#jikook jealousy
stormblessed95 · 9 months
I remember you made posts in the past where you were disagreeing with moments many jkkers think jungkook was getting jealous of something that had to do with jimin. Now jkkrs are thinking that he was getting jealous that jimin was making a kissy face to Jin because of his tone when he spoke. I was wondering what you think? Do you agree?
Here’s the clip: https://x.com/jikook_here/status/1729442818228425038?s=46&t=Ltp77FcplXz68kyS4WY9tw
Your link (sometimes Tumblr embeds these links for me and now sometimes it doesn't, we work with what it gives me lol)
I don't think he was jealous here either. Sorry to be the constant disappointment in this area. Lol I think he was impatient and irritated and wanting to get moving. Lmao and Jimin called him out on his tone and he immediately softened the fuck up 😂😂 which is hilariously adorable!
"no I was talking to YOU Jimin"
Lol so the tones okay to Jimin but not Jin, both of which are your hyungs?? Yeah, we know the relationship is different there lmao and the way he immediately softened up and giggles. And Jimin too. So freaking cute those too.
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jeonscatalyst · 2 days
Funny how he was drinking beer the day before their last day without much care of figure for shooting anon so what difference can a night make? What difference does a glass of beer make? How was he drinking at night and suddenly if he drank a glass of beer the next morning it was suddenly going to affect his figure? Why is he feeling bad for the staff driving them when in all 2-3 days he's the one who's driving the most? And is that not why the staff is there? You think there was only 1-2 staff who could drive so suddenly that was going to be a burden for the staff? Why do you think people hire drivers anon? I did remember jungkook saying that he'll take jimin safely to the airport though. i do remember jungkook saying he loves driving abroad and i also remember jungkook saying he loves driving on small streets than big ones because driving on small streets is more romantic for him and i Do remember him saying "That's romance" as well so yeah.b
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minieggukie · 2 months
I don't know why tf Jikookers are getting happy because Jimin hugged JK. He's literally all over female dancers for every solo performances like the womanizer he is and you think its a big deal him hugging his 10 year long bandmate close friend is a big deal ?Mind you it's same Jimin according to shippers who JK gets jealous over when someone 'touches' him. LMAO he be doing the same to all bts members and his other close friends.
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that's him, ayyyyy what a player ❤️‍🔥 the only thing more scandalous is if he had seen her ankles
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biaswreckmepls · 8 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing well. I have two requests: a) if there are any fics where there is some sort of jealousy involved, like X talks to some other person or hangs out with them all the time, neglecting Y and Y ends up giving the silent treatment or ignoring X? I hope you get what i mean lol. Fics with a happy wnding would be great. Also b) there’s a namgi fic where nj gives the aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe to yg, i cant find it. Hope you can help hehe
First of all, I have to apologize - this ask has been sitting in my ask box for over a year and i've been trying to clear it out, and I just realised I hadn't replied to this T_T
Second, I can't find the namgi fic either! must be lost to the universe (or OP deleted it lol, happens all the time)
And finally, for your first request, I'm sure I could find something!
Swipe Left by saengie (Yoonmin, 5 Chapters, M, 12K, Dating Service AU, Office AU, Jimin's the top employee at the dating service org until new hire Yoongi comes in and starts to steal his thunder)
rough hands by jonghyunslisterine (Jikook, One-shot, M, 31K, ABO AU, Jungkook is the rogue alpha who attacked Jimin's pack, but he's also the rogue alpha who saved Jimin from being killed in wild)
but if you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first who ever did. by jonghyunslisterine (Yoonkook, 2 Chapters, T, 36K, Growing Up Together AU, JK's a chaebol kid going through it, and Yoongi's their gardener's grandson who comes sometimes, and they're really not supposed to be friends you know)
(Just realised I gave all the combinations possible out of Yoonminkook, very funny lololol)
Hope you like these and actually get to see this, and let me know if you'd like anything else!
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ijungkoookiereads · 2 years
i need you to be around, so i feel safe and sound
Author: calicokm
Word count: 21,2k
Rating: n/a
Pairing: Jikook
Center stage, Jungkook was halfway through belting his second “Love you so bad” when he heard it—an abrupt and collective gasp from the audience that washed over the entirety of the venue. The strange reaction from the crowd was off-putting, but he didn’t fully understand what had elicited it until he took a few steps backwards, following through with the routine’s choreography and allowing for Jimin to claim his spot at the front of the formation so he could sing the next part of the chorus. Only, Jimin never came. It didn’t take long for the youngest group member to discover why. To his complete shock and utter horror, Jungkook’s eyes stumbled upon the sight of said bandmate laying on his back, unmoving on the cold stage floor. Arms splayed out haphazardly. Eyelids closed shut. Motionless. or Jimin collapses mid-performance, and in the chaos of the aftermath, Jungkook is forced to confront something he’s always tried to suppress: the possibility that he might care for one of his bandmates in a different way than the rest.
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irishhorse-blog · 1 month
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I have zero problem with Tae being in the Jeju episodes of "Are You Sure?!" Jikook LOVE him. He's brother and best friend, member and former roomie, and it makes them all happy to be together. It means a lot that Tae wanted to spend that time with them - remember, he won't see them for 18 months and probably won't be able to hear from them very much, either, and vice versa. There have always been three puppies in that cuddle puddle, and even if sometimes things have been strained between them (Jimin/Tae arguing, JK/Tae distant, jealousy of the Wooga hyungs, jealousy of Jikook's closeness... etc.), they always come back together.
I'm going to enjoy the show. I'm going to enjoy the Maknaez being the Maknaez and I'm going to enjoy their closeness and brotherly love for one another. None of that takes away from this being Jikook's show, Jimin's idea, and the middle stanza of this beautiful sonnet they've prepared for us.
Don't get so twisted up about it, fam. Just enjoy it. The boys love each other. Let them breathe.
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
Now today we got that goddam proof that jikook is fanservice when jk said suddenly they set up the shoot lol
I hope you are coping well ❤️‍🩹
Antis with all their anti-ness dont push the FS narrative as hard as the vermin do. So I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're a Taekooker.
Ladies and gentlemen this roach is talking about this
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I won't even get into the fact that you were most likely seething with jealousy when u sent this ask. You can lie to yourself all you want but you wish it was Taekook who filmed this fanservice. Alone. Together. You would give anything to switch positions with us and it shows.
I hope you're coping well
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Bitch, take a seat. Go on, have a seat. Let me tell you something you didn't know. Are you ready? Coz its a big one. For some very weird strange reason y'all still think V and JK are a couple when a whole Jennie exists. So I'm not gonna talk about that. V and Jennie being a couple is crazy but here is something crazier.
I'm sure this photo is familiar.
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And if its not, you're welcome. It's cute, isn't it?
So the reason why Taekook cannot be real is because; that's JK holding Jimin as they slow dance casually without a care in the world and with guess what? Your fav standing right there!
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Let me know if that wasn't enough arrows and I can add more. I just wanna make sure you see the picture.
But that isn't even the best part. I recently found out that this night, this night where JK has his hands on Jimin's waist all intimately while they dance like it's no big deal,
Thanks to @chicknbunny13 I recently found out that it was V's birthday!!!!
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Can you fucking believe that shit?????
Anon, imagine you and your friends go to this party and it just so happens to be your birthday. And then your boyfriend (right infront of you) goes and grabs your best friend's waist and they start slow dancing. They're not goofing around either. No. It's for real. They're just casually moving, slowly, not even looking at you or paying you any mind. How would that make you feel?
Taekook is not and cannot be real for a million reasons. And one of the most powerful one is the amount of times Jikook have done some sus shit right in front of V's salad. You can call it fanservice all you want, but it wouldn't hurt you guys sm if you didn't know deep down what that means.
Edit: @magicshop-pjm1 just reminded me of this part:
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What do u call that anon? JK being aware that Taekook together will bring in more views? 🤔 Let me guess, because its Tkk, its not FS. That only applies to Jikook?
We are getting a GCF 2.0 featuring our favs and its gonna be great. So yes anon. We are doing fucking amazing. Thanks for your concern though.
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not-goldy · 4 months
The louder the dating lie got over the years, the louder Jikook got.
* sips tea *
What's funny is, Tkk wanted validation from JK so bad after Taennie in Paris. On their knees begging for JK to free them & Tae from his girlfriend. Begged JK to speak up, show anger, jealousy and got nothing. What they got instead was Jk coming live, dancing, talking about Jimin & singing his song when Paris happened. They wanted him to hate Jennie & show her who Tae belongs too, but got him unbothered watching her show at Coachella & also at her CK show. Boy, he really showed her. lol. They wanted him to start up Tae lives, gush over & claim him, but he did that with Jimin instead. I see now why Jk made sure others were around when he & Tae went out in public and then would come home after & do a live showing they went their separate ways after. He said these are friend outings, not dates, don't get it twisted. Even sat behind Tae at that Harry concert & even explained why Tae & Hobi was at his house and that Tae really did show up to his show unexpected. He said y'all ain't trapping me. They wanted TK to enlist together to disprove Taennie, they got Jikook enlisting instead. They wanted TK to walk through the airport & go on private vacations & debunk Taennie, but they got Jikook doing that instead. This lie with this lady has been happening for a long time & then Jk's leak/rumors started. And guess what? It was who went out together right after. Going out publicly spending multiple couple days together & vacationing alone multiple times & enlisting together, standing united through it all. Jk saying he has no girlfriend & goes the other way, which is Jimin's way, the way he went & who he's with today. Jimin said all that needed to be said in Letter & shyly exposed himself & let down his guard down, but he needed his message to be heard loud & clear by Jk & everyone else. Tkk relied on Tae to name drop JK to help them cope, since JK wasn't doing anything. Which is funny cause Tae was the one really hurting them, so they took it out on JK and blamed him for not helping their their flopped ship. He said NO. Everything they wanted Jk to do for their ship and Tae, he done for him and Jimin instead. And that tells me all I need to know.
The louder Tkk got, the louder Jikook got. The louder Taennie got, the louder Jikook got. The louder this rumor got, the louder Jikook got. The louder Jk's rumors got, the louder Jikook got. It's almost like Jikook don't want rumors attached to them, unless it's with each other. Jikook freed themselves from baseless lies & rumors And has remained together side by side through it all and that is what has tkk & Jikook antis seeing red and pissed.
Jungkook was busy looking forward to serving time with his ride or die to care
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
I actually agree quite a bit with the other anon regarding TH/JK hyung/dongsaeng relationship. You say they don't have that stereotypical relationship, but I think that's more because JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away. I think JK has always been kind sensitive to boundaries, but I think as he's gotten older, he's gotten even more strict about setting boundaries (which includes with fans based on stuff he said during his livestreams).
I think TH's personality naturally does not always respect boundaries, but with JK, I think he can push it further because of him being the hyung, so he does. But as we know, JK doesn't want to be "cute", he wants to be acknowledged as having matured and I think sometimes the way TH treats him disrespects that, him probably feeling more mature than TH probably exacerbates that feeling too (plus being in a group without a strict age hierarchy that never forced him into a maknae role). I don't know about posting, but a lot of the babying or disrespecting boundaries stuff TH does to JK, he would never be allowed to do towards the older members. They give him grace because they obviously love him, but there are limits.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out. I don't think TH feels close to hyung line much beyond them being like older brothers (compare to like JM who gets along with all of them and has JH especially close, or JK who also get along with most of them, but also is very close to jin). Over the years, the maknae line dynamic shifted a ton, with TH ending up kind of the outsider, and with JK specifically pulling away from him (IMO for the reasons I mentioned above). Now JM and JK enlisted together and have a travel show coming out, and I do think he probably feels pretty left out. To me, if he did post those photos for a negative reason, it wasn't about shippers or attention, but feeling left out and maybe a little petty. He probably also feels a little defensive of his relationship with JK, not so much to fans, but even internally. Weirdly, although they hung out more in 2023, I don't know if I can tell they actually bonded or got closer? Like JK leaving the movie premier to go live on his own or them going on trips, but with other people and to do specific activities. I understand why jkkers think they hung out more because JM was busy, because tbh, that's kind of the way it looks. And I mean that outside of any shipping discourse, I think JK's preferred person to hand with in bts is JM most of the time (base don the things he says and how much time we hear about them spending together behind the scenes). Maybe we'll see some strongly renewed bond between TH and JK after military service, but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't. And I wouldn't be surprised if TH felt a little insecure about that, like he wanted or tried to reconnect with JK and I'm sure they had fun, but it didn't go any deeper. I'm not saying they don't care about each other, but I do think their personalities kind of inhibit the sort of closeness some of the other members have.
i'm being so real when i say anon you hit it right on the nose. i've been trying to form my own thoughts on this and i really love hearing other opinions on tae in relation to jikook.
JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away.
this perfectly encapsulates how i feel about tae in that he always takes it a step too far and doesn't have the awareness to understand why that is. i think you clarified a point from the first anon about if tae were to post disrespecting boundaries of other members, it wouldn't go over well. it just doesn't sit well that tae gets a hyung card pass to kind of post about jungkook in the way he does. of course its kinda harmless and i don't think jungkook will do anything about it, but to me its clear he doesn't feed into the relationship like tae does.
my mind goes straight to the conversation they had in the first in the soop (where jimin had to go fetch jk for tae), and jungkook spoke about how him and tae drifted apart. but also that tae pushed for jungkook to drop honorfics and jungkook was very strict in that he does not want to. tae is always looking to push the envelope further.
also i think its funny that tae posts like he does about jungkook, but jungkook doesn't even have instagram anymore to actually interact with the posts. i have no clue if tae lets jungkook vet the posts before he posts them. from what we can understand, it is tae crafting the narrative around current t@ekook, not jungkook. and that enables tae's power over jungkook's wishes even further.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out.
i've sensed this for a long time and it goes back to old 2019 lives where tae asks jimin to join him, but jimin says he's with jungkook so he can't. it just always feels like he wants in on jimin and jungkook, separately and together, but often is fresh out of luck. i think the telltale sign that tae and jungkook's relationship did not go any deeper last year was 1. jungkook never talked about him and 2. it was always with a group of friends.
plus from other asks too and what you said, i don't think tae has strong relationships with the hyung line, expect for hobi (but even hobi seems closer to jikook). so his only tie to bts is clinging to this newfound relationship he is trying to build with jungkook by pushing for him to join his friend group, and broadcasting it to the whole world.
thank you for putting so much attention into this ask anon, because the emotional difference between tae and jk really wasn't illuminated for me until now. jungkook i think has progressed past tae's immaturity, making him a better match for someone like jimin anyway.
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kanmom51 · 6 months
Genuine question, what do you think of "my eyes are always on you" to jk from Tae?
Also this clip? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C48mJt1NdYR/?igsh=YjF6czZsdWltN3dp
Why jk is being cheesy here? 😭
Babe, you're not serious, are you?
Cause if this edited clip from ITS2 is absolutely NOTHING. No translation. Only a caption that has nothing to do with whatever it was that was going on there. Have you watched the episode? The full episode? The full show, as in all episodes and behinds? This is the same show with a whole passive aggressive JK-Tae interaction over Tae basically pulling his hyung card for JK to cook him breakfast. Also, btw, JK being cheesy? Really?
If you want to see true interactions, real interactions, please stay clear of edits. TikTok or YT or X or whatever the source is. First and most important is to watch the ORIGINAL CONTENT!!! After you have done that, seen the actual interactions, their context in which it all happens, then you can enjoy the edits knowing which is real, which is false, in which moments are amplified beyond the actual interaction with a 'good' edit or slow motion or soundtrack.
JK and Tae are bandmates and friends. They like each other and even love each other -
as bandmates, friends
and two young men that kinda grew up together (together with the others). And as two people that are close friends they sometimes fool around (not in a sexual or romantically emotional manner), like friends do. With a banter or tease or having a laugh. Like you would tease a good friend. Like you would laugh around and play around with a good friend. They might say things, and this most of the time comes from Tae saying things, that are flirty (he loooooves to be flirty with every single one of them). I mean, telling JM "I like you most" (ehm... with his bf sitting right there with them, and the others too lol, only to have JM all flustered and looking to JK for a reaction) doesn't make them lovers nor boyfriends nor dating. It makes him a flirt and someone that loves to fluster the others. And you know what? JK's a flirt too. He will flirt incessantly with JM. He flirts with ARMY when he's in a playful mood. Even with other members sometimes.
But here's the thing.
The reason Jikookers SEE Jikook as different is because of a decade of suspicious and special interactions from them. Looks, touches, almost touches, refraining from touches. Things they do to each other. Things they do for each other. Things they say to each other. Things they say about each other. Things they choose to do together that NO OTHER MEMBER did or does, including being the first ever idols to enlist TOGETHER (choosing to be together and spend the entirety of their military service TOGETHER).
You can find a shit ton of them through my masterlist.
Not a one-of interaction or statement or look.
And all of those moments, their nature, their amount, their consistency, the fact that even when not in a frame together they manage to show us how they feel for each other, the other's importance to them.
That's what creates that huge picture. Like pieces in a puzzle, if you want.
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And that there, my friend, is but a drop in the ocean...
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Here's a subject for you to tackle if you ever feel up to it: why do people find jealousy so attractive?
As someone who spends a lot of time in fandom space, do you have any thoughts on this? I'm thinking myself in regards to shipping in general, but asking here knowing this is a jikook space.
(If you've spoken on this already, forgive me and direct me there - I did check but I'm not on my A game today.)
Today is a brain fog day, so I've just been mindlessly flipping through YouTube shorts, and the amount of edits and clips with creators and commenters focusing on the perceived jealousy between the people they ship is baffling. Most of the time I just don't see it: person A's face was doing a weird thing when the camera caught it while B and C were dancing together - even media trained professionals aren't On every single second. Maybe he had gas?
I'm the last person who should be commenting on healthy mindstates in relationships, I'm full of issues, but the focus on and desire for jealousy is just...bizarre? Jealousy doesn't feel nice - not from either direction. Why would someone wish that on people they love and admire? 
It sounds like I'm being judgemental reading this over, and that wasn't my intention. This ask springs from genuine curiosity: what is the draw?
The want to be desired above anything and everything to the point of possessiveness. To be coveted and protected. "They must *really* love me if this is how they feel and they want me so much." And I blame media who romantizes the fuck out of the "jealousy trope" while in real life, it translates to something much more toxic and when it goes too far? It translates into something more like Joe from You. It often even ends up romanticizing abusive ideals and relationships. People cannot and do not own and control other people. Not their actions or their other relationships outside of your own.
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Jealousy is a mark of Insecurity more often than not. Not every time, but it's often a sign of needing more communication in the relationship and talking about whatever triggered the Jealousy and what boundaries in the relationship work for everyone. It's not really a tell of desire, like a lot of people seem to think it is, but rather a tell of person a being insecure about something. And that's an issue to be resolved or abandoned, not an excuse to be controlling. Boundaries are to be respected and if two peoples boundaries don't line up, then the relationship should not continue. If one person's boundaries aren't fair or respectful of another and leak into the toxic controlling aspect instead, then that's a them problem. And it's not a sign of them being so in love with you that they can't control themselves.
If they talk bad about the other people in your life, or they want you spending less time with them, that's a red flag. Please reconsider the relationship. It's not cute and it's not romantic.
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And in regards to shipping... well people look for their jealous in terms of I see it as a indication of attraction and love in the romance centered media I consume, so if I see it in my ship, it's proof of my ship being "real." And then they take it wayyyy too far. Which isn't healthy in my opinion. I don't mind it in media to a certain extent and it can be kinda fun sometimes, the Jealousy trope. But people need to be able to seperate reality from fiction.
Thanks for asking. Also, I miss our conversations! I need to finish my current reads so that I can start diving into everything you've recommended me so we can talk about it finally. My bookmarks are full of your recs just WAITING lol
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jeonscatalyst · 2 days
This show has hurt them so bad and they're trying to hurt Jikook supporters & make everyone as miserable as them. He didn't drink cause he's watching his figure, not cause of driving Jimin. Saw another comment saying why are jokers hyping the boyfriend shot comment. SIGH
Why you hyping GCF Tokyo? Why you hyping these trips? Why you hyping this show? Why you hyping the boyfriend shot? Why you hyping Letter? Why you hyping honey? Why you hyping baby? Why you hyping them flirting? Why you hyping their joint enlistment? Why you hyping Ramen conversations? Why you hyping the bday thirst trap? Why you hyping Jk doing Jimin lives? Why you hyping the shirtless bed live? Why you hyping them sleeping together? Why you hyping take off your pants? Why you hyping take off your underwear? Why you hyping the bite looking hickey on Jk? Why you hyping them showering at the same time? Why you hyping Jk always cooking for Jimin? Why you hyping them calling it romantic/romance? Why you hyping them spending couple days together? Why you hyping Jikook riding a motorcycle together? Why you hyping Jk saying these are the best trips he's taken?
Excuse the living hell out of us Antis. What are we allowed to hype? Jikook are running around talking like a couple, moving like a couple, making decisions like a couple, flirting like a couple, acting like a couple and you expect us to sit with our lips zipped? NO. Read my lips. KISS MY JIKOOK LOVING ASS. You wanted all this and you ain't getting it, so don't come raining on our parade because you mad your favs act like friends, cause that's what they are. I'm Sorry, I know its hard cause you will never get any of this or experience it being 100% mutual with your ship, esp when half your ship brought in another third person and put on a show for you in Paris & killed the mood, but coming into Jikook spaces asking us why we're hyping things, just screams insecure and jealousy. Why do you care? Don't hype it. Its your choice, but don't judge others for loving it. Footprints in the sand gang, hype bare minimum interactions & coming in Jikook spaces preaching. LOL joke of the century.
“This show has hurt them so bad and they're trying to hurt Jikook supporters & make everyone as miserable as them.”
Heavy on this part!
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lilithbts · 16 days
it's a bro thing
♡ jikook
♡ explicit
♡ chaptered, ongoing
♡ friends to lovers, the bros fic™, angst, humor, pining, jealousy, smut, happy ending
♡ gorgeous mb by @oceanviewsong
♡  read here
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mariajmajesty · 9 months
Can we make a pact to not answer deranged anons anymore directly or indirectly (and not tag them in the jikook tag)? These people should be locked up and left to cry in their gcs and not be allowed to parade their insanity out in the open in spaces where Jungkook and Jimin should be celebrated. We all spend too much energy in talking to these losers and have been doing it for too many years. They don't stop because they don't even watch the content you are watching and they don't care about reality so it's pointless. Jealousy, envy, selfishness and uncontrolled rage can't be reasoned with so no matter what you do they will only achieve their goal, annoy you and live in la la land. Nobody wants to read their BS anymore not here and not on twitter so it's best to stay focused on posting nice happy content and report, report and block.
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ijungkoookiereads · 1 year
plato is on his knees
Author: guinknoa
Word count: 11,3k
Rating: T
Pairing: Jikook
Where Jeongguk loves to spoil his best friend's younger brother, Jimin. Nothing romantic, just totally platonic.
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myobsessionsspace · 5 months
It's great that you're open to Jikook questions 😊
There's something that's been hunting me since I first saw it.
What's your interpretation of Jimin's reaction during the Vminkook live in Dec 2021- I'm referring specifically to Jimin's reaction after V said he was going to release a song with Jungkook? His reaction was super interesting, and so was Jungkook's.
We now know that V was playing around, and his statement wasn't true. Nevertheless, I think it caught Jimin by surprise, and my take is that he was a tiny bit jealous 😅 bless Jungkook, I think he was in a little bit of trouble there 🫣
Youtube link here:
The moment I'm talking about starts around minute 45:00.
Thanks 💜
Hi Lovely!
This is a great ask, it’s something I’ve had convos with my friends about before! I’ve always found it highly entertaining when any variation of vminkook are together and get into skit mode or when Tae & Jungkook tease Jimin just to get him to go into super cute mode!
It’s what they do and have been doing for years.
This live was so chaotic VMinKook style from the jump. If anyone hasn’t watched it please do **everyone please watch original content**
It was chaotic because it was initially Tae’s solo live but he said how nervous he felt doing it alone and asked for staff to get Jungkook to join him.
NB: all image are gifs unless stated otherwise, please watch as they are there to support statements made. Original links to lives are at the end 💜
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Jimin then came as he heard Tae needed company and Jimin had been with Jungkook. Jungkook eventually joined later.
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Due to nerves on Tae’s part and it being an unplanned live that Jimin & Jungkook didn’t intend to be having there were many times where they didn’t know what to do or the purpose of the live and would defer to Tae for direction. Tae had a running skit with Jimin about being the host of a show (the vlive) and Jimin and later Jungkook being his guests.
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Not a gif. Still picture
They also had funny moments where Tae would name drop different brands (this was funny as the group had contractual obligations with brands and they know in their profession they can’t name drop brands without consequence).
TMIs, games and more skits.
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credit: onlyluvkpop. Some of the fun and teasing they were having
As I said the live was fun, chaotic but also at times stilted due to its unplanned nature of it becoming a trio live and nerves.
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There was a point where Tae whilst trying to engage Jungkook tried (in my opinion) to run a joke with JK on army? I’m thinking he was hoping Jungkook and Jimin would catch onto it with him?
But cutie Minie Jagi was losssstttt 😭
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Jimin’s face in the live side by side with confused Jimin face from post Hobipalooza live
VMinkook love their role playing and teasing and even if Jimin hadn’t caught on, I do think nothing was done to intentionally exclude any of the three. All three tease each other in different combinations
So no, not jealousy in my opinion, Jimin has absolutely nothing to be jealous about. But confused and slightly lost, as to if it was another skit or really work related that he didn’t know about.
Maybe a tad annoyed with it being live and no hints that he was catching on to, to work with, giving a look to Jungkook like ‘are you guys serious? Why aren’t you giving me a hint on the joke’ or ‘why am I hearing about a song for the first time in a live? You guys aren’t making sense’ and Jungkook’s kinda like ‘I’m as lost as you are’ or ‘what did I do? I’m just going along too!’
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Maybe he was probably also thinking to himself when did Jungkook have a chance in between eating chicken together, working out together, Jungkook coming to his room all the time?? 😂
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Not a gif. Still picture
Also Tae literally talked about a Christmas song earlier on in the live when it was just Jimin and Tae
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Normally though, when V & JK are teasing Jimin, he knows it, and loves it 😂
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But Minie was lost that time and he told us so
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Tae & JK sometimes find a lost Jiminie, to be a cute Jiminie
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Original Source: Weverse
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Ultimately (in my opinion) Tae was mixing some facts together, which had JK quicker to the draw in playing along, but JK too was also confused at the beginning of their skit. When Jungkook caught on, he too teased Tae a bit and tried to get an expensive gift promise from Tae
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Reached my media limit so ss the transcript instead, but like always, please watch the original lives for yourself
I’m assuming that the two had been vibing together and having fun making little play songs and singing, which is why JK said “what is it?” And “How can we release that?”
Tae did have a Christmas song in the works, just not with JK.
But for anyone that wanted a Christmas song from Jungkook, that’s ok, don't worry, him and Jimin have already done one together!
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Not a gif. Still picture from Dynamite Christmas remix MV
Original source: BANGTANTV
I really appreciate your ask @irmi3454, I had fun!
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Original Weverse Links for Live
Live Part 1
Live Part 2
Live Part 3
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