#jk i love plenty of old men but especially this one
eloise0620 · 1 year
3D, Seven, and Jks Image
After 3D and the alleged video of Jungkook and his girlfriend I truly have realized how nasty some of this fan base is when one of the members isn’t fitting into the idea ppl have constructed for them.
This is your friendly reminder that you DON’T know Jungkook. You don’t know his sexuality you don’t know what he’s like in person you don’t know his relationship status. We only see what we’re given and whether you want to accept it or not what we’re given is a partially constructed image. I’ve seen so much screaming and whining about how 3D and seven are too “straight” or sexual for him and aren’t who he is and are ruining his image.
Like?? He has literally said in his own words he HIMSELF is trying to move away from the cute maknae image and be taken more seriously as a mature adult. Why are y’all acting like he can’t have multiple aspects to his identity as a person and an artist? Singing about women doesn’t make him a bad person or suddenly a completely different Jungkook. But some of you are delusional and put so much stake in him being in a relationship with one of his bandmates that you can’t even be happy for him if his music has pronouns that you don’t like. At that point you don’t support him you support the idea of him you’ve created in your head that’s attached to a fantasy. He’s not “queer bating” when he’s touchy with Jimin or Taehyung, he loves them. Him constantly bringing up Jimin means they’re close of course but it never necessarily meant it was romantic. It’s such an insult to their friendships to degrade Jungkook like that and act like those boys don’t love each other with their entire heart. They mean everything to each other and you can’t even find joy in that because it’s not how you envisioned the lives of people you don’t KNOW????
I’d also like to add that even if he is bi or has had relationships with men, etc. (not saying that he has just a hypothetical), using female pronouns doesn’t negate that??? He is a KOREAN artist, he cannot just suddenly start singing about men and not experience cultural backlash. Why would he want to put himself in that position during the peak of his solo career? He didn’t write these songs either so if they were handed to him with female pronouns what reason would he have to change it? I beg for some ppl to just use the tiniest bit of logic before speaking because some of y’all are grown ADULTS that are throwing full on fits and it is so embarrassing to witness. You are entitled to your opinion on his music and if you don’t like it that’s okay! But dragging his personal character into it is so gross and delusional, especially when it’s revolving around hearsay.
At the end of the day if Jungkook is happy and has not OBJECTIVELY done anything bad then you should be happy for him too! I’m so serious when I say some ppl in this fan base need to transfer this energy into BLs or something that doesn’t involve real people. He has expressed how he is tired of being infantilized, this man is 26 years old, and you think he’s being “corrupted” somehow. Jungkook is not your queer icon or your little baby or the raunchy bad boy, he’s just Jungkook the individual. There have been plenty of valid criticisms I have heard regarding 3D but all this nonsense is not apart of it. If you don’t like him as he is then I sincerely hope you do leave because no one deserves fans like that, especially not someone like Jungkook who dedicates his time to showing how much he truly loves and appreciates army.
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peachjagiya · 4 months
As another baby Army in her 40s, what do you think of the “omg it’s so romantic when taekook gets angry/pouty jealous because that’s real love and don’t worry baby bear he’s all yours and fear the double bunny and nobody better touch what’s his!” narrative that seems to run deep in so many edits and ‘proof’ videos?  To me, an Old, this is kind of a messed up take. Someone getting angry because you interact with others (in this case, others that you’ve grown up with like brothers!) is NOT this ultimate show of love… it’s controlling and not what young men/women (or any age!) should be holding up as the ideal. I admit I love watching the pouty JK moments because they can be adorable, it’s the comments that make me pause. And, I think (hope) that’s not actually what’s happening in these videos.  I just don’t think these men who have been in such close proximity to each other most of their teen and adult lives would be freaking out about, say, one of them ruffling their leader’s hair or standing next to a bandmate other than each other.  
Oh awesome ask. Hi fellow Old.
It freaks me out.
I think they both like to know they're being paid attention to, certainly, but I would reject 99% of "jealous" clips. Usually I can't even see the facial expressions they supposedly have?
The other 1% seems innocuous to me, the kind of silly pouting and interplay that forms part of the flirting and chemistry of a real relationship.
If any of them was as controlling as these videos suggest, I would honestly not even be a fan of the group.
But as you say, it's not about them. They don't even know what someone is going to edit together from their random facial expressions. It's the comments romanticising a super toxic dynamic. If I may contextualise, I was in an abusive relationship for four years. It's not cute. It's damaging and leaves mental scars. So I do have real concern for what's being celebrated here and the ideas that are perpetuated.
I wonder if it's cultural because it's quite a prevalent behaviour in K-dramas too, I noticed. Jealousy being painted as romance. Often k-drama leads just seem like controlling man-babies to me and that's not sexy or cute or hot. It's the last kind of person you'd want your daughter or son to end up with.
I think it's mainly used as shorthand for demonstrating a depth of feeling where in Western media, we might use a sex scene for that. Which arises it's own set of issues, to be honest! No way am I criticising Korean TV. There's plenty of manipulative man-babies and troubling portrayals of romance in Western media too.
We know how media influences our expectations of the world. And these jealousy compilations just seem like an extension of that.
Especially annoying when there are positive examples of "romance" to highlight. Domesticity is ROMANTIC! Caring for each other is the real sexiness! 😂
Thanks anon. 💜
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stupendousfoxthing · 7 months
if there were to be video or something that came out of jk doing something clearly romantic w a girl, would u think we misinterpreted tkk all this time and were just reading into their interactions way too much? or would u maybe believe they were together at one point and ended it? maybe they’d be in an open relationship? or maybe it rlly was for show?
i didn’t follow ur blog at the time of when the shitstorm happened w the sasaeng taking a video of jk and a girl in his apartment (ik it’s an old topic but it’s one of the only things that gets in the way of tkk for me) but i’m interested to know ur take on whether that video was a romantic interaction or could’ve been just friendly? i believe it was 100% a real video and at first i was so heartbroken and confused abt tae and jk’s relationship. i grappled back and forth w the nature of the interaction in the sasaeng video for a while but the more i watched it the more i thought okay wait it’s like a 15 second video taken super out of context of just one location in his apartment where u can’t even rlly see if they’re alone or what happened prior. and it could be platonic (there were pics of him back hugging his female tattoo artist who was just a friend) especially if he’s not straight and the girl knows about that? i feel like there’s a lot more leeway w platonic physical affection between women and queer men than with straight men (even tho ik of friendships between both straight men and women that are also physically affectionate but still totally platonic). however, i sometimes feel like that sounds like me just rationalizing why it may not be romantic and being in denial. idk bc i don’t want to blindly believe in tkk but i can’t explain away tae and jk’s interactions as being totally platonic either so then i get super conflicted.
sorry ik this is rambling atp and it may be a topic u don’t want to address anymore but i’d love to hear ur interpretation of that whole scenario and how it affected ur beliefs and views on jk/tkk
It would be very hard to convince me now that there wasn't something between Taekook at some point, and it certainly wouldn't all be undone by a clearly romantic something between Jungkook and a girl. You definitely would not be able to convince me that what they did was "for show". Their relationship is authentic no matter what the nature of that relationship is. I've been a Taekooker for a long time now and I think I'm older than the average here. I not only have plenty of receipts for my belief in Taekook, I have context for all of those receipts because I was here when it happened. I was much more active on Twitter when the tattoo artist "scandal" happened, and I actually got tagged with a few of my TK friends by the first shady accounts trying to spread it. When I think back on that time, I just feel bad for everyone involved. Even the tattoo studio staff, who were harassed mercilessly and had their shop vandalized. That had much bigger impact than the recent video, but it's funny because when I saw the convo around that I was just thinking I've already seen him back hugging a woman. If that was enough to debunk Taekook I would have bailed in 2019. The intention of this rumor was exactly the same as well. It follows the same pattern as every other. Post something with no context and that's actually not proof of anything, but spin some wild stories about it. It's very easy with interactions between a man and a woman. Every person I see still posting it everywhere says the woman in the video is his pregnant gf. That's obviously not true. People freaked out because they were told more was coming. That didn't happen. I agree with a lot of your second paragraph. I don't put more weight on interactions just because they're between a man and a woman. I do think it's weird that a few seconds without any context would be enough to question just because it is a man and a woman. I've had plenty of interactions like that with male friends I had no romantic feelings about. Hell, when I was Jungkook's age if a stalker wanted to they could have gotten video of me hugging and kissing people I also had no romantic interest in and never dated. That informs my perspective on things. It's not just heteronormative, it's all a little puritanical to me. I actually wasn't blogging here until a few weeks ago so you're my first ask about this. I appreciate your message. After days of nothing, I got yours and then another (which I'm not going to post because it was obviously someone trying to start shit) a couple of hours later about the exact same topic, so I was a little sus about people trying to troll. But your questions were asked in good faith so I wanted to answer genuinely. Hope you're having a good weekend. ❤️
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forthechubbies · 4 years
Mrs. Jeon Vol 3
Synopsis• One nightstand gone Marriage!? The past catches up with Yn when her head over heels husband finds his lost bride and will keep her by any means necessary.
Category's•Violent Thoughts, Hostel Behavior, Nsfw (Later), and Bratty Jungkook.
Duos• Yandere! Jungkook x Chubby! Reader
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Vol 1, 2, 3, 4,
What’s going on down there? It sounds restlessly calm. You could hear muffled voices but nothing more; you aren't too keen on testing your luck and sneak into the corridor to eavesdrop on their conversation. Pretty sure the door is locked anyway.
Instead, You took note of the confined walls surrounding you. A typical master bedroom accessorized an earthy decor, cute mini-plants placed in various room areas, two tiny pet turtles in a tank constructed into a giant wooden bookshelf.
Speaking of books, talk about books galore. The shelved books had little to no wiggle room aside from the one empty slot belonging to the open novel on the nightstand. The owner won’t mind you partaking in one quick gander-
“Ah!” You gasp, fixing your eyes on your newly treated ankle. For a minute, you just about forgot this crazy abducted situation your in. The bedsprings dip as you flop back into the spot where Jimin left you. Jimin was the man you fell on during your first attempt at freedom; he was even generous enough to bandage with utmost care.
A kind gesture a particular bunny wasn’t too thrilled on seeing, Jungkook's face soured while watching Jimin’s filthy little womanizing hands caressing the delicate soft plushy skin of his carrot’s legs.
Son of a bitch trying to cop a feel on his wife, Jimin’s flirtatious persona, led him out to be a well-known heartthrob but often seen as a gigolo through certain people's point of view and, frankly, Jungkook's wife won't be a victim of the Jimin Effect.
The smash of a glass object-making contact with the hard marble kitchen floor snatched Jimin’s and your attention giving it to the irritable bunny who’s psychotically enthusiastic about testing his progress in strength by snapping his hyung’s neck-
Oh, no, his carrot looks frightened-He shouldn't do such a brutal act of love with his wife nearby; her poor innocent heart might shatter. No violence...At least for the time being.
Next thing you know, Jungkook's face lightened up, and even when Jimin bit his head off for breaking one of Jin’s fancy dinnerware, his facial expression persisted undaunted. Jungkook kept a serene masquerade, but through closer observation, he clenched his jaw at Jimin’s hand on cradling the small of his wife’s back, guiding her into hiding in the upper part of the house for a reason unknown.
Jungkook let Jimin take you no-fuss included, Hence, Your encaged situation. For all, you know, The men were downstairs plotting a far-flung strategy to murder you making it look like a battle of defense.
Though, You were more occupied by another Crack for the floor down below. ” Ahh!” You cried out, falling back on the bed once again.
Meanwhile, Downstairs.
”Stop! Breaking Hyung’s plates, or we're both as good as dead!” Jimin growled. ”Quit avoiding the question! Who the hell is that woman!? Did you hurt her!? Why-!” Jimin asked Jungkook until his cheeks burned a reddish hue, and his neck veins were dominant.
In one swift breath, Jungkook responded. “ She’s Mrs.Jeon. My wife.”
Jimin knew his maknae had a few loose screws in his head, but this is getting out of hand.
”Wife?! Do you know how old you are!? Kook, You just turn twenty-three-”
”So What.” Jungkook interrupted. ”You want me to wait until I’m an ancient fart like Hyung to get married.”
”Pffft.” Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line suppressing his need to laugh. ”Ahem, respect your elders-You little brat.”
Amidst the brothers at each other's throats, another member of the maknae line awakened from his mid-morning nap; drowsy eyed Kim Taehyung waddled upstairs to check up on his Hyung living in the room above him.
He could have sworn a faint scream is what he heard-Well; there's no harm in checking.
You jumped at the squeaky hinges of the door opening. Wait, it was unlocked!? Expecting the uninvited visitor to be Jungkook, You raised a pillow over your head, ready to be hurled-to your amazement; it was a completely different man.
A long-haired male with long chocolate locks kept at bay by a beige headband; his attire was disarray. His tank top hung off his shoulder, slightly creased in his pajama pant’s waistband.
Adorable, to say the least, the poor thing’s eyes weren’t even fully open yet, the pretty pink pout of his lips nearly forced an” Aw” from yours.
”Who are you?” He grumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
Sweet mother of deep, He stood a few feet away, but the raspiness and depth of his voice caused your insides to start quivering.
”I’m-I’m the sand fairy.” You choked out, fluttering the tips of your fingers as if spreading magic dust. ” I'm here to ensure all your dreams are sweet. ”
You nibbled your lip nervously, hoping he takes the bait. He yawned in response dragging his exhausted body across the room to you; he halts. You gulped, staring up at him; you felt like a mouse about to pounce on by a tiger.
”H-H-I!” You yelped.
The man took no real investment in your fib; instead, he decided to reap the benefits of how soft and plushy you are by laying his head on your bare thighs. He wiggled in place to reach maximum comfort.
”Ah.” He moaned, falling back to sleep.
Oh, dear.
The sound of the hyung’s arrival made the two maknae gulp.
First in the door was Hoseok, hands full grocery bags ” Come help! Quick, save the ice cream if it isn't soup by now.”
Namjoon followed behind. ” I told Jin not to get the ice cream first-He knows how he gets with his coupons.”
”The worst part is he got upset when we told him that's enough food then told to stay in the car.” Yoongi stretched out the pins and needles feeling in his limbs.
”You may say that's enough now, but when that brat comes, he's going to eat us out of house and home!” Jin scolded, unconsciously fetching the rest of the bags.
Jin froze, staring at Jungkook, helping put the food in the correct places. He didn't hesitate to smother his baby boy in a hug, but right after, he jabbed Jungkook's gut.
”Oof!” Jungkook doubled over, gripping his chest. ” I missed you too,” He coughed.
Jin stood tall. ” And there's plenty more where that came from once Hoseok gets his hands on you.”
Anyone but Hoseok.
” I heard Jk!” Hoseok rushed Jungkook a bear hug. ” Thank goodness you're alright!” He jabbed in his Jungkook's gut. ” Where the hell have you been?!”
Jungkook groaned. ” Ou-Ouch..I won't be able to tell you if I keep getting hit.” He cleared his throat. ”America.”
”America!” The hyungs blared out.
Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. ” What possessed you to go there on your own? Have you forgotten what you are?”
Jungkook sighed. “ I know, I know, but I just envy normal people around my age having the freedom to go wherever they want.”
“ But you’re not," Yoongi brutally minced Jungkook’s sob story. He’s not particularly fond of beating around the bush, especially when dealing with his brothers earlier this afternoon. “ Unlike ‘normal’ twenty-year-olds, you are adored by army who would be upset if anything happened to you.”
Jungkook bowed his head in shame; the thought of army never really crossed his mind.
“And-“ Yoongi continued. “ There are crazies in every country, so what made you think heading off on your own would be alright!?”
“Why America?” Namjoon’s brow jumped as the gears in his head began to turn. “ Out of all the beautiful places we visited-You chose the U.S? What was there that you had to leave without an explanation?”
Namjoon stared at Jungkook’s eyes not in a malicious sense, just a habit when trying to figure out a solution or, in this case, a missing clue to the reason his little brother hopped up and left.
“Twinkats (Twinkies),” Jimin laughed nervously. “ I bet his suitcase is full of them.”
Sadly, Jimin’s fairy charm wouldn’t work this time. Jungkook is drowning in deep waters, and there’s no salvage coming for miles; at this rate, Jungkook had two options: tell the truth, orrrr, run away with his loving wife in his arms.
Not gonna lie; Jungkook leaned towards the second option, but the fates had another plan.
”Hyung! Hyung! Namjoon-Hyungie!!” Taehyung screamed bloody murder, sprinting downstairs minus jumping the last five steps. ” Her ankle is purple!”
Taehyung paused, breathing heavily in front of the kitchen where the interrogation is being held, accompanied by a woman injured cradled in his arms, more worried about him dropping than her throbbing ankle.
Taehyung had the room’s undivided attention, and Jungkook’s enviousness scowl; his wife was clinging on to another man like a baby koala to its mother but had it been him, she would scratch his eyes out.
Let's not mention the fact! It seems like she's only wearing a shirt, and guess who the owner is, not him!
” Who-”
” How!?”
Before getting into details about the hyung's reaction to their new houseguest, let's first take a detour to Prince Taehyung mini rescue adventure.
A good hour in, Taehyung woke up from the best nap of his life to beautiful damsel sniffles and tears. The sweetheart asked what was wrong and nodded as the damsel explained, coming to realize she was in distress. Prince Taehyung aided the beauty with new clothes and tied a red ribbon into her hair….beacause he thought it would look pretty (Shrugs).
However, her ankle injury required a different source of help, so who else to ask but his favorite Hyung? But he couldn't find Yoongi in his room, so he decided to ask Namjoon instead.
Back to the original story
Taehyung explains the truth unconsciously, throwing his little brother under the bus.
Jin’s eye twitched as he peered at Jungkook, who was attempting to slip out of the kitchen. ” You little sh-!”
Let's just say Jin didn't nearly beat Jungkook almost half to death with a rice paddle while shouting numerous insults to bruise a thousand men’s pride in a second.
It went silent after Jin banished Jungkook to the beach house a few feet from the house until he wanted to see his face again. Namjoon took it upon himself to introduce the gang.
You politely shared a warm hello but wished nothing more to go home.
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ceruleanwhore · 4 years
Let’s talk about LoK’s shit worldbuilding
Technology is what I’ve seen the most people the most opinionated about, so that’s where I’ll start. Plenty of people out there share my opinion that having LoK be set in basically the American 20s is just some really shitty worldbuilding but I’ve also encountered plenty more who are of the opinion that since it’s technically possible, that means it’s good. For those who aren’t aware: just because something is technically possible does NOT make it good. AtLA is set in a more traditional fantasy world with a hard magic system where the setting, character design, and everything else are meant to feel older (even though this time it isn’t modeled after Europe). There is some technology in AtLA and what is shown works with the nature of their world and their society so it isn’t like, say, a lamppost from England being dropped right into this little fantasy world and disrupting things. The trains in Ba Sing Se are a perfect example of this with how they are operated by benders and also fit, visually, with the surrounding buildings and whatnot.
The issue with LoK is that it seems that there was no real thought around the development and incorporation of new technology in the context of the world. Instead, it’s as though they copied and pasted the American 20s in there and it’s really jarring. This would be the part where I said that just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s good writing- just because our industrial revolution was at breakneck speed doesn’t mean that having your fantasy world develop the same way is a good idea. For a little context, let’s compare this to the Lord of the Rings. Imagine that Christopher Tolkien one day decided to write a whole new four part series set a century after the end of Return of the King. So now, seemingly out of nowhere, boom, technology. Minas Tirith is basically 1920s Chicago, they have cars and stuff. And the thing is that there was a little bit of technology in LotR, just like with AtLA, so that is a fair comparison. 
Also, like I said earlier, it feels lazy with how they’re just throwing in some of these different types of technology. For example, a glove that electrocutes people with no explanation whatsoever on how it works doesn’t make sense. Not to mention, the fact that anything relies on lightning bending, which is SUPPOSED to be super fucking rare (more on that later) is beyond stupid. 
I think this reflects an ongoing issue with Korra where they clearly think that they should be trying to make things more “realistic” but either don’t realize or don’t care that in the process they’re wrecking that ‘fantasy’ feel their world used to have, which brings us to our next topic: people.
Just like how they decided to go the ‘realism’ route with a breakneck industrial revolution, they also decided to go that same route with homosexuality and, more importantly, homophobia. Friendly reminder that if you’re writing fantasy and you spice it some with some good, wholesome gay content, you DO NOT have to ruin it with fucking homophobia. It’s supposed to be fantasy, you dense fuck. It has its own problems but the Dragon Prince is an absolutely perfect example of how to write gayness in fantasy, i.e., perfectly common with zero homophobia to be seen. Writing it like Bryke did just to double down on “it’s been like 90 years since the war ended but did you know the Fire Nation is fucking TERRIBLE and Sozin is basically HITLER?” is weak, stupid, and fucking annoying.
The other thing I want to touch on is race. Basically, put whoever you want in your story and have them look however you want them to look but keep in mind that the way you do or do not introduce groups of people can affect the quality of your writing. What I mean is that with a fantasy universe like this, it’s all wysiwyg. When the gaang traveled around *the world* meeting and interacting with all kinds of people from all kinds of places in all 3 remaining nations (and showing memories of the air nomads that are now gone), that’s your chance to showcase all that wonderful diversity. By the end of the series, when their tour of the whole world is over, you should have a complete picture. 
Again, think about LotR for a second. By the end of Return of the King, you’ve encountered all the different types of men that ever existed in any of Tolkien’s writings (kinda sorta including the dunedain, and there’s even a reference or two in there with Aragorn tying that in all nicely), multiple kinds of elves, dwarves, goblins, hobbits, ents, huorns, the eagles, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, the Nazgul, and multiple maiar (some good, some corrupt). The only race that hasn’t appeared in any of this that does exist in Tolkien’s other works is the valar but, otherwise, you, as the reader, along with characters like Frodo have been introduced to each and every race in middle earth, and, frankly, the Valar can be excused because they all are in the Undying Lands (plus Manwe might have been mentioned with the eagles.) Now, compare that to LoK where, with a Rowling level of retconning, they decided to just add some more races out of nowhere with no explanation 90 years or whatever after the original series. 
I just know that, for myself, I would’ve loved to see all this included from the beginning and incorporated into the original series and the travels of the gaang. Instead, we have it so AtLA is pretty set one way and then in LoK there’s just that one random dude with an afro and then, going into the comics afterwards, they decided to start incorporating different races in a way that feels like a JK Rowling tweet (“Hermione was black all along, even though I described her in the books as having light skin and picked a white actress to play her, I swear!”) So, basically, when you’re writing fantasy, you kind of have to include everything like that because that’s how the genre works and it’s not like in normal fiction where you can just have a black character without any explanation. Once again, the difference between how fantasy writing works and things being “realistic”.
As for realism, yanking the white lotus out into the open by their ear like an errant child is so unspeakably dumb and unrealistic. They’re a SECRET society who transcend the four nations and operate in SECRET jfc. After the war ended and the old folks home was no longer fighting the Fire Nation, the rest of them should’ve been able to go back into hiding no problem. But to drag their asses into this mess just to make them like Korra’s personal bodyguards and guards at high security prisons is so fucking stupid it hurts.
So then, to finish this up, let’s talk about bending. First off, there’s the issue of how bending forms have just… ceased to exist and/or been replaced with vague yet aggressive punching. Remember when Katara had to learn all those water bending stances and there was even a scroll of them? Or when Aang had to learn fire bending forms from Zuko? Well fuck that, now everyone can just punch at stuff instead. Never been able to airbend even with what should be proper form? Try waving your fist around!
The other thing is how so many of these characters are just “so naturally gifted” and can either successfully bend well with little to no experience or casually do stuff that’s supposed to be hella difficult. An example of the first point is Zaheer who just got his airbending like 3 days prior but suddenly can fucking fly and an example of the latter would be the blood bending, just all of it. That’s kind of another thing, though, how they’ve taken these things that were special and notoriously difficult and then watered them down and made it so literally everyone can do it. You know how lightning bending was a really cool thing only Ozai and Azula, the Fire Lord and princess who are both also known to be especially skilled benders, could do? Not anymore, now pretty much any fire bender with a pulse can shoot lightning out of their fingers. Same goes for blood and metal bending.
Also, can I just say that I’m mad at how pro bending was done? The earth bending stuff with the Boulder and all that worked because that framework of wrestling is really well suited to the element. Now, it’s what I’ve been saying where it’s like ‘oh yeah we can just put all the elements together in this boxing type shit because everyone in this fucking series can bend by punching, right?’ They had an awesome opportunity here to figure out different styles of fighting sports tailored to the different types of bending and they said ‘nope, fuck you’ and gave us that shit. Or just sports, in general, based around if the people playing and benders and, if so, what type of bending they have.
The last main thing with bending though is the absolute horseshit of harmonic convergence and kinda just season 2 in general. For starters, Korra getting her bending back because dead Aang was like “here ya go” was bullshit. I feel like it would’ve been better if that had been when Unalaq got introduced as her spiritual guide and, through working with him, she eventually was able to reach Wan, see his whole backstory like we got in episode 7, and then, afterwards, she could contact Raava directly and somehow with her get her bending back. Then, afterwards, she could go back to Republic City and give everyone their bending back and start helping with reconstruction from Amon. Season 2 doesn’t need a villain and it most certainly does NOT need that dumbass ‘dark avatar’ bullshit. 
Also, in terms of the air bending, seriously, fuck that shit. If air bending is going to come back then maybe, I don’t know, after following my other advice have Korra realize that not only can she take bending away (like Aang) but she can also give it so she could just go around to all the acolytes and make them airbenders. Or, if that would fuck up the balance or some shit, have her go around and make all the people who lost their bending to Amon into a fresh batch of air benders. You can’t really introduce something like energy bending and then expect us to believe that the only way to bring air bending back is for Aang to fuck a lot and then rely on following generations and subsequent incest, plus hc is fucking stupid when you have a character who can straight up just give people bending.
Oh and all that convergence shit brings up my last point of discussion, the way they retconned and fucked up the lore. Just like with what they did with lightning, blood, lava, and metal bending, they also decided to just do everything they could with those fucking turtles. Just like with Azula’s lightning bending, the entire fucking reason the lion turtle works so well is because of how it is so rare and special and all that so once you take that away, it doesn’t matter anymore smh. For most peope, champagne is special. You know why? Because most of us aren’t out here drinking the shit by the gallon every day. So yeah, between that and the way they threw away already established lore (that was further reinforced by experiences of characters in the show) makes it just a big old “yike”. All they had to do was fanagle a bit to keep Raava and Vaatu but ditch the whole hc shitshow and just maintain the parts that are already established.
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Epilogue: Lay Us Down
Part 12 of Another Goddamn Hero Story
read on ao3
Chapter Pairings: Romantic LAMP; Familial LAMPT; Background Remceit; Background OC F/F pairing;
Chapter Warnings: feelings of betrayal & guilt; mention of human experimentation aftermath; unwise cooking practices; michael jackson lyrics; unrelenting Momming; Ewwww My Moms Are Flirting; jk we love it; this one’s mostly fluff, y’all; love you
Taglist: @residentanchor @royally-anxious@bewarethegrammarpolice   @jemthebookworm@arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse@thelowlysatsuma @monsterinatophat @turtally-pawsome @um-yes-hi-hello @idkaurl @potestessemagishomosexualitatis@hawthornshadow
a/n:  I'm absolutely gonna cry saying goodbye to this story. Thank you to everyone who's read and followed over the past year and a bit! My life has changed in so many dramatic ways over that time but thanks to y'all, I never lost the motivation to finish this.
“Get him!”
“Don’t let’im get away!”
A blow hit Virgil in the back and he let himself be knocked to the ground. He twisted his head to look up at his attacker with a grin.
“Oh no, you got me!”
Quil smiled in triumph as the other children caught up with them both. “That’s right! We did it! We caught you!” Their curls fanned out around their head as they bounced up and down on his chest. If he wasn’t so durable, it might have been painful, but then, that was why he was the kids’ favorite playmate.
“What will you do now that you’ve caught me?” he asked, trying to look less amused and more intimidated by the group of children circled around him.
They all looked confused for a moment, then one little boy shouted, “Piggybacks!”
“Piggybacks!” the others agreed.
“I have to be able to stand up to give piggybacks,” Virgil pointed out from where he was still lying prone, Quil and others sitting on top of him.
One of them giggled. “We trapped you! Can’t get away!”
“Is that a challenge?” he asked with his best Roman-Is-Offended gasp. He lifted himself into the air, bringing children as he went, until he was floating in midair with three kids balanced on his back.
The rest of the group cheered, clapping and egging him on.
“Guess you three are first up for piggybacks! Are you ready? Hold on tight!” He never flew fast while carrying them, but any distance into the air was still a thrill for them. He did a low loop, then gracefully returned to earth.
A line had formed as he flew, and as he let his first passengers off, he knelt to let two more wrap their arms around his neck. He held them in place with his arms and they were off once more.
On the porch, watching, sat Patton with Tatiana and Celeste Skylar. Some of the quieter children sat with them, apart from the raucous cheering and laughter of the group. Patton’s winds were carrying paper airplanes swiftly through the air, the crafts perfectly aerodynamic thanks to Logan’s earlier tutelage.
Patton himself was leaning on Tati’s shoulder, watching the kids and Virgil as he swooped carefully through the air.
He looked around, and suddenly stiffened, sitting up. “Where’s Thomas?!” he asked, a panicked edge to his voice.
“He’s with Roman, honey, remember?” Tatiana said warmly, squeezing Patton’s shoulder lightly. “He’s safe.”
The tension leaked out slowly as Patton sank back into leaning against the woman. “Oh, yeah. I… forgot.”
“It’s okay, sweet pea. You’re worried for him. It’s always too easy to think of what could be goin’ wrong if you’re not there yourself. I’ve been there. It’s okay. It’ll get easier.”
Patton nodded. “I don’t want to coddle him but- but I know he still has nightmares, and flashbacks, and…”
“And Roman’s been getting the same trainin’ as you have from Dr. Picani. He can help too. It’s not just on you, honeycakes,” Tatiana reminded him gently. “You aren’t all that Thomas has now - he has a whole home of people who love him and want to help him recover.”
“Don’t you mean a whole Haven?” Patton asked with a small grin.
“Same thing, aren’t they?” Celeste asked from Tatiana’s other side.
Haven Foster Home had been open for business for almost three months, and was growing steadily. They had sixteen children between the ages of three and twelve living with them currently, and plenty of space to expand. Which was good, because Virgil and his boyfriends had all moved in as they helped with construction and day-to-day operations. And Thomas, of course, had come too. Between the five of them, they were assisting the Skylar women get the home fully operational. And they were a so-far-endless source of entertainment.
Patton hugged Tatiana impulsively. “Thank you, Mrs. Skylar.”
“Pattycakes, what have I told you about callin’ me that?” Tatiana asked with a smile. “Even if you weren’t my son’s partner, you’re family here.”
Patton nodded shyly. “I know, but-”
“We mean it, Pat,” Celeste said seriously. “You have a home here, no matter what happens. Wherever Haven is, you belong. You and Thomas both.”
Patton brushed away a tear. “Thank you, Mrs- Celeste. It feels wrong to call you Mum and Mama like Virgil does, even if-” he shrugged.
“You know what the kiddos call us?” Celeste asked. “Mumma C and Mama T.”
“Those’re so cute,” Patton admitted with a small giggle.
“Just like you, bean,” Tati said, booping Patton’s nose. “And it took Roman all of two seconds to start using them.”
He grinned. “Well if the light of my life uses them, I guess I can too.”
“Did someone say Light of their Life?” Roman asked, coming out onto the porch with Thomas behind him.
“Roro! Tommy!” Patton said happily, standing to hug them both.
“Pat, we’ve only been inside for an hour and a half,” Thomas said, but he was grinning as he hugged his brother tight.
“Which is half an hour longer than I promised Captain Muscles I’d make him be on kiddo-duty,” Roman admitted. “Time for me to take over!”
He strode out into the field, a giant red slide coming to being as he gestured. The children who’d been entertaining themselves by ripping out grass leapt to their feet and ran over.
Virgil threw Roman a two-fingered salute as his boyfriend blew him a kiss. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck. It didn’t tire him physically to give the kids rides, but their energy was emotionally draining in its own way.
“Am I too late for one more flight?” a voice asked from behind him.
About to apologetically decline, Virgil turned to face the speaker. A young woman smiled up at him, the volume of her springy red hair making up only about half of the difference in their heights.
“SANDRY! You’re home from school?” Virgil asked with delight, sweeping up his little sister in an enthusiastic hug.
“Couldn’t miss seeing my favorite brother!”
“I notice you didn’t say sibling," Virgil responded, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“That’s right,” Sandry said with a smile. “I’m not starting that argument again. Alex will never let me hear the end of it.”
“That’s because they know they’d lose,” Virgil said with an overly-elegant sniff. “Can they help you set up roof-to-ceiling bookcases? I don’t think so.”
“Always playing the super card, god,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “So rude.”
Virgil ruffled her curly fro. “Hey, I know my strengths. It’s every sib for themself in this family. Especially when the mums keep finding more for me to compete with.”
“And you will be introducing me properly to the boyfs later,” Sandry said. It wasn’t a question. “Lo’s already told me all his embarrassing stories of you but I want to hear them all.”
“I’m getting flashbacks to, hmm, let me see, every single year growing up with you competitive little gremlins,” Virgil groaned. “I can’t get a break.”
“Your fault, you’re the greedy one who brought home three men and a new brother. I feel threatened. Truly. I do.” She tweaked his nose with an impish grin. “Now where’s my piggyback ride?”
Virgil stuck his tongue out at her. “You’re only three months from graduating college, aren’t you a bit old?”
“Virgeeyyyyyyy,” she whined, poking him in the cheek with obnoxious delight, punctuating each poke with a nickname. “Virgey. Virgey. Virge. Vee. Vee-man. Virgil. Virgey. Virge.”
“Fineeee,” he groaned, turning so she could wrap her arms about his neck. His huge smile betrayed his feigned irritation, though, and the minute she was secure, they were off, flying much faster than he every took the little ones.
“WHOOO!” she cheered in his ear as he flew them into a loop-de-loop, arcing over the house and field. “Hey, hey Virge! Do a barrel roll!” she said in her best Starfox impression. Virgil grinned and spun them into a tight spin, holding her legs secure as she whooped in exhilaration.
He finally landed and let her slide off, breathless. “Mum, why didn’t you warn me there was an invasion of little sisters?”
Celeste looked up from a game of tic-tac-toe in the dirt with a six-year-old. “She swore me to secrecy, V. I couldn’t betray her.”
“Also I promised to help arrange furniture,” Sandry added, fluffing her hair back to a normal shape after the wind’s free blowout.
“For someone who plans on law school, you’re too good at coercion,” Virgil grumbled, messing up her hair again just for the fun of it.
“Technically, this was bribery,” she responded with a wink. “See you at dinner!”
Tatiana passed her coming out the door, kissing her daughter’s cheek as she passed. “Oh, I just love it when my babies are home together. Virgey, don’t forget, Jacques and Liv are coming over for Sunday dinner this weekend, too, so make sure your boys don’t have any plans!’
“Yes, Mama,” Virgil said. He checked his phone, and walked over to where Roman was still supervising the kids on their glowing playset.
“Hey, you,” he said, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist from behind.
“Hello there, Purple Gay-ze,” Roman replied, squeezing the muscled arms wrapped around him.
“Do you know where Lo is?”
Roman pouted. “What, I’m not enough?”
Virgil smiled and kissed his cheek. “Why do I have three boyfriends if I don’t get to want them all at once? No, I just wanted to check in on him. I haven’t seen him all morning, and he’s doing the not-responding-to-texts thing again.”
Roman nodded at house behind them. “Last I saw, he’s up there.”
“Again? Why’s the only one who can’t fly the one spending all his time on the roof?”
Roman shrugged, mouth twisting into a worried line. “I’m still learning his signals but… I think he wanted to be alone.”
Virgil hugged Roman around the shoulders briefly, then stepped up into the air. “First rule of Logan: what he wants and what’s going to make him happier are not always the same thing. I’ll go check on him.” He waved to the kids and flew up to the roof.
At first, it seemed empty. The chairs were unoccupied, and the trampoline was still. The cupola, an idea Virgil stole from City Hall, was empty too, its door to the inside shut for once. About to search somewhere else, Virgil suddenly noticed a flash of blue behind the chimney.
Logan was sitting on the ground, feet planted, arms hugging his legs. He stared off into empty air, fiddling with his black-and-white goggles.
Virgil approached slowly and sank down gently next to him with a murmured, “Hey.”
Logan jumped slightly, almost falling on his side before he realized who it was. “Oh. Hi.”
Virgil tentatively touched Logan’s shoulder, only for him to lean in to the touch immediately. Virgil wrapped his arms around the smaller man, letting him get so close he was practically in his lap.
“I won’t ask if you’re okay, because I know this has been all sorts of terrible for you, but - do you want to want to talk about it, or do you just want comfort?”
Logan shrugged and nestled his face further into the space where Virgil’s neck met his shoulder. Virgil squeezed his arms around him firmly carded his fingers through his hair in a soothing, repetitive way.
A mumbled rumbled into his shoulder. “What was that, love?”
Logan lifted his face, a little pink from the pet name. “I just. With Tommy and Pat, even Ro, even you - you all have had so many more struggles and heartache. I feel selfish for feeling this bad about it when I wasn’t even hurt.”
“First off, emotional hurt counts just as much as anything else, so jot that down,” Virgil said with a slight smile. Then his expression shifted back to serious. “But Lo, really- you’re allowed to be hurt and feel bad, even if others are too. I’m not going to run out of sympathy or patience. Neither are they.”
“I know that, intellectually. And yet, I feel guilty.”
“That’s okay. It really is. And I think it’ll help if you can talk it out.”
Logan sighed, withdrawing from Virgil’s hold, but still leaning against him.
“I still feel responsible. Even if I wasn’t the one who actually did this to Thomas, my work, my research was involved. I helped my par- I helped the project progress and escalate, even if I didn’t know what it was progressing to. And if Thomas resented me for my part in it, I wouldn’t blame him.”
“But he doesn’t,” Virgil said softly.
“I wish he did. No one blames me. Not Joan, not Talyn, not any of you.”
“Because we love you and know it wasn’t your fault.”
“But that’s just it!” Logan said, sitting up fully. He threw his goggles in frustration, and they cracked on the brick wall as they collided. His grey eyes blazed, all the brighter with no lenses currently blocking them. “You all know me and assume the best. If the public knew my full involvement, they’d hate me, and they’d be right to. Instead, I get off scot-free, known only as the star witness of the trial, while all the hate gets directed at my parents.” His voice broke on the last word as his head fell forwards into his hands. Virgil rubbed his back soothingly, seeing Logan’s shoulders shake with silent, suppressed sobs.
“You miss them,” Virgil murmured.
“I know they did terrible, unethical things, they hurt our brother and countless others, and they perverted my research and life’s work and yet I still miss them so much. Bea and Jem are barely speaking to me, and I know they both say they don’t blame me, but I can tell that they do. I haven’t been able to visit them at our cousin’s house yet because I can feel the betrayal. I broke my family, Vee.”
“Your parents broke it,” Virgil said fiercely. “They made a choice, and now they’re facing the consequences. That’s not on you.”
“But the fact remains that the Lancaster family is broken, and the rest of the family would rather blame me than them, because that way they don’t have to admit that our parents did something like this all on their own. And I… I get it,” he said, deflated.
Virgil stayed silent, but kept rubbing small circles on Logan’s lower back, waiting for him to continue when he was ready.
“Parents are… they’re larger than life. Especially mine,” Logan said, with a wet chuckle. “Two brilliant doctors, one a literal superhero. And she wasn’t just any superhero, she was the face of them all, the one in all the PR spots. We grew up with a mom who was on our TV and in our PSAs at school. She was the most anticipated guest lecturer at HEARTS. I grew up in awe of her, surrounded by a city who was in awe of her too.” Logan paused, looking out into the distance again. “I always knew deep down that she was human, of course, but until now, I never saw any flaws myself. And I feel like I should have. Dad, too, except - people always used to tell me how much I look like him. How much I take after him. And now they’ll see my face and see our generation’s fucking Armageddon.”
“Lo, I know this is hard, but exaggeration won’t help. They’re not Armageddon villain-level. They didn’t flatten the city or threaten the entire world.”
“They may as well have,” Logan replied, voice tight with anger. “They could have, if we hadn’t stopped them. If Thomas hadn’t escaped when he did, they would have kept going.”
“Don’t torture yourself with what-ifs and could-haves, starlight.”
“...are you quoting Mum?”
“Mama, actually.”
Logan cracked a smile at that, but it flitted away again like the sun on a cloudy day. “I feel like the world’s gone wonky,” he admitted. “If I was so wrong about them, what else have I misjudged?”
Virgil looked meaningfully behind them, where they could dimly hear the happy shouts of the kids as Roman and Patton led them in a sing-a-long.
Logan sighed. “I mean, yeah, that’s it, isn’t it. The one thing I thought I knew for sure, as certain as my power or gravity, was that the world had heroes, and everyone who could be one and chose not to be was a villain. And my parents were heroes. Now all that’s gone, and I don’t know where that leaves me.”
Virgil nodded sympathetically. “You’re lost, Lo. But it’s okay.”
“How can you know that? What if I can’t find myself again?” His voice was small and hesitant, and Virgil immediately pulled him into his arms.
“Because I was lost once too. And you were the one who found me. And thanks to you, and our boys, and this whole big new family - life sucks less now. You’ll figure it out, Lo. You’re the smartest person I know, the most brilliant star in my sky. And I’ll support you in any way I can.”
Logan looked up into Virgil’s face. That wonderful man started back, his face so frank and open that Logan couldn’t help but believe him entirely. He blinked back tears, smiling shakily. “I love you, Virgil.”
“I love you too, Logan. More than words or sound.” They held each other tightly for a moment, then Virgil let go, standing. “Now c’mon. You have other boyfriends to love and be loved by. And the moms want taste-testers.”
“I’m not particularly hungry-” Logan started, but Virgil interrupted.
“They’re trying a new recipe for jelly thumbprints. And one of the new flavors is blackberry-pomegranate Crofter’s.”
Logan immediately was on his feet. “Well, can’t keep the moms waiting, better go!” He sped away, running down the outside of the building rather than wasting time by taking the stairs. Virgil laughed as he flew behind him.
As he flew to the yard and landed, Patton smiled up at him from where he was lying with his head in Roman’s lap.
“Hey there, big guy. Was that blur our boyfriend on his way to get spoiled?”
“You know it. Pretty sure his first time breaking the sound barrier was because of a Crofter’s sale. This was so worth it, even if I did have to promise Mama I’d do more construction as a trade for the extra baking.”
Roman smiled, his fingers tangled in Patton’s curls. “You big fellas and your big hearts. Lookin’ all tough, but you’re the softest possible touch.”
“What can I say, my boyfriends are my one weak spot. Or, you know, my three weak spots,” Virgil said with a smile, sitting so that Patton could sprawl his legs over him. He kissed Roman’s temple and rubbed Patton’s calf with a warm hand.
“Hm, and are we your only weak spots?” Patton asked, eyes dancing with mischief as he sat up between the two men. “What about here?” He poked Virgil in the side, wriggling his fingers as he did so.
A laugh bubbled out of Virgil’s mouth before he clapped his hand over it with a mock-glare. “Oh no you don’t.”
“I’m sure a big, strong man like you can’t be disarmed with some petty little tickles,” Roman purred, reaching an arm around to his other side.
“Fuck you!” Virgil gasped, giggling, but he was surrounded, his boyfriends on either side tickling him mercilessly. They trusted him not to lash out, not to hurt them even accidentally, and that warmed Virgil just as much as their affection. When it became too much, he laughed aloud and lifted them onto his shoulders, one on each.
Patton whooped at the sudden elevation, twining his fingers around Virgil’s where he gripped his thigh. Roman just posed, reclining elegantly and winking at the muscled man he had the good fortune to be dating.
“Oh darling, you’re so smooth, always ready to sweep us off our feet,” Roman drawled.
“Nice one, Roro,” Patton giggled.
Virgil grinned up at his boys. “What can I say? This is the closet I can get to putting you both on the pedestals you deserve.”
“VIRGIL!” a voice suddenly shouted from inside. It was immediately followed by a blur that crashed through the door and resolved back into Logan. His face was flushed, his hair askew, and there was a smear of jam on his mouth still.
Roman and Patton both immediately lifted themselves up and off of Virgil’s shoulders as the big hero ran to Logan’s side.
“Lo, what is it? Are you okay? Are the kids okay?”
“Yes, they’re great, everything’s great, I have just made the best discovery!” Logan said, words spilling out in a rush. “Tommy! Are you coming?”
Sure enough, Thomas was emerging from the door in Logan’s wake, walking at a normal human pace. He carried a jelly jar with a spoon stuck in, though he’d been slightly more successful in cleaning his mouth than Logan had.
“Are you alright, Thomathy?” Patton asked, brow knitting slightly.
His brother smiled up at him, glowing in a tentative way. “I’m great, Pat. Logan - you should explain, I don’t know that I fully understand it-”
Logan nodded eagerly. “My dears, it’s wonderful- we discovered another power of Thomas’. Something new. We were both so excited to try the Mums’ cookies, and I was moving fast to help, and without extra effort, I started getting faster and faster. I was barely even aware at the time! And I could still control it, it was just easier. I- knowing what we know now, about Thomas’ origins, I think I know what his true power is. The same way he can spread emotions that paralyze, he can spread emotions that amplify. He’s not just a human dampening-field- he’s an enhancer!”
Roman frowned. “Sorry, my dearest nerd, I don’t think I follow?” He summoned a handkerchief and handed it to Virgil, who wiped Logan’s face free of jelly as he continued to explain animatedly, barely aware of Virgil’s movements.
“Our emotions are tied to our powers, right? The first time we used them, it had to be through a certain feeling, and then over time we could trigger them through experience. And we know Thomas could shut them down the same way, by triggering the antithetical feelings, or even a complete absence. But, he can send out positivity, too! And excitement, and elation, all the normal discovery-emotions. He’s like a rainbow cloud full of mood-enhancers! A human embodiment of an SSRI!”
Thomas smiled at them all, and the extra years of stress seemed to fall away, leaving him looking like an actual teen again. “I think I can be a teammate now, not just another person on the attack. I can help. In training, in learning- Ro, I think I can even help you on grey days.”
Roman stared in shock. “Really?”
“I hope so, at least. I want to make up for what I’ve done. I think this could be how I do that.”
Virgil clasped Thomas’ shoulder. “Remember, though, you don’t have to, Tommy. You don’t owe the rest of us anything, not if you don’t want to give it. You don’t have to become a professional hero.”
Thomas nodded. “I know. But… I do want to. Maybe not constantly, not all the time, but I want to help.”
Patton seized his brother in a hug. “And you will, Thomathy. And we’ll be there to help you, no matter what.”
“Promise?” Thomas’ voice was small as he looked over Patton’s shoulder at the other three.
Roman was the first to wrap his arms around both the Sanders, but Logan soon did the same, and Virgil rounded out the group hug, resting his face in Patton’s curls.
“We promise, Tommy,” Roman murmured. “Whatever it takes.”
“Whatever it takes,” Logan echoed.
“Whatever it takes,” Virgil promised.
If a tear or five happened to roll down their cheeks, well. Nothing to be ashamed of. They were all family, after all.
>>D.R.E.A.M. Index
     >>User Mode: Administrator
>>Update Impact: Global
     >>Update Field1: Classification
           >>Update Type: Criteria
     >>Update Field2: Affiliation
          >>Update Type: Delete
     >>Update Field3: Threat Status
           >>Update Type: Created
>>Description: Overhaul of the classification system with respect to ‘affiliations’. New guidelines for entry:
     A - formerly ‘Hero’ - now defined as a registered H.A.T.C.H. participant, willing to use their powers to respond to threats and attacks
     M - formerly ‘Neutral’ - now defined as “Not a foreseeable threat”
     Z - formerly ‘Villain’ - now defined as “Foreseeable threat”
>>Justification/Note: If we’ve learned anything from the past year, it’s that forcing us all to pick sides does more harm than good. Fighting isn’t what makes a hero. - Joan and Talyn
D.R.E.A.M. Index #337501 [UPDATED]
Classification: M.1.ii [Primary Tier, No Threat, Acquired Powers]
Name: The Understudy
/////////Reason: Enrolled
Civilian Name: [CLEARANCE: TOP SECRET] Thomas Sanders
Threat Status: No Foreseeable Threat
/////////H.A.T.C.H. Status: Blackout
Partners/Sidekicks: DI#A-4894 - Team Left Brain; DI#A-4895 - Team Right Brain;
Primary Foes: N/A
Powers: Pathokinesis - Broad Spectrum; Illusions - Broad Spectrum;
/////////Specialty: Assistance and Enhancement;
Costume: Black t-shirt with rainbow flowers, jeans
Age: 19
Height: 5’10”
Pronouns: He/Him
H.E.A.R.T.S. Class: Enrolled
Note: Brother of DI#337437 - Gale Force; Powers created through Project Charcoal, see IR19-Z-0001;  
It was a normal afternoon at Haven, which is not at all to say quiet. Virgil and Thomas were on chaperone duty, with Sandry lending a hand, and they’d brought the children to the upstairs play rooms so the other adults could get a break.
Logan and Patton had volunteered to cook that night’s family dinner. It was their first time doing so together, as Virgil and Roman had carefully made sure an actually-experienced cook had been involved each time previously. But the two shared a stubborn streak, and had insisted that they’d be fine.
Celeste wasn’t supervising, per se. That would be implying she didn’t trust them. She just happened to be sitting at the bar between the living room and kitchen. In theory, she was reading a young adult novel that one of the kiddos had brought home from the library for their monthly mixed-ages book club. In reality, her eyes spent about twice as much time watching the boys in the kitchen as on the page.
Patton had never learned to cook growing up, and Roman had been the cook of their little home. Logan had been spoiled by home-cooked meals his entire childhood and now had his own method of ‘carry out’ which was actually ‘run over to the next state because they have much better pho than the place across the street.’ They’d mutually decided on Breakfast For Dinner. That was the last thing they’d both been sure about.
“Should eggs be this runny? Do I need use the whipper more?”
“I think it’s a whisker.”  
“Well that can’t be right. I don’t care how I look, I’m a Patton, not a Cat ton!” he said with a giggle, pulling the cat-ear hood of his sweatshirt over his curls.
Logan groaned fondly and turned to kiss Pat on the cheek, which turned into several more. Unfortunately, he’d forgotten that he was frying bacon at the same time. He whirled back as the smell of burnt fat started to rise from the pan.
Logan blushed. “Whoops. Um, crunchy bacon is a thing people like, right?”
“That’s how I like it,” Celeste commented from the bar with a smile. “I used to like it chewy, but Tati showed me the light. Or, dark, in this case. Insert ‘once you go black’ joke here,” she added with a wink, gesturing vaguely.
Logan chuckled and grabbed tongs, salvaging what bacon he could. “Well, this is edible at least. Let’s get started on the pancake batter, yeah?”
“Batter’s up!” Patton chortled, and went to get a mixing bowl.
Celeste sighed fondly and stood to answer a knock at the door. As she did so, she blew a kiss to Tatiana where she was sitting with Roman in the living room.
“So, I was thinking this weekend’s big Outdoor Activity could be Treasure Island!” Roman said excitedly.
“Oh, that’s a new one! What’s that?” Tati asked. She had planner open on her lap that was stuffed full with tabs and notes.
“So it’s like capture the flag, but with four teams, and you need a treasure from each team to win,” Roman explained. “So I can make, like, crowns for one team, and coins for another, and gems for a third-”
“Or, we can just buy some more play equipment that we know we’ll re-use,” Tatiana interrupted, smiling. “I don’t want you to push yourself too much, honey.”
Roman blushed. “Oh, yeah. We can buy things.”
“Don’t forget, that means things for you, too, okay? If there’s anything you need, we’ve got you covered.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose-”
“Roman,” Tatiana said with a warning tone, but she was smiling. “What have I said about you being an imposition?”
“That I’m not one,” Roman recited.
“And you never could be, sweet pea.” She patted his cheek fondly. “Now, tell me more about Treasure Island. There’s no permanent outs, right? We know the little ones don’t do well with those.”
Celeste came back and smiled at the two of them as she slipped back into the kitchen. Pancake batter had gotten on the bowl, spoon, the counter, Patton’s brand new cat hoodie, and Logan’s glasses, but not yet on the walls or the floor, so Celeste reasoned it was going about as well as could be expected.
“The recipe book says it should be smooth,” Logan said, looking with despair at the lumps in the mixture. “I am fairly certain there is no world in which this is smooth.”
“Ooh, let me try,” Patton said. He took the bowl with a grin. “Maybe we just need to encourage it!”
“I fail to see how that will-”
“C’mon, pancakes! C’mon Pannie!” He suddenly grinned. “Pannie, are you okay? Are you okay, Pannie?” the man started to sing. “You’ve been hit by-” he tapped on the side of the bowl, “You’ve been struck by-”
“Please no-” Logan tried to interrupt.
“A smooth criminal!” Patton finished with a flourish, pointing at himself with the spoon. Unfortunately, it still had batter on it, flicking even more on them both.
Celeste took that as her cute to intervene. “Okay, Patty-pan-cakes, maybe less MJ and more Ramsay, okay?”
Patton looked over, still grinning. “Okay, Mumma C.”
“Maybe you should go clean up and let Lo try in the meantime?”
Patton nodded and handed Logan the bowl back, kissing a bit of flour off his cheek as he did so.
Logan took the bowl, but paused. “Ah, Mum, would you mind giving me a hand? I believe I may be a bit lost here.”
She smiled. “Of course.” She helped him add more milk until the batter was smooth but not runny, and got a clean pan up to the right heat.
“So you’ll want to add a bit more oil in between so they don’t stick, does that make sense?”
“Oh, it’s like resetting to stasis for a new experiment run!”
“If that’s what makes sense to you, sure!”
A sound echoed down the hall. “I’ll be right back. I believe in you, Lo!”
Logan got to work, brow furrowed in concentration, barely aware of the batter and flour smutches on his face and glasses. He could hear Tatiana and Roman laughing in the living room, and the muffled shouts and bumps from upstairs.
He’d promised the kids pancakes. And pancakes they would have, dammit.
Celeste wandered back down the hallway to the living room, fiddling with her pride flag bracelet. “Tati, honey, I think I’m hallucinating,” she complained. “I could have sworn I heard a knock, but no one was there. Were we expecting any more arrivals today?”
Tatiana stood, looping an arm casually around her wife’s waist as she checked the detailed calendar on the living room wall. “Hm. No planned dropoffs, but it has been picking up as word spreads. But I thought I heard something too. Maybe it’s Virgey? He’s upstairs with Sandry and Tommy and the kiddos.”
Celeste leaned her chin on Tatiana’s shoulder. “That’s probably it. Hey, have I told you recently that you’re gorgeous? And also incredibly organized, and so amazing at keeping track of details? And that this place would never have become so wonderful without you?”
Tatiana blushed so hard, her brown cheeks practically glowed. “Ceecee! Stopp!”
“How can I stop when you’re just so cute?” She took advantage of her wife’s attempt to hide her face by kissing her fingers and cheeks while Roman laughed in the background.
Another knock sounded under the chatter. Patton, coming back from the bathroom, turned into the hallway to answer it.
This time, there was definitely someone there.
“Pat?” came the shocked gasp from the doorway.
Patton stared, jaw hanging open. “Damon?”
There were far fewer scales than when he’d last seen him, a sign he hadn’t had to use his power recently. And right behind him, staring back over their dark glasses, was an equally-shocked Remy.
Patton started in silence for half a moment, then stepped back, pulling the door with him. “Come on in, you two. Uh, assuming you wanted to, that is.”
The couple nodded and stepped in cautiously. Damon looked around warily, holding his partner’s hand tight. Remy might have been surveying the cozy entrance hallway with similar trepidation, but the lack of irises always made it difficult to tell.
“I… didn’t expect to see you ever again,” Patton admitted. “I thought you’d left town and the state. Or I assumed? I’m a bit fuzzy on when or how exactly you left. I just remember seeing you.”
“Ah, that’ll be my fault, sorry babes,” Rem said, giving a slight bow without letting go of their boyfriend’s hand. They held themself in the bow so they could look up over their glasses to wink at Patton.
Damon reached out hesitantly to touch Patton’s shoulder, and relaxed a bit. “I gotta say, I didn’t expect to see you here either. Or anywhere. I thought…” he took a breath. “Last we heard, you were volunteering to fight the thing that… Valerie.”
Patton’s face fell. “Oh. I- fuck, it’s been a really long couple of months, Dam’. There’s so much to tell you.” He bit his lip, worrying it between his teeth, not sure how to begin.
At that moment, Tatiana came around the corner.
“Oh, Patty! I thought I heard voices. Do we have new guests?” She looked over the pair. “Or are they friends of yours?”
Patton took a breath. “They’re friends. I- actually, how did you two come to be here?”
Damon flushed under his golden skin. “I heard there was a new foster home and I had to see it, at least. And then I kept losing my nerve when we knocked and had Remy blank the woman who answered.”
Tatiana laughed. “Oh, so you’re to blame for my wife’s confusion! And hear I was ready to start making senior citizen jokes. Welcome, then! Any friends of Patton’s are practically family. I’m Tatiana Skylar, my wife Celeste and I run things here at Haven. And you two are supers as well, or just Blank Space over there?”
Remy grinned “Oh hun, can I steal that one? Yeah, we’re both supes. Dam’ here has like, restraint, though.”
Damon smiled up at them, then turned to Tatiana. “Trust them to not actually introduce us. This tall string of sass is Mx. Remy Dormions, also known as an absolute headache and, sadly, the love of my life.” Remy chuckled and just preened as their boyfriend continued, “And I’m Damon McLeggan. Pat and I, uh, grew up together for a bit.”
Tati smiled even wider, her white teeth flashing against her plum lipstick. “So you are family! Wonderful!”
Damon had all of one second of warning before he found himself wrapped a welcoming hug. Tatiana turned to Remy to give them the same treatment, and saw them grimacing awkwardly. “Sorry, I know I’m too long to hug normall- oof!”
They found their middle wrapped by warm brown arms, Tati’s head angled so that their neck didn’t need to stretch awkwardly around hers.
“Honey, don’t even worry, I’ve got all the practice in the world of Tall Hugs,” she said with a smiled as she withdrew. “You should meet my son!”
Patton raised an eyebrow at Remy. “Actually, they have. Last I saw, they were flirting with him dramatically.”
“You’re gonna have to be more specific,” Damon and Remy said in unison.
“They were flirting dramatically while being arrested,” Patton clarified.
Remy’s glasses slid down their nose. “Oh worm? Wait, who’s mom is she, Specs or Flex?”
“Both,” Tatiana said proudly. “Come in, you two, come sit. Dinner’s going to be awhile still, but the smoke has gone down, at least. Hope you like extra-crispy bacon!”
Damon hesitated, but Patton grabbed his arm and tugged him down the hallway to the living room.
“Patty-my-dear, who’ve you brought us?” Celeste asked.
“Mumma Cee, this is Damon and Remy. Dam’ was at the old home with me, and Remy’s his partner. And they apologize for making you forget they were there, right?”
Remy grinned. “Yeah, I’m sorry. Mostly. But I can’t promise I won’t do it again.” Damon elbowed them. “Ow! My own boyfriend, my darling, attacking me in front of new people, how dare.”
Celeste looked utterly charmed. “Please, come sit, here, take the long-legs chair.” She and Remy launched into gossip about powers and their partners with equal enthusiasm.
Damon tugged Pat’s sleeve. “Pat, you’re sure it’s okay we’re here?”
“Of course, everyone’s welcome.”
“Yeah, but. I mean. Villains? Technical fugitives? Multiple times over? We just thought we’d lurk and make sure it didn’t seem sketchy, I didn’t think we’d be invited in. I don’t want the heroes to shut this place down from association.”
Patton brushed a comma of black hair that had fallen in Damon’s face. “Oh, no need to worry about any of that-”
Just then, Logan emerged out of the kitchen, wearing a batter-splattered apron but looking pleased with himself. “Dinner’s ready!”
Remy and Damon whipped around and made eye contact with Logan the same moment he noticed them.
Remy tensed up immediately and grabbed Damon’s hand, but before they could use their powers, Logan was beside them in a blur.
“Rem, no, it’s- you don’t need to, I’m not gonna, it’s fine,” he babbled. “Don’t blank me, okay?”
Remy grimaced. “Lolo, hun, I love a good reunion as much as the next bitch, but this is clearly your house. It’s one thing to tease you when it’s your job to chase me, I’m not gonna invade your space.”
“Remy, Damon, please, no, it’s not like that anymore,” Logan said. He stepped back at a normal speed. “Pat? Can you help me?”
The couple looked confused, staring between Patton and Logan. Celeste and Tatiana stayed quiet, watching the interaction but letting the supers handle it themselves.
Patton grinned tentatively. “So, let’s see, what’s the fastest way to explain. Um. Number 1, you’re not fugitives anymore, because of the Fresh Start Initiative by the mayor’s office. Number 2, you’re not villains, because no one is, not even me ‘n’ Ro. Oh, and number 3, we’re dating,” he finished, waving at Logan.
Remy frowned. “You left the sparkling red beauty for Specs?”
Damon rolled his eyes. “That’s what you got out of that?”
“That’s the part I understood immediately, sue me.”
Logan cleared his throat. “Patton meant, he’s dating Roman and I at the same time. Also Virgil. All four of us.”
“Virgil?” Damon asked, tilting his head in confusion.
Tatiana chuckled behind him. “I’ve been forbidden from using it when he can hear me, but his other nickname is ‘Flex,” she provided. She smiled up at Remy. “I told you I’m used to giving tall hugs!”
Remy settled back into their chair. “Holy shit. Y’all’re dating Flex? I thought he was still pining over Short-Stack over here.”
Logan colored. “How many people knew this besides me?” he muttered to himself.
Patton heard him and grabbed his hand over the back of the couch. “All of us, love. You’re kind of oblivious sometimes.”
Damon was leaning on both his hands, brow creased. “What’s wrong, sugar?” Remy asked.
“I- so much has changed. I’m not sure I get it yet. I didn’t think we’d ever be staying in Harmony City again, not long term.”
“Technically, we’re outside city limits,” Celeste offered. “We’re over the Easthamshire County line. But within the municipal government jurisdiction for taxes and tax break purposes, that was important.”
“You’re jargonin’ again, honey,” Tatiana said, brushing her fingers through Celeste’s bright hair.
Celeste smiled up at her. “What I mean to say is, Damon, Remy, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like. We’ve got a whole house full of folks figuring everything out - you’ll be in good company.”
Patton nodded. “And there’s someone else you need to meet, too. Virgil, when he comes down, but, Damon, you should- actually, let me get him now. Uh, Mama T, can we use the sitting room?”
“Of course, sweet pea.”
Two days later, Damon sat watching the open field behind the house as Remy joined the kiddos in playing Treasure Island. (They were forbidden from using powers because “it’s cheating,” Quil had insisted, and everyone agreed. It turns out that Remy was a terrible thief without their powers, but they were having a grand time all the same).
Thomas sat beside him, and Patton sat on Thomas’ far side. They watched in companionable silence for while, until Damon broke it.
“Thomas, you know I don’t blame you, right? For any of this.”
The boy swallowed hard. “I know you said so.”
“And I meant it. I get it, you know? People always say that, say they understand, but I really do.”
“What do you mean?”
Damon smiled lopsidedly at him. “You think I don’t know what it’s like to be an experiment?” He waved his left hand in a faux-salute, the hand that never fully healed from his shape-shifts, the one covered continuously in scales that ached and itched and got covered up when he was around strangers. “The anger, at the one who did this, and at this whole fucking society that could have stopped it and didn’t? The regret when you lash out mixed with a weird satisfaction that at least you finally did something on your own terms for once?”
Thomas softened. “You do know.”
Damon nodded. “So I mean it. I don’t blame you. And I - Lo mentioned what you hope to do. To be a teacher and coach and protect these guys.” He nodded out at the children, from the ones running and falling and shrieking in delight to the ones sitting separately, reading or watching or just dangling from tree branches. “I’m… god, I’ve had years to recover, and you’re been out for what, four months, and already ready to make amends and pay it back?”
Thomas shrugged.
Damon sat quiet for a moment. “Could I help too? I don’t know what I’d do, but… I feel like I have something to make up for, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“I- I was pissed at the world and the city for letting us get pulled into that. But I didn’t try to fix it, I just mentally flipped off the institutions and took all the resources they offered me. And I didn’t- I let her drop out. I kept tabs on her, but she reminded me too much of that place and that time. I didn’t let her talk about it around me, I just refused to listen. I could have made an effort, been a safe person to relate to, but I didn’t. And I know these kids won’t be the same, but maybe it would be a way to make up for it.”
“It’s a start,” Patton commented softly. “This place won’t make everything better but… it’ll mean a world of difference to these kids. We can’t protect them from every possible struggle, but-”
“But we can keep them safe from the ones we faced,” Thomas finished. He grabbed Patton’s hand and squeezed. “I’ll do it, Pat, just you watch,” he said fiercely. “I’ll keep them safe. I promise.”
“I promise too,” Damon said. “For Valerie.”
Patton nodded. “For the Parsons.”
“For us,” Thomas said softly.
They squeezed hands, watching the children of Haven play. The clouds above were turning cotton candy pink as the day wound to a close. Light glazed the home behind them and the graceful branches in front of them, painting everything golden.
The sun was setting on Harmony City.
~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~
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parkminijiminie · 6 years
You do realise at how Jm was looking at some of the better physique interviewers and talking abt Mendes happily when Jk was right there!?!?! I really think Jk deserves someone better. not someone who sees him as a "loyal subordinate" or likes him for his "mind". Jm has been so upsetting drg these interviews. Stay strong, JK! This trip will be a hard one for you.
I debated with myself whether or not I should answer this ask and to what extent as I’ve seen it going around and a lot of good bloggers have already shared their thoughts on it. But I decided that one more doesn’t hurt and repeated questions like this actually give an opportunity for the matter to be discussed from all sides. So even though I doubt you will read this, Anon, I still wanted to address it more for myself and my followers than for you. So here we go
I’ll start with a question that is bugging me quite a lot and  that I find problematic: 
Why is Jimin never enough for some people, in general and regarding Jungkook?      
When Jimin smiles a lot, you say he’s “flirting all the time” or in extreme cases that he is “a slut”. When he doesn’t smile, then “he hates America” or “hates white people”. When he shows his affection to Jungkook, posting pictures of him with special hashtags, talking about him or hugging him, you say “he is the only one who initiates things”, that JK “only tolerates him”, how “Jimin should move on”. When he is more passive and lets Jungkook be the instigator or give attention to someone else, people go “Jungkook is not special to him”, “Jimin does this to everyone”, “He is only playing with him”. Part of this fandom is never satisfied with Jimin. Either he’s giving too much or too less. Even if he just sits still and breathes people still find things to be upset about and blame him for. He just can never win. 
How can anyone even have doubts about how special Kookie is to Jimin, how adored, loved and spoiled with attention, care and affection he is by him, I will never understand. There is never an interview or a vlive nowadays where JM is not praising him; he is always the first to compliment and hype him, to push him when Kook needs it, to support him. Jungkook himself said Jimin is his biggest stimulant on and off stage. He himself specifically chose “There for you” to describe their relationship: a song about always supporting someone and them always having your back.  Are we talking about the same Jimin who didn’t leave Jungkook’s side when he almost fainted? The same person who goes most frequently to JK’s room and spends the most money on him (Jungkook’s words)? The exact same man who was ready to sleep on the floor for Kookie, who gambled his own money so that Kook doesn’t stay hungry? Do we have the same Park Jimin in mind or did some of you get confused? 
Don’t even get me started on how much compliments Jimin has said about Kookie, how much he has hugged him or touched him (on his neck, his waist, his ass, his thighs, his face etc). So much so that there are whole compilations just of him playing with Jungkook’s butt on stage at the end of DNA. JUST on stage. He is so touchy and loving with him that more often than not it looks like he can’t keep his hands to himself. I don’t know about you but it looks to me Jimin quite likes what he sees in Jungkook.
The two particular examples you give all have an explanation behind them: 
“The loyal subordinate”: a teasing comment made in the same day when coincidentally Jimin couldn’t keep his eyes off JK’s face (he scanned his features with his eyes, stopping at his lips). 
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If you look for a deeper explanation other than that JM was simply joking, then here’s one for you: For YEARS Jimin was said to be chasing Jungkook around while Kook supposedly “hated him”. Of course, we know that was never the case, they were close even before debut but people even to this day like to repeat the same old story. Jimin, being the social media king he is, is of course aware of this. Do you imagine how hard it must be to give affection to someone (who you know loves you as well) and see a thousand comments about how he hates you? Do you realize how painful it could’ve been for him to see this all over the Internet even when he knows that it’s not true? 
So from time to time he likes to remind us how special he is to the Bunny, how appreciated he is and how none of the bullsh*t is true by saying things like “Jungkookie always comes to my room”, “Jungkookie only gave a present to me”, “Jungkookie bought the tickets (for the Tokyo trip)”, “He is my loyal subordinate”. He does it to show people that JK does in fact care a lot for him and that no, their affection is not one-sided. Maybe he does it because he is aware how Jungkook struggles (or struggled) with expressing feelings with words or simply because he is happy with their close relationship and wants to boast about it. But I assure you, in no way is he treating Kook like a servant. Yeah, maybe he likes being spoiled by him but I think as much as he likes receiving, Jungkook likes giving. Example: 
JM: Jungkook will pay (for his parents’ celebration) 
JK /confidently/: I CAN do it !!! 
So, I don’t think there’s any taking advantage of anyone in this relationship. Jimin babies Jungkookie a lot and in the same time he gives him a lot of privileges. So much so that JK feels they’re the same mental age and often speaks to him informally and casually. (a big thing in SK as you all know)
“The mind” comment: First to clear things up - Jimin didn’t say “he likes Jungkook for his mind” only. He was asked to name a physical feature of Kook but he chose his mind instead. 
To me this is such a precious moment actually. Jimin’s said numerous times how attractive and sexy Jungkook is and has admired his physique. A comment about his lips or smile would be nothing new to me and wouldn’t get me so excited.  Instead of just giving a generic answer about a part of his body (which we know he appreciates, given the above examples of how much and often he touches said body), Jimin complimented Jungkook’s brain, his way of thinking, (something JK himself said he loves about his own self).  Kookie, just like Jimin, is someone who is sexualised and objectified A LOT in the fandom, even in his most vulnerable times, for example when he almost fainted. He is not really known or usually praised for his mind, rather for his body and athleticism. He is often degraded to just his looks or a shipping tool. Which makes Jimin’s comment a lot more meaningful and impactful. There’s a saying that goes well with his answer: “If you want to give a good compliment, call a person who is often regarded as beautiful smart and a person who is always praised as smart beautiful”.  Or another one, that I really like and find especially fitting: “I’m in love with your universe”. 
There’s no doubt in me whatsoever that Jimin loves Jungkook’s universe. Not just his body, or his handsome face but also his talent, his goofiness, his whole self.
Finally about JM and men in America. He complimented an admittedly gorgeous singer, he found an interviewer attractive, he smiled and giggled and was amazingly charming. All behavior that is not foreign to him. Sure, you may say he is more open and expressive but assume he truly is attracted to men. He’s a celebrity and his every action is scrutinized. Idols dating always brings scandal but being a gay/bi one is a sure way to risk your career if you get exposed. If he truly is not straight, that is a big part of himself that he must protect. He might “hide” behind fan service and skin ship but he can’t really be open about his attractions considering his status and that Korea is still homophobic. Which is why his ideal type is always a girl and why Jungkook is often referred as “his brother”. The U.S.A might not be paradise but it’s a lot more accepting and open which gives him the chance to act more like he maybe wishes he could in other countries but can’t. Hence why he may seem “wilder”, “more flirty” and etc. But why are people acting like this is the first time he found someone good looking or as if he’s offering himself to sleep with these men, is beyond me. He is just being his charming and attractive self, it’s who he is but maybe in America we see him a little bit less guarded. 
What he’s done so far is not a crime or something to be concerned about even if he is romantically involved with Jungkook. In fact anyone who has ever been in a serious relationship will tell you that you don’t just stop finding people beautiful. You still have eyes, you can still admire someone and think they are hot, you can even have innocent crushes. You’d just never do anything about those things because you’re happy with what you have. You’re only admiring. I’ve had a serious boyfriend for years and I gush about Jimin to him, sometimes I even say to him “wow, what a sexy man” or “what a pretty girl” and he to me. It doesn’t faze us that the other can appreciate beauty in another person from a distance. Beauty is beauty and that’s that. Of course these are personal examples and I can’t speak for Jimin and Jungkook but I think many people who are seriously committed will agree with me on this. 
As a conclusion what I’m trying to say is that Jimin has shown plenty of times his admiration, affection and attraction to Jungkook. In fact I’ve written a whole post about this HERE.  So there is no need to exaggerate and over dramatize. And also, please stop treating PJM like he is only looking for someone to sleep with. He might be but we don’t have a way to know. From what I see he’s just being his gorgeous self and people are bound to find him attractive and fall for him. I mean, he exudes sex appeal (and many more things) naturally so that’s a given. 
To all the Jikook shippers out there reading this (very long, sorry) answer I’ll say to consider this: Jimin may smile and giggle and raise his perfect eyebrows at anyone but there’s only one Jeon Jungkook who can turn him into a shy, flustered, blushing mess with just a simple sentence and the change of his voice’s tone.
Exhibit A: “Jimin-ssi”, “Jimin-ssi”, “Jimin-ssi” 
Exhibit B: “Where do you think you’re going?” 
Exhibit C: “Jiminie-hyung was acting”
Exhibit D: “Who’s the cake for.. I want to eat it, it looks delicious” 
Exhibit E: “I can tease Jiminie hyung to no end” 
Exhibit F: “Do you hear my heart beating?” 
I can give you an example for every letter in the alphabet, both in English and in my native language. Peace 
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scottstiles · 7 years
replied to your post
“hi divvy! i know you are MAD right now, so don't answer this until you...”
thanks so much for answering this! tbh i love the fact that you're religious and that you clearly love it so much. i went to a very catholic college, so that kind of thoughtful and deep connection with religion and tradition is important to me, and i love seeing it in other people. it's an important part of who you are! and part of the reason i asked is because you mentioned disliking the performance thing in your initial post, and i really connect with that. when i was growing up, the church i went to was pretty plain and traditional (despite very liberal politics and interpretations of scripture.) most of the other people i knew who went to church were evangelical and/or southern baptist, and i always disliked that their churches had like, full rock bands at services, and poppy contemporary melodies to "hymns." i understand that they're trying to make church fun, but it always made me suspicious and felt disingenuous.                  i don't think religious services should be a chore, certainly, but i also don't think that they should be "fun" in that way. that's not the purpose of religion. i don't think religion should become more like entertainment or performance, because it's supposed to be a space that's completely different from the rest of the world. it makes it feel less holy to me. so i definitely relate to how you feel there. also, how did you end up feeling about the service in the moment? (and i'd love to hear about the ma'apilim sometime)                                            
SORRY I DIDN’T ANSWER THESE BEFORE CUZ I REALLY WANTED TO BUT PROCRASTINATION IS MY MIDDLE NAME (jk it’s tzviya but try saying that ten times fast. or just one time. slow.)
1- i love finding other people who feel close to their religion, no matter what it is. i remember in teacher’s college i just naturally gravitated to the only catholic girls in my classes i guess simply because i enjoyed talking to them? we weren’t there learning to teach religion, but i’m always fascinated by what other people feel about it. i’ve found myself thinking on more than one occasion that i feel more comfortable with people who have that side to themselves, like me, rather than people who don’t interact/think about/believe in any of that kinda stuff. (im being purposefully vague because it’s a huge generalization, but nonetheless true-ish for me, i often find myself sharing much more common ground with palestinian muslims, for example, than a french canadian montrealer). i guess especially because religion is not something i consider a defining trait of mine, and im just in constant evolution with respect to that. judaism is so much more than just a belief in god or a practice of the rituals and commandments.
2- how fascinating to find someone in my age bracket who feels the same way about music in prayer. my problem has always been that i LOVE music, and its so personal and emotional that i DO see it fitting seamlessly with prayer but... it’s the setting that has always bothered me. it just never felt right for me in a synagogue. like you said, it’s just a different space. i don’t know about church and ‘making it fun’ but i definitely can imagine plenty of religions use music to draw in otherwise disinterested people who find prayer “boring” or pointless. music is awesome! i just wish people could feel the music in their soul as a separate entity from external music, like from an instrument. idk i guess i just really love singing XD and i wish it wasn’t always a performance or a competition of voices, because i think prayer should be personal. even if it’s between a community, its still voices connecting to each other. i’m reminded of Hannah’s prayer, in the book of Samuel (the prophet- his mother), she’s at the temple on one of the annual pilgrimages with her family and she’s depressed because she doesn’t have any children and her husband’s other wife just keeps popping out babies left and right. so she goes to be alone somewhere in the temple, and she’s weeping and praying to god for a child. Eli, the high priest, comes in and sees her shaking and moving her lips real fast so he goes, “hey, you shouldn’t be drinking in here” and she’s like “im not drunk, i’m praying”. so that’s the first place we read about a person actually praying, and not out loud. this was like a huge revelation to the priest cuz clearly he’d never seen that before, and now the tradition has become to pray like hannah. (as an aside, if u ever see the propaganda videos made by the nazis, they use footage of synagogues to show how loony tunes those jews are with their muttering and their rocking back and forth). cuz like, prayer is supposed to be out loud? ahaha anyway i forgot where i was going with this but... oh ya, okay, so prayer didn’t really exist (as we know it, in judaism- and therefore christianity/islam/western monotheism) until that point- it was all about the sacrifices. and the temple ritual was replete with music and instruments like the shofar, timbrels, lutes, blabla other ancient instruments. but since then, we’ve been meant to use our voices alone. so says tradition, i guess.
3- so i did go to services on yom kippur (kol nidre) but not at my shul. i went with my sister to the chabad house near my parents, and it was....not great. but it was compounded by a lot of factors- i got a wicked cold the day or two before, so my nose was running a marathon and i was coughing like a 90yr old with emphysema. i got my period that morning so i was on an extra steep emotional rollercoaster that i just somehow could barely control. so we sat on the other side of the mechitzah (the separation barrier between men and women), the rabbi/cantor stood at the head in the middle so we could all see, and we all prayed out loud, no hush on the women’s side or anything (pretty typical from what i remember of camp/school prayer services). but of course the tunes were not quite what i’m used to, and there was a bit of annoying stuff that just irks me as a perfectionist (like they use a lot of yiddish pronunciation of the hebrew words, injecting a bunch of oy oy oys and ahoyhoyhoys in random places, in fact i leaned over to my sister at one point and was like ‘did ned flanders write this nigun (tune)?’), but altogether i guess it was better than watching an orchestra perform the prayer? idk it was pretty bad, on an emotional level, but not in hindsight. im very good at ruining things for myself through sheer stubbornness. i must have embarrassed my sister just by existing next to her, poor girl, she really wanted me to like it. i’m glad it’s over, and hopefully by next year ill be back in nyc or some other city so i wont have to worry about it.
4- MA’APILIM!!!!! okay so this was my absolute favoritest thing as a kid and i can’t wait to describe it to you. one night in camp, every summer, the counselors and cits would wake us up at like 3am by barging into our cabins chanting (screaming, really) “MA’APILIM, MA’APILIM BEH-MASSAD, BEH-MASSAD. MATCHIL HALAYLA MATCHIL HALAYLA BEH-MASSAD, BEH-MASSAD.” which translates to : “ma’apilim at massad (the name of my camp) starts tonight.” i’m singing it in my head as i type XD. so they’d be screaming and we’d be tumbling bleary eyed out of bed to grab our socks and sweatshirts and run over to the flagpole (keep in mind i was 8 when i first experienced this, and we’ve had kids as young as 6 at camp). once we had all gathered in line with our bunkmates, the counselors and cits put on a little “skit”.
basically they acted like they were nazis and jews, and did a little skit of some basic bad holocaust stuff (don’t ask me to remember the exact details we’re talkin at least 20 years since i last did this) to scare the pants off of us. kids would always cry already at this point from the shouting. we’d all kinda follow into this “play” (sorry idk what else to call it), and marched over to the gym where we watched a fake hanging on the stage. they literally. hanged someone. in front of us. a fake noose, of course, duh, i remember my counselor showing it to me, but traumatizing to say the least (i still remember the name of the counselor they “hanged”- not sure this ever happened more than once but ill never forget it).
then we’d all hustle down to the waterfront, again “playing” the role of holocaust victims/survivors after these little “skits” had sort of put us in the headspace, and we play along, imagining we’d just experienced these things and were now running from it. it was terrifying and exhilarating as a small child, and an even more unbelievably emotional thrill ride as i got older and became pseudo-obsessed with holocaust lit and facts in general in my life (it never did go away but everything changes with age). ANYWAYS so down at the waterfront we got a speech from another counselor playing a member of the haganah (the main jewish defense force in palestine leading up to independence, which ben gurion later turned into the IDF). sidebar for a little history: in the 40s the yishuv (jewish agency) and the haganah began a mission called aliyah bet, “the second immigration,” an illegal smuggling operation to bring refugees from the holocaust into palestine under the noses of the british, since almost all countries in the world had barred their doors to jewish immigration from europe (a high level member of the canadian government is famously recorded as having answered, when asked how many jews they should let in, that “none is too many”). volunteer seamen from the US and canada and other countries crossed the ocean on cargo ships hastily refurbished to fit hundreds of people, picking up thousands of refugees in europe to smuggle them onto the beaches of haifa and tel aviv. paul newman has a lovely half nekid scene of this in the movie Exodus when he jumps off the ship in the middle of the night and swims up onto the beach- one of my fave movies ever and pretty much the story of aliyah bet (albeit with tremendous hollywood embellishment and only mild accuracy). these refugees who became illegal immigrants (caught or not) were known as “ma’apilim”- the root of the word is to “climb” or to “rise up”, and is found in the bible referring to the israelites who were still eager to enter the land even after the negative report of the spies.
okay so basically this was the idea. we were “playing” these illegal immigrants who had just escaped the holocaust, and were now facing another threat in the form of the british who were doing their best to keep them out of palestine. k so we’re down at the waterfront. all the kids get divided into small groups of about 10 or so, with one or two counselors at the helm to be our “haganah operatives” and guides to the end. what end, you say? so the camp is spread out into 2 areas, the main camp where the younger kids cabins were, and the dining hall and the gym and the waterfront, etc. then there’s a road in the middle of the camp, and beyond it a hill leading up to the senior cabins and some sports fields at the top. the goal was for each group to make it through camp to the top of the hill without getting caught by the “british,” played by the cits who were roaming around camp.
idk if i have to describe camp further for people who don’t know the concept, but basically we’re all in the middle of the damn woods with nothing around us for miles except the lake and the camps on the other side of it or down the road. ill never forget my first ma’apilim (tbh most of my description is from then, which is why its so fuzzy cuz these memories are 20+ years old), i was so lucky to get the tripper as our group leader (the tripper is the “nature dude” in camp, the survivalist ;). he immediately led us underneath the gym (which of course was just insane to my small mind... UNDER the gym??) to plan our route and give us instructions. we organized a roll call and signals, we practiced walking in a single file line silently and dropping to the ground on his signal. we smeared dirt on our faces for camo in the woods. it was *mason voice* intense. k so then as you can guess, we snuck our way up the hill through the woods. sometimes we’d encounter other groups, once in awhile i remember getting caught by a cit, and they’d take all or some of us to the “jail” on the basketball court” where we’d have to wait for a jailbreak (idk how that worked but it did, i remember it happening but not in any detail). a famous prison break that DID happen was at acre prison in 1947 when the irgun (another paramilitary jewish group) blew up the prison and broke out 28 of their members and 214 arab prisoners. if im not mistaken they briefly refer to it in exodus by recreating a prison break. exciting times. ANYWAYS fuck im such a tangential bitch sorry XD, by the end of the night we’d all make it to the top- “jerusalem”- and we’d have hot chocolate and say morning prayers as the sun rose over the hill. 
i feel like my description is a little lacking, but hopefully u get the basic picture. ma’apilim wasn;t even the heaviest part of camp- that was tisha b’av- the fast day when we commemorate the destruction of the temple and every other traumatic destructive event the jewish people have gone thru. that night they’d prepare the camp with candles in sand filled paper bags lining all the paths. after dinner we’d walk with our bunks on the path and watch little skits in different parts of camp- scenes from these moments in jewish history, like the holocaust, pogroms in europe, the spanish inquisition, terror attacks in israel, etc. after walking the path we’d all convene back at the waterfront, where they’d set out a small reconstructed “temple” on a makeshift raft in the lake, and a banner on the beach that said “yizkor”- remember. then they’d light both on fire and we’d sit and watch them burn while singing appropriately somber songs like eli eli, by hannah senesz. after that we’d go back to the gym and lie on the floor in small groups huddled around candles. we’d listen as some people chanted the book of eicha (lamentations), and would slowly fall asleep (depending on our age, of course). anyone that was still up after that was over got to stay in the gym if they wanted to watch exodus- a 4 hour movie. the next day we’d fast all day (only those who wanted- 13 y/o +) and treated it basically like shabbat- no regular activities.
MAN did i get some wild shit imprinted on me from camp!! but i don’t regret one second. i only wish other people could have the experience i did, but i dont even know if they still do that there. they probably do, but this old lady has no excuses to step foot in a summer camp anymore :(
as a completely coincidental aside and not at all as a self promo, idk if u knew this but i’ve been working on a documentary for over a year now and this whole thing is a major part of the plot. i interviewed a lady who was a passenger on the exodus, and about 4 or 5 people who were volunteers from montreal/new york/new jersey/toronto that picked up and smuggled the refugees. the stories are incredible. i just hope the rest of the world will get to hear it from their mouths one day. all we need is 100k to finish the film XD
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riyuyami · 7 years
Ooooooh boy!
So, if anyone knows me and/or follows me, then you know that I've talked about an AU where Atemu is stuck spending his summer on a ranch in Montana with his uncle and his uncle's friends, who includes the grandson of one of them, Yugi. And Yugi is hot as all get out.
Well, here is the fanfic for it.
I blame all of you who supported me on tumblr. Also, I blame you, Colonel, because you are a terrible influence on me (jk, you know you're a great influence)
Summery: Atemu's summer plans are ruined when his father decides he should spend his last summer vacation before college on some ranch out in the middle of nowhere. However, luckily, or unluckily, there's a cute rancher named Yugi who is going to make this boring summer very interesting...
Warning: Atemu is trans male in this, (He also looks different from Yugi in this, and wears glasses), Puzzleshipping, slow burn (?), probably some second hand embarrassment, the author not taking himself or his story seriously... ect.
And thank you to @atemina-rubygibb for the title suggestions!
On with the fic!
Sweet Home Domino
Chapter One
Atemu opened the front doors of his home, about to announce that he was home, but he noticed his father already there, waiting for him. “Oh, hey Dad.” He grinned, kicking off his shoes. “Well, today was the last official day of classes, and this weekend...” He pretended to do a drum roll with his fingers before smirking, “I graduate high school!”
“Yes, I know.” His father nodded, smiling a bit, before looking rather serious. “Well, son, I would like to discuss with you what you plan on doing with your summer before college.”
“Hmm...” Atemu gave this thought, before shrugging. “Eh... I dunno, I mean, I was thinking of hanging out with my friends and stuff, maybe goof off? I dunno, I just want to relax this summer!”
The look on the older man's face made Atemu frown, oh shit, that's never a good sign. “Atemu...” Akhenamkhanen sighed. “I was hoping you'd be a bit productive this summer vacation, especially since you will be moving out in a few months for college. So I spoke with your uncle Siamun...”
“What?!” Atemu gasped. “No, nonononono... no! What did you say to him?!”
“I spoke with your uncle about letting you stay at his ranch and research center for the summer, to help him out. He and his associates are getting on in years, and they could use the help.”
Atemu groaned, pouting. “But I don't want to go out to some old ranch in... wherever in Montana it is that he lives in. Come on, let me, I dunno, work here or something? I'm sure Duke will let me work at his shop or something!”
Akhenamkhanen shook his head, crossing his arms. “You need to get out of town, weren't you just complaining last week about never going anywhere outside of Seattle? I did this because you asked to see somewhere new, and because you need to have some training in skills such as hard work and such.”
The boy rolled his eyes, mumbling that he could just do that here. But he knew that his father was not going to just drop this, it was sort of pointless to argue with the guy. “But does... you know, does anyone there know that I'm not exactly...”
“Siamun has known for years now, since you told us during that big Thanksgiving dinner we had here.”
Oh, right, Atemu had completely forgotten about that embarrassing event, not one of his best moments...
“But what about Uncle's friends?”
“I think they know, you'll have to speak with him when he picks you up. Now, I've already gotten you plane tickets.” Fuck, shit, damnit, fuck, that totally means he was stuck going...! He wasn't gonna make his dad waste his time and money by not going... uhg. “You'll be leaving next Wednesday, that'll give you time to pack and whatnot.”
Atemu groaned and dropped to the floor, moaning loudly in annoyance. “Atemu, get off that floor right now, I'm not dealing with you acting like a five year old. This will do you good, and besides, you may like it there.”
“I doubt it.”
“Don't get sassy.”
The red-eyed teen sighed loudly and rolled onto his back, moving to stand up and drag his feet to the stairs, sighing loudly with each, slow step he took as he rose up the staircase. “Doing that isn't helping you one bit, young man.”
With another roll of his eyes, Atemu made his way to his room and pulled out his phone, deciding to text his best friend for help.
To Magical Hats
Help!!! My dad is sending me to buttfuck,
montana for the summer!
From Magical Hats
To Magical Hats
I don't want to go! Montana is probably
super boring! What's there anyway?
From Magical Hats
Mountains, bears, dinosaurs, I don't
know, Atemu. Go look things up.
To Magical Hats:
From Magical Hats
Just put up with it, you'll be fine.
Besides, I can't hang out with
you much this summer anyway.
To Magical Hats
From Magical Hats
Got that job I applied for. And
Mana is gonna be busy too. She's
doing that girls summer camp
To Magical Hats
I hate all of you. So even
if I didn't leave, I'd be alone
Fuck you guys.
From Magical Hats
You can always hang out
with your cousin Seto.
To Magical Hats
Fuck him too
Atemu pouted, looking at his phone, before sighing loudly, removing his glasses to rub at his eyes. He didn't mind Uncle Siamun, hell, he thought the guy was awesome! His favorite old man in the world, actually! But he just didn't want to spend his summer with him, especially since he didn't really know much about Siamun's co-workers.
He knew that his uncle lived with two old men that he had been friends with since he was younger, and something about two teenagers living with them, but other than that? Shit, he didn't know who these people were!
And... Atemu was a little weary of new people, especially since most people had no idea that... well... he hadn't always been seen as a boy, at least for the first twelve years of his life. But still, maybe, if he was careful, Atemu could get away with never being found out this summer!
And if he is found out, maybe these other people are cool with him being trans, and hey! Maybe they aren't assholes about it, right? Yeah? He was sure he'd be fine...!
The flight from Seattle to Billings wasn't too bad, Atemu had spent the few hours on the plane playing with his tablet, messaging his friends that they were all dead to him for abandoning him this summer. Of course, he didn't mean it, except to Marik. He could go fuck himself for all the gay cowboy jokes he made, they stopped being funny before the first one.
The only problem was that the flight got in early, and Montana was an hour ahead, so he felt like he was on the plane for longer. It was now nine thirty in the morning and he just wanted to go back to bed and sleep the summer away.
But Atemu just sighed, accepting his fate, as he walked through the gate, making his way to the escalator that would take him down to baggage claim, where Siamun was waiting. He made his way over, looking down at the next floor, seeing his uncle smiling and waving at him. Atemu gave a wave as he went down the escalator. Before he got to the bottom, he saw someone get up from his chair, rushing over to a guy who just got off the escalator before Atemu did.
The one who had been waiting happily jumped at the guy who arrived, hugging on tightly, saying how happy he was to finally see his boyfriend in person. Atemu felt a twinge in his heart, lucky bastards, at least those two were happy and gay, while he was sad and gay.
And lonely.
Uhg, he had about a snowball's chance in Hell of finding a boyfriend this summer, he just knew it...
Well, enough wallowing, he had plenty of time for that later! Getting off the moving staircase, Atemu approaching his short uncle, and hugged onto him. “Hey old man! Miss me?” He grinned, okay, he couldn't stay bummed out forever, especially when his favorite uncle was in the room with him.
“Missed you lots, you spiky haired punk.” Siamun grinned as well, hugging on tightly. “Come on, let's get your bag! It's a two and a half hour drive to Domino, we should get going!”
Atemu nodded, moving to go grab his suitcase from the baggage claim. Once he had it, he followed his uncle outside of the airport and to the parking lot, finding the old man's station wagon. Getting his backpack and suitcase in, he joined Siamun in the front and they headed off.
After getting coffee for the trip to the ranch, they sat in a comfortable quiet as the radio played. “So,” Siamun spoke up, breaking the twenty minutes of silence that had passed since they got their drinks, “how was graduation?”
“It was great. Mom cried, and this one asshat in my class tripped on his way up to get his diploma. It was really funny, Mahado didn't think so, but he's a stick in the mud sometimes.” Atemu replied, sipping his frappe.
“Heh, well, are you happy to be out of school for the summer?”
He shrugged. “Sort of? I mean, I'll be going to college in a few months.”
“You're not really looking forward to spending the summer on the ranch, are you?”
Atemu frowned and sighed. “Nah, not really. I mean, I'll put up with it, but... I'm a city kinda guy, ya know?”
Siamun chuckled softly. “I know, Atemu. But you'll like it there, we have lots to do, and you like doing history stuff, so you won't always be helping with the animals and such. You can help me, Arthur, and Sugoroku in the lab as well! And besides, you'll also have Rebecca and Yugi to help you.”
“Rebecca and Yugi?” “Rebecca is Arthur's granddaughter, she's a fiery little one, that girl. Super smart too, she's already out of college, and she's only eighteen!”
Atemu blinked, holy shit, that's... wow. The only other person he knew like that was his cousin Seto! “And Yugi?”
“Sugoroku's grandson, very sweet kid, loves games. You might get along with him, if you're still interested in games.”
“Uncle, the day I stop loving games will be the day that pigs fly and all Hell freezes over, and the world is consumed by darkness created by a giant god with a dragon for a dick.” Okay, he really needed to stop rpging with Bakura, that stupid Zorc character of his is too ridiculous.
Siamun raised an eyebrow, before shrugging. “If you say so.”
The rest of the ride is spent chit chatting, getting caught up on things. Atemu almost forgit where they were going, until Siamun turned onto a dusty old road, heading towards a large sign that hung over the road by two, thick, wooden poles. The metal sign readed 'KAME RANCH' and Atemu began to feel dread in the pit of his stomach. He’s nervous, very nervous, Atemu don't like meeting new people...
His uncle drove down the road, having not a care in the world, as he came up to a rather large, lovely looking building. It's huge, colorful, and it even has what looks like an observation tower. Right, this was mainly a lab, with a ranch added to it.
Speaking of the ranch, Atemu could see horses wandering around a fenced area, and even a few cows. He stepped out of the car when it parked up by the house, seeing two older men on the front porch. The taller one, he figured, was Arthur Hawkins, while the shorter one (who looked oddly enough like his uncle) had to be Sugoroku Mutou.
With a hard swallow, Atemu stepped forward, watching the happy, old men step off the porch to greet him. “Ah! Hello there, you must be Atemu!” Arthur smiled, his accent rather British sounding, holding out his hand for Atemu to shake.
“Yes, that's me, nice to meet you.” Atemu replied, shaking his hand, before doing the same with Sugoroku after he was properly introduced to them by his uncle.
Siamun chuckled. “Where are the kids?” He asked, glancing about.
“Rebecca is inside, she's busy making lunch for all of us. Though I'm not sure where...” Arthur spoke, looking about, before his shorter companion spoke up.
“Oh! Here comes my grandson!” Sugoroku grinned, pointing off to the side, over to the pasture where the horses were. “Atemu, this is Yugi.”
Atemu turned to see the newcomer, only to feel his heart skip a beat as his eyes widened.
Approaching them was a young man, about Atemu's age. He looked to be just a few inches taller than Atemu's sad 'five foot nothing' height, with soft, thick locks of dark plum and blond that stuck up in the air, yet framed his face as well.
And what a face! He had soft features, with big eyes of orchid, his mouth was very kissable looking, and his cheeks were tinted pink from walking quickly over to them.
From what Atemu could tell, this body looked to be built under the slightly dusty clothing he wore, oh god, was he rugged? Please, gods above, let this boy be rugged like a hot cowboy in the dime store romance novel of Atemu's gayest dreams...!
“Hey there!” The boy, Yugi, greeted. His voice was so nice...! Much nicer that Atemu's own, oddly deep voice...
Atemu froze up, staring at him with wide eyes. Just in those few seconds of watching Yugi approach him, he knew that this boy was... well... everything that Atemu would love to be, but at the same time... he also appeared to be everything that Atemu would love to be dating right now.
“I'm Yugi!” The boy greeted, holding out his hand to Atemu. “Lovely to meet you! We're gonna be roommates!”
R-roommates...? Wait, was Atemu gonna share a room with this perfect human being?
For the whole summer?
Nervously, with a shaky hand, Atemu took Yugi's own, and felt like his brain just shut itself off. “... Touching...” He mumbled, without even thinking, as he looked at their hands, his face burning red.
Sadly, if Atemu had to name his number one weakness, it was his anxiety around people, especially people he really wanted to be on good terms with. And right now, his anxiety was screwing him over, big time.
Yugi blinked, frowning in slight worry. “Mr. Muran, I broke your nephew...”
Siamun blinked, before laughing, patting Atemu on the back. “He's just shy, doesn't get out much to meet people. Don't worry, give him a week and he'll be fine!”
Ooooh, Atemu highly doubted that...
This was going to be a long, long summer...
If you can't tell, I'm not taking this story very seriously, this is mainly for my own joy.
Also, the two boyfriends at the airport is a reference to me meeting my boyfriend for the first time in real life back in March at an airport. He's the one who flew in, since we live in two different states.
Why is this story in Montana? Cause I live there and I dunno what ranches are like in other areas of the states, so it’s one of those ‘go with what you know’ things.
The ranch is based sort of off my memory of what Rebecca's home looked like in season four, before it was blown up.
Next chapter: Atemu's first few days at the ranch are some of the weirdest, most exhausting days of his life, and Yugi isn't helping one bit EDIT: You guys really need to tell me when I accidentally change perspectives, several times I slipped up in this.
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socialattractionuk · 4 years
Wayne Lineker posts lengthy criteria for new girlfriend – and you need to be good at geography
Fancy dating Wayne? There’s a lot of rules… (Picture: Instagram/@waynelineker)
Wayne Lineker is looking for a ‘wifey’ – and Tinder just won’t cut it.
The club owner has posted an advert for a new girlfriend, and it’s… certainly something.
Lineker, 58, explained that his family think he needs a new girlfriend for his ‘sanity and health’, and set out his ‘criteria’ for his other half in a lengthy Instagram post. 
He wrote: ‘Ok – Let’s start this off like I’m normal: Strong nice loving personality.’
That’s not so bad, right? Well, then Lineker – the younger brother of Match Of The Day’s Gary – proceeded to the ‘more important things’, which referred to children as ‘baggage’ and stipulated that Waitrose ready meals are the height of haute cuisine. 
The nightclub mogul wrote: ‘You must like older men but only me…You have to be a worldie and above 30 (Ok 28 29 could work) but not my age as that would just look weird 🤷‍♂️ you must like to travel and to fly business class and stay in incredible hotels. Be prepared to give up your career or job or at least be able to work from a laptop on a tropical beach somewhere. 
‘You will need to spend the summer in ibiza and the winter in Dubai with 2 weeks in Uk for Christmas and new year with the families and holidays to the Maldives…No baggage as mine are all grown up. A dog is acceptable but will need a passport. You must be able to cook as I love cooking, especially Waitrose ready made meals. You also don’t need to be verified I can sort that for you.. house music and R&B lovers only. No heavy rock or pop music. You must like Netflix especially money heist and also real crime. No chick flicks watch them with your mates.’
But it didn’t stop there, as Lineker continued: ‘You need to be confident enough to be able to go to the front of the queue in nightclubs and accept a table and free drinks from the owners. You will need a driving license to share a Bentley and a Lamborghini Jeep (pending) ..you must never have shared a teeth whitening post!! I’m not on any dating sites you shouldn’t be too. I’m Not on only fans so you shouldn’t be too. 
‘You must love the gym, health food and have body definition as I will have soon. Accept and love my children and grandchildren and realise no more kids for me.. (never say never though) you must be able to let my PA @davehodges10 book all yours and our flights and purchase items online for you. You just need to send a link to him ..
‘You must be able to accept my friends even @tonytrumanibiza as I will accept yours … accept I have to reply to girls DMs not just guys…
‘One last thing. Your geography needs to be on point as girls that think Lincoln is in Wales is not good. Be intelligent but not boring. Outgoing suits.’
Lineker ended his comprehensive ad with the hashtags #wifeywhereyouat, #banter and #real.
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Unsurprisingly, the post has gone viral, as people on Twitter questioned whether the ad was legit. 
One person tweeted: ‘Has Wayne Lineker been hacked or is he just being himself. Hard to say’, while another wrote: ‘I don’t know what’s worse, a 58-year-old grandad seeking a wife younger than his daughter, or the fact Wayne Lineker considers Waitrose ready meals to be cooking.’
Some called the ad ‘creepy’, while others called for the dating process to be televised. 
And certain parts of the ad really tickled people, as one tweet read: ‘Screaming at the bit about wanting her to know her geography, imagine Wayne Lineker quizzing women about oxbow lakes and globalisation on their first date.’
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There's a new dating app that only lets you communicate via voice notes
Real or not, Lineker actually had plenty of women filing up in the comments section to apply, with the star even claiming he was already messaging one woman who was volunteered by a friend.
Lineker – believed to be worth £30 million through his Ibiza empire, including celeb hotspot Ocean Beach club – has four children, and was previously engaged to 27-year-old model Danielle Sandhu.
Earlier this summer, he caused controversy after pushing female employees into a swimming pool to choose a ‘date’; after pushing the line-up into the water, he walked off with bikini-clad Love Island star Katie Salmon.
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“I’d rather drown.” - Episode 4
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Sorry I haven't been here yet. But like wow, I've lucked out. I haven't been vulnerable yet. And just when I think I haven't got a shot, we merged with the people who I can potentially work with. This is what I needed. Friends. I can't wait for this. I need the me/Gabby/kait/jenn thing to work with the me/liana thing and I need to pull in Emma and amanda. And then we can take out all of the men. I'd be fine with that. I really would be. Ok, since not much has happened yet that's all I have to say. But stay tuned, I'm hoping it gets interesting. 
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My new tribe? My new tribe is everyone. Aka 21 crazy people! Jk I like a lot of these people and can't wait to get to know the people I don't know. 
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honestly this is gross, a 21 person merge makes me want to cry! I hope this is temporary! But I mean, there are plenty of great people on this tribe that I might like to work with 
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Ok! So it looks like telling Kelsey wasn't a complete bad idea! It looks like I'm the only one who mentioned Shea's name to her so she's grateful for that which is good. I feel like I'm slowly starting to take all these people left out of the loop under my wing, first Seamus and now Kelsey. Hopefully I can actually make something happen with this, especially with this 21 person merge!?!?!? I'm truly shook but I feel like I'm in a good position. I was on good terms with everyone on Tasi (with the exception of maybe Liana? Who knows where she stands tbh) and then I have Kait and Jenn as well so whew. I've talked a bit with Rhea and I feel like I can get something going with Chrissa and Amanda too so hopefully this immunity disadvantage won't hurt me too much.
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I've got there minutes before midnight so ill make it short: dogs bark the loudest when they are scared. That's all! :)
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I'm very upset about not being able to compete because apparently it's making us a target and it's all my fault and I feel awful. Despite Darians messy ass going from one tribe to the other saying Finite will join forces against the other, one of us Tasi could still be going. I hate. I just need Luke to answer me like desperately!! This is the worst time to have a tribal honestly. I'm working all day tomorrow then go straight to class and I'm honestly probably gunna pass the fuck out when I get home and make my friends my mad for not going out with them and get voted out because my lazy ass won't talk to people. So here's my co cession all now. Hopefully  I can turn it around and not be voted out and maybe even save all of my Tasi tribe mates. Like honestly Darian is such a mess telling everyone the same thing! When will he learn that if you tell everyone the same thing they're going to catch on. Why can't it just be him going? I love him and all but he just makes it so easy to target him so like that's what I'm gunna do. 
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I am extremely excited because Billy and I made a final two deal and I can't wait to take all these suckers down!
P.S I love Ricky and Monty
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I don't know how well i fair at this point i want to make jury and like everything but it's hard 
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I.FUCKING.LOVE.KAIT. So Darian had this "master" plan to get the old Finite tribe to stick together with one of the other tribes to get the third out....only problem... THE DUMBASS WENT TO BOTH OF THE OTHER TRIBES LMFAO So his bitch ass got caught trying to flip them against eachother and now everyone wants to target him and Kait and I are sitting here CACKLING OUR ASSES OFF THIS IS FUCKING HILARIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SO ANYWAYS since Kait and I actually have a brain, we wanna pull a small group from each tribe together rather than tribe v tribe bullshit. We're trying to figure out who to pull in now. Are Kait and I the duo of the century? I think so
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Kait is cracked and I am literally just here for the ride so I am grabbing a life vest!
A 21 person merge is just... I'd rather drown. 
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Darling! What a lovely week it's been so far. The merge has come and I've had a lot of time to talk to people. This week, I've definitely had to work on making those new relationships, building those old bridges. I've got to run as far from Tasi as I can get, because I know that if things continued with them, I'd be the next boot out. Thankfully, the other tribes seem to be nice but I've got to be able to find out who's being put up for elimination before the designated time to vote comes. If I can find it, I can change it. And if I can change it, I can call it! And at this point, who doesn't want to be calling the shots? I DEFINITELY do, especially since I had no shot at immunity. Based on how other people in this game have been treating me, specifically Liana, I'm definitely considering myself in danger of going home this week...but I can't go home. I gotta hit that top, henny! And in order to reach the top, I've got to make it through these preliminary weeks and I've come too far to stop now! I came to slash throats, save my family and wear ugg boots. Let's hop to it with personality and positivity, yes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLou1H0uw1Y Canada's Self Proclaimed Favourite; Kelsey Mikaelson~!
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Well this has been one hell of a round First, only three fucking people tried in the immunity challenge and actually got points, making them the only ones to get immunity. Super fun. Those three would be Luke, Kait and Rob. Luckily those three are involved in a huge multi tribe alliance that is forming Yup 14 people I think. We are all voting together to start weeding out others This alliance consists of the finite 7 Rob, Amanda, kait, Emma, andie, rhea, and me Gabriel, johnny, Luke, Jen Billy, Seamus, and Christine I know this is a cluster fuck of people but this is a cluster fuck season. Anywho. I'm hoping all goes smoothly and everyone proved loyal. I guess we will find out tonight  
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Darian is a HOT ASS MESS. Like how can you go around and be so confident about a vote that is not in your corner? Like obviously I'm confident Darian will go, but like at the same time, I'm not cocky confident about it. Darian is so blinded by his own ego to see that his ass is in trouble. So many people have gone to Sam with receipts of him saying her name and he (in my mind) has no clue. What a messy ass bottom. 
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The beginning of this game was kind of rough for me, I didn't really know anybody on my tribe except for Billy and Chrissa and if we had remained as that tribe, I definitely think I could have been heading home so it's comforting that things are starting to look up for me. This 'merge' has been really interesting, especially because it's just letting everybody see how messy Darian is. He wants to put the OldTasi and OldMakahana tribe against one another but agreeing to align with both sides????does he not understand that he will be pissing off so many people by doing that? dumbass. Sam and I have been werking and so far think we have Dan, Amanda, Andie, Lily, Seamus, Kait, Jenn, Kelsey, Liana, and potentially 3 more votes PLUS our votes to take out Darian. This is going to be so beautiful because he's so confident that he's running things but bless him for trying I guess. Oh yeah! I have immunity! That's fun too 
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Well. Hopefully Darian goes tonight and not Sam. I love Sam and would hate for her to go so soon! I'm doing rlly best to convince those I'm closer to to vote for Darian so hopefully it works out. This is so scary! 
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I love when chrissa lies to me! Maybe Billy too but hmm it's interesting how no one I've talked to know how votes are going this late in the game. Seems like my alliance has this though. And now it's shown me that I can't trust billy and chrissa sooo!
Kait is a good demon and she's gonna pull numbers to get out drain I love her when she's not angry with me
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darian goggin is a dumb bitch
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Ok so this vote is either gonna be make or break for me tbh. I'm super nervous cause I kinda want Darian to go instead of Sam because I love Sam so much its not even funny. She's one of the people I know I can actually trust and Darian seems like a bit of a wildcard. I don't like people who put themselves in like leadership positions cause I like doing my own little thing so being in a massive group that Darian created makes me uneasy, especially because he wants to target Tasi. Like.....I don't wanna be the person that takes out my entire tribe out just for me to be next!? I'm not that Dumb...They never did anything to me! They screwed Seamus over though which is what's killing me right now cause it looks like Seamus wants Sam to go so I'm just a mess. I really wanna work with Seamus though so as long as we get through this together, we should be fine...hopefully. I'm just stressed cause nobody really talks strategy with me like I feel like I have to pry it out of them most of the time and its getting annoying. Like I love Kelsey but he always waits last minute and by last minute I MEAN THE LITERAL LAST MCFRICKEN MINUTE to tell me a name and by that point its just like...over....So yeah! I'm a bit frustrated but no matter what happens I think I can make something good out of this.
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Did i betray Darian? Yeah : / hopefully rhea goes with me too
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Courting Rituals
Jim and Bones just want each other to be happy with their respective partners. A cute little rp between friends. 
Stranger: Bones, I need your expertise. JK
You: ...a highly suspicious way to begin a conversation when you're Jim Kirk, but I'll bite. LM What is it? LM
Stranger: What? Have I ever let you down? JK Vulcans. What do you know about them? JK
You: No, you haven't. That's the problem. LM Socially or medically? LM
Stranger: I always come through for you. JK Either would be nice. JK
Stranger: Me and Spock have been spending a lot of time together. JK
You: You're the Captain and First Officer. It would be a problem if you hadn't been. LM
Stranger: Not like that, Bones. JK
You: ...huh. LM Well, I have no idea how you stand him most of the time, but you've never exactly made sense. LM Vulcans are stubborn and incredibly secretive. It took goddamn years to get any medical knowledge about them, and even then, you have to have a specific clearance to get to some of it. It's, frankly, a little ridiculous. LM
Stranger: We mostly just play chess. but the fact that he gives me the time of day for it says a lot. JK Is there anything odd I should know? JK
Stranger: Besides him being, like, four times as strong as me. Because that is incredibly hot. JK
You: Jesus, kid. If there was ever a sentence I did not need to read, it was that one. I think I need to bleach my eyes. LM Has anything odd been happening? Besides him giving you the time of day, obviously. LM
Stranger: That was tame, compared to some of the stuff I could come up with. Goof to know you're so easy to mess with. JK I don't know what's normal for a Vulcan, that's why I'm asking you, doc. JK
You: Ugh. Disgusting. LM In all seriousness, Jim, any knowledge that I have is either negative or purely based on medical speculation or information. You have more practical knowledge than I ever want to. If Spock was acting differently, I think you'd know better than I would. LM
Stranger: Yes, how dare I be happy and attracted to someone. JK He's just been incredibly short lately. In his own way. I'm worried about him. JK
You: Exactly. Keep your happiness on your side of the ship. Some of us have reputations to uphold as grumpy old men. LM The one thing I've learned from being around Spock is that he's afraid of his own emotions. If you two are flirting around each other, I'd bet my last bottle of good bourbon that he doesn't know how to handle it. LM
Stranger: You know, all I have to do to shatter that is to ask about your daughter. You do love talking about her ;) JK He's better than you think. Or maybe he's just unaware that he's flirting. I was hoping you would know how Vulcans do this sort of thing. JK
You: Oh, shut up. Just because I love Jo doesn't mean I'm not a grumpy old man. LM Kid, the things that I know would curl your hair. LM If Spock was courting you, you'd know it. If Spock's FLIRTING with you, it's probably a different story. I mean, I doubt he'd be very good at it. Awkward silences, cautious touching. That sort of shit. LM What do YOU know about Vulcans? LM
Stranger: It's rather cute, how much you adore her. Really shatters the illusion, though. JK Considering I have nearly everything the other Spock knew in my head, probably a lot. I just don't want to go through that quite yet. JK Oh, there's plenty of that. I held his hand one time and I think it blew his mind. JK
You: [delay] Oh my god. LM
Stranger: What? JK
You: You held his hand? LM
Stranger: Yeah. JK And we talked. It was nice. JK
You: Right. Alright. LM Vulcan hands aren't like human hands, Jim. They're a lot more... sensitive. LM Gives a whole new meaning to the term "hand job." LM
Stranger: And no one thought to tell me this? JK
Stranger: That would explain a lot, actually. JK
You: I'm not about to go around explaining the nitty gritty of Vulcan biology to everyone on the goddamn ship, Jim. LM Do I dare ask? LM
Stranger: No, but you should to the guy who wants to sleep with him, idiot. JK If you couldn't handle me liking how he's strong, are you sure you want to know more? JK
You: No. I most certainly do not want to know more. Jesus. LM You should talk to him. Because if you've been this clueless, it might be time to have an enlightened conversation with the guy. Stubbornness or not. LM
Stranger: Come on. Might be fun. JK Alright. I will talk to him. What do I say? JK
You: Well, you might wanna start by letting him know you didn't mean to handsex him. LM Or maybe you did, and you start with that. Just please... don't tell me about it. LM
Stranger: You're reading too much into this. If he could read my mind, then he knows I was only thinking about him. JK
You: You sound like a bad romance holo. LM Then... I don't know, Jim, tell him that you want to stop dancing around the fact that you're both head over heels for each other. LM
Stranger: Okay. I'm going to do this. JK
You: Good luck. LM Although I doubt you'll need it. Everyone on the ship has been betting on when you two will finally stop making goo-goo eyes at each other and go for it. LM
Stranger: Who's got money on us already having gone for it? JK
You: Chekov. Overexcited little ass. LM Sulu keeps telling him he's wrong. Chekov's positive you two are fucking behind everyone's backs. LM Quite an imagination he's got, that kid. LM
Stranger: You know how I melded with old Spock? JK I saw a lot of things I don't think he intended me to see. Including that the other Spock, was with the other me. JK
You: Huh. LM
Stranger: Yeah. JK
Stranger: He misses the other me more than anything. JK It's kind of screwed up. JK
You: Yeah. It is. LM But it's also out of our control, kid. LM
Stranger: Alright. I'm going to do it. JK Going to message him. JK
You: Good luck, kiddo. LM
Stranger: [Delayed] It went a bit better than expected. JK
You: Oh? LM
Stranger: Much better. JK
You: How so? LM Do I want to know? LM
Stranger: He's sleeping next to me. So yeah. JK And I have /bruises/. The good kind ;) JK
Stranger: So who wins the pot now? JK
You: Uhura and I. Sulu might also be in the running, I've gotta check. LM
Stranger: You people are awful. JK You do know that Sulu is sleeping with Chekov, right? JK
You: Believe me, I know. LM I won that pot, too. LM
You: Although I might have cheated a little, since Sulu came in for a screening of his own volition and may or may not have mentioned it. LM
Stranger: That's the Bones I know and love. JK You ever going to ask your head nurse out? JK
You: Jesus, Jim. Can't a guy just be lonely for the rest of his life? LM I'm an old man. LM
Stranger: She likes you. You obviously like her. JK Come on. JK
You: I'm too old for her. She deserves better. LM
Stranger: You're not that old. JK And she's not a kid. JK
You: No, but she's a young woman who deserves better than anything I can offer. LM We were talking about you, not me. LM
Stranger: For god's sake, just ask her. I'm sure she'd love to go out with you. JK I know for a fact she would. JK
You: Drop it, Jim. LM
Stranger: I'm going to kick your ass until you do it. JK
Stranger: Leonard, you need to get your life in order. JK
You: My life is as ordered as it needs to be, thank you very much. LM
Stranger: Self-pity is a horrible look on you. JK
You: I've looked the same for years. Glad you see things my way. LM
Stranger: Let yourself be happy. JK
You: Maybe someday. Not today. LM
Stranger: Why not? JK
You: You're happy today. If there's too much happy on one ship, it'll explode. LM
Stranger: Ha ha. JK
You: No, really. It's a scientific fact. LM
Stranger: The other version of you was far more ballsy. JK
You: Glad to hear it. LM Shouldn't you be basking in the afterglow or some shit? LM
Stranger: I'm going to talk to her for you. JK Oh, we are. He says you're bring illogical. JK
You: Don't you dare. LM Great. Tell him he's illogical. LM
Stranger: I'll do it. JK He says that is no argument, and that you need to try, otherwise, you don't really have a reason to act depressed. JK I like him like this. JK
Stranger: I think you deserve to be happy. JK
You: And I think you're insane. We're all entitled to our opinions. LM Look, even if I wanted to do something about it, our ranks make it difficult. LM
Stranger: Who's going to tell on you? Certainly not anyone here. JK
You: If the admiralty finds out, we're all screwed. Both of us, you, probably Spock. LM
Stranger: Spock said the same thing to me. And I asked him how I could promote him, when he's one step below me. And it would be pretty obvious if I made him captain, and stepped down. JK So long as you aren't obviously playing favourites (which you aren't capable of), you're fine. I'll have your back. JK
Stranger: I break rules all the time. And I haven't been thrown out. JK
You: Yeah, well. You're Jim Kirk. LM
Stranger: What does that mean? JK
You: You've saved the universe, Jim. More than once. LM
Stranger: And they still hated that I broke rules doing it. JK
Stranger: My mother especially. JK
You: But you saved the universe anyways. They're not about to throw you out after something like that. Slap your wrist, yes. Throw you out? Not a chance. LM
Stranger: My mother wanted to. JK Then they offered me an admiral position. That's a fate worse than /death/. JK
You: Drama queen. LM
Stranger: A desk job would kill me. JK
You: You'd find some way to make it interesting. LM
Stranger: Sneaking onto another starship, yeah. JK I like what I do. You like what you do. JK
You: That's true. LM
Stranger: Even if you do complain constantly. JK
You: Like I said, I have a reputation to uphold. LM
Stranger: god forbid someone thinks you're nice. JK Though, Chapel does. JK
You: Jim. LM You really aren't going to let this go, are you? LM
Stranger: She really does, though. JK
You: And I'm sure she told you this, is that how you know? LM
Stranger: I might have overheard her talking with Uhura. JK
You: Seriously? LM
Stranger: Mhm. JK
You: Huh. LM
Stranger: Just go for it. JK
You: [long delay] I have a date. LM
Stranger: Told you. JK
You: I have a date. LM I. LM Have a date. LM An actual date. LM I'm pretty sure I've gone space mad. LM
Stranger: What did she say? JK
Stranger: What did you say? JK
You: I said that I would like to take her out on a date the next time we're planetside. LM And she said that she couldn't believe it took this long for me to ask. LM Am I crazy? I have to be. LM
Stranger: You two are about as subtle as spock and I. JK
Stranger: I told you she had noticed. She's not a Vulcan that doesn't understand 'mating rituals', as he calls it. JK
You: No one's as subtle as you two. I doubt we even come close. LM
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