#jo should never have gotten married
zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Epilogue
Pairing: Dean W. x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
AN: Song inspo for this chapter is “Sweet Time” by REO Speedwagon! 
Word Count: 2,200 Warnings: Fluff overload!
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Seven months later…
Dean settled his hands on your waist as he sidled up behind you in the kitchen, this time in the apartment you shared with him.
You jolted a bit in surprise, but your spine still tingled pleasantly when he enveloped you from behind.
You had gotten ready so quickly this morning that you hadn’t even greeted him yet. He was reminding you of it now as he pressed a kiss behind your ear. 
“Gooood morning, Vietnam!” he joked. 
He could call you and Sam nerds all he wanted, but Dean loved a classic movie reference.  
You smiled and grabbed one of his hands.
“Hey, baby. How do I look on my first day as Senior Library Curator?” You turned and showcased what you were wearing. 
Dean took in your long black pencil skirt, dark red blouse, and your “I mean serious business” heels with a low whistle, and he twirled you by the hand for effect. Dean himself was already dressed in his work uniform.
“I always like you in red,” he said, briefly focusing on the hint of cleavage, then down the curve of your waist before his gaze fell to your heels. His grin deepened. “I’ma need you to keep those on tonight.” 
You laughed and grabbed onto his arms. “I will cook for you in nothing but these heels, but I just need you to do one thing for me.”
Dean’s brows raised as his grin edged into a suspicious smirk.
“I’m listening,” he said.
“I need someone to come pick out the flowers with me this weekend,” you said. “And the plates at the dinnerware rental place.”
Dean tipped his head back and groaned. That was so not “just one thing.”
You rubbed his arms.
“Please?” you asked. “I’ve already got the silverware picked out. I just need some help deciding on a few things.”
“I’m really not the one you want to take. I’m good with anything, seriously.” 
You pouted at him. “You can’t be serious. You really don’t have any opinion on this stuff? This is our wedding, Dean.” 
He gave you a measured look. 
“Listen,” he said. “I don’t care if you want a Mariachi band with little sombreros on every drink. I just wanna get married.”
You laughed, but the sentiment behind his words made you smile. Your hands slid up to his shoulders as he pulled you in closer. A new silver ring, this time with a small shining stone, glinted on your left hand. 
One of the few things Bobby had saved of Aunt Karen’s had been her wedding bands. He’d seen no better use for her engagement ring than giving it to his almost-son, for his almost-daughter. Dean was grateful, and you were honored to wear it.
“Okay, how about this,” you said. “I’ll ask Ellen and Jo to come with me to pick the flowers and the plates. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is creating a music playlist for the DJ.”
Dean perked up at that. Since the Roadhouse burned down, Ellen and Jo had moved up to Sioux Falls. Last he’d heard (yesterday, from you), Ellen had all but moved in with Bobby. 
“But no ACDC,” you warned him. “And I’ll be approving the list when you’re done.”
Now it was his turn to pout. “Killjoy.”
At the puppy-dog downturn of his eyes, you rolled yours. You knew he was playing you, but somehow you were always weak for it. 
You made a sound of exasperation. 
“Okay, fine. One ACDC song.”
Dean flashed you a grin. “That’s why you’re my favorite.”
“And, just so I know, are we still on for the naked cooking?” he asked. 
You scoffed.
“Oh, no. That’s for men who obey me. You, sir, just welched out of every request I made.” You emphasized this with a finger pressing into his chest. Dean chuckled. 
“Touché,” he said. “Okay, here’s what I can do for you. I will…take you out for dinner on Friday.”
You crossed your arms, waiting expectantly. Knowing he hadn’t hooked you yet, he amended.
“Tomorrow?” he said. “We’ll get sushi. Come on, we never get sushi.”
Mostly because Dean didn’t trust raw fish. But if he must, he could get some fried breaded shrimp if it made you happy. Plus, there were all those dipping sauces.
Dean liked dipping sauces.
“Dancing,” you said. “Tonight. Sushi after. Tomorrow, I promise I’ll cook for you…with the heels, and very little but the heels.”
Dean thought about it with an undecided hum. He wasn’t working late tonight, so he supposed he could go out. He almost grimaced at “dancing,” but you were gentle in pushing him past his comfort zone with stuff like this (and teaching him how to dance, slowly but surely). 
Still, it was worth it to see you get all dressed up. Naked cooking was also very worth it.
“All right, I think I can make that work,” he said. 
You smiled brightly, and he realized it was already worth it.
“Okay, I just have a few minutes before I need to get out of here,” you said, taking a breath. 
You were a bit nervous about your first day in your new position. You had just been promoted after almost a year. While you were comfortable in your job at the museum, overseeing the rare books library, you’d never been a manager before. You would now have two new hires under you, and it was your responsibility to train them as well. 
Dean felt your nervousness. He rubbed your back. “Hey. You’re gonna be great, baby. You know what you’re doing.”
With a grateful look, you braced your hands on his chest and smoothed out his black Sioux Falls PD uniform. He filled it out well.
“Gotten used to having a real uniform yet?” you asked. “Hope my dad’s not driving you too crazy.”
Dean grinned. “Nah. I’ll admit, he kicked my ass a bit in the beginning, but he’s a lot like Bobby. Soft in the middle.”
In fact, Jack was the one who’d recommended that Dean try out the police academy to begin with. 
“You’ve got the instincts,” Jack had told him. It was their first time sharing a beer, about a month after Dean returned to South Dakota permanently. He’d been struggling to find a job that would fit him (and his lack of professional experience).
“What you lack in discipline now, you’ll make up for in knowin’ how to read people,” said Jack. “Being solid under pressure. Good at running down leads. And who knows. Maybe you’ll make detective one day.”
Dean smiled at the idea, but he still cocked his head uncertainly.
“I don’t know. I’m not exactly used to grabbing a warrant before I pick a lock, ya know?”
“Well, I know this.” Jack pointed at him. “You’re a shark, Dean. Sharks can’t stay still, they’ve gotta keep swimming.”
“Okay, meaning?”
“Doing construction, working on cars, fixing people’s houses…after a lifetime of being under fire, are you really gonna be content doing any of those?” Jack asked.
Dean was grateful for that conversation. While there were things he missed about his old life, he was able to build a new one. And he didn’t have to hang up his gun to do it.
Dean let go of you so he could twirl his keys around his finger and clip them to his belt in one smooth motion. “Just you wait. I’ll be runnin’ this town in no time.”
“That’s a scary thought.” You laughed. “Oh hey, has Sam called you? He’s supposed to tell me if he’s bringing a plus one to the wedding.”
Dean smiled, despite a rueful twinge. Sam was halfway through his first year in law school—over in New York. He came home for the weekend whenever he could, but if Dean was honest, it was hard letting Sam run back to school.
What made it easier was that Dean wasn’t alone this time. He had you. You were also understanding, and you insisted that Sam stay here at the apartment whenever he came home. 
“Yeah, he was gonna tell you in person this weekend, but…he found her,” Dean said. 
 You gasped. “No, he did?”
“Yeah, he really found his soulmate. On the subway of all places.”
You laughed. “That must’ve been a fun ride.”
You could only imagine the chaos of starting to hear your soulmate’s thoughts in a New York City subway. You were so happy for Sam. 
You clapped your hands. 
“Oh, I’m so excited to meet her! This is going to be so awesome! Is he bringing her this weekend? What’s her name? Is she going to school too?”
Dean laughed and calmed down your onslaught of questions. That, at least, hadn’t changed.
“Okay, come on. You’re going to be late for work,” he reminded you. “Your first day as head boss lady of dusty books.”
“Excuse me. Rare dusty books,” you corrected with a playful slap to his chest. “But this is too important! Ugh, I’m calling him right now.”
“No, you don’t. He’s in class, and now we both need to get to work. Come on, get those perky buns movin’.”
He ushered you out by lightly spanking your butt. You sighed, but you were still smiling as you grabbed your purse and let him guide you out the front door. You lived on the first floor, so it was a quick walk to where both your cars were parked: the sleek black Impala and a blue Camaro, side by side. 
Before you forgot, you reached out and grabbed Dean by the collar. 
“All right, Officer. Have a good day today,” you said.
Dean smirked and tucked a strand of your hair, freed from your clip, behind your ear. 
“See ya, beautiful. Don’t dust off any suspicious lamps.”
“I thought you said genies weren’t like that in real life,” you quipped. You leaned up on your toes, and he met you there with a kiss that was sweet at first, but then it lingered and deepened. He held you to him close. 
These were the small kinds of moments that he liked to savor with you. Because it reminded him of a time when he never thought he would have this—a life outside of hunting. A life after hunting. 
It wasn’t perfect, but it was a real life with you, where Sam was still an important part of it.
“I love you. You know that?” said Dean. 
And he meant that, deep in his bones. 
When he gave you that ring a few months ago, it finally hit him that what he felt wasn’t just part of the “cosmic bond,” as you’d once called it. The two of you had scraped and fought hard to find each other, and even harder to stay with each other. 
And he hadn’t protected you just because he felt responsible for your safety. He’d done it because the idea of losing you had scared him worse than dying himself. 
So when you smiled and kissed him again, Dean breathed in your perfume and reminded himself that those darker days were in the past. Your airy laugh reminded him.
“Yeah, I do know,” you replied with a wink. “I’ll see you later.”
He tugged you back by the hand. “Uh, uh. If I say it, you gotta say it.”
“Oooh, I see. My bad,” you nodded. You took his hand—the one that wore his mother’s ring—and you kissed his knuckles. “I love you. I love you, and I love you. Be safe out there.”
He grinned and finally released you. You got in your car and watched him leaning against Baby with his arms crossed and his sunglasses on. In his police uniform, he looked like a scene out of Bad Boys. 
You beeped the horn at him twice before you pulled out of the driveway. Dean watched you go with a smirk. When he realized he was pushing it for time himself, he climbed into the Impala. He stroked the leather steering wheel.
What do you know, Baby. We’re respectable.
Jack was definitely going to ride his ass for being late. Today, that was all right.
Dean never thought this would be his life, but he had a feeling that his dad would be proud.
He would be, he heard you say in his mind, through the soul bond. He is.
Dean smiled. 
Focus on the road, he reminded you. He sensed the equivalent of you rolling your eyes. But a few minutes later, he heard you jamming out to REO Speedwagon. Another rock wannabe, in his opinion. Only you would listen to that crap.
Baby, we can take our own sweet tiiiime. And spend it when we want to ‘cause it’s yours and miiiine, you sang, and not always on key. 
Let our love come easy and we fiiiind…~
Dean shook his head, despite a fond smirk. 
…Well, he thought, maybe this one wasn’t that bad.
We can make it. And we’ll take our own sweet time. 
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AN: *sniffs* Who's peeling onions?
But seriously, thank you so much to all of you who read and enjoyed this story! It's been one of my favorites to write in a long time.
And I will say, if I do get requests, I will return to this AU and dabble some more. I love early seasons Sam and Dean, and this world is a special one to me!
Read the Sequel:
Ready for some bonus chapters? Here's a three-part sequel:
Summary: You and Dean are just weeks away from getting married, but when you find a questionable book at work, it spirals into one last hunt for you all.
Keep Reading: Bonus Track #1
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littlewomenpodcast · 2 months
Laura Dern Is The Worst Marmee
Niina: I think it was Greta Gerwig who said” Oh we admire these girls because they don’t want to grow up and I am like No Amy wants to grow up, if you read the book. She wants to know what it is like to be a woman. She wants to become a mature person. A true lady, but then when I watched this movie, I wished that I hadn’t seen it. That moment when Aunt March comes and she says ”Amy is going to go to Europe with me, just so you know”. There isn’t any explanation why Jo can’t go, because they didn’t include
the scene from chapter Calls, but Amy is like ”Why nobody is happy for me?” and then Marmee goes like ”My poor Jo. You really should have gotten the trip”. I wanted to smash the screen when I saw that. It is so completely opposite to the book because in the book Amy feels bad for Jo and Marmee says” No Jo. You caused your own misery. You were rude to the aunts, that is why you lost the trip”. It is so confusing because, we are supposed to see Amy as this mature person, who can handle things, and then she just complains that nobody is happy for her. I can not admire this Amy and I can not admire this Jo. It is the woman-child trope that I hate.
Christina: There is not even a half-pass line like ”Oh well I am taking Amy with me to Europe because Amy and I get along better than you and I ever did. It is true. That is something that at some point someone says in the book, whether it was Aunt March or Jo, they say we wouldn’t have gotten along better. There is not even that kind of..yeah it is just very abrupt. ”Amy is going with me and it sucks to be you, Jo”. Amy really did not again, gain any sympathy from me, when she was there like ”Why is nobody being happy for me”? The film is so confusing for me. I like Laura Dern. I think in general she is a wonderful actress but all I can say is that Marmee in this one is like a soccer mom. ”I am not like a regular mom. I am a cool mom”. When Laurie first comes and meets Marmee. He says ”Oh hello Mrs March” She is like ”Oh just call me Marmee. Everybody does”. ”What?” ”No!”. The one moment that really gets me regards on how Marmee reacts to something. In the trailer, we see the girls messing around in their own home and Marmee says to Laurie ”My girls can be a bit of a handful”. Okay, let's say that at home they can be wild little animals. Then what happens in the movie is after Amy hurts her hand and she is babbling to Laurie and whatever is weird. She and the sisters, The Marches, and Marmee are obviously there too. Go inside the Lawrence house and they are all jumping all over the place, screaming. They are acting like banshees. I don’t care if it was back then or today. No good parent would just allow their kid to just go nuts. Jo is over cushions, and they put their hands on everything without acting respectfully. Marmee is just like ”Oh yeah, this is just how my girls are” and I am like, if I had acted that way in a stranger’s house, I probably would have had a whipping. I would have probably been grounded. No tv for a week, or something like that. I got a second-hand embarrassment from just seeing that. How do you…especially in that time period? how do you sit there and just go” Oh yeah, this is totally fine”? Marmee would have never allowed it because she still wants them to act like respectable people. Obviously not to dampen their spirits or to take away anything. Act like adults? act like human beings! That moment.
Niina: I had so many problems with that film. We talked earlier about Uncle March, but you know how in this movie Aunt March is supposed to be a spinster but then, this really bothers me, if she is a spinster, why is she constantly trying to marry off these girls? According to Gerwig, she is supposed to be this model for an independent woman for Jo, but then she constantly wants the girls to marry rich. Isn’t that contradicting?
Christina: It is! The other thing too is, that it makes Aunt March seem even meaner because if she is not ever married and she is rich. I am thinking of that moment when Aunt March is like ”Oh you need to marry rich” and Jo is like ”You are not married” and she is like ” That is because I’m rich”. It makes Aunt March seem even meaner because if she is rich by whatever means it is, why isn’t she helping the family? Versus her being married into it? You know what I mean? it just kinda seems like. I presume… I don’t really know much about the economics of the marriage. What it was back then. I feel like marrying into money, even if you are a widow, you still have very limited access to your husband’s money. Whereas in this it seems like ”Oh yeah I got the money on my own but I can’t give you the money for whatever reason, because I am a Scrooge McDuck type of person. That is what it felt like to me. They were clearly suffering financially and she was just not helping in any way. It made Aunt March a lot colder than I think she should have been.
Niina: Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense to me, because if she is this rich spinster, why does she want everyone to get married? All the listeners who don’t know, Aunt March in the book, had a husband whom she loved millionaire. She is not happy in very much and they had a daughter who died and that made her a very grungy lady. Even though she is a book, because of that.
Christina: You can almost kind of see her wanting to push the girls to marry as sort of her seeing the girls as her own daughters. ”I want to make sure you are okay”. I just immediately think of this movie from Betty Davis called ”Old Maid”. Great movie. For the time when it was made, at least in my opinion, it was a little scandalous, how they managed to get away with it but her character, has a child out of wedlock and she goes to live with her sister-in-law who has taken care of her daughter and she has no idea she is her daughter and she pretends to be like this aunt who is very stern on her. She is worried that she will let it slip somehow. Even being affectionate towards her that she is the mother. In some way I always see Aunt March being that way like ”I can’t show how much I care” because she worries that something bad will happen if she does or ”I got to be stern. That way I can lead them into the direction they need to go” but I have never seen aunt March being this wholly unfeeling individual. Just kind of stern and want what is best for the girls. Here I just kind of felt like, she wasn’t as nice as she could have been.
Niina: You know, there was an older version of the script where it didn’t have this split ending but Jo did end up with Friedrich and he was German and I read that script before I watched the movie and then I was very confused because it was completely different. I heard that there were many different versions of the script. There was one script where Jo, wanted to punch Amy when she heard that Laurie and Amy were engaged.
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lizzycantcommit20 · 2 days
I've got all that I need
Haivan takes a breath in, the fresh ocean smell tingling his nose.
He looks down at the sand from where he sat, rubbing his hands on his lap as the wedding goes on.
He didn't know why he showed up. Maybe it was a last desperate attempt to see her again? Maybe he just wanted to be a part of something big in her life, even if he wasn't involved in it.
Who knows. His here now.
He looks over at the other side of the alter, seeing the chairs being slowly filled with family members as they walk down the aisle.
He looks at his side. It was barely filled. While the other side needed more seats to fit everyone, there were more empty seats here than the guest. No family member even walked on this side.
He wonders why they set up the wedding like this. There were two aisles, separated by the alter in the middle, each side having chairs for the guest to sit.
Now, don't get him wrong. The ocean was beautiful from where they were located. It felt nice, like you're at peace. And this was a creative idea for a wedding
But he wonders where the groom was. He worries that something bad might be happening, he doesn't know who the groom is. She never mentions anyone in the letter he had received.
The letter
Haivan looks back to when he received the letter.
He was making plans, for something important before Charlotte had barged in to his office to drop off the letter.
He scolded her to learn how to knock before freezing at what the letter was a about
A wedding invite from her
He remembers staring at the letter till the bell rang, dropping it on his desk and leaving to go to class.
He was off the whole day, the kids noticed it, and Jo had told him to take a break for a day.
Once he was back at his office, the letter was still there. Telling Haivan this was not a dream. That she was getting married, and he had gotten an invitation.
Music starts playing, the music that Haivan has seen her listen to so fondly off.
A small smile came to his face as he imagined what it would be like if this was playing at his wedding. He would be standing at the altar, grinning like an idiot while holding back his tears as she walked down the aisle. They would exchange vows, say "I do" and they would live happily ever after.
But alas. This wasn't his wedding. But he hopes that she can be happy with this gu-
His eyes widen, looking up at the other side. A girl with ginger hair and wearing a white wedding dress appeared, arms on what he can assume to her dad right by her side.
Was he in the wrong wedding? Should he just leave now!?
Haivan panicked, not knowing what to do.
"Haivan?" He hears behind him.
He looked up, and there she was.
Loose hair with some tied by a golden flower clip behind her, her blonde now only being at the tips of her brown hair. Her dress is litered with golden accents.
Haivan takes a breath in. She was gorgeous.
Ashley smiles at him. "Thank you so much for coming. I- I didn't think you'd come after I left like that..."
"No problem I just-! Uh..."
He looks at the altar, seeing the ginger giving Ashley an encouraging smile.
Ashley takes breath in, fingers clutching on her flowers. "C-could you walk me down the aisle? I don't want to do it alone..."
Haivan smiles, standing up from his seat and offering his arm out for her.
She brightens up, giving him a thankful look and hooking her arm on Haivan.
The two brides walked down the aisle at the same time. Both looking at each other with so much love in their eyes.
Haivan was happy to see Ashley look at someone so fondly like that.
They walk up the altar, the two brides instantly grab onto each other, their smile sbright and fukl of affection.
Haivan felt bad for envying it.
"Antara, will you take Ashley as your wife, to make her happy, be her reason to keep going forward, to keep her inspired, to grow old together, to make her free, and to always stand by her through whatever may come?
"I will!"
"Ashey, will you keep Antara your most favorite person. To love her, respect her, go on a lot of adventures together, and find more reason to love her every day?"
"Of course I will!"
"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you married."
The crowd claps and celebrates as the two brides kiss each other. Both smiling at each other like idiots. Saying I love you many times to each other.
Haivan claps with the crowd, a stray tear leaving his eye. He was so happy for Ashley. Whether it involve him or not, she deserved to be happy.
The wedding settles, everyone going to the reception to eat and congratulating the newlyweds.
"Haivan!" Ashley runs over to Haivan, alibiet it was a little hard because of the sand. "Thank you so much for walking me down the aisle. It means a lot to me."
"No problem, Ashley! Congratulations on getting married! I'm really happy for you." Haivan smiles, though a little sting made itself known in his chest.
"You must be Haivan." The ginger girl said, walking up to them. "Thank you for attending the wedding! And for walking Ashley down the aisle."
Haivan waves his hand. "It was no problem, really! Antara, right? It's nice to meet you." Haivan said, offering his hand out.
Antara takes it. "Really though, Ashley was so scared to walk on her own, and she said you were the only person she trusted. Thank you for taking care of her back then."
"Antara! Go back to the reception!" Ashley yelled, face a little red from embarrassment. Pushing her beloved wife away.
Antara giggles. Kissing Ashley on the forehead. "Alright, I'll see you later milseán, I love you."
"I love you too."
Antara and Ashley share one more kiss before parting.
Ashley looks back at Haivan. "I want... to apologize to what I did back then. I was stupid. And closeted as it seems... can you forgive me?" Ashley says, staring at the ground nervously.
Haivan grabs her hand, grabbing her chin to look up at him. "Of course I forgive you, Ashley. I know you had it rough back then. And even if you stealing all my stuff was kind of a bad move, I guess you were desperate, and I don't blame you for wanting to live comfortably."
Ashley sighs. "You're too kind, Haivan. I wouldidnt have fogaven myself so easily."
This will as close as Haivan can get to her now.
"It's alright, Ashley. I want you to enjoy your life. Be happy with the things you've achieved and have. We all do stupid stuff, and all we can do it learn from it, move on, and try to use what we learned to live a happier life." Haivan said, bringing Ashley into a hug.
Haivan let's go at Ashely. "Now go and be with your wife, and live happily and honestly."
Ashley smiles at him, small tears threatening to fall. "Thank you Haivan, This means alot to me"
Ashley takes off brighter and lighter in her chest. Before suddenly stopping and looking back. "Do you wanna go to the reception?"
"Uh... well actually..."
"DAD! Are you done yet!? We might miss our reservation!"
Haivan looks back to see his daughter waiting at his car. A smile speading onto his face.
"No thanks, Ashley. I already have plans." He said waving Ashley goodbye.
Ashley waves back. "Thank you again, Haivan! You being here...forgiving me... this means the world to me."
You were my world, my everything.
He walks over to his car, seeing Raziel looking at him impatiently.
"That was a really long wedding. I though we might miss our reservation."
"Sorry about that Raziel. I think we still have time to go to Hmm..." Haivan places a finger on his chin, humming like his thinking hard. "a candy store?" Haivan smirked, knowing Raziel would love that.
"You're forgiven." Raziel smiled, closing the windshield.
Haivan laughs, walking to the driver side.
When Haivan opens the door he sis a small cake and a ticket to what seems to be a music competition.
"Happy Father's Day, Dad!" Raziel said.
Haivan takes a moment to look at the gifts before picking them up. "Woah, thank you, Raziel. You didn't have to do this. We already have a restaurant reservation."
"Have a bite of the cake! Avalene helped me make it!" Raziel says, eagerly giving Haivan a fork. "It took a while, but I hope you like it!"
"You made it?" Haivan asked, supriced. Taking the fork.
Taking a small bite, Haivan was surprised at how good it was. "This is delicious, Raziel! Thank you so much."
Haivan then looks at the ticket. "Are we going on a competition? What's this about?"
"Oh uh- well..." Raziel twiddled with her thumbs. "I actually joined a competition. I got in and wanted you to come with me this Wednesday."
Haivans eyes widen. "Seriously!? Raziel, I'm so proud of you!" Haivan said, placing the cake down and hugging Raziel.
Raziel returns the hug back, her wings wrapping around her Dad.
"Was this a good first Father's day?"
"The best."
But now, I don't need everything. I've got all I need.
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Are you projecting your bs onto Max or? Because nothing Jos did was abusive towards Max. Max never claimed he was abused. Why aren't you pissed that a woman who is literally leaching of him and groomed is front and centre in his celebrations.
....you could literally open Wikipedia and see a whole section titled "Controversy" and find a list of everything Jos has done. But since you haven't and I'm feeling generous, I'll show the receipts.
"After a 1998 incident at a karting track in which a man suffered a fractured skull, Verstappen and his father, Frans, were found guilty in court of assault but were each given a five-year suspended jail sentence after reaching an out-of-court settlement with the victim.[33]
In December 2008, with the couple effectively separated, Verstappen appeared in court in Tongeren, Belgium, charged with assaulting his wife, Sophie Kumpen.[34] He was found not guilty of assault, but guilty of threatening Kumpen in text messages and of violating a previously issued restraining order. He was fined and sentenced to three months probational, suspended prison sentence.[35]
On 29 November 2011, the media reported allegations that Verstappen had assaulted his ex-girlfriend; Verstappen claimed to only have had a discussion with her.[36] In January 2012, he was arrested on attempted murder charges following accusations that he drove a car into his ex-girlfriend in Roermond,[37]but released two weeks later after the charge was withdrawn.[38] Verstappen and his ex-girlfriend, Kelly van der Waal, got back together and were married in 2014. They have one daughter, Blue Jaye, born in September 2014.[39] They divorced on 2 June 2017.[40]" Here is the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos_Verstappen But thats not all Jos has done. Let's remember the time Jos left his 15 YEAR OLD SON AT A GAS STATION TO BE PICKED UP BY HIS MOTHER Don't believe me? there are plenty of articles. Here is one: https://www.essentiallysports.com/f1-news-how-max-verstappen-was-once-abandoned-by-his-father-at-a-gas-station-following-an-argument/
Max never claiming it was abuse IS THE PROBLEM. His father is being rewarded with Max's success when Jos himself never won a single race in F1. None of Max's success should be attributed to Jos. Max could have gotten to where he is with patience, love, and care, but Jos chose Violence.
Regarding Kelly Piquet, I never once mentioned that. The focus of my post was on Jos, not her. If I wanted to discuss her and the age gap between her and Max, I would have mentioned that in my post. I also don't think with a 3x World Champion father she would need to "leech" off of Max. Their age gap is another can of worms and a topic for another post.
Hope this fucking helps! :D
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wildflowerswildhorses · 10 months
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Liv honey, you could have just stopped at the no when Jo asked about you and Elliot; but you're heavily implying (which is literally canon now) that the only reason nothing ever happened was that he was married.
And I'll forever die on the hell that something should have happened while he and Kathy were separated (and they never should have gotten back together)
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mikereads · 3 months
Jo has a serious boyfriend in New York and Blair says “everyone has a boyfriend” Oh Blair! Also wow way to make her jealous Blair, it didn’t work. Jo insists he is special but her mom doesn’t think a girl her age should get that serious. Her mom is right. Which reminds me of a certain convo Blair had with her date about not planning that far ahead huh🤔 .
So her mom sends Jo to Eastland to break them up cause she doesn’t trust guys. Again is she wrong though.
“Eddie and me love each other. I am talking real love” Oh Jo! Blair asks how long they’ve been together and it’s only been 3 1/2 weeks which for a 15 year old isn’t that short but still Jo three weeks come on. “A lifetime” Blair teases her.
It also can’t be that serious since Jo had no problem trying to prove to Blair she could pick up a guy at a bar before she could. I mean sure I guess it’s just a competition but she didn’t mention it previously. When Mrs. Garrett mentioned a boy who had gotten her into trouble she indicated not like that. That he would have her stay out all night and sneak around etc.
Jo says how they met and says you know when someone is right within the first few minutes. The first five to be specific but she knew even before that. Huh sounds familiar. They were at a dance with different dates. I mean first of all Jo willingly at a dance loll sure Jan.
“We happened to look across the room at each other” and they just knew. She compares it to Saturday Night fever but on a Friday. I mean how many scenes do we have of Blair and Jo on other dates but staring at each other from across the room. The parallels start early huh.
“You know Jo you are not as tough as you pretend. I think deep down you are sensitive.” Oh Blair you have no idea. Jo threatens her asking who are you calling sensitive but Blair tells her to calm down.
“What are you so uptight about?/“A lot of things mainly you.” “Me, Why me?””Cause little by little you are moving into my space here.”
Blair has her clothes on Jo’s bed which sure is supposed to show Blair is spoiled and privileged but in the same episode she complained about sharing a room with 3 girls and isn’t getting along with Jo blaming her for what happened. So having her put her clothes on her bed even though the bunk bed is right there is well interesting. She is already friends with Natalie and Tootie so why Jo’s bed Blair? Lesbihonest.
Just like how Jo protects Blair in the jail cell when she didn’t have to. Girls who are you trying to kid huh. Just kiss already.
“It’s not easy sleeping next to Mr. Good wrench.”-Blair. I mean Blair come on. First of all the implications and secondly Blair didn’t you say you were going to marry someone who owned General Motors huh? Just checking. (Yes I am not letting this General Motors thing go just yet.) out of all the jobs why that one. Cause it’s so opposite to who she is or what huh. They also stand so close literally in every scene.
Side note we see Molly again before she vanishes which is nice. Also she would never be friends with Margo. Anyway a real privileged snob Margo is mocking Jo and finally she looses it but before she can Blair stops her and stands up for her. Throwing a pie in the girls face which even Mrs. Garrett can’t be mad at. She deserved it.
It then transitions to there room and Jo packing. Blair tells her to ignore Margo but Jo tells her it isn’t that it was just the cherry on top. That she is leaving without her bike and will hitch hike.
“But I thought what happened in the cafeteria just now would…I don’t know I thought we were in this together.” Oh Blair sweetie I told you she had it bad. I mean they act like they hate each other but they don’t literally and already after getting semi along once she sees them as a team just end me now.
“And we’re a team? Us against them?” Yes Jo that is the point duh. Also again they are referring to each other as a we huh. This also proves her “boyfriend” isn’t a great one. He doesn’t have her back but Blair sure does. These confused innocent gaybies.
Blair responds yes but Jo says she isn’t interested in being in a team, she’s a lone wolf. Blair is hurt and says she was trying to be nice. (The back tracking is real on this scene huh, when your crush doesn’t like you back ouch.) she tells her to do something nice for someone and says she broke a nail for her. Which for Blair is huge, literally.
Jo says she should be happy she’s leaving and that she will have more room for her stuff. Blair just shakes her head baffled. Which in theory should be true she apparently doesn’t like Jo and likes having room for her stuff. Yet she isn’t happy and doesn’t want her to leave. They are interrupted before she can say more.
Mrs. Garrett convinces her to stay by mentioning Jos mom. Who she in short works hard for Jo and wouldn’t quite. That her parents are divorced and it’s hard for Jo. Which reminds us of a certain someone who happens to be in the room as it happens. Finally Jo agrees to stay and before she does she turns to Blair. The girls come in and Blair tells them the “good news” Oh Blair you are in love.
As the episode ends Blair teases her with a scarf and wraps an arm around her shoulders- and that is our episode. Gay! Even with mentions of non important boyfriends. One for Jo wasn’t even a consideration for staying oh Jo be honest and dump him already. Don’t worry we will sadly see him before that though.
I also love how early on in the episode she says her mom doesn’t understand her and that her boyfriend is special. It ends with her mom being the reason she stay’s because her mom is the special one- I’m just 🥹 anyway. We love to see it. The beginning of Jo x Blair is here baby.
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smtown-tourist · 3 months
A SHINee Poem:
Excuse Me Miss, 
Why So Serious?
Girls, Girls, Girls, calm down!
Don’t have a Heart Attack.
I know this Breaking News can’t seem Real,
and it’s HARD for Y.O.U. to comprehend The Reason
for why Onew and Taemin would Runaway from SM
after they’ve been there for what feels like 1000nen.
You might not Like It at first,
getting The Feeling that SHINee will become like Atlantis,
lost and never seen again, 
that this announcement is like they Kiss Yo 
and all those SEASONS they worked for SM good-bye.
You might feel like the Onew and Taemin are saying,
“Farewell My Love.”
and it might make you Shout Out, 
“Please, Don’t Go!”
I’m With You. I felt that way, too, 
at first,
but I have Good Good Feeling that these Up & Down times
that move like a Seesaw are only the beginning 
of the next Beautiful SHIFT in SHINee’s career paths.
Signing with a new company might sound Dangerous and as if it might
all blow up in their faces like Dynamite, but it’s time to Close the Door
on Onew and Taemin’s Days and Years at SM.
Senorita, I Get It. 
A new company will feel like a Stranger is Hitchhiking off of their Perfect 10 fame.
Set those feelings Aside and look at it from this View:
A new company might Rescue them from the Evil that was SM,
pretending to be their A.MI.GO 
and always telling our boys, “U Need Me to be a SUPERSTAR.”
A Trigger, I know, 
since some of you have gotten a Clue about the Symptoms,
like Insomnia,
and questioning of their Identity, as a person and artist,
that comes from being Married to the Music
and working for someone like SM.
You don’t need to be Sherlock to crack that CØDE.
A new company could be a Savior and a Sweet Surprise
for You & I, who Wish Upon A Star every night,
hoping that our boys will break out of their Sweet Misery.
Wishful Thinking it might seem,
this company might not be Mr. Right Guy,
the Best Place for our leader and maknae,
and everything Onew and Taemin have worked for
might Become Undone.
It Hit Me, though, that for Onew,
he has Nothing to Lose.
Almost Four Seasons and 365 days have passed without his return,
and for a while, it felt like his Life in SHINee
had come to an end,
like we were that much Closer to losing another member.
But the Note that we got reassured us 
that his hiatus wasn’t a Spoiler,
that the last album wasn’t An Ode To You,
a Last Gift to The SHINee World,
that SHINee World VI wasn’t an Undercover farewell,
that this transition is a Hello to fresh beginnings,
An Encore to the Beautiful Life that Onew and Taemin already lived
while at SM. 
Their departure might leave a Black Hole
in SM’s solo artist lineup as they Kiss Kiss Kiss them good-bye,
but it’s not the end for SHINee. 
Onew and Taemin will be Better Off at new companies
where they can be like Picasso and create something magical.
Trust our boys’ Chemistry for it is Electric.
They SHINe like a Colorful Prism,
a Lucky Star in the Diamond Sky.
and trust their Honesty to Keeping Love Again
for as SHINee once said, “Love Should Go On,”
and our Love Still Goes On 
because the bond between SHINee and SHINee World
is like Romeo + Juliette.
They need our Love Like Oxygen 
and we will Always Love them.
To SHINee, we are their Juliette,
their Jo Jo, 
their SHINee Girl,
their Lucifer,
their One,
their Dazzling Girl,
their Dream Girl,
their Selene 6.23,
their Queen of New York,
their Odd Eye,
their 1 of 1 girl.
Boys Will Be Boys and our boys Don’t Stop loving us.
They will wonder about your blood type. 
But then they will tell themselves, “If You Love Her, it doesn’t matter.”
They will come to your door and Ring Ding Dong that doorbell,
asking, “Do Me Right and Tell Me Your Name. Give me Your Name and Your Number.”
They might play hard to get and tell you, “Don’t Call Me,”
but then show up like a Gentleman with flowers and Chocolate in their hands.
They might make you mad and then they’ll start begging,
“Don’t Let Me Go. You are the One for Me. Stand By Me.” 
They will ask for the Password To Your Heart
so you won’t have to feel that Love Pain anymore
like a sad, lonely Quasimodo.
“Woof Woof,” goes their puppy-love as they Hold You in their arms.
They will want to Marry You and Lock You Down
like a Love Sick Romantic.
On the days when the Green Rain falls,
they will be your Sunny Day Hero,
showing you the Sunny Side of Love’s Way.
They Talk To You about the Colors of the Season
and shower you with Attention because you're their new Obsession.
They will help you Bounce back from those dark days
by shouting, “A-yo!” 
They might mess up your Lipstick as they give you a little Kiss Kiss
in this Winter Wonderland.
So, I Say, Run With Me into this new future with SHINee.
I Want You to take a Drive Downtown Baby,
listen to that Retro Melody as you
DXDXD to the Moon River Waltz
and feel the Body Rhythm as you Get Down and JUMP
to SHINee’s Countless hits.
I Really Want You to Graze through that collection that I know
you have, just like I have In My Room, and find
your favorite Photograph that makes your Electric Heart
feel as if it’s on Fire.
Can you feel it Burning Up!?
It’s Like A Fire, isn’t it?
It makes you feel Alive and wish that you could
turn the clock One Minute Back
so you can relive it all again on this Good Evening.
Ready or Not, we have come to our next Destination
of Our Page in SHINee’s story.
In 3 2 1, the Orgel plays on the Alarm Clock.
Everybody, wake up, wake up!
The Boys Meet U in a new Area of their lives,
and right now, Onew and Taemin might feel far away,
like a Satellite orbiting the night sky.
You might have a Sleepless Night followed by a Nightmare
as you don’t Feel Good about this new change,
but the Gravity of SHINee World’s Love, so Kind, patient, and everlasting,
keeps The Name SHINee from disappearing into outer space.
Our crazy Punch Drunk Love keeps them fighting 
for this Romance that we have that’s So Amazing.
It’s the kind that when people ask, “Who Waits for Love?”
You say, “All Day All Night, I’ll wait for SHINee.”
From Now On, you don’t have to Tell Me What To Do.
I’ll Get the Treasure because Kimi Ga Iru Sekai.
Forever or Never, I always want to remain by your side.
Kiminoseide, I Wanted to become 10X better, and now, I have the JUICE
to make that happen.
You’ll never have to say, “Y Si Fuera, Ella,” to me
or any other member of SHINee World.
You, SHINee, have said to us, “We are SHINee 5 and we’re right by your side.”
Now, it’s our turn to Replay that back at you.
Onew and Taemin, 
as well as Minho and Key,
and of course, Jonghyun, too, our Moon Drop diamond in the sky,
as you embark on this new adventure,
and everyone else in SHINee world say,
“We are SHINee World and we’re right by your side.”
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jennamacaroni · 2 years
“Oh my god you never told me you could cook cut hair”
A lil somethin' from aloto, perhaps?
Carson Shaw has never met anyone like Greta Gill.
She’s never known an unmarried woman who’s been to New York and Paris and Houston and everywhere in between.  Someone who is so confident and sure of herself and her place in the world.  Like everything was just there to be charmed and then taken.
She’s never met a woman so free.
Greta doesn’t have to make a shitty pie for the next church wives meet-up.  She doesn’t have to have dinner on the table by seven each night, or brainstorm excuses while doing housework to continue putting off having children.  She doesn’t need her husband’s permission to make a withdrawal of her own savings from the bank.  Hell, she and Jo landed in Chicago for tryouts with no money and no plan other than to play baseball.  They didn’t have anyone back home to tell them no.  They didn’t have strings.
To Carson, Greta and Jo seemed larger than life.  Certainly larger than what Carson even imagined life could be for a woman their age.
Shit, she’s never even left the midwest.  This is the first time she’s even been in a city bigger than Boise.
Aside from baseball, she and Greta Gill are worlds apart.
But there’s something addictive about how it feels when a person like that gives you attention.  And when Greta offers to cut Carson’s hair, well, the yes comes out before Carson can overthink it.
She learns quickly the impossibility of saying no to Greta Gill.  Not even when she hacks off three inches of a thick lock of hair, right in the front.
Really, it should bother her that Greta opens the leather-bound notebook without her permission.  That she latches onto the sloppy cursive Carson had written and poked at the bruise that is her marriage.
Dear Charlie,
There’s something wrong with me and you deserve better.
It’s not that she thought Charlie would say no to her trying out, exactly.  They’d played together back when they were kids, before Carson hit puberty and she could still pass as a boy and play on the local team, long hair always tucked carefully up into her cap.  Before he was sent overseas Charlie would still have a catch with her on those endless muggy summer nights when the sun didn’t set until late.  It would be just the two of them out in the backyard, the only sound louder than the crickets hidden among the grass was the smack of the ball hitting leather.
She was lucky, really.  He was a kind and caring man who loved her.
But Carson had gotten used to the freedom that came with her husband away.  It left room for her to breathe, a pause in what was a constant undercurrent of anxiety stemming from Charlie wanting to start their family.
Carson thought they already were a family.
But that’s what people like them do.  They fall in love, get married, and have children.  Raise them in the house with the picket fence and the warm slices of apple pie.
That was supposed to be Carson’s dream.  But the truth is, it never was.  And she never could tell Charlie that truth.
So when the letter came and he was finally coming home, Carson saw her future going two ways:  live out an impossible dream of being a professional baseball player, free from her responsibilities and playing the game she’s loved her whole life, or stay and welcome home her husband from war, and always wonder what could have been if she’d gone.
So here she was, in a woman’s boarding house in a strange city, with Greta Gill’s long fingers raking through her hair and cutting it away.  She wishes Greta would take those scissors and cut Carson free from her own life, but for now, she’ll settle for the shivers running down her spine at Greta’s touch, and the feel of a weight being lifted as the dead ends feather down to the floor.
Maybe Greta was right, and she was running towards her destiny.  And it started that very morning, chasing after that train.
The door is thrown open just as Greta is holding up the handheld mirror and Carson is catching the first glimpse of herself.  Maybelle has Jo by the forearm and is dragging her to the nearest bed as Jo upends the flask, chasing every last drop of whiskey.
“This one is three sheets to the wind,” Maybelle explains, shoving Jo enough that she falls to a seat on the mattress.  “What have you ladies–”
Carson runs a hand through her much shorter hair, grasping where the strands suddenly end and feeling for what’s now littering the floor at their feet.
“How does she look?” Greta asks, nodding to Carson and holding up the scissors, snipping them open and shut.
“Oh my god,” Maybelle shrieks, running across the room to pet Carson’s head.  “You never told me you could cut hair!”
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milky-fixx · 1 year
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A letter is delivered to you from the port of Venice. The envelope is torn in places, waterlogged from the trip. The letter itself is scrawled hastily, as if the person was racing against time to get to you. Still, their handwriting is bold, as if determined to leave an impression.
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I really might die this time, you know? And I'll pass onto the next life not having even gotten a kiss from you. So pucker up those lips, baby—Ow, Caesar, ow! Watch it. That damned Italian and his bubble gun, telling me to hurry things up.
I can't believe what a damned mess I've gotten myself in—and all over a stupid little ring! Gah. Remind me never to get married. Well, if I make it out of this. This is the last time I'm agreeing to a proposal from just any stranger!
Look, I can't tell you this in person because I... well, because I'm out of time. I'm hoping this gets to you in time. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I want you...
To—to keep my clacker balls, should anything happen to me. I want you to treat them delicately, as if they were my own balls! Ha! Could you imagine that? Ah, perhaps metaphorically. Not my actual balls. Not certain you would treat those kindly.
Agh, Caesar is telling me I'm wasting time. As if he understands how difficult this is... Look, what I actually want to tell you is...
Crap. I've got to go.
Catch you later, I'd hope.
[don't read the tags if you want to guess who it is!]
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horsetailcurlers2 · 4 months
another long obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (season 13 bc nobody has stopped me!!)
-oh my god meredith please just tell her you slept with riggs
-yeah DUH amelia you should have gotten to know each other better before you got married
-can i just say that i will never ever base my preconceptions of a show off tiktok again lol. before i watched this show i fully expected to hate maggie and april. i’m nervous bc i’ve also seen people who haven’t watched pp say they hated amelia but so far i don’t see why.
-i’m confused?? amelia has definitely mentioned her anencephalic baby to owen before. maybe she hasn’t laid out the whole story but she definitely mentioned him some time after derek died.
-oooh murphy is back
-bailey is not stupid so why is she acting stupid??? of course this prison has scarce medical resources and the doctors are overworked. what planet do you live on?
-trying to cut dr eliza some slack bc she’s just doing her job, but she could probably do it a way that’s less irritating
-imo alex deserves to be punished. way too many main characters get off too easy when they make fucked up choices. but i selfishly don’t want him to go to prison lol
-bailey is starting to seriously piss me off. i’m not saying all the attendings are in the right for the way they’re acting but what did she think would happen if she brought in some abrasive stranger to take a sledgehammer to their program and undermine the authority of a bunch of tight knit surgeons who are often times like a group of talented toddlers with scalpels
-they should have done a chemistry read with jessica capshaw before they cast minnick lmao. the flirting is so bad and the “sexual tension” thing they’re trying to is almost laughable.
-why on earth WOULDN’T you want an actual peds surgeon to supervise a child’s surgery? whatever phase two of your teaching program whatever…. but what the fuck?
-also “this isn’t about me it’s about edwards” rubs me the wrong way bc actually it’s about the fucking patient
-i think they’ve introduced new exterior shots this season. i like ‘em
-owen pisses me off bc he’s actually a really good friend, but an appallingly bad partner
-maggie could stand to chill out a little bit, even if she doesn’t know about the cancer.
-“a place she loved… by the water” RICHARD
-maggie’s mom is so real “orgasms. they are not a gift. it’s your right” “i wanna die with my eyelashes on”
-the synchronized lasagna eating is what finally made me cry. RIP diane
-“her heart beat for derek shepherd. it never occurred to me that she would be with anyone else” jesus fucking christ why don’t you chill out a little bit arizona
-i like this plane episode a lot. i know it’s not *technically* a bottle episode but it feels like one. what are the odds somebody can be in TWO emergency plane situations in the same handful of years
-meredith definitely fucked up and she should’ve told maggie about riggs WAY sooner but (and i feel mean saying this) maggie is being a little dramatic about a guy she didn’t actually date. it’s the principle though, so i get it.
-jo’s secret abusive husband is will shuester?????
-these fake outs with alex and paul are giving me heart palpitations.
-of course amelia speaks german. that’s so hot
-maybe i’m stupid but i think that if there’s a fire, all the doors to outside should automatically be unlocked
-minnick sucks ridiculously hard
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roughroadhaley · 8 months
i have such mixed feelings on the Little Women love triangle. Jo could never love Laurie as she should but I just don’t think Amy is the resolution to this problem. I don’t think Laurie could ever truly love Amy the way he loves Jo. Amy has loved him all along though so it’s a nice happy ending for her. But if Laurie had gotten that letter before him & Amy married he would’ve run to Jo in an instant. I think Laurie will have a better life with Amy as a partner though because there’s real romantic love given to him there though. UGH.
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littlewomenpodcast · 5 months
Laura Dern Is The Worst Marmee (Little Women 2019 Roast)
Christina: There is not even a half-pass line like ”Oh well I am taking Amy with me to Europe because Amy and I get along better than you and I ever did. It is true. That is something that at some point someone says in the book, whether it was Aunt March or Jo, they say we wouldn’t have gotten along better. There is not even that kind of..yeah it is just very abrupt. ”Amy is going with me and it sucks to be you, Jo”. Amy really did not again, gain any sympathy from me, when she was there like ”Why is nobody being happy for me”? The film is so confusing for me. I like Laura Dern. I think in general she is a wonderful actress but all I can say is that Marmee in this one is like a soccer mom. ”I am not like a regular mom. I am a cool mom”. When Laurie first comes and meets Marmee. He says ”Oh hello Mrs March” She is like ”Oh just call me Marmee. Everybody does”. ”What?” ”No!”. The one moment that really gets me regards on how Marmee reacts to something. In the trailer, we see the girls messing around in their own home and Marmee says to Laurie ”My girls can be a bit of a handful”. Okay, let's say that at home they can be wild little animals. Then what happens in the movie is after Amy hurts her hand and she is babbling to Laurie and whatever is weird. She and the sisters, The Marches, and Marmee are obviously there too. Go inside the Lawrence house and they are all jumping all over the place, screaming. They are acting like banshees. I don’t care if it was back then or today. No good parent would just allow their kid to just go nuts. Jo is over cushions, and they put their hands on everything without acting respectfully. Marmee is just like ”Oh yeah, this is just how my girls are” and I am like, if I had acted that way in a stranger’s house, I probably would have had a whipping. I would have probably been grounded. No tv for a week, or something like that. I got a second-hand embarrassment from just seeing that. How do you…especially in that time period? how do you sit there and just go” Oh yeah, this is totally fine”? Marmee would have never allowed it because she still wants them to act like respectable people. Obviously not to dampen their spirits or to take away anything. Act like adults? act like human beings! That moment.
Niina: I had so many problems with that film. We talked earlier about Uncle March, but you know how in this movie Aunt March is supposed to be a spinster but then, this really bothers me, if she is a spinster, why is she constantly trying to marry off these girls? According to Gerwig, she is supposed to be this model for an independent woman for Jo, but then she constantly wants the girls to marry rich. Isn’t that contradicting?
Christina: It is! The other thing too is, that it makes Aunt March seem even meaner because if she is not ever married and she is rich. I am thinking of that moment when Aunt March is like ”Oh you need to marry rich” and Jo is like ”You are not married” and she is like ” That is because I’m rich”. It makes Aunt March seem even meaner because if she is rich by whatever means it is, why isn’t she helping the family? Versus her being married into it? You know what I mean? it just kinda seems like. I presume… I don’t really know much about the economics of the marriage. What it was back then. I feel like marrying into money, even if you are a widow, you still have very limited access to your husband’s money. Whereas in this it seems like ”Oh yeah I got the money on my own but I can’t give you the money for whatever reason, because I am a Scrooge McDuck type of person. That is what it felt like to me. They were clearly suffering financially and she was just not helping in any way. It made Aunt March a lot colder than I think she should have been.
Niina: Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense to me, because if she is this rich spinster, why does she want everyone to get married? All the listeners who don’t know, Aunt March in the book, had a husband whom she loved millionaire. She is not happy in very much and they had a daughter who died and that made her a very grungy lady. Even though she is a book, because of that.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Beth March for the 7 questions ask?
Three facts about them from my personal headcanons.
She's on the autism spectrum, or would be if she lived today.
She probably couldn't put into words why she's so especially close to Jo out of all her sisters, when on the surface they're opposites. But deep down she knows the reason why, besides "opposites attract": it's because they're both misfits. Meg and Amy are much better at following the rules their society expects of young women; Jo and Beth never fit that mold, Jo because of her tomboyishness and Beth because of her shyness. This mutual sense of being different draws them closer together, even though they're different in opposite ways. (I headcanon them both as neurodivergent – ADHD Jo, autistic Beth.)
If she had lived, she might have eventually and unexpectedly fallen in love and gotten married. I don't think that would have been impossible. But it would have to have been with a very unique, understanding young man. He might be the only Little Women OC I'd ever be tempted to create.
A reason they suck:
She doesn't think she was ever meant to live long, because she never wants to leave her family, get married, or lead a "normal" adult life. What does that say to those of us in the real world who have that in common with her?
A reason they are great:
She's one of the kindness, most loving, most unselfish and generous people you'll ever meet, and she shows just how valuable the most easily-overlooked person (sickly, shy, never leaves home, etc.) can be.
A reason I relate to them:
I'm also "young" for my age, don't have any grand ambitions, and just want a quiet, peaceful life near my family.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character:
Five things that never happened to the character that I believe should have happened:
Someone (maybe Jo) should have taken time to imagine what her life would have been like if she hadn't gotten sick. That someone should have told her, or at least spelled out to the readers, that even if she had lived with her parents until they died, and then maybe moved in with Jo and Friedrich to help care for the children at Plumfield, that even if she reached old age without ever marrying, having children, or "achieving" anything outside the home, her life would still have been happy and valuable.
Her musical compositions should have been published, even anonymously or under a pseudonym.
During her final months, she should have talked with Meg and Jo about a subject that's not even brought up again after Part I – the idea that the scarlet fever that started her decline was Meg and Jo's fault, because they wouldn't go to the Hummels in her place when she asked them to. She should have told them never to blame themselves, that she had been caring for the sick baby for a week and was almost certainly infected already when she asked them to go. Though it isn't mentioned, I suspect that Jo wouldn't have been so crushed with grief and depression after Beth's death if a part of her didn't still feel it was her fault.
She should have had more one-on-one interactions with Meg and Amy; even though she's clearly the closest to Jo, it would be nice to see more of her relationships with the other two.
After her death, someone (maybe Laurie in one of his ignorant moments) should have made a passing comment that she was "too fragile for this world," and someone else (either Jo or Amy) should have argued against that perspective. I'm just sick of seeing critics say that Beth has to die because she's too fragile for this world, and I wish the book spelled out that she wasn't.
Five people that character never fell in love with and why.
Laurie. He's a good friend; that's all.
John Brooke. Ditto.
Mr. Laurence; he's much too old and is more of an honorary grandfather.
Friedrich Bhaer. She sadly never meets him, but even if she had, he would just have been a good friend.
Frank Vaughn. Another friend, but not a love interest.
Fred Vaughn. Unlike Frank, he has nothing in common with her.
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rughydrangea · 1 year
2022 drama year in review
Normally I’m very good about getting this in by the new year, but I had a few 2022 dramas to catch up on, so I’m late. I’m glad I took the time to catch up, though, as it’s got me excited about dramas for the first time in a long while. They’re still good! (Even if there should be more sageuks.)
Joining the pantheon of my favorites:
Little Women -- Hands-down the best adaptation of Little Women I have ever seen. The acting, directing, music, plotting were all superb. But there are two aspects of the show that really stood out to me: 1) Little Women is a novel about sisters born into poverty, who have no clear path out of that poverty. They all spend much of the novel learning the difficult lesson that being poor isn’t a state they will someday be liberated from but the noble condition in which they will live their lives. And poverty is explicitly linked with virtue in LMA’s worldview--when Jo starts to write racy stories to earn money, when Meg resents being the wife of a poor man, these are portrayed as moral failings that must be corrected. And though Amy does eventually marry into money, it’s not a road without hardship--she essentially has to salvage the man that Jo threw in the trash and teach him how to be a human again. Bless this drama, then, for refusing to romanticize poverty and ending with the sisters thriving off their stolen money. Living in this painful, heartbreaking, corrupt world as poor girls did not purify them, it merely hurt them. Stealing money from those who made them suffer may not fit LMA’s vision of ethical living, but it’s what In Joo, In Kyung, and In Hye deserved. Long may they enjoy their ill-gotten gains! 2) Finally, a Little Women adaptation willing to make the objectively correct decision and let Jo and Laurie end up together. Every other adaptation and the original novel found dead in a ditch. All hail Jung Seo Kyung.
My Liberation Notes -- Following up My Ajusshi was kind of an impossible task, but damn if Park Hae Young didn’t manage it. A thoughtful, heartfelt, deliberate show that never took the easy away out and somehow found the beauty in the small, painful, confounding details of life. I have like Kim Ji Won since Heirs and adored her since Fight My Way, but this drama showed an entirely different side of her, tamped-down and bitter and wonderful. And though one could argue that the show glamorized alcoholism (I don’t think you can drink that much soju and still look that good), it was all worth it for Mr. Gu. May we all get an alcoholic gangster hottie who worships us on command.
Through the Darkness--This drama was a lot more gruesome than I thought it would be? But it was also smart and deliberate and compassionate. The entire cast was great, but Kim Nam Gil was incredible, doing so much with silence and stillness.
Quite good:
Alchemy of Souls--So stupid. So fun. What is there left to say?
Love Like the Galaxy--It kind of lost me in the middle, but I was back on board for the end. Unexpectedly, my favorite part of the show hands-down, and the only story to make me cry, was the emperor and his doomed love triangle. Is this how I know I’m getting old?
Under the Queen’s Umbrella--Silly and heartbreaking in equal turn. Every time a mother hugged her child I melted. Lots of good, rounded, complicated characters but then there were also a few who were pure, cartoonish evil, which was less fun. The acting saved some of the more confounding writing decisions.
Not bad:
Strange Lawyer Woo Young Woo -- It started out so strong, but really limped to the finish line. I simply have no patience left for heroically idiotic breakups.
*** ***** -- It turns out that when you watch a show that is absolutely not for you, you are not going to like it! I’m glad for the people who loved this show, but every time I saw a novel-length essay explaining how dramatically flawless it was, I truly felt like I was living in an alternate universe. Some of the acting was good, but a lot was aggressively not. The product placement was dizzying. Every single aspect of the premise and a lot of the conflict felt like it was scripted by aliens who hadn’t quite grasped human behavior. Still, I am grateful that it gave me something supremely silly to focus on at a very stressful point in my life, and it’s tough to fault a show that is pretty clearly for a younger age bracket for not appealing to me, an old person. The secondary couple ruled, though.
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youlisten · 2 years
Josephine Wilson-Karev
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**this post is subject to update and change as jo develops further alongside the progression of the group and other members**
currently, her canon journey will remain until Alex’s departure from the show in season 16, which is detailed more in depth here 
tw; abuse, homelessness, death, rape, pregnancy, abortion
Canon History:
Jo Wilson was born Brooke Rudin, but was abandoned at a fire station at 5 days old. After that, she bounced around foster homes until the age of 16, where she decided she was better off on her own and lived out of her car, working her ass off to be valedictorian. Undergrad at Princeton passed by with Jo graduating cum laude while working full time to support herself. Harvard Medical school brought her her best friend Atticus Lincoln. The only adult she’d ever connected to in her young life, a high school teacher named Ms. Schmidt was the only person in attendance in the crowd to support her.
During her time in med school, she had met and started dating an attending surgeon named Paul Stadler. Looking back, their relationship had been toxic and dangerous from the start because he was much older than her and had been taking advantage of an obvious power dynamic, but she overlooked it all because she had been so desperate to be loved by someone for what felt like the first time in her life. He was already a world renowned surgeon. Upon her graduation, they were married and moved to Florida for a job opportunity for Paul. Brooke accepted a position at the same hospital for her surgical residency.
However, their relationship soon grew toxic and she stayed and tried to make it work for longer than she should have because she had worked so hard toward being a surgeon already. At one point when she was at her lowest feeling trapped in the relationship, Brooke had gotten pregnant and not told him yet and he ended up breaking one of her ribs in one of his fits of rage and Brooke decided to have an abortion because she wasn’t safe and she knew her child could never be either. However, the abuse got so bad that she applied for Seattle Grace’s residency program under a new identity and fled across the country with hopes of never being found. 
At Seattle Grace, her internship didn’t go too smoothly, often finding her foot in her mouth as she scrambled to be top dog of the intern class. Eventually, however, she and Alex Karev were able to find common ground with their messy childhoods and the pair grew close. Additionally, she was able to get Meredith Grey to soften up to her after a while, which Jo attributes largely to Alex and Meredith’s friendship. After a few years in Seattle, Paul found her and came to get an official divorce to marry his new girlfriend, whom Jo was sure was also getting abused. In a strange twist of fate, he ended up getting a secondary injury after being involved in a hit and run and was pronounced brain dead and since she was still legally his wife, she made the decision to cut life support and donate his organs.
A few years later and now a fellow at Seattle Grace, she took a genome test because of the fear of what genetic problems she could pass on to her children because she knew nothing of her family’s medical history. Through this she was able to find her birth mother with the help of an intern and traveled to meet her. A distraught Jo soon found out that her mother had a huge house and two kids and Jo had been born the result of a rape and her mother admitted that Jo did look a lot like her father. Ashamed of who she was and what she could potentially become, she pushed everyone away that tried to talk to her about her experience with her birth mom until she had a full breakdown. Meredith was the one she finally opened up to and not long after that Jo was admitted to impatient psych to help her cope with her depression and identity of self.
RPG Changes:
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intolerancecare · 4 months
I have a classmate who was sang a song while approaching me. Like that crazy bastard. There are so many people who sings but it's different when it becomes a whisper. He also winked without any apparent reason. He is like that egyptian friend of that bastard. Same height as Jo? He is as crazy as them.
You and those effing internet people still thinks that I am head over heels crazy about him. I JUST WROTE THE STORY THAT DRAGGED ME TO HIM! He asked. He cried. I thought I should give it a try. He said he can't. I took my answer as invalid. He kept on sticking pretending he's a friend. He's confusing. No hard feelings. I allowed myself to just go with the flow. Like stepping on stones in a pond. Still shamed for considering him BEFORE HE GOT MARRIED! He humiliates me whenever he acts like he owns me because I am alone. I am always with friends, but he knows I am alone. How can you get away from him? What is good in that situation? That in my blog I wrote that I am taking the blame. Truth is, I want them to see that I am a victim. I also wrote that it was unrequited to let everyone know that I will not enter in an adulterous relationship. He is not handsome. Not rich. Not intellectual just clever. When he's name was given to be promoted, I deferred. I did not vouch. Just evasive. I worked with him, and I evaluated them whether they like it or not. He is just good with cleaning. That's all. His performance, if will appear expert, is because it was his routine for a long time. I think I also mentioned that our group prefers to be with him more than me. Because most of them are street learners if not adulterous, friends with adulterous. The oldest having 4 husbands. Money. Practical, street smart people. Not talented people.
My grandfather's brother married twice. One is an Australian. My mother said my grandfather had another child too. I don't believe her. Because his brother had, and they were accepted. My mother has distorted memory.
Arjun is not like them. My grandfather's brother was got separated then went home. Arjun was playing, pretending to be a friend. That was before and after his wedding. Indulging? He said I am insistent. like this? He continually whispered songs at work and stayed at my area even after I said that I like somebody else. I am not like him. I sing with my girlfriends. I did once to probe after his several try of teasing me and saying he is just indulging because I am insistent. He blocked me FB? HEAR YE... HE USES VIBER! Why are you tying me to him. I DON'T OWE HIM ANYTHING!
You think you will really love a man like that? I never liked him, but I kept my word. Not to him but to myself. If I really had a choice, I would not choose them. I was left to them. No man is an island. I was stucked with my Filipino co-workers. They know. Even Kuya Mon and Melojane knows that they were the one who approached me. I was just too elated (at work) to reject anyone. I had a different group of friends, but we were divided. I was left alone. Friends got married. Some left.
Second time that I was brought to rehab, I keep on asking them why and I keep on shouting this because this is the mistake that is almost a sin but never happened. I was stucked! I cried and shouted. Why? I PM'd them. I asked. I left KZ because I was struggling inside with other issue. I was moving on then, I have gotten away from him.
A lot of Filipino took a loan of around 250,00 and run away from Kuwait. I deserved to be locked? Imprisoned because of the F word? I was attacked before leaving KZ?
Kuya Mon? Girls and boys are possible friends in the Philippines. You think I am like arjun to him?! They keep on hanging out with us. GIRLS.
You can step away. I will not need that care. I hate it that I still have questions in my head. I tried. You know that almost everyone got married right? Why can't I try? Yeah, everything became haphazard after you. But I have learned.
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