#jimmy santos fanfics
lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
Hello Hello may I request a Jimmy x reader where readdr is obsessed with any tmnt show?Like they could see a video or smth like that abojt them and they are all smiley for the next 15 minutes?
Thank uuu♡
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(Me when I see you post frfr)
(I love you too Moki <3333333 TMNT was my whole childhood!)
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Tsundere Delinquent Bully:
Jimmy Santos X Reader who has an obsession with TMNT
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✥ Jimmy for once, didn't know of your obsession with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, until he first visited you...all of their merch, funko pops, hoodies, prints, jackets, pins and so much more things ad that is when he realized he will end up in this 'kiddish obsession' (his words not mine!) because what you love he will love eventually... "Goody two-shoes what the fuck.....IS THAT MY GIFT BUT COVERED IN THEIR STICKERS?!" Yes he's mad and jealous.....
✥ Honestly he is surprised at how he didn't notice your obsession earlier, you literally stitched a photo of four of them on your uniform...your bag is COVERED in their pins and you also have bracelets for them?! Was he really that blind? yeah, maybe cause he wasn't staring at that merch, he was staring at you...
✥ Honestly, this grows on him, he finds them cool! Come on! They're tortoises who can talk, behave like humans and are LITERAL NINJAS?! How can anyone not love them?! They're charming as well!!
✥ He notices how when you're upset about getting a bad grade like any other nerd or "Goody two shoes", all he gotta do i shove a TMNT video in your face and you're all smiley for the next 15 minutes like you're high on sugar...
✥ He brings you SO MANY gifts and he likes feeding into your obsession now....He is still very jealous...He knows they're fictional and they're tortoises and ninja tortoises....Okay, no he has every right to be jealous....These creatures too cool...
✥ He is always beside you and whenever he is visiting you, you're doing something like writing a fanfiction, making hella complicated edits, drawing fanarts, making your own merch, selling your merch, earning money, creating alternate universes on them...
✥ Jimmy for the first time realized that you could never have enough things for your favourite shows....And you're very smart for selling things and making money..LET HIM JOIN!
✥ Jimmy is sitting with you on his lap on your bed and you're scrolling through social media and watching their edits 78 times on repeat, and it's a sexy edit, or you're doodling a tmnt thing on his arm, or paper, on your wall, he is a bit concerned....
✥ now Jimmy knows TMNT, he used to watch it as a kid, but only calling them by the names of their eye cover? He never remembered their names...So you often sneak into his house as his S/O to have TMNT marathons and he cannot take his eyes off the screen, not even blinking is allowed, so he puts his hands together and prays you fall asleep quickly...
✥ Sometimes you make him do edits and his respect for those edit and animate has gone through the roof, his fingers have blisters on it, but he guess it's worth it to see you smile and be happy. He is practicing to make better edits, btw....Because he wants to be the one whos edits are your favourite. <333
✥ You will draw so many fanarts or develop alternate universe for the show and he is always there to understand the point of view behind the fanart or the reason why in the alternate universe they work as bakers and how they meet your self insert OCs.....
✥ He is happy you love TMNT so much he will feed into your love for it, but maybe just maybe tone down the obsession a bit? it's scaring him he thinks you're Alex's long-lost twin...
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damianpriestfan10 · 1 year
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Here’s the fifth chapter of my GTA V Fanfic, and my somewhat lame attempt at getting back into the swing of writing.
Title:  The Ghosts You Draw On My Back
Summary:   Charlotte Weston is a reluctant Vinewood actress, doing minor league roles that her grandfather, Solomon Richards, coerces her into. After one too many tantrums by demanding co-stars, she gets fed up – only to find herself talked off of the ledge by our favorite criminal-turned-producer, Michael De Santa. Will he be able to hold up his promise of being a better man, or will each of them fall victim to the Vinewood Dream?
The sunlight cascaded through the high-rise apartment’s windows, chasing the shadows out and welcoming in the promise of a new day.  Trying (and failing) to stifle a groan as he stretched out, Michael was hit with the realization that he wasn’t alone before the previous night’s memories came rushing back in, filling him with a happiness he had long ago stopped believing existed.  
Almost as if on instinct, he found himself reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Charlotte’s ear, taking note of the soft sigh that escaped her lips at the most gentle of touches, such a stark contrast from what he had been privy to just a few hours prior.
Amanda had never been more furious – screaming, shouting, throwing anything within arm’s reach.  He had never been more glad for his children’s insistence that they not spend any more time together than he had been in that moment; The break-down of the last remnants of their parents’ marriage was not something to which Jimmy or Tracey needed to be exposed.
He had begged Amanda to understand, tried to show her that neither of them had been happy in an exceptionally long time.  “Happy people don’t have as many affairs as we have, Mandy”, he begged, pleading with her to try and see things from his point-of-view.  “We tried the counseling and it didn’t work.  It’s time for us to cut our losses and move on.”  She had signed the begrudgingly signed the papers, but not before promising that he was in for the fight of his life – but he didn’t care; He’d gladly pay any amount of money a hundred times over if it meant that the illusion of a happy marriage with Amanda was finally over.
The shrill sound of a cell phone ringing cut through the air, and Michael found himself half-diving out of the bed to answer it before Charlotte woke up, praying that it was just a wrong number.
“Hey there whatever-the-fuck-your-last-name-is-now, are we just not answering our home phones now or what?”
Stepping out onto the small balcony, Michael slid the door shut behind him.  “What the fuck do you want, T?”, he struggled to keep from yelling, ever cautious of the woman sleeping just a few feet away.  
“What’s the matter, Sugar Tits? No love for your old buddy, Trevor? Well you can relax, It ain’t like this is a social call.  See, my boy up here, Ron - Yes I fucking heard you, Ron, now calm the hell down, I swear to Christ, this is why your wife ran off with the fucking gardener”, Michael heard Trevor shout to the person he assumed to be the lizard people-fearing neighbor he had met during his temporary stay in Sandy Shores. “ANYWHO, my boy seems to think we might have a little trouble from our old FIB buddies headed our way.  It seems Haines isn’t too happy that you turned down his request for a chat.”
The mere mention of the FIB agent left a horrible taste in Michael’s mouth.  He hadn’t wanted to get into bed with the bureau in the first place, but had thought it was his only option; An option that nearly got him, Franklin, Lester, and Trevor – not to mention Amanda and Tracey – killed, but an option none the less.
“Yeah, well, good ole’ Agent Haines can take his meetings and shove ‘em up his ass.  We just got clear of that shit, I ain’t about to go crawlin’ back into bed with those assholes again.”
With a sigh, Charlotte rolled over in bed, desperate to keep the real world from intruding on her bliss, even if just for one more moment.  The night before had been so much more than she had expected, but with the joy, came the nagging voice of doubt – the one that insisted that she was the reason the De Santa marriage was coming to an abrupt end, that her father would be furious about her getting involved with a person with a criminal background like Michael’s.  
Slipping on the robe that she kept beside her bed, Charlotte grinned at the man smiling in her direction from the balcony, mouthing the words “I’ll be right back” before turning to head downstairs.  The Saturday morning paper awaited and with it would be the review of their film.
Desperate to see if the months of hard work had paid off, she bounced down the stairs, flinging the front door open only to be greeted by the smell of the chloroform-soaked cloth being pressed tightly over her mouth, beckoning her into unconsciousness.
“T – T, I’m not going to sit here and argue about this shit.  If you’re so goddamned desperate to stay off of the FIB’s shit list, YOU go to the fuckin’ meeting.”, Michael groaned, wiping his hand over his tired face.  Any other time, he might have paid Trevor’s ramblings some heed, but things were too good – finally having served Amanda with the papers, having had one hell of a night with his dream girl – He wasn’t all that eager to be reminded of his dark past, not yet at least.
“Where in the hell… No, not you Trevor, I’m just lookin’ for Ch – someone, that’s all.”, he caught himself before slipping, knowing Trevor would never let it go if he were to know who he spent the night with.  “Yes, someone that wasn’t my hand – You’re fuckin’ hilarious.”
Turning the corner, Michael took note of the open door, his eyes flicking towards the state of disarray in the entryway as he was filled with a sense of dread – Someone had put up one hell of a struggle.
“T, I think you need to get to Los Santos – Now.   I’m going to need your special brand of help.”
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motherpsyduck · 8 years
House Guest (A GTA V Fanfic)
Summary: You’re a foreign exchange student who’s been granted a scholarship to attend the University of San Andreas, Los Santos (ULSA). Tracey De Santa signed herself up as a volunteer for one foreign student to reside at her home for as long as they need (without asking her parent’s permission of course). You’ve been randomly selected by the university to reside at Miss Tracey De Santa’s home until your studies end. Good luck!
Chapter 1: Meet The Family
“Oh my God! We’re going to have so much fun!” She squeals and grips the steering wheel of her car in excitement. She being Tracey De Santa, your new friend. You watch her try to concentrate on driving through the Los Santos rush hour traffic. You’re both on your way back from being introduced at your new university. It’s about 3pm and the scorching sun almost blinds you from bouncing off her mirrored aviator shades.
You decide to enjoy the passing beauty of LS and let the air whip through your hair. It cools the rays of sunlight on your skin. Rockford Hills has some beautiful but expensive looking houses. You’re unable to enjoy the full extent of the scenery as the radio was deafening; blasting some Pop radio station. A few of the songs you actually didn’t mind. You were nervous but Tracey reassured you with a glancing smile, then the two of you were singing your lungs out.
You’re unsure whether this was a good idea; signing up to the foreign exchange programme back in your school. You hate to make judgements before getting to know someone, but Tracey doesn’t look like the kind of girl you’d get along with. She seemed like the bratty, spoiled, rich Daddy’s girl who was probably one of the mean popular kids in high school. You appreciated having time alone with just yourself and your music, and weren’t interested in drinking until you lost control of your own bladder or having sex with the entire football team like most people your age. There’s still time, Tracey may end up surprising you.
The orange-yellow Weeny convertible pulls into a curved brick drive leading to a huge mansion. You’re in awe at the Spanish inspired architecture and are still staring at the house when Tracey kills the engine.
“You live… here?!” You say with a pause.
“Uh yah, that’s why I drove here.” Tracey puts her sunglasses in the glove box and leaves the car. You watch her enter her house. Even the front door was massive. You emerge from the car to open the trunk and grab your bags and suitcase. You stumble almost falling backward when you sling your heavy than expected duffle bag on your shoulder. Thanks for the help Trace.
Once you step inside and close the heavy wooden door, you hear Tracey speaking to presumably her dad. You place your bags in the corner out of the walk way and take a look around in the hall you’re stood in. It’s spacious and everything looks too luxurious to touch. You empathise with whoever has to clean this huge house. Your breathing slows as you try to listen to what Tracey is mumbling from the living room to your right, but you can’t work out what they’re saying and inch closer to a doorway opposite the staircase.
“YOU FUCKING DID WHAT?” You jump at the sudden outburst coming from the living room. Peaking your head around the archway you watch Tracey fold her arms and initiate an argument with her dad. He held a lot of tension in his shoulders when he stood.
“WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT? I DON’T WANT SOME KNOW-IT-ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS USING MY HOUSE AS A FUCKING FRATERNITY!” Tracey’s dad threw his arms up in frustration as he paced the living room. You noticed the raspiness in his voice when he yelled.
“OH MY GOD DAD! You’re so embarrassing. It’s just one student!”
“I don’t care Tracey! You can’t rent our house out without mine or your mother’s permission! This isn’t a fucking motel baby! So you better fucking unsign yourself up for this shit” Tracey’s dad begins to walk away and in your direction, he hasn’t seen you yet and turns his head to listen to Tracey’s reply over his shoulder.
“I can’t Dad.” Tracey replies in a defeated tone.
“And why not?-” He stops and sees you standing in the hallway. The man frowns his brow above his pale blue eyes at you in confusion.
“Hi.” You smile politely and rub your palms on the sides of your jean legs awkwardly.
The man sighs and runs his palm down his face and over his jaw line. You notice his mole on his matured face when he cracks his neck. You get the feeling this isn’t the first time Tracey has done something major without consulting him or her mother before. Tracey moves from the middle of the living room and carefully slides past her father down the couple of steps connecting the living room to the hallway. She stands next to you in the hall. You watch his eyes watching Tracey’s every move.
“Dad, this is the foreign exchange student from college.” Tracey’s standing slightly behind you. It’s almost as though she’s using you as a shield. There’s a painfully long pause.
“Nice to meet you… I’m Y/N.” The words stumble out of your mouth. He’s staring at you and descends from the living room to stand a step above you and Tracey. Those must’ve been the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen.
“Michael.” He nods. Michael drags his feet into the kitchen area opposite the front door. You watch him in the kitchen fix himself a drink of whiskey and then walk through the glass doors of the dining room. You watch him light a cigarette.
“Don’t worry about him, he’ll get over it.” Your attention is on Tracey. She pulls you by the hand. “C’mon! I wanna show you your room!” Tracey pulls your hand up the staircase to the second floor of the house.
“What about my stuff?” You point to the pile of luggage in the corner of the hall near the door.
“I’ll get my brother to help my dad later to bring it up. C’mon!” Tracey lets go of your hand at the top of the staircase. She opens a door to her left and walks into a spare bedroom with a comfy looking double bed complete with a striking bedspread and decretive pillows. The tall headboard was made of a dark velvety fabric. The bed alone must’ve cost a bomb. On the same wall of the doorway were a chest of drawers and a wide mirror that hung on the wall above it. Tracey sat down on the bed and supported herself with her arms. On the carved, dark wooden bedside tables were stain glass lamps, keeping with the theme of a Spanish style villa.
“Blame my mom for the decorating.”
“It’s beautiful. This bedroom is huge!”
“Mine’s bigger.” Tracey then bounces out of this room and you follow her to a bedroom opposite to the one where you’ll be sleeping. You push the door she didn’t hold open for you and enter Tracey’s bedroom. You’re quickly grabbed around the shoulders and blinded by a flashing light. You rub your eyes.
“What the fuck?” After blinking your vision back you see Tracey holding a pastel pink camera that’s printing out a polaroid. She waves it in the air until she sees an image and hands it to you. You take it from her hand. You study the unflattering face you’re making in the image and sigh, but you soon ignore it and notice the funny looking open-mouth pose Tracey is doing in the photo and smile. “Thanks Tracey.” You smile at her and hold the picture with a genuine look of gratitude. Tracey smiles back at you and turns to sit down on her bed. You like the way she’s decorated her room but it’s not exactly your taste.
“So, what do you think of my room?” Tracey asks.
“It’s very… purple…” You say looking around at the paisley print of her wallpaper. When your gaze is back on Tracey you’re anxious that you’ve offended her with your bluntness. “-in a-uh good way.”
“Thanks… so what do you want to do?” You shrug your shoulders and are about to reply with: I don’t know, what do you want to do? before being interrupted by a whiny, masculine voice coming from another bedroom.
“I know what you can do. You can shut the fuck up for once-HAHA YEAH! Headshot! Suck my fat balls bitch! Dude, do you even have a penis? Or are you one of those hermaphro-dudes born without genitals?” You lean out of the doorway of Tracey’s room and see another room next to hers with a door ajar. Inside this room it’s dark, all you can see is a massive TV screen with a video game character holding a gun, squatting on a lifeless body. You can hear the clicking of a console controller.
“Fuck you Jimmy. Go fuck a Burger Shot” Tracey shouts.
“No thanks. Unlike you Trace, I have some standards.” Jimmy fires back. Tracey stands, stomps passed you and into the room you were watching a moment ago. She flips the light on and you watch her snatch Jimmy’s controller out of his hand and she throws it at the wall. It lands and breaks on his floor. Jimmy stands. “What the fuck?!” You approach Jimmy’s bedroom and watch the two siblings begin to scream at each other. Jimmy is slightly shorter than his sister and holds some more weight around his stomach.
“That was a limited edition controller!” Jimmy rips his headset off and throws it onto his bed.
“I don’t care. Buy another one, oh wait, you can’t because you don’t have any money because you’re a bum who can’t get a job.”
“I can get a job! I just need some experience.”
“You’ll definitely find that playing video games all day-” Tracey laughs.
“Hey! Stop arguing” You shout, surprising yourself as well as Tracey and Jimmy. They’re watching and waiting for your next word. “… please. I don’t want to only listen to you two argue while I’m here. I understand you’re brother and sister but please just drop it for tonight yeah?” You look at Tracey and Jimmy in the eye and they both hang their heads and show as little eye contact to one another whilst nodding. “I’m Y/N by the way.” You introduce yourself to Jimmy.
“Jimmy. A.K.A Jizzle, Big-J, J-Dog, Dangerous-J take your pick.” Jimmy was flirting. You nodded and smiled politely. Tracey rolled her eyes. Your attention was quickly drawn to hushed words in the hallway downstairs. You moved towards the stairs and leaned over slightly to look down from the top of the stairs and saw Michael. He had come back inside and was talking to a woman of similar age to himself. She was dressed in white tennis gear and was trying to understand his anger whilst trying to reason with him.
“I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it Michael. She was probably thinking she was trying to help out. A lot of schools have trouble housing foreign exchange students.”
“I know ‘Mand, but she didn’t even ask us.”
“I’ll talk to her.” The woman rubbed Michael’s back and glanced in your direction. You sprung backwards avoiding her gaze. “Tracey?”
“Yeah Mom?” Tracey was lying on her stomach on her bed with her knee socked legs bent upward. She’s scrolling through her phone. Jimmy closes his bedroom door and salutes you with his index finger and middle finger together, as a gesture of goodbye before his door closes. You hear the audio from his video game continue and he’s shouting profanities into his headset again.
“Can you come here please?” Tracey descends the staircase in a huff. She tells you as she passes she won’t be long. You decide to wait at the top of the stairs. You hear a mumble of Tracey and her mother talking about your situation and Michael loudly chimes in a couple of times. Then it ends abruptly and Tracey comes up the stairs to get you.
“My mom wants to meet you.” Tracey says and turns for you to follow her. You do so and are lead into the shiny kitchen where you see Michael, and Tracey’s mother shushing him as you enter the room. You wear a courteous smile as Tracey’s mom approaches you.
“Hello, I’m Amanda and this is Michael.” Amanda points to Michael.
“Hi. I’m Y/N.” Your hand does a little awkward wave.
“Don’t look so nervous, if you’re going to living here, you may as well have a tour of the house. I’ll show you around” Your first impression of Amanda was positive. She seemed nice enough.
“’Mand?” Michael says sharply before being cut off by Tracey.
“So Y/N can stay?” Tracey’s tone was high.
“It’s ok with me. Are you ok with it Michael?” Amanda turns to face Michael and he throws his hands up in defeat as though whatever he said wouldn’t matter anyway.
“Yeah, sure.” Michael said flatly with a sigh. Amanda returns to you and Tracey.
“It’s a bit sudden though Tracey, so don’t ever do anything like this again without consulting us first. Deal?” Amanda was firm yet forgiving.
“I promise Mom. Sorry-YAY THANK YOU!” Tracey screams and claps.
“Tracey has shown you the guest room I assume?” You try to retain eye contact with Amanda but Michael catches your eye when he pours himself another drink. You look back to Amanda and nod. “Good!” Amanda ushers you to the dining table “This is our dining room, out there is the pool, hot tub and down the steps there is the tennis court.”
“Wow. This place is amazing.” You hear Michael scoff rudely from the kitchen. Amanda flashes a frown in the direction of the kitchen and continues. “In here is our living room” Amanda was standing in front of the white sofas of the living room and then points to where you met Michael. “And through there is the hallway where you came in.”
“Did you decorate the downstairs too Mrs De Santa?” You ask as you’re admiring the strange portraits of Jimmy and Tracey that stand out amongst the other lavish paintings and furniture.
“Please, call me Amanda.”
“Okay, Amanda.” You smile.
“Yes, I did actually, why?”
“It’s lovely just like the guest bedroom.”
“Well,” Amanda was flustered, she wasn’t expecting a compliment. “Thank you very much Y/N.”
“You’re welcome.” You reply. Amanda smiles warmly at you.
“Right. I’m going to have a nice relaxing post workout bath. Sit down. Tracey watch something with Y/N will you?” Amanda heads upstairs and Tracey sits you down where Michael was sitting before. She takes a seat next to you and presses a button on the remote. A projector screen slowly inches down in front of you. She flips through the channels and settles on a program called Fame Or Shame.
“Oh I’ve heard of this show, aren’t the contestants like bat shit crazy?” You laugh. You thought you heard a small laugh from the kitchen, Tracey however doesn’t laugh with you. You look over to her and try to find out why.
“I was a contestant.” She says annoyed.
“Sorry, I- You’re not bat shit crazy.”
“I was disqualified.”
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything. I was just doing my routine, and killing it, the judges were really into it” You began to notice when Tracey spoke a whole lot, the tone of her sentences would always go up at the end. She began to shout so her Dad could hear her from the kitchen. “Then my bat shit crazy Dad and his best friend barged into my audition and totally freaked out on Lazlow the presenter.”
“Why did they do that?” Tracey shrugs her shoulders.
“I was stopping her from being the national laughing stock” Michael enters from the dining room. His presence makes you jump slightly.
“I could have been famous.” Tracey spits with some venom.
“Try college first. Then if you feel like it, go try again. I can’t stop you.” Michael sits next to Tracey on the longer side of the sofa.
“That was my big break Dad! Fame Or Shame probably won’t be around when I’m done with college.”
“Maybe then it wasn’t meant to be.” Michael says with compassion.
“OR maybe it was, and you and Uncle Trevor just blew it?” Tracey was genuinely hurt from her Dad’s decision to stop her auditioning, even if it was the best thing for her. Michael downed his glass of amber liquid to stop himself from lashing out in front of you. After he finished he cracked his neck again.
“Ooh, ouch. My ears are burning!” You and Tracey looked to see who this additional voice was. Michael sprung up from staring at the floor and stood protectively. You saw a very tall, top heavy man in the archway leading to the hallway. He was leaning like he’s been stood there for a while. Tracey changed her tune and ran towards the man to hug him.
“Trevor! What are you doing here?” Tracey said with a smile. Trevor wrapped one of his big, meaty arms around her caringly and she gave him a squeeze around his small waist.
“I guess this is the Uncle Trevor Tracey was talking about” You laugh quietly to Michael. He just looked down at you and gave you a forced smile and then continued to keep his eyes on Trevor. Michael was tense; you weren’t sure as to why. Tracey let go of Trevor when he advanced toward you. You stood out of courtesy but Michael was quickly by your side. Trevor didn’t notice Michael’s demeanour when he entered the living room.
“And who are you cupcake?” Trevor gave you a creepy smile before turning to Michael. “Miiichael.” Trevor tuts and shakes his head. “Shame on you.”
“What?” Michael’s confused.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” You’re very aware of where Trevor’s eyes are and clear your throat. You try not to make eye contact with him. Before Michael can say a word, Tracey introduces the two of you for him.
“Trevor, this is Y/N, she’s a foreign exchange student from my college. She’s going to be staying with us while she studies at ULSA. Y/N this is my uncle Trevor, he’s my dad’s best friend.”
“Nice to meet you.” Trevor holds out his hand for you to shake it. You’re hesitant but respectfully accept the handshake. You notice a small tattoo of a scorpion above his thumb and the rest of his tattoos on his knuckles. His hand is warm but rough. Trevor lingers a bit too long with the shake and Michael pulls his hand away from yours. Trevor gives him an angry stare before following him into the dining room and outside by the pool. You can see them doing a lot of hand gestures and frowning at each other but they aren’t loud enough to hear clearly.
“He’s not supposed to be here.” Tracey remarks. She’s sitting down on the sofa again texting someone.
“Who? Trevor? I thought you said he was your dad’s best friend.”
“He is. But my mom doesn’t want Trevor around us; she says he’s a bad influence.”
“That’s probably why your dad took him outside to talk to him, to see what he wants?”
“I guess.” Tracey replies without looking up from her phone. Her phone begins to ring. “I’m just gonna go upstairs, I gotta take this call. I won’t be long.”
“Okay. I’m gonna get a glass of water and then probably unpack.” You call to Tracey as she’s heading up the stairs.
“Okay!” She shouts back. You’re stood alone in the living room and try to casually avoid looking in the direction of Michael and Trevor as you enter the kitchen. You’re intrigued to know what they were talking about. You catch the end of a conversation of an unknown topic. You can hear them better in the kitchen.
“So what’s the score?” Trevor asks.
“What?” Michael replies.
“The foreign exchange student. She’s beautiful, in a young and naive sort of way.”
“The fuck? Trevor she’s the same age as Tracey for God’s sake.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit! As if you haven’t thought about it.”
“Fucking Christ.”
You’re embarrassed to what you’ve just heard and try to drink your water as quickly as you can. It doesn’t occur to you to just take it upstairs with you. You rinse the cup and turn towards the kitchen archway leading out to the hallway. You’re cheeks are burning as you try your hardest to take your entire luggage up the stairs by yourself in one trip. You’re about half way and lose your balance from the weight and stumble.
“As long as she’s legal I don’t give a fuck.” Trevor holds his arms up in a shameless way and shrugs.
“Yeah, we all know you and the not giving a fuck, T.”
“Fuck you Mikey.”
“Can’t you just leave now?”
“Fine. I’ve got shit to do anyway-” Trevor turns on his heel but is startled with Michael by a loud noise from inside. The noise is from your suitcase crashing back down the stairs. The two men come jogging into the hall and observe the suitcase on its side. The contents of your suitcase spill onto the floor in front of them. Trevor notices some of your underwear. You’ve witnessed Trevor and Michael eyeing your sexy underwear, the ones you packed just incase.  Before any of them get a glimpse back at your tomato of a face, you’ve bolted into the spare bedroom. Seeing you run away from the situation makes Trevor grin wickedly. You drop the bags you were able to hold onto, on the floor of the spare room and slide your back down against the closed door. Meanwhile, Michael is scooping up your clothing back into your suitcase and carries it to your door and leaves it outside. You’re listening closely to their footsteps. They’re getting further and further away before you jump out of your skin due to some hard knocking on the door.
“DELIVERY!” Trevor teases. His voice is high pitched as if he’s about to burst out laughing. You hang your head in the palms of your hands and cringe. - [CH2->]
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
My Broken Kayageum
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<< Chapter 1 >>
<< Summary: Jimmy Santos finds a broken instrument in the attic and he relates to it in more than one way....>>
<< Warnings: afterlife, realms, mentions of hell, heaven and blood. Bandages and a teeny mention of uncle Billy being drunk! OOC, because I can't seem to write tsunderes...sorry moki @ramblehour>>
<<A/N: This lore takes place two months after Alex's death, trash writing and I'm very tired>>
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"Afterlife is a place of rest for people who die, yet it also serves punishments for people who have done bad things in their life. Just like our Earth has many countries, when a person dies there are over 200 realms a person can live in as their afterlife. But the most famous of these are Hell and Heaven, the realms of angels and demons. Though leaving the people of Earth, residents of other realms know that these two realms are only two of a few other realms, they most famous and common known realms are..
Most famous of these realms is ?????...it is famous for being the most unknown realm..
like most people on Earth presume, Heaven is a paradise and that Hell is a place of eternal damnation, but it's wrong, both the realms are quite frank to say just realms, they don't gain any type of paradise or damnation when they're put into these realms, these realms only serve as homes for humans who turn into angels or demons, no punishments are placed in these realms.
But what about people who do bad things and deserve to suffer eternal damnation? Well, there is a certain realm which serves punishments for such people...It's called 'Maroon Earth' for the blood the realm showers in on a daily basi-"
"Okay! Shut up you both! What are you doing???"
"God it's dirty here....I'm cleaning this attic of dust and insect! What does it look like, uncle Billy!?"
Jimmy asked his uncle, annoyed at him for ruining his time with his girlfriend who was changing his bandage on his back from their attack by Alex, where they weren't able to get proper medical attention and were only able to get themselves correctly bandaged after he fell...They still remember that...Blood, guns, bruises, adrenaline and what not running through their mind as they ignored the pain to be with each-other...It was only a few months..
"Yeaaa....Jussst, shuut up!!" His uncle slurred, while the sound of someone climbing the wooden ladder was heard over Uncle Billy's slurred random talking before his aunt's all angry and concerned head came into view from the floor, as she stood up on the attic floor and pulled Jimmy's uncle, apologizing to them, before slapping uncle's head and scolding him a bit and sending him down the ladder down the hole in the attic, before turning to the couple and saying, "I laid down a large mattress so if he fell, he wouldn't be hurt, anyways, if you both need anything, ask me..Yeah?" Before she climbed down the ladder.
As Jimmy stood up and wore his shirt back before standing up and dusting himself off and offering his head to his girlfriend, you..
"Come-on, let's hurry up a bit and if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask me...Let's hope she doesn't bring anybody over tonight..." As he mentally gagged, as you both continued to work before you were bandaging him.
As you shuffled through large boxes of stuff, you came across an old photo of baby Jimmy, it was probably old as shit, but you can tell it was him, he had the same black hair and maroon eyes and long lashes....
He was being held by a beautiful Asian couple, both were wearing a beautiful traditional clothing in turquoise and white, the lady has long, straight black hair which were curly at the ends matching Jimmy exactly and grey eyes, her husband however has brown hair and maroon eyes, similar to your boyfriend, the lady was holding toddler Jimmy who was matching his parents, with having a white butterfly clip in his hair. You never expected Jimmy with having clips in his hair and smiling, much less being the child of an Asian couple....
You tried to guessing the couple's ethnicities, but there were many things mixing up and in the end you gave up, as you leaned over in the box and pulled out a album, as you opened it up, there were photos of Uncle Billy and his wife in their youth doing stuff teenagers would do; smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and what not, as you flipped through the pages, there was an empty space right after a few pages, the page was filled with Jimmy and his parents doing various things, but there was something off about them...Yet you couldn't place your hand on it, as you ignored it and put the photo you had in your hand back into the album and flipped the page, your sight went to a dusty brown spot on the page, it had a metallic smell and was very weird to touch, but you ignored it and just as you were about to flip multiple pages at once, a voice called out to you-
"Hey! I was wondering if you want to go on a tiny date right now???" Jimmy asked snatching you attention from the book, as you stopped and closed the book before turning to him and asking, "What type of...tiny date?" Suspiciously, taking Jimmy of-guard, before replying with "I'm just joking, I know you steal your uncle's card all the time, it's not big deal to me, anymore....."
As you stood up and dusted yourself off, and putting the album back in the box before you helped up Jimmy and you both climbed down the ladder and onto the mattress at the bottom of the stairs, before Jimmy carrying two of his jackets, some money, Uncle Billy's credit card and his bike keys, while you wrote a post-it note about you both leaving on a late night errand run and stuck it on a obvious place on the ladder in-case his aunt came to check on you both.
As you walked out the cold wind of night immediately made you shiver as you folded your arms as you both walked towards the place where Jimmy parks his bike, which is a quite far, as you bother were walking Jimmy put his warm large hands around your shoulders and leaned down to kiss your cheek, making your cheeks warm up a it with shyness and little happiness before you both continued walking. Upon reaching his bike, he got it out of the parking lot, as he gave you his favorite jacket, which you loved as well, both on him and yourself.
As you slipped your arms past the large jacket and zipped it up, up to your neck, Jimmy was finally waiting for you to hop on, as he looked over at you zipping up his jacket nearly up to your mouth as you beamed proudly upon doing so, making him smile a bit, as you walked back while he got the bike out of the parking spot and upon Jimmy doing so climbed up behind him, finally ready you both left the place and walked towards your favorite grocery or 24/7 store, it has a shit ton of your favorite food and it just so happens to be the place where the most annoying person ever worked, Chris, you still remember how he called you a 'dumb bimbo' when you and Alex were hidden in the boys locker room together.
As you both walked in, Chris immediately stood up and waved at you both, "Hey dude! Whatchu doing here? Another tiny date with your goody two-shoe-" he cut his talk off upon seeing you with a scowl on your face, it scared him to death knowing, if he were to annoy you Jimmy would not leave him alive...He decided to smile sheepishly and awkwardly before sitting down on the cashier spot. "Hey." You said clearly annoyed, as Jimmy waved before picking up a basket from near the counter, taking your hand and disappearing in one of the isles to get some of your favorite microwaveable foods, cup noodles, pizzas, sausages, spaghetti, soups, sausage and other things.
Browsing through the Air Conditioned store, kind of made you happy as you held tightly onto Jimmy's hand. You picked up a few pastries and a box of cookies, before putting them in a basket, after half a hour later, when you were finally done with shopping for random midnight treat snacks, you went to the counter and Jimmy paid for the things using Uncle Billy's credit card. You actually smiled a bit and waved your hand at a smiling Chris with Jimmy while you both left the store. As Jimmy rode his bike through the cold night, feeling the somewhat strong wind on your cheeks and hands which held the large bag of snacks.
Finally reaching home, you texted to your parents that you'll be staying over at his house and it was a day off tomorrow, win win! Your parents didn't completely approve of Jimmy but they liked him a bit. You got off as Jimmy took the bag as you walked ahead to the door and knocking on it, Jimmy's aunt opened the door peeking outside to see you and Jimmy before letting you both in and leaving for her room.
Instead of going back to the attic to clean like you were here for, you both went to his room to do something else, which was like small but cozy and nice enough to fit you both, as you plopped down to sit on the bed, as Jimmy smiled and teased you about being short as always, "Hey, I'm not lying, you idiot when I say you can fit under my bed and maybe you'll be able to make friends with the demon underneath it, because you're a demon like it, aren't you??" he teased with a mischievous smirk on his face as he sat beside you leaning back on the wall. He continued to be a pain in the ass and only stopped when you pinched his arm badly,
"Okay, I SAID SORRY! DAMN! Sheesh, you seriously are tougher than you look!" Jimmy said as he rubbed the spot where you pinched before putting his arm around your shoulder as you opened the bag and looked through the stuff to see what you both got, when he suddenly got an idea and he asked, "Hey, wanna have a movie marathon??? No horror movies this time like last time, when you were jumping into my arms every two seconds!" He said smirking when you reminded him "The last time I remember, you were the one who jumped onto me when it was getting scary and you were the one who screamed louder than me.."
"Pshh, no I wasn't, why you lying goody two-shoes?" He said unimpressed and looking at you judgingly when you said,
"Oh yeah, tiktok-" "OKAY, I'M SORRY, NO DON'T SEND IT TO THE STREET-CUTTER CREW!! I WON'T HEAR THE END OF IT!" Jimmy immediately took back everything he said when you mentioned his eenie-meenie-mo tiktok, he always does when you do it, pretty cute, ain't it?? :]
As you and him lay in bed, munching on one or the other thing, watching movies, you both slowly started getting tired and sleepy of cleaning the attic and going out and buying snacks for this thing, you both fell asleep snuggled together.
But soon night turned to day as light of the sun made your skin warm and burn some places annoyingly. You're eyes started to open as somebody violently shook you awake, you're vision started clearing of the dark circles from your eyes, as you rubbed your eyes getting the sleep, tiredness and eye boogers out of them. waking awake, you sat up as Jimmy's aunt smiled at you, when you realized Jimmy wasn't in bed.
"Jimmy had somewhere to be, i made breakfast for you, come downstairs with me dear, I put out fresh towels, a clean pair of clothes and a new toothbrush, since you didn't bring one." Aunt Julie smiled as you sat up.
"Miss Santos, there was no need to do that!!" You said smiling brightly,
"Oh, I insist, please! Also it's fine, you're basically family now, you keep Jimmy out of trouble as well! So this is a small thank you" Aunt Julie smiled as she helped you out of bed, and as a thank you you helped her make Jimmy's bed and clean the house a bit before going to freshen up.
Washing up and wearing some of Jimmy's clothes, you went downstairs to the kitchen, to see Jimmy help his aunt on cooking food, him cutting, as you came into the kitchen Jimmy and Aunt Julie both smiled and greeted you good morning, you wished them back before helping them around for their hospitality. But Uncle Billy was no where to be found, curious, you asked, "Uhm, where is Mr. Santos?"
"Ah, no need to refer to him that way, dear!!"
"Ah, no need to refer to him that way, Goody two-shoes." Jimmy and Aunt Julie said in unison as Jimmy, Aunt Julie and you ate while watching the morning TV.
"Uncle Billy is probably out with some of his friends like always, never helping around the goddamn house, always drinking, getting mad at us and being a nuisance to us.." Jimmy said angrily huffing as he took a huge bite out of his breakfast. After breakfast, while you and Jimmy helped clean the dishes while Aunt Julie was out on the porch, maybe talking with neighbors, watering the plants, cleaning the porch, cleaning the Street-cutter's truck, who knows? But it was nice. Soon as you both were finished, you suddenly felt a chill down your spine as you felt something was off, but you ignored it as you helped Jimmy in studying, you had been doing since since the beginning of when you met.
as you both were helping him practice equations, which were getting harder and harder one after another, you both heard the door bell ring, as you heard some muffled chattering, deciding it was a break you and Jimmy closed and put the things away as you walked downstairs hearing a man's voice as you come closer to the door
"We're here to for Billy Santos, he is suspected for murder of three people, two adults and one kid..."
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
Hello hello
I need some good old Jimmy and Alex content, so how about a reader who really likes to cook and draw?
Stay hydrated,eat enough and stay ssfe bestie☆
(Hello, my love Moki!!!)
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Tsundere Delinquent Bully X Reader HCs:
S/O who really likes to cook and draw
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Jimmy Santos
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⌘ Well, he didn't know how good you are at cooking and drawing at first, but once he snuck in your room while you were in the shower and he ended up seeing a sketch book named 'Jimmy, bby <3' and curiosity won over him as he flipped through the books to see various sketches of him, all bringing out his beautiful features.
⌘ He didn't tell you he saw his drawing, but he he nearly ended up fainting due to being so flustered. But every once in a while, he sneaks that notebook out to see now sketches of him all the time, each in various moments, him eating, sleeping, laughing, smiling, zoning out, and who knows what.
⌘ He also only learnt about your talent in cooking when you were once eating food in the cafeteria and he ended up taking a bite of your tiffin and he was amazed and when he asked who made it, you replied that you made it yourself, he nearly pissed himself thinking you were joking but when you didn't laugh, he was READY to wife you up there right then and there, a ring for you all ready!
⌘ He would often have cooking dates with you, where you both cook something together and then he will play video games while you sketch something or more specifically him!
⌘ He also learnt cooking a bit from his aunt who was trying to earn his forgiveness and so when he requested her to teach him how to cook, she immediately agreed and also his cooking are quickly catching up, you have to do something to get better!!!
⌘ He also buys you as many art supplies you need, whenever you need, he uses his uncle Billy's card, which is kind of full 80% of the time, because he doesn't remember how much he earns and only uses a bit to buy alcohol....
⌘ Oh! Speaking of his uncle and aunt, they meet you and ended up liking you more then Jimmy in an instant, uncle Billy only stops drinking when you are included in the conversation and he loves you like his daughter and so happy you take Jimmy off their hands...
⌘ One thing you both do as dates is that you both cook a dish where one if guiding the other and the other has to follow all the rules given by their guider to make the dishes and so often you both end up ruining the dish and then finally make it together which tastes heavenly after you both are horribly tired!
⌘ He won't admit it, but he loves when you draw him and how focused you are when you're either cooking or drawing, painting or whatever you like to do..
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Alex Bokarov
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⌘ Alex as normal boyfriend is something I crave on nights when I feel "risky"....*wink wink* iykyk, but if one thing is true it's that he is amazing boyfriend as a normal persona and not when he is mentally insane.....
⌘ Honestly I don't approve a relationship with him, but if he was perfectly okay up there in his head, he would quite a good boyfriend...Again I'm saying this...
⌘ But if you had a talent in art, he would feed into your hobby as much as he can, bringing you model, motivating you, bringing you supplies, giving you ideas, posing as a model and what not you want him to do.
⌘ He loves to sketch along with you, you both acting as each-others models and try to see who can do better, you always win....But he's always happy to spend time with you, doing something you love, even though he's more of a person who leans more on painting and digital art I think...
⌘ He would love to cook for you, he loves your cooking, don't take him wrong, but hates getting you tired or or maybe you cut your hands cutting something or burn your hand while cooking, he's kind of overprotective...
⌘ He loves to make foods from different cuisines like Hispanic, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Vietnamese, German and many other different cuisines cause we have many cultures and he's always happy to try new recipes...
⌘ He didn't grew up with good parents or like his parents just never paid attention to him, because they were horrible workaholics and since he was kind of a rich boy, he has many things and gadgets for you to try in your drawing and cooking....
⌘ He spends so much time, trying to draw better just so you both can draw together and spend more time with each-other...He will literally spend hours and has completed three books in only two months...
⌘ He helps you cook as well!!! You can doing anything and he will be helping you in anything you want...Like boiling water, mixing spices, cutting vegetables, frying foods or whatever you want him to do...
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
Since Christmas is in 3 days can I maybe get some Hc's about Jimmy and Alex spending time With reader around this time?
(Moki!!! I love you so much and hope you have good times!!!)
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Tsundere Delinquent Bully X Reader:
Christmas HCs
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Jimmy Santos
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✣ Jimmy has never celebrated Christmas, because his uncle is mostly drunk and his aunt is never home, also he never grew up in a healthy household, so his first Christmas is going to be with you!!!
✣ He only celebrated Christmas once with Alex and Chris and he was mortified, because those two also don't know Christmas traditions and they kept making up stuff and some of it wasn't really family friendly....
✣ So, upon the beginning of December, drag this man out and play with him in the snow, he's going to be so happy!!! He's never known how soft snow can be until he fell face first into the snow with his uncle laughing at him in the back....
✣ He would love to help you pick a Christmas tree, but het gets all confused and doesn't see the difference between them....After you both get one and set it up and get it ready to be decorated, he going to be waiting all patient beside you, while you do it, like a little baby.
✣ He would also dance with you, he surprisingly knows and still remembers a little bit of waltz as he took an interest in it when he young and tried learning it from Youtube, but he dropped it after entering middle school and meeting Alex, Chris and his gang.
✣ He also tried crocheting and now, he knows how to make you mittens, gloves and what not for your hands and he doesn't really care that you don't need them, just take them, he made some for you that he might want you to wear when he decides to propose to you, he put five hours of work in them to make them special for you!!!
✣ Jimmy now has a fake ID and would often buy alcoholic drinks for Christmas and probably would sneak his uncle and aunt's drinks as well, he doesn't really care what they think...He likes to have festive drinks as well...He has three different types of Christmas wine, he maxed out his uncle and aunt's card to get them for you both, yes you did end up drinking it after much persuation from him.
✣ Oh!!!! You both also bake cookies and gingerbread, and he won't stop baking and making them until he got the authentic taste and they look perfect in his eyes, it's gonna take hours..So now you both have many different types of amazing cookies to give away as Christmas presents to your neighbors.
✣ Oh, yeah I honestly think you'd have a Christmas party where you'd invite Director Richards and when he enters the house he sees Jimmy and immediately gets scared that he's trying to rob you or that he threatened you to invite him...
✣ But after you welcome Director Richards and leave him to sit near Jimmy, where he holds you hand occasionally kissing it, Director Richards absolutely dies on the inside, because Jimmy Santos? The biggest delinquent of the school? The biggest asshole? Being sweet with you? The kind child and the hall monitor?????? He can't believe he got to date you, he's mad thinking Jimmy will distract you from your studies, but you still do as good as you used to before and Jimmy is now getting slightly better in his studies as well, so he'll ignore it, but he's still not fine with it...
✣ Jimmy hates to play in the snow, or so he makes it seem, because of his RoUgHeSt GuY oN tHe BlOcK ReP....He actually loves snow, he loves to play with it like it's slime, trying to squish and poke it, and he builds balls with it saying they're diamond ball he found while in the pyramid of Hong-Kong...He's a bit confused, but he's got the spirit!!!
✣ He also loves Christmas treats, especially if they have white chocolate in them and they have Oreo in them, he don't care whether it's just a gloop and not even a treat yet, he's just swallowing that shit....
✣ He also loves to make snowmen, they're also named 'Goody Two Shoes' after you and he says it's a snowman version of you, they are also the same height as your as he often decorates it with tiny snow diamonds!!!!
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Alex Bokarov
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☣ Alex, if he wasn't like what he was in the series like not traumatising nor crazy, he would actually be very sweet boyfriend. Alex but still is a part of his gang and would probably still be friends with Jimmy and his S/O.
☣ Alex would try to tell you his favourite traditions, but they're all mortifying, like he wants to have mayonnaise to make and decorate his gingerbread houses and gingerbread-men...He's very optimistic about it at-least, so that's a plus point...I guess?
☣ He would carry you around in snow, playfully pretending to drop you and would often kiss you to calm you down and later on whine about how you don't love him if you don't give him pecks every 20 seconds.
☣ He knows how to make amazing hot coco, they're the absolute best, so warming and creamy, yet not too filling, it is great and when he makes them for you, he lifts you up and sits you on the counter and often make-out, while your hot cocos are slowly heating on the excruciatingly slow so he gets more time to kiss you.
☣ He grew up near a old couple who would looks after him, Jimmy, Chris and other gang members as her sons and would always make them those satisfying, ugly yet adorable, vintage, Christmas sweaters, upon learning of Alex dating you, she would now make you a sweater too as to welcome you to the neighbourhood, you and Alex both have matching reindeer sweaters and they look absolutely adorable on Alex.
☣ He knows how to play a guitar, but he only plays it for Christmas, he calls it "Christmas guitar', so you both can have fun singing Christmas songs, this begins when you start the month of November, when one day you were rummaging through old things in Alex's attic, you came across a guitar decorated with painting of snow, snowmen, Christmas lights, pine trees and overall festivity symbols.
☣ Upon taking it to Alex, he told you about his hobby of playing guitar from Christmas songs and Christmas chorus at the church, so his singing voice is just amazing even though it is quiet in the beginning because he's shy and then he gets confident and starts singing normally.
☣ Alex is also good at making cakes and gingerbread, he makes everyone jealous with his gingerbread house making skills, including you, except when you get all pouty, he gives in easily and lets you sit in his lap when he feeds you your favourite food.
☣ If there is one thing he loves about Christmas is buying each-other gifts, you both will play a game with Jimmy and his girlfriend, the game will include buying things for everyone according to a list given to everyone, it's like a secret Santa, but a bit more fun for him!!
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