#joel is happy with his daughter i rambled in the notes
theetherealbloom · 5 months
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Summary: You help your boss, Joel Miller, buy flowers for his date. Or so you thought.
Paring: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, SMUT, Light Angst, Reader Dislikes Roses (i also dislike them :P), Kissing, Cheesy, Crush, Grumpy Single Dad, Office/Workplace Romance, Assistant!Reader, Billionaire!Joel, CEO!Joel, Boss!Joel, She Falls First and He Falls Harder Trope, Grumpy/Sunshine Trope, Idiots-In-Love, Confessions, PWP (wrap it up ya’ll), Fingering, Power Imbalance, Pet Names, ‘Good Girl’, ‘Darlin’,
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: SOOOO WE’VE ALL SEEN THAT PIC RIGHT???? FML, if I ever saw that man carrying flowers and gifting them to me, I would marry him right away. 
This is for @morallyinept Jett’s Flora & Fauna Writing Challenge for May! I was obviously inspired by the picture in the moodboard above and my love for Gracie Abram’s new song Risk! Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated, thank you all for reading and supporting my deluluness tehe.
Side note: I’m dyslexic and English isn’t my first language! So I apologize in advance for the spelling and/or grammatical errors. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!
Song: Risk by Gracie Abrams
Main Masterlist
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In the elegant floral shop, the scent of fresh blooms enveloped you as you stood beside your boss, Joel Miller, a man of many responsibilities and hidden depths. His piercing gaze fixed on a display of vibrant roses, seeking your opinion on a matter close to his heart - choosing the perfect flowers for a date.
Joel, a handsome billionaire with a company to run, a daughter to care for, and a brother to watch over, often sought your counsel on matters both personal and professional. Whether it was a crucial business decision or selecting a gift for Sarah's upcoming birthday, he valued your input more than he let on.
You studied the roses with a critical eye, your brows furrowing slightly as you considered the implications of his choice. "I think Lauren will love it," you finally offered, your voice tinged with a hint of reservation at the mention of Joel's recent romantic interest.
The name 'Lauren' left a bitter taste in your mouth, a woman who seemed more interested in Joel's wealth and status than in him as a person. You couldn't shake the feeling that she was using him for her own gain, and the thought of Joel falling for her facade made your stomach churn.
Joel's keen observation didn't miss the subtle shift in your demeanor. "Why are you makin' that face?" he questioned, his narrowed eyes fixed on you with a mix of curiosity and concern.
Your heart raced at being caught off guard, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "What face?" you attempted to deflect, but Joel saw through your facade with unnerving accuracy.
"The one you make when you don't like somethin'. You're scrunchin' your nose and everythin'," he pointed out, his gesture leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
Caught in his perceptive gaze, you struggled to find the right words, knowing that you couldn't deceive him. There was an unspoken connection between you, a bond that transcended the boundaries of employer and assistant, leaving you feeling both exhilarated and unnerved by his proximity.
Joel's expectant gaze bore into you, his hand resting casually on his hip as he awaited your response, a subtle sign of his contemplation or frustration. The air between you crackled with unspoken tension, a silent understanding passing between you as you navigated the delicate dance of honesty and restraint in your shared space.
You settled for the truth, pinching your lips as if you were thinking how to phrase the next few words, eventually meeting his brown eyes and saying, "I don't like roses." The words hung in the air, a confession that felt both liberating and terrifying.
Joel's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. Before he could respond, you cut him off, rambling on in a nervous attempt to clarify your thoughts. "I know, I know, it's just... my preference. It's not that I don't find them pretty... I do. It's just, sometimes it feels like there's no thought into getting someone roses."
You really should shut up, but you couldn't stop, your words tumbling out in a rush. "That's not to say you're not like putting in the effort to get Lauren... roses or something. It's just there's a whole language to flowers and their meaning, and there's definitely more options than just a whole bouquet of roses."
The silence that followed was oppressive, Joel's eyes roaming all over your figure as if taking in every detail. You felt like you were going to vomit, because there was no way you had just told your boss that he wasn't being thoughtful as he was getting the bitch flowers.
"What d'you like then?" Joel's deep voice asked, his tone low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine. You took a moment to formulate an answer, your heart racing with anticipation.
"Red Peonies," you swallowed, the words feeling like a revelation.
"Why?" Joel asked, his eyes never leaving yours, and you swear he took a small step closer to you, the distance between you shrinking to almost nothing.
"Besides it representing love, it also represents passion, honour and respect," you explained, trying to sound calm despite the turmoil inside. "There's just something more to it, I guess."
The air was tense, Joel's gaze burning into you like a brand. You felt like you were drowning in the depths of his eyes, the silence between you a palpable thing. You knew you should look away, but you couldn't, your gaze locked onto his as if drawn by an unseen force.
The world around you melted away, leaving only the two of you, suspended in a moment of raw emotion. You knew that you had crossed a line, but you couldn't help the way you felt. The truth was out, and now you just had to face the consequences.
The sharp chime of a phone shattered the charged silence between you, pulling you both back to the reality of the moment. You reluctantly pulled out your phone, a sigh escaping your lips as you delivered the news. "Your 3 p.m. meeting with Bill and Frank is coming up. We should buy those roses and go—"
But before you could finish, Joel interjected, his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of reluctance. "We can come back for them later."
You blinked, momentarily caught off guard by his sudden change of heart. Quickly regaining your composure, you slipped back into your assistant mode. "I could have them delivered and—"
"Don't worry about it, darlin'," Joel cut you off, his deep Southern drawl sending a shiver down your spine. "Let's go to the damn meeting before Tess starts tellin' me off again."
Without another word, Joel strode towards the waiting car, the driver opening the door as you followed, slipping into the plush leather seat beside him. The tension in the air was palpable, the unspoken emotions between you thick enough to cut with a knife.
As the car pulled away from the curb, you found yourself acutely aware of Joel's presence, his warmth and the subtle scent of his cologne enveloping you. The silence stretched on, neither of you quite sure how to navigate the charged atmosphere that had settled over the two of you.
You stole a glance at Joel, his brow furrowed in thought, his fingers drumming a restless rhythm on the armrest. You longed to reach out, to bridge the gap that had suddenly opened between you, but the weight of your professional relationship held you back.
The drive to the office was a blur, the familiar sights and sounds of the city passing by in a haze as your mind raced with a thousand unspoken thoughts. When the car finally pulled to a stop, you both exited in silence, the weight of the unresolved tension hanging heavy in the air.
As you made your way through the bustling lobby, Joel's hand brushed against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. You couldn't help but wonder if the touch was intentional, a silent acknowledgment of the connection that simmered beneath the surface.
But as you turned to leave, Joel's voice stopped you in your tracks. "Darlin'," he murmured, his eyes filled with a depth of emotion that took your breath away. "We need to talk."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you turned to face him, unsure of what could possibly be running through Joel's mind. The intensity of his gaze only added to the butterflies in your stomach, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and trepidation at what he might say.
"What is it, Joel?" You asked, trying to keep your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside you.
He took a step closer to you, his expression serious as he reached out and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your heart skipped a beat at his touch, and you couldn't help but lean into it.
"I can't ignore this any longer," Joel began, his voice low and full of raw emotion. "I've been trying to fight it, but I can't deny how I feel about you any longer."
Your breath caught in your throat as he spoke those words, a rush of emotions flooding through you. Could it be possible that Joel felt the same way about you? Or was this all just some cruel joke?
"Joel..." You started, but he cut you off with a shake of his head.
"No, let me finish," he said firmly. "Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I haven't been able to get you out of my head. And when we spent that night together at the charity event...I knew then that I had feelings for you."
You were speechless, unable to believe what was happening. You had harbored secret feelings for Joel for so long and never thought they would be reciprocated.
"I know there's the whole boss-assistant dynamic between us," Joel continued with a small self-deprecating smile. "But I can't let that hold me back from telling you how I feel."
A mix of emotions swirled inside you, and you couldn't help but feel torn. On one hand, you wanted to give into the feelings that had been building between you and Joel for so long. But on the other hand, the thought of risking your professional relationship and possibly even your job was a daunting prospect.
"Joel, I-I don't know what to say," you stammered, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.
He reached out and took your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You don't have to say anything right now," he said softly. "I just needed to tell you how I feel."
Silence fell between you as you both stood there, lost in your own thoughts. You were torn between what your heart wanted and what your head was telling you was logical.
Finally, after what felt like hours, you gathered the courage to speak again. "Joel, I care about you too," you admitted quietly. "But there are so many complications..."
"I know," he said with a sad smile. "But we can figure it out together."
His words filled you with hope and warmth, but at the same time fear also crept in. You knew that pursuing a romantic relationship with Joel would be risky and could potentially cause problems at work.
Before either of you could say more, there was a knock on Joel's office door. Startled out of your reverie, you both turned to see Chelsea peeking her head inside.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt," she said apologetically. "But, Mr. Miller, we have that meeting with McKenna about the upcoming merger in 10 minutes."
After Chelsea left, Joel turned back to you, a hopeful expression on his face. "Can I see you later? Outside of work, I mean."
Your heart raced at the thought of spending more time with him outside of the office. You knew it was risky and could potentially cause problems, but the thrill of taking a chance with Joel was too enticing to resist.
"I'd like that...a lot," you replied, unable to stop a small smile from forming on your lips.
His face lit up at your response and he took a step closer towards you. "Can I kiss you?" he asked hesitantly.
You nodded eagerly. "Yes, please."
Without any hesitation, Joel leaned down and gently pressed his lips against yours. It was a gentle kiss at first, but quickly became more passionate as the chemistry between you two intensified. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss.
Eventually, the need for air forced you both to pull away. You gazed into each other's eyes, both panting slightly from the intensity of the moment.
"I should go," you said reluctantly.
Joel nodded and gave your hand one last squeeze before letting go. "I'll see you later then? I’ll meet you at your place.”
You smiled and nodded before heading out of his office. As you walked back to your own desk, your mind raced with thoughts of Joel and what this could all mean for your future.
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Later that evening, as you heard a knock at your door, you couldn't help but feel excited and nervous. You had been thinking about Joel all day and now here he was, standing outside your door with a beautiful bouquet of peonies.
You quickly peeked through the door viewer, confirming that it was indeed Joel standing there. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you took a deep breath and opened the door.
"Hi Sweetheart," he said with his perfect smile, his dimple making an appearance on the left corner of his cheek.
"Hey," you replied with a bashful smile. "Come in."
Joel stepped inside, holding out the vase of peonies towards you. "I brought these for you," he said, his eyes sparkling with affection.
You took them from him and breathed in their sweet scent. "Oh, Joel, you remembered.”
"Anythin’ for you," Joel said with a small grin.
You couldn't help but feel touched by his thoughtfulness. "Thank you for remembering. They're beautiful. Thank you."
He shrugged nonchalantly before turning to take off his shoes. "So what should we do tonight? I can cook us dinner or we could go out somewhere if you prefer."
The idea of Joel cooking for you sounded wonderful, but at the same time, going out together also seemed like an exciting adventure.
"How about we have dinner here tonight and then we can go out tomorrow?" You suggested.
"That sounds perfect," Joel agreed with a smile.
As he prepared dinner in your kitchen, the two of you chatted comfortably about work and other random topics. It felt easy to talk to Joel and be around him, like it was just natural for the two of you to be together.
After enjoying a delicious dinner cooked by Joel (who turned out to be quite the chef), the two of you sat on your couch watching a movie. As the movie played on, you couldn't help but steal glances at Joel, his eyes intense as they flicked between the screen and your face. The air between you crackled with an unspoken tension, the soft glow of the TV casting shadows that danced across his features.
Joel shifted slightly, his arm brushing against yours and sending a shiver down your spine. You turned to him, your heart pounding in your chest, and found yourself caught in his gaze. Without a word, he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours.
The world around you faded away as Joel's mouth finally met yours in a searing kiss. His hands roamed over your body, igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume everything in its path. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more desperate.
You melted into each other, lost in a haze of passion and desire. Clothes were shed in a frenzy of need, skin meeting skin in a symphony of sensation. Joel's touch was electric, sending sparks throughout your body and setting every nerve on fire.
As you lay intertwined on the couch, your breathing heavy and your bodies covered in a thin sheen of sweat, Joel's eyes searched yours intensely.
"I've wanted to do this for so long," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear.
You couldn't form words as he began trailing kisses down your neck, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. His hands explored every inch of your body, worshipping you with his touch.
"I want you," you finally managed to say, arching your back as he grazed his teeth along your collarbone.
With a growl, Joel lifted you up into his arms and carried you to the bedroom. 
He laid you down on the bed with a hunger in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine. His hands roamed over your body, tracing every curve and dip as if he was mapping out his favorite treasure. You moaned softly as his lips grazed over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
Joel's kisses grew more urgent, more demanding, igniting a primal need within you. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as you whispered his name like a prayer. He captured your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth with a fierce intensity that made your head spin.
He teased and tormented you with his touch, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Your breath hitched as he plunged into you, filling you completely and setting your senses ablaze.
The rhythm between you grew frantic, fueled by a hunger that could not be satisfied. Every thrust brought you closer to the edge, your body yearning for his touch, craving the sweet release that only he could bring.
He whispered filthy words into your ear, his voice gruff and raw with desire. "You want it," he growled, "You need it." His fingers gripped your hips, guiding you onto his shaft with deliberate precision. You groaned, lost in the ecstasy of his touch, your body begging for more.
He kissed you fiercely, his tongue dueling with yours, their movements synchronized with the wild rhythm of their bodies. His hands roamed over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, as he explored every inch of your body with a possessive possessiveness.
You moaned, writhing against him, your body trembling with need, your heart pounding in sync with the frantic beat of his, as he plunged deeper into you with each thrust. Your nails dug into his back, leaving crescent marks that would later serve as a reminder of this night.
His lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses as he nuzzled your collarbone, then your chest, and finally your nipples, which hardened under the gentle caress of his tongue. You arched your back, your body craving for more, as his hands cupped your breasts, kneading them with a ferocity that made you gasp.
As he continued to ravage your body, you could feel the heat building between your legs, a fiery ache that begged for relief. Your hips bucked against his, seeking that sweet release, the friction sending spears of pleasure through you. He groaned, his own arousal swelling, and he thrust harder, his hips meshing with yours.
His hands roamed your body, caressing your curves, leaving trails of electricity in their wake. You arched your back, your breasts thrusting forward, begging for his attention. He didn't disappoint, his mouth closing over one taut nipple, teeth gently scraping against the sensitive flesh, while his other hand trailed down your side, slipping between your legs.
Your breath hitched as his fingers found their mark, teasing your swollen folds, sending shivers of anticipation coursing through you. Your body trembled, desperate for his touch, for him to drown you in sensation. He obliged, his fingers delving deeper, slick with your arousal. 
The roughness of his touch against your sensitive skin became a symphony of pleasure, as he slid in and out, his rhythm perfect, his fingers working in unison with the movements of his hips. You could feel yourself nearing the edge, your body coiling tighter and tighter with each thrust.
“Fuck, c’mon darlin, be a good girl, give it to me,” He groaned, as he sensed your impending release and increased the speed of his fingers, sending you over the edge in a wave of pure ecstasy. Your back arched off the bed, your nails digging into his skin as you cried out his name. He followed you over, spilling into you with a guttural moan.
You collapsed onto the bed, spent and breathless, but he wasn't done with you yet. He rolled you onto your hands and knees, positioning himself behind you. You felt him smirk against your back before he slammed into you again, filling you up completely.
His pace was rougher now, more primal as he claimed your body as his own. You met each thrust eagerly, reveling in the raw passion that flowed between you.
He reached around to caress your clit, adding another layer of stimulation to the already mind-blowing experience. Your moans and cries filled the room as he drove you both to new heights of pleasure.
As you were both on the verge of climax once again, he flipped you over onto your back and plunged into you one final time. With one hand gripping your thigh and the other tangled in your hair, he pounded into you with an intensity that left you breathless.
When he finally let go and spilled inside of you for a second time, it was like a dam had burst within both of them. You clung to each other as waves of pleasure washed over you both until eventually subsiding.
You lay there tangled together in a sweaty mess, your limbs intertwined as you both fought to catch your breath. The air was thick with the scent of passion, the sheets clinging to your bodies in a sensual embrace. As the haze lifted from your minds and your heart rates slowly returned to normal, you looked up at him and smiled, your eyes shining with a mix of contentment and wonder.
"That was incredible," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath, as if speaking too loudly might shatter the delicate moment.
His lips curved into a satisfied grin, his gaze burning into you with a intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. "You're incredible," he replied, his voice husky with desire, the words caressing your skin like a lover's touch.
You both lay there for a while, basking in the afterglow of your intense lovemaking. The sheets were tangled around the two of you, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the feeling of being intertwined with him, your bodies still connected in an intimate embrace.
A part of you couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension, a nagging voice in the back of your mind warning you that this was uncharted territory. You were jumping headfirst into the deep end, and the risk of drowning was ever-present. But as you gazed into his eyes, the warmth and affection you saw there quelled your fears, replacing them with a sense of exhilaration and anticipation.
"I can't believe this is happening," you murmured, your fingers tracing the contours of his face, as if to reassure yourself that this was real. "I never thought we'd end up here, but I'm so glad we did."
He chuckled, the deep rumble of his laughter sending a shiver of delight through you. "Darlin', you have no idea how long I've been waitin' for this," he confessed, his hand caressing your cheek with a tenderness that belied the passion that had just consumed them.
You felt a surge of emotion welling up inside you, a mix of joy, trepidation, and a deep, abiding love that threatened to overwhelm you. "I'm scared," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm also so excited to see where this takes us."
His expression softened, and he pulled you closer, his lips brushing against yours in a gentle, reassuring kiss. "I'm here, darlin'," he murmured, his breath warm against your skin. "We'll figure it out, together."
As you lost yourself in the warmth of his embrace, you knew that no matter the challenges, you would face them side by side. The risk of drowning may have been ever-present, but with him by your side, you were ready to dive in, to explore the depths of this newfound love and see where it would take you.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Here for all the Rockstar!Joel content. Could I please get a fluff piece of them telling the girls about the pregnancy and everyone is excited but it’s clear that Ellie is a bit anxious and withdrawn. Actress and Ellie have a mom and daughter day out and Ellie confides that she is a bit nervous about the baby replacing her and her feeling like she is not their “real child” and actress tells her that is nonsense and goes into mama bear mode. Sorry that is a ramble.
I love this idea!
Small Bump
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author's note: I have so much Sammy fluff waiting in my drafts
Summary: this ask!
Warnings: pregnancy, talk of foster care system, Ellie being hesitant about the new baby
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Before you tell the girls you're pregnant, you tell Joel how nervous you are about it. If you're ignoring the massive age gap between them and the baby, bringing a new life into the home is still a big deal, especially for Ellie. For more than half a decade, Ellie has been the baby of the family. She's never really had to worry about anyone else taking her attention or anything like that, which she loved after so many years in foster care. When you explain all this to Joel, he tells you not to worry. "It'll be an adjustment for all of us, but we'll face it together." He said, and you decided to let it go. He knows his kid, right?
Sarah is shocked but excited, hugging you and Joel tightly after you show her the sonogram pictures. Ellie smiles and tells you how great that is before hugging you both and disappearing up the stairs. Your heart breaks at how softly she shuts her door, like she doesn't want her feelings to be a burden. When you move to walk upstairs to talk to her, Sarah stops you. "Let me talk to her first. I don't know if she'll be ready to talk to you yet." And she's right, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. You nod silently and let Sarah go into big sister mode.
The next few days are brutal. Ellie actively avoids you and Joel, walks around the house with headphones on, and spends a lot of time in her room. Your hormones are off the charts, so you cry about it. A lot. Sarah and Joel take turns spending time with Ellie and talking with her about it, and they promise you it has nothing to do with you, but you feel like it does. You're the stranger who infiltrated her family and made her the middle child. If you were in her shoes, you'd be upset too.
A week after you told her of the little life growing under your heart, you're sitting on the back porch with a massive water bottle and a book you've been meaning to read. You thought it would be a good distraction, but you can barely focus on the words. After about twenty minutes of trying to read, you sigh, put the book down, and stare at the Los Angeles skyline.
"Is your book really that bad?" A voice asks from behind you, and you smile as you turn to look at Ellie. She's wearing one of Joel's shirts, the fabric hanging loose around her, and an Astros hat.
"I don't know if I'm as much of a reader as I used to be." You admit, and she smiles shyly.
"Can I sit with you?" She asks, and you nod. She walks over to the table and sits across from you, fidgeting with her rings the whole time. You don't push her to talk about the pregnancy or anything else for that matter. You're just happy that she can still stand to look at you. She takes a deep breath, rests her elbows on the table, and looks at you seriously. "I'm not mad at you for having a baby with my dad." She finally says, and you bite the inside of your cheek.
"It'd be okay if you were."
"I'm not. Really," she says. "I just… I guess I'm scared."
"About what, honey?" You ask, sitting up to show her you're listening. She sighs and spins the ring on her middle finger a few times as she thinks.
"When I was in one of my foster homes, I got comfortable. They told me they'd let me stay as long as I needed to and even talked about adopting me. I was so excited. I wasn't gonna have to move around anymore, and I finally had a good home," she takes a shaky breath. "And then my foster mom got pregnant, and it changed everything. I kept asking when they were going to adopt me, but they couldn't give me an answer. When the baby was born, it was like I was invisible. Like I didn't even matter. So, I ran away. I gave them a reason to give me away, and they did. First chance they got," you can hear the pain in her voice, and you put your hand over hers. She sniffles and wipes her eyes on her shirt sleeve as she looks at you. "I know this is different, and you won't do that, but that fear is still there, and I don't… I don't know how to make it go away."
You're not sure what to say, so you sit there in silence with Ellie as she tries to stop crying. You run your thumb over her knuckles as you think, even moving to the chair right next to her so you can wrap her in your arms. She cries into your chest, and you run your hand through her hair like someone should've done for her all those years ago. You can't change what happened, but you can do your best to make up for it.
"I’ve loved you like my own since long before your dad, and I got married. You know that, right?" You ask as you kiss her hairline, and she nods. "There has never been a point in time where I didn't think you were the most brilliant, caring, kind, beautiful girl or where I didn't thank my lucky stars that you came into my life," you move your hands to cup her face and look at her. "You, Ellie Miller, are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I love you and want you around. This baby isn't going to change that, okay? It might fuck up our sleep for a little bit, but I swear to you, this baby isn't going to change how much I love you." As you speak, more tears fall down her face, and you wipe them away gently. She looks so young like this. It breaks your heart to think someone could've looked at her like this and thought she didn't deserve the world.
"And you know what else? I'm scared of having this baby, too." You tell her, and her shoulders drop.
"You are?"
"Terrified," you say. "But I have you and Sarah and your dad. I have our family, and that's all I need. So, I know I'm gonna be okay even if I am scared. And you don't have to be completely onboard with the new baby if you're not ready yet. We've got lots of time, okay?" You ask, and she takes a moment to take in your words. She shifts a little in her seat and clears her throat.
"Um… you showed Sarah some pictures from the doctor. Do you… still have them?" She asks, and you nod. "Can I see them?" You smile at her question and stand to go inside. You grab the sonogram pictures from your bedside table and bring them back outside to show Ellie.
"So, it doesn't really look like a lot right now, but," you point to the baby's little arms. "Those are their arms and their hands. You can kinda see their little fingers if you squint. And that," you point to the baby's side profile. "Is their face." Ellie stares at the grainy photos until she figures out what she's looking at and then lights up. She runs her thumb over the baby's nose and lips and smiles as if tracing the features herself.
"Kinda looks like Dad." She says quietly, and you laugh.
"Yeah, I thought the same thing."
"Is it weird… being pregnant?"
"A little, but it's also really cool." She glances between your eyes and your still-growing belly.
"Can I?" She asks. You nod and carefully grab her hand to let it rest on your stomach. To call it a bump is generous, but there's definitely something there. Whether it's food bloat or the baby, you don't know. Still, Ellie rubs little patterns into your shirt and smiles.
"Hi, baby," she says. "My name is Ellie. I'm your big sister."
There are still many months before your baby will be born and effectively change all of your lives, but right now, under a perfect sunset, Ellie is content and at peace and knows how loved she is. And that's all you need.
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spikershoyo · 10 months
Picture day! | No parings! Joel, Tommy, and kid Sarah | Fluff
Warnings and notes: cursing
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Today Joel had gotten up extra early for one soul reason: today was picture day at Sarah's school. He knew his young daughter never said anything about the generic hairstyles he would put her in. Ponytails, low buns, hair loose, and if he had the extra time, top buns.
But he knew that she was tired of them. So he promised his 7 year old daughter (and himself) that he was going to wake up early and do her hair any way she wanted. That made her smile over her bowl of Mac and cheese.
He had called Tommy before putting Sarah to sleep, asking if he could buy those pink and purple butterfly hair clips that Sarah's always talking about. His younger brother agrees, wanting to see his niece happy.
So, on that day Joel goes to Sarah's room and finds her still asleep. It was 6 in the morning, for heavens sake, too early for his little girl. He steps over to the low bed and kneels down, resting an arm on the bed as his other hand goes and rubs Sarah's back.
"Mornin', babygirl. Time to wake up." Joel's voice rings in Sarah's ears, making her groan. "Come on, baby. I gotta do your hair for picture day." At that Sarah slowly rises from her slumber.
She sits up and rubs her eyes, her hair a mess and her movements groggy. "Uncle Tommy is out in the store gettin' you the pins I promised. You go pick out your clothes for today while I shower." Sarah opens her eyes slowly, looking at her father.
She nods and yawns. "Ok, daddy." She sighs as her feet swing over the bed. Joel smiles and kisses her forehead before walking out of the room and stepping into the bathroom. "And don't fall asleep again!" He shouts out before closing the bathroom door.
After his shower he gets dressed and knocks on Sarah's door. "You dressed, babygirl?" "Yup!" He goes in and smiles. Sarah wears a lilac t-shirt with jean overalls on top. Her white sneakers lined up against her closet door.
Joel picks his daughter up and takes her sneakers. Sarah giggles as she holds on to her dad and puts her head on his shoulder. "What do you want for breakfast, baby?" "Waffles!" Joel sighs and sets her down on one of the kitchen tables and looks through the cabinets. "How about pancakes?" "Ok!" She smiles, just happy that she's getting something sweet for breakfast.
"Go brush your teeth while I cook, hun." Sarah nods and slips off the chair before running up the stairs and going to the bathroom. While Joel makes the batter for the pancakes her decides to call Tommy. He dials his brothers number and waits. "Yeah?" "Where the hell are you?"
"Theres traffic, Joel! I can't move if I'm stuck." "I know that, but I don't want you or us to be late. And I promised her these pins." "Shit...I-I know. I won't be long." Joel sighs and then shakes her head. He hangs up and gets to making the pancakes.
By the time Joel is done cooking and serves the pancakes, Tommy still isn't there and it's already 7: 14. Joel is stressed, to say the least. He just decides on brushing Sarah's hair and getting the bobby pins and hair ties out.
"What do you want me to do for your hair, baby?" "Space buns!" Joel purses his lips when he hears those words come out of Sarah's mouth. He's a bit clueless. "What are space buns, honey?" "It's two buns in your hair. I asked Angelica about them and it's like where bunny ears are but instead of bunny ears it's buns." Sarah rambles as she drowns her pancakes in syrup.
Joel nods, knowing what she means now. He takes one of the brushes and drags it gently over Sarah's scalp, dividing her hair in two sections (One of the mothers had shown him how to do it and he will forever be grateful of that woman) and focusing on one section first.
Joel is done with the first bun and doing the second one and he's pretty proud of himself. Sarah is on her second big pancake and is enjoying every bit of it. There will be an occasional 'ow' from her when Joel pulls too hard on her strands but he apologizes quickly.
Now Joel is done with both buns and Tommy still isn't here. He's panicking silently as he watches Sarah eat, not feeling any hunger himself, his coffee being the only thing keeping him sane.
"Daddy, where are myf pifns?" Sarah asks with her mouth half full and a bit of syrup on her cheek. He steps closer and wipes the syrup off of her face. "Don't talk with your mouth full, baby-" "I'm here!"
Tommy barges into his brothers house with a slightly crazy and energetic smile, pins in hand. He comes into the kitchen like a tornado, still fresh faced and with lots of hope in his heart. That's Tommy.
He smirks at his brother and bends down to kiss Sarah's forehead. "Mornin', sunshine." Tommy's Texas twang slips through as he greets his niece. "Uncle Tommy!" She beams at seeing her uncle and wiggles a bit in her seat.
Joel pats his brother's back as a silent 'thank you' to which Tommy respond with a nod. Joel shows Sarah the pink and purple butterfly pins and she giggles, knowing already what her father's stare means. "Thank you, Uncle Tommy." "Aw, don't mention it, sunshine." Tommy acts bashful as he puts his hands in his pockets.
Joel chuckles at his brother's antics and pops off a few pins from the carton and puts them in Sarah's hair. After he's done she smiles up at both of them. The two men can feel their hearts melt at the sight of Sarah, all cute and adorable.
"Alright, go get your school bag. We'll be in Uncle Tommy's truck." Joel says as he takes his own bag and keys. Sarah runs up the stairs once again and then zooms out the door, not too far behind Joel and Tommy.
After they pile into Tommy's brick-red truck the engine starts. "Ok, everyone ready?" Tommy asks as he checks Sarah through the rearview mirror. "Yep, we've got-" "WAIT!" Sarah shouts which makes both men panic and turn around.
"You gotta have this." She pouts as she snaps off two pins, one pink and one purple. She puts the pink one into Joel's hair and the purple one onto Tommy's. "Now we are!" She giggles. The brothers look at each other for a second.
"I think purple looks better on me." Joel deadpans. "Oh, shut up, you're just jealous that I'm wearing Sarah's color." Tommy teases before they rush off for picture day.
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Friends. Eric Bemis x Reader
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Warnings: None! 
Eric Bemis x Reader
Sorry couldn’t find a better gif. Just a slightly longer than planned oneshot I had in my head since starting watching season 3. 
You could remember the day your life took a slightly strange turn. Abby had asked you to drop off the notes from your English class as she had yet again missed another day of school. Being the amazing best friend in the world you obviously agreed to drop them round at the end of the day. Originally you had just planned to slip them through the letterbox, send her a text and make your way home, no need to hang about you had work to do. Things soon changed when you came up to your friend's house, only to notice that her front door was open a little, and from what you could see through the house there was a trail of destruction leading into the kitchen. Most people would turn around, call the cops, or not do what you did, which was to walk into the house, following the path of chaos.
When you entered the kitchen, slowly as not to alert anyone in the house, you did not ever expect to see what was before you.  Sheila, Abby’s mum, was standing covered in blood with what looked like an… ear hanging out of her mouth, while a body laid on the floor, blood leaking everywhere. Abby and Eric, your other friend, looking somewhat horrified but not nearly as surprised as you probably looked. It was only when Joel came into the house carrying a bag of cleaning supplies that anyone had noticed you were there.
“Shit!” Joel cried from behind you, “Y/N is here! What a nice surprise, look, Sheila, Y/N our daughter's friend, is here.” Sheila, Abby, and Eric all span round to see you looking horrified.
“Y/N! Hi!” Nobody really knew what to do. After some serious explaining, later on, Abby and Eric sitting down with you to explain everything, even introducing you to the talking head in the basement,  you found yourself helping clean up the blood through the kitchen. Safe to say, since that day you Abby and Eric had all become considerably closer, especially now that you were involved in everything in their lives, even the weird and wonderful.
You loved being friends with the duo, being able to relate to both of them. When it came to Abby, you always enjoyed her company, mostly because she was just as badass as yourself, believed in the same causes, shared the same music taste, and general ‘I’m the boss’ attitude as you. Abby, and her family were so much fun to be around, putting aside the somewhat homicidal tendencies of her mother, but no matter how similar you and Abby were, Eric was always the one you gravitated towards.
Eric was the biggest nerd going. Academic genius, lover of books and films, massive fanboy about basically anything that could be considered dorky, and you loved it. He was shy, sweet, caring, and unbelievably funny, even if he didn’t know it. From a while before the dead guy in the kitchen incident, you had a little crush on him, but after you became closer since then you realised just how wonderful he really was. Any time he could, he went above and beyond for everyone, even when it risked his safety. You couldn’t help but love him really, he was a total dorky dreamboat, you knew nothing would really come of it, but it was always nice to imagine. So when he offered to help you with some chemistry homework you were more than happy to let him be the hero.
When you knocked on his door his mum answered. You liked his mum, she was a bit forward but it was sweet how much she cared about her son’s interests and you loved her raw confidence in herself.
“Hello Y/N, Eric said you were coming by,” She smiled, welcoming you into the house. “You know where his room is, have fun.” Winking at you, she walked away into the kitchen. Giggling a little bit, you jogged up the stairs ignoring the little flutter of butterflies in your chest as you made your way to his door, feeling nervous as you knocked and waited to go in, not wanting to intrude on him. When he opened the door, a shy sorta grin on his face you couldn't help but smile brightly back at him.
Oh, how he loved that smile. You may have had a little crush on him for a few months or so but Eric, well eric was bloody smitten and for as long as he could remember. You were wonderful in every way. Sure you were gorgeous, and he thought you were one of the prettiest people he had ever come across, but that wasn’t why he adored you. You were simply you, unapologetically Y/N all the time. You knew what you liked, you worked hard on what you enjoyed, you were smart, kind, caring, and soft but there was always that badass side to you. You were complex but yet so easy to read. Some people didn’t get you, thinking you were a bit weird, but Eric loved that he could read you so easily. It was as though you were a book, but rather than it being in English it was in a language only Eric understood. He got that you had this dark side, you were a strong independent woman, but he loved seeing your softer moments when you helped people, or when you geeked out to him about the latest Marvel films or some Harry Potter fanfiction you had been reading before class, Eric adored you so when he looked at your big smile as you stood in his doorway, he couldn’t do anything to stop the butterflies from swirling around in his stomach and chest.
“Heyyyyyyyyy Eriiiiiicccc,” you beamed at him, dragging it out like an over-excited child.
“Hey, Y/N,” he blushed, loving how eager for everything you always were, “er come in, I’ve got all the books set out on the desk we need.”
As you walked into the room, you looked around, just admiring all the posters and merchandise that hung from the walls. Sitting down at his desk you looked at a framed photo of you, Abby and Eric, it was from before you were really close at all, if you remember correctly it was from the beginning of the year on some class retreat you had taken, the first time you had really joined the duo. That was ages ago now, you had no clue this photo had even been taken but the fact he had it made your heart flutter a little more than it already had been.
Eric smiled down at you before pulling up a stool to sit next to you at the desk. He helped you with all the questions you were stuck on, making sure you understood everything he was talking about. He loved watching as you listened, properly making sure you understood everything he was telling you. After what felt like only a few minutes, but was really closer to a couple of hours you were done, the sun beginning to set outside the windows. Eric couldn’t help but feel a little bit sad as you packed up your stuff, before really thinking it through, he suddenly blurted out,
“Doyouwannawatchamovie?” He cringed knowing how stupid he must have sounded. You giggled, noticing the blush in on his cheeks getting darker and darker.
“What did you even just say?” You smiled, laughing a little at how flustered he was.
“I was wondering if you wanted to watch a film, I’ll walk you home after if… actually, you know what don’t worry I don’t know why I asked, its getting lat-”
“What do you want to watch then?” You smiled, setting down your bag, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. Both Eric and yourself were a bit taken back by what was happening. Eric had neither planned to ask, let alone you agree to stay and watch a film, and you were a bit surprised he had asked at all. Trying to stop himself from stumbling over his words, he replied, rambling a little
“Well I have Lord of the Rings, but that's kinda nerdy so we can stream something instead. I have Netflix or Prime, it’s up to you really.” You liked seeing him this flustered, it was incredibly cute.
“Lord of the Rings is good.” Eric beamed at this response. God you're perfect, Eric thought.
After setting it all up, Eric turned back to see you sitting a bit comfier in his bed. As much as he loved seeing you in his bed, awkwardness crept into him a little, realising he hadn’t thought this much through, so as the film began to play he perched on the side of his bed, not trying to get to close in case you weren't comfortable with that. You noticed his awkwardness, deciding he needed to realise you were more than happy for him to get closer, you tugged him a little bit towards you, slowly bringing him closer so you were half hugging, you lay down a bit more than he was, your head just gently resting on his chest. Through the thin material of his t-shirt, you could hear his heart beating at an unnatural pace, which worried you, but as you went to pull away, an arm wrapped itself around your shoulders. You smiled, settling in closer to before turning your eyes to the small tv screen as the film played.
Eric kept his eyes fixated on the screen, worried that if he moved you would pull away and the moment would be gone. Now the awkwardness he placed upon himself was gone, his heart returning to a semi-normal heart rate, he was beaming inside as you cuddled against him. He wasn’t sure what this meant really, but he didn’t much care, right now at this moment he was just happy to be this close to you.
Around halfway through the first Lord of the Rings film, he noticed the sun had completely gone down, and the head resting on his chest had become heavier, your breathing becoming softer, more even. He looked down to see you had drifted to sleep in his arms. He smiled a warm feeling dancing in his chest. Trying not to disturb you too much, he lent down, just enough to kiss you gently on the head before pulling the blanket from beside you around him and yourself. Quietly he whispered a goodnight to you, smiling as he turned back to watch the film. Eric had no idea where this would go with you, but as the too drifted into a land of dreams, he couldn’t have been happier.
An hour or so later, Lisa came to check on her son and Y/N, having not heard much from them. As she entered the room, she couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of her. The Tv was now running a long list of credits, and in the light of the TV screen, she could see her son cuddled up to Y/N, both of them happy in each other's arms as they slept. Snapping a picture to send it to Y/N’s parents to let them know they were okay, she smiled as she shut the door behind her, leaving her son to dream peacefully next to the one who had captured his heart.
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 6 years
Penn Jillette Confirms Trump Said 'Racially Insensitive Things' During Celebrity Apprentice!
Look. We have PLENTY of proof Donald Trump is a racist.
Calling Mexican immigrants rapists, referring to African nations as "s**thole countries," defending a Nazi rally as full of "very fine people."
But it seems for a huge faction of the country, the smoking gun of hearing him actually say the n-word is still going to be a gotcha.
Many people have been saying for years that such a tape exists and recently Omarosa Manigault-Newman claimed on her tell-all book tour she finally heard it for herself.
Related: Omarosa Calls Trump's Relationship With Daughter 'Uncomfortable To Watch'!
It doesn't help Trump's case that his response is he'd never use it on "that dog" or that his own press secretary says she "can't guarantee" tapes of him using the word don't exist.
But still, Omarosa isn't the most credible source -- after all, she worked in Trump's White House. So how about a teensy bit of corroboration?
Magician Penn Jillette, who appeared on Celebrity Apprentice in 2012, told Vulture he definitely heard "racially insensitive things" but refused to try and quote because he was worried about inaccuracy.
However, he did go into detail about his overall impression of Trump and his behavior behind the scenes -- and it is NOT good! See The highlights (below)!
Does Mark Burnett have tapes of President Trump saying damaging things during Celebrity Apprentice? Yeah, I was in the room.
You've heard him say … Oh, yeah.
Can you tell me what you've heard him say? No. If Donald Trump had not become president, I would tell you all the stories. But the stakes are now high and I am an unreliable narrator. What I do, as much as anything, is I'm a storyteller. And storytellers are liars. So I can emotionally tell you things that happened racially, sexually, and that showed stupidity and lack of compassion when I was in the room with Donald Trump and I guarantee you that I will get details wrong. I would not feel comfortable talking about what I felt I saw in that room — because when I was on that show I was sleeping four to five hours a night. I was uncomfortable. "Stress" is the wrong word, but I was not at my best. Then at the end of a day, they put you in a room and they bring out a guy [Trump] who has no power whatsoever and he's capricious and petty and …
You've got to pretend to care what he thinks. Yeah! It's your job. You sit at this table and this man rambles — pontificates is giving him too much credit. And because you live in the modern world you've heard Trump ramble. But you've heard Trump ramble when he thinks he's being careful. Imagine when he feels he can be frank. And I will tell you things, but I will very conscientiously not give you quotations because I believe that would be morally wrong. I'm not trying to protect myself. This really is a moral thing.
Just so I'm clear: It's a moral thing because it would be wrong to misquote him or because you don't want to unduly have an effect on politics? If he hadn't become president, I would be telling stories all day long. And if someone were to say, "Penn didn't get that exactly right," you'd go "Who cares?"
But now being accurate matters more. Yeah, the stakes are really high. Not for me. Nothing I can say here hurts my career. But for the world the stakes are higher. He [President Trump] would be reading. And what I'm trying to do here is tell you the story emotionally without telling you specifics.
Okay, I think I follow your logic. He would say racially insensitive things that made me uncomfortable. I don't think he ever said anything in that room like "African-Americans are inferior" or anything about rape or grabbing women, but of those two hours every other day in a room with him, every ten minutes was fingernails on chalkboard. He would ask one cast member if he'd rather have sex with this woman or that woman. He would be reading on the web about a real-estate deal he'd made — like he'd sold his house for a certain amount and someone on some blog had said he should have gotten more. Then he would turn and say that making X amount on a house makes him a good businessman, right? I would say to him, "What are you talking about? You don't know who it is reporting that. Is that Forbes?" He had no idea. So when it came to think about supporting him for president, I digested that information from being on the show with him and said, "Absolutely not. He would be a terrible president." And because I'd been around him and some people cared what I thought, I said that publicly every chance I got — while also saying he's a good reality show. You want someone capricious and petty and narcissistic to be on your reality show. And boy, I hate to say this, but playing tapes of him doing that job might be unfair. I want those tapes to be used against him, but it might be unfair.
Because whatever he might've said was occurring in the larger context of being on a reality show? Yeah. You have friends who would say stuff to you over supper that, if you pulled out that chunk, you could ruin their career. But you've known them their whole life. You know the exact context. Context is really tricky.
But isn't there enough of an established behavioral pattern with President Trump that tapes of him saying racially or sexually demeaning things maybe fits into the larger context of who he is and what he thinks? That is fair. But I can't stress this enough: I do not respect Donald Trump. Don Junior said — and I'm proud of this — that of everybody who had been on Celebrity Apprentice, I was the one who enjoyed it the most. By the way, I didn't enjoy it. And I was also the one who liked his father the most. Don Junior said to me, "Why do you like him so much?" And I said, "I made a movie called The Aristocrats." [Laughs.] (Note: The Aristocrats is a documentary about the dirtiest joke ever told.) I like people when they don't have filters. I like Tiny TimA very odd, not-so-tiny ukulele player with a high vocal range who become briefly famous in the late '60s. I like Bob Dylan. I like Neil Young. I like Sun Ra. I love the Beat poets. Which means if I'm in a room with Trump I'm happy to hear him talk. But I'm also happy to hear Charlie Manson talk. I have nothing good to say about Donald Trump as president.
You can check out the whole wide-ranging interview HERE.
[Image via NBC/Joel Ginsburg/WENN.]
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