#jo jung chi
dilebe06 · 7 months
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My Favorite Male Characters
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Yoon Do Hyun, Cancer Battling Disease Confessions ⁇ 3 years alone Therapy .. Noh Hong-chul ⁇ Jo Jung-chi ⁇
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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fymoonbyul · 2 years
[VIDEO] 230211 Hwasa’s Show Next Week's Preview | Guests: Yoon Jung Shin, Jo Jung Chi, MAMAMOO
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limowlee7389 · 2 years
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+ The Interest of Love (2022)(21 Dec-) ~ Airing. ★★★★☆ jTBC, Netflix
I really appreciate the unique perspective this drama takes. There is something a bit novel about this drama. It focuses a lot on class and how individuals from varied backgrounds and economic status interact and the unspoken pressures that each one faces.
It's sometimes very painful to watch our lead couple. I would term it almost a magnetic pull that pulls them together. It is unavoidable and inevitable. I really appreciate the flawed and imperfect depictions that our leads are portraying.
+ Crash Course in Romance (2023)(14 Jan-) ~ Airing. ★★★☆☆ tvN. Netflix
This is such a sweet light-hearted comedy. I was excited for a new tvN weekend drama. It feels like it's been forever since Jung Kyung Ho starred in a drama. I guess it only seems that way since he's been focusing on Hospital Playlist for the last few years.
So far this drama has been a lot of fun. The one thing is that this drama is trying to balance a number of genres. Time will tell how well they will handle the comedy, romance, school corruption, and suspense. Hopefully, the multiple plot points will not be too watered down.
+ Strangers Again (2023)(20 Jan-) ~ Airing.  ★★★☆☆
Enjoying the love, hate relationship between Kang So Ra and Jang Seung Jo's characters. I am starting to feel the symptoms of SLS creeping in. There's a bit too much law and courtroom for me, but I guess it's a natural fit with this premise.
+ Into the Ring (2020)(8 Jan-)
+ Six Flying Dragons (2015)(10 Nov-) SBS
+ Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san (2023)(29 Jan-) ★★★☆☆
Quite enjoying this drama. It's in true Koreeda Hirokazu style. I love all the scenes of food prep that is soooo uniquely Koreeda. I'm looking forward to continuing with this drama. I have such a soft spot for depictions of friendship.
+ Mare (2015)(8 Jan-)
Plan to Watch.
Our Blooming Youth (6 Feb)
Taxi Driver (17 Feb)(s2)
Unlocked (17 Feb)
The Island (24 Feb)
My Country:  The New Age (2019)(31 Dec-3 Jan)(8/10) ♥ 
Recipe for Farewell (2022)(9 Dec-5 Jan)(6/10) ~
Ikebukuro West Gate Park (2000)(16 Jan 22-5 Jan 23)(6/10)
Alchemy of Souls:  Light and Shadow (2022)(10 Dec-8 Jan)(8/10) ♥ ~ 
Ryusei no Kizuna (2008)(7 Jan-8 Jan)(8/10)
Single’s Inferno (2022)(s2)(17 Dec-10 Jan)(8/10) ♥ ~ 
The Island (2022)(3 Jan-14 Jan)(5/10)
Old Enough! (2023)(s2)(14 Jan-16 Jan)(5/10)
Quartet (2017)(21 Jan-23 Jan)(10/10) ♥ ↻
Western Things I Watched. 
Brown and Friends (2022)(22 Dec-4 Jan)(5/10)
The Recruit (2022)(s1)(22 Dec-7 Jan)(7/10)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)(13 Jan)(10/10) ♥ 
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korelist · 8 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,8 Benim Puanım: 8
Drama: Jealousy Incarnate (literal title)
Hangul: 질투의 화신
Director: Park Shin-Woo
Writer: Seo Sook-Hyang
Date: 2016
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Kong Hyo-Jin, Cho Jung-Seok, Ko Kyoung-Pyo, Kim Jung-Hyun, Mun Ka-Young, Lee Sung-Jae
2016 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2016
Best Actor (romantic comedy) (Cho Jung-Seok)
Best Actress (romantic comedy) (Kong Hyo-Jin)
Special Actress (romantic comedy) (Seo Ji-Hye)
Ten Star Award (Cho Jung-Seok)
New Star Award (Ko Gyung-Pyo)
Geç olsun güç olmasın demişler. Bu diziyi neden bu kadar bekletmişim hiç bilmiyorum. Kore dizilerinin altın çağı olan 2016 yılının şanına yaraşır bir iş çıkmış ortaya. Ayrıca farklı meslek dallarını izlemek bana her zaman keyif veriyor.  Pyo Na-Ri (Kong Hyo-Jin), hava durumu spikeridir. Haberlerden sonra kısacık bir süre ekranda kalan, haberlerin devamı olan ama haber olarak görülmeyen bir iş yapmaktadır. Reytinglerini arttırmak için poposunu çıkartıp göğüslerini büyütmesi istenen bu hanım kızımız başlarda son derece ezik olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Diğer yandan kardeşi iyi bir üniversiteye girsin diye dişini tırnağına takan çok güçlü bir kadındır. Parantez açıyorum, kardeşi Pyo Chi-Yeol rolünde Kim Jung-Hyun oynuyor. Mr. Queen dizisinin King’i, Crash landing ‘in karizmatik oyuncusu burada liseli bir ergeni canlandırıyor. Bir süre sonra eski dizileri izlerken en keyif aldığım şey tanıdığımız oyunculara denk gelmek, farklı rollerde onları yeni bir gözle izlemek. Neyse dönelim konuya, Na-Ri aynı şirkette çalıştığı Lee Hwa-Shin(Cho Jung-Seok)’a 3 yıldır platonik olarak aşıktır. Hwa-Shin ise prime time haber spikeridir. İş için gittiği yurt dışından dönüş yapınca yeniden bir arada çalışmak durumunda kalırlar. Na-Ri ise iş yerindeki bütün angarya işleri yapmaktadır. Yine üzerine vazife olmayan bir İş için uçakla bir yere gitmesi gerektiği bir gün yanına tesadüfen denk gelen tanımadığı yolcu; Ko Jung-Won(Ko Kyoung-Pyo)’dan çok etkilenir. Daha sonrasında ise Jung-Won ile Hwa-Shin’in çok yakın arkadaş olduklarını öğrenir.
Aslında Na-Ri araya giren zaman sonrasında Hwa-Shin’i atlatmıştır. Hatta nihayet yeni bir gönül ilişkisine bile hazırdır. Jung-Won ise bunun için şahane bir adaydır. Birkaç kere Hwa-Shin’in Na-Ri’den hoşlanıp hoşlanmadığını teyit eden Jun-Won’da Na-Ri’den hoşlandığını itiraf eder. İşler bu raddeye gelince Hwa-Shin, üç yıldır köpek gibi davrandığı Na-Ri’i paylaşmak istemediğini fark eder. Hwa-Shin’in hayatındaki en önemli şey haberlerdir. Bu uğurda ailesine bile ihanet etmiştir. Burnu havada, kibirli, kendini beğenmiş bir karakterdir. Annesi, yeğeni onunla konuşmamaktadır. Burada yine bir parantez aç, Hwa-Shin’in yeğeni Lee Bbal-Gang rolünde Mun Ka-Young oynuyor. Kendisini; Find Me in Your Memory, True Beauty, Link: Eat, Love, Kill gibi dizilerden tanıyoruz. O da Kim Jung-Hyun gibi liseli bir ergen rolünde.
İkinci adam, kıskançlık, aşk üçgenleri yani sevmediğimiz ne varsa bu dizinin konusunu oluşturuyor. Buna rağmen öyle mükemmel işlenmiş ki, asla rahatsız etmemesinin yanı sıra bir süredir kaliteli oyunculuk izlemediğimi fark etmeme neden oldu. Genel olarak her dizide bir kişi şahane iş çıkartırken, başka bir oyuncu diziyi aşağı çekmeyi başarıyordu. Bu dizide herkes o kadar profesyonel ve doğaldı ki, sanki inanılmaz lezzetli bir yemek yiyip tatmin olmuş bir şekilde masadan kalkmışım gibi hissettim.
Doğrusunu isterseniz baş rol kadın oyuncu Kong Hyo-Jin güzel değil. Ama ne var ki ekranda devleşiyor. Rolünü öyle güzel yansıtıyor ki, ağlarken ki o dürüstlüğü, güzel görünmeye çalışmaması, güldüğündeki içtenliği ile olduğu yere çok yakıştırıyorum. O yüzden çirkin şansı diyemeyeceğim, başarısının ekmeğini şimdiye kadarki partnerleri ile yiyor olabilir. Hanım kızımızın birlikte rol aldığı aktörlerden bazıları; Kim Soo Hyun, Gong Yoo, Lee Sun Kyun, Cha Seung Won, So Ji Sub, Jo In Sung ve Jang Hyuk. Yeni nesil genç kadın oyuncularda hep bir poz verme merakı, güzel görünme çabası oluyor. Hyo-Jin ise hiçbir duygu değişiminde çekici görünmeye çalışmadı. Gönül rahatlığı ile güzel bir iş çıkmasının en büyük nedeninin “Kong Hyo-Jin” olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Dizinin bir diğer gündemi de meme kanseriydi. Meme kanserine dikkat çekmek ve bilinçlendirmek amacı ile arka planda bu konu sürekli vardı. Bunu bile doğal olmayan bir hikayeyle o kadar doğal anlattılar ki.. üff! Erkeklerin meme kanserine yakalanması üzerinden işlenen konu oldukça ilgi çekiciydi. Bunu senaristin cesur bir hamlesi olarak görüyorum. Cesaret demişken, dizide oldukça cesur çok sahne vardı. 2016 olmasına rağmen öpüşünce şeytan çarpmış gibi kalmıyorlardı.
Normalde kadınları anlamak zordur derler. Kore dizilerin de erkekleri anlamak daha zor. Kaçan kovalanır sözünün tam anlamı ile suyunu çıkartıyorlar. Kadın seviyor adam bakmıyor, adam sevmeye başlıyor kadın vazgeçiyor, kadının tekrar aklı kayıyor, adam soğuyor. Şeytan diyor al eline bir cetvel geçir sıra dayağından. Zaten ikinci adam hangisi karar veremiyorsunuz. Dizide iki tane başrol erkek vardı. Ko Jung-Won karakteri Hwa Shin in tam tersi tek kelime ile mükemmel erkek modeliydi. Anlayışlı, sevecen, destekleyici, zevkli, kibar, bla bla bla… kısaca bütün dizilerde izlediğimiz mükemmel erkek tanımlarının tek bir karakterde toplanması gibiydi. Yani aslında ikinci erkek olamayacak kadar iyiydi. Tek eksik yanı coşkusu yoktu. Kim Hwa Shin’in ise tek sahip olduğu şey coşkusuydu. Kaba, sevimsiz, yargılayıcı, anlaşılmaz, kibirli, tembel bir adamdı.
Birbirlerine kan bağı olmayan insanların aile gibi yaşadığı kısımlar kafamı çok karıştırdı. Kim kimdir, kim kimin neyi diye anlamak uzun sürdü. Yine de eğlenceli bir grup olmuşlardı. Liseli ergenlerin kaldığı apartman ve apartmanın altındaki ‘veli’ sayılabilecek karakterin kafesi son derece renkliydi. Hiçbir karakterin yerine o yerine bu oynasaydı diyemiyorum. Dizi bütün klişeler üzerine kurulup, klişelerden uzak bir yorumla yazılmıştı. Kötü karakter yoktu. Sevmeyeceğiniz insanlar belki olabilir ama hiç kimse kötü değildi. İhanet yoktu. İki adam yakın arkadaş olmaları nedeniyle dudak uçuklatan ihanetler izleyeceğimizi düşünmüştüm.  Onun yerine dizide herkes kartlarını açık oynadı. Kimse arkadan iş çevirmedi. Felaketler yaşanmadı. Aynı kadına aşık olmuş iki yakın arkadaşın adil dövüşüydü. Erkeklerden biri mükemmel eş diğeri arızalarına rağmen doğru insan gibiydi.
Kısacası çerezlik bir dizi değildi. Yan karakterlerin hikayelerinin altları dolu, kaliteli bir yapımdı. Bölüm sayısı evet bir tık uzundu. Bu konuda bende kararsızım, sanki daha az olsa tadı damağımızda kalırmış gibi de geldi. Ve inanmazsınız sonu vardı. En iyi sonlara sahip diziler arasına girebilir. Diğer yandan dizinin özellikle hitap ettiği bir kesim olduğunu düşünüyorum, çünkü; 25 yaş üstü izleyicilerin daha çok keyif alacağı aşikar. İki erkeğin dostluğuna da ayrıca dikkat çekeyim. İkisi de duygularını saklamak istemiyordu ama her attıkları adımdan sonra dönüp “hala dostuz değil mi?” diye birbirlerine bakıyorlardı. Belki çok ön plana çıkmadı, gizli özne olarak kaldı ama ben ikisinin arkadaşlığına tek kelime ile bayıldım. İkisi de hayatları boyunca kendileri için bir şey yapamamış, ikisinin de birbirlerinden başka kimsesi yokken, ikisi de bir diğerini kendi önüne koyuyordu. Öte yandan ikisi de bu sefer kendim için bir adım atmalıyım ikilemi yaşıyordu. Şahaneydiler.
Kesinlikle tavsiye edeceğim bir diziydi.
Suran - Step Step
Raven Melus
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agentcable · 8 months
Mouse (2021) Ep. 5 Recap
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To save Han-Kook, a one-hour live broadcast airs. Ba-Reum, however, embarks on a discreet journey while the rest struggle to determine the predator's motive for the murder. The broadcast station is flooded with endless tip-offs and reports from former victims of the predator during the live broadcast. The investigation is progressing positively as Moo-Chi narrows down the suspects. They will find the murderer in time.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Ba-Reum records the masked child and distorts his voice, asking, "Do you believe me now?" He reminds them that the deadline to figure out why Han-Kook was chosen as a victim is when the broadcast ends. Then, he sends a package with a courier.
On live TV, Hong-Joo reveals the victims' real faces and names, along with a composite sketch of the unidentified homeless man. She urges the audience to call in with tips, even if they seem minor.
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Detective Park cares for his sick wife. He cringes when he sees that Moo-Chi is doing the show. Moo-Chi tells the viewers that the killer bent every victim's middle finger to point at a cross near the crime scenes. This indicates that the killer despises God.
Soo-Ho and Halmoni are considered exceptions among the seven known victims. One was murdered out of vengeance, while the other discovered the killer's identity. Accordidng to Moo-Chi, he delved deeply into the other victims' lives after the murderer confirmed that he chose them for a reason. We learn that Byun Soon-Young, the sewer victim, was a widow who worked in a bar kitchen and struggled to make ends meet. Soon-Young refused to sell her body to entertain male guests, but she would pack customers' leftovers for her daughter. The video shows a picture of Soon-Young's home, and one viewer points out that they have the same analog clock.
Park Jong-Ho, a victim of the clothing factory, worked multiple jobs day and night. The serial killer collected "prizes of war", taking important items from his victims. Among these items was Jong-Ho's instant coffee mix, which he relied on to survive the long workdays. Many viewers left comments empathizing with the diligent young man.
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Next, Moo-Chi introduces the sole survivor, Chi-Kook, as a stand-up guy who cannot ignore injustices. As a high schooler, Chi-Kook saved someone from being assaulted. The teleprompter alerts Hong-Joo to check her laptop. She learns that Jong-Ho ran a blog called "Young Ant's Escape from Poverty". The blog's motto was "Those who are lazy shouldn't eat!" The homeless man was well-liked by the community. He was quiet and even shared his food with others. While flipping through an old album, one viewer recognized the man in the composite sketch. The final victim was Jo Mi-Jung, a small college student whose family faced financial struggles. To pay for her tuition, she uploaded mukbang videos online. Each victim was a good citizen who faced disadvantages within society.
An informant requested that their voice be altered. They called with the intention to provoke Moo-Chi by bringing up rumours about the detective's involvement in illegal gambling, taking bribes from criminals, and being a bereaved family member of the Head Hunter's victims.
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This is because they even reveal that Moo-Chi watched his mother get beheaded. The caller insinuates that Moo-Chi is obsessed with killing murderers and is using the broadcast for personal gain rather than caring about Han-Kook's safety. Moo-Chi finally explodes, "You worry about yourself, you crazy bastard!" The public begins to wonder if Moo-Chi is a crooked cop and demands that he be taken off air to protect Han-Kook. Moo-Chi calmly admits that the Head Hunter killed both of his parents and that he would like to kill him if given the chance. He acknowledges that his personal agenda may be concerning, but he assures that he is only doing this for Han-Kook. The detective bows sincerely and promises not to let his emotions affect the investigation.
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A courier delivers an envelope addressed to Moo-Chi. Inside is footage of Han-Kook. Everyone stops to watch as the kidnapper warns that they'll see an unforgettable show if they fail to answer his question. After the courier leaves, another enters the studio. Hong-Joo notes that they're unable to confirm the child's identity because of the mask, so they call on his mother who tearfully confirms that it's her son. The station's ratings are currently skyrocketing, which has left the director ecstatic. Upon seeing the footage being broadcasted, the second courier, Dong-Goo, takes off ihis helmet in shock. Moo-Chi receives a panicked call from Ba-Reum, who tells him, "It's different than the one I sent!"
At 8 pm, two hours before going live, the team was frustrated. Ba-Reum suggested infuriating the kidnapper by creating a fake Han-Kook, recalling how a killer once got mad when his murder was reported to be done by someone else. Hong-Joo agreed that these types of guys can't stand someone else taking credit for their work. An hour later, Dong-Goo found them a child actor from the acting school where his girlfriend works. The parents were paid to keep quiet about the situation. Han-Kook's mother was instructed to confirm that the child was her son. Ba-Reum read from a script with altered voice and gave the USB to "courier" Dong-Goo for delivery. This was all pre-planned.
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Moo-Chi realizes that the first courier is the culprit. He runs off set with Dong-Goo following closely. Ba-Reum arrives by taxi and manages to prevent the man from leaving the premises. Then, Moo-Chi apprehends the man. The courier admits to running away because he was scared after seeing the news. However, he received a call to retrieve a package from a subway station locker. Ba-Reum and Dong-Goo investigate the locker. Upon Moo-Chi's return, Hong-Joo is conversing with an informant who suspects that the homeless man was a benefactor at her orphange. She shares a photo with them, and the police team verifies that it is indeed a match.
CEO Kim Sung-Kyu, a top transport company executive, was homeless. He lost his family in an accident five years ago and gave away his fortune before disappearing. Kim believed in a "no ownership" lifestyle and always liked to share. During a live broadcast, a commenter claimed to have seen Han-Kook with a man. Hong-Joo was angry to discover that the caller was the same provocative person who claimed their video was fake. Moo-Chi proves that the killer sent the envelope by presenting CCTV footage that Ba-Reum had discovered and sent over. Han-Kook placed the envelope in the locker for the courier to pick up. Han-Kook's mother runs up on stage and cries out, "It's not fake? Why did you lie to me?" The show cuts to commercial, and Mom is taken to the hospital after collapsing in shock.
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Hong-Joo's colleague informs her that Soon-Young and her daughter's story was featured on their radio station two months ago. She recognized the commemorative clock shown earlier. On air, Moo-Chi connects the new information and identifies what the victims have in common. Hong-Joo concludes her segment and shows a clip of Soon-Young and her daughter from the show. Then, Moo-Chi takes over and explains that it was a heartwarming tale that became a hot topic. He also shares that Jong-Ho ran a blog that had nearly 50,000 visitors, Mi-Jung had almost 30,000 subscribers, CEO Kim was in the news for his generosity, and Chi-Kook was interviewed by Hong-Joo on national television for his citizenship award.
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During Chi-Kook's surgery, Ba-Reum informed Yo-Han that the prison guard had saved him in high school. Ba-Reum requested that Yo-han return the favor. Now, Yo-Han watches blankly as he recalls his memory.
Eight years ago, bullies had attacked Yo-Han for being the Head Hunter's son, calling him a monster. Despite threatening to kill them all, Yo-Han id not fight back. Two people rescued him, but he couldn't identify them due to his blurry vision.
Back to the broadcast, Moo-Chi explains that the murderer chose his victims after researching and exposing their lives to the public. Viewers suddenly switch channels to watch the program "Fact Check", so Hong-Joo and Moo-Chi join in. They play a clip from the documentary that Han-Kook appeared in and compare it to the video sent to Sherlock Hong-Joo. The real Han-Kook has a one-centimeter scar on his neck, but the second video did not show any scar. This leads to the conclusion that the child in the video is not Han-Kook. They call on Sherlock Hong-Joo to respond: did they create a fake video? Moo-Chi disputes their claims and asserts that the video was sent by the culprit. He suggests analyzing the video to determine if it was fabricated. However, "Fact Check" has the child actor's father on the line to expose the truth. They ask the audience to consider why someone would create a false video to deceive the public.
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Moo-Chi insists that the broadcast is genuine and provides two videos to the police to confirm their authenticity. Reporter Ahn, the other host of the "Fact Check" explains that abducted children are usually presumed dead after 48 hours. Moo-Chi confesses that they created a fake video to lure out the perpetrator. He emphasizes that before they could play their own video, the killer sent one in. "Fact Check" then analyzes the timeline at the lockers. At 09:50 pm, Han-Kook placed an envelope in the locker 14. At 10:10 pm, the courier retrieved something from locker 13. Merely minutes before Han-Kook arrived, locker 13 was still empty. Reporter Ahn theorizes that the culprit knew about the fake video plan and put something in the next locker to taunt them. This lowers the chances of Han-Kook's survival, and Moo-Chi looks quite freaked out.
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Ba-Reum accessed locker 14 and retrieved the flash drive left behind by Han-Kook. The files were corrupted, so he went to Moojin Police Station to restore them. With only fifteen minutes left, the staff received orders to leave their positions, and Hong-Joo was instructed to wrap up the show. However, she locked herself in the control room with a writer and another PD. Moo-Chi hosted the show alone and informed the audience that the kidnapper had sent them a fake video to trap them and stop the show midway. He refuses to give up and is determined to save Han-Kook. He taunts him to come out and stop playing pranks if he is confident enough. Instead, he receives a call from Ba-Reum. The station director assembles a team to unlock the control room and forcefully removes everyone, causing a power outage. Suddenly, it is 10:50 pm, and everyone is back in place to finish the final ten minutes of the broadcast.
An entomologist confirmed that the insect found in Jong-Ho's throat was a grasshopper. This may remind some people of the children's tale "The Ant and the Grasshopper".
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Three minutes before going live, Ba-Reum noticed something in the reflection of fake-Han-Kook's mask: a drawing of "The Little Red Riding Hood". This discovery got Moo-Chi thinking. He reported that Soon-Young was found with a red hat, similar to the one in "The Red Riding Hood". Chi-Kook was stripped, similar to the situation in "The Emperor's New Clothes". CEO Kim was found murdered with an axe, similar to the story of "The Honest Woodcutter". Lastly, Mi-Jung was found in a greenhouse vineyard, similar to "The Fox and the Grapes". He killed based on children's stories.
The killer dials in and confirms: "Bingo!" The police immediately work on tracing the call. He congratulates Moo-Chi and asks him to continue explaining. Each fable has a lesson. "The Ant and the Grasshopper" was about laziness, "The Honest Woodcutter" about greed, "The Fox and the Grapes" warns against gluttony, "Little Red Riding Hood" taught the lustful wolf a lesson, and "The Emporer's New Clothes" was about pride. Sloth, greed, gluttony, lust, and pride... each story is directly related to one of the seven deadly sins. The killer finds the deduction interesting and asks, "But did the people I killed commit these sins?" At this point, the police are about to pinpoint his location, so Moo-Chi is asked to buy some time. Instead of answering, Moo-Chi claims that psychopaths are meticulous about everything they do. The killer, on the other hand, leaves clues everywhere. He gives him a clue to guess where he made a mistake: it happened fifteen days ago.
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Knowing that he's stalling, the killer hangs up and the police lose the signal. Angrily, Moo-Chi reveals that fifteen days ago, a woman working alone in a supermarket was held at knifepoint and ordered to eat everything in the store. She was told she would die if she didn't, so she listened and stuffed herself with food. When she turned around, the killer was gone. The woman had called in a few minutes earlier, and Hong-Joo had asked her questions to see if she fit the profile of the victim. They found out that she was an aspiring model and had been featured in some magazines.
Moo-Chi called forensics and learned that there was nothing in Mi-Jung's stomach, but there was food in her escophagus. Remembering how her hand was placed as if she was gagging herself, Moo-Chi realizes that Mi-Jung was killed because she couldn't eat. The detective tells the audience that Mi-Jung suffered from anorexia and would vomit everything up immediately after filming her mukbang shows. She was not gluttonous at all. Moo-Chi is furious because the criminal goes around punishing those who did not commit the sins.
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Another call comes in and the killer praises him for being smart - that's why he is Moo-Chi's fan. He has the audacity to say that Soon-Young could have used her body a little bit and Jong-Ho wouldn't have died if he had been lazier. Mi-Jung pretends that she hasn't gained any weight, and he just wants to kill Chi-Kook when he sees him acting modest during his interview. Full of emotion, Moo-Chi asks about poor Halmoni. Bong-Yi listens attentively and is devastated to hear that her grandmother was just unlucky. To rub it in, the killer says that the killing was boring... they have to resist for it to be fun. The police leave after finding the location and the killer asks for an answer. Why will Han-Kook die?
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Moo-Chi thinks that Han-Kook was lured with bread, just like the Hansel and Gretel siblings. He plays a clip from Han-Kook's interview where he was asked if he hated his father for leaving him. He answered "no" without hesitation and still loved him. The remaining sins are envy and anger. The witch in this story ate children out of anger, so Han-Kook's lack of anger must be the reason he was chosen. The killer must have wanted him to be angry at his father. The police surround the building and confirm that a man is watching the broadcast while talking on the phone. Moo-Chi is ordered to distract him.
The killer must believe he is a god punishing others for their "sins". Moo-Chi growls, "You are not a god. You're not even human - juts a despicable monster who can't be saved." This hits too close to home for Detective Park, who remembers calling out the Head Hunter the same way on a news broadcast. He remembers coming home to find that his daughter had been kidnapped and all that was left was a bloody drawing of a headless stick figure. Moo-Chi has given his answer and demands that Han-Kook be released. The police sneak in and find their target... but it's not the killer. They were tracking the signal from a phone that was planted in the man's pocket. Confused, Moo-Chi asks, "I got it right... where's the kid?"
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The police sned over the recovered file from locker 14 - it's a video of someone watching a show Moo-Won participated in. Something shocking is sent to everyone's phones, and the director orders the team to broadcast it live. Hong-Joo fights against it, but is physically restrained. Moo-Chi turns around and sees that Moo-Won is being held captive. The person who should really feel the wrath is him, not Han-Kook. Watching from home, Bong-Yi grabs a weapon and Halmoni's photo before leaving her house. The detective blurts out "Hyung..." and the killer says that it doesn't make sense that Moo-Won forgave the Head Hunter for killing both of his parents. He went to a program and explained that he felt peaceful after choosing forgiveness and decided to live hard for his brother instead.
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In pain, Moo-Chi screams, "You bastard! I'll kill you if you touch my brother!" The killer is willing to forgive Moo-Won's "sin" if he is willing to get angry. Moo-Chi tearfully urges his brother to curse Seo-Joon, but Moo-Won sticks to his principles. Moo-Chi asks him to be angry with him instead, because if he had kept quiet years ago, Moo-Won wouldn't have been hurt. "Hyung, I made you this way," Moo-Chi apologizes and desperately begs him to get angry. Moo-Won smiles and gently tells Moo-Chi, "I don't want you to destroy your life for revenge." Changing tactics, Moo-Chi kneels in front of the camera and begs the killer to let his brother go. It's hard for anyone to watch him offer his own life in exchange.
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Moo-Won smiles and says, "No matter what happens to me, it's not your fualt," and apologizes to Moo-Chi. Everyone screams as they see the killer slitting Moo-Chi's throat on live TV. Hong-Joo shuts off the broadcast and Moo-Chi howls in grief.
Bong-Yi has jumped into a taxi and approaches the cathedral with a knife in her hand. When Ba-Reum gets there, he has to fight his way through a huge crowd. He sees Moo-Chi struggling to get into the crime scene. He pushes past the officers, and we are reminded of his provocative words to the killer, telling him that he is delusional to think that he is a god. Moo-Chi is completely traumatized by the sight of his brother hanging from the altar. Behind him, "I am God" is written in blood.
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iuteamstarcandy · 10 months
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An 18-year-old girl's shy confession, ‘I… like you, oppa… what do I do?’
IU’S 3rd MINI ALBUM [Real]
IU, who has established herself as a female solo artist representing the music industry with her inborn sensibilities and singing skills, has finally released her third mini-album, [Real] . IU's new album [Real] was co-produced by Cho Young-chul, who has been showcasing trends in the music industry with consecutive hits such as ‘Abracadabra’, ‘Nagging’ and ‘Irreversible’, as well as Choi Gap-won, who has worked with IU for a long time and understands IU's musical sensibilities well. In addition, many top Korean music writers, including Yoon Sang, Kim Hyung-seok, Yoon Jong-shin, Choi Gap-won, Lee Min-soo, Shinsadong Tiger, Kim Eana, Saint binary, Jeon Seung-woo, PJ and Min Woong-sik, participated in the album. All the composers/lyricists who participated in this album willingly participated in the album for IU and her new album is enough to raise fans' expectations just by the lineup of writers.
The songs in this album are filled with high-quality songs, all of which are worthy of being the title track. First of all, composer Kim Hyung-suk's song ‘Not Like This’ is a Shibuya-based electronic medium song that IU tried for the first time and it stands out for its unique structure that flows throughout the song. Kim Hyung-suk, who has always praised IU’s voice tone for its feel, made use of IU's bright and sophisticated singing skills in this song.
The song composed by Yoon Jong-shin, ‘The Night of the First Breakup’ depicts a hectic and embarrassing day of a girl after her breakup and IU expressed the feelings of the song with excellent interpretation skills and emotions. After working on the song, Yoon Jong-shin praised IU as a ‘singer with both musical sensibility and intelligence who is sought after’.
‘In a Room Alone’ with its sensuous arrangements and sophisticated melodies, is a song written by composer Jeon Seung-woo, through which you can sense that IU’s singing tone has become more advanced and her vocals more sophisticated. In particular, IU was directly involved in writing the lyrics for ‘In a Room Alone’, together with lyricist Choi Gap-won, coloring the whole song with the emotions of an 18-year-old girl.
The mournful ballad track ‘What I’m Doing Slowly’ is a collaboration between composer PJ, Min Woong-sik and lyricist Choi Kap-won, who also wrote the lyrics. The song leaves an impression with its lyrical melodies based on acoustic sounds that best match IU and beautiful lyrics about breaking up with someone you were in love with and slowly forgetting the person, so as to love the person just a little more.
Shinsadong Tiger’s ‘Merry Christmas in Advance’ is a confession song, as a gift from IU to her fans and Chundung, a member of MBLAQ, who has built a friendship with IU since her trainee days, participated in the rap and gave her his support. Merry Christmas in Advance’ is a love song that will color everyone's hearts beautifully this winter with IU's bright voice and the cozy music arrangement. IU is regarded as a singer who balances both popularity and musicality at the same time with her passion, constant effort and serious attitude about music, is strengthening her presence as one of Korea’s leading solo artists and her third mini-album, [Real], will be a great gift to the music industry with IU’s presence.
01 이게 아닌데 (Not Like This / This Is Not What I Thought)
Lyrics by Kim Eana
Composed by Kim Hyung-suk
Arranged by Yoo Seong-min
02 느리게 하는 일 (What I’m Doing Slowly)
Lyrics by PJ / Min Woong-sik / Choi Gap-won
Composed by Choi Gap-won / PEEJAY / Min Woong-sik
Arranged by Kim Jin-hoon
03 좋은 날 (Good Day)
Lyrics by Kim Eana
Composed by Lee Min-soo
Arranged by Lee Min-soo
04 첫 이별 그날 밤 (The Night of the First Breakup)
Lyrics by Yoon Jong-shin
Composed by Yoon Jong-shin
Arranged by Jo Jung-chi
05 혼자 있는 방 (In a Room Alone)
Lyrics by Choi Gap-won / Jeon Seung-woo / IU
Composed by Choi Gap-won / Jeon Seung-woo / IU
Arranged by Jeon Seung-woo
06 미리 메리크리스마스 (Merry Christmas in Advance) (Feat. Chundung of MBLAQ)
Lyrics by Choi Gap-won
Composed by Shinsadong Horaengi / Choi Gyu-sung
Arranged by Shinsadong Horaengi / Choi Gyu-sung
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
Source: Melon
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sabasports · 10 months
Nhan dinh bong da Trung Quoc vs Han Quoc ngay 21/11
Ngày 21/11 sẽ diễn ra trận đấu hấp dẫn giữa 2 đội bóng Trung Quốc vs Hàn Quốc thuộc khuôn khổ vòng loại World Cup 2026 khu vực châu Á. Cùng đi nhận định bóng đá và dự đoán tỉ số bóng đá qua bài viết dưới đây nhé.
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Trung Quốc đã có chiến thắng nghẹt thở 2-1 trước Thái Lan, tuy nhiên, họ sẽ đối diện với một thách thức lớn khi tiếp đón đội tuyển Hàn Quốc. Với sự vượt trội về đẳng cấp, Hàn Quốc có thể kiểm soát trận đấu. Mặc dù Trung Quốc có lợi thế sân nhà, nhưng khả năng giành kết quả tích cực trước "người hàng xóm" là thách thức lớn.
Hàn Quốc bắt đầu không dễ dàng trước Singapore, nhưng sau đó đã dễ dàng giành thắng lợi. Mặc dù Son Heung Min gặp chấn thương nhưng tiếp tục thi đấu ổn định. Với dàn sao hùng hậu, Hàn Quốc hứa hẹn sẽ tiếp tục thể hiện phong độ ấn tượng. Lịch sử gần đây cho thấy Hàn Quốc thường áp đảo Trung Quốc, việc giữ sạch lưới của Hàn Quốc là một khả năng lớn khi hàng công Trung Quốc cũng chưa thực sự ấn tượng.
Trận đấu giữa hai đội có thể tiếp tục thấy sự chênh lệch về đẳng cấp, và khả năng cao Hàn Quốc sẽ tiếp tục duy trì thành tích không thủng lưới khi gặp Trung Quốc. Điều này có thể khiến cho việc Trung Quốc ghi bàn trở nên khó khăn, đặc biệt trước hàng phòng ngự mạnh mẽ của đối thủ."
Đội hình dự kiến Trung Quốc vs Hàn Quốc
Trung Quốc: Yan Junling, Li Lei, Jiang Guangtai, Zhu Chenjie, He Yupeng, Li Ke, Wang Qiuming, Wang Shangyuan, Tan Long, Wu Lei, Wei Shihao.
Hàn Quốc: Kim Seung Gyu; Kim Jin Soo, Jung Seong Hyun, Kim Jin Su, Seol Young Woo, Hwang In Beom, Lee Soon Min, Son Heung Min, Lee Kang In, Hwang Hee Chan, Hwang Ui Jo.
Chi tiết xem tại: https://www.sabavn.com/nhan-dinh-bong-da-trung-quoc-vs-han-quoc-19h00-ngay-21-11-tham-bai-ngay-san-nha-244672.html
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enterenews · 2 years
Jung Kyung-ho offers private tutoring to Jeon Do-yeon's daughter from medical school
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Jeong Kyung-ho offered private tutoring to Jeon Do-yeon's daughter, Noh Yoon-seo, who left the all-care class at medical school.
In the 4th episode of tvN's Saturday and Sunday drama 'One Other Scandal' (Screenplay Yang Hee-seung, Yeo Eun-ho/Director Yoo Je-won), which aired on January 22nd, Choi Chi-yeol (Jung Kyung-ho) first proposed private tutoring to Nam Hae-yi (Noh Yoon-seo), who had been unfairly expelled.
Haeng-sun Nam (played by Do-yeon Jeon) attended a parents' meeting when her daughter Nam Hae-yi was accepted into the medical school's all-care urban class. Bang Soo-ah (Kang Na-eon) mother Jo Soo-hee (Kim Seon-yeong) and Lee Seon-jae (Lee Chae-min) mother Jang Seo-jin (Jang Young-nam) openly fought at the parents' meeting. The southbound line tried to stop her from fighting, but she was slapped by Jo Soo-hee's hand and even hit by sparks, but she somehow tried to loosen her mood.
But when Soo-Hee Jo cried out that her daughter, Bang Bang-ah, said that her English test answers were duplicated because of Namhae-i's question, and she missed her first grade, she regarded Namhae-i as a thorn in her eye. Just then, when another parent suggested a secret deal for her, saying that she wanted to join the medical school's all-care urban class, Jo Soo-hee made a plan to let Nam Hae-i go. Jang Seo-jin also took the side of Jo Su-hee, dissatisfied with the friendship between her son Lee Seon-jae and Nam Hae-i.
Nam Hae-i was suddenly kicked out of the all-care urban class because she did not attend all the lectures of the all-care urban instructors. Haeng-seon Nam also tried to protest to the director, Jun-sang Kang, in anger at the academy's behavior of suddenly canceling after notifying the pass, but he could not even meet him.
Feeling guilty that if Nam Hae-yi had been in the all-care urban class, Choi Chi-cheol went to Nam Haeng-seon and said, “Let’s start classes again, daughter. Let her take a class with me separately. He suggested ”individually. When Nam Haeng-seon expressed delight, saying, "If it's individual, you say that Hae-yi will give private tutoring?" Choi Chi-yeol said, "There are conditions instead."
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cafephim2022 · 2 years
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Lady Jane was 10 years younger than me, and I wanted to go straight from the first meeting.
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choiwooshiik · 3 years
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Could you do mine too?
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commiehilfiger · 2 years
Gaus Electronics teaser just dropped
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miryospain · 6 years
[INFO] 181116
Miryo and Jea to appear on Echannel program (놀벤져스) along with Eddy Kim, Jo Jung Chi and Parc Jae Jung. Episode is expected to be aired on 7th December | © naver
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soompi · 6 years
Jo Jung Chi And Jung In Reveal How Much Their Daughter Resembles Them On "The Return Of Superman"
Jo Jung Chi And Jung In Reveal How Much Their Daughter Resembles Them On “The Return Of Superman”
On the May 27 episode of KBS’s “The Return of Superman,” Jo Jung Chi and his daughter Eun Yi appeared as the third family of the show’s “D-Day Project.”
Eun Yi’s cute face drew comparisons to an axolotl and the character Ponyo from the Studio Ghibli movie, but also struck viewers with how much she resembled both her parents, Jo Jung Chi and Jung In.
The two singers dated for eleven years before…
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iuteamstarcandy · 10 months
[LYRICS] IU (아이유) - 첫 이별 그날 밤 (The Night of the First Breakup)
Lyrics by Yoon Jong-shin
Composed by Yoon Jong-shin
Arranged by Jo Jung-chi
In a daze, I’m left with nothing to do
Is this what a breakup is like?
I spend a while reading,
just reading your messages that have filled my phone
It’s as if I hear your voice
When I look around me,
my entire room is covered with memories of you
and now, with tears
You did well, love; You had a hard time, my love
The night we agonized over whether we should break up
That this breakup was for the both of us,
that you loved me, I’ll believe what you say
If you’re ever too curious,
if you ever miss me too much,
promise to meet me just once
I watched your back until it disappeared,
for it would be the last time
If I had left first,
crying and shoulders shaking,
I don’t like how I would’ve looked from behind
You did well, love; You had a hard time, my love
The night we agonized over whether we should break up
That this breakup was for the both of us,
that you loved me, I’ll believe what you say
If you’re ever too curious,
if you ever miss me too much,
promise to meet me just once
Even if I become a bit prettier and much more sophisticated,
don’t regret having let me go
When you meet someone else,
boast loudly, so I can hear
Only then will the night that I dream about you
who might come back to me
come to an end
I’ve nothing more to say, goodbye my love
멍하니 아무 일도 할 일이 없어
이게 이별인 거니
전화기 가득 찬 너와의 메시지만
한참 읽다 읽다
너의 목소리 마치 들린 것 같아
주위를 둘러보면
내 방엔 온통 너와의 추억투성이
이제야 눈물이
수고했어 사랑 고생했지 나의 사랑
우리 이별을 고민했던 밤
서로를 위한 이별이라고
사랑했단 너의 말을 믿을게
혹시 너무 궁금해
혹시 너무 그리우면
꼭 한 번만 보기로 해
너의 뒷모습 사라질 때까지
봤어 마지막이라서
나 먼저 떠나면
어깨 들썩여 우는
내 뒷모습 싫어서
수고했어 사랑 고생했지 나의 사랑
우리 이별을 고민했던 밤
서로를 위한 이별이라고
사랑했단 너의 말을 믿을게
혹시 너무 궁금해
혹시 너무 그리우면
꼭 한 번만 보기로 해
좀더 예뻐져도 훨씬 더 세련되져도
후회하지 마 나를 놓친걸
누군가 딴 사람 만나면
내게 들리도록 막 자랑해줘
그때서야 끝낼게
내게 돌아올지 모를
너를 꿈꾸는 그 밤을
할말 끝 안녕 내 사랑
Translated by WeheartIU
Edited by IUteamstarcandy
Source: Melon
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