#jocelyn and aemon
sarcasticsweetlara · 1 year
The Dragon has Three Heads
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Warning: Fluff
Summary: A drabble of Jocelyn and Aemon spending time with their little daughter Rhaenys
English is not my first language
The sound of giggles of a four year old girl were heard around the whole Red Keep.
Rhaenys Targaryen.
An intrepid girl who was the future of the realm, but in the cozyness of her home she was just Rhaenys, the lovely daughter of Aemon Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon.
"Careful, Rhaenys" the voice of Aemon echoed.
"I'm going to beat you up father!"
She said, however she wasn't expecting to see someone else already in the imaginary goal they had set.
"I think I already beat the both of you" Jocelyn exclaimed in a proud tone.
Rhaenys was surprised, she thought Jocelyn was still running behind Aemon and her.
"Jocelyn !" Aemon finally came. "I thought you were still in the first floor of the castle."
"Well, I wasn't. I was faster and cleverer."
She chuckled making Aemon gasp.
"You hear that Rhaenys?" Aemond crouched putting his hand on Rhaenys' shoulder.
"It seems like we should give someone a session of endless tickling." Soon Jocelyn's bashful expression became one of worry.
Jocelyn tried to escape but Aemon's fingers quickly found her ribcage and Rhaenys and him started tickling her.
"Okay, I yield! I yield!"
At the end they all were laughing.
Aemon and Jocelyn had been blessed to have a daughter. They knew she would be a great queen, and they would help guiding her to ensure she would be ready for when the time comes.
She was all they needed.
After all, with her it came to be true the Dragon had three heads.
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littlest-gemini · 8 months
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A young princess Rhaenys with her parents Jocelyn Baratheon and Aemon Targaryen
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taviamoth · 9 days
jocelyn baratheon's storyline is crazy. fall in love with the handsome heir to the throne, son of your half-siblings who raised you after your mother died in childbirth, marry him in the grandest ceremony second only to the royal couple, anticipate becoming queen, give birth to the heir's heir, stay married for over a decade and half with all these expectations, then BAM he died fighting some war by catching a crossbow bolt to the neck. you're grieving heavily but hey at least your daughter is the heir and you'll be queen mother. no lmao the king appointed your brother in law because he can. you've gone from future queen to queen mother to not a damn thing. mother to the lady of driftmark. up in high tide drinking heavily with boremund corlys who just quit his hand job and rhaenys — all of you talking her out of doing something drastic with meleys
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lilosdraws · 4 months
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Prince Aemon Targaryen and Lady Jocelyn Baratheon
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malaquitesgallery · 1 month
King Jaehaerys I and Queen Alysanne’s children part 2: The pale prince Aemon, and his wife lady Jocelyn pf House Baratheon
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In 92 AC, Aemon led the assault on the Myrish pirates who had conquered the eastern half of Tarth during the struggle known as the Myrish Bloodbath. Aemon left for Tarth on the ninth day of the third month that year, shortly after learning that his daughter Rhaenys was pregnant with her first child. Aemon arrived before the fleet of his son-by-marriage, Lord Corlys Velaryon. On Tarth, Aemon met with Lord Cameron Tarth in the mountains located at the center of the island, where the Lord of Tarth had made camp. A pair of Myrish scouts eventually discovered the camp, and recognized Lord Cameron. One of them took a shot at Lord Cameron with his crossbow. Although he missed Lord Tarth, Aemon, who had been standing by Lord Cameron's side, was struck in his throat, and drowned in his own blood.
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salialenart · 9 months
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Rhaenys was born in 74 AC on the seventh day of the seventh moon of the year. As her father was the Prince of Dragonstone, and she was his firstborn child, many considered her as being next in line for the Iron Throne, after her father Aemon.
Queen Alysanne Targaryen, when being presented with her granddaughter, called her "our queen to be".
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paparinka · 1 year
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81 AC
King Jaehaerys I Targaryen also known as “The Conciliator”, “The Wise” or “The Old King” with his wife “Good Queen” Alysanne Targaryen and their children (left to right): princess Daella, prince Vaegon, crown prince Aemon with his wife Jocelyn Baratheon and daughter Rhaenys, prince Baelon with his wife Alyssa and son Viserys, princess Maegelle, princess Saera and princess Viserra. The Queen holds princess Gael or “Winter Child”
Upd: Damn, drawing 14 people in my style is just- …wild. Took a month and a half 💀
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vaegonposting · 1 year
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can't decide if he's angrier about the betrothal or the stupid pillow case they made him wear
look 100% daella deserved better but a lot of the people being upset that vaegon didn't want to marry her strike me as
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alienoryva · 2 months
"Jocelyn Baratheon has died by the time the Dance of the Dragons begins. Her nephew, Lord Borros Baratheon, claims to have never known his aunt."
but I also want to know Jocelyn's POV about Jace, Lucerys, and Joffrey. Does she accept them or not?
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐈 (𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧) 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑄𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑊𝘩𝑜 𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑎𝑠
Neutral / Chaotic Good ... I’m a bit unsure of her moral alignment tbh
Queen of Wands
Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising
The daughter of Prince Aemon Targaryen and Lady Jocelyn Baratheon, Rhaenys II was a capable, spirited and proud woman. Simply said, she was bold. Her namesake was after the sister-wife of Aegon I, the Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms, Rhaenys Targaryen. 
 Considered next in line for the Iron Throne when her father died, she was known as ‘The Queen Who Never Was.’ And when she was presented to her grandmother, Queen Alysanne, she had said that Rhaenys was “our queen to be.”
   Aemon had been the Prince of Dragonstone, but when he died, King Jaehaerys named Aemon’s younger brother as heir, Baelon (Viserys & Daemon’s father). King Jaehaerys outlived the majority of his children, and was still alive after the death of Baelon. This is when he made the decision that Viserys was to rule, rather than Rhaenys II. 
 With the Targaryen blood running through her veins, Rhaenys was a true dragonrider. She bonded with Meleys the Red Queen, and the pair developed an incredibly deep relationship. It has been said that one was a part of the other. 
   Rhaenys was married to Lord Corlys Velaryon of Driftmark. On their wedding day, she was adamant that she wanted to arrive on Meleys, even after being denied, Rhaenys did so anyway. 
 She had two children with Corlys, Laena and Laenor Velaryon, who she absolutely adored. Motherhood seemed to click with Rhaenys, her love for her children was boundless. That same love was shown in her grandchildren, specifically Baela and Rhaena, Laena’s daughters with Daemon Targaryen. She had a fondness for Rhaenyra’s sons, Jace, Luke and Joffrey, but she knew that they were bastards (show-wise, in the books she would have had the same devotion.)
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ginny-anime · 2 months
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Lady Jocelyn Baratheon in her older years.
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sarcasticsweetlara · 1 year
The Queen of the People: The Tour
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The Queen of the People
"Can you say Kepa, Rhaenys?"
Aemon had his little Rhaenys in the air hung by his arms making her giggle.
Rhaenys' pale lilac eyes, the same shade as his stared brightly into Aemon's face.
"Who is daddy's little girl?"
Rhaenys babbled out and pointed at him.
"She still doesn't understand, Aemon" His wife's voice rang in the air.
"Give her some years more, then she will be the one making questions." Jocelyn joked and grinned satisfied as Aemon flushed and snorted, caressing Rhaenys' cheek who was picking strands of the white golden hair of Aemon.
"I hope you will help me then" Aemon replied back.
They were going to immerse in a tour around all the dominions of Westeros with Rhaenys, presenting her as heir and helping all the commonfolk they could help as much as possible.
"Of course I will". Jocelyn answered chuckling.
In that moment Jaehaerys and Alysanne arrived in the room. Alysanne was beaming while Jaehaerys held a stern expression.
"How is our little queen to be?" Alysanne strode towards Aemon grabbing the giggling baby girl as the good queen held her in her arms and kissed her cheeks playfully.
In the corner of his eye Aemon saw Jaehaerys' lips pursed.
"We are ready, we're just waiting for the kingsguard who will make us company to make sure everything is okay before we go to the Dragon pit." Answered Jocelyn in a smooth tone.
"Are you two sure you will not wait?" Jaehaerys' voice echoed across the room.
"Rhaenys is only one year old, you should wait for her to grow up a little bit more and try to have a son before making a tour around the whole realm."
As soon as Jaehaerys mentioned "son", the mood of everyone soured.
Jaehaerys loved his granddaughter, she was his first grandchild and the baby girl was adorable, but he thought Aemon needed a son to be his heir after him.
"Kepa, we have already talked about this." Aemon answered stoically.
"Rhaenys is my firstborn, she has the blood of Old Valyria and the Storm Kings, I her father, am the Prince of Dragonstone as well as your heir and Jocelyn, her mother, is the youngest daughter of Alyssa Velaryon and Rogar Baratheon, the grandson of Orys Baratheon, the half brother of Aegon the Conqueror." Aemon's pale lilac orbs stared into his father's purple orbs with boldness.
"There is no reason why we shouldn't take her in the tour." He said daring his father with his gaze to give another reason to protest to their trip.
"I'm sorry Aemon" Jaehaerys said after an uncomfortable silence.
"It's just that I want Rhaenys to be okay, children are so frail and I want to know she's strong enough to make it through the trip." Alysanne slightly smiled at her husband and handed Rhaenys back to Jocelyn's arms.
"She will be fine, thank you for your concern Jaehaerys." Jocelyn replied back with kindness.
Soon, a kingsguard interrupted them.
"Your graces, we are ready to go, the Dragon keepers are here."
He curtsied and looked at his feet.
"There is no need for the dragon keepers, Caraxes knows Jocelyn and Rhaenys, he actually doesn't like to be annoyed by so many people." Aemon nodded to Jocelyn and she nodded back and both said their farewells to the king and the queen and left.
As Jaehaerys and Alysanne watched from the Red Keep how Caraxes flew in the air and whistled, they hoped they would be fine.
"Don't worry husband, we all will make sure Rhaenys will be a good crown princess." Alysanne said patting his back and Jaehaerys grinned.
"Everytime I fly with you it feels like the first time Aemon" Jocelyn said as she cackled, holding Rhaenys in one arm as she held one of the leathers and Aemon covered them with his arms as he rode Caraxes.
"Well, I think that's something good" Aemon replied making Jocelyn blush.
Rhaenys was fast asleep and Jocelyn leaned into Aemon's chest.
"Avy jorrāelan, Aemon." Jocelyn lifted her head to look at him and he looked back at her. "I love you, Aemon."
"Me too, Jocelyn"
They kissed and as soon as they parted they enjoyed the view above King's Landing.
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jaydeewis · 2 years
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"...Two years later, in 70 AC, Aemon and Jocelyn were joined in a ceremony that rivaled the Golden Wedding for its splendor. Lady Jocelyn at sixteen years old was one of the great beauties of the realm; a long-legged, full-breasted maid with thick straight hair that fell to her waist, black as raven's wing. Prince Aemon was one younger at fifteen, but all agreed that they made a handsome couple. An inch shy of six feet tall, Jocelyn would have towered over most of the lords of Westeros, but the Prince of Dragonstone had three inches on her. "These stands the future of the realm," Ser Gyles Morrigen said when he beheld the two of them side by side, the dark lady and the pale prince."
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fkaluis · 2 years
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the pale prince and the dark lady
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anira-naeg · 10 months
The Targaryen bloodline, part 4.
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horizon-verizon · 2 days
If we discount Helaena, Rhaenyra is by far the most useless adult dragonrider in the war. Even teenagers like 15-year old Jace and Daeron or 14-year old Baela with young comparatively small dragons (Moondancer was barely able to withstand Baela’s weight and fly) contributed much more to their side’s causes than the queen too-traumatized-to-fly-a-dragon.
A good example was her sending Rhaenys to die instead of going herself or allowing her sons to go & help. Corlys was enraged she sent Rhaenys but wouldn’t risk her own life or her sons to even the odds.
I always get confused how much time was between Rhaenyra's stillbirth labors and Rook's Rest bc the timeline is not so solid when described in the actual book, but Rhaenyra was, again, recovering from that Visenya-birth...("The Red Dragon and the Gold"):
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And, anon, leaders (not commanders, I mean the actual rulers) in medieval wars didn't lead armies as often as you may think precisely bc of what happens to Crispy!Aegon.
Plus, none of them thought that Aegon would be there with Aemond-Vhagar, bc again, Helaena wasn't considered an actual player/possible protector and the any other dragons the greens had otherwise that they could use was Vhagar/Sunfyre. Aegon essentially left KL vulnerable to attack when he left for Rook's Rest with Aemond. Rhaenrya, Corlys, Rhaenys, all the rest most likely believed Aegon would at least stay behind for that reason alone...and the text explicitly states that Rhaenys might have had a chance against Vhagar (Criston's aggressive plan to "trap" whoever came to Rook's Rest basically by ambush):
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(one bc she is a consummate rider, having ridden for far longer than Aemond who has to wield a much larger dragon -- Meleys was known for her speed...two, Rhaenyra would have definitely died and then what? Jacaerys rules bc we see how competent he was? Why do people want Rhaenyra to die so bad and for a teen boy, no matter how great he is, to take that responsibility on so bad...look as what happened to Jaehaerys and and look how that turned out for this guy who had such an enormous weight on him that motivated him to be...what he was!!! And then while I think there was a good possibility of Jace still having supporters like Rhaenyra,) it would be--for a time--destabilizing the blacks if their Queen died in the middle of the war...and it's still also one dragon down).
My past two posts (POST #1 -- POST #2) abt GRRM's writing of Rhaenyra was never an invitation or admittance of her being totally useless...bc she nor Syrax were even as they were comparatively not as active in shaping the blacks' strategies against the greens until post-KL takeover. She still made necessary decisions that were NOT black-white solveable. Helaena was never encouraged to actually fight and after B&C there was no way she ever could. Whereas if given more time, I'm pretty sure Rhaenrya could have (KL armor and seating).
Then I could be proven wrong abt her not being more like a Rhaneys the Conqueror and actually using Syrax for war and more than laying eggs...but again, GRRM didn't allow the time to stretch out to accommodate that possibility bc he wanted Rhaenyra to be too entrenched in her own grief. Visenya was her idol.
It's very possible that she was willing but had no opportunity/mental space in lieu of her own kids dying (doing a lot of rethinking here since a few past, even earlier posts). Which, again, I'm fine with HotD Rhaenyra flaming bitches but not the swordwork necessarily still.
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