witchcraftforabuck · 6 years
Needed Interactions
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People I want to see Wanda interact with more than her battery operated boyfriend: 
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The Avenger she was obsessed with and joined Hydra to kill, the guy whose hero backstory is specifically what happened to families such as hers?  
In “Civil War” their main beef with each other was over him “locking her in her room.” All the serious shit, they somehow buried the hatched about between movies... and we never saw it. 
Did she ever feel bad about triggering his PTSD to cause all that destruction, and try using her powers to help fix his mental problems after switching sides? (And maybe make another boo-boo, this time by accident?) Did Tony ever use his money and influence to help her, to try and make up for the mis-sold weapons? Do they ever relate their guilt complexes to each other or talk about PTSD? Is Tony pissed for what she did to Bruce? Did Tony give her the money to buy that new red Goth outfit? Did they two of them ever get mistaken for a sugar daddy and his young Russian mail-bride and be comically grossed out? These are things I need to know!
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The Avengers’ first former villainess who was brainwashed from childhood to work for an evil organization and is from a former Soviet country
There’s a fan theory that Nat helped Wanda gradually erase her accent over the course of the movies. Did Nat also help Wanda with the guilt and all that? Or teach Wanda how to live/blend in normal society? Is the fact that they were both “saved” so to speak by Hawkeye anything worth bringing up, MCU? Like, are they both super protective of Hawkeye, or is Wanda semi-jealous of Nat due to teen/unsocialized-young-adult hormones? 
Basically, Nat should be Wanda’s big sister in the whole redemption arc thing. And everything else.
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The other Hydra lab-rat who committed atrocities for them... but didn’t volunteer.... and was specifically a victim of mind control... and whose main condition that needs (needed) fixing was mind-related? 
Look, I worship Shuri, but having her fix Buck’s brain and provide the new arm was such a cop-out. Tony should’ve made the new arm, for obvious reasons, and Wanda should’ve cured Bucky’s Hydra programing, or at least helped with it. (Maybe a combination of her mind-powers and Tony’s BARF tech) That is of course, after having to earn his trust. Bucky, if/when he learned her history, would likely despise her for a while, since she “volunteered” for the Hydra labs, and specialized in mind-control. In fact, did Bucky and Wanda perhaps already meet, back at Hydra? Was Wanda, or previous agents given similar powers, used in Bucky’s Winer Soldier programing? 
Speaking of mind-control victims who might despise Wanda...
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The other guy whose severe mental problems she deliberately triggered, with the intention of harming civilian life
Damn this would be heated. (Not in that way. Ewe. Age diff, yuck. I’m talking platonic relationships here.) Bruce should hate her trillions of times worse than Tony or Bucky would combined... but Bruce is such a cinnamon roll, you can bet he’d be one of the first to forgive her--or at least pretend to, even if he was still feeling daily rage and struggling to keep the Other Guy quiet whenever she’s in the room. 
Frankly, Bruce should have the role that Hawkeye does in Wanda’s life. He shouldv’e been the one to give her that pep talk, make her switch sides, and become her big brother. Even if he still privately--or openly--hated her while doing so. 
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The other traumatized orphan girl who saw her parents die in an explosion, and joined “Shield” but (probably) really Hydra, killed for them, and seek “revenge” on a snarky scientist for a flimsy connection to her situation? 
As Nat should be Wanda’s big sister in this area, Wanda should be Ava’s. The fact that both are perfect matches for Bucky just adds fuel to the fire. 
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The toned-down, more innocent version of Wanda
The one who was born with her mental powers, who was a timid pawn to the villain she served rather than an eager volunteer, and who hasn’t a negative bone in her body. If Mantis and Wanda were to “read” each other, what would that do to each of them? 
Would Wanda’s self esteem go to the gutter, at seeing someone with such a similar background who turned out so much more pure? Would she be scared for how naiive Mantis is? Would Mantis then stun her by having some wisdom Wanda never expected her to, and then remind Wanda she’s actually centuries older than her? (I have no idea how old Mantis is, but given how old Ego was, it’s possible.) Could Mantis help Wanda control her powers? 
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Two more! Wow. 
Let’s just start a club for ladies who were indoctrinated to work for villains growing up and are now pissed about it. 
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“I’ve never read the mind of a tree before. Or an opossum.” 
Every single Avenger plus Dr. Strange has to meet these two, if only for one brief exchange. You can’t toss a talking raccoon and tree into the MCU and not show us what everyone’s reactions to them would be. 
Could Wanda’s magic dig up Groot’s memories of his past life, from the first movie? Can her energy-balls make Groot grow or sprout leaves or whatnot? Rocket obviously would hate her, because he hates anyone who probes under his angry “armor” so to speak. And she’d certainly make some remark about how she and Pietro used to eat trash-pandas like him for dinner when times were slightly tougher than usual in Sokovia, with all the starvation and whatnot. 
Also, didn’t Wanda’s brother have a problem with impulsive stealing, much like Rocket? 
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Another sorcerer villain-turned-good(?), who originally went bad because he was an orphan with a sob story, and whose magic specifically specializes in manipulation 
“The universe wronged us! The Avengers wronged us. And each of us alone is more powerful than most of them combined. Together, our magic would be unstoppable. Rule by my side, as my queen. Just Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave!” 
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So, you’re on the run from most every world government, because your magic was out of control, and maybe you’re sick of the Avengers defining your life in some way or another. If only there was some secret getaway that would teach you how to control your magic and more, with a guy who disdained the Avengers and wouldn’t mind at all stealing one of their young upstarts? 
When Wanda learns magic from Dr. Strange, she has glowing discs like he does, but hers are red. 
Loki may also be learning alongside her (possibly against his will, as a rehabilitation order by King Thor). Wanda would obviously be the star student and Loki would be the little bitch. 
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The Mind Stone 
If you’re gonna make this her main relationship, at least give us some more about what it’s like for a telepath to be in love with the Mind Stone... and the fact that the guy she loves only exists because of her crimes. Frell, this could actually be an interesting ship. Why isn’t it? 
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