#jimnoth au
prismadog · 2 months
have some old Jimnoth sketches!
these have been sitting in my drawing app for several months and I've finally finished them, or at least one part of them (there's at least 3 pages of bases to work with).
I'm a bit proud of them cause I'm not very good at drawing multiple people together, but I think I did pretty well. I would've liked if I could refine them and color them, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon so enjoy the sketches!
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
you ever have an AU idea in the shower and come up with a fic summary in your head for a fic you’ll probably never write?
anyway, fic working title “go fish”: in one universe, xornoth sees a very corruptible king with a dysfunctional support network, and chooses his side as the one where he possesses sausage. in this universe, however, he sticks around a little longer before deciding on his pawns, and sees the equally corruptible other side of the conflict, sees his brother apparently has a Thing for said very corruptible other side, and goes. yeah, sure. the codlands seem like equally decent a place to launch an invasion from. what could possibly go wrong?
in hindsight, this was a bad move, but by the time xornoth realizes this, everything has gotten far, far stupider than anyone is prepared to deal with. oh dear. oh deer. oh cod.
that’s right, it would be a corrupted jimmy comedy. presuming I still know how to write long form comedy. featuring an unwilling and unsuspecting xornoth redemption via him accidentally getting attached to the codvengers. do I have time to write this? probably not. do I remember how to write the empires cast well enough for this? hell if I know. is it another idea for my back burner pile of ideas? hell yeah, plus anyone who wants can take this idea (hell I know jimnoth was a thing people wrote sometimes, something similar probably already exists). do I keep conceiving of aus where jimmy is imminently possessable? yes, I don’t know why,
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efoxkitty · 3 years
Lovers of cursed AU's and normal AU's alike, I bring you my arrangedmarriage!AU that I fell in love with. Strap in, it's a bit long :D
So basically in the AU Jimmy is Lizzie's brother and they are from the Ocean empire. When they were younger, their fathet had arranged marriages for the both of them, but they weren't told about it. Lizzie had married Joel and that was it. But then the council asks Lizzie as the queen, what will they do about the marriage between the ocean kingdon (Jimmy) and the lost empire (Joey). Lizzie promises Jimmy she will Joey.
Lore wise, those two kingdoms were at war for a very long time and the mers were nearly wiped out, which is why the marriage proposal was originaly written, to make sure the ocen empire survives. Today, tge situation is reversed, if Lizzie wanted, her and Joel's troops would wipe the lost empire from the map. So Jimmy has to decide if he really wants to start a years old conflict again, just because he doesnt want to marry Joey.
So Jimmy proposed to at least visit his "future husband", to give him a chance. But it's bad. Joey and Lizzie keep threatening each other and Joey clearly hates Jimmy. So Jimmy's looking for alternatives, ways to end the conflict in peace. During a huge argument Joey basically says "The only reason I'm doing this is to save my kingdom, but if you want me to be the bad guy so badly, I'll gladly oblidge. Go on, play martyr for someone who has nothing to lose by killing innocent lives. I'm sure they'll all thank you."
Anyway, they have to announce their marriage at the meeting of the kings (monthly event) and everyone can clearly tell there's no love there, not even friendship. The wither rose alliance teases Jimmy about the wedding. It's so akward and uncomfortable and Jimmy has to leave with Joey, as his fiance.
In the following month Jimmy tries to big brain the marriage and find alternatives, that he could present at the meeting. So when the gather again, he proposes an ambitious plan: "The treaty says that the second child of the ocean king will marry the jungle king's son, unless any of them are married beforehand." so Jimmy presents the maps and the families and then says that if he and Joey marry the Rivendell twins, then they have a mediator for the conflict and they don't have to fight. Some kings don't like that, because it would make the alliance of all the kingdoms too big. Katherine loves it.
Joey is a bit mad, because he had admited to Jimmy in a moment of weakness that he likes Xornoth. Jimmy had met Scott a few times. The elfs laugh at Jimmy too and Xornoth mockingly proposed to Jimmy, to prove his plan was naive and stupid. And Jimmy's angry. He spent so much time, so much effort, he's throwing himself into a loveless marriage. So to the shock of everyone and out of spite he says "Thank you prince Xornoth, I Jimmy of the Ocean empire accept your proposal." and slams the door and leaves.
Jimmy goes to a balcony and freaks out, because Scott and Joey looked both hurt by it. Joey will murder him for trying to marry his crush. Scott will hate him now for sure and "Why did I do that?!" His angsty boy phase is interrupted by the Wither rose alliance who come to "congratulate" him on his new engagement and only the girls sound genuine. As per tradition, Scott invites Jimmy to Rivendell to "meet his future husband properly"
So Jimmy takes his things from the lost empire, trying to avoid Joey, because it looked like they were starting to bond (Joey liked Jimmy's plan to marry the twins and even joked he would help Jimmy woo Scott) and now he betrayed him. The last part I have for the AU, is that Jimmy slowly befriends Xornoth and after the discovery that Xornoth likes Joey, but he's just a bit much sometimes, he decides to wingman them.
The ultimate wingman move Jimmy pulls is by approaching both Joey and Xornoth with another proposal - A three way marriage. "I might not marry for love, but I think you should have the chance." and they both accept. So the next month Jimmy reannounces his marriage for the 3rd time. Now it's up to Scott to make a move :)
Bonus bits:
Jimmy: "Remember my stupid plan to avoid war? The plan when we marry the elf twins? The plan that would never work? The plan you opposed? That plan!"
Scott at the altar: Jimmy please, just say "I do"
Jimmy: "This is my villain speech and I want no interruptions. You see I've recently had three fiancees-"
Xornoth: turns to Joey "Are you sure you still want him as your best man?"
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riobug · 3 years
For the Jimmy breaks Xornoth out of the Nether au, Xornoth ends up hiding the fact he's Xeor's champion and becomes a guard or advisor to Jimmy. This means he never get into a relationship with Joey, as said emperor sees him as not very powerful, and Scott, who was raised on the bigotry view that demons were the spawn of Xeor and therefore bad, never even considers Jimmy as an Ally, much less a lover. Result is Jimnoth. ☀️
why are my anons full of jimnoth truthers how did you get here /nm
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prismadog · 1 month
I don't really feel like doing much so here's some sketchy sleepy jimnoth for your enjoyment :) I couldn't decide if I wanted them to have a blanket or not, so I did both!
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[Version 1: Jimnoth without the blanket]
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[Version 2: Jimnoth with the blanket]
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prismadog · 2 months
Images are below the read more line because there's five of them and they take up quite a bit of space in the post
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Jimmy 7'4" Exor 4'5" * * average height for a mule deer
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Jimmy 7'4" Exor 10' * * also the same height as Lizzie (not pictured)
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Jimmy 7'4" * Exor 30' * Jimmy is starting to disappear
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Jimmy 7'4" * Exor 60' * Jimmy is sooo tiny
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Jimmy 7'4" * Exor 100' * Jimmy is now an ant
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prismadog · 3 months
I am having THOUGHTStm right now
Flower Husbands vs Jimnoth thoughts
ANGSTY thoughts!
thoughts about how Elfking Scott, several hundred years old, has memories of a certain blond haired man who once gave him a poppy.
thoughts about how that same man went from being a canary with yellow wings to being a demigod codboy.
thoughts about how that same demicod has his demon brother's attention
thoughts about how his demon brother has the demicod's attention too
thoughts about how Scott, who once was a hobbit in a flower forest, is watching his husband slowly fall in love with someone else
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prismadog · 1 month
I can't draw it or write it right now, but I have a scene in my head for the jimnoth au, or more specifically, for the future after the ending.
y'all remember that one meme thing where the mom bursts into her kid's room and says "you're having sex!" and the kid just looks at their friend and says "why didn't you tell me, I would've put my book down"
that. except with jimmy and xornoth. and it's scott or grian / lizzie bursting into the room.
so like ---
Xornoth and Jimmy are in Xornoth's bedroom together, both sitting on the bed. Xornoth is reading a book and Jimmy is carving something.
scott: *bursts into Xornoth's bedroom* "You two're having sex!
Xornoth: *barely looks up from their book* we are? Jimmy, why didn't you tell me, I would've put my book down.
Jimmy: *confused fish noises*
or ---
Jimmy and Xornoth are sitting together in Jimmy's house, probably on the couch in the front room. Jimmy is looking over documents for the Council and Xornoth is reading.
Grian: *bursts through Jimmy's front door* you two are having sex!
Jimmy: *barely looks up from his papers* really? Xornoth, why didn't you tell me? I would've put these documents away.
Xornoth: *turns a page* sorry, I know how important your council work is and didn't want to distract you
Grian: *disgruntled fish noises*
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prismadog · 2 years
I finally finished the concept sketches for the emperors of Empires season 1, for my Jimnoth au fic to Love my Enemy. It's taken me like half a month to complete just the sketches cause there are so many little details and design choices that I wanted to include for some of the characters.
fyi, these are just the basic sketches so they're not very refined and on many of them, you'll see nipples and toes peeking through where there are clothes. I plan to clean them up at a later date and refine them, maybe even add color but we'll see.
anyway, here's the concepts! and because this is going to be a long post, I'll put it under a line. their heights will also be typed out below each picture in both inches and centimeters.
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Empires Cast - Full Height Chart
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Shrub - 4'3" / 129.5 Katherine - 5'4" / 162.6 Joel - 5'8" / 172.7
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Fwhip - 5'10" / 177.8 Gem - 5'11" / 180.3
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Joey - 5'11" / 180.3 Sausage - 6'0" / 182.9
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Pixlriffs - 6'0" / 182.9 Pearl - 6'4" / 193.0
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Scott - 6'9" / 205.7 Xornoth - 6'9" / 205.7
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Jimmy - 7'4" / 223.5 Lizzie - 8'0" / 243.8
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prismadog · 2 years
guess who just finished the refined line-art for their Jimnoth au...that's right, it's me, I got the character concepts drawn. they're still uncolored (and they'll probably remain that way for a long time, but hey, I got them drawn at least)
I also plan at a later date to make some posts regarding the characters' backgrounds, not seriously long posts like this (hopefully), but kinda just the basics like their family or empire - there is SO much that's locked up in my brain that needs to be spilled.
there's several images below - the full height chart plus close-ups - and I'm going to include some details below each image. this is going to be a bit of a long post, but hope y'all enjoy!
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[from left to right] row 1: Shrub, Katherine, Joel, Fwhip, Gem, Joey, Sausage row 2: Pixlriffs, Pearl, Scott, Xornoth, Jimmy, Lizzie
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Shrub - 4'3" / 129.5 Katherine - 5'4" / 162.6 Joel - 5'8" / 172.7
Shrub has many scars from her childhood because she grew up in the Nether in a crimson forest. she was raised as a farmer but knew a good deal about fighting because a close friend used to be a warrior.
the piercings she has on her ears are made of gold - gold keeps piglins calm, though her earrings wouldn't have been enough. before coming to the Overworld, she had gold bands on her wrists.
the mushroom hat and boots are just for aesthetics because of where she grew up [these may be colored like the crimson mushrooms later on]. the gnomes of her village had mushroom accessories to help them blend in with their surroundings.
she has a very distinct lack of breasts due to her being a part of a very androgynous, "sexless" race - they still have the concept of gender but they don't have the male/female sexes. this means that Shrub essentially has pecs instead of breasts, very muscled ones because she is a tiny strong boi who could bench press an average man
Katherine is a faerie with cat features - it is very common for the faeries of the Overgrown to have features of some sort of animal.
she walks around barefoot because she likes the feel of the grass on her feet, but also because it makes her feel grounded - she will wear shoes on occasion, specifically when she's going to other empires
Katherine has several piercings, something that was influenced by her childhood friend Scott - some are silver and some are gold.
the bands she wears are engraved with blessings from her people - long life, love, good will, strength, and courage. this is a common type of gift from one faerie to another.
due to her cat-eyes, she can see very well in the dark, and she has exceptional hearing thanks to her large ears.
Joel is a very chill guy who wears light, but very detailed clothing - those of Mezalea live in a hot and humid area and believe it would be suicidal to wear heavy clothing (like the real King of Mezalea on the youtubes)
he doesn't care much about shoes because he likes the feel of the clay and moss on his feet - he will however wear shoes on occasion if he's traveling to any cold biome (ie Scott's empire).
the symbol of his people and his empire is the Mother Tree [design was inspired by the Celtic tree of life] and he wears it proudly - it was the Mother Tree who allowed Mezalea to blossom and it was also the Mother Tree that breathed life into Joel himself [more on this later in a future post]
he is a bit on the thicker side due not only to how bountiful the food is in Mezalea - their main food source is horse - but also because he works a lot with large, heavy blocks of clay and moves statues around near-daily. [not shown] his hands and clothes are often stained with clay because he likes to sculpt figures and statues.
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Fwhip - 5'10" / 177.8 Gem - 5'11" / 180.3
Fwhip is a mischievous guy that wears quite a bit of clothing for not only aesthetic but also out of necessity because of his work in the labs - the scarf was made by his (and his siblings') mother when he was little.
he, like his twin Gem and his little brother Sausage, have some form of dragon features because while their mother was human, their father was not - however, for much of Fwhip's life, he only had the horns, the wings came later on when the Grimlands blessed him with power when Xornoth tried to corrupt the land.
Fwhip broke his right horn in a lab accident when he was a teen - he thinks it makes him look badass.
[not pictured] he has some scarring in multiple places - burns and cuts - from various incidents during his experiments.
Gem wears thicker clothing because the Crystal Cliffs can get quite cold - any hats she may wear all have holes made in them to allow room for her horns.
unlike her twin, Gem does not have wings, but instead she has a near-endless supply of magic, something that neither of her bothers naturally possess - this was a point of contention between them all in their younger years.
the moon and stars she wears represent her empire of the Crystal Cliffs
she carries around a Wither Rose that's been preserved with magic - it's something that she and her brothers share, though they have their roses in safe-keeping in their homes.
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Joey - 5'11" / 180.3 Sausage - 6'0" / 182.9
Joey is an avian with multi-colored wings [not shown] - his family is the only one in the Maztec empire that is avian, everyone else is a cat-person.
he is also fairly light, not bird-light, but just much lighter than the average person due to being an avian.
he wears very little, very loose clothing because 1) it makes him look hot as fuck and 2) the jungle he resides in is hot as fuck
the bands and other jewelry are common-place in the Maztec empire, as well as tattoos - tattoos are seen as a sign of strength and beauty, strength because it takes a strong person to endure the tattooing process and beauty because they're just into that.
the symbol that adorns all of Joey's clothing represents everlasting life - something his people worship unconditionally. the other symbol that sometimes accompanies the symbol of immortality [the flame/heart thing on the sash] represents the Eternal Flame, the Heart of the Maztec empire.
Sausage, like his siblings, has dragon horns, though his are much smaller than theirs' because he's several years younger than they are - the three hellions of the Wither Rose Alliance are a few years older than one would assume.
the scar on his face was given to him in a training accident when he was a child - he almost lost his eye but thanks to the clerics and mages in Mythland, they were able to heal his eye.
he's a bit heavier than his siblings because Mythland loves their feasts and festivals, also he has quite a bit of muscle from how hard he trains with a sword.
the symbols on his gloves are a sign of his contract with Xornoth - he gave up his soul to the demon just as the demon gave their soul to Exor.
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Pixlriffs - 6'0" / 182.9 Pearl - 6'4" / 193.0
Pixlriffs looks older than the other rulers, but that doesn't mean he's the oldest by any means, or does it? he plays the role of father to not only Pixandria but also his family/alliance members - Joel, Lizzie, and Jimmy.
he has lightning markings from his right hand down to his left foot - these aren't scars or tattoos but actually a blessing from the thunder gods marking him as their Champion. he is also blessed by the Goddess of Death and is Her prophet, though, he doesn't have any markings to represent that, not that he needs any. She instead gives him visions and a deep connection with the Vigil.
the clothing of Pixandria is simple, lightweight, and usually colored in neutral tones, specifically in the range of white to sand-colored. the designs are embroidered by hand and many include the symbol of Pixandria - the Death's-head Hawkmoth.
each of the charms and symbols on his clothing, minus the star on his headpiece and the copper symbol on his bands, are designs taken from the Death's-head Hawkmoth itself.
[extra fact] as well as beekeeping, Pixandria is home to Death's-head Hawkmoths and vultures, and both are seen as sacred creatures.
Pearlescent Moon
Pearl was originally a scarecrow built from cloth and straw, made by a lonely farmer who wanted to protect his crops. she spent many years protecting his fields and wished desperately to return the love the farmer had shown her through his tributes and gifts - the most extravagant being a simple pearl that he fashioned into a necklace.
the God of the Sun and of Life, granted her wish and she became the Guardian of the Harvest. from then on she watched over the farmer's fields, and later the fields of anyone who settled nearby. the people gave her the title "Queen" because they saw her as the protector and ruler of Guilded Hilanthia.
she has large golden wings that grew over time due to the magic in the land and the blessings of the Harvest. they, like the rest of her, are speckled from being under the sun for countless hours.
her clothes are very simple and light for ease of movement, whether she's strolling through the fields or protecting her lands and people from danger.
her symbols are the moon for the pearl around her neck, and sunflowers for her loyalty to her people and because it symbolizes the harvest.
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Scott - 6'9" / 205.7 Xornoth - 6'9" / 205.7
Scott is an elf with large snowy owl wings, something that is fairly common in his family - there are other elves that have wings but they are the minority. unlike Joey, he is not an avian, he's just a winged elf.
the symmetrical golden antlers are a blessing from Aeor and mark Scott as His Champion.
beauty and fashion are very important to the elves of Rivendell and many will wear as much jewelry as they can. Scott is no exception - he has multiple piercings with glittering diamond charms, and to match his earrings, he had charms and jewelry crafted for his antlers.
the clothing of Rivendell is thick and trimmed in fur because while the elves are a hardy people, they can still get cold from living high up in the mountains. for most outfits, there are symbols of Aeor and Rivendell stitched into the clothing.
Scott, while being on the thinner side, is actually quite toned beneath the layers of warm clothing - he needs to be in order to support his large wings and fly with them.
Xornoth is currently a demon, though, they once were an elf just like their younger twin Scott. and like their brother, they once had snowy owl wings, but those were stolen by the God Exor - [not shown] there are ragged scars on Xornoth's back where their wings used to be.
Exor also blessed Xornoth with their own set of antlers, though unlike Scott's, their antlers are twisted and covered in thorn-like spines. after they were blessed by the dark god and became His Champion, their body twisted as well and transformed into that of a demon.
they have several piercings, a product of their previous life as an elf of Rivendell, though the jewelry they wear is far from fancy - it's just simple silver and gold. the bands they wear are engraved with their contract to Exor. the rings on their fingers are the only thing they kept after becoming Champion - the one on their left index finger is actually a gift from their brother.
Xornoth has many scars due to the hundreds of years they spent in exile in the Nether. they literally fought to survive, but was eventually able to become a force to be reckoned with that no resident of the Nether wanted to fight, save of course, for Shrub who's village was terrorized by the demon.
there's not many options to get new clothes so they wear a simple, stitched together skirt that they made with their own hands, not that they really care that much anymore about modesty. [I didn't wanna draw demon dick, hence, skirt]
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Jimmy - 7'4" / 223.5 Lizzie - 8'0" / 243.8
Jimmy is one of two eggs remaining from a batch of hundreds - their parent was a mighty eldritch beast blessed by the Deity that ruled over the Ocean and the singular batch of eggs was a sign of their bond. sadly, the war between the gods Aeor and Exor killed their eldritch parent and crushed their seablings' eggs. he was raised by his elder sister, Lizzie, who hatched several years before he did.
[not shown] his hair is colored yellow to better fit in with the cod people but his actual hair color is a soft pink (much like Lizzie's minecraft skin), which goes well with the pearlescent pink scales that cover his body.
like his sister, he has quite a few scars gathered over the years from fights against the salmon, the worst one being the spiderweb scar over his left eye. this scar was one of the first he got, during the first salmon war when he was still a child, and because of it, he is actually blind in his left eye.
he's fairly muscular because swimming around in the ocean for hundreds, if not thousands, of years can really build up a person's body. though, he does actually have a bit of fat because the ocean is also a very cold place and fat is a natural defense against the cold.
his outfit is simple and lightweight, and fairly loose because he has the ability to transform his legs into a tail. he also has the ability to change his size, though it really only happens when he takes on his merfolk form [more on this in a future post]. he wears rain boots because 1) he thinks they're fashionable, 2) they're easy to take on and off, and 3) he lives in a swamp. as for his leggings, those were specially made for him and are designed to represent the Cod Empire.
he doesn't wear many accessories but what he does wear mean a lot to him - the cloth bracelet is stitched with symbols of his family/alliance - Lizzie, Joel, and Pixlriffs. the pins on his top and the buckle on his belt are gifts from the cod people, and the gold circlet on his head is a sign of his being the Cod Empire's ruler. the circlet is a direct replacement after the cod mask and helmet were stolen from him.
Lizzie is the eldest of the two remaining eggs from their parents, and has deemed herself Jimmy's guardian and caretaker - she did raise him from a hatchling afterall. she is actually the healthier of the two because during the destruction of the batch of eggs, Jimmy's was damaged and her's was not.
[not shown] her hair is sort of two-toned where soft pink gradiates into a soft blue. the scales that cover her skin are a pearlescent blue instead of pink like her brother's.
she's covered in scars from all the many years that she's lived in the oceans and fought off any dangers that would threaten her or her brother - the dangers in question are mostly from battles with the salmon that terrorize the ocean, but also fisherman and pirates.
because she's a merfolk, she doesn't have breasts like a human female would - there's no need for breasts, nor nipples to that extent, because merfolk hatch from eggs. she does, however, have what is essentially a nice set of pecs because she's very strong and gets quite the workout from swimming around the ocean.
her outfit is very loose and quite revealing because she, like many merfolk, doesn't really care much about being modest - they usually have tails anyway instead of legs so there's not really anything to hide. she really only wears shoes when she visits other empires, specifically those with more extreme biomes, ie, Rivendell, Pixandria, the Maztec empire, etc.
she doesn't wear much for jewelry but she does have a few pins - an axolotl and one from the Cod Empire. she also likes the fishing lures that she finds in the ocean - the hooks on the lures are filed down to a point where they're no longer dangerous. she does, however, have one main accessory that she cherishes and that's the cloth bracelet stitched with the symbols of her family/alliance - Jimmy, Joel, and Pixlriffs.
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prismadog · 2 years
almost done with Ocean Queen Lizzie's concept for the jimnoth au, but I gotta take a break and go to bed. but before I do, I wanna share one little thing...well...two little things
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the lil guy on the left is part of the design while the lil guy on the right is the first concept for an axolotl pin/broach thingy that goes on Lizzie's dress (it'll make more sense when I upload the refined line-art)
I'm about 93-95% done with the line-art - I just have to add some clothing folds and Lizzie's scales - and when it's done, I'm def gonna upload it cause I'm really excited and happy with the concepts.
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prismadog · 2 years
after a whole day of struggles (and dicking around on my phone), I have finally finished 9 of 13 concept sketches for the emperors of Empires season 1. I think when I'm done with the initial sketches (only got 4 more to go), I'll get snapshots of them and share them here.
of course, I'll have more concepts to add later that include 24 of the hermits (doesn't include Gem or Pearl); and maybe some concepts for side characters like Misha (oc), Bubbles (Sausage's dog), Mother Wolf/wolves/Starlord, etc
but for now, I'm gonna take a little break to get something to eat, and then I'm gonna get back to work and draw Xornoth! and after XorXor will be Fwhip, Pixl, and Jimmy! then I can share the sketches :D
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prismadog · 2 years
Jimnoth has once again taken over my brainspace (finally) but instead of working on the fic, I am drawing concept art for what the characters look like.
so far, I've finished about half of the designs and I think they've come out pretty good. currently on Joey rn and lemme tell yah, this boy is the bane of my existence - he's got a ridiculous amount of little details
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prismadog · 2 months
I'm gonna stop dicking around and work on the Jimnoth AU. I can feel a headache coming on so I dunno how much I'll get done, but I'm gonna shoot for writing out at least two scenes / events.
then I think after that, I'll get something to eat or maybe work on some fanart, idk.
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prismadog · 3 months
it's 6 in the morning, it's hot and humid despite it raining outside, and I'm sitting here with a headache thinking about my jimnoth au.
I have a plan of action finally - gonna work first on a guideline because if I don't have this fic planned out, then it's never going to get done. I'm finding tho, that this fic, just based on the guideline alone, is going to be long. like super loooooooooong.
I'm not even done with planning out part 1 and it's already 5 pages long! and all's I'm writing is snippets, blurbs, for each section. and for some reason, it keeps getting longer? like what was originally 3 arcs has been doubled.
nothing wrong with that I guess, but I'm concerned of how long it's going to take. I mean, it's taken me a couple weeks now just to get through the first part. I thought I could knock this out in a month or so, but I think it's going to be longer than that.
I'll get through it eventually, I swear I will, because I wanna bring this fic to life. I just gotta take it one day at a time and pace myself.
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prismadog · 2 years
I'm knackered
I just finished the refined line-art for the jimnoth au, and lemme tell ya, it was exhausting. I'll be uploading it sometime tomorrow but only after I've had a full night's sleep, and also figure out why tumblr won't let me add the full height chart image (maybe it's too big? idk)
g'night y'all
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