#jojo halloween
kujainvidiata · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!!
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stargreen · 11 months
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Nočnoj Dozor🔥
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🩸Vampire!La Squadra🩸
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Risotto: Lasombra
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"È vero che cerco di comandare sempre sul mio gruppo, ma soltanto perché sono sicuro di poterlo fare meglio degli altri."
As leaders of the Sabbat, Clan Lasombra is comprised of Social Darwinist predators who believe themselves, and no other clan fits enough to rule the night. The traditions of the clan have not wavered at all going into modern nights, even as the Sabbat is bent to their will.
The members of this clan tend to be the most loyal and aggressive vampires in the entire Sect. Their unchallenged success in combating methodically all vampires who are not part of the Sabbat only adds more prestige to these cainites.
​Disciplines: Potence, Dominate, Obtenebration
Weaknesses: Lasombra's body is no longer mirrored by reflective surfaces. Mirrors, pools of water, metals, glass, mercury; none of these reflect the Lasombras' image.
Appearance: Lasombra's vampires commonly show Spanish and Italian people's physical traits. For the most part, they have a Mediterranean complexion, with black eyes and hair. Their refined fashion choices often reflect 16th-century Spain's high ideals of nobleza.

Formaggio: Ravnos
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"Come si possono prendere le cose seriamente, vista la forma in cui ci troviamo? È puro divertimento!"
Masters of misdirection, the Ravnos prefer not to fight or bleed for something they can obtain through subtler means.
Gypsies, thieves, con artists, and vagabonds. Clan Ravnos clings very deeply to its independent ways. Always on the move, Ravnos enjoy good company as much as independence.
Among Ravnos honor is very important, they do not deceive or rob each other and feel obliged to take revenge if their "good name" is besmirched. They also place great value on friendship and will always help those whom they consider their "brothers"
Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Chimerstry, Fortitude
Weaknesses: A turbulent history makes the Ravnos slaves to their vices. Each Ravnos has a penchant for some sort of vice, such as lying, cruelty, or theft.
Appearance: Today, Given that the Clan is widely spread and holds no traditional central domain, no consistent look can be said to be predominant. However, Young Ravnos often come from Eastern European Romani stock, with a relative paucity of “non-gypsy” gadje in the ranks. What few elders of the Clan may remain are presumed to come from Indian or Middle Eastern origins.
lluso: Tzimisce
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" Salve straniero! Oh, non fare caso a Johann, vuole solo prenderti la giacca. Sai, non ne avrai più bisogno.".
Clan Tzimisce is a Clan of extremes, and long, cold nights spent in remote castles have turned the Fiends’ perspectives both greatly inward and outward.
Mystics of the Clan study a philosophy of metamorphosis, seeking to discover what lies beyond the state of vampirism. An alien attitude of spiritual secularism characterizes many Tzimisce.
Tzimisce are among the most formal vampires, who highly value culture and etiquette. For many centuries they have been the most cultured among all the Cainites.   
These vampires are excellent scholars, successfully engaged in the study of both the magical and the scientific field. This Clan does not consider itself as 'cursed', but a superior form of life.
Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Dominate, Vicissitude
Weaknesses: The Tzimisce are inextricably tied to their domains of origin, and must rest in the proximity of at least two handfuls of "native soil".
Appearance: Given their ability to manipulate their physical appearance with Vicissitude, Tzimisce look however they want, and they often want to provoke or frighten. Some prefer extreme modifications and experimentations with their bodies that leave them looking only vaguely humanoid. Others seek to redefine and even transcend the limits of their forms, rebuilding themselves in the images of angels, monsters, nightmares, and things even less recognizable.
Prosciutto: Giovanni
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"Nessun altro essere al mondo ha una comprensione della morte profonda e vasta quanto la nostra.".
Achieving prominence during the Venetian Renaissance, the Giovanni family built their fortune on the rise of the middle class and the ready profit of banking and Mediterranean trade (and the criminal enterprise that came with it). However, with the family’s rise came hubris, as its paterfamilias sought ever more power, and with that hubris came horror. With his earthly power at its apex, Augustus Giovanni turned to the arts of controlling the dead, and in doing so, gained the Embrace from a forgotten Antediluvian.
With a conclave of conspirators, the Giovanni plunged a now-forgotten Clan into oblivion and built their own legacy on its corpse.
Since those first nights, the Giovanni have accepted no limits on their ambitions, despite opposition from Kindred outside their Clan and a well-deserved reputation as “Devil Kindred.”
Giovanni studied forbidden arts, becoming formidable in the nigrimancy that allowed them power over the spirits of the departed, and degeneracy followed in the wake of unclean ritual. To this night, the Giovanni are known for the insular nature of their Clan and the incestuous practices by which they populate it.
In public view, the Giovanni make a great show of humility and respect. Part of this gentility is a habit of centuries, still in place from when the other Clans hunted the usurping Necromancers.
To hear the Giovanni tell it, Princes and Archbishops alike owe them favors, and anyone with something to offer may earn their patronage.
Clan Disciplines: Dominate, Necromancy, Potence
Weaknesses: The Kiss of a Giovanni vampire causes excruciating pain in mortal vessels who receive it. If the Giovanni isn’t careful, her vessel may die of shock and agony before being wholly exsanguinated. When a Giovanni feeds upon a mortal, she does twice as much damage as the Kiss of another vampire would inflict.
Appearance: Outwardly, Giovanni dress with subtlety and taste. Much of the Clan comes from the original mortal family, and have not only olive Italian complexions, but some amount of inherited family features. Those outside the immediate family often appear “of a type,” and in the traditional garb of their regional family branch.
Pesci: Nosferatu
Sewer Rats
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"Non cerco guai, ma se capitano vado a nascondermi. E' una cosa dannatamente giusta, ragazzino. Puoi anche darmi del coniglio, ma in tutti questi anni ho conosciuto un sacco di Fratelli che hanno fatto gli spiritosi per pochi secondi di troppo."
Clan Nosferatu are warped by the Embrace into hideous monsters. As such, they skulk and keep to the shadows, and they often rouse the ire and mockery of other Kindred for their nightmarish appearances. Still others are so terrified or revolted by the Nosferatu that these warped Kindred have little social interaction at all.
To their credit, the Nosferatu come to possess many of the whispered secrets of their reluctant fellows.
On the whole, the Nosferatu condition is lonely and alienating. How they react to the Curse of Caine varies with their outlook and mental stamina, but it’s hard to be an object of utter revulsion and not let it shape one’s disposition toward one’s “Kindred” in some way.
Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
Weaknesses: All Nosferatu have an Appearance score of zero, and they may never improve it. Cross it off the character sheet. Dice pools that use the Appearance Trait are inherently difficult for these hideous Kindred
Appearance: Physical horror is the lot of the Nosferatu, and their unsettling deformations are countless. No two Nosferatu share the exact same malformation, and the Clan is a freakshow of snarled limbs, fanged protrusions, hellish countenances, serpentine spines, ruined faces, spasmodic appendages, and even features not usually seen on the mortal stock from which the Nosferatu are drawn. The Sewer Rats often hide these disfigurements under shapeless robes and rags, but some exult in the discomfort their presence causes, and don’t bother disguising them. They may even emphasize them.
Melone: Toreador
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"Oh, sì, non è deliziosa,? Si, è la mia ultima trovata. Sono la sua musa ispiratrice, la dolce piccola creatura."
The Kindred of Clan Toreador often involve themselves greatly in the world of mortals. They have any number of reasons, whether enjoying proximity to the blush of life, cultivating veritable cults of doting followers, or influencing and following the trends that their own kind simultaneously mock and venerate. To hear the Toreador tell it, they are the Muses of a desperate mortal world, inspiring through their beauty or patronage.
Toreador culture is a mixture of sybarites, dilettantes, and visionaries. Some Toreador, with echoes of mortal passion, Embrace lovers or “project” progeny who seem to fly in the face of every Toreador custom. These either don’t last long or rise to great prominence as subversives and individualists. Ideas, trends, and “the next great thing” spread through the Clan, and other Kindred often look to the Toreador to guide them.
The Degenerates know this, and many become Harpies, Princes, and other key figures in vampiric society.
Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
Weaknesses: When a Toreador experiences something truly remarkable ,a person, an objet d’art, a lovely sunrise..etc. could experience the Stendhal syndrome.
Appearance: Almost to the last, they are attractive in some way, whether the traditional beauty of a runway model or the dangerous allure of something more predatory. The Degenerates augment their physical beauty with a sense of personal style, which may take the form of expensive couture, avant-garde street wear, or classical fashions designed to emphasize their appealing qualities. This isn’t to say that ugly Toreador don’t exist. Indeed, those gifted with less physical beauty often go that much further with their choice of accoutrements.
Ghiaccio: Gangrel
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"La città non è la nostra casa: è l'unico posto in cui ci è dato vivere più a lungo".
Often closer to beasts than other vampires, the Gangrel style themselves apex predators. These Ferals prowl the wilds as easily as the urban jungle, and no clan of vampires can match their ability to endure, survive, and thrive in any environment.
A glint of red eyes in the darkness, the scent of a predator’s musk, a flash of fangs, the sound of flesh tearing: These mark the presence of the Gangrel. More than any other Clan, the Gangrel resemble the beasts associated with the legends of vampires: bats, wolves, and other creatures of darkness. Indeed, the Outlanders may develop the ability to transform themselves into these and other, more primal forms.
The Gangrel have other characteristics in common with animals as well. Many shun the elaborate social constructs of both Kindred and kine. A number of them prefer to move alone or as a member of small packs or coteries. Most are tough and, when pressed, ferocious. And when Gangrel succumb to the depredations of the Beast, they are left with some feature redolent of the animal kingdom.
As a Clan, the Gangrel are wary and aloof. Most would prefer to spend their nights stalking prey or wilding on the rooftops than minding Princely edicts or lobbying for recognition of domain.
Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Weaknesses: Every time a Gangrel frenzies, she acquires a temporary animal characteristic. A patch of fur, a brief torpor after feeding, or skittishness around crowds. All Characteristics acquired in Gangrel frenzies need not only be physical but also relate to a particular behavior.
Appearance: Personal presentation is often not high on the list of many Gangrel priorities, and a Gangrel’s appearance is often more a matter of circumstance than it is of active decision. The Clan’s weakness can contribute a great deal to their appearance, as does an extended unlife in the places where they make their havens, which are frequently short of modern conveniences.
Sorbetto e Gelato: Malkavian
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"Pazzia, dite voi! Mi temete, avete paura di quello che potrei dire? Che reazione affascinante! Non trovate che sia una sensazione opprimente?".
Clan Malkavian is twice damned: once by the curse of being Kindred, and again by the turmoil that disturbs their hearts and minds.
Upon the Embrace, every Malkavian is afflicted with an insurmountable insanity that fractures her outlook for every night thereafter, making her unlife one of madness. Some consider this a form of oracular insight, while others simply consider them dangerous.
Make no mistake: Malkavian insanity is a painful, alienating phenomenon, but it occasionally provides the Lunatics with bursts of insight or heretofore unknown perspective.
Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate
Weaknesses: All members of Clan Malkavian suffer from a permanent, incurable derangement. They may acquire and recover from other derangements, and may spend Willpower to ameliorate the effects of the derangement for a scene, but they can never recover from their original derangement.
Appearance: While Malkavians can come from any culture, the madness following the Embrace tends to lead them to extremes of self-presentation. Malkavians may appear disheveled, injured, or simply dirty. They could still be wearing the same clothes from the night of their Embrace or they may have stolen clothes from a laundromat or a department store during a fit of confusion or fugue. Of course, Malkavians are just as likely to be meticulous and exacting in their appearance, trying obsessively to appear as normal as possible.
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moldygreenteeth · 2 years
TW: knife
Picture from Halloween! So glad I wore this costume, it was so much fun.
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Now I am working on making an Anasui cosplay ; D
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dietstardustt · 11 months
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Happy Halloween! 🎃🧛🏼💀🕸️ 👻
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alsoika · 2 years
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🎃🦇🐺 Halloween preparations 🎃🦇🐺
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samarin21 · 2 years
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Захотелось вернуться в тамблер, залью первый артец (๑˙❥˙๑)
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JoJo’s Bizarre Halloween!
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alequ1u · 11 months
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Costume party 🎃
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jojopolls · 11 months
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stargreen · 2 years
Why did Jojo give in to being Cosmo? Because he made a deal with Wanda that you will discover in the future. Happy Halloween everyone! Eat sweets and go to bed late~
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defoozor · 11 months
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Strawberry Shortcake Jotaro and Cherry Jam Kakyoin for upcoming Halloween 🎃
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Inspired by
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Slashers!La Squadra🔪
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Formaggio and Illuso
Stu Macher and Billy Loomis- 'Scream'
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Michael Myers- 'Halloween'
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Jack Torrace- 'The Shining'
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Frank n Furter- 'Rocky Horror Picture Show'
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Tony Montana- 'Scarface'
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Twisty the clown- 'American Horror story Freak Show'
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Sorbet and Gelato
Komodo and Dragon- 'The price of Flesh'
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pancakemolybdenum · 11 months
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a hallowed ween to you all
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crazedsmiles · 11 months
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Josuyasu prepare for Halloween!!
I think they’re so cute, their shenanigans are fun to imagine so expect silly josuyasu art further
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jojo-schmo · 11 months
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If you see any bubbles with candy in them floating by, take them! It’s a Halloween treat from me to you! :D
And if you found one, lemme know!! It’d be nice to know where my bubbles ended up :3
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