#jm lambert
does-truth-matter · 4 months
The CDC has quietly changed who should AVOID the MMR vaccine.
They now state that ANYONE that “Has a parent, brother or sister with a history of immune system problems” should AVOID THE MMR VACCINE!
What exactly is an 'immune system problem?" Every autoimmune disorder.
* Achalasia
* Addison’s disease
* Adult Still's disease
* Agammaglobulinemia
* Alopecia areata
* Amyloidosis
* Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs)
* Ankylosing spondylitis
* Anti-GBM/Anti-TBM nephritis
* Antiphospholipid syndrome
* Autoimmune angioedema
* Autoimmune dysautonomia
* Autoimmune encephalomyelitis
* Autoimmune hepatitis
* Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)
* Autoimmune myocarditis
* Autoimmune oophoritis
* Autoimmune orchitis
* Autoimmune pancreatitis
* Autoimmune retinopathy
* Autoimmune urticaria
* Axonal & neuronal neuropathy (AMAN)
* Baló disease
* Behcet’s disease
* Benign mucosal pemphigoid
* Bullous pemphigoid
* Castleman disease (CD)
* Celiac disease
* Chagas disease
* Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
* Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO)
* Churg-Strauss Syndrome (CSS) or Eosinophilic Granulomatosis (EGPA)
* Cicatricial pemphigoid
* Cogan’s syndrome
* Cold agglutinin disease
* Congenital heart block
* Coxsackie myocarditis
* CREST syndrome
* Crohn’s disease
* Dermatitis herpetiformis
* Dermatomyositis
* Devic’s disease (neuromyelitis optica)
* Discoid lupus
* Dressler’s syndrome
* Endometriosis
* Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)
* Eosinophilic fasciitis
* Erythema nodosum
* Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
* Evans syndrome
* Fibromyalgia
* Fibrosing alveolitis
* Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
* Giant cell myocarditis
* Glomerulonephritis
* Goodpasture’s syndrome
* Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
* Graves’ disease
* Guillain-Barre syndrome
* Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
* Hemolytic anemia
* Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)
* Herpes gestationis or pemphigoid gestationis (PG)
* Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) (Acne Inversa)
* Hypogammalglobulinemia
* IgA Nephropathy
* IgG4-related sclerosing disease
* Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
* Inclusion body myositis (IBM)
* Interstitial cystitis (IC)
* Juvenile arthritis
* Juvenile diabetes (Type 1 diabetes)
* Juvenile myositis (JM)
* Kawasaki disease
* Lambert-Eaton syndrome
* Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
* Lichen planus
* Lichen sclerosus
* Ligneous conjunctivitis
* Linear IgA disease (LAD)
* Lupus
* Lyme disease chronic
* Meniere’s disease
* Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)
* Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
* Mooren’s ulcer
* Mucha-Habermann disease
* Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) or MMNCB
* Multiple sclerosis
* Myasthenia gravis
* Myositis
* Narcolepsy
* Neonatal Lupus
* Neuromyelitis optica
* Neutropenia
* Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
* Optic neuritis
* Palindromic rheumatism (PR)
* Parkinson's disease
* Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD)
* Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)
* Parry Romberg syndrome
* Pars planitis (peripheral uveitis)
* Parsonage-Turner syndrome
* Pemphigus
* Peripheral neuropathy
* Perivenous encephalomyelitis
* Pernicious anemia (PA)
* POEMS syndrome
* Polyarteritis nodosa
* Polyglandular syndromes type I, II, III
* Polymyalgia rheumatica
* Polymyositis
* Postmyocardial infarction syndrome
* Postpericardiotomy syndrome
* Primary biliary cirrhosis
* Primary sclerosing cholangitis
* Progesterone dermatitis
* Psoriasis
* Psoriatic arthritis
* Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA)
* Pyoderma gangrenosum
* Raynaud’s phenomenon
* Reactive Arthritis
* Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
* Relapsing polychondritis
* Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
* Retroperitoneal fibrosis
* Rheumatic fever
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Sarcoidosis
* Schmidt syndrome
* Scleritis
* Scleroderma
* Sjögren’s syndrome
* Sperm & testicular autoimmunity
* Stiff person syndrome (SPS)
* Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE)
* Susac’s syndrome
* Sympathetic ophthalmia (SO)
* Takayasu’s arteritis
* Temporal arteritis/Giant cell arteritis
* Thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
* Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (THS)
* Transverse myelitis
* Type 1 diabetes
* Ulcerative colitis (UC)
* Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD)
* Uveitis
* Vasculitis
* Vitiligo
* Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease
Wonder how many doctors are paying attention?
~shared from Jodi Wilson
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deadheadland · 1 year
SETLIST: Dead & Company, Maryland Heights, MO | Wednesday June 7, 2023
SETLIST: Dead & Company, Maryland Heights, MO | Wednesday June 7, 2023
Dead & CompanyHollywood Casino AmphitheaterMaryland Heights, MOWednesday June 7, 2023 1Let the Good Times Roll jm jc >Big River bwFriend of the Devil bw jmThey Love Each Other jmBlack Throated Wind bwBig Railroad Blues jm >Dark Star >Johnny B. Good bw Setbreak show “Dead Air” with Gary Lambert & David Gansfeaturing: Adam Theis so far…. (will update after the show!) DHL reporting fromDead &…
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DIMANCHE 23 JUILLET 2023 (Billet 3/3)
« JANE PAR CHARLOTTE » (sorti en janvier 2022 – 1h 30min)
Nous ne savons plus pour quelle raison mais nous l’avions raté lors de sa sortie mais le décès de Jane Birkin et quelques petits reportages vus à la télévision nous ont donné envie de voir le documentaire que sa fille, Charlotte Gainsbourg, a réalisé sur sa mère.
Il vient de ressortir mais ne se joue plus que dans 2 ou 3 cinémas à Paris, dont un qui se trouve dans le XVe, pas très loin de chez nous.
Filmer le bonheur de peur qu’il ne se sauve, photographier ces mains, cette bouche, qui s’ornent désormais de taches et de rides mais qui sont bien là, charnues, vivantes, évoquer à demi-mot les regrets pour mieux les annihiler : le beau « Jane par Charlotte » est tout entier mû par la conscience du temps qui passe, habité par les absents, célébrant ceux qui restent, tout ce qui reste. C’est le film d’une fille (Charlotte Gainsbourg) sur sa mère (Jane Birkin), et en cela plus universel qu’on pourrait croire, sondant les tréfonds de l’amour filial – cet amour qu’on aimerait toujours simple et limpide, et qui reste décidément compliqué et mystérieux – un film qui demande peut-être aussi, à sa manière détournée, des preuves d’amour venant d’en face. Au début du film Jane qui dit à Charlotte « qu'elle n'a jamais eu d'affinité avec elle quand elle était petite... ».
Leur relation n’a rien eu d’évident. L’objet du film, qui commence par suivre Jane Birkin en tournée au Japon, est ainsi décrit par sa fille : sonder une réserve entre elles, « que tu n’as pas il me semble avec Lou [Doillon] ou Kate [Barry] ». Réponse de la mère : « Tu m’as toujours intimidée. » Après cette introduction qui frémit à bas bruit de tension, le film gagne peu à peu en intimité, jusqu’à devenir carrément serre gorge, construit de petits riens pourtant essentiels, loin de ce que ces deux femmes célèbres ont pu donner, jusqu’alors, à voir de leur vie – visite chez un éleveur de bouledogues, concert à New York, choix des graines pour les plantations… Deux grands absents, Serge Gainsbourg puis Kate Barry, font leur apparition, le premier lors d’une visite un peu ahurissante dans sa maison, où rien n’a changé, jusqu’aux aliments dans le frigo, la deuxième grâce à des films la saisissant dans la joie disparue de l’enfance. Habité aussi par la nostalgie, et même, fugacement, la culpabilité, « Jane par Charlotte » vient offrir une réparation, dans sa manière de prendre acte des liens interrompus.
Entrevoir la fin fait sauter toutes les digues, non pas celles de la pudeur – le film reste en cela fidèle à sa cinéaste – mais celles d’un amour immense qui n’osait pas se dire. « Je t’aime depuis toujours, mais je le comprends si bien aujourd’hui », chuchote la voix de Charlotte en off, dans les derniers instants, poignants. « J’aurais besoin que tu m’apprennes à vivre, que tu me réapprennes comme si je n’avais pas compris, comme si ce n’était qu’une répétition. »
(Source : « liberation.fr »)
JM est plutôt d’accord avec cette critique de Libé. Marina, elle, a été gênée, tout au long de la projection par les échanges entre la mère et la fille. « Cela ne nous regarde pas ! » sont les premiers mots qu’elle a prononcés quand les lumières se sont rallumées. Elle comprend que Charlotte ait eu envie de faire ce documentaire mais elle pense qu’il aurait dû rester dans la sphère familiale.
Ce qui n’a pas arrangé les choses, le son du cinéma « Chaplin Saint-Lambert » était nul ! Or, Charlotte a un timbre de voix d’une fillette anémique de 10 ans et Jane a une façon de parler au naturel qui aurait mérité des sous-titres. Toutes les personnes qui étaient autour de nous dans la salle ont dit qu’elles n’ont quasiment rien entendu.
C’est le drame des cinémas dits d’Art et d’Essai : le confort des fauteuils est presque toujours sommaire, la qualité de la projection est très moyenne et le son est le plus souvent médiocre. Certes, les places coûtent moins cher mais les grands distributeurs (Pathé, UGC…) nous ont habitué à une qualité, grâce à un matériel ultra-sophistiqué, dont on a du mal à se passer par la suite.
Marina a attribué au film ❤️❤️,4 et JM, ❤️❤️,8 (les reproches de JM qui l’ont empêché de lui donner plus, ne concernent pas que le son, la réalisatrice en a un peu trop rajouté dans le côté « foutraque » de sa mise en scène, comme pour excuser (« masquer ») son amateurisme dans ce domaine).
NB Mais la visite du 5 bis Rue de Verneuil, même courte, est un grand moment dans le documentaire.
Cinéma Chaplin Saint-Lambert
6, Rue Péclet
Paris, 75015
Métro : Commerce
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George Washington Lambert - Oh, How the Spirit of the Bush Fire Loved It, J. M. Whitfeld, The Spirit of the Bush Fire Series, Part 1, 1898, p. 5. George Washington Thomas Lambert ARA (1873 – 1930) was an Australian painter, illustrator, and cartoonist. He is remembered as a portrait painting and as a war artist during the First World War. Lambert was born in St Petersburg and raised in Württemberg, Germany and then Somerset, England. At the age of 14 (1887), he migrated to Sydney, Australia with his grandparents. The young Lambert worked as a jackeroo on rural station properties and developed an appreciation for horses and rural scenes. In 1894, he first started exhibiting his paintings and in the next year he started to contributing cartoons to the Bulletin. Between 1896 and 1900, Lambert studied at the Julian Ashton Art School in Sydney. He spent a year in Paris (1901) before moving to London where he exhibited at the Royal Academy. Lambert was appointed an official Australian war artist in 1917 during the First World War. He visited in Gallipoli and Palestine. Lambert then returned to Australia. Much of his work was focused on portraiture and, in in 1927, he won the Archibald.
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Thief of Hearts by Ruby Moone The year is 1806. Bastard-born jewel thief David Lambert has few rules in his personal life. Never bed the staff, never more than once with the same man, and never, ever, kiss. Attending an aristocratic party and relieving some of the wealthy of their possessions should be easy, but in the space of a weekend, one by one all his rules are shattered by a footman with a secret. Jeremy Naylor thought he had found the man of his dreams, the one man who might understand him. Someone passionate, handsome, and respectable. But in one shocking moment his world is destroyed, and he is forced to run for his life. Flung together to escape the hangman’s noose, the passion between David and Jeremy burns fiercely. But Jeremy yearns for respectability, and David refuses to admit what lies in his heart. Will they find a way together, or will their differences lead them to the very brink of disaster and the shadow of the gallows? Coming July 14, 2018. Ruby is one of my favorite m/m historical romance authors, and JMS Books is having 30% off ebooks sale from June 23rd to June 30th.
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willstafford · 5 years
Street Pete
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PETER PAN Reimagined
The REP, Birmingham, Thursday 5th December, 2019
  Director Liam Steel follows up last year’s whirlwind of a successful Wizard of Ozwith this new version of the immortal JM Barrie classic.  Instead of Edwardian London, the action is updated and translocated to present-day Birmingham, a rundown block of flats.  Odd then that Steel should cast his Wendy as a Scottish lass,…
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squidproquoclarice · 5 years
Honestly, it also surprised me that you chose Horseshoe Overlook again but it kinda makes sense with the meet up with JM in Valentine like in the Epilogue. It seems the Marstons family's fate will be changed too in your story with how you handle Abigail and Jack's situation. Also, how will the Griffiths find out the fate of Strauss now without Charles being in St. Denis? And that 'Roosevelt' bit, FC5 Dutch eh? Anyways, eager for more chapters! *spam clicking kudos like a madman over AO3*
That was honestly a surprise to me.  I’d planned for Arthur, Sadie, and John to likely end up camping for a night at Horseshoe, and for then to end up leaving Bonne Chasse only at the end of Chapter 13 for points further west (readers may notice I had Chapter 12 labeled “Bonne Chasse I” for a while anticipating 13 being “Bonne Chasse II”.)  But as it panned out, Arthur and Sadie’s concerns about tangling with Guido Martelli and the Mano Rossa did prompt that move earlier than I expected. I do like how that happened, though.  Returning to Horseshoe as an actual home base rather than as an overnight campsite feels right, as they’re dealing with some of the lingering issues of 1899, as Horseshoe was where they spent the most time (roughly 2 months, in my timeline.) I’m not making predictions on 1911 quite yet given that I want the story to go where it will rather than my forcing it in some direction, but there’s a decent possibility of the Marstons’ eventual fate being somewhat different.  Arthur’s survival could change things for more people than just Sadie.Strauss is something that’ll likely come up, particularly as they’re dealing with a somewhat akin situation here with Thurwell--accountant for a criminal organization, and Lambert and others may be familiar with what happened to Strauss in Pinkerton custody.  It was actually on my list of possible things to address in ch 49, but it didn’t make the cut since the conversation just didn’t organically flow in that direction.  I do think Strauss, his fate, and other aspects of that situation are important for Arthur to face, as he’s doing his best to make peace with 1899.  (Honestly, it’s always bothered me how Charles becomes a plot device who just absurdly “knows” things in the Epilogue that he really shouldn’t given he did a “peace out” to the gang before the end and was up in Canada--Strauss’ fate, Arthur’s death and exactly where to find him, etc.)  Nah, Roosevelt is legit Teddy Roosevelt, president in 1907.  ;)  I figured there was no reason to just not name the actual president given there are plenty of references to real-life American locations in the game.I haven’t started ch 50 yet as I’ve been on a family trip, and I do have follower giveaway ficlets to work on too, but hoping to make a start of it sometime this week!
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Here's the story for this version. On youtube, I was looking for the best fan mashups of both P!NK's and Adam Lambert's version of the same song when I soon came across JM Media's edit. I was impressed by how perfectly edited this was, making it seem like a real duet beteween both singers. And that was worthy of being changed a little for the younger fans of P!NK and Adam Lambert. So, thank you JM Media for doing a great mashup and remember, I don't own anything.
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sugacotaed · 7 years
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The challenge: Music has always been a huge inspiration for me. Some of my favorite works I have written are based on One Single line from a song. So I would like to challenge you- and myself of course! Make a playlist for this month- you can pick songs from any genre you want, so long as it inspires you. And based on that playlist, write a drabble a day for the entire month. The only rule is to have fun! (You can also do it as a weekly challenge if you prefer)
Update Schedule (mine): 
❥ S-TH ❥ M-YG ❥ T-NJ ❥ W-SJ ❥ T-JM ❥ F-JK ❥ S-HS ❥
Mimi’s February Drabble Playlist
Track 01: Hotter Than Hell- Dua Lipa
Track 02: She’s a Baby- Zico 
Track 03: Faster Gun- Little Big Town
Track 04: Farmer’s Daughter- Rodney Atkins
Track 05:  Official- Lee Hi
Track 06: No Ordinary Love- Sade
Track 07: Tell Me You Love Me- Demi Lovato
Track 08: House Of Cards- BTS
Track 09: Thinking ‘Bout You- Dua Lipa
Track 10: Cry Baby- Demi Lovato
Track 11: My Eyes Adored You- Frankie Valli
Track 12: Tin Man- Miranda Lambert
Track 13: The Breaker- Little Big Town
Track 14: Dangerous Woman- Ariana Grande
Track 15: I Could Use a Love Song- Maren Morris
Track 16:  Homesick- Dua Lipa
Track 17: Lucky Ones- Lana Del Rey
Track 18: Backseat Serenade- All Time Low
Track 19: Better Man- Little Big Town
Track 20: Greedy- Ariana Grande
Track 21: Daddy Issues- Demi Lovato
Track 22: When Someone Stops Loving You- Little Big Town
Track 23: Be The One- Dua Lipa
Track 24: Over You By Now- Jana Kramer
Track 25: Video Games- Lana Del Rey
Track 26: !Corre!- Jesse & Joy
Track 27: I Miss You- Blink 182
Track 28: Pizza- Oohyo
Tagging: @suga-honey-ice-tae @floralyoongii @rseokjin @herspilledink @elvendorks @l-o-l-o-k-a-y @yoongi-b3ar @sugachki @hipsterminseok @btsaeipathy @strawberrymarshmallowstories @mysweetkittae @mistymins @kpop-stole-my-lyfe @aesthetic-local-trash @1seu @vixxpirational @jeon-lunari
You don’t have to do it! But if you do, please tag me so I can see~~
also- please be gentle it’s my first time making a challenge ;;;
edit: the challenge is open to anyone that would like to join! don’t forget to tag me though lol 
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The politicians who tried to overturn an election — and the local news team that won’t let anyone forget it
Margaret Sullivan
While Sunday shows keep booking the lawmakers who undermined democracy — triggering the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol — one public radio station set out to keep that fact in the foreground. (Evelyn Hockstein for The Washington Post)
The journalists at WITF, an all-news public radio station in Harrisburg, Pa., made a perfectly reasonable decision a few months ago.
They decided they wouldn’t shrug off the damaging lies of election denialism.
They wouldn’t do what too many in Big Journalism have done in recent months: shove into the memory hole the undemocratic efforts by some Republican elected officials to delegitimize or overturn the 2020 presidential election.
Too many Sunday news shows repeatedly book the likes of Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson without reminding viewers how these members of Congress tried to undo the results of the election — and encouraged the Trumpian lies about election fraud that led to the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol less than four months ago. A rare exception is CNN’s “State of the Union,” which hasn’t booked a single member of the so-called Sedition Caucus since January.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) criticized President Donald Trump in January for not quelling the Capitol riot. Now McCarthy says he did enough. (JM Rieger/The Washington Post)
“There’s a kind of clubby atmosphere on these shows, part of the Beltway Bubble mentality, in which it’s become almost impolite to raise the topic of the insurrection,” Princeton University history professor Kevin Kruse told me.
“CBS This Morning,” for example, sent out an email alert last week touting its exclusive interview with Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), one of the seven senators who voted against certifying the election results in Pennsylvania. Scott blasted President Biden for “spending us into oblivion” and mocked him for not achieving bipartisanship — yet interviewer Anthony Mason never mentioned that Scott had literally tried to overturn Biden’s election.
“109 days after Jan. 6, ‘history will remember’ is a complete joke,” Matt Negrin of “The Daily Show” tweeted last week. He added: “These media outlets want you to forget.”
But Harrisburg’s WITF has gone a different route: They want you to remember.
Months before the election, the station’s reporters and editors were already deeply alarmed by what they saw unfolding. “We could see the disinformation really taking hold, this idea that the only way President Trump could lose is if the election were rigged,” Tim Lambert, the station’s news director, told me last week.
The pro-Trump media world peddled the lies that fueled the Capitol mob. Fox News led the way.
The deadly culmination of that anti-democratic lie, the Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6, solidified their thinking. In late January, the station — whose newsroom includes six reporters and two editors — posted an explanatory story stating that they would be regularly reminding their audience that some state legislators signed a letter urging Congress to vote against certifying the Pennsylvania election results, and that some members of Congress had voted against certifying the state’s election results for President Biden, despite no evidence to support their election-fraud claims.
These elected officials, WITF reminded its audience, either knowingly spread disinformation or flat-out lied in an effort to keep Trump in office.
“This was an unprecedented assault on the fabric of American democracy,” the statement said.
The station has stuck to its pledge in its day-to-day coverage ever since, by simply and without fanfare including boilerplate language about how lawmakers conducted themselves during the attempts to overturn the election whenever they are mentioned in the course of regular news coverage.
For example, a recent story about a state legislator’s efforts to get Pennsylvanians vaccinated was accompanied by a sidebar of text about the lawmaker in question.
“State Sen. Ryan Aument (R—Lancaster) was one of 17 Republican state senators who signed a Jan. 4 letter that asked Congress to delay electoral college certification because, it said incorrectly, SCOTUS ‘is to hear Trump v. Boockvar in the coming days.’ On Jan. 11 SCOTUS refused to fast-track the case. The election-fraud lie led to the attack on the Capitol.”
On-air stories use similar language as a tagline at the end of news segments.
Many Republican senators who planned to object to the 2020 election results had previously accused Democrats of trying to overturn the 2016 election results. (JM Rieger/The Washington Post)
The station’s effort has been generally well-received, said Scott Blanchard, editor of StateImpact Pennsylvania, a public-media collaboration, who joined in the planning.
So you’re being held accountable? That’s not ‘cancel culture.’
“We struggled because this is not the normal thing,” Blanchard told me. “We had to ask ourselves, ‘Does this mean we are not independent journalists?’ ” But ultimately, he and Lambert — and the WITF reporters — felt that sustained accountability was paramount.
“We’re out on a ledge here,” Lambert remembers thinking. Both he and Blanchard hoped other news organizations would join them. “But it’s been radio silence,” Lambert said.
To be sure, other news organizations, including The Washington Post, are covering the aftermath of the election fraud lies and the insurrection, sometimes in innovative ways, as NYU professor Jay Rosen recently wrote. ProPublica has established a “democracy beat,” and a nonprofit news organization, Votebeat, focuses on election integrity.
But I’d like to see more accountability. So would Princeton’s Kruse. “There’s a tendency in the political media to get caught up in the story of the day and not dwell on the things that need to be reckoned with,” he said.
If it were up to him, Kruse would prescribe a simple rule for network TV producers thinking about putting election denialists on-air: “Don’t book them, as long as they haven’t publicly retracted.”
The Harrisburg station expects to continue its practice at least through the 2022 elections and possibly through 2024. If legislators change their minds, the station will reflect that in their language, but it won’t simply wipe the slate clean for them.
“Elected officials are going to run on this,” Blanchard said. “This is an example of their judgment.”
In other words, no memory hole. No “let’s just move on.” And, sorry, no amnesty.
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bloganimallibre · 4 years
El déficit de Vitamina D, una alerta para veganos y omnívoros en tiempos de confinamiento
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Independiente del estilo dietético del individuo, ya sea vegano, vegetariano u omnívoro, cualquier persona podría tener una carencia de vitamina D. Una de las principales fuentes es la exposición de la piel a los rayos ultravioletas y una dieta bien planificada. Sin embargo, a pesar de tener una fuente disponible para todas las personas, varios estudios han determinado deficiencia de vitamina D a nivel mundial generando un problema de salud pública global. Podríamos imaginar entonces, que hoy, en tiempos de pandemia, donde la exposición solar es baja, los niveles de esta vitamina en sangre pueden también reducirse considerablemente por lo que es urgente informar a la comunidad y que esta actúe tempranamente.
Es importante conocer la tremenda función de esta vitamina que es la de mantener el equilibrio del calcio y fósforo. En los últimos años, se han identificado otros efectos de la vitamina D en distintos sistemas como el inmunológico y muscular. Aun teniendo muchas funcionalidades en la salud, no se ha podido erradicar este problema de salud pública: la deficiencia de vitamina D.
Los niveles que tengamos de esta vitamina dependerán de la latitud geográfica, la superficie de la piel y su pigmentación, la estancia prolongada en tiempos de confinamiento por la pandemia, el uso de protectores solares, la contaminación del aire y la edad del individuo. Se ha estimado que 10-15 minutos de exposición solar de cara, manos y brazos 2-3 veces a la semana durante la temporada primavera/verano es suficiente para la síntesis endógena de las cantidades que satisfagan las necesidades de un adulto. Las personas con piel oscura requieren un mayor tiempo de exposición, tiempo estimado de 25-30 minutos de exposición solar. En los niños pequeños y los ancianos la síntesis endógena también es menos eficaz.
La vitamina D se encuentra en pequeñas cantidades en forma de vitamina D3 o colecalciferol (origen animal) mientras que en los alimentos vegetales la cantidad es baja y está presente como vitamina D2 o ergocalciferol (origen vegetal). Por tanto, este nutriente apenas se encuentra en la naturaleza y las principales fuentes de vitamina D son algunos productos a base de plantas, desde la exposición al sol y suplementos.
La ingesta diaria recomendada para la poblacion es de 20 mcg para mujeres y 15 mcg para hombres. En las etapas temprana de la vida son 15 mcg y aumenta a 20 mcg cuando la persona alcanza los 70 años. Los siguientes alimentos a base de plantas, por cada 100 gr, que puedes encontrar son algunos cereales para bebes y cereales fortificados para el desayuno que contienen entre 7,5 a 9 mcg, bebidas vegetales fortificadas que contienen entre 2,2 a 3 mcg. Existen algunas setas expuestas a rayos UV que contienen vitamina D, pero su cantidad es variable. En teoría, todo producto a base de plantas en los que se mencione como “fortificado con Vitamina D” es prudente consumirlo. Ahora bien, si la persona, independientemente si está o no dentro de los rangos normales de vitamina D, en temporada otoño/invierno, y más aún en tiempos de COVID-19, se recomienda una suplementación con vitamina D.
La suplementación de vitamina D3 (colecalciferol) es de origen animal (derivada del 7-dehidrocolesterol obtenida a partir de lanolina de ovejas) y, por lo tanto, no puede ser utilizada por los veganos. La vitamina D2 (ergocalciferol) se produce a partir de la irradiación ultravioleta del ergosterol de levadura y es apta para los veganos. Por otro lado, existe suplementación de vitamina D3 vegana, que es obtenido del liquen. Independientemente del tipo de vitamina, una suplementación debiera contener, por cada porción, entre 800 a 2000 UI.
Como las personas pasamos la mayor parte del tiempo en las oficinas y ahora, encerrados en nuestras casas, nos exponemos con menor frecuencia al sol en temporada otoño/invierno, además, entendiendo que se conozcan o no los niveles de vitamina D, la suplementación es una realidad.
María Paz Orrego, Nutricionista. Directora Nutrición ONG Animal Libre
1.- America Dietetic Association. ADA Report. Position of the American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian Diets. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009; 109:1266-1282
2.- Charrondiere UR, Stadlmayr B, Rittenschober D, Nowak V. FAO /INFOODS Food Composition Database for Biodiversity Version 3.0 - BioFoodComp3.0. FAO; 2016
3.- Quesada Gómez JM, Sosa Henríquez M. Nutrición y osteoporosis. Calcio y vitamina D. Rev Osteoporos Metab Miner. 2011; 3(4): 165-82.
4.- Tripkovic L, Lambert H, Hart K, Smith CP, Bucca G, Penson S, et al. Comparison of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 supplementation in raising serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012; 95(6), 1357-1364.
5.- USDA National Nutrient Database for Estándar Reference. [Citado 5 mayo 2015]. Disponible en: https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/
6.- Ho-Pham LT, Vu BQ, Lai TQ, Nguyen ND, Nguyen TV. Vegetarianism, bone loss, fracture and vitamin D: a longitudinal study in Asian vegans and non-vegans. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012; 66(1), 75-82.
7.- Palacios C, González L, “La deficiencia de vitamina D es un problema global de salud pública”, Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición, volumen 27, No.1, año 2014.
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Alt fcs for Bill Skarsgard?
Shamier Anderson
Yutaka Kobayashi
Mark Fischbach
Jade Hassouné
JM de Guzman
Paapa Essiedu
Colton Haynes
David Lambert
Blake Michael
Gabriel Conte
Arthur Aguiar
Enrique Gil
KJ Apa
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SAMEDI 8 FÉVRIER 2020 (Billet 1 / 3)
Pour commencer cette série de Billets de fin de semaine, nous publions in extenso un mail très sympathique et surtout très intéressant que nous avons reçu de notre cousine Sophie (R.).
Elle y parle de théâtre, de cinéma, de musique, fait un commentaire sur les Billets précédents, etc. Il aurait fallu changer aujourd’hui le nom de notre Blog et l’appeler : « Le Blog de Marina, JM… ET Sophie ! ».
Merci beaucoup chère Sophie.
Hier nous avons vu dans notre joli théâtre de la Garenne "Intra Muros" d'Alexis Michalik et cette pièce m'a vraiment réconciliée avec lui. Je l'ai beaucoup aimée alors que j'avais été insensible à ses deux pièces précédentes ayant eu pourtant un grand succès : "Le Porteur d'histoire" et "Edmond". Je ne me souviens plus si vous aviez vu et parlé d'"Intra Muros" dans le Blog. La pièce se joue encore au théâtre de la Pépinière.
Le cinéma pour moi c'était lundi, "Les Traducteurs". Je lui mets ♥♥♥,5 sur 5. L'histoire est amusante mais on s'y perd parfois avec des flash-backs difficiles à suivre... J'ai beaucoup aimé le fait que tous les traducteurs étaient des acteurs du pays concerné avec leur véritable petit accent en français (mention toute spéciale au jeune anglais Alexander Lawther qui jouait Alan Turing jeune dans "Imitation Game"). Lambert Wilson fait bien son petit numéro de méchant... Le dernier rebondissement est inattendu mais je ne dirai rien évidemment !
La semaine prochaine, nous devrions aller voir "The Gentlemen". Mon amie de cinéma ne veut pas aller voir "# je suis là"... moi, ça m'aurait amusée pour la Corée, mais finalement nous n'y partons pas à cause du méchant virus. Corinne et Bruno sont en train de s'exciter pour trouver une autre destination (pas asiatique évidemment !).
Je suis très heureuse bien sûr que "Auld Lang Syne" vous ait plu ! [ En réponse à un précédent échange entre Sophie et nous au sujet d’une chanson écossaise (connue en France sous le nom « Ce n’est qu’un au revoir ») qui a été chantée lors du départ des eurodéputés britanniques dans l’hémicycle du Parlement Européen à Bruxelles. Elle nous a tellement plu chère Sophie que nous l’avons mise dans la visionneuse ci-dessus. NDLR du Blog ]
Il me semble qu'il y a un petit problème de date dans le Blog de mercredi qui est toujours daté du lundi 3 février... Ce n'est vraiment pas grave, on s'y retrouve !
Blog de ce matin : j'ai voté pour le "petit protégé" de Christine et j'espère que ça a marché... La vidéo du chien est vraiment très drôle, Shakira est un peu moins "mon truc" !
Blog de lundi : bravo à Corinne d'avoir envoyé la vidéo du concours d'éloquence et à vous de l'avoir publiée ; ce garçon est exceptionnel ! Question politique : j'espère de tout coeur que votre candidate à la mairie de Paris va gagner... 
Bises à vous deux.
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directrdc · 4 years
Pétition de déchéance contre JM Kabund: "Je crois que là notre vice-président est allé vite en besogne” (Lambert Mende à JM Kabund)
#RDC Pétition de déchéance contre JM Kabund: "Je crois que là notre vice-président est allé vite en besogne” (Lambert Mende à JM Kabund)
L’ancien ministre de la communication et médias et député national, Lambert Mende Omalanga, a réagi aux accusations portées par le premier vice président de l’Assemblée nationale, JM Kabund à la présidence de l’assemblée nationale sur un prétendu soutien à la pétition relative à sa déchéance signée par 62 députés nationaux.
Pour Lambert Mende, la présidente de la chambre basse du Parlement n’a…
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prosperopedia · 5 years
List of Autoimmune Diseases
One of the functions of a healthy immune system to protect the body from organisms that can harm it such as bacteria and viruses. This is a very important function. If your immune system did not fight foreign invaders, you would quickly get sick and die. However, for some people, the immune system becomes overactive and begins attacking the very cells it should be protecting. This can lead to a variety of autoimmune diseases.
This list of autoimmune diseases has been provided by The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association. (1) It is a list of all known autoimmune diseases. It does not, however, include some conditions that may or may not be associated with autoimmune diseases. In the case of eczema, for example, there is conflicting evidence about whether eczema is autoimmune related – it can be, but not always, so eczema did not make the list.
Knowing if a disease you suffer from is autoimmune related can help you know how to better manage your condition. Many people have been able to find relief from symptoms by taking natural supplements and eating a healthy diet tailored to reducing inflammation and improving gut health.
List of Autoimmune Diseases
Achalasia Dermatitis herpetiformis Lichen sclerosus Primary biliary cirrhosis Addison’s disease Dermatomyositis Ligneous conjunctivitis Primary sclerosing cholangitis Adult Still’s disease Devic’s disease (neuromyelitis optica) Linear IgA disease (LAD) Progesterone dermatitis Agammaglobulinemia Discoid lupus Lupus Psoriasis Alopecia areata Dressler’s syndrome Lyme disease chronic Psoriatic arthritis Amyloidosis Endometriosis Meniere’s disease Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) Ankylosing spondylitis Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) Pyoderma gangrenosum Anti-GBM/Anti-TBM nephritis Eosinophilic fasciitis Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) Raynaud’s phenomenon Antiphospholipid syndrome Erythema nodosum Mooren’s ulcer Reactive Arthritis Autoimmune angioedema Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia Mucha-Habermann disease Reflex sympathetic dystrophy Autoimmune dysautonomia Evans syndrome Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) or MMNCB Relapsing polychondritis Autoimmune encephalomyelitis Fibromyalgia Multiple sclerosis Restless legs syndrome (RLS) Autoimmune hepatitis Fibrosing alveolitis Myasthenia gravis Retroperitoneal fibrosis Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED) Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis) Myositis Rheumatic fever Autoimmune myocarditis Giant cell myocarditis Narcolepsy Rheumatoid arthritis Autoimmune oophoritis Glomerulonephritis Neonatal Lupus Sarcoidosis Autoimmune orchitis Goodpasture’s syndrome Neuromyelitis optica Schmidt syndrome Autoimmune pancreatitis Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis Neutropenia Scleritis Autoimmune retinopathy Graves’ disease Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid Scleroderma Autoimmune urticaria Guillain-Barre syndrome Optic neuritis Sjögren’s syndrome Axonal & neuronal neuropathy (AMAN) Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Palindromic rheumatism (PR) Sperm & testicular autoimmunity Baló disease Hemolytic anemia PANDAS Stiff person syndrome (SPS) Behcet’s disease Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) Benign mucosal pemphigoid Herpes gestationis or pemphigoid gestationis (PG) Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) Susac’s syndrome Bullous pemphigoid Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) (Acne Inversa) Parry Romberg syndrome Sympathetic ophthalmia (SO) Castleman disease (CD) Hypogammalglobulinemia Pars planitis (peripheral uveitis) Takayasu’s arteritis Celiac disease IgA Nephropathy Parsonage-Turner syndrome Temporal arteritis/Giant cell arteritis Chagas disease IgG4-related sclerosing disease Pemphigus Thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) Peripheral neuropathy Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (THS) Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) Inclusion body myositis (IBM) Perivenous encephalomyelitis Transverse myelitis Churg-Strauss Syndrome (CSS) or Eosinophilic Granulomatosis (EGPA) Interstitial cystitis (IC) Pernicious anemia (PA) Type 1 diabetes Cicatricial pemphigoid Juvenile arthritis POEMS syndrome Ulcerative colitis (UC) Cogan’s syndrome Juvenile diabetes (Type 1 diabetes) Polyarteritis nodosa Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD) Cold agglutinin disease Juvenile myositis (JM) Polyglandular syndromes type I, II, III Uveitis Congenital heart block Kawasaki disease Polymyalgia rheumatica Vasculitis Coxsackie myocarditis Lambert-Eaton syndrome Polymyositis Vitiligo CREST syndrome Leukocytoclastic vasculitis Postmyocardial infarction syndrome Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease Crohn’s disease Lichen planus Postpericardiotomy syndrome
The post List of Autoimmune Diseases appeared first on The Handbook for Happiness, and Success, and Prosperity Prosperopedia.
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leedsomics · 5 years
Integrated OMICS platforms identify LAIR1 genetic variants as novel predictors of cross-sectional and longitudinal susceptibility to severe malaria and all-cause mortality in Kenyan children.
Related Articles Integrated OMICS platforms identify LAIR1 genetic variants as novel predictors of cross-sectional and longitudinal susceptibility to severe malaria and all-cause mortality in Kenyan children. EBioMedicine. 2019 Jul;45:290-302 Authors: Achieng AO, Hengartner NW, Raballah E, Cheng Q, Anyona SB, Lauve N, Guyah B, Foo-Hurwitz I, Ong'echa JM, McMahon BH, Ouma C, Lambert CG, Perkins DJ Abstract BACKGROUND: Severe malarial anaemia (SMA) is a leading cause of childhood mortality in holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum regions. METHODS: To gain an improved understanding of SMA pathogenesis, whole genome and transcriptome profiling was performed in Kenyan children (n=144, 3-36months) with discrete non-SMA and SMA phenotypes. Leukocyte associated immunoglobulin like receptor 1 (LAIR1) emerged as a predictor of susceptibility to SMA (PA); rs2287827 (18835G>A)] and clinical outcomes were investigated in individuals (n=1512, http://dlvr.it/RMb7hX
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