cosmic here. Going...somewhere?
We start with a guy from a group I don't remotely know, who has a flashback "Not so long ago".  Lt. Col. Jim Tensen, who... Is training people about the war of Spring and Winter(?)
He does an impressive move on a doubter of...whatever this whole thing is when Phil Vogt, (the guy whose been watching the Ultimates recently) approaches him.  He tries to recruit him, but to no avail until he utters the phrase, " I fear Winter, James."
We cut to now as he sits with the Troubleshooters.  Phil Vogt informs the group that it’s unsettling for T’Challa and Carol to be sneaking off together from important meetings when they aren’t friends.  In fact, he’d even go so far as to call them enemies right now.
[That’ll be interesting to see if he’s right.]
Then we’re fed a lot of cosmic shit between Lord Chaos, Master Order, Galactus and Conner Sims, who in my opinion should no longer be called “Anti-Man”, but maybe something more like, “The Herald,” as that’s exactly what he is to Galactus now.
...anyway, this is where I start to tune out, but basically Chaos and Order are still pissed that Galactus is the Lifebringer, since last season.  So...  Galactus sends Connor away to warn the others, while the two attempt to destroy him.  To no avail though.  Without the Living Tribunal, there is no more Cosmic Order, or what-have you.  No life or death..(?). Which Master Order realizes is a problem more than Lord Chaos.  Both are agreed that they need to fix that though.  They resolve to go pay a visit to the In-Betweener, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.
We get to see The Troubleshooters teleport to the Kadesh Base, (Adam Brashear’s under-water set up.). On his computer, they are unable to track both Blue Marvel and Spectrum, and speculate that they’re probably on a Deep Space mission or something.
Tensen would like to think that, “Just because they’re working doesn’t mean they’re working with the Ultimates.”  But then their fiery teleporter guy, Simon Rodstov notices some sort of energy signature from an Omega-Level Fugitive.  Which sounds a lot more like The Ultimates and their recent dealings with Anti-Man.
Speaking of which, we finally see our guys hang out on the Galactus World-Ship, Taa II.  Conversation ends up turning in the direction of America Chavez’ leadership until Connor Sims teleports to them through one of America’s Star jumping points.
This surprises them, but what surprises them more is Rodstov’s yellow Star teleporter which does the same thing.  He shoes up with the Troubleshooters, and it looks like the stage is set up for instant rivalry.
[The book could’ve ended there, but Ewing went for something extra.]
On Mancuso IV, the In-Betweener (who sort of looks familiar?) is visited by Lord Chaos and Master Order.  Who both decide to devour him.  Lord Chaos eats the In-Betweener and Master Order eats Lord Chaos.  Thus forming a new merger altogether...  Logos!
-End Issue 3-
Yeah, I’m not sure what’s going on anymore, already.  This book may not be for me in the long run.  But I really want to see The Maker and Secret Wars continuity.  So...  I guess we’ll see how long I can stick this out.
Also...  Maybe these Troubleshooters will grow on me.  Tensen seems to have some cool powers, and I suppose I like the idea of Rodstov being sort of a fiery hot-head teleporter guy, to match America’s teleporting impulsivity as well.
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comicwaren · 7 years
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“I… I… HUNGER.” – Galactus
Cover art for Ultimates2 Vol. 2 #004 (2017), “Devourer”
Art by Christian Ward
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