#johnny x v x kerry
genocidalfetus · 2 months
Brain Rot Thot NSFW edition
I headcanon that Johnny and Kerry's first time being intimate happened during an emotionally charged fight between them. They started out yelling. Yelling turned to pushing, a few punches being thrown, then Johnny had Kerry pinned against a wall and he just kisses him right then and there, catching him off guard. But Kerry kisses back and that devolves into rough and dirty sex, that happened quite often until Johnny put a stop to it because he found himself catching feelings and that couldn't happen, not when he was about to go do something gonk like bomb Arasaka.
The same thing happens between Johnny and Kei, and it happens right after the Proxy for Hanako leaves the seedy motel room they're hiding away in. Kei is spiraling out of control emotionally, unable to keep it together. A day or two ago, he met Alt beyond the Blackwall so his state of mind is all over the place and the parade going the way it did just pushes him over that edge. Johnny slaps him to get him to snap out of it. The slap pisses Kei off, making him punch back and a scuffle occurs. Johnny pins him against a wall, then does what he did to Kerry. Kei goes with it, his brain just needing to be turned off and to focus on something for self-preservation. He doesn't know how this is even possible, but also doesn't care. He needs it, needs Johnny.
Johnny knows how to diffuse situations with intimacy, sex. Too bad he didn't anticipate the things that would happen next. Being in Kei's head made him more docile, in touch with his feelings again. Johnny feels something for Kei and now has to face the facts that he always felt something for Kerry...and after seeing him for the first time in fifty years he realizes he still does...
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oh-surprise-its-me · 2 years
Johnny behind V in the kitchen watching him cook because he has absolutely no idea how unlike Kerry who can sit on the counter adding things to the pot because he cooked with his grandma back when he was under the age of 14.
V learned from Mama Wells back when he was also a kid running around the streets with Jackie.
Johnny loves to chop things for them because that he can do. But he’s literally not allowed to touch the stove because he’s burned every single thing he’s ever tried to cook.
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finally sharing some screenshots <3 vincent welles and his bfs
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WIP Wednesday
tagged by my sweet bean and fav blogger @timaeusterrored
Title: Damage
Character: Vyper
Universe: Canon
Content Warnings: Relic Malfunction, nose bleed (idk im doing my best)
This was okay, it was fine. Don't think it is but sure, whatever. Stumbling through the alley Vyper stopped to lean against a dumpster, trying to catch his breath as he ignored the flashing warning signs in his blurred vision. "Johnny? You're here..." Not really like I have a choice to be anywhere else. "Brain hurts, J. Fuck, everything hurts... Is that my blood? Where are-" Alistair, focus. Gotta get off the street 'fore we blackout again. "Told you not to call me that..." Then get your ass up, an' quit talking to yourself. Only thing that should be comin' outta your mouth is askin' someone to come drag our sorry excuse of a body to a ripper. "Don't have anyone to call..."
Dragging himself to his feet V looked around for anything that could be useful. Deciding the fire escape was thee best course of action he started the ascent, moving as quickly as his body would allow. You do, jackass.
As much as Johnny had grown attached to the merc, he really hated the kid sometimes. The lone wolf mentality V's had since they met had kept him safe and out of some fucked up situations, but it was about to get him killed. "Oh really? Who exactly did you have in mine that can drag me of a roof?" Judy, Panam, the stupid cop you fucked, Vik. Oh, not to mention your mainline. The list goes on and fucking on. "Can't call Kerry, busy. Haven't seen 'im in damn near two weeks 'cause of it." Fine, no Kerry, but call someone, V. Call Rogue for all I care, just don't let me die alone in the middle of nowhere covered in my own piss and vomit. "Got another wonderful pep talk in your or was that it?" If we die up here I'll fuckin' kill you. "You will. Blackouts're your fault, dipshit." Good. "Dick..." Cunt.
Finally on the roof Vyper slammed his weight into the door of a shed he was lucky to find, kicking it closed before collapsing onto the floor. "Fuck..." You're not allowed to pass out yet. "Shut... the fuck up. I got it..."
Pulling himself up to sit against the wall V reloaded Johnny's Malorian, resting it in his lap as he sent a message to Judy. "There... C-Can..." Vy? "Think I'm gonna... rest my eyes, J..." Flickering into existence Johnny knelt over Vyper, putting his chrome hand on the back of the merc's neck as the full force of the relic malfunction made his nose start bleeding. C'mon, kid. Finger on the trigger. Giving a weak nod V pressed his forehead to the rockerboys, trying to find comfort in the fact that Johnny wouldn't let anything happen to them. "Got it... Eyes on the door..." An' I'll take the window, just like before. "Jus' l-like... before..."
tagging anyone who'd like to participate. thank you @timaeusterrored for tagging me, if you do it again im gonna leave a million compliments under your pillow, you sweet bean 💜
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mrssimply · 2 years
20th: Sacrilegious
Forever ago, on a server that doesn’t exist anymore, Cyberpsycho_For_Eurodyne prompted the community this “If you believe in angels you have to believe in demons too” and this fic was born. The first part, up until they meet Kerry, was published on my tumblr a while back, and I even shared a snippet about another part, which didn’t make it to the final cut.
I used this event to rework this story to be shorter(ish), so yes, there are elements of plot but trust me they’ve been lowered to the bare minimum. I still gave hints of what the rest of the story was supposed to look like, and where this was all going in the first place.
An angel and demon AU is also a great opportunity to be very filthy, and also use magic to jump over the technicalities of sex so you can bet I used it xD.
Please enjoy the slutty smut, and the rest if you please!
You can find the prompt list here.
Every fic will be posted on my AO3 Account here.
V’s mother used to tell him about guardian angels before he went to bed. She said that everyone got one, and that they were with you every time of the day, helping you, looking after you, that you could pray to them for guidance or strength.
So V always believed he had a guardian angel. But by God, he never would have thought his would be like this.
“Are you really sure you’re my guardian angel?” V asks for the tenth time as he sees the supernatural being purposefully make the TV change channel every ten seconds. They are currently at Tom’s dinner, having just met with Takemura. V started seeing the angel after dying, bullet to the brain, courtesy of Dexter DeShawn.
“Sure I’m your angel,” the being replies, all grinning teeth and a cocky attitude. The waiter is slowly getting crazy over the TV, trying to understand what’s happening. 
“Don’t I look like an angel?” the apparition asks with a side glance before shutting the TV off altogether.
“Well, you’ve got no wings,” V remarks.
With a smug smile, the being leans forward and suddenly, four wings appear behind him, spanning from one edge of the bench to the other. They look like they are made of the purest chrome, glinting with an ethereal light that comes from nowhere. The feathers look like they could cut through concrete easily, yet V can’t help but want to touch them for how delicate they appear. Like lacework. The young man closes his hand to prevent himself from reaching out, but his movement doesn’t escape the angel. With a smirk, he makes the wings disappear and leans back on the bench, putting his boots on the table.
V understood early on that no one but him could see the angel.
“So, how are we going to fix this mess, V?” The supernatural creature wonders with a drawl, hands resting behind his head.
“It’s your fuckin’ mess,” the merc retorts, “you were supposed to save me from that, remember?”
“Eh, well, I was busy with a demon. And I told you, I can’t really do shit. I’m just here to guide you and all. You gotta save yourself, blah blah blah.”
V rolls his eyes and drinks from his shitty coffee. He has no fucking clue where to start fixing the shit he’s in. He isn’t even sure what exactly he is supposed to fix: Dexter is dead, and apart from Takemura and Evelyn, he has no trail to follow. One thing is sure: he should have died but he got back from the great beyond and apparently, his guardian angel is as puzzled as he is about that. So he concentrates on something else.
“Yes, you told me about that demon. Just have a hard time believing they exist.”
“Hey, if you believe in angels, you gotta believe in demons, too.”
Can’t really fight the logic of that, he admits silently.
“Ok so, what kind of demon was it?”
“The worst kind.”
“Which means?”
The angel’s smirk deepens and something mischievous twinkles in his eyes.
“Well, better see for yourself. C’mon!”
And the angel gets out of the booth before sauntering out of the dinner. With a long-suffering sigh, and a thought for his mother – rest her soul – V follows.
“A demon lives here?” V asks, suspicious as they approach the villa.
“Demons need houses?”
“That’s their technique, they blend in with humans. Easier to tempt them that way.”
“Ok but… Why are we going to meet a demon exactly?” V continues to question as the angel guides him to hop over the concrete wall surrounding the property.
“Because you wanted to know what demons are, and I happen to know that one very well.”
V pauses, opens his mouth to say something then decides against it. He trots to catch up with the supernatural being.
“Were you with this demon when you were supposed to protect me?” V suddenly asks, struck by divine inspiration – ah!
The angel looks deeply uncomfortable.
V catches the angel by the arm. The left one is made of metal, like his wings. V didn’t know angels could lose limbs.
“Are you kidding me?”
“I told you, he is the worst kind! Always enticing and teasing and being, you know…” and the divine creature does something weird, something that looks suspiciously like rocking his hips.
“Wait, wait, wait,” V starts. He takes a breath. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? Were you with that demon when I died. Wait, can you even fuck?”
“Yes I was with that demon, no we don’t do something as trivial as fucking. What we have goes way beyond your human experience,” the being replies, but even though his wings are not visible, V has the distinct impression he’s ruffled the angel’s feathers. He snorts.
“Hey, you know, maybe he can help, because if his plan was to tempt me into skipping my duties, he might know what’s up.”
And with that, the angel saunters to the doorbell and pointedly looks at V to ring it.
“How do you do when you visit him?”
“We meet on another existential plane. Stop asking questions.”
V rolls his eyes again. He’s been doing this a lot since the angel appeared. Still, with nothing better to do, he rings the bell, and they wait for a moment.
When the door opens, V’s jaw hits the floor, because behind it is Kerry Eurodyne, international rockstar and V’s crush as a teenager.
The curse makes the man – no, demon – blink in surprise before his eyes focus on the angel to V’s left.
“Hello, Johnny,” he greets, leaning against the door frame. The movement makes his tiny gown slide off his shoulder. The sight mesmerizes V, who lets his eyes roam over the uncovered skin with hunger. It becomes apparent to the merc very fast that the robe is the only thing Eurodyne is wearing, and it isn’t even properly closed. It leaves very little to the imagination, making a wave of heat spread inside V, coloring his cheeks and warming his skin. But then, something else registers.
“Johnny?!” V repeats, blinking at the angel. “That’s your name?”
The supernatural being shrugs, trying for nonchalant and failing.
“That’s not a very angelic name,” V continues at the same time the rocker interrupts them.
“How come he can see you?”
“Let's get inside,” Johnny declares, pushing past them. As he enters the mansion, his form suddenly becomes more solid, but he keeps the same appearance: leather pants, matching boots, and a dark tank top. However, he loses that strange light that seemed to surround him before.
V glances at Eurodyne, still not believing his eyes, and finds himself being scrutinized head to toe. It makes his skin heat all over again and brings butterflies to his stomach. V berates himself: he’s not fourteen anymore! He is a mature adult, and he does NOT have a crush on the rocker.
As if he can read his thoughts – and maybe he can! – a sly smile spreads over Eurodyne’s features and his slouch becomes more pronounced, pulling the gown off even more. Before he can make the conscious decision, V finds himself taking a step closer to the demon, enthralled by his darkening blue eyes and the way he tilts his head back.
Suddenly, V feels a pull and stumbles into the house, stopping short of the angel, who is looking at him with arms crossed and a very unimpressed expression.
“And they still wonder how you are so easily swayed,” he mutters before reporting his attention to the demon, who is slowly straightening. “Really?” he asks, scowl deepening.
The other being shrugs with an innocent face and raises his hands in a placating gesture.
“Eh, I don’t have my quota of temptations for the month, yet.”
Still reeling, V tries to make sense of the exchange, feeling like he was just pulled out of the sweetest dream. Something in him longs to get back into that trance, while another part freaks out. That last part wins when the demon comes closer, prompting V to take a step back.
“Sorry,” Eurodyne says to him with a wink, “can’t help myself. Demon, you know?”
With the sweetest smile V has ever seen, the being beacons both his guests toward the second floor of the house.
The angel sends one last suspicious glance at his charge before following the demon. V can’t help but snort internally, pretty sure his new companion is jealous. Or can he even feel that? Shrugging, he follows.
In what appears to be a living room equipped with a bar, the rockstar invites V to sit with a gesture. The angel – Johnny, apparently – is already sprawled on one of the couches, lighting a cigarette.
“Ain’t smoking a sin?” The merc asks snidely and receives a finger for his trouble. He snickers but catches the carton when the supernatural being throws it at him, and light one for himself.
“You don’t know shit about sins and virtues, V,” Johnny drawls around a mouthful of smoke.
“Aren’t like, seven of each?”
“There are as many as you can think of, and more to discover,” Eurodyne replies, putting three more or less clean glasses on the low table. “What’s your poison?” he asks with twinkling eyes and it takes V a second to reply, too lost in the demon's gaze. 
“He will have Tequila, of course,” his guardian interjects.
The spawn of evil rolls his eyes but suddenly, there is a bottle of a good brand on the table. V blinks as the bottle seemingly pours itself. Not looking perturbed by this, Johnny takes his drink and throws it back all in one go before gesturing at the bottle, who obediently fills it again.
“So, to what do I owe the displeasure of your holy presence in my house,” Eurodyne wonders and since Johnny is busy sipping his tequila, V takes it upon himself to answer.
“Johnny told me he was with you the moment I died, he thinks you might have tempted him into ditching his duties, and that, in his book, indicates you know something about my situation.”
Eurodyne snorts, sprawling on his couch and grinning at the angel.
“Yeah, Johnny likes to thinks I tempt him. I rarely do,” he explains with a wink at the holy creature, who is dutifully ignoring him.
“Show him the thing, V,” he says instead of acknowledging his demonic friend.
V turns his head and shows him the Relic. He feels more than he sees the demon stiffen.
“So you do know something,” V concludes while Johnny gives him a little salute, proud of himself.
While Eurodyne looked mischievous until now, his face falls and his expression turns serious as he exchanges a look with the angel. Johnny’s expression is challenging, and V knows he’s missing something capital.
“Going against Them again, J?” The demon murmurs disapprovingly.
“Not stopping 'til we’re free,” is the cryptic reply. 
V is about to ask for more explanations, but the next instant, the demon’s attitude becomes fluid again and he smiles devilishly at his guests.
“Well, let’s say I knew something, what makes you think my help comes free?” he teases, leaning back against the couch. The movement makes the robe fall off his shoulders again and V is starting to suspect the thing of sentience. He can keep his eyes from straying, nor his brain from being filled with ideas. He spaces out for a few seconds, mesmerized by the demon’s naked skin. Opposite of him, Eurodye smirks.
Johnny snaps his fingers in front of V’s face.
“Focus, kid. Come on, show a little more backbone!”
V gives his guardian a mean glare before addressing the demon once more.
“Name your price, then,” he challenges and Johnny groans before facepalming. At the same time, Eurodyne’s face literally lights up with childlike glee, and he claps his hands, making a piece of paper appear. He gets up and walks over the low table towards V, hips swaying left and right like a pendulum, and V just can’t look away. His breath leaves him as the man comes closer and he feels like he has died again, only to be welcomed in paradise.
The demon doesn’t stop in front of V but climbs smoothly in his lap. Automatically, the young man brings his hands on Eurodyne's hips. His mouth opens in wonder as debilitating devotion fills him.
Another snap of Johnny’s fingers saves him once again, and Eurodyne evaporates from V’s lap, reappearing in his previous spot, as if he never left. V realizes with flaming cheeks that he didn’t, this was an illusion, a charm or something. He clears his throat awkwardly and wishes the floor would open up to swallow him whole. It doesn’t happen, and V focuses on the high quality paper that suddenly appeared in his hands, in place of the demon’s hips.
“That’s a contract of servitude,” Eurodyne explains with a satisfied expression. His voice is purring like a cat who just got headfirst into the cream jar, and the sound brings a shiver down V’s spine. He concentrates on the contract, but it appears he can’t read it for it is written in no known language of V’s translating software.
Johnny plucks the paper from his hands and burns it between his fingers.
“He is not signing this, Ker,” he growls, and when V looks up at him, there is a hint of something powerful about him, a strength that feels righteous and unyielding. In answer, the demon seems to become even more fluid and enticing.
“Well, then I don’t have anything to tell you.”
“I’ll sign,” V declares before pausing as a thought comes to him, “does this make me your sex slave?” he asks, aiming for unconcerned and failing spectacularly. 
The demon smiles mischievously at him.
“Is that a wish or a concern?”
The answer should be obvious, but it gets struck on V’s tongue, and Eurodyne bursts into musical laughter. It makes the young man’s heart pound, and even Johnny can’t help but smile next to him.
“Nah, just means you’ll do my bidding for… Let’s say a week. Think of it as being my personal assistant.”
“Or his bitch. He is a drama queen, V, don’t do this.”
“You said he might know something. I need to understand what’s happening, Johnny,” the young merc retorts.
The angel rolls his eyes before making a helpless gesture.
Another paper appears on the table, and this time V doesn't give Johnny time to burn it before he seizes the pen conveniently lying next to it and signs it. The moment his signature touches the paper, he feels a burning sensation start around his heart. Like hot iron tightening over it. He gasps and brings a hand to his chest, looking up at Eurodyne, whose expression seems forlorn for a second before it disappears behind another confident grin.
The sensation eases progressively, and V feels Johnny’s hand – the one that seems organic – gently grasp his chin to look him in the eyes. V notes distractingly that they are of a rich dark brown, like oak bark, but with specks of gold. They look concerned for a moment, before the angel releases him without saying anything.
“One week,” he says to the demon, “and then you help us.”
“’Course,” the devil replies with a big smile, but it rings false, as if he is sad instead of proud.
The week is coming to an end, and it went relatively smoothly, in V’s opinion. He’s made a van full of music equipment explode because, apparently, demonic powers of not, Eurodyne — no, Kerry, as the demon insists on being called — can still feel insecure when three pop starlets threaten to cover one of his songs. When that didn’t work in deterring the band from performing, V discovers that despite being supernatural, Kerry really likes to deal with things the human way, if holding the same three pop stars at gunpoint to dissuade them from going through with the cover is the human way. 
It makes Johnny laugh endlessly that Kerry got fucked by his own label.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the demon”? he asks snidely, to which Kerry replies with a finger and argues humans are a lot more creative than demons when it comes to fucking with each other.
Between those adventures, V enjoys being in prime position to witness their friendship. He loves hearing them talk about the ages they went through, and can’t help but smirk and shake his head when they criticize Hell of Heaven’s management. They look like grumpy old men, sipping good tequila and talking about how it was all better Before.
Before, with a capital B, means Before The Fall, as V discovered. They use it to talk about that time when they were all still one happy family. They reluctantly explained to V how things slowly deteriorated when God created Adam and Eve, because some of the high ranking angels disapproved of the way the whole Garden of Eden scandal was handled. It was a time of great suspicion: one step in the wrong direction would get you burned. It was what happened to Kerry, Johnny confessed with angry eyes one night, and refused to get back on the subject ever since.
The only other clue V gathered was that Kerry had been the angel in charge of inventing instruments, and he made the electric guitar for Johnny. It got him in trouble since apparently, the electric guitar was labeled as demonic along with the flute, for reasons V isn’t really clear on.
They look a mix of sad and angry when they talk about such times, so despite his curiosity, V mostly avoids the subject.
Tomorrow, his contract will be fulfilled and Kerry will help them discover what’s happening to V. The merc just hopes that means they can still see Kerry as much, because… He likes him. He likes him a lot and he knows Johnny knows it. Strangely, the angel hasn’t really said anything about that, except to remind V that Kerry is a demon and shouldn’t be trusted, blah blah blah. 
Watching them, V is now persuaded they’re in love with each other or something, the angelic equivalent, soulmates maybe? It’s a terrible Romeo and Juliet situation, and the sexual tension is really thick, which isn’t helping V not to succumb to Kerry’s charms. Both their charms, really. He likes observing them, humbled by their perfection, and the way they form a duality of contrasts physically. In personality, they’re a lot closer to each other than V would have imagined a demon and an angel to be. In the end, he’s decided they’re just really human.
They are playing music, electric guitars to be precise, tunes V knows by heart and others he’s never heard, all of them great. Soothed by the music, or maybe because he knows their time together is coming to an end, V just blurts the question, without preamble nor warning.
“So, is it worse to fuck an angel or a demon?”
They both look at him at the same time and the effect is jarring. He fights down a nervous chuckle.
“Demon,” “Angel,” they say at the same time before glaring at each other. 
“Nah, definitely demons,” Johnny insists as Kerry rolls his eyes, “they’ll use the connection to reach into your soul and corrupt it. Generally speaking, if they get that close you’re already fucked. Also, succubus and incubus, if you catch my drift.”
The demon smirks at V and reclines against the pillow of the couch. He does it like he's getting ready for a soft porn photoshoot, and V swallows, suddenly thirsty.
“Yeah but isn’t it a terrible sin to defile God’s sacred soldiers? Ruin the perfection of their holiness with your human crass? Taint their innocence with vile acts of depravity? Tempts them into the pleasure of the flesh, distract them from their holy duties?”
To V, it feels like Kerry knows exactly what he’s talking about, which only reinforces his conviction they are banging, whatever Johnny calls it.
“Angels are not innocent nor pure, that’s just human lore. You can’t taint us or whatever,” Johnny interjects. “We use pleasure to inspire, to soothe, to heal…”
Like often when they speak, it feels to V like they’re having an entire conversation between themselves which he can’t understand. The longing on Johnny’s face as he says all this, looking at Kerry, speaks volume about what he imagined pleasure could heal, and how much it failed.
Kerry’s gaze falls to his lap, his eyes suddenly veiled by something like regrets or sadness. It passes, quick as ever because he rarely lets his guard down, and looks up at V.
“Why do you ask? Wanna try for yourself?”
“Kerry,” Johnny warns, but the demon just grins nastily at him, and again, this simple exchange feels charged with things unsaid.
“Yeah,” V says, “why not.”
Kerry snorts, hides his smile behind his hand before glancing at Johnny.
“Promise I didn’t do anything, it’s all him.”
“I know,” the angel growls, sounding exasperated. “The more I know him, the more I’m persuaded this whole resurrection thing is just a blip, he’s nothing special. Horny like the rest of them.”
“Hey, that hurts,” V complains, more for the banter than anything else. “So?” he asks with a mischievous grin.
Kerry shrugs and turns to Johnny.
“I’m all for it, it’s that one you should persuade.”
V turns his gaze to the angel and gives him his best puppy eyes. Johnny’s mouth twitches up despite his roll of eyes.
“Don’t complain when you end up in Hell,” the holy creature tells the merc as a way of acceptance.
Kerry gives V a sharp grin.
“You’re in for the night of your life.”
“So, what do you prefer?” Kerry asks V as he undresses him, kneeling up on his massive bed.
“Huh, you mean, positions or…?”
“Nah,” he chuckles, “I’m speaking about parts. Cunts, cocks… Both?”
“I can choose?”
“Our bodies are not like yours, we are sexless in our natural states,” Johnny intervenes, wrapping his arms around V’s waist to mouth as his nape. His lips, so soft in contrast with his scratchy beard, make the merc shiver deliciously.
“Though Johnny loves to give himself a nice big cock," Kerry comments with a wink.
V chuckles and turns his head slightly to glance at Johnny, not at all surprised. The angel shrugs, and V can feel his smile against his nape, unrepentant.
It’s all very tempting, and V hopes they have more than one occurrence to test it all, but if he only gets one night, there is something he really wants.
“Can you… Can you both take me?” he asks, fighting down his blush.
“One after the other?” Kerry asks, hot lips trailing over his jaw and nipping at his lips.
“At the same time,” Johnny answers him, like he’s seen it in V’s mind.
The demon smirks, hums like he’s considering the idea.
“Want to feel both our cocks filling you? Take that little ass of yours hard and fast? Wanna feel full, baby?”
The pet name and the dirty talk make V’s knees weak. He lets his weight rest back against Johnny as the fire of pleasure starts burning in his veins and down to his cock. Kerry’s hands slip under his shirt while the angel's fingers go for his jeans, and V feels his heart pound inside his chest. 
He lets out a soft moan when Johnny’s metal hand curls around his hard length, just squeezing it, while the other go further to grab his balls. Kerry thumbs his nipples, twist them just hard enough to make V whine before getting closer to lick his upper lip teasingly.
The young merc is already trembling, thighs shaking and hips stuttering as Johnny strokes him once while Kerry continues to torment him by denying him a real kiss. With a growl, V surges up, catching the demon’s nape and bringing him close. With a huffed laugh, Kerry lets him, getting even closer, straddling one of his thighs to rub himself against him. 
They get him naked, stroking every inch of his skin, moving his body as they please until he's back to kneeling between them, with Johnny's big hard cock resting between his asscheeks and Kerry’s rubbing against his. The angel's hands are around both of them, stroking expertly until it’s not just V that’s shivering, but Kerry too. V is mesmerized by the way pleasure travels on his face. His eyes went stormy at first, but now they’re just glassy as he thrust upward into Johnny’s fist, leaned back on his hands, arching sweetly and giving V’s permission to put his hands everywhere. 
“Yeah,” V whispers to Johnny like an admission, “he's pretty irresistible.”
“He always was. Prettiest angel They ever made.”
Kerry opens clear blue eyes, pupils blown out until only a circle of icy blue can be seen under his half lowered lids.
“You’re biased.”
“I think he's right,” V pips in, hands roaming over Kerry’s shoulders. They trail up, joining at his neck, over the golden cyberware he probably doesn't need but put on himself to better blend in with humans. 
“Let me touch him,” V demands, and Johnny lets him, his hands moving from V’s cock to the small of his back, and down to his hole. He teases around the rim, not really touching, waiting for something, but V is too focused on his hand over his and Kerry’s cocks, and the sweet sounds that escape the demon, to notice much. He bends forward, forces Kerry to lay on his back with a cheeky smile, and kisses him as he lowers himself. He rubs against him, thrusting into his fist and enjoying the way Kerry arches back and spreads his legs needily. He will have to take him, it can’t be just one night, he wants to have him too, in any way possible.
As he loses himself in Kerry, he distantly registers Johnny shuffling closer and putting his cock right at his entrance. He tenses, because it won’t fit without prep, when indeed the angel appears to have a massive cock.
“Relax,” he says, “It won’t hurt.” 
As he says it, V feels a pleasant sensation of warmth spread into his body, feels a wave of pleasure like a small orgasm racing up his spine. He groans above Kerry, barely registers his predatory smile, and feels himself opening, relaxing around Johnny’s hard length as he pushes forward. He feels so slick and warm, like his body is purring, like after a long massage. It’s so fuckin good he sags against the demon and just moans out loud.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Kerry murmurs against his temple, gently stroking his hair. “Good boy, just relax and take it.”
Johnny slides in and starts rocking into him right away, and of course he hits the right spot on the first try. It fries V’s brain and he can only hear himself moan like a slut and the thought makes him even hotter. 
He moves sluggishly when Kerry encourages him to do so, shuffling up so Kerry is at the right level to join Johnny inside his hole. The demon doesn’t do that yet, he licks V’s nipples instead and wow, it’s like they’re now directly wired to his cock. It never felt like this, but each and every swipe of Kerry’s tongue over the hardened bud sends a shock of delicious electricity right down to his balls.
“Ffffuck,” he breathes out and hears Johnny laugh behind him. He gets a kiss on the nape for his trouble.
“Good?” the angel asks, like he needs to when he perfectly knows his cock is doing things to V no dick ever did.
“Shit, yes,” the merc still replies, and that makes Johnny speed up. It feels like his cock is getting bigger, V certainly feels more and more full, but the stretch is nothing but nice. God he is so wet, his hole is dripping slick over his balls, making a mess and he just loves it. Somewhere in what remains of his brain, his natural curiosity wonders about this miracle, and he silently laughs when he realizes it’s exactly that: a miracle. He is miraculously wet like a well serviced cunt.
“Lets make him cum once before I get in,” he hears Kerry indicate to Johnny. His voice is rough, reflecting his state of arousal, and he is also dripping against V’s perineum, adding to the mess. Then he goes back to playing with V’s nipples.
“Touch me, please,” V begs, but Johnny tuts.
“You don’t need it, you’re gonna come with my cock alone.”
“I can’t,” he whines, but the moment he says it he realizes it’s not impossible. He’s right on the edge, and the precipice looks absolutely breathtaking, to the point V digs his heels in, suddenly afraid of falling because it promises such a rush.
“No, I don’t, fuck,” he babbles as Johnny’s cock rams against his sweet spots and it feels like every fibers of his being tightens around it. Kerry’s tongue on his nipple becomes nearly unbearable, and then the demon bites it, sending V’s hips jerking forward.
His body locks, tenses, and then discharges like a lightning bolt into his nervous system. He loses speech, can’t take a breath, can’t do anything but feel the pleasure of his release crash inside of him. Several waves of it, it looks like it will never end. 
Suddenly he can breath again, and heaves wetly against Kerry’s mouth, since the demon took pity on him and stopped torturing his chest to nip as his mouth.
Johnny chuckles behind him, and slaps his ass, once on the left cheek, once on the right cheek with his organic hand, and moans when it makes V clench around him. He bucks into him meanly, making the merc gasp.
“Too much!”
“Nah, we just started,” Kerry reminds him with a malicious smile against his lips.
“I can’t, fuck!” 
“Yes you can, and you will,” Johnny promises. He seems to settle deeper into him, cutting V’s breath again as his body rebels against the overload… only to suddenly relax. Once more, that nice warmth fills him.
He pants, wide eyed, as Kerry slides his hand between them to gather his come and feed it to him, before kissing him filthily. V is dazed, licks the demon’s fingers like it’s ambrosia and whines when they escape his mouth. He shivers all over, spreads his legs wider and begs with his eyes for his torture to never end.
“Ready?” Kerry asks him as he slips a hand between their bodies once again. Johnny helps V lift his hips a bit to let the demon position his cock at his entrance.
“No,” V replies, but everything in him says yes, he wants it. Judging by his smirk, Kerry knows it.
He nudges his cock at V’s hole, and the young man shakes his head. 
“I’m too tight.”
“You’re just tight enough,” Johnny interjects and sure, when Kerry starts pushing in, he slips into his hole smoothly. V feels the pressure, like his body is rebelling but his mind just tells it to relax as Kerry’s hard length inches inside. He moans like a slut, can’t stop it, and just wishes he has something to occupy his mouth. How can he feel so empty when he’s so full of cock?
He can feel them both inside of him, it should be impossible but here they are, comfortably snug in his asshole that clenches and spasms around them. He trembles, shakes and whines.
“Please,” he begs, for what exactly, it’s their guess, but they seem to know, because Johnny starts moving.
He does it slow, not because V needs to adjust, but just because it feels unbearably good. The merc feels stretched like never before, feels so full of their cocks, so full of them. 
Kerry holds him still as Johnny thrust into him, and his hips are less coordinated than before. He curses lowly, tightens his hands over V’s hips and puts more of his weight against him. He reaches deeper, and both his partners moan at that. 
“Johnny,” Kerry calls, sounding wrecked, and suddenly they shift V so that he’s crouching over Kerry, Johnny’s cock deep inside of him, the angel holding him fast. In this position, Kerry can move, can fuck up into him and he does with abandon. 
“Look at him, look at him, V,” the angel whispers and despite the overwhelming pleasure, V tries to focus, focus on Kerry and the way he practically glows. Something shifts under him, like wings trying to unfurl and for a second, V sees them: black as the night with golden edges, shining from within like deep space. V hiccups because the view seems to trigger something in his brain, it makes a wave of powerful emotion travel through him and his body doesn’t know how to deal with that, so it just makes everything starker and even more intense.
“Shit, fuck, I… I’m coming?” he breathes like a question, unsure, but then he gets pretty certain, cause the next time Kerry snaps his hips up, he comes. The rush is just as terrible as the first time, made even worse — or better, by the fact that Johnny gives his cock one stroke.
Kerry snarls, brings V down to devour his mouth as he whines and moans and goes wild inside of him. They both do, Johnny has started moving again and they’re just using his body now, each thrust making his brain buzz as more pleasure is wrenched out of him. He feels like he keeps coming, each time they rock into him at the same time, filling him so completely, he climaxes, again, and again, and again.
Then Johnny bends over him, pushes as deep as he can go and V feels it: feels his cum inside him, and there is so much. Under him, Kerry laughs, wild around the edges, before opening his eyes. He arches back, nearly dislodging V’s from his perch over him as he comes, too.
God, there is cum everywhere, it’s dripping out of V’s hole over his balls, over the sheets, and Kerry is covered in it while V’s cock is leaking like a faucet, all the way soft but still weakly pulsing. 
V tries to breathe, discovers he can but it’s like the air itself lacks oxygen. He clenches around them by reflex and they both moan, pushing into him like they would love to go again. 
Johnny is idly petting his sides, mouthing at his nape tenderly.
“You did great, you’re alright V, you were amazing,” he whispers. Kerry raises his fingers to his cheeks to wipe the tears V didn’t know he was shedding. He smiles shakily. He feels great, actually. Like he’s been unmade and rebuilt, but his body is relaxed, his brain is quite like it rarely is. 
He sighs happily and leans back against Johnny with a soft smile.
“That was… Yeah.”
Kerry snorts under him, strokes his thighs.
“It’s not finished. The night just started,” he declares and V tenses, or tries to, but his ass just pulses around both their cocks, still hard inside of him, and yeah, ok, this is probably the best place on earth.
He lets go in Johnny's arms, moans softly when the angel kisses his neck, bushes his lips against his feverish skin.
“Ok,” he just says.
Whatever this was, it didn’t feel like a sin, so his question still remains unanswered. But that’s fine, he’s got the whole night to find out
Later, when they’ve exhausted V beyond measure, they settle around him to watch him sleep. Kerry’s gaze is wistful as he traces the merc’s bottom lip with his thumb gently. His eyes flicker to the side of his neck, behind his ear where the Relic is stored. His expression turns to a deep sadness, colored by longing. 
Johnny, who was watching him, reaches out to catch his chin, making him raise his eyes.
“So you do know what this is…”
Kerry’s pupils flash with calculation, Johnny can see him weigh his options as he tries to decide between the truth and an easy lie. The angel frowns.
“Don’t lie to me,” he orders, using the divine voice.
A shiver goes through Kerry, delighted even as it must hurt.
“Yes,” he admits, like the truth was wrenched from him. It was.
“What is it?”
“Freedom. Humanity’s key to immortality. They figured it out, and with that they can play God. A tragedy for them, an opportunity for us to get out.”
Johnny isn’t surprised, he suspected it from the start, from the moment he saw his charge come back to life despite the Divine Will.
“But this is a setback,” Kerry adds, looking at V tenderly. “In his hands, it’s harmless. I don’t know if it’s an Intervention or something else, but you have a choice to make. Either give the Relic back to its human creators so they can use it to its full potential… Or let him keep and it's probable nothing will happen.”
Johnny fights down the elation he feels at the idea of a way out so close to him. It can’t be that simple. Kerry smiles like he heard the thought. It’s a bitter expression, full of anger and regrets, with a hint of longing.
“If they take it out of his head, he’ll die. He's now on borrowed time," he explains in a whisper, eyelids lowering. Johnny looks down at V and frowns. He can’t do that, he realizes. He can’t do that. Despite knowing he shouldn't, he likes this charge like none other before.
Suddenly he understands Kerry’s plan.
“You asked for a week to give me time to get attached!” he accuses and his friend’s expression shows he’s hit the bull’s eye. “Why?! Don’t you want us to be free? Free to be together again?! Don’t you want your wings back?!”
“Fuck yes I want all that, you know it!” Kerry seethes, getting out of the bed and catching his pack of smoke as he gets out. Johnny stomps behind him, noting human bodies are very satisfying when it comes to expressing anger.
He follows him all the way out to the terrace.
“Then what?!” He barks when Kerry has lit a cigarette
“I don’t want humans to doom themselves, Johnny! I happen to like them, and playing God will probably destroy them like it did to our kind!”
Johnny wants to retort that humans were garbage from the beginning, defiant and unruly since their creation, that they’ve been nothing but terrible for their planet and the universe at large. But V’s face flashes in his mind, his donkey laugh, his stupid jokes, the way he moaned when they ravished him again and again.
“I won’t let you do it, Johnny,” Kerry finishes, gaze hard like steel. “I’ve been punished because I loved you more than I loved God. I hate it, I’m still pissed about it, but I’ve learned to live with it, find joy in other things. I won’t let you destroy everything trying to free us.”
It stings. It hurts like a slap to the face. Johnny burns with anger, dark and forbidden. If any of the higher ups could see him, he would fall like Kerry. For a minute he’s ready to do it, but he catches the demon’s warning look. He promised to behave, promised to do everything he could not to fall, so that at least Kerry’s sacrifice wouldn’t have been in vain.
They stay silent for a long moment as Johnny ponders his choices, and their limitations.
“What if it’s not a blip or an Intervention? What if it’s a sign?” Johnny asks in a murmur. It’s been in his head since he met V, he realizes. A nagging thought, a bloom of hope he didn’t dare to believe. But since V came back from the dead, something struck him as weird in this whole story.
“What do you mean?” Kerry asks with a wary expression.
“What if V is the key? Not the Relic, but the fact that such a power fell into the hands of one truly good person? Not in terms of virtues and sins, but — you know, at core… At core he’s like they should all have been.”
The demon closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Johnny, tell me you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking?”
Now that he voiced it, Johnny can’t stop feeling like it’s the truth.
“Listen, my side never took notice of it, they’ve been blinded. You say it’s not from your side either?”
“No, I would know,” Kerry hesitates before he nods to himself, “I think I’m the only one that found out humans were that close to immortality. You know the others, they still think tempting priests is the way to go.”
“Yes! So if it’s not from my side, or your side, it’s something else and maybe it’s fallen into V’s hands for a reason!”
“You sound crazy,” Kerry deadpans but his friend knows him too well. He’s starting to get into the idea. Johnny grins, gets closer. 
“Yeah? What about something even crazier?” He breathes as he crowds Kerry against the wall next to the entrance. He can see it in the demon’s eyes: that gleeful, mischievous excitation. 
Kerry shakes his head no but everything in his being says yes, he’s vibrating with the same mad energy Johnny feels in himself.
“What if we killed God?”
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ziriii · 2 months
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why does bro look so mad?
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uwuchidraws · 29 days
been wanting to do something with this audio for a while and finally made it yeah ;u;
got the audio here
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lalalalyla · 4 months
Something Borrowed
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my-personal-grounds · 3 months
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i think i did this early last year? i dunno i no no like it anymore (:<) but someone has to see these!!11!11!!
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paperskin-writtenon · 4 months
Ive been trying to upload this for 12 hours, raaaah, I missed Takemura Tuesday because of it. I made it for yall.
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as a fellow old man fucker i love that v pulls a guy nearly 4 times his age
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genocidalfetus · 2 months
Calling All SilverVDyne shippers!
gimme your head canons! I needs some inspiration. I have a vague idea of how things are gonna progress with the Throuple and how things are gonna work pre and post Johnny getting his body back(Mr Blue Eyes got his hands on Johnny's body and he offers it up in addition to the cure he's promising. It's a plot point in this story and in Vince's post-sun fic). But would love to hear other ppls' stories too!
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raenef · 5 months
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Ah yes, Me. The gonk whose brain I'm stuck in. And my ex band mate from 50 years ago.
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t-toyeon · 1 year
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Every SilverV fic ever
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nightcity-scrapbook · 17 days
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Entry 14: Kerry appreciation post because we all KNOW he deserves it. Here's to the sweetest, impish old man Night City has to offer 💝
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mrssimply · 7 months
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Happy up here.
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