stormblessed95 · 2 years
Here's a subject for you to tackle if you ever feel up to it: why do people find jealousy so attractive?
As someone who spends a lot of time in fandom space, do you have any thoughts on this? I'm thinking myself in regards to shipping in general, but asking here knowing this is a jikook space.
(If you've spoken on this already, forgive me and direct me there - I did check but I'm not on my A game today.)
Today is a brain fog day, so I've just been mindlessly flipping through YouTube shorts, and the amount of edits and clips with creators and commenters focusing on the perceived jealousy between the people they ship is baffling. Most of the time I just don't see it: person A's face was doing a weird thing when the camera caught it while B and C were dancing together - even media trained professionals aren't On every single second. Maybe he had gas?
I'm the last person who should be commenting on healthy mindstates in relationships, I'm full of issues, but the focus on and desire for jealousy is just...bizarre? Jealousy doesn't feel nice - not from either direction. Why would someone wish that on people they love and admire? 
It sounds like I'm being judgemental reading this over, and that wasn't my intention. This ask springs from genuine curiosity: what is the draw?
The want to be desired above anything and everything to the point of possessiveness. To be coveted and protected. "They must *really* love me if this is how they feel and they want me so much." And I blame media who romantizes the fuck out of the "jealousy trope" while in real life, it translates to something much more toxic and when it goes too far? It translates into something more like Joe from You. It often even ends up romanticizing abusive ideals and relationships. People cannot and do not own and control other people. Not their actions or their other relationships outside of your own.
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Jealousy is a mark of Insecurity more often than not. Not every time, but it's often a sign of needing more communication in the relationship and talking about whatever triggered the Jealousy and what boundaries in the relationship work for everyone. It's not really a tell of desire, like a lot of people seem to think it is, but rather a tell of person a being insecure about something. And that's an issue to be resolved or abandoned, not an excuse to be controlling. Boundaries are to be respected and if two peoples boundaries don't line up, then the relationship should not continue. If one person's boundaries aren't fair or respectful of another and leak into the toxic controlling aspect instead, then that's a them problem. And it's not a sign of them being so in love with you that they can't control themselves.
If they talk bad about the other people in your life, or they want you spending less time with them, that's a red flag. Please reconsider the relationship. It's not cute and it's not romantic.
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And in regards to shipping... well people look for their jealous in terms of I see it as a indication of attraction and love in the romance centered media I consume, so if I see it in my ship, it's proof of my ship being "real." And then they take it wayyyy too far. Which isn't healthy in my opinion. I don't mind it in media to a certain extent and it can be kinda fun sometimes, the Jealousy trope. But people need to be able to seperate reality from fiction.
Thanks for asking. Also, I miss our conversations! I need to finish my current reads so that I can start diving into everything you've recommended me so we can talk about it finally. My bookmarks are full of your recs just WAITING lol
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Thanks for sharing and confirming that my instincts were right. I always tend to trust my gut feelings about people but sometimes I wonder if I should. Well, once again, it seems that I, indeed, should. Now I have to be honest, I never gave much credit to wsj, I ended up unfollowing cause I wasn’t interested in her posts anymore at some point, I really don’t trust people claiming they know stuff about celebrities and posting it on the internet, everybody can pretend to be xyz, unless there’s some solid proof I chose to remain skeptical (I did see a few stuff, tough nothing groundbreaking, from the k-side that I trust though, so maybe she was right). That being said, it’s Tumblr, it’s more private that Twitter, we’re a smaller community, so I don’t see any harm in people sharing what they want to share on their own blog. Just move on and ignore if you don’t like. The campaign against her and other bloggers was disgusting. Let ppl speak on their own tiny corner ffs, if don’t agree you can expose your arguments, have a discussion or unfollow and block. As long as they don’t cross a line I don’t see the problem. I’m seriously done with the holier than thou woke bs attitude. It’s all about virtue signaling these days, showing how you’re so much better and morally pure, and you know everything better than the rest of the plague… give me a break. Also the discussion around jealousy and constant dismissing of k-army and korean dating culture was quite something… because as someone who comes from a country where the dating culture differs a lot with the American/western perspective, where a drop of jealousy and possessivity is considered as a normal display of affection - I’m not talking about excessive and toxic behavior obviously!! - the blatant ignorance and constant undermining of korean dating culture that is quite similar to mine in that regard really annoyed. me. so. freaking. much. It’s deemed as a big no-no in your culture, okay, I get it, but you’re not better than us who thinks that in many cases it’s not that big of deal and, in Jikook case, was quite revealing in the past. Sorry I’m going all over the place, I’ll shut up now!
Ha ha haaa... no, dont even worry about it. Its fine. Thing is though, the Jeonlous/Jimlous thing IS indeed quite exergerrated. Most of the compilations are rubbish. And I can see why most people hate it. Including Regina George. I get that. But it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Especially in the case of other people who are not members. My mind immediately goes to the Sean Mendez interaction. 🤭🤭🤭
(TT is accurate has not been manipulated in any way)
JK almost bulldozed RM and downright ignored him in his rush to get to Jimin. It's actually hilarious 😂😂 Now this can be classified as jealousy. But when it comes to members I don't think that's what that is at all. Annoyance, Irritation, maybe? because he can't do to Jimin what others can. But definitely not jealousy. Either way whatever it is, it happens and denying it is stupid.
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As for WSJ I don't see why the notion that an Army personally knows BTS is so hard to believe. Normal people know celebrities all the time. That being said, my issue with everyone who went after her was the hypocrisy. WSJ was very careful not to tell us anything incriminating. And everything else she ever said were things we already knew.
-Jikook is real
-Jikook live together
-Vminkook have issues
Etcetera, Etcetera. These are things we already know. She was just confirming. And she wasn't even worse than us Jikookers. And i said as much to Stormie when she made that shady post. We are the ones talking about Jikook 18+ moments and posting about them. So anyone thinking they have a leg to stand on are being hypocrites. 🖕🏽
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juliapark13 · 2 years
What do you think of Jealousy? Some jkkrs are saying Jikook were never jealous. Which can't be true because there were many instances where it was clear they were.
Feeling jealous doesn't mean that you are not feeling secured and loved in your relationship. It's just a normal feeling.
For Jikook, it could be because they feel envious that they don't have to hide anything when interacting with the other members but need to be careful when they're together, or maybe they worry that army will think there is something more than friendship between them and the other members.
Not all jealousy is toxic.
People love normalizing jealousy really. 🤦🏽‍♀️
I think jikookers should finally stop doing videos about Jungkook and Jimin being jealous even when they are with other members because they are clearly falsely narrated. It shouldn’t be even for an entertainmet. 95% of these videos is nonsense.
I believe Jungkook and Jimin aren’t jealous, maybe sometimes exactly only because other members can interact with them freely and openly without anything to hide and they have to control themselves around each other and supress their feelings. I think maybe sometimes they are a bit possessive, but not everytime like those Jeonlous/Jimlous videos falsely made them look like. I also think sometimes they are frustrated due to the fact they have to stay in secreet.
The only time I think Jungkook is maybe jealous (or it’s something else) is with Taemin. IMO he definitely doesn’t like him, because we could see him being uneasy around him more than once (2016, 2017, 2018). I wasn’t even jikooker back when I saw it and it left me wondering why.
One other time I think Jungkook was a bit jealous or annoyed was at TMA 2019 when monsta x were on a stage, Jimin was impressed how well built they are and Jungkook saw him. That one time I found Jungkook’s reaction funny.
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jikookblr · 5 years
in this week's episode of jealous jimin
Jungkook singing "you are me, I am you" to Jin and touching their fingers together, prompting Jimin to ask why his song is being used in such a strange way (despite him doing this exact thing with Jungkook all the time)
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  “JUNGKOOK Ahh! “
Park Jimin đã ghen tị ~~~ 
Jimin rất đáng sợ khi anh ta ghen tị.
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parkminijiminie · 6 years
Hi ~ I love you so much and your observations seems more logical to me. I saw your 3 top jeonlous moments and I'm curious to know what do you think about jm's jaelousy moments. He got some few ones. Can you tell me what are your favs? (Sorry for my bad english 🙇)
Hi, darling Anon. Thank you for stopping by and for your love!  No worries about your English, it isn’t bad at all! Besides, English is not my native language too so I could never judge you. 
Ah, the famous cousin to Jeonlous - Jimlous. Much more rarely seen, harder to provoke but when it comes to play, it bolts in the door. Certainly as a quantity the times we can be sure Jimin was jealous are distinctively less than with JK. He is simply better at controlling his facial expressions and I think generally he is chill with Jungkook interacting with the other members for example. Maybe it’s Jungkook whose behaviour makes him feel more at easy. Jimin is almost always in the center of Kookie’s attention anyway, verbally or not JK somehow manages to always show his favoritism and affection, so that might be a factor too. Or maybe Jimin is simply better at pretending.
That being said there still are some iconic Jimlous moments. Most often than not the reason behind can be analysed not so much as jealousy per se but more as Jimin getting petty and salty over Jungkook showing favoritism to another person. We know Minnie likes attention and praise and we also know Jungkook is more than happy to give it to him but in the rare instances when Jiminie feels neglected, things get interesting:
Example A: “Jimin-ah” - This moment right here at around 0:25 - 0:40. 
Jungkook is talking with a fan (who is also called Jimin), he is holding her hands, sending her a flying kiss and calling her “Jimin-ah”. Jimin is throwing glances at them from the side, cracking his neck (repeatedly), putting his tongue in his cheek and generally looking hella annoyed, downright scary. Next thing we know JK continues to hold the fan’s hands while she is moving to PJM side and calling her “Jimin-ah”. The tension breaks, our Jiminie laughs and the moment is broken.
JK probably did know what he was doing though and was teasing his hyung with these Jimin-ahs because the same fan returned to another fansign (I think it was last year during DNA era but I might be wrong) and Kookie started calling “Jimin-ah” again and he was looking at Jimin to see his reaction. He was either teasing at the first fansign too or he wasn’t but later saw videos of the moment. He must have found them and Jimin’s reaction funny, hence why he decided to do the same thing again when the chance presented itself. In any way two times is not a coincidence. 
It’s a small moment, nothing spectacular but the reaction PJM showed was one of his scariest looking moments in my opinion.
Example B: “The shower incident” -  This one I want to analize in a bit more thorough manner. I’m talking about BTS Run ep. 15 . 
(Some background information: BTS are separated into two teams: Maknae line vs The Hyungs and have to find one spy among them. They’re playing a game in which the members attack each other with words and if you react with anything other than “I see”, you lose) 
The moment start at 6:00. It’s Jhope vs Jungkook, Hobi accuses Kookie of being impolite because while he was showering JK opened the door, checked him out, called “Yeaaahh” and left. Jimin is watching from the side. The moment Hoseok talks about this instance, at precisely 6:16 you can actually literally see the surprise in his eyes.  Up until this moment he didn’t know this had happened. His fingers stop moving and he looks genuinely taken aback. Then he moves to the edge of his seat, puts his hands on the table and start looking down. His whole body language screams that he is uncomfortable, like proccessing a piece of information that he doesn’t like (6:23 - 6:29). 
By then, Hobi has already moved to another story of JK leaving dirty dishes behind but Jimin is not satisfied and decides to do something about it. He actually gets up, in the middle of the game, and goes to Jhope’s side (6:31), a person from the opposite team and immediately points at Jungkook, literally points his finger at him, and start recalling a (dare I say kind of absurd) story about JK toothbrushes. Everyone is suprised. Hoseok keeps looking at Jimin with a frozen expression (6:43), Kookie even turns to the side and asks “Are we not at the same team?”. But Jimin finishes his story with the statement “I was very angry” to which JJK responds, in a state of apparent shock and seemingly mild panick “That wasn’t me”. Jimin, who looks to actually be bluffing, smiles awkwardly at 6:59 and goes back to his seat. 
Hopekook finish their game and hug while Jimin ignores them. At first he looks at the ceiling (6:53), then at 6:56 , when they hug, he looks at them briefly and the diverts his gaze at his hands, proceading to sulk in his seat. Which he continues to do for some minutes after. Meanwhile JK sits at the side next to Tae. At 7:46 Jimin gets up to play the next game and Jungkook (who is now standing at the side and watching him) tries to catch his attention, pointing, stuttering a little and saying to him “Jiminie hyung you must win this round” to which he receives no reaction as far as we see (it could’ve been cut).
Throughout the games Jiminie continues to be somewhat quiet and him and Jungkook don’t have interactions but in the end of the episode we can assume everything is fine as he is sitting in Jungkook’s lap (although that might be to get closer to Jin’s food) which concluded this awkward exchange.
Example C: “Who are you even Jungkook” - I’m not even going to do a detailed analysis with timestamps on this amazing moment  as the whole video is honestly worth watching. 
The entire time Jimin sounds salty and petty, talking about how he has never seen Jungkook being like this, how Jungkook has never responded so well or acted like this even for him, how he ignored Jimin when he tried to talk to him and continued playing on this computer, how he threw him around the house and etc. Honestly to me (and a lot of people at the comment section) he sounds jealous. (Disclaimer: not of Minwoo but of the difference of behaviour Jimin thinks that Jungkook shows)
And at the same time JM keeps reminding us how he talked with Jungkook about the show, how they went bowling together, how even though Kookie is not good at grilling meat, he still tried a few times with Jimin, how Kookie likes to throw just him around and even when Jin tries to say he gets treated roughly by Jungkook too, Jimint cuts him off by saying “He doesn’t do anything to you but he does to me”. 
Half of the time he’s throwing shade how Jungkook basically doesn’t love him enough (or show his affection to him enough) and the other half he’s going on about how special he is to Kookie. So which one is it? PICK A SIDE, JIMINIE 
 And then there’s the cherry on top, also known as Jimin being CAUGHT IN A LIEEE - 
Jimin: He (Jungkook) never has that in front of me. […] He has no emotion in front of me in anything. 
That is THE lie of the centure right there. Who are you trying to fool Jimin-ah - us or yourself? ‘Cause you know, we ain’t blind or deaf, we see how Kookie looks at you and how soft he is with you. You can’t trick us. 
I would like to add though that these are my personal thoughts on the moments so take them with a grain of salt. Also, just as I said when I talked about Jungkook being jealous, I will repeat that I am not a big fan of the whole jealousy concept. While it is a perfectly normal human emotion which happens to exist and is not always a negative thing, I don’t like the fact that it gets too overhyped and romantized, especially in combination with possessive and problematic behaviour. 
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mochiibunbun · 7 years
jm: *stares at jk*
jk: hope looks good in this picture
jm: sorry?
jk: i said hope looks good in this.
jm: what about me?
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mochishake · 7 years
"It's because..."
Taehyung [singing]: What should we do with the drunken Kookie? what should we do with the drunken Kookie? What should we do with the drunken Kookie, early in the morning?
Jin [screaming]: Why the hell is Jungkook drunken?
Taehyung: Oh, it's because he drunk the whole after show party.
Jin [still screaming]: Why?
Taehyung: Oh, it's because Jimin wasn't there.
Jungkook [runs into Jin and hang on]:....
Jin: Gosh, Jungkook!
Jungkook [babbles]: I don't know where Jiminie-Hyung was. But he wasn't with me. And there was this freaky blue drink, and it tasted good....
Jin: Why wasn't Jimin at the after show party?
Taehyung: Oh, it's because Jiminie was in my room.
Jin [holding Jungkook]: And now?
Taehyung: He's still in my room.
Jungkook: I'll kill you!
Jin: And WHY is Jimin in your room?
Taehyung: Oh, its because Jiminie is drunk too.
Jin [screaming]: Why?
Jungkook: Not so loud~.
Taehyung: Oh, it's because Jungkook has talked of nothing as his "sunbaenim".
Jin: For gods sake...
Jimin [stramble out of Taehyungs room]: Tae~ everything is turning~.
Jungkook: You left me alone on the after show party, you...you...
Jimin [babbles]: I don't care! You talked the whole time just of "sunbaenim". I don't wanted puke on Tae's lap.
Jungkook: What's wrong with Justin Bieber sunbanim?
Jimin: Go and live happily with him! I'm sure he will cuddle you, comfort you, protect you of the other hyungs and stroke your neck if you want it. Like me!
Jungkook: Jiminie-Hyung~
Jimin: Go away, i wanna sleep with Tae. Or with this cute thing from yesterday?
Jin: What a cute thing?
Jimin: I don't remember if it was a girl or a boy. I don't care, it was cute.
Jungkook [screaming and babbles at the same time]: What the fuck? Sleep with me you little mochi asshole!
Jimin: I want soft things.
Taehyung: It's because i'm soft, because i haven't a abs.
Jimin [pokes at Taes belly]: Liar~
Jin: Jimin, sleep with Jungkook in your room.
Jimin: No.
Jin: Why?
Taehyung: It's-
Jin: Don't say "it's because..."
Jimin: It's because Jungkook is drunk. And i hate drunk people.
Jungkook: Jiminie-Hyung~
Jimin: I know, you're so sorry. Go to sleep. I'll punsh you later.
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km-9597 · 5 years
Jimlous is so cute
Cre: @aegi113
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Since Jimin isn’t online and I missed him… I’ve been watching his compilations. He is such a sweet soul 😍😍. I decided to watch some of kookie’s too and I saw some jinkook compilations. It pleased my heart, you really see the innocence, love and care between those two free of negativity attached to both Jikook and Taekook ship compilations with their possessive, jeonlous, jimlous, angry tae, jealous tae etc. I wish they stop doing that. Sorry I guess I just want to gush about jk and Jin. Missing Jin hours is also open considering that we only have him for a short period of time too 😭
.... well anon, I'm glad you only stumbled across the positive ones. If you ever want a look into the dark side of jinkook shipping compilations, I could help you out there too. They've all got them. Every ship. I've seen some unhinged ones lol fascinating. Truly. But yes. I love Jinkook a lot! They are precious
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Cuties 😂🥰
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jinsa-frank · 5 years
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Jeonlous vs. Jimlous
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Overdramatic dorks.
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chaotickookmin · 5 years
I agree that Jk saying one letter name handsome was one rare moment where I was like 'was that jimlous?' I assumed that JK was not just referring V alone but also referring to Jin? Since 뷔 And 진 both are single names and they're the visuals of the group. Could be my own assumption that's incorrect, just wanted to throw the thought out there
No, wait, you might be right Anonie because I remember he also mentions Jin in the original video? Maybe he said "one syllable names" but it was translated as "one letter" in the video I linked?
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myjikookheart-blog · 7 years
I love Jimlous! The Jimin death stare in full effect 😒
cr. to owner
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parkminijiminie · 6 years
Remember that one time when the fan keep touching jungkook or whatever and jimin kept pushing her hand away? People say she was making look uncomfortable that's why but I don't think much of it but what made me raise my eyebrows was when Jin/kook was shaking hands in front of him and jimin just shoved it apart. THAT made me go 'damn jimin chill'
Hi, Anon! I remember both instances very well but they were both a few years ago and I think Jimin was not that mature back then. Nowadays he seems a lot more relaxed and basically “chill” and reactions like that are very uncommon for him now. The one case that is talked about a lot and always comes to mind when we mention Jimin and jealousy is the fansign where Jungkook kept calling a fan “Jimin-ah, Jimin-ah” while holding her hand. Jimin cracked his neck and looked so.. annoyed? It really stuck with me and is actually what I referred to when I talked about him being scary sometimes. He’s still an angel but I wouldn’t cross him if he gets mad. And his protectiveness towards Jungkook is no joke. The way he scolded Tae in bv2 for not helping Kookie.. I felt that in my bones.
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peachblossomsofair · 6 years
How does it feel like when there are more tk moments at fansigns today?? th and jk were practically beside each other at the end of the fansign... didnt see much of jm either... was he jimlous??? Fansign is tk-biased indeed... LOL... June will be a great TK month!
...hmm... “Fansign is tk-biased indeed”... you actually wrote out the reason why I am not bothered... If I see every day life and JK himself as being very KM-biased, why would I mind one fan-sign being TK-biased? They are at work, and interaction between members are a part of their work. And more than JK interacted with Tae...
And I assume you missed the last fan-sign where all the “jimin-ssi” happened? Therefore “Fansign is tk-biased indeed” is simply erroneous. But getting facts straight has never been a strong point of some shippers, so I guess nothing new...
And “June will be a great TK month!”... anon, didn’t people tell you saying a wish out loud often makes it less likely to come true?... I just hope you didn’t jinx it...
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kookmint · 6 years
How does it feel like when there are more tk moments at fansigns today?? th and jk were practically beside each other at the end of the fansign... didnt see much of jm either... was he jimlous??? Fansign is tk-biased indeed... LOL... June will be a great TK month!
are you.. are you trying to do something here because it’s not working??? Lol I’ve mentioned many times that I love all ships so I’m thriving hunny. @bwisou and I were yellin about the moments this morning. And pls just… never use the term ‘jimlous’ again jslfk. Ive been dead tired of the jealousy tropes u ppl have been trying to push on them since 2015.
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