dfroza · 2 months
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures
for the 24th of july 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible
[the letter of 2nd Timothy, chapter 4 • the book of Numbers, chapter 27]
along with Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms with Proverbs 24 and Psalm 24 coinciding with the day of the month, accompanied by Psalm 35 for the 35th day of Astronomical Summer, and Psalm 56 for day 206 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
A post by John Parsons:
The Hebrew word for "life" is chayim (חַיִּים), a plural noun that contains two consecutive letter yods (יי) that picture two "hands held together" (the Hebrew word yad [יָד] means "hand"), or the union of our spirit with God's Spirit. The word itself reveals that there is no life apart from union with God, who extends his hand to you and says, "Live in me" (John 15:4). Live in God, who is your life, your love, your light, your truth, your healing, your beauty, your breath, and your salvation. Yeshua is the Source of all life, and we find nourishment, strength, and fullness of joy as we connect with his life. The Lord is our light and our salvation, the Mediator of divine life (Psalm 27:1; John 1:4). The Voice of the LORD still speaks: "Take heart. It is I; be not afraid."
The word chayim can be read as chai (חי), "alive," combined with the particle im (אם), "if," suggesting that being alive is conditional on our connection with God in the truth. "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life (חַיֵּי עוֹלָם); whoever refuses the Son shall not see life, but the separation of God remains" (John 3:36). Life and peace are therefore inextricably connected, and those who refuse Yeshua, the Prince of Peace (שַׂר־שָׁלוֹם), therefore separate themselves from unity with God. Yeshua alone is the means of receiving the divine life: "Whoever has the Son has the life (הַחַיִּים); but whoever does not have the Son of God does not have the life" (1 John 5:12).
The Divine Life is such that it is never diminished as it shared but instead grows and multiplies in miraculous ways. This is alluded to by the Hebrew word for love (i.e., ahavah: אהבה), the gematria of which is thirteen (1+5+2+5=13), but when shared with another it is multiplied: 13 x 2 = 26 - the same value for the Sacred Name (יהוה), i.e., (10+5+6+5=26). The love of God given in Yeshua is the very life of the universe...
The word chayim is also written in the plural to indicate that each person potentially contains a “universe of lives” within him or her. Spiritually, your soul is a unity that contains a multiplicity of changes, yet remains a distinct identity. Physically, when Cain murdered his brother Abel, it is written, "the voice of your brother's bloods (plural) cries out from the ground" (Gen. 4:10), indicating that Abel’s descendants also cried out. In light of this the Talmud states, "Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world; and whoever saves a life, it is as if he saved an entire world" (Sanhedrin 37a).
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
John 6:63 reading:
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7.22.24 • Facebook
from Today’s email by Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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anastpaul · 4 years
Quote/s of the Day - 27 April - ' ...Discover a Presence ...'
Quote/s of the Day – 27 April – ‘ …Discover a Presence …’
Quote/s of the Day – 27 April – Monday of the Third Week of Easter, Readings: Acts 6:8-15, Psalm 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30, John 6:22-29 and the Memorial of Bl Nicolas Roland (1642-1678)
“Do not labour for the food which perishes but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you…”
John 6:27
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“This very moment, I may, if I desire, become the friend of God.”
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coptorthodox · 2 years
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Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him. John 6:27 #coptorthodox #bibleverse #bible #bibleversedaily #dailyverse #coptic #orthodox @coptorthodox #livingbread #breadoflife #donotlabourforthefoodwhichperishes #everlastinglife #godthefather #john6 #john627 #john6v27 https://www.instagram.com/p/CdIUG7pPmaN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kingvin16 · 4 years
Labor for the Food
Do not labor for the food which perishes. Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.” John 6:27 NKJV Praises and honor be to the Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ's matchless name ! The subject verse from the Gospel of John brings before us two important aspects — food and life. They further serve two realms of life. The first being the perishable food for the earthly life and the spiritual food for the eternal life with God. Since, the eternity could either be with the Lord our God or with the satan. Jesus the bread of life The verse says, not to labor so much for the perishable things like food, but to work hard for that food which endures to eternal life. Though the verse does not mean to eat nothing, but it definitely makes a point that the worldly food is not everything. The earthly food which is perishable in nature shall not make any person to live longer. But the bread of God which is from heaven endures us to eternity. And Jesus Christ is the bread of life. In other words, He is the only way to the eternal life with God. He conquered the death by giving up Himself on the Calvary cross. And God the Holy Father gave the free gift of salvation to all who believed in His only begotten Son, Lord Jesus Christ. 'For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”' Read the full article
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4hisglory · 7 years
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dontaylor50-blog · 3 years
Ancestor Sketch – James Vincenzo Varone (Sr.)
Today I report my findings of James Vincenzo Varone (Sr.) in my Varone Project.
Halcro-Varone Project By Don Taylor James Vincenzo Varone was born on 03 April 1889 in Rome, Italy as the first child of Antonio Varone5 and Giuseppa (Galluccio) Varone. He had five siblings, namely: Eleen, Celia6, Rose6, John6, and Mary6. When he was 27, he married Beatrice M Hennessey on 23 October 1916 in Rhode Island. James married Albertina C (LNU) sometime before 19345. List of…
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John 6:1-14 carries the storyline of the feeding of the five thousand with five loaves and two fish. The people who had followed Jesus at length found themselves in a deserted place with the day far spent and the hour late. Jesus having compassion sought to feed them. In a parallel sharing of this story, He turned the responsibility to the disciples saying, “You give them something to eat.” Of course, that was inconceivable considering the volume of people, the need of finance to purchase enough for such a crowd and the little that was contributed to the cause.
Those of us who have read this story before know the outcome. Jesus holding the few fish and bread up before the Father, asking His blessing on it and then having the disciples distribute it to the masses, fed all. Following the feeding, Jesus said to His disciples,
“‘Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.’ Therefore, they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments…” (John6:12-13).
Obviously, far more was gathered than what first existed to be dispersed. What a wonderful miracle! But, by whom was it recognized? And, was there not something more to be gathered than what was gathered?
If we follow the storyline just a bit further, we see that Jesus and his disciples have crossed over the Sea of Galilee that same night to Capernaum. When the crowd found Him gone the next morning, they too passed over Galilee in search of Him. Finding Jesus, He addresses them with…
“…you seek Me not because you saw the sign (or miracle), but because you ate of the loaves and were filled. Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal upon Him” (John6:26-27).
Let me ask if this is the nature of our search for Him? Do we want from Him only what answers or fills the moments of our fleshly need, desire, or crisis in this perishable existence? Or have we got in between the one basket holding five loaves - two fish and the twelve baskets gathered, where we recognize the imperishable miracle of much gathered from little and sometimes even, something gathered from nothing? Notably, Jesus meant for the people to have gathered the imperishable out of the perishable. He meant for their fill to be the Everlasting God who gives everlasting life. He meant for the Source of the supply to become our abide.
In a number of narratives from the gospels, we find a statement made on the backside of Jesus’ miracles, “They were greatly amazed beyond measure and marveled…” We may think we have faith for being amazed at the miraculous, but it is when we daringly leave our earthly measure of things, believing the Greater who is in me than he that is in the world, that real faith finds its way to the frontside of miracles. Here alone do we begin to fulfill Jesus’ request, “You give them to eat.” Are we gathering the immeasurable with surrendering our measure? After we have eaten what perishes, have we remains of the day that cannot be lost? Is the foundation of my relationship growing in wisdom, stature and favor with God and men? If so, then I am gathering with Him to work the works of God.
“He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters” (Lk.11:23 NKJV).
“Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me” (Lk.11:23 NLT).
Do we recognize our Day to be far spent and the hour late? Let’s be certain to gather with Him who gives what is never lost and keeps us from scattering.
In Him - DSC
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mrlnsfrt · 4 years
Jesus the Bread of Life
“And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” - John 6:35 NKJV 
I find the gospel according to John to be incredibly challenging. This is great because it keeps me humble, and it keeps me coming back. Over the years I have gained a better understanding of what it teaches but there always seems to be more depth and I hope that this post will help you have a better understanding of come of the core principles of being a follower of God.
I would like to pick up the story in John 6:22. The people are puzzled at how Jesus crossed the sea. Jesus however, does not engage in that conversation, rather He goes to the heart of what they truly need (this happens often in the gospel of John). Jesus begins to talk about “food which endures to everlasting life” (John 6:27) and the crowd is very much interested and wants to know what is it that they need to “do” that they may “work the works of God?” (verse 28). Jesus gives them a very clear answer.
Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.” - John 6:29 NKJV
Jesus said that all they had to do was believe in Him. The crowd is not so sure about this answer and asks for a sign claiming that their fathers ate bread from heaven. (v31) Jesus corrects them explaining that Moses did not give their fathers bread from heaven, but God is giving them the true bread from heaven.
For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” - John6:33 NKJV
The people got excited about this and asked Jesus to give them that bread always. (v34)
And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.  - John 6:35 NKJV
Jesus is aware that not all of them believe, yet He tells them that He will not cast out anyone who comes to Him. Jesus also adds that God wills that everyone who sees Him (Jesus) and believes in Him may have everlasting life and Jesus will raise her up at the last day. (v40) Not everyone believes Jesus, and He continues to teach them repeating the same main idea in different but similar ways.
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” - John 6:47-51 NKJV (bold mine)
The idea of eating Jesus’ flesh, understandably, made several people upset and noticing this instead of easing up, pushed his point further.
Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. This is the bread which came down from heaven—not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever.” - John 6:53-58 NKJV
This teaching caused many of Jesus’ followers to leave Him.
I would like to conclude this post with the following quote from Jesus.
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. - John 6:63 NKJV
Jesus’ words are spirit and they are life. We have access to His words through the Bible. It is by studying the Bible that we come to know Jesus, to believe in Him, to trust Him. It is by believing in Him that we have eternal life, it is a gift God gives us in and through Jesus. But how will we believe Him, how will we trust Him if we don’t know Him? How will we know Him if we don’t read or listen to His words?
The study of the Bible feeds our soul and helps us fall in love with Jesus.
I hope you take time to read this wonderful book every day, and I pray that every time you read it you will learn more about Jesus. May you fall in love with Jesus as you learn more about Him, and may He transform your life and make you more like Him.
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anastpaul · 5 years
One Minute Reflection - 6 May - "Our first aim is to go to God..."
One Minute Reflection – 6 May – “Our first aim is to go to God…”
One Minute Reflection – 6 May – Monday of the Third week of Easter, Gospel: John 6:22–29
“Do not labour for the food which perishes but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you...”John 6:27
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REFLECTION– “Someone who works frenziedly on Sundays, thinking he is going to earn more money or get more done, is making a mistake in his calculations!   Can two or…
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anastpaul · 4 years
Quote/s of the Day - 30 June - 'I put all my trust in Thee ...'
Quote/s of the Day – 30 June – ‘I put all my trust in Thee …’
Quote/s of the Day – 30 June – “The Last day of the Month of the Sacred Heart” – Tuesday of the Thirteenth week in Ordinary Time Year A, Readings: Amos 3:1-8; 4:11-12, Psalm 5:5-8, Matthew 8:23-27
And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord, we are perishing.”
Matthew 8:25
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“It is I, be not afraid”
John 6:20
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“Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
John 14:27
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coptorthodox · 4 years
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Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him. John 6:27 #coptorthodox #bibleverse #bible #dailybibleverse #bibleversedaily #dailyverse #coptic #orthodox #eternallife #john6 #john6v27 #everlastinglife https://www.instagram.com/p/CAH2JYwJa98/?igshid=1kzl7pkj6o54w
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coptorthodox · 5 years
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Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him. John 6:27 #coptorthodox @coptorthodox #copticorthodox #bibleverse #bible #dailybibleverse #bibleversedaily #dailyverse #coptic #orthodox #innerman #theinnerman #christimage #john6 #john6v27 #everlastinglife #sonofman https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dKiD5JDyt/?igshid=1wv3kjvmbqt3m
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