#johan anderson x reader
fairknights · 4 years
May I ask for the how the ygo characters act around their crush but for gx?
Of course you can. These crushy asks are fun to write hehe I got a bit carried away
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Crush Headcanons
Yuki Judai (Jaden Yuki):
Wants to be around his crush as much as possible. Will introduce them to his friends and want to hang out with them all the time. He’d want to learn as much about them as he could, so he’d be asking them all about themselves.
His favourite way to get to know a person? Challenge them to a duel. He thinks you can tell a lot about a person by the deck they’ve built and how they play it. He’d be really excited to duel them, a huge grin on his face as he faced opposite them.
I think he wouldn’t even realise it’s a crush at first. He’d try to befriend them first and assume that’s all it is, but I don’t think it would take him too long to realise. Hopefully. I imagine he’d just be laying there one night thinking about his crush and getting all gooey, and then he’d just sit up, suddenly realising he feels more than friendship towards them and be like ‘oh damn’.
He’d probably want to confess to them as soon as he’s realised his feelings. He’s not good at hiding his emotions anyway, so maybe his crush or people around him figured out he had a crush before even he did. His confession would be awkward but kinda excited too, he just can’t help it around them.
Marufuji Sho (Syrus Truesdale):
Shy boy. Doesn’t know what to do around people he finds attractive. He usually stares at the ground, face flushed red, stuttering on his words. He gets incredibly frustrated with himself for not being able to act naturally around his crush.
Will absolutely ask his friends for advice on how to act around them. Once the teasing settled down, I’m sure his friends would be happy to help him. How successful their advice would be is another story.
I think he might try sending them an anonymous love letter, just to get his feelings off his chest. He doesn’t know what to write, though, so it might end up never reaching his crush anyway.
One thing about Sho is that he will always face his fears in the end. He realises that he needs to get his feelings off his chest so that he can move on with his life, whether his crush rejects him or not. So after stewing on his feelings for who knows how long, he’ll definitely approach them with determination and awkwardly confess.
Tenjoin Asuka (Alexis Rhodes):
She’s usually so calm and collected; sure of herself and what she wants. But having a crush on someone really throws her off. At first, she’s a bit frustrated with this person, coming into her life and making her feel butterflies and turning her face red. I think she’d be a very mild tsundere towards them at first, only because she doesn’t know how to deal with her feelings. If anyone were to notice her acting strangely towards her crush and tease her about it, she’d be most indignant. No, she doesn’t have a crush. Hah. Nope. Not at all. She’d be blushing bright red while denying it vehemently.
I think after some time, she’d come around and decide to befriend her crush. She doesn’t leave a lot of time in her life for romance, but the ice would naturally melt as she spent time around her crush. 
She gets a bit awkward sometimes, because she’s still got no idea what to do with herself. But she tries to tone down her defensive reactions as much as possible. She wants to get along with her crush.
I think it would take a good while, but she’d pluck up the courage to confess to her crush eventually. I think her big brother might have something to do with it if he finds out she’s crushing on someone. His matchmaking schemes might fall completely flat most of the time (he would absolutely try to set Asuka up with her crush), but his encouragement is sincere, so Asuka would eventually give in and approach her crush.
Johan (Jesse) Anderson:
I think it would be difficult for anyone to realise Johan has a crush honestly. He’s usually so friendly, and I don’t think he’d treat his crush all that differently to his friends. He’s actually surprisingly good at hiding his feelings for them behind friendship. Unless you knew Johan well enough, you might never know he’s got a crush.
He’d want to duel his crush, or watch them duel, as often as he can. He’s like Judai in that he thinks it’s the best way to get to know a person. He’ll compliment their deck and card designs enthusiastically. It’s hard not to get caught up in his enthusiasm.
Though he’s usually chill around them, sometimes they might do something that would make him blush and/or stutter a bit. He’s generally quite extroverted, but he can be a tad awkward at times.
I don’t think he’d want to confess to his crush for a good while. He wants to be their friend and not ruin it, and honestly he’s not sure what he’d even say to them.
Edo (Aster) Phoenix
He’s Edo Phoenix, pro duelist. He hasn’t got time for crushes or romance or anything like that. He throws himself into his work, distracting himself from his crush. He won’t really want to do anything about his crush unless he’s too distracted by them to actually do his work or finds his dueling performance is dropping because he’s thinking about them.
He’s a big ol’ tsundere honestly, so he’s not going to make anything easy for himself. They make him feel vulnerable and he hates that. So he might end up actually pushing them away accidentally. This is even more frustrating to him. He’s already wasting his time enough as it is, and now his crush thinks he hates them.
Settles down after getting to know his crush a bit more. Once they become more relaxed around one another, Edo’s crush would only increase. But he’s trying hard not to get all worked up about it again, because he really doesn’t want to drive them away.
I think if he were to confess (and he might not because he still thinks he has no time for this), he’d set it up so he’s got them alone, maybe on his boat in the evening. He doesn’t want to make a big fuss of it, trying to play it off like it’s nothing. His awkward little tsundere self would probably have trouble making it seem like nothing though.
Tenjoin Fubuki (Atticus Rhodes):
Flirty boy is so used to being the one who gets chased. Having a crush that he wants to chase himself is a new one. He thinks he’s really smooth, and can sweep anyone off their feet but he’s not as cool as he wishes he was. Totally shows off around his crush, trying to get their attention. Wanna watch him duel? See him surf? He’ll make sure his crush is around to see him do something cool. Just hope he isn’t too distracted by his crush being there and doesn’t like, fall of his board or something.
He’s not used to feeling awkward around anyone, but I think he’d get that way around a genuine crush. He’d be all awkward chuckles and head rubs, and losing his train of thought around them would be common. He’s able to deal with finding people attractive, the flirt that he generally is, but a more emotional attraction would be a whole different story.
Tends to hang around his crush a bit. Not so much that he’s overbearing, but he’ll be around them quite a bit. Wants to make them laugh a lot because he loves the sound. If he can make them blush as well he’d be over the moon. He’d definitely low-key flirt with them quite a bit.
I think it would take a bit longer than you might expect for him to take the plunge and confess. He’s a bit more calculating than he generally lets on, and I think he’d like to test the waters first. He’d want to be sure he’s not going to drive his crush away if he confesses. Even if his crush doesn’t accept him, he wants to be their friend.
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princetonprincess · 2 years
✮ ɢᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏɴ! ✮
𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧/𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐢 𝐘����𝐤𝐢 + 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐳 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐧/𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐧 + 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧/𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐧 (𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲)
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (𝐒𝐅𝐖 + 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖)
notes: english names used. all characters are third-years (18 years old). gender-neutral reader.
warnings: NSFW headcanons after the SFW ones (separated). not proofread.
Jaden Yuki
With Jaden, you have to be friends with him way before you can expect him to feel something for you. He needs time, lots of time spent together to realise he likes you a bit more than the rest of the group. At first, he will feel awful about it - he doesn't want anyone to think he's biased or anything! But then, the young boy will realise that the feelings he has for you is not something you could call "friendship".
If you confess before he does: Oh boy will he be happy. You feel the same, how cool is that? He will be overly excited, enveloping you into a thight hug, jumping around like a crazy puppy. You have to calm him down and remind him that he still has a question to answer (he will obviously say yes).
If he has to confess: Listen, he's extremely considerate and smart compared to what he shows. Yes, he's a goofball, but he analyses situations very easily and he can read people like books. He would start experimenting - sitting a bit closer to you while you're eating; touching you whenever he has the chance; looking deeply into your eyes while you're having a conversation with him. Doing all of this, just to see your reactions. If the signs point to you potentially feeling something for him as well, he will come up with a silly confession that will make you laugh! Nothing more precious than saying "yes" with a smile on your face.
Once you start dating him, you will barely notice any change in his behaviour. Despite the fact that he will want to spend more alone time with you, he will continue to treat you like he did when you two were still friends. As time passes, he will start getting more touchy; maybe holding your hand in public or giving you a little kiss on your cheeks whenever you win a duel. But he will definitely develop one habit: Kissing you properly when he feels like he has to.
At the start of a duel for good luck? Yes. After he wins a duel, as a reward? Yeah. After he loses a duel, as a way of comfort? Yup. For passing an exam? Of course. Before going to bed? Naturally. Waking up in the morning? Obviously.
The list could go on. He just loves kissing you. At first, he's very shy about it - his shy kisses were gentle, soft and careful. He was very afraid of pushing boundaries. But once he knows you're okay with it, they get more passionate and long-lasting; just the way he likes them.
Dates with Jaden are mostly exciting! He likes taking you to amusement parks, but who would have guessed that he also considers dueling a date. No matter which one of you wins, in the end you have a lot of fun. He helps you with tactics and card combinations, he will even give you some of his spare cards he think would come in handy in your deck.
It takes him a while to actually go up to you and talk about intimate stuff. He'd be kind of shy and trip on his words a few times, but the second or third occasion of talking about it would certainly go much smoother.
I know you might be thinking 'He must be so clueless!', but listen. I'm sure he knows everything he has to. He doesn't need guidance, he knows what he's doing. He's a quick learner after all, and of course he was a teenager with hormones doing their work so he discovered stuff by himself. After you came in the picture, you quickly became the source of his fantasies.
A pure, 50-50 switch. It all depends on you and his mood. He loves dominating, he loves being dominated. That's just it, no preference at all.
Doesn't matter which role he's taking, he is definitely vocal, especially the first few times. "Does this feel good?" "Are you alright?" "How does this feel?" "Should I keep going?" and all of these kind of stuff. He wants to know about the impact he has on you, he wants you to feel just as good as he is, or even more so.
His moans are HEAVENLY. When he's dominating, he lets out heavy breaths and low grunts. When he's submissive, oh lord have mercy, he whines and whimpers. His expressions are also priceless, he has this never-ceasing blush on his face and he also seems uncharacteristically serious. Truly a sight to behold.
He loves positions where he can see his partner's face and reactions, it just makes everything a hundred times better for him. He enjoys lightly tying his s/o up, as well as him being tied up by his s/o.
Chazz Princeton
We've all seen The Chazz crushing on Alexis, so his new crush would experience something similar, right? Haha, no. He learned his lesson. He quickly realised that his crush on Alexis was just his well-known teenager feelings and hormones fooling him. Though he still falls in love pretty quickly, he's much more reserved and quiet around his new interest.
So how will you find out he even likes you? Here's the catch, you won't! Not until you confess of course. So if you don't make your move, you might never find out. He tries to make it completely invisible to everyone, though sometimes it's hard to hide that flustered blush on his face when you cheer him on in a duel.
Once you confess, it will be hard for him to deny his feelings - not like he wants to. His childish joy will break through the icy barrier and he will be happier than he ever was. Now that he knows that you feel the same, he will let his old lovestruck boy side make a grand return! He will be by your side all the time, always clinging onto you like he's going to lose you in a blink of an eye.
By that I mean, he's obviously extremely insecure. Part of him isn't only sticking around all the time because he enjoys your company, but also because he's very scared that you'll leave him. He trusts you, don't misunderstand. He just doesn't trust everyone else around! You can reassure him pretty easily though, give him a little kiss or hold his hand gently and all of his doubts will fade away quickly.
He expects you to be his number one fan and cheerleader whenever he's dueling, but don't worry! He's also your number one fan and cheerleader! Both of you boost each other's confidence and that just makes your bond even stronger. He will also try his best to help his s/o out with their deck and tactics. He's the best after all, his advice will definitely help you imporve a lot.
Oh, he's rich by the way. Even without his brothers' support, you can be sure his mom takes care of his wallet. Fancy dinners, expensive hotels in foreign countries, the top wellness industries, you name it. He LOVES spoiling you, not just to flash his wealth but also to provide the best of the best to his one and only.
It's sooo easy to tell when he's horny. He gets all touchy-feely and he blushes so hard if you tease him back. Give him a wink to signal you got the message and he will nearly finish right there on the spot. Everything you do to him during that time makes him so weak and nothing, I repeat absolutely. NOTHING. can turn him off. I am speaking the truth and nothing else. On the contrary, it's extremely easy to turn him on. Really just accidentally brush your hand to one of his thighs and he's already hard.
Chazz Princeton? A bottom? More likely than you think. The answer is obviously yes. As much as he wants to be the tough guy and dominate, as I previously mentioned, everything you do to him makes him weak. Even if his s/o is more on the submissive side, there's no way anyone is more of a bottom than The Chazz himself.
As for experience, he has none. Yeah, he acts like the big Chazz-anova but he's never been with anyone before. Now I know that's not an excuse for the lack of knowledge, but he's probably only touched himself like once or twice before you started dating and he felt so ashamed that he never tried again. Might as well teach him a few things, he'll learn quickly. But remember to always be in control, he will be too flustered to do anything.
He cries. Straight up sheds tears. Overstimulate him and he will literally cry, whine, whimper, grab the sheets, beg for mercy. Will tell you to stop, but he actually doesn't want you to. Make sure you have a safe word, that way you can actually tell that he needs a break. Otherwise, him saying "stop" quite literally translates to something like "keep going" or "harder". He's seriously such a masochist.
Favourite position? Kinks? It simply doesn't matter, he wants his partner to take all of the control and take all of his human rights for the time being. Whatever his s/o does, he's fine with it. Not just fine with it, he will literally enjoy anything as long as he gets fucked like the good obedient boy he is. Of course he wants you to feel good too, so he will do anything and everything you tell him to as long as you guide him because he's really clueless about everything. After a while he will learn how to please you and will try to turn the tables on you, but trust me, it's really not that hard to force him back into submission.
Jesse Anderson
Everyone's favourite boy definitely won his place in your heart veeery quickly! He's so friendly with everyone, you had a hard time trying to deny your feelings for him but his boldness really brings your blush out everytime you talk to him. Don't worry though, he's extremely oblivious and will pay no mind to it at all. No matter how obviously you're crushing on him, he won't get the message unless you outright say it to him as it is. As for his own feelings, he's very aware that he has a crush on you, but is a firm believer that you only see him as a super good friend of yours. Help him out please.
If you confess, he will feel very happy and relieved, but at the same times he wonders how he missed the signs in the first place. Thinking back, they were such obvious giveaways! How could he not notice?
If time goes by and he still doesn't realise you also have feelings for him, guilt will start eating him up from the inside. He believes that telling you about it is the best thing to do - and he's right! After he was faced with an "I like you too, Jesse", he's completely dumbstruck and again, he feels stupid for not noticing.
Oh once you start dating, he's all over your scedule! He spends as much time as he can with you. He's also all about affection, even PDA and all of that. Generally very touchy and loves cuddles more than anything, he does respect boundaries though. He's just so extra about things sometimes, he has to hold your hand and walk like that; he has to lift you up and spin you around; he has to give you that cute kiss on the lips.
In the case of dates though, he's a pretty basic person. When it comes to hanging out by just the two of you, you already hang out all day, but your alone time with him is usually spent by cuddling up on the couch and watching something the both of you are interested in. You will most probably end up falling asleep in that position, but he has no problem with carrying you to bed and laying there beside you.
He's wholesome. We all know that. But you know, he's human too and he has to admit that he did imagine a few questionable things before. Bending down to pick something up right in front of him may or may not be the best of ideas out there. After a few months of being in a relationship, he will develop a very interesting habit; he will slap your ass everytime he gets the chance. Innocent or not, really depends on the situation and his mood. But one thing is sure, and you learn it pretty quickly. The harder the slap, the hornier he is.
There have been multiple occasions of just hanging out with your friend group when he secretly, with no warning, just gave your ass a hard slap - and expected you to play it off like nothing at all happened. Evil.
I could say he's pretty much a top. Especially with this exclusive habit of his, one can easily tell that he likes to be in control most of the time. Sure, he lets his s/o please him sometimes, but he prefers the work to be placed in his hands instead. Speaking of hands, he has very talented fingers and he uses them often. He sees them as multifunctional little tools that come in handy in various situations. They can be used to tease AND please. What could possibly be better than that?
His tongue. Not sure if it's the accent, but his tongue is VERY flexible and he knows exactly how to use it.
Experience-wise, not much practice but he definitely has quite a lot of knowledge about these sort of things. You could say he did his research and lord did he do that perfectly. He knows exactly what he's doing, all the time. It's actually quite impressive if you think about it.
Wanna know what else is impressive? The fact that he can hold back his moans so easily. If you tell him not to hold them back, he won't! But normally, he can keep himself quiet. His breathing gets heavier though, so he isn't exactly completely silent. Besides, his partner's sounds are everything to him. He wants them to let him know they're feeling good, or if something's not right - he wants them to be vocal. Tell him your needs and your troubles, he will do his best to do everything just right for you!
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Waltz - Request
Requested by @smoking-cigarettes-is-my-hobby​:  Can you write something about Sherlock dancing with reader, and make it like this dance for them is something very different and life changing. Perhaps they are always arguing and stuff but they have to dance bacause it's Molly's wedding and reader don't want to upset her so she forces Sherlock to dance. They are dancing so gracefully that everybody is stunned, and they start to feel something towards each other during this dance. :D
Pairing: Sherlock x reader.
Word count: 1,681
Warnings: Quite fluffy.
A/N: I’m feeling fluffy today (for obvious reasons) so I hope I got Sherlock right :’v
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“Stop thinking!” Sherlock groaned as his eyes landed on the girl in front of him.
“We are analysing a clue.” She hissed in a whisper, “I won’t stop thinking.”
“Get out.” Sherlock ordered, pointing at the door of the lab.
“You get out.” She pointed at the door as well.
“This is my case.” Sherlock fumed.
“No, this is my case; I just came here with you because Greg wanted to see what you have to say.” She clenched her jaw.
“Well, I can tell you after you leave and let me think.” Sherlock insisted.
“You’re impossible.” And with that she left.
“Sherlock, don’t touch the crime scene for the love of God.” She sighed heavily.
“This isn’t the crime scene.” Sherlock insisted as he touched the strange substance that dripped from the burned car in front of them.
“Yes it is.” She insisted angrily.
“No, the victim was murdered there,” Sherlock pointed to the opposite direction, “this isn’t the crime scene.”
“I hate you.” She hissed.
“It’s mutual, now turn over you’re putting me off.”
“Are head? In your fridge? You can’t be serious!” She exclaimed, shutting the refrigerator’s door loudly.
“It’s an experiment.” Sherlock rolled his eyes, “But of course a mind as primitive as yours wouldn’t understand.”
“You’re disgusting.” She stormed out of the flat.
Always fighting, always arguing, and always insulting each other. That was how Sherlock and (Y/N)’s relationship went. They couldn’t be at the same room without rolling their eyes at the other or bombarding them with snazzy comments.
Worse thing was that they didn’t really hate each other because Sherlock was mean or because (Y/N) was a common human. No, in fact, they disliked the other because they were too similar.
Everyone knew it, it was impossible not to notice, but no one dared to say a single word because they knew them too much and had a pretty graphic idea of what would happen to them at the slight mention of the subject – they just have to go to the morgue.
Everyone was getting sick of them, obviously. But the fear to their rage was bigger, and they all enjoyed living in harmony… Harmony when (Y/N) and Sherlock weren’t working together, that is.
Then Molly got engaged and her wedding arrived sooner than expected. As usual, Sherlock didn’t have a company and so was (Y/N). The storm was expected, because no one would ask them to dance and they would have to sit at the same table… Oh, the chaos.
The music was loud, and everyone was at the dance floor. (Y/N) and Sherlock were at their table, only separated by a white chair that was used to hold Mrs. Hudson’s bag.
“That girl’s dress is hideous.” Sherlock mumbled.
“I think it’s pretty.” She replied bitterly.
“You’ve got an awful taste then.” Sherlock licked his lips and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Maybe the one with the awful taste is you.” And so she mimicked his moves unconsciously.
“Then your dress would be awful, because I think it’s pretty.” (Y/N) furrowed at his words but didn’t say anything else.
Molly caught them from the opposite side of the ball room. She walked –stormed – towards them and stood in front of their table with a death glare.
“Hey, Molly.” They both greeted with fake smiles.
“I told you that I wanted everyone dancing, didn’t I?” She hissed.
“Technically, yes.” Sherlock stated and leaned to the front, “But there’s no one to dance with.”
Molly sighed angrily. “(Y/N) is sitting right by your side.”
“There’s a chair in the middle, she’s not by my side.” Sherlock whispered, “Did I tell you how beautiful you look? White is definitely your colour.”
“It won’t work, now you two better are dancing in five minutes or less.” She threatened, “Or else…”
“Or else, what?” Sherlock lifted an eyebrow.
“You don’t want to know.” She grumbled and then turned around to walk back to her new husband.
Sherlock sighed heavily and leaned back on his chair once more. (Y/N) hesitated a bit before speaking. “I think we should dance… Wouldn’t like to make Molly upset during her wedding day.”
“I don’t want to dance.” Sherlock muttered.
“You may be an awful dancer, Sherlock, and I don’t give a damn.” She hissed, leaning closer to him, “But if you don’t get up right now and dance with me, Molly will kill us both.”
“I happen to be an incredible dancer.” Sherlock looked down at her.
“Prove it.” Sherlock sighed and stood up gracefully as another song started. He extended his hand to hold (Y/N)’s. She took it and soon they were at the middle of the dance floor.
Kaiser-Waltzer by Johan Strauss started playing and (Y/N) and Sherlock didn’t find it difficult to move along to it.
They were graceful, synchronized, moving at the exact tempo of the song. Everyone else stopped dancing and observed, stared, at them. Some mouths fell into O’s, some others just stared in awe and the ones that knew them personally couldn’t help but to smirk at the scene.
Sherlock and (Y/N) didn’t notice when the dance floor got cleared or the many eyes on them. They were focused on the other. Sherlock’s icy blue eyes were connected to her (Y/E/C) ones, and their faces were inches away, mixing their alcohol smelling breaths.
Sherlock couldn’t help but to notice how her perfectly combed hair was balanced by the slight breeze their movements were creating; and (Y/N) felt her stomach tickle when Sherlock’s tight grip kept her from falling while, at the same time, he moved along with her.
Their steps were clear, confident, stunning. She would spin and Sherlock would hold her and not for a single second would their eyes move away from the other.
There was something about that dance that messed in both of their minds. Something they couldn’t put their finger on. But it was definitely something they were enjoying.
As the playlist was a real mess, the royal ball got changed by a faster song. Back To You by Twin Forks started playing; Sherlock remembered it because Molly had gotten obsessed with it after hearing it at a TV show.
The invitees went back to the dance floor. Sherlock and (Y/N) stared at each other for a few seconds before the ladies dragged her to one side and the gentlemen dragged Sherlock to the other. They were dancing in circles now.
The boys spinning on a circle to the left, and the girls on a circle inside the men’s circle to the right. Sherlock looked for (Y/N) frantically, but without forgetting to dance along. His eyes would find her every now and then when their paths got crossed.
And just when the music slowed down the circles stopped. (Y/N) ended up in front of Sherlock once more. Rose petals and balloons fell from the ceiling as Molly had requested, turning the whole ambience into a clichéd romantic film to any couple on the dance floor.
Sherlock held her hand shyly without moving his eyes away from hers. She shuddered at his touch but didn’t move away. “I think we have to keep dancing.” Sherlock whispered, leaning to closer so his words were only heard by her.
“I think so, yeah.” She smirked.
Sherlock returned the gesture and pulled her closer to him. Somehow, they had danced the hate away and now they couldn’t look at anything or anyone else. They spun in each other’s arms, enjoying the music and each other’s company like a couple of kids who met at a party.
During the rest of the night, Sherlock didn’t let go off her – not like she tried to go away, anyway – and so they dance for the whole night, without saying a single word except for those vague compliments that were barely heard.
“You are an amazing dancer.”
“You smell good.”
“Your hands are cold.”
“Your hands are warm.”
“You’re pretty when you smile.”
Eventually, the music ended as well as the party. While everyone was saying goodbye, Sherlock dragged (Y/N) outside of the ball room. The night air hit her bare shoulders and Sherlock didn’t hesitate in giving her his coat.
“What happened there was…”
“Unexpected.” She finished his sentence. Sherlock smiled sheepishly and nodded. “You were right…”
“About what?” She looked down.
“You are an amazing dancer.” He giggled shyly, “What happens next?”
“What do you mean?” He inquired.
“We always fight, that’s what we do… So, what happens next?” Sherlock hesitated to speak.
“I don’t want to fight anymore.” He stated.
“Me neither.” She confessed, “I’ve never wanted to fight with you.”
“Didn’t seem like it.” He chuckled.
(Y/N) popped her lips. “I wanted to call your attention, that’s all.”
“Why would you want to call my attention?” He lifted an eyebrow.
“You’re…” She looked away, “Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consultant detective. You’re smart and heroic and…”
“I’m not heroic…” He interrupted, “But I am smart.”
(Y/N) giggled. “I just… I thought you would notice me if I pissed you off…”
“Lestrade treats you right and you don’t know his name.” She said, “Donovan and Anderson are absolute arseholes to you and you know them… It was logic.”
“I do know Greg’s name, I just like to piss him off.” Sherlock confessed, “And I did notice you… From the second we met.”
“Right…” She breathed in deeply.
Sherlock turned to her and lifted her chin so that she was looking at him just like she did when they were dancing. “I don’t want to fight.”
“We got that cleared already.” She joked, trying to hide her nerves.
“You’re not getting the point.” Sherlock said as a sly smile grew on his face.
“What point?” She furrowed.
“This one…” And so Sherlock leaned down and his lips touched hers in a shy kiss. (Y/N) froze for a second before pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
“I always knew they would end up together.” Mrs. Hudson whispered as she and Watson walked out of the ball room.
“We all did.”
*Requests are ALWAYS open.*
Tags: @resurrection-huntress @oaisara @charlottemalfoy @zena-dukmak @just-a-blog00 @wefracturedmotivation @beccamullz @newts-fan-case
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fairknights · 4 years
Can I ask for headcanons with Judai and Johan having a crush on the same person?
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Judai and Johan
I imagine the person would be a mutual friend for them, so at first they might not necessarily realise that they both have feelings for the person. They all probably hang out together and I imagine both Judai and Johan would want to spend as much time with them as possible.
I imagine Judai would bring it up first. Something like “Hey this person is really cool, aren’t they? I really like them” and he’s blushing and rubbing the back of his head and Johan is just like ‘oh no...’
I think Johan would step back a bit and not tell Judai how he feels. It hurts, but he wants Judai and his crush to be happy. Although Judai would probably not make any moves for a good long while anyway.
There’s no overt jealousy or fighting between Judai and Johan, they’re both just good boys who just want the best for their friends. It’s probably the most civil love triangle in history. For a good while, Judai doesn’t even realise Johan has a thing for the same person he does. When, or maybe if, he does, he’d probably be quite hurt.
Let’s say Judai hears someone else comment that Johan seems quite taken with his crush, and brings it to Johan, who admits it awkwardly and apologises. Judai doesn’t want to do anything to hurt Johan, so he doesn’t know how to approach the situation.
They’re both really awkward around one another and their crush for like, weeks. It would be more than obvious that something is wrong, though they’d both vehemently insist it’s nothing.
How this situation gets resolved? It would be totally up to the object of their affections to make the move. I don’t think either of them would want to make a move unless they didn’t know about the other person’s feelings. If the crush ended up confessing to either Judai or Johan, I think they’d probably worry about the other.
Judai might get so happy if he was the one confessed to that he’d accept his crush impulsively without considering Johan for a moment. Afterwards I think he’d think about it and want to talk it out with Johan.
Johan is quite a bit less impulsive than Judai, so I imagine he’d think of Judai and be worried about his friend straight away. He doesn’t want to turn his crush down either though, so he doesn’t really know what to do. His crush might even take it as a rejection when he doesn’t respond to them at first. He’d also talk it out with Judai, making sure he wasn’t going to lose a friend if he took the next step with his crush.
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