#joey tribbiani x plus size reader
plus-size-reader · 4 years
An Apple
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Joey Tribbiani x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1311 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Joey decides that something has to change when Rachel gets pregnant and decides that she needs to move out before the baby comes.
Something had been going on with Joey recently.
Ever since he found out that Rachel was pregnant, he’d been acting strangely, even more than normal. For Joey, strange had never been that big of a deal for you, but this was different.
Just this morning, you walked in on him leafing through her mothering journals. The kinds with large passages of terrifying information, the ones with those awful diagrams that even you shuddered at.
They were a new kind of horror for a person with a uterus. All you could think about was all the pain you’d be in if you were in that position.
Nonetheless, It was the first thing you’d seen Joey read that wasn’t porn or full of pictures. You had no idea what was going on, or what could have possessed him to do that in the first place.
In any case though, you weren’t going to argue.
Since getting the news of Rachel’s pregnancy, you had all been doing things a little differently than normal. You just assumed that whatever he was going through, it was so he could be prepared for the baby.
Admittedly, you’d been getting ready for the big change too, shopping for baby blankets and clothes almost every time that you were out.
You couldn’t help it, this was a big deal for all of you.
...And you were really excited.
This was something that was going to change your entire friend group, and the first baby between you was a huge deal. None of you had really gotten to see Ben as a baby too much, after all.
It was wonderful to think about a baby, now that you were all getting to that stage in your lives. Chandler and Monica were married, and now Rachel was having a baby.
A baby that was going to be living in your apartment.
Or, so you thought.
You’d been talking to her the last few days, and evidently, Rachel wasn’t sure if she wanted to live with you and Joey once the baby got here. She just wasn’t sure if it was going to be the best idea.
The two of you lived very free lives, and she wasn’t sure how a baby was going to fit in with that.
Having her move in with you was one thing but bringing a literal infant into that wasn’t as small. It was going to change everything and it just didn’t seem like the two of you had quite realized that yet.
Moving seemed like the best thing she could do right now, to just get a fresh start with this new addition to her life.
“What are you doing, Joe?” you asked, a small smile on your face as you lent over the back of the recliner, catching an eyeful of a colorful diagram of how big a baby would be at sixteen weeks.
At least it wasn’t a hospital photo of cesarean sections like the last time you’d flipped through one of these books.
If it were, you were sure that Joey wouldn’t still be sitting there.
From the looks of it, he’d been reading quite a bit and it was sort of endearing. You had never seen anyone as excited about someone else’s baby as Joey was right now.
He was just so sweet, and at times like this, it was hard not to swoon over how truly gentle and decent he was. You had never been with someone as good as he was.
Joey smiled, leaning over to press a soft kiss to the side of your face, before going back to the book in his grasp. He’d been learning so much about this whole thing, and you were just the person he wanted to see.
“Did you know at sixteen weeks, a baby is the size of an apple...look at this” he asked, pointing at the little diagram in question, this look of amusement crossing his face that brought a smile to yours.
He was really into this whole thing.
It was endearing, if nothing else.
“That’s crazy, look at that” you hummed, only briefly looking at the picture before letting your gaze drift over to his face instead.
He was so sweet, so incredible, and you didn’t realize just how lucky you were until times like this. It was easy to forget how lucky you were, sometimes.
“All this stuff with Rachel’s got me thinking, We should have a baby”
There was a calm decidedness about how he talked to you about it, like he’d thought it all out and perhaps that was because he had. Ever since Rachel told you two that she was thinking about moving out, he’d been really thinking about what he wanted.
As it would turn out, what he wanted was to have a family with you. All this baby stuff; the books, the clothes, the tiny shoes you insisted on playing with in the store, it had all been adding up lately.
He wanted to have a baby, a baby with you.
Now, you assumed that he was going to laugh or make a joke about it but that didn’t seem to be the case. Evidently, Joey was being serious and that was something you hadn’t seen coming.
Casually, you made your way around the front of the recliner, not even hesitating to sit down on his lap. You had no idea where this was coming from, and to be honest, you were a little lost.
Not that it was a bad idea.
Joey was the greatest guy you’d ever dated and you loved him more than anything, you had just never taken him for the family type. In all the time you’d been dating, you had never talked about kids before.
It was news to you, but not bad news. You just wanted to make sure that he really understood what this meant, what he was really suggesting, before you agreed to anything like this.
After all, you and Joey hadn’t even talked about marriage before, and now he wanted to have a baby.
It wasn’t exactly a lateral move.
“Are you serious about this? You know what that means” you clarified, hoping that at some point, he would get where you were going. The two of you lived the sort of lifestyle that didn’t exactly lend itself to a child.
Everything would change if you had a baby.
Joey didn’t answer at first, giving you a soft nod as he waited for you to explain what you meant. You were stumbling through this too, but at least you were thinking clearly.
You got this feeling that Joe was blindsided by his desire to start a family, and he wasn’t thinking about what this would mean practically.
“It means you’d have to wear pants around the apartment, we can’t drink beer for breakfast anymore, and going out at the drop of a hat isn’t an option” you explained, worried that he hadn’t thought about that.
It was a huge step and you just didn’t see this happening today, not when you got out of the shower, not when you put on a pair of sweatpants, and not now.
You just felt like your head was spinning, but really, you just didn’t want to get your hopes up if it wasn’t what he wanted. .
“I know that, that kind of stuff doesn’t matter. We’ll be able to do all kinds of other things with a baby” he shrugged, handling this far better than you were.
He was so confident that this would work out that nothing else even seemed to matter.
“Well, I guess we can start thinking about that, if you’re sure” you hummed, gingerly snuggling up to his chest, your lips finding his own as you look into his eyes.
This was really happening.
Joey wanted to have a baby.
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vampiregirl1797 · 4 years
Love is Patient
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Joey Tribbiani x Plus Size Reader
 GIF Not Mine.
Click Here For My Masterlist.
 Warnings: Some pining, a hint of angst, self-depreciation, eventual fluff
 Word Count: 6,125
 Summary: Monica’s friend from collage comes to stay with her for a few days as she attends a job interview in the city. After the meeting, at Monica’s suggestion, she decides to extend her trip and during her time there her feelings towards a certain Italian develop into more than a crush. Monica has told her all about how he is with women, and so she knows her feelings are pointless and therefore decides to keep them to herself. But what if for the first time ever Joey looks at Y/N and sees more than a candidate for a one-night stand? What if he sees the potential for his first ever romantic relationship?
 A bubble of anxiety formed in my gut as I made out the sign for Central Perk—where Monica had told me to meet her after my interview. I pushed open the door, my eyes fluttering shut for a second to appreciate the warmth that washed over me. It was currently snowing outside, so to walk into the café where it wasn’t absolutely freezing was like slipping into a hot bath after a warm day; cosy and comforting. I hung up my red puffy coat on the rack by the door and fluffed out my hair to get it away from my neck. As I was doing this I spied Monica’s short black hair standing at the counter and accepting a giant cookie on a small plate. I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder accepting the one armed hug with a wide smile and a laugh at her eagerness—she’d last seen me this after noon, it hadn’t been that long.
 ‘How did it go?’ she asked after she pulled back from the embrace, her blue eyes shining with genuine curiosity.
 ‘Good, I think. I answered all of their questions and they seemed to really like me. Now all I have to do is wait and see, which is the worst part.’ I ran a hand through my long dark hair in frustration—I’d always been impatient.
‘Well you’re an amazing nurse, I’m sure they’ll welcome you with open arms.’ She assured me, patting my arm in comfort.
 That familiar swell of anxiety resurfaced as she led me a few steps towards the giant sofa—where her friends were sitting. I’d gotten in late last night and hadn’t rose until late afternoon. At that point I’d been running around and frantically getting ready for my interview, so I hadn’t had the time to be introduced to anyone new. Which I’d been secretly grateful for—I didn’t do well when it came to making friends. Monica was one of two people who I’d managed to form a companionship with over four years in collage. If that didn’t tell you I was awkward and hard for people to connect with then I didn’t know what would. But I forced those thoughts out of my mind and tried to smile in what I hoped was a friendly way.
 ‘Guys this is Y/N!’ Monica declared brightly, her free hand moving around and pointing to different people as she relayed their names, ‘Y/N this is Phoebe,’ the blonde girl waved enthusiastically and I felt my smile become more genuine, ‘this is Rachel,’ her greeting was more subdued, but no less authentic, ‘this is my brother Ross,’ his wave was a little awkward and I felt a wave of relief that I wasn’t the only one who felt that way around new people, ‘this is Chandler’ his wave mirrored Ross’ and I felt the tension in my shoulders completely dissolve. Maybe this is the kind of group I would actually fit into.
 ‘And last but not least…’ she shifted me to the right a little so I could see the attractive dark haired, brown eyed man who was sat on a chair about a foot away from the couch. He was wearing a white sweater and I had an errant thought that the colour made his skin look that much more tanned and smooth. His right hand was cupped around the cup of coffee he had on the small circular table in front of him, and his lips were turned up into a welcoming smile, ‘this is Joey.’ Monica said and I blinked in surprise; it had felt like minutes rather than seconds since she began her introduction, but it seemed like I was the only one who felt that way.
 The attractive man was the only one to offer his hand to shake, I assumed that was because he was closest and therefore the only one in position to do so. I barely managed to bite back a gasp at the tingle that shot right up my arm when my skin met his.
 ‘It’s nice to meet you,’ his smile was less friendly and more cheerful this time; I couldn’t help but return it.
 ‘It’s nice to meet you, too,’ I reluctantly removed my hand from his, trying not to look too awkward as I suddenly had no idea what I usually did with that hand. Did I put it in my pocket? Let it hang casually by my side? It was hard to remember when all I wanted to do was allow it to bask in Joey’s warm and somehow comforting touch.
 I cleared my throat and willed myself not to blush at the turn my thoughts had taken as I turned so I could face everyone as I spoke, ‘it’s nice to meet all of you, I feel like I already know you, Monica talks about you all so much when we talk over the phone.’
 It was true, and I found myself looking from person to person, pairing the stories with their faces. That made a ball of disappointment form in my stomach as I recalled something she’d told me about the handsome Italian: Joey isn’t really a one-guy kind of girl. He doesn’t like commitment, he likes sex and he’s happy going from one woman to another.
 ‘Here sweetie, sit down do you want some coffee?’ Monica asked as I took a seat in between Chandler and Phoebe.
 ‘Please honey, can I get a blueberry muffin too? I skipped lunch and I’m starving.’ I sighed, placing my bag at my feet and fighting the urge to pick my fingernails—a nervous habit I’d never really grown out of.
 ‘So Y/N, tell us about yourself,’ Ross said leaning forward in the arm chair he inhabited, careful not to jostle where Rachel sat on the arm, ‘Mon said you were in town for an interview? What’s that for?’
 ‘Oh I’ve applied for a nursing position at Bellevue Hospital Center,’ I said, trying not to blush at the impressed expressions a few of them now wore, ‘I’ve been working at a hospital in my home town since I qualified but I’ve always wanted to live in the city and when this position opened up it seemed like fate. I just hope I get it.’
 ‘I’m sure you will,’ Chandler reassured, squeezing my shoulder comfortingly. I was surprised by the gesture but I appreciated it.
 ‘It’s so cool that you’re a nurse.’ Joey said and the expression of wonder on his face while he looked at me did make me blush.
 Thankfully Monica chose that moment to pass me the coffee and muffin she’d acquired for me, so I took the distraction and hoped no one had noticed my reaction.
 ‘Thanks, Mon,’ I sighed gratefully, placing the hot beverage onto the coffee table in front of me before taking a huge bite of the blueberry goodness.
 ‘Good?’ Monica chuckled as she squeezed in on the other side of Phoebe.
 ‘Definitely,’ I nodded, not realising a moan of appreciation had escaped my lips—it just tasted so good when I hadn’t had anything all day.
 ‘Speaking of food, where are we going for dinner?’ Joey asked, a crease forming between his brows as if the answer were very important to him, ‘I’m hungry too.’
 ‘I don’t know,’ Rachel mused, her fingers moving through Ross’ hair as she deliberated, ‘we could order in some Chinese food? I’ve been craving Kung Poi Chicken all day.’
 ‘If we’re ordering in could we get pizza too?’ I tentatively proposed—it was my favourite food and I hadn’t had any in too long.
 ‘You like pizza?’ for some reason the Italian’s incredulous tone made me want to blush again, but I managed to force the urge down.
 ‘Like pizza?’ I scoffed playfully, ‘I love it.’
 The others chuckled at the expression that came over his face; he looked a mixture of surprised and awed. I tried to ignore the way my stomach fluttered in reaction to being on the receiving end of that look, and I chuckled with the rest of the group. Eventually we decided on a mixture; Phoebe, Joey and I ordered pizzas, and everyone else settled on Chinese food. With that decision made, we migrated up to Monica’s apartment and once the orders were phoned in, I decided to take a shower and change into some sweats—I’d been in my interview outfit. And that was too formal and uncomfortable for eating a big dinner and lounging on the couch while watching TV.
 Once I was redressed, I exited the bathroom with wet hair, feeling much more relaxed. Ross was sitting in the white armchair, with Rachel on the floor in front of him. Phoebe was on the green ottoman with her back to the TV, while Joey and Chandler were sat on the sofa with Monica in between them. The food was sprawled out on the coffee table in front of them and everyone was talking with the TV on quietly in the background.
 ‘There’s no way!’ Ross disagreed around a mouthful of chicken, ‘why would he united states government cover that up?’
 ‘You don’t think it’s a bit suspicious that Lee Harvey Oswald was killed two days after Kennedy was assassinated?’ Chandler said, nearly throwing rice all over the place. He sent Monica a look that was a mixture of apologetic and afraid.
 I hid a chuckle and slid into the space between Mon and Joey, pulling my knees up to my chest as I bit into the slice of cheese pizza I’d snagged. I tried not to think about how close I was to the Italian, despite the fact I could feel the heat his body was radiating. It got worse when his hand lifted and laid behind me on the back of the couch, probably in an attempt to make the both of us more comfortable.
 ‘Why are they talking about the John F Kennedy assassination?’ I whispered to Joey, smiling when he seemed to jolt out of his thoughts, I guess he didn’t hold much interest for the conversation topic either.
 ‘Monica bought it up, apparently someone from work was telling her a few conspiracy theories the other day.’ Joey answered, his voice just as low as mine, ‘so now they’re discussing weather they’re believable or not.’
 ‘Ah I see,’ I chuckled, deciding to take the opportunity to extend the conversation with the handsome Italian, ‘so what do you do? I never really got around to asking everyone before.’
 I was being very careful not to make my interest appear focused on him. I knew he was out of my league, not to mention he wasn’t the type of guy who wanted a relationship, according to my collage friend. I was the opposite; I couldn’t stand casual sex, I’ll admit the idea seemed appealing when I found myself in the midst of a dry spell, but no matter how horny I became I just couldn’t go through with it. Maybe it was because I needed an emotional connection with a man before we took it that far, or maybe it was because I couldn’t imagine being the type of girl a guy chose to have a one night stand with. They usually went with someone prettier and a lot skinnier than me. I didn’t have an issue with it—I used to be majorly insecure about my body, but I’d come to accept myself for who I was. That just happened to be someone that men needed to get to know before they found me attractive enough to sleep with.
 ‘I’m an actor,’ Joey said, a proud smile lighting up his face.
 ‘Wow, are you doing anything at the moment?’ I wondered, reaching forward and grabbing the unopened bottle of water in front of me.
 ‘I’m actually a re-occurring character in Days of Our Lives.’ He said, naturally shifting closer to me as we spoke, ‘I play Doctor Drake Ramoray.’
 ‘That’s awesome! Do you enjoy it?’ I knew it was a pointless question as I voiced it, but I couldn’t help but ask—the happiness that was shining in his eyes as he spoke of his job made my heart flutter in my chest, and so I couldn’t help but try to prolong it.
 ‘Are you kidding? I love it! I’ve been dreaming of acting since I was a kid, there wasn’t any other option for me really.’ He grinned, his free hand moving through his hair before dropping back to his lap.
 ‘Good for you—there are plenty of people who’re too scared to follow their dreams,’ I said as he reached forward for another slice of pizza.
 He appeared to be almost bashful as he processed what I’d said and waved off my words, almost dropping his food as he did. I bit back a laugh, not wanting to make him feel more embarrassed than he already was.
 ‘What about you? Have you always wanted to be a nurse?’ he asked, seemingly eager to get the attention off him.
 ‘Since my mom dressed me up as one for Halloween when I was five,’ I said, my tone light but not insincere.
 ‘Woah.’ He blinked, looking like he was trying to do the math on how long that was before he shook his head and gave up, ‘that’s a long time.’
 ‘It is,’ I agreed with a grin.
 ‘So, Y/N, I’ve been dying to ask—do you have any embarrassing stories about Monica?’ Phoebe’s bight and bubbly voice broke Joey and I out of our separate conversation.
 I looked over to her, pursing my lips as I thought and playfully smacking away the hand Monica tried to put over my mouth, ‘did she ever tell you about spring break sophomore year?’
 ‘Y/N!’ Monica groaned, covering her face with both of her hands and twisting to burrow into Chandler.
 I chuckled, relaying the story of Monica, a bottle of tequila, a karaoke machine and a Dolly Parton impersonator. By the end, everyone was laughing and my collage friend was blushing a tomato red. The rest of the night passed with casual conversation and I felt so comfortable in the company of people that had been strangers a mere twenty four hours ago, that I found myself eagerly agreeing to extend my trip.
 I had a feeling I’d finally found a place where I belonged, a place where I truly fit in, and I was in no hurry to leave that behind.
 It was a few weeks after I’d arrived and I was rushing down to the coffee house, eager to share my news with someone. I had no idea where anyone was, but I’d left the spare bedroom I’d been staying in to be met by an empty apartment, and the second regular hang out was my best guess. Some might be at work, but I was hoping that with it nearing noon they would be making their way to the coffee house for lunch.
 My smile was bright as I walked through the door, hanging my coat up without even looking on the rack as my eyes were already darting around the room, searching for familiar faces. The only one I recognised belonged to Joey who was sat on the sofa, a cup of coffee in his hand and a magazine on his lap. The Italian and I had struck up quite the friendship in the short time I’d been here, or at least that was how it appeared to the rest of the group, Joey included. My feelings went much deeper than that, but the countless women I saw him hit on was more than enough to remind me that nothing would ever happen between the two of us. So I kept those thoughts locked up tight, deep down—I was quite proud of how I’d managed to keep up our friendship despite the romantic feelings I felt for him.
 Without giving it much thought I practically ran to Joey and practically jumped on him, my legs settling either side of his and my arms winding around his waist. The suggestive position was completely lost underneath my excitement to share my news with someone, and honestly I was kind of happy it was Joey who would hear the news first.
 ‘Woah, Y/N,’ Joey exclaimed, managing to stop himself from dropping the hot beverage in his hand out of shock. Once he was confident he wasn’t in danger of scalding either one of them, he returned her embrace, happy to have her so close.
 ‘Sorry.’ I said, but my grin didn’t falter, ‘I’m just so happy—I got the job!’
 It took him a moment but a few seconds later, his expression mirrored mine, ‘get out! That’s amazing, Y/N! I’m so proud of you!’
 He hugged me to his chest again and I felt reality catch up to me when he placed a kiss on my head. I returned his embrace for a few more moments before forcing myself off his lap and onto the couch next to him.
 ‘Thanks, Joe.’ I said, refusing to let myself think about the kind of relationship I’d never have with him. His friendship was more than enough; it was better to have him in my life as a friend than not at all.
 ‘We should celebrate! Maybe we could go out to dinner later?’ Joey suggested, taking a sip of his coffee, I thought I saw his hand tremble but when I looked again to check I dismissed it as his hand appeared steady.
 ‘That would be great! We’ll have to mention it to everyone later and see where they want to go,’ I said, frowning when his expression appeared to fall, but when he saw my concern he forced a smile on his face.
 I wanted to ask what was wrong, but it was clear he didn’t want me to as he excused himself to grab another cup of coffee—when he still had half a mug left—so when he returned I didn’t bring it up. We sat for a little while, and when he picked up his magazine to continue flicking through it, I read it with him over his shoulder. It was a habit we’d formed when he’d seen me reading a comic book, ever since then if one of us was reading, the other was too. That was how we were when the rest of the group seemed to join us at the same time.
 ‘Hey guys what’s going on?’ Chandler asked after he’d grabbed himself some coffee and took a seat on the stool by the sofa.
 ‘Actually, I’ve got something to tell you guys.’ I grinned, not noticing how Joey’s expression brightened at seeing my happiness, ‘I got the job!’
 ‘Congratulations!’ Monica practically screamed, leaning down to give me a hug.
 Suddenly I was overcome by countless versions of “congratulations” and an embrace from each of the wonderful people in the group.
 ‘Does this mean you’re moving here? Permanently?’ Ross asked from the armchair. I thought I saw his eyes flicker to Joey as I asked, but I couldn’t be sure.
 ‘Yeah, I’m going to have to find an apartment,’ I realised, a ball of stress suddenly appearing in my gut—I had so much to do before I started! I needed a place to live and furniture and—.
 ‘Hey don’t panic, you can live with me.’ Monica suggested brightly, ‘if you want to I mean, I’ve been kind of lonely since Rachel and Ross moved in together. It would be nice to have a roommate again.’
 ‘Really?’ I asked, reaching over to grasp her forearm, ‘are you sure?’
 ‘Of course,’ my collage friend smiled, laughing when I hugged her tightly, whispering “thank you” over and over.
 ‘That’s great! We’re gonna have so much fun!’ Monica smiled, ‘we should have a sleepover tonight to make it official! Phoebe, Rachel you wanna come over?’
 Both eagerly agreed and they started chatting about the activities we could do that night. I settled further into the couch, nodding in agreement with the games and movies they suggested. Honestly, I didn’t mind what we did, I was just grateful to have such a wonderful group of friends that accepted me for who I was, and were both willing and eager to celebrate this success with me.
 ‘Are guys welcome at this slumber party?’ Chandler wondered after Rachel proposed we played Twister, ‘I was Twister champ of the eighth grade and I’d like to defend my title.’
 I chuckled and my sarcastic friend shot me a smile of appreciation, as the most he got out of the others was a smile of amusement.
 ‘I don’t see why not, but you’ll be going down Bing. I won every game of twister at all of my slumber parties.’ Rachel bragged, and when Monica reached over to give her a high five I grinned.
 ‘You’re on, Green!’ Chandler exclaimed, the rest of us laughing at their rivalry.
 As the others chatted amongst themselves and I settled into Joey’s side when he lifted his arm to fall over the back of the sofa. It was something I’d seen Rachel, Mon and Phoebe do plenty of times with all of the guys, so I didn’t think it could be interpreted as more than a friendly gesture. I didn’t notice Chandler and Ross share a knowing look at our closeness; I was distracted by Monica asking what kind of snacks I’d prefer. It didn’t take long for her to finalise the plans and I could practically see the wheels in her head as she thought of everything she needed to do by tonight. The group left to continue their shifts at work after promising to meet at Monica’s by eight.
 ‘How about we go and get some lunch?’ Joey suggested, his voice casual and if I’d been paying attention I would’ve noticed it was too casual.
 ‘That sounds nice. We could go to the deli and get some sandwiches?’ I proposed as I shrugged my puffy coat on—the weather was still on the cold side.
 ‘Perfect.’ Joey grinned, holding the door open and his smile seemed to grow when I linked my arm through his.
 We chatted as we walked to Joey’s favourite deli, and when we arrived he insisted on picking out my sandwich for me. I agreed with a smile—it was impossible to turn him down when he looked so adorable and enthusiastic. We both ended up with meatball subs and I was unable to contain my sounds of pleasure as I ate it—it was without a doubt the most incredible thing I’d ever eaten. I’d told him so once I was finished and he’d cleared his throat and told me he was glad I enjoyed it. I didn’t notice the way he had to readjust himself before we left, the sounds of pleasure I’d made having inspired some… suggestive thoughts. But all I could think about as we headed back to the apartment was how happy I just knew I was going to be here—I could feel it in my bones with a confidence I’d never felt. I belonged in New York.
 A few months had passed since I’d officially moved in with Monica and started my new job as a nurse at Bellevue Hospital Center. And I had never been happier! Work was wonderful, hard sometimes, but the rewarding feeling I felt after helping the patients that I could outweigh any difficulties. I’d gotten closer to the group and I was at the point now where I couldn’t imagine a time that they weren’t in my life—I loved each and every one of them like family. Well… all but one.
 The crush I’d had on a certain Italian hadn’t gone away with time like I hoped it would, but it had flourished into something much more intense, and much harder to dismiss. I had fallen in love with him. And I didn’t know what to do about it—I didn’t want to mention it to any of my friends, because as much as I loved and trusted them, it wouldn’t stay a secret for very long if I revealed it to anyone. As I said—the group was like a family and it was impossible for any subject that might cause tension to remain unobserved or unresolved, and I’d rather save myself the crushing and inevitable rejection. So, I didn’t say anything, and instead I started avoiding Joey. Not in obvious ways; for example I started making a conscious effort not to sit next to him whenever we hung out, and I started making excuses to not be alone with him. Stupid and childish? Definitely. But I had to try and get over him somehow and I didn’t know how else to go about it.
 I thought I was being subtle about it, but I discovered my efforts were wasted when the girls questioned me about it on a Saturday morning over brunch at the apartment. The guys were due to come too, which was probably why I was being asked before they got here, sneaky devils.
 ‘So what’s going on with you and Joey, Y/N?’ Phoebe asked in typical Phoebe fashion: blunt and unapologetic. It was something about her I admired—she always got to the point and said exactly what she meant. But I would be lying if I wasn’t cursing her for that particular characteristic as I choked on a sip of orange juice, totally taken aback by the subject change.
 ‘What do you mean?’ I said after I’d managed to clear my airway, ‘there’s nothing going on?’
 ‘You’ve started acting really weird around him, you two are usually attached at the hip when we hang out and now you go out of your way to avoid him.’ Monica added, not willing to let me brush it off.
 I opened myself to say something, but snapped it shut again when I realised I had no idea what I could say to that.
 ‘And you don’t hang out together anymore, Joey asked you if you wanted to go and see that movie you’ve been raving about yesterday and you blew him off.’ Rachel rose her brow, ‘Joey knows that excuse was bogus and he’s been racking his brain trying to figure out what he did to upset you.’
 ‘He didn’t do anything to upset me,’ I sighed, my shoulders slumping in defeat. I hadn’t even considered that Joey might notice I was blowing him off, and I definitely hadn’t wanted to cause him any kind of pain. I was being selfish in trying to protect myself and I realised if I carried on with this behaviour I might lose Joey all together—that was something I couldn’t bear to consider.
 ‘He didn’t do anything to upset me.’ I repeated, deciding the truth needed to come out—it wasn’t worth keeping it to myself if it meant I was hurting others, ‘I’ve been avoiding Joey because I realised I’m in love with him.’
 ‘Explain something to me,’ Phoebe started, leaning forward in her chair and looking me directly in the eye, ‘wouldn’t falling in love with someone mean the opposite effect? Shouldn’t you be not avoiding him?’
 ‘I was avoiding him because I was trying to work through my feelings discretely,’ I sighed, running a hand through my hair, ‘I didn’t want to say anything to him because I knew he wouldn’t feel the same way about me. Not only is he majorly out of my league, Joey isn’t interested in commitment and I would never want casual sex.’
 The table was silent for a moment, mulling over my words I assumed. I thought they’d realised that I was right when the silence stretched on, but Monica smacking me upside the head told me they were having a very different reaction.
 ‘Ow, what was that for?’ I exclaimed, more out of surprise than pain.
 ‘You’re an idiot.’ She said, as if that were enough of an explanation.
 ‘I’m gonna need more of an explanation than that, Mon.’ I huffed, sitting back in the dining room chair I was sat on and bringing my knees up to my chest.
 ‘Joey looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars.’ Rachel said, continuing when I stared at her in disbelief, ‘it’s cliché but it’s true.’
 ‘He’s always watching you whenever we hang out, he’s happy when you are, he hates seeing you upset—do you remember last month when a patient was pronounced DOA at the hospital?’ Monica continued when I nodded, ‘Joey noticed that you were barely holding it together and he bought you your favourite ice cream and your favourite movie. He sat and watched it with you, and held you when you broke down crying. When you fell asleep, he carried you to bed—he wouldn’t do that for someone he only saw as a friend!’
 ‘Or that time when you were being hit on by that creepy guy at the coffee house? Joey was there before you could even tell him to get lost and he didn’t leave your side for the rest of the night, because he knew you were worried the guy was gonna bug you again.’ Phoebe added as she buttered her bagel and took a bite when she was done.
 ‘Don’t forget when you mentioned that you hated going to and from work those first few weeks you moved here. You said you didn’t feel safe and Joey was there, dressed and awake at 6am so that he could accompany you to and from work.’ Rachel remembered—it was true, I hadn’t felt safe venturing out into the city so early and late when I’d first started my new job.
 I hadn’t even asked Joey to come with me, he’d just shown up and said it was no big deal, that he didn’t mind walking a beautiful girl to work. I’d blushed of course, but it had been the start of a tradition—aside from some rare exceptions—he walked me to work and was always there to meet me when I finished. I’d never told him how big of an impact that had on my day. Those days where I felt like a complete failure and questioned why I’d ever become a nurse were always immediately better when I saw Joey. His handsome face and warm brown eyes always shone with happiness and so it was impossible for my own mood not to brighten in response to his company.
 Joey had done so many things for me and out of the whole group he was definitely the one I felt the closest to. But did all of those things mean love? Were those only things he would do for someone he cared about on another level other than friendship?
 Monica appeared to be reading my thoughts, ‘I’ve known Joey for a long time and he’s never been that thoughtful or protective over a friend or one night stand.’
 I bit my lip, a bubble of hope swelling in my chest. Could it be possible? Could Joey love me the way I loved him? There was only one way to know for sure, but I would have to get him alone to do it—I loved the group but I didn’t want an audience while I confessed my love for the Italian.
 I took a deep breath and then released it, slowly. I raised my hand and it hovered over the green door. I dropped it. I took another breath. I raised my hand and after a sound of pure anxiety left my lips I knocked. I tried not to think as I waited for the door to open, and thankfully I wasn’t left in anticipation for very long.
 ‘Y/N.’ Joey’s voice sounded a mixture of happy and confused. When I looked up into his eyes and saw that the warm brown reflected wariness I wanted to kick myself.
 ‘Hey Joe, can I come in?’ I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as I tried to keep my voice even.
 ‘Sure,’ he stepped aside and I walked in, usually I would’ve taken a seat in “Chandler’s Barcalounger” but I remained standing and turned to face him.
 I couldn’t bring myself to meet his gaze but I imagined he was trying to work out what kind of mood I was in—something Joey was usually very good at, I realised. I hadn’t noticed it before, I’d just assumed he was attuned into everyone but now that I thought about it, he only ever seemed to constantly focus on me. My heartbeat quickened at the revelation but it didn’t make me feel anymore confident.
 ‘I need to talk to you.’ I said, anxiously playing with the sleeves of my shirt, ‘and I just want to say that before I start, nothing has to change between us alright? You’re important to me Joey and I don’t want to lose you because of what I’m about to say, so can you promise me that won’t happen?’
 He stepped forward, his hands gripping the tops of my arms, his hold firm but gentle. The action caused me to look up to him and the sincere look in his eyes made my breath catch.
 ‘I promise that I’ll always be there for you, Y/N. No matter what.’ His words were coated with so much assurance that it was impossible not to believe him.
 ‘I’m in love with you.’ I said, or more blurted— the words left my mouth without my permission. As if my body were tired of my reluctance and took action for me, but I wasn’t sure I was grateful for it.
 Joey blinked, his sincere expression melting into shock, his hands remained on the tops of my arms, but I wasn’t sure if he was aware of it or not. My hands were slapped over my mouth, an involuntary reaction after my word vomit, and they stayed there for a long moment until I worked up the courage to drop them so I could speak.
 ‘Joey, I know you probably don’t feel the same, and that’s okay but… please say something.’ I pleaded and my tone must have gotten through to him, because he shook his head as if to clear it and his warm brown eyes found mine.
 The happiness had returned, but it was brighter than the sun, and if I weren’t physically incapable of looking away from such beauty, I would have worried about it blinding me. But I couldn’t help thinking: I wouldn’t mind losing my eyesight if this were the last thing I saw. His smile came next and before I could prompt him or beg him to speak again, his hands slid down to my waist and pulled my body against his. A gasp left my throat at the feel of his warmth wrapped around me and when he kissed me I swear time stopped. When it started up again my hands went to the sides of his neck, sliding into his soft hair. I’d never been kissed like this before; in a way that was tender yet passionate, loving yet adoring. I don’t know how long we were kissing for, but the apartment could have burned down around us and I wouldn’t have noticed. Joey pulled back before it could progress into anything more, his forehead resting against mine as we both caught our breath.
 ‘I love you too, Y/N.’ He said, his hands moving up to caress the sides of my face and smiling softly when I leant into his touch.
 My eyes filled up with tears at the adoring way he was looking at me, beyond grateful that the man I cared about returned my feelings, as he wiped them away when they spilled over and led me to his bedroom. Soft whispers were shared well into the early morning as we eagerly shared anything and everything, cuddled together on Joey’s bed. As the night progressed, our kisses became more fervent, more passionate. Clothes were stripped off and thrown to the floor, hands eagerly roamed as we each memorised each other’s bodies with our hands. While we moved together I couldn’t help but think about how perfect the moment was, how right it felt to be entwined together so intimately, and I knew as we reached our climaxes together—Joey and I were meant to be. Because there was no way that I wasn’t supposed to be with this wonderful man, the one who looked out for me, cared for me…loved me.
 I was without a doubt the luckiest girl in the world.
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One Date (Joey Tribbiani x Reader)
Pairing: Joey Tribbiani x Plus Sized!Reader
Word Count: 1586
Warnings: Self-doubt, like one curse word
Request: Hiya! Could I please request a Joey tribbiani x reader where the reader is friends with Monica since they were little & she is plus size(with tattoos and purple hair) she meets Joey & the gang & at first she doesn’t like him because he’s this pretty boy but he tries to show her how much he cares about her? Sorry if it doesn’t make sense ? Just something fluffy?-(Anon)
A/N: I will stay true to your request and write the reader plus sized, but I don’t usually like to include a whole lot more details about the reader in my story. I do not write highly personalized fics because I would rather write something that more people can relate to! I hope that you still enjoy this! :)
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You had been friends with Monica for as long as you could remember. Throughout your younger years, both of you were ridiculed when the “baby fat” never went away. You were ridiculed as you gained more. However, the two of you stuck together through it all. Together you could put up a wall, and nothing that bullies said would ever be able to get to you. As you grew older, you became friends with Rachel as well. She may have been thin, but she had problems of her own. You had spent many nights together, consoling each other as you cried over your weight and her over her nose.
After graduating high school and becoming adults, you and Rachel drifted apart. She became the kind of friend that you would talk to if you saw them, but you would never make plans to meet. Monica stayed a close friend however, and you began navigating through young adult life together. You had learned not to care about your weight. Friends like Monica taught you that you were beautiful and you were loved, and a series of boyfriends taught you that you could be loved more than platonically. Yet as the years passed, Monica began to lose weight, and your self-hatred began to rear its head again despite your best wishes.
It wasn’t that you hadn’t tried to lose the weight. There had been more diets and workout routines in your life to count. You had tried your best, but nothing seemed to work. The weight would always come right back, if you lost any more than ten pounds in the first place. Eventually you gave up. Monica assured you that you were beautiful, and you didn’t need to lose any weight. But if that were the case, why did she feel the need to lose hers?
You moved away, wanting to start a new life somewhere else. You loved Monica, but you couldn’t be around her so much anymore. It brought you down to see her so thin and so beautiful. It hurt when you would go out together for the night, only for men to continuously hit on her and pretend they didn’t see you. You did what was best for you, and you left the city.
More years passed, and eventually you began to love yourself again. You found your style, figuring out the way you loved your hair and the clothes that made you feel beautiful. You still had the same body, but you found your way to love it. 
Your job presented you with an opportunity. You could work at their main office in New York City, which included a quite sizable increase in your pay. You took it immediately, ready to move back to the city you used to love, ready to see your friends again. As soon as you were in town again, you called Monica and arranged a time to meet up. Finally you could see her again, and feel happy and comfortable in your skin while doing so.
“Y/N!” You heard a voice squeal as you entered the coffee shop.
“Monica!” You replied, returning the nearly bone-crushing hug that she had immediately pulled you into.
“I’ve missed you so much,” she said with a smile. “It feels like it has been forever.”
“I know,” you told her in response, “I’m glad to be home.”
You followed Monica over to her table, which was surrounded by people that you didn’t know. You knew that Monica said she would introduce you to her friends, but seeing them now made you nervous.
“Hi,” you said with a shy wave, earning a gaggle of hellos in return. Monica sat on the couch, grabbing your hand to make you sit beside her. Looking out at the group, you were surprised.
“Rachel?” You exclaimed with a smile of disbelief.
“Hi!” She said excitedly. 
“Your nose!” You teased.
“I know!”
“You knows,” said a male’s voice, making you turn your attention back to the rest of the group. You looked quizzically at the man talking. He was sat on the other side of Monica, a goofy grin on his face. “Get it?” He asked, “like nose.” 
He let out an awkward laugh to accompany the awkward smile on his features, and you let out a giggle yourself. He made you feel at ease.
“Chandler,” scolded Monica playfully. “You’ve barely met the poor girl and she already feels like she has to laugh at your jokes out of pity.” Chandler moved to sling his arm around Monica’s shoulders. Good for her, you thought, glad that she had found someone; glad that you could feel happy for her again.
“I’m Phoebe,” introduced a blonde woman, holding out her hand to you. You took it to shake, and she had an unexpectedly firm grip, shaking your hand wildly.
“It’s nice to meet you Phoebe,” you said with a chuckle. 
“Oh, I didn’t even introduce anyone!” Exclaimed Monica worriedly. “So you just met Phoebe. You already know Rachel, and surely you remember my brother Ross.” You nod as he waves at you.
“You’ve ditched the mustache I see,” you teased. 
“Thank God,” muttered Rachel.
“This is my boyfriend Chandler,” she said with a gesture to the man with his arm around her, “and that’s Joey.”
“How you doin’?” Asked the handsome Italian, making a blush rise to your face although you tried to hide it. You didn’t need to be catching feelings of any kind for this guy. He was Monica’s friend, and you’d had your fair share of guys who have just wanted into your pants. There were too many guys who saw you as an easy target, thinking you would succumb to their flirtations because you were desperate.
“Joey!” Scolded Monica. She did so for real this time, unlike when she’d done so with Chandler earlier.
“What?” He asked defensively, throwing his hands up. “I can’t ask her how she’s doing?”
“Not like that,” Phoebe pointed out. “That’s not the only thing that you’re asking.”
“Maybe I just like to flirt with pretty girls,” said Joey with a wink.
“We know,” said the group. It almost seemed rehearsed as they said it in near unison.
You felt a rush of excitement as he called you pretty, and your heart sped up when he winked at you. But at the same time, the group’s response stopped you from feeling anything more. It was just a habit of his to flirt. You didn’t feel special anymore, you just felt like the only girl in the group that he didn’t see as off-limits.
The rest of the night went smoothly, and you fit into the group immediately. You would laugh at Chandler’s jokes, and you would listen to Ross as he rambled about dinosaurs. You felt as if you had already been accepted by them, as if you had already found your place in this giant city. 
As the hour grew later, the group began to disband. Slowly, you all trickled back to your apartments. Somehow between all the goodbyes, you and Joey ended up being the only ones to head outside together.
“Could I walk you home?” He asked you. You wanted to blush and giggle, but you knew he wasn’t really interested in you.
“That’s alright,” you replied, “my place is just around the block.”
“That’s fine,” he responded, not taking the hint. The walk back was mostly silent, with the two of you listening to the sounds of the city instead. Joey tried to make conversation, but you answered his questions with short responses that left him little to build off of. You finally reached the door to your building, and you moved to bid Joey goodbye.
“So when do I get to see your beautiful face again?” He flirted. You only sighed in response.
“Joey, don’t.” You muttered. “I know what you’re trying to do.”
“What?” He said, puzzled.
“I’ve known guys like you before. You’re going to flirt with me just for the hell of it until I give in, then you’ll throw me to the side again. You just want to be able to say that you’ve fucked a fat chick.”
You looked into Joey’s eyes, defeated. Instead of looking like he had been caught, the look on his face surprised you. He looked almost like he was sad.
“Y/N,” he whispered. “That’s not it at all. I really do think you’re beautiful.” He reached out to caress your face, and you let him. You continued to look up at him, taking in the way his features looked even more handsome in the soft light streaming through the windows of your apartment building. “Let me prove it to you.”
“I don’t know,” you said softly. You had been played before, but you had a different feeling about this time. You felt like he might actually be serious.
“Just one date,” he pleaded. “If you don’t ever want to talk to me about it after that I understand, but just give me one chance.”
You sighed softly, allowing yourself to give in. He was incredibly handsome, and he was nearly begging you. One date wouldn’t hurt.
“Fine,” you said. “Friday night at 7?”
His face lit up as he nodded enthusiastically.
“I’ll see you soon then, Gorgeous,” he said. You blushed, and he smiled. “You’re so adorable when you blush like that.” The pink of your cheeks only darkened.
“I’ll see you Friday,” you said, walking into the building.
“I can’t wait,” he replied.
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stripper-patrick · 6 years
The one where Joey and YN have sex☎️ Joey Tribbiani
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Warnings: smut, language
Relationship: Joey Tribbiani x black plus sized reader
Loud music blares throughout the apartment and the smell of alcohol and laughter fills the air. We’re at Barry and Mindys wedding reception. Chandeliers litter the ceiling in the most beautiful way.
“Y/N you look so amazing” Rachael smiles coming up to me. I look down at the low cut light green dress with a high slit up the thigh.
“Thanks Rach you look amazing too. I thought this was too much” I smile. I look behind her seeing Joey. He was talking with Chandler and he had on a button down with the sleeves rolled up.
“Absolutely not its gorgeous. Meanwhile I look like bubblegum”
“You look adorable” the boys, Chandler and Joey, walk over to us with a smile on their face.
“Hey girls” they say
“Y/N you look amazing as always” Joey comes over and kisses my cheek making me blush.
“Thank you and the sleeves are making me feel some type of way” I wink. He looks me up and down. I would think he’s undressing me with his eyes but I don’t like to get ahead of myself.
“Anyways little Bo Peep they need you at the table” Chandler smiles.
“I hate you she walks away and we sit down while they begin to do toasts. As I’m listening Joey leans over and out his hand on my bare leg. My heart skips a beat and I look at him.
“Barry looks like a quack” I cover my mouth to hide my smile.
“I thought it was just me” he squeezes my thigh and let’s go of it. The warmth from his hand lingers on my thigh.
Once they finish the toast the bride and groom and others have their dance. Now it’s my turn to tease.
I lean over and put my hand on Joeys thigh causing him to look down.
“Would you like to dance?” I ask
“S-sure” he stutters. I travel my hand a little higher smirking at him. We stand and head to the dance floor. A few other couples come out as well.
I wrap my arms around his neck and his around my waist. He proceeds to whisper in my ear.
“What was that over there? With my thigh?”
“I don’t know what your talking about” I smirk laying my head on his shoulder.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” He asks bluntly
“Please” I nod
“How are we gonna sneak out?” He asks
“I’ll go to the bathroom then you follow shortly after. Classic move. If anyone asks your going to the bathroom”
“Ok” we dance for a few more minutes and I follow through with the plan. I walk to the hallway near the door waiting for Joey. If what I think might happen, will happen, I won’t be mad.
“Y/N?” I hear. That’s not Joey. Shit. I peek my head out seeing Monica.
“Hey what’s up?” I ask
“What’re you doing?”
“Looking at the Art. It’s gorgeous” I say
“Yea it is. Where’s the bathroom?” I point in the direction and she follows. I hear my name called again and I see Joey.
“Hey ready?” I nod. We go outside and I see it’s pouring down.
“Shit” I say. Joey takes off his jacket putting it over my head.
“You don’t have to-“
“Actually get on my back” he says
“Do it” I jump on his back and hold onto him while he holds the jacket over our heads. Joey hails down a cab and I laugh. I get inside bringing him with me.
“Your crazy” I smile
“Maybe” he laughs. He gives the driver the address to the apartment complex and we start riding. I look over at Joey to see him already staring back at me.
Oh what the hell. I swing my legs over his pressing my lips against his. The kiss was passionate but boy did it heat up in the next .000002 seconds.
His hands move from my waist to my butt grinding me against him. We both moan. I have to restrain myself from taking off my clothes and taking him right here because we’re in a cab.
I hear the taxi driver clear his throat and we stop kissing to see we’re here.
“Thanks” I say embarrassment painted across my face I get off of Joey and grab my purse allowing him to pass first. He pays the fare and picks me up. I hold onto him laughing as he holds the jacket over our heads.
We get up to our apartments which is right across from each other.
“Yours” I say
“I want you” he says. I smile and kiss him again. He blindly unlocks and opens the door having me nearly fall on him. I shut it and the clothes come off one by one.
Once we get to Joey’s room the only thing I have in is a thong and he has on his pants. He lays me down on the bed coming on top of me. Joey moves my hands above my head kissing my neck setting my entire body on fire.
“I need you” I say. He looks at me.
“You’re sure you want this?”
“Positive” he grabs a condom taking off his pants and boxers while I take off my thong.
I throw it at him smiling.
“I’ll keep these”
“Don’t that’s my good pair” I smile. He opens my legs getting a look at my entire body. It makes my fave beat up but luckily I’m dark enough to where you couldn’t see me blush in the brightest light. The pros of being black.
“Don’t be shy baby” he sticks in the tip and he’s already the biggest I’ve easily been with.
“You ok?” I nod
“Keep going please” I beg. He inserts all of him in me and I can damn near feel him in my throat from my vagina.
“Your so big” I smile
“Thanks” he leans down and kisses me thrusting slowly to get me adjusted. The pain converts to pleasure almost immediately and I’m moaning his name on repeat.
“Who’s making you feel this good” he moans caressing my thigh.
“You Joey” I moan again. He grabs a fistful of just pull my head back and licking a line up my neck. He sucks on the sensitive patch of skin that just pushes me closer to the edge. I arch my back towards him which only gives him more access to hit my spot making me scream.
“There it is” he smiles
“Don’t stop please” I beg. I run my fingers through his hair gripping it.
“Joey fuck” I finally explode and to add to it he rubs my clit. He comes shortly after I do and the face he made was blissful.
Joey crashes down next to me and we’re both out of breath.
“Can you stay the night?” He asks
“Of course” I smile running my fingers across his chest.
-the next morning-
I wake up and grab Joeys shirt which stops just below my ass. He’s still asleep. I open the door and Chandler makes a weird half scream, half yell type of noise pointing his finger.
My eyes widen at him.
“What are you doing here?” He asks
“Uh” Joey walks out in his boxers and Chandler makes the same noise catching on.
“Oohhh” Joey says
“Did you two have sex?”
“Maybe” I say
“Oh my god is that why you guys left the party early? TO HAVE SEX?!?”
“When you say it like that it sounds selfish” I say
“Wait was that you banging on the wall last night?” I look at Joey and he looks at me.
“Yes. We had sex multiple times last night-“
“That part wasn’t necessary” I say
“We had sex and she’s the greatest partner I’ve ever had” he wraps his arm around me and I smile.
“Look just don’t tell the crew-“ as if on cue everybody else walks in and stops dead in their tracks when they see me and Joey.
“Oh my god” they all yell
“Yup we’ve established that”
“Wait did you guys have sex?!?” We nod.
“What about your friendship?” Monica asks
“We’re still best friends we just added benefits” I say
“That’s gonna complicate things you know” Ross says
“We’ll be fine I trust Y/N with my life”
“You probably put a life in her” Chandler says. I throw the pillow at him and we laugh.
“We’re good guys” I say
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
More than F.R.I.E.N.D.S
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Joey Tribbiani x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1400 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Being really awkward around Joey after you realize you have a crush on him and not knowing what to do
You and Joey had been best friends all your lives. 
As you got older and branched out, you made more friends and turned your twosome into a whole gang but nothing could change how close you and Joey were. 
You had just been inseparable since you were in middle school, when you started getting bullied and he stuck up for you. He took care of you and nothing was ever going to change that. 
However, that was all it was. 
You were best friends, and that was it. Joey had always been a hit with the ladies and had no trouble getting any woman that he wanted...it just so happened that long list of women didn’t include you. 
For most of your life, that had been fine. You never saw Joey as anything more than a big brother-esque figure until recently. 
For whatever reason, you had started seeing him in a different light. Lately, he was being really sweet and attentive, in a way that he never had been before but that wasn’t the worst of it. 
You were supposed to have a date with some guy you met at the cafe but he’d called at the last minute and cancelled on you. It wasn’t the first time that it had happened but it still broke your heart. 
You had been so excited. 
Every single one of your friends knew it. You had called Monica earlier that day asking her how she should act and Rachel had helped you pick out an outfit.
You’d thought of everything but it was all for not now. All your planning and excitement had gone to waste and while Joey didn’t know about the date at first, it was clear that something was wrong when he walked in the door. 
Usually you were listening to music, or watching movies when he got home but today, that wasn’t the case. 
You were sitting in a ball on the recliner, wearing one of Joey’s old jerseys and sweats. Something had clearly gone wrong but he had no idea what it was. He rarely saw that frowny face but as soon as he walked in, he knew something had to be done. 
“Oh no, what’s wrong squishy?” he cooed, rushing over to your side, calling you by your childhood nickname. You had always hated it when the other kids called you that but Joey changed it all. 
He turned that awful nickname into something that made you happy and was almost always followed up by a giggle. 
“Daniel bailed on me” you huffed, retreating further into your blanket burrito, finding it hard to believe that this was all going on. You really liked him but for whatever reason, he just didn’t want to go out with you. 
...It was hard not to be hurt by it. 
You could have expected any reaction out of Joey at this point but even you were baffled by what came out of his mouth next. 
“Get up, we’re going out” he ordered, reaching a hand out to you without missing a beat. You couldn’t believe what he was saying but you knew better than to argue. 
Joey didn’t often make demands, but when he did, you couldn’t help but want to do as he asked. Joey had only ever wanted the best for you and he wouldn’t make you do anything if you didn’t want to. 
He cared about you so much. 
“Going out? I don’t wanna go out” you grumbled, you weren’t even dressed in real human clothes, not to mention that you weren’t in the mood to face other people. 
You just wanted to stay in your blanket roll all night and not do anything else. 
...Was that really too much to ask? 
“Come on, I’m gonna take you out to dinner” he repeated, urging you to do something about what he was suggesting. You were clearly really bummed but if there was anything he could do about it, he would. 
That was the nature of Joey’s bond with you. 
You got that, but that didn’t change the way you were feeling right now. You weren’t in the mood for dinner, but maybe you weren’t in the mood for a dinner date.
Dinner with Joey wasn’t anything like a date, something you’d learned over years and years of experience. 
“Fine, but I’m not changing” you huffed, deciding that getting all dressed up like you were going to for your date was too much work for right now. 
You weren’t in the mood, but Joey didn’t care. 
As far as he was concerned, you could wear a potato sack and you would look amazing. It was just the truth about you, and it had always been that way. 
“Doesn’t matter, we can go to the deli and get sandwiches” he grinned, honestly not sure what he was more excited about; you or the sandwiches. 
He loved both of those things...and to have both as once was incredible. 
In fact, he was so excited about the idea of dinner that he forgot all about what he was mad about in the first place. What kind of guy did Daniel think that he was? He had an amazing girl like you, and he was going to just ditch you. 
He couldn’t believe it. 
By the time you two got to the deli, there was almost no one there but that didn’t matter to either of you. To be honest, you were almost glad that the whole place was empty. 
“Hey Joey!” the manager yelled, his voice echoing through the entire deli counter, heavily familiar with the man in front of you. He had been serving him for years, and Joey basically kept this place running. 
...He loved his deli meats. 
“What’s up man? I’m here to get some dinner for me and my girl here” He tried, shocking you. You knew that it was just a figure out speech for Joey and that it didn’t mean anything but you couldn’t stop the fluttering in your stomach. 
You couldn’t help it. 
You never really thought about Joey talking about you like that but something about it felt right. For some reason, you wanted to believe it, even for just a second. 
No one else treated you like that and it was nice, even if only for the night. 
“Thank you for this Joe, It’s nice to spend time with you” you smiled, your attention paused on him fully as you sat. As far as you were concerned, tonight was going to be a waste but he had turned that all around. 
He was really good at that. 
However, Joey didn’t even really think much of it. It seemed like something you just did for someone you cared about
...And there was nobody Joey cared about more than you. 
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll always make time for you,” he assured, taking a big bite of his own sandwich. You two were good friends, and that meant a lot to him. 
If only Daniel had cared about you that much.
In fact, the more you thought about it, the more you realized...The more you realized that Joey was the only person in the world who had ever been there for you a hundred percent. 
It meant something to you. 
“Hey Joe? Have you ever been afraid to tell someone something, even though it’s really important” you wondered, after a few minutes, chewing on your bottom lip anxiously. 
This was going to drive you insane if you didn’t get it out, even if it was a bad idea. 
All he did was nod, maintaining eye contact with you as he ate, even though it didn’t require words. He didn’t need words to really communicate with you at this point in your lives. 
“What did you do?” you asked, resting your head in your left hand as you waited for some advice. 
The feelings you were having were driving you crazy right now, but how were you supposed to deal with them? 
You weren’t really in love with Joey were you? There was no way. 
Joey took a second to think, his hand on his chin. “You have to tell them,whoever it is, if it’s that important” he decided finally, as if it was that simple. 
...If only he knew. 
“Okay well, I think I’m in love with you” 
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vampiregirl1797 · 5 years
Teen Wolf
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Scott McCall:
Derek Hale:
When an Old Friend Needs Help
Stiles Stillinski
All Because of a Jacket
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Lucifer Morningstar:
When Your Soulmate Walks into a Club
Virginity Can Be A Fickle Thing
Part One   Part Two   Part Three
BBC Dracula
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Count Dracula:
Vampire in the Modern World
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Ployamorous Avengers x reader:
Just a Little Time
Bucky Barnes:
Stucky x Reader
A Relationship You Didn’t Know You Deserved
The Elements Bought Me to you
When the darkness creeps in
Moments of Vulnerability
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Aro Volturi:
When I Stare into Your Eyes
Edward Cullen:
You’re My Eternal Love
When his Blood Singer Moves to Town
Jacob Black:
You’re The One
Jasper Hale:
A Lunchtime Observation
Long Time, Time to See
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Joey Tribbiani:
Love is Patient
The Originals
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Klaus Mikaelson:
Hopeless (Series)
Time Travel & Epic Loves (Series)
Brooklyn 99
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Jake Peralta:
When You Have a Breakdown at Work
Criminal Minds
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Spencer Reid:
Bad Days End With Cuddles
When You Need a Shoulder to Sleep On
Being in Love & Working at the BAU
Family Time is Precious
Revelations on the Jet
When You Need to Escape to Your Happy Place
Late Night Thrifting
First Days With Your Boyfriend’s Cardigan
Remedies For Intense Headaches
Aaron Hotchner
Love Blossoms
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
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Peter Kavinsky
Moments in Time
Hoodies & Lacrosse
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Coming Home
Moments of Reprieve
The Starlight Stone
When Two Become Three
Dean Winchester
The One That Almost Got Away
When Confessions Are Made Against Your Will
Shifters & Revelations
677 notes · View notes
Hiya! Could I please request a Joey tribbiani x reader where the reader is friends with Monica since they were little & she is plus size(with tattoos and purple hair) she meets Joey & the gang & at first she doesn’t like him because he’s this pretty boy but he tries to show her how much he cares about her? Sorry if it doesn’t make sense ? Just something fluffy?
I just got it posted! I stuck with the plus sized aspect of the request, but I didn’t really add in the other specifics. I don’t like to personalize my fics too much, because I like more people to be able to relate to the reader. I’m sorry! But I hope you enjoy it anyway, I did my best to follow your request closely in all other aspects! I really enjoyed writing it!
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