#joe pickett x reader
reveluving · 1 year
masterlist ; miscellaneous char.
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↬ triple frontier
benny miller : 1* – 2* – 3* – 4 – 5 – 6
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↬ warren kole & char.
make it double (Phillip Graves & Jeff Sadecki mini series!) : 1* – 2* – 3 – 4
— Don't let the brothers' personality differences fool anybody. Their adoration for you is as identical as their appearance.
random HCs: 1 – 2 – 3
↬ sebastian stan & char.
single father!bucky x milf!reader ; 1*
— Come & witness the chronicles of the Barnes' as the single mother next door unknowingly change their lives.
↬ michael dorman & char.
sweet treat
— Joe and his girls help the neighbourhood baker plan the seasonal menu.
↬ adam driver & char.
red lipstick (adam driver char. au)
↬ stephen lang & char.
i can be the one that takes you there (commander taylor x reader)
— It's just you and the commander tonight.
↬ other char.
twice shy (oj haywood x f!reader)
— When two shy idiots fall in love.
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voyeur!geto* (ft. your hubbies gojo & toji)
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˚ · . back to full m.list , pics found on Pinterest!
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swmngpools · 1 year
going through the joe pickett tags and it’s all joe x reader shit like babes i was hoping to find something about the way the show treats gender and parenthood etc bc it’s fantastic
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chickenscript · 8 years
Modern!Newt Scamander x Reader
A/N: had to. just had to. also, this is really old ;v;
You work at Starbucks but hate coffee.
Like absolutely despise it as much as it could be - it's bitterness just extremely wards you off. So does whatever other flavor is surfing around in it.
With that being said, it was a horrible combination, yes, you would think, but you needed a decent paying job and this was the best you could get currently with being in college. So you made do if it meant survival - i.e, being able to buy supplies and food, and primarily whatever else one needed for a living. It helped that the campus wasn't too far either.��That and there was wifi and employee discounts to take advantage of so it wasn’t half bad, nor was the smell of java beans and confection sweetness. You also volunteer at animal shelters when you’re free from the pressures of getting an education to blow off some steam and working part time to do something you enjoy more than making six am zombies a cup of joe while having to deal with overly crotchety or peppy people was just what you needed. Including some of your co-workers you put below minimum effort in socializing with. It was an okay level of existing for what it was worth, and you just tried to remind yourself that the pot at the end of the rainbow that is a college degree would be so very much worth all the hard work.
It was the average afternoon for a mid fall day and a ginger walked in some time past one thirty. He had a young face, probably European, that had more than a healthy amount of freckles. He walked up to the cash register, seeming all but meekly polite as he ordered a small latte and told you his name so you could sharpie it on his cup.
“Alright, I’ll call you in a bit pal.” you smiled.
He nodded and you got to work. Crafting him his oddly simple drink given all the options to pick from as you thought of his name.
Newton. Certainly not one you hear everyday - in your case anyway - but very unique. It gave you can idea and as you were an in the moment confidence person, you went through with that idea.
You called him up and he listened like a retriever, red head popping up in attention. You reached over the shelf frame on the side of the register, glad you had long enough arms to compensate for your short body. He grabbed the cup from you carefully and it didn't take long for him to snort then chuckle, but it was more school boyish than you expected and that was insanely adorable. He was amused by the nickname you had wrote - Newt. You even doodled a little one next to your curly handwriting. His smile jerked up higher on one side it turned out.
You smiled again, this time more earnestly and shrugged as he looked your way. Then you noticed something more odd than his name and of course you had to call him out on it.
“Cool critter man." it was a witty compliment meant for the stick bug crawling on his shoulder. It was a bright green and getting close enough to graze his collar as it crawled upward.
He startled, and without delay, frantically snatched it up. He then angrily whispered a reprimand to it, letting it crawl into his breast pocket. You watched him all the while, bemused before he seemed to remember that you were there. He started up in a stammer and you cut him off. 
"Does it have a name?”
You swore you could see the headlights of his brain blinker as he tilted his head at you. He swallowed roughly and looked at his latte as he thumbed open a piece of plastic on the lid over the lip of the cup.
“P-Pickett,” he answered quietly.
You cocked your head to the side too.
A smile shyly tilts his lips and he thanks you.
It’s only a matter of time before you decide to tell him your name, but that's about when he’s forced to go sit at one of the tables as a grouchy customer moves in behind him on the otherwise non existent line and loudly complains about him holding it up. It was moment where you really wished you could tell some people to suck it and frack off. She was just lucky more people came in after her complaint. So, you get back to work and help her with a strained attitude, a little less enthusiastic than before and painting mental mustaches on her and the rest of who followed that were not of the savory kind of personality.
When you’ve hit another lapse of inactivity in coffee serving, you spy Newt in the back, alone and ears plugged with buds. Probably listening to some chill tunes. He was writing furiously in a worn journal and taking periodic sips of his latte. Sighing, you check the time on your Android. It’s nearly three now. Good as time as ever for a break, and what better than to see how the politest guy you’ve served in a long time is doing. You made yourself something quick and poured a mug before popping out from behind the desk and telling Jordie - the quiet, sweet guy of the staff that never threw anyone under the bus and kept to himself - that'd you be back in thirty. You took a drink from your mug as you ambled over to Newt.
“Hey." You absently wonder if no one has every really went out of their to talk to him before because of how he reacts to you. He seems quirky - in the good way. So it’d be a shock that no has tried to befriend him.
You’ve managed to give him another start and he’s turned to a stuttering mess as you sit down across from him, a piping hot chocolate in hand. Unknown to you, it surprised him that you had arrived at his table.
"W-why are you- won't you get in trouble for not being on the job?" he asked in that raspy accent, taking out his ear buds.
"Hey, it’s no problem Newt, I’m on break and well…sitting at an empty table or back of the break room by myself can be lonely." you explained, leaning back in your seat.
"A-are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” you soothe and the tension strung in his shoulders dropped visibly.
He’s nervous as you then try to start up chatter, asking if he had any hobbies.
"Well, I volunteer at the nearby animal shelter. And several others." he confessed sheepishly.
"Really? Huh, so do I."
Something sparked in his lovely eyes and soon you two couldn't shut up. You relate on a few things, like options and philosophies, and he mentions that he also rescues pit bulls - he insists on telling you tokens of several, which you don't at all mind -, and smiles brightly when you pipe up that you have one too. You feel comforted by his presence and he seems to like you to some extent if he hasn't stopped yammering with you yet.
He got even more animated when you started to rambled about endangered species the moment he brings them up. And misunderstood or stereotyped ones.
"They deserve a lot more concern, you know? Like, these are animals - the creatures who have had the earth a lot longer than we have, so aren't they entitled to something more than just advertisements on TV that don't help as much as they say they do?"
He drank the last of his latte in a short gulp, he placed the empty cup down, "I wholehearted agree, I suppose we can only hope for more efforts to be exulted but I hope to help that some day."  
Yes, he had told you he was aiming to become a zoologist in his near future, a career you once considered taking on in flitting thought, but your indecisiveness had left you wondering more on you choices of occupations.
Turns out you both like art too and share taste in music.
Sadly, that topic is cut short and because your break time’s up in a flash and you have to get back to work and Newt has an essay to finish.
You down the rest of your hot chocolate, "Um, sorry. Gotta go back to the grind an' stuff." you tuck back some hair. 
He says he looks forward to seeing you again and gives a less bashful smile as he rises to leave too.
You hobble on back behind the register, catching sight of him through a window and holding onto his image as he disappears in the street. You sigh, feeling warm inside, and you know it's not because of the hot chocolate.
You wonder if he notices the heart shaped cookie you slipped into his bag before he left.
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reveluving · 1 year
So I don’t really know Miguel but I do know Joe and I think if he knows you’ve been having it rough lately he would pick you up and take you to a spontaneous location out in the Wyoming wilderness surrounded by wildflowers with the Grand Tetons in the distance and he would’ve packed things for luxury camping.
He also would’ve bought all your favorite food and you guys cuddle while under the open sky.
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Ah!! Haven't had the chance to keep up with the show yet but I needed this so much! 🤧💗
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Searched Grand Teton on Pinterest and omg, you know I'd do just about anything to see it with my own eyes 💗
Watching Joe has been an experience, coming from someone who's never been to the U.S, so the idea of living in a log cabin at an area like this is so nice!! But that's besides the point!
Just the thought of Joe and his girls quietly making food downstairs while they let you take a nap for a bit so the two of you can have a picnic? 🥺 The girls would also write little cards which are both wacky and meaningful before slotting them in the basket.
You're immediately surprised when you open your eyes to see Sherry, Lucy and April in front of you, sharing a cheeky grin.
"What's going on?" You'd murmur in the pillow, half-smiling at the sight before you.
"Dad's gonna drop us off at the Flags!" Lucy would say. You'd raise your brow, you don't remember that being in today's schedule.
"Ah, well, I'll be ready in five minutes." Before you could move the blanket off, Sherry stopped you.
"S'okay, dad wants you to get ready for later."
"... For what?" I narrowed my eyes at them playfully, prompting them to giggle.
"He wants to take you out on a date." April replied, their amusements growing louder. You could only imagine what Joe had in mind, but for now, you pulled April in a bear hug. Sherry and Lucy would jump on the bed with you, wrapping their little arms around you as the four of you laugh.
A heavenly sound to a certain game warden himself, listening in from the floor below.
You'd say your goodbyes to the girls, telling them to send your regards to Mr & Mrs Flag before getting ready. It wasn't too sunny nor cloudy the whole day; the best hint you got out of the girls about the date was their emphasization on the 'out' part.
You'd hear Joe's truck the same time you'll come down, noticing the basket on the kitchen counter. Before you could even take a peek, Joe comes in with a playful "Ah-ah, hands off the goodies, ma'am."
You'd pout but listened to him anyways as he grabbed the basket in one hand before wrapping his arm around you with the other. You'd give him a quick peck on his lips before asking, "Do you... Do you remember anything about the girls staying over at the Flags today?"
"Nope, we just called them about it this morning."
"And... Rick's okay with that?"
"You know he actually has a soft spot for the girls," Joe grinned, suddenly peppering your cheek with kisses, "Plus, I made sure to call when his wife was with him so he can't say no."
You'd gasp, playfully nudging him for his lil' trick. He'd laugh with before motioning you to the truck, "C’mon, little lady."
He'd drive at a comfortable pace, giving you both a chance to talk about whatever, be it work, a show you've been watching or even the family of red foxes you and the girls saw walking in front of the house.
Or if you don't wanna talk, that's fine too! He'll just hold your hand, steering the truck with the other. He'd stroke the back of your hand with his thumb or even pat your thigh rhythmically, occasionally humming the song on the radio.
Your look of awe as you'd take a good look of the view was absolutely endearing. It wouldn't take long for the two of you to arrive, a perfect stop where you'd see both the beautiful flowers and the Grand Teton itself.
Joe wouldn't let you help him with with anything, telling you to just 'stand there and look pretty for me'. The basket had sandwiches, bites, some salad and fruits, no-bake desserts the girls had made and a flask of iced tea.
"It was all we could prepare in two hours." Joe rubbed the back of his neck. You'd shake your head, swaying with him as you'd embrace one another.
"It's perfect."
And that's how you'd spend the day together, pointing at the pretty lil' birds flying by, feeding each other the delicacies him and the girls have made, reading the cards they’ve written for you, then chilling on the mat together; letting him pull your to his chest as you'd listen to him ramble.
"I love you." He'd whisper in your ear, kissing the crown of your head and reminding you that even the Picketts need a little break.
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
okay but you being and inviting joe to do one of those career-introducing talk for the class (i have no idea what those are called HAHA) and kids can't help but giggle because joe can't stop looking at you, unaware of lucy and sherry's knowing look 🤧
then the kids leave for lunch and when the classroom's empty, joe comes up behind you to wrap his arms you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"told you they'd like you." you mused, turning your head for a quick peck on his cheek, only to playfully move away when he pouts and purses his lips, silently demanding for another.
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dorman mr pickett has popped up to say hello in my rent-free head, if you can't tell 🧎🏻‍♀️
I absolutely love this idea so much!!!! I also love the fact that Joe would be so into it, like I'm pretty sure that if you watch his face and eyes as he talks about it that his eye will literally shine.
I also think that he would definitely bring something like a weasel or something small in for the kids to look at and pet. Of course, when you're talking, everyone can see the total love and admiration on Joe's face as he watches you from the side (watch one kid come up and be like "when are you getting married" and Joe would be a blushing mess, because he was definitely going to propose sometime soon and Lucy and Sheridan know it).
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Like I just absolutely love this man with all my heart. Joe is such a sweetheart and I NEED SEaSON 2 LIKE YESTERDAY!!!!! (Dorman is always living rent free in my head)
Career day with Gordo, teacher!reader dragging Gordo to class so her kids can meet a real life astronaut and the kids go crazy, asking him absurd questions like "have you been on Jupiter?" "Do you sneeze in space" because they're younglings and they don't know better but Gordo would sit down with the kids and answer each and every question.
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And depending on the age of the kids (like lets say reader teaches preschool or kindergarten) I have a strong feeling Gordo would lift some kids in the air and make pretend rocket noises as the kids laugh in amusement.
But that's just some fluff brain rot
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reveluving · 1 year
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Thank you for the tag, @tavners & @loverhymeswith !! And it's good to hear from you again, Katy!! ❣
• favorite color: Red
• currently reading: Random Frank Castle fics (does that count?)
• last song: Artificial Love by EXO
• last series: Joe Pickett! Haven’t had the chance to keep up to date but my god, I hope they give this man & his family a break. 
• last movie: Across the Spider-Verse! (I haven’t gotten over it.)
• sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy and Sweet, I can’t decide!! 
• currently working on: A lot lol. I go back and forth with random WIPs, but the two that I hope of posting soon is a Miguel x shy!reader drabble, and either a Rick one or a Batmom one from my inbox!
no pressure tags of my beloved(s): @lacontroller1991 @violetmuses @bubuslutty @kirbyskisses @littlelioncub43 🦋
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reveluving · 2 years
sweet treat ; joe pickett x reader
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summary: Joe and his girls help the neighbourhood baker plan the seasonal menu.
warnings: teeny bit of angst, but mostly fluff!
a/n: as if country boy Rick was not enough, our beloved Dorman has now lived in my head rent free ❤ thank you @lacontroller1991 for giving me the most wholesome ideas for this man! don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» check out my m.list!
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'What are we, little lady?' ;
He never thought he'd drag his own ass out of bed by his girls on his day off to help the cute lil' baker with the seasonal menu. Though it didn't take long to convince him for obvious reasons, he was worried you'd rather work alone, more so with what he assumed would be a busy month. But, with his eldest telling him that it was you who offered them to tag along, he gave in and hoped that she was right. 
Their excitement grew as they were getting closer and closer to their destination, including Joe, who hid his hands in his pockets, hoping it wouldn't sweat any more than it already did.
Upon entering the bakery, Joe immediately noted the slight changes to the place; dried flower wreaths, decorative tree branches, mood-matching fairy lights, that little witch hat sticker on the glass display. 
Okay, maybe he has spent a lot of time here to be able to notice such details so quickly. 
"Is that who I think it is?" They perked up at the sing-song voice coming from the kitchen, beaming as you peeked your head out of the door, "Morning, girls!"
"(Y/N)!" The girls cheered, running up to you, where you lifted the flip-up countertop to greet them. He watched you quickly dust off the flour off your apron before kneeling down for a group hug. He was barely able to control the giddy smile, instead, he opted for a gentle one.
"I see you two brought company," You raised your brows at the man in question, "I take it that the girls used their secret weapon on you to bring you here?" You knew he wasn't spared from the puppy dog eyes that even you couldn't resist, though, deep down, you were thanking the heavens that they had such an ability. 
"He's helping us today!" You looked at Sheridan in surprise, albeit more so pleasant than anything, missing the way Joe tensed up.
"Really?" When your focus was back on their father, he was already looking at his shoes, shifting in place. 
"Mhm, He wanted to!" Lucy's response had your lips parted just a little. Your heart had already skipped a beat when you saw him at the door, now, it was close to stopping now that you'd heard that his arrival wasn't just to drop the girls off. 
"Did he now?" You asked no one in particular, trying to think of an answer without sounding too giddy about it, "Well, if he came here willingly just to taste the treats, he could've just said so."
Your collective giggles put him at ease, prompting him to chuckle. He was partially thankful that he didn't have to rack his brain for an explanation. 
"You caught me," He spoke for the first time since his arrival, "Should've known that my girls would throw me under the bus."
"What can I say?" You grinned at the two before giving him a closed-eye smile, "We girls like to share secrets." 
I hope not. 
He prayed that wasn't entirely true. He wasn't ready, physically or mentally. Even if he didn't have to worry, judging by your relationship with the girls, and somewhere at the back of his mind, he knew Marybeth would've wanted him to move forward. If he was going to proceed with this, he'd want to make it special. 
For both you and his girls. 
"Yeah? Then, should I worry 'bout you giving my girls a sugar rush, too?" His lighthearted remark caused you to snort. 
"There's not a lot, I promise. I just need the validation of my best customers so I'll know what exactly the neighbourhood likes," You pursed your lips, "Oh, and well, your approval, too, I guess." 
You grinned as he placed his hand over chest, feigning offense at your statement. 
"Shall we get started? I'm sure you three have stuff to do," You stood up from your position. 
"Not at all," Joe reassured, "The week's been pretty slow for us." The girls nodded at his statement. 
"Well, whatever the case is, I'm grateful, truly," You've always adored the Pickett's. Other than your infatuation for a certain someone, the sisters, too, have a special place in your heart. Even if your day was crappy, their presence could lift your mood in a snap, "C'mon, I've got everything set up." 
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By the time they arrived, your pecan snickerdoodles had just cooled on the rack. Rather than making the common ol’ pie out of it, you wanted to kick it up a notch, much like the rest of your new seasonal menu, with some help, of course. You have yet to familiarize yourself with the comfort foods here, despite having lived in Wyoming for over six months now, so you needed the aid of true locals, and who better to ask than the Pickett’s?
You didn’t even have the time to ask their opinion on the cookies when they immediately told you to put them on the menu. One of the reasons is being a moreish grab-and-go; the town isn’t always busy, but everyone would always have something to do, so they’d be pleased to have a sweet treat ready in hand, no matter where they are. You couldn’t argue with that, in fact, it was a win-win situation. 
With one down, you told them other sets of treats you had in mind, hoping to find two more that could potentially win the hearts of the neighbourhood. 
“Pumpkin doughnut sounds nice!”
“But pumpkin cupcakes sounds better!” You didn’t have to ask Joe to know that there was going to be a little argument over this. Luckily for you, he caught on.
“Girls, not in front of the little lady.” His warning was soft but firm enough that they muttered ‘sorry’ to you. You felt bad, knowing they just wanted to help and thought of an idea. 
“Tell you what,” You stood between both sisters, stroking their backs, “One day, we can make both the doughnuts and cupcakes, just for you guys,” Their eyes sparkled, looking at you with a silent ‘really?’, “I promise. For now, how about we stick with some good ol’ pumpkin pie?” They didn’t oppose it, so you turned to Joe, “What’d you think, Joe?”
“Can never go wrong with the classics.” He agreed, curtly nodding when you mouthed him a ‘thank you’ for easing the situation with the two. Their slight tension immediately disappeared when they asked you what a crumb cake tasted like. You thought they were joking, but the curiosity in their eyes and even Joe’s head tilt had you realizing that they were in fact, not kidding around. 
So, you knew what you had to do. 
The four of you got started with the pumpkin pie, considering how long both baking and chill time it would take. You and Sheridan prepared the filling while Lucy and her father worked on the crust you made in the morning. You couldn’t hide your amusement at how the duo were so careful, especially when Lucy repeatedly whispered to him to be careful as he transferred the dough to the pie dish. 
"Sorry ma'am." He apologized, despite the guiltless smile on his face at Lucy's pouty glare. 
Thirty minutes into its baking time, the girls were still playing tag in the dining area while Joe helped you wipe the cutleries you've washed. Just then, you noticed him looking over the bowl of cream you just whipped. 
"Don't think I didn't see you dip your finger in the cream, mister," He whirled around, eyes wide and lips still wrapped around his pinky before he raised his hands in defense. You nearly broke out of your demeanour just remembering how he licked the side of his lips, "What will the girls say if they ever saw their father do such a crime?" 
"They'd probably join me," He shrugged.
"Are you accusing them of something, Mr Pickett?" 
"I'm just speaking the truth, ma'am," He rested his side against the counter next to you, "They're only behaving now, but God knows if they'd stay that way the next time y'all have another baking party." 
"'Next time', huh?" You smirked, hiding your excitement with a teasing look. 
"I—" The realization had him snapping his lips shut in a thin line, even praying that the girls would barge in, "Well, I don't doubt that the girls love spending time with you." 
"I love spending time with them, too," You put away the last dish, wiping your hands with the rag perched on your shoulder before turning to him, "Between you and me, they're my favourite kids in the neighbourhood." 
"Because they visit here almost every day?" He snorted, even if he, too, visited the bakery often. 
"Okay, that, too," You pushed his shoulder lightly, "I mean, they've always been… the highlight of my day, y’know? Always sparing their time asking how I've been, even making friends with my staff. They, well, the three of you, are more than just my valued customers." 
It was your turn to feel shy, but also nervous, afraid you've crossed the line with your rambling. You nearly said something that could've potentially ruined what you have with the Pickett's, so you stopped there.
But, that man was sharp-eyed. 
"Yeah?" He began, sounding more intrigued than you thought, "Then, what are we, little lady?" 
His emphasis on 'we' made you wonder if he was talking about all three of them or just Joe himself.
His hand slid across the counter, approaching yours slowly as if he feared he was overstepping boundaries. You didn't move, in fact, you were hoping that he was going to do what he had in mind.
Your breath hitched at the feel of his warm touch. No doubt his hands were bigger, encompassing yours with no problem. 
You stared into his eyes, entranced by its ocean blue hue as he waited for your response with much wonder and dare you say, eagerness. 
"Joe, I—" 
The tiny footsteps that approached the kitchen door had you both pulling away at the same time. You were caressing your hand with the other subconsciously, missing the warmth you felt just moments ago. Joe wasn't doing any better, clenching that same fist as if he didn't believe what he did. 
"Girls, you're just in time!" You sported a tight smile, partially disappointed that the moment had to end but at the time, thankful that it did; you weren't sure how to answer even if he had given you a day for it, "The pie just got done baking but we gotta leave in the oven for a little bit so it doesn't crack at the top. Is it okay if we work on the crumb cake first?" 
"Cool, cool," You clasped your hands together before turning to Joe, "Uh, could you put the cream in the fridge for a bit, Joe?" 
"Right, right." He gave you a thumbs-up, turning around with the bowl in his hand and muttering 'fuck' before making his way to the fridge. Yet, it wasn't out of regret. Not when he was certain that you never did try to push him away. 
Throughout the second baking, you and Joe have been exchanging shy looks, which was definitely not a bad thing. Whether or not the girls noticed, you definitely didn't want to find out. His touch lingered till the very end of your activity, even after two hours. His hands were rough, a stark contrast to how gentle he caressed yours. You wouldn't be surprised if he heard how fast your heartbeat grew the second he stood right in front of you.
In the end, you took a piece each for leftovers, a couple of all three treats for the Pickett's and the remaining for the dear old lady and her huge family that you'd often bump into almost every morning. 
"Oh wow, it's three already?" Being the last person to leave the kitchen, you gasped at the time, "I made you guys miss lunch! I'm so sorry!" 
"Hey, hey, hey, none of that now," Joe interrupted before you could even repeat your apologies, "Had you been doing these all on your own, who knows when you'd take a break," He had a point; you would've been so caught up with work that you wouldn't even realized your own needs.
"Maybe…" You scratched your cheek, "But you guys must be hungry. I know all that sugar couldn't cut it." 
You watched as the Pickett's glanced at one another, possibly communicating telepathically before Joe opened his mouth.
"Tell you what," He began, "We don't want you feeling guilty over this 'cause mind you, I—we," He corrected, though everyone caught on pretty quickly, "We had a great time. And here, I thought, I'd leave the place covered in flour." 
He preened as your guilt turned into soft giggles.
"But what I'm trying to say is, how's about you join us for lunch?" 
You straightened up at his offer. 
"You want me to join you guys for lunch?" 
"I don't see why not. Girls?" Your eyes dropped to the sisters', not expecting the puppy eyes. He chuckled, noticing their little game, too, "Well, there you go." 
"I…" You weren't even sure if the girls leaning forward for your answer was just your own imagination, "I'd love to." 
Oh, how wish Joe could cheer the way the girls did, so one could imagine the self-control he needed to respond with a smile. 
"Good. Now, come on," The girls walked ahead of the two of you, giving him an opportunity to talk to you one-on-one, "I know a joint who makes good biscuits." 
"Oh yeah? Better than mine?"
"You don't make biscuits… Right?" He furrowed brows, trying to remember if you ever did.
"You don't know that, I could make a mean batch," You crossed your arms, "Why, you doubting me, sheriff?" 
He playfully rolled his eyes, though the upturn of his lips gave it away. Even after months of knowing you, you still loved to call him sheriff. You argued that it had a better ring to calling him 'Sheriff Pickett' rather than warden or chief. 
Not that he minded, really. 
"Hey, I never said I did," He stated as-a-matter-of-factly, "But I am going to need proof." 
"Careful, sheriff," You tutted, "You might not like it when I'm right." 
"Oh, 'when', not 'if'? Pray tell what's it in if it works in your favour?" He moved an inch closer to you, his breath growing heavier when your eyes locked. 
"Who knows?" You took him by surprise when sidestepped out of his vision, a cheeky grin at his blinking state, "Only time will tell." 
You exited the bakery, taking the seconds-long chance to regulate your burning skin before laughing with the girls as they chased around you. Joe, being the one who offered to close up the shop for you, finally let out a mix between a sigh and a chuckle as he watched the wholesome moment from the window. 
Not once did you or Joe ever forget about whatever happened in the kitchen nor did any of you tried to. At this point, there was no way you could mistake it for anything else and yet, you were still too scared to make a move. 
Guess you were right about one thing. 
Only time will tell. 
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» tagging my MCB Babes: @lacontroller1991 @11thstreetvigilante @pirategamora @neon-supernova @violetmuses ❤
» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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