#john casey connections > chuck bartowski
voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@witchakookoo​ said, “ i want my life back. ”  
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      A long few minutes passed as Casey attempted to rein himself in, because the last thing he needed to do was to blow up, and have possibly both Chuck and Sarah pissed off at him. But goddammit - not after the last few weeks. After having to say goodbye - possibly for the last time - to Ilsa, several gunfights that had ended with a bullet in his leg that was just healed up enough for him to move around, and the seemingly endless stream of inane bullshit that he had to keep dealing with to maintain his goddamn cover... 
      “You think you’re the only one? Huh, Bartowski?” he snapped, slamming a hand down on the table. “You think you’re the only goddamn person on this team that’s sacrificed shit? You think me, and Walker, you think we don’t have parts of our lives we want back? You think we were raised to live and breathe this damn mission? Sorry you want your life back, Bartowski, but you’ve been dragged into this bullshit the same as us and now you’re stuck like us, and shit is never gonna be the same again, so you better get used to it.”
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thexcasey · 4 years
Casey did not like the idea of Sarah going undercover in Volkoff industries. Not one bit. But it was a mission. He knew she had no choice. Because of the way things happened, he didn’t even get to say goodbye for more than a fleeting glance in Castle as Sarah was taken away. He stole the information from Chuck’s phone and had that way to contact her, but with not only one but two phones connecting to hers, he feared it would put her in even more danger, so he refrained from sending her any messages. The days he was able to deal with. Bartowski, Grimes, and now Alex made it bearable. He wasn’t alone. 
It was the nights that were the worst. The empty inbox on his phone. The side of the bed she had claimed as her own, empty. The covers untouched. Things had been getting harder and harder with the cover relationship she and Chuck had. Sarah and Casey had much less time together than when Chuck was with Lou. It felt like a lifetime ago at this point. Still… neither of their feelings had changed. Casey very much loved Sarah and she proved in more ways than one that she loved him, too. 
Fast forward to dinner with Chuck and Morgan. When Casey’s phone buzzed, he was almost startled, basically everyone that would text him was in the same room as him. It could’ve been Alex but---no. It was Sarah. He immediately knew something wasn’t right, though. He debated on telling Chuck and Morgan. Lying. Saying it was nothing to worry about. That he had to go. Somehow, the words, “It’s Walker,” managed to tumble out of his mouth, though, and he had to make sure that neither Chuck nor Morgan were going to follow. What if someone had figured the two of them out? Chuck would very likely not handle that well at all and they’d have an unstable intersect to deal with. Nobody wanted that.
Casey made his way to the rendezvous point and waited, scenario after scenario flying through his head. He knew it was a trap. He just didn’t what kind of trap. When Sarah kicked the can to alert him of her arrival, he spun around, no idea what to expect. On the list of things that he did not expect, was the punch she threw that landed square in the jaw. It wasn’t anywhere near playful. It was a legitimate punch. It took him a few moments to get his bearings, to fight back. But there was one problem… he didn’t have it in him to legitimately punch her back, knowing that a well placed punch would render her unconscious and he just could not do that. Not to Sarah. Then, there were whispers, she was in trouble. She had to kill him in order to secure her cover.
He had to think fast, and so he did. He came up with the plan to land on the scaffolding. It would work. He would lie there, play dead, and Sarah’s cover would be intact and he’d be sore for a few days. It was no big deal. Of course Bartowski showed up, only complicating the situation far more than necessary and suddenly, Casey was flying out the window. He landed hard on the metal scaffolding, but it had worked. Things were going to be fine. 
And then they weren’t. He didn’t have time to think about anything but Sarah as he fell, the impact knocking him unconscious.
The mind is a funny, funny place. When one is trapped in it, it becomes even funnier. Twisting things around, making you believe false truths, alternate realities take center stage and you have no control over the twists and turns that you may encounter. Or the memories that may haunt you.
For Casey, he was taken back to a night of too much scotch, of heated kisses, and pancakes in the morning. It was stolen touches on a plane, kisses in that one corner of Castle that was blind to surveillance. It was a brush of fingers against the small of Sarah’s back, a late night text that should not have been sent. It was watching Chuck have to cozy back up to Sarah, stealing the nights they had claimed for themselves while he was dating Lou. It was watching with raging jealousy as Chuck and Sarah’s fake relationship had to be taken to higher levels to ensure their cover was air tight. It was stolen moments in broom closets or the back of the crown vic. It was everything important to Casey (that in turn, haunted him), replaying in his mind over and over until finally, he was able to fight back to consciousness. He told them about whatever Sarah had given him. And then, Sarah’s name was the last on his lips.
When he woke up again, Alex was there. “You’re here…” he managed. 
Alex explained that she wasn’t going anywhere, but something gave her pause. “I’ve been here for awhile now, dad… and… I haven’t said anything and no one else heard, but… you kept saying Sarah…” she spoke softly, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one was listening. Grimes must’ve been nearby.
Casey didn’t have an explanation, he simply looked back at Alex, wondering if she’d be able to understand what he couldn’t say.
She nodded. She did understand. She was curious, of course, and wanted to know everything---okay, not everything but she did want to know what the hell was going on. She had caught lingering looks from both of them and said nothing. Morgan and Chuck seemed oblivious and she didn’t want to draw it to their attention. But she was Casey’s daughter after all. She was not stupid. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you when she thinks no one’s looking at her…” Alex offered, giving him a nod to indicate that the secret was safe with her. Casey grunted, giving the slightest nod of thanks and appreciation for her words. “She hasn’t talked to Chuck since---” she knew he was wondering, but she had no updated information. “I’m sorry, dad…” she offered. The only thing Casey could do was close his eyes and pray that the tears he felt beginning to sting his eyes did not fall. 
As more time passed, he progressed. They weren’t sure about his legs regaining full use at first, but Casey was determined to prove that he would make a full recovery. He worked hard, following orders from doctors and physical therapists. He was pushing himself around in the wheelchair more often than not, insisting he could do it. That it was good for him. Alex came to visit every day, sending him little messages to let him know she was thinking of him when she wasn’t there. Sometimes it was just an emoji, sometimes words. Alex knew that he was hurting and it was far more deeper than any physical pain could ever affect someone like John Casey.
The days dragged on with no word from Sarah. Chuck, of course, wanted to talk about his feelings and how he missed Sarah and in response, all Casey could do was grunt. “What about you, Casey? Don’t you miss her?” Chuck asked one day. The saddest smile attempted to fall on Casey’s lips and he just nodded, unable to say anything for fear his voice would crack. That’s about the time that Alex rushed them all out of the room. Casey was grateful that she understood him in the way that she did.
There was nothing, nothing that could have prepared him for seeing Sarah show up. No one had warned him. Not even Alex. The first words out of her mouth were an apology. Casey, trying his best to hold it together at the sight of Sarah, blonde again, and standing here in front of him with everyone around them, managed to contain himself. His spy facade cracking only the slightest bit as the hint of a smile appeared on his lips. He almost stood up and tried to rush to her, knowing he was not quite able to do such a thing and how would he explain that anyway? How would he be able to explain the way his arms fit around her perfectly or the way their lips would connect in a kiss. He couldn’t. He couldn’t allow himself to get up. He could only allow himself a few words, but they held heavy, heavy meaning;
“I’m glad you’re back.”
@brokenspy oop
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The 5 Best & Worst Episodes Of Chuck (According To IMDb)
Years before Zachary Levi suited up as DC Comics' brightest new superhero Shazam, the actor was busy saving the world from terrorists, rogue spies, and evil assassins in NBC's beloved action-comedy series, Chuck. The show, which was created by Chris Fedak and Gossip Girl creator Josh Schwartz, premiered on NBC in 2007 and ran for a total of five seasons before concluding with a surprisingly heartbreaking finale.
Related: Zachary Levi's 10 Best Roles Before Shazam, Ranked
The series follows computer nerd and Buy More employee Chuck Bartowski, who is thrust into the world of international espionage when he opens an email encoded with dangerous government secrets that are downloaded into his brain. With spies, terrorists, and assassins looking to steal what's in Chuck's brain, he must work with CIA Agent Sara Walker and NSA Agent John Casey to protect the governments most dangerous secrets and stop some of the world's deadliest criminals. Over the course of five seasons, Chuck delivered some truly outstanding adventures, but it's fair to say they weren't all winners. Here are the five best and five worst episodes of Chuck, according to IMDb.
10 Worst: "Chuck Versus The Sensei" - 8.1
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When Chuck, Casey and Sara are tasked with investigating the theft of a dangerous weapon, Casey is shocked to discover that his former sensei and long-time mentor is leading a rogue group of government agents. Casey is confined to Castle due to his emotional connection to the case, however, he is able to trick Chuck and escape. Meanwhile, Emmett reinstates the employee of the month competition at the Buy More and Ellie is forced to spend time with Captain Awesome's equally awesome parents.
9 Best: "Chuck Versus The Subway" - 9.4
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While tracking Shaw, who turns out to be alive and well (with an Intersect), Chuck and the gang find themselves in what they believe to be the Ring's headquarters, but it turns out the building actually belongs to the government. With the help of Shaw, the Ring manages to take complete control of both the CIA and NSA, putting Team Bartowski in grave danger. Meanwhile, Chuck's dad returns to save his son and Ellie finally discovers the truth about Chuck's secret life.
8 Worst: "Chuck Versus The Helicopter" - 8
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Seeing that Chuck isn't equipped to deal with the Intersect or the danger that accompanies it, the government enlists Dr. Jonah Zarnow to extract the secrets from his head. Things become incredibly difficult, however, when the doctor is seemingly assassinated by one of Chuck's new handlers, forcing him to question everything and everyone in his life. Meanwhile, Ellie attempts to learn more about Chuck's new girlfriend by inviting Sara to family dinner, which is made infinitely more intense due to the fact that Sara might be the killer.
7 Best: "Chuck Versus The Colonel" - 9.5
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Chuck and Sara put everything on the line and turn their backs on the government in an attempt to find and rescue Chuck's father, Stephen Bartowski. Furious that Chuck and Sara have gone AWOL and left him behind, a recently promoted Casey hunts them down and attempts to bring them in. Back at the Buy More, Morgan's involvement in Big Mike's promotion turns him into enemy number one, which isn't helped when Emmett offers him the coveted assistant manager position.
6 Worst: "Chuck Versus The Crown Vic" - 8
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Still dealing with the fact that Sara still has feelings for his ex-best friend Bryce Larkin, Chuck "flashes" and reveals that billionaire-philanthropist Lon Kirk's yacht is being used to create, hide, and transport counterfeit bills.
Related: Zachary Levi is Still Trying To Get the Chuck Movie Made
Hoping to uncover the truth and catch their guy, Chuck, Sara and Casey go undercover and find themselves in an explosive situation. Meanwhile, Morgan meets Anna's incredibly strict parents for the first time but ends up embarrassing himself and humiliating Anna.
5 Best: "Chuck Versus The Other Guy" - 9.5
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Beckman orders Sarah and Shaw to track down the director, but Chuck begins to worry that Shaw can't be trusted when he learns that Sarah is responsible for the death of his wife.
Related: 5 Best & 5 Worst Episodes Of 30 Rock, According To IMDb
After being transferred to Paris, where the Ring's Cipher was built, Shaw finally reveals that he's working for the Ring and attempts to take his revenge by killing Sarah. Thankfully, Chuck and Casey arrive just in time to save Sarah, with Chuck shooting and seemingly killing Shaw in the process.
4 Worst: "Chuck Versus The Sizzling Shrimp" - 7.9
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While in Chinatown with Morgan and Sarah, Chuck flashes on a waitress and identifies her as a dangerous Chinese agent named Mei-Ling. After learning that Mei-Ling isn't on official business and is simply trying to save her kidnapped brother, the team are ordered to not get involved. Chuck, however, is able to convince Sarah and Casey to help the Chinese agent, if she agrees to defect to the United States. On the homefront, Ellie is once again let down when Chuck misses their Mothers Day dinner and Morgan's career is put at risk by a Buy More sales competition.
3 Best: "Chuck Versus The Ring: Part II" - 9.5
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An imprisoned General Beckman informs Team Bartowski that the Ring leaders, who are officially named The Elders, will be at a major spy convention to take over the NSA and the CIA.
Related: 5 Best & Worst Twilight Zones Episodes, According To IMDb
Chuck, Sarah, Casey and the gang are able to successfully capture The Elders and expose Shaw as a rogue agent, although he manages to escape. Shaw later arrives at the Buy More to challenge Chuck, with both men flashing and using the Intersect to fight one another.
2 Worst: "Chuck Versus The Bearded Bandit" - 7.7
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Chuck and the gang take on an exciting new case for the recently formed Carmichael Industries, searching for their client's missing brother. The team quickly realizes, however, that they haven't been given the entire picture and things aren't going to be as straight forward as they seem. At the same time, Gertrude Verbanski contacts Sarah and attempts to convince her to abandon Carmichael Industries and accept a position at Verbanski Corp.
1 Best: "Chuck Versus The Ring" - 9.6
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With the Intersect no longer in Chuck's mind, he is able to move on with his life without being threatened by terrorists, assassins and evil spies. On the day of Ellie and Captain Awesome's wedding, however, Ted Roark makes a surprise appearance and threatens to kill everyone at the wedding unless Chuck brings him the Intersect cube. Meanwhile, Sarah must finally decide if she wants to stay with Chuck or leave with her ex-boyfriend, Bryce Larkin.
Next: The 10 Worst Episodes Of Glee, According To IMDb
source https://screenrant.com/chuck-episodes-best-worst-imdb/
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davidcarner · 6 years
Chuck and Sarah vs The 2nd Grade Ch 2, The New Job
A/N: I swear…you guys…thank you. You just freaking humble me some days. So this is all of this that is written, and I promised I'd finish a few things before I pick it back up. This give you the majority of the backstory. This may be the last thing I post until after Thanksgiving. Dad is still in the hospital recovering and frankly I'm about beat. But enough about me, I give you Chuck and Sarah vs The 2nd Grade Ch 2, New Job
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck,
Sarah walked into her apartment and shut the door behind her. There was no pain today in her leg, just soreness and stiffness. Ninety-five percent of the people who met her couldn't tell anything was wrong with her. The problem was CIA medical. They wouldn't clear her for field work. She could have stayed, been an analyst, taught, station chief was mentioned, but if she couldn't be in the field she thought maybe she could do something different. She thought about the…what had Bryce called the thing he read, a trade paper back? Anyway the book was funnily enough called Detective, but it had Batman, which she didn't understand. What she did understand was a character with a leg injury starting his own detective agency. She had thought about it, but decided it sounded too much like a bad movie. Her life was already too much like a bad movie no one would believe. A knock on her door pulled her from her thoughts.
She walked over to the door, opened it, saw who it was, slammed it, and walked away. A few seconds later, the door opened and Carina walked in.
"I don't know if that was necessary."
Sarah continued on toward the kitchen, rolling her eyes where her friend couldn't see them. "Don't care."
"Blondie, I need your help."
Sarah spun, but winced when she planted her leg. "I CAN'T! Get it through your skull Carina, Bryce screwed me over, got me hurt, and I. Can't. Help!"
Carina studied her. "They think you're helping him."
"You know the Bartowski kid in your class? Child of Charles Bartowski and Jill Roberts, both of them went to college with Bryce." Sarah's eyes were wide. She walked over to a stool at her bar and sat down. Carina came further inside. "Talk to me," she said softly.
"Just tell me all of it," Sarah choked out.
"Please." Carina poured Sarah one, and she slammed it back. "Tell me," she said again.
"Chuck was Bryce's roommate in college. From all accounts, Bryce introduced the two of them, Jill and Chuck, to each other. Jill is running Roberts Pharmaceuticals and thought to be behind some very bad things."
Sarah nodded. "Chuck is a bad guy."
Carina shrugged. "No idea, but he's Bryce's friend, Jill's baby daddy…plus, get this, Roan Montgomery is your new principal at the school."
Sarah gave her a look. She had heard earlier today there was new principal, but why in the hell would Carina care? "Yeah I've heard," Sarah said. "Wait, why does that matter." Carina gave her a look. Sarah started thinking. She knew the name, in fact, she had a class with him at the farm years ago. "You don't mean THE Roan Montgomery?" Carina nodded. "Wow!"
"Your job, if you chose to accept it, get close to Chuck and try to get something out of him about Jill. I'm going to hit him from the government security side. You should try and become friendly. You've still got one good leg and you know that nerd would fall over backwards for you."
Sarah stared at her. "I don't work that way."
"God, Walker, have you gotten laid since Bryce?" Sarah glared at her. "You don't have to make his dreams come true, just do what you know to do. Be sweet to him. Give him the ditsy blonde routine that only you can pull off."
"Amy was better at that than I was," she groused
Carina looked at her. "Damn, you are throwing one pity party. Okay, I'm out." Carina started to leave. "Be a shame to see that kid get put in foster care, especially if he's innocent."
Damn it, Carina. She huffed. "Wait." Carina turned, smirking. "I don't want his kid getting hurt, she's an innocent in all of this. She didn't do anything wrong. She doesn't deserve that."
"Fair," Carina agreed. "No sense getting her involved, she has nothing to do with this."
Sarah started thinking like a spy, something she hadn't actively done in a while. Why go this route? Why not…."Why don't you just seduce him?" Carina looked away trying to think of an excuse. "Wait, he turned you down?" Sarah had new respect for guy. Not that he deserved any respect doing his daughter the way he did.
"That's not important," Carina replied hurriedly. "Listen, Roan has hired him at the school as the computer teacher. Will you help us?" Sarah thought for a second and nodded. "I'll see if we can't get you paid out of this." She shrugged. "Come on, Blondie, this will be fun."
"He turned you down?" Carina rolled her eyes and walked toward the door, Sarah swinging the seat around to watch her. "Carina."
Carina stopped at the door and huffed. "Yes, Blondie, he turned me down, he was too worried about some dumb thing about having to see a teacher. It was the kid, you know they throw off my game." With that, she was gone. Sarah sat there and thought about what Carina said.
"So he blew off a date and went to make money," she said softly. She got up, went over to her computer, and logged into her old account. Maybe one day she'd get around to telling Director King it was still active. How was she to know he knew and was monitoring it in DC?
Casey was in his robe, as usual, making breakfast. "How's the simulation coming?"
"I found two more buggy lines of code last night," Chuck replied yawning. "I appreciate the NSA connection, Casey, but it would be nice if they paid me a little more so I wouldn't have to have two jobs."
Casey eyed the eggs and grunted. "I've tried to talk to Beckman, over medium?"
"Please, and don't worry about it Casey, I can't ask for anything more than you've done." Chuck grabbed a plate. "I'm gonna have to go to the grocery store tonight."
"Can you please buy some real milk?"
Chuck laughed. "You know what the doctor said, Sam's not lactose intolerant."
Casey shook his head in disgust. "She's lactose unhappy, but who drinks a milk made of nuts? This isn't why I served my country, for you to have nut milk." Chuck listened to Casey ramble on. This was one of his rants he went off on every week or so.
Chuck's parents had been members of the CIA, the infamous Orion and Frost. During an operation when Ellie and Chuck were younger, the Bartowskis rescued Casey who had been injured. They finished John's mission but lost their lives. When Casey returned to the states he quickly became a part of their lives. Once Sam was born, he was Uncle Casey regardless of the amount of grunts and growling that came out of him protesting otherwise.
Casey couldn't stand Jill. He thought she had done Chuck wrong, and there were no words for how he felt she had done Sam. Casey helped where he could with Chuck, but they both agreed they needed time apart sometimes….especially when Casey started talking about how his trigger finger still worked just fine and he still had good sniper skills.
Casey had been quiet for a bit. He had this look on his face that Chuck had seen more since Sam had been born. It was what Chuck called, "It's none of my business but your my family," face.
"Spit it out, Casey."
"Thought you should know, I ran a background check on Sam's teacher."
Chuck groaned. "I thought we talked about this."
Casey shrugged. "You talked."
Chuck gave Casey a flat look. "We agreed."
Casey shrugged. "No, you told me what you thought I should do, and I did what I wanted to."
Chuck rolled his eyes. Typical Casey. The man who claimed not to be part of the family, yet every time Chuck turned around there he was right in the middle of everything. "Find anything interesting?" Chuck figured Casey did or he wouldn't have brought it up.
"She's former CIA, the Ice Queen." Chuck gave him a look. Casey ran his finger across his throat. "Wetwork specialist."
Chuck gulped. "Do I need to worry about discipline at school?"
Casey shook his head. "She's not going to hurt a kid, Moron."
Oh, it was Moron today. Casey was feeling especially sentimental. "You know the terms of endearment can go any time. Any. Time."
Casey grunted. "Walker was good. Hell, she was one of the best."
Chuck thought for a second. "Was? What happened?"
Casey thought for a second. He didn't need the whole story, just enough. He wasn't sure about her, but if he told Chuck the whole truth, he might damn her before they knew everything. "She was injured in an op when her partner did something stupid. He's believed to be dead." Chuck nodded.
"That's terrible." Casey was silent. "I feel there is more."
"Some think he went rogue and really isn't dead. They think he's contacting Walker."
"Casey, you say I talk alot, but for someone who says nothing, you've told me a whole lot that feels like you're circling a point. What is it?"
Casey shrugged. He knew he shouldn't. He really shouldn't. Chuck asked, Chuck was a big boy, so Chuck could hear the truth. "Her partner's name was Bryce Larkin."
Chuck looked at Casey, blinked a few times, looked away, licked his lips, turned back to Casey, got the courage, and spoke. "You know I had a roommate at college named Bryce Larkin."
"No shit," Casey replied. Chuck stared at him. Maybe the nerd really was a moron…"Okay, time to draw you a picture. Your former roommate is CIA."
Chuck closed his eyes. This was just ducky. "Anything else." There was silence and Chuck opened his eyes. The look on Casey's face told him all he needed to know. "Oh come on!"
"The principal at the school," Casey began.
Chuck slumped forward. Was the world actively plotting against him? "You mean the one that hired me?"
Casey nodded. "Roan Montgomery, seduction training specialist, CIA."
"Really? It's a shame you never had to take him." Casey looked away, uncomfortable. "Oh. Oh, my. Casey, whatever happened?"
Chuck was grinning like an idiot. Casey snarled at him. "None of your damn business is what happened."
Chuck laughed and thought for a second. "Say, Casey, you wouldn't happen to know a spy, who's very modelesque, a redhead and seemingly just oozes …uh."
"Carina Miller?" Casey asked in a choked voice. Chuck nodded. "Chuck me!"
Chuck was in his computer lab when he heard a knock on the door. He turned and saw it was the same teacher from the other day that hadn't given him her name and turned out to be his daughter's teacher. The former spy, and who knows what now, besides teacher, Sarah Walker. "Can I help you?" He wasn't rude but he was a bit cool.
Sarah cursed herself inwardly. She had made things much harder on herself with what she had done to him the other night. She now had to smooth things over, and she really didn't want to smooth things over.
"Mr. Bartowski," she began.
"I told you it was Chuck," he replied. "I never did catch your name. Do you do that often, not tell parents who you are? Is it to figure out their problem solving skills? Because that's a very interesting way to engage parents." She could tell why he was irritated, however there was humor in his voice and on his face.
Sarah decided right then and there if this was going to work, she had to dial back her irritation with him. She put on a face of sincerity as she apologized. "I'm sorry. I had an appointment I had to keep and I knew if I told you my name I would be late."
Chuck nodded. "I was past the scheduled time of our meeting," he admitted. "I knew I shouldn't have gone in to the Buy More that morning." He huffed and ran a hand through his hair. "Raising a child on your own, you have to make some judgment calls, and obviously I made the wrong one."
Oh, he was charming. Was he sincere? She thought he was but she had thought Bryce was as well, as was her father. No….that wasn't true. She had thought her dad was her dad.
It was time to being, and in this case, she was going to kill two birds with one stone. "So, I'm supposed to use this calendar thingy to reserve some time, but I have no idea how to do it. I can barely make Friendster work half the time."
Chuck blinked a few times. Had she broken him? Had she switched topics too abruptly?
"Friendster?" The look on his face…he was laughing at her. She set her jaw. "I'm sorry, I just didn't know anyone still…you know what, it's not for me to judge. Perhaps that's all anyone ever taught you." She nodded her head haughtily. "I would be glad to teach you."
"Teach me what?" The look on her face it was almost like a challenge. The way she held her head, the determination in her face. God, she was amazing. Not physically, she was, but there was something inside of her, that was just special, unique, and Chuck had to get to know her better. He ached to know her, everything about her, and then he remembered Casey and his warning. The last thing Chuck needed was an ex-CIA agent in his life with his daughter around. But, she did need to know stuff…for the children. He should think of the children. He really tried to make himself believe that.
"Whatever," Chuck replied. "Whatever I can do to help."
Roan reached over and clicked off the monitor. He had seen enough. It was obvious these two had a connection, an attraction, even if they didn't know it yet. That wasn't good. While he hated to get in the way of love, this was his career. He needed to think about himself. He was the agent best known for seduction, but that also meant he knew what things went wrong. Chuck Bartowski was a nerd, Sarah Walker was not. These two people just didn't run in the same circles, didn't exist in the same plane. Roan would "help" Chuck with Sarah. That was sure to drive the wedge between them he needed, and then when Chuck was low, Roan would use him to get to Jill and get his job back. That's exactly what he would do.
A/N: Think of the children!…Hope you liked it, reviews and PMs are always welcomed…Til next time!
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@shotxchaser​ said,  “  Don’t treat me like some situation that needs to be handled!  ”
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      Casey took his time before responding, finishing the last bite of the sandwich he had been attempting to eat when yet another conversation-turned-argument sprouted out of nowhere. He turned to look at Chuck. “You do realise I’m literally called your handler, right. That’s my job title here.”
      The words were stated with little room for more argument, but, sighing, Casey figured that it was better to nip this in the bud because otherwise Chuck would be simmering about it for the rest of the day, and that never did him or anybody around him any favours - and then Casey would probably have to deal with it later at night when all he wanted to do was get drunk and watch a shitty Western. “Alright. Bartowski. How exactly would you like me to treat you, huh?”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@shotxchaser​ said, “  kind words cost nothing.  ” 
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      Casey knew the point that Chuck was attempting to make. He also knew that he ultimately didn’t care - or at least, he had stopped caring a long time ago, out of necessity for himself and for everybody else around him. Tough love was good for the kid, and for everybody else for that matter. Look where it had gotten him--actually, maybe it was best not to use where he was now as an example. Babysitting a geek who had all the government’s intel in his brain and no idea how to handle it.
            “Damn shame too. I might be willing to coddle you if I got paid for it.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@shotxchaser said, “You’d break your heart to make it bigger.”
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      He tried. He really did try to keep his patience. Sarah, and moreso Casey, were secret agents. They probably had a lot on their plate, a lot of stress, a lot of... everything. They were bound to be in a bad mood sometimes, or grumpy sometimes, or... all the time. Particularly Casey, who seemed to take great pleasure in poking and jabbing at Chuck every chance he got. And today, he just couldn’t take a few deep breaths and let it go, because darn it, if his ‘handlers’ could constantly wander around in bad moods, then he deserved to snap once in a while too.
      “Yeah, and, Casey? And?” He threw his hands up in the air. “What’s wrong with that, huh? The world has plenty of hardasses and bullies and really, really awful people, so what’s wrong with someone who wants to care, Casey? Maybe I want to be different. Maybe I think the world needs a little more love, you know? Why does that get under your skin so damn badly, huh?”
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davidcarner · 6 years
Wanting It All Ch 4, Birthday Presents
A/N: *Peaks out from behind wall* We good? I knew when I wrote 2 I'd get some reactions….I didn't know that much, but that means you felt something. I finished chapter 8 last night, so I thought I'd give you all something since I'm not going to post anything all weekend and things might slow down a touch (Grace has sprained/fractured her ankle. She was apparently ironically named). Some of you think it's moving fast, I don't know if it is or not, the pace feels right given their back story (hey, Jordan hasn't called him Dad yet, I'm doing better.) The DEFCON mess up is all me, when you reach a certain age you should verify things and not try to use your memory. One last thing, Charahkids….you might want to premedicate. The answers many of you wanted…you're about to get. Welcome to Wanting It All Ch 4, Birthday Presents
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, I don't dance well, but you gotta admit, I do fluff pretty well.
The two women broke the hug and Sarah wasn't sure what to do.
Ellie studied Sarah and shook her head. "You should have called me." There was a look on her face of hurt that Sarah didn't understand. "You know I lost someone that day too." Sarah was shocked by that revelation. "That's why I've been so mad. You hurt him, but you hurt me. Although looking back, it seems everyone was hurt."
Sarah took a deep breath. "Do you think I can fix this?" she asked in an almost whispered tone.
Ellie squeezed Sarah's upper arms in support. They NEEDED to talk, about what they both did, but that could come later, for now, Sarah needed her friend and it was time Ellie started acting like it. "Hey, Sarah, I do." She paused, but she knew she had to say what she was thinking or she would never forgive herself. "I swear if I find out you're playing me…"
"Ellie, never, I swear to you, never!" Sarah was near panicked. Ellie had to understand, and just like that, eight years was gone, and there was the understanding woman that had become Sarah's friend. Ellie gave her an understanding smile and nodded. Relief flowed through Sarah. "What do I do?"
Ellie grinned. Sarah was worried about how to get back Chuck? She had no idea just how easy that was. In fact, some would argue they had never really broke up, they were just separated. "Just be you, Sweetie, that fool can't stop himself when it comes to you." Sarah smiled. "And, be honest, but take it slow. Telling me like this is one thing, throwing all that at Chuck at once….whew! He might pop his top."
"Okay, I can do that, and I understand if you want John Casey to do more digging." Ellie gave her a look. "CIA Analyst, and a good one."
"That doesn't surprise me, you were good at everything." They hugged again and the two walked out. Ellie motioned to a very physically fit man. "Sarah, this is my fiancé, Devon, Devon, meet my friend, Sarah Walker."
Devon shook her hand and grinned, an idea popping into his head. "Have you met Ellie's brother Chuck?" Ellie closed her eyes. She loved him, but somedays…
Sarah snickered. "Devon, my name used to be Jenny Burton. For long, complicated reasons, I had to change it to Sarah Walker."
"Wait, you're Jenny Burton." Devon looked to Ellie, his eyes wide. Ellie nodded. "You're Jenny Burton?! Chuckster!"
"Please forgive him," Ellie said, giving him a side eye. "He means no harm."
"Nothing to forgive."
"Say, we can watch Jordan one night if you'd like us too if you two want a night alone." Ellie was grinning over her idea.
There was the matchmaker Sarah knew and loved. "Thanks, Ellie. Maybe down the road, but here's the hard truth, this is who I am."
"Hi," Chuck said, cutting in, sticking his head between Ellie and Sarah, looking at Sarah. "I don't know if you've heard, but I'm the birthday boy, and they're playing my song."
She chuckled as she listened to the music. "I'll Stop the World and Melt with You by Modern English is your song?" Sarah asked with an amused smiled.
Chuck listened to the music and shrugged. "Will you dance with me?"
"Sure," she replied.
His face broke into her favorite smile, the one where his nose crinkled, and she had to fight down tears. "Then it is now!" She laughed as he pulled her out to dance. He was quiet for a minute, smirking. "Sooooo, you're alive." She gave him a look. "Ellie."
She laughed at that. "I am. Ellie and I are good, I just have to promise to tell you the truth."
His face took a serious expression. "Is that gonna be hard, Sarah?"
She stopped dancing and pulled him over to the side. She searched his eyes and realized she had to speak quickly or get lost in there. Some things never changed. "You've heard things I take it?"
Chuck blew out a breath and nodded. "I have, and if you can't tell me some things, I understand."
"So you know that I was a CIA analyst?" Chuck nodded. "Chuck, can we do this slow? I'll tell you everything, but…I've told Ellie everything, well, the highlights. But you, Chuck, that's different, you deserve to hear all of it. Each thing affects you differently than it does everyone else." Chuck nodded, understanding what she was saying. "I WILL tell you everything, but it's going to be ten times more emotionally taxing. So slow."
He nodded, and looked a little worried. "Okay, but there's a few things I REALLY need to know." She nodded. "You and …"
She grinned. This sweet, adorable man. She was so sorry she had hurt him, apparently changed him, but starting now she was going to help him get back to what he used to be. She knew what he needed, and she was there for it. "Daniel. Daniel Shaw, we're done. We really never were."
Chuck tried to hide his pleasure in that and failed just as miserably, as Sarah failed in holding down the feeling his look made her feel. He tried to be nonchalant. "Really, because let's face it, he's very fit, and …"
Sarah cut him off, because he had to know, needed to know how she felt. "And he's not you, and he'll never measure up as much as you try and build him up. Don't forget who you're talking to Nerd Boy." She was having more fun than she could remember at any point it the last eight years.
He tried to look affronted and failed miserably. "Shhh." He looked around his finger to his lips to see who heard.
Nope, he wasn't doing this, they were going to be them, and she was going to remind him, just how special he was. "Uh, no. You are Nerd Boy. You, who made your own freakin company, like you said you would." She had tears in her eyes. She reached up and moved one of his curls to where she wanted it. "You called it Barsoft…why?"
Chuck gave her a soft smile. "Because the best person I ever knew thought it was a good idea."
She beamed at him and smoothed out his shirt. "Okay, one more tonight, because it's your birthday."
Chuck had a thought. "What if every time I take you and Jordan somewhere you have to tell me one thing that I want to know?" Chuck was ginning.
Sarah gave him her smiling stink eye. "Chuck, are you trying to ask me out?"
He shyly took her hand. "Sarah, do I seem like the kind of guy that would have trouble asking out his beautiful former girlfriend?"
She stepped close and whispered into his ear. "You haven't changed that much, Nerd Boy."
Chuck had to blink a few times. "Keep that up…" he stopped, the grin fell off of his face and he silently berated himself.
She stepped back and saw his face. "What is it?" she asked, concerned.
He shook his head. "Sorry, I just fell right back into it. I was gonna say I still know where that spot is on your neck." She raised an eyebrow. "I know, my bad."
She took her left hand and gently lifted his head and her right hand grabbed his shirt. "Chuck."
Chuck knew this move from back in the day, but she couldn't…she wouldn't…"Uh, Sarah."
She grinned at him, knowing what he was thinking. He had no idea how long she had wanted to do this. "Happy birthday," she said softly. His eyes got wide in hope and in a second her lips were connected with his. It was eight years ago, and right now, all in one, and he didn't know how to think properly. They separated and her eyes danced.
"That's the second best gift anyone's ever given me on my birthday."
"Chuck," she said softly, needing him to know how she felt. "We're older now, I promise you there are better gifts I can give you." His brain locked, broke, and fell out his ear. "Call me and we'll all go out." He nodded stupidly. She grinned and started to turn, when she felt a hand on her wrist, gently. Oh, God, he was going to ask her to stay, and she wanted to, but she couldn't, her son. "I'm sorry, I have to get home to Jordan."
He smiled that soft understanding smile that she had only ever seen him smile at her. "I know, I just wanted to say thanks for coming, you had many more reasons not to than to come."
She studied his eyes for a second. The hell with it. She had flown from DC with little to no prayer of even getting this far, she wasn't shutting down now. "Chuck, you're wrong. I have one reason to come, and it outweighed everything. I never stopped loving you." She stroked his cheek, cupped it, gently kissed his lips, turned and headed to her car. "Good night, Chuck," she called over her shoulder
"Good night….Nerd Girl."
She froze. It had been a long time since she had heard that. She turned back around. He had warned her if she spent too much time with him, she would turn into a nerd. She had told him that was now her number one dream. "Bartowski." He smirked at her. She raised an eyebrow. "I do believe it's Nerd Woman now." She had her hands on her hips in a very challenging pose.
He bit his bottom lip, shook his head and laughed. "Walker, I missed you."
She winked at him. "Missed you, Bartowski, good night." He watched her leave. He felt Ellie right beside him.
"Still don't trust her?"
She had watched it all. She believed Sarah. She knew Chuck was done for even if he didn't. She thought eight years had been much too long so she decided to give him a solid push in the back. "I do, I got my sister back." She patted him on the back, turned and walked away. It dawned on him what she had said.
"Sister?!" he sputtered.
"You have a visitor," Morgan said, sticking his head into Chuck's office. Chuck looked up and scratched his beard. He normally didn't grow a beard, but since this contract with the government he'd gone from almost retired to eighty hour work weeks. He didn't mind the work, he just minded not getting to see his girl. Wait, he couldn't say that, she wasn't his girl, was she? He needed to shave. He didn't think he had since the party.
Sarah stepped into the room and paused looking at him. She didn't know she liked beards until she saw Chuck with one. "Going mountain man, Bartowski?" Sarah asked, bringing Jordan in with her. "If I'd of known I wouldn't see you for the next week and a half I would have never have given you the contract."
"But then you'd of missed all of the stimulating emails we've exchanged."
Sarah laughed. "Don't think I didn't catch you capitalized each letter in the email to make the word taskmaster."
He chuckled. "You were a CIA analyst." Jordan was studying Chuck's computer. Chuck grinned, pushed back his chair, and held out his hands. Jordan took off around the desk, and climbed up onto Chuck's lap to study the keyboard. "Now don't touch anything, okay?" He nodded and leaned forward.
"Uh, I have video games in my office," Morgan said. Jordan perked up.
"Hey, Morgan, use my system on that tv over there," Chuck replied. Sarah gave him a look. "Mario Kart?" Sarah grinned. "I'm sure you prefer he stay nearby." She nodded and watched as Jordan ran back around the desk and over to the couch to play games with Morgan. "I really hope this is the last thing."
It better be. She didn't come back to LA to make Chuck work stupid hours. She came back to be with him. "Me too," Sarah said. "Morgan stops by every night complaining how much you're working."
"Are you enjoying entertaining your two sons?" She shot him a look and Chuck laughed.
She bounced a shoulder. "At least my older one entertains my younger one." The smirk on her face made Chuck smile. "I need to get away for a bit, just out of my house."
Chuck wasn't sure if he should ask, but he did. "What about Daniel?"
Sarah shrugged. "He knows how to get in touch. It happens when he's on a mission, who knows how long he'll be." Chuck nodded. "What I feel the worst about is I came here to work on my personal life and my professional life is getting in the way of my personal life." She gave him a very direct look so he had no doubt about who she was talking to.
Here goes nothing he thought to himself. "So, I've got this big house, with lots of bedrooms that I don't use, a pool…"
She rested her hands on the desk and bent forward. "Are you asking to spend a weekend with you?"
He leaned forward until there were only inches between their noses. Her eyebrow lifted, and a smirk was on her face. God he missed this woman. "You said you wanted to get away, we haven't had two seconds face to face, not that I haven't enjoyed our text, emails, and phone calls, but I just want to spend time with you, and at the end of the night, you can retreat to your room."
She batted her eyelashes. "What if I don't want to retreat to my room?"
EPP! "Welp, there that is." Chuck looked nervous.
She straightened up. Crap, too fast. "Spit it out, Chuck."
He looked uncomfortable, and he began hesitantly. "Look, I don't know what happened," he began.
So this was about the past. "And I need to tell you," Sarah said, understanding. "Okay so that's what we talk about, that one thing?"
Chuck shrugged. "Up to you, pretty lady, you go at your pace. Now, I would like to finish this so maybe I can talk this amazing woman I know into a back rub."
She had caught the pretty lady part, and she needed to get this back to jokey before she attacked him. "Bolonia gives good one, huh?"
"The best," Chuck retorted. She sat down beside him. "I find it really cool you know this stuff." The look on his face was absolute honesty.
She leaned over and shoulder bumped him. "I had to learn some to do my job, but I'll let you in on a secret, I learned the basics from my high school boyfriend. He was such a nerd. A hottie, but a nerd."
Chuck's eyebrows shot up. "Hottie, huh?"
She bounced a shoulder. "Call 'em like I see 'em. Now quit flirting and let me search for where this code needs to go so we can be done with this." He looked at her and their chair situation. They had some distance between them. He made a gesture with his head, and she scooted right beside him. They began to work, her pointing out something that was needed, and he made the correction. They were rubbing shoulders constantly, and quick teasing touches on each other's arms. At one point they both turned to look at each other, the same grin on each of their faces. "Out of curiosity, is there anything in the contract about me kissing you?"
"Specifically, no, personally, you better, or I'm gonna attack your face." Chuck paused. "What?"
Chuck got a dreamy look on his face. "I'm not sure that's the threat you think it is." She leaned over and kissed him quickly, and pulled away.
He gave her a mock annoyed look. "That's not attacking someone's face!" Sarah raised a challenging eyebrow and kissed him. Chuck knew he enjoyed kissing her, but he had forgotten how much.
"Uh, children present," Morgan said.
Chuck had turned to look at Morgan so he didn't realize she had leaned over to his ear. "You sure you want me to go to my room at night?" she asked softly.
Chuck's brain was misfiring. He wasn't sure he was ready for that. "I do, for now, but I might change my mind."
"Why do they keep kissing?" Jordan asked Morgan softly.
Morgan turned toward Jordan. He thought about telling him a story, but he figured Jordan should know. "A few years ago, your Mom and Chuck were really in love. It was the greatest love story ever. Something happened that split them up. It shouldn't have, but it did. They've been apart for nearly eight years but they love each other as much as they did when first met each other."
"Is that why my mommy and daddy aren't together?"
Morgan gulped. "That's part of it, there are other reasons, but have you ever really loved a food, but are made to eat another one?"
"All the time. Mac and cheese is the best."
Morgan thought for a second. "Of course it is, but sometimes you have to eat vegetables."
Jordan sat for a second thinking. "So my dad is a vegetable?"
Morgan blinked. "I'm really terrible at this."
Jordan had continued to think about the situation. "Mommy's happy here. Chuck makes her happy. Daddy is seeing me more here, and that is making me happy."
"So I like it here, it's the happiest place on earth."
"SHHHHH!" Morgan whispered.
"Did I hear the happiest place on earth?" Chuck asked.
"How does he hear that?" Morgan asked in awe.
"Chuck, no, he's not ready, I'm not ready," Sarah was pleading. He grinned. "Chuck Bartowski, don't you dare!"
"Uh, oh," Morgan said.
"What's going on?" Jordan was watching with curiosity.
"Well, Sarah's in trouble," Morgan explained. "Chuck is going to use the world famous Bartowski eyebrow dance, probably a bit of a pouty face, ooooh he's upped his game there, some finger pistols, and if he has too, the bedroom eyes to get your mom to go to Disneyland."
"Fiiiiiine, but we're all not ready," they heard Sarah say. Morgan turned to Jordan and shrugged.
Back over at the computer, Sarah was purposefully reaching over Chuck to push buttons. As she did, he would tickle her rib cage leading to Sarah laughing. She spun around, amusement dancing in her eyes. She saw something in his, and it wasn't what she was hoping for.
"Listen, I know this is selfish, but I need something from you." Chuck took a deep breath and said the thing that has been weighing on his mind since this whole reunion had started. "You can't leave again like that. If you have to go, you hmphfmph-" Sarah's hand had closed his lips and she was staring into his eyes.
"Listen very closely to me, Bartowski, because you need to hear this." He tried to grin when she called him Bartowski, she knew he liked it. "Admit it," she said softly. "You're like those hyenas in The Lion King when they say, do it again, do it again?" Chuck nodded his head the best he could to imitate Ed the Hyena. She laughed. "I am not leaving you." She glanced over at Morgan who nodded. "I need you to listen, and to not say a word. I will give you the part of this story you need, there is more, but we can't do it now." Chuck nodded. She removed her hand.
"The afternoon after the prom, my dad asked me to go to the store," she began.
"What?!" Chuck blurted out. Sarah gave him a look. "Sorry."
She watched him, he would never be quiet until he said his piece. "Get it out."
"He told me he didn't know where you were." Sarah let him catch up. "Wait a-" Sarah cocked an eyebrow. "Shutting up."
"I got back home, and he said you had dropped off a note." She waited for the explosion. There wasn't one, because Chuck had forced him lips shut, but he was upset. "The note was forged, my father can forge anything." He gave her a look. "Later, I promise." She took a deep breath.
There was only one thing that letter could have said. "Last night was a mistake?" he asked, thinking it couldn't be that easy. She nodded. "And you believed I'd say that?" She looked away.
"Chuck….this goes into so much more." She looked at him, and then glanced at Morgan. The nod he gave her, told her what she had to do. "My Dad is a con artist, and I helped him for some time." She was silent and looked at Chuck. Of course, NOW he would be quiet. She chuckled at the irony. "My dad believed there was one big con in the world, love. Love was for suckers. There was no such thing. A guy is only after one thing after all." Chuck looked up at the ceiling and let out a breath he was holding. He took her hand, surprising her, but he remained quiet. "I loved you Chuck. I love you. But I didn't see me like you saw me, and I fell for it. I didn't believe in me like you did. But your belief and love stayed with me. I didn't understand how much our talking about our future scared my dad. He thought he was doing me a favor. I have a DVD he sent me if you need to see it. He's currently in jail. He made it there." She took a breath. "So, after I read your supposed letter he said it was time to go. I went. I was stupid."
"No," he choked out. He cleared his throat. "No Sarah. He used you, took advantage of you, and did what he thought was best for you, not let you decide what was best for you."
"You remember when I didn't get you anything for your birthday?" Chuck gave her a look. "I mean buy you anything."
He grinned. "I like your non-money spent presents."
Sarah grinned at him. "I didn't think you'd appreciate me buying you something using money made on cons."
Chuck grinned at her. He was silent and thought for a minute. "How can you still love me?"
Sarah gave him a look. "Oh, I was angry at you Chuck, and that's what made it so hard."
Chuck looked down, swallowed, and looked back up, hurt in his eyes. "Then why didn't you ever try and contact me?"
Sarah nodded. "Lot of reasons, some of which are tied into another huge story, but pride." She blew out a breath. "I'll explain more later, but I couldn't quit my job due to my contract. I was mad, hurt, and embarrassed. I tried to forget you. I met Daniel, he was trying to forget, so we tried to forget together."
Chuck looked over at the couch. "That little guy?"
She nodded her head. "After the first time." Chuck closed his eyes. "So now I had a kid. So how does that phone call go, hey Chuck, uh, why did you break up with me, and I'm pregnant."
He shook his head. "Almost like the universe was against us."
She nodded. "I know, but I had Jordan, and I single-momed it…a lot. Daniel helped financially but he has a mission and he thinks he might die from it, and he's willing to."
Chuck blinked. "That's…a LOT."
Sarah nodded. "But, it became clear we were never enough for him, though I tried to fool myself. My contract ran out, and I began contemplating coming back here. I really think I would have, and then the DVD cane and that pushed it over the edge. I never stopped loving you, Chuck. It just took a long time for the love to overpower the anger." He nodded. She shoulder bumped him, and smirked. "Come on, you don't still have some feelings for me?"
He looked at her like she was crazy. "I mean, obviously, I never quit caring about you, loving you, or wondering where you were."
She sighed. "That last past, is another story for another day, because I don't have it in me, and we need to finish this." Chuck typed in a line of code. She hit enter, looking him in the eye. He kissed her nose, and she blushed. She leaned forward and snapped her teeth closed right in front of his nose, making him jump back. She laughed and studied the line. "I think we're done…" She looked up at him, surprise on her face. "We're done!"
"No, Sarah," he replied. "We're just getting started." Her heart nearly exploded from that. There was a chance for them. She smiled, leaned in, and kissed him.
"Kids!" Morgan yelled.
"Don't care!" Sarah yelled back.
A/N: Have a good weekend folks. Try to be back by the middle of next week. Hoped you liked it, reviews are always welcomed…til next time.
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