#jiyan wuwa
soarien · 4 months
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dragons vs lemons
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fictionally-driven · 4 months
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Bruises and Blossoms
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Pairing: Jiyan x f! Midnight Rangers reader Word count: 3165 words Trigger warnings: Injuries, mentions of blood, violence, mentions of death. Plot: Jiyan is gravely injured and saved by the resilient and resourceful field medic, (Y/N), whose unwavering dedication and quick thinking catch his eye amidst the chaos of war.
Author Note: I have been writing fics about WuWa characters developing feelings for someone. I could not help but indulge in this after playing WuWa from the past few days. If you liked it, then reblogs are appreciated, Thank you!
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The battlefield was a symphony of chaos, the air thick with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid stench of smoke. Tacet Discords, their dark forms swirling like a malevolent storm, descended upon them. Jiyan led his troops into the fray against the looming threat to Jinzhou and Huanglong. His blade cut through the fog on the enemy with lethal precision.
But the Tacet Discords were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless as they swarmed over the battlefield. It felt like an other outbreak was on the verge of breaking through and Jiyan was resolved to quell it before it got to that point. Jiyan fought with all his strength, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he pushed himself beyond his limits to protect his troops from the brunt of the attacks.
Suddenly, amidst the chaos, a joint attack from the Crownless and the Tempest Memphis caught Jiyan off guard. Despite his best efforts, he found himself overwhelmed, his vision blurring as pain seared through his body. Blood filled Jiyan's mouth as he struggled to maintain his footing, his ears ringing with the clamor of battle. But even in the midst of his pain, he refused to yield, his determination unwavering as he faced his enemies head-on. Slaying the crownless, Jiyan collapsed to his knees, trying to catch his breath and recover. Black spots emerged in his vision and he shook his head, trying to remain focused. Amidst the chaos, a familiar voice cut through the din, pulling him back from the brink of darkness.
An on-field medic approached at Jiyan's side "General! focus on me," she urged, her voice firm yet comforting as she assessed his injuries. Her hands moving with practiced precision as she tended to his injuries with the supplies she was carrying. "Let me patch you up."
But Jiyan, his resolve as strong as ever, swatted her hand away. He insisted that he was fine, his voice strained with pain. "There are others who need your help more than I do," he protested, his gaze flickering with concern for his troops. “I’ll be alright.”
Yet the medic, undeterred by Jiyan's protests, remained steadfast in her resolve. "You need medical attention, General," she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Let me do my job."
"I'm not leaving you like this," She retorted, her tone firm as she continued to patch up Jiyan's injuries. "No man left behind, remember?"
As she outlined Jiyan's injuries in her terminal, recording and transmitting the message to the infirmary, she detailed the extent of his wounds. "He's broken his arm, sustained a deep femoral artery laceration, and has multiple contusions and abrasions," she reported, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "We'll need a transfusion and surgical intervention."
With practiced efficiency, she stabilized Jiyan's broken arm, carefully wrapping it in a makeshift splint to prevent further injury after removing his signature midnight green gardebras. Administering pain medication, she sought to alleviate his discomfort, her hands moving with gentle precision as she worked.
As she wrapped a tourniquet around his open wound to stem the bleeding, she barked commands to the surrounding troops, directing them to cover their path back to the infirmary. "We need a clear path, now!" She pointed to two soldiers. “You two. Cover for me and the general till we make it to the infirmary. Take defense positions at the back.” She then points to another soldier beside them. “You take the front. What? Do I look like I have sprouted two horns? Move. Now!”  With Jiyan's uninjured arm draped around her, she lifted the general up, staggering a bit due to his weight before stabilizing herself.
Despite his delirium from the pain and blood loss, Jiyan couldn't help but notice the warmth of her presence, her lively nature. "You're like a whirlwind, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice laced with admiration as she dragged him towards the relative safety of the infirmary.
Despite the chaos and confusion of the battlefield, Jiyan finds himself drawn to the medic at his side. Was she glowing? He couldn't help but wonder as he struggled to keep up with her brisk pace. How could someone be so beautiful, almost amidst the carnage of war? Though the scent of blood and smoke filled his senses, he could still smell was the antiseptic and medicines that she had used on him, comforting him. As she dragged him towards the infirmary, Jiyan weakly protested against her, insisting that he would be fine. She seemingly ignored his words, only to focus on the task at hand. And in that moment, as he clung to her for support, Jiyan knew that he was in good hands.
Inside the infirmary, the harsh lights made everything seem too bright and painful. Jiyan was gently lowered onto the bed, his muscles screaming in protest with each movement. Through bleary eyes, he watched as the medic busied herself. Jiyan’s eyes fixed on her, noting the blood, his blood, smeared on her skin and on her clavicle. He noticed the small injuries that marred her too. Her hair, disheveled from the chaos, fell out of place from its tie, framing her face. With his uninjured hand, he reached out and tucked a stray strand behind her ear, his touch lingering for a moment. “You are injured too. Make sure to get it patched.”
She glanced at him, a mix of frustration and tenderness in her eyes. "You need to rest, General," she admonished, her voice soft yet firm. "Let us handle the battlefield for now. Your troops need you to recover."
Jiyan managed a weak smile, his vision blurring again. "You... you're quite something," he murmured, his voice trailing off. “What is your name, soldier?”
She stood up, her expression softening as she looked down at him. "And you're quite stubborn," she replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Take care and recover soon. Your troops have got this, and you need to focus on resting." She wiped his blood off her using a few wet wipes as more medics gathered to tend to the general. “My name is (Y/N).” She said, as the medics began working on treating him.
Jiyan managed a weak smile, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion. "Thank you, (Y/N)." he murmured, his voice barely audible.
"You're welcome," she replied, still smiling. “Let the medics tend to you. I’ll be off now.”
As she turned to leave, her figure was haloed by the harsh light, making her seem almost ethereal. Jiyan watched her go, the scent of antiseptic and the warmth of her presence lingering even as he drifted into unconsciousness.
Days had passed since the chaotic battle, and Jiyan, who transferred to the hospital in Jinzhou city was gradually recovering. His body, still wrapped in bandages and dressings, bore the marks of the intense skirmish. His broken arm was securely cast, the deep laceration on his hip stitched and bandaged, and the myriad of contusions and abrasions were cleaned and dressed. The medics had done their job well, but amidst their care, Jiyan's mind lingered on one thought: the medic who had saved him.
(Y/N), she had said her name was. She hadn't served directly under him before, always stationed at a distant outpost. The recent upheavals had brought many changes to their forces, including her reassignment to the Northern border of Huanglong. He'd learned through her records that she was exemplary, her combat skills and medical background making her a perfect fit for an on-field medic. Jiyan knew he needed to thank her, not just for her skillful treatment, but for her unwavering determination to save his life.
Her image was etched into his mind: her firm yet gentle hands tending to his wounds, her unwavering resolve, and that fleeting moment when he had tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. Despite the pain and blood loss, he remembered the warmth of her presence
The Tacet Discord outbreak from that fateful day had been contained, though at a grave cost. Several lives had been lost, each one a heavy burden on Jiyan's heart. As he regained his strength, he prepared himself for a somber duty he never neglected: honoring the fallen. With a pouch of Emortia seeds in his hand, Jiyan made his way to Knell Square, the hallowed ground where he planted these seeds to commemorate the soldiers who had perished in battle.
Stepping out into the streets of Jinzhou, Jiyan felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. The city was alive with activity, but he sought solace in the quieter parts. His path took him away from the bustling marketplace, past the familiar landmarks of the city, and towards Knell Square.
As Jiyan approached the square, the familiar sight of Emortia flowers greeted him, their delicate petals swaying gently in the breeze. He paused for a moment, taking in the serenity of the scene, his heart heavy with the names and faces of the comrades he had lost. But then, his gaze caught sight of a solitary figure standing by the flower bed, lost in thought.
(Y/N) stood there, her posture relaxed yet somehow somber. She seemed absorbed in the sight of the flowers; her eyes distant as if she were communing with the spirits of those who had passed. The soft light of the late afternoon cast a gentle glow on her, highlighting the subtle strength and grace that had left such an impression on him.
Jiyan's heart skipped a beat as he watched her. He hadn't expected to run into her here, and the sight of her brought back a flood of memories from the battlefield. He wondered what she was thinking about, what memories or emotions had drawn her to this quiet place. He took a moment to observe her, the way her eyes seemed to soften as she looked at the flowers, the way her hands gently brushed against the petals. He cleared his throat, stepping beside her. "I didn’t expect to run into you in Jinzhou."
(Y/N) turned to him, a gentle smile forming on her lips. "General Jiyan," she greeted, her voice soft. “I see that you are recovering quickly.” She turned back to the flowers. “I was here to collect some personal supplies and stopped by to admire these flowers. They are quite beautiful, aren’t they?”
Jiyan nodded, stepping closer to stand beside her. "They do. Each one represents a life, a sacrifice. It's a way for me to remember and honor them. I plant these seeds for the rangers who lost their lives." he said quietly.
She looked back at the flowers; her expression thoughtful. "These flowers... they carry so many memories…”
There was a moment of silence between them, the weight of their shared losses hanging in the air. Jiyan took a deep breath, summoning the words he had been wanting to say. "Thank you," he began, his voice earnest. "For saving me that day. I owe you, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) waved a hand dismissively, but there was a twinkle in her eye. "I was just doing my duty, General. But next time, let me do my job without fighting back.” There was a hint of frustration in her eyes. “You of all people should know that without a general, the army would have fallen into disarray."
Jiyan felt a pang of sheepishness at her words, but he nodded in acknowledgment. "You're right," he admitted. "I was stubborn. But so were you. Your quick thinking and actions saved me. Your efforts will be formally acknowledged."
A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she shook her head. "No need for formalities, General. Knowing that you're alive and well is enough for me. I don't want praise," (Y/N) said, her voice firm yet soft. "I didn't do it for the recognition. I did it because it's my duty, and I want to be more efficient in that duty. I could have saved more lives that day if I was better."
Jiyan nodded slowly. "I do. It's a heavy burden, knowing lives depend on your actions. But that's also what makes it so important."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly, a spark of recognition flashing in them. "That's right. You were a medic before you became a general. I'd almost forgotten about that."
Jiyan smiled faintly. "It's not something I talk about often, but it's a part of who I am."
She gave him an incredulous look, almost looking offended. “You, of all people, should know better than to resist treatment on the battlefield! Next time, I'll tie you up if I have to."
A chuckle escaped Jiyan before he could stop it, and (Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise. "Something the matter?" he asked, bemused.
She shook her head, a look of astonishment on her face. "I don't think I've ever heard you chuckle before," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "It suits you more than your usual frown and scowl."
Jiyan was momentarily stunned by her words. He wasn't used to such candid observations about his demeanor. "I suppose I should thank you for that," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
(Y/N) returned his smile, her gaze focused on the sky for a moment, "I'll leave you to your moment with the flowers, General," she said, stepping back to give him space.
As she began to walk away, Jiyan found himself not wanting her to leave just yet. "Wait," he called after her, his voice catching slightly. "Would you... would you help me plant these seeds?"
(Y/N) turned back, her smile widening as she walked back to him. "Of course, General. I'd be honored."
They knelt together by the flower bed, the pouch of Emortia seeds in Jiyan's hand. He handed a few seeds to (Y/N), their fingers brushing lightly. Together, they dug small holes in the soil, carefully placing the seeds within.
"Each seed represents a life," Jiyan said quietly, his voice filled with reverence. "A sacrifice that must never be forgotten."
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes reflecting the same solemn respect. "And each flower that blooms is a reminder of their bravery and our duty to honor them."
They worked in silence for a while, the act of planting the seeds almost meditative. The gentle rustling of the flowers and the distant sounds of the city created a peaceful backdrop to their task.
As they finished planting the last of the seeds, Jiyan looked at (Y/N), admiration evident in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice sincere. "For everything."
(Y/N) smiled, her lively spirit shining through once more. "You're welcome, General. And thank you for your service. We all rely on your strength and leadership."
With the seeds planted, they stood together, taking a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of Knell Square. The Emortia flowers swayed gently in the breeze, their delicate petals a symbol of hope and remembrance.
"I should be going," (Y/N) said softly. "But if you ever need someone to tie you down for treatment again, you know where to find me, General."
Jiyan chuckled, a genuine smile breaking across his face. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied. “And please, call me Jiyan.”
“Jiyan…” She repeated, nodding at him. “Alright then, I’ll do just that.”
As (Y/N) repeated his name, a warm feeling spread through his chest. He didn't want her to leave just yet. There was something about her presence that he found comforting, something that made him want to know more about her.
He recalled Mortefi's words, a dear friend who often chided him for being too stoic and reserved. "You need to put yourself out there, Jiyan. Go on dates, meet new people, relax a little. Stop being a tragic brooding hero all the damn time and go live your life."
Jiyan had never thought he desired companionship. After all, the Jué had entrusted him with a duty, a responsibility that he had always taken seriously. But this woman, (Y/N), had come out of nowhere, stirring feelings within him that he had never felt before. It made him yearn for more and all he wanted was to be the subject of her attention at the moment.
Summoning his courage, Jiyan hesitated for a moment before calling out to her, his voice slightly awkward. "Um, (Y/N), wait!"
She turned back, a curious expression on her face as she regarded him. Jiyan stumbled over his words, his cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment. At this very moment, he felt as if he would rather fight a horde of the Crownless than speak his mind.  "I, uh, I was wondering if... if it would be alright for us to, um, go out for a nice dinner? And maybe catch a lion dance performance after?"
(Y/N) turned back, a slight smile playing on her lips as she observed Jiyan's flustered state. "Are you asking me out on a date, General?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
Jiyan hesitated, first blurting out. “N-no…that’s...” He immediately corrected himself. "I... uh... yes, I suppose I am," he admitted, his voice slightly uncertain. "If... if that's not out of line, I mean. I'm sorry, I should probably let you be..."
(Y/N) giggled, the sound light and musical, easing some of Jiyan's anxiety. "It's endearing to see the General so flustered," she said, her tone gentle and kind. “I’d like to see more of this side of yours, Jiyan.” She met his gaze, still amused. “So yes, I'd like to go on this date if you're still up for it."
Relief flooded through Jiyan, mingled with a newfound sense of excitement. He hadn't expected her to say yes, but now that she had, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. “Yes. It... Its settled then.”
(Y/N) nodded, her smile warm and inviting. "Alright then, Jiyan. When and where?"
Jiyan thought for a moment, his mind racing. "There's a lovely restaurant near the theatre. How about we meet there at seven tonight or is that too soon...?"
"Seven sounds perfect," she agreed. "I'll see you then."
As they exchanged contact information on their terminals, Jiyan's heart thudded in his chest, a mixture of nerves and excitement coursing through him. He watched as (Y/N) took off, her graceful form moving with purpose, and he couldn't help but admire her even more. With a final wave and a cheerful reminder to take care, she disappeared into the bustling city streets, leaving Jiyan standing there with a smile playing on his lips.
His gaze lingered on the spot where she had vanished, the memory of her infectious laughter and warm smile etched into his mind. For a moment, he placed his uninjured hand on top of his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath his palm. Yes, even he, General Jiyan, renowned for his stoicism and unwavering dedication to duty, found himself looking forward to tonight and the possibility of many more nights spent in (Y/N)'s company.
WuWa Masterlist
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goxjo · 4 months
*sobs* taking off general jiyan’s clothes during sex would be such a nightmare nd plus he’s almost always on the go so you never have enough time
cw. gagging, quickie
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♡ ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ꒰ ♡ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 + 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢 ♡ ꒱
“I only have a few minutes, angel,” he says as he swiftly unbuckles his belt with one hand, a skill he learned from the many many times he fucked you senseless in his private tent.
you know the drill. 15 minutes tops.
you should always be ready for him when he gets back, with your clothes already discarded and you never complain though he’s almost always fully clothed. he loves how you’re always so compliant.
he has you crawling on all fours, biting onto the edge of his gear just to keep you quiet. he has his cock sprung out, warm tip aligning on your puffy wet entrance. you hiss onto the cloth, now damp with drool as his gloved hand gathers your slick to lubricate his cock, his full length stretching you out almost immediately.
“Mmfrck.” he chuckles at your muffled moans, absolutely reveling at the sound of it and the sight of you, coming undone before him. your elbows begin to shake and it takes all of your wits to keep yourself balanced but your efforts are futile as his pace is ruthless. merely seconds into getting your pussy pounded, your upper half already collapses onto his mattress, cheek down, hands gripping onto his sheets for dear life.
“cream for me, angel,” he growls, breaths now hot and ragged, your ass stinging from the constant contact with his loose belt and gear. his fingers rub menacingly quick circles onto your clit, leather adding friction onto your sensitive bud and as if on command, your orgasm washes over you instantly. he props a hand on your back as his orgasm immediately follows from how tight you’re coiling around his cock.
“see you again at 3 pm, angel.”
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freyito · 4 months
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i need people to appreciate calcharo's nose bump. i give him a little kissy mwah mwah
also, the males in game have varying face shapes. i think that's pretty damn sick :D so far from what ive seen the females dont :( (ADDING ONTO THIS: TAOQI IS A LITTLE THICKER THAN THE OTHER FEMALE MODELS AND I THINK THATS PRETTY NEAT)
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yurinaa-world · 4 months
"𝐼'𝓂 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝓇𝓊𝓃𝓀!"
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Characters: Scar, Jiyan, Geshu Lin, & Calcharo x Gender-neutral Reader
Synopsis: Kisses while drunk?!
Warnings fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝒮𝒸𝒶𝓇 "𝒪𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓇 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝐹𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓈𝒾𝒹𝓊𝓈"
“Ugh...You’re such a bastard..”
Who would have known that Scar would also join you for drinks—sitting right in front of you with a grin—but now how you two are arguing? Well, it’s just you being a jealous drunk while he’s acting like his usual flirt since he isn’t forcing down a drink every second like you—this argument is completely one-sided.
You take another slip from the bottle—it used to be full but now you’ve left it almost empty—you sigh after your lips leave the bottle.
“You’ve shattered my heart with that insult.”
He’s mocking you! You can tell how he’s holding his laugh! His head was slightly tilted to the side while his chin was on his palm. 
“I hope it’s broken till it can’t be fixed!”  You huff and take another sip of your drink while he hums while ‘taking in your words in for consideration’—he’s just getting some information to tease you with when you're sober.
“Must have been fun to go on your ‘little date’”  
he snickers at your statement, such a jealous little lover of his. "You know you're the only person I'd love." His unoccupied hand went to your cheek, pinching and pulling at it while you frowned with annoyance. "You're my only one, darling~"  He smiled, his eyes closed as if enjoying a wonderful dream. You push his hand away, annoyed by his actions.
"Say that to your new lover."   You sneer at the thought. "Oh please," He scoffs, "who else in the entire world would I burn everything for? I'll give you a hint: it's the same person sitting in front of me"  His voice lowered into an even more teasing tone, leaning in closer to you—your lips inches away from each other—so close you could feel the heat radiating off his body, causing you to shiver in anticipation. His hand on your face is now gripping tightly on your cheek, making sure not to let you pull away as he leans forward and whispers lowly 
"And it's you. you're my everything.~" When leaning to kiss your lips—just like always it's rough—his hand moved down, cupping your jaw as he deepened the kiss, biting the bottom of your lip. You pull away trying to catch air and breathe out while flustered out of your mind.
"Why don't you call me a bastard again, hmm?"
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𝒥𝒾𝓎𝒶𝓃 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝒪𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈"
“Loosen up Jiyan, you're so tense!
He really should loosen up! always refusing to drink at parties. Even now that’s the case! you're both all alone together so he really should take a break and let his mind just go numb for a while with how much thinking he does.
He might not be able to resist you for any longer with how you are straddling his lap, an arm loosely around his neck and the other with a drink in hand—to get him to try—you were wasted out of your mind.
"You should calm down before you get hurt.” 
He tells you, very gently pushing you off of his lap and taking the drink from your hands. “Aren’t gonna drink it?” You clasp your hands together and beg him. which just makes it worse for him not to listen to you.
He listens to your request, immediately chugging the drink quickly and fast to get it over with just to make you happy.  
He could see how bright your smile was when he finished—how can you be so happy over something so small and how the way you giggled and squealed.
“See! You're not so tense anymore after a drink!”
He just sighs and pulls you close as you lean on him and rests your head against his chest. “You’ve had too many drinks..”
“But I want just one more.” 
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𝒢𝑒𝓈𝒽𝓊 𝐿𝒾𝓃 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝓂𝑒𝓇 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝒪𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈"
“You’re drinking too much..”
“Huh? I’ve only had three though?” You mutter, laying your head against his shoulder, while Geshu has his arm loosely around your waist—drinking his nonalcoholic drink while you had been drinking till your heart's content maybe too much with the fact you can’t even remember how many drinks you’ve had, and your face was sooo red.
All you feel is fuzziness, mind burry and just in general not having too much consciousness in your actions—yet you keep on drinking, small little cup yet still filled to the brim—with the warmth of his body, the solidity and softness made you want to come closer.
Looking to the side to see him smiling at you lovingly,  his eyes warm as he continues to hold you close. “I don't want to let you go.” You incoherently mumble,  snuggling closer into him. 
 Feeling his fingers gently caressing your hair as he looks down upon you. His lips quirk up further, making you put down your drink, and his hands gently cup his face. leaning ever so gently to kiss him on the lips.
He could just taste the hard alcohol from your lips,  but it didn’t bother him, nor did he mind. In fact,  after a moment or two of kissing, he deepens it.
You respond by letting out a breathy sigh, deepening the kiss.  pulling away, you feel dazed and dizzy but the smile never leaves his face. You stare up at him as if you were even more drunk than before.
“I think it’s time for you to get to bed.”
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𝒞𝒶𝓁𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝑜 "𝐿𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝒽𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝐻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹𝓈"
Ugh…What a pain. Having to deal with you while you’re drunk is a nightmare for him. 
“Come on! Calcharo! Why are you pushing me away~?” Your words are all slurry and muffled because of the alcohol in your system. While you try to hug him yet his hand on your face, pushing you back.
 “Look at yourself in the mirror before talking. you’re a complete drunk mess.”
You pout at his stubbornness, giving up on trying to get closer before grabbing the bottle beside you and taking a deep sip of the alcohol—numbing your system even more, making you feel so warm on the inside.
He grabs the alcohol bottle from your hands, pulling away from your reaches. “enough drinking,”  he spoke sternly.
You immediately frown at his tone, “You’re no fun!” You say in a whining tone. It was true though—you were drunk out of your mind.
Putting the bottle away—far from you—you stare blankly not sure of what to do now while Calcharo eyes you suspiciously. You were planning something and he sure wasn’t wrong.
 Grabbing his arm, wrapping your arms around his,  you pull his body towards you until you are chest to chest, leaning your forehead against his shoulder. “I want a kiss.” Gazing up at him with a hot expression on your face.
 he seemed stunned by the sudden action immediately pulling you off of him and covering your eyes. “Ask me when you're sober.”
“What! That is so not fair!”
“Since when did I care about it being fair?”
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jiyanluvr · 3 months
favourite places to kiss you. (jiyan, m!rover, calcharo)
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his favourite place to kiss you is practically everywhere, but your lips are what holds a special place in his heart.
Jiyan was going back from the battlefield after the long days you've been waiting. He's sent you letters, pressed flowers always in the envelope. He's sent you voice memos, which you've saved to hold on to.
The creak on the door indicates one thing ; your boyfriend's back! You immediately stood up at the sound of the knob turning, smiling as the moment he walked in, he was greeted with a hug from you. He stumbled back with a quiet chuckle, looking at you with softened eyes.
With no words exchanged, you knew what he was craving; your lips on his. You grabbed Jiyan's face, putting your hands on his cheeks as you kissed his lips as he relished every moment of it, wrapping his arms around your waist as he chased after your lips.
" I've missed this.. so much. "
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while not obvious, his favourite spot to kiss you are your hands.
Calcharo was resting on your lap as you played with his surprisingly smooth hair. His eyes were closed as you slowly eased him to relax, since he's been on edge this whole week. You kissed his tacet mark, making him open his eyes to look at you.
".. Do that again.. "
You chuckled at his request, this time your hand on his cheek. You kissed his tacet mark again, with Calcharo kissing the palm of your hand. He pressed kisses on your hand, showering it with kisses.
" Are my hands that pretty? "
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though as much as he tries to hide it, his favourite spot to kiss you is your cheek.
You and Rover were relaxing in your shared home, Rover was sat beside you, his head on your chest as he hummed, letting you play with his hair. He leaned in your touch, sighing contently.
He looked up at you, humming before sitting up to kiss your cheek... and another one, and another one.. another kiss. Gosh, does he really love your cheeks that much? You chuckled, returning one of his kisses on his cheek, then his lips.
" I'll never get enough of your kisses.. "
Rover muttered out, loud enough for you to hear him before he peppered your cheeks with his soft kisses again.
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starrydragoness · 3 months
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Content: 18+, NSFW, Minors do not interact, more under the cut.
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Contents: 2 cocks Jiyan, implied heat, fem! reader, implied breeding, belly bulge, not proof read, just thirst word vomit
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“And you’re sure about this?” Jiyan’s warm breath tickles up the side of your neck, his hands firmly planted on your hips as his chest pressed up against your back; so close you could faintly feel the distant drumming of his racing heart. Arching your back, your arms go over your head and into his hair, smiling softly at him as you stare at the mirror set in front of you.
Two of his cocks stood erect and between your legs, leaking soft pearly beads of precum, the mere sight alone making heat pool between your legs. 
“Yes, Jiyan... We already discussed this, please..” you coo, blush tainting your cheeks as you avoid looking at the flustered reflection of yourself in the mirror, focusing solely on the man behind you that’s barely holding onto the rest of his resolve. He groans as he noses into your neck, eyes screwed shut as he inhales your scent that has his mind swimming. His hips grind up into you, feeling the slick from your cunt drip onto him. Pawing at your hips he hopes to ground you both to stillness, but with the tension and need so high and potent in the air his attempts all fell short. 
“Jiyan, please, you’ve got nothing to worry about.. Please. I want to feel you-” you whine, seeing how much he was holding it all off, even after having spent the last hour or so with his face between your legs, eating you like a man starved of any sustenance. His fingers had pushed you over the edge of ecstasy until your mind had gone dizzy, but it wasn’t enough - you wanted his cocks, not just his fingers. After he spent a month longer than anticipated on the front lines, both of you could use all you could give.
Jiyan looks up, a focused and seemingly stern expression darkening his features as his chin finds purchase on your shoulder, and his eyes look you up and down in the long mirror; his eyes drinking up the way your legs dangled over each of his knees,  leaving you spread for him to see, your skin glistening with a fine sheen of sweat, and that pretty face of yours - eyes half lidded and clouded with carnal desire he couldn’t ignore. 
His lips meet the skin of your shoulder, humming low in his throat. “Alright.. but if it hurts or becomes too much, tell me.. understand?” He remains ever caring, even as this heat is eating up at his belly like a beast, infecting you with his venom in its wake. You nod, fervently and impatiently, one of your hands dropping down and trailing up his side behind you, your fingers lightly scratching at the skin.
Jiyan lifts you up, strong muscles flexing as he aligns one of his cocks up to your wet slit, probing at your entrance and slowly spearing you down onto himself. Your eyes roll back into your skull, eyes fluttering shut as he finally fills you up, all the way until his tip kisses your cervix. He pushes up to the hilt, groaning at the way your walls fluttered around him, eyes shut once more, hiding those beautiful golden eyes from sight.
His second cock rests against your abdomen, and it only shows how deep inside his first cock reached within you. When you look down, it twitches, the pearly wet beads sliding down his shaft, the tip a frustrated red color, and it only makes you more eager to eventually… take both of his cocks at the same time.
Jiyan’s thrust breaks you out of your daze and thoughts, groaning as he stretches you out more, slow thrusts ensuring you feel all of him and everything he is giving you. From the way his tip throbs for more and down to every ridge and vein that brushes along the sides of your gummy cavern.
“Ahnn- yes..” Mewling, you claw at his side, slowly arching until you could comfortably wrap one arm around his neck, the other remaining down, now tracing his flexed forearm that remained on your hip. Jiyan wasted little thought and took the close proximity as his chance to kiss up at your breast, sucking a mark into the side before catching the nipple in his mouth and sucking. He groans into your skin, bucking up into you harder.
His hips meet yours and you desperately push down to feel more of him, chasing the desire you all craved, needed - deserved, after so much time spent apart.
Noticing his relentless pursuit of simply satisfying you with only one cock, you falter in your movements, the hand on his forearm wrapping around his wrist as you ground your hips against his. “Please- stop-  The second one.. I need both of them in me, please..”
Jiyan all but growls at the loss of momentum, his teeth sinking into the supple flesh below your breast where his head dipped low before rising up to meet your eyes directly. His sharp slitted eyes threaten to break you, although they broke you down to their allure too long ago for it to matter now. His kiss-bruised lips are softly parted, mirroring yours. He looks like has much to say, but none of those words make it to his tongue and before long he is looking down to his neglected cock, panting and thinking. 
You whine, curling your legs underneath you to allow yourself more support and you lift yourself from his cock, making you both hiss in unison as his length slides out until the tip remains kissing your weeping hole. 
“Alright..” Jiyan groaned, looking down at your ass, giving your hip a gentle rub as he took the base of his cocks, guiding the tips to your hole. You can swear your heart is up in your throat in anticipation, feeling the tips prod at your wet slit as he seeks to be gentle and slow. "Carefully, now.. Don't try to rush this.." he grunted as he saw you try and writhe against his iron hold.
Carefully, both tips pop within you, forcing a surprised sound to jump out of you at the sudden feeling the cocks had you feeling. The abundance of wetness was enough to coat both of his cocks and make sliding in much easier, your needy walls clenching onto the two shafts.
The stretch was a little bit much, but determination and lust won in the little battle of the mind, rationale leaving you like a mindless animal as you began to whine and bite at your lip until you were sure it would bleed. Jiyan panted, his chest rising and falling in quick successions as he got the stimulation he craved sincee his eyes laid on you the moment he got home. His brows furrowed down in the most pleading and desperate expression you could remember ever seeing Jiyan wear, his hands on your hips shaking with impatience as his eyes watch the way your hole swallows him up, inch by inch. "That's it... mmmm, good.. good.. hah-"
The shafts create a noticeable bulge in your belly once he finally settles into you fully, letting you get used to the double the size. The feeling of the throb within you, even with the stilnness of his hips, had you thinking you were gonna cum on the spot.
Words fail to escape your throat, so you resort to crying out, whining as you give a small buck of your hips. Your legs feel completely useless now, straddling the sides of his hips.
Effortlessly, Jiyan begins to lift your hips once more, before guiding you to take him again, and again, and again - slowly at first, too fearful to hurt you, but after seeing the pleasure of twisting your face into his favorite expressions, he allowed himself to lose that control. His cocks pressed into your cervix, kissing it over and over again with each thrust and making you see stars behind your eyelids.
“Oh fuck-!” you cried, his hips bucking into you in a desperate pace that had you clinging onto Jiyan, your legs shaking, feeling completely boneless as your own weight pulled you onto him.
Over and over again until you were reeling back, back arching as you writhed against him, the knot in your belly threatening to burst. The tension was nearly painful, Jiyan not being spared of it either with the way your walls squeezed him.
Jiyan’s grunts and moans mixed with your moans, echoing in the intimate space of your bedroom, the creaking of the bed falling deaf on your ears. 
Sensing your approaching orgasm, Jiyan sped up his pace, mercilessly pounding into your womb to chase the ticking pleasure. And with a few powerful thrusts, you spasmed out of control, your orgasm shaking and rippling through you in waves. You moaned, all breath kicked out of your lungs, and another groan was kicked out of you when you felt the abundance of his warm seed spill into your womb, filling you to the brim. As his thrusts came to a slow, his muscular arms curled around your waist, squeezing you affectionately but also making you still in his hold, both of you panting for air and too dazed out to think or move.
Had he not been sitting behind you, you would have simply collapsed from the power of the orgasm. 
"Hah... good girl.. hah.. you took that so well" Jiyan is breathless in his praise, but no less genuine, his lips ghosting your skin and leaving soft kisses.
His cocks twitched with the small after pulses of pleasure, spilling every last drop and not letting it go to waste, making sure your womb accepted it all. 
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Ⓒ starrydragoness. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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local-x-reader · 3 months
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✿ “Flowers for me?” ✿
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Just a note that I have yet to beat WuWa yet ;w; so there’s probably going to be some out of characterness in this but I’m gonna try to make sure it’s canon to character…
Parings: Jiyan / Male!Rover x (GN) Reader 🫶 (Separate)
Headcanons / Oneshot / Drabble / Series
Content warnings: None! Fluff! Although there is a bit of Jealous Rover in here
Plot: In which you buy flowers for them! ( Along with a few silly hcs of them getting you flowers )
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Male Rover
✿ ~ He’s a busy man, often hurrying around the city and the land in general, helping people… although he’ll always be back in your arms before the day ends and he’ll most often bring flowers with him. Occasionally he’ll buy them from wherever he can find them but most times it’s picked from the ones he finds while out and about.
✿ ~ There was a sale on the flowers today at the flower shop… and after some thinking, you had selected a bouquet of various yellow flowers, the variety of colors reminding you of his golden eyes.
✿ ~ So buy it and head home, making sure it’ll remain fresh then you spend the rest of the day going about your tasks. By the time the day finishes, you’re waiting outside the home, holding the bouquet close, waiting for the whirlwind of a man to come by.
✿ ~ And it doesn’t take long for him to appear.
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You’re waiting outside, the sun beginning to slowly creep down the sky, crawling towards the horizon and painting the city of Jinzhou in various hues of pinks, oranges, and purples. The scent of the flowers you’ve purchased rests in the air and fills up your nose, the noises of the city settling down infiltrating your ears as you wait patiently for your love…
Then, the familiar sound of swift footsteps hits your ears, shoes clicking against concrete. You place the flowers down beside you, turning your head just in time to be scooped up by familiar arms that lift you up, twirling you around before carefully setting you down… and there he is, your Rover standing there like an excited puppy.
"Hi there!" He chirps, leaning close to press his lips against your forehead, the warm feeling making a smile rest on your face.
"I brought you these," Rover hums as he straightens up, moving to display his chosen flowers, a swirling variety of pink flowers, some Pecok flowers and Belle poppy flowers, a few other kinds, some of them a little more damaged then others, telling of the length he had carried them with him for.
"Thank you, Rover," You smiled, taking the flowers from him and giving them a sniff for a moment before turning to grab your own bouquet.
As you turned around, his eyes quickly locked on to the flowers… there was a small look of… almost disappointment? "Did someone else give you those?" Ah, it wasn’t disappointment but rather a bit of jealousy.
"No," You hummed, turning to hold out the flowers to him, holding the ones he had grabbed for you close to your chest, "These are for you."
You have to stifle a giggle at the way his eyes widen slightly, looking at the flowers in his hands, then back at you for a moment… and repeat for a moment before he snaps out of it, "I… Thank you, (Y/N)!"
Your gaze softens slightly, you can’t help it. His happiness almost feels infectious, giving a soft sniff to the flowers in his hands then looking up at you and beaming, his delight making your heart flutter as you reach out to gently ruffle his hair, "C’mon, lets put these in vases."
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✿ ~ Similar to Rover, he too is a rather busy man. It’s not often you get to see him. Often on the battlefield, working hard to protect Jinzhou from TD’s, it makes it difficult to get much time with you. Although when he does, he values it greatly. Often times he’ll bring bouquets of flowers when he comes, most times as an apology for going so long without visiting.
✿ ~ One time, you asked what his flower was while cuddled close to him, your eyes watching his as he thought about it for a moment before giving a a response, you made sure to remember it, writing it down the next morning just so you wouldn’t forget and tucking away the note.
✿ ~ You were sure you keep track of when his next visit was, preparing the gift for him with quite a bit of excitement, unable to help it. You wondered how he would react to it while you were purchasing the bouquet… you waited quite excitedly for him, holding the flowers close at he arrived.
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The sun peaked in the sky, casting golden rays into the city. It was growing noisier around as the Jinzhou also reached its peak in activity. Children tugging their parents around eagerly, lovers with hands connected as they wandered the streets, the hubbub of people's conversations filling the air, fresh food somewhere around and the sweet floral smell of the flowers in your hands giving a scent to the air. 
Over everything, the scent of familiar flowers hit you, your eyes fluttering open to see Jiyan heading towards you, a loving look resting in his eyes as you both lowered the flowers away from your forms, rushing to meet him halfway. Your arms encircled around his form, nuzzling into his chest as his arms circled around you, leaning down to place a kiss to your forehead, smiling.
“Hello, my love,” He murmured, briefly letting go of you to show the flowers he had gotten, a variety of blue and purple hues, mixed together in a beautiful way, the scent familiar, "I got these for you."
"Thank you," You murmur, placing a kiss on his cheek as you take the flowers from them, holding them close and giving them a small sniff, catching the familiar scents that made you remember the first time he had brought you such flowers.
You looked up, noticing his curious expression to the ones you had bought, hesitating for a moment before speaking, "Did someone get you those?" He asked, looking up from the flowers to your gaze with... a hint of fear, like he was scared someone had stolen your heart while he was gone. 
"Oh, no," You chirped, smiling at him for a moment, shaking your head and easing his concerns, holding out the bouquet for him, "I bought them for you... you mentioned your favorite flowers last time, so I thought I'd get you some..."
His eyes widened slightly, a pink tint coming to rest on his cheeks as he carefully took the flowers from you, holding them close. "Really..?" You didn't think you'd get over that expression as he looked at the flowers, then you, a soft, warm gaze on you, "Thank you... I love you."
"I love you too... Lets head home and get these secure, mm?" You questioned, smiling at him and reaching to take his hand.
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Thank you for reading! 🫶
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taintedbenevolence · 4 months
general yandere hc for jiyan, please <3
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Jiyan is a particularly protective yandere. It’s not necessarily with ill intentions either. Jiyan has lost many throughout his role as leading general of the Midnight Rangers.
It’s a dangerous occupation, and with that in mind, it’s very possible you will be eventually endangered in some way or another. This makes for fuel regarding his concerns, feeding his urge to protect you.
Jiyan does wish for your safety and preservation of your wellbeing, and he does mean well for you, but unfortunately, the means he does it by aren’t exactly comfortable.
It’s all too likely he’ll keep you confined within Jinzhou, and specifically only where he can keep you monitored.
He’ll do this without notifying anyone else, as that would prove unconventional. He makes sure you get exposure to the outside, but never outside Jinzhou’s borders unless you are with him.
Any attempt for you to try and leave the borders of Jinzhou without his presence will prove futile; Jiyan will be more than capable of finding you in a few hours, if not less after noticing.
If anything, he'll be upset and reprimand you for trying to leave, chastising you by telling you that his actions are to keep you safe.
Apart from being protective, though, it is unfortunately compound by a smidge of possessiveness. He isn't one to be selfish, or to act as such in front of all.
But behind closed doors, Jiyan shows more than the public sees. His urge to protect you is compound by the wish to keep you to himself out of fear of losing you.
Jiyan can't stand the thought of losing you, not after so many companions passed away in wars or battles against Tacet Discord outbreaks.
As such, Jiyan chooses to keep you where he knows you are safe and sound— where you are out of danger's reach, and where you will remain within his unyielding grasp.
It's not likely you'll ever be able to escape, and should you miraculously find a way to do so, it is without question that Jiyan will not rest until he has found you.
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gekkohs · 4 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ SMALL DRABBLE
authors notes — okay I haven’t been able to stop thinking abt jiyan so i needed to get a post out asap!! I thought this up while in the shower so like…yk, no need to explain anymore
content warnings + tags — MINORS / BLANK BLOGS DNI, gender neutral reader, sfw, honestly just wholesome (?) stuff
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jiyan wasn’t exactly a homely person, most of his time was spent on the frontlines or in a base somewhere, and most of the time he didn’t mind that.
lately though, he’d been overhearing a lot of his soldiers talking about home. how they couldn’t wait to make it back to their significant others, to their children, to the rest of their families — how the only thing keeping them going was the idea of going back home; and jiyan couldn’t help but notice the way his chest felt crushed every time he heard it.
he wasn’t sure what it was, whether it was some form of jealousy because they had what he didn’t, or whether it was sadness because they had to leave their families behind to defend against the constant TD outbreaks.
it wasn’t until he met you that he started really feeling not having anyone around him like all his soldiers had. he’d notice how much he longed to have you around once he was alone, how he needed to hear your laugh and the silly stories you told to boost morale. he longed to have you sat next to him even if it were even in silence.
eventually, you became his home, even when he was away from the city. you were the significant other, family, and friend he needed — you were the everything that everyone else had and he didn’t know he needed.
jiyan started coming to your tent often, a lot of the time he went with the idea of talking, of venting some of his frustrations but most of the time he’d just sit beside you silently. of course, you didn’t mind, you knew that sometimes he just needed the quiet company of someone else — an escape from what his daily life was and what the world had become.
“hey, jiyan?” your hand rested on the top of his as he sat on your bed beside you.
he looked over with a blank expression, but you could still see the sadness and tiredness in his eyes.
instead of speaking you just smiled and pulled his head down towards your lap, and he didn’t fight back.
“it’s okay, jiyan…it’s okay.” you stroked the back of his head and let your fingers weave through his hair.
jiyan let out a long sigh, something he felt like he’d been holding in for years, finally not having to wear a strong mask around his soldiers so they couldn’t see he was just as worn out as they were. his hand moved up and gripped at your thigh, and you could feel his entire body relax under your hand. a decade of stress feeling like it was finally able to fall from his shoulders, something he no longer had to bare alone.
nowadays jiyan could subtly smile at the conversations he overheard, he could relate to what they were saying, how they felt. he knew what it was to have something, someone, he wanted to protect more than the world. his chest no longer had that pang of pain, instead his heart felt like it was getting fuller and fuller with each passing day.
finally, jiyan had a home.
and you were it.
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n0tamused · 4 months
Will you stay?
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A/n: save me sad dragon general, save me... sad dragon general you better get ready cause I'm sending happiness your way whether you like it or not
Content: Jiyan x Reader (fem implied, but no pronouns used), angst undertone but it all turns to fluff, Jiyan referred to as a husband, word vomit, non sexual nudity implied, not proof-read, maybe a tiny bit ooc? Feedback is appreaciated
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Moonlight cascades through the open window in silky streams, showering the white sheets with silver and shimmer. The world is at peace, and quiet prevails all around, much unlike the main battle front. For only a few hours he spends here, Jiyan feels as if his lifelong wish is fulfilled. A facade it is, a dream, but it is comforting in all its delusion. Maybe one day it will come true, and he won't be forced to abandon your warm embrace for another month, and more, to fight.
His eyes move from the window and down at you where you have nestled yourself against his chest, your arms draped around him. It’s well into the depth of the night, yet both of you are denying sleep that so obviously hangs heavy over your eyelids - as any hour more means longer time spent together. And up until that point he has been listening to you talk about your days in the city, your fingertips tracing his chest and the occasional scar that paints itself thin and textured, different from the rest of his smooth skin. When you trailed off, he was quick to notice. His chin dipping slightly down to look at you.
Your finger neverending in its work of drawing him out, feeling him in all his warmth, living warmth - and your eyes lost themselves in images your mind conjured of what the battlefield looked like now. Red skies and twisted lands soiled with blood of people from the same city you were in now, the same people that were once someone’s little boys and girls, daddy’s girl and momma’s boys. Only now they were decades older with heavy bags under their eyes, lying in the desolate lands under trees for cover. 
“Don’t think about it.. don’t.. let that plague your mind, my dear” Jiyan spoke up, his hand coming up to cup yours that had begun to shake over his chest, fingers curling into your palms. Jiyan wished he could take this worry away from you, he wished he could protect you from the horrific unknown and all the terrifying images of your imagination, but such a task was an impossible one. Your bare body can only share his warmth and hold on to what is currently there.
“(Y/n).. “
“Tell me about your days..” you whispered, cutting him off as timidly as a petal of a flower. You pick your head up and place it on top of his chest, gazing into those golden eyes you had dreams of when he was gone. Pretty in all their glory, even as they regarded you with worry and question. Jiyan sighs softly, his eyes wandering to the ceiling and the small swirly patterns that show up with the moon. That was your choice to put up there, little swirls and dots and constellations..
“Days are long and tiring. I often miss the smell of the city while out at the front, and your cooking. The ingredients and supplies are scarce but we are alright, we are holding together, my dear” his words resonate softly in your ears, and to an extent they bring you comfort. His thumb is rubbing the inside of your palm, massaging the soft skin until the shakiness subsides, and furthermore. “During the down-time, when there’s no danger to confront, the soldiers always seem to find new ways to entertain themselves” at that a small smile broke over his solemn and tired features, prompting you to smile as well. He has told you before how men would jest and play, little children stuck in bodies of adults, chasing one another after one of them threw a boot at someone. It was a reminder all of these soldiers were people and that they were alive, but most importantly they still held onto their humanity and hope. So much hope that one could feel it from a mile away. 
“The other day, before our departure towards here, they were bold enough to attempt a small jest about me and it backfired, well it was unintentional frankly, I just happened to walk in on them. I suppose a new rumor broke out how I dismiss people from the military after I give them  medical assistance”
“What? That’s ridiculous.. You wouldn’t send anyone home unless they were really badly behaving or injured”
“Yes. But that doesn’t quell the rumors, especially among the new cadets, which makes me think this is some ploy of the more experienced bunch as to scare the youth But..as I was walking by the tents and corners I ran into this group huddled under the lamp, talking about this rumor. I’m not sure what came over me, but I just marched up to them and coldly began to question them, about what they were doing and such” A stupid smile came across his lips now, a childish one you relished in seeing and it make you physically perk up to hear the rest of the story. Your leg came over his waist as you tried to comfortably lay on his chest.
“One of those men had a pretty bad leg wound from the day prior, but nothing life threatening. However, he has been quite snarky with Captains and other soldiers, so I gazed at his bandaged wound, then up at him, and then I asked if he wanted me to take a look at it. The team went silent as a grave, my love- I..”
“The rumor had so much effect on them? Pfftt-” “Yes! I was quite shocked too, I had to hold back my surprise, but he went pale, I can’t even describe it to you. Whoever created this rumor really was creative, I need to give them that, but I really couldn’t play so long afterwards. I had to clear it up..”
You giggle at his words, forehead pressing against his collarbone as your chest flutters with warmth, just imagining this scenario was silly - has your husband become such a menace in the army? Him? Sure, he was skilled beyond belief, but the way he laid beneath you and the way he touched you could never make you believe he was scary. You know him, for crying out loud! And due to that, this was all the funnier.
Jiyan joined your fit of giggles, other hand rubbing and holding your back, pushing you up against his chest that jumped with cackles. “Goodness- now you’re laughing at me as well” he comments lightheartedly.
“Apologies, apologies, I can’t help myself” you respond and slowly come back to your composure with a long sigh of relief. “Those poor souls, scared by my precious husband. Perhaps I should start scolding you at home more often” Your hand sneaks from his hold and pinches his cheek teasingly, causing  him to click his tongue and pull away, reminded of the way his mother would do the same action when he was younger, although not so teasingly or playfully. His arms squeeze around your shoulders, his other arm soon joining its pursuit of keeping you still against him.
“Perhaps you should not. I missed you too much, but then again.. If scolding me is the way to hear more of your voice, I could get used to it..” Jiyan says as he releases his tight hold of you, letting you slump against his chest with a small exhale. “But now..” his lips found your forehead, pressing a lingering kiss to it before pulling away. “You must rest. I know how little sleep you got the last few days..” he says and reaches for the covers that were pushed down in your small tussle. The blanket covers your back and you instantly feel warmer, nestled here against him.
The thought of him leaving makes a pang settle in your heart once more, heavy and sharp. “Jiyan.. will you be able to stay for breakfast at least?” you ask him, hoping, wishing, praying.. just an hour will do.
“.. I will. I’ll wake you up, aright? We’ll cook something together..” There’s promise in his voice and it is undeniably prevalent and true, otherwise he would not be saying these things. Jiyan kissed your forehead again, hugging you against him and closing his eyes.
The upcoming morning suddenly became something to look forward to.
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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fr-wiwiw · 2 months
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"Love your hair, General.." Done! Imma draw more of JiYin to feed myself & my pal🦐
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bubbless-s · 4 months
➳ ♡︎ How deep is your love? ׂׂૢ
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Context: ‘The type of boyfriend..’ with Jiyan.
- ʚɞ genre: fluff
- ʚɞ warnings: none
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• The type of boyfriend to always get you flowers and go on a date with you when he isn’t busy.
• The type of boyfriend to notice the smallest details about you.
• The type of boyfriend who will pick you up to kiss you.
• The type of boyfriend who will let you play or mess up his hair and even let you style his hair into ridiculous hairstyles.
• The type of boyfriend who gets calmer and calmer when you touch him.
• The type of boyfriend to get easily flustered if you give him cheesy nicknames.
• The type of boyfriend who will admire you from afar.
• The type of boyfriend to let you sit on his back while he does push-ups.
• The type of boyfriend who spoils you everyday and every night,because he feels bad that he gets super busy.
• The type of boyfriend who would let you kiss his tacet mark.
• The type of boyfriend to give you surprises kisses.
• The type of boyfriend to listen to everything you say, even tho your info dumping about your interests and he doesn’t understand anything.
• The type of boyfriend to never get mad at you.
• The type of boyfriend who will love you forever.
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thefoxtherapist · 3 months
Omg omg omg!
Imagine Jiyan with a reader who often gets hurt and always goes to Jiyan about it but Jiyan at some point realizes reader is just coming back for attention when they enter up running to him about the smallest injuries!
This is soo cute aw-
I actually wrote something similar to this for an oc (not wuwa related) because I love this concept sm bless this request tysm<3
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Jiyan’s head snapped up, golden eyes widening.
He just got it.
He brought a clawed hand to his head, sighing so deep his bangs blew up somewhat from the extra aero. Maybe he was a tad dense, relationships weren’t exactly his.. The man’s eyebrows furrowed. Forte. He knew the Rover would find his joke funny at least.
“Jiyan! They’re hurt again and told me to come get you!”
Jiyan dropped his hand from his face, straightening out with a soft breath. “I’m on my way. Could you take this to Zhan for me?” He held a folder in his free hand, wiggling it somewhat to the soldier. 
“Sure thing!”
And with his duties dealt with, Jiyan could focus on the matter at hand. You hated the medical bay, often finding him in his office or room. But this time he found you in your room, knocking on the doorway of the open door before he entered. You sat up in your bed, sheepish smile on your face as he looked at you.
“Diamondclaws again?”
“No!” You replied as if it were an insult rather than a true fact. Diamondclaws hated you. “Aero predator this time.” You beamed proudly, because you won. Even though you took a nasty hit to the side in doing so.
Jiyan shook his head as he approached, crouching down beside your bed to inspect the injury. You moved closer so he could get a better look at it. It wasn’t really anything bad, the weapon barely touched you, but it definitely looked worse than it was. 
He waved his hand, the blood flicking to the side with a small gust of aero. Really he should take the time to properly clean it but this entertained him more. “At least you don’t need stitches again.” Jiyan commented as he opened the small medical kit he’d picked up on the way over to you.
You made a face. The stitches sucked. 
Jiyan wiped away the rest of the blood with one of the provided clothes, careful so as to not irritate your skin further. “Chenxu is a fine medic.” The General commented as he dropped the cloth on the ground to grab the bandages.
“She scares me.”
He exhaled a small laugh, holding the bandages a few inches up to your wound before wrapping them around your torso carefully. He then used the inches he’d left free to help pin the bandages down with a pin. 
“And I don’t?”
You shrugged, immediately wincing. 
It wasn’t like you had known him three years prior, when he was the medic. Before he rose to his position of authority. You’d only ever known him as the General. Then, you had never been afraid to call him by his name. Another soldier, like everybody else.
“And you’re sure you coming to me for a papercut of all things last week was nothing?”
“I told you I’m afraid of blood!”
Jiyan raised an eyebrow at you, he went from crouching to standing beside your bed. His gaze made you look away, rubbing your neck awkwardly. 
“You’re a soldier.”
He brought his hand down, ruffling your hair. 
“If you wanted to go on a date, you could just ask.”
The sound that escaped you was far too embarrassing, your cheeks warming quickly.
Maybe it took him two months to figure it out. But he had figured it out! And Jiyan was not going to let his revelation go to waste.
“Rest up.” Your name left his tongue with a certain fondness and you struggled to find a reply. Unable to do so before he left you alone in your room. 
Once safe from your sight he hid his face in his hand, cheeks red, his blush extended to his ears. Maybe he’d been too bold? No surely not, you didn’t react negatively, merely.. Flustered? He was also flustered.
“General Jiyan!”
“Not now.”
“O-Okay sir!”
He took a deep breath, willing his blush away. But it would not leave.
Jiyan would follow up another day.
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fictionally-driven · 3 months
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In Sickness and in Health - Part 1
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Pairing: Jiyan x f! reader, Scar x f! reader (Separate) Plot: Some headcanons on how WuWa men would take care of a sick f! reader followed by a small plot on them finding the reader to be ill. trigger warnings: illness, caregiving, nausea, vomiting, unconventional remedies, predefined relationships, mentions of pregnancy (no one is pregnant!) , pet names
AN: Part 2 will be Mortefi and Calcharo, Part 3 will be Aalto and Yuanwu. Inspired by @local-x-reader 's work - Flowers for me?
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Ever since you and Jiyan started dating, his medicinal gourd has become your personalized first-aid kit. Allergies bothering you? He has antihistamines at the ready. Monthly menstrual woes? He stocks up on the best menstrual products and painkillers. Prone to migraines? He never forgets to carry tablets. Jiyan is always prepared to care for you at a moment’s notice.
Jiyan's keen senses pick up on your illness before you even realize it. The slightest change in your behavior or the faintest hint of discomfort doesn't escape his notice. He's there with a gentle hand on your forehead, a soft question about how you're feeling, even before you can put it into words.
Jiyan's cooking skills come in handy when you’re feeling under the weather. If you have stomach problems, he’ll make something light and easy to digest like a soothing broth or plain rice with some gentle herbs. If you’re suffering from cramps, he’ll whip up a meal rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as a salmon dish or chia seed pudding. For colds, his go-to is a hearty soup filled with anti-inflammatory ingredients like turmeric and ginger. His cooking isn't just delicious; it's a heartfelt remedy tailored to your needs.
The General in him takes a backseat when you're sick, letting the compassionate medic take over. Jiyan becomes incredibly attentive, constantly checking on you, ensuring you're comfortable and have everything you need.
Jiyan is always on top of everything when it comes to taking care of you. He keeps track of your medication schedule, making sure you never miss a dose. He adjusts the room temperature to your comfort, brings you extra blankets, and even stays up late to monitor your condition. If you have a fever, he gently wipes your forehead with a cool cloth, and if you're nauseous, he's there with a basin, ready to hold your hair in place while calming you down with soothing words.
To brighten your day, Jiyan will bring you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He knows how much you love them, and their presence always brings a smile to your face, no matter how ill you feel.
Returning from your latest mission, you could feel every step weighing heavier than the last. The water you had drunk during the mission had left your throat feeling like sandpaper, and a fever had begun to creep up on you. But this was a busy time for everyone, and you couldn't afford to show any weakness. You pushed through, ignoring the throbbing in your head and the chill settling in your bones.
Jiyan was away in Jinzhou for some official business. You didn’t want to bother him with something as trivial as a cold, so when your Pangu terminal rang, you straightened up and forced a cheerful tone.
"Hey, Jiyan!" you greeted, trying to mask the hoarseness in your voice.
"Hello, love," Jiyan's voice came through, warm and comforting. "How was the mission?"
"Exhausting," you replied, attempting a laugh that came out more like a cough. "But nothing I can't handle. Just really tired, you know?"
Jiyan’s keen senses picked up the strain in your voice. "Are you sure you're just tired? You sound a bit off."
"Yeah, yeah, just tired," you reassured him, forcing a smile even though he couldn’t see it. "I’ll be fine after a bit of rest tonight."
"Alright," he said, though his voice carried a hint of doubt. "Make sure you get plenty of rest. Call me if you need anything, okay?"
"Of course. Talk to you soon, Jiyan."
You ended the call and sighed, leaning against the wall for a moment before pushing yourself off to file your mission report. The sooner you finished, the sooner you could collapse into bed.
You were slower than usual as you prepared the report, almost dozing off in between. What would usually take you an hour, took you three this time. As soon as you filed the report, you pushed yourself off the chair, ready to greet your bed. The sky was littered with scars and you could hear the chatter of the Rangers who were allocated to the night shift. By the time you headed towards your allocated room, your vision was starting to blur with fatigue and fever. You barely registered the figure waiting by your door until you got closer.
"Jiyan!?" you whispered, shocked to see him standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Before you could say anything else, Jiyan closed the distance between you and placed his palm against your forehead, his expression shifting to one of deep concern.
"You’re burning up," he said, his voice soft but firm. "Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?"
"I didn’t want to worry you," you mumbled, leaning into his touch. "You have so much going on already."
Jiyan shook his head, slipping an arm around your waist to support you. "You’re my priority too, love. Come on, let's get you inside."
He guided you into your room, helping you sit down on the edge of the bed. Setting the flowers aside, he went straight into medic mode. He placed a cool cloth on your forehead and fetched a glass of water.
"Drink this slowly," he instructed, holding the glass to your lips. "We need to keep you hydrated."
You took small sips, feeling the cool water soothe your parched throat. "Thank you, Jiyan," you murmured.
He smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "You don’t have to thank me. I’m here to take care of you."
Jiyan then moved to unpack his medicinal gourd, pulling out various items. He gave you some fever-reducing medicine and an antihistamine to ease your symptoms.
"Here, take these," he said, handing you the pills. "And I’ve got some soup cooking for you in my quarters. It’s got ginger and turmeric—good for fighting off infections."
You nodded, taking the medicine obediently. As you settled back against the pillows, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for his presence. "How did you get here so fast?"
"I took the fastest route I could," he replied, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "I knew something was wrong when we talked. I couldn’t just stay in Jinzhou knowing you were unwell."
Your heart swelled at his words, and you reached out to take his hand. "You’re amazing, you know that?"
Jiyan chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips for a gentle kiss. "I just care about you. Now, rest while I finish up the soup."
You closed your eyes, feeling the fever slowly begin to abate under his care. The scent of ginger and turmeric soon filled the room, and before long, Jiyan returned with a steaming bowl of soup.
"Here you go," he said, sitting beside you. "Careful, it’s hot."
He fed you spoonful of the warm, nourishing soup, and you could feel the effects of it.  "You didn’t have to come all the way here," you said, feeling tears prick at your eyes
"Of course I did," Jiyan replied, his voice softening. "I can’t focus on anything knowing you’re unwell. Never think you're a bother to me," he continued, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter despite your condition. “You mean everything to me," he said softly. "I hate seeing you like this."
"I’ll be okay," you assured him, reaching out to take his hand. "Especially with you here."
He squeezed your hand gently. "I’m not going anywhere," he promised. "I’ll stay right here and take care of you."
As you finished the soup, Jiyan continued to fuss over you, making sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed. He brought the flowers closer, their sweet scent filling the room and lifting your spirits.
"These are beautiful," you said, admiring the bouquet.
"I thought they might cheer you up," he said, a warm smile spreading across his face.
"They do," you said, feeling a surge of affection for him. "You always know how to make me feel better."
"That’s because I love you," he said simply, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
"I love you too, Jiyan," you whispered as you laid down, your eyes feeling heavier by the minute. "Thank you for coming back…" you said, your voice heavy with sleep.
"I’ll always come back for you," he replied. “Every time.” You felt his lips brush against your forehead as you closed your eyes. And with that, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, knowing that as long as Jiyan was by your side, you’d always be well taken care of.
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Despite his chaotic nature, Scar is utterly obsessed with you. If you so much as sneeze, he’s immediately by your side, eyes wide with concern and hands hovering as if unsure where to start.
The first time you fell sick, you didn’t expect Scar to be so devoted. His usual unserious demeanor disappeared, replaced by a palpable worry that made his antics seem like a distant memory. Even with just a simple migraine, he insisted that you see a medic, his anxiety clear in every word and action.
He constantly checks in on you, whether through calls, texts, or physically being there. He needs to know you’re okay, and his concern manifests in frequent, albeit endearing, interruptions to your day.
Scar is relentless in his encouragement for you to rest and take it easy. He’ll do everything in his power to ensure you don’t overexert yourself, including taking on your responsibilities.
Scar refuses to leave your side when you’re sick. He’ll camp out in your room, insisting on being there for anything you might need, and his presence, though sometimes a bit overwhelming, is undeniably comforting.
Scar's methods of care might be unconventional, ranging from brewing bizarre herbal concoctions to attempting ancient rituals he read about somewhere. Despite their eccentricity, his intentions are always pure—he just wants to see you well again.
Once you start feeling better, Scar continues his care with aftercare rituals that are part sweet and part eccentric. He might insist on daily massages or reciting protective chants to ward off any lingering illness.
The night had been restless, your stomach churning uncomfortably from something you ate the previous evening. As dawn broke, waves of nausea swept over you, accompanied by clammy sweats and uncontrollable shivers. By morning, you were pale and weak, unable to keep anything down.
In your dimly lit room, you clutched your stomach, hoping the queasiness would pass. Scar's usual chaotic presence was nowhere to be seen, which almost felt like a relief in your current state of misery. However, just as you began to resign yourself to a day of suffering alone, the door burst open with a bang.
"Guess what, little lamb!" Scar's voice echoed through the room, filled with a strange mix of excitement and triumph. "I managed to trick a few more Rangers into joining our cause! Can you believe it? They fell for the old 'lost patrol' routine like it was their first day out of the academy!"
You winced at the noise, trying to shield yourself from his exuberance. "Scar, not now," you managed to mutter weakly, your voice barely above a whisper.
But as Scar's gaze swept the room, his excitement faded into pure shock. His eyes widened as he took in your pale complexion, your trembling form, and the obvious distress etched on your face.
"What's going on?" he asked, his voice suddenly serious.
You barely had time to mutter a weak reply before another wave of nausea hit. You hurried to the restroom, barely making it to the toilet before retching once more. Scar followed close behind, his usual exuberance replaced by a rare seriousness as he knelt beside you, holding your hair back and rubbing your back soothingly.
"Are you... pregnant?" he blurted out, his concern mixing with his usual lack of filter.
You shot him a dirty look as you shuddered, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "No," you managed to mumble, leaning back against the cool tiles. "Ate something bad..."
"Little lamb, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?" he asked softly, helping you to sit back against the wall.
"I didn’t want you to see me like this," you admitted, feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.
Scar shook his head, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "You think a little sickness is going to scare me away? Tsk.” He looked almost offended. He got up to leave you in the bathroom, only to return a few moments later.
He fetched a glass of water and a damp cloth, gently wiping your face and neck. "You need to stay hydrated," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "And rest. I’ll take care of everything else. Let's get you cleaned up, first, Hm?"
Throughout the day, Scar remained by your side, his usual antics subdued by genuine concern. He fetched cool cloths for your forehead, brought you small sips of water to keep you hydrated, and even attempted to brew some bizarre herbal remedy he claimed would settle your stomach.
"You know, I read about this plant that's supposed to cure everything from heartbreak to the plague," he mused, stirring a pot of leaves and roots that smelled surprisingly pleasant. "I figured it might help."
Despite your skepticism, his efforts were oddly comforting. Scar's presence was a constant, his chatter and eccentric care slowly easing your discomfort. He stayed close, ensuring you didn't feel alone in your misery.
As the day wore on and your symptoms began to subside, Scar insisted on continuing his aftercare rituals—massaging your shoulders to relieve tension, reciting what he called protective chants to ward off any lingering illness, and even preparing a simple broth to tempt your appetite.  His care was unconventional—his attempts at chanting ancient healing spells were met with your amused disbelief—but his presence was undeniably comforting. He refused to leave your side, camped out on the floor beside your bed with a makeshift nest of blankets and pillows.
As evening fell and you finally managed to keep down some broth, Scar sat beside you, his usual chaos subdued to a quiet vigilance. He brushed a strand of hair from your face, his gaze soft with a rare tenderness.
"You really had me worried, little lamb," he admitted quietly. "I don’t like seeing you like this."
"I’m sorry," you murmured, feeling guilty for not letting him know sooner.
"Don’t apologize," he said firmly, his hand finding yours. "Just promise me you’ll tell me next time. I’m here for you, no matter what."
Despite his eccentricities and chaotic nature, Scar’s devotion to you was undeniable. His antics might drive you crazy on a daily basis, but in moments like these, you couldn’t imagine anyone else by your side.
"You should get some rest," he said gently, tucking the blankets around you a bit tighter. "I’ll be right here, little lamb."
You reached out to squeeze his hand, the nickname now a term of endearment. "I know," you replied softly. "And I appreciate it, Scar."
He smiled, a genuine expression that softened his rugged features. "Anything for you, even the world, should you ask." he murmured, his thumb brushing over your knuckles.
You closed your eyes, feeling the exhaustion pulling you under, but not before whispering a heartfelt thank you to the man who had barged into your life in the most unexpected and chaotic of ways.
"Goodnight, Scar," you murmured, already drifting off.
"Goodnight, little lamb," he whispered back, bringing your hand, closer to his lips, pressing feather light kisses on each of your finger. Scar stayed true to his word, watching over you with a protective gaze that spoke volumes of his love and unwavering devotion
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WuWa Masterlist
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yurinaa-world · 3 months
“𝐼 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝓂𝑒, 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑒, 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝓉𝓈.”
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Scar, Jiyan, & Aalto x Gender-neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: Kiss marks
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝒥𝒾𝓎𝒶𝓃 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝒪𝒻 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈"
“Aren’t you looking handsome, dear general?”
You laugh a little taking the look of your dearest lover underneath you while you sit right on his waist, back against the bed and of course, his handsome face is covered in red lip stains.
You can’t help but laugh at this sight. The strong general of the midnight rangers right beneath you. His hands go to hips as you lean down to kiss him on the lips.
 Your hands go to his chest as the kiss deepens, the two of you being very intimate, his hand going to the back of your head, kissing for who knows how long, the only sound left is your panting. 
When you finally pulled away you looked so dazed.  Your hands run through his hair. He was breathing heavily too.  The red marks from your lipstick make him blush. You smile sweetly at him before kissing his forehead.
“A general and my lover.”
𝒜𝒶𝓁𝓉𝑜 "𝒞𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓊𝓁𝓉𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈"
“You’re such a pain, Aalto.”
You hated how he always persisted on things and how you always ended up agreeing when he asked over and over and over again. You might just lose your mind.
“You love me though.”
He grinned at you while you straddled his lap, your lipstick smushed and smudged on the side of my face and kiss marks smeared on his face, neck; and the rest of his body.
“Love marking me up as yours, don't you.”
“You asked for this, you freak.”
His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer, your chest against his.  “It’s what makes me feel so special~” He nuzzled your neck before pecking it lightly. his one hand moving to coil your cheek before taking his thumb, pressing your lip, and personally smearing your lipstick to your cheek.
“This lipstick is expensive.”
Gripping at the hair of the back of his head. “hey! it was already smeared and a mess from us kiss—“
“Shur your mouth.”
𝒮𝒸𝒶𝓇 "𝒪𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓇 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝐹𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓈𝒾𝒹𝓊𝓈"
“Aren’t you just a sweetheart, dear.” 
Scar mocks while his face is riddled with lipstick marks all over—yet he seems to be enjoying it all since your attention is like giving water to a man in the desert. His hands tightly around your waist while you’re straddling his lap—his tight hold pushed your chest against his—yet you didn’t seem bothered at all. 
“I know I Am.” You say blankly, twisting the lipstick barrel, gently applying your lips, pressing your lips together before making a “pop” sound, and putting the lipstick away.
“Why don’t you give me another mark? Right here.”
His hands go to his collar and pull it down a little, motioning you to kiss his tacet mark with that drunk look of his. You just can’t help but scoff at the sight. Your hand moves to the back of his head, grabbing a fistful of his hair, and pulling his head back to reveal more of his neck.
Going down to kiss his tacit mark, leaving a red lipstick mark—which causes him to groan.
Now everything of his belongs to you even his tacet mark.
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