#jolene is north carolina btw
maybebabyplease · 1 year
lol I love these questions — 32!!
molly!!!! ask and you shall receive :)
32. What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
the waffle house in amarillo, texas. i grew up in the south and started eating waffle house basically at birth (and probably before -- i'm sure my mom was eating waho while she was pregnant with me) and i literally. did not know that waffle house could taste bad. like i thought that wasn't possible. it's fucking WAFFLE HOUSE, for chrissakes. but the food there was nasty, the waffle house ladies were mean, and we had to cut off a piece of my car in the parking lot (which is not really the waffle house's fault but i do blame the rest of amarillo, texas for their shit roads). if i never go back to amarillo it'll be too soon!
let's get personal
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