#joey umbrella drew
inkyvendingmachine · 1 year
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“But if you don’t kiss me like that at least once more, fair warning that you might end up sleeping on the couch after all.” “What a devilish threat from someone so sweet!”
@inkdemonapologist sketched and inked this scene from the second half of the Susie/Joey chapter and I absolutely needed to colour it.
I have a lot of feelings about these two.
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insane-control-room · 2 months
Aegis of Red and White
We have obtained a sample of a virus from a researcher.
An activating agent is being created.
ink demonth - umbrella
Rated: G Warnings: None AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57956284 Length: 500
Umbrella Corporation can not let this get out. We cannot have another virus scandal under our belts, even if this one is different from the… other mistakes. 
Even if it was not synthesized by us. 
But rather, found in one of our scientists. 
It was a dormant thing, quiet and insidious, and that makes it all the more valuable. 
We obtained this sample when the researcher had voluntarily submitted his DNA profile for the purposes of the corporation’s specialized lock system; as he is assigned to work in the secret space that the dangerous viruses and diseases that are studied. Of course, we would not like for those diseases to end up in the wrong hands, now, would we? Either way, in that sample, there were two anomalous patterns. 
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One aligned with pure tardigrade DNA, which obviously does not fit a human, and the other was a peculiar form of RNA. 
Now, as we are a bio-pharmaceutical company that specializes in virology, this was of particular interest to our C-Suite. So, we quietly assigned the researcher to the RNA virus strand found in his own system- without telling him where it was sourced, of course. He was one of those who believed that his contract said exactly what he was signing up for, that being medical research for preventing illnesses from spreading, and synthesizing viruses into beneficial things. 
With J. Drew’s studying, it became apparent that the RNA was a dormant virus. What it did was yet to be discovered, as his current assignment is figuring out how to activate it. 
We are confident in his ability to do so- he is one of our best virologists, right up there with L. Benton and T. Connor. If Benton and Connor would spend less time bickering and more time working together, then they may surpass Drew in their work- though, as it stands, he is the superior researcher. Not that we will tell him that. On his performance reports, we generally rate him lower than he actually is, as it is a strong motivator. 
With the Umbrella Corporation’s ‘umbrella exchange’ program, we have partnered Drew with a H. Stein, of the Manhattan Beach free clinic. They appear to get on marvelously, and have a sort of rivalry similar to Connor and Benton, though this one promotes more research rather than reduces it. 
Recently, the pair had discovered a breakthrough. An activating protein had been synthesized for the new pathogen. 
Testing had been approved, and as of now, the disease, which turns liquids in the body to a substance not unlike ink, has proven an effective bioweapon. 
Drew’s compliance likelihood levels have been dropping; therefore, human testing has been approved on patient 0. He is in the lab right now, and two agents with the activating protein, codenamed Scythe, have been dispatched.
We have just received notification that several viruses have been stolen from the lab.
Update: Drew has shut down the camera systems.
Patient 0 has escaped the building. 
Dispatching Tyrant. 
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steam-powered-chaos · 1 month
DAY FOUR: Umbrella
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Two guys walk home after work, definitely very straight-
Catching back up after I missed a few days, and wanted to use one of my favourite ships
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godisshook · 9 months
Office Hours
My anthropology class was set to be the most boring of the semester. I was taking some advanced 3000 level course that my advisor roped me into. The required reading made me dread things even more; with pages full of museums and old works of art.
With the dreaded first day of class beginning, I walked to my anthropology class, preparing myself to meet the most drab, uninteresting professor, and whatever unlucky TA that was forced to accompany him. Luckily for me, I was only half-right.
As we settle into our seats, with my shabbily-dressed professor fiddling through papers as he mumbles to himself, a sharply dressed young man runs into the room. "Sorry I'm late Dr. G," the mystery man says, panting. My professor addresses the room, saying in a near whisper into his mic, "This is your TA, Joseph, if you need any assistance, he can provide it." As he waves to the students, I finally catch a good look at Joseph.
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He was in a button-down with a very revealing amount of buttons unfastened, and a huge coat that draped over his whole body. As his gaze met mine, I couldn't help but continue to stare, to which he smirked, and continued scanning the room. Heat flushed my cheeks as I nearly fainted in class, taking every possible moment to steal a glance at this smokeshow of a TA.
The class couldn't go by quicker, and as it finally drew to a close, I was immediately drawn to Joseph. While other students walked up to the professor, I beelined to Joseph, and could only get out a simple, "Hi, Mr. Joseph," sounding immensely nervous. He replied, "Oh hi! And Joey is just fine." My face reddened as he patted my back with his big hand, sending a shockwave of desire through me.
"I noticed you were super focused during class," he said, breaking me from my trance. "Yea, I just find anthropology so interesting."The dissonance between my thoughts and speech was at an all-time high, and I cringed at the thought of actually enjoying this course. However, my lie caused Joey to perk up, as he said, "Well if you do enjoy this class so much, I might have a way you can help out." On the verge of blacking out from regret, I replied, "I would love to!" Even as I said it, my brain was scrambling to find a way to flake on it as soon as possible. "I need some help filing some things for Professor G., would you mind helping me tonight?"
With his request brewing in my mind, a devilish thought came over me. While the thought of filing papers was the last thing I would think of doing willingly; some alone time with Joey would be perfect.
I walked over to the address he texted me, not worried about the length of the walk as I intended to enjoy the sun. In the middle of my peaceful walk, the sky began to darken, and soon, it was pouring. My walk became a run as I used my hoodie as a makeshift umbrella, finally arriving at the address drenched. I quickly knocked on the door, He peered around me for any indication that I came in a car, and then looked back at me. "You walked down here? It's at least a 20-minute walk from campus," Joey said incredulously. I nodded, head down in shame, and Joey ushered me in, covering me in towels laid near the door. He rushed over to a nearby closet and picked out a top and bottom. Handing both to me he said, "There's a bathroom you can change in upstairs."
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I walked back down in a horrendously oversized sweater and a pair of sweatpants. "Looking great," he said with a laugh, and he began directing me to a pile of books to sort out. I couldn't help but notice how dressed up Joey was, hair slicked back, in an all-black tux. Getting closer, I caught a whiff of his cologne, with a scent that reminded me of a verdant forest. Constantly distracted by him, I did my best to close the distance, moving myself and my papers closer and closer to him.
Hours passed with small talk and chuckles being shared between us, and many glances stolen. With the sun now firmly set, and the rain showing no signs of stopping, Joey began wrapping up, and said, "Let me drive you back."
Noticing the rain continuing to pour down, I mimed thinking about it, to which he laughed again, and I replied, "Of course I want you to drive me back!" As I got in his car, I could only wonder where he got the money for something like it on a TA's salary but didn't give it a second thought.
While I thought we would be able to get some chit-chat in, Joey was immediately inundated with phone calls, and I silently listened to his slew of conversations.
With the gauntlet of calls finally done, Joey focused back on me. He laid a hand on my thigh, causing me to heat up as I looked over at him. "Come to my place," he said. My eyes went down to his dick, now bulging in his tight pants. Catching the hint, I replied, "It's quite late, but I do need the extra study hours." Joey laughed at my response and put in a whole new set of directions.
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As we both got out of the car, I noticed Joey taking off his coat. "I saw you eyeing me in class all morning, and especially at the Professors' place, so I only assumed this is what you wanted," Joey said. Walking to his side, I now saw him fully; holding his top in his hands. With his muscular chest revealed, I couldn't hide my lust anymore. Even as my face reddened, I tried to keep my cool, replying, "What would Professor G. think about his TA getting with a student?" He closed the distance between our lips, and said, "He wouldn't need to know a thing, right?" His thumb grazed my lip as he hovered closer and closer to me, the smell of his cologne overpowering my nostrils.
I was completely entranced by Joey, and I could now simply reply, "Yes." He pulled me into a deep kiss, sucking the breath out of me as he pressed his lips into mine. In between bouts of kisses, we progressed from room to room in his house, with layers being removed and strewn about.
Soon, we were in his room; his lips only leaving mine to let us take a breath. Feeling his cock press against me, I grew ever more impatient to feel him. I laid Joey on the bed, as his eyes met mine and sent me into a spiral of pleasure. As I begin straddling him, he let out a tortured groan, his hard cock pressing against his boxers. "You are truly a sight to behold," he said as he felt up me. I chuckled and said, "My God you're an absolute nerd!"
My eyes scanned over his body, a fire lighting up in it as he playfully tensed his chest.
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"I like this angle," I said, tracing a finger down his chest to his boxers. With a flourish, I slid off his boxers, revealing his massive cock. Suddenly, Joey would take me by the waist, and put me straight on his cock, sending a wave of pleasure through me in an instant. His muscular arms laid me on my back, as my legs were raised and I soon felt him rock throughout my body. Joey's rhythmic thrusts sent me to my limit, as sweat caused his once-slicked hair to become messy and ruffled. Our eyes met as we both came, with waves of pleasure washing over me as his body rested on top of mine.
After that night, I looked at the class in a new light. Soon, I was registering for every office hour session I could, and would always make sure to request the latest time possible. I loved my "tutoring" sessions with Joey; even though I didn't learn a thing in any of them. And as the cherry on top, my professor never caught on as to why I was always going to office hours; he must've thought his class actually interested me.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 1 month
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Although the poor working conditions and declining finances of Joey Drew Studios in its final years were public knowledge, it was what went on at the company after hours on the lower floors that would be the secret that Mister Joey Drew would carry with him until the very end of his life.
By all accounts, this was only the third idea I had to think of for this prompt.
I originally thought of doing something about SOTM, because of "Secret", you know. Kind of an obvious direction, right? But since I had already made "Umbrella" SOTM-centric, I didn't want to repeat the game or the idea, I wanted something different from what I did for the last prompt. Then I thought of doing something with Wilson. Maybe tie it in with his audio log in Dark Survival. But I thought about this idea a little more and realized that in the end, I would just be rehashing an idea I had come up with a few months ago. Of course, it was a separate piece, not related to the event, but like I said, I didn't want to repeat past ideas. And I also didn't want to make a drawing that in the end would just be a redux of a drawing I had already done this year.
In the end, I went with the Ink Demon. Always draw the ink guy when nothing else comes.
And come to think of it, he fits the prompt well. "The head of this animation studio was responsible not only for the creation of ink monsters - one including a twisted, demonic version of the company's mascot - but also for the deaths of some of its employees (some correlating with the creation of these same monsters)" is something I would consider a secret. A big secret, at that.
I wanted to illustrate the day the demon broke free. We know he was locked away, and that he definitely ended up breaking free. How, I don't know. But he's the Ink Demon. He's That Guy, so I don't question it too much.
I don't think I'd consider this drawing to be "This is definitely how I imagine the Ink Demon breaking free." It was something I did on the spur of the moment. It might be similar, but it's not THE way I see it, you know. I don't know where or what Joey thought of locking this guy up, but considering the most dangerous thing the Ink Demon ever did in the beginning was "wander around the office" (going by his audio log), I didn't go for anything too big. A cell in a room deep in the basement is clearly enough for a being like this. It's not like he's capable of hurting anyone,right?
Well,it didn't work. He broke free. Which wouldn't be surprising.
After all, it takes more than a few metal bars and an old wooden door to stop a tyrant.
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madhare0512 · 1 year
Ships I Write For:
- Marvel
The Scientists and the Spies (Leopold Fitz/Jemma Simmons/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff)
Lance Hunter/Leopold Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Piper
Daisy Johnson/Piper/Lincoln Campbell
Melinda May/Phil Coulson
Mack Mackenzis/Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez
Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Wilson Fisk/James Wesley
Luke Cage/Danny Rand
Danny Rand/Spiderman (Ultimate Spiderman only)
Armando Muñoz/Alex Summer
Danielle Moonstar/Rayne Sinclair/Illyana Rasputin/Sam Guthrie/Roberto de Costa
Carol Danvers/Maria
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova
- DC
Malcolm West | Herald/Joey Wilson | Jericho (Teen Titans only)
Rachel Roth | Raven/Garfield Logan | Beast Boy
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy
Tony DiNozzo/Jimmy Palmer
Tony DiNozzo/Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Sam Hanna/G Callen
G Callen/Eric Beale
Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks
Poly!Agents (Callen/Sam/Kensi/Deeks/Eric/Nell)
Gibbs/Jack Sloan
Jessai (Jesse Boone/Kai Holman)
- Criminal Minds
Micphet (Prophet/Mick Rawson)
Sam Cooper/Prophet/Mick Rawson
- Harry Potter
Jacob Kowalski/Newt Scamander
Fred Weasley/Harry Potter/George Weasley
Ron Weasley/Harry Potter
Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
- Maze Runner
- Doctor Who
Rose/Nine/Jack Harkness
- Supernatural
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Merlin
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
- Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee
Meriadoc Brandybuck/Peregrin Took
- Dark Matter
- Power Rangers (full list in the pr blog)
Jake Holling/Noah Carver
Brody Romero/Preston Tien
Hayley Foster/Calvin Maxwell
Tyler Navarro/Riley Griffen
Jayden Shiba/Antonio Garcia
Devon Daniels/Ravi Shaw/Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Devon Daniels/Nate Silva
Casey Rhodes/RJ
Vida Rocca/Xander Blye/Chip Thorn
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn
Jack Landors/Syd Drew/Sky Tate/Z Delgado/Bridge Carson
Jack Landors/Bridge Carson
Will Aston/Mackenzie Hartford
Ronny Robinson/Rose Ortiz
Scott Truman/Summer Landsdown/Dillon/Fynn McAllistair/Ziggy Grover
Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllistair
Shane Clarke/Dustin Brooks
Zayto/Ollie Akana
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Javi Garcia
- Hawai'i Five-0
Max Bergman/Jerry Ortega
- Shadowhunters
Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
Jace Herondale/Clary Fray/Simon Lewis
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
- Umbrella Academy
Dave/Klaus Hargreeves
Eudora Patch/Diego Hargreeves
- Flashpoint
Julianna Callaghan/Sam Braddock
Lewis Young/Spike Scarlatti
Sam Braddock/Spike Scarlatti
- Teen Wolf
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
- Grimm
Monroe/Rosalee Calvert/Nick Burkhardt
Roddy Geiger/Carter Brimey
- White Collar
Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey
Horatio Caine/Eric Delko
Calleigh/Ryan Wolfe/Natalia
- 9-1-1/Lone Star
- One Chicago
Kelly Severide/Matthew Casey
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Natalie Manning/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Justin Lieu/Connor Rhodes
Antonio/Peter Stone
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
Greg Lestrade/Mycroft Holmes
- House
- Ghost Whisperer
- Baby Driver
- Bull
- Julie and the Phantoms
Leo/Usagi (2003 only)
Leo/Karai (2003 only)
Raph/Casey Jones
Don/Usagi (2003 only)
Mikey/Mondo Gecko
Splinter/Tang Shen (2012 only)
I do not write incest of any kind, I do not write abuse unless by my own ideas, I do not write manipulation unless by my own ideas
If you have a question about a ship you don't see up here and want me to write, you're welcome to DM/IM me.
Thank you!
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reanimationstation · 1 year
You got any more pride headcanons? Other than transmasc Sammy
The idea of Joey Drew Studios unironically being a great place for queer folks to work makes me so happy- Joey hires anyone if they have talent, so all anyone has to worry about is the horrors housed within said studio
The ink does not discriminate
there's a bit in one of the books- I think DCTL- where Buddy is basically marveling at how diverse the staff is kjfgjdfs. in my heart it means queer as well
but oh gosh- i'll try not to make this list too long LMAO a lot of it is vague. i'm gonna try and stick to the music department because there's just too many people otherwise
Sammy: trans-masc as previously mentioned. Not A Guy^tm. under the aroace umbrella.
Jack: queer. trans man plus some mild genderfuckery. also under the aroace umbrella.
Norman: gay. also has some genderfuckery going on but to the left
Susie: bi with a preference for women. have not decided if i hc her as trans
Allison: demiromantic and bi.
Wally (honorary music department member): pan, nonbinary (uses he/him).
Joey (i can't leave him out): gay
and most of them are poly :]
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mutatedleemon · 4 years
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5. Coffee
Left to right - Norman “Mountain” Polk, Susie “Flower” Campbell, Joey “Umbrella” Drew and Sammy “Sun” Lawrence from my Benevolent fanfic (Formalink AU)
Daily Reminder, that there is always someone by your side, even if sometimes it does not seem so.
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fishymom-art · 5 years
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I may be alone on Valentine’s Day, but I am surrounded by great friends!
@obscurelog you are a bundle of Joy (no pun intended) and I am very happy I know you. You deserve all the love, appreciation and respect and I love you!
@meeychanco you are such a funny person and we have so much in common, I really like you and I hope we will be friends as long as possible 
@captainleemon I don’t know what to say, cause you’re my bro and I love you no matter what. just hope you know you are loved.
@halfusek lgauehglutht you are amazing and you inspired me to do a lot of things, including M&I. I am actually surprised we are friends, but also very happy!
/yeah, um... thank you ^_^/
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geek-gem · 4 years
Ah yes shady companies/corporations in horror games
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You just can’t trust em. They always be up to shady shit.
*A fun little thing I just wanna say. I put these in order of which games came first. Strangely Umbrella seemed to maybe started this trend. Also yes Joey Drew Studios is a studio. But is it okay if we can call it a company? I wanted to make this silly post*
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queenofcats17 · 3 years
The Ink Demonth 29
Today is Mud
Abby would never forget the day she met Joey Drew.
She had been 18, walking home from her job at the bookstore. It had been raining relatively hard, so she had been walking as fast as she could to avoid getting too wet. Not that it was helping much. She had been turning onto her street when she spotted him sitting on the curb.
He looked…Well, he looked pretty pathetic, honestly. He was completely drenched, splashed in mud, and shivering like a lost puppy. There was a small suitcase next to him, similarly wet and mud-splattered. Despite his sorry state, she could tell he had to have some wealth. It was harder to tell with his clothes, but the suitcase was definitely an expensive one. She’d seen other luggage from that brand in department stores, and they cost quite a bit. So, what was a rich boy doing out on his own like this?
“Hey! What are you doing out here?” She demanded, making her way over. “You’ll catch your death of cold just sitting around in the rain.”
The boy looked up at her, looking even sadder up close with his black hair plastered to his face and his big brown eyes sparkling with tears.
“I ran away…” He mumbled.
Abby had to keep herself from sighing. She should have known it would be something like that.
“What’s your address?” She asked, holding out a hand to him in an offer to help him up. “I can take you home.”
“NO!” The boy yelled, his face briefly distorting in rage.
Abby stumbled back in surprise, almost dropping her umbrella. What had that animosity come from? She could think of some reasons why he might not want to go back, but none of that warranted such hostility toward her. Not that her saying that would matter.
“No,” the boy repeated. “I-I can’t go back. I need to prove I can do this. That I can make it on my own.”
“Ooookay,” Abby said slowly. “Fine. I won’t take you home. But can I at least take you to my house? I can’t just leave you here all wet and dirty.”
The boy hesitated, drawing his suitcase into his lap, then nodded.
“Alright.” Abby offered her hand again, and the boy took it, letting her lift him to his feet. “My name is Abigail Lambert. What’s yours?”
“Joey…” The boy replied, avoiding her gaze. “Joey Drew.”
“Well, nice to meet you, I guess,” Abby said. “Now come on. My family’s waiting for me and they’ll kill me if any later than I usually am.”
Joey looked a tad panicked at this comment, which led to Abby quickly assure him, “It’s a joke, don’t worry.”
Although she had a feeling her family would probably be slightly upset at her just bringing home some random boy. She was sure they would understand once she explained the situation she’d found this kid in, though.
So, she brought him back home and got him cleaned up. And he’d ended up staying. Which had led to the two of them becoming friends. She’d even gotten Joey a job at the bookstore with her while he tried to save up money to get into art school. And eventually, he’d started the animation studio he’d been talking so much about, with her and his new college friend Henry as the art department.
There had been nothing particularly notable about their first meeting.                                                                                                                
By all means, this meeting shouldn’t have stuck in her mind as much as it had.
It was Drew’s influence on the rest of her life that made her remember that day so clearly. If she hadn’t picked him up that day, how different would her life have been?
She’d asked herself that question so many times as the studio had gone down the drain. As she’d watched the boy she’d picked up on that rainy day turn into a bitter and jaded man.
Would he still have gone down this path without her?
In the end, it didn’t matter. What was done was done. She was in too deep to get out. She just had to see this through to its end.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 1 month
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"Effective today, you are dismissed from any employment at Joey Drew Studios. This is due to complaints received about the grim and disturbing subjects of your work. May your dreams come true somewhere else."
[Opportunity is always just a step away from you]
"Gent Corporation looking for research subjects. Pays three fifty a week."
[When one story ends,so does another unfold]
My participation in an Ink Demonth would not be complete without at least 1 drawing that takes a few days to complete.
I've had this idea in my head for a while, so this prompt was a good opportunity to put it into action. Featuring Riley Wells and Alan Gray.
I don't remember if I've ever drawn a rainy scene before. This was a first attempt. I liked it, actually. I think it worked for what I wanted in the end. (Thanks old tutorial from 2004) (The raindrops running down the umbrellas I had to learn by myself. Probably not the best thing possible, but better than nothing).
I'm happy with the overall atmosphere of the drawing and how it turned out. I think I managed to encapsulate the original vision I had in my head. I kind of messed it up during the process but I managed to turn it around and get it how I really wanted it.
When it comes to Riley and her joining Gent: all things considered, it would make more sense that she ended up at Gent in a similar way to what Archie Carter talked about in his audio log. She probably found a newspaper about Gent looking for test subjects and decided to go with it. She may have met Alan for the first time when she started working there, no doubt. Rather than meeting him before she joined the company in a "he was the one who offered her the job" situation, as I showed above.
I only went with this second scenario just because I found it more interesting to draw. And I wanted to touch on the possibility of Alan offering the chance to work as a test subject directly for certain people (without saying too much about the darker details of the job, of course). It's kind of evil, but at the same time, so is Gent (shockingly/j), so it's all good. (Realizing now that I may be making shit up for a character that has yet to be characterized. If this isn't the Bendy experience I don't know what is) Also, poor girl, she was fired from a shitty company and went to get a job at another shitty company. How sad.
Also, as an addendum, I don't know if their heights are 100% accurate. My vision for my Alan design is that he's a tall guy. Taller than Joey and, for that matter, Riley. When I was drawing him I realized he wasn't that tall and I had to resize him in the end. And Riley I never thought about how tall she is. Maybe her height here is a little off-model. So, don't take this drawing as my definitive vision of how tall they are. Because I don't even know for sure lol.
Next drawing is simpler so it probably won't take too long. I hope.
#bendy and the ink machine#batim#bendy and the dark revival#batdr#bendy: secrets of the machine#bsotm#bendy sotm#riley wells#alan gray#the ink demonth#crookedsmileart#something something if I had a coin for every time a mascot horror game announced this year had the acronym SOTM#blah blah blah you know the joke already#Prompt was a good opportunity to not only draw Riley#But also my design of Alan Gray during the 40s.#I already drew him in the BATDR-B3NDY era (in this case; older)#So all that was left was to show him when he was a little “younger”#At a time when he still had hair to make a ponytail (not shown here)#One day I'll draw his ponytail. I had originally created my design of him with the ponytail in mind so it's reasonable.#I was going to draw him with a tie but I changed it to a turtleneck just to better differentiate the designs from the 40's and the 70's.#It's like his hat and how he doesn't wear it in the 40's but in the BATDR era he does. (he's going bald 😔)#wow I'm actually making stuff up for a character who doesn't have any characterization yet; how crazy#what a speedrun lol. but someone would have to do it first. and that someone is me.#plus; let's be honest; this kind of thing doesn't only apply to characters with no/little characterization#people do this even with the most popular ones/those who have more personalities; that's reality I would say#I diverted the conversation to something different once again; oops. sorry guys#also also the description may be a little disconnected from the prompt; I admit. sorry about that one too!
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foxesandmagic · 4 years
OCs This Month (May)
Just a list of all the OCs that I’ve seen and have captured my interest this month through other’s aesthetics, questions and the likes. Under the ‘Read More’ because it seemed really long this month (which I love!).
@moirei: Harry Potter OC Rue; The Mandalorian OC Eyrie.
@kcnobls: Original Story OC Jasmine; Teen Wolf OC Sydney; OC Dylan; OCs Shelley and David.
@chlobenet: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them OC Maggie; Jurassic World OC Ellis; Teen Wolf OC Elsa.
@nostarielstuff: Original Story OC Scarlett.
@emiliachrstine: Star Wars OC Naya; Marvel OCs John, Jackie, Madison and Alice.
@the-october-reviewer: Multiple DC OCs; Gilmore Girls OC Regina; The Librarians OC Narissa.
@randomestfandoms-ocs: Riverdale OC Amethyst; Marvel OC Tesla; Gilmore Girls OC Sophie; Glee OC Aurora; Descendants OC Finley; Descendants OC Elise; Descendants OC Violet; IT OC Jessica; Legacies OC Elena; Riverdale OC Riley; Stranger Things OC Angie; Teen Wolf OC Eden; Glee OC Aurora.
@heirsoflilith: Original Story OCs Aiden, Simon, Aislin, Tommy, Kasey and Ezora.
@sgtbuckyybarnes: Marvel OC Harper; Teen Wolf OC Perrie; 911 OC Drew; Marvel OC Elodie.
@catharticallysarcastic: Original Story OCs Leda, Raiden, Victoria, Isabelle, Zizi, Annie, Mike, Caiden and Niko; Original OCs Jameson and Josephine; Original OCs Evangelina and Caden.
@papergirlverse: Legends of Tomorrow OC Alex; Star Wars OCs Bryn, Kirah, Jaina and Jacen; Marvel OC Nikolaj; Constantine OC Nina; Harry Potter: Marauders Era OC Eliza; The Vampire Diaries OC Nell; The Flash OC Jasmine; Harry Potter OC Carina; Legends of Tomorrow Echo; Teen Wolf OC Ali; Harry Potter OC Gwen; Marvel OC Margot; Marvel OC Kostia; Downton Abbey OC Louise. 
@thecaillic: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery OC Piper.
@audreycarterrogers: Marvel OC Audrey; Marvel OC Juliette; Marvel OC Olivia.
@raging-violets: OCs Jackson Family; The Chronicles of Narnia OC Issi; The Flash OCs Cadence, Brady, Courtney, Leah and Alicia.
@kenobi-jinn: Star Wars OC Beck; The Mandalorian OC Merrill. 
@a-song-of-quill-and-feather: Harry Potter OC Dahlia; Harry Potter OC Cassiopeia; Harry Potter OC Tristram.
@darknightfrombeyond: Arrow OC Amy.
@missecharlotte: Riverdale OC Lauren.
@notxjustxstories: The Mentalist OC Cassandra; The Umbrella Academy OC Cordelia; Legacies OC Qiaolian; Legacies OC Di; Multiple Power Rangers OCs.
@ocfairygodmother: Marvel OC Libby; Pirates of the Caribbean OC Georgiana; IT OC Mandy; Peaky Blinders OC Esther.
@fiercefray: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. OC Anna; Constantine OCs Cami and Eden.
@farrradays: Original Story OCs Kate, Edgar and many others; Original OCs Rose and Gideon; Original Story OCs Arthur and Albert; Original Story OC Murphy.
@curious-kittens-ocs: Law and Order: SVU OC Abbigail; Law and Order: SVU OC Erika; OC Juliet.
@moustache-bonnet: The Secret Commonwealth OC Kat.
@noble-crescent: Doctor Who OC Renata; Doctor Who OC Minerva.
@princessofdarkness12: Heroes OC Nico; Harry Potter OCs Adora and Joey.
@isaaclahys: Teen Wolf OC Tessa; 911 OC Harmony.
@ceruleanmusings: Arrow OC Sage; Teen Wolf OC Mel; Avatar OC Michi.
@darlinglittlesammywinchester: The Kate Daniels Series OC Clarissa.
@daisyjohvson: Gilmore Girls OC Everliegh; Supernatural OC Evie.
@lizziesxltzmxn: Twilight OC Othello; Teen Wolf OCs Amira, Ludomir and Esme; Daybreak OC Mason.
@nefariousbella9: Twilight OC Ruth.
@codenamekryptonite: Original OCs Noah, Wynter, Patriklos, Mikael and Ester; Marvel OC Stephanie.
@perfectlystiles: Power Rangers OCs Aaron, Remy, Carson, Sierra and Dylan; Multiple DC OCs; Legends of Tomorrow OC Amara; Doctor Who OC Theo; Star Wars OC Vera; Teen Wolf OC Hazel.
@freakingbradleys: Star Wars OC Kal.
@wowihavetoomanyocs: Game of Thrones OC Beatrix.
@atomicgracy: Criminal Minds OC Bea; The Umbrella Academy OC Violet.
cassercole: Multiple Marvel OCs; Marvel OCs Q and Dawson.
@hogwarts-is-my-wonderland: Star Wars OC Mirye; The Flash OC Karen; Harry Potter OC Anya.
@dreamerwithapen1: Star Wars OC Furi; IT OC Wendy; Avatar the Last Airbender OC Renetta; Avatar the Last Airbender OC Kagome.
@seize-the-droid: Power Rangers OC Maya; Power Rangers OC Hayden; Power Rangers OC Kiera; The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers OC Sam.
@thegalanerd: Teen Wolf OC Emsy.
@alivrse: Legacies OC Stefanie; Teen Wolf OC Esme; The Vampire Diaries OC Nevaeh.
@anotherunreadblog: Spiderman OC Rosabella.
@isaaclahys: The Amazing Spiderman OC Freya.
@bitchyesimadeahpblog: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them OC Eloise; Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them OC Cadmus; Harry Potter OC Annie.
@lahnistersden: The 100 OC Dakota.
@peacheydelanhoes: Shadowhunters OC Dawn.
@ahoy-scoops-troop: Stranger Things OC Kat.
@erzascarlettitania: Teen Wolf OC Tia; Harry Potter OC Meg; Legacies OC Faith; Avatar The Last Airbender OC Ai.
@avengiers: Teen Wolf OC Robyn.
@starcrossedjedis: Star Wars OC Cassia; Star Wars OCs Nyka’a and Jaren.
@megdonnellys: F.R.I.E.N.D.S. OC Sydney.
@malice1329: Multiple Sailor Moon OCs.
@alloftheimaginesblog: Stranger Things OC Jenny.
@iron-parkr: Marvel OC Maggie.
@mimikoflamemaker: The Witcher OC Neve.
@billy--hargroves: Stranger Things OC Kimberly; Outlander OC Ellie; Stranger Things OC Charlotte; Stranger Things OC Carrie; Stranger Things OC Edith.
@tangleddiaries: Marvel OC Anastasia.
@authorbarbie: Stranger Things OC Jennifer.
@ocfanhub: Descendants OC Honey.
@thetenthdoctorscompanion: National Treasure OC Gertrude.
@hazels-afro: Teen Wolf OC Marisol.
@spectrumofsculs: The Flash OC Julius.
@theseowleyes: Stranger Thngs OC Cady.
@lenonizi-fics: MacGyver OC Luke; DC OC Kyle.
@richitozier: The Flash OC Josephine.
@abbysarcane: The Amazing Spiderman OC Frida; Jessica Jones OC Joel; Marvel OC Maya.
@spectrumofsculs: Original OC Damien.
@mamseries: Harry Potter OC Wilhelmina.
@alias-b: Stranger Things OC Evie.
@mystic-scripture: Criminal Minds OC Wendy.
@fleetwoodmcs: Marvel OC Annie; The Hobbit OC Eponine.
@tandybowcns: OC Hailey.
@darling-stories: Peaky Blinders OC Mona.
@hvproductions: The Originals OC Genoveva.
@mountain-ash-and-rusted-iron: Harry Potter OC Thea; Riverdale OC Jen.
@jarvis-is-my-copilot: Marvel OC Elisa.
@newthomally: Star Wars OC Nova; Multiple Original OCs.
@fraysquake: Marvel OC Sofia.
@wild-stdreams: The Delerium Series characters (original fiction).
@ad-merloria: IT OC Lauralynn.
@jewelswrites-ish: Supernatural OC.
@barbychan4ever: OC Vada.
@darlinglittlesammywinchester: Wynonna Earp OC Wynter.
@sivahnalyrarose: Spiderman OC Lennox.
@prophecy-grrl​: Once Upon a Time OC Alice; Titans OC Annabel.
@ofbadcharacters: The Originals OC Carmen.
@ahsokatonas: Star Wars OC Nara.
@catgrant: Teen Wolf OC Liv.
@nkskywalker: Star Wars OC Natasha.
@stranger-things-ocs: Stranger Things OC Benjamin.
@afluffykiwi: Multiple Original OCs.
By the way, if you have tag lists and I’ve not asked yet, can I please be added to your tag list for everything, pelase?
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mutatedleemon · 4 years
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The holy princess trinity
Candy as Elsa ( @meeychanco ), Datura as Aurora ( @fishymom-art ) and my Umbrella as Cinderella.
I don’t know what else to say
53 notes · View notes
fishymom-art · 5 years
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some Joeys from Discord! @halfusek @obscurelog @captainleemon @audzart idk all the others, sorry
93 notes · View notes
insane-control-room · 4 years
not forgotten
A beautiful day to remember.
ao3 link here
Warnings: holocaust mention (kinda the point of the story), past character death, regret and loss
The air was crisp, the scent of blossoming flowers on the wind.
The ground was solid, the small sprigs of grass budding.
The sky was clear, with a few clouds here and there.
It was a beautiful day.
That was what Buddy felt, what he knew.
Dot stood beside him. Both of their heads were bowed to the slab before them, Daniel murmuring the words of Kaddish, turning a stone over and over in his hand, the coolness of the rock melding with the approaching summer wind.
He finished the prayer, placing the small simple rock onto the ornate marble one.
Tears blurred his eyes, and he sniffed, smiling shakily. Mr. Drew had spared no expense for the head of the Lewek family. Dot patted Buddy with the umbrella she had been gifted, comforting him.
“Another year,” Buddy mumbled, still surprised at how fast time ran. “It’s been… really weird without him.”
“It has,” she agreed quietly. “He was a really brilliant man. I can see where you got your genius from.”
The two stood a while longer.
“I have to go,” Dot told him, looking at her watch. “I’ll see you later, Buddy.”
“Okay, Dot,” he nodded, acknowledging her departure. “Have a good day.”
“You too.”
Buddy stayed standing.
A distinctive three legged walk came up behind him.
“Ho there, Buddy!” Joey smiled at him, though his eyes were sad. They often were sad, but today, they were a present sad, an in the moment sad, and Buddy felt immensely comforted by the sight. Johan took a marvelously polished green and red stone from his pocket, placing it onto the grave. His cane was gripped in his hand, his white hair melting into the puffy clouds above. “Just thought I’d visit an old friend.”
“Friend?” Buddy raised an eyebrow, smiling. He knew Joey called nearly everyone his friend, and his grandfather was no exception. He went ahead to tease his master. “I didn’t know that you knew my grandfather well.”
“Of course I did,” Joey scoffed. “He had the most excellent recipe for dumplings. We exchanged meal ideas a great deal and he was extremely good at riddles.”
“You… you speak polish,” it was not a question, rather a shocked statement. “When… when did you learn it?”
“A while after I learned English and German,” he answered nonchalantly, peering at him over his rose colored half moon glasses. The red eyes behind them were deafeningly sad. “Your eyes are sad, too, you know.”
Buddy blushed, realizing he had spoken aloud.
“C’mere, kid,” Johan sighed, closing his eyes, opening his free arm, the other gripping his cane. Buddy leaned onto his chest, wrapping his arms around the older man. Joey may have been thin, but there was strength in his body, and he hugged Buddy back tightly. “We all miss him.”
“I wish I spent more time with him,” Daniel’s throat tightened. He tried not to cry. He really did. But his tears slipped, and cascaded onto Johan’s shirt. The sun glinted on his pin. It made him cry harder. “He came from somewhere awful. Inhumanly so. A-and I rejected him at first….”
“But you still heard his story,” Joey reminded him, lifting his head, with long but gentle fingers. Buddy’s eyes constantly flicked to the pin on his chest, the rainbow blazing defiantly. “Daniel, look at me.”
He focused on Mr. Drew’s face.
“You were and are a child,” he told him softly. “You learned. You spent as much time with him as you could. You even tried to learn polish. You tried, and you loved him as much as any grandson could. He was so proud of you. Every time we would meet, he and I would discuss how much you’ve grown, Daniel. By teaching you, he lives on in you. Do you understand?”
Buddy nodded, smiling shakily. Joey matched the awkward lopsided grin.
“What do you say I’ll teach you his recipes,” Joey offered. Buddy’s eyes lit up. “And I’ll tell you the parts of his story that he could not f-figure out the words to tell you. What d’you think of that, my boy?”
“I would like that,” Buddy admitted. “I would like that a lot.”
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