#johnny loved to tease perconte
balladofthe101st · 5 months
genre: johnny ribbing/teasing perconte
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shoshiwrites · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @MERCURYGRAY !! Love, @basilone, @junojelli, & @shoshiwrites
The paragals + Jo + a camera  — a retrospective
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There are so many of them, spread across the back porch table, edges lifting slightly off the redwood. On the periphery an ashtray, the salt-crystal remains of a bowl of pretzels, two half-finished beers quarantined at the far corner for their condensation. When more people start to arrive, later tonight and tomorrow, there’ll be more ashtrays, more snacks, a stack of playing cards. Eileen’s lipstick, a few pairs of reading glasses. The two of them can hear crickets through the screen walls, the low buzz of a late summer evening. The wafting scent of mountain laurel and hydrangea.
Whole years, laid out in black and white. There are grays too, every shade, starkness and softness, light and shadow. 
“Boy,” Marj says, and there’s a faint hint of shock to it, her tone low and quiet. “I’m surprised you had money for anything besides film.”
Jo smiles. “Sometimes.”
There’s Molly, lost in a manual with Billie beside her, the latter pulling a face for the camera. Julie sitting with her radio set disassembled, Perconte and Luz looking over her shoulder like some accidental comedy team. Jo thinks, if she’s not imagining it, that she can see a gleam in George’s eye. 
Marj gently plucks the edge of a photo of her and Johnny Martin in the canteen, notebooks out, strategizing. “You can have that one,” Jo says. “Any of them, we can figure it out once everybody gets here.”
“Except for the ones I can’t,” Marj replies with a raised eyebrow, just this edge of teasing. The corner section of snapshots Marj had laid out from the pile with a smirk — Joe smoking, Joe walking, Joe asleep with his head on Jo’s coat sleeve. She’d woken him up with that one.
Jo takes the mature route and sticks out her tongue. “Bill might want this one.” She holds one up of Guarnere surrounded by the group — Babe, Niamh, Molly, Smokey, Maggie. There’s Julian too, in the corner, his shoulder lost to overexposure. “Babe too,” she adds softly.
They could make a whole series of the ones of Maggie and Lieb together. Bickering, sometimes yelling, except for the handful where they’re quietly sharing a soda or half a Hershey bar, unaware of the camera. One of those, Marj notes with a raised eyebrow, is slightly singed around the edges, and Jo remembers Maggie hissing something about burning the evidence. Jo doesn’t tell Marj about the one she gave to Lieb, Maggie’s hair between fingers and a pair of scissors, body out of frame, the one he’d quietly traded her more smokes for than she knew he had.
There’s Ruth and Malark sitting together, knocking knees and talking, one Jo had nabbed standing above them. Even in the monochrome, the auburn of their hair is unmistakeable. They stifle snorts at one of Molly staring into space while Webster holds forth about some subject she could care less about, laugh at one of Hannah and Connie making like bandits with Perco’s toothpaste, with Frank not far behind. Blink away tears at one of Skip and Penk messing with a radio, one of Hoobler too, his grin wide as anything.
There's a quiet portrait of Irene fixing a dab of camo cream on the apple of Shifty’s cheek, his eyes trained on her. One of Judy halfway through digging a foxhole somewhere back in England, looking up and looking fed up in the direction of the camera.
In another, Joan explains a field exercise with her characteristic precision. The other lieutenants are focused on the map, except for one. “Joanie’ll get a kick out of that one,” Marj says fondly. "Her flight should be getting in soon." There’s more of them, those quiet moments-between-moments, spaces-between-bodies, until a sunlit lakeside where his arm rests quietly around her waist. “And this one.”
There’s Speirs in repose in a sunlit pine forest, Harry writing Kitty with the focus of a surgeon, Harry holding Kitty’s parachute. Jo had made him smile for it, half diffidence and half joy in his gapped front teeth. 
A scant few from Haguenau, Billie’s profile with chapped cheeks and overgrown brows. Nothing but exhaustion, resoluteness, things that feel far away and very close. Very different from the few behind-the-scenes shots next to makeshift lighting and huge drapes of fabric background, when some genius at LIFE had decided to shove them, scars and all, into sequined evening gowns just before the company had formally deactivated. There's Marj and Billie shoulders-up in strapless numbers, waiting, their hair all done up, unreadable expressions on their faces. A blurred foreground of color in another and Speirs looming in the corner, keeping a watchful and not entirely un-terrifying eye on the photographer around his sergeants. Jo and Marj can’t help but hoot. 
There’s Bill pontificating in a foxhole with Babe at his arm, Doris crouching by the edge, smoke swirling thoughtfully upwards. He looks almost quiet, and Jo laughs. “And Doris’ll get a kick out of that one.” Joe does too, and so does Lip, when the two of them wander back in from the garage, cigarettes still in hand. 
“Niamh was good at getting this thing away from you,” Marj notes, and Jo concedes. Sometimes Niamh handed the camera off to Molly, who had mentioned Cambridge camera stores and the records she’d kept on digs. Molly’s were careful and composed, documentary in feel, a welcome addition to Jo’s scattered moments and the chaos of whenever someone else would get their hands on the little machine. A few panicked blurs of shots make them laugh; they guess Bill, maybe Hannah, or Connie. 
Jo’s hand strokes the Leica thoughtfully, protectively. There are dings on the surface, but it’s as functional as ever. 
“Did you bring film?” Lip asks, cupping his wife’s shoulder. “I think we might have some if you don’t.” They know might is a lie — there are rolls of it, waiting to capture first steps once their kids stop crawling. 
“I did, Sarg.”
He nods, brow serious. “Good work.”
“You ought to put these in a book,” Marj says, and it’s less an ask than a statement of appreciation. Jo leans back, half-nodding and half-yawning into Joe’s side. “Tired?”
Jo smiles. “A little.” 
“Better perk up, I think I just heard Eileen’s cab.”
“How do you know it’s—” Jo starts to say, and before she can finish there’s a loud YOOHOO! by the front door, and the sound of a screen slamming, and another car pulling up besides. They’re back whole now, the ones together, the ones gone, all of them here, captured in light.  
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auroralightsthesky · 3 years
HBO War Boys and their Patronuses Part 1
So this idea’s been sitting on the stove for a little while now but, I do have to say, a big thanks to @onlyyouexisthere for refreshing the idea. I might have to do a two to three parter for this but it can and will be done. 
Dick WInters- Stag (yep Dick’s is definitely a stag) 
Lewis Nixon- Doe (”After all this time?”......”Always”) 
Harry Welsh- Ram (headstrong, devoted, virility) 
Carwood Lipton- Bear (nurturer, protector, quiet strength) 
Ronald Speirs- Raven (intimidating, wise teacher) 
Joe Liebgott- Meerkat (brave warrior, loyal friend) 
David Webster- Hammerhead Shark (ancestor, sharp instincts)
Buck Compton- Timberwolf (loyalty to the pack, incredible leader) 
Johnny Martin- Rhino (bull headed, will attack if provoked)
Ed Tipper- Seahorse (patience, always full of surprises) 
Edward “Babe” Heffron- Robin (comfort in dark places, hope) 
Eugene Roe- Snow Leopard (spirit, patience, calm, healing) 
Joe Toye- Badger (Stubbornness, determination) 
Bill Guarnere- Sparrowhawk (committed, tenacious) 
Denver “Bull” Randleman- American Bison (Native American spirit, selflessness)
Donald Malarkey- Arabian Horse (free spirit, can-do attitude)
George Luz- Blue Jay (teasing, prankster, light hearted) 
Shifty Powers- Eagle (good eyes, freedom to soar)
Warren “Skip” Muck- Raccoon (mischief, teasing tendancies) 
Alex Penkala- Squirrel (quickness, fast thinking) 
Floyd Talbert- Dove (loving spirit, connection to Aphrodite) 
Chuck Grant- Flying fox bat (compassion, quiet, reserved) 
Frank Perconte- Quetzal Bird (Aztec spirit, light in the dark, small but big)
Kitty Grogan- Peacock (inner beauty, vibrant, self worth)
Frannie Peca Guarnere- Cheetah (agility, protection, sight)
Faye Tanner- Ragdoll Cat (sweetness, joy, caring)
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Rock Bottom
Joe Liebgott x OC
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*Rated T for language and adult themes. (5,471 words)
“Have you guys seen that new girl?” Frank Perconte asked as he squeezed into a small seat along the dining table bench.
“What new girl?” Bill Guarnere asked through a bite of food.
“The new intelligence girl,” Frank said as means of explanation.
“She’s an intelligence officer?” Joe Liebgott asked.
“I heard she was with the OSS before this,” Pat Christensen added.
“I don’t think intelligence officer,” Frank pushed the food around on his plate, “but apparently she speaks like 20 languages.”
“No,” Joe said doubtfully, “no way, that’s so many.”
“Who knows? Once you know one language it’s easier to pick up others,” David Webster said.
Joe shot him an annoyed look.
“I think she’s from the Bronx too, Web.”
“Well hey, there ya go! There’s so many languages going around in the Bronx, she probably picked them up there. It’s so much easier to learn languages when you’re young ya-“
“Where’d you get all this info?” Bill cut David off.
“Luz.” Frank was barely intelligible with his mouth full.
“Hm,” Bill grunted. The information was likely true coming from George Luz, the kid had a way of finding things out.
Their formal introduction to the newest G-2 recruit occurred the next day prior to starting their classroom instruction. The men hadn’t expected the classroom time. They knew the forecast had predicted rain but they didn’t dare to hope Sobel would let them off just because of “a little water”. However, by eleven, the early morning drizzle had grown into a downpour that even Sobel didn’t want to be caught in. He relinquished his company to the instruction of basic compass and map reading.
“Gentleman,” Sobel addressed them dryly, his hands folded behind his back, “before we get started, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the intelligence general staff.”
The men were gathered in a large tent propped up by recently constructed whitewood. Beside Sobel stood a woman dressed neatly in an army issued pencil skirt, jacket and tie.
“This is Valerie Marchetti, she will be working with the intelligence office as a linguist.”
“Told ya she knew like 20 languages,” Frank whispered to Joe.
“Italian!” Bill nudged Johnny Martin.
“Please make every effort to make her feel welcome,” Sobel finished unenthusiastically, “Alright, let's get started. Radio men, follow Ms. Marchetti.”
“Lucky!” Floyd Talbert clapped George on the shoulder as he stood up. George winked at him with a grin.
“So, what’s she like?” Floyd asked as they headed back to the barracks.
“Aw she’s an angel,” George enthused, “so sweet, and she knows her stuff too!”
“You’d think anyone that pretty was an angel, Luz,” Frank said.
“That,” George said, “is because angels are beautiful.”
But George wasn’t the only one over the moon to have a woman among them. All of the Toccoa men were eager for any chance to ogle Valerie. They were oversexed and grateful to have a beautiful woman in their midst, if only for the hope of earning a smile. Most of the men were limited in their interactions with her seeing as she was part of the intelligence general staff but somehow Bill really got to know her, and by extension, Johnny Martin did too. They became a trio on nights out. Bill jumping from group to group, socializing with all the men while the more mellow Johnny posted up at a table with Valerie.
“Does she actually know 20 languages?” Shifty asked Bill innocently.
“Nah, not actually twenty, but she knows quite a few. She’s damn smart!” Bill said taking a long drink of his beer.
“What languages does she know?” Joe asked.
“Italian, her pa’s Italian. Polish ‘cuz of her ma. Yiddish and I think her German’s okay too,” Bill listed.
Joe nodded thoughtfully, “not bad,” he admitted. “Not gonna be any use to us if we go to Japan though.”
Bill shrugged, “who knows where we’re goin’, they got her here for a reason.”
“Was she posted somewhere else before this?” Moe Alley asked.
“She was a code breaker! Can you believe that? So smart,” Bill shook his head in awe.
“Ya sound like you’re in love there, Bill,” Joe teased.
“God damn right, I love that girl. She’s great!”
Joe chuckled, she was a good looking dame that was for sure. Just his type: curvaceous, dark hair and warm eyes. He admired her just as much as every other guy in the bar. There were plenty of local women around, some of who Joe had gotten to know quite well, but there was something about that army pencil skirt that just did it for Joe.
“She gotta fella?” Joe heard himself asking.
“Why? You interested Joe?” Bill asked.
Joe shrugged, “just curious.”
Bill looked over his shoulder where Valerie sat smiling, her full lips painted a rich red. “I don’t think so, but I’ll tell ya what Joe, she’s not any ol’ dame. She’s a spicy one that’s for sure. She’ll tell you what’s what.”
Yeah, Joe found that out for himself the first time he experienced classroom instruction with Valerie Marchetti.
“Well, actually we’d actually refer to this group as the Allgemeine SS,” Valerie said.
“Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke is German Equipment factories so I don’t-“ Joe defended.
“Well yes, but it’s important to know that this is an armaments division under the SS, Allgemeine SS.”  
“Are you sure? You said yourself you aren’t fluent in German, are you sure you’re translating-“
“Yes. I don’t speak fluent German but I know these terms and I know the organization of the SS. You would do well to listen to me, I know what I’m talking about.” Valerie snapped.
“Okay, calm down,” Joe threw his hands up.
Valerie sniffed at his gaslighting before spinning on her heel and walking away. After that it was game over, nothing about her was attractive to Joe any longer; not her silky, dark curls, not her full red lips, not the way the dark lines on her hose travelled seductively up her leg. He decided she was more trouble than she was worth.
A cheer rose up from the dart boards that Friday night where Bill, Johnny, and Bull were playing darts with Valerie. She was wearing trousers that night, which Joe found rather flattering. But he caught himself as his gaze travelled down from her waist, and quickly looked away.
“Okay, if I make this last one, drinks are on me.” Valerie bit her lip in concentration.
“Well now I kinda want you to win,” Bill said jovially.
“Ah!” The men around her cheered again as the dart hit another bullseye.
“Damn, how do you do it?” asked Don Malarkey in awe.
Valeria smiled coyly and shrugged. “Who needs a drink?” she asked to the men gathered.
“Nah, you can’t possibly cover all the drinks here,” Bill held up his hand in protest, a cigarette burning between his fingers.
“Don’t worry about it Bill, I pretty much owe everyone in here a drink anyways after the way they all tripped over themselves to buy me a drink when I first got here.”
The men sung her praises all the way up to the bar where Valerie instructed the tender to pour everyone in proximity a beer and to put it on her tab. She had come up right where Joe had been standing with Moe. Valerie glanced down at his nearly empty glass, “you need a beer Joe?” she asked.
“No thanks, still workin’ on this one.” Joe held up his glass.
“James?” Valerie asked Moe. He nodded appreciatively and accepted the drink even though his original glass held more than Joes.
“You sure Joe?” Valerie asked in a sing song voice. It grated on Joe’s nerves.
“I’m good, thank you though Valerie.” His dark eyes met hers. The piercing darkness of them sent a shiver down her spine and she abruptly looked away, blushing.
Joe was walking back from the latrine later that night when he heard some voices out in the dark, in the direction of HQ. The tone of the two male voices that carried on the air made Joe stand to alert. The speakers weren’t too loud, but there was a forcefulness to them. Then the voice of an agitated female broke through. A coldness rushed into Joe blood. He rushed towards the noise. He came upon two F company men who were walking on either side of Valerie. They were walking fast, the pace clearly set by Valerie who sped forward. The men kept in step with with her all while trying to box her in between their bodies.
“Hey!” Joe snapped, stopping them in their course, “what the hell is going on here?”
Joe looked at Valerie, a chilling look in her eyes: fear.
The men hardly seemed bothered by Joe’s presence. “We’re just making sure this young lady gets back to her quarters safely,” one said.
“Are you?” Joe asked, “do you even know her?”
“Sure we do,” the other said arrogantly, “mind your business pal.”
“Val, you know these guys?” Joe asked. Even with adrenaline coursing through his body he winced internally at his use of her nickname. He wasn’t familiar with her like that, why did he call her Val in that moment?
“Don’t worry about it Joe, I can take care of myself,” she said firmly, “I’m just right here,” she turned towards the main HQ building where she was posted up with the other few females. The men made to follow her into the darkness. Although it was only yards away, there were too many spots of darkness for Joe to feel comfortable letting those men follow her all the way up to her doorstep. Joe stepped in front of them, giving Valerie the time and space to disappear into the fold of the night.
“What’s your problem man?” one of the men snarled.
“It’s late, you’re just gonna have to accept you struck out tonight,” Joe sneered back.
The other man, who was significantly larger than Joe, took a menacing step forward. “She your girl or something?” he asked with narrow eyes.
“She’s no ones girl,” Joe said, and he turned away to head back to his barracks.
“Hey, you should’ve stayed out of it, guy.” Then Joe felt a hand on his collar spin him around before a fist made contact with his eye.
“Do you know what guys from F company?” Edward Tipper asked as he took in the blue and blackness that was beginning to come out around Joe’s eye socket.
Joe shrugged into his breakfast, “whatever, I’m not worried about it.”
“Those bastards,” Moe said, “we oughta give them what they deserve.”
“I said I’m not worried about it,” Joe said, “will you drop it?” His friends reluctantly sat back.
It was then Joe noticed Valerie standing a few feet away, a breakfast tray clutched in her hands. She was staring mournfully at the injuries he incurred. As soon as his eyes met hers she quickly walked to the table where Johnny sat, taking a place beside him and disappearing behind the figures of the Easy Company men she loved. Not Joe, he was not part of that group.
“Joe,” Valerie came up behind him as he was bussing his tray. He turned around to face her. Bags hung under her eyes but her signature red lipstick was applied flawlessly.
“Yeah?” he asked impassively.
“Um, I..” she hesitated, taking in his appearance. His jacket was unbuttoned, revealing his PT shirt. His dog tags hung heavy around his lean neck. His cheek bones were sharp, the top of the left one was split just slightly below where the blueness had spread to fill his entire eye socket. Valerie winced looking at him.
“I just want to say I appreciate you checking in on me last night,” Valerie began.
“Don’t mention,” Joe flicked his hand dismissively and began to walk away.
“But you didn’t need to, I feel bad, you’re eye, I would’ve been fine-“
Joe looked at her like she was crazy, “Valerie I saw how you looked last night, you knew it wasn’t goin’ in a good direction.”
“I was almost back to my quarters, I would’ve been fine,” she insisted.
Joe let out a sharp laugh, “why were you alone anyway? Walking in the dark?”
“It’s none of your business,” Valerie said.
“Wow, this is a hell of a thank you, Val,” Joe winced. Damn it, why did he keep using that nickname?
Valerie wrinkled her own nose in discomfort, “well thank you, but next time I got myself.”
“Valerie I wasn’t going to just leave you there!”

“You don’t need to worry about me! I can take care of myself,” she doubled down.
“God damn it, would you get over yourself?” Joe snapped. Valerie reeled back in momentary shock.
“Get over myself?”
“Those guys were trouble! We both know it!”
“Get over myself? What do you mean? You don’t trust me-“
“I don’t even know you, I would’ve done the same for any girl-“ 
“So because I’m a girl you don’t trust me to take care of myself?”
“It was two against one.” 
“I’m a soldier same as you and you were prepared to take them on-“
“Don’t be ignorant, it’s diff-“
“Ignorant? Who’s calling who ignorant?”
“See, you just think you’re so much better than every-“
“I have to be better than everyone! I have to work twice as hard as everyone here!”
“In your cozy little intelligence office? Yeah, sure, try doing the stuff we have to do.”
“I have to train too! I’m strong!”
 “But not strong enough to-“
“I am strong enough!”
“Look what those bastards did to me, you don’t think they would’ve done the same to you?”
“Well, maybe not, because like you said I’m just a girl.”
“Yeah well let me tell you that’s exactly why they could’ve done worse.”
“Do you just assume the worst of your compatriots?”
 “Do you not? How dumb are you? I thought you were from the city!”

“You know what, just stay out of it next time Liebgott. I don’t want you getting injured on my behalf.” Valerie stormed away angrily.
“You’re welcome!”Joe shouted after her defiantly. “God damn it,” he cursed under his breath. He kicked a trash bin nearly kicking it over, “fuck this.”
Joe was still heated later that night when he finally retired to the barracks.
“Tough day, Joe?” Bull asked. A cigar hung from his mouth as he unlaced his boots.
“Little bit,” Joe eased down on his bed. His face throbbed where he had been hit. Bull looked up at him thoughtfully, “everything alright now?” he asked cryptically.
“All good, Bull,” Joe lay back on his cot exhaling.
“Not all good,” John Martin was suddenly standing over him, “you were fighting with Valerie?”
“Not really, it’s fine,” Joe draped an arm over his eyes, trying to block out the little light that filled their canvas living quarters.
“It better be, I heard you two shouting at each other earlier. What’d you do to deserve that?”
Joe sat up, “I didn’t do anything!”
John crossed his arms and eyed Joe suspiciously, “well, if she’s after you you probably deserve it.” He stalked off and Joe fell back onto his bed.
“She’s a tough one that Valerie,” Bull said.
“So I’ve heard,” Joe muttered.
“No shit from nobody,” Bull continued.
“You gotta point, Bull?” Joe snapped glaring at the guy in the bunk next to him.
Bull chewed on his cigar, carefully considering what he was going to say next, “it was good of you to look out for her. You did the right thing, Joe.”
Joe hadn’t expected that. He nodded at Bull then rolled over in his bunk. He didn’t know how much Bull knew, or what exactly he had heard through the grapevine, but Bull’s words meant more than he thought the would. Finally a little acknowledgment for preventing the crime he had seen coming. No matter how tough she was, there’s no stopping that when two men decide they’re going to do it.
Joe slid his arm under his pillow, trying to get comfortable. That’s when his hand grazed something hard and rectangular. From underneath his pillow he pulled out a chocolate bar. Wrapped around it, fastened with twine, was a note. In neat cursive were the words: You were right. Thank you for your help.
Joe couldn’t help but smile a little bit. Who the fuck was this woman.
She was a goddamn rule following narc when she wanted to be, that’s who she was. Joe and Moe may or may not have snuck out of the base one Tuesday night and gotten pissed at a nearby bar. They were too drunk to be cautious when they stumbled back onto base, their arms around each other, singing.
Valerie was walking along the well lit path to the women’s latrine when she ran into them.
“What are you guys doing?” she hissed confronting them.
“Hello sweetheart,” Moe slurred with a grin.
“Valerie!” Joe said enthusiastically, “wow thank you for the Hershey bar.”
Valerie flushed bright red, “you guys are being so loud! You’re going to get in trouble.” She looked them up and down, “how drunk are you?”
 “Not drunk at all,” Moe shook his head.
Valerie wrinkled her nose, “sure smells like you are.”
“That’s rude Valerie,” Joe said jokingly.
“Yeah well you guys are going to get all of Easy in trouble tomorrow if you show up hungover.”
“We’ll be fine!” Moe waved his hand, “don’t worry about us, doll.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about,” Valerie said sharply, “its the rest of the company you’re screwin’ over. Goodnight!” she walked off shaking her head.
“What a bitch,” Moe said off-handedly.
“She’s not a bitch,” Joe immediately snapped.
Moe swayed in place, grinning stupidly at his friend. “Whoa there, you’re not in love with her now too are you?”
Joe rolled his eyes and the men stumbled back to their barracks, now a little quieter.
He would never admit it after the way Valerie had confronted them, but waking up the next day was rough. Joe was determined to keep it together just to spite Valerie. He had muscled through the morning and was hoping for a moment of respite at lunch. But to his great misfortune, tuna casserole was being served. Joe’s stomach churned as he looked down into his plate. He was hungry but he was sure that the final remains of alcohol digesting inside of him would not be happy to share his stomach with this meal.
As he contemplated whether to eat or not, Joe felt eyes on him. He looked up to see Valerie’s sympathetic face from across the mess hall. She smiled at him tenderly at him and he immediately felt pathetic in her eyes. A irrational sense of anger flared up in him and he stabbed at the casserole with his fork. He brought a first big bite into his mouth all while maintaining eye contact with Valerie. The sympathetic smile dropped from her face as she watched his performance. She narrowed her eyes, her lip curling in disgust at his juvenile defiance.
After the meal ended she came up to him, her tray as empty as his was.
“Feeling alright, Joe?” she asked as sweet as syrup.
Perspiration was beginning to form on his forehead. He was not feeling alright, in fact he felt rather clammy. Moe had done the wise thing and only eaten his buttered bread. Joe was seriously regretting not doing the same.
“Feelin’ great, how’re you feeling, Valerie?” he asked obstinately.
“I’m feeling great too,” she said smugly, because she was, and he clearly was not even if he wasn’t admitting it. “Enjoy the rest of the day!” She sashayed off.
Luckily, the mess hall was mostly empty because as soon as she was out of sight, Joe dived for a nearby trashcan and regurgitated the lunch he had just consumed.
“Better out than in,” Moe said as means of comfort, looking equally washed up.
By the end of the week Joe was ready to go out again. Just as it happens to all young men, the short term memory of how he felt after a night of binge drinking had left him by that Saturday night. Having secured and successfully retained their weekend passes, Joe and his friends bought tickets to the dance that Saturday evening.
The majority of Easy Company had the same idea and they, along with the other companies of the 101st airborne, filled the local dance hall. Joe was having a pretty good time. Beer was flowing, the band was hopping, and there was an endless supply of beautiful women to dance with. Joe was taking a break from the dance floor when he spotted Valerie spinning across the room in the arms of a dark haired gentleman from another company.
“Look at her,” Edward said appreciatively from next to Joe.
“Who?” Joe asked, pretending not to know who his friend was referring to.
“I know you don’t like her much, but Valerie, she is a looker,” Edward whistled.
Joe scowled but allowed himself a moment to check Valerie out. She wore a slightly-outdated red belted dress. Little white flowers peppered the fabric from the hem to the shoulders where the cinched neckline generously revealed her delicate collarbones.
Joe cleared his throat, “yeah, but there’s lots of good lookin’ broads around tonight.”
Edward just shrugged and downed the rest of his beer before setting out for the dance floor again. Joe did his best to avoid Valerie. He distracted himself with drinks, jokes, and other beautiful women. Despite his best efforts Joe still found himself looking across the low lit dance floor directly into Valerie’s eyes when a version of Mood Indigo came on.
It wasn’t Valerie in his arms, it was another woman. A woman he hadn’t known long enough to truly enjoy the moody slow dance with. Valerie was in the arms of the same guy she’d been with all night and she did look like she was enjoying the dance. Joe realized she was enjoying it a lot more than he wanted her to be.
The glance they had shared had been brief, she had broken it off quickly to nestle her cheek against her fellas shoulder. But that short moment had stirred something in Joe. In the dark golden light of the numerous high-hanging light bulbs Valerie’s eyes had looked like melted amber. The shadows that flickered across the hall softened her face, giving it an ethereal look. She was breathtaking and Joe wanted to be the one with his arm around her waist. He wanted to be the one she leaned her cheek against. He felt an overwhelming unreasonable hatred for this random man he didn’t know simply because he was the one who held Valerie so close.
Once the song ended, Joe politely bid goodbye to his partner and made a beeline for Valerie. She stood talking to her partner and a few other guys Joe didn’t recognize. He approached their group stiffly, his hands in his pockets. Everyone looked surprised at his arrival, especially Valerie, who was obligated to introduce him considering she was the only one who really knew him.
After a quick nod to the group Joe said, “Valerie can I talk to you?” Valerie’s brow furrowed in confusion but she politely excused herself. Joe lead her to an unoccupied side of the room near the door.
“Is something wrong?” Valerie asked, a fresh glass of champagne clutched in her perfectly manicured hands. Joe had no clue as to what he had wanted to say to her or what exactly he wanted from her. His goal had simply been to remove her from that man’s presence. In all honesty, he had no plan because he was confused on how exactly he considered her; was she a friend? An enemy? Or just another beautiful woman?
“Well, I just wanted to give you the option to dance with me,” he hesitated, watching her face for a reaction, “or one of the other Easy guys,” he added.
“Um, I’m alright, thank you, I’ve been happy dancing with-“ she gestured back at her partner.
“That guy? Psh,” Joe said dismissively, “guys a cement mixer, don’t you wanna dance with someone good?”
Red rose up in Valerie’s cheeks, “who? Like you?” she asked.
Joe shrugged, “anyone’s better than that fool.”
“You don’t even know him, Joe.”
Fair point, Joe thought, but he didn’t like the guy. “I can tell he’s a dip, just look at him!” Joe laughed.
“This is a really terrible way of asking me to dance with you!”
“Hey, I’m doin’ you a favor.”
“Me a favor? Could you be more full of yourself?”
“Me full of myself? What about you little miss perfect. I’m not the one walking around acting like you know everything.”
“I know more than you!” “See there you go, why do you gotta go around putting people down?”
“No one seems to have a problem with me except you!” Valerie shot back.
“Take it outside lovebirds,” an intoxicated private said as he passed them.
His interruption killed the argument between them. Instead they just stood glaring at each other, dark brown eyes meeting golden ones. 

Finally, Joe said, “come on, let’s dance.”
“You wish!” Valerie stomped on his foot.
Joe swallowed his curse, “fuck,” he said in a strangled a voice. Valerie turned to stalk away but Joe grabbed her elbow.
“Get off of me,” she hissed, trying her best not to make more of a scene than they already had.
“Come on.” Joe pulled her out the nearest door, throwing them both into the cool Georgian night. Now engulfed by darkness they were really free to fight it out.
“What the fuck was that for?” he demanded.
“Who do you think you are?” she shot back. “Interrupting my evening for what? Just to invite me on a pity dance? I don’t need your pity, I was enjoying myself quite a bit tonight until you started all this!” She threw her hands up in frustration. Some of the champagne from the glass still in her hand spilled over the side, onto her hand. “Ugh,” she exclaimed. She wiped her hand angrily on her dress.
Jealousy stabbed through Joe’s chest at her words. She had been enjoying herself with that guy. “What’s so special about that guy anyways? Didn’t you just meet him tonight?” he sneered.
Valerie opened her mouth to speak, then stopped. She closed it, examining him. A devilish smirk crossed her face, “oh is this what it’s about Joe? You jealous?”

Yes. “No!” he said, “I just don’t know why you’re all moony over this guy. This is a social, not something you bring a date to.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Don’t believe me about what? This isn’t a place for dates? Not usually-”
“That you’re not jealous! What’s your problem Joe? If you’re interested in me just be a man and tell me.”
“Typical, you thinking that everyone has got to be in love with you.”
“Then tell me why you’re being so rude tonight! Either you’re jealous or you hate me.” Was there a third option? Because Joe felt like he was somewhere in between. He definitely didn’t like Valerie. She got under his skin like no one else. At the same time, there was a magnetism about her that kept drawing him in. Those eyes, those lips, even that temper. He wanted to grab her and kiss her just to shut her up.
“And if you hated me you wouldn’t be bothering with all this!” 
Joe was barely even listening to her at this point.
He could feel his blood pumping; the adrenaline and anger mixing together to create a roar in ears that made it impossible to comprehend everything she was saying. He knew he was going to do it even as he counseled himself against it. He surprised himself with his sudden movement; he snatched her waist and pulled her into a hard kiss.
Immediately, she pushed him away. “What the hell!” she threw the remainder of her champagne in his face. Cooly, Joe wiped the liquid off his face with the sleeve.
“You told me to tell you!”
“Not like that!”
He stood glaring at her. She glared back, her now empty glass hanging pointlessly from her hand. There was nothing but silence between them, and the chirp of insects in the night sky. The faint sounds from the festivities inside filtered out but Joe and Valerie were completely in their own world, in a standoff.
Then suddenly, mutually, something shifted between them. Flaring rage turned to lust. Simultaneously they lunged for each other. Joe wrapped one arm around her waist, the other hungrily snaking up her thigh. Valerie’s fingers twisted in his hair, tugging at the thick, dark tendrils. He bit down on her lip as she pulled on his hair. Their kisses were messy and hungry; all the pent up anger and tension that had built up between them expressed in an intimate power struggle as they moved to devour each other.
“You drive me crazy,” Joe pulled away for breath.
Her lipstick was completely gone, its last traces staining her swollen mouth red. “I can’t stand you,” she retorted. He kissed her again, tangling her hand in her hair. Their pace slowed from the previous feverish speed to something more sensual without losing its fervor. Joe had her pressed against the building wall. His hands cupped her her jaw and slid down her throat. His mind was muddled with his detestation for this woman and the aching physical desire that was taking over him. She must have felt similarly as one hand pushed against his pelvis, as if warding him off, while the other dug fingernails into the nape of neck, forcing him in closer.
Once again they surfaced for air, this time taking time to really look at each other. The sound of their panting filled the space around them as her eyes searched his for some explanation.
“What’re we doing, Joe?” her voice was oddly vulnerable. Joe traced her jaw with a calloused thumb.
“I don’t know.” He pushed away from her and ran a hand through his tousled hair. Cold air entered the space where their bodies were previously connected. It sent a shiver through Valerie. “I don’t know,” Joe repeated.
He stepped back even further into the dark, his hand on his hips. He kicked a rock on the ground.
“You don’t like me,” Valerie said with the slight intonation of a question. Joe sucked his teeth. “And,” she continued slowly, “I don’t know if I like you.”
“I don’t know how I feel about you,” Joe said.
Valerie crossed her arms, her eyes bore into him. She was waiting for him to say something else, to offer a but. But it never came.
After a few unbearable minutes of silence she finally said, “I’m going back inside, Joe.” The patch of darkness he stood in was filled with a momentary field of light as she opened the door. Then, she was gone and Joe was alone in the darkness.
Joe did his best to avoid Valerie after that, but he felt her golden eyes on him in the mess hall. He wanted to provide her with answers, to tell her how he was feeling, but he didn’t know. He told himself there was a nothing to like about her - she was a pretentious kiss ass who seemed to have every guy wrapped around her finger. But he saw through her - he wasn’t going to fall for her like everyone else had.
Yet, she consumed his thoughts. All the pieces of love and hate swirled in his mind as he desperately tried to conceive a clear way to explain how he was feeling. He didn’t like her, but he might be falling in love with her. But even if he had realized this sooner, it still came too late.
In a matter of weeks she was stepping out with the dark haired guy she had hit it off with that night. He was a boring, strait laced guy, or at least that’s what Joe had gathered from Bill. The guys dullness was obvious. From what Joe witnessed, there was no fire between them. Not that it was his place to care, he reminded himself. Every time Joe saw them together he avoided her gaze. He knew he would see that look that was begging him to step in, to step up and interrupt this course she was on. But, as long as she was with this guy Joe had an excuse not to love her.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hi! I have a request for Band of Brothers. How Easy company would treat the reader when this person is sick. I hope this works! I love everything you have written, thank you!
in sickness and health - band of brothers
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this man smothers you with attention
he’s waiting on you hand and foot every single second of the day, and he does not care if he gets sick
he’s literally so sweet, even though he still tries to kiss you
like Buck, no, it’s probably contagious
holds your hand while you wait for the medic
tells the medic all of your symptoms for you while you sleep on his shoulder
he actually learned how to cook just so he could make you some food when you got the flu once
he tells you he needs you to get better so he can take you out on dates and spoil you Buck, we’re in the middle of a war
he acts like he doesn’t spoil you already
will beat your ass if you’re not in bed
don’t even try to resist him taking care of you, he will not be having it
actually super soft as long as you don’t fight him about taking some time off the line
chews people out for being too loud while you’re trying to sleep
brings all of your meals to your room and eats with you, making sure you finish every part of your meal
he’s quite careful not to get sick though
don’t ever try and deny that you’re sick, seriously
“fine? FINE? baby, i just saw you throw up.”
constantly checks your forehead to make sure you’re not burning up
he has a lot of siblings, he knows what he’s doing
i feel like he’s less aggressive about it than some of the other men, but he’s gonna tell you you’re dumb for getting sick at least 2 times
he genuinely tries to be super sweet when you’re not feeling well, so give him a break
cooks you lots of his mom’s family recipes (how’d he find the ingredients?? we don’t know how, but he did)
you’re gonna eat every meal he makes you or you’re gonna get force-fed
carries you everywhere, even if you don’t ask him to
he loves to pet your head until you fall asleep
expect lots of sleepy cuddles
definitely contracts whatever you had, so expect to get a whiny Bill that wants you to take care of him
constantly has Roe checking on you, making sure that you’re getting better
will indeed rub your back while you throw up, and even hold your hair back if necessary
he’s constantly moping because he wants cuddles and kisses, but he knows he can’t have any until you’re not sick anymore
he’s surprisingly calm on the outside, but on the inside he’s panicking because he’s so worried
brings you tonssss of extra blankets that he collected from the other replacements
this man brings in the whole battalion to help you get better, he’s out here begging everyone for supplies
even though you’re sick, he’s still gonna hold your hand
sorry, but he needs at least a little affection
get ready to be absolutely smothered when you’re no longer sick
he’s not as aggressive about it as he would be if you got hurt, but expect lots of teasing
he’s gonna call you a dumbass at least once, okay?
will NOT leave you alone for a single SECOND
he’s worried that you’re gonna start throwing up when he leaves the room and then choke to death on your own vomit
gives you all of his food, even if you don’t want it
don’t try and act like you’re not sick, he will yell at you (he’s not playing around)
gets so frustrated with you when you won’t take your medicine, so he has to have Roe give it to you
he doesn’t like being super soft in front of the guys, but if you have the chills, he will not hesitate to cuddle you
he’ll literally let you get away with ANYTHING if you’re sick
like i’m not even joking, he’d literally let you use his shirt as a tissue if you needed to
yells at the guys to be quiet so that you can get more sleep
if a trooper isn’t whispering while you’re trying to sleep, no one will ever find that man’s body
LOTSSS of forehead kisses
will not let you do anything
not even if you bring up the time that he got a pneumonia (he just glares at you until you yield)
he makes sure that everyone treats you with extra caution, especially if it’s hard for you to walk
he gets soooo worried if you have a coughing fit
he just panics whenever it happens while rubbing your back and offering you water
lets you burrow into his chest while you rest
tries to make jokes so that he can help you feel better
i feel like George has absolutely no idea what the hell he’s doing
asks Roe a million questions about what he should do to help you
if this isn’t your first time being sick around him, then he’s already gonna have a set plan on how to help you get better
steals a lot of extra food for you, especially hershey bars
whines that he doesn’t get any kisses now that you’re sick
he thinks it’s his job to take care of you, so he feels really bad that there’s not much he can do
he does get supplies from replacements, but unlike Babe, he steals them
will kiss you regardless of if you’re contagious or not
now you have to take care of him while he whines and complains about how stuffy his nose is
he takes over your duties as well as his own just so that you get enough time to recover
brings lots of blankets, the softest ones he could find in the whole entire town
holds your hand a lotttt
he spoons you (which is rare because Don Malarkey = little spoon) when your sleep schedules match up, and he buries his head between your shoulders
omg if you have something bad like a pneumonia he’s literally so scared that you might die
like you wake up to him sobbing into your back, and when you turn around he just tells you to go back to sleep
but you just pull his face close, and tell him you aren’t going anywhere and that you’ll never leave him
he feels a lot better after that, and he does his best when taking care of you
he’s literally so happy once you’ve fully recovered that he picks you up and twirls you around
acts like he’s annoyed that you got sick, but he’s secretly very concerned
he makes some very passive aggressive comments at first, but once he realizes how awful you look, he feels really bad
starts treating you like a princess after that
he keeps you slightly isolated from the rest of the men, as he doesn’t want you to accidentally give them whatever you have
brings you anything you could ever need, you’ll never have to take a step out of bed
checking to make sure your fever is gone
he restrains himself from PDA during this time, so expect absolutely no kisses until you get better
he tells you that it’s your “punishment” for getting sick
if you tell him you’re sore or something aches, expect a massage
give him a kiss for all his efforts afterwards, you’ll see a rare smile cross his face
like George, he tells you jokes to help you get better
unlike George, however, he tells you shitty ones so that you’ll get better faster because absolutely no one wants to listen to them
not gonna lie to you, this little bastard is not very helpful
Malarkey and Penkala tell Roe about it once Skip finally realizes how bad your illness is getting
he feels really awful later on because he realizes if he told Eugene sooner then you wouldn’t be lying in bed, coughing your lungs out
spoils you after that because of how bad he feels
he won’t give you his own food, but he will steal extra meals for you
honestly he’s more mad that you’re sick than you are, he wants you to get better IMMEDIATELY
tells you about his day immediately after you’ve woken up from your nap
expect cuddles, kisses, hugs, and other physical affection he should not be giving you while you’re ill
literally offers you alcohol at the beginning of your sickness
the man can’t even take care of himself, how the hell is he gonna take care of you
asks Winters a lot of questions, to the point where it’s basically Richard taking care of you
it’s fine, they come as a pair
lets you sleep in his office while he does whatever he has to do
gives you his most expensive blanket to keep warm
is actually very worried even though he puts on quite the humorous facade
he just wants you to be okay
he eventually calms down though, he knows a virus wont take you away from him
not even a war or an entire ocean could, so what’s the flu gonna do?
he probably thinks you’re sick because you forgot to brush your teeth ONE TIME after you were drunk
germaphobe to the MAX
sorry, but you’re not gonna see this man until you are in 100% healthy condition
he feels bad about it, but he doesn’t want whatever you have
he doesn’t believe Doc when he says it’s not contagious, which is stupid because Roe is literally a MEDIC-
i’m not even joking, this man will literally have Luz deliver you the hershey bars he wanted to give you
he’s basically quarantined you and there’s nothing you can do about it
everyone’s like: .... bruh... isn’t this a little too far???
but he’s just like: i have no idea what you’re talking about
it’s fine, he makes it up to you by literally smothering you once you’re all better
practically waits on you hand and foot for an entire week
blows on your soup to cool it down before feeding it to you
he’s scared you’re gonna burn your tongue, then you’ll be sick AND have a burnt tongue
lets you clutch on to his hand when your chills get worse
probably thinks you’re dying, which just makes him FREAK OUT
brushes your hair off your face when your fever is running high
always has a wet washcloth to place on your forehead
lets you burrow into his coat after your fever goes away
he rests his head on top of yours when you’re bundled up in his coat
constantly taking your temperature, giving you more blankets, feeding you, making sure you stay hydrated, etc.
throws a hissy fit that you got sick because he needs you to take better care of yourself
not extremely touchy because he doesn’t want to catch whatever you have, which is like actually painful for him
constantly giving you tea & other hot beverages to drink
spoon feeds you because he doesn’t want you to lift a single finger
will tie you to the bed to make sure that you rest
don’t test him, he’s serious about your speedy recovery
“mon amour, you need to rest or else i won’t be able to give you kisses”
gentle giant
makes sure you’re eating lots of healthy food (or the healthiest you can get) & staying hydrated
does tasks like cleaning your bayonet and your gun so you can go to bed earlier
lots of forehead kisses when you wake up from sick naps
instructs all of the replacements on how to take care of you while he’s away
they’re actually very helpful and you treat them all like your kids
when Bull comes back and sees this, he thinks it’s adorable
but then he realizes that you’re sick and they might catch the same thing you have if they get to close
spends a lot of time shooing people out of your room
rubs your knuckles to lull you to sleep
oh god, he tries to act like it’s all good but he’s falling apart because you just look so fucking tired
SUPER SOFT with you
carries you to bed, even though you try to tell him you’re fine
steals a tonnnn of supplies for you, especially the finest quality cough drops he could find
whispers to you how much he cares about you when he thinks you’re asleep
spoiler alert: you’re not, but the stuff he says makes you feel so warm and fuzzy inside that you don’t want him to stop
thinks he has a superior immune system and that he won’t get sick, so it doesn’t matter if he kisses you or not
oh and he DEMANDS kisses even though you’re sick, he just can’t live without ‘em
he didn’t get sick, and you’re still bitter about it
he’s so doting, it’s the only time you’ll ever see him this soft
he’s so smug that you’re sick and he’s not
it’s genuinely annoying, but you get back at him by revoking his kisses because you’re sick
he is super bitter and will not talk to you for the first few days
around the third day, he’ll start to cave in, and he’ll be spending every waking moment at your side
it’s mostly him whining that you won’t give him any smooches, but he’s actually quite helpful when you ask him to get you things
finds only the BEST materials for his baby to get better
he will settle for nothing less
he has Trigger stay with you when he’s gone, just so that he knows you’re safe
when you’re finally better, he will not stop kissing you on the lips
the other men keep telling you two to get a room, but he genuinely does not care... he just tells them they’re all jealous
- [ JOE TOYE ]
the most surprisingly doting out of all the men
constantly asking you “are you okay? can i get you anything?”
will beat up anyone that tries to take your extra food or blankets
very wholesome, spoons you when you sleep
lots of neck and shoulder kisses because he cannot kiss you on the lips
constantly making sure you’re comfortable
not at all opposed to giving you piggyback rides so that you can get to places faster
plus, it’s a good opportunity for him to show off his muscles and strength to you
gives you all of his chocolate
kisses your nose because it’s red
tucks your blanket around you so that you are all cozy when you sleep
tries to dote on you as much as possible, but it’s very hard with his busy schedule sometimes
also lets you sleep in his office, you just have a big pile of blankets and pillows
no one else comes in there anyways so like... who cares?
does basic things that you don’t feel like doing (ex: brushing your hair) for you
assigns a paratrooper to look over you when he’s gone
it’s usually Tab, but sometimes it’s someone else
the only person he doesn’t assign is Nix, and that’s because Nix is a human train wreck
anyways, he wants lots of snuggles in your pile of blankets
i hate the way this turned out, but i’m not gonna beat myself up over it because i tried. i hope you liked this at least, sorry i’m a little slow with my requests right now. there’s a lot going on, but i’m trying my best. i should be posting a lot more in the next couple days! thank you for your patience and for your request 💕
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bob-events · 3 years
Friendship Bonanza Prompt List!
International Friendship Day is right around the corner, and our AO3 collection is going out to our authors any minute! That means we are excited to announce the prompt list for the friendship bonanza - which we have hidden under the “keep reading” because it’s ridiculously long. If you’d like to make a “gift” for any of the prompters, you are welcome to, and we just ask that you either post it to the AO3 collection and tag them (but please mark it as a “gift fill”) or post it on Tumblr and tag them AND us so we can share it! Happy Friending
@nowinnablewar AO3: unseelieCollapsar Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media Prompt 1: Skip bounces ideas off Easy Company for the letter he wants to send to Faye. Prompt 2: Easy Company craft a plan to get back at Sobel without getting caught. Prompt 3: A Yank staff correspondent (Reader or OC) interviews the officers at the Eagle's Nest. Prompt 4: Three Musketeers AU with Toye, Luz, Guarnere, and Buck
@softspeirs AO3: sunlightdances Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Speirs being soft (either gif moments from the show, art of your choice, or platonically with a canon character, or paired with an OC!) Prompt 2: Nixon + "I wish I didn't care about it" - gifs showing him caring about other characters canonically or fic with platonic friendship or background romance with an OC Prompt 3: Lipton being Easy's Mom and Dad. Fanart, a fic of a missing scene, or gifs from the show! (Post-war AU feat. a background romance is also ok too) Prompt 4: Any happy, smiley moments between Easy boys. Gifs of happy moments, fanart, or a fic of a moment we didn't see on the show! DNW: Character/character slash fic, modern AU
@serasvictoria AO3: Caren80 Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media Prompt 1: Chuck and Babe are supposed be doing guard duty at Membury airfield. Chuck takes Babe to a pub instead (this genuinely happened by the way). Prompt 2: It’s Christmas and since Easy is still stuck in Bois Jacques in Belgium, Joe Liebgott decides to share a Hershey bar with Chuck and Tab as a present. Prompt 3: We all know that Luz and Perconte ended up in a barn to steal eggs, but what happened before that scene? Who even came up with the idea to begin with? Prompt 4: It’s 1946 and word reaches Bill that Joe Toye is really struggling with the loss of his leg. He decides to show up at Joe’s place unannounced with Babe and together they will do their utmost to make sure that Joe cracks a smile. Prompt 5: After hearing Joe say that he could use some brass knuckles right before D-Day, Bill finds some for him.
@josephtoye AO3: corawrites Will Accept: Fanfic Prompt 1: Joe Liebgott & Floyd Talbert, one is trying to set the other up, or some other banter-y kind of situation Prompt 2: Johnny Martin & Bull Randleman, any historical AU Prompt 3: Buck Compton & Joe Toye, do with that what you will Prompt 4: Shifty Powers & Carwood Lipton, anything wholesome DNW: Any other characters, angst is okay provided it has a happy ending, no romantic pairings please
@churchkey AO3: churchkey Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Don Malarkey & Skip Muck. Canon-era. Don's not in love with Skip , he just wants to spend the rest of his life with him. Maybe the two of them talking about their plan for being "together" (as besties) after the war. Maybe some cute "I've never told anyone else this before" intimate self-revelations. Maybe Don's reaction to Winters splitting them into different platoons. Basically I just want any chapter in the epic love story of their friendship. Prompt 2: Don Malarkey & Skip Muck Post-War Fix-It. Don's the best man at Skip and Faye's wedding, wondering how this is going to change things and if anyone will over love him the way Skip loves Faye (bonus points for background Don/Joe [Toye that is]; pining, long-distance flirting, whatever) Prompt 3: Dick Winters & Harry Welsh. Post-VE Day. Dick is crestfallen after Nix leaves. Harry feels bad for him. He really does. He's also kind of like "now you know how it feels, don't ya?" Still, he hates to see his friend suffer. Just a couple of sad, lovelorn bastards being miserable together. Prompt 4: Dick Winters & Kitty Grogan/Welsh. Post-war or Modern AU (hence you decide if she takes Harry's name). Would super love these two just doing some GBF things together, shopping, getting coffee, complaining about their husbands and trading gardening tips. Maybe the convo gets a little spicy after dark. Maybe they've each got some private dilemma the other helps to solve. Or maybe they just wander around a flea market looking for good deals on Fiestaware. Prompt 5: Lewis Nixon & Harry Welsh. Post-War. ROADTRIP! (Bonus for background Winnix but it's not necessary). DNW: anything sci-fi/fantasy; OCs; xReader; Tab
@how-are-those-nuts-sarge AO3: whoahersheybars_3up3down Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Historian AU - one character worked at a museum/was a historian before the war and geeks out over a few things while deployed to their friends = any character/s. Prompt 2: Penmanship - one character has lovely handwriting, but something/s hit them HARD during the war and they write much less pretty; with one of their friends' support, however, their hand steadies and they heal (lotsa metaphors there I know 😅) = any character/s. Prompt 3: Chess - one character teaches the other to play chess = any character/s. Prompt 4: Bicycle - one character finds a tandem bicycle in Austria and convinces the other to go on a ride with them = any character/s. Prompt 5: Anything with Bill & Babe, Malarkey & Skip & Penkala, or Dick & Nix, I love their friendship dynamics so much.
@speirstookmysoul AO3: speirstookmysoul Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: mentor/mentee bonding Prompt 2: shoulder clasps Prompt 3: overdramatic arguments about non-important subjects Prompt 4: "getting mistaken as family and not correcting whoever’s mistaken”
@kmorecoffee AO3: vintagelavenderskies Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: gene and renee: diasastrous, chaotic cookie decorating! the rest of the gang can be involved too for extra chaos because who doesn't love chaos. anyways: gene and renee try to make holiday cookies but something goes awry. too much salt and not enough sugar? distracted and accidentally burn the cookies? luz plays a practical joke and switches out sugar for salt? go crazy! Prompt 2: gene and renee: stargazing!!! all the stargazing :) just two friends, vibing, talking about life and whatever comes to mind Prompt 3: can be modern au: chaos in the coffee shop! just the gang's shenanigans at the local coffee shop. mayhaps there's an ongoing bet of how long it takes luz to get banned? DNW: speirs. i mean, i guess he can be like mentioned or featured. but not too much speirs.
AO3: Muccamukk Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Renee & Augusta/Anna: Any backstory about how/if they knew each other before, their different points of view on things. AU where Renee doesn't die and what they do after the war. Would prefer racism not be the focus of the story, though it can be an element. I like it when there's queer characters and romance isn't the focus. Prompt 2: Winters & Guarnere: Something with them getting to know/respect each other better set early in their relationship, especially between Day of Days and Bastogne. They have such different outlooks, but in the end very similar values, and I'd love to see that explored. Maybe they get stuck together and have to survive? Prompt 3: Randleman & Garcia: I'd love to see more of Bull mentoring the replacements, especially Garcia, and how their relationship changes as the replacements get combat experience and integrate with the company. Would love to see growing respect for each other. I like it when there's queer characters and romance isn't the focus. Prompt 4: Guarnere & Martin: They have matching tattoos! They got in so much trouble with each other and were so ride or die even post war! Bill went to Martin's wedding! Pat and Frannie wrote too each other during the war. I would love them getting to know each other, or small moments of affection. Or just write about Pat and Frannie. That's fun too. Or Bill & Bull & Johnny. Or Bill & Joe Toye. Basically any configuration of this is great! Prompt 5: Powers & McClung: Basically them chilling in the woods silently understanding each other? Healing through chilling in the woods? Comparing their experiences as country boys on opposite sides of the country? Post war stuff where Shifty's so badly hurt and Earl's PTSD? I like it when there's queer characters and romance isn't the focus. DNW: Focus on character death (mention of canon stuff is fine), graphic sexual violence, hopeless endings of utter sadness, character bashing, zombies, AUs that change the setting (turn left AUs fine, AUs that add magic etc fine). PoV characters having strong racist or homophoic views.
@papersergeant-pencilsoldier AO3: papersky_pencilstars Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Airborne OT5 (Liebgott, Grant, Mcclung, Ramirez, Babe) missing scenes - can be fluffy or angsty (fallout from Chuck getting shot?), dealer's choice! Prompt 2: Mortar Trio - Early days at Camp Taccoa Prompt 3: Dukeman & Perconte & Tab (bonus Trigger?) teasing the replacements Prompt 4: Renée LeMaire  & Gene Roe- (everybody lives AU) connect postwar (I would die if this was a letter fic, but it absolutely does not have to be!) DNW: webgott (platonic or romantic background)
Prompter # 11 Will Accept: Fanfic Prompt 1: Dick, Nix, and Harry being involved in some shenanigans during their downtime in Mourmelon. Prompt 2: Bill and Babe reminiscing and sharing Philly stories. Prompt 3: The friendship between Smokey and Lip because I think it deserves more hype :) DNW: Nothing NSFW
@dansssks​ AO3: danesaber Prompt 1: Dick & Nix: The time they offered to protect Kitty for ice cream and Vat 69. Prompt 2: Spina/Babe/Gene: College AU? Prompt 3: Spina & anyone: They show Spina all their booboos Prompt 4: Mortar Squad: Any au, cannon or modern Prompt 5: Harry and Moose: Go sheep shopping as a present for Winnix on their new farm.
@anthrobrat AO3: anthrobrat Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Any of the Last Patrol OT5 (Chuck, Babe, Lieb, McClung, Ramirez) owning a business together - coffeshop, bar, accounting firm? Don't care. Can either be a post-war or modern AU setting. Prompt 2: Skinny Sisk and anyone being bros during the war. Maybe him and Frank deleted scenes in Bastogne fox holes Prompt 3: Shifty & McClung shenanigans during leave. The cat story is hilarious, and I'm sure there are more, and I just love these two because they are so calm and collected but McClung is a total wild card. I would also take a modern AU of them being besties. Prompt 4: Shifty and Popeye being best friends after the war maybe? I just imagine them at each other's weddings being disasters. I would also take the two of them as friends in a modern AU Prompt 5: Any friendship prompt that gives life to the lesser known characters would be awesome imo. DNW: Speirs or Lipton as main protagonists.
Prompter # 13 Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: shifty powers and floyd talbert - mermaid/fisher au Prompt 2: babe heffron x reader - ice hockey/team manager Prompt 3: dick winters x reader - college au! tutor au Prompt 4: easy company boarding school au DNW: pwp/smut
@mercurygray AO3: mercurygray Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Harry + Nixon - marriage, divorce, and everything in between. Prompt 2: Shifty + Smokey - Guess we're not in Kansas anymore - or Mississippi, or Virginia. Prompt 3: Tab + Grant - Chuck's really just here to keep Tab out of trouble. Prompt 4: Bill + Babe - First jump's the hardest - and while the jump into Holland is easy, what comes after it is not. Prompt 5: Tipper + Luz -  Tipper's pretty good at impressions, too. DNW: Liebgott and Webster (as a unit; individually they're fine.)
@lyselkatz AO3: Lysel Will Accept: Fanfic Prompt 1: Any group shenanigans/friendship fluff including Skip, Smokey, Nix, Bull. Prompt 2: "The guys are stranded on base without pass (or requisitioned to work overtime to meet an important deadline/exams, if modern AU) Prompt 3: Smokey does his best to cheer his brothers up with his peculiar brand of silly (Valentine) gifts. Extra ❤ if Skip and George offer their help. Chaos and ensemble fluff ensue. (+ playing Cupid/background ships if you like)" Prompt 4: "Lieb and Hoobs are bored so they decide to troll Web. Since it's valentine's day soon they'll play crack!cupid for fun. Prompt 5: Web is a shark nerd and Pat has a great shark smile. Infallible logic, right? (Input from the other guys /ensemble shenanigans are welcome)" DNW: Nothing I can think of, since it's a friendship fest
Prompter #16 Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: found family taking care of each other (feat. liebgott being happy and content <3) domestic fluff Prompt 2: anything fluffy coffee shop AU or flower shop or tattoo parlour or bakery or anything along those lines Prompt 3: university AU but they are the professors! DNW: webgott, fantasy AUS, omegaverse, mpreg, anything mafia related, not too much angst
Prompter #17 Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Era switch: take the boys and put them in the Vietnam War. WWI? The Korean War? The American Revolution? Any conflict that you're comfortable with. Prompt 2: The Pacific AU? Put the BoB men in the Pacific. How they get there or why they are there is all up to you. Maybe their parachute infantry regiment was simply assigned to the PTO instead of the ETO after training. Maybe Japan didn't surrender as quickly as they did. Anything. Prompt 3: Supernatural AUs are my favorite. Preferably I'd love to keep them based in the WWII era, but you can switch it up if you'd like to -- I'd be fine with that! Any type of supernatural is cool with me. I'm aware this might be super vague but I really don't mind whatever you go with :) Prompt 4: Role-switching scenarios: putting men from within the series in each others' positions. DNW: Romantic shipping, characters (Cobb, Sobel, any higher ranking officers above Winters like Sink), modern-day AUs, aged-down AUs (high school/middle school/college with the purpose of aging down = no); a/b/o trope; nsfw (no sexual material; show-level gore okay).
@mariamegale AO3: mariamegale Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Babe and Julian being best friends. They are snarky, excited, happy and having a good time together. Bonus if their boyfriends are Eugene and Spina, accordingly! Prompt 2: Baberoe. They're dating, but they're dating their own best friends. With romantic feelings taking the back seats, I'd love to see a healthy relationship of two people in love but doing normal platonic things because they're also each others' best friends in the whole world! Prompt 3: Roe and Spina being tired doctor friends, meeting up in between shifts or calls, being tired and exasperated and just having their sandwiches and a moment of god damn peace. Prompt 4: George Luz and Babe Heffron being best friends. They'd be a disaster, but that disaster that also knows how to step the fuck up if shit gets serious. But mostly they're a disaster. Prompt 5: Joe Liebgott and Eugene Roe. They're roommates, they're pals, Joe likes smoking weed, playing mario kart and complaining about whatever dipshit he's gone out with now, Eugene is trying to make it through med school and enjoys the soothing background chatter of Joe blabbering on about this guy's shirt, or whatever. DNW: Canon era (Ambiguous era is fine if you don't like writing/drawing modern!), Carwood Lipton, OCs, xReader stuff
@mizunoir AO3: mizunoir (but I use 49thpersona for reblogging stuff) Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media Prompt 1: Hogwarts AU! Would be lovely if it would include Babe. I leave it up to the artist if they would like to portray one specific house endeavours or all 4 houses befriending. Prompt 2: Stargazing, can be set in modern times or in the original timeline. For angsty interpretation it would be nice to read/see some Eugene and Spina bonding. Prompt 3: Stargazing (original timeline or modern times). For more crack-ish one it could include for example: Luz, Toye, Guarnere, Babe etc. But I leave it absolutely open - include whoever you want! Boys share their music taste. Bickering and reminiscing of the good times free of war ensues. Can be platonic, can be slightly shippy, AU or modern - up to the artist. Preferably including Babe with Eugene.
@thrillingdetectivetales AO3: ThrillingDetectiveTales Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media Prompt 1: Bill & Babe: Bill talks Babe through gay panic about his extremely obvious crush on one John T. Julian, convinces him to ask Julian out, and demands to officiate their wedding (not necessarily in that order) Prompt 2: Harry & Nix (with bonus Buck?): commiserating about trying to keep Dick out of trouble Prompt 3: Blanche Nixon & Ann Winters: they know each other because their idiot brothers are """"friends"""" but they both know what's up and cover for Dick and Nix at various times throughout their lives Prompt 4: Kitty Grogan & Franny Guarnere & Pat Martin: they meet because their fellas are on the line together and keep each other sane throughout the war Prompt 5: Floyd Talbert is everyone's best buddy DNW: No mpreg/pregnancy in general, no rape/non-con (dub-con like drunk!sex or sex pollen or hatesex is fine), no modern AUs, no ABO/dynamics, no kidfic.
Prompter #21 Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Speirs & Shames: These stern, "unlikable" men are just not very social or nice, but they get each other. Outcast gay solidarity. Prompt 2: Kitty & Nixon/Winters: Nixon and/or Winters gets to meet Harry's special girl at last. Harry's made her sound like the romantic lead of a novel and really cool, and they are completely unprepared for the tall, awkward chess club captain. Prompt 3: Babe & Guarnere: Post-war readjusting of a friendship. Disability, marriage, kids on the way, Babe is gay. You know, the usual. DNW: xReader, OCs, hopeless angst, AUs, heavy focus on heterosexuality
@aloraundomiel AO3: ElfLadyArwen Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart Prompt 1: Dick admires Eugene’s medical skill and always shows interest in learning from him while he’s on the job. Eugene uses it to his advantage, making sure Dick takes care of himself (because shaving doesn’t count) under the guise of ‘teachable moments.’ Any battlefield setting would work. Prompt 2: Nix and Harry are joined at the hip, two class clowns who wind each other up.  When one gets them into deep trouble, the other one is always there to get them out again. Prompt 3: Dick Winters is jealous of Ronald Spiers ruthlessness/ability to detach and athletic prowess. Ronald Spiers is jealous of Dick’s empathy and ability to earn loyalty through compassion. Each man agrees to give the other lessons in order to be more well rounded leaders. DNW: Please no Blithe. Never Blithe. You can leave out Compton too.
@bandofmorons AO3: bandofmorons (pseud for sonsofmahal) Will Accept: Fanfic Prompt 1: Babe & Lieb friendship!! I don't have a ton of specifics for this, I just want them being friends and getting into shenanigans but also being supportive of each other... like they're just guys bein' dudes but they're also pretty close ya know! They take care of each other when they need to! Ideally this would be a modern AU, maybe they're college roommates or something? Prompt 2: But mostly I just want to see them goofing off but also being helpful when shit goes down or something, because that's what friends are for. Prompt 3: Some kind of traveling AU with the 5 officers (Winters, Nix, Harry, Lip and Speirs) all as friends and how going on a big trip like that can strain a friendship when something goes wrong or just from people being tired from traveling so much... maybe it's a cross-county roadtrip, maybe it's spring break in Europe, maybe they're going backpacking in New Zealand or something.. I just wanna see how all those 5 boys' different personalities interact on a big logistical venture! Prompt 4: I'm not picky about who necessarily but I want to see Webster getting close to & forming a close friendship with someone in Easy! I feel like in the show/fandom he gets a bad rap for being pretentious (which, fair) but I think it would be awesome to see him becoming good friends with someone and feeling more accepted among the company bc of it. This could be a canon-compliant thing or it could be a modern AU where the boys are all friends. Background Webgott would also be cool as long as Lieb is supportive of Web befriending more people. DNW: explicit sex
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Hey! I'm sorry if you've already written something about this, but what about how the Easy Co. men would react to someone flirting with their significant other/crush? Thanks in advance! Hope you have a lovely day 😊❤
Richard Winters:
Richard is probably the most mature out of this entire situation. He knows at the end of the day you and his and you won’t be looking at anyone else. However, if the person flirting with you refuses to stop then he might just stop them one day by the arm, whispering in a sharp tone as they walk past each other, “If you like your position here, I suggest you start to keep yourself more in line.”
Lewis Nixon:
Nixon finds the situation absolutely hilarious. Please, you think she would want you? Take a hike pal. He doesn’t do anything cause honestly he doesn’t feel threatened. That is, until they start pointing out all the things wrong with Nix. Now you’ve rubbed him the wrong way. He would this person into a room alone and just put it simply, “Alright listen. Y/N loves me and I love them and you are not gonna be the person who ruins it no matter how much you try. So next I hear you running your mouth, I sock you in it.”
Carwood Lipton:
Sweet, sweet man. He says nothing. Partly because he’s a little nervous about it but also because he knows you’re not interested in anyone else. Lip does do little things though, like slip his hand into yours when their around, make sure he always keeps an eye on you when they try to slip in and talk to you, all little stuff. If you ask him about it, he’s a little embarrassed to admit he feels kinda threatened but once you reassure him he gets over it...doesn’t mean he stops his little warnings though.
Ronald Speirs:
WHO would even try this? We all know Speirs know of his rumors and he knows most of them aren’t true. But...if this person thought they were? That was fine with him. He puts on his toughest face when they are around, tries to be or look threatening and man does it work. When this person comes around, Speirs stands up real tall and wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Oh, who are you? I don’t believe I know your name.” If you call him out on it, he’ll totally deny it but he’s blushing.
Harry Welsh:
What a hoot!! Don’t they know you guys are practically married already? Like a minuscule little problem like them would ever cause a problem. He is not worried a single bit, in fact he teases you about it. “Oh look your admirer is coming over.” “Your boyfriend wants to say hi, I’ll go over here and let him believe he has a chance.” He thinks it’s so funny and you try not to laugh and punch his arm playfully. If you ever actually began to feel uncomfortable about this person then he confronts them, but super friendly, like a dad would honestly.
Denver 'Bull' Randleman:
Gets the giggles. In a way, think Ron Swanson. It’s cute, they think they can get in the way of you too. Anytime this person comes around and Bull is with you, he just cocks his head and smiles. Oooooh he can’t wait to see what they come up with. But how can someone not be intimidated by him? That’s because he really is a giant teddy bear. When this person refuses to give up though, the smile drops and he stands up straight. Ah, now he’s a grizzly bear. “Ya know, I’m getting a little tired of you.”
Joe Toye:
Won’t let it go on, not even for a second. The second a flirt happens, that eyebrow gets cocked and he confronts them before they can even THINK about trying it again. He is not someone who let’s things go. pull out the brass knuckles pls. They try one thing and suddenly a hand is curled around the collar of their shirt. “Back off or I knock you so hard you lose the ability to speak.”
George Luz:
He just bullies him honestly. Teases this person to no end. They will not get away with trying to flirt with you. He makes fun of them, calls them out on everything, all in playful manner....maybe. Honestly he doesn’t ever stop until you tell him to. He whines about it but takes what you say to heart. He pulls the person aside and puts it plain and simple, “Alright bud, this has been fun and everything but seriously. Lay off my girl, she’s not interested, and frankly neither am I.”
Eugene Roe:
Pouty boy, he notice it immediately and becomes very quiet. He will never mention it to this person but he does bring it up to you. You reassure him constantly and honestly it takes him a bit to believe you. He had a small thought in the back of his head that you would meet someone more suave and leave him behind. this is getting too sad moving on. You most likely are gonna have to be the one to tell this person off. Now if they don’t get the hint, Eugene is bound to snap. “Alright alright maN BACK OFF.”
Joseph Liebgott:
Not to be cliche....but he’s going in swinging. He’s not even gonna let him get the chance. Anyone even gives you e y e s and he is not letting it happen. “You watch yourself man, I’m not gonna take any shit especially from someone like you.” Easy to say, they will not be trying it again, unless they want another black eye and busted lip. Liebgott doesn’t mind dishing it out once more.
Lynn 'Buck' Compton:
Calls them out on it. They probably do it when he’s not around because man is Buck a firecracker. That also means he has ears, everywhere. He is well liked among the men so when they hear what this person is trying to do, of course it gets back to him. He doesn’t ever talk to them until they approach you yet again. This is his time. He strides up to you, wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you right against his side. “Well I heard you’ve been flirting with my darling but I just had to see it with my own eyes. And now that I have, I can assume it won’t happen again, am I right?”
Donald Malarkey:
Get’s with his boys Skip and Alex about it. They scope out the area. Honestly they seem like twelve year old boys playing ninjas. This person probably gets annoyed enough to stop to be honest. Anytime they try to talk to you, Skip is hiding behind a tree. Alex is peeping from his foxhole. Malarkey is eyeing him from across the way. It’s enough to get this person to back off and also not create a huge deal.
Warren 'Skip' Muck:
Pouty! He is the narrow eyes, pouty lips, glare at this person kinda man. He instantly feels threatened. You wouldn’t leave him of course but the fact that this person is even TRYING? Unacceptable. Period. He marches right up to him, “Hey man, that’s my girlfriend and you’re gonna back off alright? I don’t wanna deal with you and neither does she so just leave her alone...or else.” he baby
Alex Penkala:
Will not leave your side. He might seem like a little puppy but honestly, he doesn’t care. Whatever it takes to make this person get the hint. PDA is usually toned down between you two but when this person comes around? Guess what!! I wanna give you a thousand cheek kisses! Aww, I should hug you from behind and lean my chin on your shoulder the e n t i r e time you talk to this person. Easy to say, they get the picture.
Bill Guarnere:
Scoffs a bit, Hm. This is funny. Their trying to be funny right? They aren’t seriously trying this right? He literally laughs in their face. Now if they try it a g a in then it’s threatening time. Slams them into a wall, no real concern with how loud it is, whose in the room, if they get hurt. “I should break your face right this second but I’m feeling nice so take this as your warning and stay the hell back.”
Darrell 'Shifty' Powers:
He takes a gentle approach. He does confront them but in a friendly sort of way? He honestly doesn’t notice this person flirting with you, he only notices you. Shifty thinks that the guys are just friendly, you would have to be the one to bring it up. Once you do he’s like ‘Aw. Well I’ll take care of it for you.’ He talks them in the sense of like “Hey man, my girlfriend is a little uncomfortable around you and I love her alot so could you leave her alone?” If the dude is sensible, he’ll back off. If not, the boys who are protective over Shifty will take over.
Frank Perconte:
FIGHT HIM FIGHT HIM! He’s an angry little gremlin and he will not stop until he is in their face and spitting and yelling! It’s honestly kinda funny. don’t tell him that though. He would most likely hear about this person from you and storms off, he is gonna tell them off and he’s gonna do it now! This person would back off most likely because of how weirdly uncomfortable he is having this person poke him in the chest and jump up and down like a crazy person. But hey, whatever get’s the point across right?
Edward 'Babe' Heffron:
Babe catches wind of this from Bill and then takes time to watch this guy. He is calculated with it. If this person usually bothers you around a certain time or certain place, he cuts them off one day. “Oh hey guy, where ya headed? Off to meet my girlfriend?” It’s funny to see them freeze up. “Yeah I would quit now if I were you, or I could continue to bother you everywhere you go. Your choice.” And off he goes to meet with you and tell him all about his meeting.
Chuck Grant:
Takes it like a order or mission. Ah just something that has to be done and get out of the way. He pulls them into his office and just lays it all out, “Y/N is a very sweet woman and any man would be foolish to not find her beautiful however I don’t appreciate you vying for her attention. She won;t give it to you so, I think it best you just drop it now. Have a nice day.” It was quick and painless well for him at least, probably the most mature out of everyone.
Floyd Talbert:
So beyond cocky. He calls this person out in the mess hall, probably in front of all of his friends. “So I heard you are interested in my girl. News flash bud, she is smoking. Everyone is interested in her, but the funny thing is..” Then he leans in with a smirk on his face. “She’s only interested in me. She wouldn’t even glance your way. Run along.”
Johnny Martin:
That famous glare? Because 10x more evident. He watches from across the room and always makes sure this person knows he is watching. Now when they acknowledge that he is doing that and they STILL flirt with you? Well now he has to say something and man is it like spitting venom. He doesn’t yell or fight or anything he is just sharp toned and dead serious. “Drop it. I’m not gonna have this conversation again. Knock it off.”
David Webster:
Kinda shrugs it off? He doesn’t see it as a huge problem and probably won’t. If you know you’re not interested in this person and he knows that then just ignore it until this man gets the hint. That’s the way David primarily handles this decision.
Wayne 'Skinny' Sisk:
Smacks your butt everytime this person is in the room. Periodt. Done.
Donald Hoobler:
Confused puppy. This person is flirting with you?? But you’re dating him?? Do they know this?? Why do they not stop?? Kinda just walks over and goes, “Hey man, you’re flirting with my girl, well she’s dating me, if you didn’t know. I would really appreciate if you back off, thanks!” He’s just sweet. He’s too sweet, you c a n ‘ t stop him??
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Drunk BOB guys??? Who are the softie hug-loving cuddlers and who are the loud and obnoxious ones? The ones who break out of their shell when intoxicated? The unusually quiet ones? The ones who throw it tf back when Usher comes on? I'd love to hear some thots
oooooh my god okay okay, here are the biggest thots
Richard Winters:  Umm, alcohol whom? Has never been drunk in his life and doesn’t intend to start now. He gets all the buzz he needs off the exhilaration of a brisk jog, or a cool glass of water.
Lewis Nixon: The Literal Alcoholic. Thinks he’s more fun when he’s drunk than when he’s sober; is actually not a very fun drunk. Is even worse when he’s sobering up! At this point, he has to have some liquor in his system 99% of the time, otherwise his body feels like it’s out to destroy itself. (Alcoholism is a disease, boys and girls.) Nix buzzed is Nix at peak performance; he’s friendly, efficient, and capable. Nix drunk is a slowly spiralling plane crash. He usually passes out before he hits the ground, but god forbid he gets there, because...  it’s messy. He can occasionally be a messy, emotional, overdramatic drunk, but only when he’s really overdone it.
Carwood Lipton: The Respectable Drunk. A very calm, kind of sleepy drunk. Doesn’t get drunk often, even though he holds his liquor well, because he doesn’t prefer it  ---   when he’s had a few, he prefers to just watch the people around him, smiling and only half paying attention. His mind tends to wander when he’s drunk. Drunk Lip does have one fatal weakness:  if he’s out with his partner, and his partner shows even the slightest bit of encouragement, Lip will get riled up very quickly. He goes from calm drunk to horny drunk in a very short time; will eagerly press his partner up against the wall if given the chance. (Drunk Lip is way more inclined to PDA.)
Ron Speirs: The Soft Drunk. Literally, he’s such a tender drunk; he has absolutely no balance, and is a little confused, but he’s sweet, okay? Ron is far more expressive when he’s drunk; he gets touchier, ramblier, kinder. Drunk Ron has faith in humanity where Sober Ron gave up long ago. He’s a really relaxed drunk, unlikely to go off and do anything wild, but he wants to be around other people  ---  around his friends. Ron never has a good time when he drinks alone. (Plus, he’s got a reputation to uphold, and only certain people are allowed to see him with his guards down.)
Harry Welsh: The Bionic Drunk. Nothing can injure him; nothing can kill him. Many things have tried. Harry has done so much dumb shit when intoxicated, things that would have wounded him in a heartbeat if he was sober, and has never gotten a scratch to show for it. He’s a very fun drunk  ---  he laughs a lot, is very affectionate, and super pleasant to be around  ---  but common sense and self-preservation goes out the window. Look out, because he might too, if someone dared him.
Eugene Roe: The Changeling Drunk. Who is this man and what did he do with Doc Roe? Drunk Gene is...  an experience, alright? His inhibitions are gone. Suddenly, his personality has been turned up to eleven; he’s extroverted, he’s exciting, he laughs loudly and jokes around...  he’s dancing on top of the bar, holy shit. Is a very fun time, but you have to keep an eye on him, because he sometimes goes off and does something insane, a-la-Sober-Speirs. Drunk Gene fears nothing, including himself.
Joe Toye: The Depressed Drunk. Zoinks, Scoob. Drunk Joe is actually willing to talk about his emotions  ---  and maybe he shouldn’t, because he’s got some sad stuff going on there, man. Drinking is supposed to numb your worries, but Joe often finds the opposite is the case; his burdens somehow get heavier, harder to ignore, and if he’s allowed to slip into them he’ll end up dwelling in them for the rest of the night. So long as he’s around buddies who are actively keeping his spirits up, he’s a decent drunk guy to have around. If neglected, however, Drunk Joe may shed a few tears into his Guinness.
George Luz: The Showman Drunk. His jokes and impressions get way sloppier, but somehow he’s twice as hilarious, so he can get away with it. Drunk George is way more animated, with a seemingly endless supply of energy; he teases everybody, he laughs the loudest in the room, and he really seems like he’s just come out to have a good time. The kind of buddy you want to get drunk with.  (Be warned: comes with a rarely activated Depressed Drunk mode, when he shuts off and wants to be left the hell alone. Maybe his battery runs out after a while or something. During this time, George is feeling a lot of things very strongly; this condition is best treated with a cozy blanket and glass of water. Very rare, but once you’ve seen him in this state, you can never unsee it.)
Bill Guarnere: The Loud Drunk. Is there a difference between sober Bill and drunk Bill? Debateable. Drunk Bill is just Bill turned up to eleven. He doesn’t actually get drunk a lot  ---  somehow he ends up the designated driver, and minds less than he should  ---  but social drinking usually leads to Bill shouting over a crowded bar. He’s usually up for a good time, he just has no volume control. (Also, the accent. It thickens. Can someone translate, please? Is he speaking English? What the hell is he saying?)
Babe Heffron: The Weird Drunk. Drunk Babe will break it down on the dance floor (should he? maybe not) and do his president rooster impression in public, but he’s equally likely to just...  confuse everybody else. He’s got a lot of thoughts. A lot of feelings. Some of them are about the meaning of life, some of them are about the best kind of sandwich bread, some of them are about whether the Loch Ness Monster has a favorite type of bird.  He talks so much when he’s drunk, and will ramble anyone’s ear off about any of these topics. Escape while you can.
Joseph Liebgott: The Volatile Drunk. Really a mixed bag; you never know what you’re going to get from him. Sometimes, Joe can be a very fun drunk, the life of the party, willing to do anything anybody dares him to. That’s if he’s drinking in a good mood. If he starts drinking in a sour mood, it’ll only get worse from there. Honestly, he can be a mean drunk. He lashes out at people, gets angry, sometimes starts crying...  it’s not great. You have to keep tabs on him while he’s drinking, because if his mood looks like it’s dipping, he should not be allowed any more alcohol.
David Kenyon Webster: The Emotional Drunk. He’s just...  got a lot of feelings! And he really wants to talk about them! Becomes extremely talkative while drunk; this is not always a good thing, because he’s pronouncedly less eloquent. Drunk Web is very passionate about politics...  and the environment... and marine biology...  and the commercialization of public holidays. He has something to say about most things. Sometimes he’s just muttering to himself, and no one can keep up with what he’s saying. Makes so many notes, either in his phone or scribbling them down on napkins, because he’s “going to need to remember this”, but they’re all illegible come morning. Feels things very strongly. Might cry.
Johnny Martin: The Feral Drunk. Wrangling Johnny when he’s had a few too many is an experience. Holy shit, this man knows no fear. Drunk Johnny has 5x less patience for everyone’s bullshit, and wants them to know it. The amount of bar fights this man has gotten into... the best part is, he’s never lost. (Yeah, because he has Bull right there to make sure his drunk friend doesn’t get himself killed.)
Frank Perconte: The Confused Drunk. Only kind of knows where he is. Complains a lot; puts things down, misplaces them, and blames someone else for taking them. Drunk Perco has a ‘Real Housewives at Brunch’ mode, only activated when someone gives him tequila; he will scream and throw drinks. Otherwise he’s just kind of tiresome and needs someone to make sure he makes it home okay.
Floyd Talbert: The Mom Drunk. Yes, he did just do four shots of gin, but he’s still going to make sure everyone else is drinking water and not wandering off with anyone creepy. Drunk Floyd’s got an eye on everyone; he’s kind of the mama hen wrangling all her chicks, making sure they don’t stray far. He parties like a frat boy, but will wrangle everyone like a girl scout mother. 
Shifty Powers: The Missing Drunk. What the hell? What happened, where did he go? He was sitting right there a second ago  ---   when he’s drunk, Shifty tends to wander. He just likes the quiet. His friends will always find him in bizarre places, after a few minutes of panicked searching. Once, he was laying on top of a car; once he was on the club’s roof. He’s fine, he knows where he is, he’s just thinking about stuff.
Donald Malarkey: The Absurdly Lucky Drunk. He’s got some Irish faeries looking out for him or something, because Drunk Don is literally living his best life. If he gambles, he’s going to win. If he misplaces his wallet, he’s going to find it with an extra $30 inside. If he trips, he’s going to land in an attractive person’s lap. Everyone wants to be in proximity to Drunk Don, not only because he’s a pretty good  (if emotional)  time, but because some of his luck might rub off.
Skip Muck: The Giggly Drunk. What’s so funny? No one knows. Skip might not even know, but he’s going to laugh anyways, because everything is hilarious. He somehow tells even better jokes when drunk, but he laughs at them himself, so that measures it out. He effortlessly makes himself the life of the party; Skip will get up and karaoke with the band, cheer all his friends on in their dumb shit, drink way more than he reasonably should...  going out drinking with Skip is always a great time.
Herbert Sobel: The Alarmingly Fun Drunk. No, I’m not going to elaborate. Fill in the mental images yourself.
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Band of Brothers: How They React To Another Medic Joining E Company
Anon:  How the BoB gang react to another medic joining the company
Richard Winters: He was surprisingly hesitant at accepting a new medic into the company. He cares about his men and he cares about who is treating his men, so you really have to prove yourself to him.
Lewis Nixon: He doesn’t really care much. You’re a medic, so you can’t really drink much. So, drinking buddy is out of the picture. He just doesn’t really have much opinion about you.
Harry Welsh: He likes you. You listen to him and you don’t seem to get irritated by him talking about Kitty all the time. As a matter of fact, you give him advice, which he really enjoys.
Ronald Speirs: You’re a medic, and you’re good at what you do. As long as you don’t do anything stupid or piss him off too much, you’re fine. He is very hesitant to let you get any closer to him.
Carwood Lipton: He’s your den mother. He does an unofficial orientation for you when you get there, and he introduces you to everyone else. He can be protective, but he usually doesn’t need to be.
Darrell “Shifty” Powers: He’s very shy around you but eventually becomes one of your best friends in the company. He just loves sitting around in the infirmary quietly having a conversation as you care for your other patients.
Floyd Talbert: He tries to be as nice to you as possible, because he understands that you’re the medic and one day his life is going to be in your hands. He is, however, the most persistent in the company to ask you to go out for drinks.
Bill Guarnere: He’s very guarded around you. He’s learned to trust Doc Roe more than anyone else, so he avoids you. It’s unfortunate, but Guarnere is very picky with who he truly trusts.
Joe Toye: In the beginning, he really avoided you, just like Guarnere. However, there was a moment in Bastogne, right before he got hit, where he sat down next to you and started talking about his life before the war.
Denver “Bull” Randleman: He’s careful around you. He knows how valuable medics are, and he doesn’t want you getting hurt. This man will literally throw himself into the line of fire before he lets you get hit.
Eugene Roe: I don’t think there’s any other way to describe him other than ecstatic. You’re someone to help lighten the load on him. Plus, how many other people in the company actually understand what he’s been going through?
Lynn “Buck” Compton: He’s a bit of a tease around you. Yes, you’re the medic, but that doesn’t mean you should be immune to all his many charms and games. And you can’t truly be part of Easy unless he screws you over in darts.
David Webster: He’s a bit posh around you, trying to act as if he’s up to date on all the medical jargon, except he’s not. He definitely gives you a good laugh, and once you get to know each other more, he calms down a bit.
Joe Liebgott: He’s gruff around you, and harasses you often. He only decides to let up when you finally defend yourself, basically letting him know that you’re the medic and if he doesn’t shut up, he could find himself in a world of hurt.
Donald Malarkey: He’s actually pretty chill with you, and is one of the first people who introduced himself to you. He’s always liked medics, and considering what you do for a living, he has a lot of respect for you.
Edward “Babe” Heffron: He really likes you. You’re not like Roe, you’re a bit more relaxed, and you actually call him Babe. You two get along really well and he ends up being very protective.
George Luz: He absolutely loves messing with you and playing pranks on you, especially when you’re new. But once he got to know you and realized how interesting you are, he comes into the infirmary just to talk.
Charles “Chuck” Grant: He’s so sweet to you. He will literally help you with whatever you ask him to, and he’s always there for you. And he won’t admit it, but he really loves learning all the new medical info you can teach him.
Frank Perconte: He appreciates you a lot, and will come to you with whatever medical questions he has. You end up being one of the people he trusts the most, and he’d die before he let anything happen to you.
Johnny Martin: He’s definitely very wary of you when he first meets you, but soon he becomes your adoptive gruff older brother. Sometimes in more sticky situations, he will just stand next to you in the infirmary glaring at people.
Warren “Skip” Muck: He’s definitely a lot like Luz in that he likes to play pranks on you. He really didn’t let up until you started telling him gross medical stories. After that, whenever you needed him to calm down, you’d just use that tactic.
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insightfulinsomniac · 7 years
Band of Brothers Hogwarts Houses
I was asked by Bandumb on AO3 to list what Hogwarts houses I headcanon the BoB boys being in... so here we are! Special thanks to everyone in the HBO War group chat for debating a lot of these! ****** Dick Winters: Gryffindor, for obvious reasons. Lewis Nixon: Slytherin, also for obvious reasons. Carwood Lipton: Slytherin. BEFORE YOU DISCOUNT THIS LISTEN UP: this comes from the incredible @alyseofwonderland on the HBO war group chat. First, Dick Winters listed Lip as one of the "killers" of Easy Co. Also, Lip is FIERCELY loyal to his men and will do anything to anyone to protect them. Hufflepuffs are very loyal, but Lip is loyal in the sense that he would undermine other people and use his intelligence to get his way for his men. Very Slytherin-esque loyalty. Finally, the best argument from her, in my opinion, is the fact that Lip joined the Paratroopers to be and be with the best soldiers. If that's not Slytherin, I don't know what is. I digress. Ron Speirs: Slytherin. Everyone already knew that. Harry Welsh: Also Slytherin. Fiercely loyal to a select group... aka KITTY. Also, incredibly charming and he is just so Slytherin okay HIS FIGHTING STYLE is so Slytherin Buck Compton: Yeah, he's a Gryffindor golden boy. However, I see a bit of Slytherin in him with the ambition and goal-focused mindset, but he's pretty Gryffindor. Bill Guarnere: Gryffindor! This isn't too hard to see (especially the "stubborn and loathe to back down..." pretty Bill imo) Don Malarkey: Gryffindor, again. See a pattern? Gryffindors are opportunistic and spontaneous... remember the Luger situation in Day of Days? Very Gryffindor. Malark has a few Hufflepuff characteristics as well, but Don is definitely more Gryffindor. Skip Muck: Also Gryffindor. Skip fits it (on paper) even more than Malark, personally. Alex Penkala: Yeah, we have a Gryffindor golden trio. Don Hoobler: Also Gryffindor. (See a pattern?) He was known as one of the most genuinely kindhearted men of the company, and he was known for never taking himself too seriously, as well as willing to volunteer for anything — patrols, scouting, etc. In my opinion, Hoob's a bit of Hufflepuff and Slytherin too, but his boldness and playfulness put him in Gryffindor for me. Joe Liebgott: He is a classic Slytherin. No question about it. David Webster: Classic Ravenclaw. He even stayed as a Private throughout the war to literally observe everything — a seriously Ravenclaw trait. Among the other more obvious ones. Joe Toye: HUFFLEPUFF. Fight me on this. Fiercely loyal, tenacious, and determined. Some Hufflepuffs are even considered unemotional at times — something Toye can be. Passionate and dependable... very Joe. Remember that some of the best fighters (see Cedric Diggory) are from Hufflepuff. They're very tough people. George Luz: Slytherin, without a doubt. I used to think of him as a Hufflepuff, but he is undeniably Slytherin. Charming, willing to use his intelligence (or anything else, for that matter) to get what he wants (see impressions to trick higher ranking officers, @Sobel). Also, Slytherins LOVE positive attention. Adaptable, yes. Not to say that he isn't a bit Hufflepuff, but he is more Slytherin. Frank Perconte: Slytherin. He stole Winters' rifle from his foxhole in Bastogne (true story). He completely destroyed O'Keefe in Why We Fight. Perco is a Slytherin. Babe Heffron: HE IS SUCH A GRYFFINDOR (he's basically a Weasley). Arguably one of the most obviously Gryffindor in the group. Eugene Roe: Ravenclaw, for sure. Read the traits on the graphic and it's pretty obvious. Albert Blithe: He's such a sweet little Hufflepuff. I see the honesty and fairness shining through the most, for sure. He flat out tells Speirs that he's scared, something that most men would not admit so easily to any man, let alone Speirs. Smokey Gordon: Pretty Slytherin to me. He keeps Doc updated on where everything is and what everyone needs — he knows that Perco has scissors and that Toye needs boots. He's very goal-oriented in that mindset, and he's pretty damn ruthless when it comes to machine-gunning. Shifty Powers: THE SWEET SUNSHINE CHILD IS HUFFLEPUFF OKAY no one would say otherwise anyway Roy Cobb: *sings* he's the mean Slytherin we all love to hate Bull Randleman: the man is Gryffindor, okay? He's got some Hufflepuff in him too, but he's honest, blunt, and very experience-oriented. Totally Gryffindor. Johnny Martin: Slytherin, obviously *gives the classic Johnny-to-Webster glare* Alton More: no doubt about him being Slytherin. Did you not see him blatantly lying to Speirs about Hitler's photo album? And the cheeky little smirk afterwards? He's a legend. Floyd Talbert: Another sweetheart of a Slytherin. He's totally charming and very very driven; totally self-reliant. Chuck Grant: Almost a 50-50 between Slytherin and Gryffindor for me, but Slytherin wins out simply because he's subtly charming. He's also very bold; he has to be in his position. Skinny Sisk: He's pretty Gryffindor. Nearly spot-on. Pat Christenson: I honestly think he's very Ravenclaw. He's an artist, which means he's super creative, but he also teased replacement Webb about Speirs. He seemed very witty and it was nearly self-entertaining, two very common Ravenclaw characteristics. Earl McClung: Yeah, he's Slytherin. Was said to be able to "sniff out Germans" and was thought to have killed the most. Very ruthless. ***BONUS: Renée Lemaire: She's also Ravenclaw! She wants to be an observer rather than a participant (but steps up when she's needed). She's introspective and independent, which makes her a Ravenclaw through and through.
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Band of Brothers: How They React To Reader Being Injured On The Field
Anon:  Hi there, I love your blog and check it daily! I was wondering if you could do how the boys from BOB react to you getting injured on the field? Could you do Winters, Nixon, Talbert, Roe, Luz, Liebgott, Lipton, Martin, Malarkey, Babe, Guarnere, Toye, Shifty, Muck, and Speirs. I know it's a lot of names so thank you if you do and keep on writing!
Richard Winters: He would worry about you, but this is a man who knows his priorities. As terrified as he is that you’re hurt, he knows that there are a huge amount of men counting on him to keep them fighting. He’d check back to make sure Doc got to you but he’d still be focused on the mission.
Lewis Nixon: He’d freak out and be next to you within a minute. He really wouldn’t care if it put him in the line of fire. All he cared about was making sure that you were alive and that you had a medic by your side, and even then he probably wouldn’t leave until he was for sure that you were out of there.
Harry Welsh: He drops absolutely everything for you. Unless he is literally in the middle of saving someone’s life, he will run to you the second he sees you get hit. He’ll scream for a medic while cradling you and making sure that you’re going to be okay.
Ronald Speirs: This man is carrying you out. The second you go down, he’s running over and lifting you up. He carried you over to Doc Roe, hollering at him to be ready to help you. Then he’d probably run back and jump through an explosion or something normal like that.
Carwood Lipton: He does the same thing as Speirs, but he’s much more careful about it. He makes sure he can carry you without injuring you and if he can, he’s running with you in his arms. He stays with Doc and you unless he’s specifically told he needs to go away.
Darrell “Shifty” Powers: As a sniper, Shifty’s got a great view of the battle ensuing below him, however, when he sees you get his, he feels absolutely helpless. He screams at whoever’s closest to you to help you, but he gets very flustered and upset.
Floyd Talbert: He shoved past everyone around him to get to you, and used himself to shield you from any other shrapnel or bullets. He literally threw himself over you to protect you, and continuously checked up on you to make sure that you were still okay while waiting for a medic.
Bill Guarnere: He goes after whoever injured you. It doesn’t matter if it’s a soldier shooting or a tank. He has a personal vendetta against whoever injured you. He’ll check up to make sure you’re okay, but he will absolutely rip into whoever hurt you and will not stop until they’re gone.
Joe Toye: You were only injured twice in the entirety of the war, and neither times were serious. It’s mainly due to the fact that Joe spent the entire war using himself as a shield for any and all dangers. He always took the brunt of it. However, on the two occasions when you were injured, he freaked out.
Denver “Bull” Randleman: He tries to calm you down and make sure that you’re okay. He’ll call for a medic and hold your hand until Doc gets there. At that point he’ll lay down cover fire while checking up on you every couple of minutes and talking to you with a full steady voice.
Eugene Roe: He focuses his attention completely on you, going full medic mode. He can’t help but shake a little bit, scared out of his mind that he’s going to mess up. He hates treating someone he cares about, because he knows that the slightest screw up could result in something horrific.
Lynn “Buck” Compton: He’s devastated. He can’t handle seeing you hurt. Just the way you’re laying there makes his heart break. It tears him apart to see you like this, and that’s what really breaks him. He can barely even call for a medic as he stands there, frozen and wishing for it to be a horrible nightmare.
David Webster: Dramatic display of affection. He sprints to wherever you are and holds you in his arms, begging for you to be okay. Even when Roe gets there, he doesn’t let you go - much to the frustrations of Doc - which causes you to tease him as soon as you get back.
Joe Liebgott: He gets pissed, running to your side and providing cover for you while you both wait for a medic. He is actually yelling at you in between shots, shouting about how you need to be more careful and about how stupid it was for you to get hurt in the first place. This leads to him getting wounded as well.
Donald Malarkey: He also provides cover while he waits for a medic to get to you, but he’s much more calm about it. He even tries to calm you down in the moment, talking to you as soothingly as he can. It’s actually very comforting and it helps out a lot.
Edward “Babe” Heffron: He drags your ass off the front line. If he can’t pick you up for whatever reason, whether it be because you’re too injured or because he still has to shoot, he will drag you away. There’s no way he’s letting you stay out in the open where you could get worse.
George Luz: It’s the only time you’ve ever seen him not cracking jokes and smiling. He stays by your side the entire time, gripping your hand tightly and whispering little comments to try to make you feel better. He definitely tries to focus on the battle, but he can’t manage it when he knows you’re hurt.
Charles “Chuck” Grant: He hollers for a medic but he doesn’t leave his post. He can’t even begin to explain how much it hurts him to see you lying there, but he knows that if he doesn’t help finish this battle, he won’t be much help to you. So, despite his care for you, he stands his ground.
Frank Perconte: He goes straight over to you, covering you up and using himself to shield you. However, as soon as he sees Doc coming over, he lays down covering fire. As soon as Doc is ready to move you, though, Frank helps pick you up and goes with you to the hospital.
Johnny Martin: He throws you up and over his shoulder, taking you away from fire as soon as possible. All the while, he’s shouting for a medic, which admittedly isn’t the best idea because it makes it that much harder for Doc to get to you with Johnny running around with you on his shoulder.
Warren “Skip” Muck: He actually cracks a joke, so long as it’s not too serious. He’s the type of person who believes that laughter is the best medicine. However, you don’t find it too amusing as you’re bleeding onto the ground, and the look on your face manages to shut him up.
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Band of Brothers: How They Take Care of Reader When They’re Sick and Vise Versa
Anon:  I hope I’m not bothering -I know you have so many requests already- but I’ve been having some BoB feels lately and came up with 2 ideas for requests (can’t help it, I love those guys!) How about how would they take care of you when you’re sick & vice versa (I thought that would be kind of cute...) And how would it be/how they react the first time you get to spend the night at their place? Anyways, I’d be excited whichever one you write to be honest! Thank you! :)
Richard Winters: He waits on you hand and foot when you’re sick, and will do the most medically correct treatments to get you better. When he’s sick, he’ll try to hide it for as long as possible before you force him to stay in bed.
Lewis Nixon: Lew tries to stay away from you when you’re sick. Believe it or not, he actually is a bit of a germaphobe. When he’s sick, you usually wake him up with a good breakfast but leave him alone because he gets cranky.
Harry Welsh: He will not leave your side. It’s usually how he gets sick in the first place, because he’ll stay in bed with you watching your favorite movies. You do the same thing when he gets sick, mainly because it’s a huge amount of fun.
Ronald Speirs: He wakes you up with Tylenol and a hot pad on the nightstand, but he doesn’t get too close to you when you’re sick. You take a bit more care of him, but he hates it because it makes him feel weak.
Carwood Lipton: He takes special care of you, and makes you your favorite food and brings you adorable presents. You always feel really bad when he gets sick because you feel like you can’t measure up to how well he takes care of you.
Darrell “Shifty” Powers: He isn’t quite sure what to do when you get sick, so instead he becomes very nervous and stumbles over himself to take care of you. You do a bit better by getting him medicine, but that’s about it.
Floyd Talbert: Floyd doesn’t do so good with the whole taking care of sick people thing. Sickness grosses him out, so he stays away from you. He also doesn’t like to admit that he is sick, and will go until it gets bad.
Bill Guarnere: Bill makes the greatest chicken noodle soup on the planet, so as soon as you get sick he makes a big pot of it. When he gets sick, though, he refuses treatment until you get into bed with him.
Joe Toye: He’s surprisingly really caring when you get sick, and although he tries to hide it you can tell that he gets a little nervous whenever you start feeling bad. All he wants when he gets sick is a kiss and a cold compress on his forehead.
Denver “Bull” Randleman: He brings you hot chocolate and lots of cough drops, as well as your favorite movies. He doesn’t watch them with you, mainly because he hates being sick. When he does get sick, though, he accepts your help.
Eugene Roe: You’re never sick for longer than a few days, mainly because Gene knows exactly what he’s doing. When he gets sick, he tends to take care of himself.
Lynn “Buck” Compton: He likes to make you grilled cheese sandwiches when you’re sick, and he’ll usually go out and buy you medicine. Buck, on the other hand, is an absolute baby when he becomes sick. It’s basically like he’s about to die.
David Webster: He reads your favorite book to you when you’re sick, but that’s about it. He stays away at all other times. You try to keep your distance with him, because David being sick is basically the end of the world for him.
Joe Liebgott: Joe doesn’t do all that much when you’re sick, mainly because he has no idea what he’s doing. But when he gets sick, it’s all hands on deck. It’s not that he wants that, but you just really want to take care of him.
Donald Malarkey: He buys you cupcakes when you get sick, and when he brings you them he tries to make jokes to get you to smile. You aren’t that good at taking care of him when he’s sick, so you keep your distance.
Edward “Babe” Heffron: Babe is just so nervous when you get sick, he doesn’t want to mess up. So he normally just cuddles with you in bed and tries to hug the sick away. This usually gets him sick, and you end up doing the same to him.
George Luz: He cracks a bunch of jokes when you get sick, and he really likes to tease you. Still, you’ll wake up with breakfast in bed and a flower on your nightstand. You definitely tease him a bunch, too, but you give him medicine to get him better soon.
Charles “Chuck” Grant: He loves taking care of you when you get sick. There’s something about the way he cares for you that’s just so wonderful. You do the same to him, your love reciprocated evenly.
Frank Perconte: He likes bringing you crackers and tomato soup, along with medicine and warm tea. You make him his favorite meal whenever he gets sick, mainly because, for whatever reason, he gets a massive appetite when he’s feeling bad.
Johnny Martin: Johnny knows exactly what to do when you get sick, so you’re never sick for long. But when he gets sick, he becomes very frustrated and angry and all he wants to do is get better, no matter what you do to help him.
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How They React To Reader Having Heterochromia
Anon:  Could you do a preference on how the company would react to the reader having heterochromia (one eye blue the other one brown) please
Richard Winters: He takes notice, but never mentions anything. He knew heterochromia existed before he met you, but he had never actually seen it. He always made sure that he wasn’t staring, but he’d probably sneak a look every now and then.
Lewis Nixon: He points it out the first time the two of you meet. Literally, he looks at you, smirks, and says “nice eyes.” He gave you the nickname “two eyes.” He doesn’t mean it to be demeaning, he see’s it as a compliment, but he fully believes that he’s the only one allowed to call you that.
Ronald Speirs: He doesn’t even notice until after the Battle of the Bulge, when the two of you are sitting down in a run down building and he looks at you in shock, realizing you have two different eye colors. He never noticed before, he just always felt there was something off, but he couldn’t place it.
Carwood Lipton: He compliments you all the time. It’s not it a flirtatious or perverse way. He just likes telling you that you look very pretty. He was dead set on complimenting you as much as possible while in Bastogne, because he knew that you needed it.
Darrell “Shifty” Powers: He thinks you’re absolutely beautiful and the most unique person he’s ever known, but he would never ever say it to you. He’s tried every once in a while, but he always backs down because he gets very embarrassed and he doesn’t want to bother you.
Floyd Talbert: He tries to find stuff that matches both of your eye colors. Like, he will go out of his way to find two-toned jewelry to give you for your birthday, because he honestly thinks that you’re one of the most unique people he’s every known, and you deserve the best.
Bill Guarnere: He’s fiercely protective over you. Like, if he even thinks that someone is going to make fun of you for your eyes, he’s going to tear them a new one. If he ever sees you upset because someone was teasing you, he will literally track the asshole down.
Joe Toye: He’s a lot like Guarnere, except that he’s more physical about it. One time, there was a guy teasing you almost to tears because of your different eyes, and Joe saw, and he broke the guy’s nose. And after he broke the guy’s nose, he forced him to apologize to you.
Denver “Bull” Randleman: He doesn’t mention it, but he does notice. He really doesn’t care all that much. He sees it as, they’re just your eyes. That doesn’t change your personality and it doesn’t make you any different in his eyes. But he does give you compliments when you’re feeling down.
Eugene Roe: He talks to you about it every once in a while, just out of curiosity. He loves hearing the more analytical, medical side to heterochromia. He also probably has some cute story about a person with different colored eyes, and will tell it to you whenever he can.
Lynn “Buck” Compton: He LOVES the way you look and will constantly flirt with you, using the cheesiest pick up lines because he knows he can make you blush. He will also purposefully wait for you to get something in your face (hair, leaves, etc.), just so he can brush it away and compliment your eyes.
David Webster: He’s fascinated by your eyes, and has probably written a poem or two about them, but he would never let you read them. He thinks that you have a very unique beauty that’s hard to find, and he wants a way of remembering you when the war is over.
Joe Liebgott: He tries to play it off and ignore you, saying that he doesn’t care and t doesn’t matter, but you notice him staring at you every once in a while. It makes you smile, but you never mention it, although, there are certain times when he’ll make a small compliment about you.
Donald Malarkey: He’s very fascinated by the way you look, but he’s a bit to shy to say anything, although he will pay you a compliment when he thinks you’re in a bad mood. He also really likes seeing you when you’re angry because you have a glint in your eyes that accentuates the colors.
Edward “Babe” Heffron: The first time he sees you, he thinks there’s something wrong with you, simply because he’s never seen someone with two different colored eyes before. He tried to stay away from you at first, and asked Doc if you were sick, but soon realized that he was being ridiculous.
George Luz: He likes to crack jokes about your eyes. At first, it was a bit annoying, but after knowing each other for so long, he has realized which jokes are okay and which ones cross the line. He’s probably the man that’s the closest to you, because he knows you so well.
Charles “Chuck” Grant: He doesn’t ignore the way you look, but he doesn’t make a big deal out of it either. Mostly he’s just indifferent, and holds to the same philosophy as Bull. Your eyes are not your personality, so why should they affect how he treats you.
Frank Perconte: He’s made a few comments that were a bit obtuse on his part, but for the majority of the time, he’s just kind of in awe at how unique you are. He’s made a game in the company of trying to find rocks that match your eyes, and he always manages to find the best ones.
Johnny Martin: He couldn’t care less. Really. He doesn’t give a shit. Yes, he noticed the first time he ever met you, and he’ll admit that he was interested, but after knowing you for so long, he just doesn’t care about your eyes. All he cares about is that you’re a good paratrooper.
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How They React to You Joining the Company
Anon: Hi, I love your blog. Can I ask for headcanons of reactions for you (a female) joining the companies as a sniper with an impressively high kill count. Specifically for generation kill, with Nate Fick and Doc Bryan and Ray Person, and BoB, with Gene,Toye, Guarnere, and others if you want?
Richard Winters: He knew about you before you joined. You were kind of a legend among officers. He kept quiet about your accomplishments, though, because he wanted the men to like and respect you because of who you are rather than what you’ve done. He has great respect for you and does not look at you differently because you’re female.
Lewis Nixon: He knows about your accomplishments and doesn’t give a shit. All he cares about is that you’re willing to take a joke and you don’t bother him about meaningless problems. He enjoys hanging out with you from time to time, but in public he tries to keep his distance so that no one starts associating the two of you together (even though secretly he loves the nights when you two talk about the crap you’ve been through).
Ronald Speirs: He thinks you’re a badass, and treats you as such. Granted, he was VERY surprised when you turned up and you were a woman. When he heard stories about an incredible sniper going through Germany taking out enemies, he figured that you were a guy. That being said, his opinion of you didn’t change in the slightest when he met you.
Carwood Lipton: He was hesitant about you joining, but it’s not for the reason you would think. He would never consider you less skilled or qualified because you are a woman. Rather, he was hesitant because he wasn’t sure how to go about keeping you safe. Mama Lip is protective as hell, but he was worried that he would come off as overly protective or even flirting with you by protecting you. Later on, he warmed up to you being around.
Darrell “Shifty” Powers: Nervous as hell. Like, every time the two of you speak, he ends up a blushing and stuttering mess. He will always call you ma’am or miss, no matter how often you tell him that he doesn’t need to call you that. When he gets more comfortable around you, the two of you have shooting contests all the time. Neither of you win because you’re both too polite to actually try to beat the other.
Floyd Talbert: He flirts with you constantly. Obviously, there’s respect, but not at first. You’re just some girl who’s come to screw everything up so he might as well have some fun. And then he see’s you shooting, and he shuts the hell up. Now, he still flirts with you ALL THE TIME, but he’s pretty respectful and will hurt any guy that tries to harass you. He becomes extra protective, especially right after he finds out what you can do.
Bill Guarnere: He walks straight up to you and introduces you to the rest of the guys. Growing up in a big Italian family has made him a natural at taking others under his wing, and that’s exactly what he does with you. You end up becoming like a little sister to him, and everyone knows it. He doesn’t really like the fact that you’re a sniper, simply because he sees you as someone who’s innocent and it hurts him to see you loose your innocence to war.
Joe Toye: It took him a solid two weeks to say a word to you, despite Bill’s push for everyone to get to know you. He has no specific opinion of you. He just doesn’t have a reason to talk to you. Also, he would never admit this but he stays away from you so that he doesn’t have to suffer if you end up dying. He knows what he can handle, and seeing a woman die in front of him to save the lives of others is not something he wants to deal with.
Denver “Bull” Randleman: His Southern hospitality gets the best of him. He takes care of you, bringing you food, shielding you from harassment, sitting next to you when you start to have a nightmare. He’s a lot like Bill in that he doesn’t like that you’re a sniper, but he’s less vocal about his opinion than Bill. He has a great amount of respect for you and he couldn’t imagine what he would do if something were to happen to you.
Eugene Roe: He gets really quiet around you. Quieter than usual. If you come in asking for help in dressing a wound, he’ll simply nod and gesture for you to take a seat. It’s almost like pulling teeth trying to get him to talk to you. He rarely opens up to you, but there was one time in Bastogne, after Hoobler died, when he saw you sitting on your own and he sat down next to you. The two of you sat in silence before he began telling you a story about his grandmother.
Lynn “Buck” Compton: He laughs you off at first, saying that there’s no way a woman could qualify to be around the rest of the guys. It doesn’t take long before he’s eating his words because his gambling gets the best of him. He bet that you couldn’t hit a target from 500 meters, and you proved him wrong. His face was better payment than the drink he bought you that night.
David Webster: He’s a bit arrogant when he sees you join. He tries to impress you all the time, but usually just ends up looking stupid. You enjoy seeing him act ridiculous, so from time to time you try to encourage this behavior just to get a laugh. You were also present during his little “they got me” incident, which you remind him of constantly.
Joe Liebgott: He did not like you when you joined, and he let you know it. He was constantly teasing you and making you feel like crap. It’s mostly because he didn’t like the idea of a woman being in the company. He figured that you were going to be a distraction to the rest of them and there’s no way that a woman should be on a battlefield. The problem with this is, his attitude towards you ended up being more of a distraction than anything else.
Donald Malarkey: He brags about himself to you all the time. You don’t mind, really, because he’s less forward about it than Webster. He also gets pretty nervous around you from time to time. Like, you can tell when he gets embarrassed because his ears get really red and he can’t make eyes contact with you. You think it’s pretty cute, and you’d never admit it, but HOT DAMN this boy’s shoulder’s are the best thing in existence.
Edward “Babe” Heffron: The most nervous of all the nervous to ever nervous. It takes him so long to have a conversation with you. Part of this is because he has a bit of a crush on you and the other part is that he knows that you could kill him in the blink of an eye, not that you would, but that thought is sitting there in the back of his mind. This shakiness continues on throughout the war, but he gets slightly more comfortable around you after Bastogne.
George Luz: A flirt if there ever was one. The difference between him and Tab is that George never underestimated what you could do. He figured if Sink was willing to bring you to the 101st, then you must be good enough to be there. He’s constantly cracking jokes and teasing you in a nice way. He’s a lot less protective than the other guys because he knows that you can hold your own and he has a lot of pride in your abilities.
Charles “Chuck” Grant: This gentleman doesn’t hesitate to accept you into the group. No worries about you being a woman. No problem with you being a world class sniper. He knows that you’re skilled and that you’re meant to be with Easy Company, and that’s all that really matters to him. However, there have been certain times where he gets a bit protective of you when the other guys get too rough or too excited.
Frank Perconte: Surprisingly, he gets really close to you. He sees how strong and determined you are and he makes a conscious decision to become a close friend of yours. He tries to take care of you to the best of his ability but he keeps his distance when he realizes that you’ve got it handled. He’s probably the closest to you out of all the guys, and the two of you stuck together through Bastogne.
Johnny Martin: He’s a dad. Just a dad. A protective, loving dad who want’s to make sure that all the guys in the company know that if they try anything with you, they’re going to have to answer to him. There was one instance where a guy from Dog Company was following you around, freaking you out a bit, and when you told Johnny about it, he walked out of his quarters, shotgun in hand. No one knows exactly what he did to that paratrooper, but one thing’s for sure, the guy never bothered you again.
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First Time With The Guys From Easy Company (Smut)
Anon: Could you do first times with band of brothers? And please include shifty and talbert, thank you xx
(Get ready for a long post, guys, because I’m including a ton in this one. Please tell me if I’m missing any of your faves, because I will absolutely add them to the list.)
Richard Winters: He would be so kind with you. Like, he’d just care so much about being there for you, so everything he does in bed is just amazing because of the passion he has for you. For the first time with you, he’s probably going to go for cowgirl, just to let you feel more comfortable and in control.
Lewis Nixon: He’s going to try his hardest to not be completely shitfaced for your first time with him, because he wants to impress you, but the both of you will probably be a bit tipsy. He loves going down on you as foreplay. First time isn’t going to be too complicated, because alcohol, so he’ll probably go for jockey.
Ronald Speirs: Rough, dirty, and leaves you satisfied and slightly confused. I just described both the man himself and his sex style. Honestly, the man’s a mystery, so you have no idea what to expect until you’re at his place ripping each other’s clothes off. He’s going to probably shove you against the nearest wall or table and screw you senseless, and I don’t think there’s even a name for that, so we’ll just call it The Speirs.
Carwood Lipton: He’s generally very loving, and very careful with you. He want’s to make sure that this is something to remember, so he pulls all the stops. He’s probably going to finger you before you even get back to his place. For the first time, he’s going to go for something that makes you feel good, but so that you’re also close to him, so it’s probably going to be a lap dance position.
Darrell “Shifty” Powers: Okay, little angle would be really nervous about pleasing you the first time, and he’d want to make sure that you are totally okay with everything that he’s doing. He just loves making you really happy. For the first time, he’s going to go for missionary, just to make sure that he doesn’t hurt you in any way shape or form.
Floyd Talbert: Probably voted sexiest man alive at some point in his life, he will be seducing you before actually doing anything physical with you. He’ll talk so dirty that by the time he starts making love, you’ll already be a blushing, moaning mess. For the first time, he’s going to go with his signature doggy style, simply for the control that he has and yet he can still get close to you.
Bill Guarnere: Let’s be honest, your first time with Bill isn’t going to be in the bedroom. More likely than not, it’s going to end up with you being pushed against a wall in a closet or bathroom of some nice restaurant because he can’t handle how much you’re teasing him. Since this is the most likely case, the position that he’s going for is where he lifts you up and holds you against a wall while being as rough and as quiet as possible.
Joe Toye: He’s going to be pretty rough, but it’ll definitely be in the bedroom. It probably happens after he’s been gone for a while and when you finally see him again, you both realize you can’t wait any longer so you just go for it. For the first time, it’s probably going to be missionary, but it’s going to be where you’re pinned down because he’s holding your wrists above your head.
Denver “Bull” Randleman: (I’ll try to not get carried away, but I love him so much.) So, growing up down in Arkansas, you get creative with screwing spots, because there’s no way in hell that he’s going to be caught by anyone barging into the house. So, he ends up taking you into a hayloft and going nuts up there. First time position is probably going to be flat doggie/tight squeeze because of how close he can be to you and how he can go rougher without hurting you.
Eugene Roe: He’s so sweet, and he’ll probably whisper to you in French the whole time, which will end up making you a mess, because even if you have no idea what he’s saying, the deepness of his voice plus the way the French sounds while he’s making love to you will make you loose your mind. He’s going to go for missionary for the first time, just because he loves how close he is to you and how he can look into your eyes while pleasuring you.
Lynn “Buck” Compton: This suave ass is going to make sex with him your new favorite pastime. He’s going to tease you so much for hours before you two do anything, and he’s going to make sure that you’re nearly begging by the time you’re in private with him. He loves reverse cowgirl, so that’s his go to position, and besides, at that point, you’re putty in his hands. You don’t really care too much about which position you’re in.
David Webster: He’s going to romance you. And I mean ROMANCE. Like, you’ll come back from a date and all of a sudden you walk inside and there’s flower petals on the floor, music playing in the background, champagne on the bedside table, a string quartet in the corner. He’s going to make love to you, and he’s going to do it with a sitting up spoon, which is basically where he sits on the edge of the bed and you sit on him, facing forward, and he wraps his arms around you. It’s a bit complicated but hella intimate.
Joe Liebgott: Okay, so definitely rough and really spontaneous. Like, the two of you will be coming home from a date and all of a sudden he’ll put his hand on your thigh and slowly sneak it up until you’re tingling with excitement. He pulls over the car and tells you to get in the back. He’s going to do missionary in order to make sure the two of you fit in the back seat. But you’re still probably going to end up with some really nice bruises.
Donald Malarkey: Okay, so this guy seems super sweet, but how much you wanna bet that he’s pretty rough in the bedroom. I mean, look at those arms, they have to be used for something. And that something most likely involves pinning you down to the bed. So for the first time, he’s going to go with flat doggie/tight squeeze because of the way he gets to pin you down and whisper things to you the whole time.
Edward “Babe” Heffron: Think about the picture of Babe with the caption “swags nervously.” This is it. I mean, he’s an absolute sweetheart, but he’s incredibly nervous about doing any of this. That being said, he did manage to land a lady like Doris, so he must be doing something right. For the first time, he’s going to go for missionary, because he knows that he won’t be able to screw that one up, but he’ll probably only start after a large amount of foreplay.
George Luz: This man would make sex the most fun experience ever. Like, he’s going to be so laid back about it, and you two will probably end up laughing at some point. And it’s probably going to start when he sees you laughing at something he said and he just goes for it. First time position is probably doggie, although later on, the positions and the foreplay is going to get weirder and weirder.
Charles “Chuck” Grant: This babe, this angel, he would be so amazing in bed. Like no nervousness, no worry in the world, because he knows he’s good, but he’s not going to get cocky about it. He’s probably going to go for spooning, just for the intimacy and the sexiness that it brings to the bedroom. He’d basically have you loosing it before the night is out.
Frank Perconte: (Bull and Frank are my two babes, so this’ll be interesting.) Frank would get really into going down on you. That would definitely start it off, like he’d drag you to somewhere private and then just go down on you until you’re a moaning mess. Once he’s done with that, he’s probably just going to bend you over a table or arm rest or something and pound you from there.
Johnny Martin: He’d have so much passion during sex. I mean, imagine all that pent up anger that he has in his bitch face coming out during your first session. I think he’d be one of those people who really opens up and just goes for it. He’s probably going to go for jockey, so that he can completely pin you down and make sure that you’re extremely happy at the same time.
(OH MY GOD, I need Jesus and a tall glass of water after this.)
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