ichigo-gyunyu-blog · 8 years
After 3 years...
I’m so poor at blogs (am I?) hahaha I’m sorry! As much as I wanted to try and update my blog (This blog), my mind always drifts off somewhere and then I will forget it. I know, I’ve forgotten to update for 3 years -__-
Well, since I’m updating it again, nothing new, I’m still jobless and I’m currently sick *sigh. It’s always at around this month I get sick, it’s either I have fever, sore throat, cough or worst, asthma. Right now what I have is colds and a bit of sore throat. I also have a problem with my sleeping habit, I guess insomnia was able to take over me. I am almost at the point wherein I can stay up for 24 hours (Crazy right?!)
Actually because of this poor sleeping habit, I cannot get some exercise, I mean how can I even exercise if I lack sleep? I will pass out for sure. Although I already made a very good progress with my weight. 90kg to 68.2kg, awesome right?! I have to fix this poor sleeping habit soon or I will just go back to that sluggish feeling again u_u;
I guess that’s all for now, I cannot make any promises that I will update, but since we have a good internet lately (hopefully I don’t jinx it) I might be able to update maybe once a few weeks or every other day or every day Hahaha! Well you all have a nice day and stay positive! Thanks for reading!
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