#f.r.i.e.n.d.s imagine
voxsmistress · 5 months
Mama Didn't Raise no Bimbo Part Three!
Part three is here my gorgeous little demons! Now just to warn you all this is literally a filler part BUT it explains a bit of why Angel invited Y/N up to the tower when we had warned her away before!
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
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Getting in the elevator you almost didn’t turn back to face the two Vee’s. Your nerves almost getting the better of you. But if you didn’t turn you just knew that would be a win for them. So, you straighten your spine, mentally pull your big girl panties up and turn as gracefully as you can with your best award winning smile to face them both.
The two predatory smirks and narrowed eyes directed at you made your dead heart thump in your chest.
You were so fucked!  
So, the entire taxi ride to the club you and Angel didn’t say a word to each other, a few awkward glances here and there but not a word. You watched out the corner of your eye him open and close his mouth various times as if to say something and then stop themselves. After the sixth time it was starting to wind you up.
Finally reaching the club you both make your way to your usual booth; waving over at the bartender and point to the vodka bottles behind them – your usual poison on nights out with Angel. Something was telling you that you’d be needing it more tonight. Waiting until you both had a full glass you down it in one, wincing at the sting before pouring yourself another. Catching Angel open and close his mouth again you grumble under your breath.
“Right Angel, cut the bullshit what the fuck was that back there?” Leaning back against your chair your narrowed gaze focused on the squirming demon in front.
“What do you mean what the fuck? What the fuck was with you flirtin’ with the Vee’s?” Crossing his arms defensively, glaring right back at you.
“Like fuck I was flirting! If you hadn’t noticed I was trying to escape some very unwanted advances. Which, by the way, only happened because you invited me up there in the first place!” You knocked back another glass of vodka. Wincing again you try to push down the small bit of guilt that was rising. You knew it wasn’t Angel’s fault that Vox and Valentino had acted like they did. And sure, maybe you did flirt a little bit back with them, but it was mainly out of self-preservation. Only a tiny bit was because you thought they were a hot and what girl doesn’t like a bit of attention off rich and charismatic demons? Especially when you knew you shouldn’t like the attention.
The conflicted look that graced Angel’s face made you take notice. Pouring two drinks for you both, pushing his glass towards him you ask: “what is with the face sugar?” Pulling at his bow tie he grimaced before necking his drink then taking your full one from your hand and finishing that one too. Rude.
“That isn’t exactly the way it went down Y/n”, gesturing for you to pour another round you do so but with a slight frown. What did he mean? Deciding to sip on his next drink he sighed after a moment, avoiding your eyes he admitted: “I didn’t wanna invite you up there Y/n, but Val asked me too – turns out Vox wanted to meet you”.
The drink you were sipping managed to catch in the middle of your throat, holding a hand up to your mouth you started to cough up the vodka. Eyes watering and confusion bubbling you banged on your chest with your other hand. Angel quickly sat beside you giving your back a swift tap to help dislodge the liquid. After a few moments you managed to catch your breath, turning in the seat to focus on Angel, pushing your drink back on the table.
“He what? Vox wanted to meet me?”
Angel wiped a few of the escaped tears off your cheeks with his gloved fingers, a crooked smile on his face, “yeeep, weird right?” Just a tad.
“Hang on. So let me get this crystal clear. Vox asked Val to tell you to invite me up to the Vee tower all because he wanted to meet me?”
Nodding he slips your now full glass back in your hand. Huh. It was weird.
“Well yeah sugar tits, did no red flags go up when I asked you to come considering how much I bitch about Val?” A sheepish grin tugs the corner of your lips as you shrug at Angel, even when you were alive you were an idiot for ignoring red flags. “Look babe, all I know – and you didn’t hear this from me – is that Vox heard you singing on Alastor’s show and wanted to know who you were. Val managed to rub two brain cells together and figured out that I knew you and when Vox asked him, he then came to me and demanded that I get you to the tower somehow. I’m sorry Y/n I didn’t know what they were gonna do and I should have found a way to warn you or said no some more, but you know how Val is and I ju”-
Holding up your hand to stop him talking, you processed all the information. Knowing Valentino, he wouldn’t have given Angel an option to say no especially with that damn contract they had. The logical thought here was Vox probably just wanted to see if you were a threat as you were connected to Alastor – the Radio Demon – both had an extreme dislike towards one another. So it was reasonable to believe he was just checking out the competition. The illogical (and wishful thinking) part was that he wanted you for other reasons other than seeing if you were a threat, instead just wanting you for and in nefarious different ways. Pushing that thought aside for later you realised you had been quiet for a few minutes and Angel was starting to panic.
Giving his hand a gentle squeeze to stop the panic “you do not have to apologise Angel; I know if you could have prevented me from going there you would have. You are bound by your contract; I don’t hold you responsible at all. Plus, they are the Vee’s, they’d have found another way to meet me and could be that wouldn’t have gone quite so smoothly”.
A relieved sigh heaved from his chest, a small smile was back on his face, glad your friend was feeling better you sipped at your drink checking the demons out around you before Angel’s voice caught your attention again.
“Just becareful Y/n. You know you can’t trust them as far as you can throw them”, his no-nonsense look made a smile twitch at the corner of your lips. Isn’t that basically everyone in hell? Well, everyone apart from dear Princess Charlie.
“Gorgeous do I look that stupid? I ain’t about to go looking for trouble so don’t you worry about me, plus I think they’ll leave me be now. They’ve met me, mystery over, they’ll be bored and hopefully will find some other poor fool to stalk” you reason while finishing your drink.
An unimpressed Angel snorted at that. And to be honest, you were unimpressed with yourself too as you didn’t even believe your own bullshit. Remembering the sparks that came from Vox’s claws on your hips, or the powerful grip of Valentino on your chin … yeah you could only pray that they would leave you alone. But somehow you couldn’t quite see that happening.
Could you?
A small vibrate coming from your phone captured your attention, pulling it out of your purse you glance up as Angel goes up to the bar to either get more drinks or drugs. Glaring daggers at a demon who bumped into your table with their drunkenness you bare your fangs before they even open their mouth to say some drivel that you probably have heard hundreds of times before. Drunken idiots were the same in hell as they were on Earth. Opening your phone you are pretty sure you had lost your eyebrows up into your hairline.
Your notifications had gone crazy. Confused you drag open Sintagram to see you had suddenly gained thousands of follows and likes. What the fuck? Not that you were complaining but what the hell. Angel returned to the table with a cup of pills and a bottle of whiskey. Before he could sit you grabbed his hand and shoved your phone into it.
“What now?” Gesturing to the notifications he started to laugh. “Ooooh sugar, finally you are reaching my level of stardom so what did ya do? Show those glorious tits finally on here? Accidental nip slip? Not so accidental nip-slip?” His chuckles became louder as your cheeks got redder.
“No nothing like that, or I hope to Hell that I didn’t on my last post!” Going to grab your phone, Angel shoved you back in your chair as he started flicking through your notifications. Grumbling in defeat you grab the bottle of whiskey and pour yourself a shot. You’d drink yourself to death, but you stayed away from the drugs here – you took a purple pill when you first came to hell and couldn’t move for nearly a week.
“Welllllll… it’s no nip slip”, a sly smirk was tugging at his lips, and he popped a pill into his mouth. Pouring another shot of whiskey, you raise your eyebrows up in question. “Seems like it’s not just the two Vee’s attention you managed to grab”. Frowning you take your phone off the now smug demon. You paused in shock when you see.
Seems Velvette had tagged your photo on her story with the hashtag #newmodel? Flicking your gaze back up to an amused Angel.
“Well toots … you might as well collect all three than just two. Here’s to you babe - you are so fucked”. He raised his glass. Raising your own you blink in shock.
Fucked was right.
Tagged: @tasha-1994
A03 link is here
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crazyk-imagine · 2 months
The One with the Sneaking Around
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Pairing: Joey Tribibani x Female!reader
Characters: Joey Tribbiani, Female!reader, Monica Geller, Ross Geller, Rachel Green, Phoebe Buffay, Chandler Bing
Warnings: Fluff, Monica pulled a Ross, this was like so effing cute to write, I forgot how much I love friends, even though I rewatch it so much, literally like I need more Joey content, honestly just more friend content, I love them so much, Ross knew nothing, Monicia is overprotective, Chandler was baffled, Phoebe was oddly delighted, Rachel was lost in the sauce lol
Word Count: 1,272
He pulls you closer and pecks your lips once more.
You giggle and place a hand on his chest, “I told you; I need to go.”
He sticks his bottom lip out. “Can’t you stay for breakfast.”
You look from one eye to the other, patting his chest. “I told you; I need to leave before Monica finds out.”
“She wouldn’t find out. No one has and it's been six months, come on. Please,” he begs.
“And this has been our routine to prevent anyone from finding out.”
“Isn’t there any way I could… persuade you?”
You smile and cup his cheek. “Maybe next time.” You peck his lips before slipping your shoes on and grabbing your bag.
You glance up, catching him watching you. “What are you doing?”
He shrugs, leaning against the doorway. “Just watching you.”
“That’s not creepy.”
He chuckles. “I’ll see you later?”
“Yep, Monica’s dragging me to hang out with you guys.”
He nods, “alright.”
You stand in front of him, placing your hand on the back of his neck, playing with the short hair there. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
He gives you a halfhearted smile. “Yeah.”
You peck his lips, “I put some extras in the fridge for you.”
“You’re the best.”
“I know. Bye, J.” You close the door and find Chandler reaching for the newspaper.
You open your mouth to respond but can’t find an answer and bolt down the stairs.
The sarcastic man runs into the apartment across from him and barges through the door.
Joey turns around, with a mouth full of food. “What?”
You enter the apartment with Monica in tow behind you.
“Come on, tell me.”
You scoff, “no.”
“No, Mon. I will not tell you about it.”
“Just one detail, that’s all I’m asking.”
You set your bag down on the kitchen table, “Mon, no. I am a big girl, and I am not going to tell you.”
She pouts.
“What are we not sharing?” Rachel chimes in. 
You roll your eyes, “guys please.”
“It’s about that guy, isn’t it?” Phoebe adds.
“Mister best you’ve ever had?” Rachel nods.
You throw your head back and groan, “this is not what I wanted to deal with today.”
“What’s this about the best you’ve ever had?” Chandler chimes in.
You glance at him from the corner of your eye, “nothing.”
“Huh, I mean, you know that’s funny.” He starts off. “Because I heard something similar to that the other day.”
You shrug and head towards the fridge, “really?”
“Yeah, Joe was just telling me about this girl he’s been seeing.”
“Joey, I didn’t realize you were dating anyone?” Monica says.
He chuckles before turning to his best friend and giving him a hard look. “Uh- yeah, you know we’re not serious or anything, which is what we both talked about, and it’s been- it’s been fun.” He leans against the fridge.
You close the door and sneak looks at him. “Really? How interesting for you, J.”
Phoebe furrows her brows, wondering why the two of you are acting weird and then it clicks.
Chandler shakes his head and mimics her to keep quiet.
“I didn’t realize you were also seeing someone," you add.
“Well, I mean, I’m not seeing her, but we do have some fun.”
Monica rolls her eyes and makes her way around the kitchen to make dinner.
You turn and walk towards the couch, sitting down on the sofa to watch tv.
Naturally, like every other time you’ve hung out with everyone, you two sit together.
He sits beside you and you place your hand on the back of his neck to lightly scratch it and play with the short hair there.
Rachel tilts her head and realizes that’s your move.
You told her whenever you’re with a guy and you’re into him that’s how you would see if you two had any chemistry.
Phoebe pulls her back, letting Chandler tell her she can’t tell anyone.
“You can barely keep a secret,” she points at him. “I found out this morning when she left his apartment and it’s killing me, I feel faint.”
Ross enters and makes his way to the couch in search of you. “I found him.”
“Who?” You tilt your head.
“The perfect guy for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You told me you liked the guy from my office, and I asked if he was looking to date anyone, he said yes and asked about you.”
You uncurl your feet from under your thighs. “Ross, that was months ago.”
“Was it?” He thinks back, “anyway I was just thinking, there is a convention tomorrow and he’s going to be there.”
“I,” you groan, “you know I can’t say no to it.”
“So, you’ll go?”
“I,” you glance back at Joey, who keeps his gaze on the tv. “Can I think about it?”
He cringes, “I already bought the tickets.”
“It’s not even a date, it’s just- it’s just a meeting.”
“I’m not there for him.”
“Okay, fine. Don’t go for him, go for you.”
You roll your eyes and shove him away.
“Hey, hey. Don’t shove the messenger.”
You walk into the apartment, immediately removing your boots and then aim for the bathroom to remove your earrings and makeup.
You exit the bathroom and pull your hair tie out of your hair as the door to Joey’s bedroom opens.
You glance over at him and continue what you’re doing.
“How was it?” He asks, genuinely wanting to hear about your night.
“It was good, I learned a lot.” You spin around and gesture to the zipper of your maxi dress, “help.”
He pulls down the zipper, slowly, thinking about- “I’m sorry.”
“For what, Joe?”
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him. “For gettin’ jealous.”
“Why did you?”
He gets quiet and rests his head against your shoulder.
“I- I don’t know why you got so upset Joe, you know I’m not seeing anyone else, even though we said if we ever wanted to all we had to do was talk-”
“That’s the thing.”
You furrow your brows and unlink his hands, holding them once you spin around to face him. “What’s the thing?”
“I don’t-” His brows knitted together as he thought of the words to say.
“Talk to me, honey,” you cup his cheek. “I don’t know how to help you if you don’t talk.”
“I don’t want you to be with anyone else.”
You owlishly blink, “that’s- that’s not fair.”
“How is that not fair?”
“You’re going out with other girls and the one time-”
“I haven’t been with another girl for the last seven months.”
You jerk your head back, thinking back to when the two of you started this situationship. “But that was before we- Joey, are you-”
He cups your cheeks, “I really like you and I want you to be my girlfriend. I’ll even fight Monica if I have to.”
You can’t help but smile and wrap your arms around his waist, “let’s hope it doesn’t come to that because I really like you too.”
“Oh my god!”
Your eyes widen as do Joey’s.
“My best friend and my Joey!”
“Mon- mon, don’t-”
He puts himself in front of you, curling his arm around your waist. “I started it. We are dating, we’re together.”
She pauses to stare over his shoulder to look at you and then back at him. Her tough exterior breaks and she embraces him in a hug. “My best friend and my Joey!”
“This sounds vaguely familiar,” Chandler adds.
Rachel smacks his shoulder to which he whines.
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writerdream22 · 1 year
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requested by: anonymous, I really hope you like this ✨🌻💛
pairing: Chandler Bing x reader, Joey Tribbiani x reader (platonic), Monica Geller x reader (platonic), Rachel Green x reader (platonic), etc.
prompts used: “Have you ever seen anything prettier than this?” “Yeah, you”
warnings: mentions of smoking. English is not my first language so there might be some grammatical errors
feedbacks are always appreciated!
You did not like parties. At all.
It just was not your thing, and everyone knew that. That was the main reason why you had decided to stay home and relax rather than attend a Thanksgiving party with your best friends.
You did not understand why they were so attached to the tradition, anyways. The fact that you didn't grow up in an American household didn't help with that. Nonetheless, you weren't the only one who didn't always celebrate the festivity
“Do you have them?” Chandler Bing barged into your apartment. He held a couple of beers in one hand, and a bag in the other where there seemed to be some food.
“Yes.” you responded, sitting up from your sofa “I only had one quilted blanket, because Monica somehow couldn't tell me where she'd put the others. As for the pillows— well, I have two”. Chandler shrugged, then motioned for you to get going. You exited your apartment closing the door behind you, while silently hoping that none of your roommates came back while you weren't home.
There was a full moon. The city was still buzzing, it was amazing how its lights were never turned off. You loved it. And the company just added to your enjoyment of the night.
You'd laughed at Chandler's never-ending jokes for so long that your cheeks hurt, and you'd eaten so much that you swore you would never open a packet of chips again.
“Have you ever seen something prettier than this?” you questioned, looking up at the sky in awe .
Chandler stayed silent for a few, awkward moments, before responding. “Yeah” he said “you”.
What the hell?
“Are you... are you drunk? I can make you that strange smoothie that we always had in college, if you want—”
“— no, y/n” he interrupted you, rolling his eyes.
You were more confused than ever, so you asked Chandler what he meant by that. “I'll cut to the chase” he began “I love you, y/n. Everything makes me think about you: even when I just stare at the wall or drink a coffee, you're what's on my mind. And look, if you don't reciprocate my feelings, I totally get it.”
You couldn't find the words to answer coherently. Those damned feelings.
“Are you for real?” you questioned, to which Chandler responded “Yes. I know it's shocking, but I'm being serious this time”. He took a deep breath before adding that he was going to pass out if you didn't say anything.
“Oh, I'm sorry!” you exclaimed “Well, uhm... I love you too, Chandler. I have loved you since we first met... Since Ross and Monica introduced the two of us”.
He was clearly trying to hold back a smile, but he failed miserably at doing so when you nudged him and remarked that you had to throw out those “best friends” mugs that you'd bought as a joke a few years prior.
“Yeah... We should.”
You didn't think you could be happier on Thanksgiving Day.
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imaginetheonewith · 1 year
The one where Chandler & Y/N end up having a fake baby
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Pairing: Chandler Bing x f!reader
Warnings: reader is a little bit of a bi*ch in the beginning, but other than that no <3
Author's note: loosely based on “The One With The East German Laundry Detergent” (only in the beginning); also I know I have been a little bit inactive here, but requests are open.
"So, Saturday night, the big night, date night, Saturday night, Sat-ur-day night!"
Chandler's excited voice sounded behind you, before he jumped next to the sofa, almost tripping while doing his little dance. You, Phoebe, Ross, Joey and Monica looked at him from your place around the sofa, before exchanging a knowing look between yourselves. As always, the weekend got Chandler way too excited to not do anything and spend his entire day hanging out at the coffee house, before he gets home so he can watch "Baywatch".
"No plans, huh?", Joey asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Not a one", Bing sighed, taking a seat at the empty chair next to the bar. A sudden thought entered your mind and you bit your lip, trying to suppress your smirk.
"Not even, say, breaking up with Janice?", you asked innocently, before bringing the cup of already cold cappuccino to your lips. He gave you annoyed look and you bashed your lashes at him, trying to ignore Ross' snickering next you.
"Oh right... right...", the brunette man murmured under his breath, his finger moving up and down, as if he was mentally calculating the priority of the said task in his imaginary "to-do list". Suddenly his eyes widened, before he jumped on his chair and extended his arms towards you.
"Shut up" he almost yelled through a wide smile, before slumping back to his original position with a scowl on his face.
It was not a secret that while they have been dating for months, Chandler and Janice's relationship was questionable... to everyone. What was supposed to be a one night stand ended in a rapidly progressing relationship, in which Chandler has been trying to break things off almost every week, so far unsuccessfully (apart from that one weekend a few months ago). While all of his friends were showing sympathy at the beginning, you couldn't help but feel bad for Janice too. Sure, she was loud and annoying, and overly excited about everything, but she was also clearly in love with your best friend.
"Chandler, nobody likes breaking up with someone", Monica tried to reason, putting her coffee down on the table, "You just gotta do it."
The man rolled his eyes, before opening and closing his mouth a few times, trying to find the best words to describe his reasons for trying to avoid meeting with Janice today.
"No, I know, but it's just so hard, you know? I mean, you're sitting there with her, she has no idea what's happening, and then you finally get up the courage to do it, and there's the horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note."
You almost spit your coffee at his last words, and you had to get a few back rubs from Joey in order to be able to get a gulp of fresh air. Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you eyed Chandler with suspicion.
"I can't believe you!", you exclaimed, lifting your hands in front of your face, "Are you not feeling at least a little bit bad for her? You've been stringing her along for months. She deserves to know the truth."
"Stringing her along?", he bit back, looking at you in disbelief, "She has been holding me hostage for months. There is a slight difference there, Y/N."
You opened your mouth to reply but the words stopped in your mouth once you felt Ross's warm hand on yours. He shook his head in a "no" motion, silently telling you that no matter what you say, you won't be able to reason with your friend.
From all of the people in the group, you knew Ross and Chandler the longest. Ross was one of your best friends during college and Chandler was... well, Chandler. He was a good and funny guy, yet your friendship never really evolved in anything past the stage of acquaintances. While you spend time together with everyone else, you never hang out alone and you if by any chance you meet on the street or in the coffee house, you have nothing more than a short casual chat about the weather or today's news.
It was not that you did not like Chandler. He was kind, good-looking, smart and with an amazing sense of humor. You even had a crush on him for a whole year after you met him, despite his weirdly styled hair. However, his commitment issues and inability to stay serious in any type of situation quickly made you realize that there is zero chance for something to happen between you and you are better off as just friends. Chandler has also never really showed any interest in you, other than jokingly flirting with you every now and then, but he did that with everyone so you never read into it too much.
Sensing the awkward silence, Joey was the first to break it by giving his typical advice.
"Why do you have to break up with her?", he raised his shoulders and looked between all of you, as if searching for your support, "Be a man, just stop calling."
You, Phoebe and Monica let out a groan in unison, rolling your eyes at him. While comments like this did stop bothering you a long time ago, you were feeling obliged to show your dissatisfaction at some of his relationship opinions.
Chandler looked at him for a few seconds, his mind deep in thought, but then shook his head, before looking at the rest of the group for help.
"Oh, I know, I know!", Phoebe jumped up and down of the sofa, while clapping her hands, "Y/N can join you."
Your eyes widened and you turned towards her, ready to protest, but were interrupted by Chandler, who looked more annoyed than shocked.
"Oh, thanks, but I think she'd feel like we're gangin' up on her."
"Plus", you added, "I wouldn't want to risk ending up in a poly relationship. I mean Janice is fine, but Chandler..."
"Hey!", he pointed at you, "I am a great lover."
"And almost 6 years of friendship, we are still waiting for a reliable source to testify to that statement", you looked towards the ceiling, while tapping your index finger on your chin, "Oh wait... there is none."
The moment you said these words, you felt the feeling of regret washing over you. The comment sounded way funnier in your head, but it came out way harsher than you intended it to be. And judging by the look on Chandler's face, he also didn't find any humor in it.
"Chandler, I..."
"No, no, you're right."
With these words, he stood up and headed towards the door, before slamming it behind him. You felt of the group's eyes on you and for the first time in your life, you wished there will be a sudden earthquake which will open the deepest crack in the floor, where you can spend your remaining days drowning in guilt and misery.
"Wow", Ross muttered, sneakily looking towards Monica, who silently mouthed "I know" at him.
"I don't know why I said that...", you buried your head in your hands and exhaled deeply, "Can this day get any worse than that? I am so sorry guys." The friends looked at each other and soon they all sat around you on the sofa, embracing your slumped body in their arms. You stayed like that for a few minutes, before you murmured you had to get home. It seems your Saturday was already doomed.
No matter how hard you tried to take your mind off Chandler, he was the only thing you could think about. The harshness of your words kept ringing inside your head, filling you with guilt.
Why did you even said that? It seems the words escaped your lips, before you even had the chance to think them over. And the worst part was you had no idea how you can make things right. Would he ever speak to you again? Would he even give you the chance to listen to you?
Frustrated with all the questions in your head, you turned off the TV and quickly grabbed your bag and coat. You needed to get out of your apartment and get somewhere where you could have some time to think. Maybe even speak to someone... and what better place to do this than "Central Perk"?
10 minutes later and a hot cup of pumpkin latte, you quickly regretted your decision once Chandler barged through the door. In a minute of panic you quickly ducked at the front of the sofa, hoping that he has not seen you.
You cursed under your breath, before lifting your head. Chandler was sitting on the edge of the sofa, looking at you with a slight smirk on his lips.
"Chandler!", you sat on your knees, while brushing your hair on the side, "I did not see you there."
"Strange", he smiled sarcastically, cocking his head to the side, "I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that your head was buried into the carpet."
You let out an awkward chuckle, lifting yourself onto the couch. You licked your lips, trying to gather at least one reasonable excuse for the position he found you in.
"Ha-ha, you see....", you paused, letting out another chuckle, "I was actually... checking for bugs."
"Bugs?", Chandler raised his eyebrows.
"Yes!", you exclaimed, almost too excitedly, "You see I thought something bit me earlier, so I decided to investigate what it was."
The man looked at you for a minute, carefully studying your face in silence. You met his gaze, but soon felt a drop of sweat slowly sliding down your forehead. The intensity of his stare made you shift uncomfortably in your place and you let another awkward chuckle, gathering the courage to speak about what happened earlier.
"Look, Chandler..."
He lifted his palm towards you, stopping your sentence:
"Look, I am not mad. You are right, I do not have great record with women and I know that it is because of me that most of my relationships don't work."
You closed your eyes, letting out a small sign. Without much hesitation, you reached towards one of his hands, wrapping your fingers around it.
"You are an amazing, amazing man, Chandler Bing", you opened your eyelids again, only to find him already staring at you. The sudden eye contact caused a warm feeling to wash over your whole body and you bit your lips in order to stop any inappropriate thought slipping out.
"You are smart, funny, kind and an amazing friend. And while you may not have found your soulmate yet, I know she is one very, very lucky lady. Because I know I would be, if I end up with someone like you."
His fingers squeezed your hand and his body shifted towards you, without breaking eye contact. You gulped, feeling the blood rushing towards your cheeks. You have not seen Chandler like this for years, yet the feeling of his warm skin on yours and his musky perfume made your old feelings rush like a waterfall on you.
"Oh. My. God."
The sudden sound of Janice's voice made you jump apart, resulting with Chandler being on the floor.
"Chandler", Janice exclaimed, looking between both of you, "What is the meaning of this?"
He opened his mouth, but could get nothing more than a groan, so he quickly closed it again. Lifting himself, he opened his arms to his girlfriend, letting out a fake laugh.
"Janice, I am so glad you are here!", he cried, before turning towards the bar, "Can I get an espresso and two lattes over here, please?"
He pushed the dark haired woman towards the sofa, pushing her to sit next to you. You smiled awkwardly at her, putting your bag on your shoulder.
"Nice to see you, Janice! I was just going. Hope you two have a nice.... date?"
You made an attempt to get up, but felt a hand harshly pulling you back down. Looking down, Janice's red nails were firmly wrapped around your wrist, keeping you in place.
"Nuh-uh, missy. I want to know what is going on between you and Chandler."
"Me and Chandler?", you chocked, putting a hand on your chest, "There is nothing going on between us. I don't understand... We are just friends."
She finally let go of your hand, only to cross her arms in front of her chest and squint her eyes at you.
"Really?", her voice suddenly got higher and louder, making you wince, "So you just tell al your friends you would feel lucky if you ended up with them."
"Where is the coffee? Where is the coffee?", Chandler shook on his chair next to you.
You on the other hand could not form even one sentence. Like a mouse trapped in a trap, you could do nothing more than to stare back at her with wide eyes and flushed face. Were you that into Chandler, that you could not see his girlfriend right behind you?
Before you could form any words into your defense, Chandler spoke:
"We are dating. Y/N and I are dating."
Both you and Janice both turned your heads towards him at the same time.
"What?", you said in unison.
"That's right", he nodded, quickly wiping the sweat of his forehead with his shirt sleeve, "We have been dating for six months now."
Janice stared at him in shock for few minutes, before bursting into laughter.
"My little Bing-a-ling!", she grabbed a handful of his cheek, pulling him towards her, "I get it now! This is one of your silly little jokes! You almost got me there!"
He continued laughing, while Chandler's face twisted in pain. His eyes met yours and he mouthed "Help me", while trying to pull away from the woman's grip. You spend a second, considering if that is a good time to leave, but against your better judgement you decide to play along.
"Janice", you grabbed her hand away from Chandler's cheek, turning her towards you, "It is true. Me and Chandler are together."
"But how?", her eyes started to fill with tears, before she turned towards him, "Are you cheating on me?"
"What? NO!"
You quickly glared at Chandler, making him only shake his shoulders in response.
"Then how is this possible?", Janice kept looking between both of you, trying to make sense of the situation.
"She is keeping me hostage", your friend suddenly said, making you roll your eyes. You were trying to go along with his little story but he was making it really, really difficult. You started to wonder if you didn't do a mistake by staying here.
"Hostage?", Janice yelled, getting the attention of a few customers around you. You smiled awkwardly at them, before squeezing her hand once again and giving a warning look to Chandler to keep his mouth shut.
"No, I am not keeping anyone hostage", you assured her, "And we have not told you the full truth."
You took a moment of silence and looked at Chandler for help, but he had his nose buried in his third cup of espresso. Letting out a small sign, you've pulled Janice's hand till it rested on your stomach:
"The truth is... I am pregnant... with Chandler's child."
Your words made him choke on his drink and some of the liquid started dripping out of his nose. Janice looked at you with an open mouth, barely blinking.
"Pregnant?... What... How?"
"Well... You and Chandler were broken up a few months ago and I felt so lonely that I invited him for a movie... Then one thing led to another, and... Boom! I am pregnant."
Finally getting himself together, Chandler took a seat next to Janice and rubbed comforting circles on her shoulder.
"Janice, I am really, really sorry!"
Both of her looked at her shocked form, waiting for her to burst into tears, but surprisingly that never happened. You and your friend exchanged worrying looks, before you cautiously asked:
"Janice, are you okay?"
Shaking her head she gave a thin lipped smile, before turning to Chandler:
"Listen, Bing... I really like you and you are very nice guy, but I don't think it could work out between us. I mean you are going to have a baby with Y/N and I am not ready to be a step-mom. I really hope you understand and I do wish you the best."
She turned towards you:
"To both of you."
With these words she stood up and grabbed her coat, leaving you and Chandler frozen on the sofa. Only once she was out of the door, you relaxed back and let out the breath, which you didn't even know you were holding.
"A baby?", Chandler asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"A hostage?", you asked back, raising yours. Seeing your logic, he nodded his head, before letting out a quiet chuckle: "Oh, freedom does taste niiiceeee."
You let out a laugh, gently packing him on the back. But before you could congratulate him on his new status as a single man, Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe and Rachel ran through the door, almost jumping on top of both of you:
"You two are going to have a baby?"
Oh crap.
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vini-love · 1 year
(Josh helping out in a fertility study in his hospital)
Ava: So what does Jules think of your little science project?
Josh: What you think I am going to tell my wife that I am also seeing a cup?
Ava: Man's got a point.
Josh: The tough thing is she really wants to have sex with me.
Alex: Crazy bitch.
Josh: Anyways, I am also not allowed to conduct any personal experiments, if you know what i mean?
Ava: (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠メ⁠)
Alex: Joshy, we always know what you mean.
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hi! am looking for mutuals, if ur someone who lives in texas or near it pls dm me! like just a few ppl to do fun stuff w since i’m moving there. < 3 (i’m 19 however this is open for any age & gender)
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writtenmarauder · 1 year
Requests are open!
After disappearing for what seems years. I want to return to writing, drabbling, doing whatever it is that I do. I write a lot: fluff, smut, angst, tough topics. I do my best with trigger warnings when needed. Also gender is a construct so I can do whatever you like with whoever you like.
All I ask is you give me gender you want person you want and you can optionally tell me what you want to happen.
I take requests for the following (hang in tight this is a long list.): 911 911-lonestar Avatar the last airbender Bridgerton Castle The Chronicles of Narnia Criminal minds Critical Role Formula 1 Friends Grishaverse Harry Potter Heartstopper How I met your mother Hunger Games Jurassic Park/world Lord of the Rings Lucifer Marauders Marvel Maze Runner The Mentalist Merlin Pirates of the Caribbean Scandal Star trek: The next generation Supernatural Teen wolf Winx (Fate The Winx Saga)
If you made it this far: You're incredible and have a wonderful day.
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raekensluver · 4 months
a brewing romance (original)
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description: the one where pretending to not be in love with joey tribbiani was hard, especially when everyone around you suspects it.
pairing: bsf!joey tribbiani x fem!reader
contains: fluff!, best friends to (potential) lovers, mutual pining (mentioned?)
w.c: 740+
song rec: everybody talks by neon trees- "hey ,baby, won't you look my way? i can be your new addiction."
an: i've never posted any of my work besides a shitpost about fred weasley when i was like 13 so cut me some slackkk/ also this is based off of my friends dr bc im insane.
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as you push open the door to central perk, a warm smile spreads across your face as you are greeted by the familiar sight of your friends lounging on the couch and surrounding chairs, sipping their coffees and chatting away. 
joey, in particular, catches your eye, his soft brown gaze locking onto yours as he flashes you a charming grin.
you make your way over to the group, exchanging hugs and hellos with monica, rachel, ross, chandler, and phoebe. 
as you reach joey, he jumps up, wrapping his arms around you in a tight squeeze. 
"uh, hi," you reply, laughing as you pull back from the embrace. "what's with the enthusiasm, joe?" 
joey shrugs, his eyes sparkling. "just happy to see my favorite person, that's all." he drops back down on the couch.
before you could even think about taking a seat, he reaches out and grabs your hand, pulling you onto his lap. you laugh and roll your eyes, but don't resist as he wraps his arms around your waist, and you settle yours around his neck.
it was a familiar, comfortable position, one you'd adopted countless times before. but today, it seemed to hold a different significance. but you were used to this kind of thing with joey. 
you'd been friends for years, and your affectionate nature had always led people to assume you two were a couple- which, of course, you weren't. 
the group's stares were noticeable, so when rachel's voice finally broke the silence it was evident it was laced with curiosity. "so, are you two finally…?"
you and joey exchange a look, both of you bursting into laughter. 
"what? no, no, no," you protest, shaking your head. "we're just friends, guys. don't get any ideas." 
joey nods strenuously, his face a picture of innocence. "yeah, we're just buddies. i mean, i love her, but not like that." he says, winking at you.
monica raises an eyebrow. "okay but...you two look very…cozy." 
you laugh. "i swear, we're just friends mon. you all know that. we've just known each other for a long time, that's all. we're comfortable around each other." 
"yeah, and I'm comfortable around my couch, but that doesn't mean I'm dating it." chandler inputs. as you both ignore his comment, you switch your focus on how hard it is to ignore the way you fit so perfectly in joey's lap or the way his arms seems to cradle you like you were his own personal treasure.
the others exchange skeptical glances but say nothing. as they continue to chat and get caught up, 
you can't help but notice the way joey's fingers drum against your hip- it was a touch that was both familiar and intimate, one that sent a flutter through your chest- you also took note of the way his breath tickled your ear as he breathed. 
it was all so… natural. so comfortable. and yet, despite your denials, the others couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more between you two. maybe it was the way you two seemed to anticipate each other's movements or the way you sometimes finished each other's sentences. 
as the afternoon wore on, you finally slid off joey's lap, giving him a playful pat on the chest. 
"i'm going to get a muffin," you say, as you stand up and stretch. 
joey grins, watching you leave. "i'll come with you," he says, hopping up from his spot to follow you to the counter. 
once you're both out of earshot, monica quickly turns to the others, her voice low. "you guys think they're telling the truth?" 
rachel shrugs. "i don't know. they've always been close, but… there's something different about them today." 
ross speaks up, "maybe it's just a matter of proximity. they're always touching and hugging each other. it's bound to create a certain… chemistry." 
chandler groans. "don't start talking about pheromones." 
phoebe who thoughtfully watches you and joey, order muffins at the counter says "i think they're telling the truth, but that doesn't mean there isn't something more there. maybe they just don't realize it yet."
as you and joey return to the table, muffins in hand, the others can't help but steal glances at you. you two were just so comfortable together, so at ease. and yet, despite your denials, there was a spark in the air, a sense of possibility that couldn't be ignored. only time would tell if you both would ever realize their feelings for the other.
edited 8.24.24
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ibis-radish · 10 months
Charisma House is so fun to explain to people. It's like imagine if you took a chess player, an icon, a masochist, the CEO of sex, a furry, a highschool burnout, and a man with your credit card information. And you made them roommates. Cue F.R.I.E.N.D.S intro.
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! Not L7cas S9nclair !
Spoilers for both F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Stranger Things!
Ok but. I was watching F•R•I•E•N•D•S with my family earlier this day, and something notable came up during the episode.
Does this scene remind you of anything, dear reader scrolling through the byler/stranger things tag?
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This scene.
For context, the guy on the left is Ross; about to marry Emily, the woman on the left. The one behind them is Rachel, who is in love with Ross.
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At first, it seems both Will and Rachel are supposed to accept that the one they're in love with is not with them; and both of them do try to commence with it for a bit.
Now, there is interesting context to be added.
Ross is in love with Rachel. He was since he was a kid. However, they never seemed to work out, going through random drama I'm too tired to explain, and later he ALSO fell in love with Emily, while away from Rachel, choosing to later marry her. But then he sees Rachel again just before his wedding, and during the wedding ceremony, he accidentally says Rachel's name instead of Emily's, causing and inflicting drama, and making Rachel realize he still loves her.
Rachel and Ross get together for good, after ten seasons of will-they-wont-they.
And so - if me imagine Ross as Mike, Rachel as Will, and Emily as El...
Who do y'all think is getting together?
I'm not sure if FRIENDS is on Stranger Things inspiration board or not, this could've been a pureeeeeee coincidence, so let me know if this is the case.
There are much, much stronger arguments for Byler - but I just wanted to make this post as a small thing to notice on the way.
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
80s and 90s TV Master List
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Tv Shows
Boy Meets World
Shawn Hunter
Kicking and Newfound Spouses // Ao3: Kicking and Newfound Spouses
Summary: You and Shawn have known each other for years now. He finally decides to pull out his moves. Cory tries to be as supportive as he can but thinks this is the exact opposite of how these things should go. Granted he doesn't have much experience either, but Shawn really takes the cake. And you get to have a little fun too.
Joey Tribianni
The One with Sneaking Around // Ao3: The One with Sneaking Around
Summary: You've known the gang for a while now, first being introduced through Monica. You two meet when she was a waitress at the god-awful restaurant where your guys' friend, Phoebe suggested roller skates. But things got interesting when you got to know a certain Italian sandwich loving actor.
The Bachelor Party
Bachelor Party Blurb // Ao3: Bachelor Party Blurb
Summary: Neither you nor O'Neal have ever been able to see eye to eye. The guys learn to never leave anything unattended with you in sight, otherwise they're going to lose it. It also opens your eyes to a few things but you're not ready to admit it.
St. Elmo's Fire
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writerdream22 · 2 months
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requested by: anonymous, I really hope you like this ✨🌻💛
pairing (platonic): Chandler Bing x reader
prompt used: “I told you that I'd never leave you. I'm not going anywhere”
warnings: none. English is not my first language so there might be some grammatical errors a/n: it has been some time since I have either written or posted anything on this platform. This first year of uni has been quite difficult, but I will try to fulfill all of the requests that I have received throughout all of this summer!
feedbacks are always appreciated!
You had lost all your trust in people.
Men in particular.
When you realised that your longtime boyfriend had been "having fun" with one of his colleagues (who he’s told you was just a friend) for six months, you tried to find ways to resolve the matter in the most responsible way.
First, you tried to resonate with the guy, who promptly started accusing you of neglecting him and your relationship and justified his cheating in the most absurd ways.
Even though you had started the discussion with somewhat good intentions, the rage and hatred you felt against who you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with won against your better judgement. So you kicked him and his mistress out of the house, then you threw all of his things and everything he had ever gifted you out of the window.
As soon as the whole ordeal came to an end, you fell to the ground and started crying uncontrollably. 
You normally would have called your friends and asked for their comfort. This time, however, you felt the need to be alone and process the whole thing by yourself. 
Even though you received quite a few calls, you let them all go to voicemail and cried yourself to sleep for a few days in a row.
A week after the breakup you heard a knock on your door. The person was rather insistent, because even though you were not answering, they kept going.
“Y/n, it’s me, Chandler. Please, open up” your eyes widened as you realised that your best friend was standing in the hallway.
“Go away!” you shouted, as you sat on your sofa.
“Come on, I bought your favourite food. And some coffee. I figured you might need it”
You sat up, and hesitated if you should either open the door or not. Just as you were about to turn the handle, you heard Chandler’s voice again.
“Ok, let’s put it that way” he said “If you don’t open up now, I will break in. And I know how much you like the new wooden frame that you put on your door”.
Your eyes widened. Chandler wouldn’t do such a thing now, would he?
“Yes, I will actually do it, Y/n”. It seemed like he had read your mind.
Needless to say, you pondered your choices and opted to let your best friend in.
“God… you look- terrible”
“Yeah, I know” you scoffed, as Chandler walked through the door “What do you want?”
“I did actually bring you food, you know? And refreshments, too” he responded, gesturing to the plastic bag that he was holding. He quickly reached into it and pulled out a plastic coffee cup.
You softly smiled, taking it from his hands, then put it down on your counter in order to prevent it from spilling onto your carpet.
“The food’s already cold, so we can wait to eat it if you’d like” Chandler responded, to which you responded with a nod indicating that you preferred to eat later.
The two of you sat down on your couch, facing each other. You knew that there were questions to be answered, so you prepared yourself for your best friend’s interrogation.
“So, you and him-” he began.
“Yes. We broke up”
“Because he-”
“He cheated on me with that colleague of his. The one we all met at that party. Rachel had told me that there was something wrong about her, but I didn’t listen” you paused “You, too, had told me that you didn’t like him as soon as you saw him. And- I am so dumb” 
Just as you were beginning to recount the whole story, you started crying. Obviously, Chandler immediately hugged you as tight as he could in order to show you that you were safe.
“Shh, I know, I know. He’s a scum” he asserted “And he’s stupid for leaving you”
“You’re not leaving me too, are you?” you sobbed. 
You genuinely fear that, eventually, each and every one of your friends was going to leave you because of a particular flaw that you had or because you were too annoying for them. But at the same time, you had known Chandler, Monica and the others for quite some time so if they were truly annoyed by you they would have said so earlier.
“When we graduated college, I told you that I’d never leave you, Y/n” Chandler said, as he held you in his arms and gently stroked your hair “I’m not going anywhere”
“Yeah, of course! You’re stuck with me! Now, let’s celebrate this new era of you and not think about the bad stuff, huh?”
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imaginetheonewith · 1 year
The one where Y/N gets jealous
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Pairing: Joey Tribbiani x f!reader
Warnings: none (I think)
Author's note: It was not easy to imagine reader in the "Friends" universe, but .. hey! I tried my best and I do hope you all enjoy it. The lack of fanfiction about this tv show is criminal x
That is all could see in front of you at this moment. But it was not the type of red that you see when you are in love and the world seems to suddenly become a better place.
Oh no, it was way worse than that. It was the bright crinkly red, which was currently barely covering the tall blonde’s chest from lustful eyes. Or more specifically Joey’s.
“You know”, Chandler’s voice sounded next to you, “If you keep staring at her for 30 more seconds her head may catch fire. Or preferably that tight, low-cut…”
Your head whipped towards him and he quickly raised his hands in defence.
“… shoes!”, he cleared his voice, while pointing aggressively towards the girl’s feet, “These tight, low-cut shoes! Burn them! Burn them!”
Rolling your eyes, you turned your attention back to the bar, where Joey was shamelessly flirting with his ex, Angela. She was a beautiful and lean part-time actress, with an amazing fashion style, and wild blond locks. She was also the only girl who managed to keep Joey in a relationship for more than a few weeks. 3 years, to be exact.
It was not a secret that you did not harbor any warm feelings toward her. Not only did she break your best friend’s heart, but she was also the only one of his girlfriends that managed to catch on to your feelings towards him and use any chance she got to remind you that you will always remain stuck in the friend zone. It was almost as if she enjoyed inflicting pain on people around her and seeing them suffer.
“I can’t believe he is still talking with her”, you groaned, clapping your hands on your tights, “Look at him laughing! What could she say that is so funny?”
You didn’t wait for a response, before turning towards Chandler and pulling the newspaper away from his hands.
“Sure, I was totally done reading that”, he fake-smiled at you while grabbing his cup of coffee. His sarcastic remark went right above your head, as you grabbed his hands and squeezed them in yours.
“Chandler, you are one of the most, most special and valuable people in my life!”
“Well, I do have this effect on people”, he winked at you, while getting himself in a more comfortable position. You smiled with tightly pressed lips, doing your stop any smart remark that was sitting at the end of your tongue.
“And I would do anything… well, almost anything for you. Because I believe that when I need your help, you will do the same for me and-“
“Is it by any chance my birthday today?”, he interrupted you with a suspicious glare and you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes, “Because the Y/N I know is never, ever so nice, unless he wants something and-“
He paused for a second, his face falling with realization. He quickly pulled his hands away from you and pointed an accusing finger at your face.
“NO! Whatever is going in that pretty head of yours, I am not going to do it.”
Chandler tried to get from his seat, but you were quick to lay down and throw your legs over his, trapping him in his place.
“You didn’t even listen to me!”
“I don’t have to”, his words were mumbled through a fake smile and squinted eyes, “I already know what you are thinking. And I am not going to do it.”
You raised your eyebrow, challenging him:
“What I am thinking? Maybe I just want to show you how much I love you as a friend…”
“And also send me to the bar, so I can eavesdrop on Joey and Angela.”
“Damn, you’re good”, you mumbled under your breath, finally releasing your friend from your leg trap. Your head fell in your hands and you closed your eyes in a weak attempt to stop yourself from thinking about the couple just a few feet away from you.
There was no reason to feel like this. You knew Joey for over 6 years now and you’ve been best friends for just as long. You two became close almost immediately after Chandler introduced you to each other and much to everyone’s surprise, including yours, the actor never showed even a slight romantic interest towards you. On the other hand, you fell head over heels for him from the moment you met him. His charming smile, flirty jokes, and kind soul made you overlook all his bad qualities, and “red flags” Monica and Rachel warned you about. Sure, he did have a bit of a reputation with the ladies, but seeing how loyal was he toward his friends, you knew that he was capable of commitment.
He just needed to find his woman. His one true soulmate, who would love him and cherish him the way he deserves.
What wouldn’t you give to be this one woman?
“Hey”, Chandler tried to catch your attention, while his hands started rubbing small circles on your back, “It’s going to be okay.”
Besides Joey, Chandler was your second closest friend. Before he moved to his current apartment, he was briefly your roommate and with both of you being new to the city, it didn’t take long for you to form a strong bond. From being children of divorced couples to having a career in statistical analysis and not-so-lucky love life, you two lived almost identical lives. It was not a surprise you often found comfort in each other, knowing that there is no other person who can understand you better than him.
Just as you were leaning back towards Chandler’s shoulder, Joey jumped on the sofa next to you with a wide smile on his face.
“You won’t believe who I am having dinner with tonight!”
“Winona Ryder?”, Chandler tried to guess and you bit a smile. Joey on the other hand did not find the remark funny, rolling his eyes instead.
“Remember Angela? My ex-girlfriend? The one that I thought I am going to marry because we were dating for so long?”
“How could we forget her?”, you mumbled under your nose, crossing your arms in front of your chest, “She is very…. memorable.”
Joey eyed you with furrowed brows, his eyes stopping at your shoulder, where Chandler’s hand was still gently massaging you. He let out a scoff, before moving to his favorite chair next to the bar. He knew that you and Angela had a bit of a strained relationship in the past, but he was hoping that you would at least try to act excited for him, instead of being all cozy with his roommate.
“Wow”, he breathed out, “Still jealous, I see.”
His words made you freeze in place, your cup of coffee just millimeters from your lips. Chandler tensed next to you and while you could not see, you were sure he was mouthing something to Joey. You slammed your cup on the table and turned towards the actor, only to find him glaring at you.
“Excuse me?”
“Look, Y/N, I know you girls love to be competitive and compare to each other all the time…”, he stayed silenced for a second, his hands moving in slow circles in front of him as if it was helping him gather his thoughts quicker, “But there is no reason to feel that way towards Angela. You know you will always be my best friend. Nobody will change that.”
You let out a dry laugh, turning towards Chandler, who was watching the happening with wide eyes. He shook his head as a warning for you to not continue this conversation, but he quickly realized your mind was already set when you shook his arms away from you and stood from your place.
“Is this what you think? You think I feel threatened by Angela?”
“Well, I did not use exactly that word…”, Joey mumbled, trying his best to avoid your furious gaze. The regret of saying anything was already clear on his face. If he could turn back time by just a few minutes, he would’ve just kept his mouth shut and enjoyed a nice quiet afternoon with both of his closest friends.
You, on the other hand, were not about to let this go so easily. Jealous? Of Angela? Pffftttt. Pushing your hair behind your ears, you tried your best to keep your voice low and not startle all of Central Perk’s clients.
“Joey, as your best friend, I can assure you that not even a cell in my body feels threatened by that manipulative and sly snake.”
“Okay, you are just being mean now”, the feeling of regret quickly vanished and his eyes hardened in a glare, “What is your problem?”
Before you can even open your mouth to reply, Chandler jumped between both of you and raised his palms towards both yours and Joey’s mouth, preventing you from saying anything further.
“Ah, this is exactly how my parents were acting just before they got divorced”, he made a disgusted face when the memory flashed in front of his eyes. He turned towards Joey, “We are happy about you, Joey. All of us. But… you know… we all remember what Angela did to you.”
“She’s changed”, Joey whined with a high-pitched voice, earning another mocking laugh from you. This gesture immediately resulted in his features becoming serious once again, “You know what… I don’t care if you approve of Angela or not. I love her and I will not give her up. I know she is the one and we will be together… once she breaks up with Bob.”
“Bob?”, Chandler moved his hands away as if burned, “Who is Bob?”
Joey opened his mouth but then closed it again when he didn’t get the courage to say anything. For you, however, it was enough to confirm your suspicion.
“This is ridiculous!”, you groaned, “She has a boyfriend and she is still trying to get in bed with you. She is using you, Joey! I can’t even believe you are agreeing to take her out on dinner!”
“It’s not like I am taking only her. I am taking Bob as well!”
“Oh, that’s great. So all three of you can be one big happy… throuple.”, you grabbed your coffee cup and matched towards the bar, where Gunther was not even trying to hide his interest towards your argument.
“I don’t mean I am going to go out with both of them”, Joey argued, looking at Chandler to check if he agrees, “You don’t think I am trying to get both of them, right?”
Chandler just shrugged his shoulders in response, too scared to get any more involved.
“I am going to ask Monica to come with me, so it’s like a double date. That way I keep Angela for myself and Monica can keep Bob.”
“Monica?”, the name fell as a surprised yell from your lips, “Why not me?”
Joey let out a scoff as if you were asking the stupidest question he ever heard, “Well, you and Angela do not get along well… And also I don’t think Bob is going to be your type.”
The last sentence made you raise your eyebrows and you crossed your arms in front of your chest. A tiny voice inside your head was telling you to not dwell on his remark and leave instead before you do something that can ruin your friendship forever. However, your bruised ego could not handle Joey having the last word in this.
“What do you even know about “my type”? For all you know, Bob may be exactly the man of my dreams.”
“Yeah, right”, he laughed under his nose, directing his attention toward the sandwich Gunther just brought, “The guy is a dog food tester. How can that be your soulmate?”
“Well once I thought my soulmate is always an out-of-job actor”, you stomped towards the coat hanger, grabbing your coat and purse, “So how much worse can a dog tester be?”
Without sparing even a glance towards them, you made your way outside, ignoring Chandler’s calls. You didn’t know where you were going or what were you going to do. All you knew is you just need to be alone.
A few days passed since your and Joey’s argument and you have not seen each other since. Despite your friends telling you it is valid to feel the way you feel, you couldn’t help but feel guilty about the way you reacted. It was unreasonable to expect that he would not pursue a woman he clearly had feelings for, just because of your opinion of her. You wanted him to be happy, even if it was with someone who was not you.
Still, it hurt. Not only the idea of him being to another woman but also the fact that you certainly ruined your friendship. You did not realize what slipped past your lips before you left the coffee shop that day till Chandler came to your apartment later and informed you of the talk he and Joey just had.
The actor did hear you and did put two and two together “surprisingly quickly”, as Chandler described it, which lead to a big argument between the two. On one hand, Joey thought it was unacceptable that you kept this secret for so long from him, instead of just talking. On the other hand, Chandler thought he was judging you unfairly and was unhappy with the fact that Joey still went ahead with the date with Angela.
It seemed that everyone heard about what happened the same day, as later that night Rachel, Ross, and Phoebe all showed up with some Chinese takeaway and five boxes of ice cream. You appreciate that they all showed up for you, but you could not shake away the tight feeling of anxiousness in your chest. You needed to know how the date went and if Joey and Angela were back together, and the only way to find out was to speak to Monica.
Now, finally being the weekend, both of you were off work and eager to catch up with each other. Sitting on the floor in her living room, you ate homemade biscuit cake and spilled gossip about the events from the past week.
“I would’ve never agreed to go with him if I knew all the details” Monica exclaimed, “He told me they were siblings. And I did believe him, till I saw her tongue in his ear. It was disgusting!”
You choked a laugh and quickly covered your mouth, trying to keep the food inside. Apparently, Joey told Monica Bob was Angela’s brother in order to convince her to go on a double date with them. And while they did manage to break the “happy” couple and keep the pieces to themselves, Monica was far from impressed by Bob’s performance in bed and has decided to not see him anymore. Listening to her detailed story from that night, you could not judge her at all.
You finally swallowed your bite and were about to respond, when the door opened, and the man you least wanted to see came into the kitchen.
“Hey Monica, I know you said to not bother you tonight, but we have no beers left and… Y/N?!”
Joey froze in his place next to the fridge, his eyes dancing between you and the dark-haired woman. Monica has told them to stay away from her flat earlier, but he has just assumed she was having a date over. He definitely did not expect to see you.
“Y/N, um… What are you… uhm.. doing here?”, he shuttered and you had to bite your lip in order to stop a smile from spreading on your face. Flustered Joey was a rare, but cute sight.
You quickly jumped on your feet and grabbed your bag from the sofa, giving an awkward smile.
“I was just about to go, actually”, you turned towards Monica and pulled her into a hug, “I will catch up with you soon. Bye, Mon! Bye, Joey!”
You hurried towards the door without sparing your friends a second glance and were almost down the stairs when you heard heavy steps behind you and felt a hand pulling you back by your wrist. You stumbled back, almost losing your balance, before another hand wrapped around your shoulder in order to stable you.  
You looked up only to come face-to-face with Joey, who was staring at you with wide eyes. He was so close his breaths were hitting your face like a warm breeze and almost closed your eyes, trying to save the feeling of closeness in your mind.
“Y/N…”, he whispered, “Listen, I…”
“Yes?”, you tried to push him to finish a sentence, eager to hear what he has to say. There were a million and one things you wanted to tell him, but how could you after you threw away years of friendship in just a few seconds of pure rage? You were simply not ready to talk about it yet.
But did not stop you from trying to hear what he has to say.
“I made a mistake. I should have never gone out with Angela.”
There was a skip of your hearbeat. Were you dreaming? You were sure you did get up from your bed morning, but then again the only times Joet was saying the words 'mistake' and a girl's name in one sentence it was in only in your imagination.
You furrowed your eyebrows and were ready to argue that the only person in this hallway who made a mistake was you, but before you can start talking, he pressed his finger to your lips, shushing you.
“No, let me finish”, he moved his hand away, “I have… I have prepared this speech for a while.”
He got silent for a minute, moving his eyes away from you and focusing on the floor instead.
“I have been in love with you pretty much since the day we met. Your smile, your wit, your beauty… I have never seen another woman like you. And I know you think I didn’t like you, because I’ve never made a move, but I was so scared… You know? And I was trying to forget you by seeking someone else, but I could never do it. All I ever wanted was you. Which hurt, because I knew that I will never be good enough for you and-“
His words were interrupted by your lips on his. A wave of electricity passed through your whole body and you could swear your feet became jelly. His arms circled your waist, pressing you against his hard chest.
 It lasted only a few seconds before you both pulled away with wide eyes. With uneven breathing, you pressed your forehead against his, enjoying the warmth of his hands on your lower back. A small smile broke on your lips and Joey mirrored it.
“Wanna do it again?”, he asked, giving you a wink.
“Absolutely”, you whispered before catching his mouth with yours again.
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golden-headband · 3 months
Recently watched that scene of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. where Rachel and Ross are locked outside their apartment with their baby still inside. Rachel is panicking and Ross is being the voice of reason
Going through @emelinstriker Eternal Servants AU I now imagine that being Nezha in a frantic panic while Mink is just staring at him being blunt as ever while Macaque goes looking for their baby Master fast asleep in a hiding place.
Anyone who doesnt know what in taking about...
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kozumesphone · 4 months
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ぬ ─── BOOKS [ 042 ]
percy jackson and the olympians
heroes of olympus
trials of apollo
magnus chase
kane chronicles
harry potter
maze runner
hunger games
the mortal instruments
keeper of the lost cities
a good girl’s guide to murder
the folk of the air / cruel prince
shatter me
shadow and bone
six of crows
these violent delights
the secret history
the inheritance games
the naturals (jlb)
once upon a broken heart
divine rivals
to all the boys i’ve loved before
daisy jones and the six
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo
counting down with you
a show for two
stay with my heart
if you could see the sun
this time it’s real
I hope this doesn’t find you
one of us is lying / is next
two can keep a secret
the cousins
nothing more to tell
you’ll be the death of me
ば ─── ANIME [ 016 ]
jujutsu kaisen
my hero academia
demon slayer
blue lock
bungo stray dogs
spy family
chainsaw man
saiki k
sk8 the infinity
tokyo ghoul
kuroko’s basketball
alice in borderland
tokyo revengers
a silent voice
wind breaker
び ─── MOVIES & SHOWS [ 023 ]
fast and furious franchise
gran turismo
gilmore girls
brooklyn 99
once upon a time
ginny and georgia
never have I ever
marvel cinematic universe (mcu)
detective comics (dc)
stranger things
the umbrella academy
vampire diaries
greenhouse academy
the summer I turned pretty
my life with the walter boys
the good doctor
new amsterdam
ぶ ─── K/C/J-DRAMAS, WEBTOONS, ETC. [ 012 ]
true beauty
a business proposal
seasons of blossom
all of us are dead
xo, kitty
the 8 show
falling into your smile
lovely runner
love next door
when I fly towards you
officer black belt
べ ─── MUSIC [ 022 ]
stray kids
arctic monkeys
one direction + solos
the neighbourhood
taylor swift
slight eminem
slight olivia rodrigo
slight sabrina carpenter
official hige dandism
fall out boy
the score
imagine dragons
league of legends soundtracks
valorant soundtracks
subway surfers soundtracks
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 9 months
List 2 or more characters/people from separate fandoms that sum up what the states sound like in your head! I’ll start ^^
New York: Peeta (H.G.), Chandler Bing (F.R.I.E.N.D.S), and strangely enough, Izuku Midoriya (From MHA. I imagine NY to have a higher, shakey lilt to his voice)
Louisiana: Coryxkenshin, Jack Stauber, and Ben Drowned (creepypastas)
Texas: Jedediah (Night At The Museum), Sapnap (MCYT. He’s actually from Texas so-), And Shoto Todoroki (MHA. They both have daddy issues btw.)
Gov: Listen, in my head he sounds like Ben, but also strangely Ranboo (MCYT)
Massachusetts: Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), and Gale (Hunger Games)
New Jersey: Also Alastor, but also Joey (F.R.I.E.N.D.S) and Monoma (MHA).
Feel free to tell me what they sound like in your head!! <3 Also feel free to send requests as well both here and on Wattpad <33
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