#john cole tmbs
lotsofsq · 6 days
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i reread the beginning of extraordinary edition and i love their friendship so much. john you will always be my special guy
[IDs copied in alt text: two images are both drawings of kid nicholas and john cole.
a drawing with two panels, the first is nick looking up with an amicable expression, he is amused and is saying “you’re probably the nicest person i’ve met before” with a shrug. the second is john who is looking down and he looks horrified. he is captioned “considers himself just a normal decent person and is horrified”.
a drawing of john holding a crying nick to his chest. nick has his legs wrapped around john and his arms around his neck. john has a sympathetic expression and is holding him around his back and is saying “aw, Nick it’s ok.”]
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
Hello TMBS fandom. This is a request for a little help with some of my fic writing from any extraordinary education fans.
So I write mostly for the show, but am at the point where I want to start writing and referencing “show versions” for some of the book characters, and the one I’m working on right now is Violet Hopefield. Sadly, I have not read extraordinary education, and was hoping to get some character details.
I do want to preface this by saying that my intention is to write the character in a way that follows the plot lines I’ve set up, so while I won’t be writing an exact copy of the character, I do want an idea of what she’s like. Think the differences between book and show Noland and Canonball or even book Curtain and show Curtain. Are they the same? No. But you see the book character they are based on in them, while acknowledging that this is a slightly different story and a different version of them, while still enjoying both the show and book versions of the characters.
Head canons or popular head canons are appreciated, but I'm mainly looking for what's canon so if something is "canon to you" based on how the character acts, I'll consider it, but please specify what's canon and what's not.
With that in mind, here's a rundown of what I know and what I'd like to know. I'll start with Violet, but I might include a few things for John too (and I'll have some questions about a few other book characters eventually, but I'll stick with them for now).
Violet Hopefield:
The biggest gripe I think people might have with the way I'd write her is her age. Apparently in the books, the ages are Nicholas (9), John (12), Violet (14). The fandom wikipedia stuff I found only said that Violet had an 8th grade education and didn't list her age, so in a book series about genius kids, I just imagined her being younger than John, around Nicholas' age. Obviously this was a mistake, and given that show Nicholas is 12, that bumps the ages at which he meets them to Nicholas (12), John (15), Violet (17). My question is, if I made her character younger, like...around Nicholas' age, would that completely destroy the character? I know this is a big ask, but please, it's for plot purposes, and you'll be grateful later. I just want to know if it's a situation where "yes the characters are technically different ages, but at the end of the day, they're all just friends hanging out and who the oldest is doesn't really matter" vs. "Violet is the older mature one of the group. This is one of, if not her main defining character trait and changing it completely changes the character." If it's option two, I might still make Violet younger, while being very careful to make her a younger but mature child, like what they did with show Constance where she's not a toddler anymore, but she makes up for it by being extremely violent and fighting falcons (or what they did with the twin's ages, and Number Two and Rhonda's ages, etc.)
I know Violet is deaf, and Nicholas learns sign language to talk to her, but she's extremely good at reading lips. Her disability would for sure be part of the fic, and I've already read tips on and thought about ways I can incorporate this (at the risk of finding false info on ASL signs, I plan on writing when signing occurs, but won't make an attempt to write out the exact hand motions unless I can verify that what I'm describing is factually correct). Her ability to read lips is interesting, and I'm not sure how it's done in the books or whether it's done accurately (It is estimated that only 30% to 40% of speech sounds can be lip-read even under the best conditions and extra information is usually required to understand what is being said. That's from google, but I've heard that stat a lot). I plan to stay true to the books in this regard, but will be highlighting the fact that this is unusual and extremely impressive on Violet's part. How will I be doing that? That's a spoiler so unfortunately, I can't share, but I do have that covered. If there are any descriptions of sign language or aspects of deaf culture included in the books that are also important to include in fic, please let me know (I am also aware that her mother is also deaf, more on her later).
I know she's an artist. Not sure what she likes to draw (people? nature?) or what style she uses (painting? sculpting? sketches?), but if there's info on that, I'll take it. I also know she had an interest in going to art school (the whole Nicholas thing isn't an issues anymore since he's adopted by the Glenn's), so I will have her doing art competitions and stuff like that.
And that's a summation of everything I know about her. Other details that are appreciated are physical appearance (though that's subject to change, the show certainly changed that a lot for some characters, but I'd like to know what I can use), any defining beliefs or principles she lives by or revolves her life around, the top adjectives you think describe her, character quirks (e.g., Kate's bucket), and if possible, some snippets of dialogue from the books that give a good impression of her character.
I'd also like to know if there is anything that falls under the "she would NOT say/do that OR she would not say/do that without very special circumstances. For example, book Curtain would never adopt a child. In the show, he does, and most of us are fine with that, because they explain and clearly show the differences between the show and book characters. In another example, they made show Benedict a more flawed or maybe a better word is relatable mentor. And most of us were fine with that too, again, because they showed us how he arrived at that point. However, if they made Mr. Benedict a mean or unpleasant person, that would totally rip apart his character, regardless of the justification you gave for it. Obviously, what falls into the "would never" and "under the right conditions" categories is subject to debate, so I'll use my best judgment, but would still appreciate a starter list to go off.
Finally, anything else you think is relevant about Violet or her relationships with other characters is appreciated.
John Cole:
I know John Cole is Violet's brother, and he is adopted. I understand this happens in the books and that Nicholas and John are in an orphanage together, but since this is a show version of the character, this will actually happen before Nicholas meets them, but John Cole is still adopted. What I don't know are the circumstances of his adoption. Did the Hopefield's adopt him because he was friends with Violet? Is that why they wanted to adopt Nicholas too? How did the Hopefield's meet him? Do we know anything about John's bio family and culture that differs from the Hopefield's?
I've seen a lot about John Cole and farms. And a post about he and his wife having a farm. Does he actually have a wife in canon? Do the Hopefield's have a farm? Or does John just have "farmer vibes"? Is getting a city job something John would do or did he declare himself to have a deep seated hatred of the big city?
I know John calls Nicholas "Nick" on at least one occasion. Is this what John normally calls him? Do the Hopefield's and Violet call Nicholas "Nick" too, or is this just a "John thing"?
Other details that are appreciated are physical appearance, any defining beliefs or principles John lives by or revolves his life around, the top adjectives you think describe him, character quirks, and if possible, some snippets of dialogue from the books that give a good impression of John's character.
I'd also like to know if there is anything that falls under the "he would NOT say/do that OR he would not say/do that without very special circumstances as discussed above.
Any of course, anything else you think is relevant about John Cole or his relationships with other characters is appreciated.
The Hopefields:
I know Mrs. Hopefield is also deaf. Can she read lips too? Is Mr. Hopefield also deaf?
What are the Hopefield's occupations? I read something about them being miners and poor, not sure if that's accurate.
Why are they interested in adopting? Have they always been interested in adopting? Why did they want to adopt John?
Are there any important aspects to the Hopefield's culture or family philosophy? For example, if the Hopefield's are, say, Jewish or immigrants, or some sort of culture is mentioned, I would like to know so I can represent that properly and not accidently write it out of the story.
Are there any other members of the Hopefield family besides the parents, Violet, and John? Any beloved pets?
Other details that are appreciated are physical appearance, any defining beliefs or principles they live by or revolve their lives around, the top adjectives you think describe them, character quirks, and if possible, some snippets of dialogue from the books that give a good impression of their characters.
I'd also like to know if there is anything that falls under the "they would NOT say/do that OR they would not say/do that without very special circumstances as discussed above.
Any of course, anything else you think is relevant about the Hopefields or their relationships with other characters is appreciated.
Thanks guys! Feel free to add to the post, DM, or drop by my ask box.
And yes, eventually with enough time, I might like to read extraordinary education someday, but I'd likely write this fic first, so I want to get some accurate info. Plot spoilers are fine, that won't deter me from reading it.
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mvshortcut · 1 year
Six times someone tells Nicholas Benedict how long he's been asleep, and one time he does the same for someone else.
little fic inspired by this post!
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brookreader · 3 years
I think it’d be really funny if Mr. Benedict and Mr. Curtain got mistaken for each other a few times before either even realizes they have a twin, leading to much confusion.
John Cole runs in to Curtain in the street and it’s like
John: Nick! Long time no see! Nick? Nick? Nicholas?
Curtain: Stop pestering me, plebeian.
John: ??????
Nicholas goes to a restaurant he’s never been to before only to be told that he’s been banned for making a waiter cry over ice last time he was there
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natalie-contraire · 2 years
why does no one talk about john and violet and how freaking amazing they are?!?! THEY ARE SO AMAZINGGGGGGGG
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lotsofsq · 4 days
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nick and john through the years <3
[IDs copied in alt text: two drawings of john and nicholas.
a drawing of nick and john as 16 and 19 respectively. nick is sitting on one of john’s legs and is looking back and up at him. john is resting his cheek on nick’s head. john is in an “IM A FARMER” t shirt and nick is in a sweater and shorts.
A drawing of Nick and John as seen in book 4. John is older with a beard and he is wearing a baseball cap. He is smiling fondly at Nick. Nicholas is wearing his typical suit that is green plaid and smiling up at John. They are bonking their heads together. ]
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lotsofsq · 2 months
Answer any one/combination of these you'd like with any of the characters! I'm excited to hear your opinions :D Hope you're having a great day
SQ/Shep, John Cole, Nicholas Benedict, Sticky Washington
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
HOLY MOLY wow ok buckle up buttercup!!! cuz i got opinions for you!!
STARTING WITH SQ (the book one!!)
4: into other media
i’m putting my boy into ted lasso. get that boy some healing and normalcy
5: first song that comes to mind
For Remembering by Agnus &Julia Stone is my first pick. ironic isn’t it, the lyrics fit him really well. i think i also think of Why Am I In This Room?, boy scout by jawny, and the gold by the manchester orchestra as sq songs big time
6: something in common
HORRIBLE MEMORY!!!!!! my memory is dogshit, i get him he’s just like me frfr. i also use big words i don’t know a lot.
7: something the fandom does you like
i really like the fandom just adoring him completely. truth be told i haven’t read many fics about the books yet (they are in two separate fandom categories on ao3, so i’m going through one then the other) so i’m excited to learn more fandom perspectives on him!
8: something the fandom does that you don’t like
this is a hard one, for the above reason, but personally i don’t think he and mr curtain have a parent/child relationship really at all (i know reynie says he sees him as a father but that came completely out of left field for me and i feel like it’s never brought up before or after that) so when sq calls mr curtain his dad when it’s supposed to be the book characters it bugs me
12: headcanon
i headcanon that sq (and the other executives) are around 5-7 years older than i think they are supposed to be. when i read the books i pictured them as like… teacher aged i guess? like sq 24 in book 1. martina i pictured 17 and j&j 26. cuz that’s still pretty young really. i hc that they stop being able to message around 17-18 and that they worked for a few years as executives before book 1
i also hc he gets buff between book 2-3 from doing henchman work instead of teaching
22: something you like in fics
i adore when asks the hard questions. like, he doesn’t see a reason NOT to ask questions, and he asks them so innocently that it’s hard not to answer
23: favorite picture
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this one on the cover of the sorting out. if you look at his hair he has these adorable little whispies next to his ears
MOVING ON!!!! SHEPARD QUIAD!!! (the one from the show!!)
5: first song that comes to mind
my way by rock mom, he just wants to stop being controlled :( also blueless bird by joni
6: something in common
WE ARE BOTH ARTISTS!!!! i love love that he has an art bag he carries around everywhere and that he immediately befriends the first kid to compliment his drawings. also the fact he has so many mediums
7: something the fandom does you like
i really like when the fandom puts him in with the benedict household whenever possible for any reason at all. he deserves to be surrounded by people who love him
8: something the fandom does that you don’t like
WHEN HE GETS PUT INTO BOOK SITUATIONS HE WOULD NEVER FIND HIMSELF IN!!! by this i mean his character is different from sq’s and he is more willing to lie to his curtain and break his rules, if it means he can have a friend.
so i feel there are book plot points particularly the cave scene and anything to do with him being involved in his dads work just don’t make sense for His character
12: headcanon
i think he is TOUCH STARVED and he doesn’t know it until he interacts with reynie and the benedict household.
22: something you like in fics
i love the headcanon he doesn’t like eating infront of people, because he didn’t used to.
also i’ve read two fics where he walks with a cane and i kinda loved it
23: favorite picture
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i love these two!! he looks so soft
6: something in common
he does eyeball squint smile. i do that sometimes when i’m so tired
7: something the fandom does you like
n/a give me john content
8: something the fandom does that you don’t like
12: headcanon
he grows his hair out after moving in with violet and nick likes to play with it when he visits
22: something you like in fics
when he is there (begging)
23: favorite picture
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i love how much bigger than nick he is it’s adorable
NICHOLAS BENEDICT THE LEGEND! show and book a bit more similar so i’m doing them together
5: first song that comes to mind
for show: rule 4- fish inside a bird cage
for book: the only boy awake by meadows
6: something in common
a love of reading and a tendency to leave my things scattered about on the floor at any given moment
7: something the fandom does you like
recognize that he is also a little shit. like constance and nathaniel. he just hides it better
12: headcanon
i think he will make snarky comments to constance in his head like a radio announcer, it sends them into hysterics 
22: something you like in fics
TOUCH STARVED!!! thank you. also transgender
23: favorite picture
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both of these are just.. so cute oh my god
The sticky’s are almost the same so here he is!!
5: first song that comes to mind
tin man by america
6: something in common
i really like telling people obscure knowledge i know, and explaining things to people. me 🤝 sticky: erm actually ☝️🤓
7: something the fandom does you like
gives him his props for being super brave, especially when his friends are in danger
8: something the fandom does that you don’t like
makes him the most likely to betray the society than the other three. WRONG i have only seen this once but WRONG!
12: headcanon
he has a phobia of bugs post waiting room, also that he becomes a teacher later in life.
22: something you like in fics
i love when stuff is from his perspective i think it’s really fun. and i enjoy when people write how his very busy brain works
23: favorite picture
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i love handsome sticky, plus the little smirk is super cute
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lotsofsq · 1 month
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i love little nick so much he’s so cute and i love his pov thoughts they are so fascinating!! also book nick with nicky and nathaniel
[IDs copied in alt text: four separate drawings.
a drawing of nicholas benedict as a child as seen in the books, he has a big nose a crew cut and large sparkling eyes, alighted with mischief. is his noted as “imp”
a drawing of nicholas and john cole, who is a good bit bigger than him. john is standing behind him with a hand over his mouth and the other on his shoulder, nick has his hands up by his chest as if he had been talking with them. he is looking up at john questioningly. john has a stressed expression and is saying “Nick, you gotta learn when to be quiet.”
a drawing that is a close up of violet hopefield. her hair is down and she is looking imploringly beside herself. it is captioned “violet with her hair down” with is written“/w”
a drawing of book nicholas with both of the twins from the show. book nicholas is hunched forward, explaining something. his face is exited and he is talking with his hands. he is looking behind himself at show nicholas who is twisting his body to be leaning into book nicholas’s back listening to his explanation while also sitting on nathaniel’s lap. nathaniel is sitting behind book nicholas and is hugging his brother around the middle. he also seems interested but doesn’t seem to want to show it.]
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brookreader · 3 years
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Ok so Nicholas was apparently adopted by a family when he was 12 in this series (which 🤨hm but that’s not the point here) — could that have been Violet’s family?
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They do say that Ledroptha/Nathaniel wasn’t adopted because the family didn’t have room for two, which implies Nick was the only child adopted by that family at that time. But John could still
A. Be a biological member of Violet’s family in this version
B. Have been adopted before Nicholas, or
C. Not have been adopted but have been a friend of Nick (and Nathan?) at the orphanage
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brookreader · 3 years
I know it’s a long shot since they were never in the original book and the prequel is (I think) less popular but oh my stars it would so SO amazing if Violet and/or John showed up at some point in the series
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