#johnny suh writing
hansolsticio · 6 days
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✦ — "crescidinha". ᯓ johnny suh.
— namorado ! johnny × leitora. — 𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮: smut. — 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 3464. — 𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗼𝘀: mini age gap (entre maiores de idade!), size kink, pp insegura, paranoica e terrível em comunicação, john dom, sexo desprotegido, fingering & "papai". — 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗮𝘀: incrível como a maioria das fics que eu escrevo são com a pp desesperada pra dar (me inspiro em vocês
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Ter transado com seu namorado foi a pior coisa que você fez em todo o relacionamento. Sim, sim. A pior de todas. Estava convicta. Era um tipo de arrependimento estranho e que você nunca havia experimentado antes. Pois ele não vinha acompanhado do sentimento de rejeição das memórias, mas sim de obsessão em revivê-las. Obsessão em lembrar do jeito que Johnny te tocou, em como a boca quente te chupou inteirinha e no jeito que ele te deixou toda abertinha quando... Argh! Havia entrado nessa merda de espiral novamente, já estava melada outra vez e mal havia saído do banho.
Queria chorar de frustração. Sentia-se uma maluca pervertida, parecia até mesmo uma adolescente inexperiente e completamente obcecada. Droga, Johnny devia pensar a mesma coisa. O pior é que você sabia muito bem onde estava se enfiando quando resolveu se envolver com um homem mais velho, claro que sabia. Sempre teve consciência das próprias preferências, sabia que gostava de homem, homem de verdade. Os da sua idade sequer entravam no seu radar, arrependia-se de todos os namorinhos que teve antes de John, eram tão imaturos, tão... cacete, sequer tinha mais parâmetros depois de Johnny, ele te estragou para todo mundo. Era o único. Ele. Só ele.
Não foi à toa que quando decidiu que o queria para si, não sossegou até conseguir. Johnny te deixou meio confusa no começo, a personalidade brincalhona e super extrovertida te fez enxergá-lo só como mais um sócio do seu pai. Mas, de repente, a característica começou a contrastar tão bem com a masculinidade que ele carregava. Ele é tão responsável, tão cuidadoso, tão... homem — não sabe como não percebeu isso mais cedo. Talvez por ter sido tratada como criança desde o primeiro momento em que ele bateu os olhos em você. Detestou-o por isso, queria que Johnny te enxergasse com maturidade.
Entretanto, duvidava se conseguiria ser vista assim por muito tempo. Mal havia perdido a virgindade e já não conseguia mais ser normal sobre toda essa situação — tinha um ideal específico que considerava ser o que Johnny buscava numa parceira. Havia ouvido algumas histórias sobre antigas namoradas e elas pareciam tão distantes de você. Temia que Johnny acabasse te vendo como um erro, um passatempo. Queria que ele te visse como mulher, mas agir como uma maluca desesperada por sexo com certeza não ajudaria a manter essa visão.
Seu namorado não estava te ajudando nem por um segundo. No começo, você nem quis fazer alarde com isso de ser virgem, Johnny que insistiu. Mesmo nervosa já tinha noção de que seria gostoso, ele não deixou brecha para dúvidas, sempre te fazia ficar ensopada quando vocês ficavam de amasso no sofá. Mas, inferno, não tinha previsto que seria tão bom assim. Foi patético, não conseguiu parar de gozar e de gemer igual vagabunda — perdeu totalmente o controle. Johnny sequer pareceu se importar, sorrindo amoroso toda vez que limpava as lágrimas perdidas nos cantinhos dos seu olhos.
Desde então, algo mudou em você. Não sabia pensar em outra coisa, mesmo se esforçando muito. Quando conseguia ficar sozinha, se tocava com certa vergonha, porém só acabava se frustrando — não era capaz de replicar o que o homem fez contigo. Além disso, recusava-se a ir atrás, havia imposto um limite muito besta na própria cabeça: daria um tempinho até a próxima vez. Morria de medo de parecer desesperada ou, pior ainda, fazer parecer que você só o queria para aquilo. Mas não foi capaz de ficar presa aos próprios pensamentos por muito tempo:
"Amor! Já se vestiu? Tô só te esperando.", a voz abafada veio da parte de baixo da casa. Você bufou estressada sentindo o incômodo pegajoso no meio das pernas, não daria tempo de se lavar novamente — já havia enrolado demais.
"Droga.", largou impaciente consigo mesma. A cabeça estava uma bagunça, sempre se esquecia de coisas importantes ultimamente. "Amor, me diz que você tem um processador... não lembrei de perguntar se aqui tinha."
"Hm...", Johnny olhou em volta, encarando o cômodo como se estivesse ali pela primeira vez. "Eu não sei.", soltou um risinho. "Olha em uma dessas portas aí de cima.", indicou com o queixo, a taça de vinho adornando a mão bonita.
Você até tentou, mas elas abriam para cima e claramente haviam sido ajustadas de acordo com a altura do seu namorado. Virou-se com uma expressão entediada, estava claro que ele sabia que você não iria alcançar. John já te olhava segurando o riso, um rostinho de quem havia feito de propósito. Levantou-se sinuoso, o corpo grande dando a volta na bancada e parando bem na sua frente. Te olhava de cima, abrindo uma das portas e pegando o aparelho sem parar de te encarar. Colocou-o em uma das extremidades da pia, aproveitando a posição para te encurralar contra o móvel.
"Como que se diz?", questionou, inclinando-se para roçar o narizinho no seu. Você virou o rosto, queria brincar um pouquinho também. Johnny sequer deixou a provocação durar, a mão grande envolveu seu maxilar te virando de volta para ele. "Fala olhando 'pra mim."
"Obrigada.", murmurou numa marra que já havia sido quebrada antes mesmo que você tivesse a oportunidade de começar.
"Isso.", selou os cantinhos da sua boca, te arrancando um sorrisinho molenga.
"Me pergunto o porquê de você ter uma cozinha tão completa se mal usa ela.", vociferou o pensamento. As mãozinhas delineavam os traços bonitos das tatuagens dele que ornavam tão bem — era mais uma das mil características atraentes do seu namorado.
"Pro meu amor usar quando quiser, ué.", disse como se fosse óbvio.
"Ah, foi pensando em mim?", soltou em tom de deboche, Johnny aparecia com cada uma.
"Uhum.", concordou com a cabeça. "Eu já sabia que você ia ser minha muito antes de te conhecer.", galanteador, sempre era. Sugou seu lábio inferior, selando a carne molhadinha. "Foi tudo planejado.", repetiu o contato, serpenteando a língua áspera nos seus lábios.
E não era novidade que você era fraca, se tornava totalmente maleável nos braços de Johnny — as palavras doces só piorando sua situação. Suspirava molinha, as mãos correndo pelo corpo forte por conta própria. Mal notou e já passava as unhas pelo abdômen marcado, se perdia em todas as texturas e na diferença que havia de um gominho pro outro. A cabeça escolhia os pensamentos por conta própria, pensava no quão gostoso seria lamber ou até mesmo esfregar a su- Porra, assim não dá.
Afastou as mãos de solavanco, apoiando-as na pia atrás de você — foi o único lugar "não arriscado" que conseguiu pensar. Johnny se distanciou um pouquinho, franzindo a testa num sorriso confuso, como quem não entendeu o afastamento repentino.
"Uhm... eu preciso processar os cogumelos, amor.", justificou, tentando mover-se.
"Agora não...", o aperto na sua cintura ficou mais firme.
"É que precisa ir 'pra geladeira por pelo menos uns trinta minutos."
"Depois de assado?!", o nariz franzidinho era uma gracinha.
"Selado, amor.", corrigiu. "Só depois que coloca 'pra assar.", a explicação não pareceu ter significado nada, mas só concordou, finalmente te soltando.
Montou a peça sob o olhar intenso do homem que te encarava sem dar uma palavra sequer, levando a taça cintilante até os lábios vez ou outra. Você achava que nunca iria se acostumar com a energia que ele exalava, as perninhas se apertavam dentro da saia tentando dar carinho ao íntimo sensível. Poxa, não é porque vocês fizeram isso uma vez que precisavam fazer todas as vezes agora... você tinha que tirar isso da cabeça. Sabia que Johnny era caseiro, queria muito curtir uma noite tranquila com ele, sem agitação — igual casais maduros fazem.
"Como foi seu dia, meu bem?", foi interrompida dos próprios devaneios.
"Chato. Fui 'pra faculdade à toa, porque a professora esqueceu de avisar que faltaria. O resto foi bobagem. E o seu?", a bobagem foi ter passado o dia inteiro pensando no seu namorado, mas ele não precisava saber disso. Virou-se para separar os ingredientes para da massa folheada.
"Bem cheio. Tive algumas reuniões e resolvi um monte de papelada.", era a resposta que ele geralmente dava na maior parte dos casos, o contraste entre as rotinas de vocês era sempre bem explícito. "Provavelmente vou ter que viajar a trabalho na próxima semana.", disse com cautela, já esperando uma reação que logo veio. Você se virou abrupta, o biquinho já enfeitando a boca bonita. "São só três dias, amor. Prometo que volto rapidinho.", abriu os braços fortes, te chamando em silêncio.
"Eu quero ir junto...", você ignorou o chamado, assim como também fingiu não ver o rostinho confuso dele.
"Não quer, não.", soltou num riso contido. "Seu pai vai também. Vamos ficar no mesmo hotel."
"E daí?"
"E daí?!", repetiu incrédulo. "E daí que ele não vai gostar da ideia de ter a filhinha dele enfiada num quarto comigo."
"Eu fico enfiada na sua casa quase toda noite.", o biquinho dengoso não cessava de jeito algum — Johnny precisava se segurar muito para não te agarrar. Já você não via sentido algum naquilo e não queria ficar longe do seu John.
"É bem diferente."
"Diferente como?", viu-o hesitar por alguns segundos. O rosto masculino formando uma expressão meio sapeca.
"Os quartos vão ser próximos, amor. E agora que eu sei que você é escandalosa, eu- ai!", a reação veio de imediato, jogou o pano de prato mais próximo no rosto do homem, vendo-o desviar milagrosamente. "Eu prefiro não arriscar.", completou.
E então você era escandalosa também? Excelente. Ajudava muito na sua situação. Bastante mesmo. Ao passo que tudo ia se tornaria celibatária. Queria se enterrar de tanta vergonha. Precisou de um malabarismo enorme para fingir que não ficou mexida com o comentário.
Virou-se de costas novamente, escondendo o rostinho constrangido. Johnny provavelmente nem deveria ter feito de propósito, gostava de brincar contigo sobre tudo e qualquer coisa. Mas que inferno! Você tinha mesmo que ser tão paranoica? A cabecinha já girava com mil pensamentos. Sim. É fato: ele com certeza te achava uma desesperada.
"_____, vem aqui.", o timbre imperativo te deixou em alerta.
"Espera só um pouquinho.", ainda não queria se virar, brincando com a massa por mais tempo do que era necessário.
"Eu 'tô pedindo com educação, _____. Vem aqui.", o uso contínuo do seu nome estava fazendo seu corpo inteiro tremer. Sentia-se uma criança prestes a levar bronca. Moveu-se contra a própria vontade, dando a volta no balcão só para ser colocada de pé entre as pernas do homem. Não sabia como Johnny te olhava — se recusava a encarar o rosto dele. "Você 'tá hesitando, amor...", observou, era menos autoritário agora.
"Hesitando?", você questionou, brincando com os pingentes que adoravam seu pulso.
"Tá toda esquisitinha pro meu lado hoje. Aconteceu alguma coisa?", e você definitivamente não queria ter aquela conversa. Tentou sair do cerco no qual ele te prendia, só para ser impedida pela mão nas suas coxas. "Sem sair de perto. Fala comigo assim.", você quis bufar impaciente, mas impediu a si própria. "Foi algo que eu fiz ou falei?", bom, tecnicamente era. Mas não era exatamente, por isso negou num aceno de cabeça. "Então o que foi?", mais silêncio. "Diz 'pra mim, vai... Não gosto de ter que ficar te bajulando 'pra falar, amor, você sabe disso também.", John era muito paciente, mas você se questionava até onde toda aquela paciência ia. "É por causa de semana passada?", bingo.
"É...", você finalmente abriu a boca.
"Você não queria, meu amor? Ou eu te machuquei?", soava preocupado, quase arrependido. Estava entendendo tudo errado. "Me perdoa, princesa. A gente não precisa fazer outra vez."
"Não é isso. Eu queria, John. Foi bom, muito bom...", corrigiu de imediato, a mera menção de não transar mais com ele te deixou em alerta.
"Então qual o problema?"
"É que...", pausou, não sabia prosseguir. "Que inferno!", foi inevitável praguejar. "Eu quero. Ainda quero, sabe? Quero o tempo todo. E isso é humilhante."
"Por que é humilhante, amor?,", ele parecia genuinamente confuso.
"Porque a gente não precisa fazer isso toda hora, John! Eu 'tô agindo igual uma adolescente na puberdade e isso é ridículo. Parece que eu não sei me controlar, parece...", as palavras saíam umas por cima das outras, mas ele se esforçava ao máximo para te entender. "Parece que eu não sou uma mulher de verdade."
"Isso não te faz 'menos mulher', meu amor.", ele refutou imediatamente, o jeitinho calmo e comedido contrastava com a sua afobação anterior. "Você é mulher 'pra caralho...", levantou-se sorrateiro, te colocando sentada em cima da ilha atrás de você. "A minha mulher.", enfatizou. As mãos grandes fingindo arrumar seu cabelo. Perto, perto demais. "E se minha mulher gosta de dar a bucetinha 'pra mim... não tem nada errado nisso, tem?", o tom lascivo por trás de cada uma das palavras fez seu corpo inteiro esquentar. Discordou com a cabeça, completamente estúpida. Não. Não havia nada de errado. "Usa a voz. Você já é crescidinha, lembra? Me responde direito."
"Não tem nada de errado, John.", acanhada, desviou o olhar. Se sentia minúscula em todos os aspectos perto de John, ele sempre te intimidava quando agia assim — te enchia de tesão também.
"Olha 'pra mim quando eu falar com você, amor. É falta de respeito.", alertou e a princesinha obediente dele não poderia desapontar. Olhou-o tímida, o rosto queimando tanto quanto o corpinho que espasmava em luxúria. Cacete, você o queria tanto...
"O que 'cê vai fazer?", questionou ao que assistiu ele se livrar da própria camisa, jogando-a em qualquer canto. Estava óbvio, mas se sentia pulsar ao agir como um brinquedinho estúpido para John.
"Tô dando o que você quer, amor.", pontuou, desafivelando o cinto. "Mostra os peitinhos 'pra mim.", você obedeceu meio acanhada, enrolando o tecido da camiseta acima dos seios — era uma peça apertadinha, sequer viu a necessidade de usar sutiã. "São tão lindos, meu amor.", era doce, você queimou da cabeça aos pés. A temperatura elevada sofrendo um choque ao que a boca geladinha mamou cada um dos seus biquinhos. As mãos grandes apertavam seu corpo todo, beliscavam suas coxas, massageavam tudo que vinha pela frente — John te clamava como dele, tinha posse, poderia arruinar o corpinho pequeno o quanto quisesse. "Você é toda linda."
Alcançou sua calcinha sem cerimônia alguma, arfando uma risadinha baixa ao sentir o quão encharcado o tecido estava. Você é tão fácil 'pra ele, se molha tanto, é perfeita. O carinho no clitóris dolorido fez seu corpo retesar, pulsava carentinho, enviando choques pelo seu corpo a cada toque. Era difícil não se sentir sobrecarregada, tanto que puxou seu John para um beijinho gostoso, esperando que isso pudesse te trazer de volta para o chão. Suspirava a cada apertãozinho que sentia no seu pontinho, mamando a língua grossa para conseguir descontar.
Arrepiou ao que o tecido foi colocado de ladinho, o ar gelado da cozinha maltratando sua pele. Dois dedos abriram passagem, se espaçando, esticando o buraquinho. John sorria, parecia se deleitar com os estalinhos barulhentos. Ele lambia seus lábios de um jeito obsceno, você sentia a saliva quase escorrendo pelo cantinho da boca. Forçou-se mais contra os dedos grandes e o homem entendeu como um sinal para enfiar mais um.
A entradinha doía, apertava, se molhava inteira... inferno, praticamente chorava por Johnny. Queria tanto, tanto. Os arrepios faziam o corpinho sensível se contrair dentro do abraço dele. Era inacreditável ainda se sentir tão necessitada com três dedos socados na sua buceta, mas não dava para evitar. Esse não era o jeito certo, não era. Queria seu Johnny, seu amor, seu... seu papai... queria de verdade. Inteirinho dentro de você, te usando e te fazendo chorar igual ele fez antes.
"Papai?", murmurou, não sabe porque o fez, mas foi inevitável chamá-lo assim. O apelidinho sujo pareceu não incomodar, pelo contrário, ouviu o homem soltar uma risadinha gostosa contra o seu pescoço.
"Sou seu papai, é?", questionou com certa zombaria. "Você não se decide, amor. Se já quer ser grandinha desse jeito, não precisa mais de papai...", explicou e sua garganta coçou para contestar. "Ou será que precisa?"
"Preciso. Preciso do papai.", resmungou. Estava tão dengosinha, se agarrava às costas fortes como se estivesse prestes a cair a qualquer momento. "Coloca dentro, amor.", manhou, a cinturinha se forçava contra a mão dele — como se o pau fosse magicamente aparecer ali.
"Acha que consegue agora, princesa? Ou quer minha boquinha antes?"
"Quero você... eu consigo.", acenou a rapidinho. O rostinho era tão bonito, John até se sentia mal... como poderia estar sujando a princesinha linda dele desse jeito? Você é tão doce, merece todo o amorzinho do mundo, mas ele só conseguia pensar em esvaziar tudinho dentro de você. Os dedos saíram devagarinho, dando lugar ao falo pesado. John era grande em todos os sentidos da palavra. A glande avermelhada se babava inteira, deixando as veias ainda mais evidentes — não era difícil perceber que ele tinha muita coisa para te dar.
"Tudo, John."
"Tudo? Tem certeza?", soltou um risinho, entretido com a sua coragem. "Que gulosa, meu amor. Só fodi uma vez e já acha que aguenta tudinho...", a pontinha do polegar esticou o buraquinho miúdo, você claramente pedia por muito mais do que era capaz de aguentar. "Só que sem chorar dessa vez, me ouviu?", alertou, te assistindo concordar sem a mínima certeza do que estava aceitando. Até abriu mais as perninhas, era a menina corajosa de John — feitinha para aguentar ele todo, afinal aquilo tudo era seu.
Ele mal entrou e seus olhinhos já se apertaram em resposta. A bucetinha espasmava sensível, tentando expulsá-lo dali. Te deixaria aberta de novo, toda ardidinha igual da primeira vez. Mas você iria aguentar, precisava aguentar. Era a menininha crescidinha de John. Mulher. A mulher dele. Que aguentava tudinho sem chorar. O buraquinho de foda dele. Sim. 'Pra Johnny usar quando quiser... Droga, quando que havia começado a pensar dessa maneira? Ele realmente só precisou de uma foda 'pra te corromper? Patético.
"Amor?", já se perdia nas estocadas lentinhas quando a voz doce invadiu sua audição. "Você 'tá chorando.", foi quando tomou consciência das gotinhas tímidas que vazavam dos seu olhos. "Eu vou tirar um pouquinho, tá bom?"
"Não, não, não... fica, amor. Eu aguento.", soou desesperadinha — e era, se fosse por Johnny talvez fosse mesmo.
"Vai te machucar.", insistia em te tratar igual boneca. Mas, poxa, ele mesmo falou que você tinha que agir como uma mulher crescidinha... não poderia decepcioná-lo.
"Não machuca, prometo!", porra, machucava, claro que machucava. Mas era tão, tão gostoso — você não conseguia rejeitar a dorzinha. "Por favor..."
"Relaxa 'pra mim, então. Tá bom?", suspirou exasperado, movendo a cintura com receio. Selou sua testa, como quem tentava te acalmar. As sobrancelhas franzidas davam um ar de concentração tão sexy ao homem. O corpo grande por si só era uma imposição, não havia nada que você pudesse fazer: era todinha de Johnny, só dele.
O prazer te deixava tontinha, mais dengosa, mais carente. Porra, não tinha como não ficar obcecada por isso. Agarrou-se ao homem outra vez, o corpinho mole balançando a cada estocada. Enfiou o rosto pescoço cheirosinho, John tinha um cheiro forte, difícil de descrever. Tudo nele te fazia sedenta, tanto que chupou a pele quente, o gostinho salgado do suor pintando o seu paladar. Se molhou mais ainda, gemeu, se apertou... Johnny parecia uma droga, estava tomando todos os seus sentidos.
O ventre se apertou. Choramingou o nome dele mais vezes do que era capaz de raciocinar, sem nunca pedir por algo de fato. A cintura ganhou vida própria. Queria mais, mais forte, bem fundo, tudo bem se machucasse um pouquinho — você aguentava, aguentava qualquer coisa para tê-lo desse jeitinho. Não se sentia mais uma pervertida e mesmo que fosse, Johnny disse que estava tudo bem, não disse? Você é a mulher dele, pode pedir tudo, quantas vezes quiser.
"Eu quero mais rápido, Johnny...", arfou baixinho, mas sabia que dava para escutar.
"Finalmente aprendeu a pedir, amorzinho?", o tom era áspero, a garganta provavelmente arranhava pelos grunhidos que soavam ao pé do seu ouvido. Você produziu um som esganiçado, repreendendo a provocação.
"Shhhhh. Tem que aprender a fazer com calma primeiro."
"Vai mesmo estressar o papai agora? Sem birra, amor.", os chorinhos e comentários insolentes ficaram presos na sua garganta ao ouvi-lo usar o apelido. "Olha 'pra mim.", não era um pedido, tanto que te puxou pelo cabelo para conseguir o que queria. Ele estava uma delícia, os rosto vermelho e suadinho se apertava — tão afetado pelo prazer quanto você, ainda que fosse muito mais controlado. "É 'pra gozar assim. Devagarinho, sem fazer escândalo, porra.", cuspiu as palavras e você concordou, a bucetinha molhando ao ver o rostinho meio estressado. "Aprende a gozar quietinha que eu te levo 'pra viagem junto comigo."
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# — © 2024 hansolsticio ᯓ★ masterlist.
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lilyandellie · 14 days
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Sometimes im thinking about your hands being tied on the back with your head down on the mattress and hips up exposing your soaked cunt on the air. Johnny and Haechan made an agreement that Haechan can taste your cunt fuck it anything but not with cumming inside you “Hyung can i start?” Haechan standing behind you with his hungry dilated eyes watching your slit clenched “go ahead satisfy my girl i want to watch her from here first ” Johnny sitting at the nearest couch with his hands stroking at his semi hard cock .
Without a warning Haechan start tracing your slit with his finger making goosebumps all over your body“Always wondering what does this pretty cunt taste like baby” he spread open your wet cunt and stick his warm tongue inside you all you can do is loudly whining and moaning feeling his tongue fucking and sucking your hole like there’s no tomorrow, haechan groaning feeling the sweet taste of your cunt “Does it feel good sweetheart? Do you like it?”Johnny come closer to you with his fully erected cock carresing my hair “Hmmmphh-yess d-daddy yess hmmppaah f-feels so good aahh” Haechan put his fingers inside you fucking your cunt while keep sucking your clit.
“Fuck hyung now i understand why you love staying at home with her on the weekend, this feels like heaven “ haechan spank your ass while looking at johhny “Just wait until you’re inside her , it’s hard to not cum inside her cunt” johnny gently pushed your mouth open and ask you to sticking your tongue out “You will be a good girl today, right sweetheart? Will let daddy and his friend use your body to satisfy them right?” Johnny keeps tapping his pink swollen tip full of pre-cum on your tongue and of course you gladly nodded “Good girl, Always “ Johnny kiss your forehead deeply before shove his long veiny hard cock on your throat and that night you don’t remember how many times you’ve had come with haechan keep cumming all over your body and Johnny’s cum over flowing from your swollen cunt you definitely looks like cum dumpster whore.
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taeyongdoyoung · 5 months
end of beginning
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summary: your perfectionist self can't settle and wants to improve your grades. no matter the cost... pairing: johnny x reader genre: smut warnings: professor/student dynamic, age gap (unspecified), dubcon, power play, neck-kissing, biting, spanking, fingering, slight dumbification, size kink (duh), unprotected sex, creampie, forbidden relationship, pet names (angel, baby, sweetheart) word count: 1.5k
You have never felt so foolish as you do now, standing outside of your professor’s cabinet, waiting for his office hours to start. This isn’t like you at all. You are usually at the top of each class, amazing students and teachers alike with your well-written assignments and outstanding participation in the discussions. You are usually the one that professors praise.
To say you feel embarrassed would be an understatement. You are not used to this, asking for help, admitting that you are falling behind, that your grades have never been worse. But if you want to graduate successfully, you have to swallow your pride and face the problem head on.
You don’t know what it is about Professor Suh’s lectures but you just can’t seem to focus. You try to take detailed notes as you do in your other classes, but you end up getting so lost in his beautiful voice, staring at his pretty face and thinking about his big hands as they flick through the pages that your notes end up being messy, incoherent and awfully inaccurate.
You have tried different strategies such as asking other students for their notes but nothing seems to work. So, in your desperation, you end up here, waiting for Professor Suh to put you out of your misery. You hope that no one else shows up during office hours ‘cause it would be too mortifying if other students find out and start making fun of you for being so behind on the material.
“Oh, Y/N!” Professor Suh exclaims in surprise as he unlocks the door to his cabinet, letting you in. “How long have you been waiting? Usually no one comes to these office hours so I’m a bit late. You should have emailed me.”
You stand nervously, your fingers digging into the tender skin of your already sweaty palms.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…” you start to explain.
“No, you don’t have to apologize, it’s just unusual. Take a seat, make yourself comfortable,” he tries to reassure you in his calming voice.
You take off your bag, putting it on the ground and sit in the chair against his. God, you feel so stupid…
“So, what brings you here?” Professor Suh asks.
“You’ve probably noticed but my grades have been plummeting,” you murmur awkwardly.
“Well, if that’s what you call a couple of B’s, then sure, I guess,” he laughs softly.
“You don’t understand…I know other students may be happy with such grades but this is unusual for me.”
Professor Suh looks at you over his glasses in disbelief.
“You do realize that in real life nobody cares about grades, yes?”
“You’re right. I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time,” you reach to grab your bag but he stops you.
“I didn’t say that I wasn’t going to help you.”
You exhale in relief.
“What is troubling you the most? Is it the material?”
“I don’t know…It doesn’t make sense because I love literature, it’s always come easy to me. I just have a hard time focusing during your lectures, for some reason.”
“Must be my fault, then,” Professor Suh smiles knowingly. “My teaching method isn’t engaging enough.”
“N-no, that’s not what I m-meant,” you stammer nervously. “I’m just…easily distracted, I guess.”
“Oh? Are you like that in your other classes, as well?”
“Not really, no,” you admit, feeling even more embarrassed.
“See? Then I guess I need to improve. Find a way to help you focus,” Professor Suh insists.
“Please help me. I really don’t want to fail your class, it’s very important to me.”
“Is it important to you because you care about your grades or because you don’t want to let me down?” Professor Suh asks staring into your eyes.
The question is so direct that it takes you off guard. You want to look away but you are so captivated you don’t dare to blink.
“I…don’t want to disappoint you, Professor Suh,” you confess. “Your lectures are very engaging and I enjoy listening to them.”
“Do you enjoy the content or the sound of my voice?”
“Professor…” you break eye contact and you are far too gone to think clearly. What is this man doing to you?
Suddenly, he stands up in all his glory, walks to your chair and lifts your chin up with his finger.
“Answer the question.”
“What…what was the question again?” you ask dumbly.
He shakes his head in disapproval.
“Just as I feared. Helping you focus would be quite difficult.”
“I’m s-sorry, I’ll try harder.”
“You better.”
Grabbing a book from his desk, he opens it and puts it in front of you.
“Read. Out loud. Don’t stop unless I tell you to, understood?”
You nod eagerly and start reading.
“We like to think of the old-fashioned American classics as children’s books. Just childishness, on our part.”
Professor Suh starts playing with your hair gently, surprising you but you don’t dare to stop and continue reading to the best of your abilities.
“The world fears the new experience more than it fears anything.”
He is kissing your neck, biting even, eliciting soft moans out of you. How is that going to help you focus?! You feel like your brain is no longer working.
“Keep reading,” he reminds you.
“Cutting away the old emotions and consciousness. Don’t ask what is left.”
Professor Suh makes you stand up and then pushes you down abruptly so that your breasts and tummy are lying on the desk and your ass is up in the air.
“And you can please yourself, when you read the Scarlet Letter, whether you accept what that sugary, blue-eyed little darling of a Hawthorne has to say for himself-” you continue to read, voice shaky and lacking any confidence.
He lifts your skirt up, touching you in all the right places in all the wrong ways. You are so terrified of what is happening but you are even more terrified of stopping to read.
Professor Suh spanks your ass harshly the second you pause briefly.
“N-no, it h-hurts,” you cry out.
“Read,” he orders you and you have no choice but to obey.
“They didn’t come for freedom. Or if they did, they sadly went back on themselves.”
Professor Suh takes your panties off and slides his fingers inside your pussy easily, as you are embarrassingly wet. He assaults you vigorously, expecting you to keep reading.
“They came largerly to get away. In the long run, away from themselves.”
“You skipped a few sentences.”
Damnit, how did he catch that?
You go back to the parts you missed but your reading continues to be full of mistakes. Eventually, Professor Suh grows tired of that and takes the book away from you.
“I’m not sure this method is helpful,” he sighs and starts unbuckling his belt. “Might have to find another way for you to acquire knowledge.”
“S-sir?” your voice trembles, though you already anticipate what is coming.
“Stuff you full of it,” he explains calmly and enters you from behind.
You want to scream but you are so afraid of someone hearing that you bite your hand.
Professor Suh seems to notice your concerns, moves your hand away and presses his own against your mouth.
“Shhh, it’s okay, angel, I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispers gently while doing the opposite of what he’s saying.
He is so big that you feel as if he’s splitting you in half. Miraculously, you are still alive.
“You’re not good at focusing in my lectures anyway so I might as well give you something to remember during them,” he laughs. Oh, he’s so mean. You deserve it, though. For being so greedy. Not satisfied with a B. Stupid girl.
He removes his hand from your lips, trusting you not to make any loud noises.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Why ask now? He’s already gone this far…
“N-no, p-please,” you whimper helplessly.
“No as in stop or no as in keep going?”
You genuinely don’t know what the right answer is. If this is a test, then you’re surely failing.
Apparently, Professor Suh does not care what you have to say. Perhaps it’s your fault for being so slow…He keeps fucking you, going deeper inside of you than any man has ever been. Soon enough, he paints your walls white as if he’s an artist and not a literature professor.
You feel so dizzy, so brainless, so silly.
“Are you alive?” he asks, scooping you up into his big arms.
“N-no?” your response comes out with a questioning tone.
“Take all the time you need to recover,” he tells you thoughtfully.
“Can I ask you something, Professor Suh?”
“You should call me Johnny when we’re alone.”
“Oh, um…Johnny, what if someone had walked in?” you ask fearfully.
“Relax, sweetheart, I locked the door,” he laughs gently.
“Ah, that’s good.”
“Anything else you’re worried about?” Johnny plays with your breasts lazily as you sit in his lap.
“Um, yeah…”
“I’ll write you all A’s from now on if that’s what…”
“I don’t care about that anymore,” you confess teary-eyed. “Was this a one time thing for you, Johnny? Will I have to pretend nothing happened during your lectures?”
He caresses your hair just like how he did when this all started. For some reason, it doesn’t feel like the end.
“Oh, baby, this is just the beginning.”
The End
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calibabii21 · 1 year
|| call me a jerk || johnny suh
pairing: dom!Johnny x fem brat!reader
genre: minor angst, smut, mature
warning(s): mean dom!johnny, choking, degradation, abs riding, tiddy sucking, fingering (vaginal and anal), overstimulation (reader)
wc: 1.13k
a/n: this literally came to me in a dream so, um, hope you like it heh..
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You may as well move in at this point. Except you never will. Not after how big a point you made in denying the possibility of ever catching feelings. Yet every waking moment you find yourself longing to be right back here. In this man’s home.
“You’re awfully quiet today,” his hand rests on your bare thigh, “what’s got you all pent up in the face?” You contemplate spilling your thoughts entirely, but settle for a shrug as you play with his fingers. A heavy sigh leaves him as he slumps further into the sofa in his spacious bedroom, “don’t start this already.” And that instantly brings a deep frown to your face, “start what? And why do have such a tone with me?” 
The looks at you with a raised eyebrows is full of attitude, “first of all,” his hand is moves from your thigh as he sits up at full height to face you, and grips your face, “who do you think you’re talking to? You don’t ever get to question me, got it sweetheart?” Your faces changes to a soft frown as you nod at him, “secondly, what’s got you all defensive and offended lately?” There’s a brief moment of silence before you let out a huff, “I just feel so stupid now.”
Confusion is written all over his face as he begins caressing your own, “I don’t follow.” You grit your teeth before taking a deep breath and mumbling, “I was wrong, about..not..catching feelings....” A beat of silence passes. Then another, before you look up at his face to see him holding in his laughter, “u-uh huh.” That was the last straw. Your 13th reason. 
You stand up and collect your things as he doubles over in laughter, “fuck you, Johnny.” His name doesn’t even leave your lips fully before you’re flung over his shoulder and tossed onto his bed nearby, “sit your ass back down.” There’s not a peep from you as he takes his sweet time walking around the bedpost and climbs into his spot. “Come here.” A straight command with no extra context. You already knew what to do, so you did it.
“Why are you being a bad girl, huh?” you still say nothing as you straddle his hips, only staring at his shirtless torso. “Hey,” there’s a sharp slap to the side of your thigh, “I know you hear me, stop being such a brat.” That only gives you cause to act brattier. Whining as you throw a fit on top of him, “you’re being a dick,” you continue squirming, upset, until he bucks his hips up into you, drawing a gasp from your lips and a shudder down your spine. “I’m not acting like anything, you just want it.”
His crotch grinds against yours till you’re slightly panting before he stops, “but you don’t get it.” You protest and try to plead your case but he shuts you up with a flick to your nipple through his shirt you’re wearing. “No. You don’t deserve it.” Well there goes my relief, your thoughts are bitter as you respond to him, “what am I supposed to do then?” It seems he took a page from your book, seeing as all he did was shrug.
Assuming he’s instructing you to do all the work, you begin moving your hips against his groin, “Nope.” He shakes his head and grabs your waist, holding you in place, “I  told you, you can’t have it.” You can feel your frustration growing, “well what the hell am I supposed to do!” That warrants a pinch to your ass, “watch your tone. and like I said, figure it out.”
You look around the room for something, anything, to get you off before you decide to shift your body higher onto his torso, and grind down. “Ohh,” a whimper leaves you at the relief from the friction. “Yeah? Feel good?” You nod your head eagerly and move your hips faster “M-Mhm.” You don’t even have to open your eyes to know that he's watching you with dancing eyes.
“I don’t believe this- look at you. So desperate you’re grinding your cunt on my fucking abs,” you squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head in embarrassment. “Not to mention you’re so soaked you’re slipping.” His condescending chuckles as he tightly pinches your nipples cause you to choke out a moan, “m-more.” You can feel yourself right at the edge, “more.”
It comes out a demand rather than a request, “You want more? More of what, I’m not doing anything.” His fingers kneed your ass cheeks before his right hand slides to gather some of your wetness for lube, “You’re the one fucking yourself out on me.” You feel his middle finger circle your back hole, “You like it? Using Daddy’s body to feel good?” Torn between wanting more pressure on your clit and pushing back against his fingers, you whine incoherently. 
His left hand wraps tight around your throat and squeeze as his finger begins prodding into your hole, “I asked you a question, little girl.” More friction it is. Grinding your hips down harder, your moans are constant, “Mmh yes, using Daddy’s body feels so- so gooood.” Your body spasms as an unexpected orgasm hits you, Johnny choosing that moment insert another finger in you.
“Tsk tsk tsk. You know that’s not how things go.” He sighs in false disappointment and removes his hand from your throat, opting to lift your shirt enough to expose your breasts, then move his hand down between your legs. “I’m sorry, ‘m sorry,” Your babbling worsens as his assault on both your ass and your pussy continues, “ ’m sorry Daddy, you feel too good.” 
“Yeah? It feels good?” He coaxes babbles from you and coos, “aww my poor baby. Can you give me one more?” he asks even though you’ve already left a puddle on his abdomen from cumming a second time, “Daddy it hurts.” But your complaints are ignored, “it hurts yet you’re still humping me like a dumb little bunny in a frenzy.”  His mean words egg on your desperation. “That’s what I thought. Be a good bitch for Daddy and give me another.” 
He concludes his insult by latching his mouth onto your breasts, alternating sides, “fuck Daddy, you’re such a jerk.” He grins and bites down on your left nipple, which happens to be your most sensitive, “stupid little girl can’t even come up a good insult.” Next thing you know, his fingers are removed and your cheeks are being spread as he stretches you with the deliciousness of his thickness.
“You can call me a jerk all you want babygirl, I’ll still fuck you to tears and you’ll thank me for it like the horny cockslut we know you are.” 
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*mdni banner made by ©️cafekitsune*
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hansolsticio · 3 months
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✦ — "frustração". ᯓ johnny s.
— marido ! johnny × leitora. — 𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮: smut (+ contexto). — 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 3736. — 𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗼𝘀: pai de família ! john, size kink & size training (big dick johnny), sexo no carro, john soft dom, breve discussão e um leve angst [não me joguem aos lobos], creampie & superestimulação. — 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗮𝘀: realisticamente, sexo no carro não seria muito confortável com um homem desse tamanho...
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Acompanhou com os olhos quando Johnny finalmente saiu do escritório, ficou tentada a continuar com a guerra do silêncio que você mesma havia estabelecido com ele, porém lembrou que precisava intimá-lo de algo:
"A Amélie tem balé agora a tarde.", tentou soar indiferente — mas admitia que soava mais como desprezo. Ele concordou com a cabeça, ainda fuçando as gavetas da estante de livros.
"E você quer que eu leve ela?", questionou, o tom era neutro.
"O que você acha?", ácida, nem você sabia explicar porque rebateu dessa maneira. Percebeu o homem hesitando, ainda que estivesse de costas.
"Foi só uma pergunta.", finalmente se virou, o semblante calmo demais para o seu gosto.
"Claro que foi...", resmungou, falando consigo mesma. Levantou aborrecida, deixando o homem sozinho para ir até a cozinha.
Johnny estava te dando nos nervos nas últimas semanas. E era difícil explicar o porquê, você só se via constantemente incomodada com a mera presença do homem. Isso pode ser considerado, no mínimo, peculiar. Especialmente pelo fato de você agora compartilhar o mesmo sobrenome que ele. Não achava que se veria em pé de guerra com o seu marido tão cedo assim no casamento. Porém havia uma questão: essa guerra só existia dentro da sua cabeça.
Do outro lado da moeda, seu marido se sentia quase um monge. Sempre julgou a própria paz como imperturbável, porém recentemente havia descoberto que só era desse jeito porque você nunca havia tentado pertubá-la. Não entendia o que havia de errado e em todos os momentos que ele conseguiu revisitar na memória, também não se lembrava de ter feito nada para te deixar desse jeito. Tinha noção de que a rotina de vocês era agitada e que mal havia tempo para relaxar, mas, caramba, parecia tão injusto ser tratado dessa maneira. Ele também possuía as próprias questões, mas fazia o máximo para deixá-las de lado.
Tudo o que fazia, fazia por vocês duas. Sempre deixou explícito que vocês eram a vida dele. Queria ser melhor, mais amoroso do que já era, mais presente. Tanto que até moveu a maior parte do trabalho que fazia para casa, tudo uma tentativa de ficar mais perto de você e Amélie. Só que nem isso aparentava ser suficiente, as horas que ele passava no escritório eram retribuídas com a mesma atitude fria pela sua parte. O homem nunca se sentiu tão frustrado.
Tentou todo tipo de estratégia. Nunca foi de fazer arrodeios, então claro que a primeira delas foi te confrontar — o fez com calma, pois ainda era super paciente com você —, mas tudo que conseguiu foi aumentar a parede que você havia construído entre vocês dois.
Desde o fracasso, ele mudou a abordagem. Resolveu te dar tempo, respeitar seu espaço. Presumiu que era o melhor a se fazer e, por mais compreensivo que fosse, não tinha ânimo para solucionar um problema que ele sequer sabia qual era. E Johnny era bom até demais nisso de respeitar seu tempo, porém não parecia funcionar. O jeitinho tranquilo e sempre muito comedido parecia te irritar mais ainda — o homem parecia um santo e isso te dava nos nervos. A relação de vocês dois nunca esteve tão fragilizada. Obviamente, não deixavam isso transparecer para mais ninguém — especialmente para Amélie —, só que não era preciso ser um gênio para perceber.
𐙚 ————————— . ♡
A sua risada misturada à da sua colega de trabalho era a única coisa que se ouvia no hall de entrada da empresa. Discutiam de forma alegre, já que finalmente a sexta-feira havia chegado ao fim e estavam livres de todas as responsabilidades por cerca de 48 horas. Você já estava prestes a acompanhá-la até o carro dela quando bateu os olhos numa figura alta e um tanto esguia na recepção, o rostinho era inconfundível. Seu sorriso se fechou um pouco, mas tentou disfarçar, despedindo-se da outra mulher com carinho.
"Você não deveria estar buscando a Amélie do balé nesse exato momento?", aproximou-se, admirando o jeitinho casual que ele estava vestido — não era usual, visto que ele também deveria ter saído do próprio trabalho a não muito tempo. Johnny fez basicamente o inverso, apreciando o jeito que a sainha corporativa abraçava suas curvas, não costumava te ver no uniforme de trabalho — os horários de vocês definitivamente não eram muito compatíveis.
"Deixei ela com meus pais hoje mais cedo. A professora dela adoeceu.", explicou. "Já 'tava indo buscar de novo, mas resolvi passar aqui 'pra te pegar também.", finalizou com um selinho rápido assim que você chegou perto, você sequer reagiu — era natural retribuir.
"Hm.", concordou. E foi a última 'palavra' que você deliberadamente falou. Uma vez que, assim que caíram na estrada, a maior parte do percurso não foi nada confortável — o silêncio entre vocês dois estava corroendo a mente do homem. Johnny até tentou amenizar a situação, fazia perguntas simples sobre o seu dia, só para ser quase que imediatamente interceptado por respostas rápidas e que não davam curso para diálogo algum. O ciclo doloroso se repetiu por algum tempo, até ele finalmente desistir.
Você não notou o exato momento no qual a mudança de rota aconteceu, afinal as árvores em volta do percurso pareciam todas iguais. No entanto, uma estrutura diferente chamou sua atenção, finalmente situando-se quando se viu num grande estacionamento vazio. Johnny tinha dirigido até o local onde, alguns anos atrás, funcionava um antigo cinema drive-in.
O espaço, ainda que muito desgastado, te trazia memórias vívidas de quando você e ele visitavam o local quase religiosamente todos os fins de semana — sequer prestavam atenção nos filmes, muito mais preocupados em ficar de namorinho. Você encarou o homem ao seu lado, esperando uma explicação para o fato de estarem ali. O esclarecimento não veio, Johnny mantinha os olhos nos espelhos, estacionando o veículo numa baliza muito cuidadosa.
"A gente não é meio velho 'pra isso?", você rompeu o silêncio, questionando as ações do seu marido. Ele finalmente parou o carro, o ruído ininterrupto do ar condicionado ficando em primeiro plano.
"A gente também é velho demais 'pra ficar fazendo birra.", enfim se virou para te olhar. Você não negava que a entonação áspera te chocou um pouco, estava tão acostumada com a paciência interminável do seu marido que qualquer sinal de irritabilidade te tirava do eixo. "Conversa direito comigo. O quê tem de errado com você? Juro que tentei te dar espaço 'pra relaxar, mas pelo visto não funcionou.", ele não queria ter soado tão rígido, só que a frustração que ele próprio sentia tomou conta da situação. Você evitava o olhar dele a todo custo, pois apenas mencionar a possibilidade de falar sobre isso te estressava. Suspirou exaltada, deixando claro que não pretendia abrir a boca. "Isso é sério mesmo?", soltou um riso sem humor. "Eu tô tentando resolver um problema entre a gente, 'cê acha mesmo que é uma boa hora 'pra agir feito criança?"
"Não tem nada 'pra conversar.", resmungou.
"Então você estar me tratando como se eu fosse um intruso na sua vida não é nada? Porque eu tô de saco cheio. Se foi algo que eu fiz, 'tá na hora de me dizer. Você só tá me afastando agindo assim.", era dolorido admitir — assim como doía escutar —, mas o homem sentia como se lentamente estivesse deixando de fazer parte da sua rotina, de fazer parte de você. Você hesitou por bons segundos, finalmente criando coragem para sair da defensiva.
"Foi você quem se afastou primeiro.", a voz já embargava. Virou o rosto, decidida a não chorar na frente dele. O homem só precisou disso 'pra amolecer completamente, não sabia ser duro com você por muito tempo, nunca soube.
"E como que eu fiz isso?", era curiosidade, em seu mais puro estado.
"Eu não sei."
𐙚 ————————— . ♡
'Não saber' não era o caso. Definitivamente não. Na verdade, acontecia que certas coisas não podiam ser colocadas em palavras, não sem antes refletir sobre elas adequadamente, coisa que você não fazia. Pois pensar sobre como o relacionamento entre vocês dois estava se deteriorando nos últimos dias doía muito, doía ao ponto de você evitar pensar sobre.
Johnny sempre assumiu um papel de liderança no relacionamento de vocês de forma espontânea. Ele não exatamente quer ser seu dono ou uma espécie de dominador, na verdade, ele só gosta de te guiar e aprecia que você confie no julgamento dele para decidir as coisas. Johnny sempre foi um protetor por natureza. E essa era uma configuração muito confortável para vocês dois. Porém, com a rotina pesada, a experiência de pais de primeira viagem e todo o estresse que vem junto com tudo isso, ficou complicado deixar a dinâmica de vocês fluir naturalmente.
Estavam presos numa espécie de "fase de adaptação" interminável, tentando voltar ao jeitinho que eram no começo. Se sentiam fora do lugar, Johnny não se via mais tão apto a se doar tanto quanto antes e você se sentia deslocada demais sem tê-lo cuidando de você como sempre fez. É só somar tudo isso a um volume bem relevante de frustração sexual e boom! Era a receita perfeita para a primeira crise no casamento de vocês.
𐙚 ————————— . ♡
O homem suspirou, vendo você brincar com a aliança no próprio dedo.
"Vem aqui.", tentou afastar mais o banco, criando espaço para você se sentar. Seus olhos encararam as pernas dele de forma hesitante, era orgulhosa e não gostava dar o braço a torcer assim tão fácil. Mas até a ação de te chamar pro colo dele despertava memórias demais — de quando, até brigados, vocês resolviam as coisas juntinhos, incapazes de se afastar. Não sabe se foi a carência ou o fato do local te lembrar de um monte de coisas, só sabe que cedeu.
Evitava olhá-lo, se sentia minúscula no colo dele, os braços te envolveram num enlace apertado — fazendo você parecer menor ainda. Deixou-se ceder mais uma vez, agarrando-o com toda a necessidade que sentia. O cheiro dele te embriagava e pela primeira vez em muito tempo você achava que entendia o motivo da sua chateação. Naquele momento a saudade apertou tanto — não tinha como não notar.
"Eu sinto sua falta.", sussurrou contra o pescoço dele. E seu marido sabia que não havia nada que ele pudesse te dizer naquele momento, ainda que fosse um homem muito vocal quanto as coisas que sentia — especialmente com você. Te abraçar com mais força e selar o topo da sua cabeça foi o que pareceu certo de se fazer, mas era insuficiente. Tomou seu rostinho, te colocando no campo de visão dele.
Passaram tempo demais mapeando o rosto um do outro, as testas coladas. Ele acariciava suas bochechas com os polegares o tempo inteiro, também sentia saudades. Você foi a primeira a não suportar a proximidade, avançou no rosto do homem, beijando-o com urgência. Ele retribuiu com mais intensidade ainda, como se tivesse esperado por anos para finalmente te ter de volta — como se você realmente tivesse o deixado. Pareciam dois desesperados, o contato não sanava a vontade.
"Eu te amo tanto. Não faz mais isso comigo, ouviu?", ele confessava contra a sua boca, entorpecido demais para parar de te beijar. Você concordava atordoada, buscando pelos lábios dele, balbuciando um "eu também te amo" quase ininteligível. Investiam um contra o outro involuntariamente, o corpo grande encaixava tão bem contra seu — era como se sentir em casa novamente. John parecia afobado, adentrou uma das mãos na sua saia, acariciando o pontinho sensível por cima do tecido. Você, que era tão apressada quanto, subiu a peça, deixando-a enrolada na parte mais baixa da sua cintura e afastou a calcinha de ladinho.
Três dedos ameaçaram te invadir, roçando nas dobrinhas meladas que circundavam sua entradinha. O homem ergueu a mão rapidamente, cuspindo nos dígitos — ali você teve a confirmação de que ele realmente iria fazer. Johnny não tirou os olhos dos seus quando retornou os dedos molhados para a sua bucetinha. Você cravou as unhas nos braços do homem, temerosa. Fazia algum tempo desde a última vez que ele havia te aberto assim.
"Amor-", a vozinha trêmula balbuciou. Na mente só havia o fato da mão do seu marido ser grande demais.
"Shhhhhh. Não adianta reclamar, meu amor. Você sabe que precisa.", o homem tentou te consolar, acariciando seu cabelo com a outra mão. Você não discordava, sabia que o tamanho dele era meio... excessivo e poderia acabar machucando sem preparação alguma — especialmente depois de tanto tempo.
Foi cuidadoso, inicialmente enfiando só um dos dedos. Estocava vagarosamente, assistindo você relaxar em volta do dígito. Te enlaçou num beijo molhado, colocando o segundo quando percebeu que te distraiu. Enfiava mais fundo, espaçando-os para conseguir te abrir mais. Você impulsionava a cintura contra ele, amando o carinho gostoso.
"É tão pequenininha, amor. Nem parece que engole meus dedos.", elogiou, sorrindo amoroso ao ver sua carinha de tesão. Mordeu sua boquinha, sugando e lambendo seus lábios enquanto colocava o terceiro dígito. Você suspirou manhosa, sentindo as pontas dos dedos se esfregarem lá no fundo. Puxava os fiozinhos curtos da nuca dele, descontando a sensação.
Incrivelmente, não era o bastante. A buceta babadinha implorava por outra coisa. Suas mãos foram até o meio das pernas do homem, apertando o volume evidente entre os dedinhos. Johnny jurou que ia perder a cabeça quando te sentiu bater uma para ele por cima dos tecidos. Não se aguentou, tirando o pau da calça de um jeito atrapalhado. Você puxou a mão que estava dentro de você, assistindo-o chupar o líquido viscoso que escorria entre os dedos antes que pudesse fazê-lo primeiro. Posicionou-o no lugarzinho certo, as veias grossinhas e o aspecto molhadinho te fazendo pulsar.
"Devagar.", ele alertou, te dando um selinho para assegurar. Os olhos não saíram do seu rostinho, absorvendo cada uma das reações. Você desceu com cuidado, sentindo a glande avantajada te abrir. A boquinha abriu junto, arfando contra o rosto do homem. Johnny acariciava suas costas com zelo, como se estivesse te encorajando a continuar. A extensão parecia não ter fim, você sentia ele praticamente te partindo em dois pedaços — uma queimação gostosinha se espalhava por todo seu quadril.
"Johnny...", soluçou o nome do homem, cravando as unhas afiadinhas nos braços dele.
"Tá quase lá, linda. 'Cê 'tá indo tão bem.", ele pulsava. Detestava te causar qualquer tipo de incômodo, mas você ficava tão gostosinha tentando aguentar ele por inteiro — era difícil resistir à cena sem sentir vontade de te comer sem dó. Sorriu todo orgulhoso quando você finalmente encaixou tudo, selou seu rostinho um monte de vezes, enquanto você tentava regularizar a própria respiração. "Relaxa essa bucetinha 'pra mim, amor.", sussurrou contra a sua boca, te roubando para um beijo lentinho.
Seu corpo retesou assim que sentiu os dedos dele no clitóris inchadinho, te estimulando com cuidado. O carinho misturado ao ósculo gostoso foram suficientes para tirar sua tensão, passou a se mover molinha no colo dele, acostumando-se com a pressão quente na sua entradinha.
Foi rápida em relaxar de verdade, pois querendo ou não aquele era o seu homem — já tinha dado conta dele mais vezes do que podia contar. Agora rebolava como se ele fosse um dildo, nem parecia a mesma pessoa que reclamou horrores para conseguir encaixá-lo direitinho. A cinturinha tinha consciência própria, empenhada em matar toda a saudade que você sentia. Seu rostinho fervilhava, queria chorar de tesão. Gentilmente apoiou as costas no volante atrás de você, abrindo mais as pernas para se mover num vaivém gostoso.
Johnny observava a cena completamente hipnotizado, apaixonado no jeitinho que você se fodia nele. As mãos grandes apertavam suas coxas, mas não influenciavam o movimento, queria deixar você se satisfazer da maneira que sentisse vontade por enquanto. Você apoiou o antebraço em cima dos olhos e a outra mão apertava o pulso do homem, estava sobrecarregada com o estímulo — mas era incapaz de parar. O rostinho se contorcia, embebido em prazer.
"Tá tão fundo, porra...", choramingou. Ele não sabia mais por quanto tempo conseguiria resistir ao jeitinho manhoso sem fazer nada. Suas perninhas começaram a tremer, sabia que iria acabar gozando rápido desde o início — estava a tempo demais sem senti-lo. Você tentou impedir, parando de se mover assim que percebeu o orgasmo começando a se formar e era dolorido se atrapalhar assim.
Seu marido não demorou a notar, a pulsação incessante no meio das suas pernas te entregava. Sorriu maldoso, os dedos grandes não perderam tempo em brincar com seu clitóris — os movia com rapidez, te forçando a gozar. Seu corpo não aguentou a sensação, praticamente se jogou em cima do homem. Tentava agarrar o braço dele, mas era fraquinha demais para impedir. Gemeu desesperada finalmente se redendo ao próprio orgasmo.
"Isso foi tão sexy, amor.", sussurrou após assistir toda a cena. Você ainda ofegava, a cabeça apoiada em um dos ombros dele. "Gozou gostoso 'pra caralho. Porra, que saudade que eu tava.", não houve tempo para você deixar os elogios te afetarem, as mãos fortes já agarravam a carne da sua bunda, te impulsionando para sentar nele. A sensibilidade bateu, mal havia superado o primeiro orgasmo.
"Você aguenta. Eu sei que aguenta.", afirmou, soava totalmente certo. Suspendia e abaixava o seu corpo como se não pesasse nada — fazia o trabalho todo praticamente sozinho. "Vai ser boazinha comigo e vai deixar eu te comer gostosinho, não vai?", inclinou-se para falar no seu ouvido, você concordou contra o pescoço dele — ainda que o homem não conseguisse ver. Johnny sabia que também tinha muito tesão acumulado e era incapaz de se segurar.
Por um tempo, o barulhinho molhado das peles se chocando somados aos sons obscenos que sua garganta produzia eram as únicas coisas ouvidas dentro do carro. Seu marido comprimia os próprios olhos, a boca abertinha soltava um ou outro palavrão. Descontava o tesão na sua pele, apertando impiedoso. Te fazia sentar forte, a glande vermelhinha já expelia um líquido abundante — te sujando inteirinha por dentro.
Chegou ao clímax uma segunda vez, perdendo todas as forças que ainda tinha em cima do homem. Johnny terminou de usar seu corpinho fraco, grunhindo enquanto esporrava bem no fundo. Precisaram de uns bons minutos para voltarem a si, quase cochilaram abraçadinhos — entorpecidos demais com a intensidade da situação. Especialmente você, que sempre ficava sonolenta depois de gozar.
Vocês dois compartilharam um suspiro aflito assim que ele saiu por completo. Sua entradinha espasmava contra si própria, a sensação de vazio que ficava toda vez que ele saía de você era sempre meio incômoda. Seu marido sabia desse fato, tanto que envolveu seu íntimo com a palma — a mão grande cobria sua bucetinha quase por inteiro. Fazia certa pressão no local, tentando consolar o buraquinho carente. Ficaram assim por um tempo, você aspirando o cheirinho do pescoço dele enquanto o homem acariciava o lugarzinho sensível.
"Deixa eu arrumar essa sainha, amor?", questionou quando te sentiu relaxar mais, já era hora de ir — ainda precisavam buscar a filha de vocês. Você levantou preguiçosa, ajoelhando no banco ainda em cima do homem, o quadril ficando na altura do torso dele — teve que se curvar para não bater com a cabeça no teto.
Ele puxou alguns lenços do porta-luvas, fazendo o máximo para limpar todos os fluídos que escorriam de você, ajeitou sua calcinha, voltando o tecido para o lugar original. Abaixou-se para deixar um beijinho na sua buceta antes de descer o tecido da saia. Assim como também aproveitou a posição para guardar o próprio pau dentro da calça. Você sentou-se novamente, agora vestida.
"Eu não acabei com você, hm? A gente tem muito o que conversar.", beijou sua boquinha mais uma vez, cheio de dengo. "E eu ainda tô morrendo de saudade.", murmurou contra o seus lábios te assistindo sorrir sapeca antes de te 'expulsar' para ir sentar no seu lugar.
Mal entraram na casa e a pequenina já apareceu correndo na direção de vocês. O homem se abaixou, abrindo os braços para aparar o corpinho veloz. A vozinha animada falava sobre tudo ao mesmo tempo, era difícil resgatar qual o era o assunto, mudava o foco a cada frase. Mas Johnny parecia entender tudo, reagindo a cada uma das palavras que saíam da boca da pequena. O timbre, que era geralmente mais másculo, involuntariamente subia alguns tons, ainda que John cismasse que não usava voz de bebê para falar com a filha de vocês — o homem havia visto em algum lugar que isso atrapalhava o desenvolvimento da fala e desde então tentava se policiar.
Você assistia sorridente, ouvindo a criaturinha dissertar sobre como 'o balanço que o vovó construiu no quintal era legal', até que a voz doce da mãe de Johnny chamou sua atenção.
"Você tá tão mais relaxada hoje, querida. Comentei com o John que tava super preocupada com você.", a mulher te olhou amorosamente, te puxando para um abraço rápido. Você ficou meio mortificada por alguns segundos, não tinha ideia de que era tão perceptível assim.
"Ah, é que eu tirei um bom cochilo no caminho 'pra cá. 'Tô bem, juro 'pra senhora.", desconversou, culpando o temperamento anterior no cansaço.
"Que maravilha então.", sorriu, arrumando alguns fios do seu cabelo. Os trejeitos eram exatamente iguais aos de Johnny — ele tinha a quem puxar. A conversa dos outros dois roubou a atenção de vocês duas novamente, Amélie parecia empenhada em conquistar a permissão do pai para alguma coisa — com direito a beicinho e tudo.
"Mas eu já pedi 'pra vovó!", exclamou, era meio afobada — e essa parte ela aprendeu com você.
"Então pode. Mas só se a vovó disser que você se comportou direitinho.", o homem virou-se para vocês duas, olhava para cima, visto que já estava sentado no chão.
"Vovó! Eu me comportei?", encarou-a cheia de expectativas. A mulher achava uma graça, teve que refrear a risadinha.
"Ah, sim. Foi uma mocinha super obediente hoje. Até ajudou a vovó na cozinha.", exagerou no tom complacente, só para ver o rostinho satisfeito da pequena.
"Ajudou, princesinha?", seu marido questionou surpreso, vendo Amélie concordar orgulhosa com a cabeça.
"Fiz bolinho."
"Bolinho?!", ele imitou a pronúncia bonitinha da palavra. "Deixou um pouquinho pro papai provar?", a pequena concorda uma segunda vez, agarrando o braço de Johnny para levá-lo até a cozinha.
"O que 'cê acha, amor? Tudo bem a Amélie dormir aqui hoje?", ele te oferece um sorriso sugestivo, de um jeitinho que só você era capaz de entender. Seu rosto queima, mas você sorri de volta.
"Tudo bem."
n/a²: sempre que eu escrevo com alguém pela primeira vez eu fico um tiquinho insegura, então me mandem feedback sobre o meu johnny (pra saber se eu tô no caminho certo) 🫡.
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# — © 2024 hansolsticio ᯓ★ masterlist.
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kpopsexstories · 3 days
QUICK FIX #24: You pin NCT Johnny to the wall while he pulls you onto his shaft
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Member: NCT Johnny
Content: Standing, Dirty talk
Word Count: 545
This story is part of my Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines series. Check it out for more smut and other members and groups 😊
Johnny’s entire body slams against the wall when he violently backs into it. Your lips and tongue are in his mouth, and your breasts press against his chest as he pulls you with him.
Your naked bodies rub against each other while you make out with a hot passion. You feel his hips and waist, and he pulls your body closer with a palm firmly planted on your back.
You pout with your ass to reach between your legs. On the way, your hand explores Johnny's hard abs before you find the cock and grab it.
You raise a leg and nail your knee to the wall. Slowly, you straighten your body and open your mouth wide, as the cock slides all the way inside you.
“Mmm, fuck you’re hard,” you moan in between violent kisses.
“Ahh, babe, you feel so good,” Johnny says.
He grabs your ass and pushes you further onto his length. Your hand wanders back up along his abs, then you wrap your arm around his shoulder.
You both pant and moan as you begin to fuck. Your mouths are open and you breathe hot air into each other.
You push with your knee on the wall and pull with your arm around Johnny’s neck. He yanks your ass and hips back and forth, again and again onto his hard cock.
“Ahh, fuck,” you repeat.
“Mmm, yeah, you feel so good inside,” Johnny pants.
Your breasts rub against his chest. Occasionally you kiss, and rub your noses together.
“Oh Johnny, fuck me,” you say.
He pulls your body faster and harder. “Ahh, ahh, yeah, yeah!”
“Mmm, Johnny!”
“Babe, fuck yeah!”
“Yes, yes, yes!”
The heat radiates between your bodies as you build up a sweat. Your thighs are working hard, and Johnny’s chest and arms keep flexing. It’s steamy, rough, and feels sensational the way he fills you up against the wall.
“Fuck, babe, I’m gonna come!” he exclaims.
You push harder against the wall, and pull faster around his neck. “Ahh, yeah, come for me baby.”
“Ahh, ahh, I’m gonna come!”
“Yes, yes, Johnny, come inside me!”
“Ahh, ahh, AHHH!”
“Yes, Johnny, Johnny!”
His arms around your back tighten, and he yanks hard on your ass to fill you up. His body is stiff, every muscle in him working toward his release. Your foot on the floor is nearly lifted off the ground as you ride his shaft in the air.
“AHHH, FUUUCK!” he groans into your mouth when he unloads.
“Yes, Johnny!” you scream.
His breathing slows down. “AHHH, ahhh!”
“Yes, yes!”
Johnny lets out a long, deep sigh, and his grip around you loosens. You find your footing again, and let your knee come off the wall
“Holy shit,” he says when his still hard cock slides out of you.
“Damn, Johnny, you’re so good and strong!”
He smiles at you while trying to catch his breath. “It’s all you babe, my little ballet dancer. You make me stronger.”
You smile back at him and giggle, then allow your body to collapse in his arms.
Still leaning against the wall, you kiss and make out as you recover from the physical activity. Johnny has always been amazing, and sex with him has always been out of this world.
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gojosnympho · 2 years
gym bae - j.sh
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pairing: johnny x black!fem!reader, johnny x shy!reader
genre: smut, fluff, non-idol!au
word count: 5.3k
content warnings: strangers to lovers, mutual pining, reader and johnny have staring problems, big dick johnny (duh), pet names, name calling, choking (fem receiving), degradation (fem receiving), praise (fem receiving), hair pulling (fem receiving), dry humping, a lil face fucking, oral (m and f receiving), fingering (fem receiving), a hint of dacryphilia, finger sucking, reader has her belly button pierced, he hits her like once (consensually), unprotected sex (don’t), rough sex, orgasm denial, begging, creampie
synopsis: after months of pining after him you finally get him all to yourself.
playlist: yoga - janelle monáe & jidenna, work out - j. cole
author’s note: i’ve been working on this forever and i finally finished it!! this one is… definitely something per the warnings. enjoy 🥰
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the gym was empty for the most part today. you came five times a week for the yoga classes and because the finest man you’d seen in ages frequented this gym. he was gorgeous. honey skin, tattoos, and a beautiful body that he didn’t mind showing off. you were disappointed when you didn’t see him on any of the equipment when you walked in today. usually he’s here by now. was it weird to keep tabs on your gym crush? maybe. but you couldn’t help it, you were enamored by him. just as you were about to walk into the yoga room, you spotted him filling his water bottle up at the fountain. he filled it up and then took a big gulp from it. you stared at him, taking in the way his hair stuck to his sweaty face, the way his adam’s apple bobbed when he gulped the water, and his beautiful body. after he’d finished drinking he caught your gaze and you quickly turned around and headed into the yoga room. he definitely saw you being a fucking creep.
“he’s cute isn’t he?” one of the girls in the class asked as she rolled her mat out on the floor.
“who?” you asked her, doing the same.
“johnny.” she replied with a schoolgirl smile on her face. so that was his name.
“cute is an understatement. that man is fine as hell.” you told her and she nodded in agreement as she began her stretches.
“i see him staring at you all the time. you should talk to him.” she suggested and you nearly choked on air. he stared at you? although the thought made your brain nearly malfunction, you smiled at the girl before speaking.
“maybe. i just don’t wanna bother him.” you mumbled.
“men are predictable. no man can resist a pretty girl with yoga pants on. trust me.” you knew she was right but the thought of talking to him scared you. what if he thought you were a weirdo for always staring at him?
the entirety of class all you could think about was johnny. so when class ended you went straight to the weight room to find him, only to see he wasn’t there. when you were about to turn back around to walk to the locker room, johnny stood behind you with a smirk on his face.
“looking for something?” he asked and you shook your head no as quickly as possible, avoiding eye contact. you could feel his eyes boring down into you so you looked up at him quickly.
“i have to go.” you said, trying to move around him but he stepped in front of you.
“you’ve been staring at me since you came to this gym but now you’re too shy to talk to me? you’re adorable.” he said. he looked you up and down with those pretty brown eyes and then smirked once again. “and sexy too.”
your heart rate sped up and your mouth ran dry. you think he can tell how much it affected you because he chuckled at you.
“you’re so cute.” he said
“i’m sorry for staring. you’re just…” you trailed
“sexy? i know and don’t apologize for staring. i stare at you all the time.”
“you do?” you asked, surprised. the girl in class was telling the truth.
he nodded, “and sometimes i stay on the treadmill just a little bit longer than usual to watch you do some yoga poses.” he admitted
“wow that’s not creepy at all.” you joked
“i’ve seen you watching me workout, baby doll.” the pet name made your breath hitch and your heart start hammering into your chest, if it wasn’t doing that already.
“and i said i’m sorry.” you replied to him.
“and i said you don’t have to apologize.” he retorted.
“okay, johnny. i need to get to the locker room, so move.”
“ooh she knows my name. sounds really good coming out of your mouth. but don’t worry i know your name too.” he said and then proceeded to let your name roll of his tongue so seductively you could’ve kissed him right then. “a sexy name for a sexy girl.”
“you really like that word huh?” you asked, referring to his overuse of the word “sexy”.
“i like a lot of things. but i especially like you.” you felt heat creep up your neck and your face warm up. am i blushing?, you asked yourself.
“bye, johnny.” you said walking away from him leaving him in the weight room.
the locker room was fairly empty too. only a few girls were in here and the few that were, were grabbing their things to leave. you dropped your gym bag on the sink and looked in the mirror at yourself.
“you had to get away from me to come stare at yourself in the mirror?” you turned to see johnny standing a few feet behind you.
“this is the women’s locker room!” you exclaimed, trying to pretend you cared but you didn’t. not when he was so close to you in an empty room.
“relax, nobody cares.” he said, coming closer to you. he stood behind you, his hands on either side of you caging you in.
“what are you doing?” you asked him and he shushed you.
“can i touch you?” he asked, keeping his hands where they were before you gave him consent, but you could tell he was just itching to put his hands on you. and god that made your insides flutter.
“touch me where?” you breathed out.
“anywhere you want me to touch you, beautiful.” he replied. he was smooth, you’d give him that.
“kiss me?” you suggested. he grabbed your arm and spun you around so that you were facing him. he captured your lips in a kiss, his hands sliding down your back to rest on your waist. his stubble tickled your skin. his lips were soft, just like you’d dreamed about.
“johnny, we can’t do this here.” you told him when he began trailing his kisses down your neck.
“why not? plenty of people fuck in here.” you grimaced at the thought.
“that is exactly why we can’t do it here.”
“my place or yours?”
“you not gone kill me are you?” your question made him chuckle but he stopped when he realized that you were serious.
“i’m not, i promise. just wanna fuck you.”
“my place then.”
your apartment was only a few blocks away from the gym so as awkward as it was, you guys walked.
“you’re so quiet.” johnny said
“i usually am.” you replied
“don’t worry honey. we’ll fix that.”
you closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath at his statement. you wondered what it was about him that affected you so heavily. was it how fucking good he looked after a workout? was it the tattoos that littered his perfect body? was it just him?
“this is my building.” you said fishing around for your keys in your bag. once you’d retrieved them, you entered the building. the elevator ride up to your floor was quiet. you were too shy to speak to him. you couldn’t believe you were even doing this.
“are you shy like this with everybody you have sex with?” johnny asked, finally breaking the silence you shared.
“not everybody. just you.” you admitted.
“do i make you nervous?” he inquired
“a little.”
he hummed in response.
“nothing to be nervous about, baby doll. i’m gonna make you feel real good.” he was closer to you now, his body brushing against yours.
you could smell him, his musky scent had heat spreading throughout your body. you tried to avoid looking at him but you couldn’t, not when he was this close. you locked eyes with the tall man in front of you who now had his hands resting on your hips and his lips close to yours. just as he was about to kiss you, the elevator dinged. relieved, you pulled away and got off first. the air felt hot around you. you heard him chuckle behind you and then follow you out of the elevator.
the short walk to you apartment was quiet once again. johnny didn’t mind though. he was too busy watching your ass while you walked in front of him to notice. he almost didn’t notice you’d made it to your apartment door until he heard your keys and the click of the lock. you both stepped inside and then locked the door behind you. you kicked off your shoes, dropped your bag on the floor, and hung your jacket on the hook by the door.
“you want something to drink?” you asked him, this time looking him straight in the eye trying to make it seem like you weren’t still a nervous wreck.
“nah,” he began, he walked over to you grabbing your chin gently between his forefinger and thumb. you heart sped up at his action and you were sure he could hear it. but if he could, he didn’t say anything. “i want you.”
“i want you too.” you said without thinking. you wanted to kick yourself for even speaking but johnny thought it was cute. he smiled at you and then placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
“i know you do, looking at me with those pretty eyes.” he said, and this time heat spread throughout your cheeks. you wanted to look away from him because his stare was so intense but you decided against it.
“wanna go sit down?” you asked him, gesturing to your couch. both of you still stood in the corridor by your front door.
“sure.” he replied. the grip on your face loosened and you found yourself pouting because he wasn’t touching you anymore.
now sat on the couch, johnny pulled you into his lap. you sat straddled on his lap, his hands running up and down your sides. his touches were doing a good job at relaxing you. the nervousness you felt slowly fading away and neediness taking its place.
“now tell me what you like.” he said and you gave him a look of confusion.
“what do you mean?” you asked him with furrowed brows.
“you’re so damn cute, baby doll.” he gushed, playfully pinching your warm cheeks. “i mean… do you like being choked? do you like getting called names? do you like getting your pretty hair pulled?” he asked, pulling one of your curly tendrils and watching it snap back in place.
once again you were blushing, heat prickled your cheeks as you thought about his words. you did like those things. you just never could say it out loud so instead you nodded.
“say it out loud. i gotta hear it from you.” he said while his hands continued to rub your body. your throat was dry when you tried to speak, but johnny wasn’t doing anything until he heard you say it.
with a deep breath and fiddling with your fingers, you spoke: “i like getting choked and getting my hair pulled and stuff. it’s nice. i like it.”
“good girl.” he praised you. johnny didn’t miss the little moan that slipped past your lips but he decided to tease you for it later. “what about names? you like getting called dirty names?”
“yes.” you said, cheeks still hot from blushing for the umpteenth time today.
“can i touch you here?” he asked you, his hand lightly brushing your neck. you thought it was so nice of him to ask before he touched you. even if it was just the bare minimum.
“yeah.” you agreed, with a quick nod of your head.
he wrapped his hand around your throat experimentally, careful not to add too much pressure just enough so you could feel it. you had to bite back a moan. you’d dreamed of this for so long, you couldn’t believe it was finally happening. but you wanted more—needed. you needed more.
“johnny?” his eyes flickered up to your eyes. “harder.” you said, giving him the most innocent look you could muster, but you were far from it. he was gonna see that by the end of the night.
“fuck.” he replied. he added more pressure and you gasped in response. “i should’ve known you were a little slut. quiet girls are always freaks.”
“i’m your little slut.” you said through the grip he had on your neck. johnny groaned at your sudden boldness. you weren’t shy anymore. you were too damn horny to be shy right now.
he captured your lips in a kiss, his tongue pushing past your lips to shove his tongue down your throat. his hand never left your neck and god it made you wanna cum right there. you began to move your hips against him, hoping for some friction.
“feel good rubbing your slutty little pussy against my dick?” he asked and you moaned.
“so good.” you agreed.
you continued to rub yourself against him and johnny let you. he watched while you humped against him, hands on your hips to guide your movements but it wasn’t enough. you still needed more. johnny could tell you were getting frustrated so he stopped your movements. wordlessly, he began to undress you. he started with the oversized shirt you wore to the gym today. he slipped the garment over your head and threw it somewhere that wasn’t of concern to you at this moment. he took off your sports bra next, with a little help from you. now you sat atop him, topless.
“seeing them outside of the sports bra is refreshing.” he grabbed the mounds of flesh and kneaded them softly with his nimble hands. you sighed in pleasure. you didn’t want this moment to end, you never wanted him to stop touching you. he focused on your nipples now, rolling the little buds between his fingers while you moaned and arched your back. when they were hard enough for his liking johnny wrapped his arms around you and kissed you again.
“wanna suck your dick.” you said breathlessly, pulling away from his lips.
“go for it, baby.” he said. he pecked your lips one more time before you slid down to the ground to kneel in front of him. you started to untie his sweats. johnny watched you inquisitively, waiting for you to make the next move. you tugged on his sweats indicating you wanted him to pull them down, so he did. he took his briefs with them, both pieces of clothing pooled around his ankles.
“fuck.” you whispered. he was huge, as you’d expected. bigger than anyone else you’ve ever been with.
“too big for you, baby doll?” he said with a smirk and you shook your head no. “then put it in your mouth.”
you gave the tip a small lick making johnny sigh in relief.
“never thought i’d have the hot girl from the gym with my dick in her mouth.” he said, sweeping your hair out of your face as you took him into your mouth and started to suck.
you bobbed your head up and down, using your hand to stimulate what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. johnny moaned, throwing his head back while you sucked him off. he pulled your hair away from your face again so he could see how pretty you looked while he used your mouth. your curly hair between his thighs and your pretty brown eyes looking up at him while you choked around him had him almost ready to cum.
“you like getting your mouth fucked?” he asked between moans. you pulled off of him briefly and used your hand to stroke him so that you could answer.
“mhm.” you nodded.
you took him back into your mouth immediately. you swirl your tongue around his head before taking as much as you could down your throat. johnny bucked his hips up causing you to choke around him. the feeling of your throat constricting around his head had him throwing his head back on your couch again. he gripped your hair tighter in his grasp. you moaned at the sting, hoping he’d take the hint and he’d keep doing it.
“you like it when i pull your hair like that? you dirty fucking slut.” he did it again, tugging at your hair and you moaned around him. “gonna fuck your throat now. you ready?”
you hummed around him in approval. his hips stuttered from the vibration your little hum caused but he pushed through. he rammed his dick in your mouth, pressing you down until your nose touched his pubic bone. he pulled you off by your hair and smiled down at you as you coughed and sputtered.
“good fucking girl.” johnny said, repeating his action of quite literally shoving his dick down your throat. “fuck you give good head.” he moaned out and then pulled you off again. he looked at you. as fucked up as it was he loved how messy and dazed you looked. how your lips were swollen and how they were slick with spit. how your mascara had started to run down your cheeks and stain them in black tears.
“what kind of attention seeking slut wears mascara to the gym?” johnny tsked at you wiping the black tears with his thumb. he shoved it in your mouth and you sucked it clean. “dirty fucking bitch.”
“you like it.” you retorted and he smiled.
“i thought you were shy.” he teased you running his thumb over your pretty, swollen lips.
“not anymore.” you replied, taking him back in your mouth and he moaned, throwing his head back and tangling his fingers in your hair once again. you licked the underside of it and then sucked the head into your mouth as you looked up at johnny through your wet lashes.
“shit! don’t look at me like that or i’m gonna fucking cum.” he whimpered his bravado dissolving. you continued your actions sucking him off while you looked up at him and he moaned again, his chest heaving up and down. “fuck i’m gonna cum!” he exclaimed right before he shot spurts of his warm cum down your throat.
you swallowed everything that he gave you and then gave his tip a small kiss making his hips stutter.
“you’re a dirty girl. come here.” he said pulling you up and capturing your lips in a kiss tasting himself on your tongue.
“how was that?” you asked him
“fucking incredible.”
“i wore the mascara for you, by the way.” you told him. you felt silly admitting to him out loud but he just smiled. you were so adorable to him.
“well i’m sorry i ruined it then.” he said, kissing your tear stained cheek.
“no you’re not but i appreciate the fake concern.”
“how about i make it up to you by eating your pussy and fucking you really good?”
“hmm, deal.” johnny wasted no time scooping you up in his arms and laying you down on the couch. he took off the remainder of his clothing, now standing in front of you in all his naked glory. he was so sexy and you couldn’t believe he was all yours right now.
“i’m gonna make you cum so hard baby.” he said before placing a hungry kiss on your lips. he began kissing down your body and as soon as he made it to the waist of your yoga pants he stopped.
“why’d you stop, baby?” you asked him
“you have your belly button pierced? that’s so fucking hot.” he said giving it a tiny kiss that oddly made you shudder. he removed your black yoga pants to reveal your baby pink thong. “this color looks so fucking good on you but, a thong to the gym? you’re a slut.” he teased and you shoved his shoulder.
“i don’t like panty lines, okay?” you said and he hummed in response.
“and they’re fucking soaked. this wet from sucking my dick and some kisses?” your cheeks burned hot again and you looked away from him briefly to collect yourself.
“stop teasing me.” you pouted and he smiled at you.
“what’s the fun in that? obviously the teasing’s been working.” he said running a long finger over your clothed slit. he finally pulled your thong down sucking in a breath at the sight of your pussy.
“such a pretty pussy.” he wasted no time lapping up the juices that dripped from you. using his tongue to lick you from bottom to top.
“mmm johnny.” you moaned. you couldn’t believe after all these months of pining he was between your legs, sucking on your clit like it was the only place he ever wanted to be.
“you taste so fucking good, baby doll.” he praised pulling away for a second. he eased a finger into your pussy and you squeaked at the intrusion. “nice and tight. i’m gonna have to stretch you out for my dick.”
“stretch me out then.” you said, your shy exterior was long gone now. he groaned at your words, going back to what he was doing.
while he fingered you, he went back to sucking your clit. the feeling made your head spin. but what really had you moaning like a slut is when he pumped another one of his long fingers into your pussy. you clenched around the digits, sucking them in greedily. his mouth was still busy on your clit, sucking it until you were squirming and trying to close your legs.
“keep your fucking legs open.” he said using his free hand to land smacks on both of your thighs. you moaned at the impact, your pussy clenching around his fingers. “you like it when i hit you? you really are a slut.”
“yours. i’m your slut.” you said to him, looking at him with those pretty doe eyes.
“you’re gonna get it if you keep telling me that.” he pulled his fingers out of you making you whimper but he pushed the digits past your lips, making you suck on them. “get them nice and wet for me, baby doll.”
while you were making a mess on his fingers johnny used his other hand to pump his dick. you watched with hungry eyes wanting nothing more but his dick in you. you pushed your hips up towards him silently begging him to give you what you wanted.
“you want my dick in that slutty little pussy?” he asked and you nodded softly, his fingers still heavy on your tongue. “beg for it.” he whispered, taking his fingers from your mouth and sticking them back inside of you, satiating you for a little bit.
“fuck me, johnny. i need you inside of me so bad.” you begged pushing your hips up again. his fingers continued to scissor you open and you were sure you were gonna explode if he didn’t put his dick in you.
“that’s my girl.” he praised you. he pulled his fingers from your pussy and used your juices to coat his dick.
“fuck me, johnny.” you begged him again, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling his body toward you until his dick was prodding at your entrance.
he grabbed his dick, slapping it on your pussy listening to the way you moaned in anticipation. he was gonna fuck the shit out of you. both of you had been dreaming about this forever. he pushed inside of you and you gasped grabbing on to his biceps to center yourself.
“you are so fucking big.” you whined out. you couldn’t believe how full you felt right now. you felt your walls spasming around him and he groaned, throwing his head back.
“fuck you gotta relax, baby doll. you’re gonna make me cum if you squeeze around me like that.” he said leaning over you so his arms were on either side of your head.
“so fucking big, johnny.” tears began to prickle in your lash line while you looked up at him. your little whimpers and the way you were in tears had blood rushing to johnny’s dick. it was fucked up. he knew that.
“i know, baby. you wanna stop?” he asked and you shook your head no immediately.
“no!” you exclaimed. “please fuck me.”
he started moving his hips, starting off slowly. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you clawed at his biceps. johnny hissed when your nails dug into his skin no doubt leaving marks in their wake.
“you’re so deep.” you choked out, tears spilling from your eyes.
“all that shit you were talking and you can’t even take my dick.” he teased you. your lips wobbled when his hips picked up speed, tears still sliding down your cheeks.
“i…fuckkk…i can. i-i can take it.” you argued back, but you didn’t sound that convincing to him or to yourself for that matter.
“then shut the fuck up and take it.” he pushed his fingers back in your mouth and you cried out around them when he started pounding into you. “such a messy baby.” he said to you when your drool dripped down his fingers and mixed in with your tears.
he took his fingers out of your mouth and grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks together. he was still bullying his dick into you, the head bumping against your sweet spot with every thrust. you moaned clenching around him, that feeling in your tummy threatening to snap.
“johnny…please don’t stop.” you moaned your nails digging into his arms even harder probably breaking skin.
“is my little slut gonna cum already?” he asked and you nodded frantically. “well you’re gonna have to hold it.” before letting your face go. you whined throwing your head back trying to do as he said. you looked so cute, he thought. so cute trying to be a good girl for him when he was torturing you with every drag of his dick in your spasming walls.
“p-please?” you hiccuped, more tears flowing down your pretty cheeks.
he was gonna think about this moment for a long time, even if he did get to fuck you again. he’d always remember this.
he thrusted into you still, seeming to never slow down. he was edging you, every time he felt you about to cum he slowed his movements, torturing you. it was fucking torture.
“please?” you begged again, you didn’t think you could take it anymore. your legs now numb and all you could feel was how your pussy throbbed helplessly around his dick, which was also begging for a release. “please johnny. please let me cum.”
“no.” he said and you whined again
you tried so hard to hold it, but the more he fucked you the more your orgasm started to breakthrough. your body was shaking. he made sure he was hitting your spot whenever he rammed into you making it impossible to hold on any longer. your walls spasmed around him and johnny decided he was done torturing you.
“go ahead and cum, baby doll.” he encouraged you.
you finally let go, letting that band in your tummy snap. you came so hard you felt like you were gonna blackout. you squeezed so hard around him he almost spilled inside of you but he held out. he kept driving his hips into you while you throbbed around him and laid under him unmoving because of how hard your orgasm hit you.
“i’m gonna cum.” he announced. he thrusted into you a few more times and when his hips stuttered and he was about to pull out you locked your ankles around his waist with the little strength you had left.
“nuh uhn. cum in me.” you whispered.
“fuckkkk!” he cursed right before he shot ropes of his cum into you, painting your walls white. he pulled out of you watching as his cum flowed out of you and ruined your couch cushions.
after you caught your breath and came back to your senses, you looked up at johnny who was already staring at you. you couldn’t believe what just happened. you fucked him, raw. and what you really couldn’t believe is you let a virtual complete stranger cum inside you.
“johnny we just fucked with no condom.”
“i’m clean. i swear. and i’m assuming you’re on birth control miss ‘cum in me’.” you hid your face in your hands when you recalled your dirty words.
“i am.” you confirmed
“then stop freaking out and let’s just bask in the fact we just had some really good sex.” he said giving you a kiss on your cheek.
“we can’t bask for too long i need to shower.” you said before sliding from underneath him and standing to your feet. “you can come join me.” you stuck your hand out for him to grab onto.
“i’d love to.” he replied, grabbing your hand.
“we’re only showering though. no hanky panky.” you said and he pouted at you before nodding.
“fine.” he huffed.
it had been a few weeks since you and johnny started seeing each other. you’d been on a few dates and outside of the obvious sexual attraction you guys had for each other, you were actually starting to catch real feelings for him. so here you were at the gym again, laying out your yoga mat before the start of class.
“so how’ve things been going with johnny?” the girl from a few weeks ago asked you.
“great.” you said with a smile.
“he still stares at you all the time, you must’ve put a spell on him.” she joked, beginning her stretches. she had no idea. no idea the reason he was staring at you is because he just got done blowing your back out before you came here.
“something like that.” you replied.
after class, you met johnny in the weight room where he was using one of the machines. when he finished he pulled you into a hug, placing a kiss on your lips.
“you’re sweaty.” you said
“so are you.” he replied, wiping the sweat that had accumulated on your forehead with the back of his hand.
you kissed him again, pushing your tongue into his mouth and he pulled back.
“is my baby needy again? was this morning not enough?” he asked you
you nodded, “i need you. what are you doing after this?” he’d become like a drug the past few weeks. you hadn’t went two days without fucking him and you’d be damned if you were gonna stop now.
“you.” he answered lowly, giving you another kiss.
that’s how you guys ended up in his bedroom, you bouncing on his dick like your life depended on it.
“i’m gonna cum, johnny.” you whined.
“cum for me, baby doll.” he encouraged you, kissing you while you came. he followed right behind you, filling you up.
you sat there in silence for a moment, laying your head on his shoulder and enjoying the closeness.
“you should be my girlfriend.” he said and you lifted your head up and looked at him.
“are you fucking with me, johnny?” you asked him
“no. i’m serious. we’ve been having sex and going on dates like a couple. and you’re beautiful. i want you all to myself. so be my girlfriend?”
“okay! i’ll be your girlfriend. funny time to ask when your dick is inside of me.”
“what’s a better time to ask?” he inquired as he rubbed soothing circles into your hips.
“any other time really.” you answered, lifting off of him and laying down next to him on his bed. “but you know what? it’s full circle. that’s how we even started talking to each other in the first place.”
“remember when you were shy?”
“remember when i told you to shut up?”
“because i’m telling you to shut up now.”
“get used to it, boyfriend!” you beamed, reaching over to pinch his cheek.
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Bullet to the Heart
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mafia!Johnny x fem!reader
She's leaving behind her past, escaping the trap of perfection that she's been stuck in. Moving from Busan to Seoul, the possibilities are endless... though the universe has different plans for her... plans that she never in her wildest dreams would have imagined...
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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calibabii21 · 2 months
| told you so | l.mk, j.suh
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pairing: bf!mark x gf!reader ft bestie!johnny
genre: fluff
warning(s): profanity..think that's it
a/n: inspired by a midnight snack
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"Now what the fuck am I supposed to do with this?" Johnny looks at the both of you, deadpanned.
You roll your eyes and exclaim impatiently, "what the fuck else do you do with cookies and milk? Eat it!"
His face turns up at you, giving you a stank expression, "excuse me, I'm gonna need you to dial it down. You just sat a plate and glass in front of me, with no words, and expect me to know what to do? This is a favor for YOU."
You can't help but laugh and shake your head at the Aquarius's sass. Okay, maybe you had been a bit bitchy for no reason. "Alright, fine. I apologize for snapping at you. Now can you eat the cookies??"
Mark finally chimes in with a chuckle of disbelief, much less frantic than you. "I just can't believe how big a deal you're making this-" but you place your index finger on his lips and shake your head, shushing him.
"This could make or break our relationship. Plus, I have a point to prove." You gesture to Johnny to proceed with the demonstration.
"You guys are so weird sometimes." But he continues on guiding the windmill shaped almond cookie to the glass of milk.
The anticipation builds as you lean further onto your toes before hopping with a shout, "YES!! I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU!!!" You're hopping around Mark in a circle as he sighs and facepalms.
"Alright, alright– you were right."
The taste tester looks up at you, startled and sighs exasperatedly, "Okay- what was even the point of this??"
You look at him with a proud smile, "Well, I had Mark try my favorite cookies the other day, and he ate them completely WRONG. He ate the rectangular part and THEN dipped the windmill. WHO DOES THAT!!"
Johnny looks at Mark with an amused look that lets everyone know he's never letting him live this down. "Oh come on Mark. Everyone knows you have to dip the windmill first and then dip the rectangle. I'm disappointed."
He fake tsks and winks at you, causing you to cross your arms with a faux pout. "Exactly. Thank you, John."
Rolling his eyes and smiling at your antics, Mark approaches you and offers a cute apology. "I'm sorry for eating the cookies incorrectly. I promise to eat yours right."
You hit his arm with a squeal and bust out laughing as Johnny cringes, "Alright, didn't need to hear that. There's my cue. Goodbye."
He rises from the island and walks to the door, "Thanks for wasting my time."
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lavendersuh · 2 years
oh my, oh my god 단 너뿐이야
johnny x female reader | college!au, strangers to lovers | 3.9k words
warnings: suggestive content, mentions of alcohol and partying
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after a much needed kpop hiatus, i am back and more delusional than ever :D i have so many ideas and wips rn... can't wait to share more with y'all! i would like to dedicate this fic to @sehunniepot bc nikki has been right there next to me in my delusion and been a huge motivation to get back into writing eeee i hope u enjoy!! *title is from "omg" by newjeans!!*
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oh my, oh my god, 예상했어 나
i was really hoping that he will come through...
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“Just go for it! If it goes horribly, you can blame being drunk and pretend it never happened at all!”
You looked back at your friend, grinning lazily at you from the couch she was perched on. She was a lot more extraverted than you in general, but with alcohol in her system? She was capable of anything.
You? You, you maybe not so much.
With another glance over at the man messing around with the sound system spreading music throughout the house, you saw he was deep in concentration. One hand typed on the laptop keyboard while the other held a red solo cup you assumed held some type of alcohol. His hair was falling in his face as he gazed at the screen, and he wore a shirt tucked into jeans. He looked good in those jeans. 
You flushed at the thought of going over to talk to him, but your friends seemed determined to encourage you to go for it. They had been on a long spiel about how you weren’t ever going to date anyone if you only waited around for others to make a move. You could make the first move! You just feared making a fool of yourself in front of someone you would see two days a week for the rest of the semester. 
Johnny Suh sat three rows behind you in your Monday-Wednesday English lecture, and he probably had to be the most attractive man you have ever seen in your life. 
Okay, that was most likely an exaggeration, but he was a beautiful man. Tall, dark hair, and a good sense of style was the perfect combination for attraction to bloom. You felt giddy just thinking about him.
Too bad you didn’t really know anything about him other than the fact that he sat in the same seat every single week. 
He looked different in this atmosphere though. He seemed more relaxed, and since he was messing around with the music system like he knew exactly what he was doing even with a little alcohol in his system, you assumed he belonged to this frat and lived in this house. You had once seen him walk into class with a fraternity symbol across his sweatshirt, but you were never good at remembering what all those Greek symbols meant. 
While he looked more relaxed, seeing Johnny in a non-academic setting was also extremely intimidating. You were only a few drinks in, mildly tipsy at best, but the alcohol made you warm, and even the idea of not being sober gave you a little confidence. Maybe you could do this.
You could walk over there and make conversation. Get to know him. You could maybe even ask him out for coffee or lunch before class one day. Like your friend said, if things go south, you could always blame the alcoholic atmosphere of a Saturday night frat party. 
“Okay,” you said, as you watched your friends raise their eyebrows at you, “I’ll go do it. Maybe get me a drink just in case it doesn’t go well.” 
Your two friends cheered as you turned around to walk through the small crowd to Johnny. Moving around made you realize you were a little more drunk than you had thought while sitting down, but you were determined at this point. The alcohol would hopefully make you a little loose, break you out of your shell a little bit. 
Johnny took a drink from his red cup as he surveyed the upcoming queued songs for the next hour. Once you were only a few steps away from him, you slowed down as your nerves kicked into high gear. There was a pang of anxiety that shot through your chest at the thought of actually talking to him. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. 
You were three seconds from turning around when his gaze found yours. You must have looked like a deer in headlights in the dimly illuminated air of the frat house, but getting noticed gave you a little spike of determination.
“Hey,” you spoke up as you stepped a little closer, “Johnny, right?” Not the best start, but at least it was something.
“Yeah…” he replied, giving you a slightly suspicious look. It made you realize he probably had no clue who the fuck you were. There were over a hundred people in your class, and it was actually extremely likely that he had never noticed you before.
The alcohol running warm in your veins kept you going though. “I’m Y/N. We’re in the same English class.” 
You offered up a small smile, hoping you don’t seem weird as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear nervously. His eyes changed a little and you could tell that he at least recognized the academic correlation.
“Oh, hi.” 
It was clear that he was still sort of lost on why you were talking to him. You knew you needed to play it off to lessen the damage and actually attempt to make a conversation out of this interaction. He was just so nice-looking, it made you sort of just want to stare at him in admiration for the rest of the night.
“Um, sorry I came up to you, I don’t normally do this,” you explained to him, “I’ve just seen you around, and I’m a few drinks in, and my friends told me to stop waiting for shitty dudes to approach me— I should go up to them; it's a whole thing.”
You knew you had a tendency to ramble sometimes, but at least you were talking— at least something was happening. You reminded yourself that talking about something, anything, was better than just being silent. 
The only issue was, rambling was not the best way to communicate.
“Are you calling me a shitty dude?” he asked, giving you a raised brow.
The panic settled in, and you knew your eyes grew wide from how he was looking at you right now. It only lasted a moment before his face broke out into a lighthearted grin.
“I’m just joking around,” he stated, tucking his hands into his jeans, “So what’s this ‘whole thing’ about the shitty guys anyways?”
You were flooded with relief that he was only kidding around, and also that you might actually have a chance at a conversation, no matter how strange it was.
“Oh, well I haven’t really dated anyone for that long, and it's because I always date the dudes that approach me, and I’m never attracted to any of them. So it never goes anywhere,” you explained in what was most likely too much detail. “My one friend saw this TikTok that was like, you need to go up to people you like if you want to be with someone you’re actually attracted to.”
“So… you’re attracted to me?” Johnny replied.
You felt yourself tense at his words, finding yourself flustered under his gaze that had suddenly become a bit more intense than you had remembered it being a few minutes ago. You felt like you could melt under his stare, and you knew your mouth was probably open in bewilderment. You coughed lightly to clear your throat, moving your gaze to somewhere on the wall behind him to avoid his eyes for a moment.
“Uhh, yeah, I, uh, have a classroom crush on you,” you stated, trying to keep your voice steady. Maybe if you faked your way to confidence, he wouldn’t notice the way you felt like your heart might explode from your chest with how wildly it was beating.
Johnny leaned back against the wall you both had been standing near, letting a lazy smile come over his face. “And what’s a classroom crush?”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he was enjoying himself but humoring him anyways, “You know. When you think someone’s cute in your class but you don’t really know anything about them because all you see is them in class.”
At the mention of class, you recalled the fact that after this encounter you would have to walk into class on Monday and see this man in front of you. The idea filled you with embarrassment. You had been slowly digging your own grave, and you were suddenly letting your eyes wander, thinking of a way to just get out of this without embarrassing yourself more.
Johnny made a noise of understanding, drawing your attention back to him, “Oh yeah, I get that.”
“You do?”
“Yeah,” he grinned at you, “I actually have a classroom crush, too.”
“Mhm,” he nodded as he rubbed his hand over his chin for a brief moment, “There’s this girl in my Monday-Wednesday lecture. She sits a few rows in front of me, but she occasionally turns around a little bit and sometimes I catch her staring at me. She’s so cute when she looks away all embarrassed about it.”
Your eyes went wide as you realized, fuck, oh fuck, that’s you, fuck, he noticed you.
“Oh yeah?” you gulped out. You looked down at his drink, “Can I have some of that?”
He offered the cup to you, letting out a mention that it was strong, but you took a big drink anyways, relishing in the way the alcohol burned going down. You looked back up to see him with a small, little smile on his face directed at you, as he watched you with an amused gleam in his eye.
You swore his smile could melt your insides entirely. “So,” he began, “What happens with a classroom crush, typically?”
The liquid courage from the alcohol had your mouth talking before your brain could really keep up with it.
“I usually just daydream and make up scenarios in my head during class to waste time, and then it kinda fizzles out after a while, usually when the semester is over.”
How were you acting so calm when you felt like you should be freaking the fuck out on the inside. Have you really been saying all of these things out loud? Your words came to an abrupt halt as you stared up at the man just a bit away from you. 
“Have you ever thought about asking the person out?” Johnny asked, his words coming out with a little teasing in his tone. 
You smiled weakly at him, “I guess that’s what I was trying to do with this whole conversation, but I’m just very bad at this.”
Johnny let out a little laugh. “I think you’re doing great. We are talking after all, aren’t we?”
You were grateful that he seemed to not be rejecting you, but you were curious as to what was going on in his head.
“I’m being so dumb right now,” you laughed it off, “I can at least partially blame the alcohol, but I’m just new to this. Hopefully it makes your night a little more interesting.”
“Yeah, you are interesting.” he paused for a seemingly dramatic effect, leaning in closer to you, “I like it.”
He smiled as he glanced from you to the laptop next to him. You had forgotten about the laptop, and the music, and even the party and people around you. You felt lost in the conversation that was happening between the two of you. 
He crouched on the floor to look better at the laptop that was set up on the low table, and he motioned for you to join him. All that was on the screen was the music queue, but you leaned in a little too close to get a better look at the words on the screen. 
Getting so close to the screen also meant being nearer to Johnny, and when you looked over at him, your faces were closer than you had thought they were. Being so close, you could smell his cologne. The new scent registered in your brain, and it made you realize just how much you had learned about Johnny in the past few minutes.
You had clearly been the one talking more, but you were kind of proud of yourself for even getting this far. You had never really talked to one of your classroom crushes outside of class, not even for group presentations, and being in Johnny’s presence just made you like him even more.
“Do you wanna keep making my night interesting?” he asked, drawing you out of your thoughts.
“Oh!” His words bring out your flustered state again, and you jump back and stand up from where you both had been crouching on the floor. “Um, I’m not really comfy doing anything like that tonight--”
“No!” he interrupted, standing up as well while rubbing the back of his neck, “I didn’t mean it like that…. Just, do you want to keep hanging out? I think the guys set up beer pong outside so you could come watch with me?”
As you saw Johnny sputtering a bit from the mix-up, you felt yourself calm down knowing that he was also capable of being thrown off his rhythm. His words ignited butterflies in your stomach. 
“Yeah, sure!”
“Do you, uh, want to go talk to your friends real quick?” he gestured over to your friends across the room, and you looked over to see them trying hard to seem like they weren’t watching the entire encounter, even though they clearly were. You flushed with wide eyes, embarrassed that they were being so obvious. 
“Um, yeah,” you tried to laugh it off, “I’ll meet you in the kitchen?”
He gave you a reassuring smile, “Sure.”
You walked over to your friends, who were all grinning at you like idiots and letting out a few victory cheers. Despite your embarrassment, you couldn’t help but feel happy seeing how goofy and supportive your friends were being. They attacked you with an array of questions.
“Tell us everything!”
“Does he seem interested?”
“Did you ask him out?”
“I keep making a fool of myself,” you replied, “But he doesn’t seem put off by it— I think he might think I’m cute.”
“Yes you are!” one of your friends said, “And he’s so hot!!” 
She pinched your cheeks and you ducked away, rolling your eyes at their drunken antics. You bid them goodbye and slipped through the party to find the kitchen. 
Johnny stood over by the fridge, sipping from a beer can and smiled when his eyes met yours. He offered you a drink, and you accepted a seltzer from the fridge. He gestured toward the back deck, leading you through the back door with his hand on the small of your back. The light touch didn’t go unnoticed, leaving your cheeks warm despite the cold air. 
The two of you stood near the railing to watch a few guys play pong. You sipped your seltzer, aware of Johnny’s arm brushing yours as he greeted others hanging around the game.
Johnny was completely at ease here, leaning against the railing with his arm almost around you, his hand brushing your waist. It almost felt like this was a normal occurrence for the both of you. In the back of your mind, you wondered if he did this often. You watched the game and the people around you silently for a while, basking in the world of Johnny and his friends that you somehow got wrapped up in, even just for a moment.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Johnny slid his arm up to the small of your back. His hand was big and warm even through the fabric of your shirt. 
He ducked down closer to your ear, “Hey, you okay?”
His eyes peered into yours, a look of genuine interest crossing his face. You smiled back at him. 
“Yeah, I just haven’t been to a party in a while,” you replied, hoping your nerves can be explained away. He didn’t need to know how affected you were by his casual touches.
“Nothing a drink can’t fix,” he said, clinking your cans together with a silly grin on his face. It seemed he knew you were nervous, as he experimented with his touch and kept you close without being overbearing. His casual nature made you even more relaxed.
You went back to watching the increasingly intense game of beer pong, but it was hard to concentrate when you could feel Johnny’s fingers playing with the hem of your shirt. You snuck a look up at him, and while he wasn’t looking down at you, his mouth perked into a smile like he knew you were watching. 
The game started to come to a close, with the crowd of people getting bigger and more rowdy. You turned your attention back to the game, watching as one of the guys sank the last cup, leading to an up-roar of cheers on the deck. You couldn’t help but cheer alongside everyone, raising your drink before taking a big sip.
Unfortunately for you, one of the more inebriated partygoers fell backwards into you, causing your drink to spill all over the front of your shirt. The guy didn’t even seem to notice you break his fall, standing up and running back into the crowd, leaving you with a big stain across your chest. 
Johnny grasped your forearms, making sure you were upright and okay, his eyes scanning over you to make sure you weren’t hurt. 
“Hey, come on, I’ll get you cleaned up,” he says, tucking his arm around your shoulders to guide you through the crowd.
The party is still going strong inside the house, with loud music and dim lights illuminating the swirl of bodies you walk through. Johnny leads you upstairs, which is a lot quieter, despite a few people roaming in and out of rooms. He takes you into the bathroom, gesturing for you to hop on the counter. 
He takes a towel from the linen closet, gently dabbing at the stain on your collarbone. His other hand rests on the counter next to you, before resting lightly on your hip to hold you steady.
You don’t think you’ve let out a single breath since he began, watching his face knot into a look of concentration. You wonder if he can hear your heart about to beat out of your chest. Other than the faint pounding of distant music and the buzz of the overhead light, there isn’t a sound to be heard.
His face is so close, you could count his eyelashes if you wanted to. A few strands of hair fall across his eyes and you find yourself wondering what those locks would feel like under your fingers. His hair looks soft.
You get caught up noticing how much he towers over you, distracted by your own thoughts as you gaze at him. You’re brought out of your reverie when his eyes catch yours, a smile appearing across his features. He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, causing goosebumps to flutter up your spine. 
Johnny steps back and clears his throat, as if remembering himself. He looks down at his handiwork, his mouth quirking at the still-visible stain.
“I don’t think that stain’s coming out,” he says, “Hang on.”
He exits the bathroom for a moment, leaving you alone. You take a deep breath. This whole situation makes you feel like all the oxygen has been sucked out of your lungs.
He reappears less than two minutes later, holding a slate gray shirt that clearly belongs to himself. 
“You can put this on if you want,” he says, holding the material out to you. 
You don’t notice the bashful look on his face at the gesture, as you immediately start taking off your shirt to put on the replacement. You do however catch a glimpse at the way Johnny respectfully tries to look anywhere but your torso until you have his shirt on. 
You smile sheepishly once the fabric touches your skin. The shirt is way too big, with the sleeves coming down almost to your elbows. It smells faintly of him, and you look up to see him staring at you intently. You watched as his eyes traveled down the length of you before coming back up and settling on your lips.
“Is everything okay?” you ask, breaking through the silence that had settled over the both of you. 
Johnny clears his throat, “Oh, yeah,” he says, scratching the back of his neck, “You just, uh, look really good in my shirt…”
You can tell that your face is warm, but his confession emboldens you to take a small step toward him, gazing up at his face through your eyelashes. He meets you in the middle, placing his hands gently on your waist as he leans down and brings his lips to meet yours.
You gasp into the kiss, letting every emotion wash over you. His hands are warm as they wrap around you, bringing you close. You rest your hands on his shoulders, letting them wander over the expanse of his chest. 
He deepens the kiss, and your hands drift up into his hair. You almost moan at how soft it is. Johnny must know you’re holding back, moving his mouth to kiss down your neck as his hands wander under your shirt to caress your torso. You moan when he starts sucking on the tender skin beneath your ear. 
He groans when he hears you let out the sound, lifting you up and setting you on the counter in a rush. He steps between your legs, as your lips meet again, his mouth swallowing your sounds as you try to get closer by wrapping your legs around him.
His hands are close to fondling with your bra under his shirt you’re wearing, and you can feel the bulge in his pants as you let yourself grind against him.
“Johnny…” you mumble between kisses, clinging to him like he’s your lifeline. The mumble of his name spurs him on.
You break apart eventually, breathing heavily as you gaze at his swollen lips. You can’t even imagine what you must look like at the moment. 
Johnny slowly removes himself from you and steps back to adjust his jeans with a sheepish look on his face. When he looks back up at you, it’s with a smile. 
“We should probably stop here,” he suggests, remembering how you mentioned not wanting to go too far tonight. “At least for now.”
You nod, your heart beating fast at the implication of seeing more of him in the future. He combs his fingers through your hair a bit to help make you more presentable, before reaching for your hand. 
The two of you head back downstairs, into the chaos of the party, and you find your friends dancing in the living room. They wave and let out some wolf whistles when they see you walking down the stairs hand-in-hand. 
You look back at Johnny, and he grins at your friends’ silly behavior, watching as they call you over. 
“It’s cool, I’m gonna go check the music queue,” he says, squeezing your hand one last time before letting go, “I’ll see you in class, yeah?”
You return his smile, “Yeah.”
“And maybe at the next party, too?” he asks with a hopeful tone. 
You nod before planting a quick kiss on his lips, leaving him speechless as you turn and slip into the crowd. 
When you reach your friends, you glance back to find Johnny back to the corner where you had first approached him. It almost felt like the last hour was a hazy dream, but when he looked up, his eyes found yours immediately, lingering with a small smile on his face. 
Not a dream, at all.
༻ ✧✧✧ ༺
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nocturne-overtures · 5 months
𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
𓆩⟡𓆪Summary: You decide today's the day you try a bit of role reversal in the bedroom. It takes some...encouragement, but you don't think your boyfriends are opposed to trying a few new things if it feels this good
𓆩⟡𓆪Pairing: Fem! Reader/ Jackson Wang (Got7)/ Johnny Suh (NCT127)/Lee Jooheon (Monsta X)
𓆩⟡𓆪Genres/Aus: Non-Idolverse, Fluff, Romance, Humor, Smut, Polyamorous Relationship
𓆩⟡𓆪Tws: Swearing, Light Anxieties
𓆩⟡𓆪Sws: Role Reversal, Switch Idol, Switch Reader, Hickies, Hair Pulling, Praise Kink, Teasing, Handjobs, Cunnilingus, Blowjob, Riding, Unprotected Sex, Creampie
𓆩⟡𓆪Rating: Explicit/Mature (18+)
𓆩⟡𓆪WC: 3.3k
𓆩⟡𓆪A/n: *crawls out of hell with an upload finally* the following is one of the commissions from the lovely and every paitient @jacksons-goddess-gaia I hope you enjoy it as I get back into the swing of things mwah
𓆩⟡𓆪AO3| Taglist Form (Please make sure your urls are updated and able to actually be tagged) | Commission Sheet𓆩⟡𓆪
𓆩⟡𓆪Network Ping- @kwritersworld | @k-vanity |⟡𓆪
𓆩⟡𓆪©nocturne-overtures. do not repost, translate, or use my works𓆩⟡𓆪
"They’ll never let me do something like this. I’m going walk in there and they’re gonna be like; ‘haha! Just kidding, bend over kitten.’”
Jooheon watched you pace back and forth in front of your shared home, puffs of vapor leaving his lips as the occasional snowflake fell into his hair. In his hand, a bag is steadily collecting a small pile of snow the longer you two stand outside in the chill of November. 
“For someone who challenged them to let you take charge this time, you're freaking out more than expected.” His voice is even, but you can see his lips twitch up as you whirl around to face him, indignant. 
“You’re supposed to have my side!” 
“Why? It’s not as hard as you’re making it out to be. Just say you’re nervous.” 
You feel the heat of embarrassment creep up to your ears as you huff and unlock the front door, finally stomping inside. Jooheon could tease, sure. He’d taken charge and let himself be taken care of countless times in this relationship, more than anyone else. To him, this was second nature. 
As you toe off your shoes and shrug off your jacket, you begin thinking back to how these thoughts came to be. It started with a show the four of you were watching. It was cheesy and quite a predictable drama. The pushover of the main pairing had been insulted by some side characters only for that to devolve into some misunderstanding argument between them and their partner which ended up in the roles being the same as they always were. 
Heaven’s forbid one of those dramas change up the status quota and have a switch couple, right? 
So, like the genius you were, as Jackson was making a comment on the location of the shot in the drama and Johnny was laughing at the ridiculousness of the whole conflict, you spoke. 
“I bet I could take charge next time and not immediately fold like Yu Han here.” You proudly state while tossing a piece of popcorn in your mouth. The conversation around you seemed to fizzle out instantly and it took you a bit longer than you cared to admit to notice the three pairs of eyes locked onto you. 
Lifting your gaze, you blink. 
“Are you saying that’s what you want to do?” Jackson inquired. You replay the last thing you said in your head and sit with your lips parted. Johnny cocks his head from his spot on the loveseat, running his fingers through Jooheon’s hair. 
“How about the next time we fool around, we let Y/N take charge, then?”
None of them look like they’re mocking you for the suggestion, but the idea itself makes a mixed sense of anxiety and excitement float through your veins. 
So, of course, you went to the internet to try and figure out how to smoothly transition into the position switch. 
And, naturally, that ended up in you being more stressed out than ever. Some of them were endearing stories of success, while there was also a fair share of failure stories of someone ruining the mood or accidentally injuring their partner during play and it all made you way more nervous. 
Jooheon put his hand on the small of your back, kissing your cheek before he looked into your eyes. 
“It’s okay. Just take your time. None of us are going to laugh at you or something if you don’t find that it comes easily to you.” 
You smile at him and take his hand, raising your voice to call into the home. 
“We’re home!” 
The sound of a door opening and closing somewhere catches your attention. Johnny emerges from down the hall, hair tousled and a wide smile on his face as Jackson pushes past him, face ablaze as he muttered something about someone not having any self-restraint. 
You can see the fresh dark red marks along his throat that told you everything you needed to know about what they had been doing.
“Took you guys a bit to get back home. Was the drive alright?” Jackson inquired, straightening out and smiling when he spotted the two of you dusting snowflakes out of your hair. Johnny turned on his heel, jogging down the hall to go get some towels to help you dry off. 
“It was alright. Had to drive a bit slow but we got everything we needed.” You inform him, making your way to the kitchen. Johnny stops you, putting a towel over your hair and rigorously ruffling your hair while laughing at your shrieks of protest. 
“You gotta dry off properly babe.” He grins, laughing as you swat at his pectoral the moment he let you go. 
Jooheon had an easier time, humming as Jackson helped dry his bright orange hair. He was rewarded with a kiss before Jackson shook his head and pointed towards the bedroom. 
“Change, both of you. I will not have you both getting pneumonia.” 
You and Jooheon march off to the bedroom, neither of you keen on trying to argue with Jackson knowing he was 1000% right. Jooheon glanced at you once the door closed, pulling his shirt over his head. 
“Are you going to do it tonight?” He inquired. You bite your lip, fingers fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. 
It’s not that hard. 
Jooheon sees the anxiety that’s taken hold of you and comes closer, kissing the top of your head and sending you a dimpled smile. 
“There’s no rush, you know that, right? We’re not going anywhere.” His smile melts your heart a bit, and you nod, taking a calming breath. Jooheon stayed to ensure you were alright before leaving first in his fresh clothes.
You head out not too long after, wearing several articles of clothing from them.
Johnny’s button up, Jackson’s t-shirt, and Jooheon’s basketball shorts, the drawstring tied extra tight so it stayed on your hips. 
When you come back, you walk up to Johnny, tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants. He looked down at you and blinked before he saw you subtly pucker your lips. A smile stretched across his lips and he leaned over, kissing you slow and deep.  There’s something about the way he slots against you that makes you want to buckle on instinct. Not just him, all three of them. You wanted to push past this feeling and be able to give them the same sensation. 
Your mind wanders, and so do your hands, tracing over Johnny’s muscles, pressing yourself to him as you pushed back, giving slight challenge in this kiss. Johnny let out a muffled hum, hands finding their way to your waist, kneading. 
Your body is flush against his, and you lose yourself in the kiss, mind wandering, thinking of all the ways they’d gotten you completely turned out for them. Every touch, every kiss, every chuckle, how could you do the same for them-
Your eyes crack open halfway, and you look up, locking eyes with Johnny. 
That was a whimper. 
Your mind focuses and you take inventory of the situation. He’s panting, looking at you in surprise, his lips swollen, red from where you had bit him, and your hand was tangled in his hair, pulling him enough to make him tilt his head back. 
Your lips part, and you almost apologize, but you stop short seeing the look on his face. 
Dazed, flustered .
You hold his gaze, and there's a pleasant tingle that runs up and down your spine as you tilt your head slightly. Johnny moved to speak, but you experimentally push your weight against him ever so slightly, tugging his hair. 
“Tilt your head for me.”
He doesn’t hesitate, his Adam’s apple bobbing as your lips brush along it. His breathing is shallow, and you can feel he’s stirring slightly against your thigh as you try to lean more into the feeling that had gripped you. 
“ Good. Just like that. Good boy.”
Johnny’s knees actually buckled for you, and he looked at you out of the corner of his eye, letting out a shuddering breath. You can tell the words had their intended purpose as you hear him let out a small, off-guard chuckle before he murmured a breathy ‘ fuck’ . 
“You two gonna dry hump in the kitchen or get something to eat?” Jackson inquired, curiously looking at the two of you. You bite the inside of your cheek to keep back the whine of disappointment at being interrupted, but instead, you push off of the counter behind Johnny, smiling and running your hand down his body, over the telltale bulge in his pants for a brief moment before making your way over to the dining room. 
Jackson glances between you and Johnny curiously and blinks at the flustered mess you’d made of your boyfriend. Jooheon smiled at you as you sat down, subtly nodding. 
‘You did it’.
You smile and sit beside him, listening to your boys as they begin to recap and talk about their day. Normally you were just as chatty as they were, but you spend your time watching them subtly. Johnny’s blush had only slightly gone down, but he had kept casting glances at you, subtly touching his neck every now and again. 
You catch him one of these times, smiling and blowing him a small kiss before you turn your attention to Jooheon, hooking your ankle against his and tugging slightly. 
The move made him stop mid-sentence, but he caught your eye and cleared his throat, continuing and not resisting the move and letting you tug a bit further, spreading his legs apart. You smile around the rim of your water glass, setting it down and listening more, your hand finding its way to his thigh, squeezing and kneading.  Jooheon took it in stride, though you can see red creep up to the tip of his ears as your hand inches higher, squeezing and kneading the toned muscle there. He kept his eyes on Jackson and Johnny across the table, but at this point, you’re sure both of them knew what you were up to. 
Especially after you make eye contact with Jackson while you squeeze and stroke Jooheon through the sweatpants. Jooheon jolted beside you before letting out a needy groan, spreading his legs and pressing into your hand. 
You remember past experiences, personal experiences, even the filthy novels and audios you indulge yourself in, and you find yourself speaking while holding Jackson’s gaze. 
“ Sit still.” 
Jooheon shuddered and planted his ass flat into the chair, biting on his chopstick with an audible ‘clank’ as he forced down his usual bratty challenging sass. As much as he liked to do so with the other two, he knew it took a lot for you to build the confidence to take control like this. He wanted to see how far you'd go and didn't want you to lose confidence in the middle of it.
“Yes ma’am.” was his response instead. Your lips curled up and you turned your head, kissing the underside of his jaw as a reward. 
Jackson looked between the two of you, brows up in interest before he wiped his mouth, cocking his head to the side. 
“What should we do next?” the question is open-ended, but he’s staring directly at you. He’s picked up on the vibes of the night and you smile, the last of your lingering anxieties melting away as you realize you were a lot more comfortable with this than you originally gave yourself credit for. 
“Jackson, come with me. I need a shower. Johnny, Jooheon, we should get ready for bed.” You stand, gathering your dishes and casting a glance over your shoulder. 
“Make sure everything is ready for us. We wouldn’t want to be cold this evening.” 
The youngest duo of the three men perk and look at one another, smiling and nodding, darting past you to put their dishes away. You set yours aside and turn to Jackson, reaching down to hook your fingers into his, pulling him toward the bathroom.
In no time, you have him against the shower wall, placing biting kisses along his soaked skin as you grab and stroke his cock in slow, methodical strokes. 
Jackson kept his eyes on you, nearly mirroring Jooheon earlier and bucking into your hand, but you push down on him, eyes flicking up and pinning him with a heated gaze. He finds himself speaking before he can think, throbbing in your hand. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll be good.”
You smile, your face flushed but that sweet, powerful tingle of electricity runs up and down your spine. 
“Good, I’m going to take care of all three of you tonight.” You whisper against his damp skin, feeling your confidence swell now that all three of them had responded well to your actions and what you had been trying to do all night. 
You carry that with you into the bedroom, where you find both Jooheon and Johnny rutting against one another, throbbing and nearly ready to cum already as they traded feverish kisses. You watch them for a moment before biting your thumbnail, cocking your head to the side. 
“I sure hope you two weren’t intending on cumming without me telling you to.” Your voice is cheery, bubbly, but has an underlying warning in it. Both of them stop short, looking at you while panting. 
“S-sorry, Y/n.” Jooheon licked his lips, eyeing the towel barely clinging to your body while Johnny ran a hand through his hair, remembering the sensation of you tugging it earlier. He decided to push back a bit. 
“You took a while to come back. Tell me what you want.” He smiled, eyes glinting. Jooheon glanced at him and Jackson looked at the side of your face, ready to step in at any time if the challenge made you lose confidence. 
His worries were unwarranted as your lip quirks, making your way over to him and smiling. You grab a pillow from the bed, one of the longer ones, and drop it to the floor at your feet.
“On the floor. Get on your knees.”
Johnny stared at you with a spark of chaos in his eyes, but he slowly peeled himself off of Jooheon, kneeling before you. You make your way over to him, standing in front of him and grabbing a fistful of his hair once more. A loving look crosses your face as hold each other’s gaze. 
“You know what to do if it’s too much or I go too far, yes?” You question tenderly. Johnny smiled and nodded, raising his chin to kiss your wrist, right over your pulse. He can probably feel how hard your heart is pounding at this moment, but he doesn’t comment on it. 
“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded. You don’t respond, raising your leg and planting it over his shoulder, pulling his face directly into your pussy, holding him still as you look up at Jooheon and Jackson. 
“Come here. I have something for you two to do.” 
The four of you fall into a rhythm, with Johnny’s tongue buried between your folds and both Jackson and Jooheon’s cocks in your hands as you traded sloppy kisses with them. You alternate between slow strokes and quickened ones, a purr and a giggle falling from your lips as you break the kiss, hovering just shy of Jooheon’s lips. 
“You sound pretty like this, you know.” You praise him softly, gripping and pulling Johnny’s hair as you feel him change pace.
“Ah, ah. Slow down.” 
He shuddered and nodded, spreading his knees apart, his cock standing tall against his abs as he greedily ate you out. You hum and moan breathlessly, letting him know how much you are enjoying it.
“M-More…please more…” Jooheon shuddered, fingers trembling along your skin. Jackson nodded from beside him, his precum dribbling down your fingers. You smile, nodding your chin towards the bed. 
“Come on, we’re getting to the best part. You all are doing so well for me.” you praise.
A bit of shuffling about later and you’re seated in Jooheon’s lap, riding him while Johnny greedily licked and kissed at the mess being made of your pussy and his cock. Jackson stood on the bed, holding his arms behind his back as he watched you alternate between teasing kisses and deep, throaty swallows, all while holding smoldering eye contact with him. 
“T-Thank you, thank you, please-” Jooheon groans, his cock curving just right. It was almost enough to turn your mind off, almost enough to flip the switch back, but you hold firm, clenching tight and smiling around Jackson’s cock before pulling off with a wet pop. 
Jackson whined in complaint as you caressed Johnny’s face until he noticed you wanted him to lift up. When he does, you kiss him deep and slow, tasting you and Jooheon on Johnny’s tongue before turning his head to Jackson, smiling sweetly as you whisper in his ear. 
“Be a good puppy and hold onto this for me, okay? Keep it nice and warm for me.”
“Fuck,” Johnny let out a breathy laugh and nodded, leaning in to swallow down Jackoson’s cock, his tongue curling against the underside. You press your back against Jooheon’s back, rolling and grinding your hips as he rocked his own up into you, balls slapping against your ass. 
“Thank y-you, Yn~ Fuck, it feels so good, thank you for, ah- taking care of us” Jooheon keens, eyes fluttering as he throbbed inside of you. You feel a wave of pride wash over you as you clench around him. You were sure he had been close to cumming inside of you, but he stilled his hips, sending you a pleading look over your shoulder. 
“Please, can I cum inside? I did well, right?” He pants, practically begging as your ass jiggles every time it made contact with his thighs. You run your fingers into his hair, pulling and leaving dark hickies along his neck as you still your hips. 
“If you want to cum so bad, go ahead. Get yourself off. Milk yourself for me so the other two can see.” 
You keep your lips against his neck, moaning in delight as you feel his hands land on your hips, a whimper of need leaving his lips as he sped up, thrusting into you and chasing his orgasm with near pleading desperation in his voice. 
You close your eyes, listening to the wet sound as goosebumps rise up along with sweat and precum running down your skin. Had you had looked behind you, you would have noticed Johnny had been pushed down fully onto Jackson’s cock, throat squeezing and constricting his cock as both he and Jackson watched you and Jooheon mere feet away. 
“Y/n! Fuck! Yes yes yes, thank you! Fuck!” He whimpered in need and finally pressed deep, throbbing, and trembling as he came inside of you. You moan, gripping him like a vice as you cum shortly after, hearing the sound get even sloppier as he milked every drop inside of you. 
You push his chest when he’s finished and spent, rolling your hips slowly and smiling with a glint in his eye as you look back at Jackson and Johnny. 
Both of them have their eyes locked onto your pussy and the messy creampie Jooheon had left behind. When you still yourself, they glance up, meeting your fervent gaze. 
You’re unsure where this strong wave of confidence came from after the earlier anxieties, but now that you’d let it wash over you, there was no stopping you now. 
You raise your hips, sighing in displeasure when Jooheon’s half-hard cock falls out of you, messy and covered in both your and his juices. You roll over onto your back, spreading your legs and rubbing your pussy, not minding the mess at all. Your next words cause both of them to surge forward eagerly;
“Well? Who’s next ?”
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@jacksons-goddess-gaia @kimnamshiks @atiny-dazzlinglight @angel0taiyo @gettin-a-lil-hanse @dreamyinception-world @yunhofingers @violetwinters @babiebumm @seomisaho @drunk-on-hwa @twistedsiren @shymexican
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breadcatcreations · 2 years
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Jaemin’s hand was tangled in your hair and he sucked harshly on your neck, “already taste so good angel,” he whispered against your skin.
A soft drawn out whimper leaves your lips. “Jaem~,” you hummed out. “Please”
A menacing chuckle leaves his lips. “Sluts already asking for more, we just started.” Jaemin tugged you closer by your belt loops. He pressed his nose against you neck, inhaling. “God~,” he breathed out. “Your amazing, what did i do in life to get you,” he groaned this against your ear. Biting softly.
You rubbed your thighs together to gain some friction. He notices slipping his hand in between your thighs, holding one of them in place. Jaemin places a kiss on your neck before looking up at you. “Jaemin please,” you whined starring into his deep eyes.
“God I love you,” Jaemin murmured before crashing your lips together, teeth hitting teeth, and tongue on tongue. He trails the kiss down your neck, nipping softly.
Sweet moans and whimpers leave your lips. “Jaemin~~ I want you,” you whined out. Jaemin pressed one last kiss against your neck, looking into your eyes. “All you had to do was ask baby,” his smirk reached his eyes, as he watched you unravel at his touch.
“That’s my baby,” he whispered
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hyuckcicles · 1 year
nct messages | when you're jealous of one of the members
warning | sug (?)
ot7 127
a/n - haechan and mark are with dream for now on because it is equal :)
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thesafecafe · 2 years
NCT 127: Helping their Black GF on wash day
Summary: Your boyfriend wants to help you out on wash day, and you let him, but not without some interesting adventures along the way!
CW: None really, sfw, fluff, specifically black fem reader, aspects of black hair, gifs not mine hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a reflection of the idol or their behavior in real life, this is simply a fictional depiction for entertainment purposes.
Johnny is no stranger to seeing you do your hair
he often watches as you do your hair, a quiet type curiosity in his eyes
when you ask him to help, he’s a little incredulous at first
“You want me to help?” 
but his brief moment of uncertainty is hidden instantly by fake confidence
“Of course babe, I got this! It’s me we’re talking about!”
spoiler: he does not have this 
he struggles getting the brush through your head, and detangling? a catastrophe 
he’s good at distributing the shampoo and conditioner, but then you’re on your own girl
blow drying is fairly easy, since all he does is hold the dryer where you tell him, and helping you choose a style
if you want help styling it? Girl, you better call the father, the son, and the holy spirit
your hair manages to get done eventually; it might look a little odd, but it’s done
“See babe, I told you I got this!”
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curious little bean about your hair
is hesitant at first, as he doesn’t want to mess up your hair or hurt you
“Are you sure babe? You trust me that much?”
when you reassure him that you indeed do trust him with your beautiful hair, he’ll get all smiley 
asks you for step by step instructions, and is so so gentle
even when helping you put in products for washing or drying your hair feels like a full on scalp massage
which you compliment him on
“Ah, you like it? I’ll remember babe!”
the more you compliment him, the more he’ll melt, just falling in love with you harder at each remark
some steps have you helping him out, such as combing out your hair and blow drying
which he’ll insist he can do if he just watches a tutorial (he wants to be able to do it for you on his own)
but as he helps you do a simple style, he sees it as a bonding experience 
“Let’s do this again next time babe!”
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Another curious one, but he is in awe of everything about the process
“This much product?! Really?”
you teach him the products, and he commits each one to memory
genuinely curious about a few of the oils and conditioners
“Do you think it’ll work for me? They smell really good!”
he steps in when your arms start to get tired, and you need help twisting it for pre parting
he realizes that you have to do this every time you wash your hair and his heart goes out to you
“Let me help again next time, it’s so much for one person to do all alone!”
he’s very sweet, taking breaks when you need, and gets you snacks, water, arms rubs, whatever you need
such a supportive boyfriend and wonderful listener
he’ll listen attentively as you instruct him on how to braid your hair, before the both of you jointly braid your hair into pretty box braids
“These are so good babe! You think I could get paid to do it?”
(as if he’s not a full time celebrity) but you tell him yes anyway
nothing wrong with a confidence boost
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Intimidated off the bat
you have a LOT of hair, and Doyoung knows so LITTLE about it
will whine a little bit before he settles into the idea
“Babe, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a hair dresser, hence my job choice.”
but when you say you’ll ask someone else, he protests immediately
pulls you back into the bathroom with a pout on his face
“You can’t ask them! They don’t know anything!”
you spare him of the fact that neither does he, but you allow him to help
he kind of observes first, allowing you to demonstrate
when you offer him a brush or a comb, he takes the, slowly following along with your steps
your soft encouragement helps him to keep going, even earning you a smile
“I guess it’s not so hard after all! Your hair is really pretty by the way”
it’s not his first time telling you that, since he loves your hair, but it still makes you shy
he follows your instructions completely, allowing you to guide his hands when he forgets a step
when you are eventually finished, Doyoung will observe your hair in the mirror, slowly turning your head side to side in his hands
“I really did that! We did it!” 
he’s cheering and happy, and he’ll be way more open to helping you next time, because practice makes perfect
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“You trust me? Ah, such a confident girl”
a real jokester (but it’s to keep his nervousness at bay)
he’s praying he doesn’t rip any hair out
he uses a bit more than the recommended amount 
aka he squeezed the bottle too hard and now your hair is saturated in shampoo
but a little extra product never hurt anybody!
he’ll have you bent over the sink, pouring  water over the back of your hair with a giant bowl
Jungwoo, you don’t need to drown your client, come on now
he nearly knocks you of the chair during blow drying, but it is unintentional, (unlike some members)
it’s a bit of a bumpy ride when it comes to combing out and detangling, but you get through it
“All right, what’s next?”
he’ll think he’s a professional once you have him help you part and section your hair, massaging in your usual products
he watches in fascination as you style your hair, a curious awe present in his facial expressions
“You really are amazing babe.”
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why you decided to ask for help from Mark is a mystery 
“Yo, really? Are you sure? Dude, that’s like, huge!”
is grateful for the opportunity, but please help him
he does not know what he’s doing, and this is more of a tutorial than him helping
he’ll help by handing you different products, but he mostly asks questions about different things
“You have two conditioners? Wait why?”
you explain everything with patience, telling him what it does for your hair, and what works for your hair type
“So your hair is a mixture of two different patterns? Ahh, that explains so much!
he recognizes a few things that you have, like coconut and jojoba oil
but the purpose of leave in conditioner escapes him until you explain
it really is an interesting experience with Mark, especially when you mix together different products together
his mind is blown 
“Yo, you’re Y/N the scientist! Who else mixes things like that?”
He’ll help you trim your hair after you give yourself a silk press, admiring the way it looks, telling you how good you look
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Oh, he is an excited boy
very, very excited, he has been waiting for this day to come
you never let anyone touch your hair, not even him, and now you want his help? best day ever
he’ll tease you though, telling you he’ll charge you for his services
“These professional hands come with a price babe” (such a menace)
he will use your product bottles as weapons of mass...hair destruction?
“I will conquer and vanquish the dragon!” he says while threateningly pointing a shampoo bottle at your head
the hair is not our enemy, put down the bottle sir
he is genuinely happy as he washes your hair, blow drying and oiling it after with no problem
(aside form him trying to knock you off the chair on purpose)
he helps you to do a roller set, which intrigues him 
“Oh, so  you have a dryer chair in the corner! I never noticed that was there!”
He will offer to help you get ready for bed after as well
massaging your scalp and making sure you have good circulation before bed
he will demand matching bonnets once he sees yours though, so be prepared to share
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bloodmoonmuses · 2 months
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attempting to write in between all the stress lmao
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kpopsexstories · 2 months
Kissing Booth Ep. 8 – Chenle and Jisung ask how many girlfriends Johnny and Jaehyun have had.
‘Kissing Booth’ is a fictional podcast hosted by boyfriends Chenle and Jisung. In it they discuss love, sex and relationships. This Kissing Booth Tumblr series is excerpts from the couple's most sexual conversations on the show.
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Chenle: Today we have two special guests with us. Can you introduce yourselves?
Johnny: Hi, I’m Johnny from JCC.
Jaehyun: Hi, I’m Jaehyun.
Jisung: Welcome to the show guys! We want to get straight to the point, because we’ve been arguing over this. Between you, how many girlfriends have you had?
Johnny: That’s a very direct question.
Jisung: Have you not been paying attention? This is Kissing Booth.
Jaehyun: I recon Johnny has had way more than I have.
Johnny: No way! What makes you say that?
Jaehyun: I was in a serious relationship for a long time.
Johnny: Yeah, but before then. And after. Come on, you’ve brought lots of girls home. We’ve all heard you.
Chenle: This is exactly why Jisung and I can’t agree.
Jisung: What’s the definition of a girlfriend?
Chenle: You wouldn’t know, you’ve never had one.
Jisung: …
Johnny: Sexual partners? No idea.
Jisung: Ballpark figure.
Johnny: Fifty? A hundred?
Jaehyun: A HUNDRED?
Johnny: What, we’ve been sexually active for many years. A hundred is not a lot. How many people have you slept with?
Jaehyun: Maybe… ten?
Chenle: TEN? No way! Even we have heard you and we don’t even live on the same floor.
Jaehyun: Yeah, but it’s often the same girl. I swear, I don’t sleep around as much as you guys think.
Jisung: What about girlfriend-girlfriends? Like, actually dated?
Jaehyun: Well… ten.
Johnny: You have NOT dated all those girls you’ve brought home! Not to the point where you’d call them your girlfriend anyway.
Jaehyun: Fine. Maybe… six, seven?
Chenle: We’ll take it. Johnny?
Johnny: Girls I’ve been in a serious relationship with? Two.
Jaehyun: That’s it? Noo, you’ve had more.
Jisung: See, this is exactly what we mean! It’s impossible to agree because we define girlfriend differently.
Chenle: Anyway, there is another reason we ask.
Jaehyun: Oh yeah, what’s that?
Chenle: Well, as you know we have a big announcement to make on the show today.
Jisung: Yeah, it’s pretty big.
Chenle: We’re concerned though. Our listeners have gotten used to a certain…
Jisung: …maturity, in the content.
Jaehyun: You mean sex?
Chenle: Yes. Can you give the listeners what they want?
Johnny: *Smirks* Oh I’m pretty sure we can.
Jisung: Also, we've gotten a lot of attention for giving gay people a platform.
Chenle: This show is paving the way.
Jisung: Can you give our listeners that?
Johnny: I don’t think they care about gay or straight if that’s what you mean.
Chenle: But can you… Keep it a little gay at least?
Jaehyun: *Smirks* I already have a question I want to ask Johnny. I’ll save it for another episode, but it involves Ten.
Johnny: *Laughs* Oh God. I have to think of something for you then…
Jaehyun: Good luck! I can't think of a single gay story to tell.
Johnny: Gay-ish then. I'll think of something.
Jisung: Johnny’s right though. I think people just listen to Kissing Booth to get to know us better.
Jaehyun: Remind me, how has this little show of yours not been cancelled already?
Jisung: ‘Little show of yours’…? What an insult to our baby. Have you not been listening?
Jaehyun: To every single episode. That’s why I ask.
Chenle: Well, I'll tell you all a little secret. Kissing Booth was my idea, right? We didn’t ask permission. After we made the first episode, management took me aside. They were pretty mad.
Jisung: You never told me that. So how are we still here today?
Chenle: Because I’m awesome. I used my persuasion skills.
Jisung: Oh please, you did not.
Chenle: No. I just showed them the numbers and the comments.
Johnny: Ah. Marketing?
Chenle: Exactly. SM can’t deny hard data.
Jisung: I've always told you if we weren't in music you'd own your own company or something.
Jaehyun: And what does the data show?
Chenle: That we're a fucking hit!
Jisung: Did you know that our last episode has been streamed more times than your latest album?
Johnny: No way!
Chenle: Yes way! It’s true. If Kissing Booth was a song, it would be one of our biggest hits. Maybe not the biggest, but it would be up there.
Jaehyun: 127 has always been bigger than Dream though.
Jisung: Ehm, not true! I actually looked this up the other day. You guys have more than three million monthly listeners on Spotify. But we have more than five million.
Johnny: Okay, but that’s not album sales. We’ve sold 38 million since debut.
Jaehyun: Ehm, sorry Johnny, that’s NCT. As in all of NCT. Including Dream and 127.
Johnny: Oh.
Chenle: *Laughs like a dolphin* Jisung, did you look this up too?
Jisung: No, but let’s check now and set the record straight.
Jaehyun: I’m already on my phone. Of the top albums in Korea… you actually beat us this year. Sticker was the best selling NCT album ever, but Dreamscape has surpassed it.
Johnny: That can’t be lifetime sales though can it? Sticker is older.
Jaehyun: Hmm, maybe it’s sales in the first month. I don’t know. I do know Dream is popular though.
Jisung: And, to my boyfriend’s credit, I’d like to think Kissing Booth has played a part in that.
Chenle: Ahh, I wish. But I'm sure it has not. Kissing Booth is only popular because we are.
Jaehyun: Always so humble.
Johnny: Have you told the listeners the announcement?
Chenle: We have not, but I’m sure they’ve guessed it by now.
Jisung: Drum roll please…
Chenle: You wanna tell them?
Jisung: The big announcement is… that there will be a season two! And it will be hosted by Johnny and Jaehyun.
Jaehyun: Wohoo!
Chenle: It’s a big responsibility we’re passing on to you.
Jisung: Relax, it’s just a lot of fun.
Chenle: But it’s a huge burden.
Jisung: You really just sit down and talk with your friend once a week.
Johnny: About…?
Jisung: About anything you like!
Chenle: Ehh, no! This show is supposed to be about relationship advice.
Jaehyun: Can we give it our own spin?
Jisung: Sure.
Chenle: No! You take questions from listeners and you talk about your own relationships.
Johnny: So… sex?
Jisung: Not just sex. Those are just the highlights.
Chenle: It’s a lot about sex though.
Jaehyun: I’ve listened to every episode, and you guys are crazy.
Chenle: That’s why we brought it up, live on air so everyone can hear your promise and hold you accountable. Can you, Johnny and Jaehyun, be as open and honest with our fans as we have been?
Johnny: Of course!
Jaehyun: Yeah.
Chenle: Is that a promise?
Johnny: We promise we won’t disappoint them.
Jisung: That’s what we thought. I’m sure you'll be great hosts.
Jaehyun: This will be a lot of fun.
Johnny: And very, very sexual.
Chenle: *In a posh voice* And that, dear gentle listeners, is a Kissing Booth promise.
Jisung: You’re not freakin’ Lady Whistledown.
Chenle: Whatever dude.
Jaehyun: Lady who?
Jisung: Bridgerton. Never mind.
Johnny: You guys really are so fucking gay! I love it. We won't be able to live up to that though.
Chenle: All we ask is that you’re completely open. The show’s got a reputation to think about.
Jisung: Yeah, so before we move on to the first reader question of today, please answer the question again: Are you guys up for the task?
Chenle: Are you ready to take on the responsibility of hosting Kissing Booth season two?
Jaehyun: Yes.
Johnny: Absolutely.
Chenle: Good. We’ll be listening.
Jisung: And our fans will too.
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