#joe pickett 2021
reveluving · 2 years
sweet treat ; joe pickett x reader
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summary: Joe and his girls help the neighbourhood baker plan the seasonal menu.
warnings: teeny bit of angst, but mostly fluff!
a/n: as if country boy Rick was not enough, our beloved Dorman has now lived in my head rent free ❤ thank you @lacontroller1991 for giving me the most wholesome ideas for this man! don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» check out my m.list!
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'What are we, little lady?' ;
He never thought he'd drag his own ass out of bed by his girls on his day off to help the cute lil' baker with the seasonal menu. Though it didn't take long to convince him for obvious reasons, he was worried you'd rather work alone, more so with what he assumed would be a busy month. But, with his eldest telling him that it was you who offered them to tag along, he gave in and hoped that she was right. 
Their excitement grew as they were getting closer and closer to their destination, including Joe, who hid his hands in his pockets, hoping it wouldn't sweat any more than it already did.
Upon entering the bakery, Joe immediately noted the slight changes to the place; dried flower wreaths, decorative tree branches, mood-matching fairy lights, that little witch hat sticker on the glass display. 
Okay, maybe he has spent a lot of time here to be able to notice such details so quickly. 
"Is that who I think it is?" They perked up at the sing-song voice coming from the kitchen, beaming as you peeked your head out of the door, "Morning, girls!"
"(Y/N)!" The girls cheered, running up to you, where you lifted the flip-up countertop to greet them. He watched you quickly dust off the flour off your apron before kneeling down for a group hug. He was barely able to control the giddy smile, instead, he opted for a gentle one.
"I see you two brought company," You raised your brows at the man in question, "I take it that the girls used their secret weapon on you to bring you here?" You knew he wasn't spared from the puppy dog eyes that even you couldn't resist, though, deep down, you were thanking the heavens that they had such an ability. 
"He's helping us today!" You looked at Sheridan in surprise, albeit more so pleasant than anything, missing the way Joe tensed up.
"Really?" When your focus was back on their father, he was already looking at his shoes, shifting in place. 
"Mhm, He wanted to!" Lucy's response had your lips parted just a little. Your heart had already skipped a beat when you saw him at the door, now, it was close to stopping now that you'd heard that his arrival wasn't just to drop the girls off. 
"Did he now?" You asked no one in particular, trying to think of an answer without sounding too giddy about it, "Well, if he came here willingly just to taste the treats, he could've just said so."
Your collective giggles put him at ease, prompting him to chuckle. He was partially thankful that he didn't have to rack his brain for an explanation. 
"You caught me," He spoke for the first time since his arrival, "Should've known that my girls would throw me under the bus."
"What can I say?" You grinned at the two before giving him a closed-eye smile, "We girls like to share secrets." 
I hope not. 
He prayed that wasn't entirely true. He wasn't ready, physically or mentally. Even if he didn't have to worry, judging by your relationship with the girls, and somewhere at the back of his mind, he knew Marybeth would've wanted him to move forward. If he was going to proceed with this, he'd want to make it special. 
For both you and his girls. 
"Yeah? Then, should I worry 'bout you giving my girls a sugar rush, too?" His lighthearted remark caused you to snort. 
"There's not a lot, I promise. I just need the validation of my best customers so I'll know what exactly the neighbourhood likes," You pursed your lips, "Oh, and well, your approval, too, I guess." 
You grinned as he placed his hand over chest, feigning offense at your statement. 
"Shall we get started? I'm sure you three have stuff to do," You stood up from your position. 
"Not at all," Joe reassured, "The week's been pretty slow for us." The girls nodded at his statement. 
"Well, whatever the case is, I'm grateful, truly," You've always adored the Pickett's. Other than your infatuation for a certain someone, the sisters, too, have a special place in your heart. Even if your day was crappy, their presence could lift your mood in a snap, "C'mon, I've got everything set up." 
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By the time they arrived, your pecan snickerdoodles had just cooled on the rack. Rather than making the common ol’ pie out of it, you wanted to kick it up a notch, much like the rest of your new seasonal menu, with some help, of course. You have yet to familiarize yourself with the comfort foods here, despite having lived in Wyoming for over six months now, so you needed the aid of true locals, and who better to ask than the Pickett’s?
You didn’t even have the time to ask their opinion on the cookies when they immediately told you to put them on the menu. One of the reasons is being a moreish grab-and-go; the town isn’t always busy, but everyone would always have something to do, so they’d be pleased to have a sweet treat ready in hand, no matter where they are. You couldn’t argue with that, in fact, it was a win-win situation. 
With one down, you told them other sets of treats you had in mind, hoping to find two more that could potentially win the hearts of the neighbourhood. 
“Pumpkin doughnut sounds nice!”
“But pumpkin cupcakes sounds better!” You didn’t have to ask Joe to know that there was going to be a little argument over this. Luckily for you, he caught on.
“Girls, not in front of the little lady.” His warning was soft but firm enough that they muttered ‘sorry’ to you. You felt bad, knowing they just wanted to help and thought of an idea. 
“Tell you what,” You stood between both sisters, stroking their backs, “One day, we can make both the doughnuts and cupcakes, just for you guys,” Their eyes sparkled, looking at you with a silent ‘really?’, “I promise. For now, how about we stick with some good ol’ pumpkin pie?” They didn’t oppose it, so you turned to Joe, “What’d you think, Joe?”
“Can never go wrong with the classics.” He agreed, curtly nodding when you mouthed him a ‘thank you’ for easing the situation with the two. Their slight tension immediately disappeared when they asked you what a crumb cake tasted like. You thought they were joking, but the curiosity in their eyes and even Joe’s head tilt had you realizing that they were in fact, not kidding around. 
So, you knew what you had to do. 
The four of you got started with the pumpkin pie, considering how long both baking and chill time it would take. You and Sheridan prepared the filling while Lucy and her father worked on the crust you made in the morning. You couldn’t hide your amusement at how the duo were so careful, especially when Lucy repeatedly whispered to him to be careful as he transferred the dough to the pie dish. 
"Sorry ma'am." He apologized, despite the guiltless smile on his face at Lucy's pouty glare. 
Thirty minutes into its baking time, the girls were still playing tag in the dining area while Joe helped you wipe the cutleries you've washed. Just then, you noticed him looking over the bowl of cream you just whipped. 
"Don't think I didn't see you dip your finger in the cream, mister," He whirled around, eyes wide and lips still wrapped around his pinky before he raised his hands in defense. You nearly broke out of your demeanour just remembering how he licked the side of his lips, "What will the girls say if they ever saw their father do such a crime?" 
"They'd probably join me," He shrugged.
"Are you accusing them of something, Mr Pickett?" 
"I'm just speaking the truth, ma'am," He rested his side against the counter next to you, "They're only behaving now, but God knows if they'd stay that way the next time y'all have another baking party." 
"'Next time', huh?" You smirked, hiding your excitement with a teasing look. 
"I—" The realization had him snapping his lips shut in a thin line, even praying that the girls would barge in, "Well, I don't doubt that the girls love spending time with you." 
"I love spending time with them, too," You put away the last dish, wiping your hands with the rag perched on your shoulder before turning to him, "Between you and me, they're my favourite kids in the neighbourhood." 
"Because they visit here almost every day?" He snorted, even if he, too, visited the bakery often. 
"Okay, that, too," You pushed his shoulder lightly, "I mean, they've always been… the highlight of my day, y’know? Always sparing their time asking how I've been, even making friends with my staff. They, well, the three of you, are more than just my valued customers." 
It was your turn to feel shy, but also nervous, afraid you've crossed the line with your rambling. You nearly said something that could've potentially ruined what you have with the Pickett's, so you stopped there.
But, that man was sharp-eyed. 
"Yeah?" He began, sounding more intrigued than you thought, "Then, what are we, little lady?" 
His emphasis on 'we' made you wonder if he was talking about all three of them or just Joe himself.
His hand slid across the counter, approaching yours slowly as if he feared he was overstepping boundaries. You didn't move, in fact, you were hoping that he was going to do what he had in mind.
Your breath hitched at the feel of his warm touch. No doubt his hands were bigger, encompassing yours with no problem. 
You stared into his eyes, entranced by its ocean blue hue as he waited for your response with much wonder and dare you say, eagerness. 
"Joe, I—" 
The tiny footsteps that approached the kitchen door had you both pulling away at the same time. You were caressing your hand with the other subconsciously, missing the warmth you felt just moments ago. Joe wasn't doing any better, clenching that same fist as if he didn't believe what he did. 
"Girls, you're just in time!" You sported a tight smile, partially disappointed that the moment had to end but at the time, thankful that it did; you weren't sure how to answer even if he had given you a day for it, "The pie just got done baking but we gotta leave in the oven for a little bit so it doesn't crack at the top. Is it okay if we work on the crumb cake first?" 
"Cool, cool," You clasped your hands together before turning to Joe, "Uh, could you put the cream in the fridge for a bit, Joe?" 
"Right, right." He gave you a thumbs-up, turning around with the bowl in his hand and muttering 'fuck' before making his way to the fridge. Yet, it wasn't out of regret. Not when he was certain that you never did try to push him away. 
Throughout the second baking, you and Joe have been exchanging shy looks, which was definitely not a bad thing. Whether or not the girls noticed, you definitely didn't want to find out. His touch lingered till the very end of your activity, even after two hours. His hands were rough, a stark contrast to how gentle he caressed yours. You wouldn't be surprised if he heard how fast your heartbeat grew the second he stood right in front of you.
In the end, you took a piece each for leftovers, a couple of all three treats for the Pickett's and the remaining for the dear old lady and her huge family that you'd often bump into almost every morning. 
"Oh wow, it's three already?" Being the last person to leave the kitchen, you gasped at the time, "I made you guys miss lunch! I'm so sorry!" 
"Hey, hey, hey, none of that now," Joe interrupted before you could even repeat your apologies, "Had you been doing these all on your own, who knows when you'd take a break," He had a point; you would've been so caught up with work that you wouldn't even realized your own needs.
"Maybe…" You scratched your cheek, "But you guys must be hungry. I know all that sugar couldn't cut it." 
You watched as the Pickett's glanced at one another, possibly communicating telepathically before Joe opened his mouth.
"Tell you what," He began, "We don't want you feeling guilty over this 'cause mind you, I—we," He corrected, though everyone caught on pretty quickly, "We had a great time. And here, I thought, I'd leave the place covered in flour." 
He preened as your guilt turned into soft giggles.
"But what I'm trying to say is, how's about you join us for lunch?" 
You straightened up at his offer. 
"You want me to join you guys for lunch?" 
"I don't see why not. Girls?" Your eyes dropped to the sisters', not expecting the puppy eyes. He chuckled, noticing their little game, too, "Well, there you go." 
"I…" You weren't even sure if the girls leaning forward for your answer was just your own imagination, "I'd love to." 
Oh, how wish Joe could cheer the way the girls did, so one could imagine the self-control he needed to respond with a smile. 
"Good. Now, come on," The girls walked ahead of the two of you, giving him an opportunity to talk to you one-on-one, "I know a joint who makes good biscuits." 
"Oh yeah? Better than mine?"
"You don't make biscuits… Right?" He furrowed brows, trying to remember if you ever did.
"You don't know that, I could make a mean batch," You crossed your arms, "Why, you doubting me, sheriff?" 
He playfully rolled his eyes, though the upturn of his lips gave it away. Even after months of knowing you, you still loved to call him sheriff. You argued that it had a better ring to calling him 'Sheriff Pickett' rather than warden or chief. 
Not that he minded, really. 
"Hey, I never said I did," He stated as-a-matter-of-factly, "But I am going to need proof." 
"Careful, sheriff," You tutted, "You might not like it when I'm right." 
"Oh, 'when', not 'if'? Pray tell what's it in if it works in your favour?" He moved an inch closer to you, his breath growing heavier when your eyes locked. 
"Who knows?" You took him by surprise when sidestepped out of his vision, a cheeky grin at his blinking state, "Only time will tell." 
You exited the bakery, taking the seconds-long chance to regulate your burning skin before laughing with the girls as they chased around you. Joe, being the one who offered to close up the shop for you, finally let out a mix between a sigh and a chuckle as he watched the wholesome moment from the window. 
Not once did you or Joe ever forget about whatever happened in the kitchen nor did any of you tried to. At this point, there was no way you could mistake it for anything else and yet, you were still too scared to make a move. 
Guess you were right about one thing. 
Only time will tell. 
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» tagging my MCB Babes: @lacontroller1991 @11thstreetvigilante @pirategamora @neon-supernova @violetmuses ❤
» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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inafieldofdaisies · 11 months
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Joe Pickett (2021–) | Season 2, Episodes 6 "Ducks and Falcons", 7, "Fair Chase" and 8 "A Call For Help" | Favorite moments
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tavners · 2 years
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Joe Pickett | 2021
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deadlinecom · 8 months
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unitedfact · 2 years
Joe Pickett Season 2: Release Date, Cast, Trailer, and Much More!
Joe Pickett Season 2: Release Date, Cast, Trailer, and Much More!
“Joe Pickett,” an American neo-Western crime drama television show, is based on characters developed by author C.J. Box. Paramount Television Studios created the show, which debuted on Spectrum Originals before relocating to Paramount+. Michael Dorman co-stars in the show with Julianna Guill, Sharon Lawrence, Mustafa Speaks, Paul Sparks, and David Alan Grier. On December 6, 2021, ten episodes…
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Paul McCartney: Inside the Songs | BBC Radio 4
Paul reads from his new book, The Lyrics (2021).
PAUL: ‘Got To Get You Into My Life’ is of Revolver and we were having fun trying out different instruments in the arrangements. And here we have the brass section. I’d been listening to a lot of American R&B and Soul, and there were horn sections on those records: Joe Tex, Wilson Pickett, Sam & Dave, people like that. That was enough impetus for me to think, “I’ll have a go at that!” That’s often how things happen with me: I’ll hear something on the radio and think, “Wow! I’m gonna do my version of that!”
It’s interesting to work with another artist recording one of my songs as it makes me ask questions about how it should sound. Should this be exactly the same as ours? Or should things be changed around a bit? Some songs have more breathing room than others and the question comes up whether to improvise on a song like this. If your aim in doing a concert is to please people, it’s probably best to leave the song alone. I read recently that Bob Dylan thinks that he does the songs pretty much as they sound on the records, but I don’t agree. We went to one of his concerts recently and it was sometimes difficult to recognize his songs. And in The New York Times he was quoted as saying he didn’t improvise; I laughed me head off when I heard that! It was the funniest thing I’d read for a while. He’s a great guy, but you just don’t know whether he’s being tongue in cheek. 
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zellanews · 2 years
NFL Draft 2022: Kenny Pickett believes he will be the first quarterback taken - ZellaNews
NFL Draft 2022: Kenny Pickett believes he will be the first quarterback taken – ZellaNews
USATSI We are less than a month away from the 2022 NFL Draft. Unlike recent years where there has been a clear quarterback prospect that is sitting atop the class — like Joe Burrow (2020) or Trevor Lawrence (2021) — this signal-caller group is lacking top-tier pedigree to make any one of them a slam dunk selection like we’ve seen in the past. However, that does make for an interesting storyline…
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sondakikabu · 2 years
beIN CONNECT’le Yeni Bir Yıl, Yeni Başlangıçlar: Ocak 2022 Programı
beIN CONNECT’le Yeni Bir Yıl, Yeni Başlangıçlar: Ocak 2022 Programı
Dijital içerik platformu beIN CONNECT; gişe rekortmeni, eğlenceli ve popüler filmleri, dünyada izlenme rekorları kıran dizileri ve yepyeni, orijinal programları yeni yılda da izleyicilerine sunmaya devam ediyor.    beIN CONNECT, Ocak ayında heyecanla beklenen “Good Sam”, “Joe Pickett” ve “Women Of The Movement” dizilerini izleyicileriyle buluştururken, 2021 yılında Akademi Ödülleri’nde ses…
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habergezgini · 2 years
beIN CONNECT’le Yeni Bir Yıl, Yeni Başlangıçlar: Ocak 2022 Programı
beIN CONNECT’le Yeni Bir Yıl, Yeni Başlangıçlar: Ocak 2022 Programı
Dijital içerik platformu beIN CONNECT; gişe rekortmeni, eğlenceli ve popüler filmleri, dünyada izlenme rekorları kıran dizileri ve yepyeni, orijinal programları yeni yılda da izleyicilerine sunmaya devam ediyor.    beIN CONNECT, Ocak ayında heyecanla beklenen “Good Sam”, “Joe Pickett” ve “Women Of The Movement” dizilerini izleyicileriyle buluştururken, 2021 yılında Akademi Ödülleri’nde ses…
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2021 was the year I was fortunate enough to develop a whole new show & visual universe from the ground floor: Joe Pickett. Joe (played by Michael Dorman) is a fictional Wyoming game warden from the best selling mind of novelist CJ Box. The TV series, brought to Alberta by Spectrum, Charter, & Paramount, is a taut and twisting tale of a good man forever getting his ethical nose into the wrong corrupt places throughout the mysterious small town of Saddlestring, WY. Shot in Calgary, High River, Millarville, around Jumpingpound Creek, on Three Point Creek, & the majestic Elbow River valley (you’ll see a trout theme), I was lucky to collaborate with the show running Dowdle Brothers (John & Drew) to build this new dramatic & wild arena, right from the ground up — factoring in every beam of sunlight, weasel hole, & gun shot we needed. Standing knee-deep in February snow, we faithfully plotted out the property to best settle into the land, nearby creek bed, & showcase its humble unadorned naturalism — as much an idea from the mind of Marybeth as an actual location. The Pickett property was the cornerstone to the series, their fortress from the wilderness, source of Joe’s pride/modest dreams, & family’s fresh unstable roots. Our amazing team of designers & scenic craftsfolk battled the wintery elements, & always time/schedule, to unveil a sleepy verdant property to stage the season’s narrative needs & quiet beauty. Matching location to stage, & praying the readership would imagine the same house my brain did— it was another wondrous & terrifying “movie magic” moment of storytelling and dogged interpretation. 
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2021.12.27
Monday, December 27th:
(exclusive): "Death to 2021" (netflix, comedy commentary special)
(streaming weekly): The Larkins (AcornTV), Under the Vines (AcornTV, penultimate), Our Beloved Summer (netflix), Joe Pickett (Spectrum, next 3 eps, season 1 finale)
(also new): "The Year: 2021" (ABC, special, 2hrs), "Secrets of a Gold Digger Killer" (LMN original movie, 2hrs)
(hour 1): Kids Baking Championship (FOOD, season 10 opener)
(hour 2): Landscapers (HBO, limited series finale), POV (PBS, "Unapologetic", 90mins)
(hour 3): Insecure (HBO, retrospective special "The End")
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newsfact · 3 years
Heisman Trophy watch: Updated odds, top candidates to win 2021 award
In 2019, Joe Burrow opened the season with 200-1 odds to win the Heisman Trophy.
In 2020, Alabama’s DeVonta Smith became the first receiver to win the award since 1991.
Those are run-of-the-mill races compared to what’s gone down so far in 2021. Spencer Rattler, the preseason Heisman front-runner, is now a backup quarterback for Oklahoma. Clemson’s D.J. Uiagalelei, another preseason favorite, is part of a three-loss team and was briefly benched Saturday. Ole Miss’ Matt Corral and Alabama’s Bryce Young entered the week with the same odds Burrow had, and they are the Heisman front-runners heading into the final week of October. 
The field is one big mess, and as many as a dozen different cases could be presented right now.
BENDER: Who’s in the CFP if Selection Sunday were today?
Sporting News breaks down that wide-open race heading into Week 9. 
Statistical front-runner: Matt Corral
Corral has the numbers in Lane Kiffin’s wide-open Ole Miss offense to stick as a finalist. He has 1,913 passing yards and 15 TDs and 474 rushing yards and nine more TDs in seven games. The Rebels didn’t beat Alabama, but another Crimson Tide loss could lead to a back-door appearance in the SEC championship game. Even if that doesn’t happen, Corral has a great chance to be the first player to win a Heisman without making the CFP since Lamar Jackson in 2015. This is the best recruiting tool possible to reel in five-star quarterback Arch Manning. 
Bama guy: Bryce Young
Tua Tagovailoa and Mac Jones were Heisman finalists, but Young has a legitimate chance to win the award in his first year as a starter. He added to that resume with 371 passing yards, 42 rushing yards and four total TDs in a 52-24 blowout against Tennessee. Young now has 2,453 yards, 26 TDs and three interceptions, and if the Crimson Tide plows through the rest of the SEC West and beats Georgia in the SEC championship game it will be turn Young down as a first-place vote. He would join Mark Ingram, Derrick Henry and DeVonta Smith as Heisman winners under Nick Saban. 
Super Senior: Kenny Pickett
Pickett validated a strong first half by leading Pitt to a decisive 27-17 victory against Clemson. Pickett led a pair of long TD drives (90, 76) in the first half, and he finshed 25 of 39 passing for 302 yards and two TDs. The Panthers are 6-1, with the lone loss a head-scratching 44-41 shootout against Western Michigan. Other than that, Pickett has been nearly-flawless with 2,236 yards, 23 TDs and one interception. As far as pure passers go, Pickett is right at the top. He’s emerging as the blue-collar choice. 
Kenny Pickett: “I’m going to go have a cold one then we’ll get ready for Miami.”
— Bill Bender (@BillBender92) October 23, 2021
Fabulous Freshman: Caleb Williams
The Oklahoma quarterback has made just two starts, but is there a better quarterback in college football right now? Williams continues to wow with deep throws, touchdown runs and even a smart play against Kansas on Saturday where he wrestled the ball from teammate Kennedy Brooks to run for a first down on fourth-and-1. Williams is a true freshman and the lack of full-season statistics would be a drawback, but if the Sooners finish 13-0 and go to the CFP, then there is at least a chance he will be in New York.
MORE: How Caleb Williams pulled off a double-handoff to save OU
Buckeye trio: C.J. Stroud, TreVeyon Henderson and Chris Olave 
Stroud recalibrated after the Oregon loss, and he bounced back from a shoulder injury to put up monster numbers for the Buckeyes. That was on display in a blowout victory against Indiana in which Stroud passed for three TDs, Henderson rushed for two more and Olave caught his 30th career TD. Stroud has big-ticket games against Penn State, Michigan State and Michigan too, and he could be the third straight Ohio State quarterback to be a Heisman finalist. Is he the most-dynamic offensive player, however? Henderson, a freshman running back, and Olave, a future first-round receiver, were SN’s Midseason All-American selections. 
Group of 5 guy: Desmond Ridder 
Would Ridder get the nod if he pushed Cincinnati into the playoff? Ridder has modest statistics with 1,608 yards, 15 TDs and three interceptions, and he’s not the only star player on the team. Running back Jerome Ford is a Doak Walker Award candidate, and SN Midseason All-American cornerback Ahmad Gardner is the best NFL prospect. Northern Illinois’ Jordan Lynch was the last Heisman finalist from the Group of 5 in 2013. He finished third. Ridder would likely fall in that range. 
What about a running back? Kenneth Walker III and Bijan Robinson 
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Would they let a running back win the Heisman Trophy? Walker has been the centerpiece of Michigan State’s 7-0 season, and he entered the weekend with a FBS-best 997 rushing yards and nine TDs. Lorenzo White finished fourth in the Heisman voting as part of a Big Ten championship season for the Spartans  in 1987. That could be a glimpse of Walker’s future if he can lead Michigan State on a miracle run.
Robinson, who has 924 rushing yards and 10 TDs for Texas, might be the more-talented running back. The sophomore has put together an impressive highlight reel, but the Longhorns have three losses. Former Texas running back D’Onta Foreman finished eighth in the voting despite rushing for 2,028 yards in 2016. Robinson could finish higher, but he feels like a top-five candidate. 
A defensive player? Jordan Davis and Kayvon Thibodeaux
Meet the potential Ndamukong Suh-like candidate. Davis, a senior defensive tackle at Georgia, is the best player on the best defense on the best team in the FBS. It’s always impossible to translate statistics for defensive tackles, and Davis would need a few flash plays — like that time Suh tossed Texas quarterback Colt McCoy like a rag doll — but he could emerge as a potential finalist over the final month of the season. 
Thibodeaux is a good bet to be the No. 1 pick in the 2022 NFL Draft. The Oregon edge rusher is healthy and continues to be a disruptive force. He had two sacks and 4.5 tackles for loss in a 34-31 victory against UCLA on Saturday, which gives him four sacks and 7.5 tackles for loss for the season. 
Current Heisman Odds
Here are the current Heisman odds according to FanDuel.com
Player Odds Bryce Young (QB, Alabama) +125 Matt Corral (QB, Ole Miss) +350 CJ Stroud (QB, Ohio State) +450 Kenny Pickett (QB, Pitt) +900
When is the Heisman Trophy Ceremony
The Heisman will be awarded on Dec. 11, one week after conferences hold their conference championship games. Last year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremony was held virtually and not until Jan. 5. This year, the ceremony is back to its normal date in mid-December.
Week 8 takeaways 
Wake Forest beat Army 70-56 to improve to 7-0 for the first time since 1944, a season in which the Black Knights were national champions.
The Demon Deacons lost to Duke in that 1944 season, and they have a chance to avenge that next week. That’s a long way to come full circle.
Should we take Wake Forest seriously? The offense scored four TDs of 40 yards or more against Army, and Sam Hartman continues to deal at quarterback. He had 458 yards and five TDs, and favorite target Jaquarii Robertson added three more TDs. He has three straight games with 100 yards or more.
Wake Forest is averaging 43.1 points and 470 yards per game. The Demon Deacons have scored 35 points or more in every game this season, and that will tested for the next four weeks in a Carolina tour of Duke, North Carolina, N.C. State and Clemson.
Franklin is the hot coaching candidate for Power 5 vacancies ranging from USC to LSU and whatever comes open next.
Or is he? Penn State lost 20-18 to Illinois in a nine-overtime Big Ten eye-sore that knocked the Nittany Lions out of the CFP and Big Ten East race. Sean Clifford returned, but he struggled in the passing game and had a crucial drop on a trick play in the third overtime. 
MORE: If you’re James Franklin, do you take USC or LSU?
We’ll see how those programs feel about Franklin in a month. The Nittany Lions face three top-10 teams in Ohio State, Michigan and Michigan State. Franklin is 1-6 against the Buckeyes, 3-4 against the Wolverines and 3-4 against the Spartans. Penn State is 9-7 the last two seasons.
If Franklin flirts with those openings, then will the Nittany Lions be willing to let him go on his own volition?
Oregon survived in a nail-biter against UCLA, which was sealed by a last-minute interception by cornerback D.J. James.
The one-loss Ducks would seemingly have the drop on Ohio State given the 35-28 victory at Ohio Stadium on Sept. 11.
But it’s going to be an interesting debate, unfortunately. Head-to-head should always matter most, but Oregon has played three straight one-score games in the Pac-12. That includes an overtime loss to Stanford on Oct. 2.
Ohio State, meanwhile, averaged 52.4 points per game in its last five victories. The Buckeyes also have resume-padding opportunties coming against Penn State, Michigan State, Michigan and perhaps Iowa in the Big Ten championship game.
If the last playoff spot comes down to one-loss Oregon against Ohio State, what will matter more? The head-to-head victory or the strength of schedule?
Alabama beat 11 SEC opponents by an average of 30.3 points per game in 2020. The sequel has been bumpy at times, and Tennessee had a 14-7 lead after one quarter on Saturday.
Of course, the Crimson Tide recalibrated and extended their winning streak in the rivalry to 15 games in a 52-24 victory.
Alabama, however, had two blown coverages and a red-zone turnnover in the first half. Alabama’s average SEC victory is down to 22.4 points in 2021, and that does not include the 41-38 loss to Texas A&M.
The good news? Young continues to get better with each week around a supporting cast that includes Brian Robinson Jr., John Metchie III and Jameson Williams. Considering those four replaced first-round picks in the 2021 NFL Draft, there isn’t that much to be concerned about. 
The Crimson Tide remain on track for a potential blockbuster matchup against Georgia in the SEC championship game, but they still have to improve in SEC West matchups against LSU, Arkansas and Auburn.
This is the right time for a bye week.
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deadlinecom · 3 years
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Is Ahead In The Polls Republicans Or Democrats
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Who Is Ahead In The Polls Republicans Or Democrats
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Why Were The Polls Off Pollsters Have Some Early Theories
Why is Democrats’ advantage ahead of the midterms shrinking?
A couple watches the election results at a Republican watch party at Huron Valley Guns in New Hudson, Mich. People watching the results come in saw President Trump outperforming his position in preelection polls.hide caption
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A couple watches the election results at a Republican watch party at Huron Valley Guns in New Hudson, Mich. People watching the results come in saw President Trump outperforming his position in preelection polls.
At some point on election night 2020, as CNN’s “KEY RACE ALERTS” rolled in and the map turned red and blue, things started to feel eerily like election night 2016.
Specifically, it was that déjà vu feeling of “Huh, maybe the polls were off.” It was a feeling that grew as states such as Iowa and Ohio swung even harder for President Trump than polls seemed to indicate, key counties were tighter than expected and Republicans picked up one toss-up House seat after another.
Yes, Joe Biden ended up winning, as forecasters predicted. But polls overestimated his support in multiple swing states not to mention the fact that Democrats both lost House seats and didn’t win the Senate outright, despite being favored to do the opposite.
It will likely be months until pollsters can study this year’s misses thoroughly . However, for now, pollsters have some educated guesses about what may have thrown polls off.
Forty Percent Of Young Americans Expect Their Lives To Be Better As A Result Of The Biden Administration; Many More Feel A Part Of Bidens America Than Trumps
By a margin of 2:1, young Americans expect their lives to become better under the Biden administration, rather than worse ; 25% tell us that they dont expect much of a difference. We found significant differences based on race and ethnicity.
Whites: 30% better, 28% worse
Blacks: 54% better, 4% worse
Hispanics: 51% better, 10% worse
Forty-six percent of young Americans agreed that they feel included in Bidens America, 24% disagreed . With the exception of young people living in rural America, at least a plurality indicated they felt included. This stands in contrast to Trumps America. Forty-eight percent reported that they did not feel included in Trumps America, while 27% indicated that they felt included . The only major subgroup where a plurality or more felt included in Trumps America were rural Americans.;
39% of Whites feel included in Bidens America, 32% do not ; 35% of Whites feel included in Trumps America, 41% do not .
61% of Blacks feel included in Bidens America, 13% do not ; 16% of Blacks feel included in Trumps America, 60% do not .
51% of Hispanics feel included in Bidens America, 12% do not ; 17% of Hispanics feel included in Trumps America, 55% do not .
Do Californians Want To Remove Gavin Newsom From Office
An updating average of 2021 California gubernatorial recall election polls, accounting for each poll’s quality, recency and sample size
A chart showing the polling averages since July 14 for whether to keep California Gov. Gavin Newsom in office or remove him, with dots representing each poll. Keep is polling at an average of 56.2 percent, and Remove is polling at an average of 41.6 percent.
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Can We Trust The Polls
It’s easy to dismiss the polls by saying they got it wrong in 2016 and President Trump frequently does exactly that. But it’s not entirely true.
Most national polls did have Hillary Clinton ahead by a few percentage points, but that doesn’t mean they were wrong, since she won three million more votes than her rival.
Pollsters did have some problems in 2016 – notably a failure to properly represent voters without a college degree – meaning Mr Trump’s advantage in some key battleground states wasn’t spotted until late in the race, if at all. Most polling companies have corrected this now.
But this year there’s even more uncertainty than normal due to the coronavirus pandemic and the effect it’s having on both the economy and how people will vote in November, so all polls should be read with some scepticism.
Warning For Dems: Youth Vote As A Percentage Collapses
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Particularly worrisome for Democrats is the absence of the youth voters as a percentage. Because voting is up 309% from this time in 2016, raw numbers show the youth vote up. In 2020, as a percentage of the electorate, 18-29 year olds cast only 5% of the total vote. In 2016, they were 17% of the electorate. This data suggests that young people are not showing up at the same rate.
As Democratic strategists pore over early numbers, a clear and unexpected trend is emerging: The lock-downs are suppressing the college vote. Many college social events are tied to campaign events for Democratic candidates. Not this year with COVID-19 lock-downs.
Also, a general complacency within college-age Democrats of an inevitable Biden win has gripped campuses. As it turns out, many college outreach initiatives have been cancelled. Some of these events include virtual rallies, voting caravans and door-to-door canvassing. From our interview with a few organizers in the upper-Midwest, these cancellations are due to Bidens huge lead and concerns over social distancing. The result? College students have not turned out to vote, yet. Its not clear if they will turn out.
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Rep Spanberger Meets Afghan Refugees At Fort Pickett In Virginia
Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger toured Fort Pickett in Virginia on Thursday afternoon, meeting with some of the 5,000 Afghan refugees who are residing there after being evacuated.;
Spanberger is the first member of Congress to tour the facility, which is located in her district. There has been minimal access to the facility by the public.;
Spanberger’s office exclusively provided photos to NBC News of her tour.;
While visiting, Spanberger saw a food truck from the fried chicken chain Bojangles that was on site to serve refugees a taste of authentic American cooking.;
Gallup: Republicans More Popular Than Democrats Ahead Of Midterms
The poll found 45 percent of Americans view Republicans favorably — a 9-point increase from one year ago, when the GOP had a 36 percent favorable rating.
The Republicans haven’t been that popular since 2011, when the party reached 45 percent after several years well under the 40 percent mark.
President Donald Trump‘s party now has a 1-point lead over the Democrats, who have hovered around 44 and 45 percent since 2013, except for a brief dip in late 2014 when Republicans re-gained the majority in the House and Senate during that year’s midterms.
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New California Recall Poll Has Governor Newson Narrowly Ahead In Holding His Job
This is a slippage for the Democratic Governor if the polling is correct.
The undecided number is only 3%.
The latest Emerson College and Nexstar Medias Inside California Politics poll shows support for the effort to oust Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom has grown in recent weeks as the state has experienced an increase in COVID-19 transmission.
Opponents of the governor drew attention to his handling of the pandemic and collected enough signatures to secure a special election to recall Newsom on September 14.
The new poll results released on Tuesday found support for the recall at 46%, up from 43% in the previous poll from July 20, two weeks ago. However, 48% said they opposed the recall, and 6% of likely voters are undecided, pollsters found, adding that the number of undecided voters had fallen 3%.
The poll surveyed 1,000 Californians and was conducted from July 30 to August 1. It has a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.
Newsoms approval rating fell from 49% last month to 48% in the current poll. In addition, 42% said they disapproved of Newsoms job performance, while 10% were unsure or had no opinion.
The Institute Of Politics At Harvard University
Biden ahead in polls, but Democrats still worry
A national poll of Americas 18-to-29 year olds released today by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School shows that despite the state of our politics, hope for America among young people is rising dramatically, especially among people of color. As more young Americans are likely to be politically engaged than they were a decade ago, they overwhelmingly approve of the job President Biden is doing, favor progressive policies, and have faith in their fellow Americans.
In the March 9-22 survey of 2,513 young Americans, the Harvard Youth Poll looked at views regarding the Biden administrations first 100 days, the future of the Republican Party, mental health, and the impacts of social media.
As millennials and Gen Z become the largest voting bloc, their values and participation provide hope for the future and also a sense of urgency that our country must address the pressing issues that concern them, said , Director, Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School.
What we see in this years Harvard Youth Poll is how great the power of politics really is, said John Della Volpe, the Director of Polling at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics. With a new president and the temperature of politics turned down after the election, young Americans are more hopeful, more politically active, and they have more faith in their fellow Americans.
Top findings of this survey, the 41st in a biannual series, include the following:
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Why Did House Democrats Underperform Compared To Joe Biden
The results of the 2020 elections pose several puzzles, one of which is the gap between Joe Bidens handsome victory in the presidential race and the Democrats disappointing performance in the House of Representatives. Biden enjoyed an edge of 7.1 million votes over President Trump, while the Democrats suffered a loss of 13 seats in the House, reducing their margin from 36 to just 10.
Turnout in the 2018 mid-term election reached its highest level in more than a century. Democrats were fervently opposed to the Trump administration and turned out in droves. Compared to its performance in 2016, the partys total House vote fell by only 2%. Without Donald Trump at the head of the ticket, Republican voters were much less enthusiastic, and the total House vote for Republican candidates fell by nearly 20% from 2016. Democratic candidates received almost 10 million more votes than Republican candidates, a margin of 8.6%, the highest ever for a party that was previously in the minority. It was, in short, a spectacular year for House Democrats.
To understand the difference this Democratic disadvantage can make, compare the 2020 presidential and House results in five critical swing states.
Table 1: Presidential versus House results
Despite The State Of Our Politics Hope For America Is Rising And So Is Youths Faith In Their Fellow Americans
In the fall of 2017, only 31% of young Americans said they were hopeful about the future of America; 67% were fearful. Nearly four years later, we find that 56% have hope. While the hopefulness of young whites has increased 11 points, from 35% to 46% — the changes in attitudes among young people of color are striking. Whereas only 18% of young Blacks had hope in 2017, today 72% are hopeful . In 2017, 29% of Hispanics called themselves hopeful, today that number is 69% .
By a margin of nearly three-to-one, we found that youth agreed with the sentiment, Americans with different political views from me still want whats best for the country — in total, 50% agreed, 18% disagreed, and 31% were recorded as neutral. In a hopeful sign, no significant difference was recorded between Democrats and Republicans .
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Us Election 2020 Polls: Who Is Ahead
BBC News
US election 2020
Voters in America will decide on 3 November whether Donald Trump remains in the White House for another four years.
The Republican president is being challenged by Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden, who is best known as Barack Obama’s vice-president but has been in US politics since the 1970s.
As election day approaches, polling companies will be trying to gauge the mood of the nation by asking voters which candidate they prefer.
We’ll be keeping track of those polls here and trying to work out what they can and can’t tell us about who will win the election.
Debate On Covid Mandates Takes Center Stage In New Virginia Governor’s Race Ads
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Covid and vaccine mandates are looming large in the Virginia gubernatorial race, and now both;Democratic former Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin are taking the issue to the airwaves too.;
McAuliffe has been hammering Youngkin for weeks on the issue in a variety of settings, including on the air. Last week, McAuliffe’s campaign started running a spot that hit Youngkin on his opposition to maks and vaccine mandates, linking him to Trump in the process.;
This week, McAuliffe criticized a new spot where a trauma surgeon speaks directly to camera, calling Youngkin’s approach to the pandemic “dangerous.”;
Right around the same time, the Youngkin camp went on the air with a new ad that emphasizes the Republican nominee has been vaccinated and believes “the numbers show the Covid vaccines save lives.” Youngkin follows those comments by saying “it’s your right to make your own choice, and I respect that. I do hope you’ll join me in getting the vaccine.”;
Virginia’s another race where Covid politics could prove to be an important issue on the minds of voters in the coming months.;
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Biden Agenda To Face The Challenges Of A Closely Divided Congress
“I think the bigger issue is that if you look around the world, we have a lot of these misses,” Trende said. Polls, for example, failed to capture the U.K.’s vote for Brexit, as well as Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s 2019 win. “These kind of populist-right candidates have outperformed polls not all the time, but more than 50-50. I think there’s a bigger issue going on,” Trende said.
Kennedy sees two possibilities about the ramifications of Trump himself throwing polls off.
“If it’s really because of his unique political profile, his unique ability to turn out voters who are not easily modeled, not easily identified, not easily reachable is it that, or is it something more long lasting and something more fundamental to how surveys are being done these days?” she said.
The latter is a scary possibility it means pollsters have not only serious problems to fix but problems they haven’t identified.
On the other hand: “If it’s the first one, then an election in the future when there’s no Donald Trump on the ballot, then maybe we go back to more normal times,” she said.
Still, that’s not a satisfying answer. Furthermore, another politician like Trump, who similarly confuses the polls, could always come along.
With reporting from NPR’s Susan Davis.
Election 2016: Super Tuesday Polls Standing For Republicans And Democrats Ahead Of Major Voting Day
Fresh off of a third straight win in Nevada, the candidacy of Republican front-runner Donald Trump has decided momentum as the 2016 race approaches Super Tuesday, when 12 mostly Southern states will vote for their preferred nominee. No longer is the brash billionaire a long- shot candidate written off for his seeming inability to make it through a campaign rally without stirring controversy.
Instead, that controversy and his nontraditional campaign have propelled him into a prime position to kick off March with a running start toward the Republican nomination as he dominates most of the polling in states that will vote Tuesday.
The delegate count and current polls show;that Trump could potentially cinch the nomination by mid-March.;
The so-called outsider candidate in the Democratic field;does not enjoy as much support. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leads Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in nine of the 11 states Democrats vote in for Super Tuesday;and is close in one of the others.
The results could be decisive. There are 595 delegates up for grabs on the GOP side and 1,004 available to the Democrats . Trump, after Nevada, has 81 delegates toward the necessary 1,237 to get the partys nomination. Clinton has 502 of the 2,382 delegates needed for her partys nomination.
Heres a breakdown of the standings in each of the Super Tuesday states, thanks to Real Clear Politics‘ averages for the states.
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Trump Adds Two More Candidate Endorsements To 2022 List
Former President Donald Trump endorsed two Republican candidates for the 2022 midterm elections on Wednesday one in the high-profile Pennsylvania Senate race and another who is challenging a Washington Republican congressman who voted for his impeachment.;
Trump backed Pennsylvania Republican Sean Parnell in a statement where he praised Parnell’s Army service and repeated unfounded claims of widespread election fraud. “He will make Pennsylvania very proud and will fight for Election Integrity, Strong Borders, our Second Amendment, Energy Jobs and so much more,” Trump said in a statement from his political action committee, as he remains banned from major social media platforms. ” Sean Parnell will always put America First. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”
Parnell, an author who co-founded a veterans’ group after leaving the military,;narrowly lost a bid against Rep. Conor Lamb, D-Penn., in 2020. And if he wins the GOP primary race which includes former GOP Lt. Gov. nominee Jeff Bartos, political commentator Kathy Barnette and former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark Carla Sands (from Trump’s administration he may get a rematch against Lamb, who is running in his own crowded primary.;
Ben Kamisar and Mark Murray
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pagesandtea · 3 years
Monthly Summary: March 2021
Monthly Summary: March 2021
Welcome to another Monthly Summary on Pages and Tea. Hello, and welcome. What a quiet month March has been for my blog. I haven’t done much blogging at all, but I have managed to fit in a fair amount of reading… It started out with a new mystery series, the Joe Pickett series by C. J. Box. A new-to-me author and quite a large series so far to go at if I enjoyed this first book. I did, and I’d…
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ma5ey · 3 years
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AFL 2021 "Storm" wallpaper series
// MARCH 26TH, 2021
The series of designs, available for multiple iPhone and Android devices will be released gradually over the course of the season.
Choose your favourite player below, click on the "Download options" link and look for the download prompts in the image description that loads up. Simple.
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