#marufuji sho x reader
fairknights · 4 years
May I ask for the how the ygo characters act around their crush but for gx?
Of course you can. These crushy asks are fun to write hehe I got a bit carried away
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Crush Headcanons
Yuki Judai (Jaden Yuki):
Wants to be around his crush as much as possible. Will introduce them to his friends and want to hang out with them all the time. He’d want to learn as much about them as he could, so he’d be asking them all about themselves.
His favourite way to get to know a person? Challenge them to a duel. He thinks you can tell a lot about a person by the deck they’ve built and how they play it. He’d be really excited to duel them, a huge grin on his face as he faced opposite them.
I think he wouldn’t even realise it’s a crush at first. He’d try to befriend them first and assume that’s all it is, but I don’t think it would take him too long to realise. Hopefully. I imagine he’d just be laying there one night thinking about his crush and getting all gooey, and then he’d just sit up, suddenly realising he feels more than friendship towards them and be like ‘oh damn’.
He’d probably want to confess to them as soon as he’s realised his feelings. He’s not good at hiding his emotions anyway, so maybe his crush or people around him figured out he had a crush before even he did. His confession would be awkward but kinda excited too, he just can’t help it around them.
Marufuji Sho (Syrus Truesdale):
Shy boy. Doesn’t know what to do around people he finds attractive. He usually stares at the ground, face flushed red, stuttering on his words. He gets incredibly frustrated with himself for not being able to act naturally around his crush.
Will absolutely ask his friends for advice on how to act around them. Once the teasing settled down, I’m sure his friends would be happy to help him. How successful their advice would be is another story.
I think he might try sending them an anonymous love letter, just to get his feelings off his chest. He doesn’t know what to write, though, so it might end up never reaching his crush anyway.
One thing about Sho is that he will always face his fears in the end. He realises that he needs to get his feelings off his chest so that he can move on with his life, whether his crush rejects him or not. So after stewing on his feelings for who knows how long, he’ll definitely approach them with determination and awkwardly confess.
Tenjoin Asuka (Alexis Rhodes):
She’s usually so calm and collected; sure of herself and what she wants. But having a crush on someone really throws her off. At first, she’s a bit frustrated with this person, coming into her life and making her feel butterflies and turning her face red. I think she’d be a very mild tsundere towards them at first, only because she doesn’t know how to deal with her feelings. If anyone were to notice her acting strangely towards her crush and tease her about it, she’d be most indignant. No, she doesn’t have a crush. Hah. Nope. Not at all. She’d be blushing bright red while denying it vehemently.
I think after some time, she’d come around and decide to befriend her crush. She doesn’t leave a lot of time in her life for romance, but the ice would naturally melt as she spent time around her crush. 
She gets a bit awkward sometimes, because she’s still got no idea what to do with herself. But she tries to tone down her defensive reactions as much as possible. She wants to get along with her crush.
I think it would take a good while, but she’d pluck up the courage to confess to her crush eventually. I think her big brother might have something to do with it if he finds out she’s crushing on someone. His matchmaking schemes might fall completely flat most of the time (he would absolutely try to set Asuka up with her crush), but his encouragement is sincere, so Asuka would eventually give in and approach her crush.
Johan (Jesse) Anderson:
I think it would be difficult for anyone to realise Johan has a crush honestly. He’s usually so friendly, and I don’t think he’d treat his crush all that differently to his friends. He’s actually surprisingly good at hiding his feelings for them behind friendship. Unless you knew Johan well enough, you might never know he’s got a crush.
He’d want to duel his crush, or watch them duel, as often as he can. He’s like Judai in that he thinks it’s the best way to get to know a person. He’ll compliment their deck and card designs enthusiastically. It’s hard not to get caught up in his enthusiasm.
Though he’s usually chill around them, sometimes they might do something that would make him blush and/or stutter a bit. He’s generally quite extroverted, but he can be a tad awkward at times.
I don’t think he’d want to confess to his crush for a good while. He wants to be their friend and not ruin it, and honestly he’s not sure what he’d even say to them.
Edo (Aster) Phoenix
He’s Edo Phoenix, pro duelist. He hasn’t got time for crushes or romance or anything like that. He throws himself into his work, distracting himself from his crush. He won’t really want to do anything about his crush unless he’s too distracted by them to actually do his work or finds his dueling performance is dropping because he’s thinking about them.
He’s a big ol’ tsundere honestly, so he’s not going to make anything easy for himself. They make him feel vulnerable and he hates that. So he might end up actually pushing them away accidentally. This is even more frustrating to him. He’s already wasting his time enough as it is, and now his crush thinks he hates them.
Settles down after getting to know his crush a bit more. Once they become more relaxed around one another, Edo’s crush would only increase. But he’s trying hard not to get all worked up about it again, because he really doesn’t want to drive them away.
I think if he were to confess (and he might not because he still thinks he has no time for this), he’d set it up so he’s got them alone, maybe on his boat in the evening. He doesn’t want to make a big fuss of it, trying to play it off like it’s nothing. His awkward little tsundere self would probably have trouble making it seem like nothing though.
Tenjoin Fubuki (Atticus Rhodes):
Flirty boy is so used to being the one who gets chased. Having a crush that he wants to chase himself is a new one. He thinks he’s really smooth, and can sweep anyone off their feet but he’s not as cool as he wishes he was. Totally shows off around his crush, trying to get their attention. Wanna watch him duel? See him surf? He’ll make sure his crush is around to see him do something cool. Just hope he isn’t too distracted by his crush being there and doesn’t like, fall of his board or something.
He’s not used to feeling awkward around anyone, but I think he’d get that way around a genuine crush. He’d be all awkward chuckles and head rubs, and losing his train of thought around them would be common. He’s able to deal with finding people attractive, the flirt that he generally is, but a more emotional attraction would be a whole different story.
Tends to hang around his crush a bit. Not so much that he’s overbearing, but he’ll be around them quite a bit. Wants to make them laugh a lot because he loves the sound. If he can make them blush as well he’d be over the moon. He’d definitely low-key flirt with them quite a bit.
I think it would take a bit longer than you might expect for him to take the plunge and confess. He’s a bit more calculating than he generally lets on, and I think he’d like to test the waters first. He’d want to be sure he’s not going to drive his crush away if he confesses. Even if his crush doesn’t accept him, he wants to be their friend.
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What sort of hugs would Judai give? (And Jun, Daichi and Sho, if possible-)
Ok, I know I said I was gonna do the match-ups first but then I saw this request and couldn’t resist. Judai hugs! Judai hugs! Judai hugs!
Side hugs a lot
Like just one arm around your arms
Because those can last for longer periods of time
It’s easier to walk together like that than with a full-on hug
But he also wouldn’t turn down a normal hug ever
Tight hugs? Tight hugs
Hard to get out of, his arms are just too comfy to be in
After season 4, his hugs will be a little less tight and more soft
He doesn’t want to hurt someone he cares about
If he doesn’t see you very often, his hugs will be super enthusiastic
Still soft though
Soft Judai is my kink
Ah thunder-boy himself
Reluctant hugs all the way
Someone he’s not totally head-over-heels with? Nope
Most likely to yell “unhand me!” when randomly hugged
But if he’s got the heart-eyes for you? You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t instantly die
He’ll be in heaven
But he also still has his pride
So he’ll be trying to play it cool while clearly ecstatic about it
Eventually he gets over himself and hugs you like a normal person
There’s nothing too special about the hug itself, it’s more the idea of him hugging you back that’s special
Oh boy, this nerd
Let’s be real, he’s probably hugged like 1 person if even that outside of his family
With an s/o, he’d probably enjoy being hugged than doing the hugging himself
Just his s/o sitting next to or behind him while he’s working on schoolwork or his random equations and hugging him
That would be great
That being said, he’d still give hugs too
He’s pretty clearly got some muscle so his hugs would probably be pretty secure
So it depends on the height of the person he’s hugging
Honestly, if you’re taller than him by a good amount, please just pick him up
He may or may not have a problem with that depending on how he’s feeling
Sometimes it may make him insecure about his height
Other times it might make him prideful and he might argue
And then there would be times he’d totally be fine with it and hug back
Same/similar height as him?
He’s a sweet boy so his hugs would be pretty nice and soft
He’s a nervous boy though so unless he was super confident, any hugs would be awkward and maybe even shaky
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youxygo · 6 years
Could i get some headcanons with syrus/sho? I like imagining carrying him around and him being all grumpy~ (btw tumblr doesnt flag nsfw text so long as you dont tag it as nsfw ;D )
// Oh yes of course!!! Thanks for asking for Syrus, I'm glad this little cutie is somewhat popular! Forgive me as I might have been confused, but you said Headcanons with Syrus - so I'm guessing they're Headcanons for him with the reader, like in a relationship? That's how I understood it but if I was wrong, just let me know and I'll whip up something new 💕 And thanks for letting me know about the NSFw thing!//
Relationship Headcanons for Sho/Syrus
⭐ SFW ⭐
⭐ No reader pronouns ⭐
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One of my favourite things about Syrus is his character development throughout the series. I mean our boy goes from Slifer to Obelisk, but not only that, he gains more confidence and strength as well. His development is one of my favorites, haha. As much as he changes and grows, he's still himself and not an entirely new person.
Similar with most members of the cast, you would have to be somewhat acquainted with Syrus before he makes a move - and yes, he would be the one to make the first initiative, but only in his third year, as an Obelisk Blue. You wouldn't have had to become best friends, but so long as you're on a casual to friendly basis.
At this point, he's not worried about being shot down. Sure, he still turns out to be a nervous wreck at the thought of asking you out, he's a sweaty hot mess when you're around, and his small stature might knock his confidence down a peg when you're talking to taller, more muscular guys, but he's gotten much better at giving himself little pep talks.
So he asks you out, not expecting you to say yes, and he begins to turn away and go "Oh okay well thanks for hearing me out-" and you have to stop him and go "Uh...I said yes, so let's meet up at 8, okay?" and the boy is stunned. He's smiling and a stuttering mess, he runs immediately to Jaden and asks what he should wear (the worst possible person to ask, but yknow , bros before hoes).
That's how I see the relationship even becoming to exist in the first place, the only reason I include that is because I can't see him getting anywhere with anybody who he is as a Slifer or Ra.
Alright, so you're in a relationship! How Syrus acts is largely dependant on your personality and how well you'd mesh with him. I do see him as a worrywart, especially if you're the reckless or ambitious type. He prefers to be safe and secure in the comfort at home - if you like to go out a lot, he'll constantly worry his little butt off, hoping you're okay. His mind constantly thinks of every possible scenario but he can get a bit dramatic and only think of the bad things that could happen.
Though I can see Syrus liking a "traditional wife/husband" role in a girlfriend/boyfriend, in his fantasies, in reality that's not what he'd like too much at all. Syrus is very level headed and realistic. Having someone too "perfect" or "mom
/dad material", while a stable relationship, wouldn't be fulfilling enough for him. He won't admit it but he secreltly LIKES someone who is more outgoing, more adventurous. It'll balance him out and push him harder in life.
In certain social situations, he's uncomfortable (large crowds, parties) especially where he doesn't know anybody - this is normal , but if youre there, he'll deal with it. He'll probably cling to you in fear of being separated; if you manage to lose him somehow, he'll be found awkwardly in a corner of the room.
And forget about it if someone else tries to talk to you or steal your attention! This little fluffball can get pretty jealous but he's not the type to take it out on you; rather, if he sees someone getting a little too flirty with you he'll step in, take your hand and go "Oh, darling, we're gonna be late for that thing later, so let's get going." Oh yes, he makes sure to really rub your relationship in anyone's face if they're getting too comfy with you. I feel like when he's with you, he gets a bit of "small dog syndrome" and he's just so bent on protecting you that he forgets he's not exactly the strongest. But he's got heart, and it's all for you 💕
I hope these were okay!!! Wasn't sure if this was what you meant but if I messed up just message me again :) Thank you!
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