#joey kickass
p0ssumkingdom · 1 year
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joey kickass aka joel emille (scratchswap)
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celebrityclone · 8 months
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Joey King and Chloë Grace Moretz
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sandcatart · 1 year
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The Bloombergs 30 years later
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Hi, if you’re still doing Doctor Who fanfics, I was wondering if you could please write a silly little 11th Doctor x Platonic!TimeLord reader where they are best friends and have a relationship dynamic like Joey and Frankie from the Basement Yard Podcast.
Like they’re in a dangerous scenario and one of them makes a joke and they both just start laughing. Or when they’re on the TARDIS they’ll be arguing and then one of them says something that reminds them of a song and they both just start singing it. And they use insults and a term of endearment.
I think this would be really fun and silly, but no worries if you don’t want to.
okay I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea who those guys are but I’ll still do this idea.
Okay so one thing the 11th doctor is the best next to Tennant (yeah I’m biased cause Matt smith is MY doctor).
and yeah being friends with 11’s doctor is a WILD ride!!
yet at the same time you guys just click with one another from the moment you guys meet.
let’s say both of your chaotic energies just mesh together like fish fingers and custard hehehe
and that sometimes can be pretty strange or confusing to others especially when it comes to saving the galaxy
like this one time when you, the doctor and the Ponds got ambushed by the Daleks.
“Resistance is futile. Prepare to be exterminated!”
“Damn and I think I left the stove on in the Tardis.” You say.
at that comment 11 couldn’t help but say.
”how many times does this make? The fourth? The fifth?”
”lucky number seven actually my friend. But you’ve forgotten plenty of times. Remember when you thought a grease fire could be extinguished with water?”
“And you could’ve told me that?”
after briefly glaring at one another you both start to laugh.
“What is all this?” Proclaimed one of the daleks.
”it’s better you go with it” Amy said.
There was also another time with some space pirates that had taken a town hostage for their crops and money (real bugs life type situation)
they had you and the gang in cages along with the villagers and the pirate captain was going on a villainous monologue of how he was superior than these foolish villagers.
"With the subordination of these meek-little farmers, soon the entire galaxy will know my name! BLAZER THE WRATHFUL!!!" the pirates soon uproared in celebration, but soon a loud laugh overcame that.
It was your laughter.
"Something funny monkey!?"
"I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry my dude, did you say your name is Blazer-fury?"
"So do you--shoot blazers out of wrath?" you ask.
"Enough out of you! Or we'll kill you first!"
But you couldn't help but snicker under your breath. The Captain turns back to you demanding what's funny.
"I'm sorry. My guy I am soo sorry. I just keep thinking to myself of how every morning you standing in front of them mirror saying to yourself, 'You know what would be a real kick-ass name! BLAZER THE WRATHFUL!!' HAHAHAHAH! That's how I hear you in my head. Remember Doc like that movie?!"
"Which one? You mean the Dinosaur one? Ahh I remember when we got to have those dinos on a space ship. That was a fun time."
"No, no, no Doctor you know the one with the talking Raccoon."
"Oh yeah. Huh? Art imitates life."
"RIGHT!?!? HEY! HEY CAP! What was your second choice gonna be? BLAZER THE SCROTUM HEAD!?"
At your comment, you had his entire crew laughing when Blazer the wrathful puleld you against the bars, his sword to your neck as he sneered.
"That's it wench! You die now!"
"Well, dying would certainly be better than living in a galaxy where a misogynistic moron who thinks Blazer the Wrathful is a kickass name." you said bluntly before using your taser gun that River gave you the last time you both met.
In the end, you all saved the village and defeated the piarates.
Overall, when it comes to being you and the Doctor, you better watch out cause there's bound to be some chaos, mischief, and a bit of eye-rolling due to their chaotic energy together.
"Hey Doc! Where's the flux-capacitor on SEXY?"
"She doesn't have one of those, this is a TARDIS, not a Delorian."
"Do you think she'd be able to transform into that?"
"No! I like her this way and this way she'll stay."
"Then can you make me a time-machine Delorian?"
Yeah, chaotic energy at the max.
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Bracket E thoughts:
"Brand New Day" and "Alive" are both very good, but I'm a sucker for Anthony Warlow's Hyde. He just sounds so happy to unleash his inner evil! :)
"Philistine" fucking slaps, and as much as I love "Snuff Out the Light," I want to make everyone appreciate this rockin' number as much as I do. She spends the entire song ripping Travis apart, pointing out how his vengeance doesn't make him noble, his anger doesn't make him cool, and he's a pervy otaku. She rhymes aeternum with sternum. Having listened to both versions, I think the English version is better in the vocals because they're clearer, but the Japanese version has a kickass climax at 3:15.
I'm a perpetual fan of GLaDOS' songs, and I really enjoy the thinly veiled spite in "Still Alive."
"Mean Green Mother From Outer Space" is a fun song, but I am a self-admitted sucker for Joey Richter being a hammy villain in "Wagon on Fire".
Further research has indicated "Grand Ceremony" is indicative of the pompousness and fakeness of Manley, who is universally regarded as a prick. I don't know this game, but I can definitely get that vibe from this one.
"In the Dark of the Night" is always a classic, but I voted for "A Million Gruesome Ways to Die" because it's hilarious to me that Barnaby is threatening to kill the player in all sorts of gruesome ways the same way you'd offer a bunch of options to a really picky customer at a restaurant. He's just trying to be helpful, he's so enthusiastic about it!
Dawn M Bennett my beloved makes this modern-day hypocritical dirty cowgirl seem unironically cool every time she sings. Also the Banzai Blasters apparently just fucking shot her parents to death which is some fucking whiplash from "Great at Crime," to say the least. Anyway go listen to Zora's surprise musical backstory.
This might just be because I'm not an Ace Attorney fan, but I didn't really get a lot out of Distant Traces of Beauty" in terms of villainy? Like from what I've read it makes sense in context but it just doesn't give me the villain vibes I was hoping for. Also I have to give points to "I'm a Professional" for being made up entirely on the spot.
Holy shit that's Captain Marvel's actress? How and why the fuck is she rocking that song so well??? Anyway vote for "Black Sheep," a.k.a the much-needed "fuck you Scott" song.
Ok I submitted "Grandpa's Going to Sue the Pants Off of Santa," but...it's not a good song. It's really not. And even without knowing Les Mis that well, Alun Armstrong is doing such a good job of getting across who Thénardier is by being such a delightful scumbag.
I already can tell "Slipping" is going to win, which is fair, but I needed to vote for "What You Feel" because it is a bop.
As several people have pointed out, "That's Not How the Story Goes" is not really a villain song so much as a song lamenting the horror of the world they live in which happens to feature Count Olaf. Since the villain is listed as Olaf and not The Narrative Itself, I voted for "The Whole Being Dead Thing," which is also a very good song in a completely opposite direction from its opponent.
Holy fuck, why is "Where There's A Whip, There's A Way" so good. Why do the orcs harmonize so well. What the shit.
Have I mentioned that I love Queen Latifah's singing? Because I love her singing. She is having so much fun here.
"Open Up Your Eyes" is a pretty good villain song in an unfortunately mediocre movie that tells me a lot about who the villain is and why she villains, while "You Will Remember" veered kind of too hard into generic rock song territory. Like, I know it's supposed to be an allusion to Ember's backstory, but that backstory wasn't even in the show itself...
Oh yeah and also the person who uploaded that video apparently committed a shooting, which isn't relevant to this bracket, but was a big surprise when I scrolled down to the comments.
Some good opinions 👍
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year
5 14 and 23 for the songs ask game 👀
5. A song that needs to be played LOUD
I answered this one in another ask buuut I'll give another, less popular one and say Punk Tactics by Joey Valence & Brae. It just sounds loud and kickass. Tho again, I am big fan of all music playing loudly lol
14. A song you'd love played at your wedding
Ummm so I really think an actual answer would depend on. Who I'd be marrying. But I think the closest thing that fits the tone of a wedding is Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny +Teagan&Sara. I think its pretty sweet, plus that version switches up the pronouns which is nice
23. A song you think every body should listen to
SUCH A BIG QUESTION I really don't know if I can pick one,,,
I wouldn't say this is like. My favorite or anything. But if you've not listened to Mr.Brightside by The Killers then Wyd. Its a classic
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elshells · 1 year
Happy STS! I hope you've had a good week! What pokemon would each of your characters have? Is it what people would expect them to have?
Happy STS!! The week has been pretty swell! Just got an official summer job so we're sitting pretty there <3
This is the PERFECT question for me. I just started a replay of Soul Silver a couple weeks ago (my first Pokemon game!), so I've had Pokemon in my brain lately. It's only natural that my WIPs should intersect! So here's what I've got!!
I decided most of these based on vibes, and some characters were harder to decide than others. Let me know if you were surprised by any of these!
Sophia - Lucario
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I've come to the realization that Lucario is the perfect partner for Sophia! He would accompany her on her cases, and they would be sparring buddies in their downtime. And with its ability to sense other's auras, Lucario would be able to not only read the moves of their opponents, but it would know by reading Sophia's thoughts when she was in a dark place, and then encourage her to take care of herself.
I do also get the feeling that she would be a Dragon-Type trainer, or at least she would be drawn to powerful Pokemon who hit their opponents hard.
Honorable Mentions: Ampharos, Flygon, Braviary, Kaputops
Janus - Zorua & Gengar
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Zorua and Janus would definitely be friends, if nothing else. As a shy, lonely punk kid, he would love the cute shapeshifter fox, and probably even see a lot of himself reflected in the little guy. As an adult, I'm sure he'd still be fond of Zorua, but I can't deny that he absolutely radiates big-time Gengar energy. Change my mind, I dare you!
He'd love Dark-Types and Ghost-Types best, and end up getting way too invested in the game. Everyone from Team Rocket to Youngster Joey is going down!
Honorable Mentions: Houndoom, Banette, Sneasel, Pancham
Harley - Gible
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I have so many feelings about this one. Harley would absolutely dote on her Gible, feeding it tons of treats and giving it pets after every battle. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that she needs a baby land shark in her life. They'd be such good friends, plus just imagine them down the line! Harley and Garchomp? Badass. Immaculate. Utter perfection. My skin is clear and my depression is cured.
It's also worth mentioning that part of my decision to choose Gible was that I always thought Harley behaved like Lilo as a kid, and Gible reminds me of Stitch!!
Overall, I think she would be a bit of a wildcard trainer. She was the toughest to match by far, but I've listed my favorite selections down below!
Honorable Mentions: Riolu, Volcarona, Arcanine, Heracross, Aerodactyl
Jade - Buneary & Dragonite
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Buneary pretty much represents how Jade is as a person, so in that way I feel like she and the lil' bunny would be kindred spirits. However, Dragonite would be her partner Pokemon, which may surprise people, but hear me out! They would be best buds, and I love the idea of Jade being a shockingly powerful trainer. She looks so sweet and unassuming, until she sweeps the floor with a literal dragon. No big deal 💅🏻
Besides, once you picture them flying above the city and napping together in a sunny field, you will never be the same. I know I still can't get over the cute.
She adores the cute baby Pokemon, and she probably has a pack of Eevees that have all imprinted on her like ducklings. She would be the type of person who would collect every Eeveelution and form a kickass battle squad.
Honorable Mentions: Phanpy, Milotic, Cubchoo, Aurorus, Altaria
Max - Psyduck
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When trying to imagine what Pokemon Max would have, Psyduck came to mind immediately. They are one and the same—both plagued by constant headaches (both literal and metaphorical), and both possessing a hidden power that they unleash in times of distress! They understand each other, and so they have each other's backs. It's just Max and his derpy duck against the world.
I think Max would probably have the most Psychic-Types and Fairy-Types. He likes the company of a bunch of strange little guys <3
Honorable Mentions: Togetic, Breloom, Goomy, Abra, Phantump
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Tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @tm-trx - Thank you! ☺️
Three Ships
Buck x Eddie (9-1-1) - They’ve had a grip on me since early 2020 when they showed up on my dash and have never let go since. I have no clue if they’ll ever go canon, but I’m going to root for them always.
Pacey x Joey (Dawson’s Creek) - I can’t call them my first ship, but it’s a close damn thing. I remember watching DC every week and just despising Dawson. I know it was technically his creek, but damn was he annoying, especially when he was with Joey. And then there was Pacey. Still one of my favorite television characters ever. They were so cute together and seasons 3 & 4 of the show were just excellent, mostly because of their chemistry and how many scenes they shared.
Bella x Jasper (Twilight) - Team Edward/Team Jacob, who? To be honest, I don’t really know where this one came from. I have just been in the mood recently to read some Bella x Jasper fic, and luckily there are some excellent ones out there. These moods have always ebbed and flowed, but this pairing always seems to come back every so often and they’ve got a grip on me right now. I’ve even started rewatching clips from the movies (??? what am I doing with my life???) and looking for fanvids on YouTube. I’ve always gone for the unexpected/rare pairings, I guess. Thank fuck for fanfic and fan created works.
First Ship
Kimberly x Jason (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) - Does it make sense? Not so much. But I haven’t ever made sense, even as a child. I always remember being mad that Kimberly got with Tommy and would think up scenarios that could change canon even way back then. I was writing fanfic in my head before I even knew what it was. I wasn’t joking about those unexpected/rare pairings.
Last Song
Volcano Girls by Veruca Salt - Alternative rock has always been my number one genre, particularly 90s alt rock and female-led bands are badass. This song is so kickass.
Last Movie
The Proposal - Needed a mindless rewatch of something cute, that I’d seen before.
Currently Reading
Fight Like Hell: The Untold History of American Labor by Kim Kelly - Just got this one from the library and haven’t read too many chapters yet, but it’s great so far!
Currently Watching
9-1-1 - Finally getting around to finishing my rewatch of the series with my mom that we started last year. Just made it to the halfway point of season 4. I am in no way prepared for 4x13 and 4x14. 😬
Puppet History - Doing a complete rewatch of the series, now that the latest season is finished. I do a lot of rewatches, I’ve noticed, lol.
Good Omens - I saw stuff on Tumblr when the first season came out, but I was able to get the DVD set from the library and I’m finally watching it the whole way through.
Ghosts (CBS) - I watch this one every week with my mom and my aunt.
Currently Consuming
Water - it’s almost 1am here. If I tried to eat or drink something else now, I’ll be up even later.
Currently Craving
Fries. Always fries.
Tagging some folks from my notes (but no pressure of course): @sarcasticfina @holypiercednipplesbatman @molly2009 @organizedstardust @periru3 @calculated2stagger @bleakmonday
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hyperch1ptune · 2 months
same anon from earlier HAII (─‿‿─)
I haven't seen GATG in yearsss n I need to rewatch it so bad. I just remembered that Fidget and Digit existed and went, "Yeah, I remember those sillies. I'll search em up on Tumblr dot com." And found you! I got into Vinny first back in 2018, but I didn't fully get into Joey until around 2020, I think. I still need to get into Mike's stuff!! I've enjoyed the times that Joel has interacted w him on stream, so I'm sure he's got good content
Fren in the gadgetmobile is SO funny to me I'm giggling. I don't trust that thing in any vehicle LMAO
I also just realized that you're into the binding of isaac! I've soo many hours in that game... So you've got SUPREME taste bro. I'm shy asf, but can I dm you? I'd like to be friends 🙂‍↕️
this is why I love being a modern day gadgetini geek,,,,I get 2 have other fans find me
I’d recommend mike if ur already accompanied w vinny & jeol,,,kinda the 1 in the trio that wraps it up w toilet humor (& FINGER FAMILY) but he makes up w it wjth being close friends w the both of them & making some KICKASS drums in red vox❗️I recently got into red vox a few months as well - even if i’ve wanted 2 stream them since I first discovered vinny had a band a few years back,,
fren’s jackass trying 2 control gadgetmobiles’s airplane mode:
& YOUR A ISAAC FAN ANON??? YEAH NO IM SOLD U SEEM LIKE A COOL PERSON I’D LOVE THAT I just have dm’s privates since I don’t want random people/bots invading it lmao,,,,,but legit I do NOT mind if ur all into this
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dankhausen · 2 years
GCW: Amerikaz Most Wanted Review
I know I'm pretty late with this, but I just got around to watching it and wanted to share my thoughts. This was also my first GCW show, so there's a lot of people here I'm not familiar with and only a few that I am.
Overall, I really enjoy the commentary teams on this show (I say teams because I'm pretty sure people were swapped in and out of the booth, but I'm not positive on that). It's a really casual feel, almost like Hoodslam but a bit more serious.
The video packages are incredible on this show, the one explaining the Charles Mason/Effy feud was my personal favorite.
Thoughts on the card, match by match:
The six man scramble to start the show, I knew nobody here but it was fast paced and interesting.
Matt Cardona vs Starboy Charlie should've opened the show, in my opinion. I haven't seen any of Charlie's previous work but I was impressed, and I was blown away by Cardona's promo. This is how Impact should be booking the man.
The Triple Threat Match was what I was looking forward to the most, I'm a big fan of Masha Slamovich from her work on Impact and I've been following Hoodslam for a few months so I know Dark Sheik. There was some very innovative moves in this match, a personal favorite was Masha chokeslamming Sawyer Wreck off of the shoulders of Dark Sheik. This was probably my runner up for match of the night, and I can say now I'm also a Sawyer Wreck fan.
The six man tag... holy shit, the six man tag. Easily match of the night, I'd even put it as match of the year in all of wrestling period. I'm not familiar with any of the people involved, but man do I want to see more! Just the innovative moves from Komander, Gringo Loco with a catching top rope powerbomb, the flipping powerbomb... I could go on and on. Seriously, watch this match!
Joey Janela vs Pagano, I would say my reaction to this was pleasantly surprised. I never really cared for Janela in AEW which is where I know him from, so I wasn't expecting much going into the match. What I got was a solid hardcore match and a kickass entrance from the man- I'd be lying if I said I wasn't down for a rematch down the road.
Willie Mack vs Jimmy Lloyd was a bit of a let down, but then that might be because it followed two badass matches. I'm not familiar with either man, but Willie Mack's finisher is pretty badass.
Effy vs Charles Mason was incredible, both the video package and the match itself. I love Mason's look and the creepy way he wrestles, he's like this weird sexual monster and it works for him. Was also happy to see Allie Katch and Dark Sheik get involved, I'm looking forward to seeing Thrussy in action.
Los Mazisos vs RockNes Monsters, I don't know either team but I really enjoyed this one. Personal highlights for me were Yuma going full Looney Tunes with his "put 'em up, put 'em up" before fainting, and Yuma dropping his own partner through the door. Very funny, very badass.
Nick Gage vs Tony Deppen... man, what a straight up brawl. The match was great, the finish was amazing, I also really like the energy of Gage's entrance and how overly hype he gets for both it and his ring intro. Didn't know him before, but I'm a fan now.
El Hijo del Vikingo vs Blake Christian, I had to seek this match out on YouTube as it wasn't part of the broadcast but I'm glad I did. It's a really solid, high flying match- I was most impressed by the flipping dive to the outside Vikingo hit early on.
Overall, an incredible show and highly recommended.
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techsbanana · 2 years
Gangsters 2 vendetta kickass torrent
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#Gangsters 2 vendetta kickass torrent full#
#Gangsters 2 vendetta kickass torrent full#
Gangsters 2 sports a sharp, simplified interface (compared to the original Gangsters), a full 24-hour-day time cycle (unruly behavior is more likely to occur and go unchecked by police at night), and a '20s/Prohibition-era Chicagoesque setting. Also, your personal advisor pops up every now and again to let you know when one of your businesses is being attacked or when a specialist has come available for activating one of your illegal operations. To help you on your way, you can bribe the local police force, buy weapons and cars (for drive-bys), and even occasionally hire hit men to do your work for you. Objectives include such mundane assignments as taking over rival businesses, stealing kidnap victims, and, of course, eliminating enemy mobsters. Successfully completing each successive mission requires that you accomplish one or more objectives, which the narrator and your personal advisor inform you of throughout the game. For instance, if you hire a gambling manager and position him in an underground casino, you can rake in much more loot than if you were to rely on the earnings of your convenience store (which the casino doubles as during the daytime) alone. These people run your illegal businesses - which you can establish covertly in some of the legitimate operations running in your territory. Gangsters can come equipped with specialties, such as bombing or kidnapping, and, in weirdly out-of-place role-playing fashion, you can add skill levels to their main traits (such as shooting and stealth)- assuming they survive the mission in which they're active. That's a lot of contrived motivation to maintain, especially for a character as one-dimensional as Joey Bane.Īs Joey Bane, you'll have the opportunity to hire a number of gangster henchmen (and their henchmen as well) to further your cause, some of which add more to your organization than just muscle. For real, bona fide vengeance, you have to keep with the killing until you make it to the top. That is, mission after mission you discover that the mobster you formerly thought responsible for your father's demise was but a mere cinder block in Gangsters 2's unholy pyramid of death. By following Gangsters 2: Vendetta's line of reasoning, you'll eventually have to "off" God, as he (or she) created Adam, who begat Cain.who created "Hammer" Constantine, who ordered "Stoneface" Langham to order "Bullseye" Coley to kill your father.
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lulu2992 · 6 years
"You know how you feel when you watch that video?"
I... spent way too much time making this.
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
Oh wait, what am I doing! Empires s1 gravity falls au.
Gem and Fwhip as the pines twins, OBVIOUSLY. Gem is Dipper, journals and studying the oddities of the town. Fwhip is Mabel, instead of a crush of the week he has a victim of the week (these have resulted in explosions on multiple occasions).
Scott and Xornoth as Ford and Stan respectively. Exor as Bill. Xornoth went to help from Scott because he kept seeing Exor, but they argued and Scott was hit with the rune sword. Xornoth is trying to bring him back.
Pearl and Sausage as Wendy and Soos. Full WRA baybe!!! Sausage is strangely wise, always has good advise hidden under all his silly words, and Pearl comes from a family of kickass farmers. Gem definetly has a squish on her.
Joey is Gideon and wants a) Xornoth to marry him and b) the tale of the stags, the grimoire, and the book of prophesies (the journals). He has a deal with Exor so he can possess Xornoth. He HATES the twins for "getting in the way of him and Xornoth". Also cuz he finds out Gem has the grimoire much earlier than Gidion finds out Dipper has a journal, that too.
Lizzie is old man mcgucket, making a "deal with destiny" to help Scott in his studies in exchange for collecting cool stuff from their findings. But in a tragic lab accident, she loses her memories, of her friends and even her brother.
Speaking of brother, Jimmy is the most pathetic wet rag version of Pacifica you could come up with. His family outcasted Lizzie and claim to descend from the founders of the town. But Jimmy? He's uncool, clumsy, unathletic, only charismatic in a sort of pittying way, perfect victim for Fwhip's pranks. However, the twins don't REALIZE how powerful Jimmy's family is until after a prank gone too far.
Joel like, kinda plays the Robbie roll? He was dating Lizzie before the whole memory thing and he makes that Xornoth (impersonating Scott, who lost her memories)'s problem. But he doesn't really believe any of the supernatural crap, so he thinks Scott told Lizzie to break up with him and ghost him by pretending to not know who he is.
And the knomes? There's only one knome. The rest are wolves. The knome is Shrub and she's much nicer than the ones in the show. She helps the twins on most of their adventures, basically whenever they need a small army.
Katherine is the town newspaper, she's got all the gossip but she will never disclose from where (flowers talk to her, it's fine). She's always the first person Gem and Fwhip go to if they're investigating or need info. There's no real equivalent if her in the show, maybe Toby if you REALLY stretch.
And then Pix is Blendin. Once again, much nicer than in the show, he doesn't take the twins into a death game, but he's just as easily set off. He's on the run from the Vigil, like Time Baby, and while Katherine knows everything about the people of the town, Pix knows a about the monsters. Unlike Blendin though, he is from the past, an ancient civilization (don't ask how they figured out time travel).
Did I make this au specifically to have Bubbles as Waddles? Maybe. What's it to you?
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cobrakai84 · 2 years
season 5 spoilers READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
WOW OMG I DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START… Im glad Robby and Johnny have made amends the whole pepper thing, was funny, although next season I would like a heart to heart.
Johnny found Miguel yay , loved the hug but we sooo needed the I love you.. (it never came 😞😞😞)
Daniel and Amanda, I get why she was pissed but at the same not exactly, was she piseed he caused a scene? (Side note Jessica and Amanda are cousins *insert Joey Lawrence WHOA! In here* if you don’t who/what that is you’re probably really young and I’m sorry but YouTube is a gold mine) . Amanda kicking ass at that bar hell yeah!
I was so sure Mike Barnes was working for Silver , so glad he wasnt.
Kreese I think he was screwing with Tory, I mean he was so playing that doctor/psychiatrist
JOHNNY AND CARMEN AHHHH THEY'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY, I admit that was quicker than I expected (please TB3 Don’t mess them up)
I never thought Robby and Miguel would actually make up
honorable mentions Chozen drunk was funny
the bar fight with Louie And Anoush that was one of my fave scenes of 5x09
Oh Yeah the crane kick was kickass
all in all it felt like the beginning of the end , but please Netflix please renew for season 6
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metalsongoftheday · 3 years
Friday, January 28: Anthrax, “Aftershock”
“Aftershock” was something of a bridge between the traditional metal of Fistful of Metal and the overt thrash of Among the Living, though it certainly skewed toward the latter and showed exactly where Anthrax was headed.  Like most of Spreading the Disease, it married the linear songcraft of traditional heavy metal with the hardcore-laced aggression bubbling up from the underground in specific ways: Joey Belladonna was an inherently melodic and elastic singer, and the track had a logical throughline, but Carl Canedy’s raw and booming production gave equal space for the blunt-force riffing, Charlie Benante’s jackhammer drumming and Scott Ian’s hardcore shouting, with all of the above combining to form a kickass thrasher that stood apart from the rest of the Big 4 by virtue of feeling a bit more digestible and fun. “Aftershock” wasn’t a cornerstone track for Anthrax by any stretch, and other tracks would come to define Spreading the Disease and set the stage for their breakthrough, but it was a banging good time that was nearly impossible not to rock out to and shout along with, which was exactly what the guys were aiming for.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Danger days - Chapter six: "I'm gonna make a mistake (I'm gonna do it on purpose)"
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Word count: 9k
Summary: Things are getting awkward in the tour bus when Gerard and Joey have to spend some time together. Mikey ain't in a good place. Ray is getting more into his father role. Frank is trouble, and we love him for it. Also, Joey is getting some hate from the fans and the band doesn't deal with it the right way. Matthew might hate Frank.
Warnings: Cursing, a little angst.
A/N:  Hi! thank you for reading! hope you enjoy this chapter!
Not my gif and all this shit is fiction.
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | Chapter sixteen | Chapter seventeen | Chapter eighteen | Chapter nineteen | Chapter twenty | Chapter twenty one | Chapter twenty-two | Chapter twenty-three | Chapter twenty-four |
::: At the bus, October 27th, 2011 :::
The bus ride from Edinburgh to Amsterdam was over 11 hours. Joey was in the back lounge of the bus all alone writing. She would spend a lot of time back there after she managed to convince the band they couldn’t leave their dirty outfits there. Her drum kit was there too, so she could practice the song she felt she could do better. Mikey was always there with her at practice time to help her and encourage her.
But now, she was alone.
She felt good traveling with those guys. They felt like they could be trusted, at least a little, especially Ray and Mikey. The two of them were amazingly nice and considerate with her. She felt at home with them. Frank was still a little bit of a flirt, but she had learned it was just who he was, and she even joked about it with him. He was always fun to be with, and he always knew how to make her laugh, even when they were fighting over Call of Duty, which happened every single fucking day.
Joey was happy with them. She wasn’t good at making friends, so it surprised her to get along with the band so quickly.
But everything was still weird with Gerard. Every time he looked at her, her knees felt weak. Weak! She had to make an effort to act normal around him, even when in her head she kept picturing the most sinful, dirty, and delicious scenarios to fuck with Gee.
That made her feel like the worst human on earth. Even when it was just in her head, and she knew she would never do it in real life, Joey felt she was cheating on Matthew.
- "Hey"- Joey nearly jumped as a voice surprised her, and Gerard Way showed up in the room with her- "Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to know if you don’t mind I come to read here too. The guys are making too much noise at the front of the bus playing."
The laughter and yells from the band could be heard pretty loud with the door open.
- "Sure."
Joey smiled and watched him sit on the couch next to her. Silence in the room was thick. Gerard would stare at her from time to time and pretended to be concentrated on his reading when nothing could be farther from the truth. Meanwhile, Joey stopped writing and looked outside the window, making her best not to turn to Gerard, fighting her body with everything she had. Until she failed and turned to him. He was so deep concentrated on his reading… she didn’t know how suddenly she asked.
- "And what are you reading?"
- "Dune"
- "Frank Herbert, classic"- Gerard smiled, and Joey returned to her notebook.
- "And what are you writing?"
- "I was working on the lyrics for a song. “Shit! No!”- and just like that, Joey knew she had made a huge mistake.
- "Awesome, wanna share it?"- the singer got too excited with those words.
- "Never"- and Joey blushed right away.
- "Come on, let me see"- Gerard stood up and sat next to Joey.
- "It’s too embarrassing."
- "Why?"
- "I don’t know… ‘cos you are you and I am me.“Worst excuse ever, Joey!”- Gerard frowned and sighed.
- "Care to explain?"- Joey pointed at him
- "You are an amazing singer in a kickass rock band writing songs for years"- and then pointed at herself- "I am a young drummer learning how to put lyrics on music."
Joey made a pause and took a deep breath, trying to concentrate on what she was saying. I shouldn’t be so hard, but Gerard’s eyes on her weren’t making talking very easy.
- "Music I can handle, but lyrics… that’s hard"- she whispered and looked down at the paper again.
- "Not really."
- "Sure, dude, make me feel bad."
- "No, come on, just show me."
- "You are gonna laugh"- that whole conversation was high school level, both of them blushing.
- "I just want to be friendly"- and he even pouted.
- "Not cool, you are being sweet and manipulator at the same time."
- "Come on, I’m just extra nice, so you won’t think I hate you,"- Joey chuckled and made her best to act normal, though she was dying inside.
- "Fair point… "- and so the girl gave in pretty quickly and passed Gerard her little black notebook- "If you laugh, I’ll smother you with a pillow. I know where your bunk is."
Gerard only raised his eyes for a second and smiled, to then continue reading.
- "Do you have the music?"
- "Yeah, it’s a rough mix. Do you want to hear it?"
- "Fuck yeah"- Joey grabbed her iPod and looked for the song while Gerard kept reading.
- "You know, this is not too shabby."
- "For Rachel?"- and the girl chuckled nervously as Gee smiled confused, not getting the joke at all.
- "I mean it"- and she didn’t respond to that, mostly ‘cos their eyes were stuck at each other, and the two of them remain silent.
- "Here is the song"- she whispered after a good thirty seconds of silence- "I’m gonna go hide of embarrassment while you listen to it."
- "Oh! Come on! You don’t have to go"- and he grabbed her hand as soon as she stood up.
Joey’s cheeks were burning red. Gerard wasn’t any better anyway. The girl didn’t know how to speak at that point, so she just sat back on her spot and played with her fingers like a nervous wreck. He moved his head slowly, following the rhythm. It was a torment for the drummer.
- “Heimskulegt!! (Stupid!) Why didn’t you lie? Why didn’t you tell him you were just doing nothing? Why did you have to talk in the first place?? You two could have stayed quiet for hours, and it would have been great!! And awkward, but great! Shit! He is gonna laugh at me… or worst, he’ll say is good out of pity and think I am a total failure.”
The girl’s head was running a hundred miles per hour as Gerard hummed for a second and paused the song.
- "Can you sing it?"
- "No way, José!"
- "Come on!"
- "No, dude! it’s not even finished"- he pouted again, and Joey sighed- "No! stop that trying to force me."
- "I’m not trying to force you! I’m just being adorable…"
- "To push me to show you my song and now singing it"- Joey was giggling, feeling like a twelve years old school girl. Gerard pouted again- "I hate you."
- "I don’t hate you, see? I’m friendly"- Joey sighed defeatedly and looked around. She grabbed a guitar and checked if it was in tune.
- "If you laugh at me..."
- "I’m not gonna laugh at you!! Now sing!"
Joey closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she started playing. Her song was based on the time people had betrayed her and how friendships can end as fast as they had started. She did the first verse and the chorus she was working on before she stopped at Gerard.
- "And so far, that’s all I’ve got."
- "I like it"- and she snorted- "I mean it! It’s really... Seattle."
- "That’s what I was aiming for,"- she sniggered and left the guitar aside- "Anyway, it’s a work in progress, it’s been taking a lot of time, it’s the first time I put lyrics on a song all by myself, I would usually do that with a band."
- "Do you want some help?"- he suggested, more like a whisper than a question, and she shook her head right away- “Of course she doesn’t, you stupid asshole.”
- "I just… want to try to do it on my own, thanks"- she murmured- "I don’t mean to be rude or anything. I just want to challenge myself to do it alone for the first time and see what happens."
Gerard nodded and smiled, making his best not to look disappointed, which he was. Writing a song was an excellent way to spend more time together.
- "Sounds like an awesome plan"- that smile, Joey felt her head was spinning as she stared at him- "But you have to promise you’ll play it for me when you are finished."
- "Deal"- she grinned and looked down.
- "You have to shake it"- the girl turned to him, confused until she saw him reaching out his hands to her.
- "Right!"- and so she did, shivering.
- "So… do you wanna watch a movie with me?"- he asked in a desperate attempt to find something else to do with her but being awkward and silent.
- "The guys are using the tv."
- "So? We’ve got another back here"- Gerard frowned, surprised Joey didn’t know about it, and stood up to open a little door on the wall that showed a tv and a DVD player.
- "Shit! That’s brand new information!"
- "What do you wanna watch? We’ve got… The Shinning… Night of the living dead, The Rocky Horror Picture show."
- "The Shining"- Joey answered and left the guitar (probably Ray’s) at the other side of the room.
- "Alright"- Gerard set the movie and sat next to Joey on the couch.
- “This is not weird, this is just two bandmates killing time on the bus, you don’t feel anything, you are not nervous, you don’t wanna jump on him and fuck him, No Joey! No! You’ve got a hot boyfriend you love. This guy is just a weird crush, and that’s it. You are never doing shit! Never!”
- "Joey?"- she turned to him and watched him staring back at her, confused
- "Sorry, what?"
- "I’m gonna get some water. Do you want anything?"
- "No, thanks, I’m ok"- she smiled and watched him walk out the room… staring at his butt- “Stop it bitch!”
Frank looked around and realized he hadn’t seen either Joey or Gerard in a long while. Where the fuck were they? He stood up and looked around. Not in the bunk, there weren’t many places to hide
- "Hey!"- and he found them sitting on a couch watching tv- "What are you doing?"
- "Hello Frankie"- Joey said with a serious expression on her face- "Come and play with us."
- "What?"- Frank frowned, confused
- "Come and play with us, Frankie, forever... and ever... and ever"- the girl repeated in a creepy voice, making Gerard chuckle.
- "What?"
- "Oh! Come on! We are watching The Shining! You didn’t get the reference?"- Frank looked at Joey and smiled.
- "Shit, you suck at jokes!!"
- "Fuck you, Jersey!!!"- the girl argued and threw him a pillow. Gerard sighed. That was the end of his moment alone with Joey. Frank sat next to her and started arguing for a moment.
- “Well, it’s not like I was going to do much more than just watching the movie, but… it would have been nice to… maybe… cuddle? Oh shit… now I really wanna cuddle with her, but I know if I get too close, I am not gonna resist, and if she lets me… damn.”
- "What are you guys doing?"- Mikey walked over, eating a bag of chips.
- "Gime!!"- Joey raised her arms, and Mikey handed her the bag.
- "We are watching a movie"- Gerard simply answered and made room for his brother next to him on the couch.
- "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"- Mikey recited, and Joey giggled- "Hey, give me back my chips!"
- "Mine now!"- the girl answered with a grin. The whole situation made Gerard feel frustrated. He just sighed and looked at the screen.
But it wasn’t easy, ‘cos somehow Frank ended up cuddled with Joey. His arms around her neck and her head on his shoulder, watching the movie. And Gerard felt his cheeks burning in anger.
- “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!”- he couldn’t concentrate. He was genuinely jealous of Iero ’cause he could hug the girl he had a crush on- “Fuck! I really have a crush on her!”- his eyes widened at that realization- “I have to get away from her, for real!”
Gerard jumped from the couch and excused himself. Mikey quickly moved along and grabbed the bag of chips from Joey’s hands.
- "Bróðir!!"
- "My chips!!"- the oldest Way heard the girl arguing and his brother laughing as he walked away. He knew he was doing the right thing, but fuck! It was hard.
- "Everything ok?"- Ray asked Gee from the computer as the singer opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.
- "Yeah, why?"
- "No reason..."
The laughter coming from the back of the bus filled the space, and Gerard groaned, making his best not to show how irritated he was.
- "Sounds like the kids are having fun"- Ray would always refer to Frank and Mikey as “the kids” ‘cos they were younger and usually the ones with the most childish ideas on the bus.
- "Yeah. Joey and I were watching a movie, but they showed up, and…"- laughter interrupted Gerard again, and he just closed his eyes and sat on a couch in silence.
- "I’m happy they get along. I think Joey is a good addition to the tour life."
- "Yeah…."
Gerard mumbled and grabbed a comic from the table. He didn’t say another word, and Ray didn’t push him either. He knew when Gee was in a bad mood, and he didn’t really want to go through whatever it was that bothered him.
Gerard Way couldn’t sleep. He heard everybody on the bus snoring, but he couldn’t close his eyes. The fact he had faced his crush over Joey hit him hard. He felt the worst husband on earth. He hadn’t even kissed the girl, and he already had the sense he was cheating on Lynz.
- “How do you turn a crush off? Seriously? How the fuck can I stop thinking about this girl in a romantic way? She has a boyfriend she clearly loves very much, and I have an amazing wife! This has to be just a phase, and I have to overcome it as soon as possible.”
Someone walking down a bunk interrupted his thoughts. He slowly peered out and saw a person heading to the back of the bus. He knew who it was. And he couldn’t just let the chance pass.
- “You shouldn’t be doing this!”- his brain warned him, but he never stopped to listen to it. It was like his body had free will, and his brain couldn’t do a thing about it.
Gerard slowly opened the door to the back lounge and found Joey lying on the couch, tears in her eyes, sobbing. His heart ached the second he noticed the girl was affected by something. His cock couldn’t get in the middle of…
- “Fuck!!”- he had to fight with his hard-on under his sweatpants as he walked over and whispered- "Hey, are you ok?"
The girl quickly whipped off the tears with the blanket she was carrying and smiled.
- "Yeah, sorry, did I wake you up?"
- "No, I couldn’t sleep"- Gerard kneeled in front of her and held her hands sweetly- "Come on, what is it? Why are you crying?"- Joey sighed, and another few tears fell from her eyes.
- "It’s nothing, don’t worry."
- "Do you miss your boyfriend?"
- "Yeah, but that’s not why I’m crying?"
- "Did someone do something to you? hurt you?"- Gerard looked honestly upset, and Joey noticed. It moved her knowing he honestly cared about what was wrong with her.
- "Nothing like that…"- the girl sighed and closed her eyes for a second- "Actually, please promise me you won’t laugh."
- "Joey, you are crying. Why would I laugh?"- he whispered, and Joey sighed, staring right into his eyes, making him feel his heart stopped for a second.
- "Your fans are trashing me on Twitter… and Tumblr... and Facebook"- she finally confessed, and a few more tears fell from her cheeks- "I knew it was gonna happen ’cause I noticed you’ve got a lot of female teenage fans. But I just never thought it would be so bad."
- "How bad is it?"
Joey didn’t answer. She just reached her phone to him and wiped the tears from her face. Gerard sat next to her and read the threat on Twitter. It was awful. Everybody insulted her. Hundreds of girls were calling her names, being incredibly offensive, and some of them even saying she should be dead.
- "I really shouldn’t be crying over this. It just felt like high school all over again."
- "Don’t say that! There is nothing right about what these girls are doing."
Gerard sat next to her and hugged her. For once, his cock understood it wasn’t time to focus on how much he wanted to be with her.
- "Yeah, but I should have a thicker skin and not let this shit affect me."
Gerard looked at her and wiped off the tears from her eyes with his thumb. She was so close, so warm, so innocent in a strange way. It made him feel deep tenderness in his heart. And a hard-on in his pants again.
- “Damn it!!!”- he sighed and stopped the hug slowly. The girl looked at his phone and sighed.
- "Thanks, Gerard."
- "You can call me Gee… wait here"- he stood up and walked to his bunk. Joey stayed still, fighting the mix of sadness and excitement that buzzed around her head at the moment.
- “That fucking hug…”- she thought, still feeling it on her skin- “That was too much for me to handle under these circumstances.”
Gerard walked back into the back lounge and closed the door behind his back.
- "Ok, let me fix this"
- "How?"
- "Easy"- he opened Twitter and started typing- “I’ve lost all hope today after reading all the bullshit you wrote about our drummer. I am ashamed you are our fans.”
- "Dude! No!"- Joey grabbed the phone off Gerard’s hands and frowned- "That’s too mean!!"
- "They were mean."
- "They worship you! You are gonna cause a mass suicide on your fanbase! You have to be nicer."
- "But I don’t wanna be nice. They hurt you"- he whispered and locked his eyes on her- "I need them to learn they can’t bash on people on the web and get away with it."
- "Then don’t bash them either!"
The singer sighed, knowing Joey had a point. He also realized the situation had affected him more than it should have, and it proved to him he had an honest and entirely out-of-place crush on the drummer.
- "Fine…"- she handed back his phone, and he started typing again. “I’ve lost hope today after reading an awful amount of bullshit about our drummer. I sincerely hope you all apologize to her. She is an amazing musician and an example for all the girls out there who want to make a career in the music industry.”
- "That’s gonna be a long thread"- the girl whispered, reading over his shoulder.
- "Better than the last one?"
- "Yeah"- she whispered and looked at him, more calmed, but still very blushed- "Thank you for doing this"- he sighed and smiled back at her, whispering.
- "You are our drummer and our friend: I’ll never let them hurt you, I promise."- Joey chuckled.
- "You know, I know that’s the lyrics of one of your songs, right?"
- "I was hoping you wouldn’t notice that,"- the two of them smiled- "Do you wanna go to bed?"
- "I’m not really sleepy"- she answered and sighed- "I know if I go to bed, I’m gonna keep thinking about all this shit until I drive myself crazy."
- "Do you wanna watch tv for a while? I can’t sleep either"- he felt it in his guts; that wasn’t a good idea, but there was no way he could resist that temptation. He wanted to stay close to her.
- "Sure… you gotta pick the movie now, I picked the last one, and you didn’t watch it."
- "The guys were making too much noise. I hate talking during movies"- he whispered, making shit up to excuse himself from running away from the whole scene ‘cos he got jealous.
- "Then you are gonna hate me ‘cos that what I do most"- Joey muttered and smiled guiltily as Gerard turned to her.
- "Really?"
- "Sorry, not sorry, I can’t help it. Matthew says I’m like the director’s cut version of every movie I see, with all the comments and jokes"- she grinned, and he pretended to be annoyed.
- "I guess we won’t be watching many movies together then."
- "Sorry..."- Gerard walked back to the couch and sat next to her, feeling her warm body next to him, covered under a blanket- "And what are we watching?"
- "Hellboy was the least shitty thing I could find in there. We should get more movies in the next stop."
- "I happen to love Ron Perlman. I think he is my Hellboy"- Joey smiled, and Gerard stayed in silence- "What? Not a popular opinion?"
- "No, I just find it funny"- he looked happy, and Joey liked that. She rested her head on the back of the couch as Gerard moved and grabbed the downside of it.
- "What are you doing?"
- "Raise your legs"- and just as she did so, he pulled a small lever, and the front part of the couch moved, creating a small bed.
- "Wow, I know nothing about this bus"- Gerard chuckled and laid back. Joey handed him another pillow and looked at him with heated cheeks- "Are you cold?"- she whispered and offered some of her blankets.
- "Thank you"- and he accepted it.
- “You know this is weird, don’t you, Joey?”- the girl couldn’t concentrate on the movie, as she felt Gerard’s body next to her and all the reactions that he caused on her- “You don’t want Matthew like this with another girl, why are you doing this? This ain’t you! Well, I am not cheating, I’m just watching a movie in my pajamas with a guy I am very attracted to, but I would never make a move on him, ever!!”
- “You know this is a bad idea, Gerard! What the fuck are you doing?! You are under a fucking blanket with her, you can feel her body next to you, and you just wanna kiss her!! You have to get out of here! You have to go back to your bunk and stay there until this massive boner fades away!”
- “Gerard Way is your friend, you’ve had a complicated relationship so far, and he is being honestly nice for the first time, ever! So stop overthinking this. Nothing is going on! So you think he is hot? Big deal! You are not gonna do anything about it! You also think Frank is hot, but you are not having any kind of weird thought about him… not like now… because it’s different with Gerard and you know it… oh! shut up, brain!”- the girl shivered, and Gee looked at her sweetly
- "Come here."
He wasn’t even thinking, he just wrapped his arm around her, and she rested her head on his chest, cuddled, watching the movie.
- “You shouldn’t be doing this, and you know it.”- he said to himself, knowing he was going to ignore his own words.
- "Thanks"- the girl whispered and breathed his smell deeply. Shit, it was good, it was… sexy…- “You know this is wrong and still, you are not moving, you are the worst Joey, and I mean it... You are actually enjoying this situation. Well, this is way too enjoyable. He is gorgeous, he is warm, he is nice. He is your friend, just your friend and nothing but a friend, and friends do not make out with each other, never”.
Gerard opened his eyes suddenly. Joey was asleep in his arms, the tv was on, the movie was ending, and he didn’t want to move. Gee wanted to stay like this. He actually wished he hadn’t woken up ‘cos he knew it had to end. He had to go back to his bunk.
He moved slowly and inhaled first. He had the urge to kiss her skin, to bring her closer. Closer than he should, considering she was too close for his good already.
- "Joey… wake up"- he whispered and caressed her arms slowly as she opened her eyes, confused. He smiled sweetly as she looked at him- "Time to go to bed."
- "Shit, sorry Gerard"- he murmured and scratched her eyes, confused and surprised to find him next to her after she was just dreaming about him.
- "Don’t be sorry, I fell asleep too"- he smiled and ran his fingers down her hair a few times. He knew he shouldn’t have, but he wasn’t able to control that. It looked so soft, and it smelled so good.
She looked at him, eyes half-open for a few seconds, then she slowly sat down, moving apart from him, but Gerard’s hand remained in her hair, touching it softly. She knew that was weird and probably wrong, but she liked it too much to fight against it.
- "Thank you"- she whispered, feeling her cheeks burning at the sensation of his finger on her hair- For defending me in front of your fans.
- "It’s really nothing. It’s my duty as your friend"- it hurt him to call himself her friend when he knew he wasn’t thinking about her that way. He was having the most sinful thoughts about her. Thoughts friends should have over each other.
- "I just hope those girls don’t get mad at you either."
- "Bashing other people is not what we do in this band, it’s not what we are made of, and not what we want to pass on to our fans"- she sighed and nodded.
- "Thank you again"- Joey wanted to stand up, but it was impossible to feel Gerard’s hand still on her neck, caressing her hair slowly. It was like a drug she was already hooked on after one sweet try.
- "It was nothing… tomorrow, we’ll see what happened."
- "Maybe they’ll hate you too."
- "I don’t care if people hate me"- Joey held her breath and slowly stood up. She waved and smiled.
- "Good night, Gerard"
- "Good night, Joey."
::: Amsterdam, October 30th, 2011 :::
Mikey Way gave up after a week of touring. His wife never returned his calls, and once she texted back. That was it. Why should he keep on trying anyway? It was clear. It was over. When he returned from the trip, he had to get his shit out of the house, call a lawyer, start doing the divorce papers and end with his agony.
It still hurt him. Fuck, it destroyed him. He loved Alicia. He still did. He just didn’t know when all the shit had gone so fucking wrong. He didn’t want to know it, though. Knowing nothing is better than knowing it all.
So he laid on his bed, now willing to leave until it was time to play the show. But Joey had other plans.
- "Bróðir!! Open up!"- she yelled, knocking on his door
- "I’m not here"- Mikey yelled from the bed.
- "Not funny"
- "I’m naked"
- "Already saw you on the bus! You are way too thin by the way!"
That wasn’t really true, but the girl loved to tease her new brother.
- "Come on, bróðir!! You promised you’d help me pick Frank’s present! And we could get something to eat too, have lunch or something."
Mikey gave up, knowing Joey wasn’t going to stop yelling until he opened the door. The girl walked in as her friend laid back on the bed and closed his eyes.
- "You are delightful to be around today"- she joked, but Mikey didn’t answer- "Hey…. are you ok?"
- "Don’t wanna talk about it."
- "Ok… do you wanna stay here on your own and do nothing? I can always go annoy Ray"- Mikey turned to her with watered-up eyes- "Shit! bróðir!! No!"
Joey moved quickly and hugged him. Mikey just burst into tears, hugging her tighter.
- "It’s really over,"- he whispered- "My marriage, it’s doomed!"
- "Come on, Mikey, what happened?"
- "I can’t lie to myself anymore! She doesn’t love me, and this is it… I’m gonna call my lawyer and get this shit over with once for all!"
- "Did you talk to her?"
- "She doesn’t even pick up my calls… she doesn’t want me around anymore."
Mikey sobbed, he was a wreck, and nothing Joey could say could ever fix that. She knew it, so she just kissed his temple and kept her arms around him. He kept crying for a long while, neither of them said a thing. Until Mikey grabbed his phone and sighed.
- "What are you gonna do?"
- "End with this"
- "Are you sure this is the best moment?"
- "It will never be a good moment to do this"- he stood up and dialed. After a long couple of seconds, in which Mikey thought his wife wasn’t going to pick up, he heard her voice.
- "Hey..." - that was all she said.
- "Hey Alicia, how are you?"
- "Good, you?"
- "Good…"
That was all he had. Joey looked at him about to fall apart and walked to him to grab his hand. She squeezed it.
- "Alicia, let’s stop this… you know we are not working… why are we doing this to each other?"- his voice was broken, just like his heart. Joey kept his handheld tight as she watched his face fall.
- "I’m sorry, Mikey… I just don’t love you anymore..."
Mikey’s eyes filled with tears, and he shut them to keep them in. Joey kissed his arm and walked to the door. Her friend needed privacy. She grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down she was going to Ray’s. Fuck, she knew she had to think of a way to cheer her friend up. But facing the end of a marriage and an imminent divorce didn’t seem to be something easy to overcome.
Gerard walked down the hall on his way to Mikey’s. He was going insane all alone in his room. They had to be in the arena in three hours, and he couldn’t handle that amount of time on his own, overthinking everything around him. Ever since the night he fell asleep with Joey watching Hellboy, he had been avoiding her. He wouldn’t really talk to her if the band wasn’t around. When Gerard caught her watching a movie, he would turn around and hide in his bunk. It was childish, it was awkward, and most of all, it was stupid, ‘cos the more he avoided her, the more he wanted to be close to her.
Spending time with his brother could be a good way to think about anything else. But Gerard wasn’t fortunate that day.
As he turned around the corner of the corridor, he saw Joey walking out of Mikey’s room and immediately hid. So, she never noticed he was around.
The fact Joey left his brother’s room all alone bothered him. He couldn’t do anything about it, though. Well, he could confront Mikey for being a married man spending time alone with another woman in his bedroom… but he wanted to do the same.
- "Hey! What are you doing here?"- Gerard heard Frank asking Joey and narrowed his eyes, still hiding around the corridor.
- "I was with Mikey ‘cos we were going out but… he wasn’t… he was busy, you?"- the drummer replied.
- "Damn, I came to hang out with him too. I stopped by Ray’s, but he was napping."
- "Fuck, I was on my way to hang with him."
Gerard’s cheeks were burning. He knew exactly what was gonna happen. And he knew he couldn’t stop it. Why should he? Just ‘cos he was jealous? Not enough excuse to come out from his hiding and stop them.
- "Do you wanna hang out with me?"- Frank asked so lightly no one could ever notice he was dying to hear a yes.
- "Sure! What do you wanna do?"
- "Well, Mikey was gonna help me pick a birthday present for you, so… wanna help me with that?"- Frank laughed at Joey’s words and disappeared to the elevator. Gerard clenched his fist and closed his eyes, hitting his head against the wall behind his back.
- “Get over it”- he commanded himself- “Get fucking over this teenager crush once for all!”
Frank wasn’t really in the mood for going out, and the number of fans outside the hotel didn’t make it more appealing. After being locked in a bus, Joey didn’t want to be locked in a room, so they walked out to the hotel terrace. There was a small pool and a few beach recliners.
- "May I offer you something to drink?"- a waitress asked as they sat down, and Frank lit a cigarette.
- "Beer, thank you"- he quickly answered- "Joey?"
- "Herbal tea"- he whispered with a shy smile, and the waitress left.
- "Aren’t you sweet"- Frank teased her right away.
- "Fuck you!"
- "Ok, not really that sweet"- the girl chuckled and looked up at the sky. Frank stared at her and sighed- "Did I ever tell you you are very cute?"
Iero simply said, not really thinking about those words. Joey turned to him, making her best not to blush- failing that useless attempt- and raising an eyebrow.
- "Where is that coming from?"
- "Mostly my brain, through my mouth"- Frank joked, and Joey laughed.
- "For a moment, I thought you were serious."
- "I am"
- "Shut up!"- Joey laughed again, entirely sure Frank was just messing with her.
- "I mean it, I’ve never told you this, but I think you are gorgeous."
- "Thank you, Jersey"- the girl whispered- "You are very cute too"- Joey was definitely awkward in that weird, odd conversation.
- "Gerard told us what happened with the fans."
- "Fuck, I didn’t want you to know"- the girl looked mortified with the news.
- "We didn’t want to talk to you about it and make you uncomfortable."
- "You telling me beautiful was uncomfortable"- Frank chuckled as Joey kept her eyes on the clouds in the sky.
- "Sorry, I was just going for nice and not for creepy."
- "You always make it sound creepy, Jersey; that what I like about you. I’m sure if I were a dude, I would definitely be you"- Frank sighed, slightly disappointed.
- “So let me get this straight: you do like her, you want her to notice you, you actually wished she was crushed on you, but you wouldn’t do anything about it? Really?”- he kept telling himself.
- "Frank, your beer."
- "Sorry"- Iero had spaced out and never noticed the waitress had left the beer by his side- "Hey, I’ve got an idea."
- "Shoot."
- "Let’s take a picture of this moment"- he grabbed his phone and moved closer to Joey- "Ok, Bug, smile!!"
And so did Joey, not aware Frank would kiss her cheek and give her a heart attack in the process. Not like it hadn’t happened before, Frank was very sweet with her, sweeter than Gerard, and way more physical than Ray.
- "Please tell me you are not going to..."
- "Too late"- Frank said and smiled like a maniac.
- "You are gonna make them hate me even more… and what about your wife?? She is gonna hate me too"
- "Why would she hate you? She thinks having a girl in the band is a great idea!"
- "Yeah, but not when you are uploading pictures of you kissing her!! Put that down!!"- Joey freaked out for real, but Frank just kept laughing. It looked like he loved making trouble.
- "I’m not gonna put it down! Those girls are gonna suffer for what they did to you!"
- "They are gonna hate me more!!"- but Frank kept laughing- "Can you at least tell your wife why you did it?"- Joey was serious about that last part- "I mean it! if I see a picture of Matthew like that…. Shit!! Matthew is gonna see it!"
- "Can you please calm down? It’s just a picture!"- but Joey wasn’t calmed at all.
- "Hey Akumu!!"- the girl said as her boyfriend picked up the line at the other side and yawned- "How are you?"
- "I was sleeping, Yami… is everything ok? Are you ok? Did something happen?"- the young man rolled in bed and sat down, suddenly scared he was too far to help her in case of trouble.
- "No, no, I just wanted… to tell you… Frank uploaded a picture with me to annoy the fans."
- "Why?"
- "Apparently, some of them hate me"
- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah… I didn’t want to tell you anything about it before 'cos it’s stupid, but now Frank uploaded a picture to make them mad, and I wanted you to know… it’s nothing."
- "What’s going on in the picture, Yami?"- Matthew frowned and scratched his head, thinking he had to check that picture out as soon as he dropped the phone.
- "He is just kissing my cheek. I just wanted to tell you, so you won’t get the wrong idea."
- "I would never think wrong about you, Yami. You are the best girl on earth"- Joey sighed, relieved as she heard her boyfriend’s word.
- "Thank you, Akumu… sorry I woke you up."
- "I’m just sorry you are not here by my side to cuddle me back to sleep."
- "Just a few more days."
Frank sighed and looked at his cellphone, ignoring Joey’s lovely chat. Already a hundred comments on his Twitter account. He should tell Jamia what he had done, but he just texted to avoid listening to her if she got mad instead of calling.
- “Babe, I uploaded a picture with Joey to upset fans ‘cos they have been saying shit about her, don’t get mad, nothing is going on, love you”- and send. Frank looked at Joey and cut her a short smile.
- "I told Jamia, so relax, and apparently, Gubler didn’t get mad"- and the girl nodded- "Ok, so? Do you want to know what they said?"
- "Not really. I’m afraid they’ll kill me if they find me. Your fans are scary!!"
- "I would never ever let anyone hurt you, not even our fans"
Frank looked serious about his words. He actually stood up and sat next to her, holding her hands.
- "I mean it, Joey."
- "Thank you"- she whispered and cut him a short smile.
Frank made Joey nervous, not in the same way Gerard did, but in a… weird way. She felt Frank was wilder, and she liked that, but she never knew what he would do or how far his sweetness could go.
- "I have the feeling you guys are very possessive with people in the band"- she added.
- "Why?"
- "Gerard got just as serious as you just did when he found out about fans being mean."
- “Fucking asshole… I was supposed to be the one taking care of her.” "Yeah, well… we are family, and family takes care of each other." “Bullshit, you wish you could fuck her.” - Joey smiled and wrapped her arms around him
- "Thank you for being so cute with me."
- "I will always be this cute with you. I can actually try to get worse"- he answered, and Joey laughed.
- "Please don’t."
- "Now let’s see how many comments we’ve got"
- "No!"- she whined right away.
- "Oh! Come on, Bug, hater gonna hate."
And haters we’re hating. Not just a bunch of jealous fans, but also Gerard, who was locked in his room all alone looking at his phone.
- "Mother fucker!"
Meanwhile, Jamia logged into Twitter and clenched her fist. She was so mad she wanted to smack Frank’s head.
- "Mother fucker!"
Mikey was lying on his bed, curled in a fetal position. No more tears fell from his eyes. He was pretty sure there was no one left. He grabbed his phone and texted.
- "Where are you?"- less than a minute later, he got a reply.
- "Upstairs with Frank."
- "Can you come? alone?"
- "On my way"- Joey stood up and grabbed her cup of tea- "Gotta go."
- "Why? We are halfway down through all these lovely comments."
Which wasn’t a lie. There were some nice comments about Joey, right in the middle of the hundredth messages of hate that Frank kept replying in the most annoying way possible.
- "Thank you, Jersey, but I have something very important to do, and we should also get ready for the show."
- "Bummer"- he teased her, and she giggled.
- "Someone has to be the responsible one."
- "That’s usually Ray."
- "Well, Ray ain’t around, so it’s my turn"- Joey and Frank kept their eyes locked- “Shit, this asshole has the most beautiful eyes, and I don’t think I had noticed… and he is as charming as fuck today. What is it with him?”
- "What are you staring at?"- Frank asked in a deep sexy voice, making Joey’s cheek burning.
- "Your eyes actually… did you have a piercing in your eyebrow?"- the girl asked, making lights off of the whole moment.
- "Yeah, I’ve had a lot of piercings over the years."
- "You little punk"- Joey stuck out her tongue and waved- "See you later rebel, rebel… hey Gerard!"- the girl turned around and bumped into the knit of his eyebrows. Gee didn’t look happy.
- "Hey"- he whispered and tried not to even look at her.
- "Ok guys, I’ll leave you alone, see you later."
The two of them turned and watched her walk away in silence for a moment. Both of them looked disappointed she was leaving.
- "So what’s with the resting bitch face?"- Frank asked as soon as he turned to his friend.
- "What’s with the picture?"- Way spit the words, not even trying to be nice.
- "Oh yeah! I did it to piss the fans"- and Iero replied proud of his actions with a huge grin on his face.
- "And you succeeded!"- Gerard nearly yelled as he opened Twitter and read- “Bitch is going down!”, “I want to kill her,” “I wish she was dead!” Frank, what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
- "Bitches had it coming! They kept bashing her all over, and I wanted to piss them off!"
- "Well done, asshole! Now they hate her even more!"- Gerard lit a cigarette, and the two of them stayed quiet for a few minutes.
- "I’m not gonna delete it"- Frank finally said.
- "It wouldn’t help anyway"
- "Why are you so mad?"
- "We should help her!"
- "I was trying to help!"
- "Oh really?"
- "Yes!"- that conversation wasn’t going pretty well- "I was trying to be a good friend!"
- "And what will Jamia say of that picture?"
- "I already told her why I took it"- Gerard could ask about Matthew, but he didn’t really care about him at all- "You shouldn’t be so mad. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt her."
- "I am not gonna let anyone near her"- both of them were being too possessive, and they knew it- “She is mine!!”- Gerard had to stop himself from yelling.
- “I am the one taking care of her!”- Frank thought and sighed- "Why do you care so much anyway? You barely talk to her."
- "That is not true!"- Gerard felt busted and offended at the same time- "I care for her, and just ‘cos I am not running after her like you doesn’t mean I hate her or something!"
- "What??!"- Frank felt so busted his cheeks burned- "I am not running after her! I am just trying to make her feel welcome after our rocky start!"
- "Fine! I’m sorry!"- that conversation was too heated, and they both knew it. They took a second to calm down before Frank said.
- "I’m sorry about the picture, I was just too mad about what fans were saying, and I didn’t think it would make it worse…"- Frank murmured and looked down at his hands.
- "I’m sorry I said about you running behind her. I didn’t mean it. “I totally did, but I shouldn’t have said it out loud”- the both nodded and considered the argument over. At least for now.
- "And how are we going to deal with all the hate?"- Frank asked and lit another cigarette
- "No idea…"
- "Maybe we could get Ray, have lunch and think about something together."
Mikey and Joey walked around Amsterdam. Sunglasses and cap on, Mikey kept trying to go unnoticed, while the girl made her best not to look like a tourist. But she was. She had never been to Amsterdam before, and she was pretty excited.
- "Thank you for taking me out"- Mikey whispered and felt Joey holding his arm.
- "I wasn’t going to let you rotten all alone in your room"- she smiled, but he didn’t- "Just promise me if you see any threatening fan, you are gonna save me."
- "Why?"
- "‘Cos they hate me."
- "Fine"- Mikey wasn’t really into anything at the moment. He just wanted to walk around- "Worm is right there, so no one is going to get near you"- Mikey said and pointed at their security guy.
- "Thanks…"- Joey let Mikey’s arm go and walked to a window glass- "Do you think Frank would like this?"- the young man walked slowly to his friend and looked at the shirt she was pointing.
- "Yeah… I guess"
- "But he already has too many Black Flag shirts"- the girl said- "Maybe a jacket…"- and she kept on walking, followed by her friend- "Hey, you know what we need?"
- "To die?"- Mikey answered and felt Joey’s hand smacking his arm- "Ouch!"
- "We need coffee, Mikey! fucking coffee, come on!"- she held his arm again and guided him to the closest Starbucks
- "I might actually need something stronger than that."
- "You are not getting drunk before the show"- Joey said, frowning- 2If you want, we can both trash ourselves later."
- "Why are you gonna get drunk?"
- "I am not going to leave you drunk on your own! What kind of friend leaves a friend getting wasted all alone? Besides, someone needs to be there for you when you start doing weird, stupid shit"- Mikey finally smiled and messes with Joey’s hair.
- "Thank you, Bug."
- "Which reminds me… give me your phone."
- "Why?"
- "You know exactly why, Michael James"- the man sighed and gave it to her nos saying a word- "Thank you very much, you can have this back tomorrow, or in case of someone important calls you, like your mom."
- "Or my lawyer."
- "Dude, you just talked to her today, the whole paper shit won’t be ready right away, and you need to think of something else."
- "Fine… just be a good sister and get me coffee."
- "Sorry, was that a joke coming from you?"- Joey smiled, and Mikey chuckled- "Wow… you are joking and smiling. My mission has been accomplished today."
- "Don’t get cocky, Bug."
Mikey smiled again. And again. He actually laughed when Joey picked Frank’s birthday present, and he felt a little better after an hour goofing around with his friend. Until it was time to get back to the hotel.
- "Are we late?"- Joey asked, taking a look at her watch.
- "No, but Ray has to be all freaked out."
Mikey stopped to light a cigarette as they walked the last three blocks to get to the hotel. Suddenly, a girl jumped on Joey and hit her head with a glass bottle, and shove her to the ground, hitting her.
- "What the fuck?!"
Mikey’s first instinct was to run and get the girl off her friend, but Worm moved faster and did it for him, getting the fan away from Joey and stopping her or anyone else from coming closer.
- "Stay out!"- he yelled at Mikey, but he didn’t listen and held Joey in his arms.
- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah, it’s just a bump, don’t worry"- she cut him a short smile and made her very best not to cry and to be tough, though her eyes were watering up.
- "Bug, you are bleeding!"- Mikey was in shock. He wrapped his arms around her as they stood up and wiped off the blood that fell from the side of her head- "I’m gonna get you in a cab."
- "We are three streets from the hotel."
- "I don’t care, you are not walking! Come on."
Ray was mad. Neither of the guys, especially Joey, had ever seen him that angry before. They were all in the girl’s room, a doctor had checked her head, and thankfully, she was ok. But now the band heard how Ray kept yelling and telling them off for being a bunch of assholes, according to his words.
- "How the fuck could you think uploading that picture was ever going to help stop the hate against Joey?!"- he yelled- "That was the most irresponsible thing you’ve ever done, Frank! Look at what happened to her!! She could have been seriously hurt! We are lucky she didn’t need stitches!"
- "It wasn’t my intention to…"- but Frank couldn’t even finish.
- "Of course, it wasn’t your intention! But you fucked it up!"
Ray was mad. His whole face was red. Mikey kept pressing a bag of ice against Joey’s head as she laid on her bed in complete silence. She really felt like shit. The guys were actually considering canceling the show, but she refused.
- "I’m so sorry"- Frank whispered and softly rested his hand on Joey’s leg as he sat next to her.
- "It’s ok, Frank"- she murmured- "I told you it was a shitty idea, next time listen to me when I try to be the grown-up, ok?"
- "Fine"- Joey smiled at the young man, trying to comfort him too.
- "This ain’t your fault, Frank"- she reassured- "You just uploaded a picture with a friend. That girl is the problem."
- "You shouldn’t be exposed to those girls!"- Ray continued the preach- "Why were you out on your own?"- Mikey wide opened his eyes, feeling everything was his fault.
- "We weren’t alone, Worm was there too"- Joey answered- "This shit ain’t Mikey’s fault, I asked him to help me getting Frank a birthday present, and that was it"- she paused her words and winced in pain- "Shit, please don’t move the bag!"
- "Sorry, sorry!"- Mikey replied and bit his lips, feeling guilty about the whole thing. If he hadn’t accepted going out, none of that would have happened.
- "What are we gonna do?"- Gerard asked. He was having serious problems stopping himself from kicking everybody out of the room to comfort Joey on his own. He wanted to hold her and kiss her wounds until the pain faded away. And so he kept walking around the room, biting his nails, making sure he was as far from her as possible.
- "Well, clearly we have to make a pubic statement"- Ray answered, and the band nodded in silence- "From the official Twitter, website and on our accounts. You should write it"- Ray added, looking at Gerard. The oldest Way nodded and grabbed his phone.
- "Can you stop making a fuzz?"- Joey whispered, she tried to sit down, but she was still dizzy- "It was just a stupid fan."
- "A fan that smashed a bottle on your head, Joey"- Ray kneeled next to her and looked at her so worried Joey’s heart melted- "This shouldn’t have happened."
- "Wasn’t it part of the contract?"- the girl smiled- "I’m pretty sure there was a clause that said I had to deal with stupid fan’s bullshit for being the only girl in the band. It was by the end of the whole thing… in a tiny little font."- Ray smiled and caressed Joey’s cheek.
- "Stop trying to be cool about this. We all know this is wrong, and we have to protect you."
- "I can protect myself"- she argued, ‘cos she hated feeling weak. She had fought against feeling weak or being seen as the weakest link of anything her entire life.
- "I know you can, Bug"- Ray whispered, being a sweetheart- "But that is not gonna stop us from taking care of you, you are our drummer, and like a little sister… we are fucking family. In Jersey, if you mess with family, you pay."
- "Shit… this is the moment I always knew was coming"- Joey closed her eyes and sighed- "You are coming out clean, and you’ll tell me you are part of Jersey’s mafia, right?"- Ray snorted along with the rest of the band.
- "Yes, Bug, it was time to be honest"- he said and kissed her temple- "Now rest, ok?"- she smiled and closed her eyes. Taking a nap did sound like a good idea at the moment.
That night’s show felt odd for the audience. Gerard was cold, Frank wasn’t jumping around, Mikey was serious- ok, that wasn’t a huge change- and Ray wasn’t really singing. The band was still pissed, and though they tried to give it all for the kids, it just wasn’t working.
- "I need to take a moment and talk to you guys."
Gerard said after a few songs. The audience went wild, but the singer was still serious.
- "So, today, someone felt like it was ok to smash a bottle on Joey’s head"- Gerard shouted at the mic and pointed at the girl- "I want you to know, no one has the right to hurt anyone!!"- and the crowd yelled back, probably in agreement.
- "And if you think you can hurt our friend just ‘cos you want to, and you feel it’s your right, then we are going after you mother fucker!!!"
Gerard was serious about it. Frank walked over and whispered something in his ear.
- "Frankie says he’ll spit on the face of whoever dares to hurt anyone in our band, and me or my brothers or my sister!!"
Joey blushed as she saw Gerard turning around, giving the audience his back, and throwing a kiss to her, winking. That guy was trouble in tight pants.
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