#jin go lo ba
wonderkat11 · 8 months
Jin Go Lo Ba: Like a BAKA
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rastronomicals · 8 months
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4:55 PM EDT October 30, 2023:
Babatunde Olatunji - "Jin-Go-Lo-Ba (Drums Of Passion)" From the album   The World's Behind You: A Velvet Underground Companion (April 2023)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Absolutely free Free Free! with the June 2023 Mojo
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maikingsenseofit · 2 years
Canonical evidence of Mai and Zuko’s unrelenting love for each other
I’ve seen many claim that in Zuko’s flashbacks we see Mai have a crush on Zuko, but that feeling wasn’t shown to be reciprocated, thereby emphasizing that their relationship came out of nowhere and was a late stage addition by the creators. But there are several details that hint otherwise, the most prominent one being that Mai was mentioned in Zuko’s flashbacks, was associated with happy memories with his mother, and was important enough to him to be an integral aspect of his childhood. And also, Zuko blushing back when talking about knocking an apple off of a head, while practicing his knife skills in front of Azula.
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And of course when Azula mentions how Zuko and Mai have had childhood crushes on each other in the Going Home Again comic:
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Speaking about the Going Home Again comic, Zuko explicitly mentions that “he missed seeing this side of Mai” - in reference to her carefree, outgoing emotions. Zuko’s banishment, Mai’s isolation from those her own age, and her repressive household have caused her to become a shell of what she once was. But she will always fondly remember the times she used to throw mud in Zuko’s face.
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Now let’s talk about the Legacy of the Fire Nation book, which is surprisingly cited as “anti-Maiko” “pro Zutara” material as some users on the app. (As a separate aside, Iroh absolutely understands the powerful friendship between Zuko and Katara, and the other Gaang inserts can be interpreted as equally romantic (Was that all you were, or were you something more - something Iroh said about Sokka and Zuko)).
Also keep in mind the author Joshua Prett stated that he wasn’t allowed to introduce any new plot resolutions, which is why Izumi and Mai are mostly omitted save for this one golden piece of information.
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I’ve seen many try and use this excerpt as hard evidence that Iroh absolutely detested the idea of mai and zuko. But the thing is, Iroh is explicitly referencing his and Zuko’s journey involving Ba Sing Se and the search for the Avatar, which is why he mentions the desert, Zuko having trouble sleeping, and finally, his relationship with Mai.
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Although it’s a small mention, it’s an important one. It shows that throughout his exile, Zuko was thinking about Mai. So much so that he confided in Iroh about it.
Ive seen some try and make the argument that “living through something” means an explicit negative connotation. But let’s objectively analyze this. When Zuko feels something, he feels it deeply. So much so that the people around him are also enveloped in those feelings, like we saw in The Beach. Zuko missing and agonizing over Mai, even when she’s not there, and so much so that Iroh lives through his feelings, shows that she’s always been on his mind. Living through something means vicariously experiencing the other persons thoughts and emotions.
My personal, not so head canon: When Iroh suggests Zuko go on a date with Jin to experience being a normal teenager and shake him from his pessimism, it’s quite in line with canon to interpret this as him wanting to stop pining over Mai. Of course, that doesn’t work mainly because of Zuko’s guilt and hesitation (he will never be a normal teenager, so why the pretense) but also because Zuko isn’t over Mai. I mean we saw how he acted when Mai broke up with him and dated Kei Lo :)
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Couple this with the fact that in the uncut script of the Avatar the Last Airbender cartoon, Mai gave Zuko a heart shaped rock for him to hold onto during his banishment. (Cr. Minireklamo)
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But perhaps the most amazing part is when Mai is shown to be enjoying tea and pai sho with the rest of the Gaang members. The Gaang is an undeniable, essential part of Zuko’s life. He chose to share that part with the love of his life. And mai, despite being reserved and reluctant to enjoy things most times, is an active participant in this intimate part of Zuko’s life. She’s engaging with his friends. She doesn’t scoff or turn away. Zuko’s friends become her friends. She is so important to Zuko that he chooses to share this happy, comfortable moment with her. They might be from different backgrounds, opposite sides of the war, but they all love Zuko. Also Mai and Aang are besties by the way, and Aang (Zuko’s best friend and most important ally, and the most important part of his redemption and reckoning) canonically describes Mai as Zuko’s soulmate.
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“I’m happiest of all for Zuko. He is the new firelord. And it seems he found a real soulmate in Mai. She’s so much prettier now that she smiles.”
Being a fan of Mai and Maiko means you are at a distinct disadvantage - Mai is not one of the main members of the Gaang and therefore has 1/8th of the screen time of everyone else. She’s not subject to the same emotional, groundbreaking journeys that the rest of the Gaang embark on with Zuko. Very little is shown of her childhood and upbringing, so the audience is left to reconcile with what we are given in canon. While the show is limited, the Avatar universe expands a great deal on the budding relationship between two childhood best friends, lovers, and soulmates. It is up to the reader individually to determine how much they want to recognize in their interpretations - but it does not change that in the canonical universe of Avatar the Last Airbender, Mai and Zuko were destined to be together and forever. PS: Seeing as fans of other ships pick up what they want to from these in universe materials as insurmountable evidence for their ship, I want to see more Maiko fans appreciate the nuggets of information we have from them.
The point is, Mai and Zuko were never written by the creators to be a random ship that suddenly popped up in Zuko’s life. We see explicit evidence of their reciprocated crushes in the show itself. We see that Mai was such an integral aspect of Zuko’s happy childhood that she’s mentioned in his fondest and deepest memories. She was introduced to the show outside of her relationship with Azula , in contrast to Ty Lee, who we see only when she joins Azula’s team. Her character was given arguably one of the coldest, rawest lines in the whole show. In universe canonical materials suggest that Mai never stops loving Zuko, Zuko never stops loving Mai, and their breakup was only temporary, given how Bryke themselves said “I wish we could turn the comics into an in between show. We were going to show a mini clip of old Zuko and Mai.”
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splorp · 8 days
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borahaejenn · 13 days
I’m laughing so hard because I thought I wouldn’t have the time to post the videos but here I am posting them. I did these early but I didn’t think I had time to edit and download but I had time today and got them up just in time for the 13th 🥰 I guess I’ll post them to add to the celebrations for these next days. I’m super early and it’s like 1:40am here but I know when I wake up it will be the 13 in Korea haha I’ll go sleep after this letter.
Also, MIN YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(still typing excessively but taking a break lmaoo) oooooooooooOoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGIIIIIII!!! Lord we finally get to see you. You don’t know how much we have been wondering about you too and I saw the OT7 picture and I can’t I just can’t. 😭 I am glad you are doing well our YOOOOONGIIIIIIII!!! I just had to say this lol I don’t say this in the videos as I did them before everything went down yesterday lol but I’ll say it here. lol
And Namjoon have you seen all the memes ARMY made with the saxophone lol I love y’all so freaking much like beyond what the word “freaking” is lol I want to do a voice over commentary but I’ll see because it was all so glorious yet funny because Jin was just there and in comes everyone and I just heard a faint noise and I was like “damn they got a band and everything” lol but then you came in scene and I dropped everything again and laughed so effin hard and I can’t. That is the type of humor I am talking about lol so normal yet out of context as dynamite is being played. I love to see it. Lmaoooooooooo 😂😂 Talk about extraordinary occurrences and what you did is one of them. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I still remember the first time I came across y’all and seeing you the first time Joonie, I was like “I love him” lol game recognizes game. I knew at some point you were just as random as me. I was right to feel that way lol you get out of context humor. You hit the mark. Lmaooo I just love that you have the audacity to pull your talent with the saxophone out of nowhere to show everyone lol go off, Mr. Kim. Stunt on us lol I love how you wore shades too it adds to the ambiance and vibe. lol it’s giving Lisa Simpson lol
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And before I go, I just want to say again, I LOVE U. And thank you Taehyung for borahae lol I say it in some songs to change lyrics and it just flows for this occasion. 😌👌🤣
But I’ll go now. Oh and here is the list of tracks because I didn’t write them on top of the videos. I talk too much and got into a lot of random things that I didn’t really do many tracks but I stuck to some I wanted to convey more lol
💜The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson
💜Never Let Go - Jungoooooogiiiiiiee
💜Worlds On Fire - Afrojack, R3HAB, Au/Ra
💜Super Tuna - Jin
💜Everything I have Is Yours - Billie Holiday
💜Please Don’t Change - Jungoooooooooggggggggiee, DJ SNAKE Sunbaenim
💜Ven Porque Te Necesito (Come because I need you) - Los Temerarios
💜Dynamite- Taio Cruz
💜Spring Day- Tannnniess
Lastly, I really do hope everyone is safe today for the FESTA live and meeting with you Jin. I saw some of your live and read a lot of translations from the weverse posts you wrote and I really do hope everyone who goes understands and listens to you well. We all got this far because we have been big on consideration and trust and I hope it shows today, my loves. I just want everyone to have a good time and I love that you personally felt okay to push for hugging like 3000 ARMYs Jin. We need to cherish how precious that is. You thought alone to barter with the BTS CREW to do that and you pushed yourself out there for it because you felt okay to do so. That’s what is important and that trust is what we must protect. We love you Jin and we love you Bangtan even if you don’t do the same things as Jin. I think it’s important to stand on what is okay with you and what is not and I’m glad Jin brought that up as he didn’t want to add that pressure when the rest of y’all come back. All this consideration and thoughtfulness is what I love even if it may seem minor. We really have grown well, together. And still are. Hehe 💕 enjoy, eat deliciously, and FIGHTING!!!!! Do your best Jin, it’s okay if you may feel a little out of practice. Have fun. Singing should be fun too. As you said before, let’s live youthfully and enjoy the day that we felt was so long to come and it is finally here. 💜✨ I am happy.
Also, Jin, I just wanted to apologize to your besties at the military base lol this may sound funny but it’s like you left the army to come back to another ARMY and I feel we took you from them too and I saw that you did tear up but I love that you made wonderful connections and I only hope that your military homies understand that we honor them into our ARMY too. lol may they see you through YouTube lol but from one ARMY TO actual ARMYs in the ARMY, I send a lot of love.🥰FIGHTING!!!💜
Well, please stay hydrated ARMY, BTS CREW, and JIN. If it’s hot over there and take care of each other well. 💪🔥It feels so long since I have written a “I wish the best for your concert” letter lol I remember writing them through past tours in vlive. lol and here we are. May you all have a lovely BORA BORA HAE HAE DAY!!! Happy 11th BIRTHDAY!!! 🥳 FIGHTING!!!🌸
With love,
Your Jennifer 🐰✌️
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filamentzine · 2 months
Pink Maggit
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Α piece of music that needs to be played loud
Pink Floyd - Marooned
A piece of music that moves you forward
Mogwai - Take me somewhere nice
A piece of music that gets stuck in your head 
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
A piece of music that makes you want to dance
Joey Beltram - Energy flash
A piece of music that makes you feel badass
The Prodigy - Break & Enter
A piece of music that you remember from your childhood 
Fatboy Slim - Jin Go Lo Ba
A piece of music that reminds you your hometown
Μεθυσμένα Ξωτικά - Όλα κάνουν κύκλους
The piece of music you’ve listened to the most
Deftones - My own summer (Shove it)
Pink Maggit is an electro synth project based in Athens. He explores the moment and his feelings, through minimal waves, hard grooves and eerie synths that can make you dance or get lost in them. His numerous influences allow him to jump from genre to genre, fully focusing on what matters most -here and now. In 2023 he self released his debut album “Midnight Sun” which was later released as a vinyl via Veego Records in 2024.
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sleepycap · 10 months
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Fatboy Slim - Palookaville (2004)
An okay album, some good tracks in here.
Favorite Tracks: Don't Let the Man Get You Down, Wonderful Night, Put It Back Together, Mi Bebé Masoquista, North West Three, The Journey, Jin Go Lo Ba, Song for Chesh
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memorableconcerts · 1 year
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SANTANA at Estádio José Alvalade - Lisbon - Portugal
Sábado 27 de Julho de 1991
1ª Parte -  Happy Mondays e Salif Keita 
1991 Tour
Life Is for Living
It's a Jungle Out There
Somewhere in Heaven
No One to Depend
We Don't Have to Wait
Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen
Oye cómo va (Tito Puente cover)
Samba pa ti
Right On / Get On
Agua que va caer
Blues for Salvador (Carlos Santana song)
Peace on Earth ... Mother Earth ... Third Stone From the Sun
Angels All Around Us
Spirits Dancing in the Flesh
Soul Sacrifice
Europa (Earth's Cry, Heaven's Smile)
Jin-go-lo-ba (Babatunde Olatunji cover) (Jingo)
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imoim36news · 1 year
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Nam diễn viên Lee Byung Hun gần đây đã thể hiện sự gắn bó của mình với công ty BH Entertainment bằng cách gánh vác mọi chi phí cho một hội thảo của công ty được tổ chức tại Đà Nẵng. Hội thảo có sự tham gia của khoảng 62 người, bao gồm cả Lee Byung Hun, cũng như các diễn viên tên tuổi khác như Han Hyo Joo, Kim Go Eun, Lee Jin Wook, Park Bo Young, Lee Ji Ah và Choo Ja Hyun, cùng với các giám đốc điều hành và các nhân viên. Hội thảo diễn ra từ ngày 9/5 và kéo dài trong bốn ngày ba đêm. Nó được tổ chức để kỷ niệm 17 năm thành lập BH Entertainment.Lee Byung Hun cùng dàn sao Hàn đình đám tới Đà Nẵng. (Ảnh: IT).Trong bài đăng Instagram mới nhất của mình, Lee Byung Hun đã chia sẻ một bức ảnh của anh ấy với công ty BH Entertainment trong chuyến đi của họ. Theo Edaily, nam diễn viên 53 tuổi tổ chức chuyến đi cùng với hơn 60 người gồm nhân viên và diễn viên trực thuộc công ty đến Đà Nẵng từ tuần trước. Họ tham gia kết hợp hoạt động team building với kỳ nghỉ 3 ngày tại Đà Nẵng.JTBC tiết lộ, Lee Byung Hun đã đề xuất ý tưởng cho chuyến đi đặc biệt này vào cuối năm ngoái và công ty đã ủng hộ. Tuy nhiên, họ đã mất khá nhiều thời gian để chuẩn bị, lên kế hoạch và điều phối lịch trình khi có hơn 60 người, bao gồm cả những diễn viên hạng A liên tục bận rộn với lịch trình dày đặc, tham gia. Truyền thông cũng tiết lộ diễn viên "Quý ngài ánh dương" đã lo toàn bộ chi phí cho chuyến sang Việt Nam. Con số ước tính lên tới khoảng 100 triệu won, tương đương 75.000 USD. Trên Instagram, anh đã đề cập rằng đây là một hội thảo mà mọi người ở BH Entertainment đều mơ ước.Theo đề nghị của Lee Byung Hun, tất cả thành viên của gia đình BH đều tham dự hội thảo, ngoại trừ trường hợp vướng lịch trình quay phim. Choo Ja Hyun, đang ở Trung Quốc để quay "Đạp gió 2023" cũng sang Việt Nam tham gia sự kiện này.Lee Byung Hun tài trợ hoàn toàn cho chuyến đi. Ảnh: IT.BH Entertainment được Lee Byung Hun thành lập từ năm 2006 và hiện là công ty quản lý của hàng trăm diễn viên nổi tiếng. Một số nghệ sĩ khác của công ty như Han Ga In,...
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bambi101 · 2 years
FatBoy Slim – Jin Go Lo Ba (Hey Dan Edit)
Hey Dan · FatBoy Slim – Jin Go Lo Ba (Hey Dan Edit) [FREE DOWNLOAD] Download Follow Hey DanSoundCloud: soundcloud.com/heydanuk from Deep House – SMASH THE CLUB | Free DJ Edit Remixes Mashups, EDM Blog, DJ Blog, Trap Blog, DJ Mp3 Pool, Remixes, Edits, Bootlegs https://ift.tt/GS7vEYF
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wonderkat11 · 5 months
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JD: Bow, Arrows, and Ribbons
This is the artwork of Apache (Jump On It) using his bow & arrow of shooting, & his sister, Jin Go Lo Ba using her new move of ribbons for Just Dance who can fight in African Crime! I knew that Apache (Jump On It)'s 3rd Gold Move shows that he puts his right hand beside of himself and threw his left hand to the right, as he was shooting a bow with an arrow, while to Jin Go Lo Ba, her dance move from the Puppet/Party Master Modes shows that her move Tribal Lasso, is where she does her lasso whip, but her weapon was of course a ribbon lasso, that's what she had in common.
Anyways, I hope this Just Dance Fanart gave me Mortal Kombat & Super Smash Bros. vibes, but I hope it's time for Apache (Jump On It) & Jin Go Lo Ba to use their weapons to fight crime into their bow, arrow, & the tribal lasso!
Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Artmaker.
Rules: DO NOT STEAL MY ART! No Rude Comments please.
Apache (Jump On It) & Jin Go Lo Ba both belong to Just Dance: The Series (Ubisoft).
See also: Speedpaint: www.youtube.com/watch?v=YODZ7C…
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odk-2 · 4 years
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Babatunde Olatunji - Jin-Go-Lo-Ba (Drums of Passion) (1960)                                    (AKA "Jingo") Babatunde Olatunji from "Olatunji!: Drums of Passion" LP (2002 CD Re-Release)
"Jin-Go-Lo-Ba"was the most popular song on the album ("Drums of Passion"), and sold millions of copies as a single. - Wikipedia
JukehostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Babatunde Olatunji: Vocals / Drums / Percussion Baba Hawthorne Bey: Drums / Percussion Roger "Montego Joe" Sanders: Drums / Percussion Taiwo DuVall: Drums / Percussion
Chinyelu Ajuluchuku: Vocals Ida Beebee Capps: Vocals Afuavi Derby: Vocals Akwasiba Derby: Vocals Helen Haynes: Vocals Dolores Oyinka Parker: Vocals Delzora Pearson: Vocals Ruby Wuraola Pryor: Vocals Barbara Gordon: Vocals Helena Walker: Vocals Louise Young: Vocals
Produced by Al Ham
Recorded: @ The Columbia Records Studios on August 14th and 20th and October 1, 1959 in New York City, New York USA
Released on February 15, 1960
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
Sorry for asking if you already dealt with this, but what are your HCs for post-war Hama, Dai Li/Long Feng, Song, Lee the village kid, Jin, Zuko's crew members/how Zuko dealt with the legacy of Koizilla, & the spread of bloodbending. Because I read the ATLA comics in part to find out answers to these questions but alas I found no answers, which is maddening considering they invented a lot of plot lines that I though were unnecessary but failed to give resolution to the ones created in the show.
In the Continuation verse?
Hama gets to reform and become an elder of the Southern Water Tribe. Katara makes a very specific point to seek her out, to give her a chance to return and it's a part of her own growth arc (and I actually intend to do a three-shot in the anthology collection about that because I don't like boiling down an entire world to one family's dysfunctional drama). Hama deserved better and she damned well gets it. This is at least part of what shapes Katara's attitude to Azula in the story though it hasn't come up yet because the two haven't interacted much.
The Dai Li have a bit of a schism where there's plenty of people who think that restoring Kuei was a mistake and as long as Azula was dead they had nowhere else to go. When she pops back up alive again, all of a sudden things go pear-shaped from a direction nobody anticipates and I have plans with that. Long Feng rots in obscurity as betraying his country to a fourteen year old, even THAT fourteen year old, discredited him for the duration. Kuei's cruelty to him showcases the start of his growth into the autocrat he becomes and he's the ultimate first target for an execution. That also comes up in a later chapter.
Zuko makes a point to give Song and her family restitution for stealing the ostrich horse in one of his first good gestures to try to make peace with people, which is going to be a one-shot in the anthology noting that he was in fact actually doing things other than flailing around fearing Azula for slightly over a decade. It's the first stirrings of the man Zuko grows into being, though he doesn't follow up on this step nearly as much as he could.
Lee has an interesting time when the guy he reacted badly to turns out to be the Fire Lord and then the whole scandal with what happened to Azula comes out. There's elements here that will show up in both the anthology and the main story and too much details on it will spoil things past a point.
Jin is living her best life working for Iroh in his shop and gets to live in peace remarkably untroubled by the Ba Sing Se Riots. No small part of Iroh's growth is that he actually defended the lives of people in the Ba Sing Se riots by his reputation alone and actually gives more to the city than he understood at that time. 'People' includes Jin's entire family, though he hasn't had a chance to speak about it yet. She's mentioned and the Ba Sing Se Riots and this story will appear in the anthology in a future installment in a Day in the Life of General Iroh storyline.
Koizilla is...complicated and let's just say that no small part of the growth of what becomes the Red Lotus and the Beware the Superman attitude applied to the Avatar is the dawning horror on the part of the other nations that if the Avatar and the Spirit World decree for reasons of their own that they're the baddies, now, that something like that could happen to them. Zuko's casual obliviousness to mishandling everything about a situation that actually did leave quite a few scars for him mentally is part of what's fueling the crisis he faces eleven years into the story. He did nothing and managed to do worse than if he had done something, however ineffectual.
In all of my stories Hama was bullshitting unknowingly when she said she invented Bloodbending, the technique is a known dirty trick of Waterbending and in the devastated progressive loss of the Southern Water Tribe's Waterbenders she sincerely did believe she invented it because much was lost, seemingly never to return. It didn't so much spread as the stories from the war meant that it went from dirty secret to Waterbenders' means of retaliation to the smugness of the Fire Nation. Until Amon's daddy invented a means to do it absent a full moon, however, the prospect of doing so was known to only one other person in the world and she said sweet fuck all about it hoping nobody else would discover how to do it (and that person is Katara).
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Jin-go-lo-ba ...
"Jin-go-lo-ba" (or "Jingo") is a song by Nigerian percussionist Babatunde Olatunji, featured on his first album Drums of Passion (1959).
Genre: Afrobeat
Songwriter(s): Babatunde Olatunji
Producer(s): Al Ham
Label: Columbia
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splorp · 14 days
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fandomcitymayor · 7 years
Jin-Go-Lo-Ba - Santana Blood In, Blood Out
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