#john carter er x reader
michelle-is-writing · 7 months
Emergency, Dr. John Carter
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Word Count: 1.7k~
Warnings: a bit of angst, pregnancy
I never thought anything would be harder than nursing school. All of the late nights spent studying combined with little-to-no sleep seemed like the worst torture at the time, but right now, I have to disagree with my prior belief. I’m used to seeing people in their hospital beds, caring for them and giving them their medication; but now I’m the one in the hospital bed with various monitors hooked up to me. Beside me is Dr. Carter, the doctor I work alongside with who also happens to be my ex.
“I told you, you need to slow down at work once you hit twenty-four weeks,” John reminds me, but I continue staring ahead of me at the light pink room. “You should know, first-hand, you cannot be running around the halls like you used to,” Despite his words holding truth to them, I still don’t respond to him, and instead, I close my eyes as memories pass through my mind. To be specific, the memory of why Dr. John Carter is my ex.
“You deserve someone better, someone much better than me.”
To him, he believed what he was saying, but no matter what I tried to tell him, nothing changed his mind. He wanted to break up after nearly a year of being together; even now, I still don’t understand his reasoning. Heartbreak can cause bitterness, and mine still hasn’t gone away despite being six months pregnant.
“Are you listening to me?” John’s question laced with worry brings me out of my thinking and back to him, my head tilting toward him to look at his concerned face. Months ago, I would’ve kissed that worry away; now I can only feel my throat close as I start to form a response. At work, I can handle talking to my ex, but anything outside of work is pointless for me.
With a sigh, John shakes his head before looking down at my stomach. “You know, I’ve been waiting so long for the opportunity to talk to you, but baby, I never wanted it to be like this,” he confesses, his brown eyes flickering to me. “I know it’s been hard, and I’ve-“
“You wanted this,” I tell him, my voice cracking as I fight away tears. “You wanted us to break up, and… we broke up. I’m sorry I-I got pregnant, and I didn’t find out until after we broke up, but-“
This time, it’s John’s turn to cut me off as he quickly sits up to face me. “Please, don’t apologize for this, please,” He urges me, taking my hand in both of his. The action shocks me, my eyes stuck on his worried ones as I feel his touch after what seems like an eternity. “I’ve regretted that night every day since it happened, and I’ve been trying to talk to you, but you… haven’t wanted to,” he looks almost crushed as he says this, his face cast with a pained expression. “I don’t want to trail behind you like a lost puppy in this hospital anymore, I can’t. I want you, and I was beyond stupid that night for what I said and did,” John sighs, “When I found out you were pregnant, I tried my best to avoid anything that could stress you and the baby out, but it’s killed me to stand back and have to watch you do everything by yourself. That’s the last thing I ever wanted, baby, and I'm so sorry.”
Looking at his sad face makes the dam in my eyes break, causing him to quickly reach up and brush my oncoming tears away. I can’t even fight against him doing so, missing him and his touch outweighing the hurt at this exact moment. For a while, I savor his touch, and even after the tears stop falling, his hands still remain on me. That is, until I open my eyes and turn my face to look up at him. “What’s my treatment plan then, Doc?” I ask him, his eyes meeting mine as he moves to brush my hair out of my face.
After a few seconds, John lets out a small chuckle before answering my question. “Your treatment plan is: you need to stay off your feet and do desk work for the next four weeks, but then you cannot return to work after thirty-two weeks,” His words make me frown; I had a feeling that would happen as my obstetrician had already hinted at it to me before.
“Lastly,” John’s voice brings my attention back to him, seeing a now nervous look on his face. “I would… I would love it if you’d move back in with me,” Before I can argue him on the last part, he quickly shakes his head at me and continues on. “I know you and Carol don’t mind room-mating like you used to, but baby, please, come back. That apartment doesn’t feel the same without you, I miss you so damn much. Please come home - with me.”
After what feels like forever, I smile and find myself relaxing back against my pillows as I watch John’s face flash between worry and fear. I remain quiet until a sigh leaves through my nose and I speak up. “Okay,” I whisper, an elated, yet relieved smile breaking onto John’s face at my answer. “I’ll… I’ll come home.”
John can’t hold his happiness back as he moves forward and plants his lips back on mine one more time. “Great, that’s amazing,” he babbles, seemingly overfilled with a mix of joy and relief. Letting out a happy sigh, he rests his forehead against mine before speaking up once more. “Thank you, baby.”
For a few moments, we remain like this until I pull back to look at him and his unusually messy hair. He must’ve been running his fingers through it earlier, a nervous habit of his. A part of me feels bad at the idea of being the reason for this, but at the same time, I didn’t mean to pass out on the hospital floor either.
“I want to keep you here under evaluation until I get off,” John states, his tired brown eyes staring back into mine. “I’d like to give you some more fluids for the dehydration and nausea meds, but in the mean time,” He further explains, rolling back in the stool he’s sitting in to grab the ultrasound stand in the corner of the room before scooting back over to me. “I want to check on a few things.”
Once the machine is plugged in, John quickly sets up everything he needs all the while I simply roll my gown up above my stomach for him. It feels a bit weird exposing myself to him like this after all this time apart, but he quickly reassures me by reaching over and gently squeezing my hand. I smile at this before closing my eyes in preparation for the cold gel which comes soon enough. At the freezing sensation, my eyes shoot open before ultimately looking over at John to see him staring at the ultrasound screen with focused eyes and a look of awe on his face. I’ve helped him perform many ultrasounds on other pregnancies, but never have I seen such a look on his face while doing so.
A few seconds pass before he seemingly realizes something and adjusts some of the knobs on the machine. A soft wave sound fills the room once he does this, the sound being something I’ve heard many times before at my appointments, but for John, this is the first time. This is the first time he’s seeing and hearing the heartbeat of our baby, and I’m sure he’s been wanting to do this for a long time. I felt bad having to watch him do this with every other pregnant woman that walked in, but yet, he couldn’t even do it with me - the woman carrying his baby.
“Hello, little one,” John addresses our baby, smiling up at the ultrasound screen. He moves over the wand before laughing a little to himself. “A healthy baby girl,” he announces, more to himself than anyone. “She’s… fine, healthy. She looks like she’ll come out a perfect baby,” despite this comment, John still spends the next several minutes scanning over every little part of our baby, keeping an eye out for any abnormalities. It’s only when he feels satisfied with himself that he takes the wand away and cleans my stomach off before resting his hand on top of my stomach, his eyes now locked onto mine. “You’re doing a great job, mama.”
I’m not sure if it’s the eye contact or the sincerity in his comment that causes me to begin tearing up again, but John is quick to wipe the few strays tears away with his free hand, his other hand remaining on my stomach as his thumb gently rubs against my skin. “I’ve missed you too…” I whisper to him, too emotional to speak louder as I remember what it was like to learn how to do all of this without him. “I missed you so much.”
John smiles at my words, although it doesn’t reach his eyes that seem to share the same emotion as mine. “I promise, I’ll make it up to you, baby,” He vows, leaning forward to press a lingering kiss to my forehead. “To both of you.”
With that, he stands up from his stool before pushing it to the wall and looking back at me. I place my hand where his was just moments ago, already missing the warmth from his hand on my stomach. “When my shift ends, I’ll have one of the nurses start the discharge papers. Then we can head home,” John states, a smile making its way onto both of our faces as he says the word ‘home’. “Is that okay?” He clarifies earning a nod back from me. His smile seems to grow at this, turning into a soft grin. “Good,” John says, “Now it’ll finally feel like home again, too.”
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ally-holmes · 1 year
Volunteer | Aaron Hotchner x Reader
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My Fanfic Masterlist | Multifandom
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Reader: no use of YN, reader is a doctor, no precise description of gender or physique of reader.
Summary: You were a volunteer for the soccer team Aaron Hotchner coaches. When you decide to bite the bullet and ask the man out, he rejects you in what you felt was a humiliating manner. As you're trying to get used to your new life without seeing Hotch every week, you get called to help with a hostage situation as they need a doctor on site. The BAU is there.
NOTE: The summary is awful but I had no idea what to say without making spoilers.
Content Warning: hurt/comfort, hostage situation, inaccurate medical procedures, inaccurate baby delivery situation, explicit labor, medical complications, and lots of blood. Again, highly inaccurate, don't come at me with your medical degrees, I'm a historian, not a doctor.
Words: 6695
Rating: Explicit (Look CW)
Volunteer | Oneshot
Soccer had always been an easy sport to introduce to children in the US, that's why Haley Hotchner played with her son at any given time since he was three. Spending his fourth birthday in hiding was tough for them and Aaron could see that. When Jack kept watching the same tape repeatedly, Aaron decided to sign his son into a soccer team.
Belonging to a team gave Jack another social group away from school and an understanding of teamwork and camaraderie. It was also the perfect excuse for Aaron to keep his phone away and focus solely on his son on the weekends. Naming it an excuse might seem inappropriate, but for Aaron, having a semi-structured schedule to drive his free time helped him to push the work aside, avoiding hyper-focusing on the paperwork he took from the bureau. His implication with the team drove the other parents to ask him to coach the team, a proposition that he accepted with the assistance of his best friend, David Rossi.
Things were fine overall.
Then you showed up one weekend with Jessica who introduced you as the volunteer who was going to take care of the children's health. Aaron did his best to control his microexpressions but the sparkling look Jessica gave him behind your back spoke volumes to him.
When Jessica Brooks told you about the infant soccer league you looked at her with an arched eyebrow. You've finally graduated from med school and work as a doctor in the ER of a hospital. After three years there, it felt like your own home and the staff you worked with were your family. Jessica had become a new addition to the hospital's cafeteria, and she was so approachable and extroverted that it was easy for her to bond with the other members of the personnel.
Of course, you knew about the tragedy that hit her family when her sister was murdered leaving a child behind, and you've met Jack on several occasions. Yet, you were unable to pin down the moment, the insinuation, or the interaction that made Jessica corner you at the end of your shift to ask you if you'd be interested in volunteering your medical abilities for her nephew's soccer team.
"It's mostly scratches or sprained ankles at its worse," she insisted. "A little bird had told me you ought to socialize away from the hospital. It will be great for you!"
"Listen, Jack's dad has accepted to be the team's coach, and although I know that it has been a ruse of the soccer moms to ogle him every Sunday morning, he's going to take it seriously. Not like, he's going to be focused on winning every single match. They don't even keep scores for that age group. What I mean is that Aaron is going to concentrate on making it fun for the children, but also safe, and his medical knowledge is limited."
"You just said it's mostly scratches and sprained ankles. You don't need a doctor for that."
"Come on!! It'll be fun!!"
"Are you trying to set me up with him or something?"
Jessica scoffed, "He's way too old for you. I highly doubt you find him anything else than stern and intimidating. However, there are younger single parents. All I'm saying is that you should spend time with people away from these walls."
You cave in, as might be expected.
Aaron Hotcher was stern and pretty much intimidating, but he was also an absolutely cute little thing with the kids, sexy, and interesting. His assistant, David Rossi, was approachable and found a way to involve you in his conversations with Hotchner.
You were eager to please as a volunteer. You were very nice to the children, who seemed to attach to you almost immediately, and the parents soon rooted for you when they knew you were a medical doctor. Your awkward smile when one of the parents told you about the weird rash that had appeared on his rear made Aaron giggle inside.
From the point of view of a profiler, he could tell you had terrible social skills that you tried very hard to overcome and improve. You were more comfortable with children than with adults, maybe because you've been hurt in the past, you may have some trust issues and second guess yourself often in social situations but never in your work. He was unable to see the classic narcissism noticeable in surgeons, instead, you had a compulsive professionalism while being warm and caring. Aaron also saw some nerdiness and geekiness in you that made his heart melt without permission.
"To think that I brushed her off when she asked me if I was trying to set her up…" Jessica's voice pulled him out of his analysis.
"Is this a setup?"
"God, no. Not an intentional one, at least. I was not expecting you two to check each other out like that."
"I did not check her out."
"Aaron, it's me. I may not be a profiler, but I know your looks. You like her already and I know that as you get to know her better, you're going to like her more and more."
"It won't happen."
"Tell yourself that."
And he did. He told himself that along with other things but when he caught your eyes lingering on him when you thought he wasn't looking he felt a boost of self-esteem. Talking to you was a treat he rarely indulged himself with. The worst thing he thought he could do was to lead you on to think he felt the same because then he would lose the restraint that prevented him from falling in love again. It was too soon. You were too young. The 'what if' list got longer and longer as months passed.
That's how, after a few months you ended up crushing hard on that man that Jessica assured you was too old for you. Oh, boy, you didn't care. After the practices and matches, you stayed with Hotch to clear the place of the things you'd used with Jack's playful help, and that's what drew you closer. You found his deadpan jokes hilarious. You lived for his small smirks or full-on laughs, the tiny movements his eyebrows made when he found something amusing, the light in his dark eyes when he looked at his son laughing about what you'd said or done. Being of assistance was your main goal for the weekends and your supervisor in the ER was more than glad to fix your schedule so you could have those moments for the soccer team.
At some point, you inevitably thought of yourself as a needy puppy when you found yourself being always the first to comply with any of Hotch's requests. Due to the lack of major injuries (or injuries in any way or form), you didn't have much to do with the team, therefore you ran errands like buying snacks, or bringing gallons of water… To be honest you would've driven all the way to San Francisco if Hotch and Dave had asked you to. It was embarrassing.
Now that you were facing a pissed-off Aaron Hotchner, you were regretting accepting Jessica's push six months ago.
Mulling over your feelings for the past few weeks, you've decided to approach him and ask him out on a date. Just some coffee, really, nothing fancy. He frowned; his eyes ran through you seeing things you were fighting to hide. Little did you know that Aaron felt at the edge of an abyss.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Aaron tersely told you, and when your eyes wandered between his looking for a longer explanation, his panic clouded his mind, and he must admit was gratuitously rude to you. "With my work consisting in profiling people, do you actually believe that your behavior had been unnoticed? I've tried to put some distance between us to avoid confusing you and apparently, it hadn't worked. I don't intend to be mean, but if your sole motivation to volunteer here is to spend time with me or look at me, I think it'll be better for all of us if you stopped coming here. We don't need a doctor, anyway. The most you've done has been cleaning Travis' wound when he fell on top of a tiny rock and his hand started bleeding.
"I am sure that you are great in your work," he slowly assured you, "but we don't need your skills here. I'm doing this to spend quality time with my son, and I cannot enjoy it if my attention is on your stalking behavior."
"Stalking?" You whispered confused.
"It's not the appropriate word. I'm sorry. Just… This is a safe space for the kids to have fun, and we, parents, are here because of that. You have no connection with any of them, not the children and not the adults."
You press your lips to avoid pouting. The last thing you wanted was to break in front of him after that awful humiliation. Handing him the cones you'd collected, you had nothing else to do there, and knowing just how unwanted your presence was prevented you from saying goodbye to Rossi and Jack as you usually did.
Aaron's grip on the cones hurt his hands as he followed you with his eyes, a storm breaking in his chest. When instead of going towards Dave and Jack you kept walking out of the field, the old profiler looked at him across the field with concerned eyes. He bowed his head in shame.
Hiding from Jessica at work was easy for you, at least for the first few days after the humiliation, but on Wednesday, you decided to bite the bullet and face her. After sharing some pleasantries, you smiled sadly at her before telling her what you actually wanted to say.
"I don't know if Hotch has told you, but I asked him out for a coffee. He rejected me, of course," you laughed self-depreciatingly. "Um… I'm going to quit volunteering on the soccer team. Could you make sure he understands it is because I cannot face him after how he did it, and not because I'm unable to stop stalking him?"
"He said you were stalking him?"
"Not exactly. He said I had stalking behavior, apparently. I didn't notice. I– I've been fighting very hard to act normal around him. I promise that if he had just rejected my advances I would've kept my volunteering. I mean, it would've been awkward but I really do enjoy being out there. He made it pretty clear that I've been making him uncomfortable, and that's something I can't gut. Um… So, yeah, that's that."
Hotchner did not have it that easy to hide from his sister-in-law. Jessica narrowed her eyes at him when he came back home from a long work trip in Texas. As he asked about Jack, worried that her sour mood had to do with something regarding his son, she sighed crossing her arms.
"You told her you felt stalked? Really?"
Understanding washed over him.
"I might've misused the word," Aaron took accountability for his mistake.
"I cannot believe you can be so dumb! Aaron, she likes you! And you like her too, don't try to lie to me."
"She's too young and–"
"You're scared. That is normal, but listen to me, you deserve to be happy again. I'm pretty sure that a doctor will understand your crazy schedule better than anyone else. Why are you doing this to yourself?"
"It's done. Forget about it."
Pressing her hands against her eyes, Jess tried to calm down her anger. "Fine. I'm going to leave you alone, just one thing, Aaron, you've hurt her pretty badly and if you don't fix your mistake soon, you're going to miss your opportunity. She's a nice person, and she deserves better than to be humiliated that way."
"It wasn't my intention."
"Just because there was no ill intention in your behavior, does not mean that you're innocent of the damage you've caused." Gathering her things, she headed out the door. "Oh, and by the way, she asked me to tell you that she won't be volunteering for the team anymore. Not because she's unable to stop stalking you, but because the way you're rejected her made her believe that her presence is unwelcome and makes you uncomfortable, so… Well done."
Aaron did not give much thought to that until the weekend rolled over and you weren't there. While the parents and guardians were concerned about your well-being, the children stubbornly refused to start without you on the field because in their minds you were an essential part of the team, just as the coach was. Dave caught him lost in his mind more than once, but he never said anything out loud.
Three weeks after leaving the soccer team you were still surprised at how much you missed it. Weaver gave you all the hours you asked for to work on the weekends in order to fill your mind with work instead of daydreaming about how much fun the kids must've been having. Jessica told you once that Travis had scratched his knees but refused treatment even from his dad as he cried calling for you. That touched your broken heart; knowing that the little ones appreciated your presence even if it was irrelevant meant so much to you.
That Sunday you'd been working since Saturday morning treating everything from mild intoxication to hardcore injuries. Adrenaline was still pumping in your veins as you tore the yellow gown off to deposit it in the bin with the gloves you just used on the car-crash patient that Coleen was taking to the OR. Cracking your neck, you grabbed your white coat from where you'd dropped it to attend to the emergency. Slipping it on top of your scrubs (a patient had vomited on you during the night which forced you to change clothes) you approached the admission desk.
"Got something for me, Jerry?"
"Take your pick," he pointed to the row of histories.
"That's not fair! How is it I cannot pick?" said a petulant voice next to you.
"Because you're a student, Natalie. Here, take this. Seems the patient needs sutures."
"That's all I'm doing. Sutures, sutures, sutures," she mumbled as she went to gather the patient.
That's when a known figure caught your eye in the waiting room. Frowning, you looked at the histories, finding two familiar names. With the documents in your arms, you cross the waiting room towards them.
David Rossi was nursing his injured arm against his chest, standing next to Aaron and Jack, who were seating in the waiting room. He saw you at the admissions desk looking through the histories before taking two of them and walking straight towards him. That's when he knew it had been a good idea to make Aaron drive them to this concrete hospital. Aaron's eyes were locked on his son's injury, therefore he tensed slightly when he heard your voice after so long.
"Why, good morning, Jack," you cheerfully greet the young child that's sitting in his father's lap, who was pressing a towel against his son's head. "Didn't you have a match today?"
"I got hurt," the boy pouted although you could see he was enduring the pain.
"Why won't you come with me? Come with us, Dave," the man nodded with a glint in his eyes.
You haven't even glanced at Aaron's face, afraid that you may compromise your patient's needs by remembering the humiliating rejection you've suffered.
When he gathered the courage to look at you, his heart clenched in need as, for the first time since he'd known you, your beautiful eyes never landed on him. Not even once.
With Jack seated on a bed in the ER, you removed the towel finding a small wound surrounded by dry blood. It was puffy and bluish. Rossi explained that Jack had passed out while on the field and he had launched to get him, failing, and hurting his wrist on the landing.
"Very well, Jack, I'm going to ask you to do something for me," you said putting your penlight away after looking at the response in his eyes. "I want you to touch your nose with your fingertips, then pull the arms as far away as you can, and touch your nose again," you demonstrated what you wanted and the boy did it without trouble. "Well done. Now follow my finger without moving your head. That's right… Very good, Jack. Give me your hands. Grab mine as hard as you can. Good. Now," you put your hands on top of his feet, "try to push my hands up. As hard as you can. There you go. Okay.
"I'll listen to your heart now." After that and checking his reflexes, you sat on a small stool by the bed and asked him a few questions to evaluate his mental state. He was shy at first, but then he started babbling coherently, which was a good sign. "Jack, did you feel bad before the match?"
The boy looked at his dad and at Rossi, "No."
"I might not be a profiler, but that seems like a lie to me. Do you want to try again?"
"I– I had a tummyache."
"When you went to the bathroom, was your poop very liquid?"
"You didn't tell your dad?" Jack shook his head, regretting it immediately. "Why not, sweetheart?"
"I want to spend time with him, but if he's the coach and I can't play, then I have to go with Aunt Jess or look from the sidelines. That's not fun."
"Perfectly understandable. Does your tummy hurt still? No? When was the last time you ate something?"
Opening the history, you scrabble and check several squares before facing Aaron Hotchner for the first time, pulling your most professional façade on. He was waiting, observing every single move with his arms crossed over his chest.
"I don't see any symptoms of concussion. Jack doesn't even react badly to the light when pointed directly at his eyes. I believe that he's caught the stomach bug that's been running among children for the last few weeks and he's dehydrated due to the diarrhea.
"I'm going to run some blood tests, just to be certain. Although the headwound is superficial I'm aware that you'll feel better if we take some X-rays. I'll give him some fluids, clean the wound, and he'll be free to go if the tests come back clear.
"Once at home, lots of liquids. Water, Gatorade… Bland food, the usual. Keep him awake at least until his bedtime, that way you'll be aware of something bad happening. It's not going to happen anything bad, though."
He nodded, unable to find his voice after feeling the way your eyes stabbed him. Aaron Hotchner made a life out of analyzing people and he could see how hard you were trying to stand composed in front of him, to hide how strongly he had hurt you.
"Now you, Dave," you palped his wrist and scrunched your nose. "It's not broken. I think it's dislocated. I'm going to send you to X-rays with Jack, that way you keep each other company, and we'll see what's the situation with your wrist before trying to put it in place. Any questions? None? Good. Haleh," you called the nurse, "blood tests and fluids for the little man. A round of X-rays for both of them."
"On it."
"Need some help!!" Carter yelled while running towards the entrance of the emergency where an ambulance was dropping an injured and bloody patient.
"I'll be back when the X-rays are done," you promised the three men before running for the second ambulance. "What do we have?"
As the paramedic was explaining the patient's situation, she started to code which made you copy one of Carter's most dramatic moves and jump on top of the gurney to start compressions as the paramedics kept pushing it toward box two.
"That's really cool," Jack whispered mesmerized by the display of action. Aaron caressed his son's head with love.
Time went by, busy as always in the ER so your hands were full with both complicated and easy cases. Rossi, Aaron, and Jack spent the time waiting for the X-rays before waiting in the ER again; it didn't annoy them much, and they understood how it worked. Overall, they were all aware that they would still be waiting for their turn if you hadn't been working that day and saw them in the waiting room.
You were exhausted when you saw the three men again. Haleh handed you the X-ray complaining about how rude the technicians were when overloaded with work. Greeting them again, you put Jack's rays on a light panel close by.
"Look, Jack. This is your head. Can you see these circles? Those are your eyes. Now, this is the side where you had hit your head. There's no trace of damage in the bone," you looked at Hotch to make your message clear. "I can see that the fluids bag is almost empty. That's a good sign. Blood tests came back clear as well. Jack is fine. As I said before, liquids and bland food until the stomach bug is over.
"Let's see Dave's hand now…" You changed the rays. Rossi's wrist had been dislocated, as you thought.
Getting ready the needed stuff for the cast before placing the wrist in place, you explained everything to Jack who watched your moves like a hawk. Using Rossi's distraction, you pull his hand, putting his bones in place. It hurt him, and he cursed under his breath so you gifted him with your most innocent smile.
"You need the cast to avoid hurting your wrist more. Be more careful, David."
"As you say, Doc."
Carter's voice calling for you prevented you from pointing out his age. You turned to see him pointing to the board. Right, your shift must've been over three hours ago. Thumbs up you wink at him before turning your attention to your patients once again.
"I'm going to put you in the cast while Jack's bag completely empties, and then you guys can leave. Sounds good?"
"Who is that?" Jack asked.
"Doctor Carter," you simply say, focusing on the cast.
"Is he your boyfriend?" the child insisted. Aaron tensed with his son's boldness.
"Jack, it's not nice to ask those questions," Hotch reprimanded, making him pout.
"I just want to understand why she's not coming anymore." That admission stabbed him right in the heart.
"I'm not coming because you don't need me, Jack," you smiled at him. Another stab clenched Hotch's chest, he'd told you that.
"But we want you there!! It's not the same without you."
"That's very sweet, but it doesn't change the situation. This is done. Haleh will take that out of you, Jack. Be good," you pointed to both of your patients, ignoring Aaron once again.
Leaving them behind, you approached the admission counter to fix the paperwork when Carter cornered you with his cheeky expression and half smile. You rolled your eyes, putting your arms up in surrender.
"Fine. Fine. I'm leaving. See? This is me leaving."
"You better get out of my ER before another ambulance comes by."
Rossi hummed watching the interaction just as Aaron's jaw set in distaste. "Is that jealousy or envy?"
"Not now, Dave."
It didn't take you too long to get ready to leave the hospital, and just at the moment you were crossing the doors you saw an ambulance come to a halt. Standing on the tip of your toes, you try to take a good look at the patient but Carter gave you 'the look' and you gave up. You just wanted to keep yourself busy. It was lunchtime and although you wanted to eat, you didn't want to do it all alone in your small apartment.
Walking towards the bus stop, you pulled out your phone thinking about ordering from the Indian restaurant close to your place and picked it up on your way. With a sigh, you decided you were not that hungry anyway.
Once in their home after that long morning in the ER, Aaron tried to pry the real feelings from his son, who openly told him that yes, he missed you and that he thought that you two were going to date in the future.
"You smile way more when she's on the team, Daddy," he had told him.
His resolution was clear, he was going to confront you, take accountability for his mistake, and beg you for a chance. Work prevented him from doing it right away.
You didn't hear from the Hotchner men or David Rossi for the next few days, which you anticipated, but when Saturday rolled up you found yourself in an ambulance next to Doctor Carter and Nurse Patton running to attend a hostage situation.
The place is a grocery store. Hostages are pressed against its windows to prevent the shooters from having a visual of the suspect. There's a control area with local agents and the FBI, and as you're led there by an officer, you locked eyes with Aaron Hotchner. He seemed composed and focused, but the moment he saw you his frown deepened and his skin ashen.
The three of you were introduced to the agents and you let Carter take control of the situation. He's older than you, your superior, and he had proved his leadership countless times in the hospital.
"The unsub is desperate. He is a father who's seen his world crumbling in the last few months as social services threatened to take his children from him," Rossi explained to all of you.
"He's compassionate with other people but he won't hesitate to kill in order to keep the custody of his children. He has asked for a medical team as there's a wounded hostage and a pregnant woman in terrible pain," the agent introduced as Emily Prentiss continued.
"He is reckless. He's cornered and that makes him dangerous. Under no circumstance try to approach him, antagonize him, or contradict him. Understand? He's volatile at this point and if he believes that you are the enemy, he will kill you on the spot." Although Hotchner's words were meant for the three of you, his eyes never left you for too long.
"Is there any plan?" Carter asked.
"He'll be distracted with you there. You just have to focus on doing your job. There's a CCTV system with video and audio that still work. We have eyes and ears on you."
"Fair enough. Patton, when we get in, you and I will attend to the wounded. You," Carter pointed at you, "go to the pregnant and check on the baby."
"Let's get you inside."
Following Agent Morgan to the end of the perimeter your heart quickened its beating rate pumping your blood faster through your veins boosted by the adrenaline raising in your system. The unsub, as the FBI called him, ordered the bunch of you to show that you weren't armed before allowing you to enter.
The man, in his late fifties but athletic, was sweating profusely. His eyes never focused on a spot for too long. His hands were running through his hair, drying his face, fidgeting anxiously. Saying that he was unstable was a huge misunderstanding. When Carter asked for his name, the man mumbled Eli almost unconsciously before cursing and aiming at the doctor with his gun claiming that they weren't there to talk to him.
Carter calmly explained his plan of action to Eli before proceeding. Patton and Carter found the wounded victim bleeding in abundance from a bullet wound in his thigh. As they worked fast and efficiently on it, Eli hovered over them with guilt written all over his face. The man kept promising that it had been an accident, that the gun had shot itself because the victim kept talking and talking. Carter deemed the wound not life-threatening itself as it hadn't pierced the artery; however, Eli wasn't sure how long it had been since the man was bleeding, which made the situation delicate still.
Meanwhile, you've approached the pregnant woman asking for her name with a soft calming smile on your face. Patty was focused enough to tell you that this was her first pregnancy, that she had gone to the grocery store craving pickles and peanut butter, and that she was in huge pain that had increased in the last few minutes. Putting on some gloves, you informed her that she needed a pelvic exam to see if everything was alright, but you started the exploration by touching her belly and auscultating both her chest and her belly in order to find a trace of the baby's heartbeat if possible. After that, you pulled up her dress finding a concerning hemorrhage.
"Alright, Patty. Can you tell me how often it hurts?" You removed her bloody underwear before proceeding to the exam and… "You're in labor."
"No. No. No. There's no way. It's early still. It's early."
"That makes your baby a bit impatient," you joked kindly.
The most important thing was that Patty remained as calm as possible, which wasn't much. After noticing how dilated she was, you found the baby's head ready to start its journey into the world. Then you palpated it. The umbilical cord was surrounding the baby's neck. As Patty started to scream you could feel the baby moving forward as she was pushing.
"No, Patty. Don't push."
"It hurts!"
"I know it does, but you can't push just yet. Mister Eli," you called for the unsub, "this woman is in labor and she needs a hospital."
"She's not leaving!!"
"I'm not making a suggestion, I'm stating a fact," you sternly answered piercing him with your determination. You weren't scared of him. "If this woman and her baby die here, it would be your fault."
Eli ran towards you pushing his gun to your forehead, you didn't even blink refusing to show weakness. "Then do your job."
"Oh, I'm going to. I'm not a miracle worker, though. And I need help."
Outside, in the control center, Aaron was losing his cool. On the inside, of course, he rarely broadcasts his emotions. Dave knew him well enough to put his castless hand on top of his friend's crossed arms to give him support.
"She's strong," whether it was a statement or a reminder, they didn't know.
The fact that you weren't cowering under Eli's aggressive behavior broke his resolve allowing two of the hostages on the windows to help you. One of them volunteered because she was a med student; she had been helping the wounded man before the arrival of the ambulance. You asked her to monitor Patty as the other volunteer helped you handing you whatever you needed at the moment.
Trying to calm down Patty, you winked at her as if saying that her condition wasn't as grave as you'd told the unsub. Focusing your senses on your hands, you tried to remove the umbilical cord from the baby's neck without hurting it or the mother. It took some time and deep breaths but in the end, you were able to move it around freeing the neck. Patty was close to collapse, sweaty and exhausted. You asked her to push with every contraction. Head out. Another push and there came the shoulders. Another big one and the baby was limp between your hands, blue and unresponsive. Clamping the cord, you cut it before depositing the infant on top of a bunch of towels the volunteer had gathered from the end of the store for you. You start the baby's reanimation.
"She's passed out," the med student told you anxiously.
Without stopping your compressions you saw Patty unconscious, bleeding way too much.
"I'm not done yet," he shot you a look across the place.
"Fuck… She hasn't expulsed the placenta yet, Carter."
"She has to go to a hospital," Carter spat to Eli.
"No one is leaving until they gave me my children back!!"
The newborn made a complaining sound before starting to cry. Taking a deep breath, you auscultated her to make sure that everything was fine. You wrapped her on the towels and handled her to the volunteer with the order of keeping her warm and to make sure that if she stopped breathing at any moment, you were called.
Turning your attention to Patty there wasn't much you could do at the moment. Her heart rate was decreasing, and she kept losing blood. There was a hospital a mile away, she could make it and they would be able to help her before it was too late.
"Under no circumstance try to approach him, antagonize him, or contradict him," Hotchner's words danced in your head as you got up from the floor peeling the damp gloves.
Fuck it.
"Are you happy now?" You spat at Eli. Carter's patient was receiving CPR uselessly.
"Don't move," Eli pointed his gun at you.
"You know? The officers out there told us that you were a compassionate man. That you just wanted your children back. I thought I could understand you then, you were just a father loving his children and wanting to be with them."
"Exactly!! I'm–"
"You're not," you calmly cut his outburst shocking him. "You're a disgusting piece of garbage. Did social services take your children? Well, if you behave out there just as half as you did here I'm surprised they didn't take them sooner."
"Shut up!!"
There was a commotion outside when Aaron grabbed his gun and headed towards the perimeter, Morgan and Rossi caught him before he could even take a step away from them. Dave took the gun out of his grip.
"What's wrong with you?" Morgan demanded.
"She's going to get herself killed!"
"I know this is tricky for you, but you can't just break protocol, Aaron."
"Dave, she's inside and–"
"She's giving us an opening," Reid's absent voice ran through them. "Look, he's so focused on her and their argument that we can approach the store and take him without him noticing."
After a moment of studying the situation, Hotch took his gun again and nodded. "Let's get ready."
They put on the earpieces that kept reproducing the conversation that was taking place inside the store in order to give them the correct tempo.
"Look at what you've done," you pressed. Your voice was low and stern, completely calm as you kept approaching him cornering him against the counter of the store without him noticing. "A woman that still had time to become a mother, is now dying on the floor because of you. A man is dead because of you."
"It was an accident. I– The gun–"
"They could've lived if you had left them to leave to a hospital. Compassionate, they said," you snorted in mockery. "You're just a selfish bastard that would kill his own children if they disobeyed."
"That's not true!! Not true. I never touched them. I– I'm a good man."
"You're a murderer. Funny thing how you assumed your children aren't here yet because the police won't take them, but you know the truth, don't you? They don't want to have anything to do with you."
"They know what you are and they don't want to be with you."
It was fast. One second Eli was an anxious and sweaty mess moving from side to side with unfocussed attention, and the next he was ready to shoot you between the eyes. However, your change was just as fast. One second you were approaching him slowly, and the next you hit him in the face with your elbow in a perfect move. Eli lost his balance falling face-first to the floor. You kicked the gun away before he grabbed you, pulling you underneath him. He punched you in the face before Carter hooked his head with his arm tearing him away from you. The door burst open and the FBI took Eli away.
In the mess that was taking the unsub away from the store, checking on all the hostages, and guiding the EMT to the injured, Aaron was unable to take a proper look at you which made him feel antsy.
With Patty and her baby in an ambulance and all the hostages safe, except for the wounded man that had perished, Hotchner approached you. His stern demeanor hardened his set jaw and frowning brow.
"We had video and audio from the inside. What you did was reckless. What were you thinking? Did you not pay any attention to what I had to say before you got in? Eli Marsh could've–"
"I did my job, Agent Hotchner. I'm a doctor and my job is to help people in need. My patient was losing blood and she needed a hospital, so I got her out of there. I'd do it again if needed."
Before he could say something else, Rossi called for you to make your statement.
Aaron saw you leaving with steady feet and felt his chest puff with pride at how brave you'd been. Dave's look in the distance made him take a deep breath and handle the situation as the Unit Chief he was; he needed to clear his mind.
Back at the office, the team dispersed to complete their paperwork. He had no idea how long he'd been surrounded by papers to fulfill, but as he was writing his statement, his mind wandered away, and the images of you confronting and insulting a volatile unsub with such a strong stance and calm tone assaulted him.
A soft know in his office door pulled him away from that helpless memory. David Rossi observed him with those profiler eyes.
"Stop being this stupid, Aaron. Go to her."
"I'm not done."
"There's no rush. Plus, Morgan and I will take care of all the paperwork that doesn't need your direct participation."
Looking out of his window to the bullpen he saw his whole team looking back at him. They all knew.
"Go." His friend insisted.
Despite the dangerous situation and nerve-wracking job, you had to perform that day, you went back to your hospital to check in with your bosses. Weaver gave you, Carter, and Patton the rest of the day off as well as the day after that. Patton left immediately, but Carter and you procrastinated for almost two hours in the staff room talking about the day.
When Carter decided he had energy enough to go home, he offered you a ride and you gratefully accepted. Heading out of the ER door, it took you a couple of glances to acknowledge that the silhouette you were seeing was actually there and not a side effect of the stressful day you'd had.
"Go ahead," you told Carter. He looked between the man and you as the distance shortened. He didn't seem pleased with leaving you alone but did it nonetheless. "Agent Hotchner," you greeted him. "Is there anything else I had to do with the case today?"
Shying away, Hotch fixed his tie, "This isn't an official visit. I just– Are you hungry?"
"That depends. Why are you asking?"
"I want to buy you dinner."
You weren't going to make it easy for him and when he noticed he smiled slightly. "Because I like you and I've been an asshole lately and today I– I was terrified when I saw you come down from the ambulance. I'm not ready to have you out of my sight."
"That sounds concerning."
"I'm sorry about what I said when you asked me out. I– I pushed you away because I wasn't sure about how long I could keep my distance. I wasn't fair and I know it. This doesn't have to lead to anything, but…"
"Nothing fancy, though."
Smiling more broadly, Aaron nodded. "Nothing fancy," he promised making a gesture towards his car.
The end.
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shelbgrey · 3 months
Dating Doug Ross headcanons:
Paring: Doug Ross x Greene!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Doug Ross dating Mark Greene's little sister after she moves back to Chicago (Greys anatomy/ER crossover AU) -SMUT warning
💙MasterList ML2 💙Dating Mood board
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So how did you end up here you may ask. You were originally living in Seattle, doing your residency at Seattle Grace Hospital. You could have easily gotten a job at the hospital your older brother Mark worked at in Chicago, but you thought your place was in Seattle.
You made some good friends and even got a boyfriend. Your guy just happened to be Derek Shepherd. It was hard for the first few months, you missed your brother and his daughter and the work was stressful, but other than that it was going fine. That was untill you found out Derek was married.
You couldn't deal with the stress anymore, people were judging you and it was getting harder and harder to get work done, so you called your brother and decided to make the move back to Chicago.
You didn't tell anyone you were leaving or moving except for Mark, so when you didn't make to Chicago on time it got Mark worried.
You were used to the crazy weather in Chicago since you grew up there, but you weren't really used to driving in it.
Everything happened so fast, between the snow storm and the drunk driver behind you, you didn't stand a chance. The car spung out and hit you.
You made it to Chicago cook hospital, but not in the way anyone expected.
Mark was too stunned to do anything, paralyzed in the corner when he saw the paramedics rush you in. Even though Doug was a Peds surgeon, he wanted to help the best he could.
Thankfully the surgery was successful and Doug offered to stay with you so Mark could get some rest.
When you woke up, Doug was the first thing you saw. You watched the handsome man work on charts next to your bed. When he noticed you were awake, he smiled softly. “hey, nice to see you were awake”
“yeah... That hurt like a bitch” I mumbled. Doug chuckled and checked your eyes with a small flashlight. “yeah, I bet it did”
“I'm y/n Greene by the way” yoy winced when you tried to move in your hospital bed.
Doug placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, stopping you from moving so much. “hey, hey, don't move so much... And I'm Doug Ross”
You looked up at him with puppy eyes. You couldn't deny how handsome he was. There was just somthing about his smile and eyes that made you forget about the pain.
You only knew of him by name, your brother would talk about him a lot on the phone. You tired ingnore the attraction you had for him since you just went through a break up and it didn't end well. You knew not everyone was like that, but you felt to scared right now.
You also knew Mark would have a cow if you and Doug even consider being an item, hell Mark didn't even know about Derek.
“you know this isn't how I planed on getting here” you joked, Doug smirked. “yeah, your brother told me you were going to work here... He was pretty excited”
You couldn't explain why it felt so easy to talk to him. Maybe because he was complety clueless to what happened in Seattle, he didn't hear the rumors and let it shape his opinion on me. I had a clean slate.
“yeah... Then I end up being a patient instead of taking care of one” you rolled your eyes, Doug smiled softly. “well, you'll be as good as new in no time... Mark told me you were going into pediatrics” Doug smirked.
Doug pulled up a chair next to your bed, his smirking getting bigger and more flirtatious. He rested his elbow on the bed with his fist against his cheek, staring at you with those eyes. “well, it's a good thing I'm in the same business... Maybe when you get discharged and can show you around”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “quite the charmer, aren't you?” you asked sarcastically.
And the charmer he was, if Mark wasn't in your room Doug was. Always coming in to talk or make you laugh. You couldn't explain why it felt so good to talk to him, I guess you could say it was refreshing.
Mark could see somthing brewing between you two, and he wasn't too sure about. Your best friend Susan Lewis was all for it though, she wanted to see the out come.
By the way. You and Susan went to medical school together and became best friends, she was so excited when she heard you'd be working together.
Anyway a few visits to your room became constant and to the point he was helping with physical therapy. Pushing your wheelchair and taking you there or catching you when you were about ready to fall.
The butterflies and the pounding in your heart was to constant to ignore now. You could deny all your feelings, but everyone saw it. What you could do was push away every time he got closer.
He noticed and frankly it hurt him, he thought he was doing something wrong. But he wasn't gonna give up. Then one day he just had to ask “the guy before me... Hurt you pretty bad, didn't he?”
You haven't even told him about Derek or Seattle. You weren't expecting him to ask that. “w-what do you mean?”
“I can see it... I was hurt too, ya know”
You knew he was talking about Carol. Mark brought her up when he was giving the millions of reasons why you shouldn't get involved with Doug. You could see the hurt and love in his eye, but you couldn't just bring it up to just yet.
“I uh.. Still feel pretty awful about the situation, I just can't tell you yet. I'm not ready for you to look at me differently”
Doug tried to understand, he nodded softly. “so, not yet?”
“not yet”
He knew her past wouldn't change his feelings for you, but he didn't push. Instead he just spent his time making you feel special and wanted you to fall in love with him.
He wanted to ask you out so bad, but he didn't want the date to be a typical one. You were also still a patient being discharged in a week. He was running out of time, so he asked Susan for advice.
“just don't try to impress her with anything fancy or expensive... That's not how she rolls. Just do something from the heart, you guys talk constantly. You'll figure something out”
So that night he was feeling spontaneous. He got you a wheelchair and rolled you down the hallway during the night shift. “where are you taking me?” you laughed as he made sharp turn and quickly went in to a elevator without being cought. You weren't technically supposed to leave the room.
“it's a suprise” is all he said and took you down stars to an old examination room no one used. It was huge and had hospital beds no one used.
Doug had cleaned it up then strung lights on the side of room you were using. Since you told him you liked movies, he stole barrowed a projector from one if the offices to use.
As small as the gesture may look too some people, it made your heart skip a beat. The fact he remembered small details and went out of his way to do this mare you feel things you hadn't felt with Derek.
“so, what do you think?” he asked, gently scooping you out of the wheelchair and sat you on one of the hospital beds. He smiled at you and turned on the projector before getting on the bed that was pushed against yours.
“this is really great... I didn't know you were this sweet” you joked.
“only for you” he said, you looked into his eyes and saw nothing but the truth. For the first time you felt like someone's first choice. You always felt like second choice to everyone. Derek, Meredith, everyone expect Doug and Susan.
You stared into his eyes and before you know it his hand was gently holding your cheek and his lips were planted on yours softly.
After that kiss you felt like you couldn't hide anything from him anymore. So you opened up about Seattle. Talked about Derek and Addison showing up, everything leading up your car accident.
“he lied to you... And hurt you, no of that was your fault... None of that changes the way I look or feel for you”
His words ment everything, but you still felt scared. You didn't want to get hurt again. “I'm scared... That this will end terribly too”
Doug shook his head and placed his hand on your cheek. “i'd never hurt you like he did... Or lie to you”
And he spoke nothing but the truth, and you believed him. For the first time it felt like everything would be alright.
He was there to help you heal both physically and emotionally. It was the little things that just made the recovery easier, rather it would be him sneaking in decent food for you or coming into your hospital room every chance he got.
He took his role as a boyfriend seriously.
Mark did put the fear of god in him when you started dating. Like really did, Mark and him were outside of the hospital messing around with a basketball. He bounced on the back of Doug's head when he found out. “calm down, Mark. You think I'm gonna lose the most amazing thing in my life”
He is your biggest supporter. Doug is your absolute number #1 fan, everything you do amazes him. You've never had a man supporting and encouraging you every day and night.
You guys are an absolute power couple in the Peds department, you guys just work so good together and just know what each other needs in the heat of the moment.
He's big on hand holding too, if your walking around the city your hands will be locked together, or sometimes hell just hold your had if your setting down at a table or something.
He loves forehead kisses, both giving and receiving. He's a big softy deep down and just loves it if you wake him up with a kiss on the forehead or come up to him while he's sitting down and working and plant a kiss on his head. Then is just easier to kiss your forehead since he's so much taller. It's also just means more in his eyes, it's not lust full or anything like that. It's his way to show his unconditional love for you.
He thinks It's adorable when you nuzzle your nose against his, giving him an Eskimo kiss.
He can also be a rough kisser, but mostly he's a passionate kisser. He pours all his love and emotions into it, he makes sure your the only one on this earth he wants to love.
He's so flirty with you. No matter how many years you've been together, he still thinks you're the sexiest, most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
Like I said, he flirts with you so much. Some times he'll come up behind you while your working and whispere suggestive comment in your ear or grab your ass.
He's definitely an ass man, but he also loves your boobs. Sometimes if he's tired or just wants to he held by you, he'll rest his face between your breasts.
God, this man loves everything about you. You have a couple of tattoos, he wants to know about them. It doesn't matter what type of hair you have or if you like it or not, he loves it. He'll love your voice, body, personality... Everything.
He can't sleep without you, he's needs to be holding or hear your breathing to sleep peacefully. If your working the night shift at the hospital, he'll probably stay up late till you come home.
He leaves post-it notes all around the house for you. You find them everywhere. In your bag, the book your reading at the time. On top of your favourite cup. Stuck onto the mirror in the bathroom, if he has to get up and go to the hospital late into the night heal leave one on his pillow. He loves those little details. Loves to write you silly or romantic notes because he knows how much you love them.
This man need physical contact a lot. He's a big cuddler and just needs you in his arms, it's a comfort and a protection thing.
“cuddle me?” he asked, giving you puppy eyes and holding his arms open. You smiled and cuddle up to his chest.
Becoming close friends with Carter and helping him out with becoming a doctor his first year. You also aren't afraid to put Peter in his place when he's being a jerk to him.
He's not afraid to defend you either, he'd be damed if someone talked bad or down to you. He's not afraid to put anyone in their place if they goes to far. “Back off, why don't you show her some respect”
If your in the kitchen cooking he's under your feet sampling everything. It's even worse when you get a dog because you have to move around them both.
He loves your cooking though.
He absolutely loves feeling your fingers run through his hair. He'll kill to have his head on your cheat while you play with his hair after a rough day at the hospital.
Speaking of hair, your not definitely not against it when he starts going gray, the salt and pepper look just works for him. “I think it's sexy, don't dye it”
You don't understand why he likes basketball so much, but your always will to shoot a few hoops with him and Mark or watch a game with him.
He won't waist any time proposing to you, he loves you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
He's definitely a family man, he wants kids with you and that domesticated type of life. He'll probably only want two kids, have nice close family with you is all he needs.
Movie nights all time and most of the time it's all over the place, like you'd watch a Disney movie and a really bloody horror movie all in the same night.
You sleep in his shirts all the time, you love being wrapped in his shirt. It's comforting to smell his cologne and feel it's warmth.
Sometimes if it's just the two of you in the house you'll walk around in some short shorts and one of his buttons ups wide open, showing your sports bra.
He loves seeing you like that. He thinks is so sexy and beautiful to see you in his clothes.
NSFW headcanons:
Suprisenly you guys can get pretty dirty and rough.
If he's had a rough day, he either needs one of two things. A rough fuck or he needs to curl up beside you and rest his head on your chest while you play with his hair.
“You want it harder, baby?” He'll complied with her request, thrusting deeper and faster, causing the bed to shake with your movements. He let out a low groan as he felt your nails dig into his back.
bitting your neck just to hear you moan. When you finally give in to him, he'll lay you down on the couch or bed and start pealing your clothes off to reveal your chest.
Like I said before he's a boob guy. He'll bury his face into your boobs as he pounds into you. He loves it when you start moaning and tugging at his hair, He honestly can’t get enough.
He loves cumming on your breasts too. Sometimes if he's getting head, he'll pull out just in time to cum all over your chest.
“Oh fuck, you want me to cum on your pretty little face again? mark my territory”
He's very skilled with his tounge, he loves eating you out. your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
“Mmm, you taste so damn sweet” He moans as he continues to pleasure you, his tongue teasing your clit. His hands move to your hips, holding onto them tightly as he devours you.
Doug also loves watching your face while you bounce up and down his dick. He loves the expressions you make when he thrusts up into you when you least expect it.
“I want you to ride my cock until we both cum” He'll spreads his legs wider and guide your hips towards his, taking control from below you. “You like that don't you? Fucking me while I just lay back and watch?” He teases you as you rock your hips.
Doug is so vocal, he'll let out deep groans and moans as he feels your tight pussy wrap around his cock when you ride him. “Oh fuck yeah, that's it baby. Ride me hard”
He loves to lay back and watch you ride his cock as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to cumming again.
He's definitely the dominant person in bed and your not complaining, he'll get rough and pound hard enough were the bed starts rocking.
He love getting head. I feel like he’d like having you on your knees. Plus, feeling your lips around him pushes him closer to cumming in your mouth.
He can get pretty dirty and possessive when it comes to cum. He's done for and lossing control after he comes down your throat.
If your lips are wrapped around him, he's taking control. It's usually rough, but he'll never do anything to hurt you.
He'll move his hips fast, thrusting himself deeper down your throat, the way you suck him drives him insane “Fuck, baby, your doing so good”
He's very vocal, especially when he's getting head. He'll thrusted his hands into your hair as he fucks your mouth with an urgency.
He loves how good you are at making him feel. He loves being at your mercury as he thrusts down your throat. “Fuck baby, you're going to make me cum so hard. I want you to swallow every last drop.”
He'll lose his cool easily, especially if your being a brat. His hips will starts to move faster, thrusting himself deeper down your throat, the way you suck him drives him insane.
You and him both know your limits if anything because too much all you have to do is tap his thigh and he'll stop immediately. He'll hold your face gently, making sure your okay.
Thigh ridding as a punishment, he won't let you cum untill he says. “your gonna get yourself off on my thigh, your not gonna cum till I tell you”
Even though your sex life is pretty rough and sometimes dirty, he'll never degrade you. He refuses to call you anything like slut, or any names that are in that cadigory. He'll call you brat though.
He loves playing with your breasts, taking one nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue and teeth while he massages the other with his hand.
Bondage kink. He'll tie you up with his belt or ties if your comfortable with it.
He'll smirk as he wraps the belt around your wrists and pulled it tight before securing them to the bed post.
Quickies in the hospital all the time.
He can last a long while, you could be a moaning mess and begging for mercy and he'll need to cum once or twice more. “I can last a long time alright. But that doesn't mean I won't make you cum again and again”
He loves feeling you clench around his fingers as you reach your climax as your juices flowing out of you and onto his hand.
he loves the idea of you spread out and ready for him. He stroked his cock as he watches your body trembling with pleasure and anticipation. “Fuck, you look so beautiful like that. So open and ready for me.”
he's always was so needy to make you feel good and make you a moaning mess.
Dispite him being mostly rough in bed and pushes you to the point of screaming, he'll be so soft and gentle in the end. “you did so good for my baby, I wasn’t too rough was I?”
He's very attentive when it comes to aftercare. you want a warm bath? Done. You want massages? Done. You ask, he delivers. All he cares about is your comfort, he insists on cleaning up any mess that's on you or the bed. If he sees any marks or bruises he will apologize for that with a soft smile on his face.
“That's a good girl. Just relax and catch your breath, I've got you.”
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ilovewriting06 · 1 year
Secret Rendezvous
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A/N: There will be a second part to this, maybe more idk, I wrote it for a friend but found that I actually enjoy writing for Carter and my bad habit of falling for fictional characters hit again 😅
I twiddle my thumbs in nervousness and anticipation as my brother, Dr. Mark Greene, introduces me to a group of his colleagues, well our colleagues. “Listen everybody, we have a new med student this year who is very special to me, everybody this is soon to be Dr. Y/N Greene.”
I chuckle nervously as I offer a shy wave, “Hi.” Mark rolls his eyes playfully with a laugh, “She’s also very shy but once you warm up to her watch out…she bites.”
I elbow him in the gut with a glare before letting a happy smile grace my face as Mark groans, “Ugh! Sorry Y/N/N.”
I hum before turning to the doctors, nurses, and other staff that are circled around me as Mark introduces them, “This is Doug Ross, he’s our pediatric doctor, this is Peter Benton he’s out surgical doctor, this is head nurse Carol Hathaway, play nice with her she'll dictate how well your day goes, and this is….Where the hell is Carter!?” Carter? Why does that name ring a bell?
I jump slightly as Mark yells in my ear. I cup my ear and kick Mark’s shin, “What the hell Mark! Don’t yell in my ear again or I‘ll cut yours off and shove it down your throat!”
I blush as everyone starts laughing, forgetting that there were others present. Before I could apologize a tall decent built guy comes running down the hall with a clipboard and papers. When he skids to a stop he’s huffing and puffing for air, “Sorry Dr. Greene, I got held up with a patient.” I chuckle as Mark shakes his head, “Yeah, alright, it’s fine, jus-,” Mark gets interrupted by a woman I quickly recognize as Susan, “Hey, Mark, we need you in curtain two. Oh, hey Y/N/N.”
I wave at Sharon as Mark groans before looking at me apologetically, “Y/N sorry I gotta go but you’ll be spending 99% of your time with Carter so uh, get to know each other and he’ll show you around and help you get the hang of things.”
I nod as Mark walks away before turning to Carter. When I take in his features my breath catches in my throat. Oh God! That’s why I remember him! A couple months ago I hooked up with another med student and thought it would go further since he seemed pretty interested in me, just as much as I was interested in him, but I woke up the next morning alone and I never saw him again.
When he meets my eyes his mouth drops slightly before he glances around and grabs my hand pulling me into an empty room. When he turns to me his eyes are wide and frantic, “Y-you’re the- oh God he’s gonna kill me! Why didn’t- how did I-,” I tilt my head as he has an internal breakdown before grabbing his shoulder and stopping his pacing, “Hey, John, calm down. It’s okay.” He relaxes slightly before shaking his head and freaking out again, “No it’s not okay, I slept with you! I didn’t know you were my boss’s sister! I should have known, oh God how was I so stupid!? That has to be the biggest mistake I’ve ever made!”
I feel my stomach deflate a little as I drop my hands from his arms and wrap them around myself. I look down and swallow thickly before whispering, “Sorry, I didn’t know I was such a stupid mistake….and technically he’s not your boss.”
I feel a warm hand circle my bicep gently while another tilts my chin to meet his eyes, “That’s not what I meant.” I look at the wall over his shoulder causing him to put his face in front of mine repeatedly as I try to dodge him. I finally laugh at his antics before realizing he did it to cheer me up, “I’m sorry, I was just freaking out but you weren’t a mistake, hell, you were the best decision I made all year.”
I feel butterflies flutter around before I furrow my brows and look into his eyes, “Then why did you leave?”
“When I woke up, you were gone. If I was really the best decision you made, why did you leave?”
His face scrunches up in confusion and as much as I hate to admit it, it was fucking adorable, “It’s what you wanted.”
My eyes widen and I shake my head, “No! God no that’s not what I wanted! I wanted you to stay, I really like you.”
“But before we went back to your place, when we were talking you told me that it was awkward when people stayed over after meaningless sex.”
My heart lurches at the same time as it breaks, all this time I thought he wanted a one and done type thing when in reality he did what he thought I wanted him to do. I step forward and cup his face, “Oh John, I also told you that I didn’t do meaningless sex anymore, and if I took someone home I wanted them to stay.” His eyebrows scrunch together before a smile breaks out, “Does that mean you want to try a relationship?”
I lean further into him with a smile as my lips barely brush his, “As long as you can handle the pressure from my brother, doctor.” He groans before deepening the kiss and tugging me closer by the hips, “I’ll risk it.”
It’s been sixth months since I first started and I love every minute of it, especially the little rendezvous John and I sneak in. The first time it happened wasn’t planned it just happened, the second time I planned and he just followed, and was very pleased with the blowjob he got in the janitors closet, the third time he planned and I enjoyed being finger fucked against the wall in the break room, that one we almost got caught for, the fourth time was a quickie in the family bathroom, the sixth time was a not so quick quickie in radiology, and the seventh…well….that’s what I’m aiming for now.
“Carter I need the gauze, the really thick one.” His eyes dart up from his clipboard before furrowing his eyebrows since I just came from the supply room, where they would be, “But you-,” I cut him off nodding, “Yeah I know, but I can’t find it.” I add a little whininess to my voice and he sets the clipboard down still confused, “Okay? I guess I can help?”
I clasp my hands together before grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me excitedly as I hear Carol not so quietly whisper to Mark, “You’re sister’s an odd one, in a very lovable way.”
“Trust me, I know, I lived with it for twelve years, and now she’s living with me again.”
I shout over my shoulder slowing down slightly, “Yeah, after you practically begged me to!” He really hadn’t begged me he knew I needed a place to stay and he was adapting to being alone full time so he offered me a place to stay and I agreed.
As soon as Carter and I get into the supply room he walks right to the gauze and picks up a couple packs of it, “Babe, seriously? They were right,” he spins around to see me taking off my shirt to reveal a lacy pink bra before he drops the gauze whispering the rest of his sentence, “here.” I stalk forward all but throwing myself onto him, “God baby, I’m so horny!”
He groans into my mouth before running his left hand up my back sending goosebumps over my skin. I whine into his mouth as I grind into his thigh, “It’s over, God one week without you is like an addict going through withdrawal.”
The reason we haven’t had any ‘encounters’ over the last week is because of that lovely time of the month. Although we haven’t had sex we’ve had little dates, I even slept over with him two nights ago. We didn’t do anything sexual except a few passionate kisses that ended with us cuddling in bed watching some random tv show and sharing intimate details about ourselves. After only dating for a week I spent the night with him for the first time and now I can’t get enough of him, it’s not even the sex, don’t get me wrong he definitely knows how to please woman, but it’s the time we spend together learning things about each other and most recently, planning our future. The only downside is when morning rolls around I have to hurry home before Mark wakes up so he just thinks I got up early.
I weave my fingers through his hair before whining again, “John, please, I need you so bad.” He groans against my cheek before pushing me against the wall, “Baby I know, I can tell, I could tell this morning but what you want I can’t give you here, we don’t have time.” I pull him impossibly closer before shaking my head, “No! Please, I promise it’ll be enough, I promise!” He sighed before groaning as I roll my hips against his, “Princess I promise you it won’t be. You need nice and slow and deep. I can’t give you that here.”
I kiss his jaw with a whimper, “I just need one, one orgasm and I promise that will be enough.” He tries to pry himself away from me but I throw my left leg around his waist, “Y/N, one orgasm is just the tip of the iceberg, you need more than that, you need worked up and brought down and worked up all over again and we. do. not. have. time.” He finally pries himself away before snatching my shirt off the floor, “I promise that when we get off we’ll go home, and I’ll take care of you, I promise.” I sigh knowing he’s right before nodding, “Okay, but now I’m going to ruin my underwear. I have to spend another five hours with you and all your attractive qualities so I’m going to be in the sweetest form of hell there is.”
He smiles and hums, “Aww, don’t worry I have to spend the next five hours with a semi and all of your attractive qualities, which are far more than mine.” I scoff as I slip my shirt over my head before wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my chin on his chest, “Have you seen yourself, you’re the perfect combination. Your bright brown eyes and silky brown hair, your beautiful smile, you’re clumsy in the cutest sense of the word, your funny, cute, and have the biggest heart and truly care for people.”
He pulls my close and tucks my head into his neck while his face nuzzles into my hair, “Fuck, I love you.”
I pull back and cup his face with a wide smile brushing my lips against his, “Well fuck, I love you too.” I feel his smile widen before deepening the kiss.
“OH. MY. GOD.”
We jump apart to see Carol standing slack jawed in the doorway. I gasp before hissing, “Carol, shut up!”
She steps forward before shutting the door, “Does Mark know?” John and I shake our heads at the same time, “No!” Her surprise quickly turns to a girlish smile as she cheers, “You guys are so cute!”
I scowl and blush while John turns fifty shades of red, “Carol, you have to promise to not tell Mark, please.”
She puffs her cheeks and releases the air before she bites her lip, “Y/N/N, he’s gonna find out eventually just get it over with, it’s not like he can kill you.” My eyes widen and I shake my head, “Carol, please, I’m begging you, don’t tell him.”
She sighs before nodding, “Okay, fine I promise I won’t tell him but when he does find out, don’t let him know I knew.”
I nod once in finality, “Deal.”
When everyone is on their lunch break we decide to go over to Doc Magoos, which is where my heart got a stress test unintentionally and I’m sure John’s was about to stop.
“So fun fact.” I raise my eyebrow and look at Mark as well as everybody else, “And what’s that?”
He glared at me before leaving forward ever so slightly, “You have a boyfriend or a fling, whatever you want to call it.”
I look at Carol and she looks as surprised and scared as me, I glance at Carter as his hand digs into my thigh, where it had been sitting the majority of lunch and he looks like he’s going to need CPR in the next five seconds. I scoff, “That’s absurd.”
Mark narrows his eyes before crossing his arms, “Oh no it’s not, I know you.” I snort, “That is hardly evidence that I’m seeing someone and is now really the best time for this?”
He leans back and I glance at Carter again to see his face went from ‘oh my God I’m going to die’ to completely neutral before crossing my arms, I also notice how everyone is zeroed in on our conversation, even random people in the diner.
“Maybe not but we’re going to talk about it now. The late nights where you don’t get home till midnight or later, you disappear at random times during the day, my guess for ‘dates’, not to mention how you slip in around six in the morning thinking I’m still asleep, which I’m not. They all point to you having a fling or something.”
I sit up straighter and annoyance courses through my blood, and it’s not even at his constant need to mother hen me, “It is not a fling!” He smirks and nods, “So you admit it, there is someone.”
My eyes widen as I panic, “Uh, n-no, that’s, that isn’t what I said.” He shakes his head, “Not in so many words, but it was implied.” I scoff, “Even if there is someone, what’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is that you didn’t tell me. You usually tell me all these things but you aren’t telling me about this one which means one of two things, one, you know I would highly disapprove, or two, I know this person and I would still highly disapprove. I’m really hoping for one but I have a feeling it’s two.”
I open and close my mouth like a fish out of water, “I-okay maybe there is someone.” He sighs, “Yeah, I figured, but question is, is it one or two?”
God I hate Mark, he always gets me to spill my guts no matter how hard I try to keep them in. I look down as I mumble, “Two.” I glance up to see Mark close his eyes and see the disappointment all over his face. I lay my hand over Carter’s, which is now rubbing circles with his thumb in a comforting manner. I squeeze his hand before playing with his fingers out of nervousness.
“Mark, you have to understand, I really like him, hell I love him. He’s sweet, smart, funny, has a heart made of gold, and he loves me.”
“How do you know?”
At this point I forget everyone in the diner is prying into out conversation, “What?”
“That he loves you, how do you know?”
“Because he told me.”
“How do you know he’s not lying.”
“I just know.”
I had never been so happy to hear a beeper in my whole life. Mark growls as he stands up before looking at me, “This isn’t over, you’re going to tell me everything tonight.”
As he walks away a sheepish smile makes its way onto my face before I yell, “I have plans tonight!”
When our shift is finally over I’m all but begging John to leave, “Please, you promised!” He chuckles, “You sure? After lunch you still want to go to my place tonight?”
I nod frantically before whining, “I just need you, need you so bad.”
He licks his lips before caving, “Alright, okay let’s go, but you have to go home. If you don’t it’ll just make your brother even angrier.”
I sigh and nod, “Yeah, okay, fine.”
When we finally get back to his place I’m practically buzzing with need, “Baby, please.” He chuckles as he shakes his head, “I have to unlock the door first.”
I latch myself to the front of him kissing up and down his neck as he fumbles with the keys, “Fuck!”
When the door is finally opened I’m pushed inside before being pinned to the back of the door. I roll my hips against his feeling the ever growing bulge in his pants. He groans before wrapping my legs around his waist and leaving wet, open mouth kisses up and down my neck before nipping at my sweet spot. I tug on his hair as I whine, throwing my head back against the door.
He groans before pulling me from the door and setting me feet back on the ground. As we stumble to the bedroom a trail of clothes are left behind us. When we make it to the bedroom I’m thrown onto the bed before John is climbing on top of me throwing my bra across the room, “Do you know hard I got from listening to you defend me? And god when you got mad and your face scrunched all up? You looked like an angry little kitten whose toy was taken.”
I mewled as I arched my body against his, “He tried to take my toy, but it’s my favorite one of all, one that I’ll hold onto for the rest of my life.” He groaned against my chest before taking my nipple into his mouth.
I moaned as I ran my hand through his hair giving it a sharp tug causing him to moan against my chest and his cock to twitch against my thigh. I grind my pelvis against his before trying to push his head further down to where I needed him most. He chuckled as he popped off my nipple and left kisses down my stomach, “Such a needy little kitten.” I whined at the new nickname before moaning as his finger slid up my slit.
He groaned as his eyes landed on my core, “Fuck, who made you this wet?”
I try and pull his head closer but whimper when he doesn’t budge, “You, God it’s you! It’ll always be you!”
He groaned before running his nose against me and bumping my clit resulting in a high pitched moan, “Oh God!” He chuckles against me sending a wave of pleasure through me, “That’s not my name kitten.”
I wiggle my hips trying to get more friction but his hands pin my waist down as he tsks, “Nuh uh, no pleasure till you say my name.”
I whine as his nose teases my clit, “J-john.” He raises and eyebrow and I sigh impatiently, “Daddy! Please, please, please, touch me!” I see his smile for a split second before I throw my head back and moan in ecstasy. I arch my back towards him as his tongue circles my clit and his finger teases my hole. I tug on his hair receiving a groan as I whimper, “I need to cum, please let me cum.”
He sighs against me before inserting two fingers into me without warning rubbing against my g-spot perfectly. I release a high pitched moan as he bites my clit before pulling back slightly, “You can cum whenever you want to kitten.”
I moan as I release all over his digits before letting out a cry as he keeps going quickly drawing a second orgasm out of me which leads to a third and a fourth. I cry out trying to push him away as he goes for number five, “S’ t-too m-much.” He releases me from his mouth but his fingers continue their torture as he coos, “You can do it kitten, I know you can, just one more and I’ll give you a break. Come on princess, be Daddy’s good girl.”
I nod my head as tears steam down my face, “O-okay, I’ll be your g-good g-girl.” He presses sweet little kisses to the inside of my trembling thighs as the knot in my stomach grows tighter and tighter before I moan his name like a prayer as I fall over the edge again. After he rides me through my orgasm I whine and push him away again, only this time he moves.
As he moves to hover over me I pant trying to catch my breath, “Thank you.” He smiles before pressing a kiss to my lips, “You’re welcome baby.” I wrap my arms around his shoulder before pulling him down into a kiss tasting myself on his lips, “I like being called kitten.” He chuckles against my mouth, “I could tell.”
I sigh contentedly before pressing a kiss against his shoulder, “I do love you, you know?” He pulls back ever so slightly before smiling like a lovesick puppy, “I know, and I love you too.”
I close my eyes just enjoying the closeness of our bodies before John asks, “You know what today is?” I open my eyes to meet his brown ones, “No?” He smiles before pushing himself to sit up and reach into his bedside table. He turns back around holding a small box, “It’s our six month anniversary.” I can’t help but laugh at his proud smile before crawling into his lap and pulling him into a kiss, “You are so fucking sweet, you know that?” He shrugs, “You’ve mentioned it a time or two.” I smile before he hands me the box, “Here, open it.”
I take it gently before opening it. I gasp as I take in the necklace with a diamond encrusted C on it, “John I couldn’t possibly accept this.” He smiles before brushing a piece of hair behind my ear and caressing my jaw, “Yes you can, you know I’m not in any financial trouble, we’ve already agreed we want to spend the rest of our lives together, and most importantly, by the end of the night your brother will officially know who you’re dating.”
Before I even have time to answer he’s guiding me to stand and turn my back to him. As he brushes my hair to the side and clasps it on he presses a kiss to my jaw, “I decided on a C rather than a J because someday you’re last name will be Carter too, that is if you want to change your last name.”
I glance down to see the sparkling pendant laying beautifully on my chest before turning to look at John, “I want to change my last name, I mean, how good does Y/N Carter sound? It’s just meant to be.”
He pulls me closer by the hips with a smile, “It sounds perfect babe.” I pull his lips harshly into mine before smirking, “Hey babe?”
“You can fuck me now.”
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Hello, could you write something about John Carter x Fem!Reader? John has a crush on the reader and is not very good at hiding it, the rest of the hospital knows this and they joke around with him, for example Doug playfully flirts with the reader to see Carter's reaction. The reader is the only one who doesn't know, because she is very distracted and she thinks that John only sees her as a friend, which hurts her because she also has feelings for him. I would like Susan on a bad day to get tired and tell them "I've had enough of this situation. Why don't you kiss once and for all? You're both in love."
( I'm so sorry this took so long omfg)
Everybody knew. Except the two of you of course. You both had feelings for each other but you both thought that the other did not feel the same way. You were subtle in hiding it while Carter tried to hide his crush on you in a very obvious way. Everyone, especially Doug, picked up on the way that Carter would always bring you lunch if he knew that you had been busy enough to have to skip lunch.
Carter would always seem to freeze and stumble over his words whenever he was around you, his cheeks blushing at he tried and failed to hide the fact that he had a gigantic crush on you. You were just oblivious to the fact that John had a crush on you. You had thought that he thought of you as a friend. While you were hurt, you weren't surprised.
The two of you were driving Susan crazy. The answer was basically spelled out right in front of you guys but since you both thought the other wasn't interested, nothing happened really. That was until Doug decided to "flirt" with you. The moment Doug started playfully flirting with you, you could tell just by the look of Carter's eyes he was jealous.
"A guy would be crazy lucky to have you."
Doug knew that he was getting a ride out of Carter by flirting with you and he enjoyed every second of it. Susan was just done with the situation, though.
She walks up to John later that day.
"Carter, I swear to God, you better go and talk to her."
Carter tried to come up with an excuse as he sees you charting.
"I've had enough for this situation. JUST GO KISS HER." Susan rasied her voice during the last part of her sentence.
Carter almost died from excitement when you made eye contact with him and smiled.
Everyone seemed to read the room and Susan sighed in relief.
"It's about damn time. The suspense was killing me."
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Does anyone write John Carter x reader fanfics I’ve been obsessed with ER lately but I know it’s a pretty old show so I thought I would ask :)
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ghostfaceaddams · 1 year
who & what I write
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smut - so don't read if it's not your cup of tea or if you're under the age of 18!
gxg (y/n or original character)
bxg (y/n or original character)
platonic relationship fics (like Kirby x Tara or Sam x Tara)
polyamorous ships (like Tara x reader x Ethan)
Right now, I am mainly writing for Jenna Ortega characters.
Elizabeth Olsen characters
marvel characters
dc characters
scream characters (movies and Brooke Maddox from the tv series, plus Danny Johnson from dead by daylight)
Jackie Taylor from yellowjackets
Abigail Lockhart from ER
Luka Kovac from ER
John Carter from ER
Allydia (teen wolf)
Quinntana (glee)
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kind of a random question but do you still write for er? specifically john carter?
-fellow er and john carter lover
not random at all!
I’ve never written x reader for ER but I’m down to write for carter if I get a request or something 🫶🏽
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
John Carter x fem!doctor!reader misquote #1
John: I have had enough of your comments, enough of your advice and enough of you!
You: *smirks*
John: What!?
You: You get so hot when you’re angry.
John: Oh, genius observation, doctor. Of course I get hot when I’m angry, my blood pressure is elevated, my anxiety is heightened, my pulse is-
John: You meant hot as in attractive, didn’t you?
You: Brilliant observation, doctor. 
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dickgrcyscns · 3 years
Snowfall, John Carter x Female!Reader.
Summary: In which keeping a marriage secret is really difficult. Especially when the both of you are bad at secrets and it's been months of you working around everyone. 
Set During: Season One
Word Count: 2,169 words
Gif used not mine!
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Life was full of surprises, you had learned that pretty quickly in the emergency room. And you learned early on to take advantage of the breaks you were given, whether that be due to the weather or because one of the residents (and sometimes an attending) told you to take one. This time around it was for a reason a bit more exciting. You couldn’t help the giddy feeling that the snow elicited in you, after all you had grown up in Chicago and spent hundreds of days playing out in the snow. Staring out the window, listening to the quiet hums of the emergency room with no patients, you thought back to the days you would spend out in the snow. Often you found yourself at the Carter family home, running around in the snow with John as his grandmother stood by the window watching you guys play. It was in the snow that you realized your feelings for him. You were fourteen, rolling around in the snow after he had tackled you down to the ground. Your faces were inches apart and for a split second a part of you wanted to close the distance, press your lips against his own. But some part of you stopped that from happening then. 
And looking back at it, that was one of your biggest regrets. You wished you had taken control earlier than when you did. Nothing could change anything, although, and at least you ended up with him in the end. Of course, you still kicked yourself for falling in love with your best friend. Especially since you had promised yourself that you would never do such a thing. (Then again, who didn’t make promises to themselves that would eventually fall through). Now that you two have been together since you were eighteen, and married for just over two years, everything else seemed small. All of the moments of what could have been seem minuscule in comparison to you guys actually being together. 
“Y/l/n?” You turned your head away from the window, smiling at Susan who had called out your name. “We just pulled a prank on Carter and we’re about to have him find out, so if you want to come and watch.”
“I would love to do nothing more than watch this.” Standing up, you walked into the admit area and stood next to Lydia. “What did you do to him?”
“Just something fun,” Mark smiled. “You’re lucky you weren’t sleeping.”
“Sleep is for the weak,” you mumbled, waving your hand in the air. “Let’s get on with the show.” 
Mark grabbed the intercom from behind him, holding it for a few seconds before he pressed the button. He let out a short laugh before speaking into it, “Doctor Carter stat trauma one, Doctor Carter stat trauma one.”
You leaned onto the counter, arms resting and holding most of your body weight as noises came out from exam room four. A smile formed on your lips when the door opened abruptly, John tumbling out from behind it with a cast on his leg. Laughing, you brought one of your hands up to cover your mouth as John walked closer to everyone standing in the room. He pointed a finger between everyone, a smile playing on his lips as he accused all of you for the cast. The finger landed on you, which made you scoff in response. “Y/n,” John said softly, “did you do this to me?”
You blinked. “No.”
“I have a hard time believing that.”
“I have better things to be doing,” you shrugged. “The cast is cute though, I suggest you keep it.”
“I hate you,” John mumbled, shaking his head. “I’m guessing it was you two then?” He pointed at Susan and Mark who shared a playful look. “Can someone please take it off?”
“I agree with Y/l/n’s statement, it looks cute,” Mark smiled, patting your shoulder. “I’m not taking it off.”
“Neither am I.” Susan grabbed her mug of coffee from the admit desk, walking back to the lounge. “Have fun with that Carter!”
“Thanks!” John screamed out sarcastically, watching as everyone but you walked away from the area as if nothing was wrong. Your care-free persona shifted almost immediately, allowing your soft side to show as you looked over John’s expression. “So now you want to be sweet?”
“I can’t act normal around you,” you felt your cheeks heat up. “They would catch on.”
“And if they did?”
“I’m not sure.” Biting at your tongue, you smiled a little. You reached out to touch his cheek for a fleeting moment, quickly pulling it back before anyone around could see you two. “I would really love to kiss you right now, though.”
“Me too.”
“Snow days just remind me of when we were younger and I would come over to your grandmothers house,” you smiled softly, a chuckle leaving John’s lips. “Do you not remember?”
“Oh no, I do. You would drop by around eight in the morning,” John sat down, angrily tapping on the cast. “That time was when my grandmother was awake and I was still asleep, so you’d spend time with gamma and talk to her. But you were always there when I woke up, effortlessly beautiful. It was unfair, really.”
You leaned down, looking to make sure no one could see you before whispering in his ear, “You know, I always wanted to kiss you in the snow.”
“In the snow?” John mumbled back. “It’s a good things there's a lot of that going around.”
“Do you think they would notice if we just, I don't know, went missing?”
“Probably so,” John pursed his lips, a nod falling from his head. “Seems worth the risk though.”
“It wouldn’t kill us if they found out,” you shrugged innocently. “I mean, I’d just be kissing my husband. It’s not like we have any patients to worry about.”
“Other than myself.”
“Right, sorry. Other than John Carter who is stuck in a cast he doesn't need.”
“No one from the outside knows that,” John stood up. “For all they know, I’m injured.”
You rolled your eyes, walking towards the doors to the ambulance bay. John followed after you, smiling at the sight of the snow falling to the ground. When the cold air enveloped you, you took in a slight breath. Hugging your jacket closer to your body, you looked up at the sky. It was the kind of weather people expected in Chicago, cold and snowy. This time it had the added bonus of being December, which meant there was the possibility for a white Christmas. You loved it when it snowed at Christmas time, it just made the season feel right. John stood beside you, one of his arms resting lightly against your waist. Neither one of you moved to find a remote space, which meant neither one of you were necessarily trying to hide the relationship from the people inside. In fact, if you cared enough you probably would have noticed their faces in the windows of the lobby and the lounge. 
“You know,” John mumbled into your ear, “this would be a lot more fun if we kissed right now.”
“I can think of things more fun than kissing,” you smiled, turning so your body faced his. “Too bad we’re at work right now.”
“So that's how this is going to go?”
“With you teasing me.”
“Sure seems like it,” you nodded, a playful smirk on your lips. “I love you, did you know that?”
“Surprisingly, I don’t think I did. Did you know that I love you as well?” 
“Can’t say I was aware of that fact.”
“Strange how that happens.”
“Are we just going to do this until I kiss you?” John questioned as your lips came closer to each others. 
“I could do this all day,” you whispered against his lips.
“I know you could,” he whispered against yours. 
“Just kiss me.”
“Say no more.”
John quickly pressed his lips to yours, hands coming to cup your cheeks. You wrapped your arms around his neck, curving your body into his. When you two broke apart, you took a few seconds to open your eyes. You were content with everything in that moment. The kiss, the smile on your lips, your husband, and especially the snow that continued to fall around you. When you opened your eyes, you were met with John’s brown doe eyes staring at you. He had a boyish grin stuck on his lips as he pulled you in for another kiss and then another and then another. 
“They’re bound to know now,” you laughed, pulling your arms away from his neck. “At least, they know something. We could keep the fact that we’re married away from them if you want.”
“If we don’t tell them, it’ll keep them guessing.”
“But if we do tell them, we could probably kiss more often while here.”
“This is why you’re the smarter one of the two of us.”
“I’m not surprised,” You began to pull off your coat as you walked in the doors. “I mean, I’m me and you’re you. Of course I’m the smart one.”
“I know that I said that, but it still hurts.”
“Says the one who didn’t wake up when Doctor Greene and Doctor Lewis were putting a cast on your leg,” You laughed, walking into the lounge and putting your coat in your locker. Mark and Susan shared a look, a smirk on their lips. 
“So,” Mark drawled out, a brow raised. “Anything you’d like to tell us?”
“The snow is pretty,” you smiled innocently, putting your stethoscope around your neck. “Don’t you agree John?”
“Definitely, it’s very pretty,” John nodded in response. “I just love when there’s snow outside.”
“Me too.”
“Reminds me of being a kid.”
“And when we would just terrorize your parents until they yelled at us to get out,” you mumbled, pushing at John’s shoulder as the four of you walked out to the admit desk. “God, your dad hated me.”
“Your dad didn’t like me much more,” John retorted. “He really hated me after we started to date.” Your face dropped a little, a smile forming on your lips when everyone in the admit area turned towards you two. His eyes went wide for a moment as he realized what he just said. You let out a slight laugh as Carol walked into the room. 
“Did you just say,” Haleh smiled, pointing a finger between you and John. “Date?”
“I,” John stumbled on his words, making you shake your head. 
“John and I are married,” you shrugged, trying to divert any attention away from it. “Nothing too abnormal going on here. So, how are you guys doing?”
“Married?” Carol blinked a few times, her eyebrows drawing together as she looked between you two. 
“We’ve been together since we were eighteen,” John smiled. “We got married at twenty-one.”
“And you didn’t tell anyone here?” Susan leaned back on the desk, a laugh leaving her lips. “I always thought you two had something going on though. The longing glances were getting old.”
“Personally, I thought it was cute,” Haleh laughed, shaking her head. “Carter’s puppy dog eyes were really the selling point.”
“It was Y/n’s pout that tugged at my heart,” Lydia popped in, making your cheeks flame. “Seriously, all she had to do was jut out her bottom lip and Carter would do anything she wanted.”
“We should have realized this a while ago,” Connie laughed.
"Don’t hold it against yourselves. Honestly, we should have told everyone from the get-go. It’s not like it changes everything for us.”
“You two are cute together,” Carol smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder. She paused, turning back towards you with a wide grin. “Can we see your ring?”
“Your ring, can we see it? You don’t wear it on your finger.” Carol grabbed at your hand, holding it in front of your own face. 
“Oh, uh, yeah.” You grabbed at the chain around your neck, unclasping it so you could take your rings off of it. Sliding them on, you smiled a little at them. Your engagement ring was his great-grandmothers, you always found yourself staring at it. Each time you found something new about it: a different knick on the metal on the ring. Each time you often wondered about how it got there. Carol took hold of your hand again once the rings were on it, eyes wide and a smile growing. 
“How’d you afford this Carter?” 
“Family heirloom,” John mumbled, running his hand across the back of his neck. “I definitely wouldn’t be able to afford a diamond that large.”
You bit back a laugh (because the both of you could buy hundreds of diamonds that size if you wanted to), “Not at all.”
At least the snowfall did one good thing (other than stopping the E.R. from constant use), you and John didn’t have to hide anymore. 
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camillyb · 2 years
this may seem like a lot but, do you have any fanfic (probably whump) recommendations for:
evan buckley (9-1-1)
Matt Casey (chicago fire)
the Halstead brothers (chicago med and PD)
john carter (ER)
Conrad Hawkins (the resident)
and lastly Jim Street (S.W.A.T 2017)?
thankss and have a great day!
hey! sorry for the delay in responding!
EVAN BUCKLEY (9-1-1) of @mystic-writings
MATT CASEY (CHICAGO FIRE) of @unmistakablyunknown
JAY HALSTEAD (CHICAGO P.D.) of @collecting-stories
JAY & WILL X SISTER READER of @resanoona
JOHN CARTER (ER) of @dickgrcyscns
CONRAD HAWKINS (THE RESIDENT) of @daydreamingatnight209
JIM STREET (S.W.A.T.) of @blathannabeaga
here are my favs! have a great day!
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michelle-is-writing · 2 years
Baby, John Carter
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Rating: M
Word Count: 800~
When John first started as a resident, he would call me anytime he got the chance to share a crazy story of the day. We had been dating for a while, and I missed him since he was away for so many hours, so his phone calls always made my day. Even when he’d call me at three in the morning and I was fast asleep, I still enjoyed his phone calls.
Tonight is no different. In the middle of my sleep, the phone beside our bed begins to ring, and as soon as I open my eyes to see the time, I know it’s John. “I just delivered a baby!” He exclaims through the receiver before I get to even say ‘Hello’ to him. “Babe, I just- in the back of a car too!” He adds with even more excitement.
Laughing a little at his pure amazement, I just nod my head even though he can’t see me. “That’s amazing, John, I’m so proud of you,” I tell him, rolling over in bed with the phone pressed between me and my pillow. “And in the back of a car too, that’s crazy.”
“Can you imagine if that were us?” He asks, causing my eyebrows to furrow together. What does he mean by that?
“You mean like us having a baby?” I ask him, gaining an excited response back once more. In my sleepy haze, the words fall from my lips without any hesitation or nervousness. If this would have been any other time when I'm fully awake, I would be stuttering and unsure of myself.
“Yeah!” John almost shouts, “I know we’re not married yet, but I just can’t stop thinking about us having our own children, you know,” John’s voice audibly relaxes as he continues on. “We’d get to watch your belly grow with our love, and not to mention I’ve learned quite a few tricks at the ER already when it comes to morning sickness and what not.”
Instead of cutting him off, I let John continue, my ears catching every word but my brain struggling to fully comprehend them. I’m still stuck on his previous words over us having a baby as that’s something we’ve never really talked about. Of course, we’ve made comments or jokes about our ‘future children,' but nothing further than that. In fact, so many of mine and John’s conversations only revolved around what was going on currently, never the future or what it may hold. I definitely want children with John - I’ve known that for a while now - but I haven’t given it much thought since John’s been so busy with his residency and I have my own job.
“John,” I say his name as soon as I come out of my thoughts. This causes him to pause in his rambling, a few seconds passing before I speak up again. “I want to have a baby with you,” I admit, my brain still a bit haywire from John’s words moments ago.
Hearing John’s relieved laughter makes me snap myself out of whatever trance he had me in, and soon enough, I’m sitting on the edge of our bed, smiling uncontrollably. “That’s great; that’s a relief,” John says, breathlessly. “That makes me so happy, baby.”
His words make my heart practically leap out of my chest. I don’t know if it’s the fact that John’s been working for almost sixteen hours straight or he just feels so many emotions from the birth of that baby, but I’m so glad he called to tell me that. I love any of his phone calls as we don’t get to spend much time together due to his hectic work schedule like I stated before. Still, I wouldn’t change a thing. This is John’s dream, and I’m so happy to see him live his dream.
“I can’t wait to see you when you get home,” I tell him, looking over at my alarm clock to see the bright red numbers read out 5:23. “In less than forty minutes, you’ll be home and then I’ll be all yours.”
“All mine,” John murmurs, seemingly lost in his own world. A comfortable silence passes between us before a voice yelling for John interrupts us. “Hey, uh, I gotta go, babe, but I can’t wait to see you when I get home.”
“Only forty minutes,” I remind him, receiving a quick response.
“That’s gonna be a long time without you here to- I’m on my way! Jesus!” Just as John goes to say things he should not say at work, the shouting from before returns. “I love you, I’ll see you in a few.”
Telling him I love him back, I put the phone back on the hook before rolling back into bed with a huff. If John’s going to be home in less than an hour, there’s no sense in me going back to sleep. Besides, I know John won’t want to sleep as soon as he gets home. He obviously had other things on his mind before hanging up, so I can only assume it will be no different when he gets home, or at least, I can only hope so.
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ally-holmes · 1 year
Unseen | Dr. John Carter x Reader (Ch. 5)
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Series Masterlist
Chapter Four -- Chapter Six
Pairing: John Carter x Fem!Reader
Chapter summary: Reader and Carter are back in Chicago. They reunite.
Content warning: scars, angst, awful people.
Word count: 2450
Unseen | Chapter Five
The cold and humid Seattle air caressed her face almost tenderly. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes allowing the coldness to pierce her skin to the bone. She might've been overdramatic about the whole situation, but the idea of being out of the institute for good gave her a new appreciation for her surroundings.
After her painful relapse due to Carter's call, she worked hard on her mental health, committing to not leaving until she was better deep into her core. And now she was. Of course, staying there implied that she had to say her goodbyes to her friends as they left, one by one. Richie was the first one to go, promising to be in touch. Stanley left soon after him and apparently, they'd been living together since. Andrew refused to abandon the institute until she was leaving herself because his protective instincts overpowered his reason; in the end, Doctor Loomis forced Andrew's release a week before hers, and he allowed it.
A soft pull on her windbreak made her open the eyes she didn't know she'd closed. Tess Ross was looking at her with her cheeks flushed and a big smile with a tooth gap.
"Aunty, Mommy says that you have to come inside now."
The bossy child grabbed her hand and pulled before she could complain. Ross and Carol had been kind enough to provide her with a place to stay after she came out of the institute and before she decided what to do with her life. That morning, Ross had picked her up from the institute and vaguely implied that a secret party was being prepared which is why she did not make a big fuss when Carol offered her to enjoy herself in their backyard for a few minutes.
What she did not expect, however, was finding Andrew, Stanley, and Richie waiting for her next to Ross, Carol, and Kate. Luka was there as well!! Tess, with her charming smile, pushed her slightly in her lower back when she found herself stuck in place. Smiling broadly, with a terrifying feeling of happiness burning in her chest, she enjoyed her party with her friends.
"You know, Doctor Rodriguez talked the other day about needing personnel in the ER area of the hospital. You know, if you're interested," Ross said in a failed nonchalant tone in the middle of dinner. Carol rolled her eyes in front of him.
"I suppose you put a good word on my behalf?"
Ross snorted, "There was no need, kid. Your curriculum has always been spotless. Yes, you have a big gap on it at the moment, but… You know, with the circumstances…"
The poor man looked at his now wife pleading for aid.
"What do you want to do?" Carol wondered plainly.
"I– I really want to go back to the County General," she confessed staring at her food.
The silence was so gloomy that even the twins stopped their banter in the background glancing at the adults.
"Um…" Luka cleared his throat. "If you don't mind me asking, why?"
"I know it may sound silly but… It's my home. That hospital taught me. It reminds me of all the things I learned with you," she looked at Ross earnestly, "with Mark. I– I truly miss Mark Greene and feel he mentored me to be there, especially in his last months. You both know how important the ER was for him, and how much he enjoyed it. I like it and enjoy it just as much. Of course, I know that there are plenty of ERs in other hospitals, but…"
Sighing, she ran a hand over her face noticing the scarred tissue crossing her skin. "I also believe that it can be good for me. I can't avoid Chicago forever. I can't– I won't be afraid of my hometown just because a psycho played Edward Scissorhands with my body."
"I'm coming with you," Andrew stated.
"There's no need for–"
"He was going with you no matter where you went, sweetcheeks" Richie smiled at you. "You know him well enough to know that. Andrew has adopted us, deal with it."
"Does that mean that you two are coming to Chicago as well?" she asked with skepticism.
Stanley snorted, "We've already rented a place there. Andrew here has negotiated to rent the apartment next to us."
"We'll be neighbors!" Richie cheered.
"It's better to share an apartment. Cheaper."
Having the support of her friends and the companionship of Andrew was settling, to be honest. A part of her thought that having them around in Chicago sounded too much like having a bunch of babysitters, although another part of her understood that the security blanket their friendship had built around them was needed. The world was wider than the institute, ruder and hurtful.
"I guess that's settled, then," Ross smiled proudly, nudging her knee with his own under the table.
She was going home.
If there was one thing John Carter was not expecting when he left Chicago for Paris in a desperate move to save his marriage, it was coming back to the County General to work for free while waiting for a kidney donor. Mind you, he never thought he would end up in that position so young, but life and the circumstances… well…
As he parked his black Jeep in front of the emergency entry he felt his bile creep up his throat. Luka, who had kept in touch with him despite the call he made to the mental institution Y/N was in, had warned him about her presence in the hospital. Since that fatidic call, Luka never mentioned Y/N's name in front of John, but when Carter explained his situation and that he was coming back to Chicago, Luka had no way out.
He had no idea if she was working at the moment if Luka had warned her and she had taken some vacations, if she was going to pretend he didn't exist, if she– The possible scenarios ran through his mind as he pushed himself out of the car.
However, he promptly found out that there was another thing he was not expecting when reaching the hospital. Nobody knew him. There was no trace of his old coworkers anywhere. Doctor Morris was the only one he vaguely recognized from the board, and when people heard his name, there was this awkward silence. Of course, they remembered the gossip about Ross and Carol Hathaway. Always the gossip.
Taking another look at the board he did not find her name there and his stomach settled.
The whole business with Banfield about getting some short privileges wasn't so bad. Sure, it took some time to have her alone to fully explain and she looked stern, but in the end, it worked out. Sam was kind enough to tell John about how Y/N had warned Banfield about him probably wanting to work there to keep his skills and even recommended to her that he was a great addition to the staff. That shocked Carter. Of all the scenarios he had portrayed in his mind, that was not one of them.
That night, after having visited the Carter Center and the place where he and Kim spread Joshua's ashes, John stared into nothingness while having his dialysis. The rhythmic sound of the machine drilled his mind. He'd been walking on eggshells with everyone who asked about Kim because they weren't great. After he'd come after her to France, their sorrow got swallowed in silence. They went back to Africa, to work, to be useful. It had been his last resort to save his sanity and his marriage because both of them focused on their work so much that… Well, it sounds awful but their marriage improved as long as the time they spent with each other was shortened.
Now, alone and scared, John felt lost.
A week. Y/N managed to avoid Carter for a whole week before their shifts matched almost by accident. Morris had to take care of an issue that forced him to change his shift with Carter. As Y/N was filling up a form next to Frank at the admissions desk, Carter came out of the lounge. She saw his form in her peripheral vision but pretended not to notice. Her skin broke into goosebumps due to the anxiety facing John Carter provoked in her. Finishing the paperwork, she closed the history putting her pen in the chest pocket of her white coat. As she got into a fully standing position with her head up and face visible, Carter stopped in his tracks.
He had imagined the damage to her skin several times before, but he never expected that much. One thing was to picture a tragedy in his mind, and the other was to actually see it. His heart stopped for a moment, breaking into a million pieces.
Then she smiled at him, and it broke again.
It wasn't her usually friendly and loving smile. No. This smile was shy, socially acceptable, and fake.
"Long time no see. I've heard you've been a pain in the ass for this last week, Carter."
Her voice, after all this time, warmed his soul with nostalgia. She sounded artificial, though. Knowing that his body language made her uncomfortable about her scars and probably reminded her about her torture, John closed the distance as he was supposed to and acted as if there weren't scars crossing her face and neck.
"What can I say? It gets annoying to be corrected over and over as if I have no idea what I'm doing."
She snorted, "Yeah, sure. What happens is that you were the golden boy of the ER and now you're rusty. Have you been practicing medicine in Africa? Of course. However, you might agree that the resources and techniques there weren't as advanced as ours then, and while it's been kind of stuck there, here's been improving and changing."
"Still. When I know a procedure can save a life, I don't want to be looked at as if I was a med student again. Especially by people who's less experienced than me."
"Oh, Carter. This is a humbling experience for you. Embrace it."
"We have a multiple-car accident," Sam stated after answering the radio station.
"Are you still rusty, pretty boy?" She gave him her mischievous grin.
She'd been afraid of panicking in front of Carter, of not being able to do her job properly, but in the end, all those concerns proved to be misplaced. Carter and Y/N dived into their usual routine while treating a patient hand-to-hand. Aware of how useless John felt when being corrected and questioned, she did it in the most caring way. Their tandem performed fantastically, to the point of barely needing to exchange a word before doing a procedure in unison. It felt like riding a bike, something one can never forget, no matter how much you push it aside.
Their friendship, although damaged and rusty, was still strong. Even if it had been better for Y/N to just move on ignoring everything related to John Carter.
As the day went by, their personal chat was trivial and mundane focused mostly on how things had changed in the hospital and so on.
With the end of the shift quite close, she grabbed the next history from the admissions desk where Jerry and Frank were arguing again. She went to the bed the patient was in and gave her a polite smile introducing herself. The patient was a middle-aged woman with a fancy dress and fake pearls who pursed her lips the moment she saw Y/N.
"Is this some kind of joke?" the patient exclaimed while you were still assessing the symptoms listed on the history.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I want a doctor. I'm ill and I want to be seen by a proper doctor, not some Freddy Krueger victim."
"I am a real doctor, ma'am. I'm an attending."
"I won't be treated by a freak show like you."
Carter, who was seeing the scene from the admission desk, stopped Sam from intervening. He would've loved to step in and insult the lady just as she rudely was doing with Y/N, but he was well aware of how self-sufficient Y/N was. Stepping in would've only made things worse, so he waited, looking from the sidelines for a hint of anxiety or discomfort that would break Y/N.
None showed up.
"Well, ma'am. I'm the only doctor available, and if you refuse treatment from me I'm going to have to ask you to go to the waiting room until a more suitable doctor is free for you."
"That's not fair! It's my turn!"
"And you refused treatment."
"I might be dying."
"You're not. Please, go to the waiting room."
"This is outrageous. I–"
Y/N turned around ignoring her while Chunny and Haleh accompanied the patient to the waiting room again. According to the chart, the patient did not have anything life-threatening. Y/N was positive that the woman could be treated with some painkillers, so she hid the history under a bunch of paperwork at the admissions desk. She would be treated by another doctor, but after she'd waited her fair share.
John stopped her before she was able to go to her next patient.
"Are you alright?"
"Um… Yeah. I mean, it happens more often than you think," she caressed her scars absently. "Contrary to popular belief, children are the most respectful and nice ones about my scars. It makes me wonder what the fuck happens for a child to become such a middle-aged nightmare."
"Let me know if you need anything."
"I'm fine, Carter."
She didn't lie. She was, in fact, fine. However, the definition of what 'fine' meant had changed for her lowering the bar so much that it was difficult not to be fine.
When her shift was ending, she finally rescued the lady's chart from under the desk before going to the lounge to change. Carter entered a few minutes after her.
"It was nice working with you again. I… Um… I know that things are tense between us, but I was wondering if, maybe, we could grab a coffee someday. To catch up. I want to know how you've been."
John's shy and nervous voice twisted her stomach. Closing her locker, she turned to face her coworker. "I don't drink coffee anymore." She waited for Carter's expression to crumble in defeat before saying anything else. "It doesn't mix well with my meds. I'm free now. If you want."
To be continued… 
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Fics i have done!
Fandoms i write for!
Young justice
Megan morse/Miss martian
Connor kent/Superboy
Artemis crock/Tigress
Jaime reyes/Blue beetle
Cassie sandsmark/Wondergirl
Wally west/Kidflash
Barbara gordon/Batgirl
CSI Vegas
Sara sidle
Nick stokes
Mia dickerson
Greg sanders
Catherine willows
Warrick brown
Riley adams
Gil grissom
Benjamin hawkeye pierce
Margaret hot lips houlihan
B.J. hunnicutt
Margie cutler
Radar o'reilly
Kellye yamoto
John mulcahy
Stranger things
Nancy wheeler
Dustin henderson
Max mayfield
Jonathan byers
Robin buckley
Steve harrison
Jane hopper/el
Lucas Sinclair
Joyce byers
Mike wheeler
Barbara holland
Jim hopper
CSI Miami
Walter simmons
Yelena salazar
Ryan wolfe
Natalia boa vista
Eric delko
Calliegh duquesne
Horatio caine
Alexx woods
Jesse cardoza
Marisol delko
Kate bishop
Clint barton
Natasha romanoff
Cassandra lang
Sam wilson
Kamala khan
Bucky barnes
Bruce banner
Mortal kombat
Kung jin
Hanzo hasashi
Sonya blade
Kuai liang
Jaqui briggs
Johnny cage
Takeda takashi
Jax briggs
Cassie cage
Resident evil
Claire redfield
Carlos olivera
Sherry birkins
Leon kennedy
Jill valentine
Jake muller
Helena harper
Chris redfield
Chris laselle
Loretta wade
Sebastian lund
Hannah khoury
Patton plame
Sonja percy
Dwayne pride
Tammy gregario
Final destination
Clear rivers
Lewis romaro
Wendy christensen
Kevin horton
Carrie dryer
Kevin fischer
Kimberly corman
Thomas burke
Alex browning
The mighty ducks
Fulton reed
Julie gaffney
Adam banks
Charlie conway
Dean portman
Guy germaine
Dwayne robertson
Luiz mendoza
Connie monreau
Criminal minds
Emily prentiss
Spencer reid
Jennifer jareau
Aaron hotchner
Kate callahan
Derek morgan
Penelope garcia
Luke alvez
Tara lewis
Matt simmons
Trauma center
Derek stiles
Angie thompson
Gabriel cunningham
Elena salazar
Erhard miller
Naomi kimishima
Markus vaughn
Valerie blaylock
Susan lewis
Mark greene
Carol hathaway
Doug ross
Kerry weaver
Gregory pratt
Samantha taggart
John carter
Cate banfield
Luka kovac
Harry potter
Cedric diggory
Luna lovegood
Harry potter
Ginny weasley
Remus lupin
Narcissa malfoy
Ron weasley
Nymphodora tonks
Sirius black
Marlene mckinnon
Draco malfoy
Fleur declour
Blaise zabini
Hermione granger
Kingdom hearts
Charles xavier
Ororo munroe
Warren worthington
Kitty pryde
Kurt wagner
Illyana rasputin
Erik leshnerr
Raven darkholme
Marie d'ancanto
Peter maximoff
Pixie o'brien
Harland mckenna
Frank mccullen
Final fantasy
Cloud strife
Oerba dia vanille
Snow villers
Tifa lockhart
Hope esthiem
Oerba yun fang
Vincent valentine
Lighting farron
Zack fair
Aerith gainsborough
Lucy pevensie
Peter pevensie
Susan pevensie
Edmund pevensie
Mr tumnus
Prince caspian
Marty deeks
Shay mosley
Sam hanna
Kensi blye
G callen
Fatima nazami
Eric beale
Harley hidoko
Nell jones
Code lyoko
Aelita schaffer
Odd della robbia
Yumi ishiyama
Ulrich stern
Milly solovieff
William dunbar
Tamiya diop
Jeremy belpois
Triple frontier
Will "ironhead" miller
Frankie "catfish" morales
Benny miller
Santiago "pope" garcia
The night shift
Landry de la cruz
Joey chavez
Gwen gaskin
Kenny fornette
Jordan alexander
Michael ragosa
Drew allister
Shannon rivera
TC callahan
Ewan mcgregor characters
Catcher block
Dan torrance
Perry makepeace
Christopher robin
Rodney copperbottom
Robert lewis
Alex law
Edward bloom
Star wars
Cara dune
Luke skywalker
Aayla secura
Din djarin
Padme amidala
Cal kestis
Rey skywalker
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Qui gon jin
Ahsoka tano
Poe dameron
Leia organa
Iden versio
Del meeko
Misc 1
Jack mercer
Mason "mace" brown
Spike spiegel
Lu fox
Elizabeth martinson
Laney boggs
Max lewinsky
Flip zimmerman
Nani pelekai
Murphy macmanus
Lu fox
Samantha caine
Bill s prescott
Zack siler
David abbott
Jed eckhart
Tess finnegan
Ryan williams
Barbara novak
Ted logan
Eugene/vida boheme
Tris prior
Murtagh morzzansson
Stephanie speck
John wick
Viola eade
Jonathan levy
Evey hammond
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Casey jones
Elliot alderson
Misc 2
Chris chambers
Andie anderson
Michael perry
Beatrix "the bride" kiddo
Quinn fabray
Benjamin barry
Dani rojas
Daphne moon
Javi gutierrez
Allison reynolds
Hector villanueva
April o'neil
Ned tash
Don billingsley
Asami sato
Beau hutton
Monica long dutton
Joey coalter
Celine naville
Sam munroe
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ilovewriting06 · 1 year
Secret Rendezvous- Part 2
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I pant, covered in sweat, as John drops to lay beside me, “How you can go for so many rounds?”
He chuckles into my neck as he pulls me into him, “You, when you beg me for something you sound so needy and it just does some thin’ to me.”
I run my hand threw his hair with a breathless chuckle as he places kisses down my neck and my chest, “You’re such a simp.” He pulls me half onto him with a bright smile as his hand plays with my diamond necklace, “Only for you kitten.”
I throw my head back with a groan, “Stooppp. I can’t go another round but if you keep calling me that I’m gonna need you again.” He laces his fingers through mine before lifting it to his mouth and pressing a kiss to the back of it, “M’sorry baby, I love you.” I let out an airy sigh, “I love you too, so, so much.”
I let my eyes flutter shut as the exhaustion from our previous exploits takes over before John rubs my thigh, “Hey sweetheart, you gotta go home.” I whine and shake my head, “Nnn, don’t wanna.”
He gets off the bed before grabbing my ankles and pulling to the end of the bed, “Y/N/N, I don’t want you to either but Mark will be even more mad if you don’t go home.” I sigh knowing he’s right but furrow my eyebrows when John disappears, “John?” I smile when he comes back from the bathroom in his boxers and carrying a rag before spreading my legs gently, “l’ll get you all cleaned up but then you have to go.”
When I’m cleaned up and dressed I walk out to the kitchen where John is pouring tea into a glass. I walk up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist effectively scaring him. I screech and jump back as tea spills all over my pants and he runs to the sink and grabs the hand towel apologizing profusely, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you! Oh my God I’m so sorry, are you okay!?” I grab his bicep and pull him up from the ground before pulling him into a kiss to calm him down, “Relax babe, I’m okay, jus’ a lil sticky.”
When he pulls away his adorable smile spreads across his face before grimacing, “You can’t wear those home.”
“What? Why?”
“You’re sticky, you hate being sticky. It’s like your kryptonite.”
My heart warms at the fact that he remembers the time he took me to breakfast and I almost lost it when I got syrup on my hand and became sticky. At the time he panicked because it was only our second date but now he relishes in my panic when I’m sticky, as long as I’m not uncomfortable.
I take a deep breath as I get out of Johns jeep, “You sure you don’t want me to go up with you?” I lean in and give him a quick kiss before retreating and leaning against the door, “No, that’ll just make it worse. Give me tonight to talk to him and trust me you’ll talk to him plenty tomorrow.”
I twist the doorknob as I swallow thickly, maybe he’s asleep, “Well look who it is.” Nope, not asleep. I walk further into the room to see him sitting on the couch with his arms along the back as I pull up John’s sweat pants that are a little too big on me. His eyes narrow as he takes in my appearance, “Are you fucking serious?”
I look down and look back to him confused, “What? My pants got covered in tea so he loaned me his sweatpants while he washes my jeans.” Mark grits his jaw before leaning forward, “That is not what I’m talking about.” I raise an eyebrow and shrug, “Then what?” He glares obviously unamused, “Y/N! You have three hickies that are visible from here!”
My eyes widen and my mouth drops, “He didn’t! He knows that I have work tomorrow!” Mark gets up and walks towards me before brushing my hair to the side, “Holy shit! Make that five.” I open and close my mouth at a lose for words before I notice his eyes lock onto my necklace, “What’s that?”
I decide to act clueless hoping to slow this down a little because it’s not going how I planned, “What’s what?” He gently grabs my necklace between his thumb and forefinger, “This.” I shrug, “It’s a necklace.”
He furrows his brows before turning to flick on another light and his eyes widen, “Yeah one I’ve never seen you with, and I definitely know you don’t have money for this.” He surveys it a little closer before opening his mouth slightly, “Holy crap, is that real diamonds?”
I take a small step back before gently grabbing the pendant and nibbling on my bottom lip as I watch the light bulb go on over Mark’s head, “It’s a C.” I nod slightly and I swear his eye twitches as he puts the pieces together, “No! There is no way in hell! You’re dating Carter!?”
I lick my lips and attempt to stutter out an answer, but it never comes as Mark steps backwards, “All this time I have been working with you and your boyfriend and I just thought you two were friends.” I shrug, “He is my friend, he’s my best friend.”
“That you SLEEP with!” I scowl, “That’s not all we do you know! He loves me!”
“Like hell he does! Even if he does it won’t work!”
I scoff, “Oh yeah? And how do you know that!?”
“He’s rich, and you aren’t.”
I shake my head with an emotionless laugh, “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”
I watch as Mark loses the last little bit of resolve he has, “Do you honestly think he loves you? Get your head out of the clouds Y/N! All you are to him is an easy fuck!”
I feel tears sting my eyes as I point at the necklace, “Then what the hell is this?” He scoffs, “It’s to keep you coming around. What, does he buy you nice things in return for sex? Is that it?”
I choke back a sob knowing that this Mark is not my brother Mark, “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you but stop.”
“No, I’m trying to save you from heartbreak.”
“Mark, stop.”
“Get it through your head, he. does not. love. you.”
I feel a tear trickle down my cheek as I hiss, “Just because your marriage failed doesn’t mean that every relationship is going to crash and burn, but this one,” I gesture between him and I as my eyes get cloudier, “this one sure as hell is. Well guess what I have something to tell you too Mark, go to hell.”
Without another word I walk back out the door slamming it behind me as I head to the train hoping to get to John’s before midnight.
Mark’s POV
As soon as I see the tear slip down her face I know I screwed up and it’s like a punch to the gut when she slams the door obviously mad and hurt, especially after she told me our ‘relationship’ as siblings was over. “FUCK!”
I lean my head against the door knowing she’s right, I’m angry and exhausted from dealing with Jen and I turned this all into a huge fight that was extremely unnecessary. Hell, I like Carter and she could do a hell of a lot worse but I am also worried that he’s using her, but the necklace is telling me that’s definitely not the case.
I groan knowing she went to Carter’s and I have no idea where he lives, but I know who might.
“Hey Carol, it’s Mark, I need a favor.”
“What the hell Mark? It’s midnight and I work in like four hours, what could you possibly need?”
“…Carter’s address.”
I hear her gasp and declare, “No! I will not let you beat Carter because he’s dating your sister! He’s a sweet boy and they really love each other so no, I’m not giving you his address.”
She knew! “YOU KNEW!?”
I hear silence for a few seconds and then a nervous laugh, “Yeah, honest I only found out today, I walked into the supply room to see them kissing.”
“Relax Mark, it was totally PG. He had his hands in respectful places and hers were wrapped around his waist and I’m 99% sure I heard them say I love you, and Mark I swear I had never heard something so sincere in ages.”
I groan, “I don’t want to beat him Carol, I just need his address.”
“Why? What is so important that you need his address?”
I sigh ashamed of what happened before sitting on the couch, “We had a fight and it was bad, and she left and that’s the only place I can think of that she would have went.”
“Jesus Mark! What the hell did you tell her!?”
“Pretty much that he was using her for sex and she lost it, I’m pretty sure she called off our siblingship. Right before telling me to go to hell.”
I hear Carol gasp before she lets out a small growl, “Mark you fucking idiot, why would you tell her that when she’s obviously in love with him?”
“I don’t know Carol, I’ve just been so angry and frustrated with everything that’s going on with Jen and Rachel and I took it out on Y/N.”
“You realize you’re wrong about all this right?”
“Yeah Carol, I know. Just, please, give me his address.”
“Alright but fix this.”
When I get to the apartment building I double check the apartment number with the one on my paper before knocking on the door. A few seconds pass and no one answers the door so I go to knock again but before my hand makes contact with the door it’s swung open to reveal an upset Carter.
When his eyes meet mine he all but growls as his eyes narrow, “What the hell do you want?” I’m slightly taken aback by the venom in his words, something that seems so foreign coming from Carter. The sweet innocent doctor I’ve known for a couple years who has never once raised his voice now looks like he’s about to kill me if I make the wrong move.
I step back slightly as I take in his appearance, his hair’s messy and I notice a hickey on the side of his neck that’s obviously a few hours old, before my eyes travel to his shirt to see water stains on his shoulder, something tells me that’s tear stains.
“Can I come in?” I swear his eye twitches as his hand grips the door impossibly harder, “For what reason? To tell her that I’m just using her? You know I thought you knew me better than that, but obviously not.”
I grimace knowing that I have a lot to fix, not just between Y/N and I, but also between Carter and I, “No, I want to apologize. I was completely out of line, I'm stressed out about the divorce and the whole revelation that my wife was cheating on me and bringing the guy around my daughter. I took all my emotions out on her and it wasn’t fair, or right. Please, let me talk to her.”
He sighs and shakes his head slightly, “Alright, fine, 5 minutes and if she wants you out I’ll drag you out myself.” I nod and walk past him slightly as he closes and locks the door before slowly following him into the living room where I see my sister curled up in a ball with bloodshot eyes and a tissue. Her eyes meet mine before snapping to Carters with a hint of betrayal laced in her voice, “John?”
I don’t miss the way he flinched at the tone of her voice before he makes his way to the couch as he glances at me, “Can you give us a minute?”
I nod before retreating into the entry way where I still have a good view of them and my heart almost breaks as she shakes her head violently and pushes away from Carter. I frown as Carter’s frown deepens before cupping Y/N’s face and rubbing her cheekbones and saying something to her causing her eyes to flutter shut as she gives him a small nod. Carter smiles slightly as he pulls her into a quick kiss before she crawls into his lap straddling his hips and laying her head in the juncture of his neck telling him something that causes him to caress her head and place a kiss onto her temple. Carter makes eye contact with me and motions me in as I take a deep breath preparing myself for this conversation.
I knock on John’s door as I sniffle and wipe my tears. After knocking a few more times I hear something hit something and I hear John curse before throwing open the door with his hair a mess and eyes filled with sleep. I choke down a sob as his eyes widen, “Sweetheart? What’s wrong? Come here.”
He pulls me into his chest and walks us backwards so he can close and lock the door. As he rubs my back I finally allow myself to breakdown now that I feel safe enough. He coos quietly as he holds me in place, “You’re okay, baby. Shh, please don’t cry, I hate it when you cry.” His words make me cry harder and he pulls me into him a little tighter as he panics a little, “I’m sorry, it’s not about me, if you need to cry let it out, I’ll just hold you until you’re ready to talk.” I bury my head deeper into his shoulder letting the tears flow as he continues whispering sweet words and ‘I love yous’ into my hair.
When I’ve run out of tears I throw my leg around his waist and he seems to get the hint effortlessly picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist making his way to the couch. When he sits down he continues rubbing my back as I hiccup, “H-he was being mean.” I swear John’s lip threatens to lift ever so slightly at my choice of words before he processes what I said. “What do you mean? What happened?”
I pull back to make eye contact with him before explaining the conversation word for word, or at least as close as I could get it. “And then I came here, I just really needed you.”
I lay my head back on his shoulder as he gently squeezes my bicep, “Nothing he said was true, I love you. Honest to God I don’t know what I would do without you and I don’t ever want to find out.”
“You won’t have to, I’m not leaving you.”
He reaches for the coffee table where a box of tissues still sit from when we watched the titanic the other night. When he hands me a tissue I thank him with a kiss to his jaw before there’s a knock on the door. My eyes widen as I look at him to see him extremely confused as to why someone is here at like one in the morning.
I hear talking in the entrance way not able to make out who was here before John comes back and has Mark trailing behind him. I look at John in shock and betrayal, “John?”
I watch as he closes his eyes at my tone of voice asking Mark to give us a minute before sitting beside me. He reaches out for me with a pleading tone, “Please baby, talk to him.” I shake my head and shuffle back, “Why? You know I can’t deal with him right now.” He reaches forward slowly allowing me time to pull back if I want and cups my face when I don’t pull away, “I know you don’t want to but he seems sorry. I’ll stay here the whole time and if it gets too much I promise I’ll make him leave, just talk to him. Can you do that for me sweetheart?”
My eyes flutter closed as I nuzzle my face in his palms with a small nod, “Promise you won’t leave?” He smiles and pulls me into a kiss, “Cross my heart.” I crawl into his lap and press a kiss to his neck right on the fresh bruise murmuring a quiet I love you causing him to jerk a little from the contact before he caresses my head and arms places a quick kiss on my temple, “I love you too sweet girl.”
I shift to face Mark as he sits in the chair across from us, “Y/N, I’m sorry, I really am.” I burrow further into John’s chest and he tightens his arms around me as I glare at Mark through red tear stained eyes. Mark slides to the front of the chair and clasps his hands, “Look Y/N/N, the divorce and custody disagreement is stressing me out and I just got done a 36 hour shifts so I was exhausted physically and mentally and add all of that on top of angry it’s a bad combination and you got the best of it I took it, and I’m sorry.”
I smile slightly knowing he’s being honest and is honestly sorry. I shift to sit up a little to show Mark I’m listening and he had my attention which causes him to sit up before he looks at my hand that is now fiddling with John’s and John’s other hand that’s resting on the inside of my thigh to keep me calm. Mark clears his throat before scratching the back of his neck, “I owe an apology to you too Carter.”
I feel John perk up before making eye contact with me looking a little surprised, “I’m sorry?” Mark chuckles slightly at John’s confusion before nodding, “I may not have said anything to you directly but I said things about you that aren’t true and I’m sorry and I owe you a thank you too.”
John raises an eyebrow as I squeeze his hand, “Now I’m really confused.” Mark rubs his jaw before sighing, “For taking care of Y/N, she’s my only sibling and she’s younger than me so that adds to my protectiveness but she’s happy, really really happy with you. That goddamn smile never leaves her face and she’s enjoying life a little more than she has in a long time, so thank you for giving my little sister the love she deserves.”
John kisses my temple before nodding his head at Mark, “She deserves more than I can give her but damn if I’m not selfish and holding on tight.”
I gasp before sitting up straight and placing my hands on Johns shoulders, “John Truman Carter! Don’t you dare say that! You’ve given me far more than I deserve and you keep on giving and I love you and if we lost everything today I would still be right here.”
Johns fingers dig into my hips as he smiles his boyish smile as his messy hair flops to the side, “God how did I get so lucky?”
Before I can answer Mark stands up, “I’m gonna go, but I really am sorry.” I jump off John’s lap before pulling Mark into a hug, “I forgive you but the next time you say one wrong thing about John I’ll stick a scalpel in your knee cap.” I kiss his cheek with a sickly sweet smile as his eyes widen, “G-got it sis, now get some sleep we all work tomorrow.”
Once Mark leaves I lock the door before spinning around to see John standing in front of me and a sly smile spreads across my face as I wrap my arms around his shoulders, “Ya know, I feel like we’ve been in this position once before today.” He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist as he pecks my lips, “Yup, only difference is this time, we’re going to bed to sleep.” I hum in his neck, “Mmm, good cause there’s this really attractive guy that I know that fucked all my energy out of me a couple hours ago and I need a nap before we do it all over again in the morning.”
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Hey someone who writes for John Carter thank you!!! I was wondering if I could get an imagine with a pregnant reader literally anything will do!
I'm so sorry this took so long holy-
John Carter with pregnant reader Head cannons (gender neutral)
He's already protective of you since you guys are in a relationship. The moment he finds out that you are pregnant, his face lights up and he gives you a hug. He was so excited and that melted your heart a little. He's one of those people who will try to do everything for you because he wants you and your unborn child to relax. Want some water? No, John will get it for you. And if you get morning sickness, he will always comfort you and rub your back.
He's definitely a real one because you had a craving for baby back ribs from this one place a few minutes away and while it tasted amazing, you ended up getting sick and throwing up. And what did he do? Asked you if you wanted more ribs later.
As a doctor, he does cringe inside if you developed the sudden craving and obsession for soda but he'll come back from the gas station with your favorite snack and an extra large fountain drink for you. But also, he'll come back with a water bottle. He always makes sure to lift up your belly every now and then and gets you to lean yourself on him.
By the way, he might scold you if you don't drink enough water or eat enough food. It took lots of convincing to just get one medium coffee a day. He thought about secretly getting it decaf but he decided against it. Lots of cuddling and lazy days! When you give birth, he will buy you anything that he knew you couldn't eat while you were pregnant. Want sushi? Give him 15 minutes and he'll coo over the baby while letting you eat for as long as you want. And him asking if you want more if you get sick still applies.
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